[graylog2] Small set up with 3 servers, "cluster.name"

2015-09-11 Thread Lasse Taul Bjerre



I’m faily new to Graylog, and setting up a small GrayLog installation.

In the beginning, I just want to use it in my LAB.


I will be forwarding event logs from ~50 Windows servers, 3 ESXi Hosts and 
the LABs firewall.


My setup is based on the OVA / ESX appliance.


I have deployed 3 VMS

VM01 -> webinterface / (4GB RAM)

VM02 -> backend / (8GB RAM)

VM03 -> datanode / (8GB RAM)


I gave the VMs static IPs, changed the “cluster.name” setting to 
“graylog-LAB” on all 3 VMs.


On the VMs I ran the following:



sudo graylog-ctl reconfigure-as-backend


sudo graylog-ctl set-cluster-master

sudo graylog-ctl reconfigure-as-webinterface


sudo graylog-ctl set-cluster-master

sudo graylog-ctl reconfigure-as-datanode


The setup works, but I have noticed that the “cluster.name” setting has 
been changed back to the default “graylog2”.


Is there a way to fix that, or has it no practical consequence?


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[graylog2] extending disk of OVA deployed Graylog server (a newbie How-To)

2015-09-15 Thread Lasse Taul Bjerre

New to Graylog, and not really a Linux user/admin.

My LAB deployment quickly ran out of disk space.
I searched the web and the documentation for a how to extend the disk, but 
could not find a Step by Step guide.
I ended up doing it the following way - I have posted it in-case it can be 
helpful to other newbies. 
Any comments much appreciated.

*shut down the VM (just incase you mess something up :) )*

*take a snapshot*

*attach new disk in vmware*

*start the VM*


*stop graylog services:*

sudo graylog-ctl stop


*identify new disk disk (a good bet is that it will be sdb):*

sudo lshw -class disk




   description: SCSI Disk

   physical id: 0.0.0

   bus info: scsi@2:0.0.0

   *logical name: /dev/sdb*

   size: 100GiB (107GB)

   configuration: sectorsize=512


   description: ATA Disk

   product: VMware Virtual I

   physical id: 0.0.0

   bus info: scsi@0:0.0.0

   logical name: /dev/sda

   version: 0001

   serial: 0001

   size: 19GiB (20GB)

   capabilities: partitioned partitioned:dos

   configuration: ansiversion=5 sectorsize=512 signature=00040ebf

*In this case the new disk is called /dev/sdb*

*format new disk (replace sdb with the disk found with the lshw command):*

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb


*create temp mount point for new disk:*

sudo mkdir /mnt/newData


*mount disk to temp mount point*

sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt/newData


*go to single user mode (might not be necessary, will kill SSH so do it 
from console):*

sudo init 1


*copy data to new drive*

sudo cd /var/opt/graylog/data

sudo cp –ax * /mnt/newData


*compare the 2 folders*

sudo diff –qr –suppress-common-lines /var/opt/graylog/data /mnt/newData


*Output should be something like:*

*Only in /mnt/newData: lost+found*


*delete old data folder (to free up disk space on the initial disk)*

sudo rm –r -f /var/opt/graylog/data


*make new mount point*

mkdir /var/opt/graylog/data


*unmount the temp location*

umount /dev/sdb


*mount the new disk to the real location*

mount /dev/sdb /var/opt/graylog/data


*edit fstab to make the mount persistent:*

nano /etc/fstab


*add the folowing line into fstab*

/dev/sdb   /var/opt/graylog/data  ext4defaults   0 0


*reboot server*

sudo shutdown –r now

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[graylog2] Guide to setting up HA

2015-11-27 Thread Lasse Taul Bjerre

I've been playing with the Graylog appliance for a while now.
First it started out as a test, now we are moving towards using it in 
production. For that I need to set it up in HA.
We will be using F5 for load balancing.

As I understand it the OVA is not tuned for real HA, is that correct?

My plan was 3 Graylog server 1 web, 2 identical graylog servers with all 
features except the web interface.
We currently send around 3GB data to the current setup, and I expect it to 
rise to 5GB. We cycle the indice every 24 hours, and keep only the last 40.
So not a big setup, I just would like to have HA, since we are going to use 
this to store/index all our log files.

My Linux skills are minimal but I know the basics.
I have been looking around for a good Graylog HA Howto - but I have not 
found an comprehensive guide. I have found a few guides for setting up a 
single Graylog server.
I have found references to Chef - but my knowledge of Chef is Zero.

Can someone point me in direction of a good guide in acomplising this?

Thank you advance,


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