[Haskell-cafe] Seeking reference(s) relating to FP performance

2004-09-29 Thread Graham Klyne
I've taken it as an article of faith that performance of FP language 
implementations has been improving quite steadily over the past few 
years.  I'd like to assert this, but I can't find any clear evidence to 
support such an assertion.  I note that the about Haskell page makes a 
similar assertion, but it doesn't offer any hint of supporting evidence:
Aren't functional programs very slow?

They used to be, but the compilers have now caught up. Haskell programs run 
fast enough for all but the most performance-demanding applications.
-- http://www.haskell.org/aboutHaskell.html

I'm looking for a reference -- informal will be enough -- that can give an 
perspective of progress in functional language implementation 
performance.  I'm not looking for a single benchmark that shows a case of 
blindingly-fast functional code, but a pointer to trends of improving 
performance.  It would also serve my purpose to have indications based on 
languages other than Haskell (e.g. ML and friends).

Any ideas, please?

Graham Klyne
For email:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-09-29 Thread Graham Klyne
At 10:55 28/09/04 +0100, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
Keith Wansbrough [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I can't believe that a simple wc implementation should be
 570 times slower in Haskell than OCaml - could someone investigate and
 fix the test?
With code like this, I'm not surprised!
main = do file - getContents
  putStrLn $ show (length $ lines file) ++   ++
 show (length $ words file) ++   ++
 show (length file)
Space-leak or what?
Er, please excuse a dumb question, but I'm struggling to see the problem here.
I can see that this requires the original file to be kept for 3-time 
scanning,  so enough memory for the entire file will be required.  Is that 
*the* problem to which you allude?  I can't see any other problem 
here.  And why would this put Haskell at a disadvantage?


Graham Klyne
For email:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about function on data type

2004-09-29 Thread Mike Gunter

There's the following alternative.


data TermOp = TermAnd | TermOr deriving (Show, Eq)
data Term   = Not Term 
| Op Term TermOp Term
| Literal Char deriving Show

assoc (Op (Op t1 op1_2 t2) op12_3 t3) | op1_2 == op12_3 = Op t1 op1_2 (Op t2 op1_2 t3)
assoc t = t

() = (`Op` TermAnd)
(|||) = (`Op` TermOr)
tlA = Literal 'A'
tlB = Literal 'B'
tlC = Literal 'B'
tt1 = Not tlA  tlB   -- Should not assoc.
tt2 = tt1  tlC   -- Should assoc.
tt3 = tt1 ||| tlC   -- Should not assoc.
tests   = putStr $ unlines $ map (show . (\t - (t, assoc t))) [tt1, tt2, tt3]

 My question concerns a general term datatype:
 data Term 
   = Not Term
| Term :: Term
| Term :||: Term
| Literal Char

 Is it somehow possible to write a generic function that applies the 
 associativity rules on a Term (by using pattern matching) and works with 
 both data constructors or is it necessary to write one for :: and :||: ?

 Something like:
 assoc :: Term - Term
 assoc ((t1 `op` t2) `op` t3)  =  -- this doesn't work
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-09-29 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 01:41:03PM +0100, Graham Klyne wrote:
 With code like this, I'm not surprised!
 main = do file - getContents
   putStrLn $ show (length $ lines file) ++   ++
  show (length $ words file) ++   ++
  show (length file)
 Space-leak or what?
 Er, please excuse a dumb question, but I'm struggling to see the problem 
 I can see that this requires the original file to be kept for 3-time 
 scanning,  so enough memory for the entire file will be required.

It would be nice if these scans were performed concurrently in a way
that would make memory usage constant, wouldn't it? ;)

Hmmm... maybe some simple tracking of garbage collection results would
suffice... Reschedule if the current thread doesn't help in collecting
garbage... But I am dreaming now... :)

 Is that *the* problem to which you allude?  I can't see any other
 problem here.  And why would this put Haskell at a disadvantage?

The only problem is that some people may draw incorrect conclusions.
Should we care? I already submitted two improvements for shootout in
the last two days (not included yet), but I don't know if it's worth
the effort.

I remember SPJ's motto: ,,Avoid success at all cost''. Is this motto
still valid?


Best regards,

.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-09-29 Thread Aaron Denney
On 2004-09-29, Tomasz Zielonka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I remember SPJ's motto: ,,Avoid success at all cost''. Is this motto
 still valid?

Maybe.  The existing user-base is being used as an argument for not
doing the right thing with regards to binary-IO, strings, localization
and text IO.

Aaron Denney
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-09-29 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Graham Klyne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  main = do file - getContents
putStrLn $ show (length $ lines file) ++   ++
   show (length $ words file) ++   ++
   show (length file)
 Space-leak or what?
 I can see that this requires the original file to be kept for 3-time 
 scanning,  so enough memory for the entire file will be required.  Is that 
 *the* problem to which you allude?  I can't see any other problem 

Yes, it is the main problem.  Don't forget, the shootout benchmark
runs this example over a very large input (15Mb).  Since the
character-list stored in memory for this file takes approximately 12
bytes per character, that blows up to about 180Mb to store temporarily.
The shootout performance figures reckon that ghc actually uses 223Mb
in total.

  And why would this put Haskell at a disadvantage?

Large live heap space means a large time spent in GC, trying to find
the needle that is actual garbage in the haystack of live pointers.
It also increases the likelihood of cache misses and all kinds of
other bad memory effects.  In other words, wasting space is wasting
time.  There is a good literature on heap profiling in Haskell which
demonstrates the benefits of keeping space usage small to improve
time performance.

In any case, for the shootout, this is patently a different algorithm
to the one every other solution uses.  All the other languages do a
simple one-pass traversal of the file, in constant memory space.  Why
artificially handicap Haskell by insisting it do the job naively?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Seeking reference(s) relating to FP performance

2004-09-29 Thread John Goerzen
On 2004-09-29, Graham Klyne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've taken it as an article of faith that performance of FP language 
 implementations has been improving quite steadily over the past few 
 years.  I'd like to assert this, but I can't find any clear evidence to 

One place to start is the Language Shootout at
http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/.  While it is a benchmark, and
therefore subject to all sorts of standard disclaimers about rigged
benchmarks, some interesting conclusions can be seen:

1. OCaml often performs better than g++

2. OCaml sometimes even beats gcc.

3. ghc doesn't seem to do very well in terms of performance, though it
does at least beat out Java in many cases.

4. ghc has some of the most concise programs out there

There's not a lot of information there on historical trends, but the
fact that a mostly-functional language like OCaml can beat out c++ is
fairly impressive.

-- John

 I'm looking for a reference -- informal will be enough -- that can give an 
 perspective of progress in functional language implementation 
 performance.  I'm not looking for a single benchmark that shows a case of 
 blindingly-fast functional code, but a pointer to trends of improving 
 performance.  It would also serve my purpose to have indications based on 
 languages other than Haskell (e.g. ML and friends).

 Any ideas, please?


 Graham Klyne
 For email:

John Goerzen
Author, Foundations of Python Network Programming

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Rethinking OO idioms

2004-09-29 Thread John Goerzen
I've worked with languages with object-oriented features for awhile now.
Python and OCaml, the two with which I work the most, both have OO.

One of my first projects in Haskell would be to write a Haskell version
of Python's ConfigParser[1] class.  I wrote[2],[3] a version of this for
OCaml that works very well.

In a nutshell, ConfigParser is a utility for working with sectioned
configuration files in a style similar to the familiar .ini files from
Windows.  It has methods to read a configuration file, get/set the items
that are being configured, and write a new file back out.  This, then,
is a fairly typical metaphor for OO programs: an instance of a class has
some state that can be accessed or modified, and possibly stored and

So I am thinking about a ConfigParser for Haskell.  The first thing that
occured to me is that Haskell has no OO features, so I'm not sure what
is the best way to handle the class and its various methods.

The next thing that occured to me is that, unlike OCaml and Python
classes, Haskell has no mutable variables.  A call like
config.setOption(main, initpath, /usr) in Python -- which alters
the state of the config object and returns nothing -- would be
impossible in Haskell (unless perhaps the FiniteMaps are mutable

I guess I'm having trouble translating this common OO language paradigm
into the Haskell world.

Thanks for any insight.

-- John

BTW, if I get a working ConfigParser for Haskell, I will publish it
under the GPL like all the rest of my code.

[1] http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/RawConfigParser-objects.html
[2] http://gopher.quux.org:70/devel/missinglib/html/ConfigParser.html
[3] http://gopher.quux.org:70/devel/missinglib/html/ConfigParser.rawConfigParser.html

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rethinking OO idioms

2004-09-29 Thread Ben . Yu
You can use state monad to mimic mutation.
Also, take a look at the recursive decent monadic parsec library. It may
have done what you are trying to do.




  John Goerzen 

  g   cc: 

  Sent by: Subject:  [Haskell-cafe] Rethinking 
OO idioms   




  09/29/2004 03:29 PM  


I've worked with languages with object-oriented features for awhile now.
Python and OCaml, the two with which I work the most, both have OO.

One of my first projects in Haskell would be to write a Haskell version
of Python's ConfigParser[1] class.  I wrote[2],[3] a version of this for
OCaml that works very well.

In a nutshell, ConfigParser is a utility for working with sectioned
configuration files in a style similar to the familiar .ini files from
Windows.  It has methods to read a configuration file, get/set the items
that are being configured, and write a new file back out.  This, then,
is a fairly typical metaphor for OO programs: an instance of a class has
some state that can be accessed or modified, and possibly stored and

So I am thinking about a ConfigParser for Haskell.  The first thing that
occured to me is that Haskell has no OO features, so I'm not sure what
is the best way to handle the class and its various methods.

The next thing that occured to me is that, unlike OCaml and Python
classes, Haskell has no mutable variables.  A call like
config.setOption(main, initpath, /usr) in Python -- which alters
the state of the config object and returns nothing -- would be
impossible in Haskell (unless perhaps the FiniteMaps are mutable

I guess I'm having trouble translating this common OO language paradigm
into the Haskell world.

Thanks for any insight.

-- John

BTW, if I get a working ConfigParser for Haskell, I will publish it
under the GPL like all the rest of my code.

[1] http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/RawConfigParser-objects.html
[2] http://gopher.quux.org:70/devel/missinglib/html/ConfigParser.html

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-09-29 Thread Sam Mason
Greg Buchholz wrote:
The algorithm isn't correct (it counts spaces instead of words), but
anyone have advice for improving its performance?

You probably want some strictness annotations in there. . .  When I
tried the same thing, I came up with something like:

 import Char;

 cclass c | isSpace c = (c == '\n', False)
  | otherwise = (False, True)

 data Cdata = Cdata !Bool !Int !Int !Int
   deriving Show

 combine (Cdata last l w c) (nl, iw) = Cdata iw l' w' (c + 1)
 where l' = if nl then l + 1 else l
   w' = if not last  iw then w + 1 else w

 wc = foldl combine (Cdata False 0 0 0) . map cclass

 main = getContents = putStrLn . show . wc

It seems to work in constant stack space, and gives the same answers
(albeit not very beautifully) as my GNU copy of wc.

Is the problem
caused by the laziness of the Int's inside the tuple?

I'm pretty sure that's what's causing it.  I had quite a search around
when my version was running out of memory and everything seemed to
suggest that, basically, the algorithm is building a massive list of
+1s that only actually get executed when the you try and print the
totals at the end.

Any comments from more authoritative sources?

Here is the
report from ghc with the '-ddump-simpl' option.

If anyone has any hints about how to read this output, I'd be
grateful.  It makes a bit of sense, but I don't really know what it
means.  I.e. it's obviously the simplified parse tree and I can see
how it relates back to the source (loosely), but attempting to figure
out if something's going to be as leaky as a sieve or not is beyond
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Rethinking OO idioms

2004-09-29 Thread John Goerzen
 You can use state monad to mimic mutation.

Is that really what I want?  In other words, is there a completely
different, more Haskellish, way to look at this?

 Also, take a look at the recursive decent monadic parsec library. It may
 have done what you are trying to do.

Thanks for the pointer.  I'll take a look.

-- John

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling GHC for AIX5.1L

2004-09-29 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
 Following the directions at
 I have a Debian unstable system on i386 as the host machine and an IBM
 PowerPC system as the target.  I have configured the files as specified
 in the docs.  I am to the make boot  make phase in the ghc directory
 on the (Linux) host.  All goes well until:

You're now in the rts/ on the host machine? If so:

Don't worry if the build falls over in the RTS, we don't need
the RTS yet.

You can use make -k to keep going, I seem to remember, or use -pgmltrue,
to have ghc skip the linking phase. This was a common trick when we went
through a porting frenzy last year. Check the mailing list archives for
lots of hints.


Adding something like:
 SRC_HC_OPTS+= -pgmc /usr/bin/true -pgma /usr/bin/true -pgml /usr/bin/true
to build.mk might help.

Good luck! :)

-- Don

 ==fptools== make all -r;
  in /home/jgoerzen/no-backup/programs/ghc-6.2.1/ghc/rts
  ../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -optc-O -optc-Wall -optc-W
  -optc-Wstrict-prototypes -optc-Wmissing-prototypes
  -optc-Wmissing-declarations -optc-Winline -optc-Waggregate-return
  -optc-Wbad-function-cast -optc-I../includes -optc-I. -optc-Iparallel
  -optc-DCOMPILING_RTS -optc-fomit-frame-pointer -H16m -O -O2 -static
  -c Adjustor.c -o Adjustor.o
  /tmp/ghc10917.s: Assembler messages:
  /tmp/ghc10917.s:54: Error: no such instruction: `dcbf 0,%eax'
  /tmp/ghc10917.s:55: Error: no such instruction: `sync'
  /tmp/ghc10917.s:56: Error: no such instruction: `icbi 0,%eax'
  /tmp/ghc10917.s:63: Error: no such instruction: `sync'
  /tmp/ghc10917.s:64: Error: no such instruction: `isync'
  make[1]: *** [Adjustor.o] Error 1
  make: *** [all] Error 1
 Why it's trying to use PowerPC assembler on an x86 host I don't know.
 (I assume that's what's going on here; but I don't really know.)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Seeking reference(s) relating to FP performance

2004-09-29 Thread Einar Karttunen
On 29.09 19:00, John Goerzen wrote:
 3. ghc doesn't seem to do very well in terms of performance, though it
 does at least beat out Java in many cases.

Please note that many of the GHC programs are not posed for
performance, but rather elegance. E.g. the nestedloop got
seven times faster with minor corrections (not reflected
on the website yet).

- Einar Karttunen
Haskell-Cafe mailing list