Re: ideas for compiler project

2002-02-16 Thread Stephen J Bevan

Jerzy Karczmarczuk writes:
  Steven Bevan wrote interesting numeric routines a long time ago.

Actually I did little more than transliterate the algorithm
descriptions I found in a book on numerical analysis.  I know next to
nothing about numerical analysis so I have no idea if they are
interesting or useful.  Implementing them was a pleasant diversion
from what I was supposed to be doing at the time :-)
Haskell mailing list

Re: parameterisable modules, the lack thereof ...

1993-03-27 Thread Stephen J Bevan

   Everyone now acknowledges that Haskell's modules are the weakest part
   of the language, and people are working on ways to fix that (yes,
   someday I hope there will be a Haskell 2).

Are any details available as to what directions this work is taking?
I'm aware of of some work to extend type classes but I'm more
interested in any approaches which don't necessarily require
overloading (my candidate for the weakest part of the language btw).


overspecification of bounds combind with [ | - ]

1993-03-27 Thread Stephen J Bevan

When I was dabbling with some numerical analysis code a while ago I
noticed what appears to be an overspecification in the way "bounds"
interacts with list comprehensions.  Sometimes it was important that
the bounds be produced in order and this is the behaviour defined in
the manual (1.1 anyway).  However, sometimes I just wanted to iterate
over the bounds in any order (i.e. potentially in parallel) but I
could not find any way to indicate this.  Is the inability to be able
to indicate this a deliberate choice, oversight or just not considered


parameterisable modules, the lack thereof ...

1993-03-25 Thread Stephen J Bevan

At the risk of opening old wounds: why weren't ML/FX style modules
included in Haskell?  I can think of a number of possible reasons, but
I'm interested in the "official" reason for leaving out such an
important feature.


Re: Another import question

1992-12-29 Thread Stephen J Bevan

 On Fri, 18 Dec 92 15:42:42 GMT, kh [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  On Thu, 03 Dec 92 08:13:17 +, Simon L Peyton Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Simon Why do you need to drop the (..) when it turns into a "data" decl?
 Simon You only need do so if you want it to be abstract!
 Simon But "type" decls can't be abstract; the (..) reminds you of this.
 I don't want reminding. I know it isn't abstract, but for the sake of
 the importing module I like to pretend it is.

kh In that case, perhaps you should always use data declarations (with a
kh dummy constructor) rather than type synonyms.  Some compilers will give
kh you better error messages this way, and a good compiler might eliminate
kh the extra constructor anyway (depending on how good a strictness
kh analyser it has!).

Are there any "good" compilers available? i.e. will any of the
currently available compilers do the above optimisation?


importing derived functions

1992-11-27 Thread Stephen J Bevan

Is it possible to import a type and the derived "show" function for it
without having to import all the type's constuctors?  For example, in
the following I attempt to import just Lexeme into Token as the
internal details of Lexeme should not be known to Token :-

module Lexeme where
data Lexeme = Symbol_Lexeme Symbol | Int_Lexeme | ...

module Token where
import Lexeme(Lexeme)
data Token = Token Lexeme ...

However, HBC claims that Lexeme is not an instance of Text when I
compile the Token module.  This seems quite fair since I'm trying to
use Lexeme as an ADT and if it allowed the above it would break
abstraction.  The question is, how do I import the derived functions
for "show" ... etc. so that I can derive Text for Token?

I tried :-

import Lexeme(Lexeme,shows)

and combinations thereof, but with no success.

The solution I'm using at the moment is to define the function
"show_lexeme" in the Lexeme module, import it into the Token module
and then explicitly make Token an instance of Text i.e. 

import Lexeme(Lexeme,show_lexeme)

instance Text Token where
  showsPrec _ (Token l ...) = show_lexeme l . ...

However, this is tedious if Token has lots of alternatives.  Anyone
have a better way?


bogus array signature (was What's the most efficient ... etc.)

1992-08-10 Thread Stephen J Bevan

I wrote:
   In article [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Isn't the type signature you give incorrect? The parammeters
  m and n must have type a (where (a,a) is the index types of
  the arrays).
   I think your right, but as I can't seem to get to grips with the
   numeric hierarchy (anybody have a more detailed explanation of it?) I
   write with no signatures and see what the compiler produces.  In this
   case Hbc 9.998.1 produced the signature I gave (Actually it has
   Integer instead of Int, but it was pointed out to me that Int is
   sufficient for indexing arrays)

Well I got it wrong :-  It seems inbetween the .hi file and my mail
buffer I managed to mangle the signature.  Hbc _correctly_ derives the
type as :-

:: (Ix a, Num a, Fractional b, Enum a)
= (Array (a, a) b) - a - a - Array (a, a) b

which I attempted to restrict to :-

:: (Fractional b)
= (Array (Int, Int) b) - Int - Int - Array (Int, Int) b
but mangaged to leave these in their original form (i.e. "a").  You'd
think I'd know by now not to post untested code wouldn't you :-

sorry if I caused any confusion,


What's the most efficient way to build an array?

1992-08-09 Thread Stephen J Bevan

Now that I've said my piece about syntax, we can get down to some
nitty gritty details of the language ...

The following are two different ways of factoring the L and U sections
needed in Crout reduction.  The first version is a direct translation
of some FORTRANish pseudo-code and the second version is my attempt to
build the array monolithically.

  :: (Fractional b)
  = (Array (Int, Int) b) - a - a - Array (Int, Int) b

lu_decomp_direct a m n = lu
ab = ((m,m), (n,n))
lu = lu1//[(n,n-1) := a!(n,n-1), (n,n) := a!(n,n) - a!(n,n-1)*lu!(n-1,n)]
lu1 = foldl f lu0 [m+1..n-1]
lu0  = array ab [(m,m) := a!(m,m), (m,m+1) := a!(m,m+1)/a!(m,m)]
f lu i = lu'
li1 = a!(i,i-1)
li2 = a!(i,i) - li1*lu!(i-1,i)
lu' = lu//[(i,i-1) := li1, (i,i) := li2, (i,i+1) := a!(i,i+1)/li2]

lu_decomp a m n = lu
ab = ((m,m), (n,n))
lu = array ab (lu_elems lun)
lu_elems = foldl f lu0 [m+1..n-1]
lu0 v = ((m,m) := a!(m,m)):(((m,m+1) := a!(m,m+1)/a!(m,m)):v)
lun = [(n,n-1) := a!(n,n-1), (n,n) := a!(n,n) - a!(n,n-1)*lu!(n-1,n)]
f le i = le'
li1 = a!(i,i-1)
li2 = a!(i,i) - li1*lu!(i-1,i)
le' v = le (((i,i-1) := li1):((i,i) := li2):((i,i+1) := a!(i,i+1)/li2):v)

My question is (and it is probably aimed at implementors): are either
likely to be optimised very well?  e.g. update in place for the first
version and doing away with the thunks creating the list in the

Alternately can anyone suggest any methods that are likely to be more
efficient?  For example, I have a third version that uses a function
in a similar way to one of my Choleski solutions (see an Haskell
library), but there are so many guards I find it hard to believe it
will be particularly quick.  Any timings I've done are distorted by
the fact that I only have one compiler (Hbc), exellent though it is.

BTW feel free to (publically) pick holes in the code if you think it
is "wrong" in any way e.g. should it be foldr instead foldl? (I think
not, but I'm never too sure :-)


relative precedence of ! and function application

1992-08-06 Thread Stephen J Bevan

Well after complaining publically that people spend too much time
worrying about concrete syntax; I'm now going to do just that :-)

I've recently "discovered" arrays in Haskell and in writing a program
or two wrote something like :-

  f x!i

I assumed that this would apply _f_ to the _i_th element of _x_.  How
wrong I was :-) It applies _f_ to the array _x_ and indexes the _i_th
element of the resulting array (using the rule that function
application binds most tightly of all).  I'm not saying this is wrong,
but I think the former interpretation is one that is more useful
especially in mathematical code where this sort of operation appears
many times and the latter interpretation hardly ever.

This doesn't mean I'm pushing for a change, especially as breaking the
"functions binds tightest" rule would be a major change.  However,
having to write lots of lines like "f (x!i)" under the current rules
rather than the occasional "(f x)!i" under alternative rules is
proving taxing for this ex FORTRAN weenie :-)  


Re: relative precedence of ! and function application

1992-08-06 Thread Stephen J Bevan

(Paul Hudak) writes:
   Array notation conventions aside, I think the simple rule that normal
   application has higher precedence than infix application is a Big Win.

So do I, and therefore I'm not seriously suggesting a change.
Howerver, emphasising the "function application binds tightest" rule
might be worth a small note somewhere in any document that mentions
arrays.  I realise it is already in the manual, but something a little
closer to the array section would be nice (maybe a footnote?)

   Perhaps the committee should have introduced special syntax for arrays,
   but that was simply not palatable to most of the members, even though
   it was for lists.

Bit of a double standard eh? :-)

   Of course, if you really don't like the parens, you can always write
   your example as: "f $ x!i"  where ($) is defined in the prelude as:
   infixr 0 $
   f $ x = f x

   (:-)  -Paul

My usual solution is just to throw parens around _everything_ and make
it look like Scheme :-)


dumpable AST (was tags support ...)

1992-03-25 Thread Stephen J Bevan

It appears that at least one compiler will have the option to produce
a tags output from a set of Haskell files.  Seeing as I'm 1/1 with
questions at the moment, I thought I'd enlarge the request :-

Is any work being done on a standard abstract syntax for Haskell?
Something like DIANA for Ada or whatever they call the system used in
Modula III.

If compilers could output this tree, then tools such as pretty
printers, tags generators ... etc. could be separated from the

If there is no consensus on what the correct AST should be, then are
there plans to include implementation dependent dumpable ASTs in the
compilers currently being developed?


tags support for Haskell/Gofer

1992-03-23 Thread Stephen J Bevan

Are there any tools available for producing a GNU Emacs readable tags
file from a set of Haskell/Gofer scripts?

Ideally this would be an optional output file from a compiler, as it
knows where the functions are better than any kludgy awk/perl ... etc.
script ever could.  However, as I don't currently have a compiler
installed, I'll take anything I can get (well I draw the line at Perl

I realise that with overloading and definitions spread over multiple
lines there could be problems for the standard tags commands.  If the
normal tags commands can't cope, has anybody looked into some form of
alternative/extended tags system?



PS the "d" in "kludge" is deliberate, the hacker's dictionary isn't
   right about everything :-)