Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-21 Thread geniusfat

What I meant is this: 
the order does not matter and each object can be chosen only once.
But thank all those who have offered help, it helps a lot ;)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-21 Thread haskell
geniusfat wrote:
 What I meant is this: 
 the order does not matter and each object can be chosen only once.
 But thank all those who have offered help, it helps a lot ;)

Then you want triples1 from the code below.

The idea for triples1, triples2, and triples3 is that each pickOne returns a
list of pairs.  The first element of each pair is the chosen element and the
second element of each pair is the list of choices for the next element (given
the current choice).
import Data.List

-- Order does not matter, no repetition
-- preserves sorting
triples1 xs = do
  (x,ys) - pickOne xs
  (y,zs) - pickOne ys
  z - zs
  return (x,y,z)
 where pickOne [] = []
   pickOne (x:xs) = (x,xs) : pickOne xs
   -- Alternative
   -- pickOne xs = map helper . init . tails $ xs
   -- helper (x:xs) = (x,xs)

-- Order does matter, no repetition
-- does not preserve sorting
triples2 xs = do
  (x,ys) - pickOne xs
  (y,zs) - pickOne ys
  z - zs
  return (x,y,z)
 where pickOne xs = helper [] xs
   helper bs [] = []
   helper bs (x:xs) = (x,bs++xs) : helper (x:bs) xs
   -- Alternative (produces results in different order
   --  and preserves sorting)
   -- pickOne xs = zipWith helper (inits xs) (init (tails xs))
   -- helper pre (x:post) = (x,pre++post)

-- Order does not matter, repetition allowed
-- preserves sorting
triples3 xs = do
  (x,ys) - pickOne xs
  (y,zs) - pickOne ys
  z - zs
  return (x,y,z)
 where pickOne [] = []
   pickOne a@(x:xs) = (x,a) : pickOne xs
   -- Alternative
   -- pickOne xs = map helper . init . tails $ xs
   -- helper xs@(x:_) = (x,xs)

-- Order does matter, repetition allowed
-- preserves sorting
triples4 xs = do
  x - xs
  y - xs
  z - xs
  return (x,y,z)

temp = map ($ [1..4]) $ [triples1,triples2,triples3,triples4]

preservesSorting = map (\xs - xs == sort xs) temp

test1 = putStr . unlines . map show $ temp
test2 = putStr . unlines . map show . map length $ temp
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-21 Thread Jules Bean


Then you want triples1 from the code below.

The idea for triples1, triples2, and triples3 is that each pickOne returns a
list of pairs.  The first element of each pair is the chosen element and the
second element of each pair is the list of choices for the next element (given
the current choice).

In the spirit of multiple implementations; another approach is to note 
that you're really asking for all 3-element sublists:

power [] = [[]]
power (x:xs) = power xs ++ map (x:) (power xs)

triples1' l = [ t | t - power l, length t == 3]

(this implementation also preserves sorting)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-21 Thread Mirko Rahn

Jules Bean wrote:

In the spirit of multiple implementations; another approach is to note 
that you're really asking for all 3-element sublists:

power [] = [[]]
power (x:xs) = power xs ++ map (x:) (power xs)

triples1' l = [ t | t - power l, length t == 3]

(this implementation also preserves sorting)

...but is exponentially slower than necessary, and fails on infinite 
lists. Try this one:

sublistsN 0 _  = [[]]
sublistsN n (x:xs) = map (x:) (sublistsN (n-1) xs) ++ sublistsN n xs
sublistsN _ _  = []

triples = sublistsN 3


-- Mirko Rahn -- Tel +49-721 608 7504 --
--- ---
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-21 Thread Mark T.B. Carroll
geniusfat [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 the order does not matter and each object can be chosen only once.

In that case, with the help of Data.List.tails, one can do:

threeOf :: [a] - [(a,a,a)]

threeOf xs =
[ (p,q,r) | (p:ps) - tails xs, (q:qs) - tails ps, r - qs ]

(the r - qs is a simpler version of (r:rs) - tails qs)

or maybe,

nOf :: Int - [a] - [[a]]

nOf _[]  = []
nOf 1xs  = map return xs
nOf n (x:xs) = map (x:) (nOf (n-1) xs) ++ nOf n xs

(These are fairly naive versions that just took me a few minutes, but
perhaps they'll do.)

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-21 Thread Mirko Rahn

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

nOf _[]  = []
nOf 1xs  = map return xs
nOf n (x:xs) = map (x:) (nOf (n-1) xs) ++ nOf n xs

No! With this implementation we have nOf 0 _ == [] but it should be nOf 
0 _ == [[]]: The list of all sublists of length 0 is not empty, it 
contains the empty list!

Correct (and more natural):

nOf 0 _  = [[]]
nOf n (x:xs) = map (x:) (nOf (n-1) xs) ++ nOf n xs
nOf _ [] = []


-- Mirko Rahn -- Tel +49-721 608 7504 --
--- ---
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-21 Thread Mark T.B. Carroll
Mirko Rahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Correct (and more natural):

 nOf 0 _  = [[]]
 nOf n (x:xs) = map (x:) (nOf (n-1) xs) ++ nOf n xs
 nOf _ [] = []

Thanks very much - in both claims you're indeed correct.

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-20 Thread Andrew Coppin

geniusfat wrote:

hi dear haskell lover ;)
what I want to do is simply this:
select3 :: [a] - [(a, a, a)]
and how can it be done efficiently?
thanks in advance!

What, as in

 select3 [1..10] - 


How about like this:

 select3 = map (\[x,y,z] - (x,y,z)) . filter ((2 ) . length) . take 3 
. tails

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-20 Thread Jules Bean

geniusfat wrote:

hi dear haskell lover ;)
what I want to do is simply this:
select3 :: [a] - [(a, a, a)]
and how can it be done efficiently?
thanks in advance!

If, given [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] you want 
[(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9)] then:

map (take 3) . iterate (drop 3)

is very nearly what you need.

Two problems: (a) it gives you [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]..] instead
(b) it carries on with an infinite number of [] empty lists

you can fix both of these:

map (\[a,b,c]-(a,b,c)) . takeWhile (not.null) . map (take 3) . iterate 
(drop 3)

Prelude map (\[a,b,c] - (a,b,c)) . takeWhile (not.null) . map (take 3) 
. iterate (drop 3) $ [1..12]


Hope that helps.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-20 Thread Jules Bean

geniusfat wrote:

hi dear haskell lover ;)
what I want to do is simply this:
select3 :: [a] - [(a, a, a)]
and how can it be done efficiently?
thanks in advance!

Oh, hang on. I just read your subject line. Do you really mean all the 
3-elem combinations?

that's much easier:

Prelude let l = [1,5,9,15] in [(a,b,c) | a - l, b - l, c - l]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-20 Thread Andrew Coppin

Oh, hang on. I just read your subject line. Do you really mean all the 
3-elem combinations?

Ah, Haskell... So many ways to do the same thing, so many possible 
meanings to every apparently innocuous statement. ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-20 Thread Marc A. Ziegert

with which model in Combinatorics in mind do you want that function? with or 
without repetition? 
order matters and each object can be chosen more than once the 
order matters and each object can be chosen only once the 
order does not matter and each object can be chosen only once 
order does not matter and each object can be chosen more than once

import Data.List

perm3_with_rep,perm3_without_rep,comb3_with_rep,comb3_without_rep :: [a] - 
[(a, a, a)]
perm3_with_repes = [(x,y,z)|x-es,y-es,z-es]
perm3_without_rep es = [(x,y,z)|let it s=zip s $ zipWith (++) (inits s) (tail $ 
tails s),(x,xr)-it es,(y,yr)-it xr,z-yr]
comb3_with_repes = [(x,y,z)|let it=init.tails,xs@(x:_)-it es,ys@(y:_)-it 
comb3_without_rep es = [(x,y,z)|let it=init.tails,(x:xr)-it es,(y:yr)-it 

comb3_to_perm3 :: [(a, a, a)] - [(a, a, a)]
comb3_to_perm3 xyz = concat[perm_without_rep [x,y,z]|(x,y,z)-xyz]

- marc

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