[GreenYouth] Fwd: Communalism Watch

2010-01-17 Thread Venugopalan K M
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Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 6:51 AM
Subject: Communalism Watch
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   Communalism Watch http://communalism.blogspot.com/

Hindutva attack on lingerie - R Prasad Cartoon in Mail

Posted: 15 Jan 2010 08:36 PM PST

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You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.




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[GreenYouth] Fwd: Muhammad's promise to Christians - MUST READ

2010-01-17 Thread farida m
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From: humanrightswatch India humanrightswatch.in...@gmail.com
Date: Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 3:06 PM
Subject: Muhammad's promise to Christians - MUST READ
To: amjed...@yahoo.co.in


 Muhammad's promise to Christians

*By Muqtedar Khan**
**Director of Islamic Studies at the University of Delaware*

Muslims and Christians together constitute over 50 percent of the world. If
they lived in peace, we would be half way to world peace. One small step we
can take towards fostering Muslim-Christian harmony is to tell and retell
positive stories and abstain from mutual demonization.

In this article I propose to remind both Muslims and Christians about a
promise that Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) made to Christians. The knowledge of
this promise can have enormous impact on Muslim conduct towards Christians.
Muslims generally respect the precedent of their Prophet and try to practice
it in their lives.

In 628 AD, a delegation from St. Catherine's Monastery came to Prophet
Muhammed and requested his protection. He responded by granting them a
charter of rights, which I reproduce below in its entirety. St. Catherine's
Monastery is located at the foot of Mt. Sinai and is the world's oldest
monastery. It possess a huge collection of Christian manuscripts, second
only to the Vatican, and is a world heritage site. It also boasts the oldest
collection of Christian icons. It is a treasure house of Christian history
that has remained safe for 1,400 years under Muslim protection.

*The Promise to St. Catherine:*

This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who
adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them. Verily I, the servants,
the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my
citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them. No
compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be removed from
their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries. No one is to destroy a
house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the
Muslims' houses. Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God's
covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my
secure charter against all that they hate. No one is to force them to travel
or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female
Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her
approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray. Their
churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from
repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants. *No one of the nation
(Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the world*).

The first and the final sentence of the charter are critical. They make the
promise eternal and universal. Muhammed asserts that Muslims are with
Christians near and far, straight away rejecting any future attempts to
limit the promise to St. Catherine alone. By ordering Muslims to obey it
until the Day of Judgment the charter again undermines any future attempts
to revoke the privileges. These rights are inalienable. Muhammed declared
Christians, all of them, as his allies and he equated ill treatment of
Christians with violating God's covenant.

A remarkable aspect of the charter is that it imposes no conditions on
Christians for enjoying its privileges. It is enough that they are
Christians. They are not required to alter their beliefs, they do not have
to make any payments and they do not have any obligations. This is a charter
of rights without any duties!

The document is not a modern human rights treaty, but even though it was
penned in 628 A.D. it clearly protects the right to property, freedom of
religion, freedom of work, and security of the person.

I know most readers, must be thinking, So what? Well the answer is simple.
Those who seek to foster discord among Muslims and Christians focus on
issues that divide and emphasize areas of conflict. But when resources such
as Muhammad's promise to Christians is invoked and highlighted it builds
bridges. It inspires Muslims to rise above communal intolerance and
engenders good will in Christians who might be nursing fear of Islam or

When I look at Islamic sources, I find in them unprecedented examples of
religious tolerance and inclusiveness. They make me want to become a better
person. I think the capacity to seek good and do good inheres in all of us.
When we subdue this predisposition towards the good, we deny our fundamental
humanity. In this holiday season, I hope all of us can find time to look for
something positive and worthy of appreciation in the values, cultures and
histories of other peoples.
Dr. Muqtedar Khan is Director of Islamic Studies at the University of
Delaware and a fellow of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding*.

[GreenYouth] Mayhem in Dantewada, C'garh: Two Snippets of the Same Ongoing Huge Criminal Act

2010-01-17 Thread Sukla Sen
[On October 1st, last year, in the Gompad village in the Dantewada district
9 persons including a teen-aged girl are reportedly killed by the state
security forces together with the Salwa Judum brigade, the
private vigilante group propped up be the state.

What follows here provides us a peek into the brazen efforts of the state to
hush all that up. Regardless of the fact that the Supreme Court is seized of
the matter, rather with a degree of desperation triggered by that.]

Key witness in Adivasi killings brought to AIIMSManisha Jha
[image: THE PICTURE THEY DELETED: Sodi Sambho at AIIMS on Friday. Photo:
Sushil Kumar Verma]
The Hindu THE PICTURE THEY DELETED: Sodi Sambho at AIIMS on Friday. Photo:
Sushil Kumar Verma

Room No. 2016 at the New Private Ward of All-India Institute of Medical
Sciences here is playing host to a very special patient.

Sodi Sambho, who was brought to the Institute from Gompad village in
Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh five days ago, is set to undergo surgery
for a bullet wound in her leg this Saturday. But what makes her special is
that she is a key witness in a petition filed in the Supreme Court which
alleges that security forces fired upon and killed nine Adivasis in a
“sanitisation operation” in her village this past October 1. After she was
detained on her way to Delhi, the Supreme Court directed the Chhattisgarh
police not to prevent her from coming to the Capital for treatment.

Human rights activists and her lawyer, Colin Gonsalves, have expressed
concern over the matter and alleged that strict police surveillance is being
maintained over her movement and that she is being pressurised to change her
statement. They allege she is under de facto police custody or surveillance
and is not free to meet activists or journalists.

An attempt by this reporter to interact with her in her ward on Friday was
thwarted by three men who refused to identify themselves and claimed to be
her “well-wishers”. One of them said he was a fellow-Adivasi from her
village and had accompanied her to Delhi for her treatment. The second man,
a non-Adivasi, claimed to be a “doctor” from outside Delhi but subsequently
contradicted himself saying he was not a medical practitioner.

He said he already knew the Adivasi accompanying Ms. Sambho and decided to
offer whatever help he could. The third non-Adivasi man, however, did not
reveal anything about himself. Tall and well-built, he had a mop of
close-cropped hair.

Though the two non-Adivasi men lacked any legal or professional authority to
interfere in the work of a journalist, they denied *The Hindu* permission to
directly speak with Ms. Sambho on the ground that she only understood Gondi.
And one of them pounced on the photographer who was accompanying this
reporter when he began clicking photographs.

One of the “well-wishers” threatened to “inform the police” and file a legal
complaint if Ms. Sambho’s picture, or a story about her, was published. He
then forced the photographer to hand over the camera while demanding to see
the photo identity cards. In the meantime, the third unidentified man who
had just entered the room turned aggressive, took away the camera and
deleted the pictures with practised ease. (As it turned out later, the
photographer was able to retrieve and resurrect the pictures with the help
of a special software embedded in the camera).

After several attempts, the head “well-wisher” agreed to let this reporter
question the other Adivasi, who he said was the only person who could speak
Hindi and Gondi. However, instead of conveying the queries to Ms. Sambho, he
and the other unidentified man insisted on answering them directly without
asking her.

The Adivasi man stated that they had the full support of the police and the
hospital administration in Ms. Sambho’s treatment. He denied any police
personnel had accompanied her to Delhi or were monitoring her movement to
pressurise her. “The Maoists were behind the attack in which Sambho was
injured,” he claimed.

As the “interview” proceeded, one of the “well-wishers” lost his temper,
blaming this reporter for “disturbing the patient before her surgery”.

For the record, however, the AIIMS doctors themselves never objected to *The
Hindu’s* attempt to meet Ms. Sambho.

*In Chhattisgarh, jail is the cost of filing a public interest litigation

Aman Sethi

*Police detain three witnesses to killings in Gompad village, ban
journalists from site*


Police decline comment on veracity of claims made in petition filed by Sodi
Sambho and others

There is concern that the facts surrounding the Gompad killings might never
be known

Konta: The mystery surrounding the killing of nine Adivasis in Gompad
village in Dantewada district in October last year is 

Re: [GreenYouth] Mayhem in Dantewada, C'garh: Two Snippets of the Same Ongoing Huge Criminal Act

2010-01-17 Thread Kavita Krishnan

*Dharna and Candle-light Vigil in Solidarity with*


*Sodi Sambho*


*and the adivasi Ruchikas of Dantewada!   *


*(Sodi, an eyewitness injured in a massacre by security forces at Bastar, is
at AIIMS, prevented from meeting press, public and even her lawyer)**  ***


*Assemble at Railway Reservation Counter inside AIIMS Gate,*

*18 January, 2010, Monday*

*5 pm onwards*

Sodi Sambho is a young adivasi woman from Bastar with a leg severely injured
in the murderous ‘cleansing’ operation at Gompad, Bastar on October 1, 2009,
in which 9 adivasis were killed. She and other eyewitnesses have petitioned
the Supreme Court against the incident.

Initially the police at Dantewada tried to prevent her from coming to Delhi
for treatment. Following a directive by the Supreme Court, she is now in a
private room at AIIMS, but is a virtual prisoner, prevented from meeting
anyone, including activists, the press and even her lawyer. Some of her
fellow petitioners and eyewitnesses have been jailed in Bastar – she and
they are all being intimidated to force them to withdraw/change their

Meanwhile, women in Bastar who have complained against rape by SPOs and
Salwa Judum leaders are also being intimidated – by their rapists who roam
free despite warrants against them - to withdraw their complaints. And
‘Operation Greenhunt’ is in full swing, with combing operations and killings
of adivasis all happening away from any public scrutiny. One can only
imagine how many more Gompads are being perpetrated.

Mr. Chidambaram – what do you have to hide?! Why are you preventing Sodi
Sambho from meeting her lawyer and the public? We demand justice for the
adivasi Ruchikas of Dantewada who are raising their voice against massacres
and rapes – defying intimidation by your Government and the BJP Government
of Chhattisgarh and the entire might of the state machinery.

Sodi Sambho is due to appear in court on the morning of Tuesday, January 19.
On the eve of her appearance in court, we appeal to all to join the
solidarity dharna and candle-light vigil to let Sodi know we are with her
all the way in her brave struggle. Pl come with your banners, placards etc.


*AIPWA, AISA, CADAM, CAVOW, Dalit Lekhak Manch, JTSA, Saheli and other

Contact: 9868112252, 9868383692

2010/1/17 Sukla Sen sukla@gmail.com

 [On October 1st, last year, in the Gompad village in the Dantewada district
 9 persons including a teen-aged girl are reportedly killed by the state
 security forces together with the Salwa Judum brigade, the
 private vigilante group propped up be the state.

 What follows here provides us a peek into the brazen efforts of the state
 to hush all that up. Regardless of the fact that the Supreme Court is seized
 of the matter, rather with a degree of desperation triggered by that.]

 Key witness in Adivasi killings brought to AIIMS Manisha Jha
 [image: THE PICTURE THEY DELETED: Sodi Sambho at AIIMS on Friday. Photo:
 Sushil Kumar Verma]
 The Hindu THE PICTURE THEY DELETED: Sodi Sambho at AIIMS on Friday. Photo:
 Sushil Kumar Verma

 Room No. 2016 at the New Private Ward of All-India Institute of Medical
 Sciences here is playing host to a very special patient.

 Sodi Sambho, who was brought to the Institute from Gompad village in
 Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh five days ago, is set to undergo surgery
 for a bullet wound in her leg this Saturday. But what makes her special is
 that she is a key witness in a petition filed in the Supreme Court which
 alleges that security forces fired upon and killed nine Adivasis in a
 “sanitisation operation” in her village this past October 1. After she was
 detained on her way to Delhi, the Supreme Court directed the Chhattisgarh
 police not to prevent her from coming to the Capital for treatment.

 Human rights activists and her lawyer, Colin Gonsalves, have expressed
 concern over the matter and alleged that strict police surveillance is being
 maintained over her movement and that she is being pressurised to change her
 statement. They allege she is under de facto police custody or surveillance
 and is not free to meet activists or journalists.

 An attempt by this reporter to interact with her in her ward on Friday was
 thwarted by three men who refused to identify themselves and claimed to be
 her “well-wishers”. One of them said he was a fellow-Adivasi from her
 village and had accompanied her to Delhi for her treatment. The second man,
 a non-Adivasi, claimed to be a “doctor” from outside Delhi but subsequently
 contradicted himself saying he was not a medical practitioner.

 He said he already knew the Adivasi accompanying Ms. Sambho and decided to
 offer whatever help he could. The third non-Adivasi man, however, did not
 reveal anything about himself. Tall and well-built, he had a mop of
 close-cropped hair.

 Though the two non-Adivasi men lacked any legal 

[GreenYouth] 'Malabar Moral Police' and Attempts to Justify Bullying In the Name of Left- Debate Continues in kafila.org

2010-01-17 Thread Venugopalan K M
It would be helpful if you could post your comments here:




You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.




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[GreenYouth] after Love jihad (CHARCHA)@V B Calicut BY sio kerala

2010-01-17 Thread SIO KERALA

SIO Kerala
UKS Road Calicut-1
+91 9895775227
+91 04952723927

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[GreenYouth] In Memory of Jyoti Babu!

2010-01-17 Thread Sukla Sen
The news came in the early afternoon. A friend had rung up. My TV is out of
operation for quite a while.
In the evening, another friend rung up to talk of.

It was a long and no doubt a distinguished career in the conventional sense
of the term. He was by far the longest-serving Chief Minister in India. Only
Gegong Apang of Arunnachal Pradesh has a somewhat comparable record. But
then, Arunachal is not counted amongst the major states of India.
In 1996, his name was proposed as the Indian Prime Minister by the combined
anti-Congress - anti-BJP opposition and forcefully pursued. To the horror of
many - just not the foes, but also friends. In fact, after an intense
tussle, the Party, of which he was the Polit Buro (the highest rung of
leadership) member rejected the proposal, despite the spirited bid by the
then General Secretary of the Party and also Basu himself being clearly in
favour. As a disciplined party soldier, he abided by the decision. But that
could not stop him from publicly calling it a historic blunder. Only a
Jyoti Babu, not Comrade Basu, could go unpunished after chiding the party in
No other leader from the Left came anywhere remotely close to that. Only
Tridib Chaudhuri, of the Revolutionary Socialist Party - a far smaller
leftwing outfit, had been the combined opposition's Presidential candidate
against the ruling Congress in the year 1974. But that was for all intent
and purpose a symbolic fight. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed would win hands down.

Not that he was loved by all, no human is that fortunate. But he definitely
commanded widespread respect and also elicited some degree of awe.
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, so to say, grew up to become a
Communist. While in Britain in late thirties - the colonial ruler of India
in those days, studying to become a Barrister. As is the case with his many
illustrious senior and junior comrades did. Not too uncommon in those days.
The famous advocate Snehangshu Kanta Acharya, who would later become the
Advocate general of West Bengal, was understandably very close to him,
sharing a broadly similar aristocratic family roots and personal
inclinations, in those days and also for long years thereafter. Not too many
would remember him now though.
Basu, to be sure, had also intimately engaged with the labour movement, at
least during his initial years. Was just not confined to parliamentary
politics. And led historic popular agitations like the campaign against
Bengal-Bihar merger, against one paisa tram fare rise etc. (Not too many
would remember now though.)

Jyoti Babu, as he was widely known - not Jyoti Da by any stretch nor even
Comrade Basu - had his own distinctive air of aloof dignity tinged with
evident haughtiness. That came with his aristocratic family roots,
privileged foreign education, communist (presumably some superior) ideology,
and of course Benglainess.
That was perhaps during the second United Front regime in West Bengal, which
had assumed power in West Bengal. Those were the days of turmoil - both in
the agrarian sector, and also in the cities. Physical bloody fights among
the partners of the ruling coalition led by Ajoy Mukhopadhyay of the Bangla
Congress was the norm of the day. The CPIM was the second most important
constituent and Jyoti Basu was the Home Minister and the Dy. Chief Minister.
Bloody clashes between the cadres of the two parties in the countryside were
too frequent. And also verbal duel between the leaders. As the things turned
particularly sour, Jyoti Babu held a press conference to narrate an alleged
incident of atrocities perpetrated by the Bangla Congess men. He'd normally
not get involved in such murky business. In this particular event a widow
was reportedly assaulted and tortured, to which Basu did refer. A
journalist, with mischief on mind, asked him to elaborate the torture
bit. Basu was visibly disgusted. He retorted back that he has already that a
widow has been assaulted and tortured. The persistent journalist refusing to
give up explained that the other day Sushil Dhara, the second senior most
leader of the Bangla Congress, and the Industries Minister (if my memory
serves me right), had given an elaborate description of the torture
inflicted by the CPM cadres on some women. the quintessential Jyoti Babu
with unconcealed contempt shot back: I cannot go down to the level of Sushil
A comparable example that comes to my mind would take place about a decade
In 1977, after the Janata Party government came to power, at the end of the
Emergency, it dismissed the state governments run by the Congress. In the
process, in West Bengal the Left Front led by the CPIM came to power. Dr.
Ashok Mitra, at that time a close friend of Basu, now the Chief Minister,
became the Finance Minister. The Sunday was quite a popular magazine in
those days, edited by M J Akbar. Sometime later, on its last page, it
carried an interview of Dr. Mitra, an eminent economist in his own right.
The interviewer, at one 

[GreenYouth] Naomi Klein Video on Climate Debt

2010-01-17 Thread Venugopalan K M


You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.




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[GreenYouth] Jyoti Basu: One thing that the Indian media and politicians dont discuss

2010-01-17 Thread farida m
In a country mirred  the quagmire of superstitions, Com Jyoti Basu set a
remarkable model. He had willed to donate his body to the medical students
for their studies. While we often stoop to levels that a rare politician
once called as behaving like cockroaches, Basu's marvellous example is
sidelined by the media that thrives on superstitions, and of course the
politicians including the communists dread discussing this.
I, as a ordinary Indian, am immensely inspired by the model set by Com Basu
and have already commited to donate my eyes upon my death. Lets follow the
example of Com Basu in whatever way possible and break the backbone of
superstitions that criples the country.

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Re: [GreenYouth] Re: Was Gandhi more violent than Hitler ?

2010-01-17 Thread ranju radha
as S anand mentioned, why is it that the WE get patriotic  while attacking
an easy target like white european male (look at metro-feminists like
nivedita menon), forgetting that the occupied patriotic realm has been
challenged from below. like the kafila intellectuals who enthralled in
deleting any criticism, the indian gandhi fans fall in line to defend the
violence of gandhi, forgetting that the same has been pointed out by fellow
indians as well. zizekian polemics exposes these hypocratical realm; thus
for THEM there are two zizeks as well...poor country!

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 11:06 AM, venukm kmvenuan...@gmail.com wrote:

 Perhaps I like to brush aside Zizek's negative  remark on Gandhi show
 his novoice : I'll rather be happy with his conclusion here, in the
  :  I am here to know more about India. I must frankly admit that
 till now I ignored India. But for sometime, a storm was gathering
 inside me and now it exploded and now I am here. I am reading books on
 India. I started with the laws of Manu. I am here to study how the
 modern and tradition co-exist together amid contradictions of
 globalization. I have more hopes from India than China because in
 China something very dangerous is happening. It all started in
 Singapore -- capitalism with Asian values, which is actually
 authoritarian capitalism. Till now, there was one good thing to say
 about capitalism -- democracy.  I am afraid what’s now emerging in the
 Far East (we all know that Deng Xiaoping went to Singapore and said
 this is the model for all of China). It’s the new capitalism. It’s
 more dynamic than the western capitalism. And I don’t believe my
 liberal friends who believe that in another 10 years in china there
 will be another Tiananmen.

 On Jan 15, 5:17 pm, sreenivas v.p sreenivas_...@yahoo.co.in wrote:
  I do not think Gandi did some social service or something for the
 humanity . His social service was focussed on satisfying his own egoism and
 principles for which he worked.
  Thousands of people including children were killed or brutally tortured
 by the british soldiers mainly because they listened to Gandi's false idea
 called Ahimsa .
  Ahimsa has meaning when it is applied to an individual but it is a mere
 stupidity to preach this when we have to confront a common enemy who is
 coming to annihilate us .
  And Gandi became a role model for Indians mainly because of the fact that
 he upholded  religious sentiments which were   considered to be the true
 philosophy of life by the majority.
  A man having peaceful objectives can do harm if the tools or method he
 uses is incorrect
  and especially if he is able to mobilize the masses .
  -- On Fri, 15/1/10, Sukla Sen sukla@gmail.com wrote:
  From: Sukla Sen sukla@gmail.com
  Subject: Re: [GreenYouth] Re: Was Gandhi more violent than Hitler ?
  To: free-binayak...@googlegroups.com, greenyouth 
  Date: Friday, 15 January, 2010, 4:46 PM
  Labelling Gandhi as more violent than Hitler would also ipso facto mean
 than Hitler is less violent, and thereby more benign, than Gandhi!!
  That's the true extent of this stinking obscenity.
  I also imagine that social science is no esoteric branch of
 Astrophysics or something of that sort so that only a blessed few are
 entitled to interpret and dish out whatever nauseating hocus pocus they want
  2010/1/15 Daniel Mazgaonkar daniel.mazgaon...@gmail.com
  I really fail to understand what you all are saying and arguing, calling
 non-violence violence, and violence, non-violence.
  Shall we ever call what is going on in Chhattisgarh, non-violence of the
  2010/1/15 Chrysanthemum Grower chrysanthemumgro...@gmail.com
  I’m not sure it is particularly helpful to term a comparison of Gandhi
 with Hitler ‘shit’ or ‘dumb’.
  I think Zizek is absolutely right about Gandhi. It is quite sensible to
 compare Gandhi with Hilter from the point of view of social science AND
 politics: both were leaders who had the capacity to mobilize large number of
 their countrymen – the question is, the effects of what they did, with all
 that power they wielded, and what they could have done.
  What Zizek says here is not particularly original; others with more
 ‘knowledge’ of Indian history have made the same point. Gandhi’s violence is
 the violence that nonviolence makes possible and helps in reproducing. I
 imagine one can recognize that without necessarily pouring scorn on Gandhi
 as a human being. But for that one has to stop putting him on a pedestal and
 worshipping him and treating him like a God and making an ‘ism’
 (Gandhianism) out of his thoughts. It ought to be pretty obvious that
 violence in one domain is not possible without forms of complicity, through
 explicit nonviolence, in other domains. That is the link between a
 nonviolent salesman in Dadar and the soldier-rapist in dantewada. The
 violence of 

[GreenYouth] Lingerie hindutwa

2010-01-17 Thread Ranjit Ranjit
[image: [16Jan10MailToday-RPrasad.jpg]]


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[GreenYouth] Dalits, Muslims Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (read at roundtable)

2010-01-17 Thread Ranjit Ranjit
Dalits, Muslims  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ – Much ado about zilch!

* *

*By:  Pardeep Singh Attri*


*Interesting news which caught my eye today (January 16th, 2009) “Human
Resource Department’s internal appraisals of ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ showing
most of its physical target’s for 2009-10 are** set to be fully achieved.” –
With 85% schools opened of set target, 78% teachers, 92% schools with
drinking water, providing free textbooks to 92% school students. ***

‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ - “Education for All” scheme sometimes referred to
as “each one, teach one”. Aim of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was to provide useful
and efficient elementary education to all children in the age group of 6 to
10 by 2010. There was another goal to bridge the social, regional and gender
gaps with the active participation of all the communities in the management
of schools. Have these targets been achieved to some extent? Are all the
governments working for all these? Are all the children getting chance for
betterment or this scheme also have just proved like just another government
scheme, those never reaches to common people and common people read and
listen about them only on T.V channel advertisements?
[image: Keeping the muslims down]

Keeping the muslims down

There are about 45% Dalits who don’t know how to read or write, literacy
rate for Dalit women is just 37.8%. *According to a survey by the Friends
for Education, almost 52 % Muslims live below the poverty line (compared to
25 % of all Indians). Of every 100 Muslim girls admitted in schools at the
primary level, only four pass out at high school while only 1 makes it to a
college. The literacy level is a shocking 28% and graduates and
postgraduates form less than 1 % of the total. In the field of medicine, the
percentage is just 2.4 while in the judiciary; it doesn’t go beyond 3.1 %. The
community occupies the lowest rung in the development index. Its literacy
rate is poor and it has a low presence in private and public sector jobs.
(“Keeping the Muslim Down” by Firoz Bakhtt Ahmed, May 19th 2008, HT)*

A Citizen’s Review Report (7th Jan, 2008) on “India’s Progress on the MDGs”
showed that 55% of Muslims have never attended school compared to national
average of 41% (rural); In Bihar 86% of enrolled children drop-out by
Standard VI. 99% Dalit children study in Public schools  inadequate
facilities and infrastructure as major problem for access to health 

There is another report by Comptroller  Audit General (CAG) showing that
SC, ST’s literacy rate is very much poor in Tamil Nadu. For ST males’
literacy rate is 32.18%  for female it stands at 31.77%. Also the pass
percentage of SC, ST students in 10th  12th standard examinations has dropped
since 2002-03 and is much lower than the overall pass percentage during
2002-06 and this needs immediate attention in the educational development of
the SC, STs. This all is result of poor monitoring  poor implementation of
the welfare schemes launched for SC, STs; humiliating Dalits in
schools/colleges  delaying the scholarships for SC, STs students.

The total budget for ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ stands at Rs.131 billion and
the scheme’s operation has come under severe flak from India’s official
auditor, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). Out of Rs 8004.71-crore
allotted for the development work of “Elementary Education” and ‘Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan, only Rs 2,324.99 crore was spent through record. For rest
of the money spent on the development work there no records available 
Human Resource Department is clueless about rest of money! Means rest of
money was simply siphoned off  Gujarat, Rajasthan governments comes first
in misusing the funds! From the funds of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan party
functions were organized  money was simply wasted on “Puja” in temples,
thinking this will help in improving literacy rate!

Almost all the times, receiving green signal from ‘World Bank’ about the
next installment for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Indian political leaders have
started celebrating and why they shouldn’t? But if this Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan couldn’t fulfill the targets of giving education to all, this entire
scheme has definitely made many policy makers millionaire! *“Education for
All Children” movement has proved “Money for All Politicians” nothing else.
*A survey conducted by “Outlook” (April 7th, 2008) showed that 71% villagers
said there is high corruption in all the Government schemes  don’t reach at
them. India’s external debt is already at 201.4 billion USD, but where the
development is seen, in the houses of ministers? Isn’t it?

*There is another worrisome part an emerging trend whereby children
belonging to different social backgrounds are attending different kinds of
schools. In Andhra Pradesh, there is a divide between the government primary
school (GPS) located in the Dalit basti and the GPS in the forward caste
hamlet — only SC students attend the former