Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Quiry

2007-05-31 Thread Stefan Holdermans


ERROR file:.\-as.hs:5 - Unresolved top-level overloading
*** Binding : main
*** Outstanding context : (Read c, Read b, Show c, Show b)

Add an type annotation:

  main = do
j <- readFile "sig1.key"
let (x,y) = (read j) :: (Int, Int)-- <-
putStrLn ("value=" ++ (show (x,y)))



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Quiry

2007-05-31 Thread ashutosh dimri

I want to read some data from a file "Signature.ken" ,  for that I
have written a program but its showing some errors
(the file "signature.ken" contains data of the type = (122,152) )

main = do

 j <- readFile "sig1.key"

 let (x,y) = (read j)

 putStrLn ("value=" ++ (show (x,y)))

ERROR file:.\-as.hs:5 - Unresolved top-level overloading
*** Binding : main
*** Outstanding context : (Read c, Read b, Show c, Show b)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread Stefan Holdermans


If I'm reading the reports correctly, the Ord instance was
actually added in the Haskell 1.1 standard, by changing the
definition of Bool from

data Bool = True | False


data Bool = True | False deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Enum, Text, Binary)


  data Bool = False | True

It seems like we actually get that order because deriving Ord makes
constructors earlier in the definition compare greater than later
constructors, and nobody was bothered by that ordering.

It's the other way around:

  data T = Less | More deriving (Eq, Ord)

gives you

  *Main> Less < More


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Jon Harrop
On Thursday 31 May 2007 20:56:47 Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Jon Harrop wrote:
> > If you write a simple, numerically-intensive program that runs in the
> > Mathematica rewriter then its performance is about 100-1,000x slower than
> > that of a native-code compiled language like Haskell. Mathematica is
> > often 30x slower than interpreted OCaml bytecode.
> Is this before or after compiling the Mathematica code?

The 100-1,000x slower is without compilation in Mathematica. I found the ray 
tracer to be 30x slower in compiled Mathematica compared to OCaml bytecode 
(OCaml native code is much faster still).

So GHC will easily beat Mathematica on such tasks.

Incidentally, once you've reimplemented the core Mathematica language in 4 
days, you might like to reimplement their compiler. I believe their spec is 
freely available but you could just redo the whole thing yourself. You could 
probably extend it and optimise it quite easily. For example, it doesn't 
support recursion and I don't think it does type inference.

> I don't know, I thought one of the big advantages of Mathematica was
> supposed to be that it can transform problems into the most efficiently
> solvable form, select between multiple algorithms, etc.

On certain very specific problems, yes. So it might check to see if a matrix 
is symmetric and use a faster routine when possible. As far as the languange 
itself is concerned, it is fairly mundane.

> And I mostly use it to do insane things like give me parametric
> solutions to giant polynomials and so forth... ;-)

I used it to take integrals, do lots of FFTs, some general data analysis and 
lots of graph plotting. There are plenty of other computer algebra packages 
that could handle the integrals (although I never found any were better than 
just doing it by hand) and general-purpose languages that are better suited 
to the analysis, so now I just use it as a graph plotter.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
OCaml for Scientists
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread Steve Schafer
On Fri, 01 Jun 2007 03:33:41 +0100, you wrote:

>The question, however, still remains: why False = 0 and True 1? I 
>appreciate that it's so in boolean algebra but why? Why not True = 0 
>and False = 1?

There is a correspondence between a Boolean algebra and an algebraic
ring. If we identify 0 with FALSE and 1 with TRUE, then that
correspondence leads to a natural identification of addition with
EXCLUSIVE OR, and multiplication with AND:

 0 + 1 = 1FALSE XOR TRUE  = TRUE
 1 + 0 = 1TRUE  XOR FALSE = TRUE
 1 + 1 = 0TRUE  XOR TRUE  = FALSE  (carry is ignored)

 1 * 1 = 1TRUE  AND TRUE  = TRUE

>A Boolean value denotees veracity whereas an ordered value concerns 
>magnitude (priority), indeed, order!!

It is frequently desirable to enumerate things, even when those things
don't have a well-defined order. In such cases, we have to impose an
order, perhaps arbitrarily. Within a given programming context, it
doesn't matter what we choose for our enumeration order, but it's
generally best to go along with whatever de facto standard there is, if
for no other reason than to avoid going insane.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread Paul Hudak

PR Stanley wrote:

I think so, too. In Boolean algebra (which predates computers, much less
C), FALSE has traditionally been associated with 0, and TRUE with 1. And
since 1 > 0, TRUE > FALSE.
The question, however, still remains: why False = 0 and True 1? I 
appreciate that it's so in boolean algebra but why? Why not True = 0 
and False = 1?

Because if you take (&&) to be (*), and (||) to be (+), you get a 
homomorphism between the two resulting algebras (assuming 1+1 = 1).  
That is, if we define:

h(False) = 0
h(True) = 1


h(a&&b) = h(a) * h(b)
h(a||b) = h(a) + h(b)


P.S. Another reason to justify False < True is that show False < show 
True.   :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Jason Dagit


Polymorphic extensible records with subtyping are already expressible
in Haskell. There is nothing needs to be added:

The last time I tried this code, I reported to haskell-cafe that
OOHaskell does not work when compiled as a library (at least under
GHC).  For some reason the code that uses OOHaskell had to be compiled
along side it.  Is this now fixed?  If so, could it be available via
hackage as a library for people to use?  I can't tell if it's only
meant as proof of concept or for actual use.  But, your response makes
me think it is intended for actual use if people would like to do that
(hence my interest in getting the code into hackage).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread oleg

Polymorphic extensible records with subtyping are already expressible
in Haskell. There is nothing needs to be added:

The full code is available via darcs

As to polymorphic variants, they too are implementable in Haskell
right now. No new extensions are required.

The code shows that the expression problem is solved in Haskell as it
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] New (?) Partial Monad

2007-05-31 Thread Christopher Lane Hinson

Some time ago I noticed that a function I was writing had the exact 
type as liftM2, and I so I ended up generalizing a monad.  I thought I 
should document it really well, and the result is this:

$ darcs get

I would appreciate any feedback.  Is this even original?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread PR Stanley

>I think it's mathematical convention more than the C convention Haskell
>is agreeing with.

I think so, too. In Boolean algebra (which predates computers, much less
C), FALSE has traditionally been associated with 0, and TRUE with 1. And
since 1 > 0, TRUE > FALSE.
The question, however, still remains: why False = 0 and True 1? I 
appreciate that it's so in boolean algebra but why? Why not True = 0 
and False = 1?
A Boolean value denotees veracity whereas an ordered value concerns 
magnitude (priority), indeed, order!!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread Steve Schafer
On Thu, 31 May 2007 13:51:20 -0700, you wrote:

>I think it's mathematical convention more than the C convention Haskell
>is agreeing with.

I think so, too. In Boolean algebra (which predates computers, much less
C), FALSE has traditionally been associated with 0, and TRUE with 1. And
since 1 > 0, TRUE > FALSE.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> Al,
> >Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with  
> >structural subtyping?
>   Koji Kagawaga. Polymorphic variants in Haskell. In Andres Loeh,  
> editor, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell,  
> Portland, Oregon, USA, September 17, 2006, pages 37--47. ACM Press,  
> 2006. [1]
> >What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?
> Not canonical but Loeh and Hinze have proposed open data types:

For a short term solution, we used Typeable + type classes to provide a
open Message data type. Similar techniques are used in Simon Marlow's
extensible exceptions paper.

-- An open Message type
class Typeable a => Message a

-- A wrapped value of some type in the Message class.
data SomeMessage = forall a. Message a => SomeMessage a

-- And now, unwrap a given, unknown Message type, performing a (dynamic)
-- type check on the result.
fromMessage :: Message m => SomeMessage -> Maybe m
fromMessage (SomeMessage m) = cast m

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: [Haskell] boilerplate boilerplate

2007-05-31 Thread Alex Jacobson
Actually, standalone deriving doesn't really solve the boilerplate 
boilerplate problem.  My original complaint here is that I don't want to 
explicitly declare a deriving (Data,Typeable) for every type used 
somewhere inside a larger type I am using.  In this particular case, I 
am using SYB to autogenerate/autoparse XML.  The Atom/RSS datatype has a 
lot of elements in it.  Having to do an explicit declaration of deriving 
(Data,Typeable) for each of them is just a tremendous beat-down no 
matter where I do it.

A simple solution to the problem is just to have the compiler 
automatically derive Data and Typeable for all classes.  Perhaps 
initially there is some compiler flag like -fSYB. 

Slightly more elegant would be to not automatically derive if the user 
has done so explicitly and to add syntax to the deriving clause like 
"deriving ... not (Data,Typeable)" to tell the compiler that these 
instances should be unavailable for this type.

A substantially more general/elegant solution would be for the compiler 
to derive instances automatically for any classes whose methods I use 
and for which there has been no explicit contradictory declaration.  But 
I assume that is harder and having Data and Typeable means you can use 
SYB and not worry so much about deriving instances anymore.

Most elegant would be for the user to be able to add derivable classes 
via import declarations, but again simply having Data and Typeable is a 
95% solution and the perfect should not be the enemy of the good.


Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| does that help to keep it on the radar?-)
| claus

Indeed!  But please modify the wiki.  Email has a half life of about 1 day!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Jon Harrop after myself: 

 The semantic pattern-matcher within an algebraic package, is worlds
 apart from the syntactic/structural pattern-matcher of Haskell.

Can you elaborate on this? 

I would imagine that the pattern matcher in a term-level Haskell interpreter 
would be quite similar to one from a toy Mathematica-like rewriter. 

Also, what aspects of this do you think would take more than 4 days?

Well, I don't know what is your definition of "toy". I can make in about
15 minutes a toy atomic bomb, using Lego.
Certainly, there is a possibility and need for syntactic pattern matching,
as in Haskell, although the identification of common terms is so important
that I would rather use a unification procedure, like in logic languages.
But this is not enough for computer algebra. OK, if you wish some SIMPLE
examples (among infinitely more) of something beyond... 

* the simplification of rational expressions, beginning with the reduction
of (x^2-1)/(1+x)-x = 1, ending with a full polynomial factorizer...
Gathering of all the 'x in  a+x+b+x+ ... + x + ... so as to get M*x is
already not so trivial, and requires some decisions. Will you keep your
expressions sorted? How?...
* sin(z)^2 + ... + cos(z)^2 should simplify to 1 + ... independently of z,
so the equivalence of shared expressions should be treated seriously. 

We are usually not interested in 'term-level' trivialities. 

If you look at the plethora of pattern-matching functions in Mathematica,
all those MemberQ, MatchQ, FreeQ, all those DeleteCases, the functions which
give you the *position* at which a given pattern occurs within a formula,
etc., you become a bit modest. If you add to it the possibility/necessity
of renaming the variables in patterns present within the Function[{x}...]
formulae, you see that just assimilating the documentation needs something
like 4 days. Of course, this is not restricted to Mathematica. All Comp.
Algebra systems have such tools. 

But, OK, I am old, tired and slow. There are, fortunately for us, some
people very fast and efficient. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk. 

PS. Somebody (A. Coppin?) said that Mathematica not without reason costs
Welll, less than 2000, and for students there are much cheaper possibi-
lities. I am the last to make free ads for Wolfram, I recommend the usage
of Axiom and Maxima to my students, but there is no need to say publicly
some dubious truths about commercial software. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 5/31/07, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 31, 2007, at 15:47 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

> If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?

Is it me, or does this look like a job for Data.Binary?

It's not just you.
When I read it I thought "First I'd steal code from Data.Binary..."
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On May 31, 2007, at 15:47 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?

Is it me, or does this look like a job for Data.Binary?

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 11:36:54PM +0200, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
> You can imitate the C++ code using the FFI libraries:
> import Foreign.Storable
> import Foreign
> import Data.Word
> import Data.Bits
> getDoubleBits :: Double -> IO String
> getDoubleBits d = alloca $ \ptr -> do
> poke ptr d
> bs <- peekArray (sizeOf d) (castPtr ptr :: Ptr Word8)
> return . concatMap (concatMap (show . fromEnum) . flip map [7,6..0] . 
> testBit) $ bs
> (I'm not sure this code prints bits in the right order).
> You can generalize this to
> getStorableBits :: Storable a => a -> IO String

Note also that you can use unsafePerformIO to safely get pure functions
doing both these operations.
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Crazy idea: overloading function application notation

2007-05-31 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Derek Elkins after a long chain which began: 

This is a crazy idea I've been working on: overload the syntax "x y" so 
it can mean function application "f x = f(x)" or multiplication "x y = 

... This change would -definitely- lead to massive ambiguity and 
potentially lead to unresolvable cases.

My favourite example of a guaranteed mess is the implementation of Peano-
Church numerals as polymorphic functions in Haskell. You can multiply them,
you can act with one upon another one as well. But the multiplication is
the composition, and the functional application is the (inverted)
exponentiation! I belive that trying to produce something similar to the
proposal above would result in a True Disgrace. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Crazy idea: overloading function application notation

2007-05-31 Thread Derek Elkins

Claus Reinke wrote:
This is a crazy idea I've been working on: overload the syntax "x y" 
so it can mean function application "f x = f(x)" or multiplication "x 
y = x*y". The reason is simply that I appreciate the brevity of MLs 
function application but I also appreciate the brevity of 
Mathematica's multiplication.

Is it possible to implement this in Haskell using type classes? Is 
there any way this could actually be practicable?

i'm not sure about practicalities - since Haskell programs are mostly
identifiers and their applications, redefining application is going to
lead to confusion. general rule for extending pure functional languages:
do not mess with application, or you risk losing your nice theory.
a rather steep price to pay for replacing '*' with ' ', no?

you could, however, define a 'Num' instance for functions so that
'f * g = f . g' and 'fromInteger n = fromInteger . const n' or similar 
(though the types are not likely to make you happy), or you could try 
replacing the standard 'Num' class with one permitting differently-

typed parameters to '(*)', and then try to define multiplication as
application rather than composition.. (and if you think that is 
confusing, think again about overloading application;-)

Indeed.  This change would -definitely- lead to massive ambiguity and 
potentially lead to unresolvable cases.

the rest of this message will not help with your particular problem, but
is in reply to your subject line: in general, Haskeller's like to enjoy
the advantages of overloading something so fundamental as application
without endangering that fundament, even if that means a little more
typing to indicate where a non-standard overloading is possible. so
overloaded application uses a different notation and conventions. recall 
that '($)' is function application, and consider the following types:

   flip ($) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
   (>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

you'll notice that monadic bind corresponds to reverse function
application, lifted into a monad. of course, there are many ways to do
such lifting, so it is interesting to consider what the particular
choice of monadification here means.

if we permit monadic effects in all of parameter, function, and result,
we'd get a type like this for lifted, reversed function application:

   m a -> m (m a -> m b) -> m b

the type of '(>>=)' differs from this in two positions, meaning no
monadic effects while computing the function, and no monadic effects in
the function parameter _after_ substitution into the function body. the
latter implies that, even though Haskell's standard application is based
on call-by-need (or call-by-name, since sharing isn't required), its
monadic application is based on call-by-value: any monadic effects in
computing the argument have to be executed _before_ passing the 
(effect-free part of the) argument to the function.

i've often wondered about this discrepancy.

Laziness "causes" Haskell to be pure because understanding side-effecting code 
in a lazy language is... tricky to say the least.  Why then would we want 
laziness for monads?  Also, nothing is stopping you from defining a "lazy" apply 
when you -do- want it.

but if you just want overloaded application, rather than mess with the
meaning and notation of built-in application, Monads may be the way to
go. it might also give one indication of why Monads are so popular in
Haskell, and so little heard of in languages which do allow
unconstrained overloading of application.

Um... they are probably so little heard of in languages that allow unconstrained 
overloading of application because they are so little heard of in -any- other 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Tim Newsham

OK, so you're saying that in 4 days you wrote something that
out-performs Mathematica, a program that has existed for decades and has
a vast, highly-funded R&D effort behind it featuring some of the
brightest minds in the field?

   If you want some amusement, just search for "Jon Harrop" in 

Write a newer, better, faster Mathematica in four days!  I will show you 
how!  Just attend one of my seminars comming soon to your area! [*]


[*] Some attendees may not actually build a faster Mathematical in
four days.  Results vary.

Tim Newsham
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Andrew Coppin cites me and asks: 

jk wrote:

... The World had many
symbolic math packages: Reduce, Macsyma, Schoonschip (beloved by high-
energy physicists), Maple, Scratchpad2/Axiom, later MuSIMP/MuMATH for
small platforms, etc.

I find that statement interesting. I have never come across *any* other 
package that can perform _symbolic_ mathematics.

(Sure, there are packages that can perform specific operations - solving 
certain kinds of equations, transforming matricies, rearranging formulas. 
But I have never seen any other package where you can just do *anything*.)

You must be joking, but OK, I am naive, and I will answer as it were
serious. Really, haven't heard about Maple???
Its limited library is integrated within Matlab Symbolic Toolbox, and if
you *have* Maple and Matlab, the latter can use the full force of the
former. Maple is commercial as Mathematica, but there are perfectly
usable free packages as well, for example Axiom and Maxima (Macsyma

There is also a system constructed in Paderborn, MuPAD, which was free, but
for survival reasons it became 100% commercial (although the old free
version circulates still on the Web...) 

The are more free stuff, GAP, MaCaulay,... In general, check 

DoCon is mentioned here as well.
Some disappeared, but the choice remains pretty large. 

But yes - I have tried to implement that pattern matching engine a couple 
of times in Pascal. (Remember Pascal?)  Getting it to work for a few test 
cases is easy. Getting it to *properly* handle associativity and 
commutivity is really nontrivial. (I mean *really* nontrivial! Or perhaps 
I am an inferior programmer - one of the two!)

The mathematically sensitive matching/substitution is a hard task even if
you have at your disposal a reasonably full unifier. Forget Pascal, take
Prolog, which will save several days/weeks of the implementation of basic
stuff. Even then, it will be quite tedious to write a package able say, to
reduce rational formulae, to reduce a polynomial modulo an ideal, to
implement the basic trig identities, find a reasonable common form for
expressions containing complex exponentials AND trigonometrics, etc. 

...other symbolic math tools exist?

Ask a few more times.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Existentials and type var escaping

2007-05-31 Thread Isaac Dupree
Hash: SHA1

Roberto Zunino wrote:
> In this function
> data C = C Int
> foo :: C -> C
> foo ~(C x) = C x
> foo is _not_ the identity: its result must be non bottom, i.e. the
> constructor C is "forced" to its argument.

foo undefined = undefined
foo (C undefined) = C undefined
foo (C 13) = C 13

Looks like the identity to me? (id _is_ strict after all)

foo' (C x) = x `seq` (C x)
would be different though:
foo' (C undefined) = undefined

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Monads and constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)

2007-05-31 Thread Greg Meredith

Brandon, Jeremy, et al,

Thanks for the pointers. The paper by OlegK, et al, articulates exactly the
structure i was noticing, except that i was coming at it from the other end.
i was noticing that a wide range of these CSP-style problems could be
decomposed into a trivial monad (e.g., list, multiset, set) and some
additional search machinery (over which a good solution should be
parametric). They show how to add a reasonable upper limit on the search
machinery to any monad.

Best wishes,


Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 11:36:55 -0700

From: "Jeremy Shaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads and constraint satisfaction
   problems (CSP)
To: "Greg Meredith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: haskell-cafe 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

At Thu, 31 May 2007 10:42:57 -0700,
Greg Meredith wrote:

> BTW, i think this could have a lot of bang-for-buck because the
literature i
> read exhibited two basic features:
>- the "standard" treatments (even by CS-types) are decidedly not
>- the people in the field who face industrial strength csp problems
>report that they have to take compositional approaches because the
>are just too large otherwise (both from a human engineering problem
as well
>as a computational complexity problem)

This paper describes a non-monadic, compositional method for solving CSPs:

There is also the LogicT monad transformer:


L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
505 N 72nd St
Seattle, WA 98103

+1 206.650.3740
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Existentials and type var escaping

2007-05-31 Thread David House

On 31/05/07, Isaac Dupree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

foo undefined = undefined

That's not true. When you evaluate foo undefined, it matches the first
(irrefutable) pattern immediately, without any deconstruction of the
undefined argument (which is the entire point of it being a lazy
pattern). So it becomes the right hand side, C . Only when you
force that  would you have to force the undefined argument, so
foo undefined = C undefined:

*Main> foo undefined
C *** Exception: Prelude.undefined

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 08:47:28PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?
> (Obviously a pretty silly challenge, but hey.)
> My first instinct was to use Data.Bits - but I see no instance for 
> Double.

You can imitate the C++ code using the FFI libraries:

import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits

getDoubleBits :: Double -> IO String
getDoubleBits d = alloca $ \ptr -> do
poke ptr d
bs <- peekArray (sizeOf d) (castPtr ptr :: Ptr Word8)
return . concatMap (concatMap (show . fromEnum) . flip map [7,6..0] . 
testBit) $ bs

(I'm not sure this code prints bits in the right order).
You can generalize this to
getStorableBits :: Storable a => a -> IO String

Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread John Meacham
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 08:47:28PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> My first instinct was to use Data.Bits - but I see no instance for 
> Double. (Presumably because performing bitwise operations on a Double is 
> a pretty odd thing to want to do.) So my next guess is to do some 
> bizzare type system hackery that allows you to transform a Double 
> into... whichever integer type is the same size, and proceed from there. 
> Does anybody know how to do that?

This reminds me. it would be nice if we could remove the 'Num'
superclass of Bits, having bitwise operations and being a number are
fairly unrelated and having to declare bogus instances is annoying. It
is probably just a holdover from C that we think of them as related.

'Bool' would be a simple example of something that is a good instance
of bits, but not Num.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Existentials and type var escaping

2007-05-31 Thread Roberto Zunino
In this function

data C = C Int
foo :: C -> C
foo ~(C x) = C x

foo is _not_ the identity: its result must be non bottom, i.e. the
constructor C is "forced" to its argument.

I wonder if a similar function is definable for existential types:

data E = forall a . E a
foo :: E -> E

foo, as defined above does not work (lazy patterns not allowed), and in

foo y = E (case y of E x -> x)

a variable escapes. I also tried with CPS with no success.

Is foo definable at all? I'm starting to think that it is not, and that
there must be a very good reason for that...

Thank you,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Dougal Stanton

On 31 May 2007 21:52:33 +0100, Jon Fairbairn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, but you didn't say that it's not only silly but
demonstrates the opposite of expressiveness as it's all
about breaking an abstraction and must be non-portable code
(because it's definition is that it won't give the same
results on different hardware), so such code should be
*hard* to write in a good language.

Well, I would suggest that maybe *good* is not completely congruent
with *expressive* (at least for this case). If I want to write a
program to learn how IEEE floats are constructed, by destructing them,
then I *should* be able to.

I have no solutions of my own though :-( I wait in eager expectation

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Dan Doel
On Thursday 31 May 2007, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?
> (Obviously a pretty silly challenge, but hey.)

With some help from int-e in irc:

> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

> import GHC.Base
> import GHC.Word
> import GHC.Exts
> import Numeric
> import Data.Char

> doubleToBits (D# d) = W64# (unsafeCoerce# d)

> main = interact $ unlines
> . map (pad . (\x -> showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit x "")
>. doubleToBits . read)
> . lines
> where pad l = replicate (64 - length l) '0' ++ l

I suspect that that doesn't respect the endianness of the machine like the C++ 
does, though.

-- Dan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread David House

On 31/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Note that the challenge asks for the "internal" bitmap representation of
an IEEE double-precision integer - not the mathematical binary
expansion. (In particular, things like Infinity and NaN have special bit

Ah, sorry, then disregard my solution. I did wonder why you'd
immediately jump to Data.Bits.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Jon Fairbairn
Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jon Fairbairn wrote:
> > "David House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >> On 31/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?
> >>>
> >> Try using floatToDigits:
> >>
> >>
> >> "floatToDigits takes a base and a non-negative RealFloat number, and
> >> returns a list of digits and an exponent."
> >>
> >
> > I think you also need floatRadix and floatDigits.
> >
> Note that the challenge asks for the "internal" bitmap
> representation of an IEEE double-precision integer - not the
> mathematical binary expansion.

Hence my remark above.

> (In particular, things like Infinity and NaN have special
> bit sequences.)
> Did I mention that this is a silly challange yet?

Yes, but you didn't say that it's not only silly but
demonstrates the opposite of expressiveness as it's all
about breaking an abstraction and must be non-portable code
(because it's definition is that it won't give the same
results on different hardware), so such code should be
*hard* to write in a good language.

Jón Fairbairn [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (updated 2007-05-07)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread Brandon Michael Moore
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 10:03:05AM +0100, PR Stanley wrote:
> >> What is the basic philosophy for Bool being a member of Ord?

I hear two questions, why is Bool a member of Ord at all, and
why was it ordered with False before True.

If I'm reading the reports correctly, the Ord instance was
actually added in the Haskell 1.1 standard, by changing the
definition of Bool from 

data Bool = True | False


data Bool = True | False deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Enum, Text, Binary)

(Text was later broken into Read and Show)

I imagine it was added because you generally can't derive an
instance of a class for a new type unless all the types you
mention in the definition already have instances. Also, there
are Ord instances like (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (a,b), and
it's sometimes handy to be able to use types like (String, Bool)
as keys in a Map, or keep them in a Set. Probably there are
other useful things you can do.

> >> What justifies False < True?
> >in most interpretations this equals:
> >
> >False == 0
> >True == 1
>Indeed, it's the same in C but what justifies the decision in Haskell?

It seems like we actually get that order because deriving Ord makes
constructors earlier in the definition compare greater than later
constructors, and nobody was bothered by that ordering. I can't
see how one of the orders could be more expressive or otherwise
technically better than the other, so I suppose you might as well
agree with other conventions. I think it's mathematical convention
more than the C convention Haskell is agreeing with.

But this is all just speculation - the members of the Haskell comittee could
tell us why this all actually happened, and at least a few read this list.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

Malte Milatz wrote:

Simon Marlow:

While we're on fish, what's wrong with the humble Haddock? :-)

It may at least make for a tasty curry ...

Oh dear God, what next? Will you say a blessing over the food in a *Church*?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenGL

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

Creighton Hogg wrote:

Check out this blog entry as a nice starting place

Thanks for this...

(I too would like to start hacking around with OpenGL!)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

Jon Fairbairn wrote:

"David House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


On 31/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?

Try using floatToDigits:

"floatToDigits takes a base and a non-negative RealFloat number, and
returns a list of digits and an exponent."

I think you also need floatRadix and floatDigits.

Note that the challenge asks for the "internal" bitmap representation of 
an IEEE double-precision integer - not the mathematical binary 
expansion. (In particular, things like Infinity and NaN have special bit 

Did I mention that this is a silly challange yet?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

Tomasz Zielonka wrote:

On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 08:47:28PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:

If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?

(Obviously a pretty silly challenge, but hey.)

I fail to see what this has to do with "expressive power", which
it's supposed to test. In this test assembler is the most expressive
language. Yes, silly.

Silly? Yes.

Proposed by a C++ programmer? Yes.

(Personally I can't think of a reason for *wanting* to do such a 
thing... but never mind. I am however mildly - I emphasize mildly - 
curiose to see if it can be done in Haskell.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Jon Fairbairn
"David House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 31/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?
> Try using floatToDigits:
> "floatToDigits takes a base and a non-negative RealFloat number, and
> returns a list of digits and an exponent."

I think you also need floatRadix and floatDigits.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 08:47:28PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?
> (Obviously a pretty silly challenge, but hey.)

I fail to see what this has to do with "expressive power", which
it's supposed to test. In this test assembler is the most expressive
language. Yes, silly.

Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Coppin


The conditions of its career were far from obvious. The World had many
symbolic math packages: Reduce, Macsyma, Schoonschip (beloved by high-
energy physicists), Maple, Scratchpad2/Axiom, later MuSIMP/MuMATH for
small platforms, etc.

I find that statement interesting. I have never come across *any* other 
package that can perform _symbolic_ mathematics.

(Sure, there are packages that can perform specific operations - solving 
certain kinds of equations, transforming matricies, rearranging 
formulas. But I have never seen any other package where you can just do 

* First symbolic packages treated *first* the symbolic expressions as
something to be evaluated/simplified. One sees that Maple has been built
on this principle.
Mathematica changed a bit the perspective, along - perhaps - the same
lines as Schoonschip, where the fundamental stuff was *rewriting/
transformations*. So, Mathematica since the begininng was equipped with
a very powerful pattern-matcher/substitution contraption. For the sake
of efficiency it was less powerful than a general unifier, but it was
really nice (and it existed already in SMP, before the birth of
Mathematica). Now, again, somebody would do that in 4 days??
The semantic pattern-matcher within an algebraic package, is worlds
apart from the syntactic/structural pattern-matcher of Haskell.
This helped a lot to popularize Mathematica, and has been shamelessly
abused in the advertising, where our friends used to say "we DO
MATHEMATICS with computers". Non-sense, of course...

Pattern matching *so* rich, in fact, that you can even use it to do 
things that aren't mathematics - although the default input syntax isn't 
really geared to it.

But yes - I have tried to implement that pattern matching engine a 
couple of times in Pascal. (Remember Pascal?)  Getting it to work for a 
few test cases is easy. Getting it to *properly* handle associativity 
and commutivity is really nontrivial. (I mean *really* nontrivial! Or 
perhaps I am an inferior programmer - one of the two!)

* All the numerical, standard stuff, the interface between the symbolic
and the numerical functions, with plots 2D/3D, etc. Too often people
speak about that, comparing, say, Matlab with Mathematica (while Matlab
has no symbolics, etc.)
Here the Mathematica team did a serious, thorough job, trying to adapt
the richness of this layer to many branches of science and engineering.
It was mainly a compilation process, they hardly added anything new, but
made a coherent, useful library. Won't repeat it in 4 days, or even in
4 months.

Again, Mathematica has all these functions defined, it has vast 
*libraries* of identities for transforming them, *and* it has efficient 
numerical algorithms to compute them. (If you believe the product 
literature, for many functions there are several different possible 
algorithms depending on how accurate you want it, what arguments you're 
trying to compute it on, etc.) I really don't see anybody easily 
duplicating all this...

Is there any sense in "making Mathematica with Haskell"? As a package,
most certainly no, too much to implement, for what? In order to have
another tool of the kind which already exists?

...other symbolic math tools exist?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread David House

On 31/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?

Try using floatToDigits:

"floatToDigits takes a base and a non-negative RealFloat number, and
returns a list of digits and an exponent."

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

Jon Harrop wrote:
If you write a simple, numerically-intensive program that runs in the 
Mathematica rewriter then its performance is about 100-1,000x slower than 
that of a native-code compiled language like Haskell. Mathematica is often 
30x slower than interpreted OCaml bytecode.

Is this before or after compiling the Mathematica code?

Incidentally, when I try to recompile with optimizations turned on, GHC 
refuses to work:

$ ghc htrace.hs -o htrace
$ ghc -O2 htrace.hs -o htrace
compilation IS NOT required

I must delete the target or edit the source to get it to recompile. I assume 
this is a known bug?

This one surprised me... I'm pretty sure I tried recompiling with -O2 
and it recompiled everything. Maybe I imagined it?

Right, but that is just calling an internal function that is written in C. 
Provided you only ever call a few library functions, performance will be 
excellent in Mathematica. But when you cannot phrase your program in terms of 
the built-in library functions, performance is terrible and this is when 
everyone reaches for a more efficient tool.

I don't know, I thought one of the big advantages of Mathematica was 
supposed to be that it can transform problems into the most efficiently 
solvable form, select between multiple algorithms, etc.

To me, performance is way down on the list of things that make Mathematica 
great. Integrated graphics is probably the main benefit. I mostly use MMA as 
a glorified graph plotter.

And I mostly use it to do insane things like give me parametric 
solutions to giant polynomials and so forth... ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

Why do you seem so in awe of Mathematica?

Oh, well, I guess it is only the most powerful maths software ever 
written... no biggie.

It's just another language with a good set of libraries.  Claims that 
it is the best, fastest, etc comes from Wolfram advertising, no doubt. :)

The claim that it is the fastest clearly doesn't hold (much to my 
surprise). The claim that it is the most powerful, well... I have yet to 
see anything that can come close to the symbolic power of Mathematica.

Let's face it, the thing costs nearly ten grand for a reason...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?

(Obviously a pretty silly challenge, but hey.)

My first instinct was to use Data.Bits - but I see no instance for 
Double. (Presumably because performing bitwise operations on a Double is 
a pretty odd thing to want to do.) So my next guess is to do some 
bizzare type system hackery that allows you to transform a Double 
into... whichever integer type is the same size, and proceed from there. 
Does anybody know how to do that?

(Otherwise... wasn't there some library somewhere for serialising values 
in binary?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Frisby grammars that have context

2007-05-31 Thread Carl Witty
On Tue, 2007-05-29 at 10:18 -0400, Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:
> I've been playing with Text.Parsers.Frisby to see how it stacks against
> other options and, while it's been great so far, I am finding that I
> can't encode a grammar where what's acceptable depends on what's already
> been parsed in some nontrivial way. To take a simple example, imagine a
> grammar where the only lower-case letters that are acceptable are those
> where their upper-case equivalent occurred earlier in the text.
> Is this supposed to not be possible in Frisby, or (quite likely) am I
> missing something that allows me to? I've thought about things like
> trying to fmap further calls to apply runPeg to rest, but I've not
> figured out a trick that will actually work.

I've never used Frisby, but I have read about Parsing Expression
Grammars, and I'm pretty sure that this is supposed to not be possible.

Basically, PEG parsers manage to be linar-time by caching the result of
attempting to parse a particular nonterminal at a particular input
position.  If your nonterminal depends on previous input to decide what
to accept, then such caching would no longer be valid.

Carl Witty

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 09:04:30PM +0200, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 06:16:20PM +0100, Jon Harrop wrote:
> > > I can't think of a lightweight way to encode overlapping enumerations in
> > > Haskell. 
> > 
> > I'd like to know if this is possible in Haskell.
> Maybe this way using GADTs and typeclasses? I haven't used such code in
> practice - there may be some hidden traps.

Let me be the first one to admit that this approach is highly unmodular
- you have to define all cases in one place, or at least each group of
overlapping enum types.

Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 06:16:20PM +0100, Jon Harrop wrote:
> > I can't think of a lightweight way to encode overlapping enumerations in
> > Haskell. 
> I'd like to know if this is possible in Haskell.

Maybe this way using GADTs and typeclasses? I haven't used such code in
practice - there may be some hidden traps.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

module Enum where

data Height
data Size

class HasMEDIUM t
instance HasMEDIUM Height
instance HasMEDIUM Size

data ENUM t where
LOW :: ENUM Height
HIGH:: ENUM Height
SMALL   :: ENUM Size
BIG :: ENUM Size

Example use:

*Enum> :t [MEDIUM, LOW]
[MEDIUM, LOW] :: [ENUM Height]
*Enum> :t [MEDIUM, SMALL]
*Enum> :t [MEDIUM, SMALL, LOW]
Couldn't match expected type `Size' against inferred type `Height'
  Expected type: ENUM Size
  Inferred type: ENUM Height
In the expression: LOW

Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads and constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)

2007-05-31 Thread Jeremy Shaw
At Thu, 31 May 2007 11:36:55 -0700,
Jeremy Shaw wrote:

> This paper describes a non-monadic, compositional method for solving CSPs:

btw, there are multiple versions of this paper. This version includes
a section on dynamic variable ordering, as well as some improvements
to the other sections.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads and constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)

2007-05-31 Thread Jeremy Shaw
At Thu, 31 May 2007 10:42:57 -0700,
Greg Meredith wrote:

> BTW, i think this could have a lot of bang-for-buck because the literature i
> read exhibited two basic features:
>- the "standard" treatments (even by CS-types) are decidedly not
>- the people in the field who face industrial strength csp problems
>report that they have to take compositional approaches because the problems
>are just too large otherwise (both from a human engineering problem as well
>as a computational complexity problem)

This paper describes a non-monadic, compositional method for solving CSPs:

There is also the LogicT monad transformer:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse error on input "|"

2007-05-31 Thread Akijmo

thx much green... this helped for the parser failure.

Dan you were right too, cause now i got the interfering types [(Int,Int)]
and Polynom for line 2.
But i fixed this by replacing it with ([],[])
So thx much guys :D

greenrd wrote:
> You neglected a ) - remember to count your parentheses in future when
> you get an error directly after a parenthesised expression.
> -- 
> Robin
> On Thu, 31 May 2007 08:09:23 -0700 (PDT)
> Akijmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi everyone.
>> I am new to this Forum, Haskell and i am german, so i am sorry for
>> "noob" failures or spelling mistakes.
>> I am currently learning for an informatic exam (11th class) and i
>> tried to code a function to sum a polynom with a pair of polynoms...
>> (I actually want to to code a polynomdivision in which i need this)
>> But I get the parse error mentioned in the headline. It is referring
>> to the first line of the case differentiation.
>> Hopefully you can help me, here's the code:
>> polyplusd :: Polynom -> (Polynom, Polynom) -> Polynom
>> polyplusd [] p = p
>> polyplusd p [] = p
>> polyplusd p@((g1,e1):p1) (n, (q@((g2,e2):p2))
>>  | g1>g2 = (g1,e1):(polyplusd p1 (n,q))
>>  | g2>g1 = (g2,e2):(polyplusd p (n,p2))
>>  | g1==g2 && e1+e2 /=0 =(g1,
>> e1+e2):(polyplusd p1 (n,p2)) | otherwise = polyplusd p1 (n,p2)
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads and constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)

2007-05-31 Thread Brandon Michael Moore
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 10:42:57AM -0700, Greg Meredith wrote:
> All,
> All this talk about Mathematica and a reference to monadic treatments of
> backtracking reminded me that a year ago i was involved in work on a
> Mathematica-like widget. At the time i noticed that a good deal of the
> structure underlying LP, SAT and other solvers was terribly reminiscent of
> comprehension-style monadic structure. i think i asked Erik Meijer if he
> knew of any work done on this and posted to LtU, but nobody seemed to have
> understood what i was mumbling about. So, let me try here: does anybody know
> of references for a monadic treatment of constraint satisfaction?

It's not particularly monadic, but you might check out 
"Modular Lazy Search for Constraint Satisfaction Problems"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monads and constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)

2007-05-31 Thread Greg Meredith


All this talk about Mathematica and a reference to monadic treatments of
backtracking reminded me that a year ago i was involved in work on a
Mathematica-like widget. At the time i noticed that a good deal of the
structure underlying LP, SAT and other solvers was terribly reminiscent of
comprehension-style monadic structure. i think i asked Erik Meijer if he
knew of any work done on this and posted to LtU, but nobody seemed to have
understood what i was mumbling about. So, let me try here: does anybody know
of references for a monadic treatment of constraint satisfaction?

BTW, i think this could have a lot of bang-for-buck because the literature i
read exhibited two basic features:

  - the "standard" treatments (even by CS-types) are decidedly not
  - the people in the field who face industrial strength csp problems
  report that they have to take compositional approaches because the problems
  are just too large otherwise (both from a human engineering problem as well
  as a computational complexity problem)

Best wishes,


L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
505 N 72nd St
Seattle, WA 98103

+1 206.650.3740
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse error on input "|"

2007-05-31 Thread Dan Weston
The second argument of the second line of the definition does not match 
the expected type. (Polynom,Polynom) is a tuple, not a list, so 
[]::(a,a) is not well typed for any a.


Akijmo wrote:

Hi everyone.
I am new to this Forum, Haskell and i am german, so i am sorry for "noob"
failures or spelling mistakes.

I am currently learning for an informatic exam (11th class) and i tried to
code a function to sum a polynom with a pair of polynoms... (I actually want
to to code a polynomdivision in which i need this)

But I get the parse error mentioned in the headline. It is referring to the
first line of the case differentiation.
Hopefully you can help me, here's the code:

polyplusd :: Polynom -> (Polynom, Polynom) -> Polynom
polyplusd [] p = p
polyplusd p [] = p
polyplusd p@((g1,e1):p1) (n, (q@((g2,e2):p2))
| g1>g2 = (g1,e1):(polyplusd p1 (n,q))
| g2>g1 = (g2,e2):(polyplusd p (n,p2))
| g1==g2 && e1+e2 /=0 =(g1, e1+e2):(polyplusd 
p1 (n,p2))
| otherwise = polyplusd p1 (n,p2)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Network.HTTP+ByteStrings Interface--Or: How to shepherd handles and go with the flow at the same time?

2007-05-31 Thread Alex Jacobson
The HAppS HTTP code basically delivers the first 64k and a handle to 
acquire the rest.  The 99% or higher case is that the document fits in 
memory so the 64k bound is fine.  If you have something bigger,  the 
user is going to have to decide how to handle that on a case by case basis.

Note: chunk-encoding means that there is no theoretical limit to how big 
an HTTP request or response may be.


Jules Bean wrote:

I've been having something of a discussion on #haskell about this but
I had to go off-line and, in any case, it's a complicated issue, and I
may be able to be more clear in an email.

The key point under discussion was what kind of interface the HTTP
library should expose: synchronous, asynchronous? Lazy, strict?

As someone just pointed out, "You don't like lazy IO, do you?". Well,
that's a fair characterisation. I think unsafe lazy IO is a very very
cute hack, and I'm in awe of some of the performance results which
have been achieved, but I think the disadvantages are underestimated.

Of course, there is a potential ambiguity in the phrase 'lazy IO'. You
might interpret 'lazy IO' quite reasonably to refer any programming
style in which the IO is performed 'as needed' by the rest of the
program. So, to be clear, I'm not raising a warning flag about that
practice in general, which is a very important programming
technique. I'm raising a bit of a warning flag over the particular
practice of achieving this in a way which conceals IO inside thunks
which have no IO in their types: i.e. using unsafeInterleaveIO or even

Why is this a bad idea? Normally evaluating a haskell expression can
have no side-effects. This is important because, in a lazy language,
you never quite know[*] when something's going to be evaluated. Or if
it will. Side-effects, on the other hand, are important things (like
launching nuclear missiles) and it's rather nice to be precise about
when they happen. One particular kind of side effect which is slightly
less cataclysmic (only slightly) is the throwing of an exception. If
pure code, which is normally guaranteed to "at worst" fail to
terminate can suddenly throw an exception from somewhere deep in its
midst, then it's extremely hard for your program to work out how far
it has got, and what it has done, and what it hasn't done, and what it
should do to recover. On the other hand, no failure may occur, but the
data may never be processed, meaning that the IO is never 'finished'
and valuable system resources are locked up forever. (Consider a naive
program which reads only the first 1000 bytes of an XML document
before getting an unrecoverable parse failure. The socket will never
be closed, and system resources will be consumed permanently.)

Trivial programs may be perfectly content to simply bail out if an
exception is thrown. That's very sensible behaviour for a small
'pluggable' application (most of the various unix command line
utilities all bail out silently or nearly silently on SIGPIPE, for
example). However this is not acceptable behaviour in a complex
program, clearly. There may be resources which need to be released,
there may be data which needs saving, there may be reconstruction to
be attempted on whatever it was that 'broke'.

Error handling and recovery is hard. Always has been. One of the
things that simplifies such issues is knowing "where" exceptions can
occur. It greatly simplifies them. In haskell they can only occur in
the IO monad, and they can only occur in rather specific ways: in most
cases, thrown by particular IO primitives; they can also be thrown
'To' you by other threads, but as the programmer, that's your

Ok. Five paragraphs of advocacy is plenty. If anyone is still reading
now, then they must be either really interested in this problem, or
really bored. Either way, it's good to have you with me! These issues
are explained rather more elegantly by Oleg in [1].

So, where does that leave the HTTP library? Well here are the kinds of
interface I can imagine. I'm deliberately ignoring all the stuff about
request headers, request content, and imagining that this is all about
URL -> ByteString. Here are the options that occur to me:

A. Strict, synchronous GET
   sSynGET :: URL -> IO ByteString

   Quite simply blocks the thread until the whole data has
   arrived. Throws some kind of exception on failure, presumably. This
   is a simple primitive, appropriate for relatively small files
   (files which fit comfortably in your memory) and simple
   programs. It's also great for programs which want to take their own
   control over the degree of asynchrony; they can just fork as many
   threads as they choose to GET with.

B. Strict, asynchronous GET
   sAsynGET :: URL -> IO (MVar ByteString)

   Download the entire data, but do it in a separate thread. Give me
   an MVar so I can synchronise on the data's arrival in whichever way
   suits my program best. Suitable for small files which fit
   conveniently in memory. 

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Jon Harrop
On Thursday 31 May 2007 17:46:38  Al Falloon wrote:
> I kind of saw the overlapping enumeration case as just a common special
> case of the AST problem.

Theoretically, yes. In practice, this is quite an important distinction 
because enumerations do not suffer from the obfuscated error messages that 
arise when you have polymorphic variants derived from "too much" inference.

> I can't think of a lightweight way to encode overlapping enumerations in
> Haskell. 

I'd like to know if this is possible in Haskell.

> If someone can come up with one, it would probably shed some light on the
> right direction for the AST problem. 

I should emphasise that not everyone agrees with me here. I've noticed that 
Jacques Garrigue uses polymorphic variants in that way (their intended way). 
I have tried several times but I always give up and revert to ordinary 
variants for their simpler error messages. Sometimes I replace the ordinary 
variants with polymorphic variants when the program is complete, but only to 
make me look more intelligent.

Just to clarify what you mean, the following "subst" function substitutes 
variables `Var _ in an expression and OCaml infers that the output expression 
needs no `Var constructor (the type 'b):

# let rec subst vars = function
| `Int _ as e -> e
| `Var var -> List.assoc var vars
| `Add(f, g) -> `Add(subst vars f, subst vars g);;
val subst :
  ('a * ([> `Add of 'b * 'b | `Int of 'c ] as 'b)) list ->
  ([< `Add of 'd * 'd | `Int of 'c | `Var of 'a ] as 'd) -> 'b = 

You can see how inferred sum types can get unwieldy quite quickly.

> The other uses of PV, I hadn't been aware of, but it makes a lot of sense.

Yes. I've found them quite useful in application areas that are better suited 
to more dynamic typing, like GUI and web programming. Polymorphic variants do 
a lot to close the gap there.

Incidentally, I have heard people express concerns that polymorphic variants 
will let more bugs through the static type checker because they are weaker. I 
have never had a run-time problem caused by an unintended inference. My 
problems with polymorphic variants always boil down to the error messages.

For example, forgetting the last "var" in that function allows it to pass type 
checking with a completely different inferred type:

# let rec subst vars = function
| `Int _ as e -> e
| `Var var -> List.assoc var vars
| `Add(f, g) -> `Add(subst vars f, subst g);;
val subst :
  (('b *
([> `Add of
  'c * (([< `Add of 'd * 'a | `Int of 'e | `Var of 'b ] as 'd) -> 'c)
  | `Int of 'e ]
 as 'c))
   list as 'a) ->
  'd -> 'c = 

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
OCaml for Scientists
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Dan Doel
On Thursday 31 May 2007, Al Falloon wrote:
> OCaml has been getting a lot of mileage from its polymorphic variants
> (which allow structural subtyping on sum types) especially on problems
> relating to AST transformations and the infamous "expression problem".
> Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with
> structural subtyping?
> What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?
> What techniques do Haskellers use to simulate subtyping where it is
> appropriate?
> I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
> Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
> convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
> closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
> functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
> vars, pretty printing, etc.).

I'm not sure if it qualifies (as, I don't know OCaml), but you might want to 
look into some of the papers proposing extensible record systems for Haskell. 
Some of them note that the same type system extensions for records can be 
used for variants. Specifically, Daan Leijen's paper "Extensible records with 
scoped labels" goes into how they might work, although there may be other 
good papers on the subject.

Would such a proposal be comparable to what OCaml has?

Unfortunately, I don't think implementing such a proposal is high on the to-do 
list for any of the compilers currently. There's too little time in the day 
to build all the type system fanciness everyone could want, I guess. :)

-- Dan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Stefan Holdermans wrote:


Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with 
structural subtyping?

  Koji Kagawaga. Polymorphic variants in Haskell. In Andres Loeh, 
editor, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell, 
Portland, Oregon, USA, September 17, 2006, pages 37--47. ACM Press, 
2006. [1]

What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?

Not canonical but Loeh and Hinze have proposed open data types:

  Andres Loeh and Ralf Hinze. Open data types and open functions. In 
Annalisa Bossi and Michael J. Maher, editors, Proceedings of the 8th 
International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of 
Declarative Programming, July 10--12, 2006, Venice, Italy, pages 
133--144. ACM Press, 2006. [2]

Thanks for the pointers. I will definitely be reading these papers.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] small hack on hasktags to make it collect class names

2007-05-31 Thread Marc Weber
You can download the modified version from

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse error on input "|"

2007-05-31 Thread Robin Green
You neglected a ) - remember to count your parentheses in future when
you get an error directly after a parenthesised expression.


On Thu, 31 May 2007 08:09:23 -0700 (PDT)
Akijmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I am new to this Forum, Haskell and i am german, so i am sorry for
> "noob" failures or spelling mistakes.
> I am currently learning for an informatic exam (11th class) and i
> tried to code a function to sum a polynom with a pair of polynoms...
> (I actually want to to code a polynomdivision in which i need this)
> But I get the parse error mentioned in the headline. It is referring
> to the first line of the case differentiation.
> Hopefully you can help me, here's the code:
> polyplusd :: Polynom -> (Polynom, Polynom) -> Polynom
> polyplusd [] p = p
> polyplusd p [] = p
> polyplusd p@((g1,e1):p1) (n, (q@((g2,e2):p2))
>   | g1>g2 = (g1,e1):(polyplusd p1 (n,q))
>   | g2>g1 = (g2,e2):(polyplusd p (n,p2))
>   | g1==g2 && e1+e2 /=0 =(g1,
> e1+e2):(polyplusd p1 (n,p2)) | otherwise = polyplusd p1 (n,p2)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Jon Harrop wrote:

On Thursday 31 May 2007 15:36:13 Al Falloon wrote:

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

Although this is the theoretical justification for OCaml's polymorphic 
variants, it is not their most common use.

They are more commonly used to implement overlapping enumerations (see 
LablGL), to avoid sum type declarations with short scope (e.g. [`Some|`None|
`Maybe] inside a single function) and when sum types keep changing during 

I kind of saw the overlapping enumeration case as just a common special 
case of the AST problem. I can't think of a lightweight way to encode 
overlapping enumerations in Haskell. If someone can come up with one, it 
would probably shed some light on the right direction for the AST problem.

The other uses of PV, I hadn't been aware of, but it makes a lot of sense.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Thomas Schilling wrote:

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

Proper subtyping or at least extendable ADTs would be nicer, but you
can have type-checked progress flags using phantom types, e.g.:

I thought that phantom types might be a solution, but how to you 
statically ensure that the AST has only the constructors that are 
appropriate for each phase?

GADTS maybe. Constructors allowed in all phases, or in just one can be 
encoded easily enough. But then how do you encode a constructor that can 
be in two out of three phases? Maybe two phantom types? It all starts 
getting a little hairy.

I will have to go through the papers that the others have provided to 
see if someone has already explored this direction. I have an inkling 
that there is a good idea here, it just might take some time to tease it 

Thanks for the replies.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parse error on input "|"

2007-05-31 Thread Akijmo

Hi everyone.
I am new to this Forum, Haskell and i am german, so i am sorry for "noob"
failures or spelling mistakes.

I am currently learning for an informatic exam (11th class) and i tried to
code a function to sum a polynom with a pair of polynoms... (I actually want
to to code a polynomdivision in which i need this)

But I get the parse error mentioned in the headline. It is referring to the
first line of the case differentiation.
Hopefully you can help me, here's the code:

polyplusd :: Polynom -> (Polynom, Polynom) -> Polynom
polyplusd [] p = p
polyplusd p [] = p
polyplusd p@((g1,e1):p1) (n, (q@((g2,e2):p2))
| g1>g2 = (g1,e1):(polyplusd p1 (n,q))
| g2>g1 = (g2,e2):(polyplusd p (n,p2))
| g1==g2 && e1+e2 /=0 =(g1, e1+e2):(polyplusd 
p1 (n,p2))
| otherwise = polyplusd p1 (n,p2)
View this message in context:
Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

apfelmus wrote:

Al Falloon wrote:

OCaml has been getting a lot of mileage from its polymorphic variants
(which allow structural subtyping on sum types) especially on problems
relating to AST transformations and the infamous "expression problem".

Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with
structural subtyping?

There's OO'Haskell but I don't know much about it. The problem with
subtyping is that it renders type inference undecidable and is more
limited than parametric polymorphism. It's more like a "syntactic
sugar", you can always explicitly pass around embeddings (a' -> a) and
projections (a -> Maybe a').

I can see how nominal subtyping would make type inference a pain, but 
I'm pretty sure its solvable for structural subtyping because the 
inference algorithm can simply grow the type as it unifies the different 
terms. I think this paper describes how they pulled it off for OCaml:

Its true that subtyping can be considered syntactic sugar, but its the 
same sort of syntactic sugar as typeclasses, which are pretty popular.

In fact, the mapping you suggest is so close to the mapping of 
typeclasses that it suggests some sort of convenient subtyping library 
using typeclasses might be possible. Has anyone looked into this? Is 
that what Data.Typeable provides?

What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?

What techniques do Haskellers use to simulate subtyping where it is

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

For this use case, there are some techniques available, mostly focussing
on traversing the AST and not so much on the different data
constructors. Functors, Monads and Applicative Functors are a structured
way to do that.

  S. Liang, P. Hudak, M.P. Jones. Monad Transformers and
  Modular Interpreters.

  C. McBride, R. Paterson. Applicative Programming with Effects.

  B. Bringert, A. Ranta. A Pattern for Almost Compositional Functions.

Thank you, I will definitely look through those.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Jules Bean

apfelmus wrote:

Al Falloon wrote:

OCaml has been getting a lot of mileage from its polymorphic variants
(which allow structural subtyping on sum types) especially on problems
relating to AST transformations and the infamous "expression problem".

Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with
structural subtyping?

There's OO'Haskell but I don't know much about it. The problem with
subtyping is that it renders type inference undecidable and is more
limited than parametric polymorphism. It's more like a "syntactic
sugar", you can always explicitly pass around embeddings (a' -> a) and
projections (a -> Maybe a').


So another interesting question to ask is 'has anyone proposed any good 
syntactic sugar?'

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

I don't know what the infamous "expression problem" is, nor am I
familiar with polymorphic variants or structural subtyping, but have you
looked at the Data.Generics.* stuff and Scrap Your Boilerplate papers?
They may be relevant.
The expression problem is "a new name for an old problem", basically 
being able to extend a data type and functions over the data type in 
seperate modules with no knowledge of each other. Here is a link to (I 
think) the original description:

Structural subtyping is something like "duck typing" in dynamic 
languages, but checked at compile time. For records, it means that if 
you only access two labels then the function will work on any record 
that has those labels with those types, even if it may have more labels. 
For variants (or sum-types, or tagged unions, or whatever they are 
called in Haskell) it means that if your function can handle certain 
cases, then it can also handle values that range over less cases. So in 
pseudo-Haskell with imaginary subtyping:

data Vertical a = U a | D a
data Horizontal a = L a | R a
data Direction a = #Vertical a | #Horizontal a  -- borrowing ocaml 
syntax: this means that Direction shares constructors with Vertical and 

getData :: Direction a -> a
getData (U a) = a
getData (D a) = a
getData (L a) = a
getData (R a) = a

getLeftStick :: IO (Vertical Int)
getRightStick :: IO (Horizontal Int)

main = do { accel <- getLeftStick; print (getData accel) }

So getData doesn't care that accel is Horizontal and not Direction 
because Horizontal is a sub-type of direction. Of course, in this syntax 
since you named the subtyping relationship its more technically nominal 
subtyping (like in traditional static OO languages) not structural 
subtyping (which figures out the subtype relationship from the structure 
automatically, so if we just reused the U,D,L, and R constructors in 

I have looked into SYB briefly. I will probably end up using it to keep 
the amount of code to a minimum, but it won't save me from having to 
define a different data type for each version of the AST if I want to 
preserve type safety.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread apfelmus
Al Falloon wrote:
> OCaml has been getting a lot of mileage from its polymorphic variants
> (which allow structural subtyping on sum types) especially on problems
> relating to AST transformations and the infamous "expression problem".
> Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with
> structural subtyping?

There's OO'Haskell but I don't know much about it. The problem with
subtyping is that it renders type inference undecidable and is more
limited than parametric polymorphism. It's more like a "syntactic
sugar", you can always explicitly pass around embeddings (a' -> a) and
projections (a -> Maybe a').

> What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?
> What techniques do Haskellers use to simulate subtyping where it is
> appropriate?
> I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
> Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
> convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
> closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
> functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
> vars, pretty printing, etc.).

For this use case, there are some techniques available, mostly focussing
on traversing the AST and not so much on the different data
constructors. Functors, Monads and Applicative Functors are a structured
way to do that.

  S. Liang, P. Hudak, M.P. Jones. Monad Transformers and
  Modular Interpreters.

  C. McBride, R. Paterson. Applicative Programming with Effects.

  B. Bringert, A. Ranta. A Pattern for Almost Compositional Functions.

The fundamental way is to compose your data types just like you compose
your functions. Here's an example

  data Expr a= A (ArithExpr a) | C (Conditional a)
  data ArithExpr a   = Add a a | Mul a a
  data Conditional a = IfThenElse a a a | CaseOf a [(Int,a)]

  newtype Expression = E (Expr Expression)

Now, functions defined on (Conditional a) can be reused on Expressions,
although with some tedious embedding an projecting. I think that the
third paper mentioned above makes clever use of GADTs to solve this.

The topic of Generic programming is related to that and Applicative
Functors make a reappearance here (although not always explicitly


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Jon Harrop
On Thursday 31 May 2007 11:39:14 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ...
>  Mathematica changed a bit the perspective, along - perhaps - the same
>  lines as Schoonschip, where the fundamental stuff was *rewriting/
>  transformations*. So, Mathematica since the begininng was equipped with
>  a very powerful pattern-matcher/substitution contraption. For the sake
>  of efficiency it was less powerful than a general unifier, but it was
>  really nice (and it existed already in SMP, before the birth of
>  Mathematica). Now, again, somebody would do that in 4 days??
>  The semantic pattern-matcher within an algebraic package, is worlds
>  apart from the syntactic/structural pattern-matcher of Haskell.

Can you elaborate on this?

I would imagine that the pattern matcher in a term-level Haskell interpreter 
would be quite similar to one from a toy Mathematica-like rewriter.

Also, what aspects of this do you think would take more than 4 days?

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
OCaml for Scientists
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Jon Harrop
On Thursday 31 May 2007 15:36:13 Al Falloon wrote:
> I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
> Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
> convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
> closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
> functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
> vars, pretty printing, etc.).

Although this is the theoretical justification for OCaml's polymorphic 
variants, it is not their most common use.

They are more commonly used to implement overlapping enumerations (see 
LablGL), to avoid sum type declarations with short scope (e.g. [`Some|`None|
`Maybe] inside a single function) and when sum types keep changing during 

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
OCaml for Scientists
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] equations and patterns

2007-05-31 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 31 May 2007, Stefan Holdermans wrote:

> Mingli,
> > >  class Lattice e where
> > >  join :: e -> e -> e
> > >  meet :: e -> e -> e
> > >
> > >  -- associative law
> > >  join x (join y z) = join (join x y) z
> > >  join (join x y) z = join x (join y z)
> If you are not to sell your soul to advanced and perhaps obscure type
> hacking, you cannot express laws like this *in* Haskell.
> More concretely, one usually does not provide such laws as default
> implementations of a class' methods. Instead, they are stated in, for
> instance, comments and the documentation that goes with your library.
> These then form an informal obligation for programmers that provide
> instances of your class to let these instances obey the laws.

Like here:

> If you provide an instance of the class you could use testing
> framework, e.g., QuickCheck [1], to assert that the required
> properties hold.

I assume they can in some way also be used for GHC's optimizer.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Thomas Schilling

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

Proper subtyping or at least extendable ADTs would be nicer, but you
can have type-checked progress flags using phantom types, e.g.:

data LT flag = L String (LT flag) | A (LT flag) (LT flag) | Var String

data Input
data Renamed
data CPSed
data ConstPropd

rename :: LT Input -> LT Renamed
cps :: LT Renamed -> LT CPSed
constantPropagate :: LT CPSed -> LT ConstPropd

dumpExpr :: (forall a. LT a) -> String   -- ignores progress flag

This way you have at least a way to check that the proper phases have
been run before.

It might even be possible to store different things in the nodes (not
tested), like in:

newtype Ident = MkIdent String

class VarType flag vt | flag -> vt
instance VarType Input String
instance VarType Renamed Ident
instance VarType CPSed Ident
instance VarType ConstPropd Ident

data LT flag = (VarType flag vt => L vt (LT flag)) | ...

(This probably doesn't work, but you get the idea.)

/ Thomas
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Stefan Holdermans


Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with  
structural subtyping?

  Koji Kagawaga. Polymorphic variants in Haskell. In Andres Loeh,  
editor, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell,  
Portland, Oregon, USA, September 17, 2006, pages 37--47. ACM Press,  
2006. [1]

What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?

Not canonical but Loeh and Hinze have proposed open data types:

  Andres Loeh and Ralf Hinze. Open data types and open functions. In  
Annalisa Bossi and Michael J. Maher, editors, Proceedings of the 8th  
International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of  
Declarative Programming, July 10--12, 2006, Venice, Italy, pages  
133--144. ACM Press, 2006. [2]





Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Crazy idea: overloading function application notation

2007-05-31 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 31 May 2007, Jon Harrop wrote:

> This is a crazy idea I've been working on: overload the syntax "x y" so it can
> mean function application "f x = f(x)" or multiplication "x y = x*y". The
> reason is simply that I appreciate the brevity of MLs function application
> but I also appreciate the brevity of Mathematica's multiplication.
> Is it possible to implement this in Haskell using type classes?

Is this "wantable"?

> Is there any way this could actually be practicable?

   I have described, what happens if you want too many meanings for the
same syntax.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Jacques Carette

Jon Harrop wrote:
Arbitrary precision integers are quite a performance burden and they 
are rarely used. I would not expect a language that is trying to be 
efficient to impose arbitrary precision integers (or floats).

Apparently you have looked inside a computer *algebra* system, one that 
does *exact* computations (i.e. on polynomials with exact coefficients, 
not floats/doubles).  Arbitrary precision integers are not a 'burden', 
they are an absolute necessity.  Algorithms on polynomials will almost 
inevitably produce 'coefficient growth'.  Even things as simple as 
sub-resultant computations (for computing extended GCDs) have this 
problem.  And this is not a fluke or a problem with state-of-the-art, 
there are known cases where this is inevitable.

Like Jerzy, I wonder why I get suckered in to these conversations.  I 
guess we both have this silly need to set the record straight.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Has anyone looked into adding subtyping to Haskell?

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon
OCaml has been getting a lot of mileage from its polymorphic variants 
(which allow structural subtyping on sum types) especially on problems 
relating to AST transformations and the infamous "expression problem".

Has there been any work on extending Haskell's type system with 
structural subtyping?

What is the canonical solution to the expression problem in Haskell?

What techniques do Haskellers use to simulate subtyping where it is 

I bring this up because I have been working on a Scheme compiler in 
Haskell for fun, and something like polymorphic variants would be quite 
convinent to allow you to specify versions of the AST (input ast, after 
closure conversion, after CPS transform, etc.), but allow you to write 
functions that work generically over all the ASTs (getting the free 
vars, pretty printing, etc.).

Alan Falloon

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language extensions

2007-05-31 Thread Jules Bean

Roberto Zunino wrote:
Ah, silly me! I checked that inequality was preserved, but forgot that 
(==) diverges on infinite list!

Indeed, strictly speaking, Eq [] does not satisfy the Eq invariant x==x.

All haskell types contain divergence. So all Eq types have exactly this 
same problem.

We 'like' infinite lists because they are a kind of 'productive 
divergence'. But they still diverge.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language extensions [was: Memoization]

2007-05-31 Thread Martin Percossi

I really liked this explanation -- very clear, with good analogies.


My music:

Claus Reinke wrote:

quantified types (forall/exist):
 an easy way to memorize this is to think of 'forall' as a big 'and'
 and of 'exists' as a big 'or'.
   e :: forall a. a  -- e has type 'Int' and type 'Bool' and type ..
   e :: exists a. a  -- e has type 'Int' or  type 'Bool' or  type ..

That doesn't entirely make sense. (What am I on about? That doesn't 
make *any* sense...)

indeed?-) then you've probably already figured out what those types
mean! there aren't many variations of an expression that has *all* types
("you can't please everyone"), and if an expression has a type but we
have no way of knowing what that type is, there isn't much we can do
with it (like advice from the Oracle of Delphi).  but both of these
kinds of quantified types make a lot more sense in larger contexts.
lets take 'forall'/'big and' first: the problem with 'forall a. a' is to
produce something that is everything to everyone, which is rather hard;
but what about 'forall a. a -> a'? that is like a general shipping
agency - they don't care what you give them, they just put it in a box
and move it from one place to another (if it doesn't like to be shipped
in such an indifferent way, it'll break, but that's not their problem);
such general shipping is both 'Integer' shipping *and* 'String' shipping
*and* ..; other examples are 'forall a. a -> a -> a', which is a general
selector (given two 'a's, it returns one of them), or 'forall a,b. a 
-> b -> a' (given an 'a' and a 'b', it returns the 'a').

'id :: forall a. a -> a' can be instantiated to 'id :: Bool -> Bool'
*and* to 'id :: Char -> Char' *and* to all other identities on rank-1
types besides, so one could say that it really has *all* of those types.

what about 'exists'/'big or' then? the problem with 'exists a. a' is
that while we know there exists a type, we have no way of knowing what 
that type is, so we can't really do anything with an expression of 
such a type.

that is very much like an abstract data type, implemented on top
of a hidden representation type. what we need are some operations on 
that abstract type, so how about

   'exists r.(r a, r a -> a -> r a, r a -> a)'

we still don't know what 'r' is, but we have some 'r a', we have a way
to combine 'r a' and 'a' into a new 'r a', and a way to extract an 'a'
from an 'r a', so we're no longer entirely helpless. in fact, that looks
a lot like an abstract container type, perhaps a stack with push and
top, or a queue with add and front, or a cell with put and get. 
whatever it may be, the 'r' is hidden, so it could be

   '([a], [a]->a->[a], [a]->a)'
*or* it could be
   '(Set a, Set a -> a -> Set a, Set a -> a)'
*or* it could be based on *any* other rank-1 type constructor.


oracle advice: 'invade :: exists great_empire. great_empire -> ()'

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language extensions

2007-05-31 Thread Roberto Zunino

Tomasz Zielonka wrote:

On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 11:21:45PM +0200, Roberto Zunino wrote:

($!) Data.List.repeat -- ;-) unbounded types

You got me - I'm not sure how to respond to that. Let's try: this
function doesn't preserve computable equality.

Ah, silly me! I checked that inequality was preserved, but forgot that 
(==) diverges on infinite list!

Indeed, strictly speaking, Eq [] does not satisfy the Eq invariant x==x.

BTW, why so many exclamation marks in your code? Are they essential?

Only strict g's are allowed in parametericity, IIUC. Otherwise:

let g = \x -> (x,4)

f (map g []) == g (f [])  iff
f [] == g bottom  iff
bottom   == (bottom,4)which is false.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Al Falloon

Jon Harrop wrote:

On Wednesday 30 May 2007 22:15:55 Andrew Coppin wrote:

Note that (as I understand it) GHC implements Haskell's Integer type
using the GMP. And for some reason or other, they want to remove this

Arbitrary precision integers are quite a performance burden and they are 
rarely used. I would not expect a language that is trying to be efficient to 
impose arbitrary precision integers (or floats).

In Haskell, Int gives you the standard signed, fixed size integer for 
your machine, and Integer gives arbitrary precision integers. Int8, 
Int16, ... provide signed ints of a known size, and Word8, Word16 give 
the unsigned.

They are all instances of Num, so integer literals will be whatever type 
is needed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Building error Gtk2Hs under GHC 6.6.1 on Solaris 10 x86

2007-05-31 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 13:48 +0200, Christian Maeder wrote:
> How about switching from sed to perl, then?

/me runs away screaming

Actually the easier fix was to not look for an optional "qualified"
string (ie dropping the \(qualified \)* clause) as it turns out we
didn't need it anyway.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Crazy idea: overloading function application notation

2007-05-31 Thread David House

On 31/05/07, Jon Harrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it possible to implement this in Haskell using type classes? Is there any
way this could actually be practicable?

I had a go but didn't manage to quite get it. Here's my attempt, and
the error it produces:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

type Endo a = a -> a

-- Dummy instances to satisfy the (Show n, Eq n) => Num n constraints
instance Show (Endo a) where show _ = ""
instance Eq (Endo a) where _ == _ = False

instance Num a => Num (Endo a) where
 fromInteger x = (fromInteger x *)
 x + y = \z -> x z + y z
 x * y = \z -> x z * y z
 abs x = error "Aaargh."
 signum x  = error "Aaargh."

main = print (2 3)

   No instance for (Num (t -> a))
 arising from the literal `2'
 at /home/david/hs/sandbox/application-multiplication.hs:15:14-16
   Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (t -> a))
   In the first argument of `print', namely `(2 3)'
   In the expression: print (2 3)
   In the definition of `main': main = print (2 3)
Failed, modules loaded: none.

It seems to be wanting a more general instance than the one I'm
providing, for whatever reason. Using print ((2 :: Endo Integer) 3)
works, but that's hardly satisfactory.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-31 Thread Malte Milatz
Simon Marlow:
> While we're on fish, what's wrong with the humble Haddock? :-)

It may at least make for a tasty curry ...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Building error Gtk2Hs under GHC 6.6.1 on Solaris 10 x86

2007-05-31 Thread Christian Maeder
How about switching from sed to perl, then?

Cheers Christian

Duncan Coutts schrieb:
> This is a bug in mk/chsDepend(.in) probably due to some difference in
> how sed works in Solaris compared to Linux.
> the mk/chsDepend shell script looks at a .chs file and tries to find all
> the lines that look like:
> {#import Some.Module.Name#}
> and then find the .chi files corresponding to those import lines. It
> looks from the error message that it's picking up "{#import" as if it
> were a module.
> The shell/sed code that is probably going wrong is:
>   DEPS=`$GREP "{#import" $FULLNAME 2> /dev/null \
>| $SED 'y/./\//;s/^{#import \(qualified \)*\([a-zA-Z1-9/]*\)#}.*/\2/'`;
> testing this with standard solaris sed (on Solaris 9) reveals the
> problem, standard Solaris sed is terrible! :-)
> The problem is that standard Solaris /usr/bin/sed does not allow * on
> sub-expressions, for example this sed regexp "\(bar\)*" does not match
> the string "bar bar". The other Solaris sed that is not on the path by
> default works fine (/usr/xpg4/bin/sed). Well actually it needs a minor
> patch too, it doesn't like the escape in "y/./\//", but if we change it
> to "y|.|/|" then it's happy.
> So the solution I think is for me to change the configure script to look
> for /usr/xpg4/bin/sed in preference to /usr/bin/sed on Solaris and also
> to make that other minor syntax fix.
> The workaround you can try is to edit mk/chsDepend and set SED to either
> gnu sed or to /usr/xpg4/bin/sed though in the latter case you'll also
> need to fix the "y|.|/|" bit. Then you'll need to make clean and make
> again.
> Duncan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Crazy idea: overloading function application notation

2007-05-31 Thread Claus Reinke
This is a crazy idea I've been working on: overload the syntax "x y" so it can 
mean function application "f x = f(x)" or multiplication "x y = x*y". The 
reason is simply that I appreciate the brevity of MLs function application 
but I also appreciate the brevity of Mathematica's multiplication.

Is it possible to implement this in Haskell using type classes? Is there any 
way this could actually be practicable?

i'm not sure about practicalities - since Haskell programs are mostly
identifiers and their applications, redefining application is going to
lead to confusion. general rule for extending pure functional languages:
do not mess with application, or you risk losing your nice theory.
a rather steep price to pay for replacing '*' with ' ', no?

you could, however, define a 'Num' instance for functions so that
'f * g = f . g' and 'fromInteger n = fromInteger . const n' or similar 
(though the types are not likely to make you happy), or you could 
try replacing the standard 'Num' class with one permitting differently-

typed parameters to '(*)', and then try to define multiplication as
application rather than composition.. (and if you think that is 
confusing, think again about overloading application;-)

the rest of this message will not help with your particular problem, but
is in reply to your subject line: in general, Haskeller's like to enjoy
the advantages of overloading something so fundamental as application
without endangering that fundament, even if that means a little more
typing to indicate where a non-standard overloading is possible. so
overloaded application uses a different notation and conventions. 
recall that '($)' is function application, and consider the following types:

   flip ($) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
   (>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

you'll notice that monadic bind corresponds to reverse function
application, lifted into a monad. of course, there are many ways to do
such lifting, so it is interesting to consider what the particular
choice of monadification here means.

if we permit monadic effects in all of parameter, function, and result,
we'd get a type like this for lifted, reversed function application:

   m a -> m (m a -> m b) -> m b

the type of '(>>=)' differs from this in two positions, meaning no
monadic effects while computing the function, and no monadic effects in
the function parameter _after_ substitution into the function body. the
latter implies that, even though Haskell's standard application is based
on call-by-need (or call-by-name, since sharing isn't required), its
monadic application is based on call-by-value: any monadic effects in
computing the argument have to be executed _before_ passing the 
(effect-free part of the) argument to the function.

i've often wondered about this discrepancy.

but if you just want overloaded application, rather than mess with the
meaning and notation of built-in application, Monads may be the way to
go. it might also give one indication of why Monads are so popular in
Haskell, and so little heard of in languages which do allow
unconstrained overloading of application.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-31 Thread Simon Marlow

Clifford Beshers wrote:

Scott Cruzen wrote:

I'd like to suggest the Mantis shrimp because they have excellent
vision, they're long lived and they pack a punch.


They certainly do.  An excellent choice.

Personally, I'd like to see the Giant Sea Bass., just because they're so 

Actually, I'd like to see my favorite fish, the Sarcastic Fringehead, 
but I'm trying to  be somewhat realistic:

While we're on fish, what's wrong with the humble Haddock? :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Resolved: ffi linking problem

2007-05-31 Thread Simon Marlow

jeff p wrote:

 In case anyone else finds this useful...

 My linking problem was finally resolved by using the -fvia-C flag
when compiling with ghc.

Thanks to Stefan O'Rear who pointed out the possibility and wrote:

Does using -fvia-C help at all?  The C compiler understands header
files and is sometimes better equipped to resolve things.

If -fvia-C fixes your problem, then your code has a bug, strictly speaking.  If 
your foreign call requires some information from a header file, then the right 
way to call it is by making a small C wrapper function and calling that.

Bear in mind that we'll be deprecating -fvia-C in the future, and also that you 
might want your code to work in GHCi too, which doesn't read any header files 
when compiling foreign imports.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Jon Harrop
On Thursday 31 May 2007 00:10:27 Stefan O'Rear wrote:
> You said that constructing a specification is the hardest part of
> implementing Mathematica, and you also say you managed to clone it.
> Can you reveal your specification, or did WR give you a NDA?

NDA, although I did most of the reverse engineering independently beforehand. 
They use lots of nifty tricks (basically any trick that you can do easily in 
C) but there were plenty of other tricks they didn't try because they are far 
from obvious in C.

I found an interesting alternative was to keep a lazily evaluated set of the 
symbols found in each subexpression. This could be used to cull searches and 
avoid unnecessary rewriting but also had no significant performance overhead.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
OCaml for Scientists
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

This will be a long sermon. Sorry.

Lennart Augustsson writes:

Why do you seem so in awe of Mathematica?  It's just another language with
a good set of libraries.  Claims that it is the best, fastest, etc comes
from Wolfram advertising, no doubt. :)

All this discussion began to degenerate a bit (I don't know why,
but it happens almost always when people begin to speak about
Mathematica in a context far from it... There is, it seems, some
Original Sin in this business, but most of you are too young to
remember the well known Wolfram Controversy when SMP transmuted
into Mathematica...)


Mathematica made its career not as a *language*, and not immediately
as a set of libraries, but as an *integrated package* capable of doing
SYMBOLIC mathematics, with a very decent user interfacing and graphics
a bit better than its competitors.

The conditions of its career were far from obvious. The World had many
symbolic math packages: Reduce, Macsyma, Schoonschip (beloved by high-
energy physicists), Maple, Scratchpad2/Axiom, later MuSIMP/MuMATH for
small platforms, etc. The group of Wolfram knew all that, they knew that
in order to implement something reasonable, one has to fulfil several

* The algebraic expressions must have a sound design, there must be a
sufficiently universal, yet efficient representation of math formulae.
For the polynomial arithmetic this is trivial, it is one of my standard
Haskell exercices at the undergraduate level. The symbolic differentia-
tion as well.
But already the polynomial factorization may be a mess, and requires
a good deal of algorithmic knowledge. I am reluctant to believe that
anybody implemented this in 4 days... Anybody tried Zassenhaus? Not
*too* complicated, implemented in Pari and elsewhere, but quite
For general functors the *simplification* issue is not decidable. You
can't assess a given representation as "the best" formula with a given
semantics. Again, the simplifier/evaluator is a complicated part of the
package, not something you can do in a few days.
Please, have a look on the internal structure of DoCon of Sergei
Mechveliani, he did a lot of work in Haskell, and the story is still
(Let's omit the real mess, for example the Risch symbolic integration
algorithms, efficient Gröbner bases, etc.)

* First symbolic packages treated *first* the symbolic expressions as
something to be evaluated/simplified. One sees that Maple has been built
on this principle.
Mathematica changed a bit the perspective, along - perhaps - the same
lines as Schoonschip, where the fundamental stuff was *rewriting/
transformations*. So, Mathematica since the begininng was equipped with
a very powerful pattern-matcher/substitution contraption. For the sake
of efficiency it was less powerful than a general unifier, but it was
really nice (and it existed already in SMP, before the birth of
Mathematica). Now, again, somebody would do that in 4 days??
The semantic pattern-matcher within an algebraic package, is worlds
apart from the syntactic/structural pattern-matcher of Haskell.
This helped a lot to popularize Mathematica, and has been shamelessly
abused in the advertising, where our friends used to say "we DO
MATHEMATICS with computers". Non-sense, of course...

* All the numerical, standard stuff, the interface between the symbolic
and the numerical functions, with plots 2D/3D, etc. Too often people
speak about that, comparing, say, Matlab with Mathematica (while Matlab
has no symbolics, although, being a decent object-oriented language, has
tools which permitted the construction of symbolic toolboxes, the linking
of the Maple library, etc.)
Here the Mathematica team did a serious, thorough job, trying to adapt
the richness of this layer to many branches of science and engineering.
It was mainly a compilation process, they hardly added anything new, but
made a coherent, useful library. Won't repeat it in 4 days, or even in
4 months.

Is there any sense in "making Mathematica with Haskell"? As a package,
most certainly no, too much to implement, for what? In order to have
another tool of the kind which already exists?
Sergei did a feasibility study, and worked hard on the interplay between
mathematical structures and the Haskell type system.
This, surely, *IS* a useful work. And it should continue.

We (in the generic meaning of the True Believers in the Functional Church)
can implement other things, for example some formal mathematics dealing
with logic, or with the category theory, or with the computational geometry
or with (my dream) the *true* implementation of quantum calculi.

Knock, knock! Wake up, the sermon is over.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: equations and patterns

2007-05-31 Thread mingli yuan

Thanks all. I just found this list is very nice. Everybody are so friendly.



mingli yuan wrote:
> Seems mathematic axioms and pattern matching are different things.
> So how could I rewrite the equations to pattern matching? Which
> should I learn?

Haskell is more suitable for re-writing systems, which are based
on oriented equations. The question of orientation is well-described,
for example, in the book

Term Rewriting and All That
by Franz Baader, Tobias Nipkow

I should also point out Clean, where equations like associativity can
be stated -- and even proven by Clean's built-in proof assistant.

But something can be done in Haskell too. It is quite a general
technique: free term algebra. It is explained in two excellent papers,

John Hughes: The Design of a Pretty-printing Library


Ralf Hinze: Deriving Backtracking Monad Transformers (ICFP2000)

The following Haskell98 code demonstrates the technique for your
problem. Well, actually we take quite a similar problem: instead of
lattices, we take rings -- or, to be precise, Num. They have two
operations (+) and (*) which are too (usually taken to be)
associative. This property is not stated in the Num class. Rather, it
is described informally in comments. But we can deal with that property
formally and directly.

We introduce a free term algebra as follows

> data FN = N Int | Add FN FN | Mul FN FN
> deriving (Eq,Show)

and define an embedding of it in Haskell:

> instance Num FN where
> fromInteger = N . fromInteger
> (+) = Add
> (*) = Mul

So, we can write

> test1 :: FN
> test1  = (1 + 2) * 3 * 4 + 5

and see the result
Add (Mul (Mul (Add (N 1) (N 2)) (N 3)) (N 4)) (N 5)

Well, this doesn't actually do anything. It is a free term algebra
after all. We need to give it a meaning, that is, define an
observation function, or an interpreter

> -- Interpreter (the observation function): big-step semantics
> interp :: FN -> Int
> interp (N x) = x
> interp (Add x y) = interp x + interp y
> interp (Mul x y) = interp x * interp y

Now, evaluating "interp test1" gives 41.

One may question the wisdom of this round-about way of adding and
multiplying integers. Indeed, first we `compile' an arithmetic
expression to the `byte-code'. Next, we wrote a byte-code interpreter,
'interp'. The benefit is that we can insert a `byte-code optimizer'
before the interpretation. And here we may associate to the right

> mul_right :: FN -> Maybe FN
> mul_right (Mul (Mul a b) c) = Just (Mul a (Mul b c))
> mul_right x = congruence mul_right x

> test3 = closure mul_right test1

  *FreeNum> test3
  Add (Mul (Add (N 1) (N 2)) (Mul (N 3) (N 4))) (N 5)

or to the left, distribute multiplication over addition

> mul_add_distr (Mul a (Add b c)) = Just (Add (Mul a b) (Mul a c))
> mul_add_distr (Mul (Add b c) a) = Just (Add (Mul b a) (Mul c a))
> mul_add_distr x = congruence mul_add_distr x

> test4 = closure mul_add_distr test1
  *FreeNum> test4
  Add (Add (Mul (Mul (N 1) (N 3)) (N 4)) (Mul (Mul (N 2) (N 3)) (N 4))) (N

or combine arbitrary number of steps

> test5 = closure (compose mul_add_distr mul_right) test1

*FreeNum> test5
Add (Add (Mul (N 1) (Mul (N 3) (N 4))) (Mul (N 2) (Mul (N 3) (N 4 (N

Here's the complete code

-- Haskell98!

-- Free Term algebra for Nums

module FreeNum where

-- we'll use Ints as the base for simplicity
data FN = N Int | Add FN FN | Mul FN FN
  deriving (Eq,Show)

instance Num FN where
fromInteger = N . fromInteger
(+) = Add
(*) = Mul

test1 :: FN
test1  = (1 + 2) * 3 * 4 + 5

-- Interpreter (the observation function): big-step semantics
interp :: FN -> Int
interp (N x) = x
interp (Add x y) = interp x + interp y
interp (Mul x y) = interp x * interp y

test2 = interp test1

-- optimizer

-- the driver: it applies an optimization step. If it succeeded, it
-- again. Otherwise, we are finished.
-- In other words, compute the transitive closure of the optimization step

closure step term = maybe term (closure step) (step term)

congruence step (N _) = Nothing
congruence step (Add x y) = choose Add (x,step x) (y,step y)
congruence step (Mul x y) = choose Mul (x,step x) (y,step y)

-- Here's the benefit of laziness: we don't actually do step y
-- if step x succeeded
choose fn (_,Just x) (y,_)= Just $ fn x y
choose fn (x,Nothing) (_,Just y)  = Just $ fn x y
choose fn (_,Nothing) (_,Nothing) = Nothing

-- One step: associate Mul to the right
-- (a `Mul` b) `Mul` c  ==> a `Mul` (b `Mul` c)
-- or: (Mul (Mul a b) c) ==> (Mul a (Mul b c))

mul_right :: FN -> Maybe FN
mul_right (Mul (Mul a b) c) = Just (Mul a (Mul b c))
mul_right x = congruence mul_right x

-- do the opposite
mul_left :: FN -> Maybe FN
mul_left (Mul a (Mul b c)) = Just (Mul (Mul a 

[Haskell-cafe] Re: equations and patterns

2007-05-31 Thread oleg

mingli yuan wrote:
> Seems mathematic axioms and pattern matching are different things.
> So how could I rewrite the equations to pattern matching? Which technique
> should I learn?

Haskell is more suitable for re-writing systems, which are based
on oriented equations. The question of orientation is well-described,
for example, in the book

Term Rewriting and All That 
by Franz Baader, Tobias Nipkow

I should also point out Clean, where equations like associativity can
be stated -- and even proven by Clean's built-in proof assistant.

But something can be done in Haskell too. It is quite a general
technique: free term algebra. It is explained in two excellent papers,

John Hughes: The Design of a Pretty-printing Library


Ralf Hinze: Deriving Backtracking Monad Transformers (ICFP2000)

The following Haskell98 code demonstrates the technique for your
problem. Well, actually we take quite a similar problem: instead of
lattices, we take rings -- or, to be precise, Num. They have two
operations (+) and (*) which are too (usually taken to be)
associative. This property is not stated in the Num class. Rather, it
is described informally in comments. But we can deal with that property
formally and directly.

We introduce a free term algebra as follows

> data FN = N Int | Add FN FN | Mul FN FN
> deriving (Eq,Show)

and define an embedding of it in Haskell:

> instance Num FN where
> fromInteger = N . fromInteger
> (+) = Add
> (*) = Mul

So, we can write

> test1 :: FN
> test1  = (1 + 2) * 3 * 4 + 5

and see the result
Add (Mul (Mul (Add (N 1) (N 2)) (N 3)) (N 4)) (N 5)

Well, this doesn't actually do anything. It is a free term algebra
after all. We need to give it a meaning, that is, define an
observation function, or an interpreter

> -- Interpreter (the observation function): big-step semantics
> interp :: FN -> Int
> interp (N x) = x
> interp (Add x y) = interp x + interp y
> interp (Mul x y) = interp x * interp y

Now, evaluating "interp test1" gives 41.

One may question the wisdom of this round-about way of adding and
multiplying integers. Indeed, first we `compile' an arithmetic
expression to the `byte-code'. Next, we wrote a byte-code interpreter,
'interp'. The benefit is that we can insert a `byte-code optimizer'
before the interpretation. And here we may associate to the right

> mul_right :: FN -> Maybe FN
> mul_right (Mul (Mul a b) c) = Just (Mul a (Mul b c))
> mul_right x = congruence mul_right x

> test3 = closure mul_right test1

  *FreeNum> test3
  Add (Mul (Add (N 1) (N 2)) (Mul (N 3) (N 4))) (N 5)

or to the left, distribute multiplication over addition

> mul_add_distr (Mul a (Add b c)) = Just (Add (Mul a b) (Mul a c))
> mul_add_distr (Mul (Add b c) a) = Just (Add (Mul b a) (Mul c a))
> mul_add_distr x = congruence mul_add_distr x

> test4 = closure mul_add_distr test1
  *FreeNum> test4
  Add (Add (Mul (Mul (N 1) (N 3)) (N 4)) (Mul (Mul (N 2) (N 3)) (N 4))) (N 5)

or combine arbitrary number of steps

> test5 = closure (compose mul_add_distr mul_right) test1

 *FreeNum> test5
 Add (Add (Mul (N 1) (Mul (N 3) (N 4))) (Mul (N 2) (Mul (N 3) (N 4 (N 5)

Here's the complete code

-- Haskell98!

-- Free Term algebra for Nums

module FreeNum where

-- we'll use Ints as the base for simplicity
data FN = N Int | Add FN FN | Mul FN FN
  deriving (Eq,Show)

instance Num FN where
fromInteger = N . fromInteger
(+) = Add
(*) = Mul

test1 :: FN
test1  = (1 + 2) * 3 * 4 + 5

-- Interpreter (the observation function): big-step semantics
interp :: FN -> Int
interp (N x) = x
interp (Add x y) = interp x + interp y
interp (Mul x y) = interp x * interp y

test2 = interp test1

-- optimizer

-- the driver: it applies an optimization step. If it succeeded, it applies
-- again. Otherwise, we are finished.
-- In other words, compute the transitive closure of the optimization step

closure step term = maybe term (closure step) (step term)

congruence step (N _) = Nothing
congruence step (Add x y) = choose Add (x,step x) (y,step y)
congruence step (Mul x y) = choose Mul (x,step x) (y,step y)

-- Here's the benefit of laziness: we don't actually do step y 
-- if step x succeeded
choose fn (_,Just x) (y,_)= Just $ fn x y
choose fn (x,Nothing) (_,Just y)  = Just $ fn x y
choose fn (_,Nothing) (_,Nothing) = Nothing

-- One step: associate Mul to the right
-- (a `Mul` b) `Mul` c  ==> a `Mul` (b `Mul` c)
-- or: (Mul (Mul a b) c) ==> (Mul a (Mul b c))

mul_right :: FN -> Maybe FN
mul_right (Mul (Mul a b) c) = Just (Mul a (Mul b c))
mul_right x = congruence mul_right x

-- do the opposite
mul_left :: FN -> Maybe FN
mul_left (Mul a (Mul b c)) = Just (Mul (Mul a b) c)
mul_left x = congruence mul_left x

test3 = closure mul_right test1

-- Let us distribute multiplication over addition
--  a * (b+c) => a*b + a*

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
This question: 

> What is the basic philosophy for Bool being a member of Ord?


> What justifies False < True?

resulted in some answers: 

in most interpretations this equals: 

False == 0
True == 1

Although this is not a must, I would like to remind you also that
in formal math there *IS* a strong relation between the ordering
and binary 'algebraic' relation. The Boolean algebra / Boolean lattice
in a nice structure, and Ord could in principle be derived from
the login connectives. But this is a subsumption, which in Haskell
cannot be done automatically, so we do it explicitly...
See here: 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread oleg

Jon Harrop wrote:
> However, I can't think how you might return physically identical
> results when possible in Haskell.

Perhaps you might be interested then in the following function that
non-destructively updates a subterm in a large term, preserving
sharing. The function can be used to do a substitution in a term. The
function is described in

beginning with the phrase
``We start therefore with an improved term enumerator that maximally
preserves sharing. If no updates were done, the result of the
traversal is the original term itself -- rather than its
copy. Furthermore, this property holds for each subterm. The new
traversal function lets us operate on subterms in pre-order, in-order,
or post-order. More importantly, it lets us effectively span a
`canonical' spanning tree on a term, so each node can be unambiguously
identified. We do not require equality on (sub)terms.''

That was the second article in a series; please see
for the full series.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread PR Stanley

> What is the basic philosophy for Bool being a member of Ord?
you can do sth like

Data.Set.fromList [minBound .. maxBound] :: Data.Set.Set Bool
Sorry, not quite sure what you mean.
> What justifies False < True?
in most interpretations this equals:

False == 0
True == 1
Indeed, it's the same in C but what justifies the decision in Haskell?

and == (*)
or == max
not == (1 -)
a `xor` b == (a + b) `mod` 2

and not this:

False == 1
True == 0
and == max
or == (*)
not == (1 -)
a `xor` b == (a + b) `mod` 2


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Ketil Malde
On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 08:46 +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> | $ ghc htrace.hs -o htrace
> | $ ghc -O2 htrace.hs -o htrace
> | compilation IS NOT required

> Yes, I think it's a bug.  GHC should really compare the flags used
> last time with the flags used this time [...]

As an (easier) alternative, I would find it in line with my expectations
if GHC always recompiled in the absence of --make, and recompiled based
on time stamps in the presence of --make.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] enumFrom* strangeness on GHC?

2007-05-31 Thread Thomas Schilling

On 5/31/07, Felipe Almeida Lessa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

BTW, how do you usually proceed when finding out why your code said
"Segmentation fault."?  (should this question move to a new thread?)

$ gdb my_crashing_program
[wait till crush]
[on the gdb command line:]
$ bt
[prints backtrace]

If you're lucky, this helps a little. ;)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Rodrigo Queiro

It got changed to Won't Fix. Consider this a yell!

On 31/05/07, Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Incidentally, when I try to recompile with optimizations turned on, GHC
| refuses to work:
| $ ghc htrace.hs -o htrace
| $ ghc -O2 htrace.hs -o htrace
| compilation IS NOT required

Yes, I think it's a bug.  GHC should really compare the flags used last
time with the flags used this time, and recompile if they have changed.  If
enough people yell about it, we'll probably fix it!  Meanwhile opening a
Trac bug report (or perhpas feature request) would be a good start.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] updating packages

2007-05-31 Thread Thomas Schilling

Have you tried cabal-install?  It may or may not work.  (It should
have come with Cabal.)

On 5/31/07, jeff p <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


  I just moved to ghc-6.6.1and was wondering if there is an automatic
way to update the various packages I had installed previously.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

"Remember! Everytime you say 'Web 2.0' God kills a startup!" -, Jul 31, 2006
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] equations and patterns

2007-05-31 Thread Thomas Schilling

On 5/31/07, Stefan Holdermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> If you want to enforce associativity just create your own Eq
> instance and
> make it a pattern there.

Could you elaborate on that? It's still early here and I've had only
one cup of of coffee yet.



QuickCheck allows you to approximately verify properties by testing
them on randomly generated input.  The stated properties thus cannot
formally be proved, but they act as a pretty good formal
specification.  (Full automatic theorem proving for a language as
expressive as Haskell is impossible or infeasible. So we have to

prop_assocJoin x y z = join x (join y z) == join (join x y) z

-- or, more generally

associative :: (Eq a) => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a -> Bool
associative f x y z = f x (f y z) == f (f x y) z

prop_assocJoin = associative join

-- to check this for a given implementation of "join", you need to:

import Test.QuickCheck

Main> quickCheck  prop_assocJoin

This also requires that QC can generate arbitrary values of type "e".
See the QuickCheck documentation for more infos on that:

/ Thomas
"Remember! Everytime you say 'Web 2.0' God kills a startup!" -, Jul 31, 2006
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing Mathematica

2007-05-31 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| Incidentally, when I try to recompile with optimizations turned on, GHC
| refuses to work:
| $ ghc htrace.hs -o htrace
| $ ghc -O2 htrace.hs -o htrace
| compilation IS NOT required

Yes, I think it's a bug.  GHC should really compare the flags used last time 
with the flags used this time, and recompile if they have changed.  If enough 
people yell about it, we'll probably fix it!  Meanwhile opening a Trac bug 
report (or perhpas feature request) would be a good start.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] equations and patterns

2007-05-31 Thread Stefan Holdermans


If you want to enforce associativity just create your own Eq  
instance and

make it a pattern there.

Could you elaborate on that? It's still early here and I've had only  
one cup of of coffee yet.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] equations and patterns

2007-05-31 Thread Dan Mead

If you want to enforce associativity just create your own Eq instance and
make it a pattern there.

Initially when I started doing Haskell it seemed that you could just type
an equation of constructors and have it enforced as a rule. This actually
isn't the case (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but it is being researched


On 5/31/07, Stefan Holdermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> >  class Lattice e where
> >  join :: e -> e -> e
> >  meet :: e -> e -> e
> >
> >  -- associative law
> >  join x (join y z) = join (join x y) z
> >  join (join x y) z = join x (join y z)

If you are not to sell your soul to advanced and perhaps obscure type
hacking, you cannot express laws like this *in* Haskell.

More concretely, one usually does not provide such laws as default
implementations of a class' methods. Instead, they are stated in, for
instance, comments and the documentation that goes with your library.
These then form an informal obligation for programmers that provide
instances of your class to let these instances obey the laws.

If you provide an instance of the class you could use testing
framework, e.g., QuickCheck [1], to assert that the required
properties hold.




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language extensions

2007-05-31 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 05:12:48PM +0200, Henk-Jan van Tuyl wrote:
> On Wed, 30 May 2007 09:38:10 +0200, Tomasz Zielonka  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 09:43:03PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> >>Henning Thielemann wrote:
> >>>On Sun, 27 May 2007, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> But every now and then I discover an expression which is
> apparently  not expressible without them - which is odd,
> considering they're only "sugar"...
> >>>
> >>>Example?
> >>
> >>Until I learned the trick of using lists as monads, I was utterly
> >>perplexed as to how to get a Cartesian product
> >
> >This is far from not expressible:
> >cart xs ys = concatMap (\x -> map ((,) x) ys) xs
> A bit simpler is:
>   cart xs ys = [(x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]
> or:
>   cart xs ys =
> do
>   x <- xs
>   y <- ys
>   return (x, y)

I was responding to Andrew saying that computing cartesian product is
apparently not expressible without list comprehensions.

Best regards
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