Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: FallingBlocks 0.1

2009-03-27 Thread Don Stewart
 I just uploaded fallingblocks to Hackage.  It is another Tetris clone, but it
 uses SDL, and I thought there could be more SDL examples. 
 Any and all comments and suggestions will be extremely appreciated!
 There is a darcs repo at

screenshots and a wiki page plz?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-27 Thread Colin Adams
2009/3/27 Achim Schneider
 wren ng thornton wrote:

 Colin Adams wrote:
  2009/3/25 wren ng thornton
  when I look up the Haddock-generated documentation for a function, I
  DON'T appreciate it if that is in the form of a hyperlink to a
  research paper.
  And that occurs in several of the libraries shipped with GHC for
  A reference to a research paper is fine to show where the ideas came
  from, but that is not where the library documentation should be.

 Yeah, that's bad. 'Documentation' like that should be corrected with
 Extreme Prejudice.

I think I agree with that (I say I think, as I'm not sure what Extreme
Prejuidice means).

 The main problem with research papers as documentation is the papers
 usually being outdated wrt. the current library version: Literate
 Haskell is utterly underused.

That's surely a problem, and a significant one.

But what irks me is the time taken to find one small piece of
information (how to use a single function).
I would guess on average about the time to read 1/3 of the paper
(since the back matter needn't be examined).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Grouping - Map / Reduce

2009-03-27 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Well, this approach has the problem that the running sum of key k blocks
until a new value for that k arrives in the input stream.
If you wanted to know the sum of the values of each key after you got
nelements in the input stream, we could change the valuesWithKey
inner function into:

runningSumsOfValuesPerKey :: (Eq k, Num v) = [k] - [(k, v)] - [[v]]
runningSumsOfValuesPerKey allPossibleKeys = runningSums . allValuesPerKey
runningSums = map (scanl (+) 0)
allValuesPerKey pairs = [ valuesWithKey key pairs | key -
allPossibleKeys ]
valuesWithKey key = map (\(k,v) - if k==key then v else 0)

then map (!!n) on the result of runningSumsOfValuesPerKey gives you the sum
after n elements arrived.

I think if you now generalize this so you don't use 0 but mempty, mconcat
and other Monoid methods, that you might get something like Luke's trie
solution, not sure, Luke is a fair bit smarter than I am :-)

But this code is very inefficient I'm afraid, I guess the blueprint stuff
that was posted really builds a map incrementally, but I don't understand
that yet.

Ik spreek Nederlands ja ('t is te zeggen, Antwerps).

Yes I'm still learning Haskell, but I think with Haskell this is a never
ending process, since there's soo much stuff to discover and the language
evolves (which makes it both exciting and frustrating, but that's the
dilemma of knowledge anyway, the more you know the better you realize the
vast amount of knowledge that you don't know yet :-)

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 12:53 AM, Guenther Schmidt gue.schm...@web.dewrote:

 Dear Peter,

 wow, thanks, this is a very ... interesting ... approach, I hadn't thought
 about that yet ;)

 Ben je nederlands?

 In case you'd be interested to share the road to Haskell experience with
 another newbie just ask.


 Peter Verswyvelen schrieb:

  I'm also learning Haskell so the solution below might be (1) inefficient
 and (2) incorrect, but hey, let's give it a try :-)

 For simplicity, in the testing code, I assume an infinite list of
 key/value pairs where they keys are of type Char between 'a' and 'z' and the
 values are Integers (the code also seems to work for keys with just a lower
 bound but no upper bound)
  I think the code speaks for itself

 import System.Random
  runningSumsOfValuesPerKey :: (Eq k, Num v) = [k] - [(k, v)] - [[v]]
 runningSumsOfValuesPerKey allPossibleKeys = runningSums . allValuesPerKey
runningSums = map (scanl (+) 0)
allValuesPerKey pairs = [ valuesWithKey key pairs | key -
 allPossibleKeys ]
valuesWithKey key = map snd . filter ((==key) . fst)
  -- Testing
 randomPairs :: [(Char, Integer)]
 randomPairs = zip keys values
keys= randomRs ('a','z') rnd1
values  = randomRs (0,9) rnd2
(rnd1,rnd2) = split (mkStdGen 0)
  test = map (take 10) [rs `atKey` 'c', rs `atKey` 'z']
rs = runningSumsOfValuesPerKey ['a'..] randomPairs
xs `atKey` k = xs !! (fromEnum k - fromEnum 'a')

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Gregory Petrosyan
Thanks a lot for the answer!

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:36 PM, John Lato wrote:
 Languages with checked exceptions usually use them for two purposes:

 1.  Exceptional conditions - disk full, CPU on fire, etc.
 2.  Error handling - invalid arguments to a function, attempt to
 invert non-invertible matrix, etc.

Is there any good rule someone can use to decide whether it is error
or exception?
For me, this is the most important thing, because IMHO you (as library
writer) often can't
say what is it, it's up to client of your code to decide.

 Henning T., FYI your constant advocacy has gotten at least one person
 around to this view.

Can you please provide me some links about error/exception separation?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Grouping - Map / Reduce

2009-03-27 Thread jean-christophe mincke

What do you think of this?  There is perhaps a recursive call that should be
made tail recursive but it seems to work.

The 'group' function takes the list of pairs as input and outputs a list of
maps from key to sums.

The nth element of the list of maps corresponds to the grouping applied for
the elements 0n of the input list of pairs. Thus, that also works on
infinite list.

Unless I am missing sth...

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

group :: [(Int,Int)]  - Map Int Int -  [Map Int Int]
group [] amap  = []
group ((k, v):t) amap  = newmap : group t newmap
 newmap = (Map.insertWith (+) k v amap)

l = [(1,1), (2,10), (1,2), (2,11), (1,3), (2,12)]

r = group l Map.empty

rr = take 2 r

li = concat [ [(1,i), (2, 10*i)] | i - [0..] ]
ri = group li Map.empty

rri = take 20 ri



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Use unsafePerformIO to catch Exception?

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, wren ng thornton wrote:

Functions like uncons and viewL are nicer (because they're safe), but they 
can have overhead because they're unnecessarily complete (e.g. the Maybe 
wrapper can be avoided if we know a-priori that Just will be the constructor 

If you know, it's always Just, then don't use Maybe. There must be some 
point in your program, from where it is sure, that it is always Just and 
that is the point where to leave Maybe. When I searched my old code for 
fromJust and head and review it carefully, I could eliminate them in most 

In another thread (Grouping - Map/Reduce) there was a zipWithInf function 
which needed a lazy pattern match on (a:as). This indicates to me, that 
lists are the wrong data structure and it would be better to replace it by 
an always infinite list type with only one 'cons' constructor.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Use unsafePerformIO to catch Exception?

2009-03-27 Thread Jules Bean

wren ng thornton wrote:
The type of head should not be [a] - a + Error, it should be (a:[a]) - 
a. With the latter type the compiler can ensure the precondition will be 
proved before calling head, thus eliminating erroneous calls.

Yes, but you know and I know that's not haskell.

I'm talking about haskell.

In haskell - a language which does not fully support dependent types - 
head is both necessary and useful.

It's a static error, detectable statically, and yet it's deferred to the 
runtime. I'd much rather the compiler catch my errors than needing to 
create an extensive debugging suite and running it after compilation.

It is not detectable statically. It is only detectable statically for a 
class for programs.

Admittedly, for that class of programs, ndm's fine tool Catch is a 
very clever thing.

 Is this not the promise of purity?

No. Purity and partiality are orthogonal. Nobody promised pure languages 
would be total.

Functions like uncons and viewL are nicer (because they're safe), but 
they can have overhead because they're unnecessarily complete (e.g. the 
Maybe wrapper can be avoided if we know a-priori that Just will be the 
constructor used).

uncons and viewL are totally irrelevant.

They're just a convenient syntax around case matching.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Chris Kuklewicz

Jonathan Cast wrote:

Sure.  Which also points out that the original safeDiv wasn't actually
safe, since there's no guarantee of what evaluate will do with x and y.
(Actually, there's not much guarantee of what evaluate does anyway ---
just that any errors in e's definition get turned into exceptions by the
time evaluate e finishes running, or don't turn into exceptions at all).

That is not true if you mean any errors as any and all errors.

The 'evaluate' operation only forces the argument into weak head normal form 
(WHNF) not normal form (NF).  Thus 'evaluate' may succeed and then its return 
value could be examined further and only then trigger an exception.

I could easily define a new Integral type where WHNF is not NF and demonstrate 
the problem.

The solution is to use 'evaluate' only on known primitive types like Int, or on 
polymorphic data constrained to be NFDATA and use the 'rnf' strategy within the 
call to 'evaluate'.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] toSelem takes no format parameter

2009-03-27 Thread Kemps-Benedix Torsten


the toSElem function of ToSElem does not take a parameter that allows 
specification of e.g. the locale that shall be used for rendering a specific 
attribute. If one wants to change this, one also has to change setAttribute and 
the like. Do you have any plans to extend HStringTemplate in this way?


Schöne Grüße


Torsten Kemps-Benedix




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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-27 Thread Achim Schneider
Colin Adams wrote:

 2009/3/27 Achim Schneider
  wren ng thornton wrote:
  Colin Adams wrote:
   A reference to a research paper is fine to show where the ideas
   came from, but that is not where the library documentation
   should be.
  Yeah, that's bad. 'Documentation' like that should be corrected
  with Extreme Prejudice.
 I think I agree with that (I say I think, as I'm not sure what Extreme
 Prejuidice means).
Shoot err... rewrite before asking. If in doubt, annihilate.
Considering all options, just do it. Pity is a thing for judges, not
hackers. Something along those lines.

  The main problem with research papers as documentation is the papers
  usually being outdated wrt. the current library version: Literate
  Haskell is utterly underused.
 That's surely a problem, and a significant one.
 But what irks me is the time taken to find one small piece of
 information (how to use a single function).
 I would guess on average about the time to read 1/3 of the paper
 (since the back matter needn't be examined).

Hm. Yes. OTOH, I very much appreciate background information, it
usually contains very insightful information about the overall idea and
behaviour of a library. I'm by no means a domain expert for any
and every library I want to use.

In school, we were required to write both user[1] as well as
developer[2] documentation alongside to commenting our code. I tended
to loathe it, but it's very, very sensible in retrospect.

There was some discussion a while back here on the cafe about enabling
users to write additional documentation into a wikised hackage;
together with an #haskell-doc-tutor irc channel, we could have an
excellent solution to both lacking documentation as well as newbies
not being sure were to start and/or intimidated by pointless usage of
(.). Additionally, you get the chance of earning credits and naming and
shaming Haskell's godfathers[1].

[1] In the sense of using the code, either as app or library
[2] In the sense of editing/reading the code. Understanding [2] usually
involves understanding [1].
[3] Judging from his code, I guess dons' apartment looks just like
mine: Lots of left-over bits lying around that you tend to stumble
over and are unsure about why they are still there. I swear, someday
I'm going to use those two 5 1/4 floppy drives...

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread John Lato
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
 Thanks a lot for the answer!

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:36 PM, John Lato wrote:
 Languages with checked exceptions usually use them for two purposes:

 1.  Exceptional conditions - disk full, CPU on fire, etc.
 2.  Error handling - invalid arguments to a function, attempt to
 invert non-invertible matrix, etc.

 Is there any good rule someone can use to decide whether it is error
 or exception?
 For me, this is the most important thing, because IMHO you (as library
 writer) often can't
 say what is it, it's up to client of your code to decide.

An exception is caused by some sort of interaction with the run-time
system (frequently a hardware issue).  The programmer typically can't
check for these in advance, but can only attempt to recover after
they've happened.

An error is some sort of bug that should be fixed by the programmer.

There is some overlap for certain cases, notably divide by 0.
Dividing by 0 is an error, because it's something that the program
should never do, and it can be detected and dealt with by the
programmer in advance.  However most systems allow the divide function
to be called with a 0 denominator.  The function has a precondition,
meaning the onus is on the programmer to not do it, however this is
not enforced by the language.  If a program does this in error, the
result is an exception because the result is not a valid number (this
is codified with NaN for IEEE floats).  In this case, a programming
error results in an exception.  The proper solution is to fix the
source of the problem, the error, instead of trying to clean up the

 Henning T., FYI your constant advocacy has gotten at least one person
 around to this view.

 Can you please provide me some links about error/exception separation?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 12:24 +, Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
 Jonathan Cast wrote:
  Sure.  Which also points out that the original safeDiv wasn't actually
  safe, since there's no guarantee of what evaluate will do with x and y.
  (Actually, there's not much guarantee of what evaluate does anyway ---
  just that any errors in e's definition get turned into exceptions by the
  time evaluate e finishes running, or don't turn into exceptions at all).
 That is not true if you mean any errors as any and all errors.

No, that's not what I mean.  I just couldn't think of a good phrasing
for `errors that would prevent e from being evaluated to HNF'.  Which is
still a lousy phrasing.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] typeOf for polymorphic value

2009-03-27 Thread Roland Zumkeller
Hi Lennart,

This is not a real solution, but maybe helpful. The hint package
(wrapping the ghc API) has its typeOf:

cabal install hint

 import Language.Haskell.Interpreter
 runInterpreter (typeOf \\x - x)
Right t - t



On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:33 PM, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
 Using Data.Typeable.typeOf we can get a representation of the the type
 of a monomorphic value, for instance
  Prelude Data.Typeable typeOf not
  Bool - Bool

 But if we try using it on a polymorphic value it fails
  Prelude Data.Typeable typeOf id

    Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
      `Typeable a' arising from a use of `typeOf' at interactive:1:0-8
    Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

 And understandably so.  Does anyone know of a trick to accomplish `typeOf id'?
 Using something else than TypeRep as the representation, of course.

 Any tricks and existing language extensions are welcome.
 (As ghc moves towards first class polymorphic values this question
 gets more interesting.)

  -- Lennart
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Really need some help understanding a solution

2009-03-27 Thread GüŸnther Schmidt


I appreciate the contribution but I'm now more confused than ever :)

On the Co-Induction-whatever thingy: Thanks, that's certainly something 
interesting and I'll try to find out more about it.

But it looks like none of all the proposals offers a true solution, at 
least none from start to finish. The amount of data is large, but finite.

So for now, I'll just stick with my initial approach as I'm running out 
of time.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: wxAsteroids 1.0

2009-03-27 Thread Henk-Jan van Tuyl

On Thu, 26 Mar 2009 20:41:57 +0100, Henk-Jan van Tuyl

Your space ship enters an asteroid belt, try to avoid

wxAsteroids is a game demonstrating the wxHaskell GUI.

More about this at:

Maybe I should add more informationn to this:

The main purpose of this game is to learn how to use wxHaskell; it
also shows, in the main function, how a cabalized program can find its
data files.

I don't want to take the credit for this program; I took the source code
and images from the paper:
   wxHaskell - A Portable and Concise GUI Library for Haskell [1]
by Daan Leijen. If you want to learn how to use wxHaskell, I can advise
you to read this paper.

Daan gave me permission to publish the code with a BSD license.


Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk-Jan van Tuyl


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Really need some help understanding a solution

2009-03-27 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
How do you plan to consume the running sums of these data? How many
different keys do you have?
If all pure stuff fails, you can always revert to imperative techniques,
using a mutable
something  :)

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 3:18 PM, GüŸnther Schmidt gue.schm...@web.dewrote:


 I appreciate the contribution but I'm now more confused than ever :)

 On the Co-Induction-whatever thingy: Thanks, that's certainly something
 interesting and I'll try to find out more about it.

 But it looks like none of all the proposals offers a true solution, at
 least none from start to finish. The amount of data is large, but finite.

 So for now, I'll just stick with my initial approach as I'm running out of


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Conditional compilation

2009-03-27 Thread Robin Green
I am writing some code for citation support in gitit, and all the
#ifdefs I'm using to do conditional compilation are a bit tiresome.

Suppose you have the requirement that a certain feature of your
software be disable-able at compile time, to avoid having to pull in
certain dependencies (which may not be available on all platforms).
Disabling a feature may entail removing certain fields from certain
constructors (again, to avoid pulling in certain dependencies), and/or
removing certain functions from certain modules. What is the best way to
do this in Haskell?

This problem description suggests that perhaps insights from
Aspect-Oriented Programming and/or Software Product Lines may be
relevant. However, I haven't heard of much work that relates these
concepts to Haskell. Maybe this would be a good topic for an
enterprising student?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] typeOf for polymorphic value

2009-03-27 Thread Lennart Augustsson

You rock!  And you're a star!
So you must be a rock star. :)


  -- Lennart

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 5:33 AM, wrote:

 Does anyone know of a trick to accomplish `typeOf id'?
 Using something else than TypeRep as the representation, of course.

 Yes. The analysis of polymorphic types has been used in the inverse

 The enclosed code computes TypeRep of polymorphic values.
 The code returns real TypeRep. Here are a few examples:

 tt2 = mytypof not
 -- Bool - Bool

 tt3 = mytypof [True]
 -- [Bool]

 tt4 = mytypof id
 -- any1 - any1

 tt5 = mytypof []
 -- [any1]

 tt6 = mytypof const
 -- any1 - any2 - any1

 tt7 = mytypof Just
 -- any1 - Maybe any1

 tt8 = mytypof map
 -- (any1 - any2) - [any1] - [any2]

 tt9 = mytypof maybe
 -- any1 - (any2 - any1) - Maybe any2 - any1

 The code was tested on GHC 6.8.2. I don't have access to any computer
 with GHC 6.10, so I can't say how it works with that version of GHC.

 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, EmptyDataDecls #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}

 module Typeof where

 import Data.Typeable

 -- tests

 tt1 = mytypof True
 -- Bool

 tt2 = mytypof not
 -- Bool - Bool

 tt3 = mytypof [True]
 -- [Bool]

 tt4 = mytypof id
 -- any1 - any1

 tt5 = mytypof []
 -- [any1]

 tt6 = mytypof const
 -- any1 - any2 - any1

 tt7 = mytypof Just
 -- any1 - Maybe any1

 tt8 = mytypof map
 -- (any1 - any2) - [any1] - [any2]

 tt9 = mytypof maybe
 -- any1 - (any2 - any1) - Maybe any2 - any1

 class MyTypeable a where
    mytypof :: a - TypeRep

 -- Gamma is the sequence of type varaibles. It is used to assign
 -- different indices to different type variables
 instance (Analyze a result, MyTypeable' HNil gout result)
    = MyTypeable a
  mytypof a = fst $ mytypof' HNil (analyze a)

 class MyTypeable' gin gout classification | gin classification - gout where
    mytypof' :: gin - classification - (TypeRep,gout)

 instance Typeable a = MyTypeable' gin gin (TAtomic a) where
    mytypof' gin _ = (typeOf (undefined::a), gin)

 instance Typeable a = MyTypeable' gin gin (TAtomic1 a) where
    mytypof' gin _ = (typeOf (undefined::a), gin)

 instance (MyTypeable' gin g a, MyTypeable' g gout b)
    = MyTypeable' gin gout (TFunction a b) where
    mytypof' gin _ = let (tr1,g)    = mytypof' gin (undefined::a)
                         (tr2,gout) = mytypof' g (undefined::b)
                     in (mkFunTy tr1 tr2,gout)

 instance (MyTypeable' gin g c, MyTypeable' g gout a)
    = MyTypeable' gin gout (TConstructed c a) where
    mytypof' gin _ = let (tr1,g)    = mytypof' gin (undefined::c)
                         (tr2,gout) = mytypof' g (undefined::a)
                     in (mkTyConApp (typeRepTyCon tr1) [tr2],gout)

 instance (HIndex a gin n, MyTypeable'' n gin gout (TVariable a))
          = MyTypeable' gin gout (TVariable a) where
    mytypof' = mytypof'' (undefined::n)

 class MyTypeable'' n gin gout classification | n gin classification -gout 
    mytypof'' :: n - gin - classification - (TypeRep,gout)

 instance HLen gin n1 = MyTypeable'' Z gin (HCons a gin) (TVariable a) where
    mytypof'' _ gin _ = (mkany (undefined::S n1),
                         HCons (undefined::a) gin)

 instance Nat n = MyTypeable'' (S n) gin gin (TVariable a) where
    mytypof'' _ gin _ = (mkany (undefined::S n), gin)

 mkany :: Nat n = n - TypeRep
 mkany n = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon ts) []
  ts = any ++ show (nat n)

 -- Lookup the index of an item x in the list l
 -- The index is 1-based. If not found, return 0
 class Nat n = HIndex x l n | x l - n

 instance HIndex x HNil Z

 instance (Nat n, TypeEq x a f, HIndex' f x (HCons a l) n)
    = HIndex x (HCons a l) n

 class HIndex' f x l n | f x l - n

 instance HLen l n = HIndex' HTrue x l n
 instance HIndex x l n = HIndex' HFalse x (HCons a l) n

 -- Length of a list
 class Nat n = HLen l n | l - n
 instance HLen HNil Z
 instance HLen l n = HLen (HCons a l) (S n)

 -- Analyze a type

 -- Result of the type analysis
 data TAtomic a
 data TVariable a
 data TFunction a b
 data TConstructed c  a

 -- only one level: kind * - *
 data TAtomic1 a
 data TVariable1 a

 data Level1 a

 data W a = W a

 -- We can have more levels, cf Typeable2, etc.

 class Analyze a b | a - b
 analyze:: Analyze a b = a - b
 analyze = undefined

 instance TypeCast f (TAtomic Int)  = Analyze Int f
 instance TypeCast f (TAtomic Bool) = Analyze Bool f
 instance TypeCast f (TAtomic Char) = Analyze Char f

 instance TypeCast f (TAtomic Int)  = Analyze (W Int) f
 instance TypeCast f (TAtomic Bool) = Analyze (W Bool) f
 instance TypeCast f (TAtomic Char) = Analyze (W Char) f

 instance (Analyze (c x) rx, Analyze (d y) ry, TypeCast f (TFunction rx ry))
    = Analyze (c 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Conditional compilation

2009-03-27 Thread Sean Leather
Hi Robin,

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 16:13, Robin Green wrote:

 Suppose you have the requirement that a certain feature of your
 software be disable-able at compile time, to avoid having to pull in
 certain dependencies (which may not be available on all platforms).
 Disabling a feature may entail removing certain fields from certain
 constructors (again, to avoid pulling in certain dependencies), and/or
 removing certain functions from certain modules. What is the best way to
 do this in Haskell?

I don't know, but...

This problem description suggests that perhaps insights from
 Aspect-Oriented Programming and/or Software Product Lines may be
 relevant. However, I haven't heard of much work that relates these
 concepts to Haskell. Maybe this would be a good topic for an
 enterprising student?

I would love to see Haskell SPLs developed with feature-oriented programming
concepts [1,2]. Only it would be much better if compositions were type-safe.

I don't want aspects as they are presented in AspectJ (i.e. dynamic,
hazardous). But everybody has their own definition of aspect these days.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Arch Linux now provides more than 1000 Haskell libraries and apps

2009-03-27 Thread Don Stewart
A small milestone in the packaging business:

More than 1000 Haskell packages packaged up for Arch Linux.

Hackage now has 1163 (+41) Haskell packages, of which 1007 (+33) have
been natively packaged for Arch in AUR. That’s 33 new packages in two
weeks, and lots of updates as well.

Read this week's updates on the blog.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth John Lato,

 An exception is caused by some sort of interaction with the run-time
 system (frequently a hardware issue).  The programmer typically can't
 check for these in advance, but can only attempt to recover after
 they've happened.

 An error is some sort of bug that should be fixed by the programmer.

I have never felt that I really understood that one.

What about invalid inputs?  Say someone encounters a disk full error,
and the resulting partly written file is now unreadable data for its
intended application because of an invalid file encoding?  Is that
an exception, or a bug that should be fixed?

My guess is that you'll say it's a bug, i.e., that application's
file decoding result should be an Either type that anticipates that
the file encoding may be invalid.

I will also guess if the file is unreadable because of an external
I/O problem like no read access to file or filesystem, you would
similarly expect this to be treated like that - I mean, ideally, e.g.,
hGetLine :: Handle - IO (Either IOError String)

Does that make sense so far?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Darcs - dependencies between repositories (aka forests)

2009-03-27 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
With Cabal we have this nice dependency system: when you install a package,
it installs missing but requires packages.
How do you solve this with Darcs? I hate it that I must manually figure out
the dependencies, and then do a darcs get on them individually.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] about Haskell code written to be too smart

2009-03-27 Thread Claus Reinke

Continuing our adventures into stylistic and semantic differences:-)

Can you write this analysis on the wiki?

Hmm, we tried that in the past, and I haven't seen any indication
that people search for those things, let alone find them (one particular
example I recalled I still haven't been able to find on the wiki..).

So I'll try a different approach this time: instead of copying emails
to the wiki, I've created a page for collecting and documenting 
examples of equational reasoning in practice. Please add your
favourites!-) Hopefully, the description of the examples will 
provide sufficient search keywords to make this page findable,

and the linked examples from there; there are category links as well.

Over to you, wiki style!-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 09:31 -0700, Donn Cave wrote:
 Quoth John Lato,
  An exception is caused by some sort of interaction with the run-time
  system (frequently a hardware issue).  The programmer typically can't
  check for these in advance, but can only attempt to recover after
  they've happened.
  An error is some sort of bug that should be fixed by the programmer.
 I have never felt that I really understood that one.
 What about invalid inputs?  Say someone encounters a disk full error,
 and the resulting partly written file is now unreadable data for its
 intended application because of an invalid file encoding?  Is that
 an exception, or a bug that should be fixed?

NB: Of course it's a bug: if the disk is full, the partially written
file should be discarded and the previous version retained.  I'm not
going to hold you accountable for Unix's bugs, though.

 My guess is that you'll say it's a bug,

I think you mean `exception' here.

 i.e., that application's
 file decoding result should be an Either type that anticipates that
 the file encoding may be invalid.

This is pretty standard, I thought.  Do people write Haskell file input
methods that are undefined (`throw exceptions') on invalid inputs (e.g.,
do people use read to parse input from users or the file system[1])?

 I will also guess if the file is unreadable because of an external
 I/O problem like no read access to file or filesystem, you would
 similarly expect this to be treated like that - I mean, ideally, e.g.,
 hGetLine :: Handle - IO (Either IOError String)

IO is an exception monad already.  I don't think there's an objection to
throwing exceptions with throwIO and catching them in IO; my objection,
at least, is to designing your program to throw exceptions from
(ostensibly...) *pure* code and catch those in IO, in a live

 Does that make sense so far?


[1] This post should not be taken as an endorsement of the use of the
Read class for any purpose, nor as an endorsement of its continued
existence in the standard library.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Gregory Petrosyan
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Donn Cave wrote:
 Quoth John Lato,

 An exception is caused by some sort of interaction with the run-time
 system (frequently a hardware issue).  The programmer typically can't
 check for these in advance, but can only attempt to recover after
 they've happened.

 An error is some sort of bug that should be fixed by the programmer.

 I have never felt that I really understood that one.

Me too :-)

BTW, John, how often do you encounter _hardware_ issues compared to errors?

Is an out of memory thing an error or exception?
You will say exception, for sure, wouldn't you? :-) And if it is a
result of applying
known-to-be-very-memory-hungry algorithms to non-trivial input? Looks like
programmer's error, doesn't it?

And I think I can provide lots of similar examples.

If there exists separation between errors and exceptions, it should be
very strong
and evident — otherwise casual programmers like myself will need to
stare at the
ceiling every time they write something to decide what suits best.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 20:38 +0300, Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Donn Cave wrote:
  Quoth John Lato,
  An exception is caused by some sort of interaction with the run-time
  system (frequently a hardware issue).  The programmer typically can't
  check for these in advance, but can only attempt to recover after
  they've happened.
  An error is some sort of bug that should be fixed by the programmer.
  I have never felt that I really understood that one.
 Me too :-)
 BTW, John, how often do you encounter _hardware_ issues compared to errors?

Can't speak for anyone else, but I usually encounter hardware issues
just before I replace the hardware...

 Is an out of memory thing an error or exception?
 You will say exception, for sure, wouldn't you? :-)

No.  GHC possesses an out-of-memory exception that (IIRC) it never
throws, because it's simply not worth trying to recover from heap
exhaustion.  Maybe 20 years ago it was, but these days a program that
manages to exhaust space is almost certainly either buggy or poorly

An `error' is any condition where the correct response is for the
programmer to change the source code :)

 And if it is a
 result of applying
 known-to-be-very-memory-hungry algorithms to non-trivial input? Looks like
 programmer's error, doesn't it?

See above.

 And I think I can provide lots of similar examples.
 If there exists separation between errors and exceptions, it should be
 very strong
 and evident — otherwise casual programmers like myself will need to
 stare at the
 ceiling every time they write something to decide what suits best.

Protip: try pacing instead of staring at the ceiling.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] wxHaskell

2009-03-27 Thread Tsunkiet Man

I've just installed wxHaskell as follow:

- Download wxHaskell from the following page: and downloaded the binairy
version for Windows XP.
- Registered using the batch file provided.

Now I have this small program from my education page that I want to run just
to make sure my installation is correct. ( I've also got Helium
(2003) and winHugs (sept 2006) (I'm so sorry for using the old versions, but
I just can't find new versions) My GHC compiler is version: GHC 6.10.1 and
my wxHaskell is named like:
(If you need more information just contact me)

Now my error message in winHugs is: And if

ERROR file:.\Balls.hs - Can't find imported module Graphics.UI.WX

And if I run that in Helium I get some error message that the . in
Graphics.UI.WX is unexpected. (Which means by my views that it didn't
import wxHaskell.)

And if I run it in ghci it compiles perfect. So I thought let's type in
main to start it in a interpreter. So I get the following: I don't think that
program is running correctly. Can someone point out what went wrong or what
I am doing wrong?

And some small question, do I always have to compile those programs in order
for it to run correctly?

Thanks for your time and effort!

Tsunkiet Man
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Jonathan Cast,

 An `error' is any condition where the correct response is for the
 programmer to change the source code :)

That's a broad category, that overlaps with conditions where there
are one or more correct responses for the original program as well.

If I throw exceptions within the type system, using IO or whatever,
and at some later time observe that I have caught one that would
have been better handled closer to its source, for example.  I've
already technically satisfied my requirement, since everything is
in an exception monad, but the exception is still a bug.

Or if I catch an non-IO error using Control.Exception.catch (if I
were using ghc), and take advantage of the opportunity to release
locks, post various notices, etc. - I evidently have a bug, but I
also may need to have a programmed response for it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: HackMail 0.0 -- Procmail + Monads = Awesome!

2009-03-27 Thread Joe Fredette

I'm happy to announce my very second Hackage upload!*

HackMail is a Procmail-alike, though it doesn't (yet) support promail 
syntax. It dynamically loads a haskell source file (literate or vanilla, 
eithers okay) and then sits as a daemon watching a directory for new 
emails. The source file contains a function which sorts email and 
delivers it to some directory. As well as some configuration data.

Not everything is working just yet -- the program is operational, but 
still lacking some of the features I want, namely a pipe mode, and some 
other things. It also uses a homebrew email parser, and lacks Haddock 
and Tests, but I wanted to release it mostly for 
comments/questions/helpful criticism from interested parties.

Also, I wanted to upload something to hackage... It's a good feeling.

Questions/Comments/Donations of Money, Vestal Virgins, or Cookies welcome!

Package is on Hackage @
Source is on Patch-tag @
/Joe Fredette

* (I uploaded a little tool called addLicenseInfo to test out the 
procedure, so... yah.)
fn:Joseph Fredette
adr:Apartment #3;;6 Dean Street;Worcester;Massachusetts;01609;United States of America

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] wxHaskell

2009-03-27 Thread Henk-Jan van Tuyl
On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 19:35:05 +0100, Tsunkiet Man  


I've just installed wxHaskell as follow:

- Download wxHaskell from the following page: and downloaded the  

version for Windows XP.
- Registered using the batch file provided.

Now I have this small program from my education page that I want to run  

to make sure my installation is correct. ( I've also got Helium
(2003) and winHugs (sept 2006) (I'm so sorry for using the old versions,  
I just can't find new versions) My GHC compiler is version: GHC 6.10.1  
my wxHaskell is named like:

(If you need more information just contact me)

Now my error message in winHugs is: And if

ERROR file:.\Balls.hs - Can't find imported module Graphics.UI.WX

And if I run that in Helium I get some error message that the . in
Graphics.UI.WX is unexpected. (Which means by my views that it didn't
import wxHaskell.)

And if I run it in ghci it compiles perfect. So I thought let's type in
main to start it in a interpreter. So I get the following: I don't think that
program is running correctly. Can someone point out what went wrong or  

I am doing wrong?

And some small question, do I always have to compile those programs in  

for it to run correctly?

Thanks for your time and effort!

Tsunkiet Man

You have installed wxHaskell for GHC only; I don't know how to install it  
for the other implementations. The window seems OK, to see balls dropping,  
click on the window.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk-Jan van Tuyl


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread Gü?nther Schmidt


um, well, I'm not even sure if I have correctly understood this.

Some of the memoizing functions, they actually remember stuff 
*between* calls?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Gü?nther,

Friday, March 27, 2009, 11:30:41 PM, you wrote:

 Some of the memoizing functions, they actually remember stuff
 *between* calls?

what i've seen in haskell - functions relying on lazy datastructures
that ensure computation on first usage so this looks exactly like as

power 2 n | n=0  n100 = powersOfTwo!n
power x y = x^y

powersOfTwo = array (0,99) [2^n | n - [0..99] ]

it's almost exact definition from ghc Prelude

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] want to upgrade to 6.10.1 ghc

2009-03-27 Thread Vasili I. Galchin

  I am running Ubuntu Linux. I have forgotten what is the preferred
means of upgrading. Download the source and compile it using my current
compiler .. 6.8.2?

Regards, Vasili
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread GüŸnther Schmidt

Hi Bulat,

that is so cool!


Bulat Ziganshin schrieb:

Hello Gü?nther,

Friday, March 27, 2009, 11:30:41 PM, you wrote:

Some of the memoizing functions, they actually remember stuff
*between* calls?

what i've seen in haskell - functions relying on lazy datastructures
that ensure computation on first usage so this looks exactly like as

power 2 n | n=0  n100 = powersOfTwo!n
power x y = x^y

powersOfTwo = array (0,99) [2^n | n - [0..99] ]

it's almost exact definition from ghc Prelude

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] want to upgrade to 6.10.1 ghc

2009-03-27 Thread Jochem Berndsen
Vasili I. Galchin wrote:
 I am running Ubuntu Linux. I have forgotten what is the preferred
 means of upgrading. Download the source and compile it using my current
 compiler .. 6.8.2?

I would recommend to download the binary distribution for your
architecture, unpack it and install it.


Jochem Berndsen |
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread Kirk Martinez
It seems there is a very close correspondence between data structures and
functions in Haskell.  Your powersOfTwo function, since it gets memoized
automatically (is this the case for all functions of zero arguments?), seems
exactly like a data structure.  This harks back to my Scheme days when we
learned about the close relationship between code and data.

I wonder: does the converse exist?  Haskell data constructors which are
really functions?  How and for what might one use those?


On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 1:58 PM, GüŸnther Schmidt gue.schm...@web.dewrote:

 Hi Bulat,

 that is so cool!


 Bulat Ziganshin schrieb:

 Hello Gü?nther,

 Friday, March 27, 2009, 11:30:41 PM, you wrote:

  Some of the memoizing functions, they actually remember stuff
 *between* calls?

 what i've seen in haskell - functions relying on lazy datastructures
 that ensure computation on first usage so this looks exactly like as

 power 2 n | n=0  n100 = powersOfTwo!n
 power x y = x^y

 powersOfTwo = array (0,99) [2^n | n - [0..99] ]

 it's almost exact definition from ghc Prelude

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Use unsafePerformIO to catch Exception?

2009-03-27 Thread John Lato
 From: Jules Bean
 wren ng thornton wrote:
 The type of head should not be [a] - a + Error, it should be (a:[a]) -
 a. With the latter type the compiler can ensure the precondition will be
 proved before calling head, thus eliminating erroneous calls.

 Yes, but you know and I know that's not haskell.

 I'm talking about haskell.

 In haskell - a language which does not fully support dependent types -
 head is both necessary and useful.

I could follow the rest of this, but I don't understand why 'head' is
necessary.  Couldn't you always replace it with a case statement, with
undefined on [] if necessary?

I won't deny that it's extremely useful, though!

John Lato
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 14:26 -0700, Kirk Martinez wrote:
 Your powersOfTwo function, since it gets memoized automatically (is
 this the case for all functions of zero arguments?),

It is the case for all functions which have zero arguments *at the time
they are presented to the code generator*.  The infamous evil
monomorphism restriction arises from the fact that overloaded
expressions, such as

negative_one = exp(pi * sqrt(-1))

look like functions of zero arguments, but are not, and hence do not get
memoized.  This behavior was considered sufficiently surprising, when it
was discovered in early Haskell compilers, that the construct was
outlawed from the language entirely.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Use unsafePerformIO to catch Exception?

2009-03-27 Thread Jason Dusek
2009/03/27 John Lato
 From: Jules Bean
  wren ng thornton wrote:
   The type of head should not be [a] - a + Error, it should
   be (a:[a]) - a. With the latter type the compiler can
   ensure the precondition will be proved before calling
   head, thus eliminating erroneous calls.
  Yes, but you know and I know that's not haskell.
  I'm talking about haskell.
  In haskell - a language which does not fully support
  dependent types - head is both necessary and useful.

 I could follow the rest of this, but I don't understand why
 'head' is necessary.  Couldn't you always replace it with a
 case statement, with undefined on [] if necessary?

  How would that be any different from head?

Jason Dusek
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] wxHaskell

2009-03-27 Thread Tsunkiet Man
Oh yes, it works. I'm sorry for not noticing how this application works.

Now I really wonder how I can implement that into winHugs and other GUI's =)

Thank you for your response.

2009/3/27 Henk-Jan van Tuyl

  On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 19:35:05 +0100, Tsunkiet Man


 I've just installed wxHaskell as follow:

 - Download wxHaskell from the following page: and downloaded the
 version for Windows XP.
 - Registered using the batch file provided.

 Now I have this small program from my education page that I want to run
 to make sure my installation is correct. ( I've also got Helium
 (2003) and winHugs (sept 2006) (I'm so sorry for using the old versions,
 I just can't find new versions) My GHC compiler is version: GHC 6.10.1 and
 my wxHaskell is named like:
 (If you need more information just contact me)

 Now my error message in winHugs is: And if

 ERROR file:.\Balls.hs - Can't find imported module Graphics.UI.WX

 And if I run that in Helium I get some error message that the . in
 Graphics.UI.WX is unexpected. (Which means by my views that it didn't
 import wxHaskell.)

 And if I run it in ghci it compiles perfect. So I thought let's type in
 main to start it in a interpreter. So I get the following: I don't think that
 program is running correctly. Can someone point out what went wrong or
 I am doing wrong?

 And some small question, do I always have to compile those programs in
 for it to run correctly?

 Thanks for your time and effort!

 Tsunkiet Man

 You have installed wxHaskell for GHC only; I don't know how to install it
 for the other implementations. The window seems OK, to see balls dropping,
 click on the window.

 Met vriendelijke groet,
 Henk-Jan van Tuyl


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Use unsafePerformIO to catch Exception?

2009-03-27 Thread John Lato
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Jason Dusek wrote:
 2009/03/27 John Lato
 From: Jules Bean
  wren ng thornton wrote:
   The type of head should not be [a] - a + Error, it should
   be (a:[a]) - a. With the latter type the compiler can
   ensure the precondition will be proved before calling
   head, thus eliminating erroneous calls.
  Yes, but you know and I know that's not haskell.
  I'm talking about haskell.
  In haskell - a language which does not fully support
  dependent types - head is both necessary and useful.

 I could follow the rest of this, but I don't understand why
 'head' is necessary.  Couldn't you always replace it with a
 case statement, with undefined on [] if necessary?

  How would that be any different from head?

That's what I'm asking.  It was claimed that 'head' is a necessary
function, but I don't see why.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread David Menendez
2009/3/27 Kirk Martinez
 It seems there is a very close correspondence between data structures and
 functions in Haskell.  Your powersOfTwo function, since it gets memoized
 automatically (is this the case for all functions of zero arguments?), seems
 exactly like a data structure.

That's because it is. It's an array whose elements are computed on demand.

  This harks back to my Scheme days when we
 learned about the close relationship between code and data.

 I wonder: does the converse exist?  Haskell data constructors which are
 really functions?  How and for what might one use those?

Sure. You can use Church encoding to represent any Haskell data type
as a function.

Dave Menendez
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Internationalization of Haskell code

2009-03-27 Thread Vasyl Pasternak
In my blog,
I've described
process of internationalization Haskell programms using GNU GetText. I
wrote hgettext tool and
Text.I18N.GetText library to help with internationalization (latest sources on

A bit later I plan to put it to hackage and wiki (waiting for account).

Best regards,
Vasyl Pasternak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread Dan Piponi
2009/3/27 Kirk Martinez

 I wonder: does the converse exist?  Haskell data constructors which are
 really functions?  How and for what might one use those?

You might enjoy reading about the use of tries for memoisation. Conal
Elliott explains nicely how you can an isomorphism between certain
types of function and certain types of tree structure:

It's neat because the rules for constructing the isomorphism are just
like some well known rules of high school algebra, but interpreted in
a new way.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread Jeremy Shaw

I've seen it done explicitly as is shown in the code below. 'f' in
'longest' is the function which is being memoized by the 'dp'. It's
pretty slick, IMO.

(not sure where this code came from. Also I may have broken it, but
you get the idea):

module Diff where

import Data.Array

-- * Dynamic Programming

dp :: (Ix a) = (a,a) - ((a-b) - a - b) - a - b
dp bounds f = (memo!)
where memo = tabulate bounds (f (memo!))

tabulate :: (Ix a) = (a,a) - (a - b) - Array a b
tabulate bounds f = array bounds [(i,f i) | i - range bounds]

-- * Two-way diff

-- NOTE: I copied lcs/longest off the web somewhere, not sure what the license 
lcs :: Ord a = [a] - [a] - [(Int, Int)]
lcs xs ys = snd $ longest lenx leny xarr yarr (0,0)
lenx = length xs
leny = length ys
xarr = listArray (0,lenx-1) xs
yarr = listArray (0,leny-1) ys

longest :: Ord a
= Int - Int
- Array Int a
- Array Int a - (Int, Int)
- (Int, [(Int, Int)])
longest a b c d| a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` False = undefined
longest lenx leny xarr yarr = dp ((0,0),(lenx,leny)) f
f rec (x,y)
  | x'ge'lenx  y'ge'leny = (0, [])
  | x'ge'lenx  = y'
  | y'ge'leny  = x'
  | xarr ! x == yarr ! y   = max (match $ rec (x+1,y+1)) m
  | otherwise  = m
m = max y' x'
x'ge'lenx = x = lenx
y'ge'leny = y = leny

y' = miss (rec (x,y+1))
x' = miss (rec (x+1,y))
match (n,xs) = (n+1, (x,y):xs)
miss = id
--miss z (n,xs) = (n,z:xs)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: toSelem takes no format parameter

2009-03-27 Thread Sterling Clover
If you have a type that requires a format string, the proper place to  
pass that string in is not the toSElem method. Rather, one should  
construct a ToSElem instance that wraps the item in an (STSH .  
STShow) constructor. The item itself then should be made an instance  
of StringTemplateShows, with an appropriate  
stringTemplateFormattedShow method. It's a bit of plumbing, I'll  
grant, but allows for setting the format where it should be -- in the  
template itself.

If, on the other hand, you simply want to apply the locale to the  
attribute as you pass it in to the template, then you can just pack  
them together in a tuple or a record, and write a ToSElem instance  
for that.


On Mar 27, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Kemps-Benedix Torsten wrote:


the toSElem function of ToSElem does not take a parameter that  
allows specification of e.g. the locale that shall be used for  
rendering a specific attribute. If one wants to change this, one  
also has to change setAttribute and the like. Do you have any plans  
to extend HStringTemplate in this way?

Schöne Grüße

Torsten Kemps-Benedix

SKS Unternehmensberatung GmbH  Co KG
Geheimrat-Hummel-Platz 4
D-65239 Hochheim am Main
M +49.163.36017.01
T +49.700.36017.000
F +49.700.36017.011

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread Gü?nther Schmidt

Hi Dan,

yep, I've come across that one too and wouldn't you know it, the by now 
infamous Luke Palmer has left an interesting insight on that blog too :).

So I reckon here the cycle closes.


Dan Piponi schrieb:

2009/3/27 Kirk Martinez

I wonder: does the converse exist?  Haskell data constructors which are
really functions?  How and for what might one use those?

You might enjoy reading about the use of tries for memoisation. Conal
Elliott explains nicely how you can an isomorphism between certain
types of function and certain types of tree structure:

It's neat because the rules for constructing the isomorphism are just
like some well known rules of high school algebra, but interpreted in
a new way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions

2009-03-27 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

Kirk Martinez wrote:
It seems there is a very close correspondence between data structures 
and functions in Haskell.  Your powersOfTwo function, since it gets 
memoized automatically (is this the case for all functions of zero 
arguments?), seems exactly like a data structure.  This harks back to my 
Scheme days when we learned about the close relationship between code 
and data.

You might also find Neil's blog post about CAFs interesting:

Fijne avond,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Internationalization of Haskell code

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sat, 28 Mar 2009, Vasyl Pasternak wrote:

In my blog,
I've described
process of internationalization Haskell programms using GNU GetText. I
wrote hgettext tool and
Text.I18N.GetText library to help with internationalization (latest sources on

Thanks for working on that issue! The German translation is fine. I have 
recently written a Wiki article on how to avoid IO in Haskell code without 
resorting to unsafePerformIO where I incidentally chose gettext as an 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Internationalization of Haskell code

2009-03-27 Thread minh thu
2009/3/28 Henning Thielemann

 On Sat, 28 Mar 2009, Vasyl Pasternak wrote:

 In my blog,
 I've described
 process of internationalization Haskell programms using GNU GetText. I
 wrote hgettext tool and
 Text.I18N.GetText library to help with internationalization (latest
 sources on

 Thanks for working on that issue! The German translation is fine. I have
 recently written a Wiki article on how to avoid IO in Haskell code without
 resorting to unsafePerformIO where I incidentally chose gettext as an

Hi Henning,
Did you mean to paste the link to the wiki here ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] The infamous evil monomorphism restriction (was: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions)

2009-03-27 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
From a previous email in the beginners list I more or less understood that
the monomorphism restriction will not exist anymore in Haskell Prime.

Is this correct?

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Jonathan Cast

 On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 14:26 -0700, Kirk Martinez wrote:
  Your powersOfTwo function, since it gets memoized automatically (is
  this the case for all functions of zero arguments?),

 It is the case for all functions which have zero arguments *at the time
 they are presented to the code generator*.  The infamous evil
 monomorphism restriction arises from the fact that overloaded
 expressions, such as

negative_one = exp(pi * sqrt(-1))

 look like functions of zero arguments, but are not, and hence do not get
 memoized.  This behavior was considered sufficiently surprising, when it
 was discovered in early Haskell compilers, that the construct was
 outlawed from the language entirely.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: The infamous evil monomorphism restriction (was: A bit of a shock - Memoizing functions)

2009-03-27 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
I kind a mention this because it might be easy for a polymorphic CAF to do
memoization so its value gets computed maximum once per type, e.g (quick and
dirty code follows)
import   Data.Typeable
import   Data.IORef
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import   System.IO.Unsafe
import   Debug.Trace

fooCache :: IORef (M.IntMap a)
fooCache = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef M.empty

foo :: (Typeable a, Num a) = a
foo = unsafePerformIO $ do
   key - typeRepKey (typeOf value)
   atomicModifyIORef fooCache (updateCache key)
   value = trace foo is computed $ 42
   updateCache key cache =
 case key `M.lookup` cache of
   Just n - (cache, trace foo was cached n)
   Nothing - (M.insert key value cache, value)

A compiler (and Haskellers more clever than myself) could certainly come up
with something much more efficient here.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 12:51 AM, Peter Verswyvelen

 From a previous email in the beginners list I more or less understood that
the monomorphism restriction will not exist anymore in Haskell Prime.
 Is this correct?
 On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Jonathan Cast

 On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 14:26 -0700, Kirk Martinez wrote:
  Your powersOfTwo function, since it gets memoized automatically (is
  this the case for all functions of zero arguments?),

 It is the case for all functions which have zero arguments *at the time
 they are presented to the code generator*.  The infamous evil
 monomorphism restriction arises from the fact that overloaded
 expressions, such as

negative_one = exp(pi * sqrt(-1))

 look like functions of zero arguments, but are not, and hence do not get
 memoized.  This behavior was considered sufficiently surprising, when it
 was discovered in early Haskell compilers, that the construct was
 outlawed from the language entirely.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Internationalization of Haskell code

2009-03-27 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 12:20:04AM +0200, Vasyl Pasternak wrote:
 In my blog,
 I've described
 process of internationalization Haskell programms using GNU GetText. I
 wrote hgettext tool and
 Text.I18N.GetText library to help with internationalization (latest sources on

That's just plain awesome. It's getting harder to avoid success.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann
Jonathan Cast schrieb:

 i.e., that application's
 file decoding result should be an Either type that anticipates that
 the file encoding may be invalid.
 This is pretty standard, I thought.  Do people write Haskell file input
 methods that are undefined (`throw exceptions') on invalid inputs (e.g.,
 do people use read to parse input from users or the file system[1])?


  case reads str of
 [(x, )] - Just x
 _ - Nothing

you are safe. (I think it's now available as maybeRead.)

In general, relying on a well-formed input file is an error. However, if
your program detects a format error in file input, it could throw an
exception. But this means that your program must be prepared for these

 I will also guess if the file is unreadable because of an external
 I/O problem like no read access to file or filesystem, you would
 similarly expect this to be treated like that - I mean, ideally, e.g.,
 hGetLine :: Handle - IO (Either IOError String)
 IO is an exception monad already.  I don't think there's an objection to
 throwing exceptions with throwIO and catching them in IO; my objection,
 at least, is to designing your program to throw exceptions from
 (ostensibly...) *pure* code and catch those in IO, in a live

Actually, I really object to have exception handling built into IO
monad. Especially with extensible-exceptions package you can hide which
kinds of exceptions can occur in a piece of code, which is a bad thing.
When it comes to lazy I/O, which is problematic in itself, it is better
to have explicit exceptions (i.e. IO (Either IOError String)) on top of
exception-free IO. See the recent thread on safe lazy I/O:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, John Lato wrote:

Henning T., FYI your constant advocacy has gotten at least one person
around to this view.

I'm glad that it is not (only) perceived as annoyance. :-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Use unsafePerformIO to catch Exception?

2009-03-27 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 12:26 +0100, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, wren ng thornton wrote:
  Functions like uncons and viewL are nicer (because they're safe), but they 
  can have overhead because they're unnecessarily complete (e.g. the Maybe 
  wrapper can be avoided if we know a-priori that Just will be the 
 If you know, it's always Just, then don't use Maybe. There must be some 
 point in your program, from where it is sure, that it is always Just and 
 that is the point where to leave Maybe. When I searched my old code for 
 fromJust and head and review it carefully, I could eliminate them in most 
 In another thread (Grouping - Map/Reduce)

Yes, grouping is the one where I most often find the need for head or
partial patterns. The function group produces a list of non-empty lists
but that is not reflected in the type. On the other hand, actually
reflecting it in the type would make it more awkward:

group :: Eq a = [a] - [(a,[a])]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Donn Cave wrote:

Quoth Jonathan Cast,

An `error' is any condition where the correct response is for the
programmer to change the source code :)

That's a broad category, that overlaps with conditions where there
are one or more correct responses for the original program as well.

If I throw exceptions within the type system, using IO or whatever,
and at some later time observe that I have caught one that would
have been better handled closer to its source, for example.  I've
already technically satisfied my requirement, since everything is
in an exception monad, but the exception is still a bug.

I don't understand this one.

Or if I catch an non-IO error using Control.Exception.catch (if I
were using ghc), and take advantage of the opportunity to release
locks, post various notices, etc. - I evidently have a bug, but I
also may need to have a programmed response for it.

The usual example against clear separation of exceptions and errors is the 
web server which catches 'error's in order to keep running. However, the 
web server starts its parts as threads, and whenever one thread runs into 
an 'error', it is terminated, just like an external shell program, that 
terminates with a segmentation fault. So, yes an error might be turned 
into an exception, but these are rare cases. In general it is hard or 
impossible to correctly clean up after an error, because the error occured 
due to something that you as programmer didn't respect. The error 
handler could well make things worse by freeing memory that is already 
deallocated and so on.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Conditional compilation

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Robin Green wrote:

I am writing some code for citation support in gitit, and all the
#ifdefs I'm using to do conditional compilation are a bit tiresome.

I live well without CPP in Haskell. When I need conditional compilation I 
create two directories with modules of the same names in it. Then I set 
Hs-Source-Dirs conditionally in Cabal.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] is there any reason why Language.C.Syntax.AST.CTranslUnit doesn't derive show?

2009-03-27 Thread Anatoly Yakovenko
is there any reason why Language.C.Syntax.AST.CTranslUnit doesn't
derive show?  I would like to look at the data structure it generates.
 It's a lot easier to experiment it when i can write a template C
file, print out the AST and then modify that data structure directly,
instead of trying to grok the library.

Thanks for your great work btw, the parser is pretty sweet.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Use unsafePerformIO to catch Exception?

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Jason Dusek wrote:

2009/03/27 John Lato

I could follow the rest of this, but I don't understand why
'head' is necessary.  Couldn't you always replace it with a
case statement, with undefined on [] if necessary?

 How would that be any different from head?

The psychological advantage is, that you had to do something with the case 
[] and programmers hopefully hesitate more to write 'error' than to write 
'head'. :-) Practically, if you have no better idea than writing 'error', 
you would write an error message that is more specific than head: empty 
list, which makes debugging easier.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Really need some help understanding a solution

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, wren ng thornton wrote:

Thomas Hartman wrote:

Luke, does your explanation to Guenther have anything to do with
coinduction? -- the property that a producer gives a little bit of
output at each step of recursion, which a consumer can than crunch in
a lazy way?

It has more to do with tying the knot (using laziness to define values in 
terms of themselves), though there are similarities. Take the function:

   infZipWith f ~(x:xs) ~(y:ys) = f x y : infZipWith f xs ys

What about using a custom list type, that has only one constructor like 
(:), that is, a type for infinite lists?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: is there any reason why Language.C.Syntax.AST.CTranslUnit doesn't derive show?

2009-03-27 Thread Anatoly Yakovenko
ah, i am guessing its because you can use Data.Generics.gshow to do
the same thing.  Seems like that library will come in handy when
manipulating the AST, pretty cool stuff.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Anatoly Yakovenko wrote:
 is there any reason why Language.C.Syntax.AST.CTranslUnit doesn't
 derive show?  I would like to look at the data structure it generates.
  It's a lot easier to experiment it when i can write a template C
 file, print out the AST and then modify that data structure directly,
 instead of trying to grok the library.

 Thanks for your great work btw, the parser is pretty sweet.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Really need some help understanding a solution

2009-03-27 Thread Luke Palmer
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

 On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, wren ng thornton wrote:

  Thomas Hartman wrote:

 Luke, does your explanation to Guenther have anything to do with
 coinduction? -- the property that a producer gives a little bit of
 output at each step of recursion, which a consumer can than crunch in
 a lazy way?

 It has more to do with tying the knot (using laziness to define values
 in terms of themselves), though there are similarities. Take the function:

   infZipWith f ~(x:xs) ~(y:ys) = f x y : infZipWith f xs ys

 What about using a custom list type, that has only one constructor like
 (:), that is, a type for infinite lists?

Yes, that would be more correct.  However, the lazy pattern match would
still be necessary, because single-constructor types are lifted.  And as
long as you're doing that, you might as well go all the way to an infinite
binary trie.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haxr doesn't compile from cabal (HTTP 4000 breaks it)

2009-03-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

Most breakage caused by new HTTP package is due to the renaming from 
Response to Response_String and Request to Request_String. I think it was 
not a good idea to do that. There could have well be two types named 
Response from different modules, one with a type parameter and the other 
one without. Or the parametrized variant could have be named 
ResponseGeneric or so. That would have allowed packages to work both with 
version 3001 and 4000.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread John Lato
 From: Donn Cave
 Quoth John Lato,

 An exception is caused by some sort of interaction with the run-time
 system (frequently a hardware issue).  The programmer typically can't
 check for these in advance, but can only attempt to recover after
 they've happened.

 An error is some sort of bug that should be fixed by the programmer.

 I have never felt that I really understood that one.

Honestly, me neither, until recently.  I'm only barely starting to
understand it, and I do think there's a great deal of overlap.  Even
if an error is a bug that can be fixed by the programmer, certain
exceptional situations can also be fixed by the programmer by handling
the exception, even if they can't be detected in advance.

In general I would say that I agree with JCC's responses.

 What about invalid inputs?  Say someone encounters a disk full error,
 and the resulting partly written file is now unreadable data for its
 intended application because of an invalid file encoding?  Is that
 an exception, or a bug that should be fixed?

 My guess is that you'll say it's a bug, i.e., that application's
 file decoding result should be an Either type that anticipates that
 the file encoding may be invalid.

Not necessarily.  I would be satisfied with a Maybe :)  I've
encountered malformed data frequently enough that any decoders I write
(and I have done so recently) would anticipate invalid data.

 I will also guess if the file is unreadable because of an external
 I/O problem like no read access to file or filesystem, you would
 similarly expect this to be treated like that - I mean, ideally, e.g.,
 hGetLine :: Handle - IO (Either IOError String)

Not necessarily, but possibly.  The big difference, of course, is that
decoding can be a pure operation, while reading never is.

I personally wouldn't mind if hGetLine had the type you give.  The way
I see it, there are two advantages to exceptions in this case.  The
first is that it's very easy for exceptions to trickle up and be
handled at a higher level.  The second 'advantage' is that the
programmer doesn't need to explicitly handle exceptions, whereas an
Either would require at least a pattern match to use the resulting

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Robert Greayer

Henning Thielemann wrote:
 The usual example against clear separation of exceptions and errors is the 
 web server which catches 'error's in order to keep running. 
 However, the web server starts its parts as threads, and whenever one thread 
 runs into an 'error', it is terminated, just like an external shell
 program, that terminates with a segmentation fault. So, yes an error might be 
 turned into an exception, but these are rare cases. In 
 general it is hard or impossible to correctly clean up after an error, 
 because the error occured due to something that you as programmer
 didn't respect. The error handler could well make things worse by freeing 
 memory that is already deallocated and so on.

I don't see that as an argument against 'clear separation', really.  Having 
_some_ way of dealing an error (from within a program), in special 
circumstances doesn't preclude clearly separating how it's done from exception 
handling.  I always find it jarring when an HUnit test I've run tells me it 
encountered an 'exception', when I'm testing pure code (nevertheless I'd also 
find it annoying if the entire test run terminated because of a failed pattern 

With respect to the last point - isn't proving that a given program can't 
corrupt its own RTS possible, even in the presence of errors?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haddock GSoC project

2009-03-27 Thread Isaac Dupree
Okay, I've written a draft Haddock-GSOC application: would any of you like to 
review it / suggest how it could be improved? (or should I just submit it to 
Google?)  I'm particularly wondering whether my proposed time-line seems 
realistic. -Isaac

* What is the goal of the project you propose to do? 

To improve Haddock, the Haskell documentation tool, both substantively in the 
short term and to be better factored in the long term.

* Can you give some more detailed design of what precisely you intend to 

Resolve many Haddock Trac tickets.  Specific projects: Make cross-package 
documentation work; and refactor the comment-parsing out of GHC and into the 
Haddock code-base.

* What deliverables do you think are reasonable targets? Can you outline 
an approximate schedule of milestones? 

In the first week I will get Haddock and GHC compilation and patch-making set 
up, fix some minor bugs and send/apply the fixes.

Next I will start to determine and converse about the implementation 
difficulties with making Haddock work across packages.  At the same time, I'll 
continue working on more minor bugs/features (increasing my familiarity with 
the code and with the coding process).

By the end of June I hope to get cross-module docs working. [Is this a 
realistic goal?]

By this time, I'll have some familiarity with the parsing code (having fixed 
some of its bugs/infelicities), and I can confront the problem of how to 
refactor the comment-parsing out of GHC.  I can imagine I might only be able 
to find a partial solution easily, but I'll do whatever I have time for.  
Optimistic timeline to finish this by the end of July; if I get ahead of 
schedule, I'm sure I'll know enough about Haddock's infelicities by then to 
know other mini-projects that would be worth doing.  For example, I could 
improve the layout of the index page Haddock generates (Python docs do it 
better, for reference, according to

Due to the process of testing my changes, I might even write some 
documentation, if I see an atrociously documented function in some library :-)

* In what ways will this project benefit the wider Haskell community? 

Better documentation (documentation that is less difficult to successfully 
write) makes everything flow more smoothly in source-code-land.  Especially 
core (even Haskell-98) library documentation has broken multiple times due to 
Haddock deficiency, and other library authors suffer from everything from 
annotations not working, to Haddock-2 parsing being more strict, to... every 
possible issue, really.

The cross-package documentation failure specifically makes people reluctant to 
refactoring into smaller packages, even when that would increase code re-use.

Making Haddock/GHC more composable should make it easier for everyone to make 
small improvements to Haddock, without delving into GHC as much.  Perhaps it 
might even make possible some new tool different from Haddock that looks at 
information in comments, should someone desire such a thing.

* What relevant experience do you have? e.g. Have you coded anything in 
Haskell? Have you contributed to any other open source software? Been studying 
advanced courses in a related topic? 

I substantially improved Spiderweb Software's scenario-editor for Blades of 
Avernum (once they made it open-source), adding 3D support and other 
improvements.  (C programming language).

I worked on Battle for Wesnoth scenarios some, and I hacked on the C++ code 
for lexing/parsing their markup language, and I learned my lesson when I 
failed to coordinate successfully with the development team. :-)  They used 
Doxygen to document their code, though it was not used nearly as thoroughly 
(at least, not back a few years ago) as a lot of Haskell code is documented 

I hacked on GHC, and this code has been committed: I improved the parsing of 
negative unboxed literals, and I refactored several places in the code that 
used language extensions unnecessarily.  Also I've contributed to discussions 
on Haskell development mailing-lists over the years (leading to at least one 
bug-fix), and reported several more bugs in Trac as I ran into them while 
hacking in Haskell.

I took an advanced-level Artificial Intelligence class in which I programmed in 
Haskell and got an A.  I've read many research papers related to Haskell or 
compilation.  I've used Darcs; I've used Linux and followed its open-source 
coordination travails for four years now (formerly I used Mac OS).  I know 
(X)HTML and CSS well enough to write my own W3C-validated webpage (and my 
parents work in web-design so I hear a lot about it), so I should be able to 
work on Haddock's HTML-generating code easily.

* In what ways do you envisage interacting with the wider Haskell 
community during your project? e.g. How would you seek help on something your 
mentor wasn't able to deal with? How will you get others 

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Definition of tail recursive wrt Folds

2009-03-27 Thread Ben Franksen
Mark Spezzano wrote:
 Just looking at the definitions for foldr and foldl I see that foldl is
 (apparently) tail recursive while foldr is not.
 Is it because foldl defers calling itself until last whereas foldr
 evaluates itself as it runs?
 What, strictly speaking, is the definition of ”tail recursive” as opposed
 to just “recursive”?

An application of some function f inside another function g is in 'tail
position' (or a 'tail call') if the result of applying f is the result of
g. Operationally speaking, calling f is the very last thing g does. Tail
calls can be optimized by a compiler (or interpreter) so that the call does
not use additional stack; that is, the call can be replaced by a jump.

A function is called ”tail recursive” (as opposed to just “recursive”) if
the recursive call to itself is in tail position. If the compiler performs
tail call optimization, tail recursive functions can work with constant
stack space, similar to a (imperative) loop.

Looking at a definition of foldl, e.g.

foldl f z0 xs0 = lgo z0 xs0 where
  lgo z [] =  z
  lgo z (x:xs) = lgo (f z x) xs

you see that lgo calls itself in tail position, thus is tail recursive. In
contrast, foldr can be defined as

foldr k z xs = go xs where
  go [] = z
  go (y:ys) = y `k` go ys

where you see that the result of go is not the recursive call to go.
Instead, the result is  y `k` go ys . Thus, foldr is not tail recursive.

So, if you are saying that foldl defers calling itself until last whereas
foldr evaluates itself as it runs then you got the right idea, I think.
The point is that foldr still needs to do something (namely to apply  (y
`k`)) to the result of applying itself. It needs to remember to do so, and
thus the stack grows linearly with the size of the list.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Darcs - dependencies between repositories (aka forests)

2009-03-27 Thread Simon Michael
I assume cabal install darcs isn't what you're looking for.. can you 
give a real-world example ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parallel term reduction---solution

2009-03-27 Thread John D. Ramsdell
On February 1, I sent a message to this list asking for advice on how
to write a parallel term reduction system.  I now have a semi-explicit
parallelised version of a term reduction system that makes effective
use of multiple CPUs.  The enclosed code describes the solution, even
though its performance on the example reduction rule does not show a
speed up.

In the actual reduction system. profiling shows that 99% of the
runtime and 98% of the allocations occur in the equivalent of the
branch function below, for a representative test case.  It's no
surprise that just one parallel function, parMap, is all that's


 module Main (main) where

 import System.Time (ClockTime(..), getClockTime)
 import Data.Tree (Tree(..), flatten)
 import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
 import Control.Parallel

The reduction system takes a rule, a step count, and an initial value,
and computes a tree of reductions.

 reduce :: (Eq a, Monad m) = (a - [a]) - Int - a - m (Tree a)
 reduce rule limit root =
 step rule limit [top] [top]
  top = Item { item = root, parent = Nothing }

The Item data structure stores the information about a reduction step
in a form that can be used to construct the final answer as a tree.

 data Eq a = Item a
 = Item { item :: a,
  parent :: Maybe (Item a) }

 instance Eq a = Eq (Item a) where
 x == y = item x == item y

The step function is where nearly all of the time is used.  It is
called as:

  step rule limit seen todo

where seen is the items already seen, and todo is the items on the
queue.  The order of the items in the seen list is irrelevant, because
the tree is assembled as a post processing step.

 step :: (Eq a, Monad m) = (a - [a]) - Int -
 [Item a] - [Item a] - m (Tree a)
 step _ _ seen [] = tree seen
 step rule limit seen todo =
 combine rule seen limit [] [] (parMap (branch rule seen) todo)

Each branch of the rule derivation tree can be evaluated in parallel.
Furthermore, most of the checking to see if an item has been seen
before can be done in parallel.

 branch :: Eq a = (a - [a]) - [Item a] - Item a - Reduct a
 branch rule seen parent =
 Reduct parent (seqList kids)
   kids = [ kid | kid - rule (item parent), not (dejaVu kid seen) ]

This data structure ensures as much computation as possible is done in

 data Eq a = Reduct a = Reduct !(Item a) ![a]

Has x been seen before?

 dejaVu :: Eq a = a - [Item a] - Bool
 dejaVu x seen = any (\i- x == item i) seen

Combine the results of one level of the rule derivation tree.  The
combination function is not associative, so there are no opportunities
for parallelisation.

 combine :: (Eq a, Monad m) = (a - [a]) - [Item a] - Int -
[Item a] - [Item a] - [Reduct a] - m (Tree a)
 combine rule seen' limit seen todo [] =
 step rule limit (seen ++ seen') (reverse todo)
 combine _ _ limit _ _ _
 | limit = 0 = fail Step limit exceeded
 combine rule oseen limit seen todo (Reduct p kids : reducts) =
 combine rule oseen (limit - 1) seen' todo' reducts
   (seen', todo') = foldr f (seen, todo) kids
   f kid (seen, todo) =
   if dejaVu kid seen then
   (seen, todo)
   (x:seen, x:todo)
 x = Item { item = kid, parent = Just p }

 seqList :: [a] - [a]
 seqList xs =
 loop xs
   loop [] = xs
   loop (y : ys) = seq y (loop ys)

 parMap :: (a - b) - [a] - [b]
 parMap _ [] = []
 parMap f (x:xs) =
 par y (pseq ys (y:ys))
   y = f x
   ys = parMap f xs

The next two functions assemble the answer into a tree.
Sequential search is just fine for tree building.

 tree :: (Eq a, Monad m) = [Item a] - m (Tree a)
 tree items =
 case filter (isNothing . parent) items of
   [root] - return (build items (item root))
   _ - fail bad tree

 build :: Eq a = [Item a] - a - Tree a
 build items root =
 Node { rootLabel = root,
subForest = map (build items . item) children }
   children = filter child items
   child i = maybe False ((== root) . item) (parent i)

A silly rule

 rule :: Int - [Int]
 rule n = filter (= 0) [n - 1, n `quot` 2, n `quot` 3]

 secDiff :: ClockTime - ClockTime - Float
 secDiff (TOD secs1 psecs1) (TOD secs2 psecs2)
 = fromInteger (psecs2 - psecs1) / 1e12 + fromInteger (secs2 - secs1)

 main :: IO ()
 main =
   t0 - getClockTime
   t - reduce rule 2 5000
   let ns = length (flatten t)
   t1 - getClockTime
   putStrLn $ length:  ++ show ns
   putStrLn $ time:  ++ show (secDiff t0 t1) ++  seconds

The makefile

PROG= parreduce
GHCFLAGS = -Wall -package containers -package parallel -threaded \
 -fno-warn-name-shadowing -O

%:  %.lhs
ghc $(GHCFLAGS) -o $@ $


-rm *.o *.hi $(PROG)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exception handling in numeric computations

2009-03-27 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Henning Thielemann,
 On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Donn Cave wrote:

 Quoth Jonathan Cast,

 An `error' is any condition where the correct response is for the
 programmer to change the source code :)

 That's a broad category, that overlaps with conditions where there
 are one or more correct responses for the original program as well.

 If I throw exceptions within the type system, using IO or whatever,
 and at some later time observe that I have caught one that would
 have been better handled closer to its source, for example.  I've
 already technically satisfied my requirement, since everything is
 in an exception monad, but the exception is still a bug.

 I don't understand this one.

A lame attempt to demonstrate that condition where [a] correct
response is to change the code applies to too many cases to be
useful.  (And that there are no cases where [the only] correct
response is to change the code.)

 Or if I catch an non-IO error using Control.Exception.catch (if I
 were using ghc), and take advantage of the opportunity to release
 locks, post various notices, etc. - I evidently have a bug, but I
 also may need to have a programmed response for it.

 The usual example against clear separation of exceptions and errors is the 
 web server which catches 'error's in order to keep running. However, the 
 web server starts its parts as threads, and whenever one thread runs into 
 an 'error', it is terminated, just like an external shell program, that 
 terminates with a segmentation fault. So, yes an error might be turned 
 into an exception, but these are rare cases. In general it is hard or 
 impossible to correctly clean up after an error, because the error occured 
 due to something that you as programmer didn't respect. The error 
 handler could well make things worse by freeing memory that is already 
 deallocated and so on.

But you'd have to weigh that against the consequences of not continuing.

I can certainly see the attraction of the exception monad treatment
for anticipated errors.  It might tend to obscure a central computation
for the sake of handling a lot of weird little errors that may never
actually be encountered, and doesn't it occasionally have a problem
with making things strict that didn't already need to be?  but at least
it makes it easier to reason about the code in terms that include errors.

And I'm using nhc98 lately, so no Control.Exception.catch for me, but
if I had it, I'd use it, just like I wear a helmet when I ride my
bicycle or motorcycle.


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