Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-22 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

 One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence and/or logical
 proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much as you can, ask
 from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all, existence can often be
 proved by demonstrating an example, while non-existence proofs tend to be
 much more profound.  And stick to your open-minded disbelief until you
 really see evidence or logical rigor.  If the architect gets flustered and
 embarrassed, he may well go on the attack.  After all, bravado signals weak
 ego, which can quickly become a cornered animal.  So pay attention to his
 stress level, and help his salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know
 more about the evidence and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful to
 stay in your integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness, nor
 representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you really

Thanks Conal for that sagely advice.

I recently asked my local conversation expert how to deal with passive
aggressive people/managers, and he gave similar advice.  He said that
when someone is dragging their feet or providing excuses, change the
conversation into one about problem solving.  Instead of continuing to
make the request, ask what it would take for the request to be
possible.  I think your advice is exactly that, just in a slightly
different context.

Also, in the times when the speaker understands the problem better
than myself, I tend to learn something new about the problem domain
that, whether it is a show stopper or not, is a significant issue to

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Putting unit tests in cabal files (Was Re: [Haskell-cafe] HUnit)

2009-05-22 Thread Magnus Therning
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Vasili I. Galchin wrote:

     I have some code with several test cases that use HUnit. I added hunit
 as one of my cabal dependencies but cabal complained with:

 Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
 hutil -any

 What am I doing incorrectly?

Would you mind posting your .cabal file too?

The reson I'm asking is that I've so far _never_ put any information
about unit tests or quickcheck tests in my .cabal file, simply because
I don't want the executables to be picked up by automatic package
converters such as cabal2arch.  Instead I have a makefile for building
my test programs.

If you have some way of keeping information about building of tests in
your .cabal I'd be very interested in seeing it.


Magnus Therning(OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)  Jabber:|twitter: magthe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-22 Thread Conal Elliott

 One flimsy argument I often hear is It wouldn't work because how ..., or
 because what   As if a question were an argument. I call this rather
 popular tactic proof by ignorance or proof by lack of imagination.

I just remembered another popular variation on this bogus argument. If you
question someone's claim of impossibility (or the only possibility), they
may retort: Well, then how would you do it?  The Game here is that if you
don't have an answer, the other guy is right!  I don't know why people
perpetrate and fall for this game.  One response I like is to affirm the
question.  Yeah, how indeed!  Anyone have some creative ideas?  Who wants
to brainstorm?  I gather that some people are terribly uncomfortable
without certainty.  If you take away their certainty, they demand an
immediate replacement!  These folks will suck the creativity out of a room
if they can, because creativity requires curiosity, and curiosity requires
willingness not to know.

  - Conal

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

 Hi Michael,

 I'm going to hazard a guess.  Please let me know how accurate it is.

 When asked to justify his design, the lead software architect explains
 everything that *wouldn't* work. We couldn't have a unique key for every
 entry because blah blah blah. We couldn't use a garbage collector because
 blah blah. We couldn't write a sugar layer because then you have to document
 it separately blah blah. So the chosen design seems to be the only thing
 left after eliminating everything you can't do.

 My guess is that your software architect is making flimsy arguments.  It's
 usually very difficult to prove that something *wouldn't* work.  In my
 experience, people make blanket statements about what cannot work, when the
 truth is that they just don't know how and don't have the imagination or
 will even to entertain the possibility of ways that they can't yet see.
 Instead of using logic and evidence, these people bolster their claims
 (often mistakenly called arguments) by putting across confident language
 (obviously, clearly, without a doubt), body posture, facial
 expression, and voice tone.  When someone is on solid ground, these bravado
 tactics are unnecessary.  (I think of obviously, etc as words that are
 useful only when inaccurate.  See

 One flimsy argument I often hear is It wouldn't work because how ..., or
 because what   As if a question were an argument.  I call this rather
 popular tactic proof by ignorance or proof by lack of imagination. I
 don't know where people get the idea that this sort of thing is rational.
 If I'm ever tempted to give it any weight, I think of Arthur Hoppe's proof
 of the existence of God: If there's no God, then who pops up the next

 Some of my favorite quotes on this dynamic:

 Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. -

 They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can
 see nothing but sea. - Francis Bacon

 To be positive: To be mistaken at the top of one's voice. Ambrose

 The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the
 continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge.
 - Daniel J. Boorstin

 One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence and/or logical
 proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much as you can, ask
 from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all, existence can often be
 proved by demonstrating an example, while non-existence proofs tend to be
 much more profound.  And stick to your open-minded disbelief until you
 really see evidence or logical rigor.  If the architect gets flustered and
 embarrassed, he may well go on the attack.  After all, bravado signals weak
 ego, which can quickly become a cornered animal.  So pay attention to his
 stress level, and help his salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know
 more about the evidence and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful to
 stay in your integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness, nor
 representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you really

 Whether or not my guess is accurate or my advice relevant, good luck!  I'd
 love to hear how this situation develops.

- Conal

 On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Michael Mossey 

 This is not directly related to Haskell, but it's a thought that occurred
 to me after exposure to the Haskell community.

 I've spent most of the past 15 years doing scientific programming. The
 lead software architect and software managers are using good software
 engineering practice, though (this is *scientific* programming, not
 *programming by scientists*, ha ha). But, there is a particular culture in
 my company that has become more obvious to me by contrast to the Haskell

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-22 Thread Conal Elliott

 Instead of continuing to
 make the request, ask what it would take for the request to be

Thanks, Jason.  I like this shift.  It moves the dynamic away from a tightly
confined yes/no (and often win/lose) to an expansive *how*.  It welcomes
collaboration in finding something better than either yes or no to the
original request, in that both/all parties' needs can be addressed, not just

  - Conal

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

  One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence and/or logical
  proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much as you can, ask
  from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all, existence can often
  proved by demonstrating an example, while non-existence proofs tend to be
  much more profound.  And stick to your open-minded disbelief until you
  really see evidence or logical rigor.  If the architect gets flustered
  embarrassed, he may well go on the attack.  After all, bravado signals
  ego, which can quickly become a cornered animal.  So pay attention to his
  stress level, and help his salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know
  more about the evidence and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful
  stay in your integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness,
  representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you

 Thanks Conal for that sagely advice.

 I recently asked my local conversation expert how to deal with passive
 aggressive people/managers, and he gave similar advice.  He said that
 when someone is dragging their feet or providing excuses, change the
 conversation into one about problem solving.  Instead of continuing to
 make the request, ask what it would take for the request to be
 possible.  I think your advice is exactly that, just in a slightly
 different context.

 Also, in the times when the speaker understands the problem better
 than myself, I tend to learn something new about the problem domain
 that, whether it is a show stopper or not, is a significant issue to


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-22 Thread Michael Mossey

Conal Elliott wrote:

Hi Michael,

I'm going to hazard a guess.  Please let me know how accurate it is.


I think you described this situation well. You must know this kind of
person---I'm sure there's more than one in the world!

When asked to justify his design, the lead software architect explains
everything that *wouldn't* work. We couldn't have a unique key for
every entry because blah blah blah. We couldn't use a garbage collector
because blah blah. We couldn't write a sugar layer because then you have
to document it separately blah blah. So the chosen design seems to be
the only thing left after eliminating everything you can't do.

My guess is that your software architect is making flimsy arguments. 
It's usually very difficult to prove that something *wouldn't* work.  In
 my experience, people make blanket statements about what cannot work, 
when the truth is that they just don't know how and don't have the 
imagination or will even to entertain the possibility of ways that they

 can't yet see.

Yes, that's the impression I get from this guy. His personality causes him
to derive absolute rules or blanket statements from experience, instead of
a more gentle kind of wisdom. The more experience he gets, the more he's
full of constraining rules. So I really did mean to say that his design is
the ONLY thing possible after eliminating everything that won't fit with
his rules.

Instead of using logic and evidence, these people bolster their claims
(often mistakenly called arguments) by putting across confident
language (obviously, clearly, without a doubt), body posture,
facial expression, and voice tone.  When someone is on solid ground,
these bravado tactics are unnecessary.

You got it---the guy is great at winning debates because he is very
confident and can so quickly poke holes (what *seem* to be holes) in any
other position. Moreover, his confidence is why he is lead software
architect... managers are impressed by alpha males and tend to be alpha
males themselves.

Some of my favorite quotes on this dynamic:

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. - Voltaire

They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see
nothing but sea. - Francis Bacon

To be positive: To be mistaken at the top of one's voice. Ambrose 

The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the 
continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of 
knowledge. - Daniel J. Boorstin

Good quotes. I was trying to get across this idea of imagination,
creativity, finding solutions in unlikely places.

Here's another one:

The whole trouble with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
certain of themselves, and wiser people, always so full of doubts.
- Bertrand Russell

advice One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence
and/or logical proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much
as you can, ask from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all,
existence can often be proved by demonstrating an example, while
non-existence proofs tend to be much more profound.  And stick to your
open-minded disbelief until you really see evidence or logical rigor.
If the architect gets flustered and embarrassed, he may well go on the
attack. After all, bravado signals weak ego, which can quickly become a
cornered animal.  So pay attention to his stress level, and help his
salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know more about the evidence
and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful to stay in your
integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness, nor
representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you
really do. /advice

That's good advice. I'm not sure how well this situation can work because
I'm one of these people who is full of doubts, which I regard as
ultimately a positive trait, but it makes me poor at debate. (I know you
are not suggesting I debate him, but he wants to turn everything into a
debate, and it takes a very level-headed outgoing person to keep up with him.)

The best result from this experience is that I can improve my *own* design 
process. For example, I'm working on a personal project related to music, 
and after a few weeks of design, I realized that my thinking had turned 
into design by negation. I felt unhappy with every choice, and started to 
think of the design as the unhappy, but least unhappy, compromise. This is 
probably an old habit of mine. So I want to shift my thinking, by listing 
goals for the design, and finding ways to meet all of them. Win-win instead 
of lose-lose.

Based on a previous reply, I think some people think this sounds like vapid 
cheerleading, but I think you would agree with me that life (and software) 
always offers more possibilities when we engage our imagination with hope 
and energy, not giving up too soon, being willing to sit with problems for 
a time without a definite conclusion.


Re: [Haskell-cafe] Introducing Instances in GHC point releases

2009-05-22 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 21:30 -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
 Duncan Coutts wrote:
  On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 15:22 -0700, Alexander Dunlap wrote:
  Since those types come out of the time library, and that library's
  version *has* been bumped (I assume), couldn't you use Cabal to
  condition on the version of the time library to determine whether or
  not to have CPP set a -DTYPEABLE_IN_TIME flag, and then #ifdef out
  your versions of the instances?
  I was about to suggest this:
  #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,1,2)
 That would be slick.  I'll give that a whirl.  What version of Cabal
 does GHC 6.8 come from,


 and where can I read about the above feature?

The user guide, section Creating a package, subsection Conditional

 I imagine I may have to wrap the above in a __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ test for
 GHC 6.8 or something.

Again, there's no direct relationship between the version of ghc and the
version of Cabal (though there is some correlation).

 Though if *cabal* and not GHC generates it, isn't that a bit hurting to
 my portability?  (Can't just ghc --make with it, or ghci on it directly
 anymore, etc.)

True. People have been asking for a way to get cabal to invoke ghci with
all the right flags, which is a reasonable idea.

  because Cabal 1.6+ generates these cpp macros for you. Note that relying
  on the value of __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ would be wrong because the version
  of the time library is not directly related to the version of ghc.
 Yeah, but when you've got nothing else to go on, it sometimes works in a

Aye, it's ok for the people you don't upgrade things separately, and
those people are less likely to be able to work out how to fix things.

 I guess my larger point is just a plea to the community: please be
 really careful about what you do to GHC in point releases.  This is not
 the first issue that has screwed me in the GHC 6.10.x point releases.
 GHC (and the community) used to be really good about this.  Is there
 something causing a regression here, or is it my imagination?

Yes, we're loosening the connection between ghc and the non-core
packages, so that package maintainers make releases rather than the ghc
maintainers doing so.

What we're currently missing is a PVP checker: a tool to compare APIs of
package versions and check that it is following the PVP. Ideally, we
will have packages opt-in to follow the PVP for those packages that do
opt-in we have the PVP enforced on hackage using the checker tool. Since
the HP is almost certainly going to require packages to follow the PVP
then this should eliminate this class of mistakes. But it does need the
tool, and nobody is working on that at the moment.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Introducing Instances in GHC point releases

2009-05-22 Thread Neil Brown

Duncan Coutts wrote:

What we're currently missing is a PVP checker: a tool to compare APIs of
package versions and check that it is following the PVP. Ideally, we
will have packages opt-in to follow the PVP for those packages that do
opt-in we have the PVP enforced on hackage using the checker tool. Since
the HP is almost certainly going to require packages to follow the PVP
then this should eliminate this class of mistakes. But it does need the
tool, and nobody is working on that at the moment.
Recently, I wanted to compare two branches of one of my libraries to see 
what API changes I had made.  My low-tech solution was to do a two-line 
hack on haddock so that it sorts the modules before generating Hoogle 
documentation, and then to compare (with diff) the two hoogle 
documentation files between the branches.  The Hoogle format just seems 
to be a list of definitions with types, classes and instances -- so it 
seems to fit the bill.

I imagine it's not foolproof, but perhaps this could be a quick fix, at 
least as a heuristic for a package maintainer (hoogle-diff suggests you 
may have altered something, please check before continuing to upload)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Introducing Instances in GHC point releases

2009-05-22 Thread Henning Thielemann
John Goerzen schrieb:
 So this is annoying (CCing -cafe)
 I need NominalDiffTime and UTCTime to have Typeable instances.  In
 6.10.1, they didn't ship with them out of the box, so I added them.
 Apparently, in 6.10.3, they DO ship with those instances out of the box.
 Annoyingly, that means that my code breaks on 6.10.3.

After having conflicting instances several times with some types in the
past, I came to the conclusion that I should never define orphan
instances. Can you restrict your package to 6.10.3 where an official
instance is available?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A problem with par and modules boundaries...

2009-05-22 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Freitag 22 Mai 2009 04:59:51 schrieb Mario Blažević:
 I'll cut to the chase. The short program below works perfectly: when I
 compile it with -O2 -threaded and run with +RTS -N2 command-line options, I
 get a nearly 50% real-time improvement:

 $ time ./primes-test +RTS -N2

 real  0m9.307s
 user  0m16.581s
 sys   0m0.200s

 However, if I move the `parallelize' definition into another module and
 import that module, the performance is completely lost:

 $ time ./primes-test +RTS -N2

 real  0m15.282s
 user  0m15.165s
 sys   0m0.080s

 I'm confused. I know that `par` must be able work across modules
 boundaries, because Control.Parallel.Strategies is a module and presumably
 it works. What am I doing wrong?

You forgot

{-# INLINE parallelize #-}

For me, that works.

  module Main where
  import Control.Parallel
  import Data.List (find)
  import Data.Maybe (maybe)
  --import Parallelizable
  parallelize a b = a `par` (b `pseq` (a, b))
  test :: Integer - Integer - Integer
  test n1 n2 = let (p1, p2) = parallelize
 (product $ factors $ product [1..n1])
 (product $ factors $ product [1..n2])
   in p2 `div` p1
  factors n = maybe [n] (\k- (k : factors (n `div` k)))
(find (\k- n `mod` k == 0) [2 .. n - 1])
  main = print (test 5000 5001)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Putting unit tests in cabal files (Was Re: [Haskell-cafe] HUnit)

2009-05-22 Thread Henning Thielemann
Magnus Therning schrieb:
 On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Vasili I. Galchin 

 I have some code with several test cases that use HUnit. I added hunit
 as one of my cabal dependencies but cabal complained with:

 Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
 hutil -any

 What am I doing incorrectly?
 Would you mind posting your .cabal file too?
 The reson I'm asking is that I've so far _never_ put any information
 about unit tests or quickcheck tests in my .cabal file, simply because
 I don't want the executables to be picked up by automatic package
 converters such as cabal2arch.  Instead I have a makefile for building
 my test programs.
 If you have some way of keeping information about building of tests in
 your .cabal I'd be very interested in seeing it.

I define and use Cabal flag buildTests and use

Executable test
  If flag(buildTests)
Build-Depends: HUnit
Buildable: False
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A problem with par and modules boundaries...

2009-05-22 Thread Don Stewart
Answer recorded at:
 Am Freitag 22 Mai 2009 04:59:51 schrieb Mario Blažević:
  I'll cut to the chase. The short program below works perfectly: when I
  compile it with -O2 -threaded and run with +RTS -N2 command-line options, I
  get a nearly 50% real-time improvement:
  $ time ./primes-test +RTS -N2
  sys 0m0.200s
  However, if I move the `parallelize' definition into another module and
  import that module, the performance is completely lost:
  $ time ./primes-test +RTS -N2
  sys 0m0.080s
  I'm confused. I know that `par` must be able work across modules
  boundaries, because Control.Parallel.Strategies is a module and presumably
  it works. What am I doing wrong?
 You forgot
 {-# INLINE parallelize #-}
 For me, that works.
   module Main where
   import Control.Parallel
   import Data.List (find)
   import Data.Maybe (maybe)
   --import Parallelizable
   parallelize a b = a `par` (b `pseq` (a, b))
   test :: Integer - Integer - Integer
   test n1 n2 = let (p1, p2) = parallelize
  (product $ factors $ product [1..n1])
  (product $ factors $ product [1..n2])
in p2 `div` p1
   factors n = maybe [n] (\k- (k : factors (n `div` k)))
 (find (\k- n `mod` k == 0) [2 .. n - 1])
   main = print (test 5000 5001)
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Introducing Instances in GHC point releases

2009-05-22 Thread Don Stewart
 What we're currently missing is a PVP checker: a tool to compare APIs of
 package versions and check that it is following the PVP. Ideally, we
 will have packages opt-in to follow the PVP for those packages that do
 opt-in we have the PVP enforced on hackage using the checker tool. Since
 the HP is almost certainly going to require packages to follow the PVP
 then this should eliminate this class of mistakes. But it does need the
 tool, and nobody is working on that at the moment.

If I recall correct, CosmicRay wrote just such a thing (or similar to
it) a while ago.


-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Introducing Instances in GHC point releases

2009-05-22 Thread John Goerzen
Don Stewart wrote:
 What we're currently missing is a PVP checker: a tool to compare APIs of
 package versions and check that it is following the PVP. Ideally, we
 will have packages opt-in to follow the PVP for those packages that do
 opt-in we have the PVP enforced on hackage using the checker tool. Since
 the HP is almost certainly going to require packages to follow the PVP
 then this should eliminate this class of mistakes. But it does need the
 tool, and nobody is working on that at the moment.
 If I recall correct, CosmicRay wrote just such a thing (or similar to
 it) a while ago.

Nope, that wasn't me.  Maybe the other John?

 -- Don

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A problem with par and modules boundaries...

2009-05-22 Thread Mario Blazevic

Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Freitag 22 Mai 2009 04:59:51 schrieb Mario Blažević:

I'm confused. I know that `par` must be able work across modules
boundaries, because Control.Parallel.Strategies is a module and presumably
it works. What am I doing wrong?

You forgot

{-# INLINE parallelize #-}

For me, that works.

	That's great, thank you. I am still baffled, though. Must every 
exported function that uses `par' be INLINEd? Does every exported caller 
of such a function need the same treatment? Is `par' really a macro, 
rather than a function?

module Main where

import Control.Parallel
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (maybe)

--import Parallelizable
parallelize a b = a `par` (b `pseq` (a, b))

test :: Integer - Integer - Integer
test n1 n2 = let (p1, p2) = parallelize
   (product $ factors $ product [1..n1])
   (product $ factors $ product [1..n2])
 in p2 `div` p1

factors n = maybe [n] (\k- (k : factors (n `div` k)))
  (find (\k- n `mod` k == 0) [2 .. n - 1])

main = print (test 5000 5001)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Mario Blazevic
Stilo Corporation

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Introducing Instances in GHC point releases

2009-05-22 Thread John Goerzen
Henning Thielemann wrote:
 John Goerzen schrieb:
 So this is annoying (CCing -cafe)

 I need NominalDiffTime and UTCTime to have Typeable instances.  In
 6.10.1, they didn't ship with them out of the box, so I added them.
 Apparently, in 6.10.3, they DO ship with those instances out of the box.

 Annoyingly, that means that my code breaks on 6.10.3.
 After having conflicting instances several times with some types in the
 past, I came to the conclusion that I should never define orphan
 instances. Can you restrict your package to 6.10.3 where an official
 instance is available?

I didn't care about presenting the instance to people using my library,
but the instance was necessary within the library itself, and led to the
compilation error.

-- John
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Putting unit tests in cabal files (Was Re: [Haskell-cafe] HUnit)

2009-05-22 Thread Magnus Therning
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 Magnus Therning schrieb:
 On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Vasili I. Galchin 

     I have some code with several test cases that use HUnit. I added hunit
 as one of my cabal dependencies but cabal complained with:

 Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
 hutil -any

 What am I doing incorrectly?

 Would you mind posting your .cabal file too?

 The reson I'm asking is that I've so far _never_ put any information
 about unit tests or quickcheck tests in my .cabal file, simply because
 I don't want the executables to be picked up by automatic package
 converters such as cabal2arch.  Instead I have a makefile for building
 my test programs.

 If you have some way of keeping information about building of tests in
 your .cabal I'd be very interested in seeing it.

 I define and use Cabal flag buildTests and use

 Executable test
  If flag(buildTests)
    Build-Depends: HUnit
    Buildable: False

Ah, didn't think of that, I've only ever tried

if flag(buildTests)

but then cabal complains loudly about the if statement's location.

Now I can try to take this a bit further to see if I can get rid of
that ugly makefile altogether.


Magnus Therning(OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)  Jabber:|twitter: magthe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskellnet

2009-05-22 Thread Robert Wills
I tried contacting Jun Mukai at the email address given in the package
but I haven't heard a reply. Just to get this out of the way I've put
my darcs repository with the changes I've made up on my website. It
should build and install with:

darcs get
cabal configure
cabal build
cabal install

I've added some examples of using smtp, pop3 and imap to the examples
directory. They seem to work against the mail servers that I have
access to. I've also removed some modules from haskellnet which are
now covered elswhere in hackage: eg. http, browser, json

I'll put in a request to get a username on hackage so I can upload
it-- unless anyone has any objections.


On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Neil Mitchell wrote:

 Email the original author, if you can. Ideally work with them to
 upload a working version to hackage. If they're not interested
 hopefully they'll make you the new maintainer. If you can't contact
 them, just upload a new version anyway - as long as it's done for the
 benefit of the community and not with malicious intent, everyone is

 And please do make sure you upload something working, I imagine this
 will be very useful to lots of people!

 Thanks for your efforts


 On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Robert Wills wrote:

 Yesterday I found myself wanting to clear out a spam-ridden pop
 account without downloading all the messages. Rather than just using
 Python's poplib, I thought I might look for a haskell solution and
 came across Haskellnet:

 I ended up spending much of the afternoon getting it to compile and
 much of last night trying to get the pop library to actually work (the
 'strip' method produced exceptions).  It was a good learning
 experience (this was helpful:

 I'm writing here because I'm wondering whether it would be worthwhile
 putting it up on hackage? From searching this list, there seem to have
 been a few times when people have stumbled across it but got
 frustrated when it didn't compile.  If so, what's the protocol? Is the
 original author, Jun Mukai, still around?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A problem with par and modules boundaries...

2009-05-22 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Freitag 22 Mai 2009 15:11:32 schrieb Mario Blazevic:
 Daniel Fischer wrote:
  Am Freitag 22 Mai 2009 04:59:51 schrieb Mario Blažević:
  I'm confused. I know that `par` must be able work across modules
  boundaries, because Control.Parallel.Strategies is a module and
  presumably it works. What am I doing wrong?
  You forgot
  {-# INLINE parallelize #-}
  For me, that works.

   That's great, thank you. I am still baffled, though. Must every
 exported function that uses `par' be INLINEd? Does every exported caller
 of such a function need the same treatment? Is `par' really a macro,
 rather than a function?

I'm not an expert in either parallelism/concurrency or GHC, so my 
interpretation may be 

The functions par and pseq are defined in GHC.Conc:

--  Nota Bene: 'pseq' used to be 'seq'
-- but 'seq' is now defined in PrelGHC
-- pseq is defined a bit weirdly (see below)
-- The reason for the strange lazy call is that
-- it fools the compiler into thinking that pseq  and par are non-strict in
-- their second argument (even if it inlines pseq at the call site).
-- If it thinks pseq is strict in y, then it often evaluates
-- y before x, which is totally wrong.

{-# INLINE pseq  #-}
pseq :: a - b - b
pseq  x y = x `seq` lazy y

{-# INLINE par  #-}
par :: a - b - b
par  x y = case (par# x) of { _ - lazy y }

As far as I understand, par doesn't guarantee that both arguments are evaluated 
parallel, it's just a suggestion to the compiler, and if whatever heuristics 
the compiler 
uses say it may be favourable to do it in parallel, it will produce code to 
calculate it 
in parallel (given appropriate compile- and run-time flags), otherwise it 
produces purely 
sequential code.

With parallelize in a separate module, when compiling that, the compiler has no 
way to see 
whether parallelizing the computation may be beneficial, so doesn't produce 
parallel code. At the use site, in the other module, it doesn't see the 'par', 
so has no 
reason to even consider producing parallel code.

If parallelize is defined in the module where it's used, it will be inlined 
anyway since 
it is small, so the compiler sees the 'par' (actually par#) when compiling the 
use site 
and can employ the heuristics to decide whether to produce parallel code.

If you place an INLINE pragma near the definition of parallelize, it will be 
inlined when 
compiling the importing module, so again the compiler sees the opportunity to 

So, if I got it right (or nearly right), yes, every exported function that uses 
par should 
be INLINEd [1], and have a simple enough body that it will indeed be inlined.
The same holds for callers of such functions, if the compiler can't see at the 
that parallelism is good, let the function be inlined so that it may be spotted 
at the 
call site.

[1] Well, I suppose for
function x = (expensive1 `par` expensive2) `seq` x
and such, if expensive1/2 are defined in the same module, it may not be 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A problem with par and modules boundaries...

2009-05-22 Thread John Lato
Hi Mario,

It looks like the parallelize function is getting inlined when it's in
the same file, but not when it's in a separate file.

Adding a {-# INLINE parallelize #-} pragma to the module with
parallelize recovers all the performance for me.

You could probably see exactly what's happening in more detail by
going through the Core output.

John Lato

 Message: 23
 Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 22:59:51 -0400
 From: Mario Bla?evi?
 Subject: [Haskell-cafe] A problem with par and modules boundaries...
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 I'll cut to the chase. The short program below works perfectly: when I 
 compile it
 with -O2 -threaded and run with +RTS -N2 command-line options, I get a nearly 
 real-time improvement:

 $ time ./primes-test +RTS -N2

 real    0m9.307s
 user    0m16.581s
 sys     0m0.200s

 However, if I move the `parallelize' definition into another module and import
 that module, the performance is completely lost:

 $ time ./primes-test +RTS -N2

 real    0m15.282s
 user    0m15.165s
 sys     0m0.080s

 I'm confused. I know that `par` must be able work across modules boundaries,
 because Control.Parallel.Strategies is a module and presumably it works. What 
 I doing wrong?

 module Main where

 import Control.Parallel
 import Data.List (find)
 import Data.Maybe (maybe)

 --import Parallelizable
 parallelize a b = a `par` (b `pseq` (a, b))

 test :: Integer - Integer - Integer
 test n1 n2 = let (p1, p2) = parallelize
                                (product $ factors $ product [1..n1])
                                (product $ factors $ product [1..n2])
              in p2 `div` p1

 factors n = maybe [n] (\k- (k : factors (n `div` k)))
                   (find (\k- n `mod` k == 0) [2 .. n - 1])

 main = print (test 5000 5001)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] generic filter through MonadPlus

2009-05-22 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On May 22, 2009, at 4:13 AM, Jason Dusek wrote:

I'd like to know what folks think about the use of `MonadPlus` in  
this case.

The |guard| function is almost |filter|:

 import Control.Monad ( MonadPlus, guard )

 filter :: MonadPlus m = (a - Bool) - m a - m a
 filter p m = do a - m
 guard (p a)
 return a


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] and problems

2009-05-22 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:38:09AM +0100, Neil Mitchell wrote:
 Is there a reason for the poor reliability of these servers?

We do have a plan to move community to a beefier machine with more
reliable hosting. There are a few details to sort out first, and then we
just need to find the time to do it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Introducing Instances in GHC point releases

2009-05-22 Thread Ian Lynagh

Hi John,

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 09:30:24PM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
 I guess my larger point is just a plea to the community: please be
 really careful about what you do to GHC in point releases.

We are careful about what goes into the official GHC release.

However, ever since GHC 6.6 (when extralibs were first separated out),
we have not made any guarantees about whether point releases come with
the same, or a compatible, version; we just take what's in the darcs
repo at the time of the release.

Anyway, this will be a non-issue in 6.12, when there are no extralibs,
and the Haskell Platform takes over the role.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haddock could be a pretty-printer?

2009-05-22 Thread Maurício

The new version of haddock makes use of GHC
parser. How much of effort would take to make
haddock generate pretty-print of the source
code itself, including haddock documentation
(although probably loosing other comments)?
Maybe even an html version that documentation
could point to?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary suboptimal instance

2009-05-22 Thread Andrew Coppin
So lately I've been working on a little program to generate trippy 
graphics. (Indeed, some of you may remember it from a few years back...) 
Anyway, getting to the point, I just restructured my program. As part of 
the restructuring, I got rid of all the jiggery-pokery with 
Data.Array.Storable and so forth and decided to use Data.Binary.

My first problem was quite simple. I want to write a program that reads 
an item from the input file, processes it, writes it to the output file, 
and repeats until the input file is empty. Data.Binary doesn't appear to 
provide any obvious way to do this. You can't be in the Get and Put 
monads simultaneously, and I can't figure out how to interleave them. In 
the end, I ended up with something like

 xs - decodeFile f1
 encodeFile f2 (map f xs)

Unfortunately, it looks like this doesn't do what I want. Serialised 
lists have their length prepended to them, which means that encodeFile 
is going to have to generate the *entire* list in memory so it can count 
how big it is, before it can output a single byte to disk. (!) This is 
particularly annoying since the output list will be exactly the same 
size as the input one, and the very first thing decodeFile is doing is 
reading in that size figure.

Maybe there's a way around this glitch, and I just haven't thought of it 
yet. But you'd think that wanting to lazily process data from an input 
file and write it into an output file would be an extremely common 
use-case. Given that, I'm not seeing an obvious way to handle it.

Anyway, that's one small problem, but I can live with it. There's 
another, much bigger problem though, and that's really what I wanted to 
talk about...

As we all know, Data.Binary is *built* for speed. So imagine my shock 
when my newly adjusted program now based around this library turned out 
to be massively slower, and the files it produced were drastically 
larger. It didn't take me that long to dig up the problem.

The problem seems to boil down to this: The Binary instance for Double 
(and Float, by the way) is... well I guess you could argue it's very 
portable, but efficient it isn't. As we all know, an IEEE-754 
double-precision floating-point number occupies 64 bits; 1 sign bit, 11 
exponent bits, and 52 mantissa bits (implicitly 53). I had assumed that 
the Binary instance for Double would simply write these bits to disk, 
requiring approximately 0 computational power, and exactly 64 bits of 
disk space. I was wrong.

...what it *actually* does is convert the 64-bit Double into a 32-bit 
exponent and an arbitrary-precision integer part. (!) It appears to do 
this by floating-point arithmetic rather than just low-level bit 
shuffling. Looking up how arbitrary-precision integers are serialised, I 
see that there's an 8-bit flag indicating whether the integer fits 
into 32 bits, and if it doesn't, there's an 8-bit sign value, followed 
by a serialised list of bytes. So, in other words, a 32-bit length 
value, followed by the bytes themselves.

To summarise, when I ask for a 64-bit Double to be serialised, I get this:
 32-bit exponent.
 8-bit flag (probably always 1)
 8-bit sign (either 0 or 1)
 32-bit size (probably always 8)
 64-bit mantissa

That's 144 bits in total, i.e., 225% larger than the original Double. 
(Let's not even go into how much computer power it takes to construct 
all this data before it's written to disk...)

So, that's why my files balooned in size, and why my program slowed to a 
crawl. But how do I fix this? Well, my solution was simple, brutal, and 
probably *highly* non-portable. It begins with Unsafe.Coerce (that's 
never a good thing!)

Put simply, if you take your 64-bit Double and unsafeCoerce it into a 
Word64 and then ask Data.Binary to serialise that, it writes it straight 
to disk without screwing around with it first. The result ought to be 
portable to any architecture that uses IEEE-754 arithmetic natively. 
(Anybody know of an arch this *doesn't* apply to?) But sure, if you 
wanted to do this on some other architecture with a different native 
float format, you'd have to write some trixy code to handle it. (And 
then add conditional compilation for it.)

Is there any danger that there might be some kind of improvement to the 
Double instance in the next version of Data.Binary?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haddock could be a pretty-printer?

2009-05-22 Thread David Waern
2009/5/22 Maurício

 The new version of haddock makes use of GHC
 parser. How much of effort would take to make
 haddock generate pretty-print of the source
 code itself, including haddock documentation
 (although probably loosing other comments)?
 Maybe even an html version that documentation
 could point to?

You can use hscolour to output source code in HTML form and Haddock
can generate links to it if you use the --source-* flags. Most
documentation on Hackage seems to make use of this. Is this what you
want or is there some reason why you want the code to be

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary suboptimal instance

2009-05-22 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 22 May 2009, Andrew Coppin wrote:

So lately I've been working on a little program to generate trippy graphics. 
(Indeed, some of you may remember it from a few years back...) Anyway, 
getting to the point, I just restructured my program. As part of the 
restructuring, I got rid of all the jiggery-pokery with Data.Array.Storable 
and so forth and decided to use Data.Binary.

My first problem was quite simple. I want to write a program that reads an 
item from the input file, processes it, writes it to the output file, and 
repeats until the input file is empty. Data.Binary doesn't appear to provide 
any obvious way to do this. You can't be in the Get and Put monads 
simultaneously, and I can't figure out how to interleave them.

You can! - It's again time to point out that Put shouldn't be a monad, but 
a monoid. But as it is, Put is a Writer monad on top of the Builder 
monoid. Better use that Builder monoid directly.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary suboptimal instance

2009-05-22 Thread Andrew Coppin

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Fri, 22 May 2009, Andrew Coppin wrote:

My first problem was quite simple. I want to write a program that 
reads an item from the input file, processes it, writes it to the 
output file, and repeats until the input file is empty. Data.Binary 
doesn't appear to provide any obvious way to do this. You can't be in 
the Get and Put monads simultaneously, and I can't figure out how to 
interleave them.

You can! - It's again time to point out that Put shouldn't be a monad, 
but a monoid. But as it is, Put is a Writer monad on top of the 
Builder monoid. Better use that Builder monoid directly.

Aaaahhhahaha Nice.

Thanks for the tip. :-D

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: haddock could be a pretty-printer?

2009-05-22 Thread Maurício
 The new version of haddock makes use of GHC parser. How much
 of effort would take to make haddock generate pretty-print
 of the source code itself, (...)

 (...) Is this what you want or is there some reason why you
 want the code to be pretty-printed?

I usually have to resort to braces or bad indenting to get
code to parse, but I like to give it good presentation before

I used to pretty-print my code using haskell-src-exts with
great result, but that kills documentation.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary suboptimal instance

2009-05-22 Thread Khudyakov Alexey
On Friday 22 May 2009 23:34:50 Henning Thielemann wrote:
  So lately I've been working on a little program to generate trippy
  graphics. (Indeed, some of you may remember it from a few years back...)
  Anyway, getting to the point, I just restructured my program. As part of
  the restructuring, I got rid of all the jiggery-pokery with
  Data.Array.Storable and so forth and decided to use Data.Binary.
  My first problem was quite simple. I want to write a program that reads
  an item from the input file, processes it, writes it to the output file,
  and repeats until the input file is empty. Data.Binary doesn't appear to
  provide any obvious way to do this. You can't be in the Get and Put
  monads simultaneously, and I can't figure out how to interleave them.

 You can! - It's again time to point out that Put shouldn't be a monad, but
 a monoid. But as it is, Put is a Writer monad on top of the Builder
 monoid. Better use that Builder monoid directly.

Could you elaborate? I didn't quite understand. 

Anyway I had similar problem and simply wrote few functions. They 
encode/decode values of same type element by element. It's lazy enough so code 
could be written in following style: 

 process :: [Foo] - [Bar]

 foo = readFile name 
= writeFile out . encodeStream . process . decodeProcess

There is a code. It is fast and worked for me without a problem. 

 -- | Decode records in repetition
 decodeStream :: Binary a = ByteString - [a]
 decodeStream = runGet (getStream get)
 -- | Encode list of records as bytestring
 encodeStream :: Binary a = [a] - ByteString 
 encodeStream = runPut . putStream put
 -- | Read list of values from bytestring until it ends.
 getStream :: Get a - Get [a]
 getStream getter = do
   empty - isEmpty
   if empty
 then return []
 else do x - getter
 xs - getStream getter
 return (x:xs)
 -- | Write list of values.
 putStream :: (a - Put) - [a] - Put
 putStream f = mapM_ f

  Khudyakov Alexey
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary suboptimal instance

2009-05-22 Thread Antoine Latter
I suppose I should send my reply to the list ...

-- Forwarded message --
From: Antoine Latter
Date: Fri, May 22, 2009 at 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary suboptimal instance
To: Khudyakov Alexey

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Khudyakov Alexey wrote:
 You can! - It's again time to point out that Put shouldn't be a monad, but
 a monoid. But as it is, Put is a Writer monad on top of the Builder
 monoid. Better use that Builder monoid directly.

 Could you elaborate? I didn't quite understand.

 Anyway I had similar problem and simply wrote few functions. They
 encode/decode values of same type element by element. It's lazy enough so code
 could be written in following style:

Or you could go for the compromise position, where the list can be
part of a complex data structure so you're not relying on EOF to find
the end.

(warning, I don't have my compiler handy so this may not even typecheck)

import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Binary.Builder
import Data.Binary.Get

data ChunkedList a
   = Cons [a] (ChunkedList a) -- Non-null list
   | Nil

chunkSize = 50

fromList :: [a] - ChunkedList a
fromList []
   = Nil
fromList xs
   = let (front,back) = splitAt chunkSize xs
     in Cons front (fromList back)

toList :: ChunkedList a - [a]
toList Nil = []
toList (Cons front back) = front ++ toList back

putList :: (a - Builder) - [a] - Builder
putList f xs = putChunkedList (fromList xs)
  putChunkedList Nil
   = singleton 0
  putChunkedList (Cons front back)
   = mconcat
     [ singleton (genericLength front)
     , mconcat $ map f front
     , putChunkedList back

getList :: Get a - Get [a]
getList m = toList `liftM` getChunkedList
 getChunkedList = do
   cLen - getWord8
   case cLen of
     0 - return Nil
     _ - Cons `liftM` replicateM (fromIntegral cLen) m `ap` getChunkedList
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: text 0.2, fast and comprehensive Unicode support using stream fusion

2009-05-22 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
I'm pleased to announce the availability of text 0.2, an efficient Unicode
text library that uses stream fusion. New and notable in this release is
support for lazy, chunked text, so you can process text files far larger
than memory using a small footprint.

Hackage page:
Darcs repo: darcs get
Report bugs:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] import qualified?

2009-05-22 Thread Vasili I. Galchin

 I am working with some somewhat legacy code. I understand what import
qualified Blah as B means but what does import qualified Blah mean? Is
this a deprecated feature? I saw with user defined module as well as with
import qualified System for example.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] import qualified?

2009-05-22 Thread wren ng thornton

Vasili I. Galchin wrote:


 I am working with some somewhat legacy code. I understand what import
qualified Blah as B means but what does import qualified Blah mean? Is
this a deprecated feature? I saw with user defined module as well as with
import qualified System for example.

It just means that you must qualify the names with the module name 
(System). It's not deprecated, but most folks use the import qualified 
... as version instead so that they can give a shorter name instead of 
using the full module name.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] import qualified?

2009-05-22 Thread Paulo Tanimoto
On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 12:39 AM, Vasili I. Galchin wrote:

  I am working with some somewhat legacy code. I understand what import
 qualified Blah as B means but what does import qualified Blah mean? Is
 this a deprecated feature? I saw with user defined module as well as with
 import qualified System for example.



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

See the report, section 5.3.2:

Because we tend to have long names now, you will often see people
aliasing.  But qualified by itself has an important role, it's not

Haskell-Cafe mailing list