[Harbour-users] Re: Documentation

2010-05-28 Thread Angel Pais

And you still don't know why people doesn't answer  you ?


1) There is a HUGE Changelog where all your questions are answered and 
you dont even dare to read it because your time is more important than 
developpers time. So you ask someone else to digest it for you.

Bite the bullet and read it all before asking.

2) If you receive a NO as an aswer o don't receive an answers at all, 
asking again won't change it.

You say you're not a child but you act like that !!

Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Documentation storm on user's list

2010-05-27 Thread Angel Pais

El 27/05/2010 11:16, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) escribió:

...  Harbour is beautiful, beautiful, and once again fast :)

Best regards,
Marek Horodyski


Some hummor (really?) to ease the day ;)



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[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14593] trunk/harbour

2010-05-26 Thread Angel Pais


Thank you ! You're the man !!

Will test it a soon as I can finish some urgent work I have.

Best Regards

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: INSTALL file - HBQTS and linux

2010-05-24 Thread Angel Pais

If you link QT statically then you must buy a license from Nokia.
In that case you should ask Nokia's support on how to do that.

Harboue team have clearly state they won't support not recommend QT 
static linking, due to license issues.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14511] trunk/harbour

2010-05-17 Thread Angel Pais

 I also plan to add
OLE wrappers to HBNETIO so users can use HBNETIO RPC from any other
language which supports OLE, i.e. from Visual Basic or some .NET

best regards,

From my legacy Xbase++ programs !!!
This would ease migration a lot.
Hats off !!!
Thank you, thank you !!!

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Extended .mem file handling

2010-05-17 Thread Angel Pais

El 17/05/2010 13:10, Viktor Szakáts escribió:

Hi All,

I've created little code which is able to save
and restore PRIVATE/PUBLIC variables with longer
than 10 chars names.

Since the format cannot be compatible with
Clipper .mem files, I chose the extension .hbv,
and it internally uses core serialization functions.

The functions are plugin replacements for
__MVSAVE() and __MVRESTORE() functions, but written
in .prg.

Anybody interested? And any idea what is the best
way to include that in Harbour?


What about 2 simple functions ?

MemVar2File(cFile)   File2MemVar(cFile)

No need to write'em in C.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14415] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread Angel Pais

Awesome !!!
Thank you 

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Harbour Server Pages

2010-04-27 Thread Angel Pais
Maybe I'm talking nonsense but I don´t know how can you integrate both 
programs/compilers in a mutiplatform way.

If it was windows only you could use some dll pre-loading mechanism.
Otherwise you will have to run both program in parallel with a messaging 
system tru tcp-ip/pipes/DDE or VM_* notification thing.
I think the only integral solution is to rewrite your http server in 

Now it has more speed and very good multithreading support.

Just food for thought


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: open pdf

2010-04-23 Thread Angel Pais

File extensions means nothing in Linux.
Probably you'll have to create your own shell script to change 
permisions and load then in the appropiate program.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: open pdf

2010-04-23 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Bruno:

Linux does not have associations
Desktops have !
So the answer depends on with Desktop (gnome, kde, xfce, lxde, etc) are 
you using.
Let say differently: In linux there isn't an universal way of achieveing 
that !

But maybe a more intensive linux user can show me I'm wrong (I'd love that)


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: open pdf

2010-04-23 Thread Angel Pais

El 23/04/2010 13:28, Lorenzo Fiorini escribió:

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Bruno Lucianibruno.luci...@gmail.com  wrote:

Exist  a way that , once a file was created , generates that's OS open this
using default apliccation for this type of file ?

In example a PDF file

xdg-open should works for every freedesktop complaint desktop.

I use sth like:
cStrCmd := xdg-open  + cFile
HB_RUN( cStrCmd +  )

best regards,

I've learnt something new today =)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for business applications ?

2010-04-22 Thread Angel Pais

El 22/04/2010 3:21, Massimo Belgrano escribió:

Hi angel
If you share here basic part of your work get like screen navigable
maj help go in right direction
I remember a similar argument with eXPress for xbase++ by roger donnay

I've published all the source code in this very same list.
When I resume my tests, I will publish it again.
Otherwise look on old messages.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: CLASSES - Instance Variable as Object - Access/Assign Elsewhere

2010-04-22 Thread Angel Pais
AFAIR inline methods are discouraged since their access is slower than 
normal ones.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: gpf with dbcreate and char field

2010-04-22 Thread Angel Pais

I've not tested but...
It should give you an RTE and not a GPF.
Char fields have a maximum of 255 chars.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for business applications ?

2010-04-21 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Pritpal:

There are 5 main things a bussines program does:

1) Imput Data
2) Save Data
3) Retrieve Data
4) Show Data
5) Print Data

Number 2 and 3 are topics harbour covers very well.

Number 4 and 5 I haven't tried yet

Number 1 I tried some months ago and result in a show stopper for me
I found no way to make a Get like screen navigable with Enter and cursor 
I also found no way to send messages between objects and keyboard method 
of some xhparts was not implemented.

So I decided to stop tests till the library got more developed.
At the same time GPS began to show up so I decided to wait for that to 
be resolved too.

Some time soon (I'm really full of work now) I will resume my xhparts 
based Business Progran Skeleton.

I hope this time Shum will join as  he is also an xbase++ expert.

Congratulations fo the good work Pritpal, soon you will see new tests on 
the subject.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbIDE - Linux Distro - Need some Tips

2010-04-19 Thread Angel Pais

Every distro uses it's own packaging system.
It's allmost a religious wars among linux developpers about wich is better.
Ubuntu is Debian's based so what you need is a .deb file.
Other distros uses .rpm files
So for linux you need 1 installer for each major distro.
Remember Linux is a Bazaar so you will find a lot of everything 
(packaging systems, desktops, etc) and there is no way to satisfy every 
linux user on the planet.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Still waiting GPF Soultion for intra-dlls call of QT...?

2010-04-14 Thread Angel Pais

El 14/04/2010 0:21, Shum escribió:

Hi All,

I am still waiting solution of GPF being intra-dlls file call of QT ...


Called from QMAINWINDOW:SETWINDOWTITLE(0) in ../../../TQWidget.prg
Called from XBPDIALOG:CREATE(0) in ../../../xbpdialog.prg
Called from BUILDDLG(21) in tgui.prg
Called from MAIN(16) in tst.prg


Hi Shum

Let me notice you this is a DEVELOPPERS list. Not a user's request one. 
Neither a users support one.
This is an Open Source projects and it's merely is a buch of individual 
and voluntary contributions.
If you have a clue why it is GPF-ing or a test bed wheter to help find 
the problem, then it is appropiate to post here.

But you can't ask anything from anyone here.
A lot of good people are giving their spare time to this project move 


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbIDE - On-line documentation-cum-distro update

2010-03-28 Thread Angel Pais

Nice work Pritpal !
I like it very much.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Ask Str2Poniter() and Pointer2Str() function pair ....

2010-03-27 Thread Angel Pais

That's right.
One way of handle structures in Xbase++ is treat them as a string.
BAP is a kind of translation lib to manage structures without having to 
use C.
Mr Shum is a gentelman and a very good programmer who work for the metro 
of Hong Kong and needs to interface xbase programs with ticket spending 

Those machines offer c structures as mean of retrieving information.
Shum correct me if I'm wrong...

Best Regards

El 27/03/2010 17:40, Pritpal Bedi escribió:

tfonrouge wrote:

I'm still curios for knowing why do you need to pass/recover
pointers to strings. :)

If I am not mistaken, it has been a long time since
I wrote something in Xbase++, that this compiler had no
direct interface with BAP library and there had been no way
to pass structures directly as arguments.

Shum, Angel, set me right.

  enjoy hbIDEing...
 Pritpal Bedi

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14249] trunk/harbour

2010-03-27 Thread Angel Pais

Beleive me, I've tried.
I brought here Pablo Botella but he is very bussy with work and actually 
only lurking. He is one of the best C++ programmers I know and has a 
deep knowledge of the Windows API. He could give us a lot in fields like 
OLE and inter-process communications.
James Loughner tried harbour but couldn`t compile harbour on his SUSE 9 
system with an old QT lib installation.
The most common barrier for Xbase++ programmers to come here is the 
total lack of documentation and a GUI.

You can say: well if there is not documentation then do it and share.
One thing you have to understand of this kind of users is that they 
value their time and prefer to pay for something than wasting hours they 
don`t have. Money is not an issue for them.
They also think that if they pay for something then they adquire the 
right to ask for what they need, and .

Harbour is almost there but not yet.
In the long term it will prevale due its amazing development pace.
BTW what is the state of those programs to generate documentation ?


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Urgent Help! wce + netio

2010-03-24 Thread Angel Pais
Question: What happens if you ping the server (eg. write something to a 
dummy file) every n seconds ?
Wireless connections tend to shutdown to save energy/bandwidth when not 
in use.


P.D. Later I tell you where to send the check :P

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Error in SDDFB

2010-03-22 Thread Angel Pais

You have MEMIO for that. So ?

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: field-(name) in a macro

2010-03-20 Thread Angel Pais

xVar := (cAlias)-(FieldGet(FieldPos('name')))


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: How to refresh application GtWvg ?

2010-03-04 Thread Angel Pais

El 04/03/2010 9:33, Antonio Martinez escribió:

As subject,

Using GtWvg, this test

? FieldGet(1)

That don't refresh window application and Windows says this application
dont´t answer (Windows Spanish)...
How to refresh applicacion using GtWvg GT driver ?


That's an infinite loop without iddle states
How do you expect the app to respond to anything ?

Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: RDDSQL Question.

2010-03-03 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Itamar.

If you read the changelog you will notice rddsql is a readonly rdd by 
It works like a recordset but with all the advantages of dbf style 


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Microsoft's SMB2 in Vista and above crippling your network apps?

2010-03-02 Thread Angel Pais

The solution to your problems is NETIO.
It also allows you to host your dbfs in a linux box.
It is also more secure because users don`t have direct access to your data.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: harbour, dll and c# .net

2010-02-26 Thread Angel Pais

Both C# and harbour are VM based systems.
So any interaction between them involves an alien vm initalization and a 
perfect isolation among them both.
I don`t know how to run a harbour vm inside an encapsulated dll from 
I gues if this was possible it would be also be possible to run an 
embebed harbour program from a web browser for example.

Anyway this is all sci-fi in our actual technological status.


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Przemyslaw, I need to know your position about HB_PP_MULTILINE support

2010-02-25 Thread Angel Pais

El 25/02/2010 17:28, Viktor Szakáts escribió:

Hi Angel,

(for array index support, you only need just a smallhank
part of the above code)


Thank you !

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Przemyslaw, I need to know your position about HB_PP_MULTILINE support

2010-02-25 Thread Angel Pais

El 25/02/2010 17:43, Viktor Szakáts escribió:


Can you tell, if Xbase++ support negative indexes
in 'string[ n ]' operations?

I'd also be interested in the error messages you get
when using off limit or zero index.


Sure !!!
See next:


  ? ' 2 '+cString[ 2]   //  B
  ? '-2 '+cString[-2]   //  I
  ? ' 0 '+cString[ 0]   //  ERRORLOG A
  ? '15 '+cString[15]   //  ERRORLOG B



   ERROR LOG of C:\xb-test\TEST.EXE Date: 02/25/2010 18:11:44

Xbase++ version : Xbase++ (R) Version 1.90.355
Operating system: Windows XP 05.01 Build 02600 Service Pack 2
oError:args :
oError:canDefault   : N
oError:canRetry : N
oError:canSubstitute: Y
oError:cargo: NIL
oError:description  : Error in array index
oError:filename :
oError:genCode  :  4
oError:operation: Cc of 10[0]
oError:osCode   :  0
oError:severity :  2
oError:subCode  :   1012
oError:subSystem: BASE
oError:thread   :  1
oError:tries:  0
Called from MAIN(6)


ERROR LOG of C:\xb-test\TEST.EXE Date: 02/25/2010 18:15:28

Xbase++ version : Xbase++ (R) Version 1.90.355
Operating system: Windows XP 05.01 Build 02600 Service Pack 2
oError:args :
oError:canDefault   : N
oError:canRetry : N
oError:canSubstitute: Y
oError:cargo: NIL
oError:description  : Error in array index
oError:filename :
oError:genCode  :  4
oError:operation: Cc of 10[15]
oError:osCode   :  0
oError:severity :  2
oError:subCode  :   1012
oError:subSystem: BASE
oError:thread   :  1
oError:tries:  0
Called from MAIN(7)


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13982] trunk/harbour

2010-02-24 Thread Angel Pais

In xbase++ It would be written

Procedure Main()
   Local cSql  := select 'Hello' as fld
   Local cAnnDsp   := 2000
   Local cFrmSQL


select ( select substr( crectab, 1, 20 ) as crectab
   from tabtab where ctiptab = %1$t
   and ckeytab = ccodage order by 1 ) as cdesage, ;
   sum( case when ( select substr( crectab, 35, 1 ) from tabtab
   where ctiptab = %2$t and ckeytab = ccoddsp ) = '' or
   ( select substr( crectab, 35, 1 ) from tabtab
   where ctiptab = %2$t and ckeytab = ccoddsp ) is null
   then nimpdsp
   else 0 end) as ntotfat0,
   sum( case when ( select substr( crectab, 35,1 ) from tabtab
   where ctiptab = %2$t and ckeytab = ccoddsp ) = '1'
   then nimpdsp
   else 0 end) as ntotfat1,sum(nimpdsp) as ntotdsp,
   %3$s from tabtotdsp
   left join tabtab on tabtab.ctiptab= %2$t and ccoddsp=tabtab.ckeytab
   where canndoc = %4$t


   ? sql_Sprintf( cFrmSQL, ID_TAB_AGENTI, ID_TAB_CODDSP, cSql, cAnnDsp )


Very usefull for long embebed SQL commands
Xavi's suggestion copuld be easily translated to that command


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: XLS File Routine

2010-02-19 Thread Angel Pais

Thank you very much Jan !
I will analize and test it soon ...


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Se puede generar desde harbour archivosExceldesde Linux nativo/Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.

2010-02-17 Thread Angel Pais

Hola Guillermo

No se puede tener todo en la vida. A mi también me gustaría tener un 
Mercedes Benz y pagarlo al precio de un Fiat.
Cuando tu cliente decidió pasar a Linux seguramente por motivos de 
dinero, también decidió prescindir de todas las herramientas de MS.

Por ende tendra que acostumbrarse a usar herramientas de formato abierto.
No es posible generar los formatos nuevos de excell desde código porque 
MS tiene una maraña de tipos de datos y encima no estan documentados.
Un amigo mio de españa intentó generarlas desde codigo y despues de 2 
meses de trabajo tiró el proyecto a la basura.
Lo que he hecho en empresas que quieren ahorrar dinero de licencias es 
migrar todas las estaciones de trabajo a Linux, pero mantener 1 o 2 en 
ambiente windows así pueden seguir usando su querido Excel.

Saludos !
English by google hand corrected:

You can not have everything in life. I, too, want a Mercedes Benz and 
pay the price of a Fiat.
When your client decided to switch to Linux probably for reasons of 
money, they decided get rid off all the tools of MS.

Therefore will have to get used to open format tools.
Is veru difficult to create new spreadsheets from code because MS has a 
mess of data types and they are not documented.
A friend of mine in Spain tried to generate them from code and after 2 
months of work threw the project into the trash.
What I have done in companies that want to save money on licensing is to 
migrate all workstations to Linux, but keeping 1 or 2 in windows 
environment so they can continue using their beloved Excel.

Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Harbour Documentation

2010-02-17 Thread Angel Pais

Hello Pete

I'm convinced the best way to generate documentation is to develop a 
tool in harbour itself.
I'm thinking on a DBF or sqlite3 based system with tags for titles, 
description, sample code, related commands and functions, grouping 
options etc.
That's the way Mr. Hannes Sieggler have made Alaska's and xharbour's 

From that you can generate anything you want, pdf, html ...
Using phyton to generate harbour documentation is very embarrassing.


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Se puede generar desde harbour archivosExceldesde Linux nativo/Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.

2010-02-17 Thread Angel Pais

El 17/02/2010 12:30, Jan Sperling escribió:

Hi all:

Well, I have a PDF which explains in detailled way how is a XLS constructed 
supporting from 2.0 to 2000, XP and 2003.
It comes from the OpenSource.org Source Project.
Very detailled explanation...

If anyone is interested in this doc, I could send it over.

FWIW, I have written/adapted source to create directly, without Excel 
installed, XLS Sheets, version 2.0.

I´m very interested in developing further enhancements, like coloring, borders, 
So far, it simply creates a XLS 2.0 file, allowing to write numeric, text, date 
and integer data.

If anyone seriously want to jump in, I could also send the source over.
The source I have runs on xHarbour, and there is a version for the old C4W.

BR, Jan Sperling

So if I create such xml file and save it as file.xls, will excel read it ?
If so I'm interested in what you have.


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Se puede generar desde harbour archivos Excel desde Linux nativo / Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.

2010-02-15 Thread Angel Pais

El 15/02/2010 19:49, Guillermo Varona Silupú escribió:

Se puede generar desde harbour archivos Excel desde Linux nativo.
¿Es posible esto?

[By Google]
Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.
Is it possible?



Hint: Excel and OO read html tables


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Warning about IIF statement question

2010-02-03 Thread Angel Pais

El 03/02/2010 21:44, smu johnson escribió:

Hi, is there anyway to avoid the warning when I use an IFF without bothering
to pass it an ELSE statement?  This is probably not a problem or anything,
but just curious.


Warning --  hello.PRG(4) Warning W0027  Meaningless use of expression

 code ---


   LOCAL xSDate
   Eval({|| iif(Empty(xSDate),xSDate:=date(),.t.),.t.})

   ? xSDate


Maybe creating a dummy function that returns true ?
function GimmeTrue()
return .T.

Eval({|| iif(Empty(xSDate),xSDate:=date(),GimmeTrue()),GimmeTrue()})

Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Alert() / print buffer Clipper - Harbour difference

2010-02-02 Thread Angel Pais

El 03/02/2010 1:22, smu johnson escribió:


I found a problem that is very noticeable when using the ALERT() func.
If your MS Windows buffer size setting ( ) is
to  25, position screws up.  This is not a problem with Clipper 5.2e
(using Blinker).

The alert box shows up like this: ... but
like I said, this difference does not show up if you keep the buffer
height set to 25.  But since Clipper does not have this problem, no
matter what the value is set to, I thought I'd ask here.

Thanks for reading.  What can I do?

smu johnson smujohn...@gmail.com

You must put at the beggining of your main.prg:  SetMode(25,80)


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbpqtui class

2010-01-27 Thread Angel Pais
A compiler without a GUI Framework leads it to nitche apps: Servers, 
console and cgi apps.

A GUI Framework without compiler leads it to death because lack of support.
If you do that then no new users will come here.
Vanity is not a good advisor.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbpqtui class

2010-01-27 Thread Angel Pais
I agree 110% about core quality, but some desitions should be made by 
more than one person and with the right wording and you where mean in 
your answer to Pritpal.

As you've seen there are many visions about the roadmap.

This is not a personal attack in any way.
We're in a group, so we must treat each other with respect.

And yes, I agree with your original post about sepàrating hbpParts from 

As almost allways your vision of the big picture is right.

And this:

 Calling it vanity when it doesn't serve your short-term
 purpose, but welcoming it when it produces a good quality
 product doesn't give too much to this topic. And I'm
 certainly not interested in going personal.

was absolutely out of context and/or order.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Hbide will grow harbour userbase

2010-01-25 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Bruno

How about this idea ...
hbIde source code is open, so it would be possible to strip out the text 
editor with sintax higlighter and make a single source editor that 
accepts file name in commnad line.

Maybe hbSE (harbour source editor) ??

Anyway good exercise to begin with hbxbp programming ;)


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Harbour 2.0.0 stats after one month

2010-01-25 Thread Angel Pais

Viktor Szakáts escribió:

Hi All,

It's been one month since we released Harbour 2.0.0, 
and since then, the sf.net stats are even better than 

It's the result of an intelligent team with a lot of perseverance and a 
precise goal.This project is driven by real programmers needs, not by 
any marketing department, and there are millions other guys like us in 
the world.

Xbase as a languaje deserves an honored place in the IT world just like 
Python and many other dynamic languajes.

Congratulations to the team !!

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Hbide will grow harbour userbase

2010-01-25 Thread Angel Pais

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

Hello Angel

Angel Pais wrote:

How about this idea ...
hbIde source code is open, so it would be possible to strip out the text 
editor with sintax higlighter and make a single source editor that 
accepts file name in commnad line.

Maybe hbSE (harbour source editor) ??

You are totally wrong Angel.
If this would been the goal, it would been realized the day-7.
But hold-on, you may find all the features in hbIDE itself, who knows.

Pritpal Bedi

Hi Pritpal

Maybe my english is confussing but I was not suggesting to split hbide.
I was encourging Bruno to make the tools he needs himself as a practice 
on hbxbp programming. This is the advantage of open source projects.

We have source and we can make our own tools if we need to.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13707] trunk/harbour

2010-01-25 Thread Angel Pais

Vailton Renato escribió:
How could we do, for

example, if we need to remotely monitor the status of a server
hbnetiosrv? If we have a thin client could connect and do exactly what
we need to inform only the data from remote connection ... what do you

Vailton Renato

1) on server write status to a text file every n seconds.
2) on client memoread that file and.. voila !


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13687] trunk/harbour

2010-01-24 Thread Angel Pais

Pritpal Bedi escribió:


Alaska did not distinguish a pure dialog and XbpDialog(), and
hence this is the reason of so many nights I spent on resolving
this concept only. There is a distinct behavior of dialogs and windows.
If your login dialog would been a pure dialog, then Return on default 
push button would have succeeded but here it fails because parent is a 
window, not dialog.

Infact Aalska's concept of drawingArea is also crappy, because, as its base
levels it does not confirm to Qt's Central Widget concept. I have reported 
earlier also that much of the Xbase++ class framework, with names and 
method calling convention are derived from Qt or some similar


May be I could not have explained well...

Pritpal Bedi

You have been allways very clear on your concepts =)
But I'm a pragmatic man so I don't think we have to stick with all AS 
design choices so...
I propose you to create a new class: xbpForm() or xbpGetDialog() based 
on QDialog() to make upon all our get screens easier and compatible with 
qtDesigner's .ui form loading.

What do you think ?


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13687] trunk/harbour

2010-01-24 Thread Angel Pais

It's me again =)

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

I tried to make a static and put the butoon on it but it didn't work.
So I guess some other parts in the hierachy is stealing the key.

No, it wont work there either. To accept _ENTER_ for a push button,
parent needs to be a QDialog() only.

Yes. I tested it. See in my other post the new class proposal.

  QUESTION: which instance variable controls the resizing behavior?

See attached appLogin.prg  ( sustitute the one you have on your pc )

I could not see anything related to resizing in this code, or I am reading
in between the lines...

See in AppLogin.prg line: 19 to 22

// prevent undesirable maximizing effects
aSize := oDlg:currentsize()   gets current dialog size
oDlg:maxsize := {aSize[1],aSize[2]}   don't allow to make it bigger
oDlg:minsize := {aSize[1],aSize[2]}   nor smaller

It works but has an odd behavior as you'll see in example.
Enter event doesn't get removed so it continues tabbing to the end.

I talked about oSLEs, not pushbutton, see above.

See and run new AppLogin.prg
First SLE's enter gives focus to second and second to the puchbutton
Should have stopped in second SLE

I also noticed a new object is created every time you call AppDeskTop(). 
Isn't it resource consuming ? Maybe an static var could be better.

No, it is a static object returned everytime you call.
How did you observer it is returning a new object every-time?

I was only assuming from source code lecture. Sorry

keyboard() method of xbpdialog is not working, I can capture esc, enter 
and Fx keys ( F1,F2,etc )

Can you show how this method can be used and result of it?

I will try but if I can't send events in response it has no sense.
Anyway I will put it on source to test.

I some days I will post much better expample-test .prgs

Anything I can do to help you I will


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13687] trunk/harbour

2010-01-24 Thread Angel Pais

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

So you are supporting Xbase class extension ?
Groups opinion ?

Anything it takes to ease bussines programs programming.
I'm not a fundamentalist. I am using xbase++ till now cause it was the 
most serious option available in 1999 when I migrated 16 bit clipper 
console apps to 32bits GUI ones.
I'd like to design entry screens with qt designer and load-execute them 
on my app.

Sometimes data driven screen area needed and sometimes custom made ones.
I know many xbase++ programmers and I'm sure they endorse my oppinions.
I've been trying to make them post in this list but they are shy and 
only lurk here.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbxbp test

2010-01-22 Thread Angel Pais

Bruno Luciani escribió:
corrected 2 problems , linux path in hbp file , and erasing the line 70 
in AppMain

the program compiles correctly in linux

which is your problem


See comments in appLogin.prg

3 missing finctionalities in dialog setup and mixed getdata() results

also I can`t make a dialog modal or don´t know how


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbxbp test

2010-01-22 Thread Angel Pais

Damm !!
Silly me !
I'm sorry for troubling you

What about the other issues ?
1) Modality of login window
2) Destroying login dialog gives RTE
3) can´t hide minimize maximize and system menu of login dialog

Any way, I will correct my stupid mistake and come with this.
I pretend to do some masked imput also. I have some idea of how to do it.
What I couldn´t do is redirect ENTER to TAB.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13679] trunk/harbour

2010-01-22 Thread Angel Pais

Thank you Pritpal !
Sure you`re right. Now I've found time to begin migrating my systems to 
hb+qt so I will come with many more questions. I'm doing a basic app 
framework to build a sytem upon so all comunity has an example of qt-xbp 


PD: I've also commanded Diego ( the guy that works with me ) to test 
hbide on linux. He will suscribe this list soon with suggestions. BTW he 
is using ARCH Linux with KDE and all is working fine and fast on that 

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: run/hb_run/win_rundetached/wapi_shellexecute

2010-01-18 Thread Angel Pais

francesco perillo escribió:

wapi_shellexecute(,,::pdfFileName ) DID WORK !

Hi francesco !
I have one more question to add to your interesting post...

What is the linux equivalent to that ?
I want to achieve exactly the same but on linux.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbnetio / rpc filter

2010-01-13 Thread Angel Pais

Przemysław Czerpak escribió:

   STATIC s_hLegal := { DATE=, TIME= }
   IF  sFuncSym:name $ s_hLegal
  RETURN sFuncSym:exec( ... )
   RETURN unsupported function

Would this also work ?

   sFuncSym := 'rpc_'+sFuncSym
   IF  IsFunction(sFuncSym)
  RETURN sFuncSym:exec( ... )
   RETURN unsupported function

So all you have to do to enable a function to be remotely callable is 
name it beginnign with 'rpc_'

Am I missing something ?


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbnetio / rpc filter

2010-01-13 Thread Angel Pais

Mindaugas Kavaliauskas escribió:

sFuncSym is symbol (but not a string), and I expect RTE on:
  'rpc_' + sFuncSym
I guess it should be changed to:
  sFuncSym := __DYNSN2SYM('rpc_' + sFuncSym:name )

Thank you Mindaugas

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: hbnetio / rpc filter

2010-01-13 Thread Angel Pais

Przemysław Czerpak escribió:

One small thing. Before MYRPC_FILTER() is called NETIO_SERVER()
checks if given function exists. If not then it returns to client
NETIO_ERR_NOT_EXISTS error code. It means that if you create
function RPC_MYFUNC() and client request to execute MYFUNC()
then MYRPC_FILTER() will be executed only if MYFUNC() exists.

Thank you Przemek

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: HBNETIO

2010-01-13 Thread Angel Pais

Bruno Luciani escribió:

Ok  Thanks Viktor

I like to take a try , to HBNETIO  using a little aplicattion made in XHgtk
but my network ( linux server ) is sharing databases using Samba and
I need to this work Correctly


Been there, done that.
On that scenario DON'T run netio server from same machine.
Wine-Samba on same machine does ugly things when locking dbfs.
A linux NetIO server uses a diferentent locking scheme.
You need to compile netio server in windows to share dbfs with windows apps.
Is not a defect from NetIO but a consecuence of mixing cliente-server 
with local acces and on top of that windows with linux.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: dbf file with bVersion == 0x8C

2010-01-11 Thread Angel Pais

dbf version 7 was defined as is used by Visual Dbase - www.dbase.com
and yes, dbase still exists


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13489] trunk/harbour

2010-01-06 Thread Angel Pais

Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!
Did I thank you yet ?
This is a dream coming true !!!


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13489] trunk/harbour

2010-01-06 Thread Angel Pais

Viktor Szakáts escribió:

Great feature. Thanks a lot for it.

Too smoothen the security edge of this feature, 
maybe it would be nice to allow to limit the set 
of functions made available through RPC on the 
server side. This way programmer could have total 
control over this aspect without worrying about 
function being linked without knowledge or intent, 
and keep verifying .map files to find out.


Maybe this could be achieved thru a registering mechamism ( public array 
) of allowed remote funcions/procedures.

This way the programmer has total control over security.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: VIA Nemo

2010-01-05 Thread Angel Pais

Lucas De Beltrán escribió:

Much ado about nothing...

Does Habrour developer team plan to have a GUI for Windows/Linux and MAC?

See hbide in contribs.
It's multiplatform and based on QT Gui Library.
Still in development but very promising !


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Harbour 2.0 linux release search a releaser

2010-01-01 Thread Angel Pais

I want it for sure !
Once you've uploaded it pls give me download address


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

2009-12-31 Thread Angel Pais

Happy, healthy and productive new year to you all !!!


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Harbour next major release wishlist

2009-12-23 Thread Angel Pais

Viktor Szakáts escribió:

Hi All,

In the spirit of release enthusiasm it's now also 
a good time to brainstorm a little on things which 
we would like to make it into next major Harbour 

Hi Viktor, You've opened Pandora's box here :)

My 5 minutes brainstorming list:

- A RPC protocol based on NETIO to allow 2/3 tier multiplattform apps.

- Invite Marcos Antonio gambeta to integrate xhgtk into harbour`s tree.

- Invite Teo Fourounge (forgive mispelling) to integrate wxwidgets into 
harbour`s tree.

- Invite Carozo de Quilmes to integrate his hbqtcommand (minigui 
compatible command layer based on QT ) into harbour's tree.

- Make Harbour a standard package on linux ( at least ubuntu ) 

- An SQL interpreter for DBF files so we can work in mixed navigational- 
recorset based mode depending of the kind of problem to solve.

- Start a big collaboration effor to scatter compile edit and publish a 
more professional multilevel documentation (users-developpers-etc).


Angel Pais

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Any commits/fixes pending?

2009-12-22 Thread Angel Pais

Mindaugas Kavaliauskas escribió:


Przemysław Czerpak wrote:

On Sat, 19 Dec 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
I'd like to ask everyone if there are any patches, commits or fixes 
pending? (besides hbqt related modules)

1. ...

6. I'm also working on small Christmas gift but I do not know
   if I find enough spare time to finish it so it's less important.

this is the most itching part of your to do list :)


Would it be an RPC protocol over NETIO, returning JSON recorsets ?


This is itching !!!

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Errors under ubuntu

2009-12-14 Thread Angel Pais

Hello All   

If I'm doing nothing wrong I'm getting this errors under UBUNTU

gcc   -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3  -I/usr/include/qt4 
-I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4/QtNetwork 
 -omoc_hbqt_events.o -c moc_hbqt_events.cpp
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:15:34: error: private/qucomextra_p.h: No existe el fichero 
ó directorio
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:17:2: error: #error This file was generated using the moc from 
3.3.8b. It
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:18:2: error: #error cannot be used with the include files from 
this version of Qt.
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:19:2: error: #error (The moc has changed too much.)
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:22: error: no ‘const char* Events::className() const’ 
member function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:27: error: ‘QMetaObject* Events::metaObj’ is not a static 
member of ‘class Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:28: error: ‘QMetaObjectCleanUp’ does not name a type
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:31: error: redefinition of ‘static QString Events::tr(const 
char*, const char*)’
../../../hbqt_events.h:68: error: ‘static QString Events::tr(const char*, const 
char*)’ previously defined here
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:39: error: redefinition of ‘static QString 
Events::trUtf8(const char*, const char*)’
../../../hbqt_events.h:68: error: ‘static QString Events::trUtf8(const char*, 
const char*)’ previously defined here
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:50: error: no ‘QMetaObject* Events::staticMetaObject()’ 
member function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:68: error: no ‘void* Events::qt_cast(const char*)’ member 
function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:75: error: ‘QUObject’ has not been declared
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:75: error: no ‘bool Events::qt_invoke(int, int*)’ member 
function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:80: error: ‘QUObject’ has not been declared
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:80: error: no ‘bool Events::qt_emit(int, int*)’ member 
function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:86: error: no ‘bool Events::qt_property(int, int, 
QVariant*)’ member function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:91: error: no ‘bool Events::qt_static_property(QObject*, 
int, int, QVariant*)’ member function declared in class ‘Events’

make[3]: *** [moc_hbqt_events.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
make[1]: *** [hbqt] Error 2
make: *** [contrib] Error 2



Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Errors under ubuntu

2009-12-14 Thread Angel Pais

Exchanged !

And now I'm getting this:

 Building Harbour 2.0.0beta3 from source - http://www.harbour-project.org
! MAKE: make 3.81 /bin/sh   
! HB_HOST_PLAT: linux (x86)  HB_SHELL: sh

! HB_PLATFORM: linux (x86) (autodetected)
! HB_COMPILER: gcc (autodetected: /usr/bin/)
! Component: 'zlib' found in /usr/include 
! Component: 'pcre' found in /usr/include 
! Component: 'openssl' found in /usr/include 
! Component: 'gpm' found in /usr/include 
! Component: 'slang' found in /usr/include 
! Component: 'curses' found in /usr/include 
! Component: 'x11' found in /usr/include 
! Component: 'wattcp/watt-32' not supported on linux platform

! HB_INSTALL_PREFIX automatically set to: /usr/local
! Using QT 'moc' bin: /usr/bin/moc-qt4 (autodetected)
gcc   -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3  -I/usr/include/qt4 
-I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4/QtNetwork 
 -omoc_hbqt_events.o -c moc_hbqt_events.cpp
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:15:34: error: private/qucomextra_p.h: No existe el fichero 
ó directorio
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:17:2: error: #error This file was generated using the moc from 
3.3.8b. It
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:18:2: error: #error cannot be used with the include files from 
this version of Qt.
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:19:2: error: #error (The moc has changed too much.)
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:22: error: no ‘const char* Events::className() const’ 
member function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:27: error: ‘QMetaObject* Events::metaObj’ is not a static 
member of ‘class Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:28: error: ‘QMetaObjectCleanUp’ does not name a type
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:31: error: redefinition of ‘static QString Events::tr(const 
char*, const char*)’
../../../hbqt_events.h:68: error: ‘static QString Events::tr(const char*, const 
char*)’ previously defined here
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:39: error: redefinition of ‘static QString 
Events::trUtf8(const char*, const char*)’
../../../hbqt_events.h:68: error: ‘static QString Events::trUtf8(const char*, 
const char*)’ previously defined here
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:50: error: no ‘QMetaObject* Events::staticMetaObject()’ 
member function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:68: error: no ‘void* Events::qt_cast(const char*)’ member 
function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:75: error: ‘QUObject’ has not been declared
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:75: error: no ‘bool Events::qt_invoke(int, int*)’ member 
function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:80: error: ‘QUObject’ has not been declared
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:80: error: no ‘bool Events::qt_emit(int, int*)’ member 
function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:86: error: no ‘bool Events::qt_property(int, int, 
QVariant*)’ member function declared in class ‘Events’
moc_hbqt_events.cpp:91: error: no ‘bool Events::qt_static_property(QObject*, 
int, int, QVariant*)’ member function declared in class ‘Events’
make[1]: *** [moc_hbqt_events.o] Error 1
make: *** [descend] Error 2

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Errors under ubuntu

2009-12-14 Thread Angel Pais

Now it's ok.
I haven tried what Tamasz said.

Thank you Viktor !

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Some changes on Harbour Web Page

2009-12-11 Thread Angel Pais

Patrick Mast escribió:

Hey Massimo,

harbour and xharbour relationship are a bit consumed
so i pray you evaluate works of made good relationship in future
This can be a starting point
so i invite you share your point of view here
we need search a common reply to common problem

I'm always prepared to listen to everyone. I'm not sure if you wanted
to ask me something with this email Massimo. Please keep in mind that
I never have any bad intentions. I come as a friend. ;-)


The only friend  you've ever had is money.
Go troll elsewhere.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Build a self-contained application with QT

2009-12-03 Thread Angel Pais


El linkeado del programa de forma estatica nbo tiene nada que ver con 
poder ejecutarse en un pendrive. Si pones el exe con las dll en el 
pen-drive puede ejecuarlo igual.
Por otra parte si linkeas tu programa de forma estatica estas obligado 
por la licencia de qt a hacerlo open source.


Guillermo Varona Silupú escribió:

Bruno Luciani escribió:

Si se puede usando Qt static y HBQTS
en windows al menos , no he probado en linux

Hola Bruno, Gracias por responder.
Sobre el tema, podrías indicarme cómo hay que hacer para lograr esto.
¿Hay que construir Harbour de alguna manera especial?
¿Hay algun ejemplo en el SVN? (al menos de los que pude ver no se si son 
 los que necesito, de momento lo que necesitaria es por lo menos un 
Hola mundo que lo pueda llevar en un USB y ejecutarlo en cualquier PC)

Gracias de Antemano.



2009/12/2 Guillermo Varona Silupú 

¿Se puede construir una aplicación autocontenida con QT?
Es decir que se genere un solo EXE que contenga librerias, recursos,
etc, de manera que se pueda ejecutar en cualquier PC, obviamente con
el SO para el cual se genero el EXE.

yes it is posible using QT STATIC libraries and HBQTS
unless in windows


[ENG] By Google
Can you build a self-contained application with QT?
Ie, they generate a single EXE that contains libraries, resources,
etc. so that you can run on any PC, obviously with the OS to which
genre the EXE.



Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Build a self-contained application with QT

2009-12-03 Thread Angel Pais

Guillermo Varona Silupú escribió:

Angel Pais escribió:

El linkeado del programa de forma estatica nbo tiene nada que ver con 
poder ejecutarse en un pendrive. Si pones el exe con las dll en el 
pen-drive puede ejecuarlo igual.

Ok. Angel, muchas gracias por la aclaración, sin embargo, aun sigo 
confundido, pense que en estático todo se podia embeber dentro del EXE 
y que no depende de ningun archvio mas, pero segun me explicas, siempre 
va a ser necesario llevarl las dll.
La siguiente cuestión sería: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre dinámico y 

Por otra parte si linkeas tu programa de forma estatica estas obligado 
por la licencia de qt a hacerlo open source.
Buen, debido al problema de la barrera idiomática (la licencias están en 
inglés), supongo que no he interpretado / traducido correctamente esta 

[ENG] By Google
Angel Pais wrote:
  The Link of a static program nbo has nothing to do with
  Run on a pendrive. If you put the exe to dll in
  Pen-drive can be executing the same.

Ok. Angel, thank you very much for the clarification, however, while 
still confused, I thought that in static Everything could embed into 
the EXE and it does not require a archvio more, but he told me, always 
going to be necessary dll llevarl .

The next question is: What is the difference between dynamic and static?

  Furthermore If link your program statically're obligated
  From qt license to make it open source.
Good, because the problem of language barrier (the licenses are in 
English), I guess I have not interpreted / translated correctly this part.


With dynamic linking you have to deliver the qt dlls along with your 
exe. In static linking, qt librarys are embebed into the exe file.

Both ways can run from a pen drive.
About the license restriction, it has been mentioned several times in 
this list by english native people. They are the only ones that can 
interpret those criptic documents right.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: Book Programming with Harbour

2009-11-24 Thread Angel Pais
It's clear by now that sooner or later Harbour will have to implement 
some kind of sponsorship or foundation.

Do we have an attorney among us ?
But the million dollar question is   Who is Mr Harbour ??

Just food for thougth...

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12956] trunk/harbour

2009-11-21 Thread Angel Pais

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

This is the reason I floated the idea of extending Xbase++ framework
which has not been accepted by the group by now.

Well on this I disagree with Viktor. I dont need backward compatibility 
with xbase++, so extending claes and/or creating new ones is ok with me.
Once this class framework is ready for production apps I wont look back 
to Alaska's product. And since I intend to develop cross platforms apps 
compatibility is in fact impossible.
This is just my oppinion of course, you are the Master and hbxbp is your 

Best Regards

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12956] trunk/harbour

2009-11-21 Thread Angel Pais

Viktor Szakáts escribió:

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

This is the reason I floated the idea of extending Xbase++ framework
which has not been accepted by the group by now.

Well on this I disagree with Viktor. I dont need backward compatibility with 
xbase++, so extending claes and/or creating new ones is ok with me.

I don't know where the misconception comes from about my 
POV on this, but I'd like to stop it now.

Hi Viktor !

Well first of all my english is not very good so I could be 
misunderstood. I've said I was in disagree with you when refering 
backward compatibility among xbase++ and harbour. For me xbase++ is more 
like a philosofy of work than a rigid set of rules. If compatibiliy 
risks the viability of the qt GUI we need, then I think we can and we 
should break it. I insist: It's only my personaly POV.

This is exactly what I wrote:
I don't know, but please document it, we have a long history 
in Harbour to document extensions, so we should IMO do this 
also for hbxbp. We don't have any interest in locking in 
users into Harbour + hbxbp, IOW we should allow them to move 
to Xbase++, or create apps which work on both platforms.

The easiest and recommended way to self-document it is by 
using a simple macro, f.e. HBXBP_EXTENSION. Which is #defined 
by default.


Agreed !

Which seems quite clear, but to clarify further, it means 
that while I can't decide whether we _should_ extend (I trust 
Pritpal and actual Xbase++/hbqt users on this), but I know we 
_may_ extend it, if we stick to a few rules: we extend it wisely 
and document all extensions in code. These rules should be 
similar to what we've been using when extending Clipper, maybe 
not so strict.

IMO it's very important to do extensions along a documented 
procedure, otherwise there is no guarantee whatsoever that 
Xbase++ compatibility can be kept, or even tested. Which 
means we cut off Harbour + hbxbp as an upgrade path for 
Xbase++ users and make the transition a one way step, 
plus we can't guarantee any sort of parallelism through 
the transition process (I mean app can't be build for both 
platforms at the same time).

Also agreed !

If make Xbase++ users life more difficult to move to Harbour, 
it means Harbour userbase can't grow the way it otherwise 
would. Which isn't very good.

I don´t think hords of xbase users will come here since they are so 
Windows headed. They like things like OLE, skins, owner drawn parts, GUI 
fancy objects, all kind of non multiplatform M$ toys. Also the false 
feeling of support you get when you pay for something.
Anyway the whole idea and consistency of the xbase++ GUI framework is a 
good model to follow. It's yet to prove if it's easy to integtrate tools 
like qtcreator and qt development style in this model or we'll have to 
invent a whole new development philosofy derived from the zillion c++ 
examples they have on their page.

[ about a few technical aspects of extending wisely and 
in documented way, pls see my recent msg. ]

Yes I've read it and I trust your judjement and the vision of quality 
you have imprinted into Harbour project.
This post was only a very personal POV ( I insist ) and has no intention 
to harm anyone.

My best regards and continue with your superb managing of the project.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12956] trunk/harbour

2009-11-20 Thread Angel Pais

vouch...@users.sourceforge.net escribió:

  * contrib/hbide/hbide.prg
+ Implemented prototype of Project Tree Structure.
  Also play with various icons. Docks at the right and at the bottom can be 
  Please forward suggesstions.

Hi Pritpal

I was playing with the new toy and noticed something weird:

Open the app, then click on close button and everything is ok.
Open it again, then open hbide.prg with the source editor, close both 
tabs and try to close the app. It freezes and has to be killed with the 
task manager.

SO: win XP, harbour+mingw


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12798] trunk/harbour

2009-10-30 Thread Angel Pais

test, (new ubuntu 9.10 box) =)

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12784] trunk/harbour

2009-10-29 Thread Angel Pais

I like HISTORY.TXT  !!!


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12789] trunk/harbour

2009-10-29 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Przemek

Very interesting and usefull document, congratulations !

The section about dbfs and indexes limits is somewhat confusing to me.

Did I understood well that if you use NTX indexing you can have 2TB 
tables while with CDX you can´t ?

I guess this is only possible in Linux, right ?


dru...@users.sourceforge.net escribió:

Revision: 12789
Author:   druzus
Date: 2009-10-29 21:30:52 + (Thu, 29 Oct 2009)

Log Message:
2009-10-29 22:30 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/doc/xhb-diff.txt
+ added information about Harbour and xHarbour versions described by
  above text - thanks to Chen for suggestion
* small update for HBNETIO and HBMEMIO

Modified Paths:

This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
world's largest Open Source development site.

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12767] trunk/harbour

2009-10-24 Thread Angel Pais

vouch...@users.sourceforge.net escribió:

Revision: 12767
Author:   vouchcac
Date: 2009-10-24 07:58:32 + (Sat, 24 Oct 2009)

Log Message:


  * contrib/hbxbp/tests/demoxbp.prg

! CLASS code : changed from INLINE to proper method call.
  As suggested by Przemek. The code will be significantly faster now.

! HBXBP : Tweaked to confirm to massive changes in HBQT.

Confirmed !  Now browse navigation is fast and smooth.
Congratulations for the excelentent work !!!

You are becomming a c++ guru. (g)
When is your book (qt unleashed) comming ? (g)(g)

My best regards

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Web Services in Harbour

2009-10-15 Thread Angel Pais

Viktor Szakáts escribió:

Hi Marek,

Is there any sort of existing library or other sort
of external package which helps to implement such server?

SOAP is supposed to be an open standard (although it
does seem quite MS centric regardless), so I suppose
such server side functionality may exist somewhere
already, and shouldn't be written from ground up for
tools like Harbour.

So, is there anything we could use?


On 2009 Oct 15, at 09:54, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Massimo Belgrano 

Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:31 PM
To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Subject: Re: [Harbour] Web Services in Harbour

Hi Marek

harbour have a solution for SOAP.CLIENT and  afaik is not
possible a soap server, but harbour have a lot of capability

Not yet, but in the future ?
Today seems to be necessary.
In the company we have nearly 800 applications.
Those who will not know how to integrate with others will be eliminated.
Integration platform is the SOAP.
Putting SOAP messages on the server database does not always meet the
The application serves SOAP is much more powerful.

In the Harbor App I doing in seconds something that large applications
can not do in the hour session.
But I can not [bowl | serve] a SOAP service.

Marek Horodyski
Harbour mailing list

Hi Viktor

A SOAP server IS an HTTP server that returns XML formated files instead 
of HTML formated ones.

There's a RFC published by the w3 consortium on how to format them.
Harbour already has an HTML server, it only takes one volunteer to study 
that paper and modify it to serve SOAP messages also.

Just a Hint...

Regards Angel

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: FreeDOS in VMWare VM

2009-10-12 Thread Angel Pais

Przemyslaw Czerpak escribió:

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009, Bruno Luciani wrote:

Windows applications can be executed without any problems using WINE
but the performance of IO operations is fatal. Even simple tests show
that database access is over 10 times slower then in native applications.
DOS applications executed by DOSEMU are only about 2-3 times slower.

best regards,

You're failing the comparison point.
Meassuring apples against bananas.
We cannot compare gui applications against console apps.
Console ones are faster even on windows.
Unless you are developpping a web server, i/o access is a minimal part 
of all your app running time.
Even considering that, most apps are running over a network and 
performance is even worst and people are used to it.
Until Harbour has a working GUI development API, denigrating WINE is a 
no-no, as for now, is the only usable platform on the linux world for 
real apps.
If you want to achieve optimus performance then you have to make real 2 
or 3 tier apps. Tier 1:being a gui app client under wine or anything 
else. Tier 2: a console app server under pure linux and an opcional 3rd. 
Tiers with a rdbms if you don't like dbfs.
The serious candidate for this is uhttpd but the are missing a protocol 
for serialize-transmit-deserialize data in a 2 way relationship.

Just my humble oppinion about our technological status.
Let's work all together to improve this marvelous plattform instead.
My hat off for this great meeting of great programmers Harbour has earned.

Best Regards

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: FreeDOS in VMWare VM

2009-10-12 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Przemek

First of all thank you for your time.
I agree with you in almost all you've said.
Sometimes is good to stop and rethink where we are going as a community. 
So far the last year has been VERY productive and the new tools and 
features (hbmk2, netio, threads) have improved que quality of the 
product 100'd times.
I'm also happy that people like Roberto Lopez are joining the 
discussions. He has a very clear vision of how a clipper compatible 
product has to be from the cliperhead point of view.
It's not easy to join c-oriented heads with 4th or 5th level programmers 
( scripting kiddies if you like to name us like that ).

Przemyslaw Czerpak escribió:

On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Angel Pais wrote:

You're failing the comparison point.
Meassuring apples against bananas.
We cannot compare gui applications against console apps.

I do not compare user interface at all.
I compare only simple IO operations in SEEK or SKIP which are
the same in GUI and CUI application. The same reports created
by application under WINE control are over 10 times slower.

Agreed. An be sure I will get rid of wine as soon as I can.

The time is important only in long operations. In the rest is not
important at all. At least is not visible for users. In current
days it doesn't matter it's CUI or GUI application. In both cases
the code is executed fast enough to work interactively without any
problems. User can see the slowness only when he tries to collect
some data from tables and such operations needs some deeper analyzes.
And here the speed overhead in WINE is the biggest one.
If you execute pure .prg code, i.e. simple FOR/NEXT loop then code
in WINE works with the same speed as native applications. Just execute
speedtst.prg compiled as native application and as windows application.
It's even possible that the windows one will be a little bit faster.
But if you try to read or write from/to files or sockets then you will
find that code executed by WINE is very slow.


RDBMS does not exclude using DBFs as storage format.
ADS is RDBMS and can use DBFs. I've never understood why Clipper
users used to think that SQL == RDBMS and DBFs != SQL or DBFs != RDBMS.
These are three different things which can be used in one product or
in separate products. It's quite easy to add SQL support to DBF tables
but it will not convert the program to RDBMS. Just like RDBMS can use
DBF format to store data because unlike common opinion said it's one of
the most efficient data base formats in many situations.

I know that. I said dbf as I could've said sqlite, mdb or any other file 
based methodology.

The serious candidate for this is uhttpd but the are missing a protocol for 
serialize-transmit-deserialize data in a 2 way relationship.

I rather suggest to write simple RPC server from scratch.
Using HTTP protocol and some universal HTTP server is not
very good idea. At least it will be very inefficient in some
cases and you will have to deal with many of problems caused
by sateless protocol like HTTP.

Very interesting !

Just my humble oppinion about our technological status.
Let's work all together to improve this marvelous plattform instead.
My hat off for this great meeting of great programmers Harbour has earned.

In some spare time I'll write simple RPC server for Harbour.
Maybe you and other users find it interesting.

For sure !!! It will bring a new world for us, all clipperheads.

My best regards


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Harbour Forum and Wiki.

2009-10-12 Thread Angel Pais

PMFJI Viktor.

Maybe here we are having language barriers difficulting communication, 
but in the experimental HMG 3.0, Roberto have icluded hbmk2 and is using 

He is running some tests to report here later the things he finds.
Roberto has issued 3 versions of HMG in 2 days for his community to test 
and report back compatibility issues. He is making a big effort to 
include all tools from latest Harbour.

Go download it from sourceforge an see for yourself.
The reason Robertos is including mingw and harbour in the binary package 
is for practical purpouses and to minimize support to only stable 
versions of all tools involved.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: What is Przemek's architecture ?

2009-10-05 Thread Angel Pais

What is Przemek's architecture ?

It's simple, he only programs text applications.

Nowadays I'm using a similar but GUI solution:
I share xbase++ aplications runing under wine+samba tru FREENX SERVER. 
The drawback is you can´t use local resources as printers. For this I 
had to develop a client/server printing program.

I'm waiting eagerly the day I can use QTGUI (hbxbp) on my apps to 
eliminate wine and/or samba from my deployment chain.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: What is Przemek's architecture ?

2009-10-05 Thread Angel Pais

Przemyslaw Czerpak escribió:

On Mon, 05 Oct 2009, Angel Pais wrote:


Nowadays I'm using a similar but GUI solution:
I share xbase++ aplications runing under wine+samba tru FREENX SERVER. The 
drawback is you can´t use local resources as printers. For this I had to 
develop a client/server printing program.

Have you ever measured the WINE overhead in IO operations?
It's over 10 times slower then native code.

best regards,

I know that.
But my clients wont accept a console application, so I'm in a trap I 
have to live with.
Hence the need for a linux gui development platform and/or a client 
server RDD.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: What is Przemek's architecture ?

2009-10-05 Thread Angel Pais

Przemyslaw Czerpak escribió:

On Mon, 05 Oct 2009, Angel Pais wrote:


I know that.
But my clients wont accept a console application, so I'm in a trap I have 
to live with.
Hence the need for a linux gui development platform and/or a client server 

So maybe you should try XHGTK or some other native Linux GUI library
and execute them remotely using client side XServers?

best regards,

I'm feeling very bad about xhgtk, I'm under the impression it isn't 
ready for bussiness programmers like me ( translate as very dumb if you 
like ).
Only people who developed it know how to get it straight, no documents, 
no prg examples, nothing. And lib authors are almost unreachable also.

Could it be a good idea to integrate xhgtk in harbour's tree ?
The most promising lib nowadays is hbqt but Pritpal is fighting some 
memory leaks.
Anyway I'm confident it's only a matter of time until a usable linux gui 
lib arises (otherwise consider this compiler dead), so I can drop wine 
and samba from my deployment stack.

thank you Przemek for your time and willingness to discuss this kind of 
things with me


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: What is Przemek's architecture ?

2009-10-05 Thread Angel Pais

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

Hello Angel

Angel Pais wrote:
I'm waiting eagerly the day I can use QTGUI (hbxbp) on my apps to 
eliminate wine and/or samba from my deployment chain.

It is there.

But I have never forwarded with any input 
how the whole concept is shaping-up? Is it going towards

Xbase++ compatibility or not? Any pitfalls, etc.
At least I was expecting such experiments from you, as 
you are one of the real users of Xbase++ and also you are the 
original who floated idea of Qt.

Still, effort is on, the only issue I am fighting with Qt is the 
memory leaks and paint-engine glitch in multi-window mode.
Hopefully, some day Przemek would jump in the project 
and it will be set straight.

Pritpal Bedi

I stopped all experiments since I read about memory leaks you were 
fighting. I promise I will do some real examples of use with the library 
in order to help you debug it.

Thank you very much Pritpal.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Wich is the official harbour's user group?

2009-10-05 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Viktor:

There are 3 versions of MiniGUI:

1) Official Version by Roberto Lopez. This is the most conservative of 
the 3. It uses only stable versions of Harbour so it is actually using 
september/2008 version of harbour and waiting a new 2.0 version release 
of Harbour to step in.

2) MiniGui Extended by grigory Fillatov and others. This a more agresive 
version, It uses last Harbour from SVN and included some extra 
components to the offcial version. Eg: TSBrowse

3) OOHG (object oriented Harbour Gui) by Ciro Vargas and Vicente Lopez. 
This version of Minigui implement the same library but using real oopp 
and clases. It also uses last version of Harbour from svn.

Hope you have it more clear now.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Wich is the official harbour's user group?

2009-10-05 Thread Angel Pais

Ciro Vargas C escribió:

A little Fix  ;)

3) OOHG (object oriented Harbour Gui) by Ciro Vargas and Vicente Lopez. This

Is Vicente Guerra.

version of Minigui implement the same library but using real oopp and
clases. It also uses last version of Harbour from svn.

best regards

Sorry Ciro, and sorry Vicente my mistake =))

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: HBNETIO - How I tested ...

2009-09-02 Thread Angel Pais

When trying to compile this new lib on Ubuntu I get...

an...@angel-laptop:~/src/harbour$ make
! Building Harbour 2.0.0beta2 from source - http://www.harbour-project.org
! MAKE: make 3.81 /bin/sh
! HB_BIN_INSTALL: /usr/bin
! HB_LIB_INSTALL: /usr/lib
! HB_INC_INSTALL: /usr/include
! HB_HOST_PLAT: linux  HB_SHELL: sh
! HB_PLATFORM: linux (autodetected)
! HB_COMPILER: gcc (autodetected: /usr/bin/)
! Component: 'openssl' found in /usr/include
! Component: 'gpm' found in /usr/include
! Component: 'slang' found in /usr/include
! Component: 'curses' found in /usr/include
! Component: 'x11' found in /usr/include
! Component: 'WATTCP/WATT-32' not supported on linux platform
! REVISION: 12394
make[2]: No se hace nada para `all'.
make[1]: No se hace nada para `all'.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcommon.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnortl.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbpp.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcplr.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/harbour' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbrtl.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtcgi.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtcrs.a' está actualizado.
! 'gtdos' library skipped
! 'gtgui' library skipped
! 'gtos2' library skipped
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtpca.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtsln.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtstd.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgttrm.a' está actualizado.
! 'gtwin' library skipped
! 'gtwvt' library skipped
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtxwc.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbvm.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbvmmt.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbmacro.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcpage.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhblang.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbrdd.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnulrdd.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddntx.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddnsx.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddcdx.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddfpt.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbsix.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbhsx.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbusrrdd.a' está actualizado.
make[4]: `../../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbuddall.a' está 

make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbextern.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbpcre.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbzlib.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbdebug.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libharbour-2.0.0.so' está 
make[4]: `../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libharbourmt-2.0.0.so' está 

make[3]: `../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbrun' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbmk2' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbi18n' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbtest' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbformat' está actualizado.
! 'gtwvg' library skipped
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbbmcdx.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbbtree.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbclipsm.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbct.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbgt.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbmisc.a' está actualizado.
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbmzip.a' está actualizado.
make[2]: *** No hay objetivos.  Alto.
make[1]: *** [hbnetio] Error 2
make: *** [contrib] Error 2

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: HBNETIO - How I tested ...

2009-09-02 Thread Angel Pais

Thank your...
I've done all that.
On sunday harbour complide well.
After recent changes It showed me the log I posted here.

So should I guess that on your ubuntu instalation netio compiled and ran 
fine ?


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Linux build errors

2009-08-26 Thread Angel Pais

I'm getting this on a clean Ubuntu installation...

! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcommon.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
gcc  -I. -I../../../../../include  -Wall -W -O3   -onortl.o -c 
ar   crs ../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnortl.a nortl.o || ( rm -f 
../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnortl.a  false )

! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnortl.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
gcc  -I. -I../../../../../include  -Wall -W -O3   -ohbpp.o -c 
gcc  -Wall -W -O3 -o../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbpp hbpp.o 
-L../../../../../lib/linux/gcc  -lhbcommon -lhbnortl
../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcommon.a(hbstr.o): In function 

hbstr.c:(.text+0x136b): undefined reference to `pow'
../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcommon.a(hbstr.o): In function 

hbstr.c:(.text+0x16a0): undefined reference to `pow'
hbstr.c:(.text+0x16e8): undefined reference to `pow'
../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcommon.a(hbstr.o): In function 

hbstr.c:(.text+0x1760): undefined reference to `pow'
hbstr.c:(.text+0x17b0): undefined reference to `pow'
collect2: ld devolvió el estado de salida 1
make[3]: *** [hbpp] Error 1
rm hbpp.o
make[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
make[1]: *** [pp.inst] Error 2
make: *** [source.inst] Error 2

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: QT - HBXBP - XbpBrowse() vs TBrowse()

2009-08-03 Thread Angel Pais

I'd really like to have both.
100% compatibility doesn't mean you can't improve xbpparts or add 
inexistent ones like the richtext editor or a spreadsheet.


PD: Congrats for your great job.
The only feature I find missing is masked imput (xbpget) to start 
developing real apps.

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

Hello Everybody

Second - as I am in a position to provide both TBrowse() and XbpBrowse() 
approaches, what do you think if I retain both or only XbpBrowse().
Internally, TBrowse() will map itself to XbpBrowse(). 

Opinions are welcome.

Pritpal Bedi

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: QT - Model/View Classes - Best Fit for XbpBrowse()

2009-07-22 Thread Angel Pais

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

Good news, I have got some clues and some hope is there that 
I will achieve true TBrowse() and XbpBrowse() functionality.

It may take some time, but now appears doable.

Pritpal Bedi

I'm very glad to hear it

Good luck my friend !


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: QT - Model/View Classes - Best Fit for XbpBrowse()

2009-07-21 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Pritpal !!!

How about a coompletely new aproach ?
Instead of developping an xbpbrowse clone , what about a completely new 
xbp part ?

Let's call it xbpGrid and it would be a derivative of Qt's grid class.

Then we'll have to resolve:
1) how to fill it with an array or to attach set-get codeblocks to each 

2) how to do masked gets on it's cells.

In the end it would be a simpler class but it'will retain all functionality.

See C:\Qt\2009.03\qt\demos\spreadsheet

Some food to thougth...

Best Regards

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

Hello Everybody

So, until someone forwards some hints on how to tackle
XbpBrowse() or in simple form TBrowse() in QT-GUI environments,
I stop the development on XbpBrowse() class. Please investigate, 
and come forward with some sort of tips etc. on the subject.

Pritpal Bedi

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[11768] trunk/harbour

2009-07-14 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Pritpal

vouch...@users.sourceforge.net escribió:

Revision: 11768
Author:   vouchcac
Date: 2009-07-14 21:02:52 + (Tue, 14 Jul 2009)

Log Message:
2009-07-14 13:50 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (prit...@vouchcac.com)
  * contrib/hbxbp/xbpdialog.prg
  * contrib/hbxbp/xbpgeneric.prg
! Changed the way AppEvent() eventloop was being executed.
  Not it is more near to Xbase++, not 100% but near. 
  CPU consumption is reduced to 2-3 percent.

Confirmed ! Now it's OK.

  * contrib/hbxbp/xbprtf.prg
+ Implemented more XbpRTF() features.

  * contrib/hbxbp/tests/demoxbp.prg
+ Demonstrated more XbpRtf() features. 
  Play with Rtf tab.

Fantastic !!! It's been years since I wanted this.
It only lacks a print button =D.

The only thing it's missing to start building a serious program it's an 
xbpbrowse implementation. I'm not hurring you !!! Just can't deal with 
my anxiety hehe.

Congrats !!!


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[11768] trunk/harbour

2009-07-14 Thread Angel Pais

Hello Pritpal

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

Hello Angel

Perhaps xbpBrowse() is the toughest of all. I did not see the 
class structure yet but it appears to be tough. Probbaly next week

I will start its implementation.

Sure it is complex, but I'm confident you can do it ;)

BTW, do you have any complex code for an event loop?

   nEvent := AppEvent( ... )

   if nEvent 


I need to know what type of structure it may have .
I do not want to guess. I need some real code.

Pritpal Bedi

Well, good programming practices recommend to keep eventloop as clear as 
possible. An only 1 eventloop per thread.
The most complex one I have, has a do case structure with 2 or 3 options 
and abolute no procesing inside de loop.
Events need to be processed as soon as posible to keep a smooth program 

I'm an old TopDown user and I follow strictly all Clayton's directives.
Nevertheless I'will look among all my programs for the most compplex 
eventloop and post it here.

Best Regards

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: HBXBP - Xbase++ - AppEvent() behavior

2009-07-12 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Pritpal.

One thing I'm seeing is an unussual cpu comsuption (98% on my notebook)


Pritpal Bedi escribió:

Hello Xbase++ users

Can you provide insight into how 
Xbase++ event loop behaves?

Main points to explore:

1) Do all the events, i.e., events generated by Xbp*Parts
   are also posted to the event loop? For example,
   As XbpParts can be placed on XbpCrt() console also, I suspect these
   are executed directly and are not posted to AppEvent. 
   But I need more clarification.

2) AppEvent() does not return until an event is received or it returns
   to .prg event-loop? 

Pritpal Bedi

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[11704] trunk/harbour

2009-07-10 Thread Angel Pais

I can`t compile for the same reason.


Viktor Szakáts escribió:

Hi Pritpal,

xbpdev.ch is missing from the upload.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: About cui to gui with xbp

2009-07-05 Thread Angel Pais

Hi Viktor

Viktor Szakáts escribió:
I can confrm that is a maitained as promise (99%) , but source code 
require few modification
in product page i read ..To download a demo of eXPress++ 1.9 
(compatible with Xbase++ 1.8, 1.82 and 1.9) Click Here.
i suggest run C:\EXP19\Bin\xdemo.exe is requiread xbase++ run time 
and i don't know where can be downloaded

Yes, getting the Xbase++ demo isn't an easy one, plus it expires,
plus it needs admin rights.

Thanks for the links anyway, I'll try to check.

[ For me probably it's not an option since I don't use normal
SAY/GET/MENUTO in my app, but rather the customized versions
of these and a highly customized Browse(). Question is: How
many such pure Clipper apps are out there who can use this
tool efficiently. ]

A command programming layer is the final step of xbase languages.
Bussiness app programmers like very much such declarative way.
Roger's way is more an general filosophy on how to hide class and 
funcional programming behind easy commands a non programmer can use.

Roberto's MiniGui have done it in a more clipper way, so his success and 
hundreds of loyal followers.

The other question is: What's missing (if any) from Harbour
so that it's easy to port this tool from Xbase++ to Harbour?

It only takes time, so Pritpal can repliaate the entire xbp hierachy, 
then it would be possible to recompile Roger's Expres++ and/or Clayton's 
TopDown. I myself am doing some tests to recompile TopDown.
The other path has beeen taken by Carozo and Bruno to recreate MiniGui's 
command layer on qt basis.
So the future is open to many alternatives and everyone will have it's 
own flawour on a qt-based multiplatform gui library.

Harbour is beggining to shine !!!


My best Regards

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: About cui to gui with xbp

2009-07-05 Thread Angel Pais

Massimo Belgrano escribió:

I Agree ...Roger's way is more an general filosophy
Good word

Where can find info about MiniGui's command layer on qt basis?


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[11610] trunk/harbour

2009-07-02 Thread Angel Pais

Just a word to encourage you...
You are hitting this right in the head, your work will have consecuences 
for many years to come.
Without an 'oficial' multiplattform gui, harbour will never reach the 
place it deserves as a fantastics either productive business development 

Many, many thanks to you Pritpal

Angel Pais

PD: In my humble oppinion, add as many extentions as you like, I assume 
nobody will ever want 2 way compatibility xbase++  harbour

Pritpal Bedi escribió:

Hello Viktor

Viktor Szakáts wrote:
   SUGGESSIONS: Should I implement Harbour extensions to the Xbp*  
I find a wide scope to add few more instance  
variables to the


For me it's okay if they are all guarded with a macro (HB_XBP_EXT).
All extensions have to be portable to all QT supported platforms though.

BTW, does this mean that Xbase++ features and compatibility is now
reaching completion?

Yes, these have to he guarded.

Feature compatibility will be 100% at final stages.
Right now some parts need more work and also other 
parts implemented. For example XbpFont() and XbpBitmap() 
classes are needed to simulate other parts exact behavior

where these are one of the alternate arguments.
But eventually it will be. The delay is due to the fact
that three-and-a-half months before I have NOT even 
heard the word QT. So the learning curve is a bit 

BTW I see a striking similarity between many instance 
variables and method calling convention between Xbase++ and

QT. I am wondering QT is inspired by Xbase++ or the reverse is the case.

Pritpal Bedi

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[11565] trunk/harbour

2009-06-29 Thread Angel Pais

I confirm that.

Bisz István escribió:


During the 'demoxbp' tests, a GPF appears after a right click on 'Test B' SLE. 
I don’t know if this is a known error or not. In any case please find the error 
log below.

Best regards,

Application Internal Error - 
Terminated at: 2009.06.29 19:35:33
Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception error: 

Exception Code:C005
Exception Address:6A34151A
EAX:00310037  EBX:  ECX:6A40E0C6  EDX:0005
ESI:6A3BEB80  EDI:0022AFDC  EBP:0022B000
CS:EIP:001B:6A34151A  SS:ESP:0023:0022AEF8
DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:

Harbour mailing list

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