Re: Multi paging or Multi module

2009-07-11 Thread waf

On 10 Lip, 23:03, Bhayat wrote:
 I have been trying about gwt tecnology for 2 weeks,and i try to create
 a web site but,i have some problems.this is start with trying to add
 new page to my application.for example i have a page that is created
 with full gwt and when user enter username and password ,according to
 these information user page or admin page will open but i have no idea
 about opening new pages(i am planing to create these pages with gwt)
 from my main application.

With GWT it's better not to think in terms of pages (html pages),
but panels or screens, i.e. in terms used in desktop applications.
Most of the time, your GWT application would be hosted in a single
page but the content of this page will change like a window of a
deskotop application.

So for example when the user logs into a desktop application, you
not send him to another application when he is admin user and
still another when he is noadmin user. You just show appropriate
panels/menus/widgets in the same window.

That's what you should do in GWT app. When you are back from
the server where your user was successfuly authenticated and
server returns the type of user all you have to do is show appropriate
part of the application.

Somewhere in the authentication callback:

if(authentication successful) {
   if(user is admin)
  RootPanel.get(...).add(new AdminAppPanel());
  RootPanel.get(...).add(new UserAppPanel());

But if you still want to load another page you can do it,
with native $doc.location= new page.

For example you can have three entry point modules in your
application, each with it's own html page.
In your Login.html/GWT app you can login the user and decide
which new page to load.

public native void loadModule(String url) /*-{
   $doc.location = url;

Somewhere in the Login.html/GWT app:

if(admin user)
   loadModule(Admin.html);  // load admin GWT module
   loadModule(User.html);  // load user GWT module

But here you must deal somehow with the communication between
Login and User/Admin modules.

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Re: Multi paging or Multi module

2009-07-11 Thread Sky

Possibly another approach would be to combine Ajax with one Module per
page. The top module would be in charge of fetching and placing pages
into the main placeholder. The top module takes input from the user
(clicks on a menu or other links within each page itself) and uses the
unique parameter from each event to know which page to load. The top
module does an Ajax request to your server to fetch the correct page.
So the added work here is that you have to create a controller on the
server that matches a unique page ID to a particular GWT Module. The
server controller sends the entire top level entry point html file
associated with the specific GWT Module (page) as the response to the
Ajax request. The top module places that html into the main
placeholder and it gets evaluated, the script tag pointing to the
MyPackage.Pagexx.nocache.js file gets evaluated to request for that js
file and thus its onModuleLoad() method will be ran at the end of

I think that would work but I haven't tried it myself.

Like I said, GWT ought to have included a way to do this.

On Jul 10, 4:03 pm, Bhayat wrote:
 I have been trying about gwt tecnology for 2 weeks,and i try to create
 a web site but,i have some problems.this is start with trying to add
 new page to my application.for example i have a page that is created
 with full gwt and when user enter username and password ,according to
 these information user page or admin page will open but i have no idea
 about opening new pages(i am planing to create these pages with gwt)
 from my main application.

 i searched this topic but i cant understand because they are talking
 about multi paging or two separate modules or two entry points in only
 one project but i couldnt make comminication between these pages.

 so please give me idea.if you have any example code could you send me
 please to understand easily ??

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Re: Multi paging or Multi module

2009-07-11 Thread Sky

Well I certainly am no expert on GWT, but I'm pretty good with it.
Lets see if I can help.

If I understand you correctly it sounds like you might be having some
trouble going from the standard way of giving a user a new page via a
new request to the server to a more Ajax approach.

You could give the user new pages via new get/post requests to the
server but then you would need a separate GWT project for each page.
Actually I think it would work to have multiple html files as starting
points for separate Modules and each Module would have its own
EntryPoint class with its onModuleLoad() method. Your web pages would
simply have links or w/e to each of the html files to load the
different GWT Modules.

Instead, taking a more Ajax approach to your app, I would build all
the pages in one GWT project (and one Module), each page being its own
class inheriting from some higher level container class that you want
to work with (ie. Composite or FlowPanel).  You could create your own
IPage interface to make all your page classes implement so that they
all have some sort of generate() method. This method is where you put
all the page specific GWT code to build the page how you want it. The
top level of your site might have a menu or other links from the site
or even just the action of being properly authenticated will call a
GWT method that exists higher up in your GWT app that directs the
site to a new page. Your GWT code simply knows which page to go to
based on the event and instantiates the appropriate page class, sets
it as the widget inside a main placeholder and calls its generate()

Something along those lines.

I haven't done a site like this yet, but I was thinking about this
same issue earlier today and I think that is how it's supposed to be
done. The only real problem with it is that it bloats your GWT
javascript and makes the first load of the site potentially large. Not
very large, because the only code adding to its size is the unique
code inside each generate() method. But I suppose that might be
considered like downloading all the html files of a static site at
once (well won't be that bad cuz obviously any site design is gonna be
around the placeholder).

So that extra size all in one download does indeed bother me. If the
site doesn't have too many pages with lots of unique content then it
might not be so bad, but for a large site this might be horrendous. I
do kinda like the idea of loading it all at the start so that the app
is super responsive, but this may not be realistic.

This is indeed problematic. Its too bad GWT doesn't include some sort
of self loader to load separate sections of its code upon need. You
should be able to create separate modules that get auto loaded upon
the first time they become needed.

Does anyone have a much wiser way of doing this?

On Jul 10, 4:03 pm, Bhayat wrote:
 I have been trying about gwt tecnology for 2 weeks,and i try to create
 a web site but,i have some problems.this is start with trying to add
 new page to my application.for example i have a page that is created
 with full gwt and when user enter username and password ,according to
 these information user page or admin page will open but i have no idea
 about opening new pages(i am planing to create these pages with gwt)
 from my main application.

 i searched this topic but i cant understand because they are talking
 about multi paging or two separate modules or two entry points in only
 one project but i couldnt make comminication between these pages.

 so please give me idea.if you have any example code could you send me
 please to understand easily ??

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