Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: XML (HXML) parsing :: GHC 6.8.3 space leak from 2000

2008-09-23 Thread Lev Walkin

Marc A. Ziegert wrote:

We don't know of a good way to fix this problem.  I'm going to record 
this example in a ticket for future reference, though.


is there a way, perhaps, to rewrite this expression to avoid leaks?
An ad-hoc will do, perhaps split in two modules to avoid intramodular

Lev Walkin

finally... there is a way! :D

hmm... this was a nice puzzle ;)

i've tried several times (and hours!) to implement a Continuation (not monad) 
based solution, but finally i developed this tricky but elegant foldr 
i built the parser around this type:
  type FoldR_Builder = (TreeEvent,[UnconsumedEvent]) -> [Either [UnconsumedEvent] 
(Tree String)] -> [Either [UnconsumedEvent] (Tree String)]

it is based on the following thought:
the tuple
  (rs,ps)::([Rest],[Processed]) -- with the restriction, which forces the list 
ps to be processed entirely before rs.
is equipollent to
  (fmap Right ps++[Left rs])::[Either [Rest] Processed]
, but the latter is easier to handle least if you can't trust the GC.

Marc, you are my hero of the month!

I can't say I understood this solution before applying it back to
HXML-0.2, but it surely worked and made quite observable 20%
difference in performance:

9.8 seconds on my 45 megabyte XML test, running in half the space
(4m) compared to my parallel version based on Ketil Malde's suggestion
(which was 12 seconds on two cores (though, one core was almost
idling, `par` was used purely for its side-effect)).

To those who wants to parse XML in constant space, attached find
a patch to HXML-0.2 which fixes a space leak.

However, I am still a bit surprized to discover there is not an order
of magnitude difference between `par`-based version and your builder.

While the foldr-based builder is clearly superior, one can't
help but wonder whether is it `par` that is so efficient compared
to crunching through Eithers, or there's some other bottleneck
in the code. Will profile a bit later.

The XML parsing space leak was declared in HXML back in 2000 and
lingered in the code for 8 years. Good riddance!

Lev Walkin
--- TreeBuild.hs.old2008-09-23 05:48:50.0 -0700
+++ TreeBuild.hs2008-09-23 05:49:37.0 -0700
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import XMLParse
 import XML
 import Tree
+import Data.List (tails)
 -- TODO: add basic error-checks: matching end-tags, ensure input exhausted
@@ -31,28 +32,29 @@
 -- %%% Haskell systems) do implement it.
 -- %%% Thanks to Simon Peyton-Jones, Malcolm Wallace, Colin Runcinman
 -- %%% Mark Jones, and others for investigating this.
+-- %%% Update 23 Sep 2008: Leak-free solution is provided by Marc A. Ziegert
 buildTree :: [XMLEvent] -> Tree XMLNode
 buildTree = constructTree Tree (:) []
 constructTree :: (XMLNode -> f -> t) -> (t -> f -> f) -> f -> [XMLEvent] -> t
 constructTree tree cons nil events = let
-   pair x y= (x,y)
-   addNode nd children es  = addTree (tree nd children) es
-   addLeaf nd es   = addTree (tree nd nil) es
-   addTree t es= let (s,es') = build es in pair (cons t s) es'
-   build []= pair nil []
-   build (e:es) = case e of
-   StartEvent gi atts  -> let (c,es') = build es 
-  in addNode (ELNode gi atts) c es'
-   EndEvent _  -> pair nil es
-   EmptyEvent gi atts  -> addLeaf (ELNode gi atts) es
-   TextEvent s -> addLeaf (TXNode s) es
-   PIEvent tgt val -> addLeaf (PINode tgt val) es
-   CommentEvent txt-> addLeaf (CXNode txt) es
-   GERefEvent name -> addLeaf (ENNode name) es
-   ErrorEvent s-> error s  -- %%% deal with this
-   in tree RTNode (fst (build events))
+   -- Marc A. Ziegert has provided a leek-free solution
+   build tes = let (ts_,ue_,_) = splitAtLeftDefault [] $ foldr builder [] 
[(te,ue)|ue@(te:_)<-tails tes] in ts_
+   builder (EndEvent _,ue) euts = (Left ue:euts)
+   builder (EmptyEvent gi atts,_) euts = (Right (tree (ELNode gi atts) 
+   builder (TextEvent str,_) euts = (Right (tree (TXNode str) nil):euts)
+   builder (PIEvent tgt val,_) euts = (Right (tree (PINode tgt val) 
+   builder (CommentEvent txt,_) euts = (Right (tree (CXNode txt) nil):euts)
+   builder (GERefEvent name,_) euts = (Right (tree (ENNode name) nil):euts)
+   builder (ErrorEvent s,_) euts = error s -- %%% deal with this
+   builder (StartEvent gi atts,_) euts = let (sub,_,euts') = 
splitAtLeftDefault [] euts
+   in (Right (tree (ELNode gi atts) sub):euts')
+   splitAtLeftDefault a0 [] = (nil,a0,[])
+   splitAtLeftDefault a0 (Right b:xs) =
+   let (bs,a,es) = splitAtLeftDefault a0 xs in (cons b bs,a,es)
+   splitAtLeftDefault _ (Left a:xs) = (nil,a,xs)
+   in tree RTNode (build events)
 serializeTree :: Tree XMLNode -> [XMLEvent]
 serializeTree tree

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: XML (HXML) parsing :: GHC 6.8.3 space leak from 2000

2008-09-23 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
> > 
> >> -- Lazily build a tree out of a sequence of tree-building events
> >> build :: [TreeEvent] -> ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
> >> build (Start str : es) =
> >> let (es', subnodes) = build es
> >> (spill, siblings) = build es'
> >> in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings))
> >> build (Leaf str : es) =
> >> let (spill, siblings) = build es
> >> in (spill, Tree str [] : siblings)
> >> build (Stop : es) = (es, [])
> >> build [] = ([], [])
> [skip]
> > We don't know of a good way to fix this problem.  I'm going to record 
> > this example in a ticket for future reference, though.
> Simon,
> is there a way, perhaps, to rewrite this expression to avoid leaks?
> An ad-hoc will do, perhaps split in two modules to avoid intramodular
> optimizations?
> -- 
> Lev Walkin

finally... there is a way! :D

hmm... this was a nice puzzle ;)

i've tried several times (and hours!) to implement a Continuation (not monad) 
based solution, but finally i developed this tricky but elegant foldr 
i built the parser around this type:
  type FoldR_Builder = (TreeEvent,[UnconsumedEvent]) -> [Either 
[UnconsumedEvent] (Tree String)] -> [Either [UnconsumedEvent] (Tree String)]

it is based on the following thought:
the tuple
  (rs,ps)::([Rest],[Processed]) -- with the restriction, which forces the list 
ps to be processed entirely before rs.
is equipollent to
  (fmap Right ps++[Left rs])::[Either [Rest] Processed]
, but the latter is easier to handle least if you can't trust the GC.

- marc

module Main where

import Data.List

data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] deriving Show

data TreeEvent = Start String   -- Branch off a new subtree
| Stop  -- Stop branching and return 1 level
| Leaf String   -- A simple leaf without children
deriving Show

main = print . snd . build $ Start "top" : cycle [Leaf "sub"]
--main = print . snd . build $ [Leaf "bla",Leaf "bla",Start "S(",Leaf 
"bli",Start "T(",Leaf "blu",Stop,Stop,Leaf "bla"]

type UnconsumedEvent = TreeEvent-- Alias for program documentation

build :: [TreeEvent] -> ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
build tes = let (ts_,ue_,_) = splitAtLeftDefault [] $ foldr builder [] 
[(te,ue)|ue@(te:_)<-tails tes] in (ue_,ts_)
-- a little change (bugfix?) to the space leaking solution...
-- [Stop,Leaf "x"]  now evaluates to  ([Stop,Leaf "x"],[])  instead of  ([Leaf 
-- like this:   build ue@(Stop:_) = (ue,[])
-- instead of:  build (Stop : es) = (es,[])

type FoldR_Builder = (TreeEvent,[UnconsumedEvent]) -> [Either [UnconsumedEvent] 
(Tree String)] -> [Either [UnconsumedEvent] (Tree String)]
builder :: FoldR_Builder
builder (Stop,ue) euts = (Left ue:euts)
builder (Leaf str,_) euts = (Right (Tree str []):euts)
builder (Start str,_) euts = let (sub,_,euts') = splitAtLeftDefault [] euts in 
(Right (Tree str sub):euts')

-- default value is needed iff the list is finite and contains no (Left _).
splitAtLeftDefault :: a -> [Either a b] -> ([b],a,[Either a b])
splitAtLeftDefault a0 [] = ([],a0,[])
splitAtLeftDefault a0 (Right b:xs) = let (bs,a,es) = splitAtLeftDefault a0 xs 
in (b:bs,a,es)
splitAtLeftDefault _ (Left a:xs) = ([],a,xs)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: XML (HXML) parsing :: GHC 6.8.3 space leak from 2000

2008-09-19 Thread Lev Walkin

Lev Walkin wrote:

Simon Marlow wrote:

Lev Walkin wrote:

I wondered why would a contemporary GHC 6.8.3 exhibit such a leak?
After all, the technique was known in 2000 (and afir by Wadler in '87)
and one would assume Joe English's reference to "most other Haskell
systems" ought to mean GHC.

Thanks for this nice example - Don Stewart pointed me to it, and  
Simon PJ and I just spent some time this morning diagnosing it.

Incedentally, with GHC 6.8 you can just run the program with "+RTS 
-hT" to get a basic space profile, there's no need to compile it for 
profiling - this is tremendously useful for quick profiling jobs.  And 
in this case we see the the heap is filling up with (:) and Tree 
constructors, no thunks.

Here's the short story:  GHC does have the space leak optimisation you 
refer to, and it is working correctly, but it doesn't cover all the 
cases you might want it to cover.  In particular, optimisations 
sometimes interact badly with the space leak avoidance, and that's 
what is happening here.  We've known about the problem for some time, 
but this is the first time I've seen a nice small example that 
demonstrates it.

-- Lazily build a tree out of a sequence of tree-building events
build :: [TreeEvent] -> ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
build (Start str : es) =
let (es', subnodes) = build es
(spill, siblings) = build es'
in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings))
build (Leaf str : es) =
let (spill, siblings) = build es
in (spill, Tree str [] : siblings)
build (Stop : es) = (es, [])
build [] = ([], [])


We don't know of a good way to fix this problem.  I'm going to record 
this example in a ticket for future reference, though.


is there a way, perhaps, to rewrite this expression to avoid leaks?
An ad-hoc will do, perhaps split in two modules to avoid intramodular

Tried to avoid this misoptimization by using explicit fst, and
it worked on my synthesized input (probably benefiting of CSE):

build :: [TreeEvent] -> ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
build (Start str : es) =
let (_, subnodes) = build es
(spill, siblings) = build . fst . build $ es
in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings))
build (Leaf str : es) =
let (spill, siblings) = build es
in (spill, Tree str [] : siblings)
build (Stop : es) = (es, [])
build [] = ([], [])

However, while this solution works on a synthesized input (cycle [...]),
it still has memory leak when taken into HXML environment which
operates on files (why?).

Only when I also added Ketil Malde's `par` based hack I finally
was able to parse the big XML file without a space leak. Here's
the diff to HXML 0.2:

--- TreeBuild.hs.old2008-09-19 17:01:30.0 -0700
+++ TreeBuild.hs2008-09-19 17:04:15.0 -0700
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import XMLParse
 import XML
 import Tree
+import Control.Parallel

 -- TODO: add basic error-checks: matching end-tags, ensure input exhausted
@@ -43,8 +44,9 @@
addTree t es= let (s,es') = build es in pair (cons t s) es'
build []= pair nil []
build (e:es) = case e of
-   StartEvent gi atts  -> let (c,es') = build es
-  in addNode (ELNode gi atts) c es'
+   StartEvent gi atts  -> let (c, es') = build es
+  sbl = build . snd . build $ es
+  in sbl `par` (cons (tree (ELNode gi atts) c) 
(fst sbl), snd sbl)
EndEvent _  -> pair nil es
EmptyEvent gi atts  -> addLeaf (ELNode gi atts) es
TextEvent s -> addLeaf (TXNode s) es

With that, a 45 mb XML is parsed in constant space in

G4 1.5GHz: 1 minute 48 seconds, taking 16 mb RAM
Pentium D 2x3.0GHz: 12 seconds, taking 9 mb RAM

Compared to 0.2s `wc -l`.

If you
  * remove `par` from there or
  * replace (build . snd . build $ es) with just (es') or
  * forget to specify -threaded (-smp) during ghc compilation
then the space leak will exhibit itself again.

However, removing -threaded will still make this code run without leak
on synthesized input (StartEvent "" [] : cycle [TextEvent ""]).

I believe there's a way to get rid of `par`, perhaps by wrapping
this tree building thing into a optimization-unfriendly monad?
But I don't know how to approach this. Any help?

Lev Walkin
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: XML (HXML) parsing :: GHC 6.8.3 space leak from 2000

2008-09-18 Thread Lev Walkin

Simon Marlow wrote:

Lev Walkin wrote:

I wondered why would a contemporary GHC 6.8.3 exhibit such a leak?
After all, the technique was known in 2000 (and afir by Wadler in '87)
and one would assume Joe English's reference to "most other Haskell
systems" ought to mean GHC.

Thanks for this nice example - Don Stewart pointed me to it, and  Simon 
PJ and I just spent some time this morning diagnosing it.

Incedentally, with GHC 6.8 you can just run the program with "+RTS -hT" 
to get a basic space profile, there's no need to compile it for 
profiling - this is tremendously useful for quick profiling jobs.  And 
in this case we see the the heap is filling up with (:) and Tree 
constructors, no thunks.

Here's the short story:  GHC does have the space leak optimisation you 
refer to, and it is working correctly, but it doesn't cover all the 
cases you might want it to cover.  In particular, optimisations 
sometimes interact badly with the space leak avoidance, and that's what 
is happening here.  We've known about the problem for some time, but 
this is the first time I've seen a nice small example that demonstrates it.

-- Lazily build a tree out of a sequence of tree-building events
build :: [TreeEvent] -> ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
build (Start str : es) =
let (es', subnodes) = build es
(spill, siblings) = build es'
in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings))
build (Leaf str : es) =
let (spill, siblings) = build es
in (spill, Tree str [] : siblings)
build (Stop : es) = (es, [])
build [] = ([], [])


We don't know of a good way to fix this problem.  I'm going to record 
this example in a ticket for future reference, though.


is there a way, perhaps, to rewrite this expression to avoid leaks?
An ad-hoc will do, perhaps split in two modules to avoid intramodular

Lev Walkin
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: XML (HXML) parsing :: GHC 6.8.3 space leak from 2000

2008-09-18 Thread Simon Marlow

Lev Walkin wrote:

I wondered why would a contemporary GHC 6.8.3 exhibit such a leak?
After all, the technique was known in 2000 (and afir by Wadler in '87)
and one would assume Joe English's reference to "most other Haskell
systems" ought to mean GHC.

Thanks for this nice example - Don Stewart pointed me to it, and  Simon PJ 
and I just spent some time this morning diagnosing it.

Incedentally, with GHC 6.8 you can just run the program with "+RTS -hT" to 
get a basic space profile, there's no need to compile it for profiling - 
this is tremendously useful for quick profiling jobs.  And in this case we 
see the the heap is filling up with (:) and Tree constructors, no thunks.

Here's the short story:  GHC does have the space leak optimisation you 
refer to, and it is working correctly, but it doesn't cover all the cases 
you might want it to cover.  In particular, optimisations sometimes 
interact badly with the space leak avoidance, and that's what is happening 
here.  We've known about the problem for some time, but this is the first 
time I've seen a nice small example that demonstrates it.

-- Lazily build a tree out of a sequence of tree-building events
build :: [TreeEvent] -> ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
build (Start str : es) =
let (es', subnodes) = build es
(spill, siblings) = build es'
in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings))
build (Leaf str : es) =
let (spill, siblings) = build es
in (spill, Tree str [] : siblings)
build (Stop : es) = (es, [])
build [] = ([], [])

So here's the long story.  Look at the first equation for build:

> build (Start str : es) =
> let (es', subnodes) = build es
> (spill, siblings) = build es'
> in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings))

this turns into

  x = build es
  es' = fst x
  subnodes = snd x

  y = build es'
  spill = fst y
  siblings = snd y

now, it's the "siblings" binding we're interested in, because this one is 
never demanded - in this example, "subnodes" ends up being an infinite list 
of trees, and we never get to evaluate "siblings".  So anything referred to 
by siblings will remain in the heap.

The space-leak avoidance optimisation works on all those "fst" and "snd" 
bindings: in a binding like "siblings = snd y", when y is evaluated to a 
pair, the GC will automatically reduce "snd y", so releasing the first 
component of the pair.  This all works fine.

But the optimiser sees the above code and spots that es' only occurs once, 
in the right hand side of the binding for y, and so it inlines it.  Now we have

  x = build es
  subnodes = snd x

  y = build (fst x)
  spill = fst y
  siblings = snd y

Now, usually this is a good idea, but in this case we lost the special 
space-leak avoidance on the "fst x" expression, because it is now embedded 
in an expression.  In fact in this case the thunk goes away entirely, 
because build is strict.

But now, when the program runs, the thunk for siblings retains y, which 
retains x, which evaluates to a pair, the second component of which 
evaluates to an infintely growing list of Trees (the first components is a 
chain of "fst y" expressions that constantly get reduced by the GC and 
don't take up any space).

We don't know of a good way to fix this problem.  I'm going to record this 
example in a ticket for future reference, though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list