RE: Track headers with tcp-request in listen only work with if HTTP

2013-08-30 Thread Ricardo F

I reply to myself.

I think that is because the tcp-request need a condition for doing the track.


Ricardo F

 Subject: Track headers with tcp-request in listen only work with if HTTP
 Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 13:03:32 +0200


 I have been testing the connection tracking in the frontend based on headers, 
 but it only work if the if HTTP option is set:

 tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
 tcp-request content track-sc0 hdr(x-forwarded-for,-1) if HTTP

 Without this option, the table doesn't fill, the connections aren't tracked.

 As is shown in the documentation, with tcp-request is possible to match layer 
 7 conditions, but i don't know why is neccesary the if HTTP condition.

 This is a sample testing code:
 maxconn 1000
 log local5 info err
 stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 0600 level admin
 pidfile /var/run/

 mode http
 log global
 retries 3
 option redispatch
 timeout contimeout 5000
 timeout client 5000
 timeout srvtimeout 5000

 listen proxy-http *:80
 mode http
 option httplog
 stats enable
 option http-server-close
 balance roundrobin
 capture request header x-forwarded-for len 15
 stick-table type ip size 200k expire 60m store gpc0
 tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
 tcp-request content track-sc0 hdr_ip(x-forwarded-for,1) if HTTP
 http-request deny if { sc1_get_gpc0 eq 0 }

 The version is HA-Proxy 1.5-dev19 2013/06/17



RE: How to redispatch a request after queue timeout

2013-08-30 Thread Lukas Tribus
Hi Sachin,

 We want to maintain stickiness to a backed server based on host header 
 so balance hdr(host) works pretty well for us, however as soon at the 
 backend hits max connection, requests pile up in the queue eventually 
 timeout with a 503 and –sQ in the logs.

I don't think balance hdr(host) is the correct load-balancing method then.

 Is there a way to redispatch the requests to other servers ignoring the
 persistence on queue timeout?

No; after a queue timeout (configurable by timeout queue), haproxy will
drop the request.

Think of what would happen when we redispatch on queue timeout:

The request would wait seconds for a free slot on the backend and only
then be redispatched to another server. This would delay many requests
and hide the problem from you, while your customers furiously switch
to a competitor.

You should find another way to better distribute the load across your


Re: How to redispatch a request after queue timeout

2013-08-30 Thread Sachin Shetty
Thanks Lukas.

Yes, I was hoping to workaround by setting a smaller maxqueue limit and
queue timeout.

So what other options do we have, I need to:
1. Send all requests for a host ( to one backend as
long as it can serve.
2. If the backend is swamped, it should go to any other backend available.


On 8/30/13 1:57 PM, Lukas Tribus wrote:

Hi Sachin,

 We want to maintain stickiness to a backed server based on host header
 so balance hdr(host) works pretty well for us, however as soon at the
 backend hits max connection, requests pile up in the queue eventually
 timeout with a 503 and ­sQ in the logs.

I don't think balance hdr(host) is the correct load-balancing method then.

 Is there a way to redispatch the requests to other servers ignoring the
 persistence on queue timeout?

No; after a queue timeout (configurable by timeout queue), haproxy will
drop the request.

Think of what would happen when we redispatch on queue timeout:

The request would wait seconds for a free slot on the backend and only
then be redispatched to another server. This would delay many requests
and hide the problem from you, while your customers furiously switch
to a competitor.

You should find another way to better distribute the load across your


Issue with tcp-request content and keep alive

2013-08-30 Thread Ricardo F

I have an issue when trying to track a connection based on a header, with 
tcp-request, and with keep alive enable in a listen section.
Over the haproxy i have a cdn, which pass the ip of the client at the beginning 
of the X-Forwarded-For header. All the requests are pass through this cdn.

This is the configuration:

        maxconn 1000
        log local5 info err
        stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 0600 level admin
        pidfile /var/run/

        mode    http
        log global
        retries 3
        option redispatch
        timeout connect          5s
        timeout client          10s
        timeout server          10s
        timeout http-keep-alive 60s
        timeout http-request    5s

listen proxy-http
        mode http
        maxconn 1000
        balance roundrobin
        stats enable
        option httplog
        option http-server-close
        #option httpclose
        option forwardfor

        stick-table type ip size 128m expire 30m store gpc0
        tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
        tcp-request content track-sc0 req.hdr_ip(X-Forwarded-For,1) if HTTP

        acl rule_marked_deny sc0_get_gpc0 gt 0

        use_backend back-deny if rule_marked_deny

        default_backend back-http

backend back-deny
        server web-deny

backend back-http
        server web-http

With this conf, all the requests with the header X-Forwarded-For are tracked in 
the sc0 counter with the ip included in it.

If the counter of one ip is update to number one, the request will be send to 
back-deny, this is doing by writing directly in the unix socket from other 
software. Like the example:

# echo set table proxy-http key data.gpc0 1 | socat stdio 

Since the moment that this are doing (with keep alive enable) i see that in the 
log of the web-deny backserver (the log are modified for register the 
x-forwarded-for ip instead of the real tcp connection): - - [30/Aug/2013:09:08:22 +0200] GET /some/url 
HTTP/1.1 301 208 - - [30/Aug/2013:09:08:27 +0200] GET /some/url 
HTTP/1.1 301 208 - - [30/Aug/2013:09:08:27 +0200] GET /some/url 
HTTP/1.1 301 208 - - [30/Aug/2013:09:08:28 +0200] GET /some/url 
HTTP/1.1 301 208 - - [30/Aug/2013:09:08:29 +0200] GET /some/url 
HTTP/1.1 301 208 - - [30/Aug/2013:09:08:31 +0200] GET /some/url 
HTTP/1.1 301 208 - - [30/Aug/2013:09:08:31 +0200] GET /some/url 
HTTP/1.1 301 208

As can see, there are other ips there and only one is with the 1 in the table 
of the Haproxy. This is a small piece of log, but when i try that in a server 
with more traffic, the problem is worse, more ips are redirected to this 
backend without marked for it.

But, if i change the listen secion to option httpclose, all works well, only 
the marked ips are redirected. Problem solved, but why?

The tcp inspect have problems tracking the request when these are passed 
through the cdn, which route more than one request of various clients in the 
same tcp connection?

Probably the next feature (in the roadmap) http-request track-sc will solve 

Haproxy version: 1.5 dev 19

Some ips have being truncated in the examples.

I hope that this help others like me.


Ricardo F.

Re: Debugging Backendforwarding and UP status

2013-08-30 Thread Sebastian Fohler


at first, sorry, I meant to say hi, but I had a very long night and it 
seems I have missed it.
About the html. Thunderbird has a default html and txt message setting 
by default, normaly I change that, but as I said, I had a long night. 
The next time I'll remember that.

Concerning the load balancing, I have experience with load balancing, 
and yes I knew it was a backend Problem. Most of the backends have been 
shown as down in my stats, as I already written in my last message. The 
only thing I thought strange was, that one was shown up and still got me 
that 503 error.
About that debugging, that was the question. How much information does 
HAProxy provide to find the error concerning those backend health checks 
and shuting down those systems.
I've set the log to debug mode but everything I got were this sort of 
log entries:

Aug 30 09:48:49 localhost haproxy[17568]: Connect from to (

So I couldn't find the reason, why all the backends have been shutdown. 
Obviously cause the check thought they were not availabe, but the 
problem is, that the same configuration has been working already.
I had a network problem yesterday and had to reboot those haproxy 
systems, since that moment none of the websites configured did work 

So my question was, which log interface gives me the correct information 
about the checks and what would be the best way to analyze this problem.

Thank you so far.
Best regards

On 30.08.2013 07:38, Baptiste wrote:


1. when you talk to a ML, you should say 'Hi'
2. when you talk to a ML, you shouldn't send HTML mails

Now, I can see you have absolutely no experience with Load-Balancing.
Here are a few clues for you:
- when you have a 503 error, then no need to think, it means ALL the
servers from the farm are seen DOWN
- the purpose of the health check is to ensure the service is UP and
RUNNING on the servers
- Usually, it is a good idea to enable health checking when
load-balancing, to allow haproxy to know server status to avoid
sending client requests to dead servers
- instead of disabling health checking, you should be troubleshooting
it: HAProxy logs will tell you why the health check was not working.

Good luck,


On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:19 AM, Sebastian  wrote:

Ok, I disabled the health check and it's working now, so it's definitly a
problem of haproxy shuting down the backends.

On 30.08.2013 05:55, Sebastian Fohler wrote:

Some help, would be to disable the health check for the time being, is that
At least it would be a quickfix.

On 30.08.2013 05:25, Sebastian Fohler wrote:

Is there some simple way to find out why I get this error from my haproxy

503 Service Unavailable

No server is available to handle this request.

It looks like all my backend servers are down. Even in pools which are shown
as up in my stats.
How can I debug that sensible?

Thank you in advance.
Best regards

Bénéficier d'un catalogue interactif pour vos produits et services

2013-08-30 Thread ismael karambiri

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Re: junk at end of syslog packets in 1.5dev19

2013-08-30 Thread William Lallemand
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:50:09PM +0200, Lukas Tribus wrote:
 The behavior also depends on the syslog facility; I used syslog in my tests.
 With the current git tree I see the following behavior:
 ntp and local7: syslog ends with \n -- correct behavior!
 ftp and user: syslog ends with \n + 2 random characters
 kern: syslog ends with \n + 4 random characters
 It seems 2a4a44f0f9f caused the initial problem and bfb099c3b3f1 amplified it.

Hello Lukas,

Thanks for your analyze, the bug was indeed caused by the number of digits in 
the facility.

Here's a patch with the real size to send :)

William Lallemand
From fcf527a2c629b696e8e2fa2993feb5be90b9ef04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Lallemand
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:17:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] BUG/MINOR: log: junk at the end of syslog packet

With a facily of 2 or 1 digit, the send size was wrong and bytes with
unknown value were sent.
The size was calculated using the start of the buffer and not the start
of the data which varies with the number of digits of the facility.

This bug was reported by Samuel Stoller and reported by Lukas Tribus.
 src/log.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/log.c b/src/log.c
index 369dc34..ad9fa73 100644
--- a/src/log.c
+++ b/src/log.c
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ void __send_log(struct proxy *p, int level, char *message, size_t size)
 		} while (fac_level  log_ptr  dataptr);
 		*log_ptr = '';
-		sent = sendto(*plogfd, log_ptr, size + log_ptr - dataptr,
+		sent = sendto(*plogfd, log_ptr, size - (log_ptr - dataptr),
 			  (struct sockaddr *)logsrv-addr, get_addr_len(logsrv-addr));
 		if (sent  0) {

RE: junk at end of syslog packets in 1.5dev19

2013-08-30 Thread Lukas Tribus
 Hello Lukas,

 Thanks for your analyze, the bug was indeed caused by the number of digits in 
 the facility.

 Here's a patch with the real size to send :)

Thanks, I confirm it fixes the problem.

