Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-15 Thread Conor McBride


On 14 Mar 2008, at 21:39, Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-14, Conor McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On 13 Mar 2008, at 23:33, Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-13, Conor McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For a suitable notion of = on quotients, and with a
suitable abstraction barrier at least morally in place,
is that really too much to ask?

I really think it is.  I don't think the case of equivalent for  

purpose, but not that purpose can be ignored.

Sure. But use the right tools for the job.

So what are the right tools then?  Why is a typeclass not the right

I guess I mean to distinguish *equality*, which is
necessarily respected by all observations (for some
notion of observation which it's important to pin
down), from coarser equivalences where respect takes
careful effort.

Take Roman's example of alpha-equivalence for the
lambda-terms with strings for bound variables. No
way would I ever call that equality, because
respecting alpha-equivalence takes quite a lot of
care. (Correspondingly, I'd switch to a
representation which admitted equality.)


course, if you want to expose the representation
for some other legitimate purpose, then it wasn't
equality you were interested in, so you should
call it something else.

I'm perfectly happy calling it Equivalence.

I'm perfectly happy having equivalences around,
but if Eq means has an equivalence rather
than has equality, then I'm not very happy
about the use of the == sign.


That's a workable definition, but I don't know if I'd call it a
sort, precisely.  The standard unix tool tsort (for topological
sort, a bit of a misnomer) does this.

Will that do?

Unfortunately, one can't just reuse the standard algorithms.

Indeed. (Does anyone know a topological sort
algorithm which behaves like an ordinary sort if
you do give it a total order? Or a reason why
there's no such thing?)

So you're probably right that

  x = y \/ y = x

should hold for the order relation used by
library sort. That's not the axiom I was
thinking of dropping when I said sort's type
was too tight (it was you who brought up
incomparability): I was thinking of dropping

If a sort can't support the standard sort on this key technique, and
don't munge everything for two keys that compare equal, something is
wrong.  And I don't think sort is that special a case.

I quite agree. That's why I'm suggesting we
drop antisymmetry as a requirement for sorting.

Instances, rather than explicit functions, are nice because they  
let us
use the type system to ensure that we never have incompatible  

used when combining two data structures, or pass in a function that's
incompatible with the invariants already in a data structure built  

another function.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

So we surely do need an equivalence relation typeclass.  And there are
Eq instances that aren't quite equality, but are equivalences, and  

with almost all code that takes Eq instances.

My main concern is that we should know where we
stand. I think it would be a very good thing if
we knew what the semantic notion of equality
should be for each type. What notion of equality
should we use in discussion? What do we mean when
we write laws like

  map f . map g = map (f . g)

? I write = to distinguish it from whatever
Bool-valued function at some type or other
that we might call ==.

Given sneaky ways to observe memory pointers or
fairly ordinary ways to expose representations
which are supposed to be abstract, it's clearly
impossible to ensure that = is absolutely always
respected. It would be good if it was clear which
operations were peculiar in this way. I'd like to
know when I can reason just by replacing equals
for equals, and when more care is required (eg,
when ensuring that substitution respects alpha-

From the point of view of reasoning (informally
or formally) it then becomes useful to know that
some binary Bool-valued function is sound with
respect to = and complete when one argument is
defined and finite. It's useful to know that one
is testing equality, rather than just some
equivalence, because equality supports stronger
reasoning principles.

Equivalences are useful too, but harder to work
with. I quite agree that we should support them,
and that it is reasonable to do so via
typeclasses: if a type supports multiple useful
equivalences, then the usual newtype trick is
a reasonable enough way to manage it.

The only time treating equalities as equivalences won't work is  
when we

need to coalesce equivalent elements into one representative, and the
choice of representative matters.

Another time when treating equalities just as
equivalences won't do is when it's time to think
about whether your program works. This issue is
not just an operational one, although in the
case of TypeRep, for example, it can get pretty
near the bone.

So, do we mark equivalencies as special, or observational 

Re: Some clarity please! (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort)

2008-03-14 Thread Conor McBride


On 14 Mar 2008, at 03:48, Roman Leshchinskiy wrote:

Adrian Hey wrote:

I would ask for any correct Eq instance something like the law:
  (x==y) = True implies x=y (and vice-versa)
which implies f x = f y for all definable f
which implies (f x == f y) = True (for expression types which are
instances of Eq). This pretty much requires structural equality
for concrete types. For abstract types you can do something different
provided functions which can give different answers for two equal
arguments are not exposed.

How do you propose something like this to be specified in the  
language definition? The report doesn't (and shouldn't) know about  
abstract types.

Why not? Why shouldn't there be at least a standard convention,
if not an abstype-like feature for establishing an abstraction
barrier, and hence determine the appropriate observational
equality for an abstract type?

 So you can either require your law to hold everywhere, which IMO  
isn't a good idea, or you don't require it to hold. From the  
language definition point of view, I don't see any middle ground here.

Why not demand it in the definition, but allow unsafe leaks
in practice? As usual. Why are you so determined that there's
nothing principled to do here? People like to say Haskell's
easy to reason about. How much of a lie would you like that
not to be?

Also, when you talk about definable functions, do you include  
things like I/O? What if I want to store things (such as a Set) on  
a disk? If the same abstract value can have multiple  
representations, do I have to convert them all to some canonical  
representation before writing them to a file?

Canonical representations are not necessary for observational
congruence. Representation hiding is enough.

This might be rather slow and is, IMO, quite unnecessary.

From a more philosophical points of view, I'd say that the  
appropriate concept of equality depends a lot on the problem domain.

It's certainly true that different predicates may respect
different equivalence relations. The equivalence relation
you call equality should be the finest of those, with
finer representational distinctions abstracted away.
What that buys you is a class of predicates which are
guaranteed to respect equality without further ado...

Personally, I quite strongly disagree with restricting Eq instances  
in the way you propose. I have never found much use for strict  
structural equality (as opposed to domain-specific equality which  
may or may not coincide with the structural one).

...which is how we use equality when we think.

I certainly don't think strict structural equality
should be compulsory. In fact, for Haskell's lazy
data structures, you rather need lazy structural
simulation if you want to explain why

  cycle x = cycle xx

What would be so wrong with establishing a convention
for saying, at each given type

  (1) this is the propositional equivalence which
we expect functions on this type to respect
  (2) here is an interface which respects that
  (3) here are some unsafe functions which break
that equivalence: use them at your own risk


Why is it pragmatically necessary to make reasoning
difficult? I'm sure that wise folk out there have
wise answers to that question which they don't
consider to be an embarrassment.

When representation-hiding is bliss, 'tis folly to
be wise.

All the best


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-14 Thread Adrian Hey

Dan Weston wrote:

6.3.2 (The Ord Class):

The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.

This *requires* that it be absolutely impossible in valid code to 
distinguish equivalent (in the EQ sense, not the == sense) things via 
the functions of Ord. The intended interpretation of these functions is 
clear and can be taken as normative:

  forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
 == f x == f y)

Thanks Dan. I didn't grasp the significance of this at first, but
I believe you are correct. But maybe it should be = not ==
in the last line?

  forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
 == f x = f y)

So assuming your (and my) logic is correct, the existing report text
does indeed settle the original dispute that sparked this thread.
Essentially you can't have 2 distinct values that compare equal,
so if they do then they must be indistinguishable? Is that right?

So there is no need for the sort on a list of elements whose type
is an instance of Ord to be stable as the difference between
the results of a stable and unstable sort cannot be observable
for any (correct) Ord instance (assuming the the instances compare
method was used to perform the sort).

So if we have a compare method on this type we can establish the
== method:
 x == y = case compare x y of
  EQ - True
  _  - False

and from this it follows that (x == y) = True implies x and y are

So I believe for types that are instances of both Eq and Ord, this
settles the question of what (x == y) = True implies.

So now I'm wondering what about types that are instances of Eq
but not of Ord? Well from para. 6.3.1

The Eq class provides equality (==) and inequality (/=) methods.

Well I guess assuming that saying two values are equal is another
way of saying they are indistinguishable then I think it's pretty
clear what the report is saying. This interpretation also ensures
consistency between Eq/Ord instances and Eq only instances.

Assuming this is all correct, I think I can sleep easier now I can
forget about all this things being equal and not equal at the same
time craziness, at least for Eq/Ord instances that are compliant
with the standard (which are the only ones I care about).

I think anyone wanting standard classes with different mathematical
properties should define them, stick them in Hackage and propose
them for Haskell-prime (if that's still happening?)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Some clarity please! (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort)

2008-03-14 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy

Conor McBride wrote:


On 14 Mar 2008, at 03:48, Roman Leshchinskiy wrote:

Adrian Hey wrote:

I would ask for any correct Eq instance something like the law:
  (x==y) = True implies x=y (and vice-versa)
which implies f x = f y for all definable f
which implies (f x == f y) = True (for expression types which are
instances of Eq). This pretty much requires structural equality
for concrete types. For abstract types you can do something different
provided functions which can give different answers for two equal
arguments are not exposed.

How do you propose something like this to be specified in the language 
definition? The report doesn't (and shouldn't) know about abstract types.

Why not? Why shouldn't there be at least a standard convention,
if not an abstype-like feature for establishing an abstraction
barrier, and hence determine the appropriate observational
equality for an abstract type?

Adrian's original question/proposal was about the language report. I'm 
only pointing out that all other considerations aside, it's not clear 
how to distinguish between the implementation part of the ADT and 
everything else in the report.

 So you can either require your law to hold everywhere, which IMO 
isn't a good idea, or you don't require it to hold. From the language 
definition point of view, I don't see any middle ground here.

Why not demand it in the definition, but allow unsafe leaks
in practice? As usual. Why are you so determined that there's
nothing principled to do here? People like to say Haskell's
easy to reason about. How much of a lie would you like that
not to be?

I'm not sure what you mean here. Should the report say something like a 
valid Eq instance must ensure that x == y implies f x == f y for all f? 
 Probably not, since this requires structural equality which is not 
what you want for ADTs. Should it be for all f which are not part of 
the implementation of the type? That's a non-requirement if the report 
doesn't specify what the implementation is. So what should it say?

Unsafe leaks are ok as long as they are rarely used. If you have to 
resort to unsafe leaks to define an ADT, then something is wrong.

Also, when you talk about definable functions, do you include things 
like I/O? What if I want to store things (such as a Set) on a disk? If 
the same abstract value can have multiple representations, do I have 
to convert them all to some canonical representation before writing 
them to a file?

Canonical representations are not necessary for observational
congruence. Representation hiding is enough.

I beg to disagree. If the representation is stored on the disk, for 
instance, then it becomes observable, even if it's still hidden in the 
sense that you can't do anything useful with it other than read it back. 
Actually, we don't even need the disk. What about ADTs which implement 
Storable, for instance?

What would be so wrong with establishing a convention
for saying, at each given type

  (1) this is the propositional equivalence which
we expect functions on this type to respect
  (2) here is an interface which respects that
  (3) here are some unsafe functions which break
that equivalence: use them at your own risk

My (probably erroneous) understanding of the above is that you propose 
to call (==) propositional equivalence and to require that for every 
type, we define what that means. To be honest, I don't quite see how 
this is different from saying that the meaning of (==) should be 
documented for every type, which I wholeheartedly agree with. But the 
unsafe bit really doesn't make sense to me.

As an example, consider the following data type:

data Expr = Var String | Lam String Expr | App Expr Expr

The most natural notion of equality here is probably equality up to 
alpha conversion and that's what I usually would expect (==) to mean. In 
fact, I would be quite surprised if (==) meant structural equality. 
Should I now consider the Show instance for this type somehow unsafe? I 
don't see why this makes sense. Most of the time I probably don't even 
want to make this type abstract. Are the constructors also unsafe? Why?

To summarise my views on this: an Eq instance should define a meaningful 
equivalence relation and be documented. Requiring anything beyond that 
just doesn't make sense to me.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-14 Thread John Meacham
Note that even if you wanted Eq to mean observational equality, you
still can't perform that kind of reordering or 'sort' optimizations
without running into trouble. for a not contrived at all example:

data Id = Id { idIdent :: Int, idFreeVarCache :: [Id] }

instance Eq Id where
x == y = idIdent x == idIdent y

now, this type represents an identifier in a language that is annotated
with the free variables it contains. Note that the Eq instance really
does declare observational equality here, the free var cache is only a
copy of what is in the definition of the Id. now consider the id for the

v1 = v1

all of the following are observationally the same

x = Id 1 [x]
x = Id 1 [Id 1 [x]]
x = Id 1 [Id 1 [Id 1 [Id 1 ... 

now, this is just fine, there is no way for a program to tell the
difference between them, but the difference is very important! the
second wastes space and the third is an honest to goodness space leak.
One has to rely on the fact Set.insert really replaces its element, max
x y where x == y is always y and other such things to reasonably reason
about the space usage of haskell programs, something that is hard enough
as it is without basics like 'sort' trying to be clever.

So, even if a == b always meant observational equality, specifying bias
is still very important. Even if you document it as 'unspecified' that
is fine (though it limits the use of said library), but it is part of
the API.

For the record I also always thought of 'Eq' as an arbitrary equality
relationship and 'Ord' as a compatible total ordering. It is not even
clear whether structural equality is meaningful for a lot of types, even
though they might have a 'natural' equality relationship.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey


G'day all.

Adrian Hey wrote:

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

Nonsense.  Consider a Schwartzian transform wrapper:

data OrdWrap k v = OrdWrap k v

instance (Ord k) = Ord (OrdWrap k v) where
compare (OrdWrap k1 v1) (OrdWrap k2 v2) = OrdWrap k1 k2

I take it you mean something like ..

instance Ord k = Ord (OrdWrap k v) where
  compare (OrdWrap k1 v1) (OrdWrap k2 v2) = compare k1 k2

Where's the Eq instance for OrdWrap? This may or may not satisfy
the law: (compare a b) = EQ implies (a == b) = True. I think
everbody agrees about that, but I can't tell from the code
you've posted if it does in this case.

What's disputed is whether or not this law should hold:
 (a == b) = True implies a = b

Again, I can't tell if it does or not in this case, but I assume the
point of your post is that it doesn't.

AFAICT the report is ambiguous about this, or at least the non-intutive
equality semantics are not at all clear to me from what I can see in
the Eq class definition (para 6.3.1). I think an the absence of any
clear and *explicit* statement to the contrary people are entitled to
assume this law is mandatory for all (correct) Eq instances.

It would be incorrect (and not sane) for sort [a,b] to return [a,a] in
this case, though a case could be made that either [a,b] or [b,a] make

Quoting Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Stability is a nice property. I don't understand why you are arguing
against this so aggressiviely.

Stability is an occasionally very useful property.  However, if there
is a tradeoff between stability and performance, I'd prefer it if the
library didn't choose for me.

Well I hope you or anyone else hasn't used Data.Map or with OrdWrap
keys because if so it's likely that the code has either been broken in
the past, or is broken now (not sure which). But the equality semantics
some people seem to want seem to me like a very good way to guarantee
that similar bugs and ambiguities will occur all over the place, now and

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Luke Palmer
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  AFAICT the report is ambiguous about this, or at least the non-intutive
  equality semantics are not at all clear to me from what I can see in
  the Eq class definition (para 6.3.1). I think an the absence of any
  clear and *explicit* statement to the contrary people are entitled to
  assume this law is mandatory for all (correct) Eq instances.

In mathematics we usually *don't* assume things that aren't stated

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Luke Palmer
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 3:02 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The report doesn't state that for all Ints, (x==y = True) implies that
  x=y. There's no reason to suppose the Int instance is in any way
  special, so do you really seriously consider the possibility that
  this might not hold in your Int related code?

  if (x==y) then f x else g x y

  might not mean the same as..

  if (x==y) then f y else g x y

Of course not :-).  However, on what grounds am I to assume that these
two will be semantically equivalent for instances other than Int?
Int *is* special insofar as its implementation of Eq differs from that
of other types (of course, all other instances of Eq are special then,
too).  So it's reasonable that == means observational equivalence for
Int but not for other types, since it's possible to implement them
that way and there is no (explicitly stated) law which requires it.

But I agree that Eq should have some laws, just maybe not
observational equivalence because it is very limiting from a user's
perspective (that is, if I have a data type, requiring observational
equivalence makes it much less likely that I will be able to write an
instance of Eq, even if it makes sense in some stretch of the

Saying that it's reasonable for everyone, everywhere to assume that Eq
means what you want it to mean is a stretch.  I believe every for
function I've written which was polymorphic in Eq it would have
sufficed for Eq to be any equivalence relation. What reason do I have
to restrict the users of my functions to those who can implement
observational equivalence?

But I'm just blabbering.  Here's my position on the issue with an
argument for why I think it's a good one:

Eq should be allowed to be any equivalence relation, because there are
many data types for which it is impossible to satisfy the constraint
of observational equivalence, thus reducing the usefulness of data
structures written over types with Eq.  On the other hand, (and this
is anecdotal), no data structures have been unable to cope with Eq not
implying observational equivalence.

Here's another argument.  Since Eq has no stated laws in the report,
give Eq no assumptions*, and allow the community to create an empty
subclass of Eq (ObsEq, say) which documents the necessary laws.  Then
a data structure which relies on the observational equivalence
property can specify it explicitly.

But really the thing that makes me choose this position is that it
sucks not to be able to use someone's code only because it is
impossible to satisfy instance laws, even though the code would be
perfectly reasonable anyway (though it isn't a strong argument,
consider the case of the broken ListT, still, it's enough to convince
me for the time being).

* No assumptions at all would be strange, but also okay with me, as
long as functions which rely on Eq specify that they need it to
conform to certain laws.  But I consider equivalence relation
reasonable because (1) everyone here seems to be on common ground that
it should *at least* be that, and (2) all the prelude functions on Eq
assume that (and note that none assume obs. eq.).  Indeed, group is
almost meaningless if Eq imples obs. eq.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Some clarity please! (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort)

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey

Hello All,

I'm top posting because I'm getting bored and frustrated with this
thread and I don't want to respond detail to everything Aaron has said

Aaron: Where are you getting this equivalence stuff from?

Searching the report for the word equivalence the only remotely
relevant section seems to be in para. 17.6..

 When the “By” function replaces an Eq context by a binary predicate,
  the predicate is assumed to define an equivalence

Which is fair enough, but this is talking about the argument of By

The Haskell wiki refers me to wikipedia, which contains the words
 In Haskell, a class Eq intended to contain types that admit equality
  would be declared in the following way

Not that this is necessarily authoritative, but it seems to be
contaradicting some peoples interpretation.

Also, on page 60 of the report I find the words
 Even though the equality is taken at the list type..

So I don't know if all this is really is the correct reading of the
report, but if so would like to appeal to movers and shakers in the
language definition to please decide exactly what the proper
interpretation of standard Eq and Ord class laws are and in the
next version of the report give an explanation of these in plain
English using terms that people without a Mathematics degree are
likely to understand.

Aaron's interpretation may indeed be very correct and precise, but
I fear in reality this is just going to be incomprehensible to many
programmers and a terrible source of bugs in real world code. I cite
previous left biasing bugs Data.Map as evidence.

I would ask for any correct Eq instance something like the law:
  (x==y) = True implies x=y (and vice-versa)
which implies f x = f y for all definable f
which implies (f x == f y) = True (for expression types which are
instances of Eq). This pretty much requires structural equality
for concrete types. For abstract types you can do something different
provided functions which can give different answers for two equal
arguments are not exposed.

Anything else is just wrong (according to the language specification,
even if it can be right in some mathematical sense). Before anyone jumps
down my throat, I remind you that this is a request, not an assertion! :-)

On the subject of ambiguity, bugs and maxima, I see we have in Data.List

-- | 'maximum' returns the maximum value from a list,
-- which must be non-empty, finite, and of an ordered type.
-- It is a special case of 'Data.List.maximumBy', which allows the
-- programmer to supply their own comparison function.
maximum :: (Ord a) = [a] - a
maximum []  =  errorEmptyList maximum
maximum xs  =  foldl1 max xs

-- | The 'maximumBy' function takes a comparison function and a list
-- and returns the greatest element of the list by the comparison function.
-- The list must be finite and non-empty.
maximumBy   :: (a - a - Ordering) - [a] - a
maximumBy _ []  =  error List.maximumBy: empty list
maximumBy cmp xs=  foldl1 max xs
   max x y = case cmp x y of
GT - x
_  - y

So I believe I'm correct in saying that maximumBy returns the last
of several possible maximum elements of the list. This obviously
needs specifying in the Haddock.

Because maximumBy documentation is ambiguous in this respect, so is the
overloaded maximum documentation. At least you can't figure it out from
the Haddock.

Despite this ambiguity, the statement that maximum is a special case of
maximumBy is true *provided* max in the Ord instance is defined the way
Aaron says is should be: (x==y = True) implies max x y = y.

But it could be be made unconditionally true using..

maximum :: Ord a = [a] - a
maximum [] = error List.maximum: empty list
maximum xs = maximumBy compare xs

AFAICT, the original report authors either did not perceive an
ambiguity in maximum, or just failed to notice and resolve it.
If there is no ambiguity this could be for 2 reasons.

1 - It doesn't matter which maximum is returned because:
 (x==y) = True implies x=y

2 - It does matter, and the result is guaranteed to be the
last maximum in all cases because:
 (x==y) = True implies max x y = y

But without either of the above, it is unsafe to assume
 maximum = maximumBy compare

Regarding the alleged max law this too is not mentioned in the
Haddock for the Ord class, nor is it a law AFAICT from reading the
report. The report (page 83) just says that the default methods are
reasonable, but presumably not manditory in any semantic sense.
This interpretation also seems to be the intent of this from the
second para. of Chapter 8:

The default method definitions, given with class declarations,
 constitute a specification only of the default method. They do not
 constitute a specification of the meaning of the method in all


Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey

Luke Palmer wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AFAICT the report is ambiguous about this, or at least the non-intutive
 equality semantics are not at all clear to me from what I can see in
 the Eq class definition (para 6.3.1). I think an the absence of any
 clear and *explicit* statement to the contrary people are entitled to
 assume this law is mandatory for all (correct) Eq instances.

In mathematics we usually *don't* assume things that aren't stated

But the trouble is the report says practically *nothing* about Eq
class or what the (==) operator means. It all seems to be assumed,
and even when it does talk about it informally it talks about
equality, not equivalence or some other word.

The report doesn't state that for all Ints, (x==y = True) implies that
x=y. There's no reason to suppose the Int instance is in any way
special, so do you really seriously consider the possibility that
this might not hold in your Int related code?

if (x==y) then f x else g x y

might not mean the same as..

if (x==y) then f y else g x y

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey

Luke Palmer wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 3:02 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The report doesn't state that for all Ints, (x==y = True) implies that
 x=y. There's no reason to suppose the Int instance is in any way
 special, so do you really seriously consider the possibility that
 this might not hold in your Int related code?

 if (x==y) then f x else g x y

 might not mean the same as..

 if (x==y) then f y else g x y

Of course not :-).  However, on what grounds am I to assume that these
two will be semantically equivalent for instances other than Int?

Umm..Maybe the fact that you're using the == method from the Eq class,
not some Int specific isIntEqual function?


Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey

Aaron Denney wrote:

so do you really seriously consider the possibility that
this might not hold in your Int related code?

if (x==y) then f x else g x y

might not mean the same as..

if (x==y) then f y else g x y

In Int code, of course not, because I know the types, and I know the
behaviour of (==) on Ints.  But f is specialized to work on Ints, isn't
it, so it's reasonable to know what semantics (==) has for Ints, and
depend on them?

Why are Ints special in this way? Couldn't you use say exacly the same
about any type (just substitute type X of your choice for Int)

IMO if your going to define a type X which is intended to be an Eq
instance you should always ensure, one way or another that all
exposed primitives that operate on that type respect equality, as
defined by == for the instance method. (And hence more complex
functions built on those primitives do too).

Just MO, the report doesn't make this clear 1 way or another AFAICS.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Some clarity please! (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort)

2008-03-13 Thread Conor McBride

Hi folks

I'm late into this thread, so apologies if
I'm being dim.

On 13 Mar 2008, at 16:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would ask for any correct Eq instance something like the law:
   (x==y) = True implies x=y (and vice-versa)

I wish I knew what = meant here. Did somebody say?
I don't think it's totally obvious what equational
propositions should mean. Nor do I think it's
desirable to consider only those propositions
expressible in QuickCheck.

If = is reflexive and distinguishes undefined from
True, then

  x = y  implies  (x == y) = True

will be tricky to satisfy for quite a lot of types.
What about

  undefined == undefined


  repeat 'x' == repeat 'x'

? For some suitable (slightly subtle) definition
of finite, you might manage

  x finite and x = y  implies  (x == y) = True

One rather intensional definition of x = y might be
x and y have a common n-step reduct with respect
to some suitable operational semantics. I don't think
this is what Adrian had in mind, but it certainly
falls foul of Wolfram's objection.

The easiest counterexample are sets (or finite maps)
provided as an abstract data type (i.e., exported without access to  

implementation, in particular constructors).

Different kinds of balanced trees typically do not produce the same
representation for the same set constructed by different construction

This suggests that we should seek to define x = y
on a type by type basis, to mean x and y support
the same observations, for some suitable notion
of observation, which might depend crucially on
what operations are exported from the (notional
or actual) module which defines the type. If so,
it's clearly crucial to allow some observations
which rely on waiting for ever, in order to
avoid _|_-induced collapse.

Something of the sort should allow this...

Therefore, (==) on sets will be expected to produce equality of sets,
which will only be an equivalence on set representations.

...but this...

which implies (f x == f y) = True (for expression types which are
instances of Eq).

This specifies that (==) is a congurence for f, and is in my opinion
the right specification:  (==) should be a congurence
on all datatypes with respect to all purely defineable functions. more troublesome. Take f = repeat. Define
f = f. I'd hope x == y = True would give us x = y,
and that x == y would be defined if at least one
of x and y is finite. That implies f x = f y, which
should guarantee that f x == f y is not False.

But at least nowadays people occasionally do export functions
that allow access to representation details,


I consider this as an argument to remove showTree from the  
interface of

Data.Set, and to either specify toList to produce an ordered list
(replacing toAscList), or to remove it from the interface as well.

Perhaps that's a little extreme but I agree with the
sentiment. How about designating such abstraction-
breaking functions nosy, in the same way that
functions which might break purity are unsafe.

(mapMonotonic should of course be removed, too,
 or specified to fail (preferably in some MonadZero)
 if the precondition is violated,
 which should still be implementable in linear time.)

What's wrong with mapMonotonic that isn't wrong
with, say, sortBy?, or Eq instances for parametrized

but if so would like to appeal to movers and shakers in the
language definition to please decide exactly what the proper
interpretation of standard Eq and Ord class laws are and in the
next version of the report give an explanation of these

Strongly seconded, inserting ``precise'' before ``explanation'' ;-)

(And I'd expect equivalences and congruences to be accessible
 on the basis of standard first-year math...)

Before we can talk about what == should return,
can we settle what we mean by = ? I think we need
to pragmatic about breaking the rules, given
suitable documentation and maybe warnings.

We should at least aspire to some principles,
which means we should try to know what we're
talking about and to know what we're doing,
even if we don't always do what we're talking

I'll shut up now.

Potatoes to peel


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread David Menendez
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Aaron Denney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  When defining max, yes, you must take care to make sure it useable for
  cases when Eq is an equivalence relation, rather than equality.

  If you're writing library code, then it won't generally know whether
  Eq means true equality rather than equivalence.  If this would let
  you optimize things, you need some other way to communicate this.

  The common typeclasses are for generic, parameterizable polymorphism.
  Equivalence is a more generally useful notion than equality, so that's
  what I want captured by the Eq typeclass.

I agree that equivalence is more general than equality, but I think
equality makes more sense for Eq. Unfortunately, my reasons are mostly

(1) You get at most one instance of Eq per type, and you get at most
one equality relation per type. On the other hand, you have at least
one equivalence (trivial equivalence) and will usually have several.
Type classes don't work well when you have more than one of something
per type (consider monoids).

(2) Libraries like Data.Set and the Edison have to go through a lot of
hoops because they can't assume that an Eq tests equality. (The Edison
API, in particular, has to create a distinction between observable and
non-observable collections, in order to support, e.g., a bag that
doesn't store multiple copies of equivalent elements.)

(3) Eq uses (==), which is commonly known as the equality sign, not
the equivalence sign.

(4) The Prelude already provides alternative functions that support
any equivalence (sortBy, nubBy, etc.).

If I were creating Haskell right now, I'd use Eq for equality and
provide an additional class for equivalences along these lines:

data P r
class Equivalence r where
type EqOver r :: *
equiv :: P r - EqOver r - EqOver r - Bool

data Equality a

instance (Eq a) = Equivalence (Equality a) where
type EqOver (Equality a) = a
equiv _ = (==)

data Trivial a

instance Equivalence (Trivial a) where
type EqOver (Trivial a) = a
equiv _ _ _ = True

Similar tricks can be used for orderings.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I take it you mean something like ..

Err... yes, I did.

Where's the Eq instance for OrdWrap?

Omitted for brevity.

This may or may not satisfy
the law: (compare a b) = EQ implies (a == b) = True. I think
everbody agrees about that, but I can't tell from the code
you've posted if it does in this case.

The default implementation of compare says that.

One thing that's not explicitly stated in the report is whether or not
the instances of typeclasses like Eq or Ord need to do the same thing
as[*] the default implementations.  Does x /= y do the same thing as
not (x == y)?

What's disputed is whether or not this law should hold:
 (a == b) = True implies a = b

Apart from possibly your good self, I don't think this is disputed.
Quotient types, as noted elsewhere in this thread, are very useful.
Their common use predates Miranda, so it's way too late to unbless
them now.

Well I hope you or anyone else hasn't used Data.Map or with OrdWrap
keys because if so it's likely that the code has either been broken in
the past, or is broken now (not sure which).

For Data.Map, using an OrdWrap-like wrapper for keys is wrong, because
it's not necessary.  OrdWrap is for situations where you need to
associate a value with a key which is, unsurprisingly, what Data.Map
also does.

As for sort, the behaviour hasn't been broken at any point in the past
or present that I'm aware of, and a lot of people would strongly resist
it if it ever were proposed that it be broken.

Andrew Bromage

  [*]  Do the same thing as here means that they mean the
   same thing, but allows for the possibility that some
   implementation may be less stack-consuming, lazier or
   in some way more efficient than its default.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Conor McBride


On 13 Mar 2008, at 22:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

G'day all.

Quoting Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

What's disputed is whether or not this law should hold:
 (a == b) = True implies a = b

Apart from possibly your good self, I don't think this is disputed.
Quotient types, as noted elsewhere in this thread, are very useful.

For a suitable notion of = on quotients, and with a
suitable abstraction barrier at least morally in place,
is that really too much to ask?

Their common use predates Miranda, so it's way too late to unbless
them now.

How depressing! Untyped programming also predates
Miranda. We can always aspire for better. It's not
that we need to get rid of Quotients: it's just that
we need to manage information hiding properly, which
is perhaps not such a tall order.

Meanwhile, the sort/Ord/OrdWrap issue may be a storm
in a different teacup: the type of sort is too tight.
Ord (total ordering) is way too strong a requirement
for sorting. Antisymmetry isn't needed for sorting
and isn't possessed by OrdWrap. A bit more structure
for order-related classes would surely help here.

Isn't there room for hope?

All the best


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey


What's disputed is whether or not this law should hold:
 (a == b) = True implies a = b

Apart from possibly your good self, I don't think this is disputed.

If that's supposed it imply you think I'm in a minority of one I
don't think you've been following this thread very well. Even the
report uses the word equality in the prose. And as I pointed
out in another post, even the standard library maximum function
appears to ambiguous if the law doesn't hold.

It can be disambiguated if Aarons max law holds:
 (a == b) = True implies max x y = y

But this is only true for the *default* max implementation. One of
the few explicit things the report does say on these matters is
that the default methods should *not* be regarded as definitive.

Besides there are good pragmatic safety and performance reasons
why Haskell should provide at least one class that offers
strong guarantees regarding equality and the (==) operator. If
that class isn't Eq, then where is it?

The (==) law holds for:
1- All standard Eq instances
2- All wholly derived Eq instances
3- Most hand defined instances I suspect.

..and has almost certainly been implicitly assumed by heaven knows
what extant code (some of it in the standard libraries I suspect).

So I think that we should recognise that this was the original
intent for the Eq class and this should be made official, albeit

If there's a need for a similar class where the (==) law doesn't
hold that's fine. But please don't insist that class must be Eq.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Conor McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

How depressing!

Sorry, I don't understand that.  Quotient types are good, but they're
not the whole story.  They just happen to be one use case with a
solid history behind them.

it's just that
we need to manage information hiding properly, which
is perhaps not such a tall order.

It's my opinion (and I know I'm not alone in this) that modularity is
probably the one thing that Haskell really hasn't (yet) gotten right.
Haskell's implementation of modules/namespaces/whatever is the bare
minimum needed to be minimally useful.

It's a shame, because abstraction, in Haskell, is extremely cheap.  It's
often only one line, and you've got a compiler-checked abstraction that
can't be accidentally confused with its representation.  This should
encourage micro-abstractions everywhere, but without submodules,
namespaces or whatever you want to call them, these abstractions are
easy to break (on purpose, not by accident).

If only you could add a couple more lines of code, and instantly have
your abstraction unbreakable.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Conor McBride


On 13 Mar 2008, at 23:33, Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-13, Conor McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On 13 Mar 2008, at 22:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

G'day all.

Quoting Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

What's disputed is whether or not this law should hold:
 (a == b) = True implies a = b

Apart from possibly your good self, I don't think this is disputed.
Quotient types, as noted elsewhere in this thread, are very useful.

For a suitable notion of = on quotients, and with a
suitable abstraction barrier at least morally in place,
is that really too much to ask?

I really think it is.  I don't think the case of equivalent for this
purpose, but not that purpose can be ignored.

Sure. But use the right tools for the job.

  Now, it may be the case
that fooBy functions are then the right thing, but it's not clear  
to me

at all that this is true.

And if the fooBy option works, then why would the foo option fail for
equivalence classes?

It seems reasonable to construct quotients from
arbitrary equivalences: if fooBy works for the
carrier, foo should work for the quotient. Of
course, if you want to expose the representation
for some other legitimate purpose, then it wasn't
equality you were interested in, so you should
call it something else.

 A bit more structure
for order-related classes would surely help here.

Say what?

Don't panic!

If I don't have a total ordering, then it's possible two
elements are incomparable

Quite so.

-- what should a sort algorithm do in such a

Not care. Produce a resulting list where for any

  [..., x, ..., y, ...]

in the result, y = x implies x = y. Vacuously
satisfied in the case of incomparable elements.
In the case of a total order, that gives you
y = x implies x = y (and everything in between),
but for a preorder, you put less in, you get less

Will that do?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

If that's supposed it imply you think I'm in a minority of one I
don't think you've been following this thread very well.

Sorry, that was a bit of hyperbole.

Even the report uses the word equality in the prose.

Indeed, and the only sensible meaning of equality that I can
think of is _semantic_ equality.  Two values are semantically equal
if they mean the same thing.

A concrete example of a quotient type that I had in mind is rationals.
A rational is implemented as, for the sake of argument, a pair of
integers.  Two rational numbers, a/b and c/d, are equal iff ad = bc.
That's what everyone means by equality for rationals.

It's true that rationals have a normal form, and this can be
enforced by a smart constructor and an unbreakable abstraction.  But
if you've got an unbreakable abstraction, then you've also got the
mechanism to enforce observational equality.

Moreover, not all quotient types have a one true normal form (e.g.
regular expressions), and even in cases where there is a sensible
normal form, it might be undesirable for reasons of performance or

Besides there are good pragmatic safety and performance reasons
why Haskell should provide at least one class that offers
strong guarantees regarding equality and the (==) operator.

Well, I haven't heard any reasons that have convinced me yet.  No
arguing over taste, of course.

..and has almost certainly been implicitly assumed by heaven knows
what extant code (some of it in the standard libraries I suspect).

Nobody has yet gone to the trouble of consulting either heaven or the
source code (in whatever order is deemed appropriate) to see if this
claim is true.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Some clarity please! (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort)

2008-03-13 Thread Conor McBride


On 13 Mar 2008, at 23:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Conor McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] responded to my comment:

(mapMonotonic should of course be removed, too,
 or specified to fail (preferably in some MonadZero)
 if the precondition is violated,
 which should still be implementable in linear time.)

What's wrong with mapMonotonic that isn't wrong
with, say, sortBy?, or Eq instances for parametrized

Prelude :m + Data.Set
Prelude Data.Set toAscList $ mapMonotonic (10 -) (fromList [1 .. 5])
Prelude Data.Set 5 `member`  mapMonotonic (10 -) (fromList [1 .. 5])

Something's certainly wrong there!

But nothing out of the ordinary: garbage in,
garbage out. Happens all the time, even in
Haskell. Why pick on mapMonotonic?

Prelude Data.List sortBy (\_ _ - GT) [1,3,2,5,4]
Prelude Data.List sortBy (\_ _ - GT) [4,5,3,2,1]

I guess there's a question of what we might
call toxic waste---junk values other than
undefined. I think undefined is bad enough
already. So the type system can't express
the spec. I don't think we should be casual
about that: we should be precise in
documentation about the obligations which
fall on the programmer. Some dirt is
pragmatically necessary: we shouldn't pretend
that it ain't so; we shouldn't pretend that dirt
is clean.

Before we can talk about what == should return,
can we settle what we mean by = ?

``='' is not in the Haskell interface!  ;-)

No, but is is in the human interface!

Therefore, I talked only about (==).

Ah, but you talked about things. Which
things? Is one of the things you talked
about the same as (==)? the same as
(flip (==))?

The best way to include ``='' seems to be the semantic equality of  

[Harrison-Kieburtz-2005], which is quite a heavy calibre,
and at least in that paper, classes are not yet included.

I expect it's hard work. It's hard work in
much better behaved systems. My point is that
it's worth it, in order to facilitate more
meaningful discussions.

All the best


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Robert Dockins
On Thursday 13 March 2008 07:33:12 pm Aaron Denney wrote:

 I've seen mention of difficulties with Data.Map, and edison, but not
 in enough detail to really grasp what the problems are.  Until I do, my
 natural bias (which I'm trying to resist, really) is that it's a matter
 of lazy coding, not any inherent difficulty.

For the specific case of Edison, the Haddock documentation for the following 
two modules tells the whole sordid story:

The Cliff Notes version is that Edison assumes the following things about Eq 
and Ord instances:

*  An Eq instance correctly defines an equivalence relation (but not 
necessarily structural equality); that is, we assume (==) (considered as a 
relation) is reflexive, symmetric and transitive, but allow that equivalent 
items may be distinguishable by other means.
* An Ord instance correctly defines a total order which is consistent with the 
Eq instance for that type. 

It's not explicitly stated, but Edison also assumes that the operations within 
a class are consistent, i.e., that (not (x == y)) calculates the same 
function as (x /= y), etc.  I suppose that should go in the docs too.  Edison 
makes no particular assumptions about min and max, except that they are 
consistent with the defined order.

Anyway, the end result for Edison is that some operations aren't well-defined, 
and can't be made well-defined without restrictions.  For example, consider 
the operation of folding in non-decreasing order over the elements of a 
multi-set.  If the function being folded distinguishes between two elements x 
and y, but (compare x y) = EQ, and x and y are both contained in the 
multi-set, then the result of the fold depends on internal state that is not 
supposed to be user-visible (e.g., the exact shape of a balanced tree).

Blah, blah, blah, its all in the documentation.  The point is that making 
loose assumptions about the meaning of the operations provided by Eq and Ord 
complicates things in ways that can't be made to go away.

Rob Dockins
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Some clarity please! (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort)

2008-03-13 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy

Adrian Hey wrote:

I would ask for any correct Eq instance something like the law:
  (x==y) = True implies x=y (and vice-versa)
which implies f x = f y for all definable f
which implies (f x == f y) = True (for expression types which are
instances of Eq). This pretty much requires structural equality
for concrete types. For abstract types you can do something different
provided functions which can give different answers for two equal
arguments are not exposed.

How do you propose something like this to be specified in the language 
definition? The report doesn't (and shouldn't) know about abstract 
types. It only talks about things which are exported and things which 
are not. The distinction between implementation modules and client 
modules is made by the programmer, not by the language. So you can 
either require your law to hold everywhere, which IMO isn't a good idea, 
or you don't require it to hold. From the language definition point of 
view, I don't see any middle ground here.

Also, when you talk about definable functions, do you include things 
like I/O? What if I want to store things (such as a Set) on a disk? If 
the same abstract value can have multiple representations, do I have to 
convert them all to some canonical representation before writing them to 
a file? This might be rather slow and is, IMO, quite unnecessary.

From a more philosophical points of view, I'd say that the appropriate 
concept of equality depends a lot on the problem domain. Personally, I 
quite strongly disagree with restricting Eq instances in the way you 
propose. I have never found much use for strict structural equality (as 
opposed to domain-specific equality which may or may not coincide with 
the structural one).

On the subject of ambiguity, bugs and maxima, I see we have in Data.List


So I believe I'm correct in saying that maximumBy returns the last
of several possible maximum elements of the list. This obviously
needs specifying in the Haddock.

Because maximumBy documentation is ambiguous in this respect, so is the
overloaded maximum documentation. At least you can't figure it out from
the Haddock.

Why not simply say that maximumBy returns some maximum element from the 
list but it's not specified which one? That's how I always understood 
the spec. Code which needs a particular maximum element can't use 
maximumBy but such code is rare. I don't see how this is ambiguous, it 
just leaves certain things unspecified which is perfectly ok.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Denis Bueno
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   and sorting is
   meant to be a permutation, so we happily have the situation where this
   has a correct answer: 2.

   Anything else is incorrect.

  Isn't 3 also a permutation? Why is it incorrect?

Because it is not stable.

The documentation for Data.List.sort says the sort is stable:

The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm.

A stable sort respects the order of equal elements as they occur in
the input list.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Denis Bueno wrote:

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  and sorting is
  meant to be a permutation, so we happily have the situation where this
  has a correct answer: 2.

  Anything else is incorrect.

 Isn't 3 also a permutation? Why is it incorrect?

Because it is not stable.

The documentation for Data.List.sort says the sort is stable:

The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm.

A stable sort respects the order of equal elements as they occur in
the input list.

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

So really I think the docs have this backwards. It's sortBy that
implements a stable sort (assuming a suitably sane comparison function
I guess) and apparently sort is whatever you get from (sortBy compare).
But this is unduly restrictive on possible correct sort implementations

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Derek Gladding
Speaking as someone who often has to answer questions along the lines of 
why isn't my code generating the results I want on your system?, I 
wouldn't call it evil, just commonly mistaken for Real.

NaN breaks most assumptions about ordering:

(NaN = _) == false
(NaN == _) == false
(NaN = _) == false

It doesn't even compare equal to a bitwise copy of itself.

This would imply that it's impossible to write a stable sort for (IEEE) 
floating-point types.

x  (x+n) (and variations thereof) does not always hold either.

- Derek

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Mar 11, 2008, at 0:20 , Chaddaï Fouché wrote:

2008/3/11, David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I think Adrian is just arguing that a == b should imply f a == f b,
 for all definable f, in which case it doesn't *matter* which of two
 equal elements you choose, because there's no semantic difference.

I completely agree that this propriety should be true for all Eq
instance exported by a public module. I don't care if it is not the
case in a isolated code, but libraries shouldn't break expected
invariant (or at least be very cautious and warn the user). Even Eq
Double respects this propriety as far as I know.

I wouldn't want to bet on that (Eq Double, that is).  Floating point's 
just *evil*.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Remi Turk
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 01:43:36AM -0400, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
 On Mar 11, 2008, at 0:20 , Chaddaï Fouché wrote:
 2008/3/11, David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I think Adrian is just arguing that a == b should imply f a == f b,
  for all definable f, in which case it doesn't *matter* which of two
  equal elements you choose, because there's no semantic difference.

 I completely agree that this propriety should be true for all Eq
 instance exported by a public module. I don't care if it is not the
 case in a isolated code, but libraries shouldn't break expected
 invariant (or at least be very cautious and warn the user). Even Eq
 Double respects this propriety as far as I know.

 I wouldn't want to bet on that (Eq Double, that is).  Floating point's just 

I wouldn't bet on it either:

Prelude 0.0 == -0.0
Prelude isNegativeZero 0.0 == isNegativeZero (-0.0)

Although isNegativeZero might be considered a ``private,
internal interface that exposes implementation details.''

Groeten, Remi
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Ketil Malde
Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So really I think the docs have this backwards. It's sortBy that
 implements a stable sort (assuming a suitably sane comparison function
 I guess) and apparently sort is whatever you get from (sortBy compare).
 But this is unduly restrictive on possible correct sort implementations

Somebody (maybe you?) suggested that 'sort' should be a function in
class Ord, giving the implementer freedom to decide exactly what is
optimal for that particular data type.

Could this also be used to solve the Data.Map issue?  I mean, could
Data.Map.insert use 'sort' instead of 'compare' to place new elements?

For types where there is no observable difference between EQ elements
(which you know when you instantiate Ord for the type), 'sort [a,b]'
could return [a,a] when a == b, saving you space.  For types with
observably different but EQual values (like Neil's (Foo Int
(Int-Int))), you would need to fall back to the old behavior.

Just wondering.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Jules Bean

Adrian Hey wrote:

Denis Bueno wrote:

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  and sorting is
  meant to be a permutation, so we happily have the situation where 

  has a correct answer: 2.

  Anything else is incorrect.

 Isn't 3 also a permutation? Why is it incorrect?

Because it is not stable.

The documentation for Data.List.sort says the sort is stable:

The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm.

A stable sort respects the order of equal elements as they occur in
the input list.

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

The fact that you can't implement a function to differentiation does not 
meant the difference is not important.

[b,a] might cause 500G of file IO which [a,b] will not cause.

This is not observable within haskell, but is very observable to the user.

Stability is a nice property. I don't understand why you are arguing 
against this so aggressiviely.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Jules Bean

Derek Gladding wrote:
Speaking as someone who often has to answer questions along the lines of 
why isn't my code generating the results I want on your system?, I 
wouldn't call it evil, just commonly mistaken for Real.

Yes, of course.

Double is an excellent example since it indicates that there exist types 
for which Ord (and Eq) instances are not quite sensible, but nonetheless 
we want them to exist because it is a real pain if they don't. (Or at 
least, we definitely want Ord. It's easier make the argument that we 
don't really want Eq)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Ketil Malde wrote:

Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So really I think the docs have this backwards. It's sortBy that
implements a stable sort (assuming a suitably sane comparison function
I guess) and apparently sort is whatever you get from (sortBy compare).
But this is unduly restrictive on possible correct sort implementations

Somebody (maybe you?) suggested that 'sort' should be a function in
class Ord, giving the implementer freedom to decide exactly what is
optimal for that particular data type.

Could this also be used to solve the Data.Map issue?  I mean, could
Data.Map.insert use 'sort' instead of 'compare' to place new elements?

I don't really think so. To be consistent people would have to do this
all over the place, not just in Data.Map/Set. Anywhere where you have
code like this (for Ord instances)

if (x==y) then f x -- f y should be just as good!
  else g x y

you'd now have to have something like..

if (x==y) then f (head (sort ([x,y]))
  else g x y

Also, since the problem is with the concept of equality, in that we're
now admitting that things can be equal but also not equal at the same
time then choice should really be a method of the Eq class..

Something like..

-- Returns Nothing if args are not equal
-- Just p if args are equal, where p is the prefered equal value
chose :: Eq a = a - a - Maybe a

Like I said, this way lies madness!!

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Lennart Augustsson
I agree, I view == as some kind of equivalence relation in Haskell, and not
a congruence relation (which would force x==y = f x == f y).
Of course, the Haskell type system isn't strong enough to enforce anything
more than it being a function returning a boolean.

  -- Lennart

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 12:55 AM, Aaron Denney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2008-03-11, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Neil Mitchell wrote:
   (sort [a,b]) in the case we have: (compare a b = EQ)
   Which of the following 4 possible results are correct/incorrect?
   1- [a,a]
   2- [a,b]
   3- [b,a]
   4- [b,b]
  Fortunately the Haskell sort is meant to be stable,
  I would have said it is meant to be *correct* first and *efficient*
  second. You're ruling out a whole bunch of possibly more efficient
  and correct sorts on the grounds that they may give observably different
  results for a tiny minority of (IMO broken) Eq/Ord instances.

 It's exactly your opinion that these are broken that we're arguing
 about.  My view is that they are just equivalence and ordering
 relations, not complete equality relations.  Using sortBy, or wrapping
 in a newtype with a different ordering instance and then using sort
 should be equivalent.

  Wrt to *sortBy* (vs. *sort*), I would be inclined to agree with you.
  I sure hope someone has proven that the (apparently) different sortBy
  implementations provided by ghc,nhc and h98 library report are precisely
  equivalent for all (type legal) function arguments.
  and sorting is
  meant to be a permutation, so we happily have the situation where this
  has a correct answer: 2.
  Anything else is incorrect.
  Isn't 3 also a permutation? Why is it incorrect?

 Stability --  see Fortunately the Haskell sort is meant to be stable,

  Adrian: I think its fairly clear we disagree about these things.
  However, we both understand the others point of view, so I guess its
  just a question of opinion - and I doubt either of us will change. As
  such I think any further discussion may just lead to sleep deprivation
  [1]. I think I'm coming from a more discrete maths/theoretical
  background while you are coming from a more practical/pragmatist
  If the discrete maths/theoretical POV necessatates to the kind of
  biasing madness of Data.Map/Set (for example) then it *sucks* bigtime
  IMO :-)

  Having tried this approach myself too (with the clone) I can confirm
  that *this way lies madness*, so in future I will not be making
  any effort to define or respect sane, unambiguous and stable behaviour
  for insane Eq/Ord instances for any lib I produce or hack on. Instead
  I will be aiming for correctness and optimal efficiency on the
  assumption that Eq and Ord instances are sensible.

 Good.  But sensible only means that the Eq and Ord instances agree, not
 x == y = f x == f y.

 Aaron Denney

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Jules Bean wrote:

Adrian Hey wrote:

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

The fact that you can't implement a function to differentiation does not 
meant the difference is not important.

[b,a] might cause 500G of file IO which [a,b] will not cause.

I can't imagine why, unless this is some weird side effect of lazy IO
(which I thought was generally agreed to be a bad thing).

What if it's the [a,b] ordering that causes this but the [b,a]
ordering that doesn't? The choice is arbitrary (for sort), but neither
is obviously correct.

This is not observable within haskell, but is very observable to the user.

Yes, there are plenty of things like space and time behaviour that are
not observable in the semantic sense, but have real obvervable
consequenses in the practical sense of real executables running on real
machines. But constraints like this and Data.Set/Map left biasing
often mean that implementations have to be made unnecessarily time and
space *inefficient* for no good semantic reason.

Stability is a nice property. I don't understand why you are arguing 
against this so aggressiviely.

I'm not arguing against it for sortBy. I wouldn't even object to the
existance of an overloaded..
 stableSort = sortBy compare
by definition.

I am arguing against it for the default sort that is applied to all
types because for many types there will be more efficient alternatives
which are perfectly correct in the semantic sense, but don't respect
the (semantically meaningless IMO for Ord instances) stability property.
Of course the proper place for this hypothetical sort (and several
other variations) is probably as an Ord class method, not a single
overloaded function in Data.List.

I would also regard any use of stableSort (in preference to the
hypothetical unstable overloaded sort) with about the same degree of
suspicion as any use of unsafePerformIO.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Remi Turk wrote:

I wouldn't bet on it either:

Prelude 0.0 == -0.0
Prelude isNegativeZero 0.0 == isNegativeZero (-0.0)

Although isNegativeZero might be considered a ``private,
internal interface that exposes implementation details.''

Interesting example.

So is the correct conclusion from this that all (polymorphic) code
that assumes (x == y) = True implies x=y is inherently broken,
or is just this particular Eq instance that's broken?

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-11, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Having tried this approach myself too (with the clone) I can confirm
that *this way lies madness*, so in future I will not be making
any effort to define or respect sane, unambiguous and stable behaviour
for insane Eq/Ord instances for any lib I produce or hack on. Instead
I will be aiming for correctness and optimal efficiency on the
assumption that Eq and Ord instances are sensible.

Good.  But sensible only means that the Eq and Ord instances agree, not that
x == y = f x == f y.

So can I assume that max x y = max y x?

If not, how can I tell if I've made the correct choice of argument
order. If I can't tell then I guess I have no alternative but document
my arbitrary choice in the Haddock, and probably for the (sake of
completeness) provide 2 or more alternative definitions of the same
function which use a different argument order.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Lennart Augustsson
I'd say that any polymorphic code that assumes that x==y implies x=y is
But apart from that, floating point numbers break all kinds of laws that we
might expect to hold.  Even so, they are convenient to have instances of
various classes.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Remi Turk wrote:
  I wouldn't bet on it either:
  Prelude 0.0 == -0.0
  Prelude isNegativeZero 0.0 == isNegativeZero (-0.0)
  Although isNegativeZero might be considered a ``private,
  internal interface that exposes implementation details.''

 Interesting example.

 So is the correct conclusion from this that all (polymorphic) code
 that assumes (x == y) = True implies x=y is inherently broken,
 or is just this particular Eq instance that's broken?

 Adrian Hey

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Adrian Hey wrote:

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

Nonsense.  Consider a Schwartzian transform wrapper:

data OrdWrap k v = OrdWrap k v

instance (Ord k) = Ord (OrdWrap k v) where
compare (OrdWrap k1 v1) (OrdWrap k2 v2) = OrdWrap k1 k2

It would be incorrect (and not sane) for sort [a,b] to return [a,a] in
this case, though a case could be made that either [a,b] or [b,a] make

Quoting Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Stability is a nice property. I don't understand why you are arguing
against this so aggressiviely.

Stability is an occasionally very useful property.  However, if there
is a tradeoff between stability and performance, I'd prefer it if the
library didn't choose for me.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
In OCaml you have sort and fastsort - the latter doesn't have to be stable.
It currently is, because fastsort = sort.
I think it is a good thing to leave people an option, if there is something
important to choose.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 G'day all.

 Adrian Hey wrote:

  This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
  as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
  correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
  function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
  compare a b = EQ.

 Nonsense.  Consider a Schwartzian transform wrapper:

 data OrdWrap k v = OrdWrap k v

 instance (Ord k) = Ord (OrdWrap k v) where
 compare (OrdWrap k1 v1) (OrdWrap k2 v2) = OrdWrap k1 k2

 It would be incorrect (and not sane) for sort [a,b] to return [a,a] in
 this case, though a case could be made that either [a,b] or [b,a] make

 Quoting Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Stability is a nice property. I don't understand why you are arguing
  against this so aggressiviely.

 Stability is an occasionally very useful property.  However, if there
 is a tradeoff between stability and performance, I'd prefer it if the
 library didn't choose for me.

 Andrew Bromage
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread David Menendez
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 7:48 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Adrian Hey wrote:

   This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
   as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
   correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
   function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
   compare a b = EQ.

  Nonsense.  Consider a Schwartzian transform wrapper:

  data OrdWrap k v = OrdWrap k v

  instance (Ord k) = Ord (OrdWrap k v) where
  compare (OrdWrap k1 v1) (OrdWrap k2 v2) = OrdWrap k1 k2

  It would be incorrect (and not sane) for sort [a,b] to return [a,a] in
  this case, though a case could be made that either [a,b] or [b,a] make

Adrian is arguing that compare a b == EQ should imply compare (f a) (f
b) == EQ for all functions f (excluding odd stuff). Thus, the problem
with your example would be in the Ord instance, not the sort function.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Adrian is arguing that compare a b == EQ should imply compare (f a) (f
b) == EQ for all functions f (excluding odd stuff). Thus, the problem
with your example would be in the Ord instance, not the sort function.

Understood, and the Schwartzian transform might be better understood as
sortBy rather than sort.

As others have noted, this really is a question of what Eq and Ord
mean.  And the answer to that is: Whatever makes the most
domain-specific sense.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Dan Licata
On Mar12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 G'day all.
 Quoting David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Adrian is arguing that compare a b == EQ should imply compare (f a) (f
 b) == EQ for all functions f (excluding odd stuff). Thus, the problem
 with your example would be in the Ord instance, not the sort function.
 Understood, and the Schwartzian transform might be better understood as
 sortBy rather than sort.
 As others have noted, this really is a question of what Eq and Ord
 mean.  And the answer to that is: Whatever makes the most
 domain-specific sense.

I think the notion of a quotient type (C / ~) may be helpful in this
discussion.  A quotient type represents the equivalence classes of some
carrier type C under some equivalence relation ~.  Functions of type 
(C / ~) - A are often defined by working with the underlying carrier
type C.  However, not all functions C - A define functions 
(C / ~) - A: to be a well-defined function on equivalence classes, the 
function C - A must respect the equivalence relation ~, in the sense
that c ~ c implies f(c) =_A f(c') where =_A is whatever equality at A

For example, you can think of a type Set of sets as (List / ~) where ~
equates two lists iff they are permutations of each other.  Then a
function List - A counts as a function Set - A iff it takes
permutations to equal A's.  For instance, you can't write a function
tolist :: Set - List that simply dumps out the underlying
representation, because then you can distinguish different
representatives of the same equivalence class.  

Now, Haskell doesn't let you define quotient types directly, but you can
code them up with abstract types: if you hide the implementation of a
type C and ensure that all functions C - A respect some equivalence
relation ~, then you effectively have a quotient type (C / ~), because
all functions on C are well-defined on the equivalence classes.  

So, I think a way of summing up the two points of view on Eq are:

(1) You're only allowed to add an 

instance Eq A where
  (==) = ~

if A is really (A / ~).  Then all functions on A necessarily respect

(2) The instance for Eq A is just some equivalence relation ~ that I
might quotient A by.  

I.e., in Eq A, is A the quotient type or the underlying carrier?  Both
are reasonable and useful notions, but it might make sense to have two
different type classes for these two notions, since if you expect one
and get the other you can get into trouble.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-11 Thread Don Stewart
 On 11 Mar 2008, at 12:27 pm, Krzysztof Skrzętnicki wrote:
 I've written little framework to work on. See sortbench.hs and attachments.
 Furthermore, I checked Yhc's implementation of sort: it is indeed  
 very fast:
 I took his earlier code and plugged yhc's sort into it.
 Compiling with ghc -O2 using GHC 6.8.2, I found the yhc code (basically
 variant of natural merge) to be considerably slower than some of the
 There is a pretty obvious way to speed up the YHC code which you would
 expect to provide nearly a factor of two speedup, and with the random
 integer data, it does.
 However, there is one simple but extremely important point which must be
 considered in evaluating a sorting routine:  the library 'sort' function
 is, or should be, a *general-purpose* sort.  It should be useful with  
 data type which is an instance of Ord or for which you can write a `cmp`
 function, and it should work at least as well with already-sorted input
 as with randomised input.  quicksort (whose original reason for  
 was to sort on a machine whose memory would disgrace today's  
 is well known for doing deceptively well on randomised integer  
 When I run Krzystztof's test harness (which I have currently brought  
 up to
 25 different sorting functions) with a list of the form [1..N] instead  
 a random list, suddenly all the variants of merge sort come out ahead of
 all the variants of quick sort.  In fact his best version of quicksort,
 qsort_iv, comes out fully 1155 times slower than the YHC algorithm on a
 list of 10,000 ordered integers.  That can be improved by spending a bit
 of effort on choosing a good pivot, but then the quicksort algorithms  
 no longer so competitive for randomised inputs.
 The classic Engineering a Quicksort paper by Bentley and McIlroy from
 Software : Practice  Experience recommends a whole bunch of  
 shapes (one run, two runs, sawtooth, organ pipes, random, ...) that  
 be benchmarked before drawing too many conclusions.
 It is also wise to try more than one data type.  How do the different
 algorithms compare on random samples from a Scrabble dictionary?  (Why
 that particular question?  Because I mean to try it.)
 Right now, I remain happy with merge sort, because it is never  
 several thousand times slower than expected.

Do you have these tests bundled up in a repository? It would be very
useful to drop these into the base library testsuite, so we can point to
this when needed.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-11 Thread Adrian Hey

Jonathan Cast wrote:

On 10 Mar 2008, at 4:00 AM, Adrian Hey wrote:

Neil Mitchell wrote:
 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it 
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, 

 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

That would be wrong. Consider:
data Foo = Foo Int Int
instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
biasing of Data.Map (for example).

Data.Map is implicitly using such an Ord instance behind the scenes, and 
I think it has to to maintain its own invariants.  If I take the `union' 
of two maps that take the same key to different values, I have to decide 
which value to use, even if every Ord instance supplied by my clients is 
100% Adrian-compliant.

The biasing policy for Data.Map/Set is refering to (Set) elements, or
(Map) keys, not the associated values (in a Map). So during an insertion
op, if an equal element/key is found the Set/Map the biasing policy
tells me which of the two equal elements/keys in incorporated in the
resulting Set/Map.

So there's an implied acceptance of the posibility that the choice is
significant and that the two elements/keys can be both equal and not
equal at the same time. This is crazy IMO. Implementors should not
have to offer an guarantees about this and should be perfectly free
to make their own unspecified choice regarding which of two equal
values is used in any expression (on space efficiency grounds say).

For example, the left biasing of insertion on Data.Set forces the
implementation to burn O(log n) heap space creating a new equal set,
even if the set already contains an old element that is equal to the
new element. I would argue that in this situation it should be perfectly
correct to simply return the old set instead.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-11 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
Are you really sure that your results are correct? I obviously did all my
tests with -O2 on.
Please rerun your tests on the new framework. Also note that this one
contains tests for three cases:
- sorted
- revsorted
- randomized
From previous results I can guess that with randomized input Yhc's code will
be ~3 times slower then the fastest quicksort out there.
But I'm not going to run O(n^2) algorithm to compare with O(n log n) - and
this is the case for (rev?)sorted inputs.

Christopher Skrzętnicki

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 5:14 AM, Richard A. O'Keefe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 11 Mar 2008, at 12:27 pm, Krzysztof Skrzętnicki wrote:

  I've written little framework to work on. See sortbench.hs and attachments.
  Furthermore, I checked Yhc's implementation of sort: it is indeed
  very fast:

 I took his earlier code and plugged yhc's sort into it.
 Compiling with ghc -O2 using GHC 6.8.2, I found the yhc code (basically
 variant of natural merge) to be considerably slower than some of the
 When I run Krzystztof's test harness (which I have currently brought
 up to
 25 different sorting functions) with a list of the form [1..N] instead
 a random list, suddenly all the variants of merge sort come out ahead of
 all the variants of quick sort.  In fact his best version of quicksort,
 qsort_iv, comes out fully 1155 times slower than the YHC algorithm on a
 list of 10,000 ordered integers.  That can be improved by spending a bit
 of effort on choosing a good pivot, but then the quicksort algorithms
 no longer so competitive for randomised inputs.

This paper looks interesting, I'm going to implement those tests.

 The classic Engineering a Quicksort paper by Bentley and McIlroy from
 Software : Practice  Experience recommends a whole bunch of
 shapes (one run, two runs, sawtooth, organ pipes, random, ...) that
 be benchmarked before drawing too many conclusions.

This is the right point. A further work will be to add different input
generators to run them too.

 It is also wise to try more than one data type.  How do the different
 algorithms compare on random samples from a Scrabble dictionary?  (Why
 that particular question?  Because I mean to try it.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-11 Thread Ketil Malde
Krzysztof Skrzętnicki [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The above results are for 100 Ints x 10 runs, but I don't expect any
 drastic changes in longer run. I leave the interpretation up to you.

Might I suggest (also) testing with numbers of smaller magnitude?
Lots of collisions is another killer for the naïve quicksort (albeit
easily remedied, of course), and something a general sorting algorithm
should handle. 

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

  2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it deletes
  them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, keeping
  track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

That would be wrong. Consider:

data Foo = Foo Int Int

instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

sort [Foo 1 2, Foo 1 -2] must return the original list back, in that
order. You cannot delete things and duplicate them later. To guarantee
the ordering you must also do other stuff.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

Can whoever picks this up please try the sort code from Yhc in their
comparisons. In my benchmarks it ran up to twice as fast as the GHC

I think what we really need is first quickCheck and timing framework
for measuring sorts. After we have decided what makes one sort
faster/better than another, then is the time to start deciding what
sort is the best one. Ian did some initial work on this:

Until the sort-check package is uploaded to hackage I think most
people will find it hard to be convinced of one sort over another.



On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it 
them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, 
track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

  That would be wrong. Consider:

  data Foo = Foo Int Int

  instance Ord Foo where
 compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

  sort [Foo 1 2, Foo 1 -2] must return the original list back, in that
  order. You cannot delete things and duplicate them later. To guarantee
  the ordering you must also do other stuff.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Malcolm Wallace

On 10 Mar 2008, at 08:36, Neil Mitchell wrote:

Can whoever picks this up please try the sort code from Yhc in their
comparisons. In my benchmarks it ran up to twice as fast as the GHC

I believe the Yhc sort implementation is faster because Lennart did  
some extensive performance tuning of sorting with hbc, about ten years  
ago, and contributed the resulting winner to nhc98 way back then.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:

 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it deletes
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, keeping
 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

That would be wrong. Consider:

data Foo = Foo Int Int

instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
biasing of Data.Map (for example).

Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should. Otherwise knowing a
type is an instance of Ord tells me nothing that I can rely on.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Luke Palmer
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Neil Mitchell wrote:
2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it 
them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, 
track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.
   That would be wrong. Consider:
   data Foo = Foo Int Int
   instance Ord Foo where
   compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

  I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
  don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
  constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
  or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
  instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
  biasing of Data.Map (for example).

It could be.  I actually don't know what Haskell specifies here.  If a
type has an Eq instance and x == y, must x and y be observationally
equivalent?  Or is it reasonable to allow some wiggle room?  I'd say
(==) definitely has to be an equivalence relation, but beyond that,
it's open to the implementor, since if an algorithm only depends on
(Eq a), it can't tell the difference between observational equality
and any other equivalence relation.  But that's just one argument (by
example, in a way).  That is, an argument that this is hopelessly
broken isn't trivial, it needs to be defended.

There is nonetheless a need to handle duplicates gracefully, that is
keeping a count won't cut it, because of sortBy.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

   instance Ord Foo where
   compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

  I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
  don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
  constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
  or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
  instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
  biasing of Data.Map (for example).

The sort in Haskell is specified to be stable. What that means is
that the above ord relation is fine. The above ordering observes all
the necessary mathematical definitions of ordering, assuming an Eq of:

instance Eq Foo where
(==) (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = (==) a b

  Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
  for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should. Otherwise knowing a
  type is an instance of Ord tells me nothing that I can rely on.

Please give the sane law that this ordering violates. I can't see any!

What if I had made the definition of Foo:

data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

Now, is the only possible answer that any Ord instance for Foo is wrong?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Adrian Hey wrote:

or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such

Urk, sorry for the gibberish. I guess I should get into the habit of
reading what I write before posting :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


  instance Ord Foo where
  compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

 I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
 don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
 constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
 or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
 instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
 biasing of Data.Map (for example).

The sort in Haskell is specified to be stable. What that means is
that the above ord relation is fine. The above ordering observes all
the necessary mathematical definitions of ordering, assuming an Eq of:

instance Eq Foo where
(==) (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = (==) a b

 Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
 for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should. Otherwise knowing a
 type is an instance of Ord tells me nothing that I can rely on.

Please give the sane law that this ordering violates. I can't see any!

The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this law,
but it should.

The Haskell standard doen't even specify that compare x y = EQ implies
(x == y) = True, but again it should (what's the purpose of the Eq
constraint on Ord class otherwise).

What if I had made the definition of Foo:

data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

Now, is the only possible answer that any Ord instance for Foo is wrong?

Yes, if the Foo constuctor is exported. If it's scope confined to one
module then you could maintain the invariant that the same function is
always associated with a given Int. However, if this is the case then
the issue you raise wrt sort behaviour is irrelevant.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Dan Doel
On Monday 10 March 2008, Neil Mitchell wrote:
 That would be wrong. Consider:

 data Foo = Foo Int Int

 instance Ord Foo where
 compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

 sort [Foo 1 2, Foo 1 -2] must return the original list back, in that
 order. You cannot delete things and duplicate them later. To guarantee
 the ordering you must also do other stuff.

Ah! Quite right. So, instead, we'd have to store the elements themselves. 
Something like:

  treeSort = concatMap (reverse . snd) . Map.toAscList
  . Map.fromListWith (++) . map (\x - (x,[x]))

I had a feeling the duplicate counting one wasn't the correct answer, but your 
example slipped my mind last night.

-- Dan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

  The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
  implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this law,
  but it should.

Wrong. It shouldn't, it doesn't, and I don't think it even can!

  The Haskell standard doen't even specify that compare x y = EQ implies
  (x == y) = True, but again it should (what's the purpose of the Eq
  constraint on Ord class otherwise).

Correct. Yes, this is one law that _should_ be true, along with others:

a  b  b  c = a  c
a == b = b == a

etc. But a == b = a = b is not a law that needs to hold, and not a
law that can be stated in Haskell, even as a quickcheck property.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


 The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
 implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this law,
 but it should.

Wrong. It shouldn't,

Should too

it doesn't,


and I don't think it even can!

Well we need to be precise about exactly what = means, but informally
I guess we're talking about observational equvalence.

But seriously, once you admit the possibility that even if x == y it
still matters which of x or y is used in expressions than all hell
breaks loose. I shudder to think just how much Haskell code there must
be out there that is (at best) ambiguious or just plain broken if
this is a serious possibility.

Again, I have to cite Data.Map as an obvious example. It's unclear
to me exactly what the proper interpretation of left biasing is
for all functions in the API. Furthermore, until quite recently some
function implementations in Data.Map we're actually broken wrt the
stated biasing policy (though few actually noticed this for obvious
reasons). Perhaps some still are? Who knows..

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Ketil Malde
Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But seriously, once you admit the possibility that even if x == y it
 still matters which of x or y is used in expressions than all hell
 breaks loose. I shudder to think just how much Haskell code there must
 be out there that is (at best) ambiguious or just plain broken if
 this is a serious possibility.

Just search for copy (on ByteStrings).

One program of mine was extracting substrings from a large
file.  Since the file was pretty huge, I used lazy bytestrings for this
purpose.  Unfortunately, the short substrings I retained pulled with them
rather large chunks from the file -- since a bytestring is essentially
a pointer to a chunk, an offset, and a length.  The solution is
copy, which creates a new string, indistinguishable from within
Haskell, but with very different effects on the program.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Adrian,

Monday, March 10, 2008, 2:00:18 PM, you wrote:

instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I

h. for example, imagine files in file manager sorted by size or date

In such cases you should be using sortBy, not the overloaded sort
(you have several reasonable orderings for the same record type say).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Denis Bueno
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this law,
but it should.

Unless I'm missing something obvious, the example Neil gave earlier
should make it clear how impossible this requirement is:

  What if I had made the definition of Foo:

  data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

There is no way in general to decide the observational equivalence of
two values of this data type (by reduction to the halting problem).
Therefore it is impossible to write any function implementing such an
equality test.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Ketil Malde wrote:

Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But seriously, once you admit the possibility that even if x == y it
still matters which of x or y is used in expressions than all hell
breaks loose. I shudder to think just how much Haskell code there must
be out there that is (at best) ambiguious or just plain broken if
this is a serious possibility.

Just search for copy (on ByteStrings).

One program of mine was extracting substrings from a large
file.  Since the file was pretty huge, I used lazy bytestrings for this
purpose.  Unfortunately, the short substrings I retained pulled with them
rather large chunks from the file -- since a bytestring is essentially
a pointer to a chunk, an offset, and a length.  The solution is
copy, which creates a new string, indistinguishable from within
Haskell, but with very different effects on the program.

We're talking about *semantic correctness*, not efficiency. If you
want to fine tune your code like this you shouldn't be relying
on overloaded general purpose function implementations. E.G. the
COrdering type used by AVL lib is one way to do this. This lets
a combining comparison chose which of two equal values is used
(and other things).

Indeed, one of my main objections the having things like biasing
policy as part of a functions specification in that it seriously
inhibits you when producing more refined and efficient implementations.

BTW, I noticed this when I was writing my Data.Map clone. Respecting
the stated biasing policy resulted in less efficient implementations.
It broke my heart to knowingly write code that would slow down 99%
of users code just keep the 1% who'd defined broken Ord instances
happy, so I defined biasing policy differently for the clone. On
reflection I think even that was a mistake and is something I intend
drop if I ever do a Hackage release (the lib should not specify
any biasing policy whatsoever).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

  We're talking about *semantic correctness*, not efficiency. If you
  want to fine tune your code like this you shouldn't be relying
  on overloaded general purpose function implementations. E.G. the
  COrdering type used by AVL lib is one way to do this. This lets
  a combining comparison chose which of two equal values is used
  (and other things).

I would have thought:

sort x == sortBy compare x

was a reasonable property to have. But you are proposing that sort
should make assumptions on the compare function, which you can't even
state in Haskell, but sortBy should not. That seems suspicious...

I also know of a data type:

data Set xs = Set [xs]

where the Set constructor is all nicely hidden. If I define Set ab
to be equal to Set ba, should the compiler burst into flames? If we
_require_ all Eq definitions to follow our very narrowly defined
notion of equality, then the question comes up why we permit people to
write Eq at all - why doesn't the compiler just do it for us, if there
is only one right answer.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Denis Bueno wrote:

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
   implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this law,
   but it should.

Unless I'm missing something obvious, the example Neil gave earlier
should make it clear how impossible this requirement is:

  What if I had made the definition of Foo:

  data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

There is no way in general to decide the observational equivalence of
two values of this data type (by reduction to the halting problem).
Therefore it is impossible to write any function implementing such an
equality test.

Did you read my original response to this example?

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Denis Bueno
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Denis Bueno wrote:
   On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
  implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this 
  but it should.
   Unless I'm missing something obvious, the example Neil gave earlier
   should make it clear how impossible this requirement is:
 What if I had made the definition of Foo:
 data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)
   There is no way in general to decide the observational equivalence of
   two values of this data type (by reduction to the halting problem).
   Therefore it is impossible to write any function implementing such an
   equality test.

  Did you read my original response to this example?

Yes.  You would argue that one should not export the data constructor
Foo.  That is a decision that requires more details about the code
providing Foo, although it certainly seems a reasonable approach in
many cases.  Supposing I wanted to export Foo, though, the condition
you'd like to put on == breaks down.  Even if I don't export Foo, how
do I ensure that any standard library functions called from the Foo
library don't depend on the condition you'd like to put on ==?  Do I
have to examine them individually?  Wouldn't it be easier to reason
about code if we constrain the semantics of == as *little* as possible
(as an equivalence relation)?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Kalman Noel
Neil Mitchell wrote:
 instance Eq Foo where
 (==) (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = (==) a b
 Please give the sane law that this ordering violates. I can't see any!

The (non-existant) law would be

(Eq1)   x == y  =  f x == f y,  for all f of appropriate type

which is analogous to this (existant) law about observational equality:

(Eq2)   x = y   =  f x = f y,   for all f of appropriate type


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


 We're talking about *semantic correctness*, not efficiency. If you
 want to fine tune your code like this you shouldn't be relying
 on overloaded general purpose function implementations. E.G. the
 COrdering type used by AVL lib is one way to do this. This lets
 a combining comparison chose which of two equal values is used
 (and other things).

I would have thought:

sort x == sortBy compare x

was a reasonable property to have.

Certainly, but this is part of (but not the complete) specification
for sortBy, not sort. But given sane Ord/Eq instances and sortBy
implementation, then this is indeed also one of many possible
correct implementatations of sort.

But you are proposing that sort
should make assumptions on the compare function,

Not just sort, but any function with an Ord constraint is entited
to assume sane behavior wrt to compare. Without this the Ord class
just becomes quite useless, other than saving a few keystrokes for
folk who be bothered to pass any old compare function as explicit arg.
Surely type classes are supposed to be more than that?

which you can't even state in Haskell,

There are plenty of formal statements about things that can't be
written in Haskell. That doesn't mean they aren't true or should not
be respected or relied upon. It just means Haskell is an imperfect
language for expressing such things.

but sortBy should not.

sortBy should not assume anything about the function of type
x - x - Ordering. Rather, what sortBy actually does with that
function should be specified.

I also know of a data type:

data Set xs = Set [xs]

where the Set constructor is all nicely hidden. If I define Set ab
to be equal to Set ba, should the compiler burst into flames?


 If we

_require_ all Eq definitions to follow our very narrowly defined
notion of equality, then the question comes up why we permit people to
write Eq at all - why doesn't the compiler just do it for us, if there
is only one right answer.

You provided one example yourself..

data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

It's perfectly possible for Foo to be an abstract type exported from
a module that preserves the invariant that the same function is always
associated with a given Int (value).

If this is the case there's no reason why Foo should not be an instance
of Ord or Eq.

If this isn't the case then Foo should certainly not be an instance or 
either class IMO.

If this was intended to be the case but in fact isn't the case, then
that's a bug.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Dan Weston

 Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
 for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should.

In fact there are requirements in the Haskell98 report:

6.3 Standard Haskell Classes

Note the word reasonable in the paragraph below:

Default class method declarations (Section 4.3) are provided for many 
of the methods in standard classes. A comment with each class 
declaration in Chapter 8 specifies the smallest collection of method 
definitions that, together with the default declarations, provide a 
reasonable definition for all the class methods.

This (coupled with the premise that anything not required is optional) 
means that default definitions are not normative, so the following Ord 
default code comment need not hold:

  -- Note that (min x y, max x y) = (x,y) or (y,x)

However, the report text is normative:

6.3.2 (The Ord Class):

The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.

This *requires* that it be absolutely impossible in valid code to 
distinguish equivalent (in the EQ sense, not the == sense) things via 
the functions of Ord. The intended interpretation of these functions is 
clear and can be taken as normative:

  forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
 == f x == f y)

There is an (seriously insane but required by the total ordering, and in 
any case) officially encouraged use of left-bias in sum types:

The declared order of the constructors in the data
declaration determines the ordering in derived Ord instances.

Perhaps in Haskell' the total ordering requirement can be loosened to a 
partial order (say in a class between Eq and Ord), with comparePartial 
:: a - a - PartialOrdering?


Adrian Hey wrote:

Neil Mitchell wrote:
 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it 
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, 

 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

That would be wrong. Consider:

data Foo = Foo Int Int

instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
biasing of Data.Map (for example).

Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should. Otherwise knowing a
type is an instance of Ord tells me nothing that I can rely on.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
Ok, my turn now. Let's think about algorithm that takes equivalence relation
EQ, ordering relation ORD on abstraction classes generated by this
equivalence ( - equivalence classes ) and divides given input elements XS
into appropriate classes and then prints them out according to given
ordering ORD. If we pose the restriction (let's call it (*)), that input XS
should have at most one element from every abstraction class, we get sorting
in a way that you desire. Hovewer, if we don't pose that restriction the
algorithm still makes perfect sense and is given by standard library sortBy.

I see no reason for restriction (*).

For efficiency reasons there could be additional class StrictEq. If the type
is in that class then we can assume (*) and use more space-efficient

Now, the problem with

treeSort = concatMap (reverse . snd) . Map.toAscList
 . Map.fromListWith (++) . map (\x - (x,[x]))

is that i can't tell any compact way of implementing treeSortBy in nice
manner. This is because Data.Map does not allow us to provide our own
comparison test instead of compare.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Neil Mitchell wrote:
   We're talking about *semantic correctness*, not efficiency. If you
   want to fine tune your code like this you shouldn't be relying
   on overloaded general purpose function implementations. E.G. the
   COrdering type used by AVL lib is one way to do this. This lets
   a combining comparison chose which of two equal values is used
   (and other things).
  I would have thought:
  sort x == sortBy compare x
  was a reasonable property to have.

 Certainly, but this is part of (but not the complete) specification
 for sortBy, not sort. But given sane Ord/Eq instances and sortBy
 implementation, then this is indeed also one of many possible
 correct implementatations of sort.

  But you are proposing that sort
  should make assumptions on the compare function,

 Not just sort, but any function with an Ord constraint is entited
 to assume sane behavior wrt to compare. Without this the Ord class
 just becomes quite useless, other than saving a few keystrokes for
 folk who be bothered to pass any old compare function as explicit arg.
 Surely type classes are supposed to be more than that?

  which you can't even state in Haskell,

 There are plenty of formal statements about things that can't be
 written in Haskell. That doesn't mean they aren't true or should not
 be respected or relied upon. It just means Haskell is an imperfect
 language for expressing such things.

  but sortBy should not.

 sortBy should not assume anything about the function of type
 x - x - Ordering. Rather, what sortBy actually does with that
 function should be specified.

  I also know of a data type:
  data Set xs = Set [xs]
  where the Set constructor is all nicely hidden. If I define Set ab
  to be equal to Set ba, should the compiler burst into flames?


  If we
  _require_ all Eq definitions to follow our very narrowly defined
  notion of equality, then the question comes up why we permit people to
  write Eq at all - why doesn't the compiler just do it for us, if there
  is only one right answer.

 You provided one example yourself..

 data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

 It's perfectly possible for Foo to be an abstract type exported from
 a module that preserves the invariant that the same function is always
 associated with a given Int (value).

 If this is the case there's no reason why Foo should not be an instance
 of Ord or Eq.

 If this isn't the case then Foo should certainly not be an instance or
 either class IMO.

 If this was intended to be the case but in fact isn't the case, then
 that's a bug.

 Adrian Hey

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Dan Weston
On the other hand, though the behavior of == is not defined by the 
Report, it does require in 6.3.1 that if compare is defined, then == 
must be defined. That strongly implies a semantic causal link (in the 
Free Theorem kind of way), that the semantics of Ord completely specify 
the semantics of Eq, and the only free and continuous way to specify 
this is to make == and EQ always agree.

I would (almost) take this conclusion as normative as well.


Dan Weston wrote:

  Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
  for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should.

In fact there are requirements in the Haskell98 report:

6.3 Standard Haskell Classes

Note the word reasonable in the paragraph below:

Default class method declarations (Section 4.3) are provided for many 
of the methods in standard classes. A comment with each class 
declaration in Chapter 8 specifies the smallest collection of method 
definitions that, together with the default declarations, provide a 
reasonable definition for all the class methods.

This (coupled with the premise that anything not required is optional) 
means that default definitions are not normative, so the following Ord 
default code comment need not hold:

  -- Note that (min x y, max x y) = (x,y) or (y,x)

However, the report text is normative:

6.3.2 (The Ord Class):

The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.

This *requires* that it be absolutely impossible in valid code to 
distinguish equivalent (in the EQ sense, not the == sense) things via 
the functions of Ord. The intended interpretation of these functions is 
clear and can be taken as normative:

  forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
 == f x == f y)

There is an (seriously insane but required by the total ordering, and in 
any case) officially encouraged use of left-bias in sum types:

The declared order of the constructors in the data
declaration determines the ordering in derived Ord instances.

Perhaps in Haskell' the total ordering requirement can be loosened to a 
partial order (say in a class between Eq and Ord), with comparePartial 
:: a - a - PartialOrdering?


Adrian Hey wrote:

Neil Mitchell wrote:
 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it 
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, 

 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

That would be wrong. Consider:

data Foo = Foo Int Int

instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
biasing of Data.Map (for example).

Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should. Otherwise knowing a
type is an instance of Ord tells me nothing that I can rely on.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

  The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.

  This *requires* that it be absolutely impossible in valid code to
  distinguish equivalent (in the EQ sense, not the == sense) things via
  the functions of Ord. The intended interpretation of these functions is
  clear and can be taken as normative:

forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
   == f x == f y)

Are you sure? I would have read this as the ordering must be
reflexive, antisymetric and transitive - the standard restrictions on
any ordering. See


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Denis Bueno
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.
This *requires* that it be absolutely impossible in valid code to
distinguish equivalent (in the EQ sense, not the == sense) things via
the functions of Ord. The intended interpretation of these functions is
clear and can be taken as normative:
  forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
 == f x == f y)

  Are you sure? I would have read this as the ordering must be
  reflexive, antisymetric and transitive - the standard restrictions on
  any ordering. See

This is my reading, too.  In addition, to make it total, the property
that any two elements are comparable (this is the property that a
partial order does not necessarily have).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
It certainly makes perfect sense, because total order antisymmetry law
states that

IF a = b AND b = a THEN a = b

However it should rather be written

IF a = b AND b = a THEN a ~= b,

since = could be any equivalence class. However, we can also specify the Ord
on type

type Foo = Foo Int (Int-Int)

in this way:

instance Ord Foo where
   compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

which yields equivalence relation that is not assuming equivalence of the
So this restriction does not seem to work on Adrian Hey's side.

Christopher Skrzętnicki

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 8:06 PM, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On the other hand, though the behavior of == is not defined by the
 Report, it does require in 6.3.1 that if compare is defined, then ==
 must be defined. That strongly implies a semantic causal link (in the
 Free Theorem kind of way), that the semantics of Ord completely specify
 the semantics of Eq, and the only free and continuous way to specify
 this is to make == and EQ always agree.

 I would (almost) take this conclusion as normative as well.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Montag, 10. März 2008 20:12 schrieb Neil Mitchell:

   The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.
   This *requires* that it be absolutely impossible in valid code to
   distinguish equivalent (in the EQ sense, not the == sense) things via
   the functions of Ord. The intended interpretation of these functions is
   clear and can be taken as normative:
 forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
== f x == f y)

 Are you sure? I would have read this as the ordering must be
 reflexive, antisymetric and transitive - the standard restrictions on
 any ordering. See

But antisymmetry means that (x = y)  (y = x) == x = y, where '=' means 
identity. Now what does (should) 'identity' mean?
Depends on the type, I dare say. For e.g. Int, it should mean 'identical bit 
pattern', shouldn't it? For IntSet it should mean 'x and y contain exactly 
the same elements', the internal tree-structure being irrelevant. But that 
means IntSet shouldn't export functions that allow to distinguish (other than 
by performance) between x and y.

In short, I would consider code where for some x, y and a function f we have
(x = y)  (y = x) [or, equivalently, compare x y == EQ] but f x /= f y
broken indeed. 

So for
data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int),
an Ord instance via compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b
is okay if Foo is an abstract datatype and outside the defining module it's 
guaranteed that 
compare (Foo a f) (Foo b g) == EQ implies (forall n. f n == g n), but not if 
the data-constructor Foo is exported.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
No, '=' should not mean an identity but any equivalence relation. Therefore,
we can use whatever equivalence relation suits us. The reasoning you
provided is IMHO rather blur. Anyway, having possibility of using different
equivalence relations is great because they mean different abstraction
classes - and not all of them are isomorphic.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 9:09 PM, Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 But antisymmetry means that (x = y)  (y = x) == x = y, where '='
 identity. Now what does (should) 'identity' mean?
 Depends on the type, I dare say. For e.g. Int, it should mean 'identical
 pattern', shouldn't it? For IntSet it should mean 'x and y contain exactly
 the same elements', the internal tree-structure being irrelevant. But that
 means IntSet shouldn't export functions that allow to distinguish (other
 by performance) between x and y.

 In short, I would consider code where for some x, y and a function f we
 (x = y)  (y = x) [or, equivalently, compare x y == EQ] but f x /= f y
 broken indeed.

 So for
 data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int),
 an Ord instance via compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b
 is okay if Foo is an abstract datatype and outside the defining module
 guaranteed that
 compare (Foo a f) (Foo b g) == EQ implies (forall n. f n == g n), but not
 the data-constructor Foo is exported.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

  But antisymmetry means that (x = y)  (y = x) == x = y, where '=' means
  identity. Now what does (should) 'identity' mean?

I think you are using the word identity when the right would would be
equality. Hence, the answer is, without a doubt, (==). If you define
equality, then you are defining equality.

  In short, I would consider code where for some x, y and a function f we have
  (x = y)  (y = x) [or, equivalently, compare x y == EQ] but f x /= f y
  broken indeed.

I would consider it slightly bad code too. But not broken code. I
think Ord functions can assume that Ord is a total ordering, nothing
more. Nothing to do with the existence (or otherwise) of entirely
unrelated code.

Consider the following implementation of Data.Set, which *does* meet
all the invariants in Data.Set:

data Set a = Set [a]
insert x (Set xs) = Set $ x : filter (/= x) xs
elems (Set xs) = xs

i.e. there is real code in the base libraries which breaks this notion
of respecting classes etc. Is the interface to Data.Set broken? I
would say it isn't.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Dan Weston
If x = y  y = x does not imply that x == y, then Ord has no business 
being a subclass of Eq. By your logic, there is absolutely no 
constructive subclassing going on here, only an existence proof of (==) 
given (=). What is the rational basis of such an existence claim, 
unless == has the obvious meaning?

Or should I take it that you are suggesting we should move Ord up to be 
a peer of Eq?


Neil Mitchell wrote:


 But antisymmetry means that (x = y)  (y = x) == x = y, where '=' means
 identity. Now what does (should) 'identity' mean?

I think you are using the word identity when the right would would be
equality. Hence, the answer is, without a doubt, (==). If you define
equality, then you are defining equality.

 In short, I would consider code where for some x, y and a function f we have
 (x = y)  (y = x) [or, equivalently, compare x y == EQ] but f x /= f y
 broken indeed.

I would consider it slightly bad code too. But not broken code. I
think Ord functions can assume that Ord is a total ordering, nothing
more. Nothing to do with the existence (or otherwise) of entirely
unrelated code.

Consider the following implementation of Data.Set, which *does* meet
all the invariants in Data.Set:

data Set a = Set [a]
insert x (Set xs) = Set $ x : filter (/= x) xs
elems (Set xs) = xs

i.e. there is real code in the base libraries which breaks this notion
of respecting classes etc. Is the interface to Data.Set broken? I
would say it isn't.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

 If x = y  y = x does not imply that x == y, then Ord has no business
  being a subclass of Eq. By your logic, there is absolutely no
  constructive subclassing going on here, only an existence proof of (==)
  given (=). What is the rational basis of such an existence claim,
  unless == has the obvious meaning?

Is this directed at me? I think x = y  y = x implies x == y. My
point above was that where you have used x = y, I think = should be

I also think (compare x y == EQ) = (x == y), where = is
bi-implication or boolean equality. i.e. Eq is a fine parent to Ord,
but given a Eq/Ord pair they must be in agreement.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Krzysztof Skrze;tnicki wrote:
Ok, my turn now. Let's think about algorithm that takes equivalence 
relation EQ, ordering relation ORD on abstraction classes generated by 
this equivalence ( - equivalence classes ) and divides given input 
elements XS into appropriate classes and then prints them out according 
to given ordering ORD. If we pose the restriction (let's call it (*)), 
that input XS should have at most one element from every abstraction 
class, we get sorting in a way that you desire. Hovewer, if we don't 
pose that restriction the algorithm still makes perfect sense and is 
given by standard library sortBy.

I see no reason for restriction (*).

I don't understand the above paragraph. Let's consider a simple example:

(sort [a,b]) in the case we have: (compare a b = EQ)

Which of the following 4 possible results are correct/incorrect?
1- [a,a]
2- [a,b]
3- [b,a]
4- [b,b]

I would say they are all correct and equivalent for any sane Ord
instance, though from the point of view of space efficiency 1 or 4
are preferable to 2 or 3.

For efficiency reasons there could be additional class StrictEq. If the 
type is in that class then we can assume (*) and use more 
space-efficient algorithm.

Now, the problem with

treeSort = concatMap (reverse . snd) . Map.toAscList
 . Map.fromListWith (++) . map (\x - (x,[x]))

is that i can't tell any compact way of implementing treeSortBy in nice 
manner. This is because Data.Map does not allow us to provide our own 
comparison test instead of compare.

As a practical matter, for benchmarking you should also count the actual
number of comparisons needed, not just execution times for simple types
(Ints presumably).

Also, I think you'll find that the AVL lib gives better performance than
Data.Map, particularly for sorted inputs. Unfortunately you can't use
this implementation in the standard libs without making the AVL lib a
standard lib (the same happens to be true of Data.Map too, thought this
is widely perceived as being standard because of ghc library bundling

But actually I would say that if either (both) of these is faster than
the the standard sort then this is some kind of performance bug with
the current ghc release. They weren't faster last time I tested (with

I also happen to think that sort should be made an Ord class method,
so that trie based sorts are possible (which should be faster for
complex data types). We should only use sort = sortBy compare as
the default.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Mitchell

  (sort [a,b]) in the case we have: (compare a b = EQ)

  Which of the following 4 possible results are correct/incorrect?
  1- [a,a]
  2- [a,b]
  3- [b,a]
  4- [b,b]

Fortunately the Haskell sort is meant to be stable, and sorting is
meant to be a permutation, so we happily have the situation where this
has a correct answer: 2. Anything else is incorrect. Anyone submitting
a revised sort through the Haskell libraries process will have to
ensure the answer is 2. I hope someone does take the time to do this,
as a faster base library will benefit everyone.

Adrian: I think its fairly clear we disagree about these things.
However, we both understand the others point of view, so I guess its
just a question of opinion - and I doubt either of us will change. As
such I think any further discussion may just lead to sleep deprivation
[1]. I think I'm coming from a more discrete maths/theoretical
background while you are coming from a more practical/pragmatist



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (sort [a,b]) in the case we have: (compare a b = EQ)

 Which of the following 4 possible results are correct/incorrect?
 1- [a,a]
 2- [a,b]
 3- [b,a]
 4- [b,b]

I'd say 2 and 3 are sane, while 2 is correct - because we need stable sort.
Stable - this is the keyword!
If `==` would mean identity then we wouldn't need a stable sorting

Christopher Skrzętnicki
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Montag, 10. März 2008 21:34 schrieb Neil Mitchell:

   But antisymmetry means that (x = y)  (y = x) == x = y, where '='
  means identity. Now what does (should) 'identity' mean?

 I think you are using the word identity when the right would would be
 equality. Hence, the answer is, without a doubt, (==). If you define
 equality, then you are defining equality.

Okay, bad choice of words. Of course I expect 
compare x y == EQ == x == y 
for any Ord instance.
And for
f :: (Eq a, Eq b) = a - b
I expect (x == y) == (f x == f y).

   In short, I would consider code where for some x, y and a function f we
  have (x = y)  (y = x) [or, equivalently, compare x y == EQ] but f x
  /= f y broken indeed.

 I would consider it slightly bad code too. But not broken code. I

Perhaps 'broken' is a stronger word than I thought. I wouldn't say there can 
never be a reason for such. It would not necessarily be *badly* broken, 
though at the moment I can't see a case where such behaviour (in an exported 
function) would be reasonable. Of course, internal fuctions are a different 

 think Ord functions can assume that Ord is a total ordering, nothing
 more. Nothing to do with the existence (or otherwise) of entirely
 unrelated code.

 Consider the following implementation of Data.Set, which *does* meet
 all the invariants in Data.Set:

 data Set a = Set [a]
 insert x (Set xs) = Set $ x : filter (/= x) xs
 elems (Set xs) = xs

 i.e. there is real code in the base libraries which breaks this notion
 of respecting classes etc. Is the interface to Data.Set broken? I
 would say it isn't.

I would say, if we have x = Set [1,2], y = Set [2,1] and an Eq instance where
x == y, then elems shouldn't be exported.




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

6.3.2 (The Ord Class):

The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.

So... Double shouldn't be there, then?

As previously noted, nowhere is it even required that x /= y should
do the same thing as not (x == y).

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
I've written little framework to work on. See sortbench.hs and
Furthermore, I checked Yhc's implementation of sort: it is indeed very fast:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sorting]$ python
Benchmark type: OnSorted
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( sortbench.hs, sortbench.o )
Linking sortbenchOnSorted.bin ...
Total time: 171.392577887
Scaled vs best.:
('yhcSort', 1.0)
('sort', 4.1826933506099904)
('treeSort', 4.2466878529708207)
Benchmark type: OnRevsorted
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( sortbench.hs, sortbench.o )
Linking sortbenchOnRevsorted.bin ...
Total time: 187.789487839
Scaled vs best.:
('yhcSort', 1.0)
('treeSort', 1.2973727012306746)
('sort', 1.3028663057478311)
Benchmark type: OnRandom
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( sortbench.hs, sortbench.o )
Linking sortbenchOnRandom.bin ...
Total time: 289.231264114
Scaled vs best.:
('yhcSort', 1.0)
('treeSort', 1.1167200854190948)
('sort', 1.2050043053111394)

The above results are for 100 Ints x 10 runs, but I don't expect any
drastic changes in longer run. I leave the interpretation up to you.
I must also admit there are not quickCheck properties in the code. Maybe
someone will want to write some.

Christopher Skrzętnicki

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Can whoever picks this up please try the sort code from Yhc in their
 comparisons. In my benchmarks it ran up to twice as fast as the GHC

 I think what we really need is first quickCheck and timing framework
 for measuring sorts. After we have decided what makes one sort
 faster/better than another, then is the time to start deciding what
 sort is the best one. Ian did some initial work on this:

 Until the sort-check package is uploaded to hackage I think most
 people will find it hard to be convinced of one sort over another.

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
#! /usr/bin/python

import os, time

CLEAN_CMD = 'rm -f *.o *.hi *.bin'
BUILD_CMD = 'ghc -main-is main%s --make sortbench.hs -o %s'
BINARY_NAME = 'sortbench%s.bin'
TYPES = ['OnSorted','OnRevsorted','OnRandom']

def clean():

def build( benchType ):
binName = BINARY_NAME % (benchType,)
os.system(BUILD_CMD % (benchType, binName))

def test( benchType ):
print 'Benchmark type:', benchType

binName = BINARY_NAME % (benchType,)
DATA_LENGTH = 100 # beware, 300 gives ~700Mb memory consumption for Int
dateNow = _.join(map(str,time.localtime()[:-3]))[2:] # ugly, but works
output_log = 'sortbench%s_%s.txt' % (benchType,dateNow)

start = time.time()
for i in range(TEST_CASES):
print %d/%d % (i+1,TEST_CASES)
os.system('./%s %d 1/dev/null 2%s' % (binName, DATA_LENGTH, output_log) )
stop = time.time()

print 'Total time:',stop-start

dc = {}
for line in open(output_log):
(t,al) = eval(line)
dc.setdefault( al, 0 );
dc[al] += t

print Scaled vs best.:

g = list(dc.iteritems())
g.sort(key = lambda (x,y) : y )
for el in g:
print tuple([el[0],float(el[1]) / g[0][1]])

def main():
for t in TYPES:

if __name__ == '__main__':
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fbang-patterns #-}
module Main where

import System.CPUTime
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Random
import Data.List( partition, sort, unfoldr )

import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.Arrow

import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- functions to benchmark

treeSort = concatMap (reverse . snd) . Map.toAscList
   . Map.fromListWith (++) . map (\x - (x,[x]))

yhcSort :: (Ord a) = [a] - [a]
yhcSort = sortByYhc compare

sortByYhc cmp = mergeAll . sequences
sequences (a:b:xs)
  | a `cmp` b == GT = descending b [a]  xs
  | otherwise   = ascending  b [a] xs
sequences xs = [xs]

descending a as (b:bs)
  | a `cmp` b == GT = descending b (a:as) bs
descending a as bs  = (a:as): sequences bs

ascending a as (b:bs)
  | a `cmp` b /= GT = ascending b (a:as) bs
ascending a as bs   = rev as [a] : sequences bs

rev (x:xs) ys = rev xs (x:ys)
rev [] ys = ys

mergeAll [x] = x
mergeAll xs  = mergeAll (mergePairs xs)

mergePairs (a:b:xs) = merge a b: mergePairs xs
mergePairs xs   = xs

merge as@(a:as') bs@(b:bs')
  | a `cmp` b == GT = b:merge as  bs'
  | otherwise   = a:merge as' bs
merge [] bs = bs
merge as [] = as

-- begin benchmark making code

makeBenchs benchs xs = do
 let (funcNames, funcs) = unzip benchs
 tBegin - getCPUTime
 timers - mapM (\f- print (f xs)  getCPUTime) funcs
 let times = zipWith (-) timers (tBegin:timers)

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Jonathan Cast

On 10 Mar 2008, at 4:00 AM, Adrian Hey wrote:

Neil Mitchell wrote:
 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect  
it deletes
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like  
fromListWith, keeping

 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

That would be wrong. Consider:
data Foo = Foo Int Int
instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such  

or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the  

biasing of Data.Map (for example).

Data.Map is implicitly using such an Ord instance behind the scenes,  
and I think it has to to maintain its own invariants.  If I take the  
`union' of two maps that take the same key to different values, I  
have to decide which value to use, even if every Ord instance  
supplied by my clients is 100% Adrian-compliant.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Richard A. O'Keefe

On 11 Mar 2008, at 12:27 pm, Krzysztof Skrzętnicki wrote:

I've written little framework to work on. See sortbench.hs and attachments.
Furthermore, I checked Yhc's implementation of sort: it is indeed  
very fast:

I took his earlier code and plugged yhc's sort into it.
Compiling with ghc -O2 using GHC 6.8.2, I found the yhc code (basically
variant of natural merge) to be considerably slower than some of the

There is a pretty obvious way to speed up the YHC code which you would
expect to provide nearly a factor of two speedup, and with the random
integer data, it does.

However, there is one simple but extremely important point which must be
considered in evaluating a sorting routine:  the library 'sort' function
is, or should be, a *general-purpose* sort.  It should be useful with  

data type which is an instance of Ord or for which you can write a `cmp`
function, and it should work at least as well with already-sorted input
as with randomised input.  quicksort (whose original reason for  
was to sort on a machine whose memory would disgrace today's  
is well known for doing deceptively well on randomised integer  

When I run Krzystztof's test harness (which I have currently brought  
up to
25 different sorting functions) with a list of the form [1..N] instead  

a random list, suddenly all the variants of merge sort come out ahead of
all the variants of quick sort.  In fact his best version of quicksort,
qsort_iv, comes out fully 1155 times slower than the YHC algorithm on a
list of 10,000 ordered integers.  That can be improved by spending a bit
of effort on choosing a good pivot, but then the quicksort algorithms  

no longer so competitive for randomised inputs.

The classic Engineering a Quicksort paper by Bentley and McIlroy from
Software : Practice  Experience recommends a whole bunch of  
shapes (one run, two runs, sawtooth, organ pipes, random, ...) that  

be benchmarked before drawing too many conclusions.

It is also wise to try more than one data type.  How do the different
algorithms compare on random samples from a Scrabble dictionary?  (Why
that particular question?  Because I mean to try it.)

Right now, I remain happy with merge sort, because it is never  

several thousand times slower than expected.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
2008/3/11, David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I think Adrian is just arguing that a == b should imply f a == f b,
  for all definable f, in which case it doesn't *matter* which of two
  equal elements you choose, because there's no semantic difference.

  (Actually, it's probably not desirable to require it for *all*
  definable functions, since an implementation might define e.g. an
  unsafe function that does pointer comparisons. We'd probably also
  exclude functions using a private, internal interface that exposes
  implementation details.)

  I like that property, and it bugs me when I have to use a datatype
  whose Eq instance doesn't have it (either because (==) throws away
  information or because the type exposes non-semantic information).

I completely agree that this propriety should be true for all Eq
instance exported by a public module. I don't care if it is not the
case in a isolated code, but libraries shouldn't break expected
invariant (or at least be very cautious and warn the user). Even Eq
Double respects this propriety as far as I know.

Ord case is less evident, but assuming a propriety like (compare x y =
EQ = x == y) seems like a reasonable guess. Doing it in a library
(with a warning) doesn't seems all that bad to me.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-09 Thread Dan Doel
On Sunday 09 March 2008, Krzysztof Skrzętnicki wrote:
 Ok, I did some search and found Data.Map, which can be used to implement
 pretty fast sorting:

 import qualified Data.Map as Map

 treeSort :: Ord a = [a] - [a]
 treeSort = map (\(x,_) - x ) . Map.toAscList . Map.fromList . map

 In fact It is likely to behave like sort, with the exception that it is 23%
 faster. I did not hovever check the memory consumption. It works well on
 random, sorted and reverse-sorted inputs, and the speed difference is
 always about the same. I belive I could take Data.Map and get datatype
 isomorphic to specialized *Data.Map a ()* of it, so that treeSort will
 became Map.toAscList . Map.fromList. This may also bring some speedup.

 What do you think about this particular function?

Some thoughts:

1) To get your function specifically, you could just use Data.Set.Set a 
instead of Map a ().

2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it deletes 
them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, keeping 
track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

3) I imagine the time taken to get any output is always O(n*log n). Various 
lazy sorts can be written (and I'd guess the standard library sort is written 
this way, although I don't know for sure) such that 'head (sort l)' is O(n), 
or O(n + k*log n) for getting the first k elements. However, Map, being a 
balanced binary tree, doesn't (I think) have the right characteristics for 

At the very least, you'll probably want to test with a function that doesn't 
delete duplicate elements. Something like this:

  treeSort = concatMap (\(x,n) - replicate n x)
  . Map.toAscList . Map.fromListWith (+) . map (\x - (x,1))

-- Dan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-09 Thread Don Stewart
 On Sunday 09 March 2008, Krzysztof Skrzętnicki wrote:
  Ok, I did some search and found Data.Map, which can be used to implement
  pretty fast sorting:
  import qualified Data.Map as Map
  treeSort :: Ord a = [a] - [a]
  treeSort = map (\(x,_) - x ) . Map.toAscList . Map.fromList . map
  In fact It is likely to behave like sort, with the exception that it is 23%
  faster. I did not hovever check the memory consumption. It works well on
  random, sorted and reverse-sorted inputs, and the speed difference is
  always about the same. I belive I could take Data.Map and get datatype
  isomorphic to specialized *Data.Map a ()* of it, so that treeSort will
  became Map.toAscList . Map.fromList. This may also bring some speedup.
  What do you think about this particular function?
 Some thoughts:
 1) To get your function specifically, you could just use Data.Set.Set a 
 instead of Map a ().
 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it deletes 
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, keeping 
 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

And a little QuickCheck to help things along:

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Test.QuickCheck

treeSort :: Ord a = [a] - [a]
treeSort = map (\(x,_) - x ) . Map.toAscList . Map.fromList . map 

main = quickCheck prop_sort

prop_sort xs = sort xs == treeSort xs
where _ = xs :: [Int]


$ runhaskell A.hs
Falsifiable, after 11 tests:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-09 Thread Duncan Coutts

On Sun, 2008-03-09 at 23:04 -0400, Dan Doel wrote:
 On Sunday 09 March 2008, Krzysztof Skrzętnicki wrote:

  What do you think about this particular function?
 Some thoughts:
 1) To get your function specifically, you could just use Data.Set.Set a 
 instead of Map a ().
 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it deletes 
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, keeping 
 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.
 3) I imagine the time taken to get any output is always O(n*log n). Various 
 lazy sorts can be written (and I'd guess the standard library sort is written 
 this way, although I don't know for sure) such that 'head (sort l)' is O(n), 
 or O(n + k*log n) for getting the first k elements. However, Map, being a 
 balanced binary tree, doesn't (I think) have the right characteristics for 

Sounds to me like we should try a heap sort. As a data structure it
should have similar constant factors to Data.Map (or .Set) but a heap is
less ordered than a search tree and gives the O(n + k*log n) property.


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