[gmx-users] CHARMM36 in Gromacs :DNA terminus residues problem

2019-06-20 Thread Mahdi Bagherpoor
Dear all,

I am trying to do MD simulation on my protein-DNA system in *Gromacs* using
*CHARMM36*  force field (*2019 version*, downloaded from Mackerell web

The DNA residue names start from DG5 ==> DC3 (in both DNA strand):

Once I do *pdb2gmx* command, seems it does not correctly recognize DNA
terminal residues (as defined by Justin Lemkul in .tdb files as 5TER and
3TER flags) and seems it treats DNA as a protein and hence I get this error:
* *

Start terminus *DG5*-1: *NH3+*
End terminus *DC3*-21: *COO-*

Program: gmx pdb2gmx, version 2018.4
Source file: src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/pdb2top.cpp (line 1127)

Fatal error:
atom N not found in buiding block 1DG5 while combining tdb and rtp


Unfortunately, I was not able to fix this error and therefore I will
appreciate if someone could let me know how can I fix this problem.

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[gmx-users] Minimization stops without reaching the requested precision Fmax < 1000

2019-06-24 Thread Mahdi Bagherpoor
Dear Gromacs Users,

I am trying to add the tethrahedral zinc atom dummy model into CHARMM36
force field in Gromacs. In my system, this dummy zinc interact with four
Cystein residues (CYM).  The parameters of the zinc are available in CHARMM
format, which I used to use it in NAMD package. After adding appropriate
parameters, when I do energy minimization, I get this error:

Energy minimization has stopped, but the forces have not converged to the
requested precision Fmax < 1000 (which may not be possible for your system).
Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 1045 steps,
but did not reach the requested Fmax < 1000.
Potential Energy  = -1.5922652e+06
Maximum force =  3.2106902e+07 on atom 3526
Norm of force =  1.4857810e+05

Atom 3526 is dummy atom of zinc ion. The dummy parameters added in
ffbonded.itp file are:
-- ffbonded.itp

;zinc dummy model, bonds
  HK   ZD 1   0.0900451872.00
  HK   HK 1   0.1470451872.00
;zinc dummy model, angles
  HK   ZD   HK 5   109.50   460.24   0.
  HK   HK   HK 560.00   460.24   0.
  HK   HK   ZD 535.25   460.24   0.
;zinc dummy model, dihedrals
  ZD   HK   HK   HK 935.30 0.00 2
  HK   ZD   HK   HK 9   120.00 0.00 2
  HK   HK   HK   HK 970.00 0.00 2

--- ffnonbonded.itp

;zinc dummy model
   ZD3061.380.000  A  0.3100  0.1
   HK 1 1.0080000.500  A  0.  0.0

In contrast to Gromacs, when I do minimization in NAMD, there is no such an
error in minimization. I should mention that I am using single precision
platform of Gromacs.
I would appreciate if you could share me in case you have some ideas about
this problem.

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[gmx-users] Minimization stops without reaching the requested precision Fmax < 1000

2019-06-25 Thread Mahdi Bagherpoor
Dear Gromacs Users,

I am trying to add the tetrahedral zinc atom dummy model into CHARMM36
force field in Gromacs. In my system, this dummy zinc interact with four
Cystein residues (CYM).  The parameters of the zinc are available in CHARMM
format, which I used to use it in NAMD package. After adding appropriate
parameters, when I do energy minimization, I get this error:

Energy minimization has stopped, but the forces have not converged to the
requested precision Fmax < 1000 (which may not be possible for your system).
Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 1045 steps,
but did not reach the requested Fmax < 1000.
Potential Energy  = -1.5922652e+06
Maximum force =  3.2106902e+07 on atom 3526
Norm of force =  1.4857810e+05

Atom 3526 is dummy atom of zinc ion. The dummy parameters added in
ffbonded.itp file are:
-- ffbonded.itp

;zinc dummy model, bonds
  HK   ZD 1   0.0900451872.00
  HK   HK 1   0.1470451872.00
;zinc dummy model, angles
  HK   ZD   HK 5   109.50   460.24   0.
  HK   HK   HK 560.00   460.24   0.
  HK   HK   ZD 535.25   460.24   0.
;zinc dummy model, dihedrals
  ZD   HK   HK   HK 935.30 0.00 2
  HK   ZD   HK   HK 9   120.00 0.00 2
  HK   HK   HK   HK 970.00 0.00 2

--- ffnonbonded.itp

;zinc dummy model
   ZD3061.380.000  A  0.3100  0.1
   HK 1 1.0080000.500  A  0.  0.0

In contrast to Gromacs, when I do minimization in NAMD, there is no such an
error in minimization. I should mention that I am using single precision
platform of Gromacs.
I would appreciate if you could share me in case you have some ideas about
this problem.

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[gmx-users] Constraints Error; In Using Tetrahedral Zinc Dummy Model

2019-06-29 Thread Mahdi Bagherpoor
Dear Gromacs users,

I am trying to simulate a zinc-finger protein in explicit water, *with
CHARMM36 FF*. Unfortunately, I did not find any *tetrahedral zinc force*
field in Gromacs and therefore I converted the tetrahedral dummy zinc model
used in CHARMM27 FF to the format of Gromacs. The minimization of the
system goes perfect but unfortunately when I start *NVT simulation*, I get
this error:

WARNING 1 [file topol.top, line 57]:
  The bond in molecule-type Dummy_chain_X between atoms 2 DZ1 and 3 DZ2 has
  an estimated oscillational period of 6.1e-03 ps, which is less than 5
  times the time step of 2.0e-03 ps.
  Maybe you forgot to change the constraints mdp option.
Too many warnings (1).
If you are sure all warnings are harmless, use the -maxwarn option.

Here, DZ1 and DZ2 are dummy atoms related to tetrahedral zinc model. *in
mdp file*, I have used *h-bonds* *Lincs* constraint. When I use the
*all-bond* in the mdp file again I get another error that is:

WARNING 1 [file topol.top, line 57]:
  There are atoms at both ends of an angle, connected by constraints and
  with masses that differ by more than a factor of 13. This means that
  there are likely dynamic modes that are only very weakly coupled. To
  ensure good equipartitioning, you need to either not use constraints on
  all bonds (but, if possible, only on bonds involving hydrogens) or use
  integrator = sd or decrease one or more tolerances:
  verlet-buffer-tolerance <= 0.0001, LINCS iterations >= 2, LINCS order >=
  4 or SHAKE tolerance <= 1e-05

Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group Protein_DNA_ZNT is 6936.89
Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group Water_and_ions is 179547.11

Does this error mean that I need to constraint zinc bonds beside h-bonds?
If so, how should I do it? *I will appreciate* if you let me know any idea
to fix this problem.

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[gmx-users] Constraints Error; In Using Tetrahedral Zinc Dummy Model

2019-06-30 Thread Mahdi Bagherpoor
Dear Gromacs users,

I am trying to simulate a zinc-finger protein in explicit water, *with
CHARMM36 FF*. Unfortunately, I did not find any *tetrahedral zinc force* field
in Gromacs and therefore I converted the tetrahedral dummy zinc model used
in CHARMM27 FF to the format of Gromacs. The minimization of the system
goes perfect but unfortunately when I start *NVT simulation*, I get this

WARNING 1 [file topol.top, line 57]:
  The bond in molecule-type Dummy_chain_X between atoms 2 DZ1 and 3 DZ2 has
  an estimated oscillational period of 6.1e-03 ps, which is less than 5
  times the time step of 2.0e-03 ps.
  Maybe you forgot to change the constraints mdp option.
Too many warnings (1).
If you are sure all warnings are harmless, use the -maxwarn option.

Here, DZ1 and DZ2 are dummy atoms related to tetrahedral zinc model. *in
mdp file*, I have used *h-bonds* *Lincs* constraint. When I use the
*all-bond* in the mdp file again I get another error that is:

WARNING 1 [file topol.top, line 57]:
  There are atoms at both ends of an angle, connected by constraints and
  with masses that differ by more than a factor of 13. This means that
  there are likely dynamic modes that are only very weakly coupled. To
  ensure good equipartitioning, you need to either not use constraints on
  all bonds (but, if possible, only on bonds involving hydrogens) or use
  integrator = sd or decrease one or more tolerances:
  verlet-buffer-tolerance <= 0.0001, LINCS iterations >= 2, LINCS order >=
  4 or SHAKE tolerance <= 1e-05

Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group Protein_DNA_ZNT is 6936.89
Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group Water_and_ions is 179547.11

Does this error mean that I need to constraint zinc bonds beside h-bonds?
If so, how should I do it? or something wrong in my topology is? *I will
appreciate* if you let me know any idea to fix this problem.

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Re: [gmx-users] -t option?

2019-09-18 Thread Mahdi Bagherpoor
Hi Hadi,

It is well explained in Gromacs tutorial, in the below:

"Note that we are now including the -t flag to include the checkpoint file
from the *NVT* equilibration"

On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 5:43 PM Hadi Rahmaninejad 

> Hello dear users,
> I am going to run a simulation according to a tutorial, but there is an
> option of "-t nvt.cpt" that I don't know what is it, and I couldn't find
> any explanation for that. I appreciate if any of you can give me a short
> description of what is that doing,
> Best wishes,
> Hadi
> --
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Re: [gmx-users] How to parametrize a new molecule?

2020-04-04 Thread Mahdi Bagherpoor
Hello Herbert,

Not related to your question, but be careful if you are going to use
CHARMM36 force field for DNA, as a recent study (
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b09106) shows that this ff does
not preserve DNA stability at a longer time scale, in case you are going to
do so.


On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 3:21 AM Herbert de Castro Georg 

> Thanks, Justin!
> Em sex., 3 de abr. de 2020 às 22:15, Justin Lemkul 
> escreveu:
> >
> >
> > On 4/3/20 9:12 PM, Herbert de Castro Georg wrote:
> > > Dear users,
> > >
> > > I want to perform a simulation of a molecule inside DNA. I'm probably
> > going
> > > to use CHARMM for DNA. But how do I parametrize the molecule?
> >
> > http://cgenff.umaryland.edu/
> >
> > -Justin
> >
> > --
> > ==
> >
> > Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> > Assistant Professor
> > Office: 301 Fralin Hall
> > Lab: 303 Engel Hall
> >
> > Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry
> > 340 West Campus Dr.
> > Blacksburg, VA 24061
> >
> > jalem...@vt.edu | (540) 231-3129
> > http://www.thelemkullab.com
> >
> > ==
> >
> > --
> > Gromacs Users mailing list
> >
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> > http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List before
> > posting!
> >
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> >
> --
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