[graylog2] Need help in scaling up my Graylog-elasticsearch-logstash setup

2016-04-14 Thread Drew Miranda
You are going to want to have a good bit more ram for large amount of log 
processing. Ideally you will want to setup multiple vms to each handle a role 
as well (e.g. VM or 2 for elasticsearch, Vm or two for graylog nodes)

I have 2 elasticsearch search nodes with 12gb ran each and I still like it 
isn't awkward memory wise. 

My two graylog nodes also have 4gb each with r CPUs. 

Generally you will want to throw as much RAM as you can at elasticsearch search 
because there is a steep performance hit with its disk operations. Unless you 
have all flash disks maybe.

As far as CPU, you will want to throw as much cpu as you can at the graylog 
server nodes. It eats up A LOT of cpu to process stream and extractor rules.

Disk space is only something to consider based on how many messages you want to 
store at any given time and for how long. The more disk space the better.

Hope that helps!

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[graylog2] Graylog System Sizing Problem?

2016-04-14 Thread Drew Miranda
I don't believe there is any relation between hard disk space and available cpu 
for graylog.

To understand what your requirement are for hardware we need to answer two 

1. How many messages per second do you want to process. Depending on the 
message size and complexity of steam and extractor rules, a few cpus (e.g. 4) 
can process a thousand or so messages a second. This does vary on CPU type sure 
but I'm basing this off of a virtual machine on a shared host.

2. How long do we want to reattain processed messages. This also somewhat 
depends on your message per second count. I don't think 20gb is much space 
considering how cheap storage is. I recommend a few hundred GB if you can spare 
it. I find it helpful to be able to search back easily through historical logs.

Hope that helps! If you have any specific questions I'll be happy to try and 
answer them.

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[graylog2] Graylog 1.3.4 elasticsearch cluster red / unassigned shards

2016-04-14 Thread Drew Miranda
What version of elastic search and how many data nodes? Do you have replicas 
enabled/ how many?

The error says "not allowed, reason: [NO(shard cannot be allocated on same node 
[mB5gKQroSu6XQNzNkeHzxQ] it already exists on)]"

Are there any errors in the elastic search logs?

I found this which may be relevant

And maybe


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[graylog2] Graylog collector

2016-04-14 Thread Drew Miranda
Check out the collector documentation page here


You can define what log files to ship to graylog in the collector configuration 

Configuring steam rules is done via the gray log web interface. Hope that helps.

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[graylog2] [ANNOUNCE] Graylog v2.0.0-beta.3 has been released

2016-04-14 Thread Drew Miranda
I just want to say, thank you for making such an incredible and valuable 

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[graylog2] Re: Web Interface Certificate differences from v1 and v2

2016-04-14 Thread Drew Miranda
Okay, quick update, I did some quick searching and found this, 
https://community.oracle.com/thread/1534464?start=0 which sounds exactly like 
the issue. My cert chain file does have extra characters in it. I'll test this 

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[graylog2] Re: Web Interface Certificate differences from v1 and v2

2016-04-14 Thread Drew Miranda
Thanks for that command. So I'm able to extract my private key from the 
original Java keysyore (because this is where the original private key was 
created) and convert it to p12 and then pkcs8. I can verify the key is ASCII 
readable and is encoded and passes checked when viewing via openssl.

However, I'm still confused about the public cert. I think the documentation is 
saying I need a x.509 pkcs8 cert but there seems to be a contradiction. 
Anything that I can find and all commands that generate a valid pkcs8 cert only 
seem to contain the private key.

If I just out an ASCII readable pem of the base 64 certificate chain, to me, 
that appears to be the closest I can get. 

So anyways, this is all to say I have what I think are the correct cert and key 
yet I'm still getting that same error. I've probably spent about 4 hours 
testing and reading up on x.509. Any help?

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[graylog2] [ANNOUNCE] Graylog v2.0.0-beta.3 has been released

2016-04-14 Thread Lennart Koopmann
Hi everyone,

we just released Graylog v2.0.0-beta.3. Read more in the announcement:

* https://www.graylog.org/blog/53-graylog-v2-0-beta-3-released


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[graylog2] Re: web interface with v2.0 appears to require direct REST access?

2016-04-14 Thread Michael Taylor
Yes it's required to connect to TCP 12900. That's also where the sidecar 
and collectors connect.

I think the reasoning was that you ought to have the ability to open the 
firewall to the server since you're already using a bunch of ports to send 
it the log data it needs. The web interface isn't separate any more, so one 
more port for the REST interface wasn't supposed to be a problem.

But proxy firewalls and remote access may turn out to be a larger issue 
than the developers expected. I'm currently having problems getting my URIs 
correct in Docker on a bunch of hosts that don't tell me the container's IP 
until after the container is created.

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 8:14:16 PM UTC-4, Jason Haar wrote:
> Hi there
> Under graylog-1.3.4 I had published graylog-web behind a WAF - which 
> nicely mapped https://graylog.internet.domain to 
> http://graylog.intranet.domain (notice the different domain names too)
> With v2.0 I can't get this to work. Now it appears graylog returns content 
> with hardwired URLs that are defined by rest_listen_uri? That means we end 
> up with browser errors as they are talking to the WAF over HTTPS and the 
> content contains HTTP links - to port 12900. Bad.
> Am I correct that graylog-v2 requires browsers to talk to non-web ports 
> (ie 12900)? That's quite a change. The comments say "Must be reachable by 
> other Graylog server nodes if you run a cluster" - no mention of this being 
> required by web browsers. 

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[graylog2] Re: date being recognized as a string

2016-04-14 Thread mantica . msys
...An Update: Graylog created an error.

Oh no, something went wrong!
(You caused a org.graylog2.restclient.lib.APIException. API call failed POST 
http://@ returned 500 Internal Server 
Error body: {"type":"ApiError","message":"mapping [properties]"}) 

With this input:

curl -XPUT 
http://peng-elastic0-dev.gb-lon1.elk.metroscales.io:9200/_template/ts_json -d 
'{"template": "json*","mappings": {"properties": {"@timestamp": {"type": 
"date","format": "dateOptionalTime"



controllers.IndicesController#cycleDeflector (IndicesController.java:183)
play.core.Router$HandlerInvokerFactory$$anon$4#resultCall (Router.scala:264)

play.core.j.JavaAction$$anon$1#call (JavaAction.scala:55)
play.GlobalSettings$1#call (GlobalSettings.java:67)
play.mvc.Security$AuthenticatedAction#call (Security.java:44)
play.core.j.JavaAction$$anonfun$11#apply (JavaAction.scala:82)
play.core.j.JavaAction$$anonfun$11#apply (JavaAction.scala:82)
scala.concurrent.impl.Future$PromiseCompletingRunnable#run (Future.scala:24)
play.core.j.HttpExecutionContext$$anon$2#run (HttpExecutionContext.scala:40)
play.api.libs.iteratee.Execution$trampoline$#execute (Execution.scala:46)
play.core.j.HttpExecutionContext#execute (HttpExecutionContext.scala:32)
scala.concurrent.impl.Future$#apply (Future.scala:31)
scala.concurrent.Future$#apply (Future.scala:485)
play.core.j.JavaAction$class#apply (JavaAction.scala:82)



play.utils.Threads$#withContextClassLoader (Threads.scala:21)
scala.Option#map (Option.scala:145)
play.api.mvc.Action$$anonfun$apply$1#apply (Action.scala:128)
play.api.mvc.Action$$anonfun$apply$1#apply (Action.scala:121)
play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee$$anonfun$mapM$1#apply (Iteratee.scala:483)
play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee$$anonfun$mapM$1#apply (Iteratee.scala:483)
scala.concurrent.impl.Future$PromiseCompletingRunnable#run (Future.scala:24)
akka.dispatch.TaskInvocation#run (AbstractDispatcher.scala:41)
scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask#doExec (ForkJoinTask.java:260)
scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool#runWorker (ForkJoinPool.java:1979)

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[graylog2] Re: date being recognized as a string

2016-04-14 Thread mantica . msys
Hi Jochen,

actually we already did this step. We tried this:
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/_template/timestamp -d'

  "template": "*",
  "mappings": {
"_default_": {
  "@timestamp": {
"type": "date",
"format": "dateOptionalTime"

Any clues how to proceed? 
Thanks & best regards

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[graylog2] Re: extracting date field from json

2016-04-14 Thread mantica . msys
Hi there,

did you find a solution for this meanwhile? I have the same problem here.
Any help is very welcomed?

Thanks - cheers

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Re: [graylog2] Re: Can I convert a field from string to integer?

2016-04-14 Thread Jochen Schalanda
Hi Jason,

we might add an interface for managing Elasticsearch mappings/index 
templates in a future version of Graylog, but right now it's not on the 
immediate roadmap.


On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 22:07:53 UTC+2, Jason Haar wrote:
> It would be great if graylog had an interface for doing this. I don't know 
> if this is the intent, but graylog sort of "hides" ES almost entirely, so 
> being able to use graylog to redefine field names would be useful and in 
> keeping with that concept (it would obviously just be a wrapper around the 
> actual ES template)
> Good timing on this topic. I've just adding a new GELF feed of data 
> containing a "lastSeen" field and was wondering how to make it a field like 
> "timestamp". Now I know ;-) 

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[graylog2] Re: Data type of @timestamp is sometimes string instead of date

2016-04-14 Thread mantica . msys
I have the exact problem.
Did you find a soution to this?


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[graylog2] Re: Copy field containing date as a new date field does not work

2016-04-14 Thread Jochen Schalanda

for reference: this question has been answered 
in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/graylog2/LkBvIgDlcoo (post by 
the same author).


On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 18:25:55 UTC+2, grayl...@gmx.de wrote:
> Unfortunately Graylog saves a field in ElasticSearch instead of date.
> Therefore I tried to copy the field in a new field as type date.
> I tried it that way but without success. Can somebody help?
> Message: 2016-04-13T16:18:24.739Z
> Converter: Convert to date type
> Format string: -MM-dd'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
> Time zone: UTC

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[graylog2] Re: Data type of @timestamp is sometimes string instead of date

2016-04-14 Thread Jochen Schalanda

if you want to ensure that a document field has always the same type, 
you'll have to create a custom index mapping (
and make sure it will be applied to new indices by creating an index 
template with your custom mapping (


On Friday, 8 April 2016 15:53:44 UTC+2, grayl...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a problem with the @timestamp field. Sometimes it is wrongly 
> created as string instead of date.
> We use the following pipeline:
> Docker -- mixed logs in GELF format --> graylog2-server1 -- only JSON logs 
> in GELF format --> graylog2-server2.
> Both graylog2 servers are connected to the same ElasticSearch cluster. 
> Each graylog2-server uses a separate index-pattern.
> Graylog2 version is 1.3.4.
> The indexes of graylog2-server2 should always create the @timestamp field 
> as date. Is there a way to force graylog2 to use always date?
> Thanx in advancd!

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[graylog2] Re: date being recognized as a string

2016-04-14 Thread Jochen Schalanda

if you want to ensure that a document field has always the same type, 
you'll have to create a custom index mapping (
and make sure it will be applied to new indices by creating an index 
template with your custom mapping (


On Thursday, 14 April 2016 11:35:23 UTC+2, mantic...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to give some details.
> We have a field @timestamp.
> But it is in the false format.
> It is recognized as string instead as beging recognized as date.
> We defined the input as being JSON.
> The extractor defnitions seemed to be clean. With this extractor we should 
> have had as a result the @timestamp as date.
> But how can we test it?
> Also: Taking a look to Elasticsearch via Kibana we see the @timestamp 
> field being in a string format.
> So, either: The format conversion did not function we the extractor, what 
> I did not think.
> Or some template in elasticsearch transforms the now-date-field back to 
> string.
> Does someone have a clue?
> Either: How can we check the extractor conversion went good.
> Or: If elasticsearch is the source for this erratic behaviour.
> Thanks!

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[graylog2] Re: date being recognized as a string

2016-04-14 Thread mantica . msys
Hi all,

I would like to give some details.
We have a field @timestamp.
But it is in the false format.
It is recognized as string instead as beging recognized as date.
We defined the input as being JSON.
The extractor defnitions seemed to be clean. With this extractor we should 
have had as a result the @timestamp as date.
But how can we test it?
Also: Taking a look to Elasticsearch via Kibana we see the @timestamp field 
being in a string format.
So, either: The format conversion did not function we the extractor, what I 
did not think.
Or some template in elasticsearch transforms the now-date-field back to 
Does someone have a clue?
Either: How can we check the extractor conversion went good.
Or: If elasticsearch is the source for this erratic behaviour.


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[graylog2] date being recognized as a string

2016-04-14 Thread mantica . msys
Hi there,
we have incoming events where a date field is being recognized as a string 
instead of being recogniized as a date.
With the extractor we tried a conversion.
In Kibana we still see the incoming events the date being recognized as a 

Does someone has a hint how to fix this?

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