[HOT] UN Mappers import of UNSOS waterways in Somalia is ready to start

2020-04-19 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi all:

The UN Mappers [1] import of UNSOS [2] waterways of South Somalia is 
finally open for experienced mappers to join.

Data has been permitted by the United Nations Support Office in Somalia 
to be imported as a crowdsourced mapping activity, that is part of the 
Unite Maps Initiative [3].

This import will be divided in a set of TM projects. Please, be aware 
that this mapping activity in not meant for newbies.

If you want to join the import project, please read carefully and 
understand all the information in the import wiki [4], and specially all 
the steps of the workflow wiki [5].

Happy mapping,


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Unite_Maps_Initiative/UN_Mappers
[2] https://unsos.unmissions.org/
[3] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Unite_Maps_Initiative

HOT mailing list

[HOT] UN Mappers import of UNSOS waterways in Somalia

2020-04-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi list:

I contact you to get feedback about the first of a series of imports 
that UN Mappers [1] are preparing at UNGSC [2] in Brindisi as part of 
the Unite Maps Initiative [3].

This import consists of around 108,000 km of waterways (rivers, streams, 
canals, etc.) in the southern part of Somalia coming from the 
geodatabase of the UN Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) [4], that would 
vastly improve the hydrographic coverage of the map of Somalia.

You can check the draft import wiki here: 

A practical wiki showing the detailed import workflow is on progress 
[5]. When finished, it will be quite similar to this wiki [6].

As you can see, it is intended to be a crowdsourced import using the 
Tasking Manager, where experienced users will be welcome to the mapping 
effort and to the validation of the import process.

Any comments/questions/issues/etc will be most welcome!

Have a nice weekend,


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Unite_Maps_Initiative/UN_Mappers

[2] https://www.ungsc.org/

[3] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Unite_Maps_Initiative

[4] https://unsos.unmissions.org/



HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] leisure=common deprecated. Alternatives?

2020-03-30 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Ok, understood.

I have therefore reverte the wiki edit.



O 29/03/20 ás 21:11, Frederik Ramm escribiu:


On 3/29/20 20:57, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:

For years we've been using the tag leisure=common for open areas inside
villages and towns in countries of Africa and Asia. We were fairly
comfortable with that tag, but now it appears as deprecated.

This "deprecation" is bogus. A decision was made by openstreetmap-carto
maintainers to drop the tag from rendering
(https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/3619) bzt
openstreetmap-carto does not get do deprecate OSM tags. The edit marking
this tag as deprecated in the Wiki by user Ru
was not justified and should be reverted.

Do we have any alternative? Or should we continue using it meanwhile
there isn't any alternative?

You're free to continue using and rendering that tag; of course the
reasons that led to osm-carto stopping to render it should perhaps be
studied and discussed.


HOT mailing list

[HOT] leisure=common deprecated. Alternatives?

2020-03-29 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi all:

For years we've been using the tag leisure=common for open areas inside 
villages and towns in countries of Africa and Asia. We were fairly 
comfortable with that tag, but now it appears as deprecated.

Do we have any alternative? Or should we continue using it meanwhile 
there isn't any alternative?



HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Osmf-talk] [hotosm-membership] Re: Code of Conduct Reminder

2017-12-15 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi, Dale:

My comments inline.

On 15/12/17 20:41, Dale Kunce wrote:

Saying things like "x is childish" is not in keeping with good manners.

Maybe not with your own, cultural, manners. It's ok for me. That's what 
I thought when I read his email. Honestly.

I think the larger point is that this space is not "gentle."

Not gentle for you. Not for everybody.

We clearly 
need a CoC or at the very least to enforce the rules we (OSM) already 
have in place. OSM is not so special from every other internet 
community. Most software projects, data projects, and even media 
companies have open CoC and expectations for how you behave in there 
space. OSM is not unique, we need to set clear expectations about how to 
act in this space.

"CoC at the very least", no less.

Enforce... yes, always enforce.

Software projects, data projects and media are different. I refer you to 
Christoff Hoffmann's emails, where he explains you clearly why OSM is 
not comparable to those.

And how do you think we have to behave in OSM? Not only me. Africans, 
Asians, Southamericans... That won't lead anywhere, I assure you.

Is it so hard for people to be nice to one another?

No. It isn't really. I use to make that effort since back to 1991, not 
always with success. Human beings are not perfect. But human beings 
usually like freedom, including speech.

I think it behoves 
everyone in this community to make the affirmation of being nice to one 
another the same way we all made the commitment to the ODBL.

ODbL and freedom of speech in the same tense. Really? The first is law; 
the second is something we don't need legally (nor morally nor practically).

I think it 
behoves us all to call out bad behavior when we see it.

Again: what is bad behaviour. Some people here don't see bad behaviour 
in Ralf's email. Some others do. I respect fully both of the "groups".

Keep others 
honest and on topic not through enforcing a CoC but through the 
accepting the rules outlined in the CoC or etiquette guidelines.

I have already said that etiquette guidelines are that: guidelines. I 
haven't seen them enforced yet, and I would like to know who would 
enforce them, and with what mandate.



On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 11:23 AM, Rafael Avila Coya 
<ravilac...@gmail.com <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi, Pete:

Yes, I forgot to say my opinion about the user who said he was

In my opinion, it's childish to quit an open forum, where anyone can
subscribe, just because somebody says something you don't like.
Specially when you see already some people telling you that no one
can control what others have to say.

If it was me, I would say it politely, like "I think not having a
tool to create squared buildings in iD is a pity, because if we had,
more squared buildings would be mapped". But what I, you or Dale
think about politeness is something that depend on many factors, the
most important of them cultural. Believe me when I tell you that I
didn't find it unpolite, and it passed unadverted to me.

We, the overall OSM community, are very gentle and pacific in
general, so we can govern ourselves without the need of any CoC. All
this thread tells me very clear how negative a CoC in OSM lists
would be.

Are we confortable with that? We can tell him things similar to
those that others said already to him, in the way "what one person
says, whether you don't like it, is what one person says, but not
what the rest thinks. And maybe he wasn't meaning that he hates you,
but he hates that you iD devs don't have a building tool like JOSM".
There are ways to say the same better and more clear. But what I am
clearly against is to put him under the foot of a CoC. Only the
name, CoC, scares me a lot.

I hope I make me more clear now.



On 15/12/17 19:39, Pete Masters wrote:

Hi Rafael, I see your point about the CoC and ownership of the
list. But that was only the third paragraph of Dale's email.

The fact remains that a person was told they are one of a hated
group of people and left the list. It's a loss. Are we
comfortable with that? Is it just the way it is and everyone has
to live with it?

Personally, I am not comfortable with it and welcome further



On 15 Dec 2017 18:24, "Rafael Avila Coya" <ravilac...@gmail.com
<mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com
<mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>>> wrote:

     Hi, Dan:

     The thing here is that hot@openstreetmap.org

Re: [HOT] [Osmf-talk] [hotosm-membership] Re: Code of Conduct Reminder

2017-12-15 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi, Pete:

Yes, I forgot to say my opinion about the user who said he was 

In my opinion, it's childish to quit an open forum, where anyone can 
subscribe, just because somebody says something you don't like. 
Specially when you see already some people telling you that no one can 
control what others have to say.

If it was me, I would say it politely, like "I think not having a tool 
to create squared buildings in iD is a pity, because if we had, more 
squared buildings would be mapped". But what I, you or Dale think about 
politeness is something that depend on many factors, the most important 
of them cultural. Believe me when I tell you that I didn't find it 
unpolite, and it passed unadverted to me.

We, the overall OSM community, are very gentle and pacific in general, 
so we can govern ourselves without the need of any CoC. All this thread 
tells me very clear how negative a CoC in OSM lists would be.

Are we confortable with that? We can tell him things similar to those 
that others said already to him, in the way "what one person says, 
whether you don't like it, is what one person says, but not what the 
rest thinks. And maybe he wasn't meaning that he hates you, but he hates 
that you iD devs don't have a building tool like JOSM". There are ways 
to say the same better and more clear. But what I am clearly against is 
to put him under the foot of a CoC. Only the name, CoC, scares me a lot.

I hope I make me more clear now.



On 15/12/17 19:39, Pete Masters wrote:
Hi Rafael, I see your point about the CoC and ownership of the list. But 
that was only the third paragraph of Dale's email.

The fact remains that a person was told they are one of a hated group of 
people and left the list. It's a loss. Are we comfortable with that? Is 
it just the way it is and everyone has to live with it?

Personally, I am not comfortable with it and welcome further discussion.



On 15 Dec 2017 18:24, "Rafael Avila Coya" <ravilac...@gmail.com 
<mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi, Dan:

The thing here is that hot@openstreetmap.org
<mailto:hot@openstreetmap.org> is, as far as I know, an OSM mailing
list, not HOT US inc.'s. I would find it weard that another OSM
mailing list was governed by the Red Cross, and that talk-es was
governed by the Spanish Government, for example.



On 15/12/17 19:11, Dan S wrote:


It does seem to me that more clarity would be good here, i.e.
disentangling the lines of accountability regarding the hot@ mailing

Mikel's response has logical sense, but it's probably not clear
to the
average participant in the hot@ mailing list whether they are
automatically made a part of the HOT community. Whether the best
clarification is to have two mailing lists, or for the info page
<https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot>> to make clear
it is in general governed by HOT's rules, I don't know.


HOT mailing list
HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Osmf-talk] [hotosm-membership] Re: Code of Conduct Reminder

2017-12-15 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi, Dan:

The thing here is that hot@openstreetmap.org is, as far as I know, an 
OSM mailing list, not HOT US inc.'s. I would find it weard that another 
OSM mailing list was governed by the Red Cross, and that talk-es was 
governed by the Spanish Government, for example.



On 15/12/17 19:11, Dan S wrote:


It does seem to me that more clarity would be good here, i.e. slightly
disentangling the lines of accountability regarding the hot@ mailing

Mikel's response has logical sense, but it's probably not clear to the
average participant in the hot@ mailing list whether they are
automatically made a part of the HOT community. Whether the best
clarification is to have two mailing lists, or for the info page
 to make clear whether
it is in general governed by HOT's rules, I don't know.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Osmf-talk] [hotosm-membership] Re: Code of Conduct Reminder

2017-12-15 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi Miriam:

I agree with you: I don't see the need to open yet another mailing list 
(although I will be happy if some decide to open a new one anyway), and 
to try to collaborate and unify efforts.

But this thread was started by Dale Kunce, President of HOT US inc, who 
says things like "I would like to take this opportunity to remind 
everyone of the Code of Conduct 
https://www.hotosm.org/hot_code_of_conduct. It will be enforced and 
offenders will be asked to leave our community", when OSM hasn't got any 

That's quite worrying. And this makes me even more sure of what I said 
in another email:

"Any code of conduct will make people more or less autocensure. I can't 
see any interest of having that thing, unless for control."

Etiquette is just a series of guidelines that, as far as I know, have 
never been enforced by anyone. Correct me if I am wrong.

See for example the different answers to Ralf Stephan email [1]:

One user simply answered his question, saying a fast way to mass square 

Another said he was offensive, and that any user (whether (s)he uses iD 
or JOSM or any other editor) is free not to square buildings anyway.

Me myself I thought his "I hate iD devs." just meant that not having a 
tool to easily create squared buildings in iD is a bad thing 
(disclaimer: I consider iD a good editor, with his pros and cons, and 
that can be improved, like JOSM and other editors, although I seldom use 
it - I prefer JOSM).

But others, including Dale Kunce, started to say that CoC would be 
applied, regardless of not being a list under the control of HOT US 
inc., and that's unacceptable. At least while OSM community is not under 
the rule of HOT's CoC.

Have all a wonderfull (and plenty of freedom of speech) weekend,


[1] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/hot/2017-December/014063.html

On 15/12/17 17:25, Miriam Mapanauta wrote:
It will be great if we don't open more mailing lists and we try to 
collaborate and unify efforts in the current lists



On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 6:07 AM, Mikel Maron > wrote:

The hot@openstreetmap.org  mailing
list is not subject to any more restrictions than any other OSMF
maintained list. It is not restricted to HOT members and partners,
nor is it subject to HOT governance.

Here is my response from yesterday clarifying, in case you missed it.

> Sure, a simple clarification. The OSMF hosted mailing lists fall under 
the etiquette and moderation guidelines at 
 The HOT Code of
Conduct applies to different domains and set of actors, most
especially Voting Members of HOT.

I don't see value in an additional mailing list myself, but rather
encourage better and more intentional use of the resources we have.

* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

On Friday, December 15, 2017, 6:54:56 AM EST, > wrote:

Dear all,

This is actually another interesting topic!
If we move for a more general mailing list on international
development/humanitarian topics (not restricted to the HOT membership
and partners), I would suggest maybe not to use the "humanitarian" word
that is only describing a subset of this scope of activities.
Since development can be confusing with IT development, I would suggest
something like internatio...@openstreetmap.org

However creating doesn't always do the trick: we've seen it with the
hot-francophone mailing list that was created to generate more
between Francophone countries (in particular Africa & Haiti) on
development topics and is not super successful because the communities
we wanted to exchange with are not big fans of mailing lists for
cultural reasons.



On 15/12/2017 12:42, Milo van der Linden wrote:
 > Could we ask the OSMF if we can set up a
 > humanitar...@openstreetmap.org
 mailing list that is not
subject of HOT
 > restrictions and open to everyone under the same rules and
 > of other OSM mailinglists?
 > 2017-12-14 18:40 GMT+01:00 nicolas chavent
 > >:
 >> Dear all HOT Us Inc members, subscribers of the hot at openstreetmap
 >> mailing-list and OSMF members,
 >> There's is something weird in Dale Kunce (HOT US Inc President and
 >> OSMF member) in this email announcing that the HOT US Inc Code of
 >> Conduct https://www.hotosm.org/hot_code_of_conduct
[1] will be
 >> enforced on the hot at openstreetmap mailing-list (an 

Re: [HOT] #Map4Ebola - New task

2017-05-27 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi, Jorieke:

I've just archived this project, as it is wholy validated (I also 
validated the whole area myself, mostly forest except for a few huts). I 
updated both en and fr wikis.



On 27/05/17 23:13, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:

Hi mappers,

So happy to see the progress of the mapping, especially in the 
validation! Thank you very much, and keep going I'd say :-)

For this, I'm here with a new task of one of the priority areas!
Here he is: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/3085
Don't hesitate to split the squares if they are to big.

Where in task 2988 we couldn't yet map this particular area, we now 
received imagery from Digital Globe. Thanks a lot!

Happy mapping everyone :)


HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] #Map4Ebola DRC OpenStreetMap Response to 2017 Ebola outbreak : 23-May 2017 priority mapping work

2017-05-23 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Thank you, Nicolas:

You committed a mistake with the URL. The correct one is 



On 23/05/17 16:01, nicolas chavent wrote:

Hi all,

On behalf of Claire Halleux and fresh from her coordination work in DRC, 
here's the current priority mapping task for the OSM response to the 
Ebola outbreak
URL of Mapping Task 3060 (project 

Excellent day

Nicolas Chavent
Les Libres Géographes
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Projet GeOrchestra
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (BJ): +229 96 25 62 71 

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com 
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Error with the TM Dev Server

2017-02-20 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
The OSM-es community had a similar problem for their TM, and they solved 
it when they realized that OSM had changed the SSL certificates for 
those provided by Let's Encrypt for connecting to the OAuth server [1]. 
I've seen this issue in other TM's too. Maybe that's the same issue for 




On 20/02/17 15:56, Claire Halleux wrote:


I was trying to test some tasks set up on the dev instance of the
Tasking Manager this afternoon.
However, it seems impossible to log in or out anymore. It gives me an
error ("An error occured") and asks me to log out manually (which does
not work).

Not sure where it is best to report this... Any support would be welcome.



Claire Halleux
+243 81 611 6998 (Kinshasa, DRC)
OpenStreetMap RDC


HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Tanzania Roads import: Pwani and Mbeya regions

2016-08-30 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi all:

Two more projects have been added for this import [1].

Please, note that the deadline for the import, that was 31st August 
2016, has been extended up to 31st December 2017. All projects 
instructions have been updated accordingly.

At the moment, 12 projects have been finished and 5 are available for 
import. There are still 2 projects more (Iringa and Mwanza regions) on 
preparation. Those 2 projects will be the last ones for the whole import.

Cheers, and have a wonderful week,



HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Mapping request from MSF

2016-07-27 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi, Pete:

I've done 2 tasks [1], and I've seen that Mapbox, apart from being well 
aligned with Bing, clarifies lots of buildings that are difficult or 
very difficult to spot with dark Bing imagery. So I think adding Mapbox 
would be a good idea.

I would also ask mapper to align some of the highways, as otherwise they 
intersect with buildings.



[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2041#task/32 and 

On 27/07/16 17:49, Pete Masters wrote:

Hi all,

Quick request... MSF urgently needs data for teams in Kinshasa battling
the yellow fever outbreak.

http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2041 (just buildings on this one)

This is the first of (probably) a few areas needing mapping. More
details in the tasking manager project description. Vaccination set to
start early - mid August. Team has asked if we can have the mapping done
by the 8th August.

If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have some time,
your contribution would be much appreciated, either mapping or



*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518



HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Thimphu city council building footprints import

2016-07-12 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi all:

The Thimphu Thromde (Thimpu city council), Bhutan, has released three 
sets of data for the capital city of the kingdom, that we are aiming for 
import into OSM: building footprints, street geometries (with names) and 
house numbers.

The first set is open to manual import by the community through this 
Tasking Manager project: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2017

Before you contribute, you are requested to read carefully and 
understand in full the import workflow wiki: 

The Kathmandu Living Labs (Nepal) will give some training in Thimphu 
next month, and so helping the growth of a local OSM community there.

Cheers, and happy mapping!


HOT mailing list

[HOT] Another 2 Tanzania MSD Roads Import projects available

2016-07-04 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi all:

I've created two new projects for Singida [1] and Kagera [2] regions.

At the moment, there are 6 finished projects and 5 still available for 
importing/mapping [3].

You can search all the import projects here: [4].

And, by the way: Kagera region makes the project 2000 of the Tasking 
Manager! ;)

Some stats (by 2nd July 2016) of this Tanzania MSD roads import:

number of imported ways: 10,679

number of imported nodes: 230,996

total length of all imported highways: 23,429.521 km

By type and number of ways:

highway Number of ways
--- --
residential 4,637 (43.42%)
unclassified2,228 (20.86%)
service 1,392 (13.03%)
tertiary  895  (8.38%)
road  876  (8.20%)
secondary 230  (2.15%)
track 226  (2.12%)
primary   106  (0.99%)
trunk  51  (0.48%)
footway25  (0.23%)
path6  (0.06%)
tertiary_link   5  (0.05%)
pedestrian  1  (0.01%)
secondary_link  1  (0.01%)
TOTAL  10,679

By type and total length:

highway Total length (km)
--- -
unclassified9,588.253 (40.92%)
tertiary6,666.077 (28.45%)
residential 2,094.698  (8.94%)
secondary   1,918.898  (8.19%)
road1,574.874  (6.72%)
track 514.754  (2.20%)
trunk 429.954  (1.84%)
primary   418.265  (1.79%)
service   176.017  (0.75%)
footway44.665  (0.19%)
path2.395  (0.01%)
tertiary_link   0.367  (0.00%)
pedestrian  0.283  (0.00%)
secondary_link  0.021  (0.00%)
TOTAL  23,429.521

My big thanks to all volunteers who have contributed so far!

Happy mapping,


[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1999
[2] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2000

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Thimpu Thromde Data Import

2016-06-18 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hi, Jo:

I am actually preparing the import and the wiki, in collaboration with 
the Nepal team.

On 18/06/16 14:22, Jo wrote:

And if you come to the HOT summit, we'll gladly have a cup of coffee
with you.

I looked at the wiki page. You definitely have done your homework! One
thing I don't fully understand: Why don't you import the housenumbers
together diretly with the buildings? Or will you add the housenumbers
all as nodes afterwards? If you plan to have them on the building
contours, I think it makes sense to add them at the same time.

The reason is that we think it's a good idea to add to the housenumber 
nodes, the street they belong to. Such a task is not very suitable to 
make it through the tasking manager, so I thought the best idea would be 
to have the building footprints to be imported through the tasking 
manager, and the housenumbers and street geometries in another separated 
import, dividing those housenumbers+streets in several chuncks.

It's implied from the text of the wiki page, but maybe you can add that
all changes will be reviewed by human mappers and you may want to
mention the todo list plugin. It may also make sense to mention that
JOSM will be used and that howto instructions will be provided.

I will add that info too.

What I usually see as a question on the imports list is the question how
the data will be maintained/updated in the future. They/we care about
this and it's part of the reason why they ask about the local community.
They might even insist that the whole import is performed or at least
followed up by local people who are familiar with the territory.

This import has in mind the local community involvement. In fact, it's 
the creation of a local OSM community one of the goals, being the import 
just a complement for what Megha and her team will do in Bhutan.




2016-06-18 13:12 GMT+02:00 john whelan >:

The traditional way is annouce a gathering for coffee then whichever
two or three gather make the decision or sometimes its done by an
exchange of emails in a forum.  In your case I think you are the
local community.

Cheerio John

On 18 June 2016 at 00:07, Megha Shrestha > wrote:

Hello All,

I am Megha Shrestha from Kathmandu Living Labs. We have a local
mapping project with HOT, we are going to conduct in Thimpu,
Bhutan. The project involves training to youth and as well as
government officials from GIS department of Thimpu city. They
have requested us to import existing dataset into OSM. According
to OSM import guideline one of the requirement is to contact a
local OSM community. The problem here is that there is no
existing OSM community in Bhutan but rather a group of GIS
professional. One of the goals of this project is to create a
sustainable OSM community in Bhutan who can take the work
further independently. I would like to ask for comments about
this import before proceeding to the imports mailing list" or
equivalent, because we know there isn't a Bhutan OSM local
community yet, and we just need (if possible) to gather input
before proceeding to the imports mailing list.

The wiki link to the Thimpu Throne dataset import is here:



Megha Shrestha
Geomatics Engineer
Kathmandu Living Labs

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Mapping party in Barcelona

2016-04-13 Thread Rafael Avila Coya


Sorry for replying late. I am in RDC now and yesterday evening internet 
wasn't working at all.

It's a real pity that, unless a miracle, I won't be able to be in 
Barcelona. I have my return ticket for that date exactly (arriving next 
day), although it's possible that I have to stay here a week more or so. 
What I pity, as I would be extremely happy to help in Barcelona!!! (and 
meet Jo!!).

Cheers, and if you need any help I can give, just tell me and I will see 
what I can do,


On 12/04/16 14:24, Pete Masters wrote:

Apologies It's on the 28th April and at the

  Universitat Pompeu Fabra 

Eventbrite will be out tomorrow and I will share it here...

Jo, I'll get back to you offlist shortly



On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Nick Allen > wrote:

Hi Pete,

It's probably in the message and I've missed it,  but do you have
the date please?


Nick (OSM=Tallguy)
my phone is responsible for any spelling mistakes!

On 12 Apr 2016 10:06, "Pete Masters" > wrote:

Hi all, just a quick one...

MSF Spain are hosting their first Missing Maps mapping party in
a few weeks in Barcelona and they'd like to invite the local HOT
/ OSM community to come.

If any of you guys are in or near Barcelona and fancy coming, or
have contacts who you think might be interested, please email me
and I'll put you in touch

This is an exciting time for MSF, HOT and OSM collaboration. As
well as MSF Spain, MSF France are now running events with
CartONG, and MSF Belgium are currently partnering with OSM
Belgium and HOT on hosting their first event in June.

I'd like to express our thanks to the HOT and OSM communities
for the excellent work they are doing to help MSF in their
operational work! It really is much appreciated If you have
any feedback for us, please do let me know.



*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518 



HOT mailing list

*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518



HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] New to mapping

2016-02-12 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Francesca:

Your concerns are very typical when beginning contributing to HOT.

As for the Gambaru/Fotokol job, buildings in towns of that area (and
most of the Sahel) are quite difficult to trace, as they are built very

I did a quick hackpad with some screenshots that may help you in
determining where a building finishes and starts the next:

Cheers, and have a nice weekend,


On 12/02/16 15:31, Francesca Pozzi wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am new to the HOT mapping and in the past couple of days I made a couple of 
> contributions.
> One was for the  MSF task, I had a couple of doubts, but when I saw the 
> validation I figured out how to proceed.
> Thanks to whoever did the validation, so I could learn hot to properly map 
> areas (walls with buildings inside).
> The other is  for the Fotokol/Gambaru area, I saw there was an invalidated 
> tile, and I tried to fix the buildings, added some more and the walls. 
> I am referring to http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/884#task/142
> I would appreciate any feedback on that - I left a couple of areas 
> unclassified as I was not sure what they were.
> Sorry if I made mistakes, hope I won’t cause the validators to work more!
> Thanks again,
> Francesca
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Uganda Bureau Of Statistics Educational Facilities import has started

2016-01-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Jo:

Thanks for your comments and help. Find my comments inline:

On 22/01/16 08:34, Jo wrote:
> Hi Rafael,
> Great that you got this started. Of course I managed to get the use
> of import and not import account mixed up, as JOSM doesn't warn me
> or give the option to switch in a convenient way. So the imported
> node will probably have to be removed once again and the buildings
> I added in a second go, are now uploaded with that silly import
> account.

Don't worry. I have reverted that "one node" changeset, and added
again the school node with my edvac_import account.

Apart from using your regular account, you uploaded the school without
the import changesets: source=www.ubos.org (you put source=Bing),
source:date=2010..2014, import=yes and

This has happened to other users in the past, so don't worry. Just
remember to upload only school nodes (nothing else) with your
Polyglot_import account, adding those changeset tags, and don't forget
to switch back to your Polyglot regular account, so you don't use your
import account for this import.

Having to use a dedicated user account for every import is a
requirement of the Import guidelines [1]: step 6.5: "You must use a
dedicated user account."

I think this requirement should be waived for crowsourced manual
imports like this, but that is not something we should discuss here,
but in the imports list. For the time being we have to comply with the
community agreements we have in the import guidelines.

This import is ***ONLY*** for school nodes. So we aren't adding
buildings at this stage. But even if we wanted to add buildings,
access road, etc, we would have done it in a different changeset, and
with the ***regular account***, not the ***import account***, because
buildings and road accesses aren't UBOS data, but derived directly
from Bing, Mapbox, GPS traces, etc.

If you can't live without adding school buildings, just make sure you
do it in a second changeset after uploading the schools, but using
your regular account.

> Sorry for the rant, what follows should be more interesting:
> Anyway, what I'm missing are the isced tags. Also the process
> seems overly complicated to me. It's easier to skip the "Edit with
> JOSM' button and go straight to the first "here" link. Then
> download manually.

As this import doesn't need to touch any OSM object, except
educational facilities already present in OSM that may have to be
merged with the UBOS ones, you can optionally, if you find it better,
to download OSM data manually after downloading the UBOS data. Only
make sure you download an area of at least 500+ m around every UBOS
node, so you make sure you download every OSM educational facilities
that may have to be merged with UBOS nodes.

I didn't add the isced:level tags as it would be difficult to add them
authomatically with the info we had. But we can add them in subsequent
TM projects, like also the wikidata, etc.

> To find the new buildings, the filter method works, but Ctrl-f
> inview new Then tick the box:: 'add toolbar button'
> is a lot more convenient, with a shiny new button on the task bar.
> You can also create another button like this with:
> inview (school | university | kindergarten)
> if you add "-new" to that, you can easily find all the existing
> ones.

This is very nice. As soon as I can (hope before the end of tomorrow),
I will add it to the workflow wiki. It's a great idea!!

> Oh, for people mapping remotely, there is a local community in
> Kampala. It's best to leave those schools for them, since they have
> local knowledge about them and since it's harder to figure out
> which buildings belong to the school for those from aerial imagery
> alone. I think that's worthy of a note in the instructions.

Yes! That's right! If the local Uganda OSM community tell me so, we
could even remove all Kampala nodes, and transfer them to another
dedicated TM project, dedicated only for on the ground mappers.

> Kind regards,
> Jo

Cheers and thank you very much!



> 2016-01-22 0:06 GMT+01:00 Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>>:
> Hi all:
> A new manual import through the Tasking Manager is open for 
> experienced mappers, this time for the import of 24,587
> educational facilities (nurseries, primary and secondary schools,
> colleges...) all around Uganda.
> As the total number of nodes is very high, it was decided not to
> add any contextual data as it was done in previous imports,
> starting with th

Re: [HOT] Uganda Bureau Of Statistics Educational Facilities import has started

2016-01-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
It looks very nice. I will add it to the workflow wiki too, in this case
as an appendix, to avoid making the wiki too lengthy!

Thank you, Jo,


On 22/01/16 15:08, Jo wrote:
> Hi,
> To help with validation and also to make people aware of those note:...
> tags, I created a MapCSS style. It's in the list of Mappaint styles of
> JOSM. I named it Schools.
> It works in countries with more "regular" ways of addressing too.
> Cheers,
> Jo
> 2016-01-22 8:34 GMT+01:00 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com
> <mailto:winfi...@gmail.com>>:
> Hi Rafael,
> Great that you got this started. Of course I managed to get the use
> of import and not import account mixed up, as JOSM doesn't warn me
> or give the option to switch in a convenient way. So the imported
> node will probably have to be removed once again and the buildings I
> added in a second go, are now uploaded with that silly import account.
> Sorry for the rant, what follows should be more interesting:
> Anyway, what I'm missing are the isced tags. Also the process seems
> overly complicated to me. It's easier to skip the "Edit with JOSM'
> button and go straight to the first "here" link. Then download manually.
> To find the new buildings, the filter method works, but Ctrl-f
> inview new
> Then tick the box:: 'add toolbar button'
> is a lot more convenient, with a shiny new button on the task bar.
> You can also create another button like this with:
> inview (school | university | kindergarten)
> if you add "-new" to that, you can easily find all the existing ones.
> Oh, for people mapping remotely, there is a local community in
> Kampala. It's best to leave those schools for them, since they have
> local knowledge about them and since it's harder to figure out which
> buildings belong to the school for those from aerial imagery alone.
> I think that's worthy of a note in the instructions.
> Kind regards,
> Jo
> 2016-01-22 0:06 GMT+01:00 Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>>:
> Hi all:
> A new manual import through the Tasking Manager is open for
> experienced mappers, this time for the import of 24,587 educational
> facilities (nurseries, primary and secondary schools,
> colleges...) all
> around Uganda.
> As the total number of nodes is very high, it was decided not to add
> any contextual data as it was done in previous imports, starting
> with
> the Central African Rep. UNICEF import. We will be able to add
> contextual data, like facilities road access, facilities buildings,
> settlement names (derived from the facilities addr:* tags), wikidata
> tags, etc., after the import is finished, or maybe even during the
> import, but with another TM project/s.
> Everyone is welcome to contribute, but specially the Uganda OSM
> community.
> You can find the detailed workflow wiki for this import here [1].
> start
> importing facilities.
> At the beginning of the workflow wiki you have a Quick Reference, so
> you don't have to read the whole wiki everytime you need to
> recall the
> import steps.
> Keep in mind that changesets that don't follow the rules (negociated
> with the Uganda OSM community and the imports list) will have to be
> reverted. Specially important is to use a dedicated OSM account (not
> the regular account you use for regular mapping), and to add the
> specific changeset tags of this import.
> You should also read the official import wiki [2], specially for
> tagging reference.
> Happy mapping!
> Rafael.
> [1]
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Uganda/Import_Uganda_Bureau_Of_Statistics_Education_Facilities_Workflow
> [2]
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Uganda/Import_Uganda_Bureau_Of_Statistics_Education_Facilities
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Uganda Bureau Of Statistics Educational Facilities import has started

2016-01-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

On 22/01/16 20:57, Jo wrote:
> Hi Rafael,
> I understand where the requirement for the separate account is coming
> from, but I will always consider it too much of a hassle to switch. And
> in my case I would be switching continuously.
> So, I'll limit myself to validating the tiles. I hope it's all right to
> add some of the buildings in that stage. I'm also automating the
> creation of wikidata entries and linking from OSM to WD and back.

Yes. Of course it's completely fine to add buildings. Just do that as a
normal mapping (with your regular account). Just write the comment for
the changeset forgetting about the comment "Uganda Bureau Of Statistics
Education Facilities Import, #hotosm-project-1434", use your own
comment, like "Added buildings to several schools, etc.", and
source=Bing or Mapbox or whatever. And likewise for the Wikidata.

> I don't promise that I'll do that for all 24000 of them though.

If you did, we would have to erect a monument in your honour somewhere
in Uganda! :D



> Cheers,
> Jo
> 2016-01-22 20:39 GMT+01:00 Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>>:
> Hi, Jo:
> Thanks for your comments and help. Find my comments inline:
> On 22/01/16 08:34, Jo wrote:
>> Hi Rafael,
>> Great that you got this started. Of course I managed to get the use
>> of import and not import account mixed up, as JOSM doesn't warn me
>> or give the option to switch in a convenient way. So the imported
>> node will probably have to be removed once again and the buildings
>> I added in a second go, are now uploaded with that silly import
>> account.
> Don't worry. I have reverted that "one node" changeset, and added
> again the school node with my edvac_import account.
> Apart from using your regular account, you uploaded the school without
> the import changesets: source=www.ubos.org <http://www.ubos.org>
> (you put source=Bing),
> source:date=2010..2014, import=yes and
> url=https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Uganda/Import_Uganda_Bureau_Of_Statistics_Education_Facilities
> This has happened to other users in the past, so don't worry. Just
> remember to upload only school nodes (nothing else) with your
> Polyglot_import account, adding those changeset tags, and don't forget
> to switch back to your Polyglot regular account, so you don't use your
> import account for this import.
> Having to use a dedicated user account for every import is a
> requirement of the Import guidelines [1]: step 6.5: "You must use a
> dedicated user account."
> I think this requirement should be waived for crowsourced manual
> imports like this, but that is not something we should discuss here,
> but in the imports list. For the time being we have to comply with the
> community agreements we have in the import guidelines.
> This import is ***ONLY*** for school nodes. So we aren't adding
> buildings at this stage. But even if we wanted to add buildings,
> access road, etc, we would have done it in a different changeset, and
> with the ***regular account***, not the ***import account***, because
> buildings and road accesses aren't UBOS data, but derived directly
> from Bing, Mapbox, GPS traces, etc.
> If you can't live without adding school buildings, just make sure you
> do it in a second changeset after uploading the schools, but using
> your regular account.
>> Sorry for the rant, what follows should be more interesting:
>> Anyway, what I'm missing are the isced tags. Also the process
>> seems overly complicated to me. It's easier to skip the "Edit with
>> JOSM' button and go straight to the first "here" link. Then
>> download manually.
> As this import doesn't need to touch any OSM object, except
> educational facilities already present in OSM that may have to be
> merged with the UBOS ones, you can optionally, if you find it better,
> to download OSM data manually after downloading the UBOS data. Only
> make sure you download an area of at least 500+ m around every UBOS
> node, so you make sure you download every OSM educational facilities
> that may have to be merged with UBOS nodes.
> I didn't add the isced:level tags as it would be difficult to add them
> authomatically with the info we had. But we can add them in subsequent
> TM projects, like also the wikidata, etc.
>> To find the new buildings, the filter method works, but Ctrl-f
>> inview new Then tick the box:: 'add toolbar button'
>> is a lot more convenient, with a shiny new button on the task bar.
>> You can also create a

[HOT] Uganda Bureau Of Statistics Educational Facilities import has started

2016-01-21 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

A new manual import through the Tasking Manager is open for
experienced mappers, this time for the import of 24,587 educational
facilities (nurseries, primary and secondary schools, colleges...) all
around Uganda.

As the total number of nodes is very high, it was decided not to add
any contextual data as it was done in previous imports, starting with
the Central African Rep. UNICEF import. We will be able to add
contextual data, like facilities road access, facilities buildings,
settlement names (derived from the facilities addr:* tags), wikidata
tags, etc., after the import is finished, or maybe even during the
import, but with another TM project/s.

Everyone is welcome to contribute, but specially the Uganda OSM community.

You can find the detailed workflow wiki for this import here [1].
importing facilities.

At the beginning of the workflow wiki you have a Quick Reference, so
you don't have to read the whole wiki everytime you need to recall the
import steps.

Keep in mind that changesets that don't follow the rules (negociated
with the Uganda OSM community and the imports list) will have to be
reverted. Specially important is to use a dedicated OSM account (not
the regular account you use for regular mapping), and to add the
specific changeset tags of this import.

You should also read the official import wiki [2], specially for
tagging reference.

Happy mapping!



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HOT mailing list

[HOT] Tanzania Road import - new jobs

2015-11-30 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi all:

Third TM project for the Tanzania road import (data from JSI/MSD) is
ongoing, but it was naturally discontinued by the few involved mappers
when the Patricia hurricane and Afghanistan earthquake happened.

This third project covers West Ruvuma region [1].

Are you tired of mapping mainland Africa and want to map, let's say,
beautiful Zanzibar and Pemba islands? Then you can switch to the fourth
TM job of this import project [2].

AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE WORKFLOW*** of this import [3]. If a changeset
doesn't comply with the import rules of that workflow, it will have to
be reverted.

Happy mapping,


[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1256
[2] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1299

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects

2015-11-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Rod:

Don't worry. I didn't take it personally. Only wanted to clarify.

About automatic notifications, the only services I am aware of are the
itoworld OSM mapper and the whodidit. The first one allows me to have
RSS for areas I want to monitor. The only issue is that it shows changes
in ways and relations, but not nodes (don't know why).

I'd like to know of better tools to monitor changes in areas.



On 22/11/15 11:23, Rod Bera wrote:
> Hi Rafael,
> On 21/11/15 17:23, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
>> Hi, Rod:
>> I already explained what I meant with my revert comments in my answer to
>> Dale, and asked for apologies if I was misunderstood. My comments about
>> revert were that "a ***potential*** revert would be troublesome, but I
>> wasn't meaning that there should happen a revert without asking anybody.
>> In fact, I wasn't aiming at any revert anyway, because, like you, I
>> haven't ever been involved in any mapping in Haiti.
> I understood it this way. My observations weren't aimed at you in
> particular. They pertain to us all (including myself, to make it clear).
> We are working together this seems obvious but all too easy to forget as
> we are most of the time mapping "face-to-face" with our devices.
> As is too easy to forget that everything on the OSM DB is the product of
> millions hours of (wo)man time, and must be respected as such.
> We must never delete or reverse lightly, and when we feel the need, this
> should always be discussed extensively before.
> There are places for this (mailing lists, wiki, even TM...), but maybe
> we (HOT and OSM) should improve information on where to find these
> discussions. Many newcomers (and even some advanced mappers) never reach
> these forums.
> What about automatic notifications when someone is about to map, or has
> previously mapped, an area where substantial changes are planned or have
> just occurred?
>> These past days there was a (still ongoing) thread in the Spanish talk
>> list about how to follow up on some survey point nodes that some users
>> delete from an old import from the IGN (Spanish Ordinance Survey), and I
>> helped them with similar overpass queries that I thought could be of
>> interest for Pierre to check how was the state of the map (buildings) of
>> the area a month ago. That's it. When I answered, I wasn't aware that
>> Dale also answered Pierre; otherwise my answer would probably be
>> different, according to the new info.
> Apologies if you took if personally, it definitely wasn't my intention.
> Best regards,
> Rod
>> I agree with you about all what you say about convivial interaction.
>> Cheers,
>> Rafael.
>> On 21/11/15 16:49, Rod Bera wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I haven't taken part in mapping in this area, so I don't know about the
>>> details, but what I read looks concerning: large scale deletion, massive
>>> imports, and substantial reverts are to be discussed with the community.
>>> This is the base of OSM's collaborative work.
>>> Therefore I agree with Dale that unilateral reverts should not happen
>>> unless agreed on. But I also point out that no massive deletion should
>>> have happened without prior discussion with the community.
>>> As to spatial consistency, this is also something that can (must) be
>>> discussed collectively in order to define a coherent line of conduct
>>> (imagery to be used/not
>>> used/corrected/re-georectified/re-georeferenced/...).
>>> Let's bear in mind that OSM is COLLABORATIVE mapping, and collaboration
>>> is not just about adding up individuals' contributions.
>>> It is also about inclusive and constructive interaction.
>>> Convivial* interaction.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rod
>>> * con vivere [latin] --> living TOGETHER. We Hotties/OSMers/Humans
>>> especially need to improve on this.
>>> On 20/11/15 21:00, Dale Kunce wrote:
>>>> Rafael,
>>>> We decided to do large scale deletion for a number of reasons.
>>>>   * Errors within iD that cause many buildings to be traced several
>>>> times thus resulting in many many overlapping buildings.
>>>>   o I personally fixed thousands of overlaps and fixed several
>>>> thousand of other validation errors in the area.

Re: [HOT] JOSM and TM problems (was RE: HOT Digest, Vol 69, Issue 21)

2015-11-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, guys:

I've been trying to help Kazeem by email and Google hangout about this 3
days ago, but we had to stop due to problems in his internet connection.
We resume this morning. We tried doing several things for an hour or so,
but with no luck. This is all the info I could gather:

1) It happens to him in Abuja, and to two other colleages in Kano, but
it works for others under the same network in Kano.

2) He can open the data in iD.

3) Trying with a "remote" url like this one [1], it opened with no
problem the first try, it failed the second and again worked for the 3rd
time. Maybe the second time was due to network down in that moment, but
I can't be sure.

4) Every time he tries to open in JOSM any task from any TM project, it
doesn't open. We tried with different ones, simple ones with no imagery,
and others.

5) His JOSM version was 8969 (so the latest). I told him to uninstall
that JOSM and install the 8800 version from here [2], to check if it had
anything to be with versioning. Same result.

6) His operating system is Windows. I didn't ask what version.

7) Tomorrow he will have access to another computer, so we will try to
see if this problem persists. We are asking fellows in Kano that aren't
having this issue to tell what JOSM version they use, to check again if
that is a version problem.

8) We are going to get more info tomorrow about the settings of the two
others that face the same issue in Kano, and if they did something that
the rest didn't, like updating version or whatever that can give light
to this "mistery".

9) The network of the organization they work has "recently changed the
IP". I don't know if this includes a sort of firewall (port 8111
filtering). But it doesn't look a net problem, bearing in mind that 2
different people under the same net, one has the issue and the other
not. Unless that port filtering is being done by his windown operating
system locally. But I am not sure about this.



[2] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/download/windows/

On 22/11/15 17:27, Nick Allen wrote:
> Hi,
> Is your problem to do with JOSM & remote control?
> At a recent mapathon in London I found two JOSM users for whom remote
> control would not work despite all of our efforts - I can't solve that
> for you, but I can offer a workround if that is the problem.
> 1. Open JOSM,
> 2. Select your square on the TM,
> 3. Click on the words "*.gpx file*" in the line of text that appears
> below "Edit with JOSM" - /Tip: Download the following .gpx file
>  and load it in JOSM
> in order to see the current task boundary
> /4. Open this .gpx file in JOSM, which will give you the border of your
> square,
> 5. Download OSM data using the download button.
> 6. When you are mapping try not to join to this bounding box - you will
> not have the diagonal crosshatching you normally see, and only the
> square will be the boundary.
> Your actions are similar to the ones outlined here
> http://learnosm.org/en/coordination/tasking-manager/#editing-choices
> for users of Potlatch.
> If that's not the problem, please reply to this list (HOT) and one of us
> will do our best to help you.
> Regards
> Nick
> on On 22/11/15 16:12, Russell Deffner wrote:
>> Greetings Kazeem, sorry if this is too late, but I think because you
>> replied to the digest this message went to my junk box (and probably
>> many others). Please just email directly
>> hot@openstreetmap.org when starting a
>> new topic.
>> I am not having any issue, so without knowing more about your set-up I
>> would just suggest making sure your JOSM is up-to-date as well as your
>> browser. If you’re still having troubles, reply-all and let us know
>> more about your set-up.
>> Kind regards,
>> =Russ
>> *From:*Kazeem Owolabi [mailto:kazeem.owol...@ehealthnigeria.org]
>> *Sent:* Friday, November 20, 2015 12:44 PM
>> *To:* hot@openstreetmap.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [HOT] HOT Digest, Vol 69, Issue 21
>> Evening All,
>> I am currently having issues with my JOSM, it seems not to connect to
>> the HOT Tasking manager and the remote control is enabled.
>> Please, I need a bail out here, need to map over the weekend with JOSM.
>> Thanks.
>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 6:57 PM,
>> <hot-requ...@openstreetmap.org>
>> wrote:
>> Send HOT mailing list submissions to
>> hot@openstreetmap.org 
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> hot-requ...@openstreetmap.org

Re: [HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects

2015-11-21 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Rod:

I already explained what I meant with my revert comments in my answer to
Dale, and asked for apologies if I was misunderstood. My comments about
revert were that "a ***potential*** revert would be troublesome, but I
wasn't meaning that there should happen a revert without asking anybody.
In fact, I wasn't aiming at any revert anyway, because, like you, I
haven't ever been involved in any mapping in Haiti.

These past days there was a (still ongoing) thread in the Spanish talk
list about how to follow up on some survey point nodes that some users
delete from an old import from the IGN (Spanish Ordinance Survey), and I
helped them with similar overpass queries that I thought could be of
interest for Pierre to check how was the state of the map (buildings) of
the area a month ago. That's it. When I answered, I wasn't aware that
Dale also answered Pierre; otherwise my answer would probably be
different, according to the new info.

I agree with you about all what you say about convivial interaction.



On 21/11/15 16:49, Rod Bera wrote:
> Hi all,
> I haven't taken part in mapping in this area, so I don't know about the
> details, but what I read looks concerning: large scale deletion, massive
> imports, and substantial reverts are to be discussed with the community.
> This is the base of OSM's collaborative work.
> Therefore I agree with Dale that unilateral reverts should not happen
> unless agreed on. But I also point out that no massive deletion should
> have happened without prior discussion with the community.
> As to spatial consistency, this is also something that can (must) be
> discussed collectively in order to define a coherent line of conduct
> (imagery to be used/not
> used/corrected/re-georectified/re-georeferenced/...).
> Let's bear in mind that OSM is COLLABORATIVE mapping, and collaboration
> is not just about adding up individuals' contributions.
> It is also about inclusive and constructive interaction.
> Convivial* interaction.
> Cheers,
> Rod
> * con vivere [latin] --> living TOGETHER. We Hotties/OSMers/Humans
> especially need to improve on this.
> On 20/11/15 21:00, Dale Kunce wrote:
>> Rafael,
>> We decided to do large scale deletion for a number of reasons.
>>   * Errors within iD that cause many buildings to be traced several
>> times thus resulting in many many overlapping buildings.
>>   o I personally fixed thousands of overlaps and fixed several
>> thousand of other validation errors in the area.
>>   * Poor spatial consistency between multiple imagery resources
>>   o Bing
>>   o 2013 drone imagery
>>   o 2014 drone imagery
>>   o 2015 drone imagery
>>   o Recent GeoEye imagery
>>   * Lack of existing drone imagery led us to acquire high resolution
>> satellite imagery.
>>   o Imagery isn't nearly as clean and sharp as the drone imagery
>> being shot but is consistent throughout the entire area.
>> *Do not *revert these changes as it represents hundreds of man hours by
>> ARC staff to clean up and fix this area. The area in its current state
>> is the most up to date the area *has ever been *due to previous efforts
>> by Haiti Communitaire and the ARC GIS team. We have spent considerable
>> time in the field and remotely mapping this area.
>> Again, for continued questions about these changesets please contact me
>> off-list.
>> Dale
>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi, Pierre:
>> I guess this is what the majority of people do, and only the most
>> experienced users re-trace objects, also using the replace geometry tool
>> (CTRL+SHIFT+G). It took me long to me to realise about that too.
>> As usual in these cases, I would contact him to check what happened, and
>> tell him how he should proceed from now on, so he learns the advantages
>> of not deleting objects unless really needed, but improving those
>> objects instead.
>> I've checked the edits by that user, and he made lots of changesets
>> (maybe around hundred), so I see a potencial reversion very troublesome
>> and time consuming.
>> The first of the changesets seem to have been edited about a month ago
>> [1]. So around 6 am 21 Oct 2015.
>> To check what buildings were at the area before deletion, you may use
>> the next overpass query: [2]. As there isn't any Canaan area in 

Re: [HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects

2015-11-21 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Dale:

Sorry for any misunderstanding, if there is any. I haven't been involved
in any mapping in Haiti, anytime, so I am not aware of any of those
imagery, etc. issues you all are discussing about in this thread.

I've just read Pierre's question on buildings being deleted and my aim
was only to try helping on the edit history and how the map was before
those edits.

About reverting, I only said that I saw a *potential* revertion
troublesome (then I read Paul's email and he says there are actually
tools to revert multiple changesets that I wasn't aware of) due to the
big number of changesets. In any case, any revert has to be done after
consulting with the user/s involved and, conveniently, with the local
community (unless the edits can be proved to be malicious or libelous,
that is obviously not the case).

Cheers, and have all a wonderful weekend,


On 20/11/15 21:00, Dale Kunce wrote:
> Rafael,
> We decided to do large scale deletion for a number of reasons.
>   * Errors within iD that cause many buildings to be traced several
> times thus resulting in many many overlapping buildings.
>   o I personally fixed thousands of overlaps and fixed several
> thousand of other validation errors in the area.
>   * Poor spatial consistency between multiple imagery resources
>   o Bing
>   o 2013 drone imagery
>   o 2014 drone imagery
>   o 2015 drone imagery
>   o Recent GeoEye imagery
>   * Lack of existing drone imagery led us to acquire high resolution
> satellite imagery.
>   o Imagery isn't nearly as clean and sharp as the drone imagery
> being shot but is consistent throughout the entire area.
> *Do not *revert these changes as it represents hundreds of man hours by
> ARC staff to clean up and fix this area. The area in its current state
> is the most up to date the area *has ever been *due to previous efforts
> by Haiti Communitaire and the ARC GIS team. We have spent considerable
> time in the field and remotely mapping this area.
> Again, for continued questions about these changesets please contact me
> off-list.
> Dale
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi, Pierre:
> I guess this is what the majority of people do, and only the most
> experienced users re-trace objects, also using the replace geometry tool
> (CTRL+SHIFT+G). It took me long to me to realise about that too.
> As usual in these cases, I would contact him to check what happened, and
> tell him how he should proceed from now on, so he learns the advantages
> of not deleting objects unless really needed, but improving those
> objects instead.
> I've checked the edits by that user, and he made lots of changesets
> (maybe around hundred), so I see a potencial reversion very troublesome
> and time consuming.
> The first of the changesets seem to have been edited about a month ago
> [1]. So around 6 am 21 Oct 2015.
> To check what buildings were at the area before deletion, you may use
> the next overpass query: [2]. As there isn't any Canaan area in OSM,
> just used the ({{bbox}}) thing. I set the date at 00:00:01 of that day
> (so 6 hours before the first changeset).
> With this other query [3] you can get a file with the building ways that
> were present at that same date and time, that were deleted, and also
> those that were modified and new buildings created. The output file
> don't open in JOSM, but could be use to get statistical info (for
> example) on number of buildings deleted.
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> [1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/34784526
> [2] http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cQv
> [3] http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cQw
> On 20/11/15 19:29, Pierre Béland wrote:
> > Being in Port-au-Prince for a Training session of the Haiti
> > OpenStreetMap community (Espace OSM francophone project), I
> collaborate
> > this week with the Haiti OSM community who have monitored urbanisation
> > progression in the Canaan sector, providing UAV imagery in 2013, 2014
> > and 2015 (60% of the zone covered so far).  They have also added
> to osm
> > the building footprints in the area from precise and accurate
> imagery (4
> > cm precision).
> >
> > We organize a mapathon tomorrow to revise the Canaan zone using the
> > November 2015 imagery available and monitor the progress of rapid
> House
> > contruction in this sector.
> >

Re: [HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects

2015-11-20 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Pierre:

I guess this is what the majority of people do, and only the most
experienced users re-trace objects, also using the replace geometry tool
(CTRL+SHIFT+G). It took me long to me to realise about that too.

As usual in these cases, I would contact him to check what happened, and
tell him how he should proceed from now on, so he learns the advantages
of not deleting objects unless really needed, but improving those
objects instead.

I've checked the edits by that user, and he made lots of changesets
(maybe around hundred), so I see a potencial reversion very troublesome
and time consuming.

The first of the changesets seem to have been edited about a month ago
[1]. So around 6 am 21 Oct 2015.

To check what buildings were at the area before deletion, you may use
the next overpass query: [2]. As there isn't any Canaan area in OSM,
just used the ({{bbox}}) thing. I set the date at 00:00:01 of that day
(so 6 hours before the first changeset).

With this other query [3] you can get a file with the building ways that
were present at that same date and time, that were deleted, and also
those that were modified and new buildings created. The output file
don't open in JOSM, but could be use to get statistical info (for
example) on number of buildings deleted.



[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/34784526
[2] http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cQv
[3] http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cQw

On 20/11/15 19:29, Pierre Béland wrote:
> Being in Port-au-Prince for a Training session of the Haiti
> OpenStreetMap community (Espace OSM francophone project), I collaborate
> this week with the Haiti OSM community who have monitored urbanisation
> progression in the Canaan sector, providing UAV imagery in 2013, 2014
> and 2015 (60% of the zone covered so far).  They have also added to osm
> the building footprints in the area from precise and accurate imagery (4
> cm precision).
> We organize a mapathon tomorrow to revise the Canaan zone using the
> November 2015 imagery available and monitor the progress of rapid House
> contruction in this sector. 
> Planning the work, I see today that one contributor did most of Tak 1238
> for Canaan Haiti and it seems deleted systematically buildings before
> redrawing them.  In JOSM if I download buildings and search for newly
> created buildings (ie version:1), most of the buildings have version=1.
> If this is exact, we should note that this is contrary to the OSM
> philosophy. The rule that we generally follow at OSM to respect previous
> contributions and keep history, is to revise geometry and not delete /
> retrace.
> For these two changesets alone, I count 50 and 44 ways deleted.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/35462043
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/35462424
> At the same time, many buildings are missing. Since I have no comparizon
> with the situation before this mapping, It is hard to say what was done
> exactly, if any building were erased and not replaced.
> Could somebody confirm that buildings were systematically deleted before
> retracing. What should we do to correct rapidly this situation before we
> start the mapathon tomorrow?
> Pierre
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Admin Boundary Extraction Service

2015-11-08 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Samuel:

Here you have an overpass query to get all boundary relations for all
states, LGA's and wards of Nigeria, with the admin_centre's and label
of each relation when available: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxp

If you want Nigeria country boundary relation too, just change "4|6|8"
by "2|4|6|8". In case you want for example only states and LGA's, just
do "4|6", and so on.

In case you want only the boundaries for a certain state, you can use
this query (this example is for Kano state):

In case you don't want the admin_centre's nor labels nodes of any
relation, you have to run a different query. This one is for Kano:

Whenever possible, I advise to use area codes instead names. For
example, Niger is the name of a state in Central Nigeria, but it's
also the name of Nigerias north neighbour country: Niger.

Getting the area code is simple: go to osm.org, search for the area
you are interested in (example Niger), get the relation id we want (in
our case, let's say we want Nigeria's Niger state relation id, so we
click in "State Boundary Niger, Nigeria" link, not in "country,
Niger"), and then we copy it's id (in our example 3718384), and we add
36 + 3718384 = 3603718384 to get the Niger state area code for
overpass queries: (area:3603718384)

To avoid a query to overload your web browser, instead of hitting
"run" button, click in "Export" button instead. There, go to "Query"
and then click on "compact" in the "convert to (compact) OverpassQL"
link. That will open a new window with a compact OverpassQL link.
Click on it and it will make the query and download directly in your
file system the result of the query. For example, for the last example
query (Kano state boundaries without admin_centre's nor labels), the
link is like this one:

If you need any more sofisticated query, just let us know:



On 08/11/15 12:00, Samuel Aiyeoribe wrote:
> Hello HOTties,
> Please does anyone know of a service for extracting/downloading
> OSM Admin Boundary that one can fork and host myself and also
> available on github.
> Looking forward to your reply.
> Cheers
> Samuel
> ___ HOT mailing list 
> HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Admin Boundary Extraction Service

2015-11-08 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Satoshi:

The good thing I see is that it is really easy to get the file (no
need of writing any query).

But it updates the files only once in a month, that can be a problem
for people who want the updated OSM boundaries. Also, being only
geojson is maybe not what many people want.

Cheers, and have a nice week,


On 09/11/15 00:16, Satoshi IIDA wrote:
> Hello,
> What about Mapzen's boundary extract? Format is GeoJSON.
> https://mapzen.com/data/borders/
> Regards,
> 2015-11-09 6:13 GMT+09:00 Dale Kunce <dale.ku...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:dale.ku...@gmail.com>>:
> Samuel, There is this service I discovered a few days ago.
> https://osm.wno-edv-service.de/boundaries/
> Can't speak to its quality yet though.
> Dale
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Rafael Avila Coya 
> <ravilac...@gmail.com <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi, Samuel:
> Here you have an overpass query to get all boundary relations for
> all states, LGA's and wards of Nigeria, with the admin_centre's
> and label of each relation when available:
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxp
> If you want Nigeria country boundary relation too, just change 
> "4|6|8" by "2|4|6|8". In case you want for example only states and 
> LGA's, just do "4|6", and so on.
> In case you want only the boundaries for a certain state, you can
> use this query (this example is for Kano state): 
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxt
> In case you don't want the admin_centre's nor labels nodes of any 
> relation, you have to run a different query. This one is for Kano: 
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxs
> Whenever possible, I advise to use area codes instead names. For 
> example, Niger is the name of a state in Central Nigeria, but it's 
> also the name of Nigerias north neighbour country: Niger.
> Getting the area code is simple: go to osm.org <http://osm.org>, 
> search for the area you are interested in (example Niger), get the
> relation id we want (in our case, let's say we want Nigeria's Niger
> state relation id, so we click in "State Boundary Niger, Nigeria"
> link, not in "country, Niger"), and then we copy it's id (in our
> example 3718384), and we add 36 + 3718384 = 3603718384
>  to get the Niger state area code for overpass
> queries: (area:3603718384 )
> To avoid a query to overload your web browser, instead of hitting 
> "run" button, click in "Export" button instead. There, go to
> "Query" and then click on "compact" in the "convert to (compact)
> OverpassQL" link. That will open a new window with a compact
> OverpassQL link. Click on it and it will make the query and
> download directly in your file system the result of the query. For
> example, for the last example query (Kano state boundaries without
> admin_centre's nor labels), the link is like this one: 
> http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=%5Btimeout%3A250%5D%3B%28relation%5B%22boundary%22%3D%22administrative%22%5D%5B%22admin%5Flevel%22%7E%224%7C6%7C8%22%5D%28area%3A3603710302%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2ErelBoundary%3B%28way%28r%2ErelBoundary%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2EwaysBoundary%3B%28node%28w%2EwaysBoundary%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2EnodesBoundary%3B%28%2ErelBoundary%3B%2EwaysBoundary%3B%2EnodesBoundary%3B%29%3Bout%20meta%3B%0A
>  If you need any more sofisticated query, just let us know:
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> On 08/11/15 12:00, Samuel Aiyeoribe wrote:
>> Hello HOTties,
>> Please does anyone know of a service for extracting/downloading 
>> OSM Admin Boundary that one can fork and host myself and also 
>> available on github.
>> Looking forward to your reply.
>> Cheers
>> Samuel
>> ___ HOT mailing list 
>> HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> ___ HOT mailing list 
> HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org> 
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> -- sent from my mobile device
> Dale Kunce http://normalhabit.com
> ___ HOT mailing list 
> HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org> 
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> -- Satoshi IIDA mail: nyamp...@gmail.com
> <mailto:nyamp...@gmail.com> twitter: @nyampire

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Admin Boundary Extraction Service

2015-11-08 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
That website link is the same that Johan Emilsson gave in a previous
email in this same thread ;)

It's good that this service let's you choose between several different
output formats (although, very surprising, not osm format!)

But it's very inconvenient if you want for example to download, let's
say a Nigerian state with all LGA's (districts) + all wards
(municipalities) of each LGA. Or at least I couldn't see the way, except
selecting one by one every boundary you want to download, something very
time consuming if you have to select 75 districts and around 15 wards
for each of those districts.

Plus, I am not sure how often it updates the data.



On 08/11/15 22:13, Dale Kunce wrote:
> Samuel,
> There is this service I discovered a few days ago. 
> https://osm.wno-edv-service.de/boundaries/
> Can't speak to its quality yet though.
> Dale
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi, Samuel:
> Here you have an overpass query to get all boundary relations for all
> states, LGA's and wards of Nigeria, with the admin_centre's and label
> of each relation when available: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxp
> If you want Nigeria country boundary relation too, just change "4|6|8"
> by "2|4|6|8". In case you want for example only states and LGA's, just
> do "4|6", and so on.
> In case you want only the boundaries for a certain state, you can use
> this query (this example is for Kano state):
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxt
> In case you don't want the admin_centre's nor labels nodes of any
> relation, you have to run a different query. This one is for Kano:
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxs
> Whenever possible, I advise to use area codes instead names. For
> example, Niger is the name of a state in Central Nigeria, but it's
> also the name of Nigerias north neighbour country: Niger.
> Getting the area code is simple: go to osm.org <http://osm.org>,
> search for the area
> you are interested in (example Niger), get the relation id we want (in
> our case, let's say we want Nigeria's Niger state relation id, so we
> click in "State Boundary Niger, Nigeria" link, not in "country,
> Niger"), and then we copy it's id (in our example 3718384), and we add
> 36 + 3718384 = 3603718384  to get the Niger
> state area code for
> overpass queries: (area:3603718384 )
> To avoid a query to overload your web browser, instead of hitting
> "run" button, click in "Export" button instead. There, go to "Query"
> and then click on "compact" in the "convert to (compact) OverpassQL"
> link. That will open a new window with a compact OverpassQL link.
> Click on it and it will make the query and download directly in your
> file system the result of the query. For example, for the last example
> query (Kano state boundaries without admin_centre's nor labels), the
> link is like this one:
> http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=%5Btimeout%3A250%5D%3B%28relation%5B%22boundary%22%3D%22administrative%22%5D%5B%22admin%5Flevel%22%7E%224%7C6%7C8%22%5D%28area%3A3603710302%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2ErelBoundary%3B%28way%28r%2ErelBoundary%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2EwaysBoundary%3B%28node%28w%2EwaysBoundary%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2EnodesBoundary%3B%28%2ErelBoundary%3B%2EwaysBoundary%3B%2EnodesBoundary%3B%29%3Bout%20meta%3B%0A
> If you need any more sofisticated query, just let us know:
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> On 08/11/15 12:00, Samuel Aiyeoribe wrote:
>> Hello HOTties,
>> Please does anyone know of a service for extracting/downloading
>> OSM Admin Boundary that one can fork and host myself and also
>> available on github.
>> Looking forward to your reply.
>> Cheers
>> Samuel
>> ___ HOT mailing list
>> HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> -- 
> sent from my mobile device
> Dale Kunce
> http://normalhabit.com

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] How to incorporate WASH data into OSM

2015-10-27 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
I forgot to say that, to elaborate a tagging proposal, we would need to
know all the original tags plus the different values for each one, and
their meaning.



On 27/10/15 14:23, mi...@groundtruth.in wrote:
> Map Kibera has extensively mapped watsan features, and developed tags to
> cover many related properties
> The Map Kibera wiki page on this isn't functional right now, so here are
> OverPass Turbo links. Click on a few of the features to see the extent
> of what's covered
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cix
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/ciz
> Will work to add the specifics into the discussion. Some of the tags are
> good, some need work. Will be very good to align these with a global
> consensus tagging scheme for watsan.
> -Mikel
> * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
> On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 6:17 AM, Dale Kunce 
> wrote:
> Totally agree Joseph. We just need agree on what is what and then
> push it into the existing scheme.
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 8:00 AM, Joseph Reeves
> > wrote:
> Sure, but can those existing keys / values be extended to cover
> the wash data or is it too far from the mainstream OSM data?
> Looking at the examples given by Jose I'd say that much could be
> brought into the existing osm schema without too much trouble.
> Cheers, Joseph
> On 27 October 2015 at 11:50, Dale Kunce  > wrote:
> Joseph,
> Right now we use a combination of pump=* and
> amenity=drinking_water both of which don't really cover the
> full needs of wash data.
> Dale
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Joseph Reeves
> > wrote:
> hi Jose, Dale,
> On the topic of a standard tagging schema, there's the
> start of something on the wiki: 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:pump
> The pump key has already got some use:
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/?key=pump#overview
> It would be great if this could be extended to suit your
> needs. Some things would be easily done
> (PUMP_TYPE, FLOW_RATE), but others such as the time it's
> been failed for would presumably take some extra
> thinking. I'm sure we could get it worked out though!
> Cheers, Joseph
> On 27 October 2015 at 11:42, Dale Kunce
> > wrote:
> Jose,
> I think it would be really smart if MSF, Red Cross
> and other NGOs could come up with a standard tagging
> scheme for wash activities. There isn't anything
> thus far and I can see a huge benefit to support
> both our Missing Maps field work but also field work
> in other areas such as refugee camps.
> Dale
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 7:33 AM, Jose Cisneros
> Gallegos  > wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> The MSF team in Chad is carrying splendid work
> and so far has sent previously non-existing data
> about water points in the region of Bokoro. At
> the GIS unit in MSF London we are trying to
> incorporate this newly acquired data into OSM,
> however we are not exactly sure how to proceed.
> Some of the variables include:
> Should all of the variables be included as tags?
> Is there a protocol on how to incorporate WASH
> and water infrastructure data?
> Thanks for your help!
> Cheers,

Re: [HOT] Hurricane Patricia - Communications Team help

2015-10-24 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Heather, the translation into Spanish:

* Activación del HOT para el huracán Patricia

El Equipo Humanitario de OpenStreetMap (HOT en sus siglas en inglés) se
ha movilizado para proveer datos básicos geográficos de las áreas
afectadas por el huracán Patricia en México. El huracán Patricia es el
[huracán más potente de la
y se espera que tome tierra esta tarde cerca de Puerto Vallarta, México.
Por el momento, estamos dando apoyo al gobierno de México y a la
comunidad local de OpenStreetMap MX.

Para empezar, estamos
las poblaciones costeras que hay sobre el camino que se espera siga el

* Recursos

La [herramienta de exportación OSM](http://export.hotosm.org/es/) está
lista para crear descargas de datos a la carta.

Si hay recursos que faltan y que piensas que deberían ser incluídos, por
favor envíe un correo-e a

* Cómo ayudar

Gracias a todos los voluntarios que han ayudado hasta el momento. Para
hacer y mejorar el mapa detallado por el que es conocido OpenStreetMap,
se necesita de una comunidad y de voluntarios con ganas de contribuir.
Para aquellos que no han ayudado aún y que desearían hacerlo, es fácil
de unirse al esfuerzo.

[Lee nuestra página wiki de

[Entra en la página del Gestor de 
(se necesita tener cuenta en OpenStreetMap) y haz clic en una tarea para
Si es la primera vez que cartografías, puedes ver un [vídeo de
demostración](http://mapgive.state.gov/learn-to-map/) (en inglés).
Si tienes preguntas, puedes [unirte a nuestra lista de
correo-e](https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot) o entrar en
nuestro canal de IRC (#hot en irc.oftc.net). Para chatear desde tu
navegador web, [haz clic aquí](http://irc.openstreetmap.org/) y
selecciona #hot del menú persiana.




On 24/10/15 07:56, Heather Leson wrote:
> HI Folks, The Communications Team helps HOT share essential details,
> answer questions and try to tell the story.
> This mailing list is your home. If you have questions about your efforts
> to help, please do ask. We are also using IRC.  On Twitter, people are
> also asking questions and helping each other. Fantastic. 
> We have started a communications tracker with some core actions for the
> Activation. If you can lend a hand please add your name and let us know.
> Type of Communications help:
> Guest blogging (see document)
> Translation:
> We would like some help with translation. For example, the Activation
> post is in English. Can you help post in Spanish?
> http://hotosm.org/updates/2015-10-23_hot_activation_hurricane_patricia 
> This is our Communications working document:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1REbmrsAa_edGLq2tuHofgJwGzzc8XJ9h4ADvFxtKeUI/edit#heading=h.rfg9jzngkpdh
> Thanks
> Heather
> Heather Leson
> heatherle...@gmail.com 
> Twitter: HeatherLeson
> Blog: textontechs.com 
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: @ravilacoya 
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Cat-5 Hurricane Patricia heading to Mexican Pacific Coast

2015-10-23 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

You can download an Authorization of use of data here:

I don't know if there is an Spanish-translated one.

We got the same problem with CC-by when trying to import VDC
boundaries in Nepal after the earthquake. For me, this is a non-sense,
because if you release data with CC-by, you are mainly giving
permission to do whatever, and only asking for attribution, that can
go in the import wiki and metadata of the changeset (and also the
objects too).

The reason they give is just the opposite: that ODbL doesn't guarantee
that they will attribute the data according to the "restrictions" of
the CC-by license.

Sarah Hinchliff Pearson, Senior counsel of Creative Commons, was asked
about this and said clearly that ODbL is compatible with CC-by, but
not even this statement was sufficient.



On 23/10/15 10:28, Robert Banick wrote:
> Hi Rodolfo,
> Unfortunately, the OSM community has historically viewed CC-BY as 
> incompatible with ODBL. As I understand it ODBL’s “share-alike” 
> provisions are more stringent than CC-BY. To be on the safe side
> the OSM community has historically asked for explicit permission to
> import according to ODBL instead of assuming compatibility, even in
> disaster situations. I believe there’s a draft “permission
> statement” out there that you can bring to whoever needs to give
> the OK. Does anyone on this list have a copy?
> There’s a lot of debate within OSM about whether this is the
> correct way to go about things. I for one think ODBL is a
> self-imposed straightjacket. But given that we’ve historically
> viewed imports this way it’s best to go along for efficiency’s
> sake. The good news is that if you’re already adopting CC-BY your
> team probably has their heart in the right place and will go
> along.
> COD/FOD is a great place to start — that’s where international 
> humanitarians will pitch up first for data. Most of them aren’t as 
> OSM-savvy as us so any extracts that can be done ahead of time and 
> parked there would be great.
> Best, Robert
> — Sent from Mailbox 
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Rodolfo Wilhelmy
> > wrote:
> Thanks Robert,
> Good news is that the government is pushing an Open Data Policy at 
> the federal level (I work at that team). And we have a CC-BY 
> compatible license in the official data portal (see 
> datos.gob.mx/libreusomx ), which 
> AFAIK is somewhat compatible with ODBL - an attribution-only kind
> of license. This works right?
> In the meantime I'm collecting COD/FODs datasets for HDX and 
> datos.gob.mx ,
> Do you think COD/FOD is a good framework to start?
> Thanks again
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 2:23 AM Robert Banick  > wrote:
> Hi Rodolfo,
> Importing said critcial infrastructure data could be a useful 
> preparatory step. That way any subsequent HOT activations would 
> build off of existing data instead of wasting time recreating it.
> In particular, securing clear permission to import missing critical
> infrastructure data according to OSM’s ODBL license would be
> helpful. A lot of imports stall because of a lack of clear
> licensing permissions; rarely are responsible bodies able to
> process these requests in the midst of disasters, when the 
> approving supervisors are incredibly busy with response tasks.
> Best, Robert
> — Sent from Mailbox 
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Rodolfo Wilhelmy 
> > wrote:
> Hi all,
> Greetings from Mexico
> As some of you might already know, a Category-5 Hurricane has
> formed in the Pacific Coast and it's heading to the western mexican
> coast. Official sources estimate that it will hit the coast by
> tomorrow (friday) afternoon (GMT-0500).
> Let's hope this doesn't escalate.
> How should the OSM community in Mexico prepare for this? As of now,
> we are collecting official data sources of critical infrastructure,
> some of it not present in OSM yet.
> Any recommendations before this event happens? Is there something
> we could prepare beforehand a possible humanitarian activation?
> Best,
> *References* 
> http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_ep5.shtml?5-daynl#contents 
> http://www.google.org/publicalerts/alert?aid=f416f754eb3bdc2=pa=es=419
> *Image*: 
> http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/EP20/refresh/EP2015W5_NL_sm2+gif/053225W5_NL_sm.gif
> ___ HOT mailing list 
> HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 

Re: [HOT] highways from Africover import with tag AUTO_ID removal

2015-09-29 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Joseph:

Thanks for the info. Just after sending this email to the HOT list, I
also sent an OSM message to Tim McWright (OSM user tmcw) to ask him for

He told me to "go ahead", as "the tag isn't relevant to OpenStreetMap".
He said too that there is actually one page documenting this import,
that afected Tanzania, but also RDC, Sudan, Kenya, Burundi, and Rwanda [1].

So, I guess it's perfectly safe to delete this AUTO_ID=* tag. I will do
it in one simple changeset.

The reason I got interested in this tag is that mappers are finding it
over and over during the Tanzania JSI road import [2], and they are
keeping it because the general rule is to keep tags of already present
ways, unless they have a good reason to modify/delete them. Deleting
them at once will avoid this problem, and will make the data cleaner for
the country.




On 29/09/15 16:10, Joseph Reeves wrote:
> hi Rafael,
> I asked something similar in 2010 and was told that the IDs can be removed:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2010-March/049175.html
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2010-March/049207.html
> I don't think I've touched any Africover data for a while, but when
> I was I aligned it to satellite imagery and tagged it up as best I could. 
> Cheers, Joseph
> On 29 September 2015 at 03:02, Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi, all:
> I've seen there are hundreds of highways in Tanzania (about 1,700 at
> this moment) that come from an old (most probably undocumented) bulk
> import of Africover data, done back on 8-July-2009 [1]. Most of these
> ways have an odd AUTO_ID key tag, that is probably an Africover
> reference number.
> My understanding is that this tag is most probably useless, and
> undocumented too, so my idea would be to delete this tag from all
> ways, unless there is a nice reason to keep them. Makes sense?
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> [1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/1775247
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: @ravilacoya <http://twitter.com/ravilacoya>
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* <http://www.hotosm.org>

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] MAP, cambiando la forma de vida de los asentamientos informales

2015-09-23 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
(In English further down)

Hola, Humberto:

¡Este vídeo y el proyecto me parecen una maravilla!

Me he tomado el tiempo de subtitular el video, tanto al español [1] como
al inglés [2].

Así mismo, dejo aquí los enlaces al .srt en español [3] y en inglés [4],
por si alguien quiere traducirlo a otras lenguas.

Un saludo y mi enhorabuena por este magnífico trabajo!


Hi, Humberto:

I find this video and project awesome!

I took some time to subtitle the video, both into Spanish [1] and
English [2].

I also leave here the links to the .srt in Spanish [3] and English [4],
just in case someone wants to translate it into other languages.

Cheers, and congratulations for this magnific job!


[1] https://vimeo.com/140012910
[2] https://vimeo.com/140142736

On 19/09/15 15:34, hyan...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hola hotties!
> Les comparto el vídeo del proyecto (piloto) Map Cartagena de TECHO[1],
> divulgado en TEDxUTB, donde se aplicó la metodología y herramientas del
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pzS7quXzAo
> Un proyecto validado, de bajo costo y fácilmente replicable, con el
> potencial de crear y divulgar datos claves para cambiar la forma de vida
> en los asentamientos precarios.
> Saludos,
> Humberto Yances
> [1] http://www.techo.org/
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: @ravilacoya 
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Experienced JOSM mappers: Help improve the OSM road network across Tanzania

2015-09-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi all:

Asking for experience to join a project is always tricky, as it
carries the risk that some mappers decide not to join because they may
think they are not skilled enough to participate.

Having this in mind, I always try to be us much detailed as possible
when writing the workflow wiki (getting the old UNICEF import for
Central African Rep. as a reference), so users have a better chance to
decide by themselves if they will be able to do it or not.

The good thing on trying to work with one of these tasks is that you
have the chance to learn some tools and skills that you don't usually
need for standard TM projects.

In case you hesitate, or don't understand one or more steps in the
workflow wiki [1], please don't hesitate to ask questions here or
directly to me. And improvements to the wiki are always VERY WELCOME!

As a first improvement, I added a small warning about very short
MSD segments that you will find plenty of them. Those short
segments are most of the times highway=service instead of
highway=residential, as they are usually access to health related
facilies gathered by MSD or JSI orgs [2]

The job ahead is big, as it will more than doubled the road coverage
in OSM for Tanzania. So take it easy and rest from time to time!

Cheers, and have a nice week,



On 22/09/15 15:48, Tyler Radford wrote:
> JSI, a USAID contractor, recently provided approximately 60,000 km
> of detailed road data from  medical supply delivery vehicles GPS
> across Tanzania.
> /*JOSM mappers: help integrate this data into OSM and improve the
> road network across Tanzania!*/ /* */ 
> http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1194 * * Your effort has the
> potential to help supply routing and logistics across the country. 
> Thank you, Tyler
> *Tyler Radford* Interim Executive Director email:
> tyler.radf...@hotosm.org  U.S.
> mobile: +1 617.285.2009
> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team * *Using OpenStreetMap for
> Humanitarian Response & Economic Development* web
>  | twitter  | 
> facebook  | donate 
> ___ HOT mailing list 
> HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: @ravilacoya 
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [HOT Tagging] Tag for community based healthcare? / Quel tag pour les sites de soins communautaires ?

2015-09-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Claire:

On 22/09/15 09:11, Claire Halleux wrote:
> Hi Blake, Rafael and Imre,
> Thank you very much for all the good points.
> I was actually thinking of some set of tags like the following:
> health_facility:type=office
> health_person:type=community (or community_relay or communitary, to be
> added to the list)

health_person:type=paramedic looks to be quite what you look for:
"places where you can find some people from the community who got a
basic training about malaria testing, + sometimes pulmonary infections
and children diarrheal diseases diagnostics", as a paramedic is "a
health care related person, who got at least enough training to do his
work, which is to help in the case of emergencies."

What I mean is that, apart from not being in the health_person:type list
yet, it's not all the community who provide this first aid, but only
some trained people in the community.

> health_service:test=yes
> disease:malaria=yes (that's the most common one)
> temporary=yes (as some are specifically set up for the seasonal malaria
> peak)

temporary=yes [1][2] is being used only for temporary facilities (like
disaster refugee camps, roads in construction, etc.). But in the case of
this community health offices, what you mean is not a temporary object,
but a "permanent" one that is open only in a season of the year, so that
should go in opening_hours

As Sud-Kivu rainy season (malaria peak) goes from November to March (if
I am not mistaken), the tag could be something like:

opening_hours=Jan-Mar, Nov-Dec: sunrise-sunset

If they close on Sunday for example, you can make it:

opening_hours=Jan-Mar, Nov-Dec: Mo-Sa sunrise-sunset

I know that talking about opening hours in a small village in deep RDC
is almost a joke, anyway. But I think temporary=* is a wrong tag here.

I agree with the rest of tags you propose that I didn't comment.

Cheers, and have a nice week,



> I don't feel comfortable with tagging the building as hospital or adding
> amenity=doctors while this is what is used for proper health centers
> (even if I'd like it better to see those services also rendered).In the
> case described here, there are no doctors, not even nurses in those
> places and yet this is normal (it's not the case of a health center
> which should have doctors despite not having any).
> Best,
> Claire
> Claire Halleux
> +243 81 611 6998 (Kinshasa, DRC)
> OpenStreetMap RDC
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
> https://www.facebook.com/OpenStreetMap.RDC
> http://www.hotosm.org/
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi, Imre:
> Yeah, after sending the email I remembered that.
> staff_count:nurses=* might be ok. Alternatively, we could use
> staff_count:paramedics=* or staff_count:therapists=*
> Another thing that I remembered and didn't say in my email:
> I would tag with a node over the facility. Facility building/s should be
> tagged as building=hospital (I always thing that a building=health tag
> or similar would be better...).
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> On 21/09/15 15:40, Imre Samu wrote:
> > Hi Rafael,
> >
> > I will  also add 2 more keys * * ( according to your documentation [2]
> > and data [1] )
> > -  *staff_count:doctors=0 *( with the key: amenity=doctors ...
> this
> > is a good indicator )
> > *-  staff_count:nurses=1  *( 0...n  ;  number of health
> trained people )
> >
> > [1] overpass query:  http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/bzt  (
> > medical_system:western=* )
>     >  example node: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3458635952
> > [2] 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_Nigeria_eHealth_Borno_Health_Facilities#Tagging_Plans
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   Imre
> >
> >
> > 2015-09-21 14:13 GMT+02:00 Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>
> > <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>>>:
> >
> > Hi, Claire:
> >
> > I had to deal with this already for a eHealth-collected health
> > facilities import in Borno State, Nigeria [1]. I used the
> HealthCare2.0
> > tagging schema (as Blake is also suggesting too), adding some
> > traditional tags for rendering purposes.
> >

Re: [HOT] [HOT Tagging] Tag for community based healthcare? / Quel tag pour les sites de soins communautaires ?

2015-09-21 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Claire:

I had to deal with this already for a eHealth-collected health
facilities import in Borno State, Nigeria [1]. I used the HealthCare2.0
tagging schema (as Blake is also suggesting too), adding some
traditional tags for rendering purposes.

For this kind of facilities, I would suggest the following:

For all facilities:

1. medical_system:western=yes

2. health_facility:type=office
3. office=paramedic OR office=therapist

4. health_specialty:paediatric_gastroenterology=partial/no #For children
diarrheal diseases
5. health_specialty:tropical_medicine=partial/no #Malaria and others
6. health_specialty:pulmonology=partial/no #For pulmonar diseases

7. amenity=doctors #This is for compatibility with traditional health
care tagging

I would also add to all of them:

8. power_supply=yes/no/unknown #It might be interesting to know if
electricity is available.

Only in case health_specialty:tropical_medicine=partial, add:

9. disease:malaria=yes

You might add diarrhea diseases too, like
disease:amoebic_dysentery=yes/no , etc., always in case

Other optional tags:

10. opening_hours=*
11. operator=*
12. operator:type=public/private/...




On 21/09/15 12:45, Blake Girardot wrote:
> Hi Claire,
> It is a bit long and kind of complicated, but do you think a combination
> of the healthcare 2.0 proposal could address the facilities?
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Healthcare_2.0
> It does say part of its goal was to deal with community based services.
> Maybe we need to add some possible values to the existing proposal.
> Lets get this sorted out.
> Cheers,
> Blake
> On 9/21/2015 9:52 AM, Claire Halleux wrote:
>> (English below)
>> Bonjour à tous,
>> Au Sud-Kivu, on rencontre régulièrement des "sites de soins
>> communautaires", c'est à dire des lieux où l'on peut s'adresser à des
>> relais communautaires (membres de la communauté) ayant reçu une
>> formation spécifique au diagnostic du palu en général mais parfois aussi
>> pour les infections respiratoires et les diarrhées des enfants. Ils
>> disposent généralement de médicaments, fournis par des organisations
>> médicales. .
>> Ce service est très utile en particulier dans les zones rurales ne
>> disposant pas de centre de santé. Cependant, les relais communautaires
>> n'étant pas des docteurs, je me retrouve actuellement face à la
>> difficulté de trouver les tags appropriés. Des idées ou tags à me
>> suggérer? Merci d'avance.
>> Hi everyone,
>> In South Kivu, we regularly meet "community-based healthcare sites",
>> i.e. places where you can find some people from the community who got a
>> basic training about malaria testing, + sometimes pulmonary infections
>> and children diarrheal diseases diagnostics. They are usually supplied
>> with medicines by medical organisations.
>> This service is quite useful as it helps treating patients (specially
>> children) closer to the place they live, in particular in rural areas
>> where you can't find any health center or doctor.
>> I'm currently facing the issue of tagging this kind of place. Any tag
>> suggestion would be much appreciated.
>> Best,
>> Claire
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups "HOT Tagging" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>> an email to tagging+unsubscr...@hotosm.org
>> .
>> To post to this group, send email to tagg...@hotosm.org
>> .
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: @ravilacoya 
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [HOT Tagging] Tag for community based healthcare? / Quel tag pour les sites de soins communautaires ?

2015-09-21 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Imre:

Yeah, after sending the email I remembered that.

staff_count:nurses=* might be ok. Alternatively, we could use
staff_count:paramedics=* or staff_count:therapists=*

Another thing that I remembered and didn't say in my email:

I would tag with a node over the facility. Facility building/s should be
tagged as building=hospital (I always thing that a building=health tag
or similar would be better...).



On 21/09/15 15:40, Imre Samu wrote:
> Hi Rafael, 
> I will  also add 2 more keys * * ( according to your documentation [2]
> and data [1] )  
> -  *staff_count:doctors=0 *( with the key: amenity=doctors ... this
> is a good indicator )
> *-  staff_count:nurses=1  *( 0...n  ;  number of health trained people )
> [1] overpass query:  http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/bzt  (
> medical_system:western=* )
>  example node: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3458635952
> [2] 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_Nigeria_eHealth_Borno_Health_Facilities#Tagging_Plans
> Cheers,
>   Imre
> 2015-09-21 14:13 GMT+02:00 Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>>:
> Hi, Claire:
> I had to deal with this already for a eHealth-collected health
> facilities import in Borno State, Nigeria [1]. I used the HealthCare2.0
> tagging schema (as Blake is also suggesting too), adding some
> traditional tags for rendering purposes.
> For this kind of facilities, I would suggest the following:
> For all facilities:
> 1. medical_system:western=yes
> 2. health_facility:type=office
> 3. office=paramedic OR office=therapist
> 4. health_specialty:paediatric_gastroenterology=partial/no #For children
> diarrheal diseases
> 5. health_specialty:tropical_medicine=partial/no #Malaria and others
> 6. health_specialty:pulmonology=partial/no #For pulmonar diseases
> 7. amenity=doctors #This is for compatibility with traditional health
> care tagging
> I would also add to all of them:
> 8. power_supply=yes/no/unknown #It might be interesting to know if
> electricity is available.
> Only in case health_specialty:tropical_medicine=partial, add:
> 9. disease:malaria=yes
> You might add diarrhea diseases too, like
> disease:amoebic_dysentery=yes/no , etc., always in case
> health_specialty:paediatric_gastroenterology=partial
> Other optional tags:
> 10. opening_hours=*
> 11. operator=*
> 12. operator:type=public/private/...
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> [1]
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_Nigeria_eHealth_Borno_Health_Facilities#Tagging_Plans
> On 21/09/15 12:45, Blake Girardot wrote:
> > Hi Claire,
> >
> > It is a bit long and kind of complicated, but do you think a
> combination
> > of the healthcare 2.0 proposal could address the facilities?
> >
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Healthcare_2.0
> >
> > It does say part of its goal was to deal with community based
> services.
> >
> > Maybe we need to add some possible values to the existing proposal.
> >
> > Lets get this sorted out.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Blake
> >
> >
> > On 9/21/2015 9:52 AM, Claire Halleux wrote:
> >> (English below)
> >>
> >> Bonjour à tous,
> >> Au Sud-Kivu, on rencontre régulièrement des "sites de soins
> >> communautaires", c'est à dire des lieux où l'on peut s'adresser à des
> >> relais communautaires (membres de la communauté) ayant reçu une
> >> formation spécifique au diagnostic du palu en général mais
> parfois aussi
> >> pour les infections respiratoires et les diarrhées des enfants. Ils
> >> disposent généralement de médicaments, fournis par des organisations
> >> médicales. .
> >> Ce service est très utile en particulier dans les zones rurales ne
> >> disposant pas de centre de santé. Cependant, les relais
> communautaires
> >> n'étant pas des docteurs, je me retrouve actuellement face à la
> >> difficulté de trouver les tags appropriés. Des idées ou tags à me
> >> suggérer? Merci d'avance.
> >>
> >> Hi everyone,
> >> In South Kivu, we regularly meet "community-based healthcare sites",
> >> i.e. places where you can find some people from the community who
> got a

Re: [HOT] Highway names and abbreviations

2015-09-19 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Pete:

I could easily write a script to solve this. In fact, I wrote similar
things for other "mass" name modifications already.

I think we can't avoid scripting for this task. You could of course
change all "Av." and "Av" by "Avenue" with a conventional plain test
editor, but you have to add "action='modify'" to every way you modify
their name.

If you like, I could write it this afternoon and change all names for
Lubumbashi area. Change would be "Av. " and "Av " to "Avenue ".



On 19/09/15 14:39, Pete Masters wrote:
> Hi all, I am doing some validation of data in Lubumbashi, Congo.
> there are a lot of highways with abbreviations: Av. instead of
> Avenue. Is there a process for changing these en masse in JOSM?
> I have had a search and beyond using jython script (totally beyond
> me), I can't find anything...
> Cheers,
> Pete
> -- *Pete Masters* Missing Maps Project Coordinator +44 7921 781 518
> missingmaps.org 
> _@pedrito1414_  
> _@theMissingMaps_  
> _facebook.com/MissingMapsProject_ 
> ___ HOT mailing list 
> HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: @ravilacoya 
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* 
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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Help editing administrative divisions in Lubumbashi

2015-09-11 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi Pete:

You can count with me for this task. I've been working in the import and
integration of admin boundaries in several countries for the last 2
years or so.



On 11/09/15 14:49, Pete Masters wrote:
> Hi Hotties,
> I am hoping that some of you can help us with a task in the next week or
> so...
> We are (so) close to finishing the mapping of Lubumbashi in DRCongo [1
> ]! It has been a
> real collaborative effort with HOT (Claire Halleux and Jorieke Vyncke),
> MSF (Ivan Gayton) and OSM (Lubumbashi and Kinshasa chapters) pitching in
> on the field data side [2
> ] and
> hundreds of people contributing remotely and at mapathons.
> We just need to get the admin divisions in now. This is fairly technical
> so you'll need JOSM experience, but Claire, myself and Robert Scott have
> put together the following wiki page to walk people through it [3
> ].
> If you have any questions on this, please feel free to reply and if you
> want to improve the wiki page, please go ahead.
> To give you an idea of why this is important, MSF and the British Red
> Cross are collaborating on a tool to help medics in Lubumbashi
> understand the spread (and potential sources) of the frequent cholera
> outbreaks the people that live there experience. This is an open source
> tool being developed by Simon Johnson [4
> ] at BRC and we are hoping to implement
> it in November. However, Simon needs the geometry of the city to finish
> the visualisations. If we can make this work, so that it has positive
> impact on how we respond to cholera, it can be repurposed for many other
> places and disease outbreaks...
> Your help would be much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Pete
> [1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/-11.6655/27.4786
> [2] http://hotosm.org/updates/2014-04-01_a_week_in_lubumbashi_drc
> [3]
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Missing_Maps_Lubumbashi_Congo_admin_division_mapping_Aug15#What_to_do
> [4] http://simonbjohnson.github.io/
> -- 
> *Pete Masters*
> Missing Maps Project Coordinator
> +44 7921 781 518
> missingmaps.org 
> _@pedrito1414_ 
> _@theMissingMaps_ 
> _facebook.com/MissingMapsProject_
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: @ravilacoya 
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Help map in Mali

2015-08-31 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Jorieke:

One doubt: In the project instructions, you ask for "villages and other
residential areas (landuse=residential)" to be traced. For villages, do
you mean to add a node with place=isolated_dwelling/hamlet/village/town?



On 31/08/15 12:36, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
> Hello hotosm mappers,
> I created a task for the Nara circle in Mali:
> http://tasks.hotosm.org/?sort_by=priority=asc=nara+circle
> Altough I already did some improvements, the base map is still not good.
> So your help would be incredibly helpfull!
> In the upcoming months people of the Belgian Development Agency in
> collaboration with the ministry of rural development will start to
> collect data on the field. We mainly will focus on important
> agricultural data to decrease the malnitrution in the region: water
> points, veterenary points, perimeters for pastoralists, places where
> they collect milk, abbatoirs, food storage places, market places, etc.
> And of course village and place names.
> Also the wider humanitarian community (ocha, terre des hommes, who,
> wfp...) is informed and looking foreward to the improved basemap of the
> region.
> So if you must have some time, you're welcome!
> Jorieke
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: @ravilacoya 
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Fwd: Resultado Convocatoria de Proyectos Día Mundial Humanitario

2015-08-11 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

¡Mis más grandes felicitaciones, Humberto! ¡¡¡Me (nos) haces estar
orgulloso de este proyecto!!!

¡Saca muchas fotos del evento! ;)


On 11/08/15 23:08, hyan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you Blake, Robert and Felix!  This is a new recognition about
 HOT value based in this wonderful mix of social and technology
 innovation in humanitarian context.  Specially to this
 dedicated-passion mappers in Colombia, that beyond than aerial
 imagery tracing, get ready to go on the field to gather
 ground-truth data and high resolution post-disaster imagery using
 Felix, you can see project presentation form here:

  At the end you can find a list of project related URLs.
 Thanks a lot to all the people and institutions involved:

 Humberto Yances
 2015-08-11 12:39 GMT-05:00 Felix Delattre
 felix.delat...@hotosm.org mailto:felix.delat...@hotosm.org:
 This is awesome! Humberto, do you have any materials (maybe in 
 Spanish) about this? Could be a presentation, or some article,
 etc. I would like to use this as an example here in Nicaragua.
 Thanks and congratulations! Felix
 On 08/11/2015 10:47 AM, Robert Banick wrote:
 Fantastic news! Congratulations Humberto and everyone else!
 — Sent from Mailbox https://www.dropbox.com/mailbox
 On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 10:43 AM, blake_girardot 
 bgirardot+nab...@gmail.com mailto:bgirardot+nab...@gmail.com 
 Congratulations Humberto!
 This is really cool!
 Cheers, Blake
 -- View this message in context: 

Sent from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) mailing list
 archive at Nabble.com.
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 ___ HOT mailing list 
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] HOT Task Creation

2015-07-27 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Late, Samuel ;)

I gave project manager permission on the official TM and the dev TM for
Kazeem (OSM user: kazeem), and told him the procedure to create a
project in the TM.

I hope this jobs of Kazeem will gather more volunteers from different
universities across Nigeria, as this is key to have a bigger and more
active local OSM community that truly decides by itself the way the
Nigerian map should be according to their needs (generally speaking).



On 27/07/15 16:37, Samuel Aiyeoribe wrote:
 Thanks Heather, I will sort this for Kazeem.
 Samuel Aiyeoribe
 On Monday, 27 July 2015, 7:23, Heather Leson heather.le...@hotosm.org
 HI Kazeem, Thanks for your interest in HOT. I've taken the liberty of
 forwarding your work to the HOT community mailing list. There a number
 of people who can help you. And, I think there are a few mappers based
 in Nigeria too who may be able to help out.
 Good luck
 On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 11:08 PM, Kazeem Owolabi
 mailto:kazeem.owol...@ehealthnigeria.org wrote:
 I do like to know how to go about creating task on HOT. I need to
 create a task for mapping of a University Campus in Nigeria.
 It is an initiative am pushing to engage students of higher learning
 in using OSM.
 Thanks for your anticipated response.
 /Owolabi, Kazeem.K/
 HOT mailing list
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 HOT mailing list

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] HOT Task Creation

2015-07-27 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Kazeem:

I will help you.



El 27 de julio de 2015 08:21:30 CEST, Heather Leson heather.le...@hotosm.org 
HI Kazeem, Thanks for your interest in HOT. I've taken the liberty of
forwarding your work to the HOT community mailing list. There a number
people who can help you. And, I think there are a few mappers based in
Nigeria too who may be able to help out.

Good luck


On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 11:08 PM, Kazeem Owolabi 
kazeem.owol...@ehealthnigeria.org wrote:


 I do like to know how to go about creating task on HOT. I need to
create a
 task for mapping of a University Campus in Nigeria.

 It is an initiative am pushing to engage students of higher learning
 using OSM.

 Thanks for your anticipated response.


 *Owolabi, Kazeem.K*

HOT mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] La Libertad, El Salvador - town names

2015-07-19 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Robin:

I add myself for assisting you in this import. Just let us know. We
would need to have a look to the data in order to give advice.



On 18/07/15 23:20, Russell Deffner wrote:
 Hi Robin,
 If you need assistance, HOT can help.  However, adding information to
 OpenStreetMap can be done by anyone.  The suggested tagging scheme for
 places is described in the OSM-wiki, here:
 Let us know if you need further help.
 Happy Mapping,
 Russell Deffner
 russell.deff...@hotosm.org mailto:russell.deff...@hotosm.org
 Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
 http://hotosm.org http://hotosm.org/__
 *From:*websiteteam americares [mailto:americareswebt...@gmail.com]
 *Sent:* Saturday, July 18, 2015 1:18 PM
 *To:* hot@openstreetmap.org
 *Subject:* [HOT] La Libertad, El Salvador - town names
 Dear Hot members, AmeriCares would like to manually add 100 town names
 from La Libertad, El Salvador into open street map.  We have a lat  /
 long  for each town but do not yet have boundary information.  Do you
 want us to proceed in adding the towns directly into OSM as a point?
 IHow would you want us to tag? Do we need to add this as a HOT project? 
 Thank you! -Robin
 HOT mailing list

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Initiating Nigeria's first local open street mapping community.

2015-07-10 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

To add more info on Ayodele Oba request for more imagery, you can see
in this uMap the Bing /or Mapbox hires coverage for the Nigeria South
West Geopolitical Zone states:

I wonder if there is other hires imagery for South Nigeria that I am
not aware of.



On 10/07/15 14:27, ADEYEMO AYODELE OBA wrote:
 Hello all,
 Tomorrow being the 11th of July, 2015 is a great day in our history
 as an organization when we will be having there official launch
 event of the Nigeria Open Data Access portal available on
 www.opendata.com.ng http://www.opendata.com.ng.
 To grace this event, we are having the first open data event in
 Akure which is also the first in south west Nigeria. We are
 gathering a network of individuals across different skill levels
 and careers to learn and share skills.
 More so, I will be introducing the participants to OSM and HOTOSM,
 its capabilities and purposes and how they can participate. We will
 also be recruiting in tested individuals in to the system and
 making sure that our part of the country is being mapped
 NB: some part of the south western Nigeria do not have high
 resolution coverage. Please let the Aerial Maps department of OSM
 do something about it.
 Thanks all!
 Ayodele Oba ADEYEMO Geogeek, GIS and Mapping Expert, Data Analyst 
 Open Data Advocate Twitter: @iyoaye Facebook : christad92 
 +2348163174143 Support project NODA. You can work with us as a
 volunteer by registering at www.bit.ly/NodaVolunteer 
 http://www.bit.ly/NodaVolunteer or follow us on Twitter
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] OSM coverage in Nigeria

2015-06-23 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Ayodele:

I am very glad to read your email. Being the most populous country in
Africa, and with such a big number of graduates in all subjects
(including geospatial), I was kind of frustrated that there wasn't still
a strong OSM community in Nigeria. But this email of yours points in the
right direction, and surely it will lead, sooner or later, to have such
community to be self-organized.

Generally speaking, OSM local chapters organize, at least, around a wiki
page and a talk mailing list.

eHealth Africa is doing an awesome job in North Nigeria, and as part of
their projects, they are providing huge amounts of data, some collected
in the field and imported into OSM and some other data being directly
mapped into OSM, like road network. But, of course, one NGO is not meant
to lead a volunteer community for such a big country as Nigeria. There
have to be different members of the Nigerian society, with different
goals and interests, who have to lead that effort, and decide
collectively and autonomously what they think is the best for the
Nigerian map, keeping in mind that we are at the same time a global
community, with the goal of a worldwide and consistent geodatabase.

During the 2 months I spent in Kano last year, I opened the talk-ng
mailing list [1] and started to re-arrange the Nigerian Wikiproject wiki
page [2], that needs still lot of work. Up to now, most of the
subscribers of the talk-ng are eHealth Africa staff, so I would
recommend you to subscribe to the list and use it as the main hub for
Nigerian OSM community discussion.

I also opened a Facebook page [3] (the most active), a Google+ page [4]
and a Twitter account [5] (these last two with almost no activity), that
can help spreading the word around Nigeria and beyond. Needless to say,
the idea is that a Nigerian OSM local community takes control of these
accounts when ready and willing.

About eHealth Africa, I obviously will let their staff to tell you on
ways to collaborate each other. At this moment, HOT is coordinating a
mapping effort for the complex NE Nigeria crisis, with road mapping and
two eHealth Africa-collected settlements and health facilities imports,
at the moment for Borno state (many other data have already been
imported in the past for the 10th Northernmost states of Nigeria), and a
still to be finished job for Gambaru city, also in Borno state [6].

OSM coverage in Nigeria is still far from good.

About roads, and if we start with the North, Kano state road network is
great, although nothing will ever be perfect. Borno state road network
is improving fast, and Bauchi state have been mapped extensively. Some
road mapping has been done in Kaduna too. Except for Borno, those roads
have been mapped by eHealth Africa staff. The other states need
extensive road mapping. Road mapping for Central and South Nigeria is
also poor or very poor, and the lack of high resolution aerial imagery
for a big percentage of Central and South Nigeria (specially in the
South) doesn't help improving the situation (North Nigeria has most of
it covered with high res imagery) [7].

Started by user crackers250 and followed by me, the mapping of trunk and
federal roads is still unfinished for Nigeria. All that work is based on
a early 70's law that is probably outdated. You can follow-up this task
progress in this wiki page: [9].

For road coverage, we could use the Groads dataset [10], and even set up
some HOT Tasking Manager jobs to fill in the missing roads according to
that data set, as we are doing already for Mali [11] and Central African
Republic [12].

About other data, all states and LGA's boundaries are already mapped in
OSM, plus all the wards in 10 North states of Nigeria (data kindly
provided by eHealth Africa). Thousands of residential areas and hundreds
of health facilities from the eHealth Africa database have been imported
into OSM too. You can consult all imports for Nigeria here: [8]. Some
cities are quite well mapped in OSM, like Kano and Benin City to name
two, but most of the cities need even the base data to be finished.

And there is only one way to achieve these goals: by growing local
communities. So that's why I am so happy to read that your main goal is
to open people up to growing together the Nigerian map.

Please share your questions and thoughts here and in the talk-ng list,
as there are people with lots of experience in all fields of OSM that
will be happy to assist.

Cheers, and have a nice day,

Rafael Ávila Coya (edvac).

[1] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ng
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Nigeria
[3] https://www.facebook.com/openstreetmapnigeria
[4] https://plus.google.com/111950932706827998068/posts
[5] https://twitter.com/openstreetmapng

Re: [HOT] GAP Analysis or Regional OSM Mapping Assessment

2015-06-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Samuel:

I've actually seen this email a couple of days ago, but didn't have time
to answer. I am also sorry for the delay.

As Russell says, unless we have another database to compare against, I
can't see a reliable way to get an estimate of the completion percentage
of roads already mapped and those still missing (but that doesn't mean
there aren't!). The only database I know of is the GRoads one [1], but I
think Kano state has already more roads mapped that GRoads, and probably
any other map. But this idea could be applied to the poorly mapped
Central and South Nigeria.

Séverin Menard has opened at least two projects in the TM to complete
the road network taking GRoads as a reference, one for Mali [2] and
another for Central African Republic [3]. The goal is not only to
complete the road network, but also to timestamp all segments using
Bing/Mapbox imagery. I think this idea could be used in Nigeria too, at
least for those still-poorly-mapped states.

Kano state road network was mapped through a TM job [4] about a year
ago. In my honest opinion, I wouldn't use that same job for validation,
but I would rather create a new one to validate, with less and bigger
task tiles. As I have been mapping hard that area, I give you my
opinion: the number of roads and tracks for Kano state is quite high
already, but you can find some settlements here and there that aren't
connected. Also, some tagging should be corrected (add surface to some
highways, and correct the category of others).

The main purpose of a road network is to connect all settlements in an
area. For that reason, I think the new jobs of importing health
facilities and settlements for Borno State [5]]6] is giving better
results. The reason is that in those two projects, contributors are
asked to map the road access to all those health facilities and
settlements, making the task more comprehensive and consistent, as they
will have to make sure they don't leave any settlement nor health
facility behind. I have still to do some more validation in those two
projects, but my understanding is that they are giving better overall
results. I had already this idea when the Kano project was going on, but
there were too many things to do at the same time, unfortunately.



[2] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/813
[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/783
[4] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/474
[5] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/946
[6] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/937

On 17/06/15 12:03, Samuel Aiyeoribe wrote:
 Hello House,
 I would like to know if there is a way, tool, method or any service that
 one can you to assess the amount of mapping that has been done for a
 region so as to plan further mapping. For example, i want to plan how to
 complete road mapping on OSM for Kano State, Nigeria, is there any tool
 or service or method i can use to assess the amount of work has been
 done already for Kano? Simply put may be any service that can give
 statistic of percentage completion or summary of work done  for road or
 other features to be mapped.
 I understand there is a similar service on Task Manager but i need such
 from the OSM database side because on Task Manager, one can create
 multiple tasks for e.g Kano which does give you the true picture.
 Will be expecting your assistance.
 Samuel Aiyeoribe
 HOT mailing list

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Request for Import: VDC Boundaries

2015-05-09 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

Sorry for not answering before, but didn't have internet for the last
18 hours or so.

@Prabhas: We have been discussing some of these details/progress of
the import preparation in the Skype group specially opened to talk
about these matters.

I've set already an script to convert the data, and another one to
include the pcodes for each VDC boundary is on its way (nearly there I
would say).

This import would be done district by district (75 in total), and easy
for experienced users in importing/conflating boundaries (apart of me,
I was thinking on Pierre Béland who has also experience on dealing
with boundaries at least in Liberia). Working with boundaries
relations is probably one of the trickiest in OSM, so previous
experience is a must. I would say we could finish the job in 2-3 days.

The main concern since the beginning is the license. As I said in
other emails, I've contacted the World Bank, and they transferred the
license question to the department in charge of that data. I am
waiting for the answer since 2 days ago, but no news. If anyone has
more close contact with the right people there, please we need your help.

@Paul Norman: I've been making clear what guidelines we have to follow
for the import of this or another set. Specially that we have to
consult with the Nepal OSM community (already done, I guess), to write
a wiki, prepare the data, clear the license issues, tagging, and then
go to the imports list for last consultation. I have been doing this
for quite many imports now, and these new ones won't be an exception.
All of us want to have the best quality data in OSM.



On 09/05/15 03:35, Paul Norman wrote:
 On 5/4/2015 9:58 AM, Prabhas Pokharel wrote:

and an older one from GADM http://www.gadm.org/, which has the
 following license: Nepal NPL FortiusOne Inc. (via WorldBank; 
 http://maps.worldbank.org/overlays/3238) (Creative Commons
 Attribution 3.0 License.)
 Would it be possible to help us import these boundaries into OSM?
 If not, what are the issues that need to be solved for that to
 Consultation will need to be done. This includes the local
 community, such as it is, and the imports@ mailing list. The HOT
 list could also be consulted, but it is not a requirement. A couple
 of issues you'll want to consider are:
 - GADM is under a non-commercial license and non-open. It must not
 be imported into OpenStreetMap. You might have some success going
 to the original source of the data and getting it there under a
 suitable license. I do not suggest contacting GADM as this tends to
 not be very effective. - The data at data.hdx.rwlabs.org is not
 under an open license, or any clear license. You might have some
 success there - Administrative boundaries tend to be finicky to
 import, as they need to be connected up with existing boundaries
 and share ways - Both tagging and how existing data will be handled
 will need to be described
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] reprojecting EMI datasets (was Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?)

2015-05-06 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Many thanks, Bernadette! Once finished, we can choose what data is a
priority, re-tag the data and import after discussing with imports list.



On 06/05/15 09:26, Bernadette Williams wrote:
 Okay,the Kathmandu Valley data sets are all ready to go.  I'll
 start working on the other areas next.
 On 6 May 2015 at 18:11, Jean-Guilhem Cailton j...@arkemie.com 
 mailto:j...@arkemie.com wrote:
 This would be for all the other EMI datasets. (Unrelated to 
 hospitals, except by email thread).
 Feel free to proceed with the rest of the data sets, starting with 
 those of Kathmandu valley folder.
 We are looking into setting up a storage space for file transfer.
 Le 06/05/2015 12:21, Bernadette Williams a écrit :
 I was able to reproject the Kathmandu Valley rivers data into 
 WGS84 and verified it correctly overlays rivers visible in OSM. 
 Let me know how you'd like me to send the shapefile to Rafael
 and if I should proceed with the rest of the EMI data sets. I'm
 happy to help.
 Thanks, Bernadette
 On 6 May 2015 at 15:30, Bernadette Williams 
 mailto:bernadette.willi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is this for the hospital import or all of the other EMI datasets?
 I'm not seeing anything that looks like hospitals in the datasets
 provided through the EMI page.
 I am working with the Kathmandu Valley river dataset now and will
 see if I can reproject it from Nepal Nagarkot TM to line up with
 the OSM map.
 On 6 May 2015 at 14:01, Jean-Guilhem Cailton j...@arkemie.com 
 mailto:j...@arkemie.com wrote:
 Would you, or anyone, help Rafael reprojecting EMI datasets,
 starting with Kathmandu Valley folder?
 Apparently EMI uses Nepal_Nagarkot_TM projection (which might be
 the one refered there, found through a web search, whose
 parameters can probably be given to proj: 
 Best wishes,
 Le 04/05/2015 09:38, Bernadette Williams a écrit :
 I just joined this weekend but I have a little bit of
 mapping data in this region of the world. GIS data I've received
 in Bangladesh needed to be projected/transformed from BTM
 (Bangladesh Transverse Mercator) to WGS 84. BTM is based on the
 Everest 1830 geographic coordinate system.  Perhaps this is the
 same coordinate system being used locally in Nepal.
 On 4 May 2015 at 13:03, Kretzer kret...@gmx.net
 mailto:kret...@gmx.net mailto:kret...@gmx.net 
 mailto:kret...@gmx.net wrote:
 Maybe at some point a wrong coordinate system was
 used for conversion? Like from the .shp to .kll.
 (that's usually the reason why my GIS imports end up
 in the wrong place ...)
 It would be great if these important data could be
 of use in the end.
 Gesendet mit der GMX iPhone App

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Question just to be sure.. Residential landuse areas should have at least 20 buildings?

2015-05-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1


landuse=residential can be applied even to one small area where there
is only one isolated house. The meaning of landuse=residential is that
the area it encloses is used primarily for residential purposes. There
is no incompatibility of this with any number of enclosed buildings



On 02/05/15 17:26, Michael Krämer wrote:
 Am 02.05.2015 23:04 schrieb john whelan jwhelan0...@gmail.com 
 I have been routinely mapping groups of say half a dozen huts in
 Africa as landuse=residential and its the first time I've seen a
 minimum number of twenty buildings.
 Same for me. I probably added some of these just today. So I would 
 recommend not to delete the polygon.
 In a 'perfectly' mapped area there would be buildings within a
 landuse polygon - it's not 'either or' but 'as well as'
 Michael (user Ohr)
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?

2015-05-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi there:

I reverted the changeset: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/30763506



On 03/05/15 19:38, Pierre Béland wrote:
 could you take care of this? I think that these should be reverted 
 before anybody start to edit and complicate the matter. Please, do
 not import such data before discussing with the community. The
 humanitarians, including doctors, are using OSMand to orient 
 themselves. This data will create more harm then help.

*De :* Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com
 *À :* hot@openstreetmap.org; DWG d...@osmfoundation.org *Envoyé
 le :* Dimanche 3 mai 2015 18h53 *Objet :* Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital
 import gone wrong?
 Hi, Kretzer and DWG:
 I've just noticed this too. This import was done about 12 hours
 ago (08:54-May/03/2015) by user MeghaShrestha [1] in one changeset
 [2]. 4,664 nodes imported. Nodes locations are not only wrong
 (being most of them in the middle of nowhere), but also poorly
 tagged. No wiki has been produced, and no discussion with the Nepal
 OSM community nor the imports list.
 I've already sent an email to the user MeghaShrestha.
 If you are right with it, I will revert the changeset.
 [1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/MeghaShrestha [2]
 On 03/05/15 18:14, Kretzer wrote:
 When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several nodes 
 tagged as Hospital with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA
 as source, but obviously in the wrong place, because there is
 nothing nearby. Like here: 
 like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because 
 hospitals are important!
 By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a 
 task now? Is it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole 
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?

2015-05-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Kretzer and DWG:

I've just noticed this too. This import was done about 12 hours ago
(08:54-May/03/2015) by user MeghaShrestha [1] in one changeset [2].
4,664 nodes imported. Nodes locations are not only wrong (being most
of them in the middle of nowhere), but also poorly tagged. No wiki has
been produced, and no discussion with the Nepal OSM community nor the
imports list.

I've already sent an email to the user MeghaShrestha.

If you are right with it, I will revert the changeset.



[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/MeghaShrestha
[2] https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/30742446

On 03/05/15 18:14, Kretzer wrote:
 When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several nodes
 tagged as Hospital with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA as
 source, but obviously in the wrong place, because there is nothing
 nearby. Like here:
 http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=19/28.00839/84.62397 Looks
 like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because
 hospitals are important!
 By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a
 task now? Is it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?

2015-05-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Ok, Pierre. I will revert the data, as some people are deleting some
hospital nodes already.



On 03/05/15 19:38, Pierre Béland wrote:
 could you take care of this? I think that these should be reverted 
 before anybody start to edit and complicate the matter. Please, do
 not import such data before discussing with the community. The
 humanitarians, including doctors, are using OSMand to orient 
 themselves. This data will create more harm then help.

*De :* Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com
 *À :* hot@openstreetmap.org; DWG d...@osmfoundation.org *Envoyé
 le :* Dimanche 3 mai 2015 18h53 *Objet :* Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital
 import gone wrong?
 Hi, Kretzer and DWG:
 I've just noticed this too. This import was done about 12 hours
 ago (08:54-May/03/2015) by user MeghaShrestha [1] in one changeset
 [2]. 4,664 nodes imported. Nodes locations are not only wrong
 (being most of them in the middle of nowhere), but also poorly
 tagged. No wiki has been produced, and no discussion with the Nepal
 OSM community nor the imports list.
 I've already sent an email to the user MeghaShrestha.
 If you are right with it, I will revert the changeset.
 [1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/MeghaShrestha [2]
 On 03/05/15 18:14, Kretzer wrote:
 When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several nodes 
 tagged as Hospital with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA
 as source, but obviously in the wrong place, because there is
 nothing nearby. Like here: 
 like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because 
 hospitals are important!
 By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a 
 task now? Is it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole 
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?

2015-05-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Prabhas:

I wonder if this data can be incorporated to a local or alternative
database that can be of use in this situation.

About the field papers, I don't see any problem to use this data as a
guide of finding those health facilities and correctly geolocate them
while surveying on the ground.

Using the GNS and other place nodes already in the database, it might
be possible to add some of this nodes to OSM. It might. But in any
case, the license is a restriction. A very sad one, but nothing to do
about it, unless the copyright holders let us upload the data to OSM
without that non-commercial restriction.



On 04/05/15 00:26, Prabhas Pokharel wrote:
 Thank you all; two main issues here: one that the dataset
 geolocations are problematic, and two that the license was
 incompatible. Apologies for incorrectly interpreting the license
 here in Nepal.
 As megha said, the reason we attempted this was because the maps
 that HOTOSM volunteers have helped create via tracing for us is
 amazingly detailed (in terms of residential areas, roads, pre-quake
 buildings), but hard to use because of the lack of POIs on the
 ground. This was an attempt to alleviate the problem, but sounds
 like we did misinterpret the license issue, and apologies for
 We simply did not know about the problematic geolocations. However,
 it is worth noting that this dataset is what a lot of organizations
 have been using locally, given that it is the best available
 dataset of health facility locations.
 Maybe the discussion we need to have soon is how we can improve 
 OSM-based tools (MapOSMatic, Fieldpapers, etc) to incorporate
 datasets like this that are very useful in scenarios like what we
 are going through, but are incompatible to put into OSM because of
 the license.
 cheers, Prabhas
 On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Rafael Avila Coya
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all:
 Megha (MeghaShrestha), the user that imported these data, has
 answered me through the OSM messaging. She works with the KLL and
 she tells me: we are trying to create papers for the relief
 workers. The problem being there are enough details like roads,
 buildings, rivers but no POIs in many areas. It is difficult for
 the relief workers to locate themselves on the map. Importing the
 health facilities data was an attempt so that they can at least
 find some POIs they can look for while locating themselves on the
 map. The data I imported was from 
 The licence says we can use the data for non commercial purpose and
 we need to credit the source. I hope these information are helpful
 and you can help us out.
 With this info, I can see that the data is the one we were
 discussing a few days ago, although that data set contained almost
 9,000 nodes, whereas the one of Megha had around 4,660.
 I recall the main problem: geolocation was very poor (most of nodes
 in well out of any settlements). The other problem I see is the
 license: it's for non-commercial use, and that makes it
 incompatible with the OSM license.
 I really feel to give a no in such circumstances as these, and
 that's why I ask for more input from other people with experience
 on this, just in case there is any possibility of including the
 data into OSM, and if not what other options we would have to make
 good use of these data set, if any.
 On 03/05/15 18:14, Kretzer wrote:
 When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several nodes 
 tagged as Hospital with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA
 as source, but obviously in the wrong place, because there is
 nothing nearby. Like here: 
 http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=19/28.00839/84.62397 Looks 
 like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because 
 hospitals are important!
 By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a 
 task now? Is it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole 
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 
 -- Prabhas Pokharel http://prabhasp.com 
 twitter/skype/facebook/whatever: prabhasp

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net

Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?

2015-05-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

Megha (MeghaShrestha), the user that imported these data, has answered
me through the OSM messaging. She works with the KLL and she tells me:
we are trying to create papers for the relief workers. The problem
being there are enough details like roads, buildings, rivers but no
POIs in many areas. It is difficult for the relief workers to locate
themselves on the map. Importing the health facilities data was an
attempt so that they can at least find some POIs they can look for
while locating themselves on the map. The data I imported was from
https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/nepal-health-facilities-cod. The
licence says we can use the data for non commercial purpose and we
need to credit the source. I hope these information are helpful and
you can help us out.

With this info, I can see that the data is the one we were discussing
a few days ago, although that data set contained almost 9,000 nodes,
whereas the one of Megha had around 4,660.

I recall the main problem: geolocation was very poor (most of nodes in
well out of any settlements). The other problem I see is the license:
it's for non-commercial use, and that makes it incompatible with the
OSM license.

I really feel to give a no in such circumstances as these, and that's
why I ask for more input from other people with experience on this,
just in case there is any possibility of including the data into OSM,
and if not what other options we would have to make good use of these
data set, if any.



On 03/05/15 18:14, Kretzer wrote:
 When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several nodes
 tagged as Hospital with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA as
 source, but obviously in the wrong place, because there is nothing
 nearby. Like here:
 http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=19/28.00839/84.62397 Looks
 like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because
 hospitals are important!
 By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a
 task now? Is it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] What constitutes an experienced mapper?

2015-05-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Steve:

I would say myself that an experienced mapper is someone who is sure
s/he can do the task for which s/he is required to contribute. You can
be experienced in manual importing, or in mapping commons outside
villages for helicopter landing, etc. It depends. If you still feel in
doubt, you can do one task and ask for other experienced mappers
working in the same project to validate your data before proceeding
further with more tasks.

Hope I answered your question.



On 03/05/15 22:52, Steve Bower wrote:
 How much does prior experience count toward being an experienced 
 mapper for HOT work?
 I have one week of experience with OSM/JOSM, working on basic
 Nepal tasks, plus much prior GIS experience. I would be glad to
 contribute to experienced mapper tasks, as needed, if there's a
 protocol (informal?) for recognizing prior experience.
 I have 12 years of GIS experience, including as a U.S. state GIS 
 Database Administrator, application developer, and GIS-based
 master's thesis. I have spent 5 wonderful months in Nepal, mostly
 However, I'm still learning HOT processes, how decisions are made, 
 validation processes  tools, how data are used in the field, etc.
 I would be sure to ask for help rather than plow ahead when
 Sorry to interrupt more pressing business, but glad to contribute
 at a higher level as needed.
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

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Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] WHO Healthcare Data

2015-04-28 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Jaakko:

That's why we have now strict import guidelines ;)

I've checked some random nodes, and they are surely not eligible for
import (those I checked are over a mountain or farmlands), and it
would take a week or more to actually start the import after
discussing with the Nepal local community and the imports list.

But this set might be useful to double check the place names,
including the GNS (ongoing?) merging that Andrew talked about, adding
alt_name's where the name already exists but is slightly different
from the OSM one, or to add a place name to those other villages that
lack a place node. And of course it can be very useful for those
mapping on the ground that want to correctly geolocalize those health
facilities, adding perhaps more info to each node.



On 27/04/15 22:42, Jaakko Helleranta wrote:
 Yes, and yes to Pierre's notes on license and accuracy evaluation!
 This reminds me of where HOT started and the health facility import
 to OSM after the Haiti quake of 2010. That resulted in some good
 data but also some horrible crap in the database (having lived and
 mapped there for 3 years) that has wasted a huge amount of time
 later on (when trying to figure out how to fix it) and still
 clutters the Haiti map in some places in a rather ugly, by now a
 good amount outdated and also at times pretty significantly
 inaccurate way (+/- 2km not being uncommon).
 Best intentions and horrible outcomes do at times go hand in hand. 
 That's not the end of things in itself -- but we need to learn
 from experience especially when it's been significantly
 This said, locals / people with sound local knowledge need to
 evaluate accuracy.
 Cheers, -Jaakko
 -- Nicaragua mobile: +505-8131-0729, alt. mob/WhatsApp
 +505-8845-3391 Global (Google) Voice / SMS: +1-202-730-9778 *
 Skype: jhelleranta Twitter/IRC/Mumble: @jaakkoh * My profile:
 On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Pierre Béland pierz...@yahoo.fr 
 mailto:pierz...@yahoo.fr wrote:
 Important to verify the opendata license. There are often 
 restrictions and we cannot import unless a signed agreement. Also 
 some evaluation has to be made about the quality of the data. Nama 
 and Kathmandu Living Lab folks would be the best persons to answer

*De :* Arun Ganesh arun.plane...@gmail.com
 mailto:arun.plane...@gmail.com *À :* HOT@OSM (Humanitarian
 OpenStreetMap Team) hot@openstreetmap.org
 mailto:hot@openstreetmap.org *Envoyé le :* Lundi 27 avril 2015
 13h58 *Objet :* Re: [HOT] WHO Healthcare Data
 On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:27 PM, Arun Ganesh 
 arun.plane...@gmail.com mailto:arun.plane...@gmail.com wrote:
 Just received shapefile data for location of healthcare facilities
 in Nepal. The source is apparently WHO, and i'm trying to find the
 source link, but thought i'll pass it on anyway.
 Data contains 8974 points with attributes of facility type 
 (hospital, health post, health center and a few others), district
 name, village council name and code.

  -- Arun Ganesh (planemad)
 -- Arun Ganesh (planemad)
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Undiscussed import of village nodes in Nepal

2015-04-28 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi there:

Thanks for informing about this.

I contacted the user who made this import, offering help to do this
import in a proper way, following strictly the imports guidelines. I am
completely sure she did the import with good intentions, but it
obviously cannot be done this way.

I guess that, as soon as she answers, we should revert the changesets.
Any thoughts?



On 28/04/15 19:56, arch_a...@t-online.de wrote:
 I've detected an undiscussed import of village names in Nepal. Please
 delete it before further damage arises due to this import.
 It is unclear where this data comes from and if it's copyrighted. Each
 node is tagged with fixme and note=these locations and village names
 might not be 100% accurate. It seems that there was no manual validation
 process. No import account was created for the import. No documentation
 in the Wiki about the import. All nodes were imported twice times.
 Unclear if the import took existing village nodes into account.
 Thanks, Arch
 PS: I've also forwarded this mail to imports@ and hot@openstreetmap.org
 Profitieren Sie von der sicheren E-Mail-Übertragung Ihrer Daten mit
 einer kostenlosen E-Mail-Adresse der Telekom.
 HOT mailing list

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] eHealthAfrica

2015-04-07 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

And thank you very much to you and Michael Heißmeier for contributing!


On 07/04/15 16:59, Daniel Specht wrote:
 Which workflow should we use for task   #937 - eHealth Africa
 Borno Smaller Settlements Import and Road Editing.  The
 instructions on the task manager say 

but the email that went out to this group say

 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] eHealthAfrica

2015-04-07 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Daniel:

Made a mistake on that! Sorry!

You have to use

I will correct that. Thanks for noticing.



On 07/04/15 16:59, Daniel Specht wrote:
 Which workflow should we use for task   #937 - eHealth Africa
 Borno Smaller Settlements Import and Road Editing.  The
 instructions on the task manager say 

but the email that went out to this group say

 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Borno roads mapping and settlement import. Experienced mappers needed.

2015-04-04 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Séverin:

Good idea! I added it to the workflow wiki (



On 03/04/15 01:02, Severin Menard wrote:
 Hello Rafael,
 I would suggest you to put the info and links about good examples
 of achieved tasks in the job instructions.
 On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 6:31 PM, Rafael Avila Coya
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi list:
 As part of the NE Nigeria crisis, and after discussion with the 
 talk-ng, the imports list and this hot list, I've published the TM 
 project for the manual import of 4,500+ settlements covering a big 
 deal of Borno State [1]. The goal of this TM project is not only
 to import those settlements, but also to improve the road coverage
 for that state, mapping the road access to all those settlements,
 hence improving the base map of that state.
 The TM project is accessible to all, but we would ask for
 experienced mappers to join.
 All instructions are in the workflow wiki [2], this time enhanced
 with a quick reference, so you don't have to go through all the
 wiki everytime you need to recall some points of the workflow.
 I did some tasks already. You can get some further inspiration on
 road tracing and classification from some of those tasks. I would
 recommend you http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/937#task/11 for the
 mountainous Southern Borno, with seasonal rivers all around, and 
 http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/937#task/74 for the Northern
 barren and semidesertic Borno (you may of course disagree on that
 mapping! ;) ).
 In case you find possible improvements to the wiki, please tell us
 Cheers, and happy mapping,
 [1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/937 [2] 

 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Waterway mapping advice needed...

2015-04-04 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Pete:

One of the main tricks I use for a first glimpse of the water flow
direction is zooming out the imagery. That way you will see the big
rivers and where their water goes to.

You can also check maps with hillshade layers, like the openmapsurfer:

Another tip is following the river you want to map correctly, as you
eventually will see it getting narrower and narrower or getting wider
and flowing into a bigger river.



On 04/04/15 17:09, Pete Masters wrote:
 Hi all, I am doing some work on
 However, I am struggling to discern the direction of the waterways
 in this square: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/836#task/283
 Is there any advice, tips, etc out there on how to work this out?
 If there is a good piece of advice or a resource to help with this,
 I will include it in the task instructions...
 I have not done much mapping of waterways before!
 -- *Pete Masters* Missing Maps Project Coordinator +44 7921 781
 missingmaps.org http://www.missingmaps.org/
 _@pedrito1414_ https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps 
 _@theMissingMaps_ https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps 
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

[HOT] Borno roads mapping and settlement import. Experienced mappers needed.

2015-04-02 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi list:

As part of the NE Nigeria crisis, and after discussion with the
talk-ng, the imports list and this hot list, I've published the TM
project for the manual import of 4,500+ settlements covering a big
deal of Borno State [1]. The goal of this TM project is not only to
import those settlements, but also to improve the road coverage for
that state, mapping the road access to all those settlements, hence
improving the base map of that state.

The TM project is accessible to all, but we would ask for experienced
mappers to join.

All instructions are in the workflow wiki [2], this time enhanced with
a quick reference, so you don't have to go through all the wiki
everytime you need to recall some points of the workflow.

I did some tasks already. You can get some further inspiration on road
tracing and classification from some of those tasks. I would recommend
you http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/937#task/11 for the mountainous
Southern Borno, with seasonal rivers all around, and
http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/937#task/74 for the Northern barren
and semidesertic Borno (you may of course disagree on that mapping! ;) ).

In case you find possible improvements to the wiki, please tell us so.

Cheers, and happy mapping,


[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/937

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Mapping Logging Roads in the Congo Basin

2015-04-01 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Jorieke, 

I don't have any problem. The rest?



El 1 de abril de 2015 20:19:44 CEST, Jorieke Vyncke jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com 

Would it be a problem to do the meeting at 21:00utc? Because  20:00utc
getting very difficult for me...

Grts, Jorieke
Op 31-mrt.-2015 14:28 schreef Rafael Avila Coya

 Hash: SHA1

 Hi all:

 Ok. Let's meet on hot irc tomorrow March 31st at 20:00 UTC. Everyone
 is welcome, of course!




 On 31/03/15 13:58, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
  Hi Rafael, Claire, Severin,
  IRC is a good idea. It will also be working better for me than
  Skype. And tomorrow 20:00 UTC is fine.
  By the way, if you are interested, feel free to join!
  Best greetings,
  2015-03-31 11:07 GMT+00:00 Claire Halleux
  claire.hall...@hotosm.org mailto:claire.hall...@hotosm.org:
  Hi Rafael, Jorieke and Sev,
  Actually skype texting works well (the problem stands on the voice
  side) but IRC and Mumble do offer a good working combination.
  However I won't be available tonight, so what about tomorrow
  evening 20:00 UTC?
  Claire Halleux Volunteer and Member of the Board +243 99 256 9980
  (Kinshasa, DRC) Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
  On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Severin Menard
  severin.men...@gmail.com mailto:severin.men...@gmail.com
  Would be happy to join the discussion (Mumble or IRC).
  On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 1:21 AM, Rafael Avila Coya
  ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi, Claire and Jorieke:
  As skype can be problematic for Claire, maybe we can talk in hot
  Maybe 20:00 UTC today March 31st ( http://is.gd/wriforestry )? Or
  next day?
  On 29/03/15 23:15, Claire Halleux wrote:
  Hi Rafael and Jorieke,
  Yes indeed and I came back to DRC a few days ago. Skype is still
  a bit complicated on my side but I'm sure we can find a way to
  plan a talk on the subject. After you last mail I had also
  checked the DRC task and realized it had already been completed!
  I validated a first tile but my connection was too slow to be
  really efficient so I did not continue, but it seems that the
  work has been well done! Thanks a lot for supporting this project
  that had been in the air for quite some time,
  Claire Halleux Volunteer and Member of the Board +243 99 256 9980
  tel:%2B243%2099%20256%209980 (Kinshasa, DRC) Humanitarian
  OpenStreetMap Team
  On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 9:37 PM, Jorieke Vyncke
  mailto:jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com mailto:jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com
  Hey Rafael,
  Maybe, we should just do a skype on this. Will be easier to
  Best, Jorieke
  2015-03-26 14:17 GMT, Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com
  mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com
  Hi, Jorieke:
  I started the import discussion sending emails to the
  and Cameroon lists, but unfortunately I didn't received any
  I did received an interesting email from yours about this
  10th Feb,
  telling about the CAR WRI import [1] and about the Cameroon
  community and state of the map for that country.
  For the CAR WRI: I used that import data to help
  extensively in
  roads all over the country while importing UNICEF data,
  I didn't actually work in any task. I was very focused on the
  and would have to contact Séverin prior to work with that WRI
  import, so
  I left it until the 3 TM UNICEF projects were finished.
  In any case, this WRI data import is focused only in forest
  tracks, not
  roads in general. Therefore, it covers only the South West of
  In any case, I will be happy to volunteer on that old WRI
  if needed, but bear in mind that there is a new and very
  interesting job for road mapping/checking for CAR opened
  by Séverin [2],
  on public domain data from Groads (there is another one
  for Mali
  too [3]).
  As for the Congo's communities: I would love to contact them,
  and collaborate/contribute in any way I can. I didn't
  know about
  Rep. of
  Congo community, but I did receive an email from Claire
  on 26th
  Feb from
  Iraq, telling she would be back to DRC in a month or so and
  suggesting to talk about this when she is back.
  For Cameroon the data is quite big (around 8,500 ways),
  so I was
  thinking on splitting the import in 3, in order not to
  the data
  server. If you

Re: [HOT] Mapping Logging Roads in the Congo Basin

2015-03-31 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

Ok. Let's meet on hot irc tomorrow March 31st at 20:00 UTC. Everyone
is welcome, of course!




On 31/03/15 13:58, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
 Hi Rafael, Claire, Severin,
 IRC is a good idea. It will also be working better for me than
 Skype. And tomorrow 20:00 UTC is fine.
 By the way, if you are interested, feel free to join!
 Best greetings,
 2015-03-31 11:07 GMT+00:00 Claire Halleux
 claire.hall...@hotosm.org mailto:claire.hall...@hotosm.org:
 Hi Rafael, Jorieke and Sev,
 Actually skype texting works well (the problem stands on the voice 
 side) but IRC and Mumble do offer a good working combination. 
 However I won't be available tonight, so what about tomorrow
 evening 20:00 UTC?
 Claire Halleux Volunteer and Member of the Board +243 99 256 9980
 (Kinshasa, DRC) Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
 On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Severin Menard 
 severin.men...@gmail.com mailto:severin.men...@gmail.com
 Would be happy to join the discussion (Mumble or IRC).
 On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 1:21 AM, Rafael Avila Coya 
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Claire and Jorieke:
 As skype can be problematic for Claire, maybe we can talk in hot
 Maybe 20:00 UTC today March 31st ( http://is.gd/wriforestry )? Or
 next day?
 On 29/03/15 23:15, Claire Halleux wrote:
 Hi Rafael and Jorieke,
 Yes indeed and I came back to DRC a few days ago. Skype is still
 a bit complicated on my side but I'm sure we can find a way to
 plan a talk on the subject. After you last mail I had also
 checked the DRC task and realized it had already been completed!
 I validated a first tile but my connection was too slow to be
 really efficient so I did not continue, but it seems that the
 work has been well done! Thanks a lot for supporting this project
 that had been in the air for quite some time,
 Claire Halleux Volunteer and Member of the Board +243 99 256 9980
 tel:%2B243%2099%20256%209980 (Kinshasa, DRC) Humanitarian
 OpenStreetMap Team
 On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 9:37 PM, Jorieke Vyncke 
 mailto:jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com mailto:jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com 
 Hey Rafael,
 Maybe, we should just do a skype on this. Will be easier to
 Best, Jorieke
 2015-03-26 14:17 GMT, Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com
 mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com
 Hi, Jorieke:
 I started the import discussion sending emails to the
 and Cameroon lists, but unfortunately I didn't received any 
 I did received an interesting email from yours about this
 10th Feb,
 telling about the CAR WRI import [1] and about the Cameroon 
 community and state of the map for that country.
 For the CAR WRI: I used that import data to help
 extensively in
 roads all over the country while importing UNICEF data,
 I didn't actually work in any task. I was very focused on the 
 and would have to contact Séverin prior to work with that WRI
 import, so
 I left it until the 3 TM UNICEF projects were finished.
 In any case, this WRI data import is focused only in forest
 tracks, not
 roads in general. Therefore, it covers only the South West of
 In any case, I will be happy to volunteer on that old WRI
 if needed, but bear in mind that there is a new and very 
 interesting job for road mapping/checking for CAR opened
 by Séverin [2],
 on public domain data from Groads (there is another one
 for Mali
 too [3]).
 As for the Congo's communities: I would love to contact them, 
 and collaborate/contribute in any way I can. I didn't
 know about
 Rep. of
 Congo community, but I did receive an email from Claire
 on 26th
 Feb from
 Iraq, telling she would be back to DRC in a month or so and 
 suggesting to talk about this when she is back.
 For Cameroon the data is quite big (around 8,500 ways),
 so I was
 thinking on splitting the import in 3, in order not to
 the data
 server. If you are willing, you may check the data [4] and we 
 how to better set the jobs.
 Please, tell me in what ways I can be of any help.
 [1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/219 [2] 
 http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/783 [3] 
 http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/813 [4]

 On 25/03/15 22:47, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
 Hi James,
 Thanks a lot for the initiative

Re: [HOT] Mapping Logging Roads in the Congo Basin

2015-03-26 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Jorieke:

I started the import discussion sending emails to the DRC, CAR and
Cameroon lists, but unfortunately I didn't received any answer.

I did received an interesting email from yours about this last 10th Feb,
telling about the CAR WRI import [1] and about the Cameroon community
and state of the map for that country.

For the CAR WRI: I used that import data to help extensively in mapping
roads all over the country while importing UNICEF data, although I
didn't actually work in any task. I was very focused on the UNICEF data
and would have to contact Séverin prior to work with that WRI import, so
I left it until the 3 TM UNICEF projects were finished.

In any case, this WRI data import is focused only in forest tracks, not
roads in general. Therefore, it covers only the South West of Centrafrique.

In any case, I will be happy to volunteer on that old WRI import if
needed, but bear in mind that there is a new and very interesting job
for road mapping/checking for CAR opened recently by Séverin [2], based
on public domain data from Groads (there is another one for Mali too [3]).

As for the Congo's communities: I would love to contact them, and
collaborate/contribute in any way I can. I didn't know about the Rep. of
Congo community, but I did receive an email from Claire on 26th Feb from
Iraq, telling she would be back to DRC in a month or so and suggesting
to talk about this when she is back.

For Cameroon the data is quite big (around 8,500 ways), so I was
thinking on splitting the import in 3, in order not to overload the data
server. If you are willing, you may check the data [4] and we can decide
how to better set the jobs.

Please, tell me in what ways I can be of any help.



[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/219
[2] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/783
[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/813

On 25/03/15 22:47, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
 Hi James, 
 Thanks a lot for the initiative!
 For the two Congo's it might be usefull to still try to reach out a
 little more to the local communities. Because I know in both countries,
 we have OSM enthusiasts.
 By the way, are we talking about the same
 data? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Central_Africa_Import
 Then you should also have a look on the Task we created for
 CAR: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/219
 It is partially done. 
 Happy mapping! 
 2015-03-25 16:08 GMT+00:00 James Conkling james.lane.conkl...@gmail.com
 Hi all,
 I’m pleased to announce the launch of a long-term initiative to
 upload logging road data from across the Congo Basin.  We currently
 have three TM projects running:
 Democratic Republic of the Congo:
 Central African Republic: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/956
 Congo Brazzaville: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/957
 Over the coming weeks, we will be launching new TM projects for
 Equatorial Guinea
 This is a joint initiative between the World Resource Institute and
 Moabi--with considerable help from the HOT and OSM communities.  We
 are validating and uploading to OSM thousands of kilometers of
 tracks.  At a later point, we hope to compare these roads to
 high-res satellite imagery mosaics from the year 2000 to 2014 so
 that we can gain a better understanding of when roads were first
 cleared and if they have since been abandoned.  Currently, however,
 we are working to conflate all data with what already exists in OSM.
 If you are interested, please join us with the upload on any of the
 above TM projects, which include links to the project wikis.  If you
 do contribute, please create a separate specific import account for
 the upload (if you don’t have one yet), and follow the detailed
 instructions in the workflow wiki.
 If you have any questions, please reply to this thread or reach out
 to me directly.
 Find the initial call for comments announcement on the HOT listserv
 and the announcement on the imports listserv here:
 HOT mailing list
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 HOT mailing list

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, 

Re: [HOT] eHealth Africa Borno 508 Health Facilities Import and Road Editing

2015-03-20 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Michael:

Thank you very much for the feedback. I didn't know about the
power_supply tag. It looks perfect for what we need!

I found also the power_supply:schedule that could be interesting too
in these contexts, although not applicable to this import.

power_supply:schedule is under voting at this moment. It would be nice
to drop there and vote, to make it official:

I changed already the wiki from electrical_supply to power_supply



On 19/03/15 21:40, Michael Heißmeier wrote:
 Hi Rafael,
 One field that I consider interesting is phcn_elect=* (it means
 if they have electricity or not in the facility). I didn't find
 any tag for this in the OSM wiki, so I proposed
 a related tag is *power_supply*=yes/no which according to taginfo 
 already is used more than 2000 times in different contexts. The
 main use seem to be camp sites but it also appears with
 health_clinics in Ghana. Using this tag might be a better approach
 than to invent a new one.
 -- /Michael (osm:michael63) /

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

[HOT] eHealth Africa Borno 508 Health Facilities Import and Road Editing

2015-03-18 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi again:

I've prepared a second import of eHealth Africa data for Borno State,
this time 508 Health Facilities.

For that purpose, a wiki [1] and a workflow wiki [2] has been writen,
and a project in the Tasking Manager created [3] for this import.

The goals of this import are two-fold: 1) Import those health facilities,
and 2) Improve the still poor road network for that area, editing the
road access to all those facilities.

I write to this list asking for comments before proceeding to the
imports list.

A key element that I'd like your opinion is about the proposed tagging.

I based the tagging in the Healthcare 2.0 proposal [4], keeping the
amenity=* tag for compatibility with the traditional tagging of health
in OSM. Some tags are based on the Healthcare 2.0 proposal, but not
found there, like for example
health_specialty:obstetrics:caesarean_section=yes/no/unknown, that I
created as subspecialty from health_specialty:obstetrics. There are
some others that follow that schema.

One field that I consider interesting is phcn_elect=* (it means if
they have electricity or not in the facility). I didn't find any tag
for this in the OSM wiki, so I proposed electrical_supply=yes/no/unknown



[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/946

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] West Africa Ebola Activtion - UNMEER request to Enhance Routing

2015-03-16 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Pierre:

A possibility would be to use a rejected but yet quite used
maxspeed:practical tag [1]

- From it, I would suggest maxspeed:practical:dryseason,

There maybe better solutions...




On 16/03/15 19:21, Pierre Béland wrote:
 Hi all,
 With the rainy season arriving soon in West Africa, the UN Mission
 for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) wants to enhance the routing 
 algorithms to better predict the road displacement times.
 This morning, we had a formal request from UNMEER to collaborate on
 this project as the rainy season arrives soon. We would like to
 have your comments on the feasability and the best way for us to
 participate to such a project.
 There were already discussions on this recently, talking either
 about isochrone maps, WFP enhancing road conditions, usage of the
 OSRM tool.
 From the discussions this morning, A local drinking company would
 accept to collaborate with the drivers providing average speed
 UNMEER plans to use seasonnal average speed time (ie. rainy / dry 
 seasons). This means that we would have to add two tags to enter
 this information into the OSM database.  The drinking company would
 take care to organize the data collection with their employes. We
 discussed about either using Fieldpapers or some tools like OSMand
 if drivers are using phones.
 To conclude, it was said in the discussion that OSMand is one of
 the best tool ever. Always interesting to have such feedbacks, and
 yes, in context of humanitarian operations in such large
 territories, these mobile tools are as valuable as in our car at
 home, and invaluable for drivers.
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] West Africa Ebola Activtion - UNMEER request to Enhance Routing

2015-03-16 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

I said there would be probably better solutions ;)

It sounds good to me. The only thing is that speed isn't an approved
tag, while maxspeed is.



On 16/03/15 19:58, Pierre Béland wrote:
 Hi Rafael,
 the problem is that we would not use appropriately the tag if we
 record average speeds.
 Then, what's  about structuring this way ? 
 speed:average:dryseason, speed:average:rainyseason

*De :* Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com
 *À :* hot@openstreetmap.org *Envoyé le :* Lundi 16 mars 2015 14h44 
 *Objet :* Re: [HOT] West Africa Ebola Activtion - UNMEER request
 to Enhance Routing
 Hi, Pierre:
 A possibility would be to use a rejected but yet quite used 
 maxspeed:practical tag [1]
 - From it, I would suggest maxspeed:practical:dryseason, 
 There maybe better solutions...
 On 16/03/15 19:21, Pierre Béland wrote:
 Hi all,
 With the rainy season arriving soon in West Africa, the UN
 Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) wants to enhance
 the routing algorithms to better predict the road displacement
 This morning, we had a formal request from UNMEER to collaborate
 on this project as the rainy season arrives soon. We would like
 to have your comments on the feasability and the best way for us
 to participate to such a project.
 There were already discussions on this recently, talking either 
 about isochrone maps, WFP enhancing road conditions, usage of
 the OSRM tool.
 From the discussions this morning, A local drinking company
 would accept to collaborate with the drivers providing average
 speed time.
 UNMEER plans to use seasonnal average speed time (ie. rainy /
 dry seasons). This means that we would have to add two tags to
 enter this information into the OSM database.  The drinking
 company would take care to organize the data collection with
 their employes. We discussed about either using Fieldpapers or
 some tools like OSMand if drivers are using phones.
 To conclude, it was said in the discussion that OSMand is one of 
 the best tool ever. Always interesting to have such feedbacks,
 and yes, in context of humanitarian operations in such large 
 territories, these mobile tools are as valuable as in our car at 
 home, and invaluable for drivers.
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Vanuata Islands, Pam Cyclone

2015-03-15 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Severin:

By 2010 I had my first smartphone, but unfortunately I took almost all
my pictures with a camera, so no geolocation.

I have many pictures that show a long way around Tanna island in the
south, and others of hamlets, small villages.

I can only geolocalize a few of them, using my memory and some waypoints
that I still have in my Garmin. I remember to get some tracks, but it
seems that I deleted them or can't find them.

I'm using some of this info for mapping in Tanna. I have more photos of
Espiritu Santo and the Torres group in the North, but those islands it
seems they weren't affected.

I am uploading photos here:



On 15/03/15 15:16, Severin Menard wrote:
 Hi Rafael,
 Are your pictures geotagged or can they be it you have traces? We could
 set a georss with them. I would document how to do it with Flickr and uMap.
 On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 8:13 PM, Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com
 mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Pierre:
 Sad news. I travelled in several of those islands for a month in 2010,
 and have quite many photos of roads, that could be of help on setting
 surface and smoothness. Also photos of typical settlements along the
 way. I wonder if that could help on the mapping.
 What you say about unconnected villages is quite typical in Vanuatu,
 specially in the small islands.
 On 14/03/15 19:39, Pierre Béland wrote:
 The communications are cut with the Vunuatu Archipel. From the
 information I gathered, I prepared a task wihth the islands that
 seems more severely hit.
 I invite you to map these rapidly as Red Cross and other prepare
 to deploy. We will creat other tasks if necessary when more
 information is available.
 We want to mark roads, residential areas, possible shelters,
 helicopter landing, communication towers.
 See http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/943
 *De :* Pierre Béland pierz...@yahoo.fr mailto:pierz...@yahoo.fr
 *À :* Pierre Béland pierz...@yahoo.fr
 mailto:pierz...@yahoo.fr; HOT Openstreetmap
 hot@openstreetmap.org mailto:hot@openstreetmap.org *Envoyé le
 :* Samedi 14 mars 2015 13h40
 *Objet :* Re: [HOT] Vanuata Islands, Pam Cyclone
 This is a category 5 Cyclone, the highest category and many deaths
 ReliefWeb map, March 13, shows that the Islands south of Port Vila
 should have been the more affected.
 I see two islands of about 30 km x 30 km and smaller islands.
 A mix of Bing and MapBox imagery can be used since cloudy imagery
 in various areas.
 ___ HOT mailing list
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 HOT mailing list
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Vanuata Islands, Pam Cyclone

2015-03-14 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Pierre:

Sad news. I travelled in several of those islands for a month in 2010,
and have quite many photos of roads, that could be of help on setting
surface and smoothness. Also photos of typical settlements along the
way. I wonder if that could help on the mapping.

What you say about unconnected villages is quite typical in Vanuatu,
specially in the small islands.



On 14/03/15 19:39, Pierre Béland wrote:
 The communications are cut with the Vunuatu Archipel. From the 
 information I gathered, I prepared a task wihth the islands that
 seems more severely hit.
 I invite you to map these rapidly as Red Cross and other prepare
 to deploy. We will creat other tasks if necessary when more
 information is available.
 We want to mark roads, residential areas, possible shelters,
 helicopter landing, communication towers.
 See http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/943

*De :* Pierre Béland pierz...@yahoo.fr
 *À :* Pierre Béland pierz...@yahoo.fr; HOT Openstreetmap 
 hot@openstreetmap.org *Envoyé le :* Samedi 14 mars 2015 13h40 
 *Objet :* Re: [HOT] Vanuata Islands, Pam Cyclone
 This is a category 5 Cyclone, the highest category and many deaths
 ReliefWeb map, March 13, shows that the Islands south of Port Vila 
 should have been the more affected. 

I see two islands of about 30 km x 30 km and smaller islands.
 A mix of Bing and MapBox imagery can be used since cloudy imagery
 in various areas.
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] WRI forest tracks import in Congo Basin

2015-02-10 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

On my last email, [4] = https://flic.kr/p/r8D1xD


On 10/02/15 22:06, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
 Hi Rafael, John,
 We got this data opened during the Eurosha project after a nice 
 collaboration with Pascal Douard of the WRI.
 For CAR we decided to set up a TM immediatly because indeed there
 is no local community and it is some of the few existing data for
 that country. For Cameroon we let this to the local OSM community
 to decide what to do with it, because the quality of the data is
 not that tremendous and there is already a lot of data on osm.
 Altough the workflow on the wiki is maybe a little bit outdated,
 all info should be in there. But for more info you of course can
 Best greetings,
 Op 9-feb.-2015 19:31 schreef Rafael Avila Coya
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com:
 Hi, John:
 On 09/02/15 17:33, john whelan wrote:
 Just a comment having done a fair bit of HOT mapping in Cameroon 
 I'm quite interested in this project.  However my written French
 is a little rusty and in some ways I feel a bit isolated from the
 OSM mappers in Cameroon and a few mappers on the ground to tag
 would help enormously.
 I will contact the Cameroon OSM community for this.
 Also a few GPS traces on the majors roads would help.  Most
 roads are fine but cloud cover meant that there are gaps to say
 the least.
 GPS traces will definitely help. In Gabon Digital Globe lowres
 imagery is misaligned by easily 200 m. Interesting too, we have now
 Mapbox images in some areas, with no clouds in areas where bing
 I note that there are a number of existing roads in OSM that
 look like imports that did not seem to align with the high
 resolution satellite imagery.
 I noted them too. Some are from WRI, maybe imported from before
 the imports guidelines.
 Cheerio John
 On 9 February 2015 at 10:32, Rafael Avila Coya 
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com
 mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com
 Hi list:
 This is a call for comments on an import of WRI data for 6 
 countries in the Congo Basin (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea,
 Central African Rep. (CAR), Gabon, Dem. Rep. of Congo (DRC) and
 Republic of Congo). It seems that only Cameroon and, maybe, DRC
 have a local community, so that's why I ask for advice here
 before going to the imports list. This same email will be sent to
 talk-cm and talk-cm (Cameroon), talk-cd (DRC) and talk-cf (CAR),
 so sorry for duplicities.
 All import is explained in a wiki [1] (with links to the
 original files, importing files and scripts), and the actual
 (manual) import workflow explained in another wiki [2].
 Import will be done using one HOT TM job for each country, and
 will be validated afterwards by a group of volunteers, who will
 add more tracks and other (yet to be decided) features.
 Any feedback is highly welcome.


 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] WRI forest tracks import in Congo Basin

2015-02-10 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Jorieke:

Thanks for sharing your views.

I've been working with the UNICEF data import in CAR, and using that
import to map thousands of new roads in that country since a year ago.
Apart from GNS data, I used the WRI data from the import that you
EUROSHA folks were doing in the TM [1].

Although quality of WRI data was less than acceptable in some cases, it
was helpful for me, as it gave a quick idea of where roads and tracks
were located, ways that otherwise would/could pass unadverted for me.

I obviously couldn't check all 8,555 segments of the Cameroon file [2],
but I checked quite many of them. I've seen all kind of issues, and
that's not surprise for such an amount of data.

Some of those issues (mainly errors like overshoots, dangles, etc.) are
addressed in the workflow wiki for this import [3].

About the accuracy, I've seen most of the combinations in just one
single area. Sometimes, I see that WRI is actually more accurate than
OSM data, and similar to real data (real data being traced with hires
Mapbox and WRI coming from lowres Landsat) (see [4] - in red OSM data,
in green WRI data and in blue the real data). Sometimes, OSM data and
WRI data are similar, and in other cases WRI ways are worse, sometimes
to the point of not being eligible to import. How to deal with this is
also part of the Workflow wiki.

Another issue that will have to be corrected during the import or during
the validation that will follow are some tracks that are tagged as
abandoned:track that look open/active when checked against Mapbox hires.
Some others look to be correctly tagged anyway [5].

The plan is not only to correct these data and to import/merge it to
OSM, but also to add more tracks and other contextual forestry data
during the validation process. Having these information will improve any
research on logging (legal and ilegal) in one of the most important
forest reserves in the world.

I've sent an email to the talk-cm but didn't receive any answer yet. I
am not sure about the DRC, but never heard of any OSM local community
for the other 4 countries, and that's why I asked HOT list for comments.
As you know, the import guidelines ask for local OSM communities to be
fine with the import as one the requisites.



[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/219
[4]  (see [4] - in red OSM data, in green WRI data and in blue the real
[5] https://flic.kr/p/qRkcYp

On 10/02/15 22:06, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
 Hi Rafael, John,
 We got this data opened during the Eurosha project after a nice
 collaboration with Pascal Douard of the WRI.
 For CAR we decided to set up a TM immediatly because indeed there is no
 local community and it is some of the few existing data for that country.
 For Cameroon we let this to the local OSM community to decide what to do
 with it, because the quality of the data is not that tremendous and
 there is already a lot of data on osm.
 Altough the workflow on the wiki is maybe a little bit outdated, all
 info should be in there. But for more info you of course can ask.
 Best greetings,
 Op 9-feb.-2015 19:31 schreef Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com
 Hi, John:
 On 09/02/15 17:33, john whelan wrote:
 Just a comment having done a fair bit of HOT mapping in Cameroon
 I'm quite interested in this project.  However my written French is
 a little rusty and in some ways I feel a bit isolated from the OSM
 mappers in Cameroon and a few mappers on the ground to tag would
 help enormously.
 I will contact the Cameroon OSM community for this.
 Also a few GPS traces on the majors roads would help.  Most roads
 are fine but cloud cover meant that there are gaps to say the
 GPS traces will definitely help. In Gabon Digital Globe lowres imagery
 is misaligned by easily 200 m. Interesting too, we have now Mapbox
 images in some areas, with no clouds in areas where bing has.
 I note that there are a number of existing roads in OSM that look
 like imports that did not seem to align with the high resolution
 satellite imagery.
 I noted them too. Some are from WRI, maybe imported from before the
 imports guidelines.
 Cheerio John
 On 9 February 2015 at 10:32, Rafael Avila Coya
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com
 mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi list:
 This is a call for comments on an import of WRI data for 6
 countries in the Congo Basin (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Central
 African Rep. (CAR), Gabon, Dem. Rep. of Congo (DRC) and Republic of
 Congo). It seems that only Cameroon and, maybe, DRC have a local
 community, so that's why I ask for advice here before going to the
 imports list. This same email will be sent to talk-cm and talk-cm
 (Cameroon), talk-cd (DRC) and talk

[HOT] WRI forest tracks import in Congo Basin

2015-02-09 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi list:

This is a call for comments on an import of WRI data for 6 countries
in the Congo Basin (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Rep.
(CAR), Gabon, Dem. Rep. of Congo (DRC) and Republic of Congo). It
seems that only Cameroon and, maybe, DRC have a local community, so
that's why I ask for advice here before going to the imports list.
This same email will be sent to talk-cm and talk-cm (Cameroon),
talk-cd (DRC) and talk-cf (CAR), so sorry for duplicities.

All import is explained in a wiki [1] (with links to the original
files, importing files and scripts), and the actual (manual) import
workflow explained in another wiki [2].

Import will be done using one HOT TM job for each country, and will be
validated afterwards by a group of volunteers, who will add more
tracks and other (yet to be decided) features.

Any feedback is highly welcome.




- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] WRI forest tracks import in Congo Basin

2015-02-09 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, John:

On 09/02/15 17:33, john whelan wrote:
 Just a comment having done a fair bit of HOT mapping in Cameroon
 I'm quite interested in this project.  However my written French is
 a little rusty and in some ways I feel a bit isolated from the OSM
 mappers in Cameroon and a few mappers on the ground to tag would
 help enormously.

I will contact the Cameroon OSM community for this.

 Also a few GPS traces on the majors roads would help.  Most roads
 are fine but cloud cover meant that there are gaps to say the

GPS traces will definitely help. In Gabon Digital Globe lowres imagery
is misaligned by easily 200 m. Interesting too, we have now Mapbox
images in some areas, with no clouds in areas where bing has.

 I note that there are a number of existing roads in OSM that look
 like imports that did not seem to align with the high resolution
 satellite imagery.

I noted them too. Some are from WRI, maybe imported from before the
imports guidelines.



 Cheerio John
 On 9 February 2015 at 10:32, Rafael Avila Coya
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi list:
 This is a call for comments on an import of WRI data for 6
 countries in the Congo Basin (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Central
 African Rep. (CAR), Gabon, Dem. Rep. of Congo (DRC) and Republic of
 Congo). It seems that only Cameroon and, maybe, DRC have a local
 community, so that's why I ask for advice here before going to the
 imports list. This same email will be sent to talk-cm and talk-cm
 (Cameroon), talk-cd (DRC) and talk-cf (CAR), so sorry for
 All import is explained in a wiki [1] (with links to the original 
 files, importing files and scripts), and the actual (manual)
 import workflow explained in another wiki [2].
 Import will be done using one HOT TM job for each country, and will
 be validated afterwards by a group of volunteers, who will add
 more tracks and other (yet to be decided) features.
 Any feedback is highly welcome.


 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Volunteering

2015-02-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Saul:

The most common activity to which you can contribute to HOT is mapping
through the HOT Tasking Manager [1].

There are lots of jobs you can choose from. I would advise you to start
with a job that you find easy, and follow carefully the instructions.

If you need learning material, you might start with LearnOSM [2] or
watching the Mapgive videos [3] (they use iD editor).

Apart from this mailing list, we have an IRC channel [4] where you can
seek help too.



[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/
[2] http://learnosm.org/en/
[3] http://mapgive.state.gov/
[4] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IRC

On 04/02/15 02:44, Saul Karamesines wrote:
 My name is Saul Karamesines. I'm a student of Environmental Studies at
 Utah State University. As part of one my curriculum, my Environmental
 Nonprofit and Volunteer Management class requires volunteer work. I
 learned of your organization from a previous GIS class, and I find your
 mission interesting so I would like to volunteer with you. I have
 experience with ArcGIS from my GIS class, and I've begun to learn
 OpenStreetMap's iD editor.
 How do I begin working for HOT? Is there a process I need to go through?
 How may I best be of service?
 Thank you in advance,
 Saul Karamesines
 HOT mailing list

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls,
.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Damage evaluation tagging schema

2015-01-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi Pierre:

I like this schema. Only two questions:

What do you mean with evaluation and revision?
Why not the event in 3rd and type of object at the end?



On 23/01/15 02:33, Pierre Béland wrote:
 From the discusssion about mapping North of Nigeria, I open a distinct
 thread about the Damage evaluation discussion about the more technical
 aspects related to Damage evaluation and tagging schema.
 This wiki page describes the schema used for the Haiyan typhoon.
 As we discussed at the beginning of the Haiyan activation, while
 establishing a temporary schema, this was be revised later to not affect
 tags such as building or highway.  Distinct tags should be added to
 reflect damages, road obstacles, debris or any other damage related
 objects. Any modifications will also have to be reflected in the
 humanitarian style to have the capacity to show damages on the map as we
 did for Haiyan.
 While the BaseMap is our priority, there might be some emergencies where
 we are asked to collaborate to Damage evaluation. For each of these
 events, we have to discuss among us and carefully evaluate if it is
 pertinent to do so.
 Methodology is an other aspect. As it was discussed after Haiyan, there
 are limits to what can be done with Imagery. We cannot have the same
 classification / hierarchy of damages from an aerial evaluation (often
 poor quality images in the context of climate related disasters) and
 field evaluation.
 While we might decide to not do these evaluations, it is important to
 establish a good tagging schema and be ready for our next such action.
 It dont think that this is a solution to have two attributes on the same
 key like *building=commercial; damaged*. It would be more difficult to
 query and this would breaks the rules for the map renderer styles. 
 There are also discussions about adding permanently tags to the database
 and later not revising it.  More then a year after Haiyan, there are
 still a lot of damage related tags.  I have started to analyze how to
 revise this. But not yet processed.
 There are various aspects to consider.
 - Use a map style to render damages (like the Humanitarian style for Haiyan)
 - Distinct methodology for aerial views or survey evaluations  - 
 Specific role + limits of aerial views vs structure damages
 - Evaluation vs Revision (either imagery or field survey)
 The objects to evaluate can vary from one disaster to the other.  From
 the Haiyan experience, below I present proposals for tagging schema
 specific to an event. In this example, in the context of the Haiyan
 typhoon damages. Tnis same logic could be extended to  objects affected
 by other type of disasters. 
 There are also various evaluation actions and status of actions  that
 sometimes need to be registered.
 - Type of action: aerial evaluation and revision, field evaluation and
 - Status of the revision : cloud coverage limited the evaluation.
 The OSM key could be structured with various levels separated by
 semi-colons (ie damage:evaluation:building:haiyan).
 If both evaluation and revision key where present, the style renderer
 rules could give a priority of revision over evaluation tags.
 would supersedeeffect of
 1 damage
 2. evaluation, revision
 3. type, building, barrier, debris
 4. event (ie. haiyan)
 key value
 damage:evaluation:type:haiyan imagery, survey
 damage:revision:type:haiyan imagery, survey
 damage:evaluation:building:haiyan   damaged, collapsed, no
 damage:revision:building:haiyan   damage, collapsed, no
 Highway Barrier on nodes
 damage:evaluation:barrier:haiyan debris, no
 damage:revision:barrier:haiyan debris, no
 Impassable highway sections
 damage:evaluation:status:haiyan  impassable, passable
 Area Debris
 damage:evaluation:landuse:haiyanbrownfield, no
 damage:revision:landuse:haiyanbrownfield, no
 tag k='building' v='yes' /
 tag k='damage:evaluation:type:haiyan' v='imagery' /
 tag k='damage:evaluation:building:haiyan' v='damaged' /
 tag k='damage:revision:type:haiyan' v='imagery' /
 tag k='damage:revision:building:haiyan' v='collapsed' /
 tag k='damage:revision:type:haiyan' v='survey' /
 tag k='damage:revision:building:haiyan' v='collapsed' /
 tag k='highway' v='trunk' /
 tag k='damage:evaluation:haiyan' v='yes' /
 tag k='damage:revision:haiyan' v='yes' /
 tag k='damage:evaluation:barrier:haiyan' v='debris' /
 tag k='damage:evaluation:type' v='imagery' /
 tag k='damage:revision:debris:haiyan' v='no' /

Re: [HOT] Humanitarian Mapping for a class

2015-01-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Thomas:

I don't see a way to measure the time they are mapping. For example,
they can make changes to the map during 30 minutes or an hour but upload
them in only one changeset. Even if you ask them to upload every 5
minutes during 30 minutes, a lazy student could make just a house,
upload and go on listening music until next 5 minutes time.

I think the best you can do is to review the history of each user and
see how many objects each one has created, modified and deleted, and
that way have an estimation of how long they have been mapping.

Alternatively, you might consider changing time for objects, requesting
for example a minimum of new roads, buildings or whatever, instead of time.



On 22/01/15 19:53, Mueller, Thomas wrote:
 Hello, I have been working slowly trying to integrate humanitarian
 mapping into my classes and students’ education over the past couple of
 years .  I am a Geography professor, but I admit I am a jack of all
 trades master of none (as I teach crime mapping, demographic analysis,
 GIS, etc.)  I have tried several small projects– some successful and
 others not so successful.  This year in one of my upper level classes I
 have assigned a Humanitarian Mapping assignment.  The students will be
 working on the Mapping Kamrangirchar (Dhaka, Bangladesh).  I felt this
 was a good project for my students since there are quite a few
 structures that need to be mapped.I am requesting that my students
 spend 30 minutes per week, every week mapping structures for this
 project.  Obviously this should not be a difficult for them, but I am
 hoping it will accomplish several objectives including:
 1)  Help map the area
 2)  Help the students understand how they can “donate” their time to
 help (within a topic in their field)
 3)  Hopefully this will become part of their routine so they will
 continue, etc.
 Also it will make sure that I donate my time too to this endeavor. 
 I have one question – how is the best way for me to check that they have
 completed this assignment every week?  Should I have them copy and paste
 their history on to a Word Document?  Is there a better way?
 Hopefully if this project is successful, then I am hoping to integrate
 this assignment into more of my classes.
 Thank you for your time
 Tom Mueller
 Thomas R. Mueller, Ph.D., GISP
 *Advisor: Geography Major with GIS and Emergency Management Concentration*
 *Co - Director: Pennsylvania View**
 *Department of Earth Sciences, California University of Pennsylvania
 A man never gets to this station in life without being helped, aided,
 shoved, pushed and prodded to do better. - Johnny Unitas
 HOT mailing list

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

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.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e abertos.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Mapping Northern Nigeria ?

2015-01-15 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi all:

There has been an active mapping effort in North Nigeria since March last
year, both mapping with imagery (mainly roads and streets) and data imports
[1] from eHealth Africa [2] data. Data imported includes boundaries (at
ward level - highest) for the 10 northernmost states, residential areas for
all those states too, and health facilities and place nodes.

TM jobs are the following:

Kano state road network [3]
Kano city streets and buildings [4]
Kano state health facilities [5]
Kano state town and city places [6]
Bauchi state road network [7] (This one is actually being worked on by 8
eHealth staff)
Bauchi state health facilies [8]

Some of the TM jobs are still unfinished.

The most affected states by this crisis are Borno, Yobe and Adamawa, but
Kano receives many attacks too (recently, a blast in a mosque in central
Kano city claimed the live of more than a hundred people. Other states,
like Bauchi, aren't safe from attacks either.

Apart from Kano (and partially Bauchi and Kaduna), the rest of the states
are poorly mapped in terms of roads and mostly everything else. So I think
that one of the most urgent jobs would be to map the road network, starting
from the states more in need (I would start with Borno, followed by Yobe
and Adamawa.

If you are interested, I could also contact eHealth Africa for other data
that might be interesting to import, like health facilities, place nodes
and others (schools perhaps). As far as I am aware of, data collection in
Borno and Yobe was very problematic, hard and risky, so it is much less
complete than in other states, like Kano for example. They didn't work with
Adamawa state (they only had boundaries data, at the LGA level).

Most of North Nigeria has hires Bing imagery. I edited a uMap to show that
[9]. eHealth Africa may have their own imagery too, and they might be
willing to license its use too. Again, I could ask too.


Rafael Ávila Coya.

[2] http://ehealthafrica.org
[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/474
[4] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/537
[5] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/566
[6] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/581
[7] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/635
[8] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/637

2015-01-15 16:15 GMT-03:00 Jorieke Vyncke jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com:

 Don't have time to help out now with this, but I like the idea!
 Just a small remark : recently we got high resolution imagery for whole
 Cameroon from DigitalGlobe. And in the far north along the border with
 Nigera they face the same problems
 and Nigerian refugees are coming too... So it might be an idea to start
 over there? I now a bunch of ngo's are working in the far north, like
 French Red Cross, GIZ and Unicef.

 Good luck!


 2015-01-15 23:03 GMT+06:00 Blake Girardot bgirar...@gmail.com:

 Hi Jeremy,

 I support the project idea and am glad to help with creating, documenting
 and managing projects in the Tasking Manger (which is not the hardest part
 of a project like this) for whomever would like to manage the overall

 The first step would be to work out the licensing issues with the imagery
 and it needs to be put on a TMS server so we can use it in iD and JOSM.

 We have a process for imagery that I am not familiar with except that I
 know requests always exceed availability in terms of imagery available,
 hosting and bandwidth to make it available and people power to get it it
 all arraigned.

 It seems like the availability is taken care of, not by Amnesty
 International, but by their imagery provider, DigitalGlobe who is very
 generous with our HOT mapping needs is my understanding, so I think they
 are receptive to licensing for our use but would have to specifically grant
 us permission to use the imagery they provided to AI as it does not look to
 me like AI's current usage rights would allow us to use it. Plus we would
 need the georeferenced hi-res source imagery that AI is not providing. Then
 the hosting issue.

 But the whole process is something even a fairly new HOT community member
 can give a try if you (or anyone) is interested. It will just take a bit
 longer as you will have to learn the process as well as go through it :)

 If you (or anyone) is interested, I am happy to help, I want to learn the
 process myself anyway. Just contact me off list and let me know.

 And of course, this is just my opinion and understanding, I could be
 missing something totally.


 On 1/15/2015 12:06 PM, Jeremy G wrote:


 After the attacks of Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria this january, a
 similar reaction as in Gaza (mapping before/after with the help of
 appropriate aerial images) could 

[HOT] Job position of GIS Manager at eHealth Systems Africa in Kano (North Nigeria)

2015-01-11 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

eHealth Systems Africa is looking for a GIS Department Manager in
Kano, North Nigeria.

You can find the description of the job and the application fields

They will be receiving applications for about the next 2 weeks.


Rafael Ávila Coya.

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Super Typhoon Hagupit (International Name Ruby)

2014-12-03 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi all:

Bing/Mapbox OSM limits seem outdated, at least for Samar island (the one
I checked). Now they cover many more areas of the island.

I modified the limits for Samar, but would be interesting to
check/modify them for other areas that could be affected.



On 04/12/14 01:12, Mark Cupitt wrote:
 Hi Andrew, Thanks great links. I think Maning and I are good candidates
 to lead this, he is in Manila, I am in Negros, down south. 
 I agree and think it will swing towards the north. The track i sent is
 from a site called http://Typhoon2000.com, he has been tracking
 Philippine Typhooons for years and is located in Bicol. (So we may get
 first hand accounts)
 It is also worth watching with Wundergorund as the local knowledge on
 the tracks kicks in.
 I also agree that flooding will be the major issue the way it looks now.
 I will start a HOT Wiki Page today for this with the basics as well. It
 will be somewhere to put all the information in one place.
 Hi Pierre
 Yep, I think the imagery assessment on what is currently available is
 the first step. We can adjust as the track
 Mark Cupitt
 If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence
 Hire Me on Freelancer 
 See me on Open StreetMap https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Mark_Cupitt
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 delete the email and any attachments.
 On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Andrew Buck andrew.r.b...@gmail.com
 mailto:andrew.r.b...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the heads up Mark.  It is definitely good to start watching
 these things as soon as possible and planning the response.  Below is
 a link to Jeff Masters most recent blog post about the typhoon; Jeff
 is an expert on hurricanes/typhoons and his analysis pre-Haiyan was
 what allowed us to focus on Tacloban before the storm even hit.  The
 second link is to the Wunderground tracking page for the storm itself
 showing lots of useful info, and the third link is to the 'Wundermap'
 with the tropical storm layer turned on.
 According to his reading of the situation, as well as the results of
 the various model runs it is looking like it will be a catergory 4 or
 5 when it hits the Philippines (Haiyan was a cat 5 at landfall).
 There are some positive signs though: wind shear is expected to pick
 up which will weaken the storm and the waters are not as warm as when
 Haiyan struck; both positive signs.  For us I think the most relevant
 part of the blog is the following:
 There is less heat energy available in the ocean for Hagupit, and
 wind shear is expected to rise to the high range on Friday as strong
 upper-level winds tear at the storm. Heavy rains, not high winds and
 storm storm surge, will likely be the greatest threat for the
 Philippines from Hagupit.
 Heavy rains means flooding, and it means landslides.  The Phillipines
 is a mountainous region so landslides are a possibility on slopes,
 especially where farming/deforestation have happened.  I would say at
 this point, making sure the major waterways are traced in OSM would be
 the highest priority until we know more accurately where it will make
 This will likely be an event that we end up activating for.  We should
 start figuring out who will lead the activation and start making
 contact with our humanitarian contacts regarding their likely
 response.  Since Pierre and I are still on the ebola activation it
 probably doesn't make sense for us to lead this one, but we can
 certainly offer help/guidance to anyone interested in stepping up to
 lead the HOT response.
 Fortunately we mapped a lot of the potentially affected area during
 Haiyan, but this one looks to be swinging more to the north than that
 one did.  That is good, since the map is pretty good in the north, but
 bad because the reason the map is better is that is where most of the
 population is.
 This is another opportunity to help out.  Let's get to it, and show
 the world what we can do.  :)
 On 12/03/2014 06:36 PM, Mark Cupitt wrote:
 Dear All
 This 280kph Super Typhoon is headed to the Phillippines.  Expected
 to hit at the end of 

[HOT] Tracing the clan boundaries in Liberia

2014-11-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

I was doing some testing on manually tracing the clan boundaries of
Liberia from the UNMIL places data. That data includes, for the huge
majority of the 14,020 nodes, the clan each place belongs to, and also
the district and county.

There are 15 counties, divided in a total of 90 districts, and it
seems all of those boundaries are already in OSM (correct me if I am

I would suggest to do this by one or two people, with experience in
making boundaries. We should agree in a tagging schema, to avoid
inconsistencies (it would be mainly for the source tag). Needless to
say, I offer myself on doing this.

To speed up the thing, here is my proposal for the tagging:


source=estimate (or something similar)

Maybe source:description=Data derivated from the UNMIL place nodes


source:description=Data derivated from the UNMIL place nodes

We would include the admin_centre of all clans (when easily guessed)
as member of each relation, adding to it the capital=8 tag. We could
also check if all districts have their admin_centre as member. If not,
we would add it, tagging it with capital=6.

Any problems, like having to change the district borders or other
issues, we would discuss them before doing such changes.



- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Interesting Isochron Map From WHO

2014-11-14 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Impressive, Andrew!

This should be recorded as yet another excellent example of the use of the
data we produce by humanitarian data consumers. It will surely make happier
the volunteers already mapping, and attract new mappers to the HOT jobs.
Thank you,
El 14/11/2014 12:11, Andrew Buck andrew.r.b...@gmail.com escribió:

 Hash: SHA1

 Hey everyone,

 Just got this link to an interesting map put together by WHO using OSM
 data and wanted to share it with the list so that you can all see how
 your work is being used in the ebola response.  The map at the link
 below (note, the link may not be permanent) shows the location of
 several ebola testing laboratories in the affected area, but the
 interesting part is the colored isochron contours which show the
 regions where you can drive to the laboratories in a given length of
 time.  There is a isochron for 1 hour, 3 hours, and 5 hours travel
 time to the laboratories.


 Not only does this map use OSM as a background layer, but the
 isochrons themselves are actually based off of OSM road network data.
  This shows the kind of versatility that OSM data can provide above
 and beyond just rendering maps to look at and print out.  When
 combined with population data analyses like these can be invaluable in
 deciding where to place new laboratory facilities and can be used by
 drivers to easily decide which facility would be the best place to
 take a sample to.

 We are glad to see analysis like this being done so I want to say
 thank you to the WHO for producing it, and of course a big thank you
 to all the OSM contributors who helped make it possible.

 - -AndrewBuck
 Version: GnuPG v1


 HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

[HOT] UNMIL Liberia place nodes import finished

2014-11-07 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi all:

For your information, the UNMIL Liberia place nodes import (TM job 652)
has been already completed.

A big thank you to all the contributors, and specially to Ralf Stefan
and Blake Girardot, who helped importing/merging the majority of those
14,000 nodes into the OSM database.



Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya

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HOT mailing list

[HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-10-18 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

Just a short update on this import.

As of 18th October, 9,072 out of 14,020 nodes (64.71%) have been
imported to OSM.

Of them,

6,652 (73.32%) are hamlet,
1,524 (16.80%) are isolated_dwelling,
489 (5.39%) are unknown,
200 (2.20%) are village,
96 (1.06%) are neighbourhood,
74 (0.82%) are suburb,
18 (0.20%) are quarter,
16 (0.18%) are town and
3 (0.03%) are city.

1,383 nodes out of the 9,072 imported nodes (15,24%) have a fixme tag.

Of them,

1,330 (96.17%) ask for checking the location,
45 (3.25%) for checking the name,
4 (0.29%) for checking both location and name, and
4 (0.29%) say the node is suspicious of being not a place, but a shop
or building.

If we continue the import job at this pace, we would finish it in
around 15 days from today (2nd of November).

A big THANKS to all contributors for helping in this import and for
giving feedback. We appreciate your help very much.



- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-10-14 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Blake:

I am answering some emails after long because I couldn't cope with
everything last two/three weeks.

There are 324 nodes out of the original 14,020 nodes with a / in their
name or is_in:clan tags. Maybe, based on our experience so far, we
could take a decision on whether to leave the / unchanged (with a
space before and after the /, or move the second name to an alt_name_X
tag systematically or when it's clear using common sense.



On 27/09/14 13:29, Blake Girardot wrote:
 I am pretty sure that names with / in them are really a list of 
 different names or alt_names as well call them.
 I was thinking maybe after the initial placement is over we might 
 consider going through and moving the / names into the alt_name_
 On 9/27/2014 3:07 AM, Ralf Stephan wrote:
 Another improvement to the workflow document I would like to
 propose, is that the doc talks about treatment of names
 containing / (which should have spaces around the character).
 Can we assume the same for , #, and parentheses? Should any
 of them be treated differently, e.g.  And  for ?
 What would be the cartographic writing conventions in these
 cases? Do we have links to any conventions?
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 ___ HOT mailing list 
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-10-14 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Blake:

I had a look to this example. I also think that in these cases we
should keep both nodes, and if unsure just leave them in their
position, maybe adding a fixme tag. Both names are completely
different, so there must be a reason they are there.



On 27/09/14 14:54, Blake Girardot wrote:
 One other comment I would make on the process now that I have done
 a several hundred nodes is that what looks like two names on one 
 settlement could very well be two separate names for two different 
 locations in the same village.
 For example:
 Amara Village was placed on the buildings to the south and Monden
 closer to the general collection of buildings to the north. Both
 are in the same clan name.
 I am finding it very common for the UNMIL data to name individual
 farms or houses with what sounds like a name and Village on the
 end, e.g., Amara Village
 In the above example, I strongly suspect the data was naming that
 farm house in the south specifically and the general settlement
 name in the N.
 Just something to think about if you are thinking of combining
 nodes and using alt_name_*
 I also do not think it would be a big deal if they got combined,
 but I hate to lose such nice specific location data.
 The trade off of having two nodes on there instead of 1 node with 
 alt_name_* seems to cause no harm whatsoever as opposed to location
 data lost potentially forever to OSM.
 On 9/21/2014 1:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote: Hi all:
 The Tasking Manager job to import [1] these set of places has
 being discussed in the imports list, issues have been addressed and
 the wikis have been written, with a detailed workflow [2] to secure
 a consistent import process.
 This job will greatly improve the map for Liberia, and therefore
 will be of great help for organizations working to control Ebola
 outbreak in West Africa.
 As this job is quite delicate, it has been decided to make it
 private. I've added to the job the same users that were
 contributing to the GNS merging job [3] + myself.
 If anyone else is interested in participating in this import,
 please reply to this list to have your name added.
 For all those that will contribute, please read carefully the
 workflow wiki [2] and make sure you understand all the steps.
 Cheers, and thank you very much in advance for contributing,
 [1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/652 [2] 

[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/617
 ___ HOT mailing list 

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-10-14 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1


I comment inline some points I didn't answer, and more on the A, B,
C... point.

On 10/10/14 11:11, Ralf Stephan wrote:
 A few more observations, probably not new to fellow importers,
 * often when it seems UNMIL objects are placed in the mid of the 
 jungle, there is an isolated dwelling somewhere

If sure, I would move it to that isolated_dwelling too.

 * often when I encounter very different GNS vs. UNMIL place names
 in a hamlet area it's worthwhile to look far outside (1km) for a
 UNMIL node that matches the GNS node better. Voila, misplaced GNS
 node found. * for the same reason I always do a final scan of the
 square, looking for offroad GNS nodes that might match a lone UNMIL
 node. Usually I find one or two.

Good. And that's why I added to the workflow wiki 2km on all
directions when downloading the OSM data: Download from OSM an area
around each of those nodes. 2 Km radious would be more than enough.

 * this is more controversial. We are told to keep A, B, C or #1, #2
 in place names. I don't question that in general. However when I
 find big villages that have a GNS name (say Bopolu) in the center,
 and five UNMIL names (say Bopolu A to E) very near to that, then I
 think it improbable that Bopolu has five suburbs named so, because
 else the UNMIL objects would be distributed much more evenly over
 the area. I have condensed it all into one object (with 5 UNMIL ids
 so the are not lost) in such cases. I have had less then five such 
 cases so far, no worry. But it makes me speculate that most names 
 with additional A, B, C are automatically generated, because I
 find that the larger the hamlet/village is the more such objects
 are found.

Although I answered to this before, I would add that having one single
name in several nodes, with 1, 2, 3... or A, B, C... or I, II, III...
added to the end to differentiate them is quite common in many
countries in Africa. You can find many of them in Central African
Republic or Nigeria, as just two examples. I again would leave all
those nodes separated as they are, and not condense them in one. I
can't assure you that they are automatically produced, but it could
very likely not be the case.



 On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 7:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all:
 The Tasking Manager job to import [1] these set of places has
 being discussed in the imports list, issues have been addressed and
 the wikis have been written, with a detailed workflow [2] to secure
 a consistent import process.
 This job will greatly improve the map for Liberia, and therefore
 will be of great help for organizations working to control Ebola
 outbreak in West Africa.
 As this job is quite delicate, it has been decided to make it
 private. I've added to the job the same users that were
 contributing to the GNS merging job [3] + myself.
 If anyone else is interested in participating in this import,
 please reply to this list to have your name added.
 For all those that will contribute, please read carefully the
 workflow wiki [2] and make sure you understand all the steps.
 Cheers, and thank you very much in advance for contributing,
 [1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/652 [2] 

[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/617
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org 
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-10-14 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Ralf:

I've just replied a minute ago to this email in another previous
email, but I paste here again my opinion on this issue:

Although I answered to this before, I would add that having one single
name in several nodes, with 1, 2, 3... or A, B, C... or I, II, III...
added to the end to differentiate them is quite common in many
countries in Africa. You can find many of them in Central African
Republic or Nigeria, as just two examples. I again would leave all
those nodes separated as they are, and not condense them in one. I
can't assure you that they are automatically produced, but it could
very likely not be the case.



On 10/10/14 18:24, Ralf Stephan wrote:
 First, Bopolu was an example name, I don't remember which it was
 On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Rafael Avila Coya 
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 About the nodes Bopolu A, B, C..., I wouldn't condense them into
 one, as doing so we are loosing information on different
 settlements, or parts of the same whole settlement.
 ​I was trying to make that clear, there is ​no information lost,
 one big village, all A-E names near the centre, no separation
 between suburbs visible. All UNMIL ids still available. There are
 many cases where A,B were in different parts of town but this was
 not so.
 I would better leave them as such, and maybe (that should be 
 discussed) tag them as place=neighbourhood, leaving the GNS Bopolu
 one in more or less the centroid of all A, B, C... nodes, or
 creating one.
 ​This may sound like a compromise but how real is it? You really
 think people call their neighborhood Cityname B or C?​
 The tag for that node would have to be discussed too. I would bet
 for place=villace...
 ​Now you ask for the Bopolu node. Wikipedia: As of the 2008
 census, Bopolu has a population of 2908. Of this, 1547 were male
 and 1361 female.[1] OK, I had a limit of 2,000 for village in mind
 instead of 10,000, will correct this.​
 On 10/10/14 11:11, Ralf Stephan wrote:
 A few more observations, probably not new to fellow importers,
 * often when it seems UNMIL objects are placed in the mid of the 
 jungle, there is an isolated dwelling somewhere * often when I 
 encounter very different GNS vs. UNMIL place names in a hamlet
 area it's worthwhile to look far outside (1km) for a UNMIL node
 that matches the GNS node better. Voila, misplaced GNS node
 found. * for the same reason I always do a final scan of the
 square, looking for offroad GNS nodes that might match a lone
 UNMIL node. Usually I find one or two. * this is more
 controversial. We are told to keep A, B, C or #1, #2 in place
 names. I don't question that in general. However when I find big
 villages that have a GNS name (say Bopolu) in the center, and
 five UNMIL names (say Bopolu A to E) very near to that, then I
 think it improbable that Bopolu has five suburbs named so,
 because else the UNMIL objects would be distributed much more
 evenly over the area. I have condensed it all into one object 
 (with 5 UNMIL ids so the are not lost) in such cases. I have had 
 less then five such cases so far, no worry. But it makes me 
 speculate that most names with additional A, B, C are
 automatically generated, because I find that the larger the
 hamlet/village is the more such objects are found.
 On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 7:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya 
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com
 mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com
 Hi all:
 The Tasking Manager job to import [1] these set of places has 
 being discussed in the imports list, issues have been addressed
 and the wikis have been written, with a detailed workflow [2] to
 secure a consistent import process.
 This job will greatly improve the map for Liberia, and therefore 
 will be of great help for organizations working to control Ebola 
 outbreak in West Africa.
 As this job is quite delicate, it has been decided to make it 
 private. I've added to the job the same users that were 
 contributing to the GNS merging job [3] + myself.
 If anyone else is interested in participating in this import, 
 please reply to this list to have your name added.
 For all those that will contribute, please read carefully the 
 workflow wiki [2] and make sure you understand all the steps.
 Cheers, and thank you very much in advance for contributing,
 [1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/652 [2] 

 [3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/617
 ___ HOT mailing list 
 HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org
 ___ HOT mailing list 

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-10-14 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hash: SHA1

Hi, Ralf:

I see now that I have misunderstood from the beginning what you wanted
to explain, so I beg your pardon for making you loose your time.

I've been thinking all this time that what you proposed to do was to
unify in one node several nodes with a names like Bupolu A, Bupolu B,
that were over different settlements, and not in different areas of
one large village or town.

What you propose to do makes, therefore, a lot of sense. In any case,
I wonder why we have several nodes only different by a letter or
number at the end of their names, but with different unmil:id's too.
There must be a reason for that, and I guess only people who gathered
that data can answer that question.

Sorry again,


On 14/10/14 15:51, Ralf Stephan wrote:
 Hi Rafael,
 Although I answered to this before, I would add that having one
 single name in several nodes, with 1, 2, 3... or A, B, C... or I,
 II, III... added to the end to differentiate them is quite common
 in many countries in Africa. You can find many of them in Central
 African Republic or Nigeria, as just two examples. I again would
 leave all those nodes separated as they are, and not condense them
 in one. I can't assure you that they are automatically produced,
 but it could very likely not be the case.
 ​It's a pity that you do not differentiate in your answer cases
 where there is no corresponding settlement to be found, or where
 there are not likely to be sub-names, e.g., Name A and Name B in a
 compact hamlet.
 Of course I have always agreed with your opinion when it comes to 
 separated settlements or distant neighbourhoods.

- -- 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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.xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-10-10 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi Ralf:

About the nodes Bopolu A, B, C..., I wouldn't condense them into one,
as doing so we are loosing information on different settlements, or
parts of the same whole settlement.

I would better leave them as such, and maybe (that should be
discussed) tag them as place=neighbourhood, leaving the GNS Bopolu one
in more or less the centroid of all A, B, C... nodes, or creating one.
The tag for that node would have to be discussed too. I would bet for



On 10/10/14 11:11, Ralf Stephan wrote:
 A few more observations, probably not new to fellow importers,
 * often when it seems UNMIL objects are placed in the mid of the 
 jungle, there is an isolated dwelling somewhere * often when I
 encounter very different GNS vs. UNMIL place names in a hamlet area
 it's worthwhile to look far outside (1km) for a UNMIL node that
 matches the GNS node better. Voila, misplaced GNS node found. * for
 the same reason I always do a final scan of the square, looking for
 offroad GNS nodes that might match a lone UNMIL node. Usually I 
 find one or two. * this is more controversial. We are told to keep
 A, B, C or #1, #2 in place names. I don't question that in general.
 However when I find big villages that have a GNS name (say Bopolu)
 in the center, and five UNMIL names (say Bopolu A to E) very near
 to that, then I think it improbable that Bopolu has five suburbs
 named so, because else the UNMIL objects would be distributed much
 more evenly over the area. I have condensed it all into one object
 (with 5 UNMIL ids so the are not lost) in such cases. I have had
 less then five such cases so far, no worry. But it makes me
 speculate that most names with additional A, B, C are automatically
 generated, because I find that the larger the hamlet/village is the
 more such objects are found.
 On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 7:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya
 ravilac...@gmail.com mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all:
 The Tasking Manager job to import [1] these set of places has
 being discussed in the imports list, issues have been addressed and
 the wikis have been written, with a detailed workflow [2] to secure
 a consistent import process.
 This job will greatly improve the map for Liberia, and therefore
 will be of great help for organizations working to control Ebola
 outbreak in West Africa.
 As this job is quite delicate, it has been decided to make it
 private. I've added to the job the same users that were
 contributing to the GNS merging job [3] + myself.
 If anyone else is interested in participating in this import,
 please reply to this list to have your name added.
 For all those that will contribute, please read carefully the
 workflow wiki [2] and make sure you understand all the steps.
 Cheers, and thank you very much in advance for contributing,
 [1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/652 [2] 

[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/617
 ___ HOT mailing list 
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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-09-24 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi Ralf.
A farm could be isolated_dwelling?
About unmil:id nobody noticed that. I would quite do id1;id2 and add it to
the workflow wiki.
Still travelling for a few days in a row, so answering with my phone
whenever I get a wifi spot, so sorry for the brevity.
 El 24/09/2014 23:28, Ralf Stephan gtrw...@gmail.com escribió:

 I would like to share some thoughts and experiences on this import task.​

- ​Landsat-8 imagery can only sometimes prove existence of a hamlet.
This may be due to the small size of UNMIL sourced places in general, but
there are also resolution issues. so there is quite some number of
place=unknown from the UNMIL data, the percentage practically corresponding
to 100 minus the Bing coverage in the square.​
- Alternatively to setting
​ beforehand, I went ​
in a final pass through
​a list filtered with ​
​ -
place=unknown -source=GNS to​
make sure they are
​set. That's a bit less involved IMHO than having to set hamlet
- Some hamlets with person names seem to be neighborhoods but often it
is undecidable if a single farm is meant or a nearby village without name.
- The Wiki workflow page is unclear on unmil:ids when merging two
UNMIL nodes but probably that would be =id1;id2. Any objections against
adding it to the Wiki?

 ​If I do something wrong please don't hesitate to criticize.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-09-23 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
El 23/09/2014 12:59, Manfred A. Reiter ma.rei...@gmail.com escribió:

 2014-09-23 6:53 GMT+02:00 Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com:


  I didn't comment it because I am now in a long distance bus, only with
 my cellphone.

 Have a nice and safe trip, my friend. ;-)
 sorry for that OT comment


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-09-23 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Ralf:

Thanks for contributing.

I've added both usernames to the list of allowed users. Let me know if you
still have problems.


El 23/09/2014 16:08, Ralf Stephan gtrw...@gmail.com escribió:

 On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Rafael Avila Coya ravilac...@gmail.com
  But it's actually a bit better if we
  access with our import account instead of the regular one, as that way
  import account will be the one that will appear in the stats, and
  making it more clear/less confusing.

 Hi Rafael,
 using 'rwst' I can see the task in the list but not using 'rwst-import'.
 What is needed to succeed?


 PS: I was afk for a week but aim to contribute regularly again.

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-09-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Done. Cheers,

El 23/09/2014 09:22, Blake Girardot bgirar...@gmail.com escribió:

 On 9/21/2014 1:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:

 I've added to the job the same users that were contributing to the GNS
 merging job [3] + myself.

 If anyone else is interested in participating in this import, please
 reply to this list to have your name added.

 Hi Rafael,

 Can you please add my unique UNMIL import OSM account to this task:


 If we can do it under our regular OSM account then I am all set, that
 account can access the job already.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Ebola] Import of 14, 020 United Nations Mission in Liberia place nodes

2014-09-22 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Yes. I was aware that it wasn't needed to use the import account to access
the job tasks and their data. I didn't comment it because I am now in a
long distance bus, only with my cellphone. But it's actually a bit better
if we access with our import account instead of the regular one, as that
way the import account will be the one that will appear in the stats, and
therefore making it more clear/less confusing.
In a similar job for the import of health facilities in Bauchi state (job
637 if I remember well) I sent a message to a user blaming him for using
his regular account, based on a quick look to the stats of that job, only
to find that he was using his import account correctly. Blushing.
I will add my import account as well, and will with other accounts if
people ask me.


El 23/09/2014 12:43, Blake Girardot bgirar...@gmail.com escribió:

 Hi Rafael,

 I realize adding my import user name to the HOT TM2 project was not needed
 was it?

 It only matters that we use the proper OSM login info for JOSM, checkout
 the task can be under our regular OSM login. First time I had to use an
 alternate login so I got a little confused :)

 Sorry for the added work.


 On 9/22/2014 10:33 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:

 Done. Cheers,


 El 23/09/2014 09:22, Blake Girardot bgirar...@gmail.com
 mailto:bgirar...@gmail.com escribió:

 On 9/21/2014 1:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:

 I've added to the job the same users that were contributing to
 the GNS
 merging job [3] + myself.

 If anyone else is interested in participating in this import,
 reply to this list to have your name added.

 Hi Rafael,

 Can you please add my unique UNMIL import OSM account to this task:


 If we can do it under our regular OSM account then I am all set,
 that account can access the job already.


HOT mailing list

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