[HCDX] Community Radio Station from Pondicherry

2009-04-09 Thread sakthi vel

Recently I have a chance to visit Pondicherry University's community FM 
"Puduvai Vaani". It is 12 km from the main bus stand. Station have plenty of 
space. Infrastructure were also unbeatable with All India Radio, Pondicherry.. 
You will see these photos in the following link and agree with me.


Pondicherry University launches community FM Puduvai Vaani 107.8MHz on January 
2009.  The new Community Radio Service, initiated and implemented by 
University. The FM reaches a distance of about 12 kms radius.  Regular 
transmission is going on air from Jan 1, 2009.  Besides the faculty and 
students of University, programmes are also presented by the community people.  
The language of broadcasting primarily includes Tamil and English.

Puduvai Vaani has been started with an aim to make awareness among the people  
to improve their nature of life style.  Puduvai Vaani is the public broadcaster 
to awaken, inform, enlighten educate and entertain all section of the people 
including the programme on women empowerment, communal harmony, health and 
education.  It also brings out the hidden talents of the students in and around 
the University campus.  CRS also includes its service on the practical session 
for the students of Centre for Electronic Media and Mass Communication.

Prof. J.A.K. Tareen, Vice-Chancellor of Pondicherry University said in his 
message, "The voice of the community should also be heard and attended to. The 
"Puduvai Vaani" is a Community Radio Station established by the University with 
the support of CEMCA, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), New Delhi and provided by 
the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GOI. It works under FM 
107.8 Mhz a frequency which is currently extended to a catchment's area of 20 
km radius from the university campus. By linking with other similar stations, 
the university plans to reach the mass at large for their community 
development, people's participation, and knowledge and information 

Special programmes in standard format both in Tamil and English are produced by 
production team. Radio Tutor series and subject related documentaries are aimed 
at providing Adaptive Learning Methods for the students of primary, secondary 
and higher education. Rural men and women, children and senior citizens will be 
given enough opportunities to share their views, experiences and expectations. 
"Puduvai Vaani" is a good platform for aspiring media professionals to get 
themselves trained and empowered in New Media.

Programme Schedule details on 

Address to contact:

Puduavai Vaani FM 107.8 MHz
First floor, Convention- Cum - Cultural centre, (Opp to PEC),
Pondicherry University,
Puducherry -14.
Email: puduvaiva...@gmail.com
Web: http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/fmradio/
Tel: 0413 2655997, 2654552
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India www.adxc.wordpress.com)

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[HCDX] Helping radio get a new reception in India

2009-04-09 Thread sakthi vel

TROY — Radio in India was famously dreary. Stations were owned by the 
government, and they were largely ignored. No longer. The nation deregulated 
the industry in 2000, spawning a widely popular medium that now includes 259 
private stations, including 32 in the Radio Mirchi network.

Amba Preetham Parigi helped build Radio Mirchi, which today reaches at least 
200 million listeners. It's the effort that earned him the 2009 Entrepreneur of 
the Year Award from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, given to a businessperson 
who succeeds with a high-tech venture.

Wait a minute. Radio is high-tech? Is this the 1950s?

"It is low technology in our context," said David Gautschi, dean of RPI's Lally 
School of Technology and Management, which sponsors the award. "But in terms of 
rural India, it's high technology."

Parigi never owned Radio Mirchi. The stations, which mostly play music from 
India's film industry, are operated by his employer — The Times Group, a 
massive media conglomerate whose holdings include India's largest newspaper, 
along with magazines, television stations and more.

Parigi didn't scratch together a business in his parents' garage or launch a 
low-cost Web site from a trendy loft.

But Gautschi said Parigi's version of business building — "entrepreneurship 
within a going concern" — is far more prevalent than the stereotype. And it's 
worthy of an award, he said, noting that Parigi built the hip radio network 
within what was seen as a stodgy print media company.

The award, which culminates with a celebration this afternoon on RPI's Troy 
campus, brought Parigi to the Capital Region for a whirlwind tour of 
appearances and lectures.. On Tuesday morning, for example, an interview with 
public radio network WAMC (expected to air Thursday) was quickly followed by a 
visit to Tech Valley High School at Rensselaer Technology Park in North 

The appearances have revealed Parigi, 59, as a natural teacher and speaker. 
He's quick with a memorable phrase, and he has strong opinions.

His take, for example, on the Capital Region, which he visits about once a 
year: "Where in the world do you have a Boston, a Montreal and a New York? How 
many towns or regions have this kind of connectivity?"

On restlessness with President Barack Obama's attempts to revive the economy: 
"You took 10 years to get into this place. Now you want him to pull you out in 
10 months? … Societies and civilizations have been built on patience, not 

Parigi isn't a stranger to RPI or the Lally School. He has a brother-in-law in 
Niskayuna and a chance campus visit several years ago led to a meeting with 
campus officials that became a lasting relationship.

Gautschi, the dean, said that relationship has shown Parigi to be a thoughtful 
and creative leader, with a kind heart. "He is terrifically empathetic and 
humane," Gautschi said. That empathy was on display during the Tech Valley High 
visit, as was Parigi's desire to inspire. He told the students of his personal 
"secrets to life" and stressed that the key to happiness is not material 
things, but internal satisfaction.

In an interview, Parigi repeated Mahatma Gandhi's words that he saidguide him: 
"Earth provides enough for every man's need, but not for every man's greed."

Chris Churchill can be reached at 454-5442 or by e-mail at 

Sponsors: Lally School of Management and Technology, Severino Center for 
Technological Entrepreneurship

-Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] BBC commissions India Election Train to cover polls

2009-04-06 Thread sakthi vel

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has launched a unique multiplatform, 
multilingual initiative, the ‘India Election Train’ to cover news on the go 
during the run-up to the country’s General Elections in May.

Working with the Indian Railways, reporters from the BBC’s Global News division 
will travel through India by train, investigating what Indians want from their 
General Election and the key themes surrounding it from 25 April until 13 May.

On board the train will reporters from BBC World Service English, BBC Hindi, 
BBC Urdu, BBC Tamil, BBC Bengali, BBC Somali, BBC Swahili, BBC World News 
television, Arabic TV, Persian TV and BBC.Com/news. Highly knowledgeable about 
the country, a number permanently based there, the journalists will broadcast 
stories to the world, across radio, TV and online.

The BBC has worked with Indian Railways to design a timetable for the project 
and the train will travel along the following route: 
(Kolkata)-Patna-Allahabad-Dehli. With the team visiting major population 
centres, as well as contrasting provincial towns and rural areas, the BBC’s 
global audience will get to hear the views of a wide range of Indian voters.

Online users will be able to track the journey of the train through a special 
interactive map and a daily blog available on the BBC’s India Election webpage 

BBC reporters will investigate a variety of topics throughout their journey, 
with a key one being India’s response to the current economic crisis. India’s 
economy is still growing and some believe it could assist the recovery of other 
markets around the world.

Richard Sambrook, Director BBC Global News, says: “The BBC’s approach to 
covering the India Election is unique and representative of the breadth and 
depth of its newsgathering facility. Multiplatform and multilingual, the BBC 
India Election Train will provide audiences in India and around the world with 
an in-depth view of the election and the key themes and issues surrounding it”. 

- Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India. www.adxc.wordpress.com

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2009-04-06 Thread sakthi vel

RTP - Rádio e Televisão de Portuguesa SA A09

Ondas Curtas [clique no mapa para ver outras zonas]
Período de Verão 2009 (A09) – Mapa em vigor a partir de 29-03-2009

Hora UTC (1) Frequência (kHz) 

12.00 – 20.00* 15560
20.00 – 23.00* 13755
23.00 – 02..00  9715
12.00 – 20.00  15560
20.00 – 23.00* 13755

23.00 – 02.00  11630

ZONA DE RECEPÇÃO: Brasil / Cabo Verde / Guiné 
10.00 – 12.00  15575
16.00 – 19.00  21655
19.00 – 20.00* 21655
20.00 – 23.00* 15295
07.00 – 10.00  12000
10.00 – 20.00  21655
20.00 – 23.00* 15295 

23.00 – 02.00  15295

05.00 – 08.00  7240
06.45 – 08.00  11850
08.00 – 12.00  12020
16.00 – 19.00  11905
19.00 – 23.00* 9820 
07.00 – 13.55   12 020
08.30 – 10.00** 11995
14.00 – 19.00   11905
19.00 – 20.00   9820
19.00 – 23.00*  9820 

10.00–12.00  15180
16.00–19.00  15170
19.00–23.00* 11945
07.00 – 10.00  15160
10.00 – 14.00  15180
14.00 – 16.00  15470
16.00 – 20.00  15170
19..00 – 23.00* 11945 

ZONA DE RECEPÇÃO: Médio Oriente / Índia
13.00 – 15.00  15770 

*Transmissão extraordinárias
(1) Hora UTC = Hora Lisboa - 1

Detail list on http://tv1.rtp.pt/canais-radio/rdpi/distribuicao.php?canal=5
Para informações complementares:
Tel.: +351 21 382 02 26
Fax: +351 21 382 00 98
E-mail: gabinete.tecnolog...@rtp.pt
RTP - Rádio e Televisão de Portuguesa SA
Direcção de Engenharia e Tecnologias
Gabinete de Tecnologias de Transmissão e Difusão
Av. Marechal Gomes da Costa, 37, 1ºA
1849 - 030 Lisboa
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India, www.adxc.wordpress.com)

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] Media Broadcast A09 updated

2009-04-06 Thread sakthi vel

A09 operational

frq start stop ciraf ant azi type day from to loc pow broad

13820 1700 1759 47E,48 340100 140 216 7 290309 241009 NAU 500 ADM
17575 1630 1659 48 231000 135 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
17575 1730 1759 48 212200 135 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
15205 1900 1930 46S 320200 215 218 1234567 290309 241009 NAU 125 AWR
9790 0900 1000 28W 350300 180 216 1 290309 241009 NAU 100 AWR
15320 1300 1457 42,43W 310200 70 218 1234567 290309 241009 NAU 250 AWR
15260 1900 2000 37,38W 350200 215 156 1234567 290309 241009 NAU 100 AWR
9845 0300 0330 48 230500 135 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
6065 0300 0330 48 211700 135 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
9815 0330 0400 48 231100 135 218 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
9845 0400 0430 39,40W 211900 120 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
6145 0500 0600 28E 212400 120 201 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
11980 0700 0830 37,38W 220400 210 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
12010 0800 0900 37,38W 221100 210 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
15435 1200 1300 41NE 211100 90 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
15160 1500 1529 41N 80 217 1234567 290309 241009 ISS 250 AWR
15160 1530 1559 41N 80 217 1234567 290309 241009 ISS 250 AWR
15335 1500 1529 41N 221400 90 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
15335 1530 1559 41N 221400 75 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
9445 1700 1729 39,40W 230500 120 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
11915 1730 1800 37,38W 220400 210 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
9765 1900 2030 37,38W 221300 210 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
15205 1930 2000 46SE,47W 231000 165 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
11755 2000 2100 46E,47W 230800 180 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
9430 1545 1659 39,40 110400 115 206 24 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
9430 1615 1630 39,40 110400 115 206 6 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
9435 1800 1830 37NW 140600 220 805 1 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
11970 1830 1859 39,40 120800 100 218 1 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
5945 0700 0730 27,28N 210900 300 216 1 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
5945 0700 0815 27,28N 210900 300 216 7 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
5945 0745 0800 27,28N 210900 300 216 6 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
6130 1815 1830 28,29 222501 55 141 24 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
6130 1800 1845 28,29 222501 55 141 57 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
6130 1800 1830 28,29 222501 55 141 36 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
6130 1800 1859 28,29 222501 55 141 1 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
9430 1815 1845 39,40 211900 120 216 1 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
9430 1800 1830 39,40 230500 120 216 7 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
9430 1830 1859 39,40 211900 120 216 6 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
11830 1830 1959 46,47 230800 165 216 1 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
11830 1930 1959 46,47 230800 180 217 7 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
11635 0430 0530 48 231100 135 218 7 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
11635 0430 0500 48 231100 135 218 1 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
11865 0430 0500 39,40 231100 120 218 2345 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
11865 0430 0545 39,40 231100 120 218 6 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
11970 1800 1830 39,40 120800 100 218 246 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
11970 1800 1859 39,40 120800 100 218 35 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
11970 1800 1815 39,40 120800 100 218 7 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
12140 1530 1730 39,40 111000 100 218 1234567 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
11955 1530 1545 39, 40 222000 105 206 1 120409 241009 WER 250 BVB
13810 1600 1859 38S,39S,47,48 110600 130 217 16 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
13810 1630 1830 38S,39S,47,48 110600 130 217 7 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
9430 1730 1759 39,40 211900 120 216 1 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
9430 1701 1800 39,40 211900 120 216 7 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
17535 0900 1000 38,39 230700 135 217 6 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
13810 1600 1759 38S,39S,47,48 110600 130 217 245 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
13810 1630 1759 38S,39S,47,48 110600 130 217 3 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
13590 1530 1815 39,40 350200 125 216 1 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1829 39,40 350200 125 216 7 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1615 39,40 350200 125 216 6 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1730 1759 39,40 350200 125 216 6 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1600 39,40 350200 125 216 24 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1645 39,40 350200 125 216 5 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1620 39,40 350200 125 216 3 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1700 1800 39,40 350200 125 216 3 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
15495 1630 1729 47,48 130400 145 217 1234567 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
15495 1729 1745 47,48 130400 145 217 6 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
15680 1400 1459 41 85 217 17 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
13580 1625 1715 39,40 110 217 2356 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
13580 1625 1729 39,40 110 217 4 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
15295 1500 1530 41 77 218 17 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
15295 1530 1559 41 77 218 23 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
15295 1500 1559 41 77 218 56 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
15295 1515 1559 41 77 218 4 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
17650 1530 1559 47,48 120 227 4 290309 241009 ISS 100 BVB
9815 0030 0045 41 00 75 216 17 290309 241009 WER 25

[HCDX] AIR A09 PG (Scanned copy)

2009-04-03 Thread sakthi vel

Now all of you access the original scanned copy of All India Radios' Home 
Service and External Service programme schedule in the following link. 
- Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] HD Radio launches 1,000 multicast stations

2009-03-30 Thread sakthi vel

HD Radio launches 1,000 multicast stations

HD Digital Radio Alliance, a joint initiative of leading radio broadcasters to 
accelerate the rollout of HD Radio, announced that 1,000 multicast stations are 
now being broadcast on-air and 100 SKUs are available at retail.

"In this economic environment, being able to receive all these extra stations 
around the country for free is immensely appealing," says HD Digital Radio 
Alliance president Diane Warren. "We intend to continue to educate and inform 
radio consumers and listeners about HD Radio, the new free stations, and the 
devices with the new radio advertising campaign in 100 markets on over 700 

Starting this week, the Alliance will launch its new on-air ad campaign, aimed 
at educating consumers that a new receiver is needed to enjoy the HD 
experience. Positioned as 'If you don't have an HD, you're not hearing HD. It's 
time to upgrade', the messaging reinforces the need for a radio upgrade in 
order to hear the digital quality sound and new stations.

The campaign will direct consumers to the homepage of HDRadio to view the 
station and buyer's guide. The home page of HDRadio.com will have scrolling 'MY 
DEALS' so that consumers can view bargains on receivers at various retailers.

With the rise in the number of digital stations, the number of receivers has 
also gone up. However, the price has gone down with units now available for as 
little as $79.


Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] Senecas acquires licence to operate commercial radio station

2009-03-30 Thread sakthi vel

Senecas acquires licence to operate commercial radio station

Seneca Nation of Indians acquired a construction permit from Federal 
Communications Commission to operate an FM radio station. The permit was 
purchased for $250,000. Broadcasting is expected to start in the second half of 
2009. In addition to providing entertainment and news, the radio station will 
also promote Seneca culture and tradition while opening up new avenues of 

The radio station will located in the Allegany territory with the antennae site 
in Little valley. Signals will reach Jamestown, Salamanca, Olean, Chautauqua 
and Cattaraugus counties, as well as neighboring communities in the Western New 
York region and Northern Pennsylvania.

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] ABC fine-tunes Dundas and Torney for quest of multimedia age

2009-03-30 Thread sakthi vel

THE ABC's two new chiefs, Kate Torney and Kate Dundas, will be spearheading the 
national broadcaster's transformation into a truly multimedia platform..
Both women were chosen for their skills in multimedia and managing people but 
that doesn't mean the way ahead won't be bumpy as the broadcaster continues to 
deliver content not just on television and radio, but also online and on 

Dundas, appointed director of the sprawling radio division last week by 
managing director Mark Scott, has warned of a "challenging era" as staff adapt 
to the rapid change in technology.

The ABC's existing five analogue radio networks -- Radio National, NewsRadio, 
Triple J, Classic FM and Local Radio -- will be supplemented by digital radio 
from July 1.

"The major challenge will be to integrate media-rich services so a network is 
not just a radio station with a website added on," Dundas told Media.

"Each network needs to be really integrated to include everything from 
podcasting to user-generated content and that's hard -- that's cultural change."

While Triple J has made the leap into being a truly multi-platform network with 
a magazine, a TV show, games, original music, photos to accompany radio 
programs and other innovations, the more staid Radio National is yet to be 
fully converted.

Radio National has, however, been the leader in podcasting, with millions of 
podcasts being downloaded of programs from Philip Adams' Late Night Live to 
Fran Kelly's Breakfast.

"It's a different way of thinking," Dundas said of expecting broadcasting staff 
to create additional content for the web.

"And I have to look at the resources available to do that and see that people 
are skilled enough to do it. It's interesting to watch younger people coming 
through who do it with ease."

Dundas's examination of radio resources is a formal review which has been under 
way since late last year when her predecessor Sue Howard axed The Religion 
Report and several other shows to move resources online.

"Technology's made a huge difference," Dundas said. "Technology can help you 
produce different versions of things. Tape is so long gone.."

Scott appears to have been grooming Dundas for the position, moving her from 
radio to run the newly named department of People and Learning for 18 months. 
Making his announcement last week he said her experience in staff development 
would be important as the review of the ABC Radio division continued in the 
coming months.

"Kate will continue this work from the radio division, where the opportunities 
of new technology and the implementation of digital radio can be fully 
explored," Scott said in a statement.

"The ABC is currently in a strong position and we want to maintain that 
leadership in digital media, capitalising on our strengths in the key content 
areas of news and radio; the work of the directors of news and radio will be 
integral in this endeavour."

The other Kate, Kate Torney, who was appointed director of news last week and 
replaces John Cameron on April 14, also faces managing a huge cultural shift as 
the ABC moves to desktop editing of stories by reporters and fully automated 
news studios around the country.

Torney was head of Asia Pacific News, a job which involved managing the largest 
cross-platform international newsroom in the Asia-Pacific region, responsible 
for more than 60 journalists. She introduced broadcast technology to the 
Australia Network newsroom.

The two Kates have a lot in common. Apart from being directors of content at 
the ABC and sharing a name, they both have three children.

Dundas, 50, has twin boys, 15, and a 19-year-old son. Torney, 41, is still 
juggling a young family, with children aged two, six and 11. Her husband, John 
Duggan, is a photographer on The Age.

While Dundas succeeds Sue Howard, who was the first woman to run radio, Torney 
is the first woman to head the ABC's national news and current affairs empire. 
Her appointment is akin to print journalist Michelle Grattan's when she became 
the first female editor of a metropolitan daily newspaper as editor of The 
Canberra Times in 1993. She returned to The Age in 1995 as political editor.

Both women attribute being able to balance challenging jobs with raising 
families to a supportive workplace and family.

"I have an incredibly supportive husband and a terrific network of support to 
keep us going," Torney says.

She says it's a "great honour" to be the first woman to run the division but it 
didn't cross her mind when she went for the job and was shortlisted with three 
men. "I'm incredibly proud to work for an organisation that promotes on merit, 
and if it's an inspiration to other women who work in the media, that's 
terrific," she says. "But there's a range of extraordinary women working in 
senior roles at the ABC."

The real focus for Torney, who will soon be responsible for 700 journalists 
working on everything from The 7:30 Report to ABC News to Foreign 

[HCDX] 7 illegal FM radio channels blocked in Charsadda, Pakistan

2009-03-30 Thread sakthi vel

On the directive of federal government, the Charsadda District Administration 
Sunday closed seven illegal FM radio stations.

According to sources, the district administration was advised by the federal 
government to immediately block the transmission of all FM radio stations 
operating illegally in the area.

As a result, the local authorities blocked transmission of seven FM radio 
stations set up in Charsadda city and Shabqadar.

These radio stations were being used in seminaries and mosques for the purpose 
of teaching. (thenews.jang.com.pk)

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] Voice of Turkey A09

2009-03-30 Thread sakthi vel

Voice of Turkey A09


Bulgarian 7210  41  1100-   1130EMR 500 DSB
English 597549  0300-   0400EMR 500 DSB
English 15450   19  1230-   1330EMR 500 DSB
English 978531  1830-   1930EMR 500 DSB
English 983031  2200-   2300EMR 500 DSB
French  598049  1930-   2030EMR 500 DSB
German  13760   22  1130-   1230EMR 500 DSB
German  11835   25  1730-   1830EMR 500 DSB
Italian 961031  1630-   1700EMR 500 DSB
Russian 11965   25  1300-   1400EMR 500 DSB
Spanish 987031  0100-   0200EMR 500 DSB
Spanish 977031  0100-   0200EMR 500 DSB
Spanish 11930   25  1630-   1730EMR 500 DSB
Tatar   13770   22  1000-   1030EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 604049  0400-   0600EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 13635   22  0600-   1300EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 984031  1300-   1600EMR 500 DSB
Arabic  11750   25  0900-   1000EMR 500 DSB
Arabic  11690   25  0900-   1000EMR 500 DSB
Arabic  954031  1400-   1500EMR 500 DSB
English 616549  0300-   0400EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 11980   25  0400-   0600EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 604049  0400-   0600EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 11750   25  0600-   0900EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 11955   25  0600-   1300EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 596049  1600-   2100EMR 500 DSB

English 720541  2030-   2130EMR 500 DSB

Arabic  11690   25  0900-   1000EMR 500 DSB
Arabic  15285   19  1400-   1500EMR 500 DSB
French  953531  1930-   2030EMR 500 DSB

Azerbaijani 11730   25  0700-   0800EMR 500 DSB
Azerbaijani 953031  1530-   1630EMR 500 DSB
Chinese 15240   19  1100-   1200EMR 500 DSB
Dari-Pastho-Uzbek 11765 25  1500-   1630EMR 500 DSB
English 15520   19  1230-   1330EMR 500 DSB
English 720541  2030-   2130EMR 500 DSB
Georgian965531  1000-   1100EMR 500 DSB
Kazakh  11880   25  1330-   1400EMR 500 DSB
Persian 11795   25  0830-   1000EMR 500 DSB
Persian 976531  1500-   1600EMR 500 DSB
Russian 11965   25  1300-   1400EMR 500 DSB
Tatar   13770   22  1000-   1030EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 726041  -   0200EMR 500 DSB
Turkish 11750   25  0600-   0900EMR 500 DSB
Turkmen 11825   25  1200-   1230EMR 500 DSB
Urdu13710   22  1200-   1300EMR 500 DSB
Uyghur  951031  0200-   0300EMR 500 DSB
Uyghur  15180   19  1400-   1500EMR 500 DSB
Uzbek   15280   19  1030-   1100EMR 500 DSB

English 597549  0300-   0400EMR 500 DSB
English *   732541  0300-   0400SACK250 DSB
English 983031  2200-   2300EMR 500 DSB

English 597549  0300-   0400EMR 500 DSB
Spanish 977031  0100-   0200EMR 500 DSB

Spanish 987031  0100-   0200EMR 500 DSB
Spanish 977031  0100-   0200EMR 500 DSB

(*) : VOT Transmission from Canada - Sackville Transmitter Site 

Radio Department
Tel: +90 312 463 3173
Fax: +90 312 463 3174
e-mail: r...@trt.net.tr 

External Services
Tel: +90 312 463 3271
Faks: +90 312 463 3355
e-mail: t...@trt.net.tr

English Desk (Web) : +90 312 463 3363
English Desk : +90 312 463 3372

- Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India. Detail Excel schedule on www.adxc.wordpress.com

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2009-03-28 Thread sakthi vel

A09 / Summer 2009 schedule for IRRS-Shortwave (Milano, Italy)

Freq.(kHz)Time UTCTime CEST Days ITU Zones Power & Modulation Antenna Language

5990 0430-0530 0630-0730 Mon-Thu 18-19,27-30,37-39 150 kW A3 Europe, N  Africa 
English (1)
7290 1800-2100 2000-2300 Fri, Sat,  Sun 18-20,27-30,37-40 150 kW A3 Europe, 
MidEast, Africa English (1)
9510 0800-0900 1000-1100 Sat 18-20,27-30,37-40 150 kW A3 Europe, MidEast, N 
Africa English (1) 
9510 0930-1200 1130-1400 Sun 18-20,27-30,37-40 150 kW A3 Europe, MidEast, N 
Africa English (1)
15650 1500-1800 1700-2000 Daily 18,27-30,37-40,46-48,52,53,57 150 kW A3 
Africa English, Arabic (2)

(1) To Europe, Middle East and N Africa
(2) to Africa

A3 = Double Side Band (DSB) AM
Information on any additional test transmission will be available on our Web 
site http://www.nexus.org/NEXUS-IBA/Schedules

CEST:   Central European Summer Time or local time in Central Europe UTC+2)
UTC: Universal Time Coordinated equivalent to GMT
For more information: 
PO BOX 10980, I-20110 Milano, Italy.
ph: +39-02-266 6971  fax: +39-02-706 38 151
email: i...@nexus.org 
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India, www.adxc.wordpress.com Via Mike Terry, Ron 
Norton, Tom Taylor)

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[HCDX] BBC Tamil service on 11635 kHz

2009-03-28 Thread sakthi vel
>From 25 March 2009 to 28 March 2009, BBC Tamil service also listen on 11635 
>kHz on 1545 - 1615 UTC. May be testing broadcast? Already they broadcasting on 
>6235, 7205 and 9645 kHz.
- Jaisakthivel, Cennai, India

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[HCDX] Global Catholic Network A09

2009-03-27 Thread sakthi vel
A09 HFC  12 January-2009

5810  2200-0500   10,11    EWN 250  220 30  216 1234567 
290309 251009 D   Spanish
7555  0500-1300   10,11    EWN 250  220 30  216 1234567 
290309 251009 D   Spanish
9340  1200-1500   43,44    EWN 250  40 -30  218 1234567 
290309 251009 D   English 
11520 -0900   46,47    EWN 250  85  15  218 1234567 
290309 251009 D   English
11520 1100-1700   11-15    EWN 250  155  0  218 1234567 
290309 251009 D   Spanish
11550 1300-2200   10,11    EWN 250  220 30  216 1234567 
290309 251009 D   Spanish
11640 0900-1200   43,44    EWN 250  335    -30  216 1234567 
290309 251009 D   English
11870 0100-1100   11-15    EWN 250  155  0  218 1234567 
290309 251009 D   Spanish
15610 1500-1700   27,28    EWN 250  40 -30  218 1234567 
200309 251009 D   English
15610 1700-2000   9    EWN 250  40 -30  218 1234567 
200309 251009 D   English
15610 2000-2400   39,40    EWN 250  40 -30  218 1234567 
200309 251009 D   English
17510 1700-0100   11-15    EWN 250  155  0  218 1234567 
200309 251009 D   Spanish
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India, For complete A09 visit www.adxc.wordpress.com)

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2009-03-27 Thread sakthi vel
CRI Short Wave A09 

North America and Caribbean Sea




South Pacific






CRI AM/FM Relays acsross the world

Program Schedule for Round the Clock

Program Schedule for English Service
(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India)

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[HCDX] CRI English for Asia A09

2009-03-27 Thread sakthi vel

29th, 2009)   

UTCService AreakHz   

East Asia   
03:00-05:00Siberia 15120;15785   
10:00-11:00Siberia 11635;11610   
Middle Asia   
Southeast Asia   
16:00-18:00 Laos, Vietnam1080   
12:00-13:00Manila  1341   
Yangon 9730   
Bangkok, Ho Chi
Minh City,
Phnom Penh,
Ho Chi Minh City 684   
13:00-14:00Manila  1341   
Ho Chi Minh City,
Phnom Penh,
South Asia   
16:00-18:00Islamabad 7235;1323   
23:00-24:00Delhi, Colombo5915;7410   
00:00-01:00Delhi, Colombo6075;6180;7415   
03:00-04:00Delhi, Colombo15110;11770   
05:00-09:00Delhi, Colombo11895;15350;15465;17540   
11:00-12:00Delhi, Colombo1269   
Islamabad  1269   
Delhi   1188;1269   
14:00-15:00Delhi, Colombo11675;11765   
Delhi, Colombo1323;7160;9800   
West  Asia   
19:00-20:00Ankara, Damascus,
20:00-21:00Iran. Iraq,
Turkey, Turkmenistan,
05:00-07:00Iran.. Iraq, Turkey,
Muscat, Abu Dhabi,
Doha, Riyadh,11870;15140   
Relays Across Asia   
UTCTarget AreaAM/FM/SW   
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India, Visit www.adxc.wordpress.com for detail Excel 

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[HCDX] Canadian Broadcaster Cuts 800 Jobs as Revenue Falls

2009-03-27 Thread sakthi vel

Canadian Broadcasting Corp., the country’s government-run radio and television 
agency, plans to cut as many as 800 jobs, or almost 10 percent of its 
workforce, to trim costs as advertising plummets.

The broadcaster faces a funding shortfall of C$171 million ($139 million) this 
year, forcing it to fire workers and scale back programming, according to a 
statement from Ottawa today. Factors contributing to the shortfall include 
declining advertising, aging infrastructure and increased programming costs.

“The shortfall was there and we were looking for ways of managing it and this 
is where we are today,” said Angus McKinnon, a spokesman for the broadcaster.

Seventy corporate-services employees will lose their jobs, as well as 393 
workers in the English operations and 336 in the French-language Radio-Canada 
service, McKinnon said. Executive pay will be cut as much as 20 percent, and 
the agency may sell C$125 million in assets.

The CBC gets about C$1 billion, or three-fifths of its overall budget, in 
public funds each year from taxpayers. Prime Minister Stephen Harper declined 
to provide bridge financing to cover a shortfall this year. The broadcaster 
said it can’t borrow on financial markets like its private competitors.

The cuts today are symptomatic of problems affecting all broadcasters in Canada 
and the biggest losers are people who live in smaller cities, where the CBC is 
sometimes the only local news operation, said Ian Morrison, a spokesman for 
programming watchdog Friends of Canadian Broadcasting.

‘Empty Warehouse’

“You’re stripping away a lot of production value capacity, so you keep the 
station open, but effectively it becomes an empty warehouse,” said Morrison, 
adding that the CBC made poor choices such as overpaying for U.S.-made shows 
and hockey rights. Morrison said the government should force cable and 
satellite companies to pay fees for the right to carry CBC and other 
conventional television stations.

The CBC, established in its current form in 1936 to preserve a Canadian point 
of view for news and programming, operates independently of the government. It 
has about 8,300 employees in 27 offices.

“At a time when Ottawa is supposed to be providing stimulus to the Canadian 
economy and ensuring that people maintain employment, cutting 800 jobs is the 
wrong approach to take,” Lise Lareau, the Canadian Media Guild’s national 
president, said in an e-mail to employees. “Once again, in spite of our 
supposed arm’s-length relationship with Parliament, CBC/Radio-Canada is 
completely at the mercy of the government of the day.”

Public Support

A Harris-Decima poll of 1,000 Canadians conducted March 12 to 15 found that 50 
percent supported the idea of a government line of credit for the CBC, while 41 
percent opposed it. The poll has a 3.1 percentage point margin of error.

In 2006, the CBC had about 12 percent of all local television advertising 
revenue in the English market and 26 percent in the French one, according to 
the latest data from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications 
Commission. The CBC doesn’t run ads on its radio stations, and it doesn’t plan 
to change this.

The broadcaster also plans to cut costs by scaling back radio and television 
programming for news, current affairs and music, and will reduce its marketing 
and travel budgets.

To contact the reporters on this story: Alexandre Deslongchamps in Ottawa at 
Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] DRM general assembly to discuss DRM+ technology for FM

2009-03-25 Thread sakthi vel

The DRM Consortium annual General Assembly to be held in Erlangen, Germany on 
26-27 March  will hear and debate how the recent decisions of India and Russia 
to implement DRM technology for their SW and MW bands, will become the driving 
force for the rollout in the rest of the world.

Held under the theme of 'DRM Digital Radio - From Possibility to Reality' the 
General Assembly will be attended by Consortium members, experts, broadcasters, 
service providers and manufacturers from all over the world. India and Russia 
have recently made public their decision to implement DRM as the solution for 
digitising radio in their respective countries.

The DRM General Assembly will also assess the standardisation plans of DRM +, 
the technology to digitise FM bands with all existing DRM features plus CD 
quality sound. Scientists and experts involved in the development of DRM+ will 
explain how this new addition will complete the DRM family and make it a 
viable, total solution for broadcasters all over the world.

An independently commissioned business case study for DRM+ will also be 
unveiled at the event in southern Germany.

The technical heads of the European and Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unions will 
also take part and express their views on the digital scene in the two 
continents. Ruxandra Obreja, Chairperson, DRM Consortium and Controller, 
Business Development, BBC World Service says, "I am excited and encouraged by 
the developments in India and Russia with their huge broadcasting networks and 
where DRM implementation will give radio a new and exciting 'digital' lease of 
life. The DRM General Assembly is well-timed to discuss the implication of this 
roll-out and that of DRM+, expected to join the family of openly-available 
worldwide DRM standards later this year."

The rollout of the DRM technology also heralds an opportunity for manufacturers 
to tap into these huge markets with smart receivers offering the consumers an 
enhanced radio experience. 


Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] VOA South Asia A09

2009-03-24 Thread sakthi vel

VOA South Asia A09

Afghanistan/TV & Radio Ashna

0130–0230 1296 7595 9335
1530–1630 1296 9335 9770 11575
1730–1800 1296 9335 9445 9770
1800–1830 1296 7595 9335 9445
1930–2030 1296 5750 7595

0030–0130 1296 7595 9335
1430–1530 1296 9335 11840 12140
1630–1730 1296 9335 9770

Pakistan-Afghanistan Border Region/
Deewa Radio

1300–1500 7455 7495 9370 9565
1500–1900 5835 7455 7495 9370

0130–0200 11500 15205
1600–1700 1575 7435 11500

Urdu/Radio Aap ki Dunyaa
–0100 972 1539
0100–0200 972 1539 9520 9820
1400–1500 972 1539 7440

VOA Frequency 100.5 FM
VOA Frequency 100.5 FM
VOA Frequency 100.5 FM
VOA Frequency 100.5 FM
VOA Frequency 1296 AM
100.5 FM
VOA Frequency 100.5 FM
VOA Frequency 100.5 FM
VOA Frequency 100.5 FM

SBS Radio 1107 AM
97.7 FM

Radio AAMAR 101 FM
Radio Today
(Radio Broadcasting
FM Co. Ltd.) 89.6 FM

Radio Punjab International
Inc.–KCCF-AM 1550 AM
CKER 101.9 FM 101.9 FM
Radio India 530 AM
New Zealand
Radio Tarana 1386 AM

Full news coverage as well as streaming
audio and video can be found on each of our
language service websites:
Bangla www.VOANews.com/bangla
Dari www.VOANews.com/dari
Hindi www.VOANews.com/hindi
Pashto www.VOANews.com/pashto
Radio Deewa (Pashto) www.VOADeewaRadio.com
Urdu www.UrduVOA.com

Voice of America Audience Mail
330 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20237 USA
e-mail: lett...@voa.gov | website: www.VOANews.com | fax: 1-202-382-5417
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India. Access detail VOA Pdf schedule on 

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[HCDX] ABC News Radio Anchorman Found Dead

2009-03-23 Thread sakthi vel

Veteran ABC Radio newscaster George Weber has been found dead in his Brooklyn, 
N.Y., apartment in what police believe was a homicide. Police responded to a 
missing person call at 9 a.m. Sunday and found Weber, 50, in his apartment with 
a wound to his neck, according to a police report. Emergency Medical Services 
responded to the scene and pronounced him dead. 

An investigation into Weber's death is ongoing and no arrests have been made.

"We are shocked and deeply saddened by the death of our colleague and friend 
George Weber who was the victim of what police have deemed a homicide at his 
home in Brooklyn," said Steve Jones, vice president and general manager of ABC 
News Radio. 

"An investigation has been launched by NYPD and we have been assisting them," 
he added. "Our condolences and prayers go out to George's family and friends at 
this very difficult time." (http://abcnews.go.com)

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[HCDX] Media Broadcast A09

2009-03-23 Thread sakthi vel

Media Broadcast A09

Times are in UTC

frq start stop ciraf ant azi type day from to loc pow broad

13820 1700 1759 47E,48 340100 140 216 7 290309 241009 NAU 500 ADM
17575 1630 1659 48 231000 135 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
17575 1730 1759 48 212200 135 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
15205 1900 1930 46S 320200 215 218 1234567 290309 241009 NAU 125 AWR
9790 0900 1000 28W 350300 180 216 1 290309 241009 NAU 100 AWR
15320 1300 1457 42,43W 310200 70 218 1234567 290309 241009 NAU 250 AWR
15260 1900 2000 37,38W 350200 215 156 1234567 290309 241009 NAU 100 AWR
9845 0300 0330 48 230500 135 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
6065 0300 0330 48 211700 135 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
9815 0330 0400 48 231100 135 218 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
9845 0400 0430 39,40W 211900 120 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
6145 0500 0600 28E 212400 120 201 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
11980 0700 0830 37,38W 220400 210 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
12010 0800 0900 37,38W 221100 210 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
15435 1200 1300 41NE 211100 90 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
15160 1500 1529 41N 80 217 1234567 290309 241009 ISS 250 AWR
15160 1530 1559 41N 80 217 1234567 290309 241009 ISS 250 AWR
15335 1500 1529 41N 221400 90 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
15335 1530 1559 41N 221400 75 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
9445 1700 1729 39,40W 230500 120 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
11915 1730 1800 37,38W 220400 210 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
9765 1900 2030 37,38W 221300 210 216 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
15205 1930 2000 46SE,47W 231000 165 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 250 AWR
11755 2000 2100 46E,47W 230800 180 217 1234567 290309 241009 WER 100 AWR
9430 1545 1659 39,40 110400 115 206 24 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
9430 1615 1630 39,40 110400 115 206 6 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
9435 1800 1830 37NW 140600 220 805 1 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
11970 1830 1859 39,40 120800 100 218 1 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
5945 0700 0730 27,28N 210900 300 216 1 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
5945 0700 0815 27,28N 210900 300 216 7 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
5945 0745 0800 27,28N 210900 300 216 6 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
6130 1815 1830 28,29 222501 55 141 24 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
6130 1800 1845 28,29 222501 55 141 57 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
6130 1800 1830 28,29 222501 55 141 36 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
6130 1800 1859 28,29 222501 55 141 1 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
9430 1815 1845 39,40 211900 120 216 1 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
9430 1800 1830 39,40 211900 120 216 7 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
9430 1830 1859 39,40 211900 120 216 6 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
11830 1830 1959 46,47 230800 165 216 1 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
11830 1930 1959 46,47 230800 180 217 7 290309 241009 WER 100 BVB
11635 0430 0530 48 231100 135 218 7 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
11635 0430 0500 48 231100 135 218 1 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
11865 0430 0500 39,40 231100 120 218 2345 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
11865 0430 0545 39,40 231100 120 218 6 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
11970 1800 1830 39,40 120800 100 218 246 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
11970 1800 1859 39,40 120800 100 218 35 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
11970 1800 1815 39,40 120800 100 218 7 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
12140 1530 1730 39,40 111000 100 218 1234567 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
11955 1530 1545 39, 40 105 217 1 290309 241009 WER 250 BVB
13810 1600 1859 38S,39S,47,48 110600 130 217 16 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
13810 1630 1830 38S,39S,47,48 110600 130 217 7 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
9430 1730 1759 39,40 230500 120 217 1 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
9430 1701 1800 39,40 211900 120 216 7 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
17535 0900 1000 38,39 230700 135 217 6 290309 241009 WER 125 BVB
13810 1600 1759 38S,39S,47,48 110600 130 217 245 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
13810 1630 1759 38S,39S,47,48 110600 130 217 3 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
13590 1530 1815 39,40 350200 125 216 1 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1829 39,40 350200 125 216 7 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1615 39,40 350200 125 216 6 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1730 1759 39,40 350200 125 216 6 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1600 39,40 350200 125 216 24 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1645 39,40 350200 125 216 5 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545 1620 39,40 350200 125 216 3 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1700 1800 39,40 350200 125 216 3 290309 241009 NAU 100 BVB
15495 1630 1729 47,48 130400 145 217 1234567 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
15495 1729 1745 47,48 130400 145 217 6 290309 241009 JUL 100 BVB
15680 1400 1459 41 85 217 17 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
13580 1625 1715 39,40 110 217 2356 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
13580 1625 1729 39,40 110 217 4 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
15295 1500 1530 41 77 218 17 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
15295 1530 1559 41 77 218 23 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
15295 1500 1559 41 77 218 56 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
15295 1515 1559 41 77 218 4 290309 241009 ISS 250 BVB
17650 1530 1559 47,48 120 227 4 290309 241009 ISS 100 BVB
9815 0030 0045 41 00 75 216 17 29030

[HCDX] IIT Bombay students launch web campus radio

2009-03-22 Thread sakthi vel

Students of IIT Bombay have launched their own campus web based radio station. 

The students were inspired by leading universities like MIT, Harvard and Yale 
that have their own successful on campus radio stations. Sajid Shariff, the 
general secretary of cultural affairs, IIT Bombay, says that they intend to 
provide the students through their LAN based radio station with a platform to 
voice their opinions, take part in debates and allow them to be more informed. 
The shows will include campus, city, national and international news, music, 
reviews of websites, information on books to read, gadgets, movies to watch, 
places and restaurants to hang out and extra-curricular activities. This is the 
first time a university in India has taken such an initiative. 

As all the online radio content has to be pre-recorded and loaded onto the site 
there were actually no expenses involved except for buying the mics, laptop 
mixer, cords and headphones, says Sajid. 

Sajid explains the minimal cost stating that there was no need to set up 
something as elaborate as a studio. The students use a room that goes by the 
name of Student Activity centre where shows are recorded. They use CDeep which 
is a technical support facility that takes care of networking and streaming on 

The response on campus to the online radio station has been really good so far, 
he says. Sajid reveals that the Professors and other faculty members are 
extremely interested in the radio station as they want to address issues and 
topics with the students through this forum. A lot of students on campus have 
offered to be RJ’s for some of the shows and have also taken an active interest 
in providing ideas that different shows could be based on. 

The primary objective the students have for the radio station is to be able to 
provide good quality content to the students and be able to maintain that 
quality throughout. They intend to keep the interest for the campus radio going 
with updates that students would genuinely be interested in knowing about such 
as top ten websites, top movies, gadgets and relevant issues both on campus and 

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

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2009-03-20 Thread sakthi vel

Radio Canada International
Technical Schedule for Shortwave (Summer 2009)
from March 29th (07:00 UTC) to October 25th, 2009 (07:00 UTC)

00:00-00:59 DAILY KIM 9690, KIM 11895 
01:05-02:05 DAILY SAC 6100
13:05-14:05 DAILY SAC 7325
15:00-15:59 DAILY YAM 11805, YAM 6110
21:05-21:59 DAILY SAC 9515
22:00-22:59 DAILY KIM 9525, KIM 9870

00:00-00:57 DAILY KUN 11700 
00:05-01:05 TUE-SAT SAC 6100
01:00-01:59 DAILY EMR 9620
15:00-15:57 URU 17720, KUN 11675
15:05-17:05 DAILY SAC 9515
17:05-19:05 DAILY SAC 9515
18:00-18:59 DAILY KAS 9530, SKN 11765, SAC 17735, SKN 17810
20:00-21:00 DAILY SAC 15235, SAC 17735
23:05-00:05 DAILY SAC 6100

19:00-19:59 DAILY KAS 11765, SMG 13730, SKN 15320, SAC 17735
20:05-21:05 DAILY SAC 9515
21:00-21:59 DAILY SMG 9490, SAC 13650, SAC 15330, SAC 15235, SAC 17735
23:00-23:29 DAILY KIM 9525

00:00-00:59 DAILY SAC 11990, SAC 13725 
02:00-02:59 DAILY SAC 9755, SAC 13710
02:05-03:05 DAILY SAC 6075
12:05-13:05 DAILY SAC 7325
22:00-22:59 DAILY SAC 11990, SAC 15455
22:05-23:05 DAILY SAC 6100
23:00-23:59 DAILY SAC 11990, SAC 15455

00:05-00:35 SUN&MON SAC 6100
21:00-21:29 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 17860
21:30-21:59 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 15455, SAC 17860
22:00-22:29 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 17860
22:30-22:59 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 17860
23:00-23:29 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 13710

00:35-01:05 SUN&MON SAC 6100
14:35-15:05 SAT&SUN SAC 9515
17:00-17:59 FRI-SAT-SUN HB 5850

02:00-02:59 DAILY HB 5840, SMG 5950
03:00-03:59 DAILY MOS 9520
11:05-12:05 DAILY SAC 7325
19:00-19:59 DAILY SAC 15235, RMP 15180
19:05-20:05 DAILY SAC 9515

14:05-14:35 DAILY SAC 9515
14:35-15:05 MON-FRI SAC 9515
15:00-15:29 DAILY WOF 15325, HB 11935
16:00-16:30 DAILY RMP 15325, WOF 11935

DRM Transmissions (Digital Radio Mondiale):

15:05-17:05 DAILY SAC 9800
21:00-22:00 DAILY SAC 9800

17:05-19:05 MON-FRI SAC 9800

Transmitter Sites
Via Bill Westenhaver
Audience Relations/Relations avec l'auditoire
Radio Canada International
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India. Detail pdf schedule on www.adxc.wordpress.com)

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[HCDX] Radio Nacional RAE A09

2009-03-16 Thread sakthi vel

Radio Nacional RAE A09

18.00-19.00 ENGLISH* ENGLISH PROGRAM 9690–15345 EUROPE
19.00-20.00 ITALIAN* ITALIAN PROGRAM 9690-15345 EUROPE

6060 KHz49 meter Band   
9690 KHz31 meter Band   
11710 KHz   25 meter Band
15345 KHz   19 meter Band  

- Broadcasting LRA 1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires, AM 870 KHz. –
* (Mondays to Fridays). – On the air Saturdays on 6060 & 15345 KHz: 17.00 a 
23.30 (20.00 a 02.30 UTC) Fr. 11710: 17.00 & 19.00 (19.00 & 21.00 UTC)
On the air Sundays on 6060 & 15345 KHz.: 15.00 a 24.00 H.L (18.00 a 03.00 UTC): 
signal Radio Nacional AM 870 KHz.  
Telefax RAE 54 11 4325 6368 PO Box:555 – Zip code: C1000WAF Buenos Aires – 
República Argentina E-mail: r...@radionacional.gov.ar   DX Programs:  
barr...@arg.sicoar.com (Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India)

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2009-03-16 Thread sakthi vel


10:30-11:30 SW 19m 15600 Indian Subcontinent 
   16m 17660   Indian Subcontinent 
MW 702 Republic of Azerbaijan 
FM 100.7 Tehran 
11:30-12:30 Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird Satellite
15:30-16:30 SW 41m 7305 Indian Subcontinent  
   31m 9600 Indian Subcontinent  
19:30-20:30 SW 49m 5945 Central Europe 
   49m 6205 Europe 
   41m 7205 Europe 
   31m 9800 South Africa 
   31m 9925 South Africa 
21:30-22:30 Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird Satellite
00:30-01:30 Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird Satellite
01:30-02:30 SW 31m 9495 North America
   41m 7235 North America
IRIB English service, P.O.Box No:19395-6767,Tehran I.R of Iran
E-Mail:: englishra...@irib.ir (Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India)

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get yourn...@rocketmail.com. Sign up 
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2009-03-16 Thread sakthi vel

NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - A09 will access in the following link

(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India) 

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] ABC launches mobile content platform

2009-03-16 Thread sakthi vel

ABC launches mobile content platform

The new site - m.abc.net.au - is designed to allow content to be easily viewed 
and downloaded on mobile phone screens. Mr Scott said content includes news, 
sport and entertainment stories, as well as localised weather forecasts and 
radio schedules, TV guides and cinema reviews and times.


Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

  From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Go to 

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[HCDX] KTWR Program Schedule A09

2009-03-15 Thread sakthi vel

KTWR Program Schedule A09

Target Language UTC Days Frequency/mb 

Amdo-Tibetan 1300-1315 Mon-Thu 9370 / 31 
Cantonese 1330-1400 Mon-Fri 9975 / 31 
Cantonese 1100-1200 Sun 9975 / 31 
Cantonese 2200-2230 Mon-Fri 12130 / 25 
Cantonese 2200-2245 Sun 12130 / 25 
Hui 1000-1030 Sat 15325 / 19 
Hui 1300-1330 Sat 9370 / 31 
Mandarin 0930-1045 Daily 12105 / 25 
Mandarin 1015-1200 Daily 11590 / 25 
Mandarin 1100-1230 Daily 9910 / 31 
Mandarin 1230-1330 Daily 9975 / 31 
Mandarin 1200-1400 Mon-Fri 9370 / 31 
Mandarin 1200-1330 Sat 9370 / 31 
Mandarin 1200-1300 Sun 9370 / 31 
Mandarin 2300-2315 Daily 11765 / 25 
Nosu Yi 1100-1115 Sat-Sun 11590/ 25 
Nosu Yi 1200-1215 Daily 9975 / 31 
Uyghur 1000-1030 Mon-Fri 11935 / 25 

Mongolian 1200-1215 Sat 9910 / 31 

Korean 1400-1515 Sun-Fri 11570 / 25 
Korean 1400-1545 Sat 11570 / 25 

South Pacific 
English 0855-0930 Mon-Fri 11840 / 25
English 0915-0930 Sat 11840 / 25

SE Asia 
English 0805-0900 Tu,Th,Fr 15170 / 19
English 0820-0900 Wed 15170 / 19
English 0835-0900 Mon 15170 / 19

Balinese 0900-0915 Fri-Tue 15200 / 19
Indonesian 0945-1045 Daily 15200 / 19
Javanese 1045-1115 Daily 15200 / 19
Madurese 0915-0945 Daily 15200 / 19
Sundanese 1115-1145 Daily 15200 / 19
Torajanese 0900-0915 Wed-Thu 15200 / 19

Burmese 1200-1300 Sun-Fri 13765 / 22
Burmese 1200-1235 Sat 13765 / 22
Sgaw Karen 1300-1330 Daily 9585 / 31

Vietnamese 1100-1130 Daily 9635 / 31
Vietnamese 1400-1415 Mon-Fri 9920 / 31
Vietnamese 1400-1500 Sat-Sun 9920 / 31

South Asia 
Kokborok 1230-1300 Mon-Fri 11870 / 25
Kokborok 1245-1300 Sat 11870 / 25
English 1415-1450 Daily 9975 / 31
Assamese 1330-1400 Mon-Fri 12075 / 25
Assamese 1330-1345 Sun 12075 / 25
Santhali 1345-1400 Daily 9650 / 31
Boro 1300-1315 Wed-Sun 9650 / 31
Manipuri 1315-1330 Mon-Wed 9650 / 31

Reports to 
Trans World Radio - Guam
P.O. Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928 USA
(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India.For more A09: www.adxc.wordpress.com)

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[HCDX] Sirius XM Radio to push content on Apple's devices

2009-03-14 Thread sakthi vel

Sirius XM Radio, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, has plans to offer its 
subscription radio service to Apple's iPhone and iPod touch sometime in spring. 

Sirius will be able to provide its subscribers access to streaming content 
including music, sports and talk channels to users of the iPhone and iPod Touch.

In a bid to steep up its sales, the company has a number of initiatives to make 
its content available everywhere. Sirius is examining opportunities to bundle 
its satellite radio service with TV packages from DirecTV Group. Last month, 
DirecTV's controlling shareholder Liberty Media Corp saved Sirius from debt by 
investing $530 million.


Also, Sirius is looking at catering to consumers directly. Since, the number of 
new car purchases is dipping, the radio company is making efforts to reach 
people who buy used cars with factory installed satellite radios.

Also Read the following articles in the link:
Sirius XM may file for bankruptcy
Liberty Media seals deal with Sirius

Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India

  Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter 

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2009-03-13 Thread sakthi vel


All programmes on short wave; All times in UTC (CEST Central European Time = 
UTC plus 2 hours)

Via the ASTRA 1H Satellite
Polarisation: horizontal
12,66275 GHz, Transp. 115
Symbolrate 22.000 MS, FEC 5/6

05.00-17.00 UTC 6155 kHz
20.00-21.00 UTC 6155 kHz
05.00-13.00 UTC 13730 kHz
Monday-Friday: 20:55 UTC Noticiero de Austria/News in Spanish

Middle East 05.00-05.30 UTC 17870 kHz
America East 00.30-01.00 UTC 9820 kHz
America West 15.00-16.00 UTC 13775 kHz
Central America 00.00-00.30 UTC 9820 kHz
South America 01.00-01.30 UTC 9820 kHz
Asia / Australia 12.00-12.30 UTC 17715 kHz

Changes of the regular radio Ö1 schedule for Radio Austria 1 International 
starting 1.1.2009:

20:55-21:00: Noticiero de Austria (Spanisch)

Middle East:
05:00-05:32: like Europe

East America:
00:30-00:40: Journal (News in German)
00:40-00:56: Moment – Kulinarium (Feature about culinary topics)

West America:
15:00-16:00: Mittagsjournal (News)

Central America:
00:00-00:10: Journal (News)
00:10-00:26: Moment – Kulinarium (Feature about culinary topics)

South America:
01:00-01:10: Journal (News)
01:10-01:26: Moment – Kulinarium (Feature about culinary topics)

Asia / Australia:
12:00-12:15: Nachrichten (News)
12:15-12:20: Vom Leben der Natur (Feature about nature topics)
12:20-12:25: Regionalradio-Nachrichten (News)
12:25-12:30: Wissen aktuell (broadcast about Science)

Ö1 Programme, with the exception:
20:55-21:00: Noticiero de Austria (Spanisch)

Middle East:
05:00-05:32: like Europe

East America:
00:30-00:35: Noticiero de Austria (Spanisch)
00:35-00:50: Journal (News)
00:50-00:55: Wissen aktuell (Science broadcast)
00:55-01:00: Vom Leben der Natur (Feature about nature topics)

West America:
15:00-16:00: Mittagsjournal (News)

Central America:
00:00-00:05: Noticiero de Austria (Spanisch)
00:05-00:20: Journal (News)
00:20-00:25: Wissen aktuell (Science broadcast)
00:25-00:30: Vom Leben der Natur (Feature about nature topics)

South America:
01:00-01:05: Noticiero de Austria (Spanisch)
01:05-01:20: Journal (News)
01:20-01:25: Wissen aktuell (Science broadcast)
01:25-01:30: Vom Leben der Natur (Feature about nature topics)

Asia / Australia:
12:00-12:15: Journal (News)
12:15-12:20: Vom Leben der Natur (Feature about nature topics)
12:20-12:25: Regionalradio-Nachrichten (News)
12:25-12:30: Wissen aktuell (Science broadcast)

Middle East:
05:00-05:32: like Europe

East America:
00:30-00:35: Noticiero de Austria (Spanisch)
00:35-00:50: Journal
00:50-00:55: Wissen aktuell (Science broadcast)
00:55-01:00: Vom Leben der Natur (Feature about nature topics)

West America:
15:00-16:00: Mittagsjournal (news)

Central America:
00:00-00:05: Noticiero de Austria (Spanisch)
00:05-00:20: Journal
00:20-00:25: Wissen aktuell (Science broadcast)
00:25-00:30: Vom Leben der Natur (Feature about nature topics)

South America:
01:10-01:05: Noticiero de Austria (Spanisch)
01:05-01:20: Journal
01:20-01:25: Wissen aktuell (Science broadcast)
01:25-01:30: Vom Leben der Natur (Feature about nature topics)

Asia / Australia:
12:00-12:10: Journal (news)
12:10-12:25: Ganz Ich - Wohlfühlen mit Ö1 (feature)
12:25-12:30: Buch der Woche (Book of the week)

Middle East:
05:00-05:05: Nachrichten (news)
05:05-05:30: Kulturjournal (news about cultural topics)

East America:
00:30-00:40: Journal (news)
00:40-00:55: Ganz Ich - Wohlfühlen mit Ö1 (feature)
00:55-01:00: Buch der Woche (Book of the week)

West America:
15:00-15:10: Sonntagsjournal (news)
15:10-15:45: Europajournal (news about Europe)
15:45-16:00: Ganz Ich - Wohlfühlen mit Ö1 (feature)

Central America:
00:00-00:10: Journal (news)
00:10-00:25: Ganz Ich - Wohlfühlen mit Ö1 (feature)
00:25-00:30: Buch der Woche (Book of the week)

South America:
01:00-01:10: Journal (news)
01:10-01:25: Ganz Ich - Wohlfühlen mit Ö1 (feature)
01:25-01:30: Buch der Woche (Book of the week)

Asia / Australia:
12:00-12:10: Journal (news)
12:10-12:26: Moment – Kulinarium (Feature about culinary topics)

Radio Austria International
Listeners' Department

Please note that all English programmes of Radio Austria 1 International have 
been suspended with 31th of December 2008. Radio Austria 1 International will 
continue to broadcast with the given above frequencies and times, but only 
programmes in German. LINK: http://oe1.orf.at/service/international_en
(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India)

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[HCDX] Dxers Guide in 5th year from India

2009-03-12 Thread sakthi vel

The one and only hard copy dx magazine from India. We are in fifth year with 
your support. We need your support in future too.

Now you will access this quarter 'Dxers Guide' from the following link
Kindly send your comments to
ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in

For hard copy and subscription details contact the above ID
ONE YEAR INDIA Rs. 75.00, TWO YEAR Rs. 150.00
REST OF THE WORLD 12 IRC for one Year and 24 IRC for two year

If you subscribe the hard copy of our Dxers Guide, then you will get the bonus 
copy of 32 pages A09 booklet.. Also we cover DRM to Asia, DX Programme list and 
WRN Schedule in this booklet. All these things in one pack. The Great bonanza 
for enthusiastic Dxers in India.

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now 

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[HCDX] BBC revamps mobile homepage

2009-03-12 Thread sakthi vel

The BBC has announced a new customisable homepage for the mobile version of its 
website that brings the phone version up-to-date with its full online offering.

The beta version of the homepage is available now for owners of some 
BlackBerrys, the iPhone, iPod touch and Google Android phones, for handsets 
running the Opera browser, all Nokia Nseries as well as "high-end" Sony 
Ericssons, Nokias and Samsungs.

The Beeb says the homepage has a "more live and up to date feel" and the 
customisation means users can create "localised" content, such as news, weather 
and TV schedules as well as chose favourite areas to appear on their main 

The BBC is currently asking for feedback on the new version and says they hope 
to be ready to remove the beta status and replace the current homepage at the 
end of March.

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

  Check out the all-new Messenger 9.0! Go to http://in.messenger.yahoo.com/

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[HCDX] VoA steps us Net usage to reach listeners

2009-03-12 Thread sakthi vel

The Voice of America, which now broadcasts 1,500 hours of radio and television 
news and feature programmes each week for a foreign audience of 134 million 
people, is increasingly using the Internet to interact with its audience.

In addition to transmitting news and information, it operates social networking 
programs on its website and uses blogs and webchats to encourage audience 

It also uses the Internet for English language learning programmes. In 2008, 
VoA awarded a contract to Alelo Inc to develop an interactive Web-based 
learning portal to teach English as a second language. The portal is extremely 
popular with college-age students in China and Iran.

VoA Director Dan Austin said in a recent interview to America.gov that it had 
been told the new Obama administration feels that “what we do, dollar for 
dollar, is one of the better investments the American taxpayer can make.”  

Austin said the VoA will continue to provide timely news and information to 
more than 130 million people worldwide while pursing innovative ways to engage 
this audience.

The former Wall Street Journal reporter and executive, who now oversees VoA’s 
$190 million budget, said, “Our fundamental mission has basically remained the 
same” since VoA began broadcasting in 1942 during World War II.

“Our task is still to provide accurate, balanced and comprehensive news and 
information programs for foreign audiences. We are just expanding our technical 
ability to do that while at the same time using state-of-the-art information 
technology to have a dialogue with people.”

Its 1,100 journalists and technicians broadcast in 45 languages (25 through its 
television arm), using a growing network of 1,200 local radio and television 
stations, as well as cable systems.

“Our strategy for reaching audiences is market- and research - driven,” Austin 
explained.“We are investing a fair amount of money into our technological 
infrastructure,” Austin said. “Right now, we have one foot in the analog world 
and one foot in the digital world.”

“But, bit by bit, we’re putting together a [digital] system,” he said, that 
eliminates tapes and similar recording and playing equipment, relying instead 
on computerization to get better quality quickly and cost-effectively. 


(Jaisakthivel, Ardic DX Club, Chennai, India)

  Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. 
Go to http://in.webmessenger..yahoo.com/

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[HCDX] Radio Minsk A09

2009-03-12 Thread sakthi vel

Radio Minsk A09
11.00 - 23.00 UTC 7390, 7210 kHz 
17.05 - 23.00 UTC 7255 kHz  
19.00 - 23.00 UTC 1170 kHz  

Send your Reception reports to
Technical Department, 9, Makayonka St.,Minsk, 220807, Belarus

Send you Programme Comments to
Radio Station "Belarus",4, Krasnaya St.,Minsk, 220807,Belarus,  
www.radiobelarus.tvr.by, Email: radiostation-bela...@tvr.by
(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India Via Larisa Suarez) 

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now 

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[HCDX] Radio Nederland B09

2009-03-12 Thread sakthi vel

SHour / SMin EndHour / EndMin /  Station / Frequency / Azimuth / DateIn /  
DateOut / Power / Broadcaster / Lang / Regularity /Target 

1   59  2   27  BON 6190341 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 nAMe
1   59  3   57  BON 6165290 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Spa 1234567 MEX/cAM
2   0   2   30  MDC 11550   50  29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RSW Swe 1234567 sAS
2   0   4   0   BON 11935   170 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 NHK Jpn 1234567 sAM
2   30  3   0   BON 9660170 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 NHK Por 1234567 sAM
2   30  3   0   MDC 11550   50  29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RSW Eng 1234567 sAS
2   30  3   30  MDC 321520  29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  50  AWR Mlg 1234567 MDC
2   59  3   27  BON 6190335 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 nAMc
2   59  3   59  MDC 9660335 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 VAT Mul 1234567 eAF
3   29  3   57  BON 6190210 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 sAMnw
3   59  4   27  BON 5975290 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 MEX/CAR
4   0   4   30  BON 6195210 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 NHK Spa 1234567 sAMnw
4   0   4   30  MDC 9885335 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 IBB Eng 1234567 eAF
4   0   4   30  MDC 12080   335 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 IBB Eng 1234567 eAF
4   0   5   0   MDC 9895265 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RVP Mul 1234567 Zimbabwe
4   29  5   27  DHA 13800   255 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  500 PNW Mul 1234567 Darfur
4   29  5   27  MDC 13840   330 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 PNW Mul 1234567 Darfur
4   30  5   0   MDC 12080   335 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 IBB Eng 1234567 eAF
4   59  5   27  BON 6165320 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1   nAMw
4   59  5   30  BON 6165320 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 234567  nAMw
4   59  5   57  ISS 983530  01-06-2009  
01-09-2009  500 RNW Dut 1234567 nEU/Baltic
4   59  5   57  MOS 6015245 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  300 RNW Dut 1234567 swEU
4   59  5   57  NAU 6125243 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 c+wEU
4   59  5   57  NAU 9895160 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 seEU
4   59  5   57  SIN 595540  29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 c+wEU
4   59  6   57  ISS 11935   111 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 seEU
5   0   5   30  BON 6195290 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 NHK Spa 1234567 cAM/CAR
5   0   6   0   MDC 15380   359 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 IBB Kur 1234567 Kurdistan
5   30  6   0   MDC 13710   305 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 IBB Fre 23456   wAF
5   57  7   58  SKN 5955110 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 234567  c+wEU
5   57  8   0   SKN 5955110 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1   c+wEU
5   59  6   57  NAU 6035215 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 c+wEU
5   59  6   57  NAU 9895226 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1234567 swEU
6   57  7   57  HB  9895220 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  500 RNW Dut 1234567 swEU
6   59  7   57  NAU 6035186 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 234567  sEU
6   59  7   57  WER 6120300 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 234567  UK
6   59  7   57  WER 11935   240 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 234567  swEU/nwAF
6   59  8   0   NAU 6035186 29-03-2009  
25-10-2009  250 RNW Dut 1   sEU
6   59  8   0   WER 6120

[HCDX] Vodafone steps up DRM-free mobile music initiative

2009-03-11 Thread sakthi vel

Vodafone claims it will be the first global mobile network operator to offer 
music free of DRM when it makes the switch to a large proportion of its 
Vodafone Music Store catalog for mobile and PC by the summer, according to a 
Billboard report.

While Germany, Italy, the UK, Spain and New Zealand will be the first 
territories to roll out DRM-free services,  Australia, the Czech Republic, 
Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, South 
Africa and Turkey will follow "in due course," along with services on 
Vodafone's partner networks in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, 
Iceland, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and EMI Music have all agreed 
to the format conversion. The remaining major label, Warner Music, and all 
independent labels on Vodafone's catalog are yet to confirm participation. 
Tracks from these labels will remain available on the site in the original DRM 

Tracks can be transferred to any digital device owned by the customer, 
including mobile phones and PCs. As well as this, Vodafone is allowing 
customers to upgrade previously purchased tracks to be DRM-free at no extra 
charge within the existing download allowance.

The Vodafone Music Store, powered by RealNetworks, is available exclusively to 
Vodafone customers. It has over a million tracks in its catalog, available to 
purchase as single tracks or album bundles. All purchases can be dual-delivered 
to a mobile and PC free of charge. 


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[HCDX] RADIO BULGARIA Summer schedule

2009-03-11 Thread sakthi vel

RADIO BULGARIA, Summer schedule from March 29 to October 25, 2009
-0100   -daily-   South America  7400,  9400
-0100   -daily-   North America  9700, 11700
0430-0500   Mon-Fri   Balkans1224,  6000
0430-0500   Mon-Fri   East Europe6100,  7400
0430-0500   Mon-Fri   West Europe6100,  7400
0400-0500   Sat/Sun   Balkans1224,  6000
0400-0500   Sat/Sun   East Europe6100,  7400
0400-0500   Sat/Sun   West Europe6100,  7400
1000-1030   -daily-   Balkans7400
1000-1030   -daily-   East Europe   11600, 13600
1000-1030   -daily-   West Europe   11700, 15700
1200-1400   -daily-   Balkans1224
1200-1400   -daily-   West Europe   11700, 15700
1500-1600   -daily-   Balkans1224
1500-1600   -daily-   East Europe5900,  7400
1500-1600   -daily-   Middle East   13800
1500-1600   -daily-   South Africa  15700
1800-1900   -daily-   Balkans 747,  1224
1800-2000   -daily-   Middle East6100
1800-2000   -daily-   West Europe6100
0200-0300   -daily-   North America  9500 DRM
0200-0300   -daily-   North America  9700, 11700
0630-0700   -daily-   West Europe9600, 11600
1130-1200   -daily-   West Europe   11700, 15700
1730-1800   -daily-   West Europe5900,  7400
1730-1800   -daily-   West Europe9400 DRM
2100-2200   -daily-   West Europe5900,  7400
2300-2400   -daily-   North America  9700, 11700
0100-0200   -daily-   North America  9700, 11700
0600-0630   -daily-   West Europe9600, 11600
1100-1130   -daily-   West Europe   11700, 15700
1700-1730   -daily-   West Europe5900,  7400
1700-1730   -daily-   West Europe9400 DRM
2000-2100   -daily-   West Europe5900,  7400
0530-0600   -daily-   West Europe9600, 11600
1030-1100   -daily-   West Europe   11700, 15700
1630-1700   -daily-   West Europe5900,  7400
1630-1700   -daily-   West Europe9400 DRM
1900-2000   -daily-   West Europe5900,  7400
0300-0400   -daily-   East Europe1224,  6100,  7400
0500-0530   -daily-   East Europe6100,  7400
1030-1100   -daily-   East Europe   11600, 13600
1400-1500   -daily-   East Europe1224,  5900,  7400
1400-1500   -daily-   Central Asia   7400
1530-1600   -daily-   East Europe9400 DRM
1600-1630   -daily-   East Europe5900,  7400
1800-1900   -daily-   East Europe5900,  7400
2300-2400   -daily-   Central Asia   6200
0100-0200   -daily-   South America  7400,  9400
0100-0200   -daily-   Central America9400
0600-0630   -daily-   South Europe  11800, 15800
1100-1130   -daily-   South Europe  11800, 15800
1630-1700   -daily-   South Europe  11800, 13800
2130-2230   -daily-   South Europe   6200,  9800
2300-2400   -daily-   South America  7400,  9400
0530-0600   Mon-Fri   Balkans1224,  6000
0600-0700   Sat/Sun   Balkans1224,  6000
1100-1130   -daily-   Balkans7400
1600-1630   -daily-   Balkans 747,  1224
1900-2000   -daily-   Balkans 747,  1224
0500-0530   Mon-Fri   Balkans1224,  6000
0500-0600   Sat/Sun   Balkans1224,  6000
1030-1100   -daily-   Balkans7400
1630-1700   -daily-   Balkans 747,  1224
2000-2100   -daily-   Balkans 747,  1224
0600-0630   Mon-Fri   Balkans1224,  6000
0700-0800   Sat/Sun   Balkans1224,  6000
1130-1200   -daily-   Balkans7400
1700-1730   -daily-   Balkans 747,  1224
2100-2200   -daily-   Balkans 747,  1224
0500-0530   -daily-   Middle East5900,  7300
1000-1030   -daily-   Middle East5900,  7300
1730-1800   -daily-   Middle East 747,  1224,  6100
Via Jaisakthivel (Ardic DX Club),Chennai-600106,India 

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[HCDX] AIR recovers historic '59 Martin Luther King Jr interview

2009-02-05 Thread sakthi vel
An archival recording found by the staff of All India Radio quotes
Civil Rights activist Martin Luther King Jr as saying Gandhi “embodied
in his life certain universal principles that are inherent in the moral
structure of the universe, and these principles are as inescapable as
the law of gravitation.”
The recording was made a day before he left India in March
1959. The recording dated 9 March 1959 is available on All India Radio
at the website http://www.indianembassy.org/newsite/press_release/2009/Jan/MLK 
on All India Radio.mp3. The transcript is also available on the Embassy of 
India in Washington’s website at  
Invited by then Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, King
along with his wife Coretta and biographer Lawrence Reddick, arrived in
Mumbai on 9 February 1959, and traveled to New Delhi and several other
cities over the next four weeks.
The 50th anniversary of that historic journey is being
commemorated this month with a visit to India by King’s son, Martin
Luther King III; members of the US Congress, including Representative
John Lewis who is the last surviving speaker from the 1963 March on
Washington; Clayborne Carson, editor of several volumes of King’s
papers; jazz musician Herbie Hancock; and others.
This State Department–sponsored tour will include two musical
performances by Hancock plus a special tribute by Indian musicians. 


Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] BBC "On Air" Vs "World Agenda" magazine

2009-02-05 Thread sakthi vel
After stop of the BBC "On Air" magazine, now BBC World Service send the 28 
pages "World Agenda" (A4 Size) magazine to their listeners / Government / 
diplomatic services / Media / culture / Business and trade / Development 
agencies / NGOs and Education / research people.
To request a free copy of World Agenda or confirm your mailing details complete 
the form in the following link
(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India)

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[HCDX] FM round up: South India - A year of opportunities

2009-01-04 Thread sakthi vel
2008 turned out to be a year of opportunities for FM operators south of the 
Vindhyas, as many players launched their stations during the year. 2009, say 
most, will be a year of consolidation.

An interesting aspect of the Bangalore market that the initial RAM listenership 
survey had mapped as a high morning listenership and high out of home 
listenership TG, was the conversion to Kannada. With the exception of a Radio 
Indigo, which stuck to its premise of international music, several players 
preferred to target masses by going the Kannada way.

The Sun Network led SFM launched its stations across Kerala, Tamil Nadu and 
Andhra Pradesh in 2008. Educating the masses about commercial FM stations was a 
challenge, believes SFM Kerala station head Girish Babu. “Kerala had always 
been an All India Radio (AIR) dominated market, so we have to educate listeners 
about the FM concept. Even today, there is a chunk of listeners who tune into 
AIR for their news content. It would work for our benefit if independent news 
in allowed in the FM space.”

Echoes SFM Programming Director (Karnataka) Sathish Chandra, “Our stations were 
in the concept setting stage in Gulbarga, Mysore and other places, but the 
audiences accepted us fairly well.”

SFM also adopted marketing gimmicks like giving out gold coins to every 
listener who calls the radio station in the initial months of its launch for 
almost all its stations.

Chennai Live (another station that launched in July) station head Prem Kumar 
says, “We have positioned ourselves differently from the other stations as we 
have adopted the talk format. It had been an enriching year for us.”

Fever's Bangalore station head Anjali Paul, “It was an interesting year for 
Fever- Bangalore as our radio station underwent a format change this year. We 
changed our music content from Hindi and English to complete Kannada as we 
believe Kannada has the potential to be aspirational.”


Advertising in the south Indian market predominantly comprises local retailers 
with a good chunk of national corporate ones.

Talking about his stations in Mysore, Gulbarga, Bangalore and Mangalore, 
Chandra says, “I would say we are positioned at a 50- 50 per cent ratio when it 
comes to advertising, with both retail and national occupying a fair share. We 
are still educating the advertisers about the potential of radio as an 
advertising medium and it will take two to three years from now for the scene 
to change.”
Referring to the Kerala market, Girish Babu opines, “Kerala is dominated by 
regional players and the advertising ratio would be 60 per cent of regional and 
40 per cent of national advertisers.”

Radio stations in Tamil Nadu enjoy a mixed bag of national and regional 
advertising, adds Chennai live station head Prem Kumar states, “Radio 
advertising currently constitutes about seven-10 per cent of the total 
advertising pie in TN. Our main focus in 2009 would be getting the advertisers 
showcase their premium brands as well along with their mass brands.”

SFM Andhra Pradesh Programming head Shobhana says, “Our advertising picked up 
this year because more stations were launched and advertisers looking out for 
pan Idia presence thought it viable to advertise on our station. Also, the 
sales tie up with Red FM has added to our advertising volumes..”

Owing to the global recession, the amount of advertising expenditure has 
reduced but the south Indian market seems to be still intact. Avers Fever 
Bangalore station head Anjali Paul, “This quarter saw some amount of the 
aftermath of the global meltdown in radio advertising. Although radio is 
economical compared to other mediums, radio alone can’t create a brand, it can 
build on a brand that's created by other media. Our Bangalore station is still 
receiving a fair share of advertising with a healthy balance of both, national 
and local retail.”

Agrees Shobhana, “Although recession has hit most of the sectors, radio seems 
to be unaffected at the moment. There hasn’t been a change in the advertising 
yet and we believe advertisers will realise the potential of radio as being 
economical and targeting the same set of listeners.”

During 2008, many advertisers and clients pulled their budgets into radio down 
south and in 2009, the amount of money to be invested in radio would increase 
substantially, believe many radio operators.

Stumbling blocks

Radio stations in Kerala had to bear with problems of frequency overlaps in 
their Thrissur and Cochin stations. An industry insider says, radio stations in 
Trissur enjoyed the advertisers’ attention as their frequency extended till 
Cochin, but there was a 50 per cent fall in the advertising revenue of Thrissur 
stations after the launch of stations in Cochin. Similar problems have been 
seen in parts of Tirunelveli and Tuticorin in Chennai.

Although frequency overlap persists to be a problem, this doesn’t seem to 
affect the listenership. As Girish Babu puts it, “Frequency

[HCDX] India: RDS FM Radio in the Sony C905

2008-12-30 Thread sakthi vel
The highlight of C905 Cyber-shot is its whopping 8.1 megapixel camera. The 
camera is assisted with a Xenon Flash and innovative new sliding lens 
mechanism. It has an auto-focus face detection technology, smart contrast, 
BestPic, upto 16x digital zoom, image stabilizer, photo fix, photo flash, photo 
light and red-eye reduction for image editing, video stabilizer, video 
recording capability assisted with video light, picture and video blogging, 
geo-tagging, photo feeds and PictBridge printing.

“Experience the pleasure of capturing magical moments with a real digital 
camera in a unique sliding C905 cyber-shot™ phone”, said Sudhin Mathur, General 
Manager, Sony Ericsson.”
Other features of the camera-phone include 2.4 inch scratch resistant display, 
memory extendable upto 2 GB via memory stick micro (M2), CCR-70 USB adapter 
compatibility for transferring and sharing of files and images. The images can 
also be viewed on the big screen and transferring them wirelessly from phone to 
TV via Wi-Fi. The phone can also be connected to the TV using TV-Out cable 
ITC-60. The photos can also be printed with a resolution to A3 size.
An additional feature which is included in the phone is GPS which is quite a 
popular feature with mobile phone owners these days.

Some very entertaining features include FM Radio RDS, 3D games, Java, Video 
streaming and viewing. Internet and connectivity options include Access 
NetFront Web browser, web feeds, WAP 2.0 XHTML, WAP 1.2.1, Bluetooth, Modem, 
Synchronisation PC, USB support, Wi-Fi and DLNA.

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] Indian Broadcast industry awaits govt nod to key policies

2008-12-30 Thread sakthi vel

2009, the broadcast and cable industry will once again be looking at the 
government for a slew of policy initiatives in sectors like FM radio, cable 
distribution platforms and mobile TV, which otherwise remained stuck this year 
due to several reasons.

The expansion of conditional access system (CAS) across 55 cities and a clarity 
on the revenue-sharing formula with DTH firms are among the pending issues on 
which initiatives from the government may come in 2009, industry sources say.

2009 may also see the nod from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting 
(I&B) to some of the 150-odd pending applications from broadcasters who are 
looking to launch more television channels.

Among the major policy initiatives that may get a push from the I&B ministry 
include approval to the third-phase expansion of private FM radio that will 
eventually see setting up of at least 500 new FM stations. The final 
recommendation in the matter has already been submitted to the I&B ministry by 
the broadcast regulator.

"Once the music royalty issue between FM radio firms and the music industry is 
sorted out, we expect the government to announce the third phase roll out of FM 
radio," a senior executive of a leading FM station said. So far, over 250 FM 
stations have come up across 91 cities.

On the cable front, some of the large cable companies like Digicable, Hathway, 
InCable and DEN, among others, are waiting for a clear policy on the new cable 
distribution platform called Headend-In-The-Sky (HITS). According to industry 
sources, the file on HITS has been waiting for the I&B ministry's nod for over 
six months now. "Currently, only Essel Group has the licence to operate HITS. A 
clear policy in the matter will open doors for other companies to seek HITS 
licence," said a source in the cable industry.

HITS enables a pan-India distribution of cable channels using a satellite, a 
technology similar to that of direct-to-home (DTH) operators. However, in HITS 
the end-users are the cable operators, while in DTH, the end-user is the 

In 2009, the I&B ministry is also expected to clear its stand on the 
much-controversial expansion of CAS that has so far been limited to the select 
parts of Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. "CAS expansion in 55 cities as recommended 
by Trai will be a tricky issue for the I&B ministry. Then there is a Delhi High 
Court order in the matter so CAS will remain a challenge for the government 
even in 2009," said a representative of MSO Alliance, the apex body of cable 
distribution firms who were successful in getting CAS enforced in January 2007.

In 2008, the major initiative taken by the I&B ministry was the policy 
announcement on Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) in September. According to the I&B 
ministry's statement, IPTV will open the doors for another mode of distribution 
of signals whereby 400 permitted satellite TV channels will get distributed 
through the telecom networks. 

© 2008 Business Standard
Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] Azerbaijan restricts foreign radio broadcasts

2008-12-30 Thread sakthi vel
The government of Azerbaijan has terminated broadcast licences issued to 
foreign radio stations. As of 1 January, numerous broadcasters, including the 
BBC, Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, will no longer be allowed to 
broadcast on national frequencies. Europe and the United States have severely 
criticised the decision and accused Azerbaijan of restricting press freedom. 
Baku says the new regulations are not politically motivated and pointed out 
that foreign radio stations will still be allowed to broadcast via cable and 

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] UK ready to shift to digital radio by '17: report

2008-12-22 Thread sakthi vel
Britain could be ready to migrate from analogue to digital radio as early as 
2017, according to the final report of UK's Digital Radio Working Group (DRWG).

The group has renewed its commitment to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) and 
set out a clear path for migration to digital, identifying the criteria that 
would need to be met for it to happen and when it might occur. The Digital 
Radio Working Group (DRWG) was established in November 2007 to look at the 
future of digital radio.

According to DRWG chairman Barry Cox, “With nearly a million DAB sets expected 
to be sold this Christmas period we know listeners are already benefiting from 
the choice of channels available at the moment. We have always believed in the 
future of digital radio and now urge the industry, along with Government and 
Ofcom to address the barriers to successful migration, so people can access 
even more choice and functionality in the future. Most importantly, we need to 
see overall coverage for DAB improve, along with more focus to get motorists to 
adopt DAB so that it can be a real alternative to FM services.”

The group has singled out three criteria which must be met in order to trigger 
digital migration. These are: that at least 50 per cent of total radio 
listening must occur on digital platforms, the national multiplex coverage must 
be comparable to current FM coverage, and local multiplexes should reach at 
least 90 per cent of the population, including all major roads.

The group has recommended that Ofcom should monitor progress against the 
criteria on an ongoing basis and that a date for migration should be announced 
by Government, ideally two years after the criteria have been met. They believe 
this could happen as early as 2017.

In order to meet the criteria, the group has highlighted a number of barriers 
they believe should be overcome, and have suggested possible solutions. In 
particular, they propose the government relax some of the existing legislative 
and regulatory burdens placed on the industry, and call for more focus on 
encouraging motorists to adopt DAB in their cars. They also recommend the 
Government consider with European colleagues a duty exemption for digital 
radios in order to enable cheaper sets and drive further take-up.

Commenting on the report, Culture Secretary Andy Burnham said, “This is a 
crucial time for the radio industry. I am pleased that the Working Group has 
been able to achieve such consensus and has recognised that there needs to be a 
strong consumer proposition for digital radio. We will now study the 
recommendations made by the group very carefully as part of the wider work 
being undertaken for the ‘Digital Britain’ report. I would like to thank all 
members of the group for their work in looking at this issue over the past 
Barry Cox has been appointed to the Steering Board of Digital Britain to ensure 
that the overall strategy and direction of its report reflects the important 
place that digital radio will have in Digital Britain.

The Digital Radio Working Group sets out a long-term preference for the 
creation of a three tier system of radio in the UK. This would include a wide 
range of national digital radio services from the BBC and commercial radio, and 
a sustainable set of local digital services from the BBC and commercial radio 
covering as much of the UK as possible. A third tier of small scale services 
focussed on serving the local community would remain on analogue in the short 
to medium term but move to digital at a later date.

Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] After an exciting 2008, Indian radio industry to play the wait and watch game in 2009

2008-12-21 Thread sakthi vel
After two years of growth and consolidation in 2007 and 2008, the FM radio 
industry in India is looking forward to further growth in 2009. With the likely 
allowing of news and current affairs programmes on private FM radio and Phase 
III expansion policy expected to be announced soon, there are some 
action-packed times ahead.

However, as exchange4media finds out, there is also a cautious eye that the 
industry ie keeping on the current economic slowdown scenario.

The year of consolidation

According to industry players, 2008 has been a phenomenal one with a lot of 
excitement as also a period of consolidation.

According to Apurva Purohit, CEO, Radio City, and President, AROI, “The year 
2008 has clearly been a year of fulfilment with the Radio City brand offering 
an even richer experience to both listeners and advertisers alike. The 
successful launch of our national network was followed by a consistent and 
uncompromising city-focus in every market of operation, which was taken across 
to our listeners with extremely successful and clutter-breaking campaigns.”

She added, “Our domain leadership among SEC AB audiences offered advertisers a 
potently effective, quality delivery vehicle to showcase their brands. 
Furthermore, we added to our portfolio of offerings, thereby allowing the 
advertiser the leeway to opt for an integrated brand experience. Planet 
Radiocity marked our foray into the digital domain, we ventured into a new, 
dedicated business vertical. Leading our thrust on non-traditional revenues via 
activations, we announced Radio City Connect, our full spectrum activations 
cell providing end-to-end 360 degree brand marketing solutions.”

Prashant Panday CEO, Radio Mirchi, observed, “We had a good first half and like 
other media companies, we are also facing unprecedented challenges in the third 
quarter. Tough times call for tough decisions – and we are working at making 
the best of the situation. But, there is no denying that the advertising 
business is in a bad shape right now. I do feel, however, that by January 2009, 
a lot of the bad news may dissipate as brands emerge with new budgets.”

Abraham Thomas, COO, Red FM, noted, “The year has been good for Red FM, we have 
further consolidated our position as the No.1 station based on our 
thought-provoking content and attitude. Besides that, we have worked on taking 
the brand beyond radio to other media with associations like Bindass Live with 
Malishka and Bajaate Raho Awards.”

He further said, “Overall, the year 2008 has been a year of progressive 
reforms, paving the way for further changes in the years ahead. Most of the 
talked about changes have been progressive policy changes such as allowing 
political ads on radio, etc. They have been targeted towards increasing the 
penetration of the medium as well as allowing new sources of revenue for the 

Harrish M Bhatia, COO, My FM, said, “From the very beginning, 2008 was a very 
productive year for us since we had completed the 17-station launches by the 
end of last year. And this year was the growth period and time to consolidate 
our position in our markets. We have come back with 50 per cent more 
listenership than Big FM in Chandigarh and Radio Mirchi in Raipur.. We have 
been constantly innovating our content and programming, keeping in mind the 
evolving preferences of our listeners.”

Different strokes for 2009

Looking ahead, Purohit said, “The year 2009 is not going to be an easy year for 
any industry, however, to what extent is something that no one can predict. If 
the several initiatives being planned by the Government play out and the 
economy does get a boost, we are seeing a recovery as early as April 2009. If 
not, then we may be in for a long haul of slowing growth.”

She added, “I think it is a great opportunity for not just Radio City, but the 
entire radio industry to reiterate the medium’s effectiveness and high ROI for 
brands wanting to use micro or localised marketing as a strategy to manage the 
slowdown. We thus hope to see more and more astute marketers benefiting from 
radio in 2009.”

Thomas explained, “Radio, which is already proving to be a more cost effective 
medium for local/ retail advertisers, is poised for a higher growth rate than 
other local media such as print and outdoor. From an advertiser’s perspective, 
Radio’s CPT is around Rs 331 as compared to the CPT of print, which stands at 
Rs 1,176, which is important to note in these times of global economic 
recession and meltdown.”

Bhatia observed, “As far as 2009 is concerned, My FM is definitely looking 
forward to an even brighter year ahead. We are already geared to embrace the 
permission to broadcast news and current affairs and are hoping that the 
settlement of music royalty issues will give a boost to the growth as well. 
These issues are common to all radio players. Furthermore, in the third phase 
of licensing, we will be looking to establish ourselves as a leading

[HCDX] Isro-built European satellite to boost broadcasting services

2008-12-21 Thread sakthi vel
Isro-built European satellite W2M along with Eutelsat's Hot Bird 9 satellite 
for broadcasting services will launch on 21 December.

The Ariane-5 rocket will be launched from Kourou spaceport in French Guiana, 
South America.

The W2M carries 32 transponders in Ku-band as against 64 transponders in the 
same band by Hot Bird. Its transponders will be used for the broadcast of 
digital and the new high-definition TV channels, besides interactive services. 
The satellites will cover a vast area extending across Europe, North Africa and 
the Middle East.

"W2M displays great flexibility to operate a wide range of services from 
television broadcasting to data networks and broadband. It has fixed beam 
coverage for Europe, North Africa and Middle East and a steerable beam which 
can be re-oriented in orbit according to market requirements, notably towards 
Africa and central Asia," Antrix managing director Sreedhar Murthy pointed out.

According to Arianespace, the W2M, to be carried in the rocket's lower 
passenger slot, will be positioned at an orbital slot of 16 degrees east. Its 
32 transponders will provide both television and radio broadcasting services 
for Eutelsat.

Hot Bird will be released first during the mission sequence from the rocket's 
upper position stack and deployed in the orbital slot of 13 degrees East..

The 3,462-kg W2M was designed and built at the satellite centre of Isro in 
Bangalore at $80 million (Rs 4 billion) for the European satellite operator 
(Eutelsat) under the Isro-EADS-Astrium alliance formed in 2006.
Isro-Antrix formed the alliance with EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and 
Space) Astrium, Europe's satellite system specialist to build communication and 
broadcast satellites for the international market.
Jaisakthivel, (ADXC) Chennai, India

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] International Broadcasters Pledge Accuracy, Objectivity and Truth

2008-12-18 Thread sakthi vel
The representatives of international broadcasters - BBC World Service, Deutsche 
Welle, Radio France Internationale, Radio Netherlands Worldwide and the Voice 
of America – who met in Paris on Thursday , recognized the important 
contribution the Declaration has made to promoting a better-informed world.

The meeting, at Radio France Internationale, noted the importance of Article 19 
of the Declaration, which states, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion 
and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without 
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any 
media and regardless of frontiers."

They said that their organizations must continue to maintain the highest 
journalistic standards of accuracy, objectivity and truth in upholding the 

They noted that some governments have been implicated in harassing, detaining, 
expelling, threatening or - in extreme cases - killing journalists, committed 
as they are to freedom and information. They also expressed, with regret, the 
efforts by some governments to contravene the Declaration by interfering with 
international broadcasts through deliberate blocking of transmitters 
("jamming") and blocking of websites.

The broadcasters underlined the continued determination of their broadcast 
organizations to overcome these obstacles in order to reach the largest 
possible audiences worldwide, through traditional means - radio and television 
- as well as the Internet and other emerging digital media.

These new media, they noted, offer unprecedented opportunities for interaction 
across national borders and between diverse groups of people, in keeping with 
the spirit of the Declaration, which enshrines the right to "receive and impart 
information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Alain de Pouzilhac, CEO of Radio France Internationale said "Our meeting in 
Paris was very constructive and I am delighted that the five major 
international broadcasters share the same desire to broadcast objective and 
impartial news broadcasts to all publics."

The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia 
international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the 
Broadcasting Board of Governors.  VOA broadcasts approximately 1,500 hours of 
news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an 
estimated worldwide audience of more than 134 million people.  Programs are 
produced in 45 languages.

Max Digital Media Newswire
Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] AWR/FEBA/WYFR Changes in Tamil

2008-12-17 Thread sakthi vel
Times are in UTC, Freq. are in KHz

GUAM - Deleted txions of AWR/KSDA:
1730-1800 11695 KSDA 100 kW 300 deg to ME in Tamil

Winter B-08 of FEBA Radio:
0030-0100 on  5885 ERV 100 kW / 125 deg smtwtfs Tamil

WYFR / YFR B08 Shortwave Frequency list
FREQ  UTC   Language   Pow Azi Location  ADM
7475 1400-1500 Tamil  100 137 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK
9585 1500-1600 Tamil  500  95 Nauen   D Nov 15-
13655 1500-1600 Tamil  500  95 Wertachtal  D
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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Re: [HCDX] Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 72, Issue 15

2008-12-16 Thread sakthi vel
Dear Zacharias Liangas , 

Minnal FM is not a Hindi radio service. It is the 24 hour Tamil Service from 
Malaysia. "Minnal"  means Thunder in Tamil.

Jaisakthivel, Chennai

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

--- On Mon, 15/12/08, hard-core-dx-requ...@hard-core-dx.com 

> From: hard-core-dx-requ...@hard-core-dx.com 
> Subject: Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 72, Issue 15
> To: hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com
> Date: Monday, 15 December, 2008, 11:05 AM
> Send Hard-Core-DX mailing list submissions to
>   hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com
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>   http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx
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> 'help' to
>   hard-core-dx-requ...@hard-core-dx.com
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> specific
> than "Re: Contents of Hard-Core-DX digest..."
> ---[Start Commercial]-
> World Radio TV Handbook 2008 is out.
> Order yours from
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> Hard-Core-DX mailing list
> Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com
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> http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
> ___
> distributed
> and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design
> Science License
> published by Michael Stutz at
> http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt
> Today's Topics:
>1. Dec 13-14 Logs (brian384...@aol.com)
>2. LOG (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
>3. logs (L?cio Ot?vio)
>4. Internet radio for V of Malaysia (Zacharias Liangas )
>5. Glenn Hauser logs December 13-14, 2008 (Glenn Hauser)
>6. LOG (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 02:25:11 EST
> From: brian384...@aol.com
> Subject: [HCDX] Dec 13-14 Logs
> To: hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata,
> 2250-2300*,
> Dec 13,  African choral music. Spanish talk. National
> Anthem at 2257.
> Weak. 6250 not  heard for the past several weeks. (Brian
> Alexander, PA) 
> ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, Radio Africa, 2235-2250*, Dec
> 13,
> English  Tony Alamo religious program. Radio Africa ID at
> 2248 along
> with e-mail  address & California address. Strong but
> audio slightly
> distorted. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
> ** NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. 6355, 5785, Radio Nederland,
> 0410-0425, Dec 14,  weak Bonaire leapfrogging spurs. 6355
> leap-
> frogging spur of 5975. 5785  leapfrogging spur of 6165. 190
> kHz 
> separation between each frequency. Dutch  programming.
> (Brian 
> Alexander, PA) 
> ** NIGER. 9705, LV du Sahel, 2305-2316*, Dec 13, local
> rustic 
> music.  French talk. Qur`an. Sign off with National Anthem.
> Lately
> sign off has been  varing between 2300-2333. Weak. Poor.
> (Brian 
> Alexander, PA) 
> ** U.S.A. 4440 H, WSRC, Fair Bluff, NC, 0330-0400, Dec 14,
> 3rd 
> harmonic  of 1480. ?Country Oldies Show? on ?Westwood One?
> Network with country  music.  Local ad for ?Guitar Center.?
> Local ads
> with many mentions of  Fair Bluff, North Carolina. Very
> weak but fair
> to good on peaks. 1480 kHz not  heard. (Brian Alexander,
> PA) 
> ** ZANZIBAR. 11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 2050-2059*,
> Dec  13,
> Mid-East style music. Swahili talk. National Anthem at
> 2058.  Strong
> but poor warbling, distorted audio. Audio getting worse
> &  worse.
> (Brian Alexander, PA) 
> Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA   U.S.A. 
> Equipment: TenTec  RX-340, two 100 foot longwires  
> **Make your life easier with all your friends,
> email, and 
> favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 
> (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp&icid=aolcom40vanity&ncid=emlcntaolcom0010)
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 10:29:51 -0300
> From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)"
> Subject: [HCDX] LOG
> To: "HCDX- DX"
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Colegas,
> Estou testando uma nova antena encurtada para ondas
> tropicais usando bobinas, o projeto pode ser visto tamb?m no
> site das grava??es 
> As escutas podem ser ouvidas em
> http://www.ipernity.com/doc/75006/home?t=74925&c=6&s=uploaded
> 3396 14/12 0029 ZIMBABUE, R.Zimbabwe, presum

[HCDX] One third of UK adults listen to radio via Net

2008-12-11 Thread sakthi vel
Almost one third (31.7 per cent) of the UK's adult population have listened to 
the radio via the internet, according to new research from Rajar.

According to a report in the New Media Edge, the third Rajar Measurement of 
Internet Delivered Audio Services has revealed that 16.1 million people claim 
to have listened to the radio via the internet compared with 14.5 million 
people in May 2008.

The report, compiled in October this year, says that of this, 15 million listen 
live and 13.5 million use a Listen Again service, with the majority tuning in 
at home (89 per cent) while 21 per cent listen at work and six per cent listen 

The number of people to have used a Personalised Online Radio was 2.9 million, 
up from 2.1 million in May.  The survey also found 7.2 million people have 
downloaded a podcast, up from six million in May with 4.1 million  tuning in 
weekly, up from 3.7 million in May and up 2.2 million year-on-year.

The average podcast user subscribes to 4.41 podcasts with comedy and music the 
favourite genres. Some three quarters of users listen on their personal 
computer and 78.7 per cent listen at home, while 65.7 per cent transfer them to 
portable devices and 44.8 per cent listen in the car or on public transport.

Some 55 per cent of respondents would be interested in downloading podcasts 
containing advertising if they were free. 33 per cent responded positively to 
the idea of podcasts without adverts that had to be paid for, however just 
three per cent of podcast listeners have ever paid for a podcast.

The report quotes Rajar research manager Christel Lacaze as saying that, "With 
the increase in broadband internet access rising from 51 per cent of UK 
households in 2007 to 56 per cent in 2008 and the high profile launch of BBC 
iPlayer, listening to the radio has never been a more attractive proposition.

The survey was conducted during October 2008 by Ipsos MORI and is based on the 
responses of 1,142 respondents.

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] India's Zee News ties up with Voice of America

2008-12-04 Thread sakthi vel
India's Zee News has tied up with Voice of America, one of the biggest public 
broadcasters in the US.

According to the company, Voice of America is expected to give Zee News an 
advantage over its competitors by providing it unprecedented access to the US 
market. The alliance will help Zee News in featuring stories of Indian interest 
from all across America.

Zee News will air a five-minute daily segment named America LIVE, which will be 
a part of the 8 a.m. news bulletin. In addition, Zee News will also telecast 
relevant stories in the afternoon (2:00 p.m.) and prime time news bulletin News 
Top 10.


Jaisakthivel, (ADXC) Chennai, India

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] Dxers Guide October - December 2008

2008-11-26 Thread sakthi vel
Dxers Guide October - December 2008

Now you will access this quarter 'Dxers Guide' from the following link

Kindly send your comments to
ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in
For hard copy and subscription details contact the above ID

If you subscribe the hard copy of our Dxers Guide, then you will get the bonus 
copy of 32 pages B08 booklet. Also we cover DRM to Asia, DX Programme list and 
WRN Schedule in this booklet. All these things in one pack. The Great bonanza 
for enthusiastic Dxers in India.

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign up now! 

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[HCDX] (no subject)

2008-11-26 Thread sakthi vel
Dxers Guide October - December 2008

Now you will access this quarter 'Dxers Guide' from the following link

Kindly send your comments to
ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in
For hard copy and subscription details contact the above ID

If you subscribe the hard copy of our Dxers Guide, then you will get the bonus 
copy of 32 pages B08 booklet. Also we cover DRM to Asia, DX Programme list and 
WRN Schedule in this booklet. All these things in one pack. The Great bonanza 
for enthusiastic Dxers in India.

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID get [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign up now! 

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] World Radio TV Handbook 2009 now available

2008-11-25 Thread sakthi vel
World Radio TV Handbook - 2009 

WRTH are proud to present the 63rd edition of the bestselling directory of 
global broadcasting on LW, MW, SW and FM.

The Features section this year includes an exploration of FM DXing, a tour of 
local All India Radio stations, our Digital Update, and completely updated SW 
transmitter site maps.

The remaining pages are, as usual, full of information on:

Features - This section is in full colour and contains reviews of receivers and 
ancillary equipment, articles on topical issues such as digital radio, 
interviews with broadcasters, reception conditions, colour maps showing the 
location of SW transmitters, and other topics of interest to Listeners and 

National Radio - This section covers the world's domestic radio services. The 
listings are by country and include all stations broadcasting on LW, MW and SW, 
and most stations broadcasting on FM, together with contact details..

International Radio - Full details of all broadcasters transmitting 
internationally are given in this section and are listed by country. The 
schedules shown are the 'B' or 'winter' SW frequencies as supplied by the 
broadcasters and confirmed by monitoring, together with any LW or MW 
frequencies used.. It also contains a sub-section showing Clandestine and Other 
Target Broadcasters arranged by target country. The 'A' or 'summer' schedules, 
along with updates to broadcaster details, are available as a pdf download from 
this website in May each year.

Frequency Lists - This section contains MW frequency lists grouped by frequency 
within regions, lists of all international and domestic SW broadcasts in 
frequency order, and international SW broadcasts in English, French, German, 
Portuguese and Spanish shown by UTC.

Television - The TV section has details of the main terrestrial national 
broadcasters, large regional networks, and some local stations, arranged 
alphabetically by country.

Reference - This section has tables and listings of: International and Domestic 
Transmitter sites, Standard Time and Frequency Transmissions, DX Club 
information, International Organisations, and other essential information. More 
details on www.wrth.com (Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India)

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[HCDX] Digital Radio Guide

2008-11-25 Thread sakthi vel
Digital Radio Guide


ABU undertakes wide ranging activities reflecting the current needs of
the members. These activities are implemented by the Secretariat's
Technical Department. Providing technical information to the members is
a major activity of the Technical Department. The activity takes
various forms including the publication of the ABU Technical Review and
regular distribution of clippings containing a selection of the most
useful papers published in technical journals worldwide. Recenty they
published the "Digital Radio Guide". It's give the introduction about
the digital radio. Total number of pages 118. You will more info from
the following link 

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign up now! 
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[HCDX] All India Radio printed Frequency Schedule (B08)

2008-11-25 Thread sakthi vel
Home Services Frequency Schedule

External Services Frequency Schedule

All India
Radio now start to send the new programme schedule to their listeners.
If you not yet received, contact the following address: 

Mr. S.C. Pachuri,

Asst. Director Engg 

Spectrum Management & Synergy, 

All India Radio, 

Room No.204, 

Akashvani Bhawan,

Parliament street, 

New Delhi-110001 (India). 

Tel:  91-11-23421006. 

(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India)

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign up now! 
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] ADXC DX QUIZ Winners 2008

2008-11-19 Thread sakthi vel
In 2008 the Ardic DX Club (ADXC) celebrates its
10th anniversary. For ten years it has been the primary source of
information for dxing enthusiasts all over the Tamil Nadu, India.

order to celebrate this event, a quiz is being organised. The quiz was
open to anyone, regardless of location or club membership.The quiz does
not solely deal with Tamil Dxing, but covers very different radio

List of Winners:

   1. V. Balasubramaniyam, Chennai – WRTH
   2. T. M. Murukanandam, Thiruvaikavur – Radio One Umbrella
   3. P. Raja, Vennanthur – Radio One college Bag
   4. K. Arun, Meenatchipalaya – Radio One college Bag
   5. E. Selvaraj, Minnakal  - DW T-Shirt
   6. Ragu, Vedaranyam -  Radio Mirchi CD case
   7. G. Paravina - Radio Mirchi CD case
   8. P. Paneerselavam - Radio Mirchi CD case
   9. T.M. Sivaranjani, Thiruvaikavur -  Radio Mirchi CD case
  10. Kannan Sekar, Thimiri – Radio Mirchi Coffee Cup
  11. N.T. Shanmugam, Thasappakovundanpudur - Radio Mirchi Coffee Cup
  12. K. Jameel ahnad, Vilupuram - Radio Mirchi Coffee Cup
  13. K.M. Raju, Andarasanpatti -  Radio Mirchi Coffee Cup
  14. S. Ramalingam, Chennai – Joseph J. Carr’s Practical Antenna Handbook 
given by Alokesh Gupta
  15. M. Sugumar, Andra – DW Cotton bag
  16. S. Abirami, Vinapakkam – DW Cotton bag
  17. S. Bharathi, Kathirnaiyakkanpatti – DW Cotton bag
  18. T. Alakesan, Nallampalli – DW Cell phone tag
  19. Parthiban, Orapakkam – DW Cell phone tag
  20. P.S. Sekar, Thalainjairu  – DW Cell phone tag
  21. Geetha Murukanandam, Thiruvaikavur – DW Cell phone tag
  22. Gunalan, Tanjavur – DW Key chain
  23. G. Sathis Kumar, Pondychery – DW Key chain
  24. Viji Karthikeyan, Meenatchipalayam – DW Key chain
  25. M.C. Boopathi, Erode – DW Key chain
  26. O.S. Ramasamy, Odayakatur – DW Pen
  27. L. Murugan, Kurinikulathupatti – DW pen
  28. Ragam Palaniyappan, Kaliyappampalayam – DW Pen
  29. Ksav Mayan, Chennai – Radio Mirchi opener
  30. Baghat Sing, Palani – Radio Mirchi opener
  31. R. Magendran, Mannachanallur – Radio Mirchi opener
  32. Beeman, Muthalaipatti – Radio Mirchi opener
  33. K. Anitha, Meenatchipalayam – Radio Mirchi Tag pen
  34. Alli Mohansundaram, Coimbatore – CVC Australia Towel
  35. A.M. Najmul ariffin, Trichy – CVC Australia Towel
  36. CHV. Ramana, Tirupathi – DW GMT Mouse pad
  37. Avinash Premji, Bangalore – DW GMT Mouse pad
  38. Muneer. K.P, Calicut – One copy of 2008 Domestic Broadcasting Survey by 
  39. Muralidharan, Bangalore – DW GMT Mouse pad
  40. Kavithuli Saktheeswaran, Namagiripettai – Radio Prague History book
  41. R. Anbalagan, Manakkal – Radio Prague History book

 International winners

   1. Jonathon Pukila, Canada – “This is All India Radio” book given by Alokesh 
   2. Anreas Mucklich, Germany – European Medium Wave Guide in pdf format
   3. Bjorn Fransson, Sweden – European Medium Wave Guide in pdf format
   4. Wolfgang Gargittel, Austria – European Medium Wave Guide in pdf format
   5. Dieter Leupold, Germany – One year online subscription of “Dxers Guide”
   6. M. Brawanski, Germany – One year online subscription of “Dxers Guide”
   7. Sebastian Arndt, Germany – One year online subscription of “Dxers Guide”
   8. Simon Peter Liehr, Germany – One year online subscription of “Dxers Guide”
   9. Vladimir Rozhkov, Russia – One year online subscription of “Dxers Guide”

Quiz Answers 

1. Radio Veritas broadcasts from The Philippines which is a
B. Catholic country

2. This person served in BBC Tamil Service: 
B. Anandhi

3. Radio Deutsche Welle broadcasts from the German City 
B. Bonn

4. The popular listeners' contact program of Radio France International is 
C. Club 9516

5. World of Haiku is a program segment aired by 
B. Radio Japan

6. Happy Station was a very popular program that ran for decades aired by 
A. Radio Netherlands

7. Radio Deutsche Welle broadcasts to South Asia via Trincomalee Relay on the 
MW frequency of 
C. 1548 kHz

8. A rating of 555 in SIO code means the transmission was 
A. Excellent

9. SSB stands for 
B. Single Side Band

10. QSL means 
C. You heard our broadcast

11. This station never broadcast in TAMIL. 
B. Radio Netherlands

12. RTI stands for 
B. Radio Taiwan International

13. The Directory of Global Broadcasting is 
C. World Radio TV Handbook

14. Broadcasters generally introduce the new summer frequencies on 
B. The last Sunday of March

15. 1000 UTC is 
A. 10-00 AM in London

16. 13635 kHz belongs to 
C. 22m band

17. Which radio station issued this QSL: 

 A. Radio Australia

18. Name the broadcaster who issued this sticker.B. CVC 
19. Which station Signature tune can you hear in this audio clip? (Link opens 
in another window or tab) SBS Australia, Tamil20. Who is the announcer in this 
sound clip? (Link opens in another window or tab) Wolfram Hess21. Which station 
Signature tune can you hear in this audio clip? (Link opens in another window 
or tab) BBC Tamil Service22. Which programe signature tune can you hear in this 
audio clip? I

[HCDX] Radio Free Asia B08 (updated)

2008-11-19 Thread sakthi vel

Radio Free Asia B08 All times UTC


Burmese (4 hours

0030-0130 13710,
13815, 15700

1230-1330 11795,
12105, 15700

1330-1400 9670, 11795,

1400-1430 11795,

1630-1730 7505

Cantonese (2
hours daily)

1400-1500 5840,

2200-2300 9570,
11740, 11775

Khmer (2 hours

1230-1330 13725,

2230-2330 9355,

Korean (5 hours

1500-1700 1350,
5860, 7210, 9385

1700-1900 1350,
5860, 9385

2100-2200 1350,
7460, 9385, 12075

Lao (2 hours

-0100 11830,

1100-1200 9355,

Mandarin (12
hours daily)

0300-0600 11980,
13710, 15150, 15665, 17615, 17880, 21540

0600-0700 11980,
13710, 15150, 15665, 17615, 17880

1500-1600 5810,
7445, 9440, 9905, 11945, 13670

1600-1700 5810,
7415, 7445, 9455, 9905, 11945, 13670

1700-1800 5810,
7415, 7445, 9355, 9455, 9905, 11945, 13670

1800-1900 5810,
6095, 7385, 7415, 7445, 9355, 9455, 11790, 11945,13670

1900-2000 1098,
5810, 5990, 6095, 7385, 7445, 9355, 9455, 9875, 11790, 11945

2000-2100 1098,
5810, 5990, 6095, 7190, 7355, 9355, 9455, 9875, 11900, 11945

2100-2200 1098,
5810, 6095, 7190, 7355, 9355, 9455, 9875, 11945, 13745

2300- 7540,
11775, 11975, 15265, 15430, 15550

Tibetan (10
hours daily)

0100-0300 7470,
9670, 11695, 15220, 17730

0600-0700 17515,
17715, 21570, 21695

1000-1100 11605,
15140, 17750

1100-1200 7470,
11540, 11590, 15375

1200-1400 7470,
11540, 11590, 13625, 15375

1500-1600 7470,
7550, 11500, 15145

2200-2300 5820,
7470, 9835

2300- 6010,
7470, 7550, 9875

Uyghur (2 hours

0100-0200 7480,
9480, 9645, 9690, 13605

1600-1700 7470,
7510, 11720, 11730

Vietnamese (2
hours daily)

1400-1430 1503,
5855, 7515, 9455, 11605, 12130, 13865, 15195

1430-1500 5855,
7515, 9455, 11605, 12130, 13865, 15195 

2330-0030 5855,
11580, 11605, 11965, 15135, 15565 
For More detailsAJ Janitschek
Radio Free Asia
2025 M Street, NW
Washington DC 20036
(202)530-4900(Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Chennai, India)


For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,


Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com


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Mobile: +91 98413 66086


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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Indian Ministries prepare for third round of radio licences

2008-11-18 Thread sakthi vel
Preparations are under way in various government ministries for the third round 
of radio licensing. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) has 
asked the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (C&IT) for the 
availability of frequencies.

Speaking to afaqs! about the development, an informed source in the I&B 
ministry says, “Since we plan to give licences for Tier D towns and small 
cities in the next round, we have asked the C&IT ministry to provide us with 
the required frequencies.” The request is being processed and the source adds 
that it will take at least two-three weeks to get the exact availability.

It is learnt that the ministry is eager to provide licences in Category C and D 
towns. They were covered in the second round of licencing, however they were 
not in sufficient numbers. Though private radio operators will definitely look 
into operational viability in such places, government is hoping that the next 
round of licensing will see aggressive bidders which will ensure that radio 
reaches maximum number of people.

Once the ministry gets a clear view on the frequencies, the policy will be 
prepared and finetuned. Subsequently, it will be passed on to various 
ministries such as the Ministry of Law and to the Prime Minister’s Office. 
Possible suggestions and modifications may then be incorporated. After this, a 
cabinet note will be prepared by the ministry, which will be passed on to the 
cabinet secretary for presentation to the cabinet. 

Given the functioning of the government machinery, the time period for the 
announcement of the policy could not be ascertained. Sources, however, gave a 
tentative date in the first quarter of 2009. 

One factor which could have an adverse impact on the completion of the 
procedure is the announcement of the forthcoming general elections. Currently, 
241 private radio stations are operating in the country and the I&B ministry 
intends to give out licences for around 700 more, including 350-400 from Tier D 

© 2008 afaqs! 

Jaisakthivel, Chennai

  Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign up now! 

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio St. Helena here in Chennai, South India

2008-11-17 Thread sakthi vel
Dear Friends,

The reception of Radio St. Helena here in Chennai South India on 15th Nov 2008.
Click the following link to listen it.



For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] CVC to launch internet radio targeting Indians

2008-11-16 Thread sakthi vel
International broadcaster CVC is set to launch its new online radio station, 
www.cvcradio.in, on Monday.

The independent radio station will offer the best music from around the globe, 
including all the latest international chart music as well as Hindi hits,

The company that boasts of state of the art studios in Karnataka and Australia 
and correspondents in 26 countries around the world, says it will have 
integrated live programming functioning from two different corners of the 
globe. Listeners will be able to respond to programmes by contacting radio 
jockeys  by SMS or email to request songs, express views on topics and shout 
out to their friends. "All our programs are interactive and focus on getting 
the listeners involved and even sharing their opinions on air," says company 
spokesperson Aimee Pearce.

“CVC’s unique, hybrid sound reflects the melting pot of urban India,” says 
CVC’s Director Mike Edmiston. “When I have coffee at a café in Mumbai, I can 
drink beans from Kenya, from a cup made in China, while listening to music from 
the US and reading the news from all over India. The world is a fusion of 
cultures now and CVC mirrors that reality.”

CVC claims to have six years broadcast experience in the Asia Pacific region 
and believes the internet represents the future of radio. "CVC is a 
not-for-profit organization which is fantastic because it means we don’t have 
to compromise our sound with advertisements. This means that the listener gets 
more time to listen to their favourite RJs, express their views, hear their 
favourite music and get all the latest Indian and international news," says the 

The station would also be eager to involve talented emerging artists and give 
them a platform to showcase their music. "We would encourage bands and 
musicians to get in contact with us so we can feature their music on some of 
our programs," says Pearce. "We take pride in being a radio station that is for 
all Indian youth. We wholeheartedly believe that living in a small town, does 
not constitute having a small mind and we provide a platform for all Indian 
youth to get involved and share their views in ways that they may not have had 
the opportunity to do before. That’s why we play a wide range of music genres 
and talk about a variety of different topics that affect all Indians."
CVC also hopes to raise its online profile with advertising on music sites and 
social networking sites that speak to young people where they are at.  "We are 
also keen to expand our promotional strategy in the future by taking our name 
to the streets in a variety of different ways including the possibility of 
doing Outside Broadcasts," she adds.

“We’re living in a digital world. The next logical step for radio is to go 
beyond offering a one-way monologue and engage in an interactive conversation 
with listeners. The internet is the best medium to facilitate that” says 

"CVC wants to at the forefront of internet radio. As India expands rapidly 
technologically, we want to make sure we have the services available to cater 
for the increasing number of technology-hungry young people. We want to move 
away from niche markets and establish ourselves as a station that is targeted 
and accessible to all young Indians," he concludes. 

Jaisakthivel, Chennai

  Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign up now! 

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] WorldSpace India's expansion plans hit regulatory hurdle

2008-11-12 Thread sakthi vel
Satellite radio service provider WorldSpace India’s plan to expand its business 
locally and open additional revenue stream in the country — through setting up 
a studio for creating digital content and a call centre — seems to have hit 
regulatory hurdles.

WorldSpace India’s proposal to the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) 
has been deferred till the Department of Information Technology (DIT) submits 
its views. Both the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) and the 
Department of Telecommunication (DoT) have informed FIPB that the matter is 
beyond their working area.It should be noted that the licensing and regulation 
of satellite radio comes under the purview of the I&B ministry, while the 
allocation of spectrum for radio services is the responsibility of DoT.Hurdles 
to the proposal from WorldSpace India also gained importance because its parent 
company, WorldSpace Inc, has filed for bankruptcy protection in the United 
States and are looking at its India operations to expand business.WorldSpace 
India has sought the FIPB nod for setting up a wholly owned subsidiary that 
will include setting up of a studio for carrying outsourcing, commissioning and 
production of digital audio and
 multimedia software programmes for both domestic and international market. 
When contacted, a senior executive of WorldSpace India refused to 
comment.According to the proposal, WorldSpace India wants to open a call 
centre.It is also looking to import digital satellite receivers, data adaptors, 
PC add-on cards and accessories and sell the same to the distributors and 
dealors either as customs bonded warehouse sale or on a cash and carry basis. 
However, WorldSpace India does not seek any fresh inflow of foreign investments 
for its proposals.While I&B said that the web-based services are not regulated 
by them so they can not comment, the DoT has informed the FIPB that WorldSpace 
India’s proposal and the scope of work mentioned in their applications does not 
fall in the ISP category therefore comments should be sought from DIT.

Jaisakthivel, Chennai

  From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Go to 
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at


2008-10-26 Thread sakthi vel
HIVER 08-09 Horaire de diffusion (Périodes de transitions)
26 octobre 2008 (07:00 UTC) au 2 novembre 2008 (07:00 UTC)
8 mars 2009 (07:00 UTC) au 28 mars 2009 (07:00 UTC)


-0059 9640 Caribbean / South America SPANISH / ESPAGNOL
11990 Caraïbes / Amérique du sud MON / LUN: El Castor Mensajero
TUES-SAT / MAR-SAM: Canadá en las Américas SUN / DIM: Reflejo Boreal

-0059 5840 China CHINESE / CHINOIS 9565 Chine 7 Days / 7 jours: The Voice 
from the North 11785

-0057 9880 South East Asia ENGLISH / ANGLAIS Le sud-est de l'Asie MON / 
LUN: The Maple Leaf Mailbag TUE-SAT / MAR-SAM: The Link #2 SUN / DIM: The Link 

0100-0159 6100 Mexico SPANISH / ESPAGNOL Mexique MON / LUN: El Castor Mensajero 
TUES-SAT / MAR-SAM: Canadá en las Américas SUN / DIM: Reflejo Boreal

0100-0157 5840 India ENGLISH / ANGLAIS 6165 Inde MON / LUN: The Maple Leaf 
Mailbag 7255 TUE-SAT / MAR-SAM: The Link #2 SUN / DIM: The Link Week-End

0005-0104 9755 Central United States ENGLISH / ANGLAIS Le centre des Etats-Unis 
TUE-SAT / MAR-SAM: The Link #2 

0005-0034 9755 Central United States PORTUGUESE / PORTUGAIS Le centre des 
Etats-Unis SUN-MON / DIM-LUN: Canada Direto

0035-0104 9755 Central United States UKRAINIAN / UKRAINIEN Le centre des 
Etats-Unis SUN / DIM: Canada Today MON / LUN: Postcards from Canada

0105-0204 9755 Central United States MANDARIN Le centre des Etats-Unis TUE-SAT 
/ MAR-SAM: The Voice from the North SUN / DIM: Listeners' Corner
MON / LUN: Best of Voice from the North 

0200-0259 9800 Mexico SPANISH / ESPAGNOL Mexique MON / LUN: El Castor  
Mensajero TUES-SAT / MAR-SAM: Canadá en las Américas SUN / DIM: Reflejo Boreal

0205-0304 9755 Central United States SPANISH / ESPAGNOL Le centre des 
Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: Canadá en las Américas SAT / SAM: Reflejo Boreal 
SUN / DIM: El Castor Mensajero

0300-0359 5840 Middle East ARABIC / ARABE 6025 Moyen-Orient MON / LUN: La 
cueillette de la semaine 11820 TUES-SAT / MAR-SAM: Sans limite SUN / DIM: La 
promenade du samedi

0400-0459 5995 Middle East ARABIC / ARABE 7265 Moyen-Orient MON / LUN: La 
cueillette de la semaine TUES-SAT / MAR-SAM: Sans limite SUN / DIM: La 
promenade du samedi

1105-1204 7310 Northeastern United States ARABIC / ARABE Le nord-est des 
Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: Sans limite SAT / SAM: La promenade du samedi
SUN / DIM: La cueillette de la semaine 

1205-1304 7310 Northeastern United States SPANISH / ESPAGNOL Le nord-est des 
Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: Canadá en las Américas SAT / SAM: Reflejo Boreal 
SUN / DIM: El Castor Mensajero

1305-1404 7310 Northeastern United States MANDARIN Le nord-est des Etats-Unis 
MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: The Voice from the North SAT / SAM: Listeners' Corner SUN / 
DIM: Best of Voice from the North

1405-1434 9610 Northeastern United States RUSSIAN / RUSSE Le nord-est des 
Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: Canada Today SAT / SAM: Thematic Programs SUN / 
DIM: Listeners' Forum

1435-1504 9610 Northeastern United States RUSSIAN / RUSSE Le nord-est des 
Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: Canada Today

1435-1504 9610 Northeastern United States UKRAINIAN / UKRAINIEN Le nord-est des 
Etats-Unis SAT / SAM: Canada Today SUN / DIM: Postcards from Canada 

1500-1557 9635 India ENGLISH / ANGLAIS 11975 Inde MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: The Link 
#2 SAT / SAM: The Link Week-End SUN / DIM: The Maple Leaf Mailbag

1500-1559 5965 China MANDARIN 7115 Chine MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: The Voice from the 
North SAT / SAM: Listeners' Corner SUN / DIM: Best of Voice from the North

1505-1604 9610 Northeastern United States ENGLISH / ANGLAIS 9800* Le nord-est 
des Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: The Link #1 SAT / SAM: The Link Week-End SUN 
/ DIM: The Maple Leaf Mailbag

1600-1629 9830 Russia RUSSIAN / RUSSE 11935 Russie MON-FRI / LUN-VEN:  Canada 
Today SAT / SAM: Thematic Programs SUN / DIM: Listeners' Forum

1605-1704 9610 Northeastern United States ENGLISH / ANGLAIS 9800* Le nord-est 
des Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: The Link #2 SAT / SAM: The Link Week-End SUN 
/ DIM: The Maple Leaf Mailbag

1700-1729 9555 Russia RUSSIAN / RUSSE 11935 Russie MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: Canada 
Today SAT / SAM: Thematic Programs SUN / DIM: Listeners' Forum

1700-1729 UR-3 Ukraine UKRAINIAN / UKRAINIEN 9615 SAT / SAM: Canada Today
SUN / DIM: Postcards from Canada

1705-1804 9610 Northeastern United States FRENCH / FRANÇAIS 9800* Le nord-est 
des Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: Tam-tam Canada #1 SAT / SAM: Tam-Tam week-end 
SUN / DIM: Le courrier mondial

1730-1759 9615 Ukraine UKRAINIAN / UKRAINIEN SAT / SAM: Postcards from Canada 
SUN / DIM: Canada Today

1800-1859 7185 Sub-Saharan Africa ENGLISH / ANGLAIS 11875 Afrique 
sub-Saharienne MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: The Link #2 13650 SAT / SAM: The Link 
Week-End 15365 SUN / DIM: The Maple Leaf Mailbag 17790

1805-1904 9610 Northeastern United States FRENCH / FRANÇAIS 9800* Le  nord-est 
des Etats-Unis MON-FRI / LUN-VEN: Tam-tam Canada #2 SAT / SAM: Tam-Tam week-end 


2008-10-25 Thread sakthi vel
26 de Octubre de 2008 a 29 de Marzo de 2009


12.035 25 m 60° 05.00–09.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
12.035 25 m 60° 06.00–09.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado y Domingo
9.780 DMR 31 m 50º 05.00-09.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
13.720 22 m 0º 08.00–13.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
13.720 22 m 0º 08.00–14.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado y Domingo
15.585 19 m 60° 09.00–17.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
15.585 19 m 60° 13.40–13.55 CAT., GALL. Y

VASCO Lunes a Viernes
11.755 25 m 38° 17.00–17.30 RUSO Lunes a Viernes
9.665 31 m 0° 17.00–22.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado y Domingo
7.275 41 m 50° 17.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
9.665 31 m 50° 18.00–19.00 FRANCÉS Lunes a Viernes
9.690 31 m 38° 19.00–20.00 INGLÉS Lunes a Viernes
6.125 49 m 38° 22.00–23.00 INGLÉS Sábado y Domingo
5.970 49 m 68º 23.00–24.00 FRANCÉS Sábado y Domingo

11.895 25 m. 80° 05.00–07.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria

21.610 13 m. 110° 09.00–17.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
11.765 25 m. 110° 17.00–19.00 ÁRABE Diaria
15.385 19 m. 92° 14.25–14.55 SEFARDÍ Lunes
9.605 31 m. 110° 20.00–21.00 FRANCÉS Lunes a Viernes
12.035 25 m. 110° 19.00–20.00 FRANCÉS Domingo
12.030 25 m. 110° 19.00–21.00 ÁRABE Lunes a Viernes

21.540 13 m. 161° 09.00–15.00 ESPAÑOL Diario

15.385 19 m. 161° 15.00–17.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Sábado
17.755 16 m. 161° 15.00–22.00 ESPAÑOL Domingo
17.755 16 m. 161° 17.00–19.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
17.755 16 m. 161° 17.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado
9.590 31 m. 168° 19.00–20.00 FRANCÉS Sábado
7.270 41 m. 170° 19.00–21.00 ÁRABE Lunes a Viernes
9.605 31 m. 168° 19.00–20.00 INGLÉS Lunes a Viernes
7.270 41 m. 170° 20.00–22.00 ÁRABE Sábado y Domingo
9.570 31 m. 168° 20.00–21.00 FRANCÉS Lunes a Viernes
11.625 25 m 161º 22.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado
7.270 41 m. 170° 22.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria

17.770 16 m. 260° 07.00–09.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria

11.910 25 m. 138° 12.00–14.00 ESPAÑOL
(Desde Xian) Diaria

9.765 31 m 110°(*) 00.00–04.00

11.780 25 m. 248° 01.15–01.45 SEFARDÍ Martes
5.965 49 m 150º(*) 04.00-08.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
11.815 25 m. 110°(*) 12.00–15.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
21.570 13 m. 230° 13.00–17.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
17.595 16 m 248º 13.00–19.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado y Domingo
15.125 19 m. 110°(*) 12.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Domingo
21.570 13 m. 230° 13.40–13.55 CAT., GALL. Y VASCO Lunes a Viernes
17.595 16 m. 248° 15.00–18.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
15.125 19 m. 110°(*) 16.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Sábados
17.715 16 m. 230° 17.00–19.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
15.125 19 m. 110°(*) 18.00-20.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
17.595 16 m. 248° 18.00–19.00 PORTUGUES Lunes a Viernes
11.940 25 m 248º 19.00-23.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado y Domingo
11.680 25 m. 230° 21.00–22.00 PORTUGUES Lunes a Viernes
11.680 25 m. 230° 23.00–02.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
6.125 49 m. 242° 23.00–05.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
9.620 31 m. 230° 23.00–05.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
3.350 90 m. 0°(*) 02.00–06.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
9.765 31 m 0°(*) 12.00–15.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
17.595 16 m 248º 13.00-19.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado y Domingo
9.765 31 m. 0°(*) 12.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Domingo
9.765 31 m. 0º(*) 13.40–13.55 CAT., GALL: Y VASCO Lunes a Viernes
17.595 16 m 248º 15.00-18.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
17.595 16 m 248º 18.00-19.00 PORTUGUES Lunes a Viernes
9.765 31 m. 0°(*) 16.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado
9.765 31 m. 0°(*) 18.00-20.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
11.940 25 m 248º 19.00-23.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado y Domingo
6.125 49 m 242º 23.00-05.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria

9.535 31 m 272º 23.00-05.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria

6.055 49 m. 290° 00.00–01.00 INGLÉS Diaria
6.055 49 m. 290° 01.00–06.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
9.675 31 m 340°(*) 02.00–06.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
9.690 31 m. 290° 04.15–04.45 SEFARDÍ Martes
15.170 19 m. 340°(*) 12.00–15.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
15.170 19 m. 340°(*) 12.00–15.00 ESPAÑOL Domingo
17.595 16 m 302º 13.00-15.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
17.595 16 m. 302º 13.40–13.55 CAT., GALL Y VASCO Lunes a Viernes
17.850 16 m. 340°(*) 15.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Domingo
17.850 16 m. 340°(*) 16.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Sábado
17.850 16 m 340º(*) 18.00-20.00 ESPAÑOL Lunes a Viernes
9.640 31 m. 302° 19.00–23.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria
6.055 49 m. 290° 23.00–24.00 FRANCÉS Diaria
9.535 31 m. 272° 23.00–05.00 ESPAÑOL Diaria

• COBERTURA: Europa, Canarias, Norte de África y Oriente Próximo y
• Posición orbital 30º Este. Frecuencia 11.785’02 Mhz. Polarización
horizontal. Velocidad de transmisión 38.015 Mbaudios. Norma de audio
MPEG Layer 2. PID: 3555.
• COBERTURA: América
• Posición orbital 30º Oeste. Frecuencia 12.015 Mhz. Polarización
vertical. Velocidad de transmisión 27’5 Mbaudios. Norma de audio
MPEG Layer 2. Canal 124
• COBERTURA: Asia y Australia
• Posición orbital 100’5º Este. Frecuencia 4.000 Mhz. Polarización
horizontal. Velocidad de transmisión 28.125 Mbaudios. Norma de audio
MPEG Layer 2.
• C


2008-10-25 Thread sakthi vel
Moj Them Radio 0100-0130 15260 AM m.w.f.. Hmong Asia
Haiv Hmoob Radio 0100-0130 15260 AM .t. Hmong Asia
Hmong Lao Radio 0100-0200 15260 AM ...t..s Hmong Asia
Hmong World Christian Radio 0100-0130 15260 AM .s. Hmong Asia
Denge Mezopotamya 0500-1400 11530 AM mtwtfss Kurdish Middle East
Denge Mezopotamya 1400-2100 7540 AM mtwtfss Kurdish Middle East
TDPradio 0800-0900 6015 DRM m.. English Europe
TDPradio 0900-1000 6015 DRM .t. English Europe
TDPradio 1000-1100 6015 DRM ..w English Europe
TDPradio 1100-1200 6015 DRM ...t... English Europe
TDPradio 1200-1300 6015 DRM f.. English Europe
TDPradio 1300-1400 6015 DRM .s. English Europe
TDPradio 1400-1500 6015 DRM ..s English Europe
TDPradio 1500-1600 6015 DRM mtwtfss English Europe
Que Huong Radio 1200-1300 15680 AM ..wtf.. Vietnamese Asia
Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia 1400-1430 21585 AM .t...s. Somali Africa
EOTC Holy Synod Radio 1600-1700 15195 AM m.. Amharic Africa
Addis Dimts Radio 1600-1700 15195 AM ..s Amharic Africa
Ginbot 7 1700-1730 12120 AM .t.t.s. Amharic Africa
Ginbot 7 1700-1730 15350 AM .t.t.s. Amharic Africa
TDPradio 2300-2400 9790 DRM mtwtfss English America (Jaisakthivel, Chennai, 

  Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now 

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] IRIB English Service B08

2008-10-21 Thread sakthi vel

10:30-11:30 14:00-15:00 SW 19m 15460,17660   Indian Subcontinent 
16m, 702MW- Republic of Azerbaijan,765- Pakistan,FM 100.7-Tehran 
11:30-12:30 15:00-16:00 Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird Satellite
15:30-16:30 19:00-20:00 SW 41m 7330,49m 6160, Indian Subcontinent  
19:30-20:30 23:00-24:00 SW 41m 7260 Central Europe, 49m 6010 Europe,41m 7320 
Europe, 31m 9855 South Africa, 11695 South Africa,25m 
21:30-22:30 01:00-02:00 Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird Satellite
00:30-01:30 04:00-05:00 Receivable Only Via Internet and Hotbird Satellite
01:30-02:30 05:00-06:00 SW 49m 6120 North America,41m 7160 North America
For more details
IRIB English service, P.O.Box No:19395-6767,Tehran I.R of Iran
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 (Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)


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[HCDX] Media Broadcast B08

2008-10-21 Thread sakthi vel
Media Broadcast B08
B08 Planning DTK schedule 
frq start stop ciraf ant azi type day from to loc pow broad
9610 1000 1100 28W 350200 180 216 1 261008 280309 NAU 100 AWR
11720 1300 1329 42,43W 320100 70 216 17 261008 280309 NAU 250 AWR
11720 1300 1329 42,43W 320100 70 216 23456 261008 280309 NAU 250 AWR
11725 1330 1500 42,43W 320100 70 216 1234567 261008 280309 NAU 250 AWR
7280 0300 0330 48 230500 135 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
7315 0300 0330 48 211900 135 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
7315 0330 0400 48 211900 135 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
7245 0400 0430 39,40W 211900 120 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
6025 0500 0600 28E 212400 120 201 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
9595 0700 0800 37,38W 220400 210 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
11975 0800 0830 37,38W 221000 210 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
12010 0800 0830 37,38W 221100 210 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
12010 0830 0900 37,38W 221100 210 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
15495 1200 1230 41NE 211100 90 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
15495 1230 1259 41NE 211100 90 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
9665 1500 1530 41N 210400 90 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
11675 1500 1530 41N 211100 75 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
9665 1530 1600 41N 210400 90 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
11675 1530 1600 41N 211100 75 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
11905 1630 1659 48 231100 135 218 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
9445 1700 1730 39,40W 230500 120 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
9830 1730 1800 37,38W 220400 210 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
11795 1730 1800 48 230800 135 217 1234567 261008 280309 WER 250 AWR
11760 1900 1930 37,38W 221300 210 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
11955 1900 2000 37,38W 130700 200 216 1234567 261008 280309 JUL 100 AWR
11760 1930 1959 37,38W 221300 210 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
9805 2000 2030 37,38W 221300 210 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 AWR
6195 1645 1800 39,40 211400 120 215 24 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
6195 1715 1730 39,40 211400 120 215 6 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
5945 0800 0900 27,28N 350100 280 156 1 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
5945 0800 0915 27,28N 350100 280 156 7 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
5945 0815 0915 27,28N 350100 280 156 6 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1630 1915 39,40 350200 130 216 1 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1645 1929 39,40 350200 130 216 7 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1645 1715 39,40 350200 130 216 6 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1830 1859 39,40 350200 130 216 6 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1645 1700 39,40 350200 130 216 24 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
7205 1800 1830 37NW 220700 240 216 1 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
7210 1830 1859 39,40 110500 100 216 1 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9460 1645 1745 39,40 350200 130 216 5 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
9460 1645 1720 39,40 350200 130 216 3 261008 280309 NAU 100 BVB
6015 1915 1930 28,29 221900 45 146 24 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
6015 1900 1945 28,29 221900 45 146 57 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
6015 1900 1930 28,29 221900 45 146 36 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
6015 1900 2000 28,29 221900 45 146 1 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
9470 1900 1945 39,40 211000 120 217 1 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
9470 1900 1930 39,40 211000 120 217 7 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
9470 1930 1959 39,40 211000 120 217 6 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
7210 1800 1830 39,40 110500 100 216 246 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
7260 1930 2000 46,47 220100 180 217 7 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
7245 1900 1929 52,53,57 340100 170 216 1 261008 280309 NAU 500 BVB
11635 0430 0530 48 231100 135 218 7 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
11635 0430 0500 48 231100 135 218 1 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
9615 0430 0530 39,40 231100 120 217 2345 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
9615 0430 0545 39,40 231100 120 217 6 261008 280309 WER 250 BVB
7210 1800 1859 39,40 110500 100 216 35 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
7260 1830 2000 46,47 121100 155 216 1 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9925 1530 1729 39,40 211900 105 216 1234567 261008 280309 WER 100 BVB
12035 1530 1559 40,41 111000 90 217 17 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
6110 1800 1859 39,40 211400 120 216 1 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
6110 1800 1859 39,40 211400 120 216 7 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
17545 0900 1000 38,39 230700 135 217 6 261008 280309 WER 125 BVB
12035 1515 1559 40,41 111000 90 217 3456 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
13810 1600 1857 38S,39S,47,48 231000 135 217 1 010109 280309 WER 250 BVB
13810 1600 1859 38S,39S,47,48 231000 135 217 6 010109 280309 WER 250 BVB
13810 1600 1830 38S,39S,47,48 231000 135 217 7 010109 280309 WER 250 BVB
13810 1600 1759 38S,39S,47,48 231000 135 217 24 010109 280309 WER 250 BVB
13810 1630 1759 38S,39S,47,48 231000 135 217 3 010109 280309 WER 250 BVB
13810 1600 1759 38S,39S,47,48 231000 135 217 5 010109 280309 WER 250 BVB
9730 1600 1859 38S,39S,47,48 120900 140 216 16 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9730 1600 1830 38S,39S,47,48 120900 140 216 7 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
9730 1600 1759 38S,39S,47,48 120900 140 216 2345 261008 280309 JUL 100 BVB
11895 1500 1530 41 310100 87 216 17 261008

[HCDX] RNZI Short-wave Frequency Changes from Sun 19 October

2008-10-21 Thread sakthi vel
>From Sunday 19 October RNZI daytime frequencies to the Pacific are 15720 and 
>17675 kHz. There will be further changes when the RNZI Summer 08 schedule 
>takes effect on 26 October. More detail can be found at 
>http://www.rnzi.com/admin/index.php?sec=freq (Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

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[HCDX] TWR Europe B08 Changes/Corrections on MW

2008-10-17 Thread sakthi vel
26 OCT 2008 – 28 MAR 2009
Updated: 16 October 2008 (Changes/Corrections on MW-Medium Wave)
2315-2330 | 123456 | English | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 325 | 27 | | |
2330- | 5 | French | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

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2008-10-16 Thread sakthi vel
TRANSMISSION SCHEDULE WINTER B08 26 OCT 2008 – 28 MAR 2009 Updated: 15 October 
2008 SW (Shortwave)

0645-0700 | 1234567 | POLISH | 49 | 5915 | 100 | 44 | 28 | | |
0645-0700 | 1234567 | POLISH | 41 | 7335 | 100 | 65 | 28 | | |
0700-0715 | 12 45 | CZECH | 49 | 5915 | 100 | 44 | 28 | | |
0700-0715 | 12 45 | CZECH | 41 | 7335 | 100 | 65 | 28 | | |
0745-0920 | 7 | ENGLISH | 31 | 9800 | 100 | 324 | 27 | | |
0800-0850 | 12345 | ENGLISH | 31 | 9800 | 100 | 324 | 27 | | |
0815-0850 | 6 | ENGLISH | 31 | 9800 | 100 | 324 | 27 | | |
0857-0927 | 6 | SERBIAN | 41 | 7210 | 100 | 85 | 28 | | |
0930-1000 | 1234567 | HUNGARIAN | 41 | 7210 | 100 | 65 | 28 | | |
1100-1130 | 6 | ROMANIAN | 31 | 9440 | 100 | 85 | 28 | | |


0745-0920 | 7 | ENGLISH | 49 | 6105 | 100 | 300 | 27 | | |
0800-0850 | 12345 | ENGLISH | 49 | 6105 | 100 | 300 | 27 | | |
0815-0850 | 6 | ENGLISH | 49 | 6105 | 100 | 300 | 27 | | |
1500-1530 | 1 | BELORUSSIAN | 41 | 7170 | 100 | 60 | 28/29/30 | | |
1500-1600 | 234567 | RUSSIAN | 41 | 7170 | 100 | 60 | 28/29/30 | | |
1530-1600 | 1 | RUSSIAN | 41 | 7170 | 100 | 60 | 28/29/30 | | |
1630-1700 | 6 | RUMANIAN | 49 | 5965 | 100 | 105 | 28 | | |
1630-1700 | 12345 | ARMENIAN/EAS | 49 | 5965 | 100 | 90 | 29S/39N | | |
1730-1800 | 1234567 | FARSI | 49 | 6060 | 100 | 90 | 30S/40 | | |

1500-1530 | 1 | BELORUSSIAN | 31 | 9495 | 100 | 55 | 28/29/30 | | |
1500-1600 | 234567 | RUSSIAN | 31 | 9495 | 100 | 55 | 28/29/30 | | |
1530-1600 | 1 | RUSSIAN | 31 | 9495 | 100 | 55 | 28/29/30 | | |
1630-1700 | 12345 | ARMENIAN | 41 | 9685 | 100 | 95 | 29S/39N | | |
1729-1758 | 1234567 | FARSI | 41 | 7215 | 100 | 115 | 30S/40 | | |

2045-2130 | 4 7 | Kabyle | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2115-2130 | 56 | Sous/Tachelh | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2115-2130 | 2 | Tarifit | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2115-2130 | 1 3 | Tamazight | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2130-2145 | 5 | Arabic/Moroc | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2130-2215 | 12 | Arabic | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2130-2245 | 67 | Arabic | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2130-2300 | 34 | Arabic | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2145-2300 | 5 | Arabic | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2215-2230 | 2 | Arabic/Moroc | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2215-2230 | 1 | Arabic/Egypt | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2230-2300 | 12 | Arabic | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2245-2300 | 7 | Arabic/Tunis | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2245-2315 | 6 | Arabic/Moroc | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2300-2315 | 7 | Arabic/Jorda | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2300-2315 | 12345 | Arabic/Moroc | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 241 | 37,38 | | |
2315- | 5 7 | English | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 325 | 27 | | |
2315-2330 | 1234 6 | English | 204 | 1467 | 1000 | 325 | 27 | | |

0300-0500 | 1234567 | RUSSIAN | 290 | 1035 | 50 | 0 | 28,29 | | |
1900-2100 | 1234567 | RUSSIAN | 290 | 1035 | 50 | 0 | 28,29 | | |

1910-1940 | 7 | Macedonian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
1910-1940 | 123456 | Serbian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
1940-2015 | 1234567 | Hungarian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2015-2030 | 7 | Slovenian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2015-2030 | 5 | Arabic | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2015-2030 | 234 | Bosnian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2015-2045 | 6 | Croatian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2015-2115 | 1 | Croatian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2030-2045 | 7 | Croatian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2030-2115 | 2345 | Croatian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2045-2115 | 67 | Bosnian | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |
2115-2145 | 1234567 | Polish | 215 | 1395 | 500 | 330 | 28 | | |

0255-0300 | 7 | Arabic | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
0255-0315 | 6 | Arabic | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
0255-0330 | 12345 | Arabic | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
0300-0315 | 7 | Arabic/Sudan | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
0315-0330 | 7 | Arabic/Egypt | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
0315-0330 | 6 | Arabic/Iraqi | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
2025-2100 | 2 | Arabic | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
2025-2115 | 1 | Arabic | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
2025-2145 | 6 | Arabic | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
2025-2200 | 7 | Arabic | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
2025-2215 | 345 | Arabic | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
2100-2115 | 2 | Arabic/Jorda | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
2115-2130 | 1 | Arabic/Egypt | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40 | | |
2115-2215 | 2 | Arabic | 243 |

[HCDX] Nepal gets first FM in Tharu language

2008-10-16 Thread sakthi vel
Nepal has got its first Community FM radio station, with the Tharu language as 
its main mode of communication.

The station has been established in Bansgadi area of Bardia District, Nepal.

Christened Guru-Baba FM, the station, inaugurated on 14 October, will transmit 
all its programmes in the Tharu language using a 100 W transmitter in 106.4 Mhz 
frequency, says in the report in the Telegraph Nepal, quoting station in 
charge, Pushpa Chaudhary.

The station was inaugurated by the Maoists’ CA member Bishnu Chaudhary. the 
report adds.

Nepal has several FM stations operating in the country, as well as an active 
community radio sector.
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

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2008-10-15 Thread sakthi vel
VATICAN RADIO – B08 (ASIA)  November 2008 - March 2009

00.00   CHINESE* 13785
00.25   URDU - 1, 4 I2  103.8   5915-Z,7335-Z   
00.40   HINDI/TAMIL/MALAYALAM/ENGLISH,I2 103.8  5915-Z,7335-Z   
05.00   ARABIC  1260, 9645-N,11715-N,
06.30   MASS IN LATIN   A1,I1,E 93.3-105585 – 1530, 15595-N
07.00   ITALIAN-FRENCH-ENGLISH – W,A1,I1,E,A3,93.3-105,585 - 1530 – 1611, 
07.45   ARABIC - W  A1,I1,A393.31530,15595-N
09.30   ORIENTAL LITURGY - 7H   ,A1,A2,I1,I293.315595-N,
11.00   ANGELUS - 7HA1,A2,I1,I2,E,A393.3-105,585 - 1530 – 
1611, 15595-N,17765-Z 
11.30   MASS IN ENGLISH - 5 I2,A3   103.8   15595-N,17765-N
12.30   CHINESE - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7  I2  103.8   5985,6020, 
12.30   MASS IN CHINESE - 6 I2  103.85985, 6020,15235-WZ
13.00   ITALIAN A1,I1,E,A3  93.3-105,585 – 1611, 15595-N,
13.15   VIETNAMESE  I2  103.8   6140, 15235-Z
13.30   RUSSIAN A2,I1,TP  1260, 5900, 
14.15   URDU - 3, 7 I2  103.8   11850-Z,13765-Z,
15.30   MASS IN ENGLISH - 6 I2  103.8   9310,11850-Z,13765-Z,
16.30   ARABIC  A2,I1,A3  1260,7290-N,  
17.00   FRENCH - ENGLISHA1,I1,E,A3  93.3-105,585 – 1530, 7290-N,
19.40   ROSARY  A1,A2,I2,E,A3   93.3-103.8-105, 585 – 1530, 7435-N, 

21.00   RUSSIAN I1,TP1260,5910-VW   ,7385-VW
22.00   CHINESE A2,I2   103.8   5900,7395-WZ,9600-WZ,
23.15   VIETNAMESE  A1,A2,I2103.8   7340,9600-Z, 
UTC = Universal Time Coordinated = GMT.Capital letters following frequencies 
indicate the radiation direction of the antennas. Omnidirectional service when 
capital letters are omitted.W = Weekdays; H = Holy days; 1 = Mon.; 2 = Tue.; 3 
= Wed.; 4 = Thu.; 5 = Fri.; 6 = Sat.; 7 = Sun.  Programmes broadcast on MW and 
FM are intended for Rome area. Frequency 1611kHz  is a broadcast in digital 
modulation (DRM). Frequency  13785 kHz marked with an asterisk will be closed 
on 31st December 2008.(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

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2008-10-15 Thread sakthi vel
VATICAN RADIO - AMERICA SCHEDULE  (November 2008 - March 2009)

UTC = Universal Time Coordinated = GMT. Capital letters following frequencies 
indicate the radiation direction of the antennas. Omnidirectional service when 
capital letters are omitted. W = Weekdays; H = Holy days; 1 = Mon.; 2 = Tue.; 3 
= Wed.; 4 = Thu.; 5 = Fri.; 6 = Sat.; 7 = Sun. Programmes broadcast on MW and 
FM are intended for Rome area. Frequency 1611kHz  is a broadcast in digital 
modulation (DRM). Frequency  13785 kHz marked with an asterisk will be closed 
on 31st December 2008   
00.30   PORTUGUESE  A1,A2,A3 93.3   1 260,7305-R,9610   
01.00   SPANISH A1,A2,A3 93.3   1 
01.45   SPANISH A1,A2,A3 93.3   7 305-RS,9610,11910-ST
02.30   FRENCH  E,A1,A2,A3,TP   6040,7305-TU
02.50   ENGLISH A2,A3   6040,7305-TU
03.20   SPANISH A2  6040,7305-TU
09.00   PORTUGUESE - W  A2,A3   1260,
10.00   PORTUGUESE - W  A2,A3   1260,21680-R
11.30   SPANISH - W A2  1260, 21680-R
15.00   SPANISH - 1, 5  A2  1260
15.00   PORTUGUESE - 4  A2,A3   1260
16.00   PORTUGUESE  A2,A3   1260,
17.30   SPANISH A2  1260
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

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[HCDX] Radio Nederland B08

2008-10-14 Thread sakthi vel
Radio Nederland B08 freq. list available in the following link.

Here are all AM transmissions from RNW 


(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

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[HCDX] I&B Ministry moots news bulletins in private FM radio in India

2008-10-14 Thread sakthi vel
I&B Ministry moots news bulletins in private FM radio

A long-standing demand of private FM radio players is set to be fulfilled by 
the year-end. After Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) recommended 
news in private FM radio, albeit with some restrictions, the I&B Ministry has 
now reportedly given its nod to 261 private FM channels to air news and current 
affairs programmes produced by All India Radio (AIR).

Of course, the Ministry's proposal would require the signature of Information 
and Broadcasting Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, who is currently admitted at 
the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi following a cardiac 
arrest. After the Minister signs it, the proposal would require Cabinet 

When exchange4media spoke to a cross-section of FM players and media players 
about the latest development, they were obviously positive about it, though 
most were not aware of such a proposal being made by the I&B Ministry.

Uday Chawla, Secretary General, Association for Radio Operators for India 
(AROI), remarked, "Having news or sports as an intricate part of content will 
immensely benefit the radio industry and listeners. The point of concern for 
the Government is deciding the extent to which the news broadcast should be 
allowed in this phase. In case Phase III gets delayed, we have requested the 
Government to allow the broadcast of news, current affairs and specifically 
sports in the interim."

'Value-addition to local content'

Reacting to the news, Tarun Katial, COO, Big FM, remarked, "We welcome this 
development as it adds richness to the local content on the local channel and 
would give a boost to the FM station. It would also create some kind of 
differentiation in the market. We have also prepared ourselves to fulfill these 
responsibilities and are planning to create infrastructural changes."

Vehrnon Ibrahim, National Programming Head, Radio One, said "After waiting for 
seven years, I think it is a step forward, though not a step we would like, but 
certainly a step in the right direction. I see this as an opener and not as a 
final position. I am looking forward for this and I welcome it and we are 
certainly prepared for news and current events. I suppose at some point of time 
we will have a self regulatory body."

Nandan Srinath, COO, Radio Mirchi, commented, "From the listener point of view, 
the product is certainly getting better. We at Mirchi are certainly ready and 
prepared to carry news and current affairs and look forward to this soon. If 
this allows greater stickiness of listenership and more audiences who are not 
using radio at this point of time to come into the radio fold, then there is an 
indirect bearing on the revenue stream."

Calling the move a step in the right direction, Harrish M Bhatia, COO, My FM, 
Synergy Media Entertainment Ltd, opined, "Broadcast of news will increase the 
listener base and lend more credibility, authenticity and trust to FM radio. 
Listeners will start taking FM radio even more seriously once news and current 
affairs are allowed on it."

Nisha Narayanan, Project Head, S FM, observed, "Diversification of content will 
be the direct implication of the permission to broadcast news in private FM 
stations. This will not only boost listnership, but also provide headway to 

Though Kunal Jamuar, GM, Madison Media, didn't see any huge value or even 
commercial implications coming to the industry, he added that "it will 
certainly give consumers a differentiated content. I don't see any major 
changes in terms of revenue".

Uday Chawla pointed out, "If you look at the TV industry, almost 15 per cent of 
revenue accrues to news channels. Improvement in content translates to more 
listenership, which translates to more revenue."

Tarun Nigam, Executive Director, India - North & Pakistan, Starcom Worldwide, 
noted, "The green signal to private FM channels for broadcasting news is 
reminiscent of the good old Akashvani days in the radio mode. Like TV has a 
bouquet of channels, radio, too, can witness an upsurge of players, depending 
on the license fees."

In contrast, Anita Nayyar, CEO, MPG, India, remarked, "Since the USP of private 
FM is music, the broadcast of news would result in dilution of programming and 
content. This is like the personification of AIR."

Is a regulatory body needed to monitor news?

Speaking on the need for a regulatory body, Chawla said, "AROI will welcome 
permission for carrying news and sports content and has offered all cooperation 
to the Government in this regard, including formation of a self-regulatory 
content control mechanism."

Radio Mirchi's Srinath added, "Since news and current affairs content would 
come from AIR, I don't see the need for a self-regulatory body. But over a 
period of time, we might see a self-regulatory mechanism."

Nisha Narayanan pointed out, "The FM players will not emulate 24-hour news 
channels, but to safeguard the interests of authent

[HCDX] Radio Vatican to Africa B08

2008-10-09 Thread sakthi vel
VATICAN RADIO - GENERAL SCHEDULE November 2008 - March 2009 

UTC LanSAT MHz  kHz 
02.30   FRENCHI2  103.8 7360-O  03.00   
 ENGLISH  I2  103.8 7360-O  9660-O  
03.30   KISWAHILI I2,A3  103.8  7360-O  9660-O  
03.45   SOMALI - 7 I2,A3 103.8  7360-O  9660-O  
04.00   AMHARIC,TIGRIGNAA2,I2,A3 103.8  7360-O  9660-O  
04.30   FRENCHA2,I2,A3103.8 7360-P  9660-O  
05.00   ENGLISH A2,I2,A3 103.8  7360-P  9660-PQ 11625-OP
05.30   PORTUGUESE A2,I2,A3103.87360-QR 9660-P  11625-OP
06.00   FRENCH  A2,I2,A3 103.8  7360-QR 9660-PQ 11625-P 06.30   
ENGLISH A2,I2,A3 103.8  7360-QR 9660-PQ 11625-P06.30MASS IN 
LATIN A1,I1,E  93.3 - 105   585 - 1530 9645-QR 
07.00   ITAL. FRENCH ENGLISH -W A1,I1,E,A3,93.3-105,585-1530-1611, 9645-QR
09.30   GE'EZ LITURGY - 7H  ,A1,A2,I1,I2,A3 93.3-103.8, 15595-N, 17765-NO
11.00   ANGELUS - 7H,A1,A2,I1,I2,E,A3,93.3-105,585-1530-1611,21680-P
13.00   ITALIAN A1,I1,E,A393.3-105  585-1611, 21680-P
16.00   KISWAHILII2 103.8   11625-O 13765-O 
16.15   SOMALI - 6, I2  103.8   11625-O 13765-O 
16.30   AMHARIC, TIGRIGNA,I2  103.8 11625-O 13765-O 
17.00   FRENCH  I2  103.8   11625-O 13765-OP
17.30   ENGLISH I2,A3   103.8   9755-O  11625-OP
13765-P18.00PORTUGUESE,A2,I2,A3   103.8 9755-OP 11625-R 13765-P19.00
SPANISH - 6,A2,I2,A3  103.8 9755-PQ 11625-QR
19.40   ROSARY,A1,A2,I2,E,A3  93.3-103.8-105,585-1530,7365-P,9755-PQ, 11625-QR  
20.00   ENGLISH,A2,I2,A3   103.8 7365-P 9755-PQ 11625-QR
20.30   FRENCH,A2,I2,A3103.8  7365-P9755-PQ 11625-QR

For more details 
Telephone +39 06 6988 4654 
Telefax +39 06 6988 3237 
Home Page http://www.radiovaticana.org 
Satellites Hot Bird 8  
Galaxy 25  

UTC = Universal Time Coordinated = GMT. Capital letters following frequencies 
indicate the radiation direction of the antennas.Omnidirectional 
service when capital letters are omitted.W = Weekdays; H = Holy days; 1 = Mon.; 
2 = Tue.; 3 = Wed.; 4 = Thu.; 5 = Fri.; 6 = Sat.; 7 = Sun. Programmes broadcast 
on MW and FM are intended for Rome area.   Frequency 1611kHz is a broadcast 
in digital modulation DRM). Frequency  13785 kHz marked with an asterisk will 
be closed on 31st December 2008.(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)


For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
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[HCDX] DX Quiz answers

2008-10-08 Thread sakthi vel
In 2008 the Ardic DX Club celebrates its 10th anniversary. For ten years it has 
been the primary source of information for dxing enthusiasts all over the Tamil 
Nadu, India.

Now the club were published the answers for that Quiz. Winners liste will be 
published on or before 31 October 2008. Thanks for all who participate in that 
Quiz. The special QSL card will be send to all entries those who attached the 
IRC and the Mint stamps.

You will see the full details and answers of the quiz in the following site
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

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[HCDX] Radio Tirana B08

2008-10-08 Thread sakthi vel
>From October 27, 2008 Radio Tirana will be broadcast on the following 

1800-1830 UTC 7465 KHz
2000-2030 UTC 6120 KHz

A partire da lunedì 27 ottobre la trasmissione in italiano di Radio Tirana sarà 
diffusa secondo il seguente schema:
da lunedì a sabato
1800-1830 UTC 7465 KHz
2000-2030 UTC 6120 KHz (

For more details;

Radiotelevisioni Shqiptar,
Programi Satelitor 
Rruga Ismail Qemali 11 
Telephone +355 (0)4 223 911 / 256 054 / 227 512 / 222 481 
Telefax +355 (0)4 256 053 
Home Page http://www.rtsh.al 
Satellites Eutelsat W2   
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] Radio St. Helena hear in Chennai

2008-10-06 Thread sakthi vel
Radio St. Helena hears in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 03 October 2008 at 1805 
- 1920 UTC with 23323 on 11092.5 KHz USB. Receiver: Sony ICF 2010 with five 
meter long wire antenna. Recording available - Jaisakthivel, Chennai-600106, 
India Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com www.sarvadesavaanoli.blogspot.com 
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] Vineeta Dwivedi quits BBC, to join DRM

2008-10-02 Thread sakthi vel
BBC India Business Development Manager Vineeta Dwivedi has put in her papers 
and will be taking up the post of Project Director at Digital Radio Mondiale 
consortium (DRM) from 1 November. 
Dwivedi, who has spent seven years at the BBC, is currently serving her notice 
period in BBC. 
Confirms DRM Consortium Chair Ruxandra Obreja, “After an intense, open and very 
competitive process we have decided to offer a one-year contract /secondment as 
Project Director DRM to Vineeta Dwivedi.” 
As part of this new responsibility, Dwivedi would be leading the day to day 
management of the DRM consortium business and managing the activity of the DRM 
assistant and running effectively the DRM office. The task will also include 
implementing the DRM marketing and business strategy and effectively 
communicating the benefits of the technology to broadcasters, regulators, 
manufactures and others. This will include, where appropriate, lobbying on 
DRM’s behalf with national, local and commercial broadcasters and well as 
government departments and bodies as well as regulators. 
Attending and reporting to the Steering Board, providing updates on activities 
as well as reporting on progress in delivering the DRM strategy and marketing 
plan. Dwiwedi would also be attending international events, exhibitions, public 
and private technology demonstrations of members and other organisations 
interested or involved in the development of DRM. 
Vineeta joined BBC World Service in 2001 and worked in a range of editorial and 
production roles before getting involved with the growing business development 
team in 2005.  She had been managing FM partnerships of providing BBC content 
across 11 cities in India. Prior to joining the BBC, she worked for the Press 
Trust of India. 
Meanwhile, after 10 years as Chairman of DRM, Peter Senger retired from both 
DRM and his position as Deutsche Welle´s Director DRM. His successor  is 
Ruxandra Obreja, who is the Controller Business Development, BBC World Service. 
Obreja has been unanimously elected as new Chair of the DRM Consortium and DRM 


Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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Re: [HCDX] [Cumbre DX] RSH 2007 QSL

2008-10-02 Thread sakthi vel
Dear Sir,
Still now i didn't get my QSL from RSH.
Whom to contact for this. I send a mail to RSH, but no reply.
I too attach 2 IRC for the QSL with details three page report.

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

--- On Wed, 1/10/08, Jari Savolainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Jari Savolainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Cumbre DX] RSH 2007 QSL
Date: Wednesday, 1 October, 2008, 1:14 PM

Today, 1st Oct postman delivered a nice QSL-card
from R St Helena of their 2007 broadcast. My original
reception report was lost on it's way to St Helena and
Robert Kipp helped me to get verification for e-mailed report.
Envelope postmarked 20 Sep, so quite fast postal delivery.
Thanks again to Robert.
Jari Savolainen

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[HCDX] New director general for All India Radio

2008-09-23 Thread sakthi vel
G Jayalal, deputy director general, All India Radio (AIR) has been promoted as 
director general of the country's premier audio broadcaster.

Jayalal, who was serving as deputy DG, programming, planning and development, 
took charge as new the DG last week. He has been appointed on a temporary basis.

The post has been filled after a gap of more than a year, since the tenure of 
last DG (AIR) Brijeshwar Singh had ended in May 2007. Singh, an IAS officer 
from the Tamil Nadu cadre, was a full-fledged DG of AIR.

B S Lalli, CEO, Prasar Bharati, had been handling additional charge as DG of 
both AIR and Doordarshan till recently. Information and Broadcasting ministry 
had earlier objected to a retired IAS officer holding charge of the DG of DD 
and AIR. Lalli, a retired IAS officer, was appointed as CEO of Prasar Bharati 
last year.

Subsequently, the ministry was sent a list of nominees for the two posts by 
Prasar Bharati, and Noreen Naqvi was appointed as DG (DD) on the basis of 
seniority, though her appointment too is on a temporary basis.

Jayalal's appointment has also been ordered on seniority basis. He joined AIR 
in 1978 and had served as station director of Tirunelveli, Port Blair, 
Puducherry, Thiruvananthapuram and Bangalore, before heading the southern zone 
of AIR stations as DDG.

Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] RTI new frequency

2008-09-07 Thread sakthi vel
New frequency for listeners in South Asia  
Starting September 7th, RTI's transmission to South Asia will be changed from 
15515 KHz to 11600 KHz. 
Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
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[HCDX] Germany's Deutsche Welle (DW) Radio, to air programme in three Indian languages

2008-08-24 Thread sakthi vel
Deutsche Welle (DW) Radio, Germany's international broadcaster, will soon 
broadcast programmes in three Indian languages, an official said Tuesday.

The broadcaster and the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) have 
signed an agreement to this effect, varsity pro-vice chancellor Latha Pillai 
said Tuesday.

Gyan Vani FM, the radio channel of IGNOU, will facilitate broadcasting of 
DW-RADIO programming in Hindi, Urdu, Bengali and English over campus radio at 
29 universities across the country.

'This will facilitate students of our 29 associated universities getting a 
broader perspective of subjects happening across the world,' IGNOU spokesman 
Ravi Mohan told IANS.

In addition, 'Tomorrow Today', the science magazine from DW-TV, will be 
integrated into the schedule of Gyan Darshan, an educational TV channel of 
IGNOU that operates nationwide via satellite and cable.

In return, DW radio has agreed to support IGNOU with training courses for 
community radio operators and journalists. Germany's international broadcaster 
will oversee several intensive courses per year at the School of New Media 
Studies at IGNOU.

'We are happy to have the opportunity to reach out to students throughout 
India,' said Petra Schneider, head of sales and service at DW radio.



For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] Chennai's Big 92.7 fm's RJ big dheena attempts for guinness book of world records

2008-08-24 Thread sakthi vel
BIG 92.7 FM, emphasizing on its greater content offering and its "Tamilian's 
Pride" celebration has now come out with a bigger announcement whereby the 
station will get its RJ, BIG Dheena, hosts "BIG Vanakkam" show on BIG 92.7 FM 
to attempt for Guinness Book of World Records. As everyone in Chennai are aware 
that RJ BIG Dheena has successfully completed 92 hours and 7 minutes RJ 
marathon last August. This August he is taking a big leap and will attempt to 
break Guinness records by continuously RJing for more than 136 hours. It will 
be extremely a proud moment for all the Tamilians not only in Chennai but the 
entire globe as our own Tamil boy RJ BIG Dheena will start his attempt on 21st 
August 2008 be completing this record on the 26th August 2008.

Adhering to the Guinness Book of World Record's rules and regulations, BIG 92.7 
FM has ensured all arrangements required like medical check up for RJ BIG 
Dheena which certifies him to attempt for the record. A team of medical 
practitioners will be present to constantly monitor RJ BIG Dheena's health. 
There will be witnesses present at BIG 92.7 FM studios who will constantly 
monitor RJ BIG Dheena's performance. As per the requirement, the attempt will 
be video graphed and a copy of the same will be sent to Guinness. Even the 
minutest details have been taken care of by BIG 92.7 FM.

This unusual Guinness attempt requires the Radio Jockey to have immense passion 
for Radio, given that it is a true endurance test. Such a marathon has never 
been attempted before in India and hence there are no learning's for RJ BIG 
Dheena to go by. Dheena has been preparing himself for this record both 
physically and mentally and has been undertaking several fitness, yoga and 
meditation classes to ensure the highest levels of patience, commitment and 
focus. These preparations along with prayers to the almightily should give him 

BIG 92.7 FM has put together a greater on-air content, with RJ BIG Dheena 
interacting with celebrities, friends and fans who will be present at BIG 92.7 
FM studios. In terms of on-ground connect, the station will get its other RJs 
like BIG Imsai Arasi, BIG Sangeetha and BIG Balaji to travel to different parts 
of Chennai and connect with the public and take their wishes towards the 
success of the event. RJs will also hold various on-ground contests to make 
things more interactive. BIG 92.7 FM will also carry out a signature campaign 
using its BIG Bus which will allow Chennaites to pass on their messages and 
wishes to Dheena. BIG 92.7 FM's website will broadcast live video of Dheena and 
the blogs and Podcast will carry regular updates on Dheena's performance.

Speaking about his Guinness attempt, RJ BIG Dheena said in a very jovial mood, 
"I am excited and nervous, both at the same time. It is great that me and my 
listeners will be together throughout day and night giving company to each 
other. I know the wishes of the people of Chennai are with me and am all geared 
to complete the record"

Speaking about Dheena's attempt, Mr. PB Ramaswamy, Cluster Director, BIG 92.7 
FM, TamilNadu said, "Dheena has become the most popular RJ in Chennai because 
of his sheer hard work, focus and dedication and I am sure that he will give 
all his attention and energy to attempt and succeed in breaking the record . We 
at BIG 92.7 FM are proud to have him with us and will all be here cheering for 
him with each passing hour. Given his passion and love for Radio, I think BIG 
92.7 FM and Dheena are going to keep the listeners happy"

To know more about the Dheena's Guinness attempt, log on to www.big927fm.com or 
tune in to BIG 92.7 FM.


For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] Reaching Out on Airways: AT8LH

2008-08-24 Thread sakthi vel
Add HAM radio in school syllabus -By N.Arunkumar

Users of amateur radio, also known as, HAM radio, have urged the Centre and 
state to include their hobby in school syllabus. They say this would take the 
technology to youngsters and since amateur radio often turned out to be the 
only mode of communication during disasters, it would help the HAM community to 
reach out more. In the west 70 to 80 persons in a population of one lakh used 
HAM radios but in India only one,in 20 lakh people used them, said Inarapan of 
Kalpakkam, who has been using these radios since 1985. "The investment needed 
for setting up a HAM radio is not huge. The cost of a basic model is as cheap 
as Rs. 500. Most of the people in India are unaware of the advantages in using 
HAM or they are misled by people who do not know about it. These are the main 
reasons for the low number of HAM users in India," he said.

Some of the famous HAM radio users include late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, 
UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, late minister for commerce and industry Murasoli 
Maran and actor Kamal Haasan. During the 1999 Orissa super cyclone and 2004 
tsunami HAM radio was the only mode of communication used for coordinating 
rescue and relief measures. Speaking to Deccan Chronicle on Sunday on the 
sidelines of the International Lighthouse and Lightships Week (ILLW), Ajoy, 
member of the Bangalore Amateur Radio Club said, "CBSE has added HAM as a 
lesson in disaster management subject for classes  8, 9 and 10. The state 
should also follow CBSE and include HAM in their syllabus."

K Rajesh, another HAM user from Chennai said, "HAM is an excellent mode of 
communication for people across the world. This helps us to get in touch with 
persons from different countries, apart from developing our knowledge in 

-Deccan Chromicle 18/8/2008

One more article from the Times of India

towers/articlesh ow/3372247.cms

See the photos of the event 

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India
For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] Indian Govt not considering permitting news on private FM channels

2008-08-15 Thread sakthi vel
 The Government is not considering any proposal to permit news broadcasts on 
private FM Radio channels. 

This was stated by Information and Broadcasting secretary Sushma Singh, when 
answering a question on the sidelines of the Second Indian News Television 
Summit organised by indiantelevision.com. 

Singh noted that the government had studied the reports of the Telecom 
Regulatory Authority of India as well as the Ficci in this connection. 
  Answering another question, she said the government was considering the 
report on television audience meters received recently from Trai. 

She said the government was under pressure from the judiciary to finalise and 
enforce a Content Code for television broadcasters, but regretted that the one 
finalised by a group of stakeholders from all sectors set up by her ministry 
had not been accepted by the news channels. 

She said all stakeholders would be consulted before any Content Code is 
finalised. Draft codes had been prepared by the News Broadcasters Association 
and the Indian Broadcasting Foundation, but these were now being considered 
with legal experts and stakeholders. 

She said the government was bound by certain orders of the courts and had to 
submit reports on this at regular intervals. 


Ardic DX Club, jaisakthivel, chennai, India

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[HCDX] Thousands of new radios let India's believers hear Gospel message

2008-08-09 Thread sakthi vel
International Gospel radio network Trans World Radio has doubled the goal it 
set earlier this year to distribute 2,000 radios to believers in India.
The enthusiastic response to their campaign has allowed them to send 4,000 
radios that can be used by their owners to hear the Gospel.
TWR will distribute the radios through an indigenous network of evangelistic 
house groups across India as part of the Radio Homes project. Members of these 
small groups come together to listen to and discuss Bible teaching over the 
radio with the support of a local coordinator.
TWR has seen huge success in its mission work in India. In a previous project 
spanning the last two decades, TWR planted 650 churches, each one with around a 
hundred members. All of the churches grew up out of listener groups set up by 
TWR workers in villages with no previous Christian witness.
"Thanks to the support of listeners in the UK we hope to carry on spreading the 
Gospel in the most unreached, unchurched areas of the world," the ministry said.
Trans World Radio broadcasts Christian programmes in more than 70 countries and 
225 languages each week.
Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] Dxers Guide July - September 2008

2008-08-06 Thread sakthi vel
 Dear Fellow Dxers,
 Now you will access this quarter 'Dxers Guide' from the following link


Kindly send your comments to the following email id

ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in

For hard copy and subscription details contact the above ID 

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] Misty to air Radio Netherlands content in India

2008-08-04 Thread sakthi vel
Netherlands' public broadcaster Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW), has entered 
into a partnership with Radio Misty 94.3FM, the North Bengal and Sikkim FM 
station that will air a variety of RNW music parogrammes ranging from European 
pop charts to classical, jazz and world music as also RNW radio books.  

After a long-term presence in India with short wave and satellite radio 
broadcasts, RNW has now begun to expand its activities in India.

 Radio Misty is the first North Bengal and Sikkim FM station and has a reach of 
80 km. The aim of Radio Misty is to connect the local people with more 
interactive and innovative shows. "This meets the goals of RNW as well, because 
we aim at multicultural interaction between different (local) people and 
cultures in the world. One way of doing this is through programmes that 
interest listeners internationally," says Jan Hoek, RNW's Director General.

Jan Hoek states that the new partnership marks the start of reaching a new 
public via radio stations in India. "We are very pleased with the partnership 
with Radio Misty FM. The swift and decisive way in which we came to this 
arrangement promises a bright future for our cooperation with this dynamic 

Amitabh Srivastava, RNW Country Manager for India says, "This partnership is 
our entry into Indian airspace through radio affiliation and getting the clear 
message that RNW has arrived in India. After getting more then 3000 partners 
globally, we hope more dynamic Indian stations like Misty will be benefiting 
with informative and entertaining programming through us." 

Radio Misty 94.3FM chief executive officer Nishant Mittal says, "It's great 
that we are the first FM station in India to partner with Radio Netherlands 
Worldwide. We hope this new venture between Radio Misty and RNW will open a new 
chapter. It will bring a lot of innovative programmes to people of North Bengal 
and Sikkim. We look forward to share new ideas in programming."

RNW has been the Dutch public service broadcaster in 1947. RNW provides news, 
background and cultural programmes for an international audience in ten 
languages. RNW's programmes and items that will be aired by Radio Misty are 
'EuroHit40', 'European Jazz Stage', 'Live! at the Concertgebouw', 'Radio Books' 
and 'La Salsa es mi Vida'

Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] Correction RSI..

2008-07-28 Thread sakthi vel


On 31 July 2008 (Thursday) my opinion about Radio Singapore international (RSI) 
will be broadcast in CONNECTIONS by Yvonne Gomez. Listeners will try to listen 
it and send your comments about that to me on ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co 
(dot) in. Also send you reports for QSL to english (at) rsi (dot) com (dot) sg. 
Details of broadcast 1220 UTC, Freq: 6150 KHz (49M Band) 6080 KHz (49M Band)- 
Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] QSL to english (at) rsi (dot) com (dot) sg

2008-07-28 Thread sakthi vel
On 31 June 2008 (Thursday) my opinion about Radio Singapore international (RSI) 
will be broadcast in CONNECTIONS by Yvonne Gomez. Listeners will try to listen 
it and send your comments about that to me on ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co 
(dot) in. Also send you reports for QSL to english (at) rsi (dot) com (dot) sg. 
Details of broadcast 1220 UTC,  Freq: 6150 KHz (49M Band) 6080 KHz (49M Band)- 
Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Messenger blocked? Want to chat? Go to http://in.webmessenger.yahoo.com/

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[HCDX] All India Radio completes 81 years

2008-07-24 Thread sakthi vel
AIR (All India Radio) completed 81 years of operations on Wednesday. Once an 
only player in the country; the pubcaster has had to, with time, face 
competition with the arrival of private radio channels in the country. 

When asked about how the private FM sector has affected AIR's position in the 
country AIR's Deputy Director General - Programming, planning, policy, 
development and commercial G Jayalal said, "AIR is still the number one player 
in the county because of the kind of reach it has. All India Radio reaches 
places where private FM players have not entered yet. Our signal reaches the 
remotest areas in the country."

However, it gives the impression that nothing could dampen the spirits of AIR, 
as the public broadcaster is now headed towards digitalisation of its content 
alongwith revamping its website. Jayalal remarked, "Yes, it is true that we are 
now digitalising our content. Apart from that we have also been working at 
giving a facelift to our website for some months now." 

As a public service broadcaster, AIR had always emphasised on broadcasting 
socially relevant content; content that would spread evangelism. "Since we are 
into public service we have to concentrate on serving the public. So while 
primarily most of our channels have socially relevant content; we also have 
channels like Rainbow that concentrates on music and entertaining listeners. 

But even in channels like Rainbow we try to incorporate as much socially 
relevant content as we can", added Jayalal. While AIR is trying to evolve with 
new technology and content; it would be interesting to watch how in the coming 
days, the radio from the public sector takes its fight ahead against the 
private FM players.


Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India

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[HCDX] DW Freq. Change

2008-07-19 Thread sakthi vel
German 08.00-09.55 UTC new frequency: 15650 kHz (old frequency: 15605 kHz)
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India Via Andrea Schulz)

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] Last programme on Radio Sinagapore International

2008-07-11 Thread sakthi vel
Radio Sinagapore International going to produce the special programme on their 
last day broadcast on 31 July 2008. Want to participate on that programme 
contact Ms. Yvonne Gomez | Senior Producer-Presenter | Radio Singapore 
International, Mediacorp Singapore Pte Ltd, Caldecott Broadcast Centre Andrew 
Road, Singapore 299939, Phone: +65 63597672 | Fax: +65 62591357 | Mobile: +65 
96206694, http://www.rsi.sg/english  (Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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[HCDX] AirCheck Launches Radio Monitoring Service in India

2008-07-09 Thread sakthi vel
AirCheck Launches Radio Monitoring Service in India

AirCheck  India has announced the launch of its radio monitoring service in 
India . Aircheck has analyzed and released airplay of popular songs in the 
first six months of 2008 and has condensed the results into a chart of the 
Twenty Most Popular Songs on Radio in India.

Such charts are a standard media fixture and resource in many media markets 
around the world. But until now, in India airplay charts of this kind were not 
available in a systematic fashion.  

AirCheck India is in a unique position to compile the relevant data, as it 
monitors 69 commercial radio stations in India’s 13 largest cities. Such 
information is of particular interest to the radio stations themselves, to the 
recording industry and to anybody who sells or markets popular music. 

In addition to the Most Popular Songs overall, AirCheck also intends to compile 
charts relating particularly to English language songs, to Bollywood titles and 
to Hindi Pop. AirCheck also already gathers airplay information relating to 
Bengali, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada songs.

Aircheck is a world leader in radio spot and music monitoring, providing 
services for broadcasters,  media research firms, the recording industry and 
advertising agencies. AirCheck India, a subsidiary of US-based RCS Inc., 
provides audio identification services of commercials and songs that are played 
on air. AirCheck India monitors radio stations around the clock, every day of 
the year and provides “same day” verification. The data are made available to 
the subscribers in near real time, on the web .  In addition,  in the United 
States AirCheck – known there as Media Monitors  –  provides services such as 
Newspaper Ad Tracking, TV Spot Monitoring, Spot Ten weekly charts of radio 
advertisers, and also conducts custom research projects. 

AirCheck came into existence because for decades, it was expensive and tedious 
for radio advertisers to verify the number of times a spot played or whether 
the right copy ran on-air. With the patented technology of AirCheck, Sales 
Executives can have details on a particular radio spot or an entire media 
campaign at their fingertips in seconds. The broadcast content recognition 
process used by AirCheck is protected by U.S. Patent 5,437,050 with additional 
patents pending.

RCS (Radio Computing Services) is the world's leading provider of broadcast and 
Webcast software, serving over 9,000 radio stations, TV music channels, cable 
companies, satellite music networks and Internet stations worldwide.. RCS 
serves clients in 100 countries from its 23 offices around the world, providing 
round-the-clock 24/7 global support. In India, RCS serves broadcasters, among 
them many of the recently licensed FM radio stations, through its subsidiary 
RCS (India) Pvt. Ltd., founded in 2002.

Jaisakthivel, Chennai

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[HCDX] DX Quiz - 2008 from Ardic DX Club (ADXC), India

2008-07-05 Thread sakthi vel
DX Quiz - 2008 from Ardic DX Club (ADXC), India

In 2008 the Ardic DX Club celebrates its 10th anniversary. For ten years it has 
been the primary source of information for dxing enthusiasts all over the Tamil 
Nadu, India.

In order to celebrate this event, a quiz is being organised. The quiz is open 
to anyone, regardless of location or club membership. The quiz does not solely 
deal with Tamil Dxing, but covers very different radio aspects. Answering 
following 25 questions you can show your radio knowledge.

No quiz without prizes of course. You wish to contribute a prize? Please 
contact me! And to make the contest interesting to everybody, a few prizes will 
be given randomly to entrants. So if the questions look hard, participate 

Quiz starts from 1 July 2008
Last date for the entry 30 August 2008

Quiz Questions are in

T. Jaisakthivel
Ardic DX Club
59, Annai Sathya Nagar
Chennai - 600 106
Tamil Nadu

If you have any questions on the contest, please write to us at:
ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in. Please carefully read the rules and 
conditions before sending any questions.

Special QSL

Along with quiz answers you have to submit at least 3 reception reports on any 
AIR (All India Radio) transmissions from any location in any mode. The correct 
reception reports will get the special limited edition of World Smallest QSL 
card, Special 75th week Radio World Sticker and the AIR pennant. Participants 
must send one New IRC to the club address for that QSL. Indian listener must 
send Rs.10/- mint stamps for return QSL. Those who are do not want the QSL, 
they are also participate without any condition.

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Messenger blocked? Want to chat? Go to 

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] DX Quiz - 2008 from Ardic DX Club (ADXC), India

2008-07-01 Thread sakthi vel
DX Quiz - 2008 from Ardic DX Club (ADXC), India

In 2008 the Ardic DX Club celebrates its 10th anniversary. For ten years it has 
been the primary source of information for dxing enthusiasts all over the Tamil 
Nadu, India.

In order to celebrate this event, a quiz is being organised. The quiz is open 
to anyone, regardless of location or club membership. The quiz does not solely 
deal with Tamil Dxing, but covers very different radio aspects. Answering 
following 18 questions you can show your radio knowledge.

No quiz without prizes of course. You wish to contribute a prize? Please 
contact me! And to make the contest interesting to everybody, a few prizes will 
be given randomly to entrants. So if the questions look hard, participate 

Quiz starts from 1 July 2008
Last date for the entry 30 August 2008

Quiz Questions are in

T. Jaisakthivel
Ardic DX Club
59, Annai Sathya Nagar
Chennai - 600 106
Tamil Nadu

If you have any questions on the contest, please write to us at:
ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in. Please carefully read the rules and 
conditions before sending any questions.

Special QSL

Along with quiz answers you have to submit at least 3 reception reports on any 
AIR (All India Radio) transmissions from any location in any mode. The correct 
reception reports will get the special limited edition of World Smallest QSL 
card, Special 75th week Radio World Sticker and the AIR pennant. Participants 
must send one New IRC to the club address for that QSL. Indian listener must 
send Rs.10/- mint stamps for return QSL. Those who are do not want the QSL, 
they are also participate without any condition.

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

  Get an email ID as [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Click here 

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] SLBC Stopped the MW Tx

2008-06-02 Thread sakthi vel
SLBC Stopped the MW Tx 

>From 01-06-2008, Sri Lankan Broadcasting Corporation
(SLBC) stopped the MW Service on 873 KHz to Indian
Listeners. This frequency mainly used for Tamil
Service. This particular service started on 1925. At
present the only MW Tamil service from SLBC is on 855
KHz for the Sri Lankan Tamil listeners.

Few years back they stopped the evening service on 873
KHz. From January 2008 they reduced the morning
service. According to the SLBC officials, they didn't
get advertisement for that service. They spend three
lahks Rupees per day for transmitt the programme to
South India. Here in Tamil Nadu so many private FM’s
acquired the SLBC clients for the advertisement. This
is also the one of the reason to stopped the well
known historical service.

History of the Organization in Brief 

The history of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation
dates back to year 1925, when its first pre-cursor,
“Colombo Radio”, was launched on 16th December 1925
using a Medium Wave radio transmitter of one kilowatt
of output power from Welikada, Colombo. Commenced just
03 years after the launch of BBC, Colombo radio was
the first ever radio station in Asia. 

This new medium of mass communication not only became
increasingly popular in the years that followed, but
also quickly evolved into a medium of national
character, which led to the “Radio Service” being
organized as a separate department of the government
of Ceylon (as country was then called) by the ‘call
sign’ ‘Radio Ceylon’ in 1949. Subsequently in 1967,
the Department of Broadcasting was transformed into
its present statutory form of a state corporation by
the Ceylon broadcasting corporation Act. No 37 of 1966
of the parliament of Ceylon, thereby assuring
increased autonomy and flexibility in the operations
of the new organization.

The organization acquired its present name, Sri Lanka
Broadcasting Corporation, with the transition of the
state into the status of “Republic of Sri Lanka” on
22nd May 1972. SLBC has since continued in the same
legal status as a state corporation, and is currently
listed under the scope of the ministry of Information
and Media of the Government of Sri Lanka.

Transition of Domestic Broadcasting from Medium Wave
to FM 

As was the case with many national radio stations with
the same standing several decades ago, SLBC was
relying on medium wave as the primary mode of domestic
broadcasting until the dawn of ‘90s. Some sporadic FM
broadcasts had nevertheless been already introduced at
several transmitting stations more as a means of
‘relaying’ the broadcasts to medium wave transmitting
stations. However, by late ‘80s SLBC was acting in
recognition of the strategic importance of switching
from MW to FM as the primary mode of domestic
broadcasting. Accordingly, in 1993, ‘the FM Stereo
Broadcasting Facility at Colombo’ was commissioned
with the technical assistance of the government of

This was followed by the ‘Islandwide FM Development
Project’ that was launched in year 1995. The
objectives of the project were to develop an
Islandwide multi-channel FM stereo broadcast
transmission network and to divest the costly domestic
medium wave transmitting stations, which were
typically broadcasting only one or two programme
channels per transmitting station. By 1999, more than
95% country’s total population was being covered by
SLBC’s FM transmissions with nearly 90% of them
receiving all six nationwide channels.

Programme Channels (Radio Services) currently
maintained by SLBC

SLBC has, throughout its history, been committed to
its mandated task of maintaining the public service
broadcasting in Sri Lanka, by way of providing the
public with the information and entertainment, and
fostering the social, cultural and economic
development of the country, and has maintained this
commitment as the core guiding principle of its
programming policy. Despite the introduction of a
certain amount of commercial programming into its
operations, in order to partially finance its
predominantly public service broadcasting operations,
the respective station genres and the programming
content are carefully designed to be within its
programming policy guidelines. 

At present, SLBC’s Islandwide (domestic) FM network
broadcasts six regular programme channels on a
nationwide basis, and those six ‘national’ channels
account for the major proportion of its domestic
broadcasting. The six channels are,

1. Sinhala Swadeshiya Sevaya’ (Sinhala National
2. Tamil National Service
3. English Service
4. City FM (Sinhala)
5. Velenda Sevaya’ (Sinhala Commercial Service), and 
6. Thendral (Tamil Commercial Service)

While the first 03 channels are dedicated for public
service broadcasting in the three languages Sinhala,
Tamil and English, the fourth one (City FM) is
maintained as a channel dedicated for the youth. The
last two channels, whilst representing ‘an adult
contemporary’ genre, accommodates a certain amount of
commercial content. Besides the above 

[HCDX] Construction of the new radio station is almost complete in Jordan

2008-05-31 Thread sakthi vel
New Jordanian radio station especially for women and

A new radio station especially for women and youth,
called Radio Farah Al Nas, will be launching soon in
Jordan at 98.5 frequency. Construction of the radio
station is almost complete, and it will be run by
Jordanian youth – as young as kindergarten.

http://www.ijnet. org/Director. aspx?P=Article&
ID=307715& LID=1

Jaisakthive, Chennai, India

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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