[HCDX] Mon dx

2013-07-08 Thread Charles
Bolivia, 4699.935, Radio San Miguel, 1015-1030,  Noted a weak signal here
with a male in

Spanish comments.  The audio fades in and out during the period.   (Chuck
Bolland, July 8, 2013)


Peru, 4809.976, Radio Logos, 1020-1030,   Noted two males in Spanish
comments with each other

during the period.   Signal was poor.   (Chuck Bolland, July 8 2013)


Peru, 4835.036, Radio Maranon, presumed, 1023-1030,  At tune in noted steady
music here.  After

a minute or two a  utility station comes on the freq causing interference.
Noted some comments 

during the period by a female.  Signal was threshold with interference.
(Chuck Bolland, July 8, 2013)


Peru, 5039.197, Radio Libertad, 1040-1050,  Noted a weak signal here in
steady music.  Audio 

is not solid.  It  fades in and out with music.  Signal is poor.   (Chuck
Bolland, July 8, 2013)




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2013-06-03 Thread Charles
Peru, 5980.138, Radio Chaski, Tent, 0050-0103*  With a very weak signal,
noted two males

in Spanish language conversation.  One of them mentions Peru in his
comments.  `Splatter from

a station on 5990 KHz really spoils the coverage on Chaski, but Chaski
begins to fade in 

a little with a promise of some better signal maybe?  At  0100 music is
heard.  At 0101 the 

males continue conversing.  Shortly then the signal is gone, probably
closing?  Didn't hear any closing comments.  (Chuck Bolland June 3, 2013)


Bolivia, 6134.848, Radio Santa Cruz, 0105-0115, At tune in, noted a music
being presented.  However, by 0107 the music had disappeared and only dead
air resulted.  Signal was good

while there was music, the carrier also was good.   (Chuck Bolland, June 3,


Peru, 4809.955, Radio Logos, 0114-0130,  As usual at this time, noted steady
music, both vocal

and instrumental type.  Signal is plagued with CODAR interference, but it is
fair.   (Chuck

Bolland, June 3, 2013)



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[HCDX] Mon Dx

2012-04-16 Thread Charles
Bolivia, 6134.829, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1030,  With a male and female
commenting in Spanish over flute music.  The program seems to be a lesson of
some kind, possibly 

a language lesson as the woman repeats certain words slowly.  The signal
drops drastically 

by 1027 to a threshold level.  (Chuck Bolland, April 16, 2012)



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2011-03-28 Thread Charles
Oman, 15140.00,  Radio Sultanate Of Oman,  1435-1500,  Drop in on this while

in English programming.  Here and there, an English language ID as Radio 

Sultanate.   The signal was fair and had a slight fading effect such as

the signal does the Great Circle trip.  At 1450 music (English) presented.

(Chuck Bolland, March 28, 2011)


Thailand, 15310.00, BBC, 1445-1500  Noted a program of English language 

interviews and conversation  between a male and female.  At 1450 a male

gives ID as BBC.  Signal was poor and fading.  (Chuck Bolland, March 

28, 2011)


Germany, 15330.00  Deutche Welle, Tent, 1453-1500 Noted a program of

news in the German Language.  Many mentions of Duetcheland.  Signal goes off

the air at 1500. No ID however. (Chuck Bolland, March 28, 2011)



Austria, Tent,  15340.00  HCJB, Relay?, 1503-1515,  In here with a religious
program in

English language with Bible comments and religious music.  Signal was poor.

(Chuck Bolland, March 28, 2011)


USA, 15530, VOA, 1510-1530+  Don't know where this is being relayed from

both EIBI and AOKI don't have any references for this particular schedule.

I have an older listing saying this is being relayed via Germany at Biblis.

it's been a couple of years, so it should be confirmed before using it.  The

program consisted of English comments by a male with 80's music.   Signal

fair.  (Chuck Bolland, March 28, 2011)



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[HCDX] Mon Dx

2010-08-09 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.85, Radio Santa Cruz, 0935-0945,   Noted
a male in Spanish comments between
musical selections.  Before each tune, he gives a TC.
Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, August 
9, 2010)
Peru, 4826.26, Radio Sicuani, 0955-1015,   Noted a male
in comments followed with Huaynos
type music.  On the hour noted a lot of chatter from
the male.  Signal was poor, but by 1015
the signal was improved to a fair level.  Still hearing
SP comments.  .  (Chuck Bolland, August 9, 2010)
Peru, 3329.60, Radio Ondas Del Huallaga, 1002-1008,
Noted a carrier under CHU's signal here.  With some
tuning, heard a very threshold signal of music
possibly?   (Chuck Bolland, August 9, 2010)
Peru, 4746.93, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1007-1015   At
tune in, noted a male and female in SP comments.  At
1010 Huaynos music presented.  Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, August 9, 2010)
Peru, 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1010-1015,  Noted steady
Hauynos music at tune in.   Actual signal 
is only threshold at this time.   (Chuck Bolland,
August 9, 2010)
Peru, 4974.73, Radio Del Pacifico, 1018-1030,  There
seemed to be an audio portion to this with music, but
the noise and late time made it very difficult to hear.
(Chuck Bolland, August 9, 2010)
Peru, 5486.63, La Reina De La Selva, 1025,  Noted a
suspicious carrier here, but no audio heard.
Still possibly that one?   (Chuck Bolland, August 9,
Peru, 5921.30, Radio Bethel,(pres) 1032-1045,  At tune
in, noted religious type music presented.
The music continues without any comments.  Stayed with
this until the hour, but never heard 
any comments.  Signal was fair to begin with, but fade
into the noise by the hour.  .  (Chuck Bolland, August
9, 2010)
Unident, 5940, 1100-1115  Noted a program of news for
ten minutes where two males share
the microphone reporting the news.   At 1110 news
finishes, but comments continue.  Signal
is very poor and I can't distinguish the language, but
it could be Spanish?   If it is, I am thinking
this might be Radio Melodia which was near this freq
last year or so and their format was news
and comments.  At 1115 I decided to drop this since it
had become practically nil.  (Chuck Bolland
August 9, 2010)
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2010-07-19 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1035,  Noted a
male and female in 
Spanish language conversation.   Checked this out
earlier and nothing, so
assuming they began their schedule later today.
Conversation continues 
and the signal remained poor throughout.  (Chuck
Bolland, July 19, 2010)
Indonesia, 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1030-1040,  Noted two
males in Indonesian 
language conversation.  Mentions Jakarta here and
there.  At 1035,
music presented.  Signal was good.  (Chuck Bolland,
July 19, 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.84, Voice of Indonesia, 1036-1045,
Noted a female
giving a language lesson as she repeated phrases in
Indonesian.  At
1040 regular English language comments continue.
Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, July 19, 2010)
Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1042-1055,  As the band
begins to
crash, noted a program of steady music presented here
on Makassar.
Noted some utility interference at about 1049 UTC, but
it was minor.
Islamic type music continues.  Signal was poor.  (Chuck
July 19, 2010)
Papau New Guinea, 3385, Radio East New Britian,
1055-1105,  Noted
two males in conversation while taking phone calls from
listeners.  Language
that everyone was speaking is Pidgin.  Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland,
July 19, 2010)
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[HCDX] Mon Dx

2010-05-24 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.79,  Radio Santa Cruz, 0935-0945,  Noted
a male in long Spanish language 
discourse which ends with a time check and into music.
After one tune, the male returns
with more comments with mentions of Santa Cruz often.
At 0945 music continues.
 Signal is very good this morning.  (Chuck Bolland, May
24, 2010)
Guyana, 3290, Voice of Guyana, 0946-0955,  Noted a male
in English comments at tune
in.   Believe the topic is religion.  Signal was fair
this morning.  (Chuck Bolland, May 24, 2010)
Bolivia, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0948-1005,  Noted a
very weak signal here with a 
male in Spanish language. After the hour a program of
music heard.  (Chuck Bolland, May 24, 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.87, Voice of Indonesia, 0950-1005, At
tune in, noted Indonesian Popular
music. At 0953 a female comments.   Korean language is
listed for this time until the
hour.  She is joined by a male.  More music at 0958.
Signal was good.   (Chuck Bolland,
 May 24, 2010)
Indonesian, 9680, RRI Jakarta, 0959-1010,   At tune in
a male in Indonesian language comments
heard.  On the hour a female gives indicative data such
as ID in Indonesian.  Signal was 
fair this morning.   (Chuck Bolland, May 24, 2010)
26.27N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Mon dx

2010-04-26 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.798, Radio Santa Cruz, 1010-1030  At tune
in, noted local type music with a female
talking between tunes.  At 1013 canned promos and ID.
This is followed with a male and female
in a conversation.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland,
April 26, 2010)
Bolivia, 6155.328, Radio Fides, 1018-1030,  With a very
threshold signal, noted a male in Spanish
comments.  There's a het from a second station on 6155
KHz making the copy difficult.  (Chuck
Bolland, April 26, 2010)
WinRadio G305e/pd  NRD545
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[HCDX] Mon DX 0100 utc

2010-02-22 Thread Charles Bolland
India, 4920, AIR, Chennai, 0105-0115,   Noted a male in
Hindu Language comments and 

occasionally a female comments too.   Signal sounds
fair to good this evening.  I'm

really surprised since my antenna fell down (wind)  the
other day and it hasn't been completely

repaired yet.  (Chuck Bolland, February 22, 2010)


  Zambia, 4965, CVC International, 0113-0125  Noted a
male and female preaching over piano

music.  I think I can hear yelling from the audience as
the male preaches.  Signal was fair

(Chuck Bolland, February 22, 2010)


 India, 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthap, 0117-0130   The
signal is weak and getting beatup with noise.

Still  a male was noted commenting in the Hindu
language.   (Chuck Bolland, February 22, 2010)


 South Africa, 3320, Radio Sonder Grense, 0121-0130,
Noted two men in conversation.  I believe

they are conversing in Africaans language.  Signal was
fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 22, 2010)




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[HCDX] Mon Dx

2010-02-15 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 1015-1030  Noted a
few bars of music until a male

and female converse in Spanish language.  The
conversation continues during 

the period.  Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, February
15, 2010)



Peru, 3329.52, Ondas Del Huallaga, 1124-1135,   Noted a
very weak signal here mixing with

CHU with a male in brief Spanish comments followed with
music.   A difficult catch since

CHU's carrier needed to be notched out.  Best heard in
LSB this morning.  (Chuck 

Bolland, February 15, 2010)




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2009-09-14 Thread Charles B
Bolivia, 6134.79, Radio Santa Cruz, 1001-1020  Noted a male and female in 
Spanish language comments with
music in the background.  This continues.  The signal was
fair and it didn't seem like Brazil on 6135 KHz was active
yet, so didn't need any notch to clean up the signal of Santa Cruz.  (Chuck 
Bolland, September 14, 2009)

Bolivia, 4699.96, Radio Miguel, 1010-1030, Noted a bad signal with music heard 
initially.  At 1014 after the music,
a male and female converse.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck 
Bolland, September 14, 2009)

Watkins Johnson HF1  NRD545
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[HCDX] Mon Dx

2009-08-17 Thread ka4prf

Indonesia, 4749.94, RRI Makassar, 1002-1134,  Noted a female
in Indonesian language comments with mentions of Indonesia.  
At 1006 music presented.  At 1009 the Qu'ran is heard until

1014 when more music is presented.   Signal starts to fade by
1023 from a fair (1102) to a threshold at 1034. (Chuck Bolland,
August 17, 2009)

Watkins Johnson HF1000

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2009-08-03 Thread ka4prf
Alaska, 7370.00, KNLS, 1059-1115  Noted an interval signal briefly 
before a male in Russian language comments.  This is fillowed with 
music - male singing.  After one a female talks in Russian.  Signal
has improved from a threshold to a good.  (Chuck Bolland, 
August 3, 2009)

Taiwan, 7445, Radio Taiwan International, 1108-1120,  Noted a 
female in English language comments .   At 1109 she gives 
ID as:  ... English language ... brought to you by Radio Taiwan ...
This is followed by others briefly in English comments.  Signal 
was poor.  No jamming noted, so I guess the Chicoms don't

care what the English hear from Taiwan?   (Chuck Bolland, August 3, 2009)

27.27N 080.56W

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2008-11-10 Thread ka4prf

Peru, 6173.81, Tawantinsuyo, 1010-1030,  With a very weak signal here,
noted a male in Spanish Language comments.  Can't squeeze out any details
because the signal is so weak.  I believe a second male is also speaking
during the period.  This station has been heard by others recently, but this
is the first time I have been able to pull Tawantinsuyo in for more than a
year,  if my memory is correct?   Unfortunately, the signal never got any
better by 1030. (Chuck Bolland, November 10, 2008)

Bolivia, 6155.25, Radio Fides, 1029-1045  At tune in, noted two males
talking together.  One mentioned Boliviana in a sentence.  Who shares
6155 here?   Is it Radio Exterior Espana or maybe China?   Anyway,
that station is interferring with Radio Fides this morning.  Normally the
interference can be notched out, but they are persistent today. The
programming on Fides at this time seems to be news with an assortment
of reports heard from individuals. Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland,
November 10, 2008)

China, 7620, China National Radio Five, 1040-1055,   Noted two
males in Chinese language converstation.  Periodically a recorded
segment is inserted which sounds like a pep talk with fanfare
and the whole smear.  Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, November 10, 2008)

Clewiston, Florida


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