Re: [Hpr] Hpr Digest, Vol 151, Issue 9

2021-04-25 Thread lostnbronx>
>  Respects your privacy, and gives you back control over your data
> From: Hpr  on behalf of Claudio Miranda
> Sent: 25 April 2021 19:08
> To: nstr 
> Cc: 
> Subject: Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR
> Hi nstr,
> Since I follow you on Mastodon, I noticed the article when someone boosted
> it and decided to give it a read. I also join in with the others in saying
> that an apology is not necessary and I also believe you made some great
> points.
> Personally, I don't mind if the shows aren't polished as far as the
> recording is concerned. In some instances, maybe the volume is a bit too low
> and I just can't be bothered, but if someone records something from their
> phone on the way to work (which I have done as well as some others that have
> contributed), that's OK for me. It doesn't have to be polished as those
> "AAA" podcasts do, but it also can be if that's what the contributor wants,
> so long as the content is "of interest to hackers," the slogan of HPR in the
> first place. There have been some episodes I've heard that were a bit raw
> but provided some amazing info, and others that were a little more polished
> but personally saw no value in them. It is a rare occasion that I skip an
> episode even if I think I won't be interested, but it happens, and even
> that's fine because not everything will appeal to everyone.
> As far as the schedule is concerned, it hasn't been something that's
> affected me directly. That being said, I know I need to contribute a show
> because I want HPR to continue for a long time. Life just gets in the way
> sometimes.  All things considered, you've given everyone a lot to think
> about given all the mailing list responses from your blog post, so that's a
> win in my book.
> Welcome to the community!
> -claudiom
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 5:40 AM nstr
>>> wrote:
> On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
>> Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality.
>> Or
>> if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing
>> to
>> help with either.
>> Brian-in-ohio
> Hello, I'm the author of the post.
> I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
> words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
> to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
> replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
> those lines.
> The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
> slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
> impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
> personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.
> As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
> show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
> North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
> terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
> asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.
> It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
> I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
> to all of you. I'm sorry.
> All the best
> --
> rtsn
> PGP: 8F72 C5BE AAFA B4BA 8F46 9185 5C39 89E0 616B B08C
> ___
> Hpr mailing list
> --
> Claudio Miranda
> Contributor - Hacker Public Radio
> -- next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> <>
> --
> Subject: Digest Footer
> ___
> Hpr mailing list
> --
> End of Hpr Digest, Vol 151, Issue 9
> ***


Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Jason Dodd

The question raised by this blog post feel valid. I think the things to
consider are:

* How do we encourage increased quality without also excluding those for who
good audio quality is difficult to achieve?

A proposed answer: maybe we have volunteers to help "produce" shows, rather
than to generate content? In other words, if we aim for 1 show a week, then
instead of $JANITOR feeling the best way for $JANITOR to contribute is by
pumping out 3 episodes to fill slots, $VOLUNTEER would instead "foster" in a
new host, with consultation on how to achieve good audio quality, etc.

* How do we reduce frequency of shows without also making a new host wait for
months before their show goes live (an excellent de-motivator).

Proposed answer: commit to 1 show a week, but allow for spontaneous
"impatient" bonus episodes.

* Fewer episodes per week doesn't guarantee that $LISTENER is going to
suddenly be more interested in each episode, or even that $LISTENER will feel
the audio quality is "good enough". The world wide audience is _huge_, and
each person has their  own requirements for  what they put in their ears, and
these requirements can change with mood, weather, or whatever else.

Just my thoughts. I personally enjoy the daily release schedule, but I
wouldn't be surprised if I also enjoyed a weekly release too.


I'm of the opinion that if we switched to committing to 1 ep per week, 
we'd still get calls for shows because people would be even more 
concerned about putting out shows they don't feel are worthy of the now 
1 slot per week.  I wonder how the algorithm would go to decide which 
get's the weekly slot vs get put in the slush pile vs what is released 
as extra shows.

As I try to remember 'emergency' episodes, I don't recall any that I 
skipped.  Coincidentally, I listened to one just today I fear might not 
have been submitted if we were a sense we only needed to fill 1 slot per 
week.  EP 3031, host specifically says it was in response to a call for 

But I'm not against experimenting with 1 slot a week.

Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Joe Fennell

As a short time listener (February of this year), who spent a month and a
half digging through the back catalog I have to say the show itself has
kept me constantly enthralled.  Yes some of the audio could be better but
out of the 100+ shows I've listened to maybe 2 were totally unlistenable.
And for content I like how it varies, some topics need an hour others can
be taken care of in three minutes and that's always been the beauty of
hackspaces.  Yeah there are some oddball shows that some might not think
are necessarily "of interest to hackers" but hackculture is not a monolith,
or better put the Car Maintenance episode has just as much value as the
Baremetal programming on the RPi episodes.  As someone who tries to listen
daily (or at a minimum be caught up with the previous week by the time the
next week's first episode drops) I look forward to every show and as
someone who wants to contribute the shorter episodes give me a spring board
when I sit down to try to draft a show (so yeah Ken I owe you a show).  So
long ramble short I feel that the daily show no matter what is healthy for
the ecosystem of HPR and folks like myself who open a text editor and stare
at flashing cursor to draft pre-show notes just need to hit record and do
the thing.
Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Philip M Shaffer
Just a quick note

I may be wrong ,but I thought the comments about the "quality of shows" had 
more to do with those shows that felt more like they were put out just to put 
something out. Those shows that are about 3 min long. (On a side note I have no 
problem with those shows) I didn't think it had anything to do with audio 
quality (or maybe I need to re read the article)

I have no problem with the audio quality we get on hpr. The content is what 

"any audio is better than no audio"


On April 25, 2021, at 3:27 PM, Klaatu  wrote:

The question raised by this blog post feel valid. I think the things to 
consider are:

* How do we encourage increased quality without also excluding those for who 
good audio quality is difficult to achieve?

A proposed answer: maybe we have volunteers to help "produce" shows, rather 
than to generate content? In other words, if we aim for 1 show a week, then 
instead of $JANITOR feeling the best way for $JANITOR to contribute is by 
pumping out 3 episodes to fill slots, $VOLUNTEER would instead "foster" in a 
new host, with consultation on how to achieve good audio quality, etc. 

* How do we reduce frequency of shows without also making a new host wait for 
months before their show goes live (an excellent de-motivator).

Proposed answer: commit to 1 show a week, but allow for spontaneous 
"impatient" bonus episodes.

* Fewer episodes per week doesn't guarantee that $LISTENER is going to 
suddenly be more interested in each episode, or even that $LISTENER will feel 
the audio quality is "good enough". The world wide audience is _huge_, and 
each person has their  own requirements for  what they put in their ears, and 
these requirements can change with mood, weather, or whatever else. 

Just my thoughts. I personally enjoy the daily release schedule, but I 
wouldn't be surprised if I also enjoyed a weekly release too.


On Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:39:26 PM NZST nstr wrote:
> On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
> > Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality.
> > Or if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be
> > willing to help with either.
> > 
> > Brian-in-ohio
> Hello, I'm the author of the post.
> I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
> words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
> to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
> replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
> those lines.
> The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
> slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
> impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
> personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.
> As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
> show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
> North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
> terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
> asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.
> It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
> I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
> to all of you. I'm sorry.
> All the best
> --
> rtsn
> PGP: 8F72 C5BE AAFA B4BA 8F46 9185 5C39 89E0 616B B08C

Hpr mailing list
Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Nigel Verity
Asked in isolation if the audio quality of any recording is important my answer 
is a unequivocal "Yes". Asked in isolation if coherent and eloquent speech is 
important my answer, again, is "Yes".

Despite this I feel there are circumstances where the message is more important 
than the quality of its delivery, and HPR is one of them. In the case of just 
about every podcast outside of HPR the presenters have willingly put themselves 
forward because they have sufficient confidence in their ideas and their 
ability to deliver them verbally that it is neither daunting nor difficult for 
them. HPR is different. We have, of course, more than our rightful share of 
great speakers who are also very adept at producing high quality audio 
recordings. However, unlike other podcasts many of our contributors might best 
be characterised as the kid sitting at the back of the class who has something 
to say that is important to him but is worried his ideas may be criticised or 
even ridiculed. His natural inclination, therefore, is to say nothing at all.

For a lot of contributors that first show may be a frustrating or even 
harrowing experience to produce - with sections being re-recorded perhaps over 
and over again in the hope of getting it "right". However, some of the best 
shows in terms of interesting content come from contributors who are clearly 
not at ease in front of a microphone. For high audio quality to be deemed a key 
attribute of what constitutes a good show is perhaps one extra burden on the 
nervous or reluctant contributor that might just prevent them from submitting 
one at all.

The stats demonstrate that it is considerably easier to attract a new HPR 
listener than a new HPR contributor, so it surely follows that it matters less 
if occasional sub-optimal audio quality deters a listener than the drive for 
audio excellence deters a potential contributor.

My own view is that part of the charm of HPR is precisely that you never quite 
know what you are going to get - especially when it is the first show of a new 
contributor. It is very rare for me not to listen to every show as it is 
released as I have come to realise that subjects that on face value have little 
interest to me often turn out to be quite the opposite. The technical expertise 
of many contributors is both inspiring and instructive but I have enjoyed 
non-technical shows every bit as much - such as Dave Morriss' pen collection, 
Klaatu's urban camping or Christopher M Hobbs' lunch breaks being particular 
highlights for me.

So I find myself both agreeing and disagreeing with Claudio at the same time. 
Best possible audio quality? Absolutely, but in the case of HPR in particular 
not at the expense of content quality.


 LibreOffice - Free and open source office suite: LibreOffice 
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From: Hpr  on behalf of Claudio Miranda 

Sent: 25 April 2021 19:08
To: nstr 
Subject: Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

Hi nstr,

Since I follow you on Mastodon, I noticed the article when someone boosted it 
and decided to give it a read. I also join in with the others in saying that an 
apology is not necessary and I also believe you made some great points.

Personally, I don't mind if the shows aren't polished as far as the recording 
is concerned. In some instances, maybe the volume is a bit too low and I just 
can't be bothered, but if someone records something from their phone on the way 
to work (which I have done as well as some others that have contributed), 
that's OK for me. It doesn't have to be polished as those "AAA" podcasts do, 
but it also can be if that's what the contributor wants, so long as the content 
is "of interest to hackers," the slogan of HPR in the first place. There have 
been some episodes I've heard that were a bit raw but provided some amazing 
info, and others that were a little more polished but personally saw no value 
in them. It is a rare occasion that I skip an episode even if I think I won't 
be interested, but it happens, and even that's fine because not everything will 
appeal to everyone.

As far as the schedule is concerned, it hasn't been something that's affected 
me directly. That being said, I know I need to contribute a show because I want 
HPR to continue for a long time. Life just gets in the way sometimes.  All 
things considered, you've given everyone a lot to think about given all the 
mailing list responses from your blog post, so that's a win in my book.

Welcome to the community!


On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 5:40 AM nstr>> 
On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
> Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality. Or
> if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing to
> help with either.
> Brian-in-ohio

Hello, I'm the author of th

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Klaatu
The question raised by this blog post feel valid. I think the things to 
consider are:

* How do we encourage increased quality without also excluding those for who 
good audio quality is difficult to achieve?

A proposed answer: maybe we have volunteers to help "produce" shows, rather 
than to generate content? In other words, if we aim for 1 show a week, then 
instead of $JANITOR feeling the best way for $JANITOR to contribute is by 
pumping out 3 episodes to fill slots, $VOLUNTEER would instead "foster" in a 
new host, with consultation on how to achieve good audio quality, etc. 

* How do we reduce frequency of shows without also making a new host wait for 
months before their show goes live (an excellent de-motivator).

Proposed answer: commit to 1 show a week, but allow for spontaneous 
"impatient" bonus episodes.

* Fewer episodes per week doesn't guarantee that $LISTENER is going to 
suddenly be more interested in each episode, or even that $LISTENER will feel 
the audio quality is "good enough". The world wide audience is _huge_, and 
each person has their  own requirements for  what they put in their ears, and 
these requirements can change with mood, weather, or whatever else. 

Just my thoughts. I personally enjoy the daily release schedule, but I 
wouldn't be surprised if I also enjoyed a weekly release too.


On Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:39:26 PM NZST nstr wrote:
> On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
> > Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality.
> > Or if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be
> > willing to help with either.
> > 
> > Brian-in-ohio
> Hello, I'm the author of the post.
> I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
> words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
> to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
> replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
> those lines.
> The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
> slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
> impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
> personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.
> As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
> show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
> North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
> terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
> asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.
> It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
> I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
> to all of you. I'm sorry.
> All the best
> --
> rtsn
> PGP: 8F72 C5BE AAFA B4BA 8F46 9185 5C39 89E0 616B B08C

Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Claudio Miranda
Hi nstr,

Since I follow you on Mastodon, I noticed the article when someone boosted
it and decided to give it a read. I also join in with the others in saying
that an apology is not necessary and I also believe you made some great

Personally, I don't mind if the shows aren't polished as far as the
recording is concerned. In some instances, maybe the volume is a bit too
low and I just can't be bothered, but if someone records something from
their phone on the way to work (which I have done as well as some others
that have contributed), that's OK for me. It doesn't have to be polished as
those "AAA" podcasts do, but it also can be if that's what the contributor
wants, so long as the content is "of interest to hackers," the slogan of
HPR in the first place. There have been some episodes I've heard that were
a bit raw but provided some amazing info, and others that were a little
more polished but personally saw no value in them. It is a rare occasion
that I skip an episode even if I think I won't be interested, but it
happens, and even that's fine because not everything will appeal to

As far as the schedule is concerned, it hasn't been something that's
affected me directly. That being said, I know I need to contribute a show
because I want HPR to continue for a long time. Life just gets in the way
sometimes.  All things considered, you've given everyone a lot to think
about given all the mailing list responses from your blog post, so that's a
win in my book.

Welcome to the community!


On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 5:40 AM nstr  wrote:

> On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
> > Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of
> quality. Or
> > if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing
> to
> > help with either.
> >
> > Brian-in-ohio
> >
> Hello, I'm the author of the post.
> I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
> words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
> to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
> replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
> those lines.
> The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
> slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
> impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
> personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.
> As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
> show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
> North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
> terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
> asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.
> It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
> I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
> to all of you. I'm sorry.
> All the best
> --
> rtsn
> PGP: 8F72 C5BE AAFA B4BA 8F46 9185 5C39 89E0 616B B08C
> ___
> Hpr mailing list

Claudio Miranda
Contributor - Hacker Public Radio
Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Thaj Sara
Well, I'll offer my two cents since I feel as though I am going to somewhat
represent the voice of dissent.

I think the issues raised in the article are VERY valid, as are some of the
issues raised in these responses. I'm glad we have a space to hash through
them like the mailing list.

Going back to the original article, I would in no way be opposed to
changing to a less than five days a week schedule. We've seemed to have
issues filling slots for a while, and the article is 100% accurate in
saying that a lot of the "old-timers" are the superheroes filling those
slots.  If the stress being created by the policy of five days a week is
primarily affecting the most consistent contributors, maybe their voices on
the matter should have the most weight. That being said I am a less than
regular contributor these days, so maybe my opinion shouldn't matter on
this front.

The concern raised in the responses that I do have a strong opinion on is
the question of audio quality. I have never agreed with the sentiment that
audio quality doesn't matter. Anyone who listens to either of the podcasts
that I produce can attest, despite my background in pro-audio, I'm not
looking for perfection.  Simple things like consistent audio levels,
normalizing the audio to standard levels, matching the intro and outro
levels to the levels of the rest of the show, and awareness of how to
properly use a microphone (whether that be on a phone or a stand alone
one), are all simple 5 minutes fixes with cross-platform, Free software
that can DRASTICALLY improve audio quality.

Of course, I have the benefit of knowing this and can't complain unless
there is a component of this that is educating others.  I've started a
series (first one recorded and should be uploaded today, another being
scripted) to talk through these things. While those that prefer the
convenience of just being able to do everything from their phone will have
little use for the information, maybe it'll help someone.  I'd echo the
sentiment that I don't want HPR to become a "polished" production, and I
definitely appreciate the "weird" vibe of the place, but having some
intentionality about the quality would create a demonstrably better
product.  Ken mentioned the purpose of the five days a week rule was to
create subscribers.  I'd argue that it only takes one person's first
episode of HPR being barely intelligible to turn them off from the whole
project, which is a damn shame.

I'll finish by saying that over the course of the last couple of years I
find myself listening to fewer and fewer episodes of HPR for various
reasons (audio quality, disinterest in the topic, bait and switch episodes
where the topic is barely discussed and turns into a bizarre political
rant, etc). Of course the solution is being more engaged and contributing
more myself, which I plan on doing.

As always, big props to the janitorial staff.  Y'all do more than most
know, and it is very appreciated (at least by this guy).

~ Thaj
Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Ken Fallon

Hi rtsn,

Speaking as a Janitor here for a moment.

As Klaatu pointed out quite rightly some years ago, our shows are 
released under the Creative Commons license. There is nothing in that 
license that requires any listener to submit a show. There are many ways 
to contribute to HPR and many have done so but have not (as yet) 
submitted a show.

I had a look at you're site and there a loads of topics of interest to 
hackers there. We can always get someone to narrate your content for you.

Speaking as a Fellow HPR Community member

I am so glad you submitted this blog post. It's important that we 
revisit discussion on topics to see if the community "now" still agrees 
with what the community "then" decided.

Back in 2010, shows were getting released on an ad hoc basis. Some days 
there were as many as two or even three shows released per day. More 
often than not though, there was no show at all. As time went on the 
period between no shows increased. After a time it was unclear if HPR 
was alive. This was reflected in a steady decline of subscribers.

One of the policies I suggested straight away was that "one show a day - 
every day, builds trust and retains listeners." This has turned out to 
be true based on the steadily increasing subscriber base.

This of course is my personal opinion, and should be challenged.


Ken Fallon

On 2021-04-25 14:35:45, BK Navarette wrote:
Thank you for the apology. Now get out and fill an empty slot in the hpr 


On 4/25/21 8:30 AM, Jason Dodd wrote:

Apology not necessary. In fact, I'd like to thank you for the post.

    "I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm 
terrible at podcasting"

This is one of the reasons we don't have a minimum quality bar.  I 
hope you reconsider and put out a show.  I read some of your posts and 
your content is of interest to hackers.

To the question of leaving slots open.  Another reason I like the 
current mode of operations is it forces us to produce.  I liken it a 
bit like the writer committed to so many words a day regardless.  That 
being said I'm more of a listener as well and go with the flow.

Assuming 'quality' refers to the quality of content vs production 
quality, I also caution against more of a minimum bar than 'of 
interest to hackers' because there are some shows I got value from I 
think would not have been made if the quality bar was higher.  For 
example we might not have gotten the one which suggested using 
toothpicks to help when threads are stripped or the one on tying a 
knot to identify which ear headphones go in(i didn't do this but it 
gave me the inspiration to mark them another way).

To me, HPR is kinda like hanging out in a hackerspace.  You hear 
things from across the room or in the next room.  And some of it is 
useless to you but it's nice to be in the environment nonetheless.  
Some of the things you hear fall into the TMI category, but I listened 
the snoring episode all the way to the end anyway.

I understand that everyone's catcher is already overflowing and 
there's a need to cull or skip podcasts which aren't pulling their 
weight.  But I'm fully onboard with YAS on how to cook a well known 
dish from someone in the community because 'we need a show'.  It might 
sound strange but there is almost always a new to me take on something 
when I hear a hacker discuss something that's not normally on topic here.

Don't get me wrong, I loved HPR back when shows were few and far between.

On 4/25/21 5:39 AM, nstr wrote:

On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:

Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality. Or
if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing to
help with either.


Hello, I'm the author of the post.

I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
those lines.

The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.

As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.

It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
to all of you. I'm sorry.

All th

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread BK Navarette
Thank you for the apology. Now get out and fill an empty slot in the hpr 


On 4/25/21 8:30 AM, Jason Dodd wrote:

Apology not necessary. In fact, I'd like to thank you for the post.

    "I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm 
terrible at podcasting"

This is one of the reasons we don't have a minimum quality bar.  I 
hope you reconsider and put out a show.  I read some of your posts and 
your content is of interest to hackers.

To the question of leaving slots open.  Another reason I like the 
current mode of operations is it forces us to produce.  I liken it a 
bit like the writer committed to so many words a day regardless.  That 
being said I'm more of a listener as well and go with the flow.

Assuming 'quality' refers to the quality of content vs production 
quality, I also caution against more of a minimum bar than 'of 
interest to hackers' because there are some shows I got value from I 
think would not have been made if the quality bar was higher.  For 
example we might not have gotten the one which suggested using 
toothpicks to help when threads are stripped or the one on tying a 
knot to identify which ear headphones go in(i didn't do this but it 
gave me the inspiration to mark them another way).

To me, HPR is kinda like hanging out in a hackerspace.  You hear 
things from across the room or in the next room.  And some of it is 
useless to you but it's nice to be in the environment nonetheless.  
Some of the things you hear fall into the TMI category, but I listened 
the snoring episode all the way to the end anyway.

I understand that everyone's catcher is already overflowing and 
there's a need to cull or skip podcasts which aren't pulling their 
weight.  But I'm fully onboard with YAS on how to cook a well known 
dish from someone in the community because 'we need a show'.  It might 
sound strange but there is almost always a new to me take on something 
when I hear a hacker discuss something that's not normally on topic here.

Don't get me wrong, I loved HPR back when shows were few and far between.

On 4/25/21 5:39 AM, nstr wrote:

On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:

Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality. Or
if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing to
help with either.


Hello, I'm the author of the post.

I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
those lines.

The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.

As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.

It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
to all of you. I'm sorry.

All the best

Hpr mailing list

Hpr mailing list
Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Jason Dodd

Apology not necessary. In fact, I'd like to thank you for the post.

    "I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm 
terrible at podcasting"

This is one of the reasons we don't have a minimum quality bar. I hope 
you reconsider and put out a show.  I read some of your posts and your 
content is of interest to hackers.

To the question of leaving slots open.  Another reason I like the 
current mode of operations is it forces us to produce.  I liken it a bit 
like the writer committed to so many words a day regardless.  That being 
said I'm more of a listener as well and go with the flow.

Assuming 'quality' refers to the quality of content vs production 
quality, I also caution against more of a minimum bar than 'of interest 
to hackers' because there are some shows I got value from I think would 
not have been made if the quality bar was higher. For example we might 
not have gotten the one which suggested using toothpicks to help when 
threads are stripped or the one on tying a knot to identify which ear 
headphones go in(i didn't do this but it gave me the inspiration to mark 
them another way).

To me, HPR is kinda like hanging out in a hackerspace.  You hear things 
from across the room or in the next room.  And some of it is useless to 
you but it's nice to be in the environment nonetheless.  Some of the 
things you hear fall into the TMI category, but I listened the snoring 
episode all the way to the end anyway.

I understand that everyone's catcher is already overflowing and there's 
a need to cull or skip podcasts which aren't pulling their weight.  But 
I'm fully onboard with YAS on how to cook a well known dish from someone 
in the community because 'we need a show'.  It might sound strange but 
there is almost always a new to me take on something when I hear a 
hacker discuss something that's not normally on topic here.

Don't get me wrong, I loved HPR back when shows were few and far between.

On 4/25/21 5:39 AM, nstr wrote:

On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:

Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality. Or
if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing to
help with either.


Hello, I'm the author of the post.

I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
those lines.

The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.

As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.

It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
to all of you. I'm sorry.

All the best

Hpr mailing list
Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Jeroen Baten

I had exactly the same feeling but was struggling with the wording. I 
think you (both) said it spot on!

Op 25-04-2021 om 13:15 schreef Klaatu:

I don't think an apology is necessary.  Your post generated healthy 
introspection, and was itself both respectful and kind.

I think it's great that you're a listener and now, by way of constructive 
criticism, you are also a contributor. Keep spreading the word!

On 25 April 2021 9:39:26 PM NZST, nstr  wrote:

On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:

Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of

quality. Or

if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be

willing to

help with either.


Hello, I'm the author of the post.

I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want
to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
those lines.

The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.

As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural

North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but
terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.

It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize

to all of you. I'm sorry.

All the best

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :
   _  __  | web   :
  |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)648519096
 _|_/_| \__)  | Frisolaan 16, 4101 JK, Culemborg, the Netherlands

Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread Klaatu
I don't think an apology is necessary.  Your post generated healthy 
introspection, and was itself both respectful and kind. 

I think it's great that you're a listener and now, by way of constructive 
criticism, you are also a contributor. Keep spreading the word!

On 25 April 2021 9:39:26 PM NZST, nstr  wrote:
>On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
>> Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of
>quality. Or
>> if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be
>willing to
>> help with either.
>> Brian-in-ohio
>Hello, I'm the author of the post.
>I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of 
>words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want
>to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
>replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
>those lines.
>The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty 
>slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
>impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
>personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.
>As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
>show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
>North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but
>terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
>asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.
>It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words. 
>I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
>to all of you. I'm sorry.
>All the best


Hpr mailing list

Re: [Hpr] Article by hedorah on HPR

2021-04-25 Thread nstr
On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
> Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality. Or
> if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing to
> help with either.
> Brian-in-ohio

Hello, I'm the author of the post.

I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of 
words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
those lines.

The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty 
slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.

As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural 
North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.

It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words. 
I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize 
to all of you. I'm sorry.

All the best

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