Re: [h-cost] OT: Standard American Diet

2007-10-02 Thread eric

Weighing in again on this.
 And from the other end of the spectrum... My grandmother was raised in the 
 south before we knew some of the things we know now about nutrition, fat, 
 etc. Everything she ate as a child and cooked as an adult had bacon fat, 
 butter, cream etc. Many dishes were fried and/or had gravy on them. I think 
 you get the picture. She didn't work out and only received the exercise 
 gained from house and yard work. She wasn't obese, but she wasn't stick thin 
 either. She was a bit fluffy but by no means fat.

I'm in the same boat - German heritage - lots of fried stuff, slices of 
butter on bread, butter fades into cakes by the pound 
As long as we were working on the farm or in construction all was well.

That being said - the science is clear - ALL fats are unhealthy.  Basically they
stop your blood vessles from dilating for hours after you eat any fat.  It
dammages the walls, makes the platlets more sticky.  Know anyone with a heart
bypass yet?  Truth is all of their arteries are clogged. The Vietnam soldiers
who died in their early 20's all had signs of arteries clogging.  Based upon
that you can assume that everyone living a western diet has clogged arteries
and should be on a no-added-fat diet.

That being said; some people absorb lots of cholesterol from their diet and
some pass it right thru like a carnivore.

The science is not perfectly clear and never will be.  We know that the more
vegetarian the diet the healthier the people are.  We know that WHOLE foods
provide phytochemicals, fiber and a host of other things that help fight
cancer, obesity etc.  We know that active people eating such diets are
never overweight (go to rural China some time); yet when they adopt our
diet they adopt our diseases.

Science is barking up the wrong tree by testing things in isolation.  We now
know that, chemically created vitamins increase cancer, heart disease and
a host of other problems.  The solution to our health problems is expensive
drugs with nasty side effects and isolated chemical supplements.

That's why I like Dr. John McDougalls take.  Eat what our bodies are adapted
to - a whole food, no added fat, mostly vegetarian diet.  Eat foods that have
generations of safe consumption behind them.

For anyone with MS check out the Swank diet.

For anyone with thyriod problems you really need to read what Dr. John McDougall
has found in research.  Slightly elevated thyroid hormone results in increased
cholesterol and risk of strokes and heart attacks.  You should treat before
you are offically hypothyroid.  Don't believe that soy  brassica and other
things (sea weed) have anything to do with it - there is no science behind that;
not unless you are deficient in iodine and with the amount of (iodized) salt we
get in our diet that ain't a possible.

Yes weight gain with hypothyroid is normal as is thickening of the skin
There are a wack of symptoms and apparently it's usually an autoimmune disease
and if you have one you'll likely get another.  Read books by Mary Shomon for
hints about dealing with the weight.

I've been there, foods made no difference, but my cholesterol and weight came
down on medication. Armour works better for some - again read the books by
Mary Shomon.  In my case if I take the Thyroxine 3 hours after eating it's
as if I never took it - but it works if I take it an hour before eating.

McDougall Hot Health Issues:
McDougall Thyroid Summary:

Recently I sorted my pants into two piles - those I could never wear again
and those that I could only hold up with a belt.  I now fit into my doublets
that I made 15 years ago; they're kind of loose now actually.

 - Eric

Not our of a job yet?  Keep buying foreign.
Kids got asmetha yet?  Keep driving.
Planet destroyed yet?  Keep consuming.
Have you left the planet better than you found it?
Have you left anything behind for your kids and their kids?
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Increasing bra sizes (long)

2007-10-01 Thread eric
 Give your daughter a hug from me.  All my friends in 8th grade were wearing 
 bras and I didn't have a thing to put in one until I was in 11th grade.

One comment.

Read some books by MD John McDougall; in particular a book he wrote just for

Puberty is accelerated by a high fat diet.  Our SAD (Standard Wester Diet)
is unpresidented in history and a side effect of high fat, high protein,
high animal proteins is that the age of menarch is reduced. This results
in a dramatic increase in breast (and other hormone cancers).

A vegetarian diet will cut your hormones in half, delay menarch, make 
menopause come a few years sooner, remove/reduce PMS and more.  That's
based upon research and personal experience of friends.

Of course one can be obese and unhealthy on a vegetarian diet- eat lots of
animal proteins (cheese, diary), lots of processed foods 

I highly recommend reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and books
by MDs John McDougall, Joel Fuhrman (esp. the book for kids), Dr Esselstyn,
Neil Barnard and of course John Robbins.

The dramtic rise in obestity, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases like
MS, type II diabeties, and the host of other western diseases aka the diseases
of the kings are due to our SAD diet and lifestyle.  You are what you eat and
we currently eat a diet which has no history of safe consumption; a chemical
hodgepodge of things which our body is not adapted to.  The amazing thing is 
that most of those diseases can be reversed by a healthy diet. Decades of
dammage can be undone; medications tossed aside.

The nice thing about a change in diet is that there are no nasty side effects
as there are with ALL drugs; no surgery is necessary and it costs nothing.

Another excellent book is Overdosed America by an MD who researched changes
he saw happening in his practice.  It's quite an eye opener.

When my wife discovered a book of mine - Diet For a Small Planet we were
whole-food vegetarian, for environmental reasons, the next day.  After
much research I went pretty well whole-food vegan.  Whole-food; not 
processed crap food - 80% whole carbs, 10% plant protein, 10% fats from
foods; not added fats when cooking.  Our weight droped; our blood cholesterol
fell thru the floor (135 anyone?) to a level that is likely undoing the
dammage of decades of eating SAD, gums are better, teeth don't require
scaling and many other side effects.

I pity the children being raised eating a SAD.  I see them in the playgrounds;
obese parents and kids already there or getting there.  The health problems
of the parents are visited upon the children decades earlier in life.  In
Britain there have already been court cases - taking parents to court
for the health effects of what the parents are doing to the children.

If what you eat makes you unhealthy you can expect it to have the same
effect on your kids!

Anyways; read the books; The China Study in particular.

Please don't take this personally.  I'm not going to post about this again.
I've got family and friends that match the above situation.  They're too
busy (we suggest reading about Voluntary Simplicity) or the ridicule our
diet as their health and lives sink; as they get hospitalized as they
live it up and go from obese with diabeties to being on dialsis, to
loosing their vision (typically due to high cholesterol from the diet)

One can pray and inform and lead by example but as they say - we dig
our graves with our teeth.  It's all been known for a long long time.

 - Eric
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