Bug in 1.5-dev15, dev-14 and maybe lower?

2012-12-12 Thread Sander Klein

Hi All,

I recently upgraded to HAProxy dev-14 (and since this morning dev-15) 
from dev11-ss-20120604. But, now we are experiencing uploads that are 

When uploading a file over HTTP the upload suddenly stalls. I cant get 
my finger on it why. Sometimes it is right after the upload starts, 
sometimes somewhere in the middle and (surprise, surprise!) sometimes 
almost at the end. After a while the upload continues again and finishes 
or stalls again. Uploads usually go with higher speeds 200-300mbit/s so 
HAProxy CPU usage goes up a bit (10-15% cpu usage).

Is this a bug in HAProxy or is it my config? Downgrading to 
dev11-ss-20120604 fixes the issue.


Sander Klein

My config:
# Global Settings
log local0
#   log local0 notice
#   log local0 err
#   log local1 debug

group   haproxy
maxconn 32768
spread-checks   3
stats socket/var/run/haproxy.stat mode 666 level admin


# Defaults
log global
timeout check   2s
timeout client  60s
timeout connect 10s
timeout http-keep-alive 30s
timeout http-request30s
timeout queue   30s
timeout server  60s
timeout tarpit  120s

errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors.loc/400.http
errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors.loc/403.http
errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors.loc/500.http
errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors.loc/502.http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors.loc/503.http
errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors.loc/504.http

# Define the admin section
listen admin
#   bind:::::xx:8080
stats enable
stats uri   /haproxy?stats
stats auth  admin:passwordhere!
stats admin if TRUE
stats refresh 5s

# Mass hosting frontend
frontend cluster1-in
# Mass hosting VIP
bind x.x.x.x:80
bind :::::xx:80

... more bind stuff...

mode http
maxconn 4096

option httplog
option dontlog-normal
option dontlognull
option forwardfor
option http-server-close
option splice-auto
option tcp-smart-accept

capture request header Host len 64
capture request header User-Agent   len 16
capture request header Content-Length   len 10
capture request header Referer  len 256
capture response header Content-Length  len 10

# Some security stuff starts here

# block annoying worms that fill the logs...
# deny NULL character, script tag and #removed 
xmlrpc.php#removed in URL's

acl forbidden_uris url_sub -i %00 script

# /../../ attacks
acl forbidden_uris url_reg -i 

# Deny requests for following files:
acl forbidden_uris path_end -i /root.exe /cmd.exe /default.ida 
/awstats.pl .dll

# Deny script kiddy stuff eating our connections
acl forbidden_uris url_sub -f 

block if forbidden_uris

# HTTP content smugling
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_cnt(host) gt 1
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_cnt(content-length) gt 1
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_cnt(proxy-authorization) gt 0
block if forbidden_hdrs

# Block offensive User-Agents
acl offender hdr_sub(User-Agent) -i msnbot
acl offender hdr_sub(User-Agent) -i baiduspider
block if offender

# Remove bogus X-Forwarded-For headers
# We don't care about RFC1918
reqidel ^X-Forwarded-For:\ xxx\.xxx\.xxx
... more reqidel's like the above...

# Add X-Forwarded-Proto headers
acl no-ssl dst_port 80
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http if no-ssl

# Web cluster
acl iscluster1-1  hdr(host) -f /etc/haproxy/cluster1-1.txt
acl iscluster1-2  hdr(host) -f /etc/haproxy/cluster1-2.txt
acl iscluster1-2  hdr_sub(host) -i some.domain
acl iscluster1-2  hdr_sub(host) -i other.domain
acl iscluster1-2  hdr_sub(host) -i another.domain

use_backend cluster1-1if iscluster1-1
use_backend cluster1-2if iscluster1-2

default_backend cluster1-1

# 1 backend
backend cluster1-1

balance roundrobin

option abortonclose
option tcp-smart-connect
option redispatch
option httpchk GET /db.php HTTP/1.0


Re: Need your help for error message too many redirects

2012-12-12 Thread Baptiste
Enable logs in your HAProxy configuration, configure your syslog to
collect them and in the end do a tail on your log file :)


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Christophe Rahier
christo...@qualifio.com wrote:
 Hi Baptiste,

 Just a stupid question but how can I access this log?



 Le 12/12/12 07:40, « Baptiste » bed...@gmail.com a écrit :


You seem to have an issue on your server side.
Try logging the response Location header and compare it with the
requested URL.
Your server may be redirecting you to a URL that is still redirected to

add capture response header Location len 64 in your manager frontend
section and share your logs here.


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 7:03 AM, Christophe Rahier
christo...@qualifio.com wrote:

 I'd like to use haproxy with a certificate directly installed on this
 server. For this, I copied my key_andcert.pem.

 I use the same haproxy for our application (managers / players) with 2
 different official IP.

 When I try to access to my Players, no problem.

 When I try to access to my Managers, Chrome returns the error: too

 Please find below my config file.

 Thanks for your help and sorry for my poor English.



 maxconn 1
 stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock level admin mode 600
 stats timeout 1m
 log local0
 log local1 notice
 option dontlognull
 timeout client 60s
 timeout server 150s
 timeout connect 5s
 timeout http-keep-alive 10s

 frontend Players-Farm
   mode http
   option forwardfor
   option httplog
   option http-server-close
   bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/key_andcert.pem
   default_backend Players

 backend Players
   mode http
   server Player1 check on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
   server Player2 check on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
   server Player3 check on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
   option httpchk HEAD /cfadmin/ping.cfm HTTP/1.0
   stats enable
   balance source

 frontend  Managers-Farm
   mode http
   option forwardfor
   option httplog
   option http-server-close
   bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/key_andcert.pem
   default_backend Managers

 backend Managers
   mode http
   server  Manager01 check on-marked-down
   server  Manager02 check on-marked-down
   option httpchk HEAD /cfadmin/ping.cfm HTTP/1.0
   stats enable
   balance source

 listen  info
 mode http
 balance source
 stats uri /

Re: Bug in 1.5-dev15, dev-14 and maybe lower?

2012-12-12 Thread Willy Tarreau
Hi Sander,

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:34:59AM +0100, Sander Klein wrote:
 Hi All,
 I recently upgraded to HAProxy dev-14 (and since this morning dev-15) 
 from dev11-ss-20120604. But, now we are experiencing uploads that are 
 When uploading a file over HTTP the upload suddenly stalls. I cant get 
 my finger on it why. Sometimes it is right after the upload starts, 
 sometimes somewhere in the middle and (surprise, surprise!) sometimes 
 almost at the end. After a while the upload continues again and finishes 
 or stalls again. Uploads usually go with higher speeds 200-300mbit/s so 
 HAProxy CPU usage goes up a bit (10-15% cpu usage).
 Is this a bug in HAProxy or is it my config? Downgrading to 
 dev11-ss-20120604 fixes the issue.

Sander, such a random behaviour cannot be caused by a config issue. So
there is a bug, definitely. Maybe it's always been there and your config
enlightens it, but there is no reason for a config to cause traffic

Could you try to disable the splice options just to see ? And if that does
not change anything, please also try to disable option abortonclose. That
will help us narrow the issue down. Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with
your config.

If you can easily reproduce this, I'd be interested in getting a network
traffic capture on the machine running haproxy, I don't know if you can
get send this.


Re: HAProxy, high mysql request rate and TCP source port exhaustion

2012-12-12 Thread Vincent Bernat
 ❦ 12 décembre 2012 14:45 CET, Baptiste bed...@gmail.com :

 Maybe some of you already experimented source port exhaustion.
 Here is a blog post giving some information about it:


Great post!

But, you should stress more that that tcp_tw_recycle _must_ never be
used on public-facing servers. The side effects are that some people
behing the same NAT address won't be able to connect to the service.
Make your program read from top to bottom.
- The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan  Plauger)