[Haskell-cafe] Is there any movement/need in new 'base' package and co?

2012-12-02 Thread Евгений Пермяков
It is clear, that current 'core' Haskell packages bear some weight of 
legacy and back-compatibility, and accumulates garbage/problems over 
time. Some of the garbage can be dropped and some was here for so long, 
that it can't be dropped without major buzz.

For example, we have *Monad* type-class, that is hardwired into Haskell 
syntax. However, it allows arbitrary fail by definition, and not all 
monads should provide this option. Still, it is almost impossible to 
move the method into separate interface, as every *Monad* instance will 
have to be rewritten.

Lack of standard packed text/binary string type is also a problem. It is 
not so problem on itself, as problem of support: different io packages, 
parser tools and so on have to choose what string type to use, which 
lead to fragmentation of library field.

Hierarchy of numeric classes is also often questioned.

More points of problems may be found if one will study Hackage long enough.

So, the questions arise:
- When problems will ruin the language?
- When and which actions are needed to avoid this?
- If major rewrite will be initiated, what problems it should target?
- And how to make the transition easier?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fixity declaration extension

2012-08-14 Thread Евгений Пермяков
Your idea looks _much_ better from code clarity point of view, but it's 
unclear to me, how to deal with it internally and in error messages. I'm 
not a compiler guy, though.

Worse, it does not allow to set up fixity relative to operator that is 
not in scope and it will create unnecessary intermodule dependencies.  
One should fall back to numeric fixities for such cases, if it is needed.

On 08/13/2012 11:26 PM, Ryan Ingram wrote:
When I was implementing a toy functional languages compiler I did away 
with precedence declarations by number and instead allowed the 
programmer to specify a partial order on declarations; this seems to 
be a much cleaner solution and avoids arbitrary precedences between 
otherwise unrelated operators defined in different modules.

You could write statements like

-- define + and - to have the same precedence
infixl + -

-- define * to have higher precedence than +
infixl * above +

-- define / to have the same precedence as *
infixr / equal *

-- $ is right-associative
infixr $
-- you can also separate precedence from fixity declaration
precedence $ below +

-- function application has higher precedence than all operators by 
default, but you can override that

infixl . above APP

-- == is non-associative
infix ==

Here's some parses with this system:

a + b - c   =   (a+b)-c
f.x.y z == g w  = (((f.x).y) z) == (g w)
a == b == c  = parse error (non-associative operator)
a * b / c = parse error (left-associative/right-associative operators 
with same precedence)

a == b $ c = parse error (no ordering known between == and $)
a $ b + c = a $ (b+c)

I think this is a much cleaner way to solve the problem and I hope 
something like it makes it into a future version of Haskell.

  -- ryan

On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Евгений Пермяков 
permea...@gmail.com mailto:permea...@gmail.com wrote:

fixity declaration has form *infix(l|r)? [Digit]* in haskell. I'm
pretty sure, that this is not enough for complicated cases.
Ideally, fixity declarations should have form *infix(l|r)?
[Digit](\.(+|-)[Digit])** , with implied infinitely long repeated
(.0) tail. This will allow fine tuning of operator priorities and
much easier priority selection. For example, it may be assumed,
that bit operations like (..) operator have hightest priority and
have priorities like 9.0.1 or 9.0.2, anti-lisps like ($) have
lowest priority like 0.0.1, control operators have base priority
1.* and logic operations like () have priority of 2.* and it
will be possibly to add new operators between or above all (for
example) control operators without moving fixity of other ones.

Agda2 language supports wide priority range, but still without
'tails' to my knowledge. Is there any haskell-influenced language
or experimental syntactic extension that address the issue?

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[Haskell-cafe] overloading integer literals

2012-08-14 Thread Евгений Пермяков
During development some toy base library I found impossible to use 
Numeric literals. Quick search showed, that one need both fromInteger in 
scope (reasonable) and, as I understand, access to Integer type from 
'base' package ('base' for clarity later). It is perfectly reasonable if 
we assume that every module must depend on 'base'. However, with 
ghc-prim and NoIplicitPrelude it is not necessary this way. One may wish 
to drop 'base' dependency entirely. Currently, the only workaround I 
found is to use cast from string literals (that works perfectly okay) or 
use unboxed literals like 0xBB## (of unboxed type). Both solutions look 
dirty, especially in pattern guards.

Is there any better solution or movement to improve RebindableSyntax 
facilities ? for example, moving out classes for RebindableSyntax into 
ghc-prim package and tuning them so all syntax facilities in base could 
be defined in terms of RebindableSyntax  would be great.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fixity declaration extension

2012-08-14 Thread Евгений Пермяков

On 08/14/2012 02:52 PM, Ryan Ingram wrote:

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 1:04 AM, Евгений Пермяков permea...@gmail.com 
mailto:permea...@gmail.com wrote:

Your idea looks _much_ better from code clarity point of view, but
it's unclear to me, how to deal with it internally and in error
messages. I'm not a compiler guy, though.

How to deal with it internally: It's pretty easy, actually. The 
hardest part is implementing an extensible partial order; once you 
have that and you can use it to drive comparisons, parsing is not hard.

Basically, at each step when you read an operator token, you need to 
decide to shift, that is, put it onto a stack of operations, 
reduce, that is, apply the operator at the top of the stack (leaving 
the current token to check again at the next step), or give a parse 
error.  The rules for deciding which of those to do are pretty simple:

Yes, I can guess it. This way. however, is linearly dependent in time 
from number of operators in scope. It is clearly much worse then looking 
into Map OperatorName Fixity . But changing numeric fixity in Map when 
adding operator somewhere in between existing stack is also linearly - 
dependent. Of course, associated penalties are small if few operators 
are in scope. It is unclear for me, how heavy associated penalties will 
be for both cases.

I would expect modules to declare locally relative fixities between 
operators imported from different modules if and only if it was 
relevant to that module's implementation.
Noway. Monoid, Monad and Functor are absolutely independent typeclasses 
and defined in different modules. There is, however, type [], which has 
instances for all three typeclasses, so operators for all three of them 
have to play together. Thus, when you create typeclass and 
operator-combinators for it, you should add them to entire set of 
operators on all hackages, as you never know, which typeclass instances 
will give some yet unknown types. So, rules for such cases must exists, 
and leaving priorities undefined is not a good way.

In most cases I expect the non-ordering to be resolved by adding 
parentheses, not by declaring additional precedence directives; for 
example, even though (a == b == c) would be a parse error due to == 
being non-associative, both ((a == b) == c) and (a == (b == c)) are 
not.  The same method of 'just add parentheses where you mean it' 
fixes any parse error due to incomparable precedences.

I hate lisp-like syntax.

  -- ryan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fixity declaration extension

2012-08-12 Thread Евгений Пермяков
fixity declaration has form *infix(l|r)? [Digit]* in haskell. I'm pretty 
sure, that this is not enough for complicated cases. Ideally, fixity 
declarations should have form *infix(l|r)? [Digit](\.(+|-)[Digit])** , 
with implied infinitely long repeated (.0) tail. This will allow fine 
tuning of operator priorities and much easier priority selection. For 
example, it may be assumed, that bit operations like (..) operator have 
hightest priority and have priorities like 9.0.1 or 9.0.2, anti-lisps 
like ($) have lowest priority like 0.0.1, control operators have base 
priority 1.* and logic operations like () have priority of 2.* and it 
will be possibly to add new operators between or above all (for example) 
control operators without moving fixity of other ones.

Agda2 language supports wide priority range, but still without 'tails' 
to my knowledge. Is there any haskell-influenced language or 
experimental syntactic extension that address the issue?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Detecting numeric overflows

2012-07-30 Thread Евгений Пермяков
Can someone tell me if there are any primitives, that used to detect 
machine type overflows, in ghc haskell ? I perfectly understand, that I 
can build something based on preconditioning of variables, but this will 
kill any performance, if needed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Detecting numeric overflows

2012-07-30 Thread Евгений Пермяков

On 07/31/2012 12:04 AM, Artyom Kazak wrote:
Евгений Пермяков permea...@gmail.com писал в своём письме Mon, 30 
Jul 2012 09:47:48 +0300:

Can someone tell me if there are any primitives, that used to detect 
machine type overflows, in ghc haskell ? I perfectly understand, that 
I can build something based on preconditioning of variables, but this 
will kill any performance, if needed.

In GHC.Prim — primitives addIntC# and subIntC#:

addIntC# :: Int# - Int# - (#Int#, Int##)
Add with carry. First member of result is (wrapped) sum; second 
member is 0 iff no overflow occured.

subIntC# :: Int# - Int# - (#Int#, Int##)
Subtract with carry. First member of result is (wrapped) difference; 
second member is 0 iff no overflow occured.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Still no way to detect overflow in *.

Strangely enough, I found some relevant descriptions in *.pp in dev 
branch, so I expect them in 7.6.1. They applies to native-size Word and 
Int only.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Евгений Пермяков
well...  This code is both demonstration for use case and more sane 
class + instance
typeclass name is selected quite randomly, may be native speaker will 
select a better one

module Actuative where
import Control.Applicative
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error

-- | minimal complete definition : select
class Applicative f = Actuative f where
 -- | select computation conditionally . Side effects of only one two 
alternative take place

 select  :: f (Either a b)  -- ^ selector
 - f (a - c) -- ^ first alternative
 - f (b - c) -- ^ second alternative
 - f c
 -- | correct possible error
 correct :: f (Either a b) - f (a - b) - f b
 correct i l  = select i l (pure (\x - x))
 -- | similiar for select, but mimics ArrowChoice
 branch  :: f (Either a b) - f (a - c) - f (b - d) - f (Either 
c d)
 branch i l r = select i (pure (\f x - Left (f x)) * l) (pure (\f x 
- Right (f x)) * r)

 -- | execute only if Left
 onLeft  :: f (Either a b) - f (a - c) - f (Either c b)
 onLeft i l   = branch i l (pure (\x - x))
 -- | execute only if Right
 onRight :: f (Either a b) - f (b - c) - f (Either a c)
 onRight i r  = branch i (pure (\x - x)) r

-- | This is streaming parser combinators for writing LR (k) grammars
newtype Parse a = Parse { runParse :: Handle - IO a }

-- | this function is one of reasons. If EOF occurs, we should produce 
result. If not, we should continue parsing. Monadic interface, however, 
gives too much freedom.

next :: Parse (Maybe Char)
next = Parse $ \h - catchIOError (fmap Just $ hGetChar h) (const $ 
return Nothing)

instance Functor Parse where
 fmap f s = pure f * s

instance Applicative Parse where
 pure a  = Parse $ \_ - return a
 (Parse l) * (Parse r) = Parse $ \h - do
   lr - l h
   rr - r h
   return $ lr rr

--  instance for Actuative.
instance Actuative Parse where
 select (Parse i) (Parse l) (Parse r) = Parse $ \h - do
  ir - i h
  case ir of
   Left  lv - do
lr - l h
return $ lr lv
   Right rv - do
rr - r h
return $ rr rv

On 07/26/2012 12:48 PM, Ross Paterson wrote:

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 09:22:23PM +0100, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

So, it seems for me, that Applicative API should be extended with
typeclass for making choice what actions to execute depending on result
of some test (pattern matching). Is there any reasonable definition of
such typeclass or clear explanation, why such typeclass is unneeded?

The possible extension may look somehow like this:

class Applicative a = Branching a where
   branch :: a (Either b c) - (a b - a d) - (a c - a d) - a d

Do you have any instances in mind?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Евгений Пермяков

May be difference will be more clear with this example ?

import Control.Monad.State

instance (Functor m, Monad m) = Actuative (StateT s m) where
 select i l r = do
   iv - i
   case iv of
Left lv  -  l = \lf - return (lf lv)
Right rv -  r = \rf - return (rf rv)

select' xs fs gs = sel $ xs * fs * gs
  where sel (Left  a) f _ = f a
sel (Right b) _ g = g b

increment :: Monad m = StateT Int m (() - ())
increment = get = (put . (+1))  return (const ())

the difference may be seen clearly, when you run in ghci

*Actuative runState (select' (return $ Left ()) increment (increment * 
increment * increment)) 0

*Actuative runState (select (return $ Left ()) increment (increment * 
increment * increment)) 0


Not sure, what categorical concept is model for this type class

On 07/26/2012 03:14 PM, Twan van Laarhoven wrote:

On 26/07/12 12:40, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

class Applicative f = Actuative f where
  -- | select computation conditionally . Side effects of only one two
alternative take place
  select  :: f (Either a b)  -- ^ selector
  - f (a - c) -- ^ first alternative
  - f (b - c) -- ^ second alternative
  - f c

Can't you already define this function in terms of Applicative itself? 

select xs fs gs = sel $ xs * fs * gs
sel (Left  a) f _ = f a
sel (Right b) _ g = g b

No. Well, a function with same type signature may be defined in terms of 
Applicative, as you demonstrated. However, look how select will work 
with instance for IO, defined like this

instance Actuative IO where
 select i l r = do
  ir - i
  case ir of
   Left lv - do
  lf - l
  return $ lf lv
   Right rv - do
  rf - r
  return $ rf rv

As you can see, if I use select definition with Control.Applicative.*, 
I'll execute both l and r and the only choice will be, what result to 
drop. Both l and r, however, will be executed, and their side effects 
will take place. With select from my code only one action will be 
executed, depending on result of i, and only effects of one of actions 
(either l or r) will take place.

I'm not sure, what categorical concept will correspond to this typeclass.

I assume that your intent is that `select` behaves differently from 
the one I defined here. But you need to specify in what way.

Suppose it should work like if-then-else. Then you would perhaps have 
these laws:

select (Left $ x) f g = f $ x
select (fmap swapEither x) f g = select x g f

I think this is a useful class to have, and I would support adding 
something like it to the standard library. Perhaps the arguments 
should be swapped to the same order as either, to give

class Functor f = Selective f where
eitherF :: f (a - c) - f (b - c) - f (Either a b) - f c

The laws would then be:

eitherF f g . fmap swapEither = eitherF g f
eitherF f g . fmap Left = f
eitherF f g . fmap Right = g  -- follows from the other two laws

every Monad is an instance via

defaultEitherF ls rs xs = either ls rs = xs


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-25 Thread Евгений Пермяков
Let assume, that some computation takes argument and produces value 
Either a b. This computation may be represented in for different forms

computePure :: a - Either b c

computeMonad :: a - m (Either b c)

computeApplicative :: app a - app (Either b c)

computeArrow :: arr a (Either b c)
And now, having result, we need to execute several actions, making a 
choice, what actions to perform for Left and Right tags of Either. Pure 
function and monads are easy, as there is way to pattern-match on value 
and take actions depending on result. There is an extension to Arrow 
class that do the job -- ArrowChoice. However, I cannot find any way to 
make choice for Applicative. It seems that both Applicative and 
Alternative are not suited for it.

So, it seems for me, that Applicative API should be extended with 
typeclass for making choice what actions to execute depending on result 
of some test (pattern matching). Is there any reasonable definition of 
such typeclass or clear explanation, why such typeclass is unneeded?

The possible extension may look somehow like this:

class Applicative a = Branching a where
 branch :: a (Either b c) - (a b - a d) - (a c - a d) - a d

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] lambda-bot installation problem: gentoo trickery problem

2009-11-11 Thread Евгений Пермяков
When I try  cabal-install lambdabot (gentoo linux/amd64, ghc installed with
portage), it runs fine until compiler tries to link readline package (some
template haskell?). The problem caused by dirty trick, used in gentoo: the
/usr/lib64/libreadline is a fake with script, redirecting ld to /lib64 . GHC
is not redirected but simply fails with message  can't load .so/.DLL for:
readline (/usr/lib64/libreadline.so: invalid ELF header).

So, the question is: is there any workaround? Copying library look like an
option, but it is very, very dirty one. Is there a way to say ghc, which
libreadline.so it should  load?
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