[Haskell-cafe] Those damned parentheses

2011-05-07 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Hi. I am kind of tired of all of the parentheses I have to put in places 
and I'm trying to figure out what is the correct way to write code such 
that I can leave out parentheses. For example, I have the following:

data Message = ... --leaving this out because it's not important
data Plane = Plane {
  id  :: Int,
  position:: (Int,Int,Int),
  direction   :: Int,
  path:: [Int],
  messagebuf  :: Chan Message

main = do
  c - newChan :: Chan Message
  p - Plane 0 (0,0,0) 0 [] c
  f p

f p = putStrLn $ (show Main.id p) ++  - message received

This causes an error The function `show' is applied to two arguments. 
If I put instead:

f p = putStrLn $ (show . Main.id p) ++  - message received

I get the error Couldn't match expected type `[Char]' with actual type 
`a0 - c0'. The only way it seems to work is

f p = putStrLn $ (show (Main.id p)) ++  - message received

This seems to be the same for many other situations where I try to use 
function composition of some sort. It's just getting kind of annoying.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Those damned parentheses

2011-05-07 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
I know about the $ symbol, that's why it's in there in the respective 
places. I see that I can use it to fix my problem, but I was trying to 
figure out function composition really. I guess that's just not the 
place for it. I'll check out Control.Applicative. Also thanks for the 
clarification on function application. I know functions are by default 
infixl 9, but I hadn't really thought that through all the way.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Documentation for OpenGL?

2010-08-13 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Hi everyone. I'm looking for something specific. I'm trying to figure 
out how to use the depthFunc StateVar and I can't find any official 
documentation for it. I did a :t depthFunc in ghci and got depthFunc 
:: StateVar (Maybe ComparisonFunction) so I looked up 
ComparisonFunction and couldn't find anything official on that either. 
Is there any documentation for it? Maybe I wasn't looking in the right 
places? Thanks in advance.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Documentation for OpenGL?

2010-08-13 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Woops, nevermind. I WAS looking in the wrong place. I should've known 
=P. Sorry for the unnecessary request.


For anyone interested all of the documentation is in 
Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PerFragment on hackage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Compiled OpenGL program has DOS window?

2010-08-13 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Hi. I'm working in Windows on an OpenGL application. I finally got 
everything working, doing all of my testing through the interpreter. 
When I finally compiled and ran the program from an executable for the 
first time I noticed that before creating my OpenGL window an empty DOS 
prompt popped up. I think I understand why the computer would want to do 
that, but I don't know how to make it stop. I've done some OpenGL in C++ 
and I remember having a similar problem. If I remember correctly the 
problem was fixed with a compiler flag. I'm using GHC and I looked 
through their compiler flags, but I didn't find anything that looked 
like it would deal with this. Anyone have any ideas?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How do you change the mouse position?

2010-08-12 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
In C++, maybe Java, I remember using a Robot to change the location of 
the mouse on the screen. My intention is to do something like in an FPS 
game where the mouse is always centered to make sure it doesn't run into 
the edges of the screen. How can I do that in Haskell? I'm using OpenGL, 
so if there is a utility that specifically works with OpenGL then I 
believe that would be the most helpful.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How do you change the mouse position?

2010-08-12 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Thanks. That is exactly what I was looking for. I really appreciate the 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fail to install SDL with Cabal

2010-07-30 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
I'm trying to install SDL through Cabal -- I don't know another way to 
install it. However, I'm getting this:

setup.exe: The package has a './configure' script. This requires a Unix
compatibility toolchain such as MinGW+MSYS or Cygwin.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
SDL-0.5.10 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
exit: ExitFailure 1

I have MinGW and MSYS, so I don't understand why I'm having this 
problem. Do I need to set something special up so that Cabal can access 
their tools?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenGL Speed!

2010-07-30 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
HGL actually looks like EXACTLY what I need. I only need to set pixels, 
which looks like just what HGL would be good at. Only problem is that I 
can't find a single tutorial for HGL. Does anyone know or any, or where 
I could find one?


On 7/30/2010 12:22 PM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

Vo Minh Thu schrieb:


There other possibilities to deal with raster graphics:
- Use gtk; i.e. something like
- Output the data in some image format (if you want to do it yourself,
the most simple is PPM)
- Use X11 directly (if you're on unix)
- ...

or good old HGL:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] OpenGL Speed!

2010-07-29 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
I'm having an unusual problem with OpenGL. To be honest I probably 
shouldn't be using OpenGL for this, as I'm just doing 2D and only 
drawing Points, but I don't know about any other display packages, so 
I'm making due. If this is a problem because of OpenGL however, then 
I'll have to learn another package. The problem is speed. I have a list 
of points representing the color of 800x600 pixels. All I'm trying to do 
is display the pixels on the screen. I use the following:

renderPrimitive Points $ mapM_ display list
  display [] = return ()
  display ((x,y,i):n) = do
color $ Color3 i i i
vertex $ Vertex2 x y
display n

But, for some reason this takes FOREVER. I don't know how to use 
debugging hooks yet without an IDE -- and I don't use an IDE -- but I 
used a cleverly placed putStrLn to see that it was actually working, 
just really really slowly. Is there a solution to this speed problem or 
should I use a package that's more suited to 2D applications like this? 
Also, if I should use another package, are there any suggestions for 
which to use? Thanks for any help.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Memory and Threads - MVars or TVars

2010-07-28 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Hi everyone. I was wondering if someone could just guide me toward some 
good information, but if anyone wants to help with a personal 
explanation I welcome it. I'm trying to write a threaded program and I'm 
not sure how to manage my memory. I read up on MVars and they make a lot 
of sense. My real question is what is atomic and how does it apply to 
TVars? I don't understand what atomic transactions are and I can't seem 
to find a concise explanation. I also saw some stuff about TMVars? But I 
can't find much on them either. Any help would be appreciated.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Memory and Threads - MVars or TVars

2010-07-28 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
I can't believe I never knew about Cabal. I'm getting Orc now. It looks 
very interesting. Thanks for the help.


On 7/28/2010 9:17 PM, Günther Schmidt wrote:

Hi Eitan,

I'm right now approaching the subject of concurrency myself for the 
first time in an application that spiders web pages.
The getting the web pages part via http request is the one that is 
time consuming and thus the one that I wish to concurrentalize, ie. 
getting up to 6 six pages concurrently at a time.

From what I've learned so far it seems that there are the following 
approaches to concurrency in haskell:

1. use a primitive approach with the concurrency primitives that 
haskell / ghc provides, ie. locks, MVars, TVars etc. directly

2. use one abstraction level up, ie. use STM (Software Transactional 
Memory), there is a chapter in RWH about it.(also available online).

3. use yet another abstraction level up by using the orc library from 
the galois people, available on hackage. Documentation to this one is 
a paper available on the galois website. I am currently at the very 
beginning of familiarizing myself with this approach but it seems the 
most feasible way to do concurrency. Using this approach is pretty 
much like not having to worry about garbage collection. Even using STM 
you still have to do a lot of your own manual forkIO, putVar, kill etc.

Best regards


Am 29.07.10 02:23, schrieb Eitan Goldshtrom:

Hi everyone. I was wondering if someone could just guide me toward some
good information, but if anyone wants to help with a personal
explanation I welcome it. I'm trying to write a threaded program and I'm
not sure how to manage my memory. I read up on MVars and they make a lot
of sense. My real question is what is atomic and how does it apply to
TVars? I don't understand what atomic transactions are and I can't seem
to find a concise explanation. I also saw some stuff about TMVars? But I
can't find much on them either. Any help would be appreciated.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memory and Threads - MVars or TVars

2010-07-28 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Ah! That clears that up a lot. I read the wiki page but something just 
didn't make full sense about it until you used the word prevent. I 
understand that the computer doesn't actually prevent other threads from 
running -- that would defeat the purpose of the concurrency -- but it 
helped clear it up. Perhaps you guys could help me with Cabal now 
though? I'm trying to install Orc but it wants base=4.2 and =4.3 and I 
have 4.1 after installing the latest release of GHC. Cabal won't upgrade 
the base. It complains about a dependency to integer-simple. Anyone 
know what that's about?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] The where-clause and guards

2010-07-21 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
I'm trying to fit a where clause to some guards I'm using. I have the 

f a b
  | c  1  = ...
  | c  1  = ...
  | otherwise  = ...
  where c = a+b

yet I'm getting a parsing error. Is this not the correct way to combine 
where with guards?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The where-clause and guards

2010-07-21 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom

Well, perhaps you can help me figure out the problem with my exact program.
Just in case it matters, the program draws a Mandelbox via volumetric 
ray casting. I can provide more information about the function, but I 
wouldn't think it's necessary, since my problem is with parsing. The 
error I'm getting is with the where-clause at the very bottom:

traceRay (x,y) r@((cx,cy,cz):n) (vx,vy,vz) iter
| m  100= do
color $ Color3 (sin vx) (cos vy) (cos vz)
vertex $ Vertex2 x y
| otherwise  = do
[boxx,boxy,boxz] - boxFold [vx,vy,vz]
(ballx,bally,ballz) - ballFold (boxx,boxy,boxz)
traceRay (x, y) r (2*ballx + cx, 2*bally + cy, 2*ballz + cz) 

boxFold [] = return []
boxFold (a:b)
| a  2= do
rem - boxFold b
return $ (2-a):rem
| a  (-2) = do
rem - boxFold b
return $ (-2-a):rem
|otherwise = do
rem - boxFold b
return $ (a):rem
ballFold (x,y,z)
| n  0.5   = return (4*x, 4*y, 4*z)
| n  1 = return (x/(n*n), y/(n*n), z/(n*n))
| otherwise = return (x, y, z)
where n = sqrt $ x*x + y*y + z*z
where m = sqrt $ vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz

On 7/21/2010 3:13 AM, Nicolas Wu wrote:

There's nothing wrong with the use of your example, I'm guessing it's
something in your ... that's leading to the parse error. This compiles
just fine:

f a b
  | c  1  = 1
  | c  1  = 2
  | otherwise  = 3
  where c = a+b


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The where-clause and guards

2010-07-21 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Aha. I understand now. A single where-clause applies to the entire scope 
of the function, at all levels. Thanks for the help.


On 7/21/2010 3:55 AM, Nicolas Wu wrote:

Ugh, my formatting got eaten up by gmail. I just removed the where in
front of m =, and aligned tat statment with your ballFold
definition. I would also align the first where statement with the case
bars of traceRay.


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Nicolas Wunicolas...@gmail.com  wrote:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How do you make constant expressions?

2010-07-19 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
One point of clarification that'd be nice. I'm getting some type errors 
that I wasn't getting before, so I'd just like to know something about 
the inline pragma. I have

width = 800
{-# INLINE width #-}

main = (truncate width, fromIntegral width)

Now when I ran this program it seemed to work at first. Note that 
truncate and fromIntegral take different types as inputs. I then changed 
a different part of the program having nothing to do with this code and 
all of a sudden GHC started giving me a type error about the above code. 
Does anyone know why?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How do you make constant expressions?

2010-07-19 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Correction to my last e-mail. I figured out why it worked at first and 
then failed, so I'll refine my question. I'd like the compiler to simply 
put the number 800 everywhere that I put the name width in my code. 
Instead it's putting (800 :: Float), or Double or Int, whatever I want, 
but it's restricted to one data type. I want to remove that restriction 
since it is a constant.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How do you make constant expressions?

2010-07-19 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Awesome. It worked. Haskell continues to impress me. Thanks for the help 


On 7/19/2010 4:42 AM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

Use NoMonomorphismRestriction or give an explicit type signature:

width :: Num a =  a
width = 800


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How do you make constant expressions?

2010-07-18 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Silly question, but I can't find the answer on the net. I think I'm just 
using the wrong words in my search. I'm looking for a way to create 
constant expressions in Haskell. The C/C++ equivalent of what I'm 
talking about is

#define NAME VALUE

I want an expression, or really just numbers for what I'm doing, that 
the compiler will put into the program at the designated places, instead 
of storing it in memory like a variable.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How do you make constant expressions?

2010-07-18 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
So just so I get this straight, the following are equivalent to the 
computer, after compiling:

fact = 10
{-# INLINE fact #-}

func x = x * fact

func x = x * 10

I'm also curious as to what the {-# #-} brackets represent. I've never 
seen those before.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Devices and Webcams, The Basics

2010-05-20 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Ah thanks. Just what I'm looking for. Also thanks for the info about the 
USB bindings


On 5/20/2010 12:06 PM, Tom Nielsen wrote:

OpenCV and its Haskell bindings


should be able to talk to a webcam. There's an O'Reilly book about OpenCV.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Eitan Goldshtrom
thesource...@gmail.com  wrote:

Hi everyone,

I would like to start working on a program that requires access to a camera
attached to the computer probably via USB or otherwise internally.
Unfortunately I don't know anything about using devices in haskell. I tried
looking up how to access the microphone one too and had little success.
Could someone just point me in the direction of tutorials for learning the
basics of both devices in general as well as the webcam more specifically?
The webcam is a bit more of a priority.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Devices and Webcams, The Basics

2010-05-19 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom

Hi everyone,

I would like to start working on a program that requires access to a 
camera attached to the computer probably via USB or otherwise 
internally. Unfortunately I don't know anything about using devices in 
haskell. I tried looking up how to access the microphone one too and had 
little success. Could someone just point me in the direction of 
tutorials for learning the basics of both devices in general as well as 
the webcam more specifically? The webcam is a bit more of a priority.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Threads freezing

2010-04-25 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom

Hello fellow Haskell programmers,

I seem to be having problems with some threads of mine. I wrote an 
OpenGL program that employs some threads (forkIO) in order to separate 
any calculations from the OpenGL code. At first it all seemed to be 
working just fine. Then I added some code for keyboard input to reset 
the program when you press 'r'. Since then my threads have been giving 
me problems. Just a second after the program starts all the calculations 
stop. The program is still running the code to display graphics (I 
tested this by putting putStrLn still displaying into the display 
function) but the threads that do all of the computation don't seem to 
return from their threadDelay, which is only a delay of 5000 
microseconds. I tried getting rid of the code for keyboard input but the 
problem is still there. I tried to run the program on another computer 
and it ran just fine (without keyboard input). Does anyone have any idea 
what could be going on?

Additionally, I just tried compiling it to an executable and it seems 
that when I run it from that it works fine, with the keyboard input too. 
So I'm guessing the problem is with the interpreter? I'm not really 
sure. Haskell is still pretty mysterious to me.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Search a directory for files

2009-12-19 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom

I'm trying to make a program to make it easy to rename files in bulk. 
What I'm wondering is how to get a list of all files in a particular 
directory. I found System.Posix.Files and I'm planning on using the 
rename function in it for actually renaming, but I can't find an easy 
way to get all filenames in a particular directory. Does anyone know how 
to do it?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Search a directory for files

2009-12-19 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom

This looks like exactly what I was looking for. I feel silly for not 
finding it myself. =P


Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

Look in System.Directory;  specifically, getDirectoryContents should do what 
you want.  You might also check out the FileManip package, which provides some 
convenient functionality for finding all files which match a particular pattern.


On Dec 19, 2009, at 6:40 PM, Eitan Goldshtrom wrote:


I'm trying to make a program to make it easy to rename files in bulk. What I'm 
wondering is how to get a list of all files in a particular directory. I found 
System.Posix.Files and I'm planning on using the rename function in it for 
actually renaming, but I can't find an easy way to get all filenames in a 
particular directory. Does anyone know how to do it?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] HOpenGL and freeglut rendering problems

2009-11-24 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
Hello. I'm new to this mailing list, so I apologize if this question is 
inappropriate for this list, but I've been looking for a solution to 
this problem for weeks and I've had no luck.

I am trying to write a program with HOpenGL and freeglut, but I can't 
seem to get it to render. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a DELL 1555 with an 
ATI Radeon HD 4500. Right now my program just creates a window with a 
black background. However, when I try to run the program I get the 
following error:

Unable to create direct context rendering for window 'IGL'
This may hurt performance.

I've read that this is because of the fglrx driver. The driver uses 
indirect rendering for OpenGL, but freeglut requires direct rendering? 
Is there a way to force freeglut to function with indirect rendering?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list