Re: haproxy issue

2014-10-17 Thread Jarno Huuskonen

On Wed, Oct 15, pasquale scalea wrote:
 i have configure haproxy-1.5.4-1.el6.x86_64 with this config
 backend view_https
 mode tcp
 option tcplog
 option httpchk OPTIONS /
 http-check expect status 200
 option ssl-hello-chk #make sure we can talk SSL, not just TCP
 balance source
 balance roundrobin
 stick on src
 stick-table type ip size 100m expire 1h
 server milap9900 check id 1 inter 10s rise 5 fall 2
 server milap9901 check id 2 inter 10s rise 5 fall 2

How are you trying to do the server health checks ? Are you trying to
use OPTIONS / over ssl connection or just ssl-hello-chk ?

If you're trying to do OPTIONS / with ssl then maybe something like
this might work:
   # disable option ssl-hello-chk
   option httpchk OPTIONS /
   server milap9900 check ssl id 1 inter 10s rise 5 fall 2
   server milap9901 check ssl id 2 inter 10s rise 5 fall 2
(and make sure you've compiled haproxy with ssl support: haproxy -vv)
(and you need to configure ca certs or use verify none/ssl-server-verify none)

Also check that the backend server responds to OPTIONS / with (for
example with: openssl s_client -connect and
type OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0 and hit enter twice)

Also are you trying to send the same client to the same server:
balance source / balance roundrobin / stick on src ?
Then balance source or balance roundrobin + stick on src should do the trick
I don't think you'll need all three.


Jarno Huuskonen

Re: HAProxy proxying JDBC requests two a percona cluster

2014-10-17 Thread Jarno Huuskonen

On Wed, Oct 15, Dennis Plöger | getit GmbH wrote:
  Hmm... I just understood, that we're probably talking about different things
  here. As you can see in my configuration, I haven't specify a maxconn value.
  From the configuration documentation I didn't understand, what the default
  value is. I just updated my configuration based on this tutorial and will 
 Same error (nothing in the logs however). My haproxy.cfg now looks like this:
 option  dontlognull

Are you using any kind of connection pool on hybis/jdbc ? (Hybris
opens/keeps open multiple connections and reuses the open connection).
Does the connection pool do any connection checking (periodically checks
that the connection is still alive) ? 
(Maybe pool opens connections that sit idle for too long - haproxy
closes idle connection (50s?))

Maybe try with no option dontlognull ?
Are all connections in logs logged with normal --  session state ?


 retries 3
 option  redispatch
 maxconn 2000
 timeout connect 5
 timeout client 5
 timeout server 5
 listen mysql-cluster
 mode tcp
 balance roundrobin
 option httpchk
 server shopclusterdb1 check port 9200 inter 12000 
 rise 3 fall 3
 server shopclusterdb2 check port 9200 inter 12000 
 rise 3 fall 3 backup
 Kind regards
 Dennis Plöger
 Systemadministrator und Berater
 Besuchen Sie uns auf unseren nächsten Veranstaltungen:
 - konaktiva, 11.11.2014, Halle 3 B / Stand G4 (Westfalenhallen), Dortmund
 getit - Gesellschaft für Technologie- und Informationstransfer mbH
 Emil-Figge-Straße 76-80
 44227 Dortmund
 Tel: +49.231.9742.355
 Fax: +49.231.9742.356
 Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB-Nr. 26548
 Dr. Thomas Krämerkämper (Vorsitzender)
 Christoph Hecker

Jarno Huuskonen

RE: Understanding haproxy cpu usage in ssl-offload scenario

2014-10-17 Thread Lukas Tribus
Hi Dennis,

 Now from what I read on the net about haproxy I expected that the
 load-balancing isn't that cpu intensive and that most of the cpu usage
 should be generated by the ssl offloading but what I'm seeing is that
 the two cores 0 and 4 are at 20% idle while the rest is at 80-90% idle
 and that cpu core 4 shows 20% soft interrupt usage while all other cores
 show 0% soft interrupt usage. The statistics page also shows an idle
 time of only 20%.

This sounds to me like a kernel thing. What exact kernel are you using?
If you are on CentOs6, you should give CentOs 7 a try (which has a 3.10

There is probably some low level kernel/irq tuning that could
help in this situation as well, but I never did it.




Stick-table misconfiguration; haproxy should throw error

2014-10-17 Thread Samuel Reed
I just wanted to report an issue that had me hitting my head on the table for a 
few hours:

I reconfigured a development environment to use Chef to generate haproxy config 
files. Every 2-3 minutes or so, depending on load, haproxy would crash with a 
`trap divide error` (divide by zero).

It worked fine previously, and during those few minutes it works perfectly, but 
the trap divide error persisted. Tried a new machine, still got it. Tried every 
1.5 version from 1.5.5 all the way to the early dev builds, still got it.

Turns out the culprit was a misnamed variable on my end that was causing my 
stick table definition to read `stick-table type ip 
,bytes-in-rate(),http_err_rate(10s)`. That is, there was no period defined on 
the bytes-in-rate.

It would be very nice if haproxy would regard this as a configuration error and 
throw on start rather than crash minutes later with a cryptic trap divide error.

Thanks for a great project.


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Question about srv_conn and beconn

2014-10-17 Thread 王继红
Hi haproxy team:
I see the document about these:
beconn is the total number of concurrent connections handled by the
backend when the session was logged.
srv_conn is the total number of concurrent connections still active on
the server when the session was logged.

fell confused about these two log values, what's the different between them ?
and are these two values is at the begin process time values or at the end 
process doing log values?


Re: HAProxy proxying JDBC requests two a percona cluster

2014-10-17 Thread Dennis Plöger | getit GmbH

 Maybe try with no option dontlognull ?
 Are all connections in logs logged with normal --  session state ?

Oh. Thanks for mentioning that page (I somehow never got there). I now saw, 
that the connections are dropped with cD - meaning, that HAproxy thought, the 
server would be down.

Could that be something in conjunction with the Percona-check on port 9200?

Kind regards


Dennis Plöger
Systemadministrator und Berater

Besuchen Sie uns auf unseren nächsten Veranstaltungen:
- konaktiva, 11.11.2014, Halle 3 B / Stand G4 (Westfalenhallen), Dortmund

getit - Gesellschaft für Technologie- und Informationstransfer mbH
Emil-Figge-Straße 76-80
44227 Dortmund

Tel: +49.231.9742.355
Fax: +49.231.9742.356

Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB-Nr. 26548

Dr. Thomas Krämerkämper (Vorsitzender)
Christoph Hecker

Re: HAProxy proxying JDBC requests two a percona cluster

2014-10-17 Thread Dennis Plöger | getit GmbH

 Oh. Thanks for mentioning that page (I somehow never got there). I now saw, 
 the connections are dropped with cD - meaning, that HAproxy thought, the
 server would be down.

Getting back on that. I understand, that D means that HAProxy thinks, the 
server is down. Shouldn't hatop show something then that indicates a downtime 
on the server? Because hatop shows nothing in that direction. All's up, no 

Kind regards


Dennis Plöger
Systemadministrator und Berater

Besuchen Sie uns auf unseren nächsten Veranstaltungen:
- konaktiva, 11.11.2014, Halle 3 B / Stand G4 (Westfalenhallen), Dortmund

getit - Gesellschaft für Technologie- und Informationstransfer mbH
Emil-Figge-Straße 76-80
44227 Dortmund

Tel: +49.231.9742.355
Fax: +49.231.9742.356

Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB-Nr. 26548

Dr. Thomas Krämerkämper (Vorsitzender)
Christoph Hecker

Re: Switching Java client to Websocket with SSL // Connection closed during SSL handshake

2014-10-17 Thread Heiko Burghardt
Hello Lukas,

Thanks for your reply. You can find my additional information in your text 

 Am 17.10.2014 um 01:32 schrieb Lukas Tribus
 Gonna need to see your configuration to be able to help you, especially ssl
 and http related parts.

# Global settings
log local2 debug alert
chroot  /var/lib/haproxy
pidfile /var/run/
maxconn 4096
group   haproxy
nbproc  1


# common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will
# use if not designated in their block
log global
option  httplog
option  logasap
option  redispatch
balance roundrobin
timeout connect 1 # default 10 second time out if a backend is not 
timeout client 8640
timeout server 30
timeout queue 5000
maxconn 6
retries 3
default_backend deny_backend

# test configuration

frontend test1
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/
#ciphers HIGH:RC4-SHA:!ADH
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https

acl nourlurl  /
acl baseurl  url  /java-app
acl is_websocket hdr(Upgrade) -i WebSocket
acl is_websocket path_beg /java-app/r3
acl is_download  path_beg /java-app/
acl admin_urlpath_beg /admin
acl is_admin src

redirect location if nourl
redirect location if baseurl

use_backend test1_socket_backend   if is_websocket
use_backend test1_website_backend  if is_download ! is_websocket
use_backend private_monitoring if is_admin admin_url


backend deny_backend
option httpclose
reqideny .*

backend private_monitoring
stats enable
stats uri /admin?stats
stats refresh 10s

# Test1
backend test1_website_backend
option httpclose
server test1 internal hostname:8080

backend test1_socket_backend
no option httpclose
server test1 internal hostname:8080

bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/
bind *:81
(and removing the https line next to it) makes it run with stunnel.

 Out of the back of my mind I recall Java has problems with DHE cihpers
 when the dh size is more than 1024 bits. Could that be your case?

I read about it anywhere and was aware of it (a known problem with Java 7). I 
tested with the default of 1024 bit but also tried with other values. There was 
noch change in behavior.

 Can you share a tcpdump capture of the failed handshake (don't forget -s0
 otherwise packets will be truncated).

43 29.413080   CLIENT HAPROXYTCP  80 62199→443 
[SYN] Seq=0 Win=65535 Len=0 MSS=1452 WS=16 TSval=666771533 TSecr=0 SACK_PERM=1
44 29.413184   HAPROXYCLIENT TCP  76 443→62199 
[SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=14480 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=1791798027 
TSecr=666771533 WS=64
45 29.430494   CLIENT HAPROXYTCP  68 62199→443 
[ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=132480 Len=0 TSval=666771557 TSecr=1791798027
46 29.435106   CLIENT HAPROXYSSLv2213Client 
47 29.440451   HAPROXYCLIENT TLSv1.2  1508   Server 
48 29.440473   HAPROXYCLIENT TLSv1.2  1134   Certificate
49 29.461553   CLIENT HAPROXYTCP  68 62199→443 

RE: Switching Java client to Websocket with SSL // Connection closed during SSL handshake

2014-10-17 Thread Lukas Tribus
Hi Heiko,

 # test configuration

 frontend test1
 bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/
 #ciphers HIGH:RC4-SHA:!ADH
 reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https

 acl nourl url /
 acl baseurl url /java-app
 acl is_websocket hdr(Upgrade) -i WebSocket
 acl is_websocket path_beg /java-app/r3
 acl is_download path_beg /java-app/
 acl admin_url path_beg /admin
 acl is_admin src

 redirect location if nourl
 redirect location if baseurl

 use_backend test1_socket_backend if is_websocket
 use_backend test1_website_backend if is_download ! is_websocket
 use_backend private_monitoring if is_admin admin_url


 backend deny_backend
 option httpclose
 reqideny .*

 backend private_monitoring
 stats enable
 stats uri /admin?stats
 stats refresh 10s

 # Test1
 backend test1_website_backend
 option httpclose
 server test1 internal hostname:8080

 backend test1_socket_backend
 no option httpclose

Better switch to option http-tunnel here.

 Out of the back of my mind I recall Java has problems with DHE cihpers
 when the dh size is more than 1024 bits. Could that be your case?

 I read about it anywhere and was aware of it (a known problem with Java 7). I
 tested with the default of 1024 bit but also tried with other values. There 
 no change in behavior.

How exactly did you modify this value? Do you have those dh-params in your
pem file?

 46 29.435106 CLIENT HAPROXY SSLv2 213 Client Hello
 47 29.440451 HAPROXY CLIENT TLSv1.2 1508 Server Hello
 48 29.440473 HAPROXY CLIENT TLSv1.2 1134 Certificate

Can you try force-tlsv10 on the bind line, to see if that
changes anything? If that doesn't help, can you send
me the full tcpdump capture file offlist (tcpdump -ns0
-w capture.cap tcp port 443 or something like that)?

Do you have any way to enable the java debug console
and see what it says?




RE: Switching Java client to Websocket with SSL // Connection closed during SSL handshake

2014-10-17 Thread Lukas Tribus
 Used the bind parameter before which did / does not help and
 created a tcpdump with the mentioned settings (DH = 1024 Bit
 and force tls) with your requested parameters.

Something doesn't add up.

The handshake you sent me is still negotiating TLSv1.2 and
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0xc027), but:
- Java 7 doesn't support TLSv1.2
- Java 7 doesn't support this cipher
- HAProxy with force-tlsv10 is supposed to force TLSv1.0

Are you sure this is a Java 7 JRE connecting? Are you
sure forcetls is configured and HAProxy has been properly

Please also provide the output of haproxy -vv.




Re: Switching Java client to Websocket with SSL // Connection closed during SSL handshake

2014-10-17 Thread Heiko Burghardt
Hello Lukas,

 Am 17.10.2014 um 18:11 schrieb Lukas Tribus
 Used the bind parameter before which did / does not help and
 created a tcpdump with the mentioned settings (DH = 1024 Bit
 and force tls) with your requested parameters.
 Something doesn't add up.
 The handshake you sent me is still negotiating TLSv1.2 and
 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0xc027), but:
 - Java 7 doesn't support TLSv1.2
 - Java 7 doesn't support this cipher
 - HAProxy with force-tlsv10 is supposed to force TLSv1.0
 Are you sure this is a Java 7 JRE connecting? Are you
 sure forcetls is configured and HAProxy has been properly

The client used for the test has Oracle Java 1.7.0_72 (JDK) installed on Mac OS 
X 10.9. The bind is done this way:
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/domain-haproxy.pem force-tlsv10

Currently, I start haproxy manually with this command (in the same shell I edit 
the config file, thus I have to stop haproxy with CTRL-C for changes):
haproxy -d -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

 Please also provide the output of haproxy -vv.

HA-Proxy version 1.5.5 2014/10/07
Copyright 2000-2014 Willy Tarreau

Build options :
  TARGET  = linux2628
  CPU = generic
  CC  = gcc
  CFLAGS  = -O2 -g -fno-strict-aliasing

Default settings :
  maxconn = 2000, bufsize = 16384, maxrewrite = 8192, maxpollevents = 200

Encrypted password support via crypt(3): yes
Built with zlib version : 1.2.3
Compression algorithms supported : identity, deflate, gzip
Built with OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
Running on OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
OpenSSL library supports TLS extensions : yes
OpenSSL library supports SNI : yes
OpenSSL library supports prefer-server-ciphers : yes
Built with PCRE version : 7.8 2008-09-05
PCRE library supports JIT : no (USE_PCRE_JIT not set)
Built with transparent proxy support using: IP_TRANSPARENT IPV6_TRANSPARENT 

Available polling systems :
  epoll : pref=300,  test result OK
   poll : pref=200,  test result OK
 select : pref=150,  test result OK
Total: 3 (3 usable), will use epoll.

Thanks again and best regards,

Heiko Burghardt
IT Infrastructure

Riege Software International GmbH  Phone: +49 2159 91480
Mollsfeld 10   Fax: +49 2159 914811
40670 MeerbuschWeb:
-- --
Commercial Register:   Managing Directors:
Amtsgericht Neuss HRB-NR 4207  Christian Riege
VAT Reg No.: DE120585842   Gabriele  Riege
   Johannes  Riege

RE: Switching Java client to Websocket with SSL // Connection closed during SSL handshake

2014-10-17 Thread Lukas Tribus
Hi Heiko,

 Currently, I start haproxy manually with this command (in the same shell I
 edit the config file, thus I have to stop haproxy with CTRL-C for changes):
 haproxy -d -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

I see. Can you run it through strace -tt, Not that I expect to see why the TLS
handshake fails, just to confirm that its indeed haproxy that accepts the
connection (just prepend your command above with strace -tt). Attach the
strace output to a txt file to the mail, as it will be long.

Also, please try the bind keywords no-tlsv12, no-tlsv11 and
ciphers TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA. If this makes it work, please apply
the attached debug patch and just run it with force-tlsv10, I would like
to know if that call fails.

Anyway, I still think we don't see the whole picture. You don't have
any SSL/TLS intercepting middleboxes between your client and your
server, correct?




Description: Binary data

Re: Switching Java client to Websocket with SSL // Connection closed during SSL handshake

2014-10-17 Thread Heiko Burghardt
Hello Lukas,

Thanks for your update.

 Currently, I start haproxy manually with this command (in the same shell I
 edit the config file, thus I have to stop haproxy with CTRL-C for changes):
 haproxy -d -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
 I see. Can you run it through strace -tt, Not that I expect to see why the TLS
 handshake fails, just to confirm that its indeed haproxy that accepts the
 connection (just prepend your command above with strace -tt). Attach the
 strace output to a txt file to the mail, as it will be long.

I will send the entire strace output separately to you as it very long but the 
short form for the mailing list:
00:15:55.786195 gettimeofday({1413584155, 786244}, NULL) = 0
00:15:55.786280 accept4(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(57248), 
sin_addr=inet_addr(„MY IPV4 ADDRESS ON INTERNET)}, [16], SOCK_NONBLOCK) = 6
00:15:55.786548 accept4(4, 0x7fff2fbe9880, [128], SOCK_NONBLOCK) = -1 EAGAIN 
(Resource temporarily unavailable)
00:15:55.786629 gettimeofday({1413584155, 786643}, NULL) = 0
00:15:55.786772 read(6, 0x119b343, 5)   = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily 
00:15:55.786890 epoll_ctl(3, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 6, {EPOLLIN|0x2000, {u32=6, 
u64=6}}) = 0
00:15:55.786943 gettimeofday({1413584155, 786956}, NULL) = 0
00:15:55.786983 epoll_wait(3, {{EPOLLIN, {u32=6, u64=6}}}, 200, 1000) = 1
00:15:55.815985 gettimeofday({1413584155, 816008}, NULL) = 0
00:15:55.816038 gettimeofday({1413584155, 816051}, NULL) = 0
00:15:55.816092 read(6, \200\217\1\3\3, 5) = 5
00:15:55.816154 recvfrom(6, NULL, 2147483647, 
00:15:55.816208 recvfrom(6, 0, 2147483647, 16480, 0, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource 
temporarily unavailable)
00:15:55.816312 sendto(5, 150Oct 18 00:15:55 haproxy[100..., 116, 
MSG_DONTWAIT|MSG_NOSIGNAL, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(514), 
sin_addr=inet_addr(}, 16) = 116
00:15:55.816565 close(6)= 0

This is the connect to haproxy where the web socket upgrade shall take place.

 Also, please try the bind keywords no-tlsv12, no-tlsv11 and
 ciphers TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA. If this makes it work, please apply
 the attached debug patch and just run it with force-tlsv10, I would like
 to know if that call fails.

I added the parameters except TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA as it is not available 
in openssl. This one seems to be the equivalent here: RC4-SHA

Thus, my bind looks like this:
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/domain-haproxy.pem force-tlsv10 no-tlsv12 
no-tlsv11 ciphers RC4-SHA

But again, the web socket upgrade does not take place. haproxy log still says: 
Connection closed during SSL handshake.

Am I right that the patch is only useful for you on a positive result?

 Anyway, I still think we don't see the whole picture. You don't have
 any SSL/TLS intercepting middleboxes between your client and your
 server, correct?

All my tests were established this way:

Java client - Internet router doing SNAT to Internet IP - INTERNET - 
Company firewall doing DNAT to internal, private IP - haproxy server

I always re-checked the company firewall but this connection is not logged in 
any way. 

Best regards,