Re: Stronger static types, was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-22 Thread Jacques Carette

Brian Hulley wrote:
Would it be possible to augment Haskell's type system so that it was 
the same as that used in Epigram?

No, no!  Epigram is a wonderfully pure research experiment in one corner 
of the design space.  The corner it is exploring is not particularly 
"Haskell like", though the results of the exploration should bear fruit 
for Haskell now and then [and it already has].

While I am quite sure Haskell could do with more information in its 
types, proof requirements cannot be anywhere close to what it is in 
Epigram.  I am convinced there is a "Haskell compatible" middle road.

Also, typing is not the only issue for compile time guarantees. Consider:

[Example of coding enumeration as pattern-match vs guards vs ... deleted]

This is much more of an engineering issue than a theoretical issue.  In 
some cases (explicit pattern match with no guards), coverage checking is 
trivial because the language you are dealing with is so simple.  In 
other cases (guards), in general the problem is undecidable, but there 
are many many particular cases where there are applicable decision 
procedures.  It seems to be a common choice amongst compiler writers to 
not wade into these waters -- although the people doing static analysis 
have been swimming there for quite some time.

My feeling is that slowly increasing amounts of static analysis will be 
done by compilers (beyond just "types" or the current strictness 
analyses) to include these kinds of total/partial checks on guards, 
"shape" analysis, etc.  It is already happening, the one question is 
what will be the speed at which it happens in Haskell.  Maybe it is time 
for ICFP and SAS to be held together.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Stronger static types, was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-22 Thread Lennart Augustsson
Yes, Bluespec has efficient type level naturals.  But it only has  
arithmetic and some trivial decision procedures.  The slogan is "the  
type checker knows arithmetic, not algebra".
It worked pretty well.  But you soon get into situations where you  
need polymorphic recursion of functions with type level naturals.  It  
needs careful consideration (I never implemented that for Bluespec).

-- Lennart

On Dec 22, 2006, at 14:28 , Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:

On Dec 21, 2006, at 5:03 PM, Jacques Carette wrote:

What must be remembered is that full dependent types are NOT  
needed to get a lot of the benefits of dependent-like types.  This  
is what some of Oleg's type gymnastics shows (and others too).  My  
interest right now lies in figuring out exactly how much can be  
done statically.
For example, if one had decent naturals at the type level (ie  
naturals encoded not-in-unary) with efficient arithmetic AND a few  
standard decision procedures (for linear equalities and  
inequalities say), then most of the things that people currently  
claim need dependent types are either decidable or have very  
strong heuristics that "work" [1].

My understanding is that BlueSpec did roughly this.  As we're  
discovering in Fortress, type-level naturals are a big help; faking  
it really is horrible, as unary representations are unusable for  
real work and digital representations require a ton of stunts to  
get the constraints to solve in every direction (and they're still  

I for one would welcome a simple extension of Haskell with type- 
level nats (the implementor gets to decide if they're a new kind,  
or can interact with * somehow).

-Jan-Willem Maessen

[PS: hadn't seen the LNCS reference before, thanks to Jacques for  
sending that along.]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Stronger static types, was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-22 Thread Jan-Willem Maessen

On Dec 21, 2006, at 5:03 PM, Jacques Carette wrote:

What must be remembered is that full dependent types are NOT needed  
to get a lot of the benefits of dependent-like types.  This is what  
some of Oleg's type gymnastics shows (and others too).  My interest  
right now lies in figuring out exactly how much can be done  
For example, if one had decent naturals at the type level (ie  
naturals encoded not-in-unary) with efficient arithmetic AND a few  
standard decision procedures (for linear equalities and  
inequalities say), then most of the things that people currently  
claim need dependent types are either decidable or have very strong  
heuristics that "work" [1].

My understanding is that BlueSpec did roughly this.  As we're  
discovering in Fortress, type-level naturals are a big help; faking  
it really is horrible, as unary representations are unusable for real  
work and digital representations require a ton of stunts to get the  
constraints to solve in every direction (and they're still ugly).

I for one would welcome a simple extension of Haskell with type-level  
nats (the implementor gets to decide if they're a new kind, or can  
interact with * somehow).

-Jan-Willem Maessen

[PS: hadn't seen the LNCS reference before, thanks to Jacques for  
sending that along.]

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Stronger static types, was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Lennart Augustsson
It's possible to augment Haskell type system to be the one in  
Epigram.  But it would no longer be Haskell. :)  And to meet the  
goals of Epigram you'd also have to remove (unrestricted) recursion  
from Haskell.

-- Lennart

On Dec 21, 2006, at 23:46 , Brian Hulley wrote:

Jacques Carette wrote:

Yes, dependent types have a lot to do with all this.  And I am an
eager lurker of all this Epigram.

Would it be possible to augment Haskell's type system so that it  
was the same as that used in Epigram?
Epigram itself uses a novel 2d layout and a novel way of writing  
programs (by creating a proof interactively) but these seem  
orthogonal to the actual type system itself.

Also, typing is not the only issue for compile time guarantees.  

   data Dir = Left | Right | Up | Down deriving Eq

   -- Compiler can check the function is total
   foo :: Dir -> String
   foo Left = "Horizontal"
   foo Right = "Horizontal"
   foo Up = "Vertical"
   foo Down = "Vertical"


   -- Less verbose but compiler can't look inside guards
   foo x | x == Left || x == Right = "Horizontal"
   foo x | x == Up || x == Down = "Vertical"

versus something like:

   foo (Left || Right) = ...
   foo (Up || Down) = ...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Stronger static types, was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Jacques Carette wrote:

Yes, dependent types have a lot to do with all this.  And I am an
eager lurker of all this Epigram.

Would it be possible to augment Haskell's type system so that it was the 
same as that used in Epigram?
Epigram itself uses a novel 2d layout and a novel way of writing programs 
(by creating a proof interactively) but these seem orthogonal to the actual 
type system itself.

Also, typing is not the only issue for compile time guarantees. Consider:

   data Dir = Left | Right | Up | Down deriving Eq

   -- Compiler can check the function is total
   foo :: Dir -> String
   foo Left = "Horizontal"
   foo Right = "Horizontal"
   foo Up = "Vertical"
   foo Down = "Vertical"


   -- Less verbose but compiler can't look inside guards
   foo x | x == Left || x == Right = "Horizontal"
   foo x | x == Up || x == Down = "Vertical"

versus something like:

   foo (Left || Right) = ...
   foo (Up || Down) = ...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Stronger static types, was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Jacques Carette
Yes, dependent types have a lot to do with all this.  And I am an eager 
lurker of all this Epigram.

Scott Brickner wrote:

Jacques Carette wrote:
Array out-of-bounds, fromJust, head on an empty list, and 
pattern-match failures are in my list of things I wish the type 
system could help me with.  And sometimes it can [again, see Oleg's 
posts].  But is definitely where I am *eager* to see developments.
I agree with you, though - I'm very eager to see further developments 
along these lines. It's the main reason I started learning Haskell, 
and I'm absolutely convinced that functional programming and this kind 
of increasingly strong typing are the way of the future for programming.
What must be remembered is that full dependent types are NOT needed to 
get a lot of the benefits of dependent-like types.  This is what some of 
Oleg's type gymnastics shows (and others too).  My interest right now 
lies in figuring out exactly how much can be done statically. 

For example, if one had decent naturals at the type level (ie naturals 
encoded not-in-unary) with efficient arithmetic AND a few standard 
decision procedures (for linear equalities and inequalities say), then 
most of the things that people currently claim need dependent types are 
either decidable or have very strong heuristics that "work" [1].


 author= {Thomas Fahringer and
  Bernhard Scholz},
 title = {Advanced Symbolic Analysis for Compilers: New Techniques
  and Algorithms for Symbolic Program Analysis and 

 publisher = pub-SV,
 series= {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
 volume= {2628},
 year  = {2003},
 isbn  = {3-540-01185-4}
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Scott Brickner

Jacques Carette wrote:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I must second this opinion.  There's this (false) perception that you 
need all
kinds of extensions to make Haskell usable.  It's simply not true.  

extensions can make your life easier, but that's it.

To write code in Haskell, this is true.

However, one of the wonderful things about Haskell is how much the 
type system helps you.  And if you want the type system to help you 
even more [which, as a programmer having suffered from dynamic typing 
too long, I really want], those extensions are really needed.

In other words, you can program in Haskell just fine without 
extensions.  But if you want that "next level" in type safety, 
extensions is where it's at, at least for the kind of code I write.

Or, to go the other way, if you don't care about type safety, you might 
as well program in Javascript.

What part of "ph'nglui bglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn" don't you 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Scott Brickner

Jacques Carette wrote:

Neil Mitchell wrote:

The biggest
runtime crasher is probably pattern match failings, something that
most of these type extensions don't catch at all!

Array out-of-bounds, fromJust, head on an empty list, and 
pattern-match failures are in my list of things I wish the type system 
could help me with.  And sometimes it can [again, see Oleg's posts].  
But is definitely where I am *eager* to see developments.

If I understand things correctly (admittedly, a big "if" ;) ) this is 
kind of the point of dependent types.

A type is a set - when you put a type on an expression, you're asserting 
that the expression evaluates to a member of that set. So, "foo :: 
Integer -> Rational", among other things, asserts that the result of 
"foo x" (given that "x" is a member of the set of Integers) is a member 
of the set of Rationals. But why stop there? Why not be able to say that 
"foo x" is a /positive/ rational, or a non-negative rational between 0 
and 1? Or, since we're just describing sets, why not explictly allow the 
set to depend on x? Why not let the result type be "the set of rationals 
r such that 1/r == x"?

The Curry-Howard isomorphism leads to all of that. A program that 
outputs some value "x" is (isomorphic to) a proof that x is a member of 
some type. We just generally lack a sufficiently powerful type grammar 
to express that directly in the program. Dependent types let you make 
the types of output /depend/ on the actual values of the input.

Check out Conor McBride and James McKinna's paper "The View From the 
Left", and their work on the Epigram language to see where they've taken 
this... - fascinating stuff.

I agree with you, though - I'm very eager to see further developments 
along these lines. It's the main reason I started learning Haskell, and 
I'm absolutely convinced that functional programming and this kind of 
increasingly strong typing are the way of the future for programming.

What part of "ph'nglui bglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn" don't you 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Neil Mitchell


True, though it would be even better if the "usual" extensions were more
widely supported, though I suppose identifying what's useful and therefore
worth supporting is the point of the Haskell Prime process.

Exactly the reason for Haskell Prime.

As an aside I've often thought it would be better if the various components
of Haskell compilers/tools would be separated out so that people could
effectively build their own compiler tailored more specifically for their

I thought the same thing. Note that Yhc already has a lightweight API
for manipulating Yhc.Core files and one for Yhc.Bytecode files. Things
are moving in that direction slowly. There is also the GHC API


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Neil Mitchell wrote:


In other words, what on earth is good about gluing oneself to
Haskell98? Life's moved on...

If you stick to Haskell 98 you can:

* Convert your code to Clean (Hacle)
* Debug it (Hat)
* Run it in your browser (ycr2js)
* Document it (Haddock)
* Make a cross platform binary (yhc)
* Get automatic suggestions (Dr Haskell)

Sometimes you need a type extension, but if you don't, you do get

True, though it would be even better if the "usual" extensions were more 
widely supported, though I suppose identifying what's useful and therefore 
worth supporting is the point of the Haskell Prime process.

As an aside I've often thought it would be better if the various components 
of Haskell compilers/tools would be separated out so that people could 
effectively build their own compiler tailored more specifically for their 
needs. Ie lots of smaller projects each dealing with a particular phase of 
Haskell processing which would be joined together by standard APIs, so that 
someone could use the latest type system extensions with whole program 
optimization while someone else could use those same type extensions with a 
back end designed for graphical debugging etc, and also so that people just 
interested in developing whole program optimization (for example) wouldn't 
have to reinvent the ever-more-difficult wheel of 
lexing/parsing/typechecking/targeting  multiple platforms...

Best regards, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Jacques Carette

Neil Mitchell wrote:

In other words, you can program in Haskell just fine without
extensions.  But if you want that "next level" in type safety,
extensions is where it's at, at least for the kind of code I write.

What level of "safety" do these type extensions give you? 
Check out many, many, many of Oleg's postings to the Haskell list.  His 
code expresses this much better than my words can.

The biggest
runtime crasher is probably pattern match failings, something that
most of these type extensions don't catch at all!
Array out-of-bounds, fromJust, head on an empty list, and pattern-match 
failures are in my list of things I wish the type system could help me 
with.  And sometimes it can [again, see Oleg's posts].  But is 
definitely where I am *eager* to see developments.

They do give you some safety, but not a massive amount, and not in the
places where it would be truely useful.

Unfortunately, I agree.  But I'll still take what I can get!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Neil Mitchell


In other words, what on earth is good about gluing oneself to Haskell98?
Life's moved on...

If you stick to Haskell 98 you can:

* Convert your code to Clean (Hacle)
* Debug it (Hat)
* Run it in your browser (ycr2js)
* Document it (Haddock)
* Make a cross platform binary (yhc)
* Get automatic suggestions (Dr Haskell)

Sometimes you need a type extension, but if you don't, you do get benefits.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

On Dec 21, 2006, at 15:53 , Neil Mitchell wrote:


there are really no choices for real development. many libraries,
extensions and techniques are for ghc only

I develop everything in Hugs, including the Yhc compiler itself. Hugs
is great. There are lots of extensions in GHC, but Haskell 98 is a
perfectly useable language!

I must second this opinion.  There's this (false) perception that you
need all
kinds of extensions to make Haskell usable.  It's simply not true.
extensions can make your life easier, but that's it.

Well, FingerTrees for example, require MPTCs as in

   pushL :: Measured v a => a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a

For any kind of object oriented programming you need existentials to 
separate the interface from the different concrete objects. Also in the code 
I've written I've often needed higher rank polymorphism and scoped type 
variables. Sure it's possible to use all kinds of horrific hacks to try and 
avoid the need for scoped type variables etc but why would anyone waste 
their time writing difficult obfuscated code when GHC has the perfect 
solution all ready to use.

In other words, what on earth is good about gluing oneself to Haskell98? 
Life's moved on...

Best regards, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Neil Mitchell


In other words, you can program in Haskell just fine without
extensions.  But if you want that "next level" in type safety,
extensions is where it's at, at least for the kind of code I write.

What level of "safety" do these type extensions give you? The biggest
runtime crasher is probably pattern match failings, something that
most of these type extensions don't catch at all!

They do give you some safety, but not a massive amount, and not in the
places where it would be truely useful.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Jacques Carette

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
I must second this opinion.  There's this (false) perception that you 
need all
kinds of extensions to make Haskell usable.  It's simply not true.  

extensions can make your life easier, but that's it.

To write code in Haskell, this is true.

However, one of the wonderful things about Haskell is how much the type 
system helps you.  And if you want the type system to help you even more 
[which, as a programmer having suffered from dynamic typing too long, I 
really want], those extensions are really needed.

In other words, you can program in Haskell just fine without 
extensions.  But if you want that "next level" in type safety, 
extensions is where it's at, at least for the kind of code I write.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Lennart Augustsson

On Dec 21, 2006, at 15:53 , Neil Mitchell wrote:


there are really no choices for real development. many libraries,  

extensions and techniques are for ghc only

I develop everything in Hugs, including the Yhc compiler itself. Hugs
is great. There are lots of extensions in GHC, but Haskell 98 is a
perfectly useable language!

I must second this opinion.  There's this (false) perception that you  
need all
kinds of extensions to make Haskell usable.  It's simply not true.   

extensions can make your life easier, but that's it.

-- Lennart

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Neil Mitchell


there are really no choices for real development. many libraries, language
extensions and techniques are for ghc only

I develop everything in Hugs, including the Yhc compiler itself. Hugs
is great. There are lots of extensions in GHC, but Haskell 98 is a
perfectly useable language!

> So have other compilers picked up SYB support yet?

SYB and Template Haskell are just examples of techniques that make GHC
obvious choice. although. SYB may be supported by Hugs too, i'm not sure

GHC is the only one with inbuilt SYB support. Hugs has deriving
Typeable (I think), but not Data.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Joachim,

Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 9:30:02 PM, you wrote:

> One thing that might become a problem is that the "Scrap your
> boilerplate" approach seems to work only in GHC.
> There's nothing wrong with GHC, but it sounds like I'm committing to a 
> specific compiler right from the start. I'd like to keep the number of 
> choices as high as possible...

there are really no choices for real development. many libraries, language
extensions and techniques are for ghc only

> and besides, if the compiler gives me an 
> error message, or the generated code does unexpected things, I'd like to 
> have the possibility to cross-check with a different compiler.

you can use Hugs to develop programs - it has much faster compile times,
slightly better error messages and good level of language (extensions)
compatibility with ghc. parts of programs that are not compatible with Hugs
may be conditionally compiled using #ifdef GHC

> So have other compilers picked up SYB support yet?

SYB and Template Haskell are just examples of techniques that make GHC
obvious choice. although. SYB may be supported by Hugs too, i'm not sure

>> That said, serialisation is still a hard problem - think long and
>> hard before picking a data format.

> What would be the problems of choosing the wrong one?

>> With Yhc.Core I used Drift to derve Binary instances, keep a version
>> tag, and if the version tags mismatch refuse to load the data.

unless you need specific data format (say for compatibility with existing
data sources) you may easily derive Binary instances either with Drift or
with TH using libraries i mentioned in previous letter.

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Simon,

Thursday, December 21, 2006, 12:02:22 PM, you wrote:

> | One thing that might become a problem is that the "Scrap your
> | boilerplate" approach seems to work only in GHC.

> I don't think so. Other compilers might not support "deriving Data", but
> you can always write the instance by hand.

... what he need to avoid :)  i think that Drift can be used for it, if he
will ever found any compiler better than GHC :)

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Joachim Durchholz

Simon Peyton-Jones schrieb:

| One thing that might become a problem is that the "Scrap your
| boilerplate" approach seems to work only in GHC.

I don't think so. Other compilers might not support "deriving Data",
but you can always write the instance by hand.

How much boilerplate would be needed in that case?
As far as I understood the web site, it would be around a line of code 
per data type, independently of the number of HOFs that need to iterate 
over the data structures - is that correct?

I understand that Drift is a kind of preprocessor / code generator. 
Could it be used to generate the necessary boilerplate?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-21 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| One thing that might become a problem is that the "Scrap your
| boilerplate" approach seems to work only in GHC.

I don't think so. Other compilers might not support "deriving Data", but you 
can always write the instance by hand.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-20 Thread Neil Mitchell


> With Yhc.Core I used Drift to derve Binary instances, keep a version
> tag, and if the version tags mismatch refuse to load the data.


Thats Drift which can derive binary instances (pick GhcBinary), and
then a module which can work with the derived classes.

Warning, mild hacking was required to get it going on Windows.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-20 Thread Joachim Durchholz

Robert Dockins schrieb:

Let me just say here that what you are attempting to do sounds very 
difficult.  As I understand, you want to be able to serialize an entire 
application at some (predetermined / arbitrary?) point, change some of 
its code and/or data structures, de-serialize and run the thing 


Though it's not too far out of the ordinary. Haskell being a rather 
orthogonal language, I had hoped that I can "simply serialize" any data 

> Doing something like this without explicit language support

is going to be hard, especially in a fairly static language like Haskell.

I was intrigued when I found that libraries can do quite a lot 
serialization in Haskell - that gives Haskell an excellent rating in 
what could be called "aspect-orientedness".

It doesn't help to serialize functions values or thunks, though.

I would think Smalltalk, Erlang, or something from the Lisp/Scheme 
family would be more suitable for this sort of work (caveat, I have 
little experience with any of these languages). 

Erlang is actually on my list of potential alternatives. It has 
different advantages than Haskell, though, and right now, I'm willing to 
try Haskell.

Also, take a look here ( for
some related discussion.

I'm not sure whether that relates to my project. I let network 
connections be handled by Apache and FastCGI, so I'm leaving out a whole 
lot of library issues that hit that reported project really hard.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-20 Thread Robert Dockins

On Dec 20, 2006, at 2:37 PM, Joachim Durchholz wrote:

Ross Paterson schrieb:
It might be not feasible though. The papers mention that you  
can't serialize (well, actually unserialize) function values with  
it. For the envisioned update-through-marshalling process, this  
would prevent me from ever using function values in data that  
needs to be persistent, and that's quite a harsh restriction.

That's hard to avoid, unless you have a data representation of the
functions you're interested in.

I could encode functions by their name. I don't think that would  
scale to a large application with multiple developers, but it's not  
this kind of project anyway.
I'd be reluctant to accept that way if it means adding boilerplate  
code for every function that might ever be serialized. Since I'm  
planning to serialize an entire application, I fear that I'd need  
that boilerplate code for 90% of all functions, so even a single  
line of boilerplate might be too much.

Let me just say here that what you are attempting to do sounds very  
difficult.  As I understand, you want to be able to serialize an  
entire application at some (predetermined / arbitrary?) point, change  
some of its code and/or data structures, de-serialize and run the  
thing afterwards.  Doing something like this without explicit  
language support is going to be hard, especially in a fairly static  
language like Haskell.

I would think Smalltalk, Erlang, or something from the Lisp/Scheme  
family would be more suitable for this sort of work (caveat, I have  
little experience with any of these languages).  Also, take a look  
here ( for some related  


Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-20 Thread Joachim Durchholz

Ross Paterson schrieb:
It might be not feasible though. The papers mention that you can't 
serialize (well, actually unserialize) function values with it. For the 
envisioned update-through-marshalling process, this would prevent me 
from ever using function values in data that needs to be persistent, and 
that's quite a harsh restriction.

That's hard to avoid, unless you have a data representation of the
functions you're interested in.

I could encode functions by their name. I don't think that would scale 
to a large application with multiple developers, but it's not this kind 
of project anyway.
I'd be reluctant to accept that way if it means adding boilerplate code 
for every function that might ever be serialized. Since I'm planning to 
serialize an entire application, I fear that I'd need that boilerplate 
code for 90% of all functions, so even a single line of boilerplate 
might be too much.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-20 Thread Ross Paterson
On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 07:30:02PM +0100, Joachim Durchholz wrote:
> Neil Mitchell schrieb:
> >You seem to be describing SYB and not knowing it:
> >
> >
> >That basically does exactly what you've requested, in terms of
> >traversing all items when only one matters.
> Yup, that's exactly what I was looking for. Actually I had seen it a 
> while ago, but didn't remember it now. Thanks.

You spoke of changing each element to something of a different type.
I don't think SYB can do that.  A solution (and a portable one too) might
be to parameterize all these types, and make them instances of Functor,
Foldable and Traversable (see Data.Foldable and Data.Traversable in
the GHC 6.6 documentation).  You'd have the labour or writing all those
instances (though the trivial instances of Functor and Foldable would
suffice).  But once you've done that, a range of different traversals
would be available.

> It might be not feasible though. The papers mention that you can't 
> serialize (well, actually unserialize) function values with it. For the 
> envisioned update-through-marshalling process, this would prevent me 
> from ever using function values in data that needs to be persistent, and 
> that's quite a harsh restriction.

That's hard to avoid, unless you have a data representation of the
functions you're interested in.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

2006-12-20 Thread Joachim Durchholz

Neil Mitchell schrieb:

You seem to be describing SYB and not knowing it:

That basically does exactly what you've requested, in terms of
traversing all items when only one matters.

Yup, that's exactly what I was looking for. Actually I had seen it a 
while ago, but didn't remember it now. Thanks.

One thing that might become a problem is that the "Scrap your 
boilerplate" approach seems to work only in GHC.
There's nothing wrong with GHC, but it sounds like I'm committing to a 
specific compiler right from the start. I'd like to keep the number of 
choices as high as possible... and besides, if the compiler gives me an 
error message, or the generated code does unexpected things, I'd like to 
have the possibility to cross-check with a different compiler.

So have other compilers picked up SYB support yet?

It might be not feasible though. The papers mention that you can't 
serialize (well, actually unserialize) function values with it. For the 
envisioned update-through-marshalling process, this would prevent me 
from ever using function values in data that needs to be persistent, and 
that's quite a harsh restriction.

That said, serialisation is still a hard problem - think long and
hard before picking a data format.

What would be the problems of choosing the wrong one?

With Yhc.Core I used Drift to derve Binary instances, keep a version
tag, and if the version tags mismatch refuse to load the data.



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