Re: [hlds] Re: Lets see who the Thief was....

2024-03-10 Thread sigsegv
Please get help.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 2:43 PM StealthMode Hu 

> Thats ironic considering my IQ is higher than anyone on this list.
> That I am more stable than anyone on these lists.
> And yes, I know yall have major neurosis and psychosis when it comes to
> seeing anyone post on these lists.
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:40 PM Puddi Smith <
>> wrote:
>> Dang, this retard again, cool.
>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:38 PM StealthMode Hu 
>> wrote:
>>> Zejkie1
>>> You have a fixation, obsession, psychological disorder.
>>> That causes you to respond when anyone tries to message these lists.
>>> Attacking them.
>>> Harassing them.
>>> Stalking them.
>>> And attempting to Cyberbully them.
>>> Why?
>>> What makes you think you have the right to even speak on a thread I make?
>>> You are not on topic.
>>> The message topic is about a thief on this lists stealing
>>> vulnerabilities & exploits.
>>> Then turning them in for monetary profit criminally. Fraudulently.
>>> That said.
>>> Are you the Thief?
>>> Whyd you respond?
>>> Thanks though.
>>> Really showed me something there.
>>> Now I can file charges.
>>> -StealthMode
>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM Zejkie1  wrote:
 Dang, only three months before the psycho posts to the mailing list
 this time? It must be my birthday! Need to get more popcorn though. Also
 claiming to be a "master" then saying you just need a hex editor to find
 the issue is hilarious, good one. Ran out of popcorn waiting on the lawsuit
 for the - and I quote:

 " Reaktor was what Gabe Newell, and Aflred made.
 STEAM was the Concept, and Name I made.

 Far as Intellectual Property Theft.
 easily proven.
 Steam versus Reaktor. There is evidence showing that VALVE indeed made
 However, it was a stolen concept named Steam. That they later adopted
 the name of as well. "

 Seriously, can someone ban this idiot?

 On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:19 PM StealthMode Hu <> wrote:

> I will state this, and stop.
> A lot of Stolen Valor around VALVe and on these lists.
> Like how it went from REAKTOR to Steam.
> Anyone here remember Alfred, remember back in 2001 to 2003?
> The time the list allegedly got hit by a Virus?
> The worlds first encryption virus / ransomware was what VALVe got hit
> with.
> Or when someone at VALVe downloaded that virus through a link.
> And it backdoored HL2 Alpha files from their network?
> Yeah.
> Valve has stolen much, and made quite a few Enemies over the years.
> Including their ex developers.
> For a lot of Intellectual Property Theft.
> I point that out. Cause Alfred is gone.
> And the people there today, are the worst in the industry.
> With the sloppiest mash up of mixed programming in the history of a
> software developer.
> That said.
> Decompile VALVes stuff sometime ( I Recommend HxD decompiler, freeware
> hexadecimal / machine assembly editor / programming tool ).
> You will see Quake 2 code still in GoldSRC.
> You will see HAVOKS physics still in Source.
> Havok was the real genius behind the physics engine.
> Anyone remember how it went from WON slow updating, to REAKTOR
> development?
> OR how Reaktor became Steam?
> Not Grid, not Gazelle.
> Shows how much theft, misinformation, and disinformation is out there
> about the factual Developer(s) of Steam platform. Versus the Staff at 
> Valve
> who stole the concept, and profited off of it.
> Stole all of the communities concepts over the years.
> I can see why everyone cheats in cs2.
> Or hacks the platform, and rips them off for every game title on the
> platform.
> Why the platform is being exploited all of the time.
> Its ok though, a Master never reveals everything.
> And not just anyone can speak 1 and 0 fluently.
> Nor knows what Binary Logic Controller programming using boolean
> algebra is.
> I digress.
> Yall be safe with all that wide open script kiddy engine shit over
> there.
> Cause the engine for the Client, the Steam Client, HLDS/SRCDS can all
> be used as points of attack for anything connected to the Steam network.
> End Contact.
> -StealthMode
> Applied Physicist
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 4:58 PM StealthMode Hu <
>> wrote:
>> About two years ago now.
>> I outlined a POC of a new type of Exploit involving Clients / Servers.
>> I explained it on the hlds mailing list.
>> A few months later, someone on this list stole that POC.
>> Made the bitmap, and got paid by 

Re: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

2021-10-28 Thread sigsegv
A quick devil’s advocate argument (more of a food for thought thing, than
an attempt to push any particular position really):

One could perhaps reasonably argue that you’re already reliant on Steam’s
servers being up anyway, even as an independent TF2 community server: if
the TF2 GC is down, items don’t function properly; and since the scope of
items covers not just cosmetics but large swaths of weapons, it has a
pretty significantly deleterious impact on gameplay.

So—arguably—you’re sorta already in the dependent-on-Steam-servers
situation you’re saying you don’t want to be in; and it wouldn’t
necessarily be a substantially different situation in the event that all
community servers were required to use SDR.

(It’s true though that the GC being up, and the SDR servers being up,
aren’t exactly equivalent in impact: items not loading is less impactful
than possibly being unable to connect to, or stay connected to, a server.
And since these servers are distinct from the GC servers, it’s in reality
an additional point of failure / degree of freedom that expands the
potential outage “shadow” so to speak, rather than lining up perfectly such
that there’s no difference.)

Anyway… I just figured that was worth bringing up. Of course, all of this
is moot if SDR does not in fact end up being mandatory.

I believe CS:GO has been quite a bit ahead of TF2 in adopting SDR; so
perhaps surveying the community server situation over there (such as it is)
might be a useful exercise.

(Incidentally: Now I want to look into the server disconnect reason thing
more thoroughly. There’s no doubt the chat messages were being abused; but
I’m wondering now if maybe there’s a legitimate reason for removing the
rest of it too. (Not giving a convar to revert to the old behavior does
seem ill-advised; maybe there were also client-side changes which made that
infeasible…? Maybe not, dunno.) Anyhow… time to go dumpster diving into
publicly available cheat source code and dig thru all the
game-disconnect-related crap…)

Justin / sigsegv

On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 2:15 PM Naleksuh  wrote:

> I'm much more concerned about the SDR thing though. The help pages
> indicate it'll be available for community server operators and that they
> (possibly?) plan to route *all* traffic through it. I really do not want
> this as I prefer to have control over the networking for my servers and I
> also don't want it to literally become impossible to play the game when
> Steam servers are down
> Yeah, I thought removing it from the chat message was enough, I don't
> think it should have been made impossible to send disconnect messages. It's
> absolutely essential for me as a community server operator for example,
> people who are using VPNs, people trying to join when the server is full (I
> have sv_visiblemaxplayers set below maxplayers so the built in message wont
> show), people banned or trying to use a specific feature, people who are
> sending too many commands (i.e. PASS time) and dozens more. Now people have
> no clue why they are getting disconnected. It made sense to remove it from
> the chat as clients were abusing it but it shouldn't just be completely
> impossible for servers to send disconnect reasons. And this was not just
> for matchmaking servers but all servers including community servers. Please
> bring it back.
>  On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 14:04:56 -0700 *Tohru Adachi  >* wrote 
> SDR is intended for Casual MM it seems - in the simplest terms it's like
> Cloudflare but for gameservers. Other games eg CS:GO already use the
> system for official MM.
> While I'd be interested in seeing what they do with it, I don't think
> it's going to be rolled out to server operators. Can't say for sure
> because I'm not Eric or John (or whoever else still contributes to TF2).
> As a sidenote, I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of chat over Valve
> removing disconnect reasons for clients (all disconnects are now "Client
> Disconnect" instead of whatever the server sends, regardless of Casual
> or non-casual server). Would very much like to see it back as it's
> useful for informing clients.
>  Original Message 
> From: Naleksuh []
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021, 9:57 PM
> To: hlds
> Subject: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released
> So just to clarify. Using the SDR will remain optional right? I'd
> ideally like to not require a dependency on Steam servers to play the
> game as they are frequently down and some people might prefer connecting
> directly
> ___
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> ___

Re: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

2019-10-10 Thread sigsegv
While playing on Valve casual servers today, I also encountered some
interesting server crashes:

1. One on koth_harvest_event, which I believe occurred the very moment
before one team was going to win by running down the timer while owning the
point. (I am slightly less certain about this one than the other one.)
2. One on cp_manor_event, which definitely occurred the precise moment
(possibly the very last tick) before blue team captured the last point.
Contract progress for the round was not recorded.

These seem to corroborate the general “something is sporadically going
wrong at round end in some cases” hypothesis.

(Oh yeah, and when I attempted to MM into another Valve casual server right
after the second server crash disconnection, I experienced a client crash
as well. It happened exactly 3 seconds after the "sigsegv connected" line
showed up in my client-side console.log; the last line logged was
"Redownloading all lightmaps". Interestingly, the Windows event log entry
for the crash shows that it was an access violation in
filesystem_stdio.dll. So that's interesting, and suggestive that some of
the recent changes to the filesystem code are likely still causing issues
of some sort. I believe I do have a dump file for that crash, so I'll
probably figure out the stack trace and then send that info over in a
little while.)

Server crash #1: [A:1:3374034954:13436] @ 12:35:35 PDT
Server crash #2: [A:1:379075:13436] @ 14:21:57 PDT

Client crash: just after connecting to
@ 14:24:38 PDT

Justin (sigsegv)

On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 4:04 PM stephanie  wrote:

> Not sure if you folks are aware; there seems to be several reports of
> random server crashes at the end of both pl_precipice_event_final and
> koth_slaughter_event. It appears to be related to a round-end event, but
> I'm not too sure, as I've only seen it happen on Casual servers.
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 2:52 PM Eric Smith 
> wrote:
>> We've released a mandatory update for TF2. This is the Scream Fortress XI
>> update. The new version number is 5407238. The notes for the update can be
>> found here:
>> Thanks.
>> -Eric
>> ___
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>> please visit:
> --
> stephanie
> ___
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Re: [hlds] SDK2013 github repo update?

2018-01-15 Thread sigsegv
I've also been patiently waiting for the fabled Toolchain Update (SDK2013
Edition) for a fair while. I believe it was back in February 2017 that the
initial announcement email was sent out, which promised that TF2 would get
the Toolchain Update first (it did), and that SDK2013 would subsequently be
updated in the same manner "in the near future". Alas, it's been almost a
year now, and the SDK2013 part of the Toolchain Update seems to have been
lost in Valve Time.

I strongly echo the sentiment from the OP regarding security fixes. But it
would also just be super nice to have SDK source code and binaries that are
just generally synced up with the TF2 branch, rather than >2 years out of

Plus, the more time that passes, the more the old build tool versions get
annoying: for example, nowadays, VS2017 provides an easy installer option
to add the v140 toolset (VS2015 build tools), and installing it takes up
minimal disk space; but keeping around the v120 toolset (VS2013 build
tools), which is still necessary for SDK2013, means keeping VS2013 fully
installed forever, even if you use VS2017 as your frontend and never use
any of VS2013's old IDE crap, because there's no way to do a standalone
installation of the v120 toolset.

Regarding the update to the SDK2013 binaries that was pushed out back in
June 2017: it had some small feature changes (Steam Voice etc) and security
fixes, but from what I can tell it wasn't anything remotely resembling a
full sync-up with the TF2 branch. And it definitely wasn't anything like
"the binary half of the Toolchain Update": both before and after that
patch, the SDK2013 binaries indicate having been compiled with VS2013 / GCC
4.6.1 (not VS2015 / GCC 4.8.1, as is the case with TF2 since its Toolchain

So, in summary... we're still waiting on this. Both a source code update on
the GitHub repo and a binary push via the Steam depots.

I'm CC'ing Jill from Valve on this email; I know you're undoubtably busy
with other things, but we'd really appreciate a status update, if you could
give us one.

Justin (sigsegv)

On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 12:17 PM, Bubka3 <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I remember reading last year that the build toolchain for sdk 2013 would
> be updated. It looks like the sdk binaries where updated around July 2017
> but the github repo hasn't  seen any commits since 2015.
> The patch notes also include a couple of security fixes and it appears
> that some changes are required in the modification's binaries as well if
> you wanted to update.
> Can we expect to see updates  to that repo anytime soon?
> ___
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Re: [hlds] [hlds_linux] Heads up - Updated system requirements for TF2 dedicated servers, likely mod breakage - Beta available

2017-02-20 Thread sigsegv
Sweet! Thanks.

Justin (sigsegv)

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 3:28 PM, John Schoenick <>

> We will be updating the github repository with the associated bits when
> the beta is ready for the SDK2013 games.  The build system now also
> requests c++11 on all platforms
> On 02/20/2017 03:16 PM, sigsegv wrote:
> > Hi John,
> >
> > VC++2015? Praise the lord, it's finally happening!
> >
> > Can we expect a corresponding push to the source-sdk-2013
> > <> GitHub repo when
> > the SDK2013 update happens?
> >
> > I can't wait to get off of VC++2013, a.k.a. the "we at Microsoft don't
> > give a shit about C++11 support even though the standard has been
> > finalized for literally over 2 years" edition.
> >
> > Justin (sigsegv)
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 2:46 PM, John Schoenick
> > < <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > Following up on the warning email we sent a long while back, we're
> > making good on our promise and changing our build toolchains for
> > the TF2+SDK2013 games' dedicated server.  TF2 is being updated
> > first, with the other SDK2013 games to follow.
> >
> > There are two things that may affect server administrators that
> > you should be aware of:
> >
> >
> > *The Linux dedicated server now targets the Steam Runtime*
> >
> > The Steam Runtime is a common runtime target based on Ubuntu.  For
> > srcds, this largely means linking against a more recent glibc than
> > may be available in some server distributions.  Administrators
> > should check that the provided beta still runs in their
> > environment of choice.  Those who are on older or incompatible
> > distributions have several options:
> >
> > - Switch to a distribution more compatible with the Steam Runtime,
> > such as Ubuntu LTS
> >
> > - Make use of a chroot/container/VM environment to run srcds.  The
> > tools linked below include a script for creating a chroot that can
> > be used for bootstrapping Steam Runtime environments.
> >
> > - Use the Steam Runtime tools linked below combined with some
> > dynamic linker magic to use the runtime libraries on an
> > incompatible distribution, e.g.:
> >
> > steamrt=/path/to/runtime
> > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="bin:$steamrt/usr/lib32"
> > LD="$steamrt/usr/lib32/"
> > "$LD" ./srcds_linux "$@"
> >
> > More information about the Steam Runtime and utilities for
> > obtaining it can be found here:
> >
> > <>
> >
> > *
> > *
> >
> > *The compiler toolchain used for all editions of srcds has changed*
> >
> > Along with the client builds, all server builds have been updated
> > to a newer compiler.  Windows builds now use the MSVC2015 tools,
> > while Linux builds now use a newer edition of GCC with differing
> > command-line parameters that affect codegen.
> >
> > This is expected to break mods that expect certain ABI behaviors
> > or look for certain signatures in order to hook functions (such as
> > SourceMod).  We have separately spoken with the SourceMod team and
> > they are working on supporting the new setup.  Maintainers of
> > other mods should test them against the beta release below.
> >
> > Our previous warning also indicated that this would change the
> > _srv naming of the linux binaries.  We have decided *not* to
> > adjust this, and the separate _srv build and naming remains
> unchanged.
> >
> >
> > *Beta*
> >
> > We've made a beta branch available for TF2 with these new
> > changes.  The remaining SDK2013 games will be updated in the near
> > future, and we will provide a beta for them at that time.
> >
> > The beta is compatible with the current TF2 public release -
> > servers may safely convert to it and continue serving both beta
> > and non-beta clients.
> >
> > The beta branch is titled "toolchainbeta" with no required
> > password.  It can be accessed with SteamCMD via:
> >
> > app_update 232250 -beta toolchainbeta
> >
> > T

Re: [hlds] Heads up - Updated system requirements for TF2 dedicated servers, likely mod breakage - Beta available

2017-02-20 Thread sigsegv
Hi John,

VC++2015? Praise the lord, it's finally happening!

Can we expect a corresponding push to the source-sdk-2013
<> GitHub repo when the
SDK2013 update happens?

I can't wait to get off of VC++2013, a.k.a. the "we at Microsoft don't give
a shit about C++11 support even though the standard has been finalized for
literally over 2 years" edition.

Justin (sigsegv)

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 2:46 PM, John Schoenick <>

> Hey everyone,
> Following up on the warning email we sent a long while back, we're making
> good on our promise and changing our build toolchains for the TF2+SDK2013
> games' dedicated server.  TF2 is being updated first, with the other
> SDK2013 games to follow.
> There are two things that may affect server administrators that you should
> be aware of:
> *The Linux dedicated server now targets the Steam Runtime*
> The Steam Runtime is a common runtime target based on Ubuntu.  For srcds,
> this largely means linking against a more recent glibc than may be
> available in some server distributions.  Administrators should check that
> the provided beta still runs in their environment of choice.  Those who are
> on older or incompatible distributions have several options:
> - Switch to a distribution more compatible with the Steam Runtime, such as
> Ubuntu LTS
> - Make use of a chroot/container/VM environment to run srcds.  The tools
> linked below include a script for creating a chroot that can be used for
> bootstrapping Steam Runtime environments.
> - Use the Steam Runtime tools linked below combined with some dynamic
> linker magic to use the runtime libraries on an incompatible distribution,
> e.g.:
> steamrt=/path/to/runtime
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="bin:$steamrt/usr/lib32"
> LD="$steamrt/usr/lib32/"
> "$LD" ./srcds_linux "$@"
> More information about the Steam Runtime and utilities for obtaining it
> can be found here:
> *The compiler toolchain used for all editions of srcds has changed*
> Along with the client builds, all server builds have been updated to a
> newer compiler.  Windows builds now use the MSVC2015 tools, while Linux
> builds now use a newer edition of GCC with differing command-line
> parameters that affect codegen.
> This is expected to break mods that expect certain ABI behaviors or look
> for certain signatures in order to hook functions (such as SourceMod).  We
> have separately spoken with the SourceMod team and they are working on
> supporting the new setup.  Maintainers of other mods should test them
> against the beta release below.
> Our previous warning also indicated that this would change the _srv naming
> of the linux binaries.  We have decided *not* to adjust this, and the
> separate _srv build and naming remains unchanged.
> *Beta*
> We've made a beta branch available for TF2 with these new changes.  The
> remaining SDK2013 games will be updated in the near future, and we will
> provide a beta for them at that time.
> The beta is compatible with the current TF2 public release - servers may
> safely convert to it and continue serving both beta and non-beta clients.
> The beta branch is titled "toolchainbeta" with no required password.  It
> can be accessed with SteamCMD via:
> app_update 232250 -beta toolchainbeta
> These changes may be promoted to an official release of TF2 as soon as
> next week, so we encourage all server administrators to test their setup
> against the beta before then.
> Let me know if you have any questions or concerns
> - John
> ___
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Re: [hlds] Optional TF2 update coming (heads up @ bootcamp operators)

2016-08-30 Thread sigsegv
Hi John,

Could you elaborate on what the issue being addressed is?

One issue I've been hearing about since the MYM update is that votekicks on
MvM servers aren't applying the usual (30-minute?) temporary ban of the
kicked player from the server they were kicked from.

Does this update address anything to do with that? I *suspect* not, but
figured it would be worth asking just in case.


(aka sigsegv)

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 2:45 PM, John Schoenick <>

> We're working on an optional TF2 update, it will be made available shortly.
> Important for bootcamp server operators: This update is in preparation for
> TF system maintenance that will occur later today.  It will fix an issue
> related to matchmaking communication with the TF system -- *bootcamp
> servers that have *not* updated by time the maintenance occurs may have
> their matches in progress interrupted at that time*.
> There are no other user-visible changes; servers not running bootcamp do
> not need to apply this update.
> - John
> ___
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Re: [hlds] Short Circuit Alt Fire Lagging Servers

2016-08-20 Thread sigsegv
This is a Valve bug that started happening in the Meet Your Match update on
July 7th. Basically they screwed up and made it so that if you use the
secondary fire of the short circuit and it doesn't hit any valid victims,
then it won't properly exit lag compensation. Which causes players subject
to lag compensation (enemy players near the player using the short circuit
or being approximately aimed at) to have their position teleported and then
not restored properly.

More information in the description of this video:

I've already emailed Eric Smith about this and he got back to me three days
ago saying it'd be fixed for the next update.


On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 9:29 PM, Kieran Walsh <>

> From what i've tested it only effects people on the edge of the range of
> the short circuit, and it doesn't cause the server to lag or the other
> player/s to lag, it just somehow tries to pull players on the edge of its
> range or just out of its range back into its range. people not anywhere
> near the short circuit are not effected.
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 2:21 PM, A Fearts <> wrote:
>> Apparently if you spam right-click on the short circuit it will cause
>> other players on the server to rubber band.
>> From my short testing it seems to only work if you are pointing at enemy
>> player and can see the player. I've tested this on a server with the addons
>> folder completely disabled and it still happens. I tried to test it on a
>> Valve server but since it was hard to see if it was working because I
>> needed someone on the other team to respond.
>> I went to multiple other community servers however with a friend and
>> tested it once just to make sure it wasn't only my servers effected.
>> Is anyone else seeing these issue or know why it's happening?
>> ___
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