Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-07-01 Thread wren ng thornton

Andrew Coppin wrote:
I did wonder what the heck a "type function" is or why you'd want one. 
And then a while later I wrote some code along the lines of

 class Collection c where
   type Element c :: *
   empty :: c -> Bool
   first :: c -> Element c

So now it's like Element is a function that takes a collection type and 
returns the type of its elements - a *type function*.

Suddenly the usual approach of doing something like

 class Collection c where
   empty :: c x -> Bool
   first :: c x -> x

seems like a clumsy kludge, and the first snippet seems much nicer. (I 
gather that GHC's implementation of all this is still "fragile" though? 
Certainly I regularly get some very, very strange type errors if I try 
to use this stuff...)

Adding type functions introduces a lot of theoretical complexity to the 
type system. It's very easy to end up loosing decidability of type 
inference/checking, not giving the power/properties you want, or both. I 
get the impression that folks are still figuring out exactly how to 
balance these issues in Haskell.

For example, should type functions be injective (i.e. (F x = F y) ==> (x 
= y)) or not? If we make them injective then that rules out writing 
non-injective functions. But if we don't, then we cripple the type 
inferencer. This is why there's a distinction between associated 
datatypes (injective) vs associated type aliases (not).

the only kinds available are * and (k1 -> k2)

Does # not count?

The other kinds like #, ?, and ?? are just implementation details in 
GHC. By and large they are not theoretically significant. Also, other 
compilers (e.g. jhc) have different kinding systems for optimizations.

Some folks have advocated for distinguishing the kind of proper types 
from the kind of type indices. This is theoretically significant, and I 
think it's a fabulous idea. But it hasn't been implemented AFAIK.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-07-01 Thread wren ng thornton

Andrew Coppin wrote:

wren ng thornton wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:
It's a bit like trying to learn Prolog from somebody who thinks that 
the difference between first-order and second-order logic is somehow 
"common knowledge". (FWIW, I have absolutely no clue what that 
difference is.

First-order means you can only quantify over simple things. 
Second-order means you can also quantify over quantification, as it were.

Sure. I get the idea that "second-order" means "like first-order, but 
you can apply it to itself" (in most contexts, anyway).

Kind of. More accurately you can apply it to itself once. That is, 
continuing the quantification version:

First we have a set S. In the 0th-order world we can only pick out 
particular elements of S by name, we can't say "oh, for any old S". In 
the 1st-order world we are allowed to quantify over elements of S (i.e., 
pick out subsets). However, in so doing, we implicitly create a new set 
S' which contains the names of all possible 1st-order quantifications 
over S. And in the 1st-order setting we have no way of quantifying over 
S', we must pick out elements of S' by name. But in the 2nd-order 
setting we can use 2nd-order quantification in order to say "any old 
element of S'"[1]. Of course, this will implicitly create a set S'' of 
2nd-order quantifications... ... ...

In practice, there seems to be something magical about 2nd-order 
systems. That is, while there are differences between 2nd-order and 
higher-order (i.e., >=2 including the limit), these differences tend to 
be trivial/obvious, whereas the leap from 1st-order systems to 2nd-order 
systems causes remarkable and catastrophic[2] changes. So technically 
2nd-order systems are restricted to only quantifying over their 
1st-order subsystems, but they introduce the notion of self-reference, 
which is as different from quantification as quantification is from naming.

But what the heck does "quantification" mean?

In the simplest sense, it's the ability to enumerate some collection. 
Though that only raises more questions: "which collection?", "how big of 
a collection can it be?" or equivalently "how powerful of an enumerator 
does it use?", "is it guaranteed to yield *every* element of the 
collection?",... In an only somewhat more general sense, it's a question 
philosophers (and logicians) have argued over for centuries.

But more apropos, the distinction between orders is really a distinction 
about the power/nature of a system/theory. Quantification over sets is 
an example of a theory where we'd want to distinguish orders, but it 
isn't the only one. The categorization of lambda calculi into layers of 
terms, types, kinds, etc. is another example (where each layer is an 
order). The other example I have about Theory of Mind is yet another 
example, and perhaps the clearest for explaining what the distinction is 
ultimately trying to get at. In 1st-order theories we can generate 
hypotheses about the world, but in 2nd-/higher-order theories we can 
also generate hypotheses about our theories. Again, the 2nd-order 
introduces the notion of self-reference, the idea of a theory containing 
itself as an object, and the infinite regress of impredicativity.[3]

[1] And we can still use 1st-order quantification in order to enumerate 
S. Frequently mathematicians don't bother distinguishing the different 
varieties of quantification available in a given system; so long as we 
know what the upper limit is, we use the same notation for everything 
under that limit. Sometimes, however, we do need to distinguish the 
different quantifiers. For example, this shows up in the stratification 
of universes to avoid impredicativity in Coq, Agda, etc... this is 
usually hidden/implicit from the programmer, though it shows up in the 
compiler/type checker.

[2] That is, world-altering. Not necessarily bad.

[3] Though noone can really say what "impredicativity" *is* either ;)

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-28 Thread Andrew Coppin

Brent Yorgey wrote:

As several people have pointed out, type-level programming in Haskell
resembles logic programming a la Prolog -- however, this actually only
applies to type-level programming using multi-parameter type classes
with functional dependencies [1] (which was until recently the only way to
do it).

Type-level programming using the newer type families [2] (which are
equivalent in power [3]) actually lets you program in a functional
style, much more akin to defining value-level functions in Haskell.

I did wonder what the heck a "type function" is or why you'd want one. 
And then a while later I wrote some code along the lines of

 class Collection c where
   type Element c :: *
   empty :: c -> Bool
   first :: c -> Element c

So now it's like Element is a function that takes a collection type and 
returns the type of its elements - a *type function*.

Suddenly the usual approach of doing something like

 class Collection c where
   empty :: c x -> Bool
   first :: c x -> x

seems like a clumsy kludge, and the first snippet seems much nicer. (I 
gather that GHC's implementation of all this is still "fragile" though? 
Certainly I regularly get some very, very strange type errors if I try 
to use this stuff...) The latter approach relies on "c" having a 
particular kind, and the element type being a type argument (rather than 
static), and in a specific argument position, and so on. So you can 
construct a class that works for *one* type of element, or for *every* 
type of element, but not for only *some*. The former approach (is that 
type families or associated types or...? I get confused with all the 
terms for nearly the same thing...) seems much cleaner to me. I never 
liked FDs in the first place.

Not only is Element now a function, but you define it as a sort of 
case-by-case pattern match:

 instance Collection Bytestring where type Element ByteString = Word8
 instance Collection [x] where type Element [x] = x
 instance Ord x => Collection (Set x) where type Element (Set x) = x

So far, I haven't seen any other obvious places where this technology 
might be useful (other than monads - which won't work). Then again, I 
haven't looked particularly hard either. ;-)

However, all of this type-level programming is fairly *untyped*

Yeah, there is that.

 -- the
only kinds available are * and (k1 -> k2)

Does # not count?

so type-level programming essentially takes place in the simply
typed lambda calculus with only a single base type, except you can't
write explicit lambdas.

Uh... if you say so? o_O

I'm currently working on a project with Simon Peyton-Jones, Dimitrios
Vytiniotis, Stephanie Weirich, and Steve Zdancewic on enabling *typed*
functional programming at the type level in GHC

Certainly sounds interesting...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-28 Thread Andrew Coppin

wren ng thornton wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:
I think I looked at Coq (or was it Epigram?) and found it utterly 
incomprehensible. Whoever wrote the document I was reading was 
obviously very comfortable with advanced mathematical abstractions 
which I've never even heard of.

One of the things I've found when dealing with--- er, reading the 
documentation for languages like Coq, is that the class of problems 
which motivate the need to move to such powerful formalisms are often 
so abstract that it is hard to come up with simple practical examples 
of why anyone should care. There are examples everywhere, but complex 
machinery is only motivated by complex problems, so it's hard to find 
nice simple examples.

Yeah. I think a similar problem is probably why most of the existing GHC 
extensions don't have comprehendable documentation. It's like "if you 
don't understand why this is useful, you probably don't even need it 
anyway". Except that that still doesn't explain the opaque language. 
(Other than that saying "this lets you put a thingy on the wotsit 
holder" would be even *more* opaque...)

It's a bit like trying to learn Prolog from somebody who thinks that 
the difference between first-order and second-order logic is somehow 
"common knowledge". (FWIW, I have absolutely no clue what that 
difference is.

First-order means you can only quantify over simple things. 
Second-order means you can also quantify over quantification, as it were.

Sure. I get the idea that "second-order" means "like first-order, but 
you can apply it to itself" (in most contexts, anyway). But what the 
heck does "quantification" mean?

Sadly, I suspect that it would be like asking where Maidenhead is. 
("Hey, where *is* Maidenhead anyway?" "Oh, it's near Slough." "Uh, 
where's Slough?" "It's in Berkshire." "...and where's Berkshire?" "It's 
near Surrey." "OK, forget I asked.")

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-28 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 6/28/10 15:04 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
>> More to the point, Haskell was a bit too frozen in stone when dependent type
>> theory reached the point of being implementable.
> Right. So, in summary, the answer is "historical circumstance"?
> (I was wondering whether it was history or whether it's impossible to
> implement dependantly-typed languages or some other reason or...)

I think you chose to chop off a partial answer to that.
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-28 Thread Andrew Coppin

So is there a specific reason why Haskell isn't dependently typed then?

Or you could ask, So is there a specific reason why C isn't a functional

More to the point, Haskell was a bit too frozen in stone when dependent type
theory reached the point of being implementable.

Right. So, in summary, the answer is "historical circumstance"?

(I was wondering whether it was history or whether it's impossible to 
implement dependantly-typed languages or some other reason or...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-28 Thread Brent Yorgey

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 02:26:54PM -0700, Walt Rorie-Baety wrote:
> I've noticed over the - okay, over the months - that some folks enjoy the
> puzzle-like qualities of programming in the type system (poor Oleg, he's
> become #haskell's answer to the "Chuck Norris" meme commonly encountered in
> Anyway,... are there any languages out there whose term-level programming
> resembles Haskell type-level programming, and if so, would a deliberate
> effort to appeal to that resemblance be an advantage (leaving out for now
> the hair-pulling effort that such a change would entail)?

As several people have pointed out, type-level programming in Haskell
resembles logic programming a la Prolog -- however, this actually only
applies to type-level programming using multi-parameter type classes
with functional dependencies [1] (which was until recently the only way to
do it).

Type-level programming using the newer type families [2] (which are
equivalent in power [3]) actually lets you program in a functional
style, much more akin to defining value-level functions in Haskell.

However, all of this type-level programming is fairly *untyped* -- the
only kinds available are * and (k1 -> k2) where k1 and k2 are kinds
[4], so type-level programming essentially takes place in the simply
typed lambda calculus with only a single base type, except you can't
write explicit lambdas.

I'm currently working on a project with Simon Peyton-Jones, Dimitrios
Vytiniotis, Stephanie Weirich, and Steve Zdancewic on enabling *typed*
functional programming at the type level in GHC, very much inspired by
Conor McBride's SHE preprocessor [5].  I've got a blog post in the
works explaining our goals in much more detail, hopefully I'll be able
to get that up in the next day or two.


[4] Leaving out GHC's special ? and ?? kinds which aren't really of
interest to the type-level programmer.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread wren ng thornton

Andrew Coppin wrote:
I think I looked at Coq (or was it Epigram?) and found it utterly 
incomprehensible. Whoever wrote the document I was reading was obviously 
very comfortable with advanced mathematical abstractions which I've 
never even heard of.

One of the things I've found when dealing with--- er, reading the 
documentation for languages like Coq, is that the class of problems 
which motivate the need to move to such powerful formalisms are often so 
abstract that it is hard to come up with simple practical examples of 
why anyone should care. There are examples everywhere, but complex 
machinery is only motivated by complex problems, so it's hard to find 
nice simple examples.

In particular, I've noticed that once you start *using* Coq (et al.) and 
trying to prove theorems about your programs, the subtle issues that 
motivate the complex machinery begin to make sense. For example, there's 
a lot of debate over whether Axiom K is a good thing or not. Just 
reading the literature doesn't shed any light on the real ramifications 
of having the axiom vs not; you really need to go about trying to prove 
definitional equalities and seeing the places where you can't proceed 
without it, before you can appreciate what all the hubbub is about.

It's a bit like trying to learn Prolog from 
somebody who thinks that the difference between first-order and 
second-order logic is somehow "common knowledge". (FWIW, I have 
absolutely no clue what that difference is.

First-order means you can only quantify over simple things. Second-order 
means you can also quantify over quantification, as it were.

For example, the type system of simply-typed lambda calculus is 
1st-order intuitionistic propositional logic, and System F (i.e., STLC + 
rank-n polymorphism) is 2nd-order. (F_omega is higher-order, but that's 
one of those wormholes in the lambda cube.)

Though "higher-order" is a much abused term, which may cause some of the 
confusion. The higher-orderness discussed above has to do with 
quantification within types, which has to do with higher-orderness of 
the related logics. But we can also talk about a different sort of 
higher-orderness, namely what distinguishes System F from F_omega, or 
distinguishes LF from ITT. In STLC we add a simple language of types at 
a layer above the term layer, in order to make sure the term layer 
behaves itself. After hacking around we eventually decide it'd be cool 
to have functions at the type level. But how to we make sure that our 
types are well-formed? Well, we add a new layer of simple "types" on top 
of the type layer--- which gives us a second-order system. We could 
repeat the process again once we decide we want kind-level functions too.[1]

To take a different track, in cognitive science people talk about 
"theory of mind", i.e. the idea that we each theorize that other people 
have minds, desires, beliefs, etc. A first-order theory of mind is when 
we attribute a mind to other people. A second-order theory of mind is 
when we attribute a theory of mind to other people (i.e., we believe 
that they believe that we have a mind). Etc.

In epistemic/doxastic logics we can talk about first-order 
knowledge/beliefs, that is beliefs in simple propositions. But we can 
also talk about second-order beliefs, that is beliefs about beliefs. Etc.

[1] See Tim Sheard's Omega for the logical conclusion of this process.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread wren ng thornton

Andrew Coppin wrote:

Stephen Tetley wrote:

On 26 June 2010 08:07, Andrew Coppin  wrote:

Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?

How about:

"The result type of a function may depend on the argument value"
(rather than just the argument type)

Hmm. This sounds like one of those things where the idea is simple, but 
the consequences are profound...

The simplest fully[1] dependently typed formalism is one of the many 
variants of LF. LF is an extension of the simply typed lambda calculus, 
extending the arrow type constructor to be ((x:a) -> b) where the 
variable x is bound to the argument value and has scope over b. In order 
to make use of this, we also allow type constructors with dependent 
kinds, for example with the type family (P : A -> *) we could have a 
function (f : (x:A) -> P x). Via Curry--Howard isomorphism this gives us 
first-order intuitionistic predicate calculus (whereas STLC is 1st-order 
propositional calculus). The switch from atomic propositions to 
predicates is where the profundity lies.

A common extension to LF is to add dependent pairs, generalizing the 
product type constructor to be ((x:a) * b), where the variable x is 
bound to the first component of the pair and has scope over b. This 
extension is rather trivial in the LF setting, but it can cause 
unforeseen complications in more complex formalisms.

Adding dependencies is orthogonal to adding polymorphism or to adding 
higher-orderness. Though "orthogonal" should probably be said with 
scare-quotes. In the PTS presentation of Barendregt's lambda cube these 
three axes are indeed syntactically orthogonal. However, in terms of 
formal power, the lambda cube isn't really a cube as such. There are 
numerous shortcuts and wormholes connecting far reaches in obscure 
non-Euclidean ways. The cube gives a nice overview to start from, but 
don't confuse the map for the territory.

One particular limitation of LF worth highlighting is that, even though 
term-level values may *occur* in types, they may not themselves *be* 
types. That is, in LF, we can't have any function like (g : (x:a) -> x). 
In the Calculus of Constructions (CC)[2], this restriction is lifted in 
certain ways, and that's when the distinction between term-level and 
type-level really breaks down. Most current dependently typed languages 
(Coq, Agda, Epigram, LEGO, NuPRL) are playing around somewhere near 
here, whereas older languages tended to play around closer to LF or ITT 
(e.g., Twelf).

And as a final note, GADTs and type families are forms of dependent 
types, so GHC Haskell is indeed a dependently typed language (of sorts). 
They're somewhat kludgy in Haskell because of the way they require code 
duplication for term-level and type-level definitions of "the same" 
function. In "real" dependently typed languages it'd be cleaner to work 
with these abstractions since we could pass terms into the type level 
directly, however that cleanliness comes with other burdens such as 
requiring that all functions be provably terminating. Managing to 
balance cleanliness and the requirements of type checking is an ongoing 
research area. (Unless you take the Cayenne route and just stop caring 
about whether type checking will terminate :)

[1] Just as Hindley--Milner is an interesting stopping point between 
STLC and System F, there are also systems between STLC and LF.

[2] In terms of formal power: CC == F_omega + LF == ITT + SystemF.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread wren ng thornton

Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

On 6/25/10 9:49 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:
[1] is currently down, but can be accessed at


Are any of those compatible with Haskell, so that we could mix code in 
that language with Haskell code?

Your best bets would be Agda and Curry. I'm not familiar enough with 
either of them to know what sort of FFI or cross-linking they support, 
but both are (by design) rather similar to Haskell. For Curry, it may 
also vary depending on the compiler.

With all the others, interaction will be restricted to generic FFI support.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread C. McCann
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Erik de Castro Lopo
> One problem with dependent types as I understand it is that type
> inference is not guaranteed to terminate.

Full type inference is undecidable in most interesting type systems
anyway. It's possible for the simply-typed λ-calculus, but the best
you can do beyond that is probably the Damas/Hindley/Milner algorithm
which covers a (rather useful) subset of System F. This is the heart
of Haskell's type inference, but some GHC extensions make type
inference undecidable, such as RankNTypes.

Type inference being undecidable is only a problem insofar as it
requires adding explicit type annotations until the remaining types
can be inferred.

- C.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo
Andrew Coppin wrote:

> Right, I see.
> So is there a specific reason why Haskell isn't dependently typed then?

One problem with dependent types as I understand it is that type
inference is not guaranteed to terminate.

Erik de Castro Lopo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 6/26/10 14:58 , Jason Dagit wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Andrew Coppin  > wrote:
> Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> A bit more than that:  imagine now that you can (a) replace that 7
> with a
> variable and (b) do math on it in a type declaration.
> So is there a specific reason why Haskell isn't dependently typed then?
> Or you could ask, So is there a specific reason why C isn't a functional
> language?

More to the point, Haskell was a bit too frozen in stone when dependent type
theory reached the point of being implementable.  As a case in point, you'll
notice in my sized-list example in pseudo-Haskell I had to drag in syntax
from ML to distinguish type variables from value variables?  Hard to escape
that with Haskell as it currently exists --- but in a proper dependently
typed system, there is no such distinction:  types aren't different kinds of
things from values.  (Or in the usual lingo, types are first class values in
dependently-typed languages.)  Compare my example to the Agda example
someone else posted; Agda is a proper dependently typed language, and the
value and type variables are treated exactly the same way.

- -- 
brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university  KF8NH
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Alexander Solla

On Jun 26, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

A first order logic quantifies over values, and a second order  
logic quantifies over values and sets of values (i.e., types,  
predicates, etc).  The latter lets you express things like "For  
every property P, P x".  Notice that this expression "is  
equivalent" to Haskell's bottom type "a".  Indeed, Haskell is a  
weak second-order language. Haskell's language of values,  
functions, and function application is a first-order language.

I have literally no idea what you just said.

It's like, I have C. J. Date on the shelf, and the whole chapter on  
the Relational Calculus just made absolutely no sense to me because  
I don't understand the vocabulary.

Let's break it down then.  A language is a set of "terms" or  
"expressions", together with rules for putting terms together  
(resulting in "sentences", in the logic vocabulary).  A "logic" is a  
language with "rules of inference" that let you transform sets of  
sentences into new sentences.

Quantification is a tricky thing to describe.  In short, if a language  
can "quantify over" something, it means that you can have variables  
"of that kind".  So, Haskell can quantify over integers, since we can  
have variables like "x :: Integer".  More generally, Haskell's run- 
time language quantifies over "values".

From this point of view, Haskell is TWO languages that interact  
nicely (or rather, a second-order language).  First, there is the  
"term-level" run-time language.  This is the stuff that gets evaluated  
when you actually run a program.  It can quantify over values and  
functions.  And we can express function application (a rule of  
inference to combine a function and a value, resulting in a new value).

Second, there is the type language, which relies on specific keywords:

data, class, instance, newtype, type, (::)

Using these keywords, we can quantify over types.  That is, the  
constructs they enable take types as variables.

However, notice that a type is "really" a collection of values.  For  
example, as the Gentle Introduction to Haskell says, we should think  
of the type Integer as being:

data Integer = 0 | 1 | -1 | 2 | -2 | ...

despite the fact that this isn't how it's really implemented.  The  
Integer type is "just" an enumeration of the integers.

Putting this all together and generalizing a bit, a second-order  
language is a language with two distinct, unmixable kinds variables,  
where one kind of variable represents a collection of things that can  
fill in the other kind of variable.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Andrew Coppin  wrote:

> Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 6/26/10 07:28 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
>>> Oh, right. So you mean that as well as being able to say "Foo Bar", you
>>> can
>>> say "Foo 7", where 7 is (of course) a value rather than a type. (?)
>> A bit more than that:  imagine now that you can (a) replace that 7 with a
>> variable and (b) do math on it in a type declaration.
> Right, I see.
> So is there a specific reason why Haskell isn't dependently typed then?

Or you could ask, So is there a specific reason why C isn't a functional
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 6/26/10 07:28 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

Oh, right. So you mean that as well as being able to say "Foo Bar", you can
say "Foo 7", where 7 is (of course) a value rather than a type. (?)

A bit more than that:  imagine now that you can (a) replace that 7 with a
variable and (b) do math on it in a type declaration.

Right, I see.

So is there a specific reason why Haskell isn't dependently typed then?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

Alexander Solla wrote:

On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

It's a bit like trying to learn Prolog from somebody who thinks that 
the difference between first-order and second-order logic is somehow 
"common knowledge".

A first order logic quantifies over values, and a second order logic 
quantifies over values and sets of values (i.e., types, predicates, 
etc).  The latter lets you express things like "For every property P, 
P x".  Notice that this expression "is equivalent" to Haskell's bottom 
type "a".  Indeed, Haskell is a weak second-order language.  Haskell's 
language of values, functions, and function application is a 
first-order language.

I have literally no idea what you just said.

It's like, I have C. J. Date on the shelf, and the whole chapter on the 
Relational Calculus just made absolutely no sense to me because I don't 
understand the vocabulary.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Alexander Solla

On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

It's a bit like trying to learn Prolog from somebody who thinks that  
the difference between first-order and second-order logic is somehow  
"common knowledge".

A first order logic quantifies over values, and a second order logic  
quantifies over values and sets of values (i.e., types, predicates,  
etc).  The latter lets you express things like "For every property P,  
P x".  Notice that this expression "is equivalent" to Haskell's bottom  
type "a".  Indeed, Haskell is a weak second-order language.  Haskell's  
language of values, functions, and function application is a first- 
order language.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread C. McCann
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 3:27 AM, Jason Dagit  wrote:
> The types can depend on values.  For example, have you ever notice we have
> families of functions in Haskell like zip, zip3, zip4, ..., and liftM,
> liftM2, ...?
> Each of them has a type that fits into a pattern, mainly the arity
> increases.  Now imagine if you could pass a natural number to them and have
> the type change based on that instead of making new versions and
> incrementing the name.  That of course, is only the tip of the iceberg.

That's also a degenerate example, because it doesn't actually require
dependent types. What you have here are types dependent on *numbers*,
not *values* specifically. That type numbers are rarely built into
non-dependently-typed languages is another matter; encoding numbers
(inefficiently) as types is mind-numbingly simple in Haskell, not
requiring even any exciting GHC extensions (although encoding
arithmetic on those numbers will soon pile the extensions on).

Furthermore, families of functions of the flavor you describe are
doubly degenerate examples: The simplest encoding for type numbers are
the good old Peano numerals, expressed as nested type constructors
like Z, S Z, S (S Z), and so on... but the arity of a function is
*already* expressed as nested type constructors like [b] -> ([a] ->
[(b, a)]), [c] -> ([b] -> ([a] ->[(c,b, a)])), and such! The only
complication here is that the "zero" type changes for each number[0],
but in a very practical sense these functions already encode type

Many alleged uses for dependent types are similarly trivial--using
them only as a shortcut for doing term-like computations on types.
With sufficient sweat, tears, and GHC extensions, most if not all of
said degenerate examples can be encoded directly at the type level.

For those following along at home, here's a quick cheat-sheet on
playing with type programs in GHC:
- Type constructors build new type "values"
- Type classes in general associate types with term values inhabiting them
- Type families and MPTCs with fundeps provide functions on types
- When an instance is selected, everything in its context is "evaluated"
- Instance selection that depends on the result of another type
function provides a sort of lazy evaluation (useful for control
- Getting anything interesting done usually needs UndecidableInstances
plus Oleg's TypeEq and TypeCast classes

Standard polymorphism also involves functions on types in a sense, but
doesn't allow computation on them. As a crude analogy, one could think
of type classes as allowing "pattern matching" on types, whereas
parametric polymorphism can only bind types to generic variables
without inspecting constructors.

>  Haskell's type system is sufficiently expressive that we can encode many
> instances of dependent types by doing some extra work.

Encoding *actual* instances of dependent types in some fashion is
indeed possible, but it's a bit trickier. The examples you cite deal
largely with making the  degenerate cases more pleasant to work with;
the paper by a charming bit of Church-ish encoding that weaves the
desired number-indexed function right into the definition of the zero
and successor, and she... well, she's a sight to behold to be sure,
but at the end of the day she's not really doing all that much either.

Since any value knowable at compile-time can be lifted to the type
level one way or another, non-trivial faux-dependent types must depend
on values not known until run-time--which of course means that the
exact type will be unknown until run-time as well, i.e., an
existential type. For instance, Oleg's uses of existential types to
provide static guarantees about some property of run-time values[1]
can usually be reinterpreted as a rather roundabout way of replicating
something most naturally expressed by actual dependent types.

Which isn't to say that type-level programming isn't useful, of
course--just that if you know the actual type at compile-time, you
don't really need dependent types.

- C.

[0] This is largely because of how Haskell handles tuples--the result
of a zipN function is actually another type number, not a zero, but
there's no simple way to find the successor of a tuple. More sensible,
from a number types perspective, would be to construct tuples using ()
as zero and (_, n) as successor. This would give us zip0 :: [()], zip1
:: [a] -> [(a, ())], zip2 :: [b] -> ([a] -> [(b, (a, ()))]), and so
on. The liftM and zipWith functions avoid this issue.
[1] See and for instance.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 6/26/10 07:28 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Uh, don't types have values *now*?

To the extent that's true now, they're "baked in"; you can't do anything
to/with them.

> Oh, right. So you mean that as well as being able to say "Foo Bar", you can
> say "Foo 7", where 7 is (of course) a value rather than a type. (?)

A bit more than that:  imagine now that you can (a) replace that 7 with a
variable and (b) do math on it in a type declaration:

> -- borrowing 'typevar from ML for a moment...
> (SList 'a l) is a sized list of ('a) of length (l)
> sListConcat :: SList 'a l1 -> SList 'a l2 -> SList 'a (l1 + l2)

Just for starters.

- -- 
brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university  KF8NH
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Liam O'Connor
We most certainly do have type-level functions. See type families.


On 26 June 2010 17:33, Jason Dagit  wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 12:27 AM, Jason Dagit  wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Andrew Coppin
>>  wrote:
>>> wren ng thornton wrote:

 And, as Jason said, if you're just interested in having the same
 programming style at both term and type levels, then you should look into
 dependently typed languages.
>>> Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?
>> The types can depend on values.  For example, have you ever notice we have
>> families of functions in Haskell like zip, zip3, zip4, ..., and liftM,
>> liftM2, ...?
>> Each of them has a type that fits into a pattern, mainly the arity
>> increases.  Now imagine if you could pass a natural number to them and have
>> the type change based on that instead of making new versions and
>> incrementing the name.  That of course, is only the tip of the iceberg.
>>  Haskell's type system is sufficiently expressive that we can encode many
>> instances of dependent types by doing some extra work.  Even the example I
>> just gave can be emulated.  See this paper:
>> Also SHE:
>> Then there are languages like Coq and Agda that support dependent types
>> directly.  There you can return a type from a function instead of a value.
> I just realized, I may not have made this point sufficiently clear.  Much of
> the reason we need to do extra work in Haskell to emulate dependent types is
> because types are not first class in Haskell.  We can't write terms that
> manipulate types (type level functions).  Instead we use type classes as
> sets of types and newtypes/data in place of type level functions.  But, in
> dependently typed languages types are first class.  Along this line, HList
> would also serve as a good example of what you would/could do in a
> dependently type language by showing you how to emulate it in Haskell.
> Jason
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Liam O'Connor
I prefer Agda to Epigram, but different strokes for different folks.

In agda, you could define a list indexed by its size like this:

data Vec  : (A : Set) →  ℕ → Set where
 []  : Vec A 0
 _∷_ : ∀ {n : ℕ} → A → Vec A n → Vec A (1 + n)

So, we have a Vec data type, and on the type level it is a function
from some type A (which itself is of type Set) and a natural number
(the length) to a new type (of type Set).

The empty list is defined as a zero length vector, and cons therefore
increases the type-level length of the vector by one. Using this
method, Agda can be used to make a fully safe "head" implementation
that is statically verified not to crash:

head : ∀ { A : Set } { n : ℕ} → Vec A (1 + n) → A
head (x :: xs) = x

This uses the type system to ensure that the vector includes at least
one element.

Note that a similar thing can be achieved in Haskell with the right
extensions, however type-level naturals must be used:

data S n
data Z

data Vec a :: * -> * where
  Empty :: Vec a 0
  Cons   :: a -> Vec a b -> Vec a (S b)

safeHead  :: forall b. Vec a (S b) -> a
safeHead (Cons x xs) = x

(note: not tested)

The main difference here between Haskell and Agda is that the types
themselves are typed, and that the types contain real naturals not
fake ones like in Haskell


On 26 June 2010 22:04, Andrew Coppin  wrote:
> Tony Morris wrote:
> Ah yes, it was definitely Epigram I looked at. The intro to this looked
> promising, but by about 3 pages in, I had absolutely no clue what on Earth
> the text is talking about...
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Gábor,

Saturday, June 26, 2010, 4:29:28 PM, you wrote:

> It's interesting how C++ is imperative at the term level and
> functional at the type level

or logic? it supports indeterminate choice

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Gábor Lehel
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 3:49 AM, wren ng thornton  wrote:
> Jason Dagit wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Walt Rorie-Baety
>> wrote:
>>> I've noticed over the - okay, over the months - that some folks enjoy the
>>> puzzle-like qualities of programming in the type system (poor Oleg, he's
>>> become #haskell's answer to the "Chuck Norris" meme commonly encountered
>>> in
>>> MMORPGs).
>>> Anyway,... are there any languages out there whose term-level programming
>>> resembles Haskell type-level programming, and if so, would a deliberate
>>> effort to appeal to that resemblance be an advantage (leaving out for now
>>> the hair-pulling effort that such a change would entail)?
>> I'm not a prolog programmer, but I've heard that using type classes to do
>> your computations leads to code that resembles prolog.
> Indeed. If you like the look of Haskell's type-level programming, you should
> look at logic programming languages based on Prolog. Datalog gives a well
> understood fragment of Prolog. ECLiPSe[1] extends Prolog with constraint
> programming. Mercury[2], lambda-Prolog[3], and Dyna give a more modern take
> on the paradigm.

It's interesting how C++ is imperative at the term level and
functional at the type level, while Haskell is functional at the term
level and similar to logic programming at the type level. Given
imperative, functional, and logic programming, that's nine possible
combinations of paradigms at the term and type level. How many of them
do we have examples for?

imperative/functional: C++
functional/logic: Haskell
functional/functional: Agda etc. (?)
imperative/imperative: Smalltalk/Ruby?

> If you're just a fan of logic variables and want something more
> Haskell-like, there is Curry[4]. In a similar vein there's also AliceML[5]
> which gives a nice futures/concurrency story to ML. AliceML started out on
> the same VM as Mozart/Oz[6], which has similar futures, though a different
> overall programming style.
> And, as Jason said, if you're just interested in having the same programming
> style at both term and type levels, then you should look into dependently
> typed languages. Agda is the most Haskell-like, Epigram draws heavily from
> the Haskell community, and Coq comes more from the ML tradition. There's a
> menagerie of others too, once you start looking.
> [1] is currently down, but can be accessed at
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> --
> Live well,
> ~wren
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Work is punishment for failing to procrastinate effectively.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

Tony Morris wrote:

Ah yes, it was definitely Epigram I looked at. The intro to this looked 
promising, but by about 3 pages in, I had absolutely no clue what on 
Earth the text is talking about...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

Jason Dagit wrote:

On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Andrew Coppin>> wrote:

Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?

The types can depend on values.  For example, have you ever notice we 
have families of functions in Haskell like zip, zip3, zip4, ..., and 
liftM, liftM2, ...?

Each of them has a type that fits into a pattern, mainly the arity 
increases.  Now imagine if you could pass a natural number to them and 
have the type change based on that instead of making new versions and 
incrementing the name.

Right. I see. (I think...)

Then there are languages like Coq and Agda that support dependent 
types directly.  There you can return a type from a function instead 
of a value.

I think I looked at Coq (or was it Epigram?) and found it utterly 
incomprehensible. Whoever wrote the document I was reading was obviously 
very comfortable with advanced mathematical abstractions which I've 
never even heard of. It's a bit like trying to learn Prolog from 
somebody who thinks that the difference between first-order and 
second-order logic is somehow "common knowledge". (FWIW, I have 
absolutely no clue what that difference is. But if you show me a few 
Prolog examples, I get the gist of what it does and why that's useful.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Tony Morris

Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Liam O'Connor wrote:
>> It means that not only can values have types, types can have values.
> Uh, don't types have values *now*?
>> An example of the uses of a dependent type would be to encode the
>> length of a list in it's type.
> Oh, right. So you mean that as well as being able to say "Foo Bar",
> you can say "Foo 7", where 7 is (of course) a value rather than a
> type. (?)
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tony Morris

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

Liam O'Connor wrote:

It means that not only can values have types, types can have values.

Uh, don't types have values *now*?

An example of the uses of a dependent type would be to encode the
length of a list in it's type.

Oh, right. So you mean that as well as being able to say "Foo Bar", you 
can say "Foo 7", where 7 is (of course) a value rather than a type. (?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

Stephen Tetley wrote:

On 26 June 2010 08:07, Andrew Coppin  wrote:


Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?

How about:

"The result type of a function may depend on the argument value"
(rather than just the argument type)

Hmm. This sounds like one of those things where the idea is simple, but 
the consequences are profound...

(I have once or twice wanted to do this in fact, but I don't recall why 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 12:27 AM, Jason Dagit  wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Andrew Coppin <
>> wrote:
>> wren ng thornton wrote:
>>> And, as Jason said, if you're just interested in having the same
>>> programming style at both term and type levels, then you should look into
>>> dependently typed languages.
>> Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?
> The types can depend on values.  For example, have you ever notice we have
> families of functions in Haskell like zip, zip3, zip4, ..., and liftM,
> liftM2, ...?
> Each of them has a type that fits into a pattern, mainly the arity
> increases.  Now imagine if you could pass a natural number to them and have
> the type change based on that instead of making new versions and
> incrementing the name.  That of course, is only the tip of the iceberg.
>  Haskell's type system is sufficiently expressive that we can encode many
> instances of dependent types by doing some extra work.  Even the example I
> just gave can be emulated.  See this paper:
> Also SHE:
> Then there are languages like Coq and Agda that support dependent types
> directly.  There you can return a type from a function instead of a value.

I just realized, I may not have made this point sufficiently clear.  Much of
the reason we need to do extra work in Haskell to emulate dependent types is
because types are not first class in Haskell.  We can't write terms that
manipulate types (type level functions).  Instead we use type classes as
sets of types and newtypes/data in place of type level functions.  But, in
dependently typed languages types are first class.  Along this line, HList
would also serve as a good example of what you would/could do in a
dependently type language by showing you how to emulate it in Haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Andrew Coppin  wrote:

> wren ng thornton wrote:
>> And, as Jason said, if you're just interested in having the same
>> programming style at both term and type levels, then you should look into
>> dependently typed languages.
> Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?

The types can depend on values.  For example, have you ever notice we have
families of functions in Haskell like zip, zip3, zip4, ..., and liftM,
liftM2, ...?

Each of them has a type that fits into a pattern, mainly the arity
increases.  Now imagine if you could pass a natural number to them and have
the type change based on that instead of making new versions and
incrementing the name.  That of course, is only the tip of the iceberg.
 Haskell's type system is sufficiently expressive that we can encode many
instances of dependent types by doing some extra work.  Even the example I
just gave can be emulated.  See this paper:

Also SHE:

Then there are languages like Coq and Agda that support dependent types
directly.  There you can return a type from a function instead of a value.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Liam O'Connor
It means that not only can values have types, types can have values.

An example of the uses of a dependent type would be to encode the
length of a list in it's type.

Due to the curry-howard isomorphism, dependent types open the gateway
for lots of type-level theorem proving.

On 26 June 2010 17:07, Andrew Coppin  wrote:
> wren ng thornton wrote:
>> And, as Jason said, if you're just interested in having the same
>> programming style at both term and type levels, then you should look into
>> dependently typed languages.
> Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Stephen Tetley
On 26 June 2010 08:07, Andrew Coppin  wrote:

> Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?

How about:

"The result type of a function may depend on the argument value"
(rather than just the argument type)

The quoted bit rather than the parens bit is from Lennart Augustsson's
"Cayenne - a language with dependent types"

The papers on Cayenne might be an interesting start point as the field
was less mature at that time, so the early papers had more explaining
to do.

Best wishes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

wren ng thornton wrote:
And, as Jason said, if you're just interested in having the same 
programming style at both term and type levels, then you should look 
into dependently typed languages.

Out of curiosity, what the hell does "dependently typed" mean anyway?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-25 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Are any of those compatible with Haskell, so that we could mix code in 
that language with Haskell code?


On 6/25/10 9:49 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

Jason Dagit wrote:
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Walt Rorie-Baety 

I've noticed over the - okay, over the months - that some folks 
enjoy the
puzzle-like qualities of programming in the type system (poor Oleg, 
become #haskell's answer to the "Chuck Norris" meme commonly 
encountered in


Anyway,... are there any languages out there whose term-level 

resembles Haskell type-level programming, and if so, would a deliberate
effort to appeal to that resemblance be an advantage (leaving out 
for now

the hair-pulling effort that such a change would entail)?

I'm not a prolog programmer, but I've heard that using type classes 
to do

your computations leads to code that resembles prolog.

Indeed. If you like the look of Haskell's type-level programming, you 
should look at logic programming languages based on Prolog. Datalog 
gives a well understood fragment of Prolog. ECLiPSe[1] extends Prolog 
with constraint programming. Mercury[2], lambda-Prolog[3], and Dyna 
give a more modern take on the paradigm.

If you're just a fan of logic variables and want something more 
Haskell-like, there is Curry[4]. In a similar vein there's also 
AliceML[5] which gives a nice futures/concurrency story to ML. AliceML 
started out on the same VM as Mozart/Oz[6], which has similar futures, 
though a different overall programming style.

And, as Jason said, if you're just interested in having the same 
programming style at both term and type levels, then you should look 
into dependently typed languages. Agda is the most Haskell-like, 
Epigram draws heavily from the Haskell community, and Coq comes more 
from the ML tradition. There's a menagerie of others too, once you 
start looking.

[1] is currently down, but can be accessed at


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-25 Thread wren ng thornton

Jason Dagit wrote:

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Walt Rorie-Baety wrote:

I've noticed over the - okay, over the months - that some folks enjoy the
puzzle-like qualities of programming in the type system (poor Oleg, he's
become #haskell's answer to the "Chuck Norris" meme commonly encountered in

Anyway,... are there any languages out there whose term-level programming
resembles Haskell type-level programming, and if so, would a deliberate
effort to appeal to that resemblance be an advantage (leaving out for now
the hair-pulling effort that such a change would entail)?

I'm not a prolog programmer, but I've heard that using type classes to do
your computations leads to code that resembles prolog.

Indeed. If you like the look of Haskell's type-level programming, you 
should look at logic programming languages based on Prolog. Datalog 
gives a well understood fragment of Prolog. ECLiPSe[1] extends Prolog 
with constraint programming. Mercury[2], lambda-Prolog[3], and Dyna give 
a more modern take on the paradigm.

If you're just a fan of logic variables and want something more 
Haskell-like, there is Curry[4]. In a similar vein there's also 
AliceML[5] which gives a nice futures/concurrency story to ML. AliceML 
started out on the same VM as Mozart/Oz[6], which has similar futures, 
though a different overall programming style.

And, as Jason said, if you're just interested in having the same 
programming style at both term and type levels, then you should look 
into dependently typed languages. Agda is the most Haskell-like, Epigram 
draws heavily from the Haskell community, and Coq comes more from the ML 
tradition. There's a menagerie of others too, once you start looking.

[1] is currently down, but can be accessed at


Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-25 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Walt Rorie-Baety wrote:

> I've noticed over the - okay, over the months - that some folks enjoy the
> puzzle-like qualities of programming in the type system (poor Oleg, he's
> become #haskell's answer to the "Chuck Norris" meme commonly encountered in
> Anyway,... are there any languages out there whose term-level programming
> resembles Haskell type-level programming, and if so, would a deliberate
> effort to appeal to that resemblance be an advantage (leaving out for now
> the hair-pulling effort that such a change would entail)?

I'm not a prolog programmer, but I've heard that using type classes to do
your computations leads to code that resembles prolog.  You might enjoy
looking at dependently typed languages.  In those languages the term level
and type level have the same computing power so your programs will go
between the levels at times.  In Agda they share the same syntax even, I

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type-Level Programming

2010-06-25 Thread Walt Rorie-Baety
I've noticed over the - okay, over the months - that some folks enjoy the
puzzle-like qualities of programming in the type system (poor Oleg, he's
become #haskell's answer to the "Chuck Norris" meme commonly encountered in

Anyway,... are there any languages out there whose term-level programming
resembles Haskell type-level programming, and if so, would a deliberate
effort to appeal to that resemblance be an advantage (leaving out for now
the hair-pulling effort that such a change would entail)?

Or, better yet, is there an Interest Group or committee (Working, or not),
that is looking at a coherent architecture or design for a possible future
version of Haskell (no offense to Tim Sheard's excelent Ωmega project)?

Walt "BMeph" Rorie-Baety
"A mountain that eats people? I want one!." - Richard, of
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-31 Thread spoon
On Mon, 2009-03-30 at 20:54 +0100, Lennart Augustsson wrote: 
> I wasn't questioning the utility of John's library.
> But I saw him mentioning unary numbers and I think it's a mistake to
> use those for anything practical involving even moderately sized
> numbers.

Also agreed!  tfp supports rational arithmetic through its decimal
numbers, and in my opinion, a new library should build upon tfp, adding
features like the regular prelude H.O.F.s until there is a prelude for

- John Morrice

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread Claus Reinke

I suppose having a good description of what I'd like to do might help: I'd
like to be able to make an N-Tuple an instance of a type class.

class Foo a where
instance Foo (,) where
instance Foo (,,) where
The different kindedness of (,) and (,,) prevent this from working.

Not that this is going to help you much, but perhaps you might
want to refine the problem specification:-) 


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
import Data.Char

data Ap0 (f :: *) 
data Ap1 (f :: * -> *) 
data Ap2 (f :: * -> * -> *)

data Ap3 (f :: * -> * -> * -> *)

type family F a b
type instance F (Ap0 b) b = b
type instance F (Ap1 f) b = f b
type instance F (Ap2 f) b = f b b
type instance F (Ap3 f) b = f b b b

class Foo a b where 
 foo   :: a -> b -> F a b

 unfoo :: a -> F a b -> b

instance Foo (Ap0 Bool) Bool where
 foo   _ b = b
 unfoo _ b = b

instance Foo (Ap2 (,)) Bool where 
 foo   _ b = (b,not b)

 unfoo _ (a,b) = a&&b

instance Foo (Ap2 (,)) Char where 
 foo   _ c = (chr (ord c+1), chr (ord c+2))

 unfoo _ (a,b) = maximum [a,b]

instance Foo (Ap3 (,,)) Char where 
 foo   _ c   = (c, chr (ord c+1), chr (ord c+2))

 unfoo _ (a,b,c) = maximum [a,b,c]

f bs | unfoo (undefined::Ap2 (,)) bs = foo (undefined::Ap3 (,,)) 'a'
| otherwise = foo (undefined::Ap3 (,,)) 'b' 

g what1 what2 bs | unfoo what1 bs = foo what2 'a'
| otherwise  = foo what2 '0' 

main = do
 print (f (True,False)::(Char,Char,Char))
 print (g (undefined::Ap0 Bool) (undefined::Ap3 (,,)) False   
 print (g (undefined::Ap2 (,))  (undefined::Ap2 (,))  (True,False)::(Char,Char))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread Edward Kmett
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Lennart Augustsson

> I wasn't questioning the utility of John's library. But I saw him
> mentioning unary numbers and I think it's a mistake to
> use those for anything practical involving even moderately sized
> numbers.

 Completely agreed. =)

 I only popped in because it seemed that between your response and Jose's
the conversation seemed likely to devolve into an interpretation of what he
was trying to do as 'just another type level number lib' and I wanted to
steer things in a more productive direction.

> I'd love to see a good type level programming library.  There's a lot
> of it out there, but it's never packaged in a way that is reusable as
> a good library.

 I started trying to package a bunch of this stuff up a year or two back,
and just basically lost the will to finish because it was just too tedious
to use with fundeps.

Even if the lack of polymorphic kinds seems to force it into a very
'pointful' style of programming, I'd be curious to see how far it could be

-Edward Kmett
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread Lennart Augustsson
I wasn't questioning the utility of John's library.
But I saw him mentioning unary numbers and I think it's a mistake to
use those for anything practical involving even moderately sized

I'd love to see a good type level programming library.  There's a lot
of it out there, but it's never packaged in a way that is reusable as
a good library.

  -- Lennart

2009/3/30 Edward Kmett :
> Lennart,
> I think the major emphasis that John's library has is on doing things other
> than numbers well in the type system, using the type family syntax to avoid
> the proliferation of intermediary names that the fundep approach yields.
> I think his type family approach for type-level monads for instance is
> pretty neat and quite readable.
> The biggest problem that I see with the approach is the general lack of
> availability of currying due to Haskell not having 'polymorphic kinds'. So
> he'd have to use Curry combinators that are specific to both the number of
> arguments at the kinds of the arguments that a function has.
> John,
> contains my old type level 2s and 16s complement integer code and some
> machinery for manipulating type level lists a la HList.
> -Edward Kmett
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Lennart Augustsson 
> wrote:
>> There is already a library for type level number, called typelevel.
>> It's nice because it uses decimal representation of numbers and can
>> handle numbers of reasonable size.
>> I use it in the LLVM bindings.
>>  -- Lennart
>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:07 AM, spoon  wrote:
>> > I've been doing some basic work on a support library for type level
>> > programming ( see
>> > ).  I know
>> > there have been similar attempts using fundeps ( Edward Kmett showed me
>> > some of his work, but I've lost the address... ) but this approach uses
>> > type families.
>> >
>> > Anyway, I would like to hear your critique!
>> >
>> > Currently I have higher order type functions and ad-hoc parametrized
>> > functions.
>> >
>> > Here's what foldl looks like:
>> >
>> > type family Foldl ( func :: * -> * -> * ) val list
>> > type instance Foldl func val ( Cons first rest ) = Foldl func ( Eval
>> > ( func val first ) ) rest
>> > type instance Foldl func val Nill = val
>> >
>> > Notice the use of Eval - this is a trick to enable us to pass around
>> > data with kind * -> *, or whatever, and then trip this into becoming a
>> > value. Here's an example, using this trick to define factorial:
>> >
>> > -- multiplication
>> > type family Times x y
>> > type instance Times x Zero = Zero
>> > type instance Times x ( Succ y ) = Sum x ( Times x y )
>> >
>> > -- The "first order" function version of Times
>> > data TimesL x y
>> >
>> > -- Where what Eval forced TimesL to become.
>> > type instance Eval ( TimesL x y ) = Times x y
>> >
>> > -- multiplies all the elements of list of Nat together
>> > type Product l =
>> >   Foldl TimesL ( Succ Zero ) l
>> >
>> > -- here list to creates a list from ( Succ Zero ) to the given number
>> > type Factorial x =
>> >   Product ( ListTo x )
>> >
>> > We can now use the function like this:
>> >
>> > *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Factorial ( Succ ( Succ ( Succ ( Zero ) ) ) )
>> > Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)
>> >
>> > Using the parametrized types kinda reminds me of programming in Erlang:
>> >
>> > -- What would conventionally be the monad type class, parametized over m
>> > type family Bind m ma ( f :: * -> * )
>> > type family Return m a
>> > type family Sequence m ma mb
>> >
>> > Here's the maybe monad:
>> >
>> > -- Monad instance
>> > type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) Nothing f = Nothing
>> > type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) f = Eval ( f a )
>> > type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) Nothing a = Nothing
>> > type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) b = b
>> > type instance Return ( Maybe t ) a = Just a
>> >
>> > type instance Eval ( Just x ) = Just x
>> >
>> > Here's an example:
>> > *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Bind ( Maybe Nat ) ( Just Zero ) Just
>> > Just Zero
>> >
>> > For more information and to download the loose collection of module
>> > implementing this please see:
>> >
>> >
>> > John Morrice
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread Edward Kmett
Thats a bit farther down the rabbit hole than the concern in question,
though certainly related.

 An example of what you could write with polymorphic kinds, inventing a
notation for polymorphic kind variables using 'x to denote a polymorphic
kind x, which could subtitute in for a kind k = * | ** | k -> k | ...

type Id (f :: 'k) = f
type Const (a :: 'a) (b :: 'b) = a

data True
data False

type family If c (x :: 'k) (y :: 'k) :: 'k
type instance If True x y = x
type instance If False x y = y

then you could safely apply Id and If types of different kinds.

class Container x where
type Elem x :: *
type SearchOffersMultipleResults x :: *
search :: x -> SearchResult x

 type SearchResult x =  (If (SearchOffersMultipleResults x) [] Maybe) (Elem

instance Container (SomeContainer a) where
type Elem (SomeContainer a) = a
 type SearchOffersMultipleResults (SomeContainer a) = True

I suppose once down this slippery slope you might consider classes that are
parameterized on types with polymorphic kinds as well, but I definitely
wouldn't start there. ;)


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:54 PM, John Van Enk  wrote:

> I suppose having a good description of what I'd like to do might help: I'd
> like to be able to make an N-Tuple an instance of a type class.
> class Foo a where
> instance Foo (,) where
> instance Foo (,,) where
> The different kindedness of (,) and (,,) prevent this from working.
> /jve
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Martijn van Steenbergen <
>> wrote:
>> John Van Enk wrote:
>>>  > Haskell not having 'polymorphic kinds'.
>>>  Is there a good description of why Haskell doesn't have polymorphic
>>> kinds?
>> IANA expert but polymorphic kinds belong to a set of reasonably new
>> influences (e.g. from dependently typed programming languages and generic
>> programming) and they haven't been 1) polished enough to be a widely
>> accepted standard or 2) simply haven't been implemented yet (low priority,
>> etc).
>> Besides that, I sometimes see polymorphic kinds in GHC error messages, so
>> I suspect that at least parts of GHC already support them.
>> Martijn.
> --
> /jve
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread John Van Enk
I suppose having a good description of what I'd like to do might help: I'd
like to be able to make an N-Tuple an instance of a type class.

class Foo a where

instance Foo (,) where

instance Foo (,,) where

The different kindedness of (,) and (,,) prevent this from working.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Martijn van Steenbergen <> wrote:

> John Van Enk wrote:
>>  > Haskell not having 'polymorphic kinds'.
>>  Is there a good description of why Haskell doesn't have polymorphic
>> kinds?
> IANA expert but polymorphic kinds belong to a set of reasonably new
> influences (e.g. from dependently typed programming languages and generic
> programming) and they haven't been 1) polished enough to be a widely
> accepted standard or 2) simply haven't been implemented yet (low priority,
> etc).
> Besides that, I sometimes see polymorphic kinds in GHC error messages, so I
> suspect that at least parts of GHC already support them.
> Martijn.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

John Van Enk wrote:

 > Haskell not having 'polymorphic kinds'.
Is there a good description of why Haskell doesn't have polymorphic kinds?

IANA expert but polymorphic kinds belong to a set of reasonably new 
influences (e.g. from dependently typed programming languages and 
generic programming) and they haven't been 1) polished enough to be a 
widely accepted standard or 2) simply haven't been implemented yet (low 
priority, etc).

Besides that, I sometimes see polymorphic kinds in GHC error messages, 
so I suspect that at least parts of GHC already support them.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread John Van Enk
> Haskell not having 'polymorphic kinds'.

Is there a good description of why Haskell doesn't have polymorphic kinds?

2009/3/30 Edward Kmett 

> Lennart,
> I think the major emphasis that John's library has is on doing things other
> than numbers well in the type system, using the type family syntax to avoid
> the proliferation of intermediary names that the fundep approach yields.
> I think his type family approach for type-level monads for instance is
> pretty neat and quite readable.
> The biggest problem that I see with the approach is the general lack of
> availability of currying due to Haskell not having 'polymorphic kinds'. So
> he'd have to use Curry combinators that are specific to both the number of
> arguments at the kinds of the arguments that a function has.
> John,
> contains my old type level 2s and 16s complement integer code and some
> machinery for manipulating type level lists a la HList.
> -Edward Kmett
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Lennart Augustsson <
>> wrote:
>> There is already a library for type level number, called typelevel.
>> It's nice because it uses decimal representation of numbers and can
>> handle numbers of reasonable size.
>> I use it in the LLVM bindings.
>>  -- Lennart
>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:07 AM, spoon  wrote:
>> > I've been doing some basic work on a support library for type level
>> > programming ( see
>> > ).  I know
>> > there have been similar attempts using fundeps ( Edward Kmett showed me
>> > some of his work, but I've lost the address... ) but this approach uses
>> > type families.
>> >
>> > Anyway, I would like to hear your critique!
>> >
>> > Currently I have higher order type functions and ad-hoc parametrized
>> > functions.
>> >
>> > Here's what foldl looks like:
>> >
>> > type family Foldl ( func :: * -> * -> * ) val list
>> > type instance Foldl func val ( Cons first rest ) = Foldl func ( Eval
>> > ( func val first ) ) rest
>> > type instance Foldl func val Nill = val
>> >
>> > Notice the use of Eval - this is a trick to enable us to pass around
>> > data with kind * -> *, or whatever, and then trip this into becoming a
>> > value. Here's an example, using this trick to define factorial:
>> >
>> > -- multiplication
>> > type family Times x y
>> > type instance Times x Zero = Zero
>> > type instance Times x ( Succ y ) = Sum x ( Times x y )
>> >
>> > -- The "first order" function version of Times
>> > data TimesL x y
>> >
>> > -- Where what Eval forced TimesL to become.
>> > type instance Eval ( TimesL x y ) = Times x y
>> >
>> > -- multiplies all the elements of list of Nat together
>> > type Product l =
>> >   Foldl TimesL ( Succ Zero ) l
>> >
>> > -- here list to creates a list from ( Succ Zero ) to the given number
>> > type Factorial x =
>> >   Product ( ListTo x )
>> >
>> > We can now use the function like this:
>> >
>> > *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Factorial ( Succ ( Succ ( Succ ( Zero ) ) ) )
>> > Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)
>> >
>> > Using the parametrized types kinda reminds me of programming in Erlang:
>> >
>> > -- What would conventionally be the monad type class, parametized over m
>> > type family Bind m ma ( f :: * -> * )
>> > type family Return m a
>> > type family Sequence m ma mb
>> >
>> > Here's the maybe monad:
>> >
>> > -- Monad instance
>> > type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) Nothing f = Nothing
>> > type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) f = Eval ( f a )
>> > type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) Nothing a = Nothing
>> > type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) b = b
>> > type instance Return ( Maybe t ) a = Just a
>> >
>> > type instance Eval ( Just x ) = Just x
>> >
>> > Here's an example:
>> > *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Bind ( Maybe Nat ) ( Just Zero ) Just
>> > Just Zero
>> >
>> > For more information and to download the loose collection of module
>> > implementing this please see:
>> >
>> >
>> > John Morrice
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread Edward Kmett

I think the major emphasis that John's library has is on doing things other
than numbers well in the type system, using the type family syntax to avoid
the proliferation of intermediary names that the fundep approach yields.

I think his type family approach for type-level monads for instance is
pretty neat and quite readable.

The biggest problem that I see with the approach is the general lack of
availability of currying due to Haskell not having 'polymorphic kinds'. So
he'd have to use Curry combinators that are specific to both the number of
arguments at the kinds of the arguments that a function has.


contains my old type level 2s and 16s complement integer code and some
machinery for manipulating type level lists a la HList.

-Edward Kmett

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Lennart Augustsson

> There is already a library for type level number, called typelevel.
> It's nice because it uses decimal representation of numbers and can
> handle numbers of reasonable size.
> I use it in the LLVM bindings.
>  -- Lennart
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:07 AM, spoon  wrote:
> > I've been doing some basic work on a support library for type level
> > programming ( see
> > ).  I know
> > there have been similar attempts using fundeps ( Edward Kmett showed me
> > some of his work, but I've lost the address... ) but this approach uses
> > type families.
> >
> > Anyway, I would like to hear your critique!
> >
> > Currently I have higher order type functions and ad-hoc parametrized
> > functions.
> >
> > Here's what foldl looks like:
> >
> > type family Foldl ( func :: * -> * -> * ) val list
> > type instance Foldl func val ( Cons first rest ) = Foldl func ( Eval
> > ( func val first ) ) rest
> > type instance Foldl func val Nill = val
> >
> > Notice the use of Eval - this is a trick to enable us to pass around
> > data with kind * -> *, or whatever, and then trip this into becoming a
> > value. Here's an example, using this trick to define factorial:
> >
> > -- multiplication
> > type family Times x y
> > type instance Times x Zero = Zero
> > type instance Times x ( Succ y ) = Sum x ( Times x y )
> >
> > -- The "first order" function version of Times
> > data TimesL x y
> >
> > -- Where what Eval forced TimesL to become.
> > type instance Eval ( TimesL x y ) = Times x y
> >
> > -- multiplies all the elements of list of Nat together
> > type Product l =
> >   Foldl TimesL ( Succ Zero ) l
> >
> > -- here list to creates a list from ( Succ Zero ) to the given number
> > type Factorial x =
> >   Product ( ListTo x )
> >
> > We can now use the function like this:
> >
> > *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Factorial ( Succ ( Succ ( Succ ( Zero ) ) ) )
> > Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)
> >
> > Using the parametrized types kinda reminds me of programming in Erlang:
> >
> > -- What would conventionally be the monad type class, parametized over m
> > type family Bind m ma ( f :: * -> * )
> > type family Return m a
> > type family Sequence m ma mb
> >
> > Here's the maybe monad:
> >
> > -- Monad instance
> > type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) Nothing f = Nothing
> > type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) f = Eval ( f a )
> > type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) Nothing a = Nothing
> > type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) b = b
> > type instance Return ( Maybe t ) a = Just a
> >
> > type instance Eval ( Just x ) = Just x
> >
> > Here's an example:
> > *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Bind ( Maybe Nat ) ( Just Zero ) Just
> > Just Zero
> >
> > For more information and to download the loose collection of module
> > implementing this please see:
> >
> >
> > John Morrice
> >
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread José Pedro Magalhães

I suppose Lennart is referring to type-level [1]. But type-level uses
functional dependencies, right?

There is also tfp [2], which uses type families. In general, how would you
say your work compares to these two?



On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 08:22, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

> There is already a library for type level number, called typelevel.
> It's nice because it uses decimal representation of numbers and can
> handle numbers of reasonable size.
> I use it in the LLVM bindings.
>  -- Lennart
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:07 AM, spoon  wrote:
> > I've been doing some basic work on a support library for type level
> > programming ( see
> > ).  I know
> > there have been similar attempts using fundeps ( Edward Kmett showed me
> > some of his work, but I've lost the address... ) but this approach uses
> > type families.
> >
> > Anyway, I would like to hear your critique!
> >
> > Currently I have higher order type functions and ad-hoc parametrized
> > functions.
> >
> > Here's what foldl looks like:
> >
> > type family Foldl ( func :: * -> * -> * ) val list
> > type instance Foldl func val ( Cons first rest ) = Foldl func ( Eval
> > ( func val first ) ) rest
> > type instance Foldl func val Nill = val
> >
> > Notice the use of Eval - this is a trick to enable us to pass around
> > data with kind * -> *, or whatever, and then trip this into becoming a
> > value. Here's an example, using this trick to define factorial:
> >
> > -- multiplication
> > type family Times x y
> > type instance Times x Zero = Zero
> > type instance Times x ( Succ y ) = Sum x ( Times x y )
> >
> > -- The "first order" function version of Times
> > data TimesL x y
> >
> > -- Where what Eval forced TimesL to become.
> > type instance Eval ( TimesL x y ) = Times x y
> >
> > -- multiplies all the elements of list of Nat together
> > type Product l =
> >   Foldl TimesL ( Succ Zero ) l
> >
> > -- here list to creates a list from ( Succ Zero ) to the given number
> > type Factorial x =
> >   Product ( ListTo x )
> >
> > We can now use the function like this:
> >
> > *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Factorial ( Succ ( Succ ( Succ ( Zero ) ) ) )
> > Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)
> >
> > Using the parametrized types kinda reminds me of programming in Erlang:
> >
> > -- What would conventionally be the monad type class, parametized over m
> > type family Bind m ma ( f :: * -> * )
> > type family Return m a
> > type family Sequence m ma mb
> >
> > Here's the maybe monad:
> >
> > -- Monad instance
> > type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) Nothing f = Nothing
> > type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) f = Eval ( f a )
> > type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) Nothing a = Nothing
> > type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) b = b
> > type instance Return ( Maybe t ) a = Just a
> >
> > type instance Eval ( Just x ) = Just x
> >
> > Here's an example:
> > *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Bind ( Maybe Nat ) ( Just Zero ) Just
> > Just Zero
> >
> > For more information and to download the loose collection of module
> > implementing this please see:
> >
> >
> > John Morrice
> >
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-30 Thread Lennart Augustsson
There is already a library for type level number, called typelevel.
It's nice because it uses decimal representation of numbers and can
handle numbers of reasonable size.
I use it in the LLVM bindings.

  -- Lennart

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:07 AM, spoon  wrote:
> I've been doing some basic work on a support library for type level
> programming ( see
> ).  I know
> there have been similar attempts using fundeps ( Edward Kmett showed me
> some of his work, but I've lost the address... ) but this approach uses
> type families.
> Anyway, I would like to hear your critique!
> Currently I have higher order type functions and ad-hoc parametrized
> functions.
> Here's what foldl looks like:
> type family Foldl ( func :: * -> * -> * ) val list
> type instance Foldl func val ( Cons first rest ) = Foldl func ( Eval
> ( func val first ) ) rest
> type instance Foldl func val Nill = val
> Notice the use of Eval - this is a trick to enable us to pass around
> data with kind * -> *, or whatever, and then trip this into becoming a
> value. Here's an example, using this trick to define factorial:
> -- multiplication
> type family Times x y
> type instance Times x Zero = Zero
> type instance Times x ( Succ y ) = Sum x ( Times x y )
> -- The "first order" function version of Times
> data TimesL x y
> -- Where what Eval forced TimesL to become.
> type instance Eval ( TimesL x y ) = Times x y
> -- multiplies all the elements of list of Nat together
> type Product l =
>   Foldl TimesL ( Succ Zero ) l
> -- here list to creates a list from ( Succ Zero ) to the given number
> type Factorial x =
>   Product ( ListTo x )
> We can now use the function like this:
> *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Factorial ( Succ ( Succ ( Succ ( Zero ) ) ) )
> Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)
> Using the parametrized types kinda reminds me of programming in Erlang:
> -- What would conventionally be the monad type class, parametized over m
> type family Bind m ma ( f :: * -> * )
> type family Return m a
> type family Sequence m ma mb
> Here's the maybe monad:
> -- Monad instance
> type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) Nothing f = Nothing
> type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) f = Eval ( f a )
> type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) Nothing a = Nothing
> type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) b = b
> type instance Return ( Maybe t ) a = Just a
> type instance Eval ( Just x ) = Just x
> Here's an example:
> *TPrelude> result ( ) :: Bind ( Maybe Nat ) ( Just Zero ) Just
> Just Zero
> For more information and to download the loose collection of module
> implementing this please see:
> John Morrice
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] type-level programming support library

2009-03-29 Thread spoon
I've been doing some basic work on a support library for type level
programming ( see ).  I know
there have been similar attempts using fundeps ( Edward Kmett showed me
some of his work, but I've lost the address... ) but this approach uses
type families. 

Anyway, I would like to hear your critique!

Currently I have higher order type functions and ad-hoc parametrized

Here's what foldl looks like:

type family Foldl ( func :: * -> * -> * ) val list
type instance Foldl func val ( Cons first rest ) = Foldl func ( Eval
( func val first ) ) rest
type instance Foldl func val Nill = val

Notice the use of Eval - this is a trick to enable us to pass around
data with kind * -> *, or whatever, and then trip this into becoming a
value. Here's an example, using this trick to define factorial: 

-- multiplication 
type family Times x y 
type instance Times x Zero = Zero 
type instance Times x ( Succ y ) = Sum x ( Times x y ) 

-- The "first order" function version of Times 
data TimesL x y 

-- Where what Eval forced TimesL to become. 
type instance Eval ( TimesL x y ) = Times x y 

-- multiplies all the elements of list of Nat together 
type Product l = 
   Foldl TimesL ( Succ Zero ) l 

-- here list to creates a list from ( Succ Zero ) to the given number
type Factorial x = 
   Product ( ListTo x ) 

We can now use the function like this: 

*TPrelude> result ( ) :: Factorial ( Succ ( Succ ( Succ ( Zero ) ) ) ) 
Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)

Using the parametrized types kinda reminds me of programming in Erlang:

-- What would conventionally be the monad type class, parametized over m 
type family Bind m ma ( f :: * -> * ) 
type family Return m a 
type family Sequence m ma mb 

Here's the maybe monad: 

-- Monad instance 
type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) Nothing f = Nothing 
type instance Bind ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) f = Eval ( f a ) 
type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) Nothing a = Nothing 
type instance Sequence ( Maybe t ) ( Just a ) b = b  
type instance Return ( Maybe t ) a = Just a 

type instance Eval ( Just x ) = Just x

Here's an example:
*TPrelude> result ( ) :: Bind ( Maybe Nat ) ( Just Zero ) Just
Just Zero

For more information and to download the loose collection of module
implementing this please see:

John Morrice

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-level programming [The container problem]

2008-09-28 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2008 Sep 28, at 4:47, Andrew Coppin wrote:
By the way... I've seen a lot of type-level programs that allow you  
to express (and therefore verify) some pretty extreme properties of  
your code. In other words, you can make the compiler do more  
checking than it normally would. But the actual compiled code  
(assuming it does indeed compile) works exactly the same way as  
before. Is there any way to use type-level programming to actually  
alter the behaviour of the program in a useful/interesting way?

Aren't phantom types an example of this?  Absent the phantoms the  
program would (if it worked at all) treat expressions the same that it  
treats differently with them.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type-level programming [The container problem]

2008-09-28 Thread Andrew Coppin

Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-09-27, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah - so the "Prolog programs as type signatures" thing is *his* fault?! ;-)

No, he merely takes advantage of it.

Heh. OK. ;-)

By the way... I've seen a lot of type-level programs that allow you to 
express (and therefore verify) some pretty extreme properties of your 
code. In other words, you can make the compiler do more checking than it 
normally would. But the actual compiled code (assuming it does indeed 
compile) works exactly the same way as before. Is there any way to use 
type-level programming to actually alter the behaviour of the program in 
a useful/interesting way?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type-level Programming

2007-06-22 Thread Vincenz Syntactically

Dear all,

Recently I was playing around with encoding matrices in the type-level
system.  Thereby one can enable the multiplication of matrices.  The general
idea (which can be read about at (
is that there is more than one way to multiplly a matrix.

Given two matrices A and B, with M and N dimensions:

a_1*...*a_m and b_1*...*b_n  then whenever the last L dimensions of A match
the first L dimensions of B, they can be multiplied to have a matrix of


What one does is a dot-product on those middle L dimensions.  This is what I
tried to do in the code in the blogpost.  However, I was unable to formulate
the constraints for the final multiplication class that does the actual
proper cross-multiplication.

Is this at all possible, or was I chasing ghosts?

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type-level programming problem

2007-04-30 Thread oleg

Thomas Schilling wrote:
> data T
> class Foo ns a b c | ns -> a, ns -> b, ns -> c where
>  mkFoo :: ns
>  defaultA :: a
>  defaultB :: c -> IO b
>  defaultC :: [T] -> c
>  f :: c -> b -> a -> (b, Int)

> data DefaultA
> instance Foo ns a b c => Apply DefaultA ns a where
>  apply _ _ = defaultA
> but I get:
>  Could not deduce (Foo ns1 a b1 c1)
>from the context (Apply MakeAs ns a, Foo ns a b c)
>arising from use of `defaultA'

Indeed. Let us examine the inferred type of defaultA:
*Main> :t defaultA
defaultA :: (Foo ns a b c) => a

We see it is a value polymorphic over four type variables: ns, a, b,
and c. The type variable 'a' is also the type of the value, so we have
a way to instantiate it. There is no direct way to instantiate the
remaining three. If there were a functional dependency a -> ns, a->b,
a->c, we could have instantiated the remaining variables. But there
are no such dependencies. So, there is really no way we can
ever instantiate the type variables ns, b and c -- and so the typechecker
will complain.

So, we need either a functional dependency a -> ns in the definition
of Foo, or defaultA should have a signature defaultA :: ns -> a
(and ditto for other defaults). As I understand, the function
'defaultA' can be present in different components, identified by
ns. When we write 'defaultA' however, how can we say that we mean
defaultA of component X rather than of component Y? There isn't any
way to name the desired component...

Incidentally, if we represent components by records
data XRec = XRec { defaultA :: XA }
then the type of defaultA is Xref -> XA. It is the function from the
type of the `namespace'. This seems to suggest the
signature of defaultA should be ns -> a ...

BTW, there are other ways to add the name of the namespace to the
signature of defaultA. For example:
newtype TaggedT ns a = TaggedT a
class Foo ns a b c | ... 
 defaultA :: TaggedT ns a
class Foo ns a b c | ... 
 defaultA :: ns a

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type-level programming problem

2007-04-30 Thread Thomas Schilling


I have a type class similar to this one.

data T
class Foo ns a b c | ns -> a, ns -> b, ns -> c where
mkFoo :: ns
defaultA :: a
defaultB :: c -> IO b
defaultC :: [T] -> c
f :: c -> b -> a -> (b, Int)

The idea is, that I define classes of components where the data types  
of the methods are component-specific.  I therefore use a namespace  
to define the component types (associated types would be nicer, but  
are not widely supported).

Given a few sample instances, I can define a configuration:

data X;  data XA = XA;  data XB = XB;  data XC = XC

instance Foo X XA XB XC where
mkFoo = undefined
defaultA= XA
defaultB XC = return XB
defaultC _  = XC
f _ b _ = (b,0)
mkX = mkFoo :: X

data Y;  data YA = YA;  data YB = YB;  data YC = YC

instance Foo Y YA YB YC where
mkFoo = undefined
defaultA= YA
defaultB YC = return YB
defaultC _  = YC
f _ b _ = (b,1)
mkY = mkFoo :: Y

config = mkX .*. mkY .*. HNil

Using this configuration, I now want to define various functions that  
work on As, Bs or Cs, respectively.  For example, I'd like to have

a :: XA :*: XB :*: HNil
a = hMap DefaultA config

but I fail to figure out how to define DefaultA.  I tried with this one:

data DefaultA
instance Foo ns a b c => Apply DefaultA ns a where
apply _ _ = defaultA

but I get:

Could not deduce (Foo ns1 a b1 c1)
  from the context (Apply MakeAs ns a, Foo ns a b c)
  arising from use of `defaultA'
  at /Users/nominolo/Devel/Haskell/testcase1.hs:126:16-23
Possible fix:
  add (Foo ns1 a b1 c1) to the class or instance method `apply'
In the expression: defaultA
In the definition of `apply': apply _ _ = defaultA
In the definition for method `apply'

I guess I need some type class that also binds b and c.  Or maybe I  
need to do some things completely different at all.  Ideally, I'd  
hope to keep the work for adding new Foo instances as low as  
possible, though.

I attached the relevant parts of the HList implementation and the code.

Any suggestions?


Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type level programming to eliminate array bound checking, a real world use

2007-04-10 Thread Vivian McPhail

Hi All,Inspired by Oleg's "Eliminating Array Bound Checking through
Non-dependent types",I am
attempting to write code that will receive an array from C land and convert
it to a type safe representation.  The array could have n dimensions where n

2.  I receive the number of dimensions as a list of Ints [Int].  To do

type-safe programming I need to convert this to a type level
representation.  Using CPS (thanks to ski on #haskell) I can convert an Int
to the type level.  But I have found it impossible to insert this type-level
Digits representation into an HList.

In Oleg's examples with vectors he types in by hand the data whose type
represents the size of the vector:

sample_v = listVec (D2 Sz) [True,False]

where (D2 Sz) is the size of the vector and the type is:

ArbPrecDecT> :t sample_v
Vec (D2 Sz) Bool

In a real program we can't expect the programmer to type in the size of the
data, it needs to be done programmatically, and this is where I am stuck.

Could someone please point me in the right direction, or explain why what
I'm trying to do won't work?  Basically I'm looking for a function
int2typelevel :: (HList l) :: [Int] -> l

I thought that this would work because HLists can have elements of different
types and I can already (modulo CPS) convert an Int to it's Digits type
level representation.

One approach which won't work is existentially wrapping the result of
num2digits in a GADT, because this hides the type from the type-checker and
then can't be used for bounds checking.

Here is an example of what I want to be able to do:

add :: Equal size1 size2 => Array size1 idx -> Array size2 idx -> Array
size1 idx

for example:

data Array size idx = Array size (MArray idx Double)

add (Array (DCons (D1 (D2 Sz)) (DCons (D3 Sz) DNil)) (12,3)) (Array (DCons
(D1 (D2 Sz)) (DCons (D3 Sz) DNil)) (12,3))

the sizes are statically checked and I don't have to do runtime checking on
the idx.

This message is a literate source file.  The commented out function at the
end illustrates the problem.



{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

-- copied from

module Digits where

data D0 a = D0 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D1 a = D1 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D2 a = D2 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D3 a = D3 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D4 a = D4 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D5 a = D5 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D6 a = D6 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D7 a = D7 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D8 a = D8 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)
data D9 a = D9 a deriving(Eq,Read,Show)

class Digits ds where-- class of digit sequences
   ds2num:: (Num a) => ds -> a -> a -- CPS style

data Sz = Sz-- zero size (or the Nil of the sequence)

instance Digits Sz where
   ds2num _ acc = acc

instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D0 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D1 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 1)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D2 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 2)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D3 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 3)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D4 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 4)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D5 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 5)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D6 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 6)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D7 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 7)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D8 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 8)
instance (Digits ds) => Digits (D9 ds) where
   ds2num dds acc = ds2num (t22 dds) (10*acc + 9)

t22::(f x)   -> x; t22 = undefined

-- Class of non-negative numbers
-- This is a restriction on Digits. It is not possible to make
-- such a restriction in SML.
class {- (Digits c) => -} Card c where
   c2num:: (Num a) => c -> a

instance Card Sz where c2num c = ds2num c 0
--instance (NonZeroDigit d,Digits (d ds)) => Card (Sz (d ds)) where
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D1 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D2 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D3 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D4 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D5 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D6 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D7 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D8 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0
instance (Digits ds) => Card (D9 ds) where c2num c = ds2num c 0

-- Support for "generic" cards
-- We introduce a data constructor CardC_unused merely for the sake of
-- Haskell98. With the GHC extension, we can simply omit the data
-- constructor and keep the type CardC purely abstract and phantom.
data Card