Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-02 Thread Jarek Jasiewicz

Nikos Alexandris pisze:
(I've switched to KDE (KMail) and still need to get used to sime things - so 
apologies for not sending this reply to the ml in first place)

Nikos Alexandris:

While there is a proper (vector) contour map and a very clean stream
network map (digitised from scratch upon topographic maps of 1:50.000)
available, the flow direction map is missing.

Is this information easily calculated based on available dem(s), stream
network(s)? Or should definitely the user add this information while
digitising the streams?

I have read many past threads wrt streams, flow, direction,
accumulation but could not trace an answer to the above question.

I read again some stuff and I guess that this is a very basic and simple
hydro-gis question (for which I do not know the answer):

is the direction map bound to a specific stream network, i.e. the one
that r.watershed or produces  or  is it an independent
one, based solely on the input elevation model and its (x-y-z?)

If the latter is true, then it only takes to use either r.watershed or to get the direction(s).

If not, then the question is if the user can supply his own stream map to* modules (specifically to in order to get the
desired flow direction map?

Jarek Jasiewicz: 

Interested question, but I think the easiest answer is carving or stream
burining ( Next reproduce r.watershed or you shall receive (almost) ideally confidential network
with supplied

Thanks Jarek. This might be (a or the) way to go.

It's not clear to me whether the user can provide his own streams and get the 
directions let's say from another DEM (with resolution similar to the one of 
the source material from which the streams were produced)? I think that this 
(should be) is the case.

Ideally, I imagine a module like: elevation=HighResolutionDEM streams=StreamNetwork 

Is this rational?

Regards, Nikos

Hmm... not exactly...
How you plan ascribe a scope of different directions to one stream? In 
general stream is not a straight line so in every vertex it can have dir 
pixels directed in any direction. Maybe you need something like see that module maybe it will help.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-02 Thread Nikos Alexandris
The following question(s) might be already answered and I just miss the  
hydrological background to understand why is not possible to If it is 
the case, scratch-out this post entirely

  Ideally, I imagine a module like: elevation=HighResolutionDEM streams=StreamNetwork 

Maybe this idea was wrong. The problem to be solved that I have in mind is 
the following:

Let's say the user (as it is the case of my friend) has digitised from scratch 
highly accurate (concerning the position) and topologically clean (vector) 
streams and  wants to order them (according to the usual suspect systems... 
Strahler, etc.).

1. As far as I can remember, there are ordering systems that are based on the 
length of segments (or let's call them branches) of a stream   or   on the 
number of children branches of that (Strahler), right? If this is correct 
(for some ordering systems), why is it required to use an elevation and a flow 
direction map just to order an available/existing (vector) stream network 
based on a ordering system that do not care about the flow direction?

2. Having a look at the current status of the hydro-modules, there is no way 
to quickly order a user-provided (i.e. on-display digitised) stream network 
(which shoud be [in most/any case(s)?] far more positionally accurate than the 
automatically extracted streams by using an elevation model.

The available solutions (like carving, as suggested in previous posts in this 
thread) can use the existing highly-accurate vector stream network to 
improve the elevation model in order to improve the stream extraction 
process, right? But they do not use directly a user-provided stream network, 

*. The idea is a module. It will output a vector stream 
network. In fact the same (user-provided) stream network that will be used as 
input but with the addition (as extra attribute(s) or extra map) of the 
_correct_ direction of each segment to satisfy (together with an elevation 
model) the requirements of Something like:

  - input(s): elevation, (vector) streams
  - output: streams (vector, with the correct flow direction for each 
segment/stream)   _or_   just the directions map (?)

The output could be then fed directly to for example to order 
the streams. Of course the question arises what is the correct direction. 
But isn't this answered by the algorithms that are already used in

# as a side-note: why does for example: elevation=elevation_10m direction=TEST_direction 

fail to run the error message:

ERROR: Sorry, you must choose at least one output map.

Isn't the direction map an output on its own (enough?). A bug?

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-02 Thread Nikos Alexandris
  1. As far as I can remember, there are ordering systems that are based on
  the length of segments (or let's call them branches) of a stream   or  
  on the number of children branches of that (Strahler), right? If this
  is correct (for some ordering systems), why is it required to use an
  elevation and a flow direction map just to order an available/existing
  (vector) stream network based on a ordering system that do not care
  about the flow direction?
I now saw (tested) v.strahler [1] but it also required an elevation model as 

 1) because none have write it, but the effort of ordering in comparison
 with detail digitization is rather very small. The problem is with
 raster data sets so that tools are rather addressed to raster extraction
 2) there are more methods of ordering Strahler method is one of them.
 Some methods do require more parameters

Understood. But a simple module to order existing stream networks (according 
to ordering systems that do not require more than just the network itself) 
would be nice to have ;-)

 3) Stream ordering is small part of bigger analysis called topological
 or Hortonian analysis of drainage network, it require more parameters
 connected with elevation direction etc

I have done some of these stuff years ago (also measuring stone-diameters in 
the field) using paper and pencil. Unfortunately, I was not lucky to be 
informed and become introduced to foss4g earlier :-(. It would have been so 
much different...
  2. Having a look at the current status of the hydro-modules, there is no
  way to quickly order a user-provided (i.e. on-display digitised) stream
  network (which shoud be [in most/any case(s)?] far more positionally
  accurate than the automatically extracted streams by using an elevation
 there is module created in Spain, look for this,

...can't trace it anywhere...

 btw, It is very easy to write Postgre SQL Query (in version 8.4 and later)
 with recursive capabilities, but it require to build network topology
 first, or GRASS internal topology may be used.

I would ask for examples but I think I have to put a dot here. I will 
forward the discussion to my friend and if she cares she can join the list and 
try-out grass-gis.

  The available solutions (like carving, as suggested in previous posts in
  this thread) can use the existing highly-accurate vector stream network
  to improve the elevation model in order to improve the stream
  extraction process, right? But they do not use directly a user-provided
  stream network, right?
  *. The idea is a module. It will output a vector
  stream network. In fact the same (user-provided) stream network that
  will be used as input but with the addition (as extra attribute(s) or
  extra map) of the _correct_ direction of each segment to satisfy
  (together with an elevation
  model) the requirements of Something like:

 what means correct direction of each segment?

I (mis-)used the term correct here. I meant the flow direction that is 
defined according to the algorithm used each time (MFD, SFD?).

- input(s): elevation, (vector) streams
- output: streams (vector, with the correct flow direction for each
segment/stream)   _or_   just the directions map (?)

  The output could be then fed directly to for example to
  order the streams. Of course the question arises what is the correct
  direction. But isn't this answered by the algorithms that are already
  used in

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-01 Thread Achim Kisseler

On 01.05.2010 07:46, Jarek Jasiewicz wrote:

Interested question, but I think the easiest answer is carving or stream
burining ( Next reproduce r.watershed or you shall receive (almost) ideally confidential network
with supplied

Hi Nikos,Jarek,

Stream burning: Thats what I thought about.

Further I suggest to weight the DEM with the contour information.
A guess how this could be done: contourmap
r.fillnulls (to interpolate between contour lines raster map)?
r.mapcalc dem*contourrast
then r.watershed

Best regards,

PS: Check the global dataset HydroSHED! It uses stream burning and 
works perfectly (for non profit projects). Its resolution? 
3,15,30,5'! I successfully used it to create a global runoff-network 
for the global runoff model LSDM (Dill 2008).

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-01 Thread Hamish
Achim wrote:

 Further I suggest to weight the DEM with the contour information.
 A guess how this could be done: contourmap
 r.fillnulls (to interpolate between contour lines raster map)?

r.fillnulls is better for little holes (e.g. in SRTM data)

see comparison of other methods here:


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-01 Thread Micha Silver

Nikos Alexandris wrote:

On Saturday 01 of May 2010 05:30:04 Nikos Alexandris wrote:

I am sort of forwarding a friends question related to hydro-processing.

While there is a proper (vector) contour map and a very clean stream
network map (digitised from scratch upon topographic maps of 1:50.000)
available, the flow direction map is missing.

Is this information easily calculated based on available dem(s), stream
network(s)? Or should _definitely_ the user add this information while
digitising the streams?

I have read many past threads wrt streams, flow, direction, accumulation
but could not trace an answer to the above question.

I read again some stuff and I guess that this is a very basic and simple 
hydro-gis question (for which I do not know the answer):

is the direction map bound to a specific stream network, i.e. the one that 
r.watershed or produces  or  is it an independent one, based 
solely on the input elevation model and its (x-y-z?) resolution?

If the latter is true, then it only takes to use either r.watershed or to get the direction(s).

If not, then the question is if the user can supply his own stream map to* modules (specifically to in order to get the 
desired flow direction map?

Thanks, Nikos
grass-user mailing list
It's not clear if your friend needs a flow direction raster (normally, 
AFAIK, flow direction refers to a raster, where each cell has a value 
indicating which is the next downstream cell) or if he want to see the 
flow direction of streams in his stream network.

I might be worth mentioning also that, since line vectors already have a 
direction in GRASS, you can display their direction with the disp=dir 
option to d.vect. So *if* he digitized his stream network being careful 
to work always downstream, then

d.vect streams disp=shape,dir
will show small arrows indicating the direction of each line segment.
Otherwise, as Jarek said, he should go back to the start and do then rerun r.watershed to extract catchments, streams, as 
well as flowdir along the way, etc.

Micha Silver
Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-01 Thread Nikos Alexandris
(I've switched to KDE (KMail) and still need to get used to sime things - so 
apologies for not sending this reply to the ml in first place)

Nikos Alexandris:
  While there is a proper (vector) contour map and a very clean stream
  network map (digitised from scratch upon topographic maps of 1:50.000)
  available, the flow direction map is missing.
  Is this information easily calculated based on available dem(s), stream
  network(s)? Or should definitely the user add this information while
  digitising the streams?
  I have read many past threads wrt streams, flow, direction,
  accumulation but could not trace an answer to the above question.
  I read again some stuff and I guess that this is a very basic and simple
  hydro-gis question (for which I do not know the answer):
  is the direction map bound to a specific stream network, i.e. the one
  that r.watershed or produces  or  is it an independent
  one, based solely on the input elevation model and its (x-y-z?)
  If the latter is true, then it only takes to use either r.watershed or to get the direction(s).
  If not, then the question is if the user can supply his own stream map to* modules (specifically to in order to get the
  desired flow direction map?

Jarek Jasiewicz: 
 Interested question, but I think the easiest answer is carving or stream
 burining ( Next reproduce r.watershed or you shall receive (almost) ideally confidential network
 with supplied

Thanks Jarek. This might be (a or the) way to go.

It's not clear to me whether the user can provide his own streams and get the 
directions let's say from another DEM (with resolution similar to the one of 
the source material from which the streams were produced)? I think that this 
(should be) is the case.

Ideally, I imagine a module like: elevation=HighResolutionDEM streams=StreamNetwork 

Is this rational?

Regards, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-01 Thread Nikos Alexandris
  While there is a proper (vector) contour map and a very clean stream
  network map (digitised from scratch upon topographic maps of 1:50.000)
  available, the flow direction map is missing.
  is the direction map bound to a specific stream network, i.e. the one
  that r.watershed or produces  or  is it an independent
  one, based solely on the input elevation model and its (x-y-z?)

  It's not clear if your friend needs a flow direction raster (normally,
  AFAIK, flow direction refers to a raster, where each cell has a value
  indicating which is the next downstream cell) or if he want to see the
  flow direction of streams in his stream network.

  A flow direction raster map is required. And my silly question (because I
  am not a hydro-specialist) is whether the flow direction production is
  an independent process from the algorithm that produces the streams.

 The r.watershed process makes several rasters: catchments, streams, flow
 direction, flow accumulation, and others if you want.

  Why? Because the self-provided streams are of very high resolution and
  accuracy (so why bother to extract them with potential errors like
  circles in the connection of two segments of a stream, of ladder
 I've found that Markus Metz's newer r.watershed (part of GRASS 6.5, not
 6.4) does a good job of eliminating these problems when you choose the
 MFD (Multi flow direction) algorithm.

Good to know! I haven't been following all this hydro-related development but 
I am impressed (again) to see how powerfull grass-gis is.

 In any case, probably the best approach is to use the already digitized
 streams as input to the r.carve module (or , Jarek's new
 hydrology extension) to produce an improved DEM, then use that
 resulting DEM to rerun r.watershed and get everything out as a
 consistent set of data layers.

OK. I think Jarek and Achim understood the problem quickly and suggested this 
as the best method. Myself have a clear picture now of why r.carve is really 
useful here.

Thank you Micha, Nikos

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-01 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Saturday 01 of May 2010 09:12:21 Achim Kisseler wrote:
 On 01.05.2010 07:46, Jarek Jasiewicz wrote:
  Interested question, but I think the easiest answer is carving or stream
  burining ( Next reproduce r.watershed or you shall receive (almost) ideally confidential network
  with supplied
 Hi Nikos,Jarek,
 Stream burning: Thats what I thought about.

Thanks guys, I'll be testing this quickly (or just pass the information to the 
friend (uses Arc-something-9.3).

 Further I suggest to weight the DEM with the contour information.
 A guess how this could be done: contourmap
 r.fillnulls (to interpolate between contour lines raster map)?
 r.mapcalc dem*contourrast
 then r.watershed

Yep, I had the same feeling about it (since there is high resolution info 
available, there must be a way to use it) but was unsure about the approach.

Thanks Achim ;-)

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-05-01 Thread Nikos Alexandris
   Interested question, but I think the easiest answer is carving or
   stream burining ( Next reproduce r.watershed or you shall receive (almost) ideally confidential
   network with supplied

Achim Kisseler:
  Stream burning: Thats what I thought about.

 Thanks guys, I'll be testing this quickly (or just pass the information to
 the friend (uses Arc-something-9.3).

Steps tested (more or less successfully):

  # comment: contours were digitised from topomaps with a scale of 1:5
  # scanned at 300dpi
  # estimated cell size = 4.23 m
  # same scale applies to digitised streams

# set region and rasterise
g.region vect=contours_20m res=4.23m -pa in=contours_20m out=contours_4.23m

  # comment: this is harder than I thought. Quick checking reveals 
disconnected lines

# set resolution to 1m and (re-)rasterize
g.region res=1 -pa in=contours_20m out=contours_1m

  # checking... looks ok.
  # I think this particular step is a crux for a successful processing
  # any ideas to avoid disconnected lines at a resolution 4.23m?
  # some special downscaling method? Neatest neighbor seems to be a bad choice 

# change resolution as the 1m will be running for days?
g.region vect=contours_20m res=50m -pa

# contours to elevation in=contours_1m out=elevation_50m

# carving...
r.carve rast=elevation_50m vect=streams out=elevation_50m_carved

# extracting streams and direction map (not sure about the threshold) elevation=elevation_50m_carved stream_rast=streams_extracted 
direction=stream_directions_extracted threshold=100

# strahler-ordering streams stream=streams_extrected dir=stream_directions_extracted 

  # resulted streams look a bit squared due to the 50m res I guess. Strahler 
looks correct to me (afaict from my studies 6-7 years ago).

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-04-30 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Hi list!

I am sort of forwarding a friends question related to hydro-processing.

While there is a proper (vector) contour map and a very clean stream network 
map (digitised from scratch upon topographic maps of 1:50.000) available, the 
flow direction map is missing.

Is this information easily calculated based on available dem(s), stream 
network(s)? Or should _definitely_ the user add this information while 
digitising the streams?

I have read many past threads wrt streams, flow, direction, accumulation but 
could not trace an answer to the above question.

Thanks, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-04-30 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Saturday 01 of May 2010 05:30:04 Nikos Alexandris wrote:
 I am sort of forwarding a friends question related to hydro-processing.
 While there is a proper (vector) contour map and a very clean stream
 network map (digitised from scratch upon topographic maps of 1:50.000)
 available, the flow direction map is missing.
 Is this information easily calculated based on available dem(s), stream
 network(s)? Or should _definitely_ the user add this information while
 digitising the streams?
 I have read many past threads wrt streams, flow, direction, accumulation
 but could not trace an answer to the above question.

I read again some stuff and I guess that this is a very basic and simple 
hydro-gis question (for which I do not know the answer):

is the direction map bound to a specific stream network, i.e. the one that 
r.watershed or produces  or  is it an independent one, based 
solely on the input elevation model and its (x-y-z?) resolution?

If the latter is true, then it only takes to use either r.watershed or to get the direction(s).

If not, then the question is if the user can supply his own stream map to* modules (specifically to in order to get the 
desired flow direction map?

Thanks, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Stream flow direction map

2010-04-30 Thread Jarek Jasiewicz

Nikos Alexandris pisze:

On Saturday 01 of May 2010 05:30:04 Nikos Alexandris wrote:

I am sort of forwarding a friends question related to hydro-processing.

While there is a proper (vector) contour map and a very clean stream
network map (digitised from scratch upon topographic maps of 1:50.000)
available, the flow direction map is missing.

Is this information easily calculated based on available dem(s), stream
network(s)? Or should _definitely_ the user add this information while
digitising the streams?

I have read many past threads wrt streams, flow, direction, accumulation
but could not trace an answer to the above question.

I read again some stuff and I guess that this is a very basic and simple 
hydro-gis question (for which I do not know the answer):

is the direction map bound to a specific stream network, i.e. the one that 
r.watershed or produces  or  is it an independent one, based 
solely on the input elevation model and its (x-y-z?) resolution?

If the latter is true, then it only takes to use either r.watershed or to get the direction(s).

If not, then the question is if the user can supply his own stream map to* modules (specifically to in order to get the 
desired flow direction map?
Interested question, but I think the easiest answer is carving or stream 
burining ( Next reproduce r.watershed or you shall receive (almost) ideally confidential network 
with supplied


Thanks, Nikos
grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list