Re: H-Net* Sedih bila tengok MELAYU makin LAYU........some data data

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik killer fish

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> paling ramai di pusat serenti
Paling ramai yg berjurusan DOKTOR di pusat pemulihan.


Masjid Hj Hadi kat Rusila Trg makin lame makin besar,
tandas di atas Masjid & di tingkat atasnya juga tempat
anak murid2nya menginap.

Dari segi hukumnya macamana?

Hj Hadi tak bermuzakarah ke... dahulu sebelum membuat

Wallahu a'lam.

Bang Killer.

--- Syazana Hamzah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Melayu: penghuni 55% Malaysia
> paling ramai di pusat serenti
> paling ramai penagih dadah
> paling ramai kena HIV
> paling ramai PPRT
> paling ramai ...tambahlah apa apa yang
> patut.
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H-Net* Media Perhimpunan Raya 100,000 Rakyat - Cadangan

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik sbab sb

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Saya cadangkan sebelum membuat perhimpunan rakyat pada 20 januari 2001, 
beberapa langkah perlu diambil

1. Membuat qiamulai dan sembahyang tahajut berjemaah atau bersendirian
 a) memohon doa agar dosa kita diampun
 b) memohon doa semoga ALLAH tetapkan pendirian dan iman kita,
 c) memohon agar ALLAh membantu kita melawan Mahathir, kroni dan kucu 

Cara diatas adalah cara yang diajarkan didalam alquran bagai mana hendak 
berjuang kalau tak silap saya dalam surah Al Imran,  Tapi saya lupa ayat 
keberapa.. "" YA ALLAH, Ampunkan lah Dosa Kami, Tetapkan lah Pendirian Kami 
dan Bantulah kami dalam perjuangan ini.  "

Sebelum keluar Doa kepada Allah semoga kita Selamat dan berjaya menentang 
Mahathir dan hamba-hambanye


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H-Net* Sedih bila tengok MELAYU makin LAYU........some data data

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik Syazana Hamzah

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Melayu: penghuni 55% Malaysia
paling ramai di pusat serenti
paling ramai penagih dadah
paling ramai kena HIV
paling ramai PPRT
paling ramai ...tambahlah apa apa yang patut.

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Pengirim: "Syazana Hamzah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Selamat Hari Raya 'Aidil Fitri 1421Hijri

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik Syazana Hamzah

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Assalamualaikum Warah Matullahi Wabarakatuh,
Saya mengucapkan TAHNIAH kepada semua MUSLIMIN DAN MUSLIMAT kerana telah 
berjaya berpuasa selama sebulan dan Selamat Menyambut 'Aidil Fitri al 
wallhua'alam wabissawab!!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Bharu, Kelate Darul Na'im
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>Pengirim: chief <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: H-Net* Mengapa syarikat STAR dan PUTRA tidak dibiarkan bankrapsahaja

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik Ahmad Chukari

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masa nak buat dulu tak pernah pikiaq pasai strategik negara. apabila dah
nazak baru timbul strategik negara.
strategi - segala tindakan untuk menimbun kekayaan oleh individu-individu
terpilih; segala tindakan
untuk menyelamatkan mereka ketika dalam kesusahan. dan sentiasa dikaitkan
dengan negara! kalau tak dak
"kerana negara" tak sah!

Concorde wrote:

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Pengirim: Ahmad Chukari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* [Fwd: [One Ummah] - Eid: A Joyous Occassion or Another Reason toDivide?]

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik Ahmad Chukari

Submission by: Tavis Adibudeen [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]Topic: 
Eid: A Joyous Occasion or Another Reason to 

With the Name of Allah, The Merciful Benefactor, The 
Merciful Redeemer
Eid: A Joyous 
Occasion or Another Reason to Divide?
As we once again approach the time for Eid-al-fitr, we are reminded of the 
blessings that we have received during the glorious month of Ramadan.  
Allah, in His supreme Mercy, has undoubtedly showered countless blessings upon 
the believing men and women, and we pray to Allah that we are counted among 
them.  We are also reminded of the struggle represented by fasting.  
We as Muslims strive to learn the disciplines of self-restraint, piety, and 
righteousness.  We struggle in the path of Allah to do as many good deeds 
as we can.  The coming of Eid reminds us of that struggle and also again of 
Allah's Mercy.  We are able to celebrate the praises of our Lord in comfort 
knowing that He is the Sustainer and Protector over us.  As in the ending 
of all things is a jolting reminder, so too is the ending of Ramadan a reminder 
of death.  It reminds us that this world is temporal, and that the 
everlasting life of the next world is the one for which we should strive.  
The coming of Eid thus reminds us of a new birth, and we pray that when 
hereafter comes to us that we are among those who can celebrate and not those 
who are sorrowful.  These are among the many lessons that we draw from Eid, 
and there is no doubt that more knowledgeable and pious individuals could 
list hundreds more than what has been listed here.  
While the above mentioned lessons are the ideas about which we 
should be reminded, there is also a chilling reminder presented 
to us about the state of the Ummah.  Every year at the time of Eid, Muslims 
fall into debates.  Unfortunately, these debates are not as simple as "who 
will drive the car to Eid prayer?" or "what should we buy little Ahmed for his 
Eid present?"  The debate is over an issue of a much more seriousness 
nature.  It concerns the timing of Eid and the method of determining the 
correct day.  
The debate actually starts before Ramadan.  All year there are usually 
two Islamic calendars.  One is the calender sanctioned by the Kingdom of 
Saudi Arabia.  The other is the calender used by the rest of the Muslim 
world.  There is usually a one-day difference between the two.  If 
this were the only concern, however, there would be no concern because Saudi 
Arabia is only one country, and the consensus of the Ummah is superior to 
that.  Unfortunately, it is not that simple.  Many other Muslims in 
many other countries prefer to follow the rulings of the Saudi jurists.  
Why wouldn't they?  After all, this is the land in which the Qur'an was 
sent down to humanity.  It is home to the holiest house around which 
millions circumabulate.  It is the birth place of a great people who are 
descended from Prophet Ibrahim(a.s.).  Why would we not 
follow the leadership of the people who live in this sacred land?  This is 
undoubtedly the line of thinking perpetuated by those who follow the Saudi 
Those who oppose their opinion hold that every country should have its own 
moon sighting and that the opinions of Saudi jurists are not sufficient to 
determine the Eid date in places like Malaysia, Iran, United 
Kingdom, United States, etc.  Their argument is supported by 
scientific evidence as well.  They tend to support the advancement and use 
of technology to benefit Muslims, while the opposition holds that such 
technology only taints the pureness of moon sighting as it was prescribed by the 
Messenger of Allah (s).    
The end result of all of this is that we end up with people in the same 
countries starting and ending their fasts on different days.  They hold two 
separate Eid prayers and both think themselves to be correct.  It is not 
our place to say who is correct and who should be followed.  Allah is the 
highest Judge and the one Who will hold us accountable for our actions.  
There is no doubt about this.  Our only concern is the unity of the Ummah 
and the sanctity of one of our most special days, Eid.  Unfortunately, I 
have no solution to offer.  I only ask that we all pray for Allah to bring 
unity to this Ummah, to strengthen the ties of brotherhood, and to not let our 
differences be a cause or reason to divide us.  
We know that intentions are crucial in al-Islam.  If a person 
intends to end his fast on the day of Eid-al-fitr and sincerely believes that 
the day which he has chosen is in fact the correct day, who are we to condemn 
him or lay blame?  It is not befitting of the Ummah to continue this 
debate, prolong our disunity, and taint the image of Islam.  Both sides 
have spoken, presented their cases, and closed their books.  Allah is 
indeed the final Judge.  
"O you who believe! Obey Allâh and obey the Messenger, and those of you 
who are in authority. If you differ in anything amongst you

H-Net* Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik chief

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Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin..Chief

p/s: Dijemput semua untuk tidak menjadi statistik dan bergelimpangan dijalan 
raya atau tersepit didalam kenderaan masing masing.

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H-Net* Rumblings of discontent among ethnic Muslims on China's Asian frontier

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik kliner


KASHGAR, China - The sights and sounds of Kashgar in western China
seem more Central Asian or Middle Eastern than Chinese. 
Men wearing embroidered skullcaps stand talking in a Turkic language
called Uighur, the language of Xinjiang's dominant ethnic group of the
same name. Women walk by covered from head to toe. The call to Friday prayers
sounds from a nearby mosque. 
During a break from our official program on a government-escorted trip,
I take a walk down a twisting alleyway and wander over to a stall selling
Arabic books. The old man running it does not speak Chinese, even though
he is a Chinese citizen. 
A younger man hanging out at the stall speaks Mandarin, China's official
dialect, but with a thick accent. I ask him if the reports I have heard
are true that there is a religious revival among the traditionally Muslim
ethnic groups here in China's far western Xinjiang province. 
"Yes," he says, opening a book. The page he turns to shows the flags
of many Islamic countries. "See how many Islamic countries there are in
the world?" 
"Do you want one, too?" I ask. He nods. "But we don't dare talk about
such things," he says, "or the police will find us and take us away." 
Another man is buying an Arabic grammar book so that he can read the
Koran better. "The government doesn't like young people to believe in Islam,"
the man says. "We would like to have an Islamic country." 
Isn't he afraid? "We are only afraid of Allah," he says, "not the Chinese
or the Communists." 
Separation of religion and state 
Children performing traditional dances at Kashgar's No. 1 Minority
On the surface, Xinjiang was calm. The towns and cities my TV crew
and I visited on our government-escorted trip in early October were full
of posters and signs exhorting ethnic unity. The police presence we saw
was no heavier than in any other Chinese town we have been to. We saw no
outward signs of protest. But underneath the surface, some local residents
I talked to say, are growing fault lines. 
Our official program included a visit to the Kashgar No. 1 Minority
Kindergarten, where preschoolers dressed in colorful costumes danced and
sang in the languages of Xinjiang's major ethnic groups -- Uighur, Kazak
and Kirgiz. 
"We hope to keep all our heritage and customs alive, like ethnic cuisine
and dress," said headmistress Mehriban. (Many Uighurs go by only one name.) 
But one part of their heritage is actively discouraged in school: Islam. 
In Xinjiang, the devout are free to worship in government-sanctioned
mosques. Locals say Friday prayers are always packed. Government officials
point to this fact as proof of religious freedom here. 
But when you examine religious policies closely, it is clear authorities
seek to contain religion within tight parameters. Sermons that advocate
behavior that contradicts Chinese law or Communist policy are banned. Government-approved
Muslim clerics, or Imams, are not allowed to criticize the Chinese government's
family planning policies, for example, if they want to keep themselves
and their followers out of trouble. 
Street scenes in Kashgar, in China's Xinjiang Province
For religious leaders such as Sadik Kari Aji of Kashgar's government-approved
Id Kah Mosque, complying with such conditions often means walking a fine
line. "I tell my followers not to oppose the government's policies," he
said, "and to do things which are good for social stability." 
Xinjiang's young educated elite are told they must choose between their
religion and the Communist Party if they want to advance their careers. 
At the Kashgar Teacher's College, the majority of students belong to
Muslim ethnic groups. Xinjiang's future teachers are discouraged from practicing
religion not only at school but also at home. To join the Communist Party,
a prerequisite for career advancement, they will be required to disavow
religion and declare themselves atheists. 
One Uighur who chose that route is Miriban Rousimamait, a 30-something
official with the Xinjiang Women's Association. She is in charge of poverty
alleviation work in Hotan city. Many of the people here hover just above
the poverty line. 
Rousimamait is on a crusade to empower the poor women of Hotan, giving
them the tools to help themselves through a Canadian-funded micro-credit
program. One key to the program's success is changing traditional notions
held by local Muslims that women must depend on their husbands. 
"Once women get loans and training from our program to run small businesses,
they raise their families' incomes and their status in the community rises,"
said Rousimamait, her eyes shining with pride. "We are working to change
unequal ways of thinking in the countryside, and are helping to liberate
A side effect of Rousimamait's work: More local families are sending
their daughters to school, because for the first time they see how their
ability to read, write and calculate can benefit the families' dairy, produce,
mutton or ha

H-Net* Islam itu agung, Kafir itu hina ke ?

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik Azrin Kasman

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ini lagi satu yg ambe tak gemar nie.

ape kah di sebab kan kita islam kite ngan gahnyaa
boleh mengatakan kita lebih baik dari mereka yg kafir.
ape kah kerana mereka itu bukan islam (kafir) maka
mereka itu sangat hina.

adekah kita mengenali islam selepas dilahirkan ? or
adakah kita di lahirkan sebagai orang islam ?

adekah dengan sebab kita dilahirkan sebagai org islam
(secara zuriat dan keturunan) maka kita secara
automaticnya lebih baik dari mereka yg tidak

kalau dah tau kita beruntung dilahirkan sebagai orang
islam kenapa kita tak kongsikan ia bersama sama ngan
bangsa yg bukan islam

apekah bile kita kata kita islam maka secara
automaticnya di anggap sebagai bangsa yg AGUNG ke ???

by azrin

> salam.
> Pemerintahan Islam ??
> hak bukan Islam dibawah pemerintahan Islam??
> pemerintahan Islam yang macam mana.? Apakah Islam
> yang di Kelatan dan Trengganu tu kamu anggap
> pemerintahan Islam. Sedangkan hak umat Islam tak
> dapat mereka bela, ini pulak nak bela hak bukan
> Islam. Tak ada kafir zimmi, tak ada kafir harbi,
> dalam pemerintahan pas. semuanya sama aje. masing2
> bayar cukai kepada kerajaan athiest dan sekular
> pusat. sedangkan PAS sendiri, 'wala'nya masih kepada
> bendera sekular, 'bara'nya terhadap kaum muslimin
> sendiri. Pemerintahan ISlam yang macamana ni.? Umat
> Islam dari Patani - memintak derma dan perlindungan
> - mereka dahle tak bagi duit, malah dibiarkan aje
> anjing2 sekular menangkap, dan kapir menyembelih. 
> Sedarlah sedara2 sekelian dan kembalilah kepada
> Quran dan Sunnah Rasulnya sebelum Allah menutup mati
> hati kalian. Ketahuilah, Sesungguhnya PERANG itu
> telah disyariatkan (AlBaqarah:216)
> Dan perang itulah yang membezakan antara mereka yang
> beriman dan mereka yang munafik kepada Allah dan
> Rasulnya. (AtTAubah)
> --Original Message--
> From: "Putra Sulong ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: December 21, 2000 1:07:35 PM GMT
> Subject: H-Net* Re:  Wahai Pas jangan bela kekafiran
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - 
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> Wa'alaikumussalam.
> Wahai saudara Fakrull, mungkin anda benar dalam
> mangatakan bahawa Islam 
> tidak pernah menerima sebarang kekafiran. Tetapi
> anda gagal dalam memahami 
> bahawa orang-orang kafir juga mempunyai hak untuk
> dibela dibawah 
> pemerintahan Islam.
> Tambahan lagi, mereka juga mempunyai hak untuk
> menerima petunjuk dan dakwah 
> Islam. Malah, ia menjadi tanggungjawab setiap orang
> Islam untuk menyampaikan 
> perutusan Allah kepada mereka. Menyampaikan
> perutusan Allah kepada 
> orang-orang kafir adalah fardhu kifayah. Sekiranya
> tiada di kalangan orang 
> Islam yang menyampaikan kepada mereka, maka dosa
> tersebut ditanggung oleh 
> kesemua orang Islam dalam masyarakat berkenaan.
> Janganlah hanya semata-mata kerana politik saudara
> mahu menyekat mereka 
> mendekati Islam. Atau dalam lain perkataan, saudara
> mahu menyekat Islam 
> sampai kepada mereka?
> Dan, janganlah saudara pula mahu menafikan hak
> mereka untuk dibela dibawah 
> pemerintahan Islam.
> Sekian, wassalam.
> >From: fakhrull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: H-Net* Wahai Pas jangan bela kekafiran
> >Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 06:19:47 +0800
> >
> >
> >Assalamualaikum..
> >Wahai sahabat sahabat dari Pas hentikan segera
> belaan terhadap
> >kekafiran.
> >Suqiu mempunyai helah yang amat
> halus..Sayangilah Agama kita ISLAM
> >kalau kamu benar benar pejuang ISLAM yang kamu
> laungkanIslam tak
> >pernah menerima sebarang kekafiran..Jangan
> kerana politik kita jual
> >Islam dengan harga yang murah.Dan sa

Re: H-Net* Sedih bila tengok MELAYU makin LAYU........Narrow minded

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik Azrin Kasman

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--- fakhrull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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>   }
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ape yg ko ngarut nie

betul laa kate si sham tu. suma bangsa tu sama aje. yg
membezakannya ada lah sifat pada diri. ape ko ingat
bangga sangat laa jadik orang melayu.

ingat m'sia nie hak milik melayu aje ke.

ko tu hanya penumpang sementara aje ko tau tak. semua
bangsa lain pun begitu tak kira lah ongputih yg dok us
ko, org cina kat negri cina ka, india ke, african ke 
south american ke, and so on.

jadik ape yg ko banga sangat pasal jadik orang melayu
nie h. ape ko berak tahi emas. org lain berak taik
warnanya itam choklat melekit dan berbau hanyi

seperti yg pernah saya katakan dari dulu lagi. KALAU
BERUK KAT DALAM UTAN. hehe itu pun kalau beruk tu sudi
terima ko. N jangan plak ko halau beruk tu plak dari
utan ngan alasan ko yg narrow minded.

Cuba lah carik surah / nas dalam al quran , hadis nabi
yg menunjukkan satu bangsa itu lebih baik dari bangsa
lain atau bangsa itu lebih buruk dari bangsa yg lain.

hitam ka putih ka biru ka ijau ka kita semua org hanya
penumpang sementara kan


by azrin

> Asssalamualaikum   ...Umur setahun jagung nak tegak
> islam inilah
> gayanya.Kepada Ulama' Ulama" Pas Bertanyalah
> dulu kepada mereka yang lebih
> baik dari mu..dan lebih ulama' darimu...Jagalah
> adab dengan mereka sebelum
> kamu diturunkan pangkat atau darjat.Ulama' Allah
> itu mereka yang boleh beri
> Agama...
> Azmi wrote:
> > 
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - 
> }
> >  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> }
> >  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke
> > 
> > 
> > Assalamu'alaikum saudara,
> >
> > Seperti yg pernah Tok Guru Nik Aziz berkata yang
> dalam Islam tiada bezanya
> > antara Melayu, Cina, India atau lain2 bangsa sebab
> semuanya berasal dari
> > Adam & Hawa.
> > Sebagai umat Islam, kita mestilah berdampingan
> dengan mereka ini untuk
> > menarik minta mereka untuk memeluk agama
> IslamAGAMA ALLAH ni!!
> > InsyaAllah...
> >
> > kepada kawan2 sebangsa kita nikita mesti terus
> berdakwah dengan mereka
> > agar mereka terus menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka
> sebagai umat Islam. Ini
> > adalah lebih penting dari bersemangat nasionalis
> sebagai bangsa Melayu tu!!
> > InsyaAllah
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "sham sham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 4:03 PM
> > Subject: Re: H-Net* Sedih bila tengok MELAYU makin
> >
> > >
> > > 
> > >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - 
> }
> > >  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke: 
> > >  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke
> > > 
> > > 
> > > okey!!!tambahan dari saya
> > >
> > > 1.  Kedai aksesori kereta penuh dengan orang
> melayutambah kaya cina
> > yang
> > > kata wa caya sama lu.
> > >
> > > 2.  Orang Melayu yang berada berbelanja
> besarMelayu yang miskin makin
> > > tersasar.
> > >
> > > 3.  Bila untuk pendidikan kata tak ada
> duit.kalau untuk hiburan dan
> > > hiasan rumah...selalu kata beli pasal terlebih
> duit.
> > >
> > > 4.  Bangsa lain...bila dekat hari raya mereka
> lagi kuat bekerja cari
> > > duitorang Melayu lagi dua minggu nak raya
> dah tak ada mood
> > kerja...rasa
> > > hati nak balik kampung terkuit-kuit.
> > >
> > > 5.  Bila bulan Ramadhan...kita berpuasa dan
> sepatutnya dapat jaga
> > > badan...tetapi pasal raya orang Melayu berabis
> pasan