Re: RFR: 8286378: Address possibly lossy conversions in java.base [v3]

2022-05-12 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 13 May 2022 04:41:03 GMT, ExE Boss  wrote:

>> Roger Riggs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Updated copyrights
>>   Fixed cast style to add a space after cast, (where consistent with file 
>> style)
>>   Improved code per review comments in PollSelectors.
> src/java.base/linux/classes/sun/nio/ch/ line 128:
>> 126: // timed poll interrupted so need to adjust timeout
>> 127: long adjust = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
>> 128: to =- (int) TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(adjust);
> This will now always assign a negative number to `to`.
> `=-` is not a compound assignment, it’s negation followed by a normal 
> assignment.

Well spotted, I don't think that change was intentionally.



Re: RFR: 8286378: Address possibly lossy conversions in java.base [v3]

2022-05-11 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 11 May 2022 16:30:41 GMT, Roger Riggs  wrote:

>> PR#8599 8244681: proposes to add compiler warnings for possible lossy 
>> conversions
>> From the CSR:
>> "If the type of the right-hand operand of a compound assignment is not 
>> assignment compatible with the type of the variable, a cast is implied and 
>> possible lossy conversion may silently occur. While similar situations are 
>> resolved as compilation errors for primitive assignments, there are no 
>> similar rules defined for compound assignments."
>> This PR anticipates the warnings and adds explicit casts to replace the 
>> implicit casts.
>> In most cases, the cast matches the type of the right-hand side to type of 
>> the compound assignment.
>> Since these casts are truncating the value, there might be a different 
>> refactoring that avoids the cast
>> but a direct replacement was chosen here.
>> (Advise and suggestions will inform similar updates to other OpenJDK 
>> modules).
> Roger Riggs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Updated copyrights
>   Fixed cast style to add a space after cast, (where consistent with file 
> style)
>   Improved code per review comments in PollSelectors.

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8286378: Address possibly lossy conversions in java.base [v2]

2022-05-10 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 10 May 2022 23:01:33 GMT, Roger Riggs  wrote:

>> PR#8599 8244681: proposes to add compiler warnings for possible lossy 
>> conversions
>> From the CSR:
>> "If the type of the right-hand operand of a compound assignment is not 
>> assignment compatible with the type of the variable, a cast is implied and 
>> possible lossy conversion may silently occur. While similar situations are 
>> resolved as compilation errors for primitive assignments, there are no 
>> similar rules defined for compound assignments."
>> This PR anticipates the warnings and adds explicit casts to replace the 
>> implicit casts.
>> In most cases, the cast matches the type of the right-hand side to type of 
>> the compound assignment.
>> Since these casts are truncating the value, there might be a different 
>> refactoring that avoids the cast
>> but a direct replacement was chosen here.
>> (Advise and suggestions will inform similar updates to other OpenJDK 
>> modules).
> Roger Riggs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   remove stray file

src/java.base/linux/classes/sun/nio/ch/ line 128:

> 126: // timed poll interrupted so need to adjust timeout
> 127: long adjust = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
> 128: to -= (int)TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(adjust, 

Can we change this `to =- (int) TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(adjust);` while 
we here?

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/org/objectweb/asm/ line 615:

> 613: if (outputStackTop >= elements) {
> 614: outputStackTop -= (short)elements;
> 615: } else {

I think we usually try to avoid changing the ASM code if possible but maybe you 
have to do this because the compiler option is used for compiling java.base?

src/java.base/unix/classes/sun/nio/ch/ line 123:

> 121: // timed poll interrupted so need to adjust timeout
> 122: long adjust = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
> 123: to -= (int)TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(adjust, 

This one can also be changed to:

`to =- (int) TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(adjust);`



Re: RFR: 8285370: Fix typo in jdk.charsets

2022-04-21 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:34:14 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

> `codespell` could just find a single typo in the files covered by the i18n 
> alias. Just fixing the typo did not make the comment more readable, so I 
> rewrote it slightly.

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).

src/jdk.charsets/share/classes/sun/nio/cs/ext/ line 69:

> 67: 
> 68: static {
> 69: // the mappings that need updating are

It probably meant to say "needing" but what you have is okay.



Re: RFR: 8284893: Fix typos in java.base

2022-04-15 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 19:07:09 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

> I ran `codespell` on the `src/java.base` directory, and accepted those 
> changes where it indeed discovered real typos.
> (Due to false positives this can unfortunately not be run automatically) 
> The majority of fixes are in comments. A handful is in strings, one in a 
> local variable name, and a couple in parameter declarations.
> Annoyingly, there are several instances of "childs" (instead of "children") 
> in the source code, but they were not local and I dared not change them. 
> Someone braver than me might take a stab at it, perhaps..

I skimmed through the changes to src/java.base and they look okay except for 
the changes to 3rd party code that I think should be dropped from this patch.

src/java.base/share/native/libzip/zlib/inftrees.h line 65:

> 63:1444, which is the sum of 852 for literal/length codes and 592 for 
> distance
> 64:codes.  These values were found by exhaustive searches using the 
> program
> 65:examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribution.  The arguments to 
> that

This is 3rd party code so should be dropped from the patch as we want as few 
changes to this code has possible.

src/java.base/windows/native/libnio/ch/wepoll.c line 894:

> 892:  * error code when the once-callback returns FALSE. We return -1 
> here to
> 893:  * indicate that global initialization failed; the failing init 
> function is
> 894:  * responsible for setting `errno` and calling `SetLastError()`. */

This is also 3rd party code so should be dropped from this patch.



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v9]

2022-03-18 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 17 Mar 2022 00:12:38 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

>> A lot (but not all) of the data in make/data is tied to a specific module. 
>> For instance, the publicsuffixlist is used by java.base, and fontconfig by 
>> java.desktop. (A few directories, like mainmanifest, is *actually* used by 
>> make for the whole build.) 
>> These data files should move to the module they belong to. The are, after 
>> all, "source code" for that module that is "compiler" into resulting 
>> deliverables, for that module. (But the "source code" language is not Java 
>> or C, but typically a highly domain specific language or data format, and 
>> the "compilation" is, often, a specialized transformation.) 
>> This misplacement of the data directory is most visible at code review time. 
>> When such data is changed, most of the time build-dev (or the new build 
>> label) is involved, even though this has nothing to do with the build. While 
>> this is annoying, a worse problem is if the actual team that needs to review 
>> the patch (i.e., the team owning the module) is missed in the review.
>> ### Modules reviewed
>> - [x] java.base
>> - [x] java.desktop
>> - [x] jdk.compiler
>> - [x]
> Magnus Ihse Bursie has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   Fix typos

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v9]

2022-03-18 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 17 Mar 2022 00:12:38 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

>> A lot (but not all) of the data in make/data is tied to a specific module. 
>> For instance, the publicsuffixlist is used by java.base, and fontconfig by 
>> java.desktop. (A few directories, like mainmanifest, is *actually* used by 
>> make for the whole build.) 
>> These data files should move to the module they belong to. The are, after 
>> all, "source code" for that module that is "compiler" into resulting 
>> deliverables, for that module. (But the "source code" language is not Java 
>> or C, but typically a highly domain specific language or data format, and 
>> the "compilation" is, often, a specialized transformation.) 
>> This misplacement of the data directory is most visible at code review time. 
>> When such data is changed, most of the time build-dev (or the new build 
>> label) is involved, even though this has nothing to do with the build. While 
>> this is annoying, a worse problem is if the actual team that needs to review 
>> the patch (i.e., the team owning the module) is missed in the review.
>> ### Modules reviewed
>> - [x] java.base
>> - [x] java.desktop
>> - [x] jdk.compiler
>> - [x]
> Magnus Ihse Bursie has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   Fix typos

Thanks for dropping the charset and locale data from the proposal. The updated 
proposal (b1d1e4d8) looks okay but I can't tell if you are planning to 
integrate this or wait until there is discussion on the locations proposed in 
the Informational JEP that you've just submitted. Maybe you plan to just 
integrate and then adjust/move again if needed? I suspect that JEP will need to 
includes a "specs" directory. It's okay to jdwp.spec into the "data" 
directory for now I think "specs" would be a bette place for it.



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v6]

2022-03-16 Thread Alan Bateman

On 16/03/2022 08:44, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:


If you have such strong opinions on the data files shared between 
java.base and jdk.charsets/jdk.localedata, I propose we leave them in 
make/data for the time being, clean up the associated mess, and then 
work out where they actually should be. Does that sound okay to you?

The concern, as before, is that it puts data files into src/java.base 
that are used by the build to generate classes/resources for the service 
provider modules.  We also have the complication that the charsets to 
include in java.base varies by platform so the module/package for each 
charset is decided at build time. It's always been low-priority to 
re-visit that and not clear if we could even get to an agreement easily 
because there are IBM platforms that want EBCDIC and other double byte 
charsets whereas other platforms don't want these in java.base. So yes, 
if you can drop the move of the charset data and CLDR data from the 
patch then it will make it easier to discuss.

You asked about the JDWP spec. This is the protocol spec that is used to 
generate the spec in HTML, and source files for the debugger front-end 
and backend (jdk.jdi and jdk.jdwp.agent modules). The "specs" directory 
might be right. There is another source file ( that isn't 
in the src tree right now and they probably go together.


Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v6]

2022-03-16 Thread Alan Bateman


This proposal does not address the previous concerns. As before, you are 
proposing to put the data files used to generate the classes for 
jdk.localedata and jdk.charsets into src/java.base and I don't think we 
should do that. I really think this PR needs to be withdraw n or closed 
until there is at least some agreement on placement. I know you want to 
get the files moved out of the make tree but there are many issues to 
work through before that can happen.


On 15/03/2022 23:59, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:

On Tue, 15 Mar 2022 23:50:20 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

A lot (but not all) of the data in make/data is tied to a specific module. For 
instance, the publicsuffixlist is used by java.base, and fontconfig by 
java.desktop. (A few directories, like mainmanifest, is *actually* used by make 
for the whole build.)

These data files should move to the module they belong to. The are, after all, "source code" for that module 
that is "compiler" into resulting deliverables, for that module. (But the "source code" language is 
not Java or C, but typically a highly domain specific language or data format, and the "compilation" is, 
often, a specialized transformation.)

This misplacement of the data directory is most visible at code review time. 
When such data is changed, most of the time build-dev (or the new build label) 
is involved, even though this has nothing to do with the build. While this is 
annoying, a worse problem is if the actual team that needs to review the patch 
(i.e., the team owning the module) is missed in the review.

### Modules reviewed

- [x] java.base
- [x] java.desktop
- [x] jdk.compiler
- [x]

Magnus Ihse Bursie has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 12 commits:

  - Merge branch 'master' into shuffle-data-reborn
  - Fix merge
  - Merge tag 'jdk-19+13' into shuffle-data-reborn

Added tag jdk-19+13 for changeset 5df2a057

  - Move characterdata templates to share/classes/java/lang.
  - Update comment refering to "make" dir
  - Move new symbols to jdk.compiler
  - Merge branch 'master' into shuffle-data
  - Move macosxicons from share to macosx
  - Move to share/data, and move jdwp.spec to
  - Update references in test
  - ... and 2 more:

I have carefully reviewed all PR comments, and the changes I made in response 
to them. I believe I have resolved all requests from reviewers. What remained 
to do was to create an informational JEP about the new source structure, and 
file some follow-up issues.

I have now created and submitted a new informational JEP ("JDK Source 
Structure"), available at When 
creating this JEP, it felt increasingly silly to just copy and extend the part about 
src/$MODULE from JEP 201, so I extended it to cover a relevant overview of the entire JDK 
source base structure. I actually think this JEP has a good merit on its own, 
notwithstanding it being a reviewer requirement for this PR.

I have also filed follow up issues for the non-standard jdk.hotspot.agent `doc` 
and `test` directories ( and, respectively).

I have filed a follow up issue for continued efforts to clean up 

There were two open questions:

  * should jdwp.spec belong to specs directory instead of data
  * should bin/ be changed to exclude data

but they sounded so exploratory that I decided not to open JBS issues for them.

@wangweij  @naotoj  @prrace  @erikj79 @jonathan-gibbons  You have all approved 
this PR at an older revision. Can you please reconfirm that your approval 
stands for the latest revision? (Sorry for the mass ping)



Re: RFR: 8282887: Potential memory leak in sun.util.locale.provider.HostLocaleProviderAdapterImpl.getNumberPattern() on Windows

2022-03-15 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022 18:40:13 GMT, Zhengyu Gu  wrote:

> Please review this small patch that fixes early `CHECK_NULL_RETURN` results 
> not releasing native `jchar` array returned by `GetStringChars()`.

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8280474: Garbage value passed to getLocaleInfoWrapper in HostLocaleProviderAdapter_md

2022-01-22 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:28:21 GMT, Daniel Jeliński  wrote:

> Reported by clang-tidy. Verified manually by running
> Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
> System.out.println (c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.MONTH, 
> Calendar.SHORT_STANDALONE, Locale.getDefault()));
> with `-Djava.locale.providers=HOST`
> Without the fix the WINAPI functions fail, and [this 
> block](
>  is never entered. With the fix this block is entered and sensible values are 
> stored in the returned array.
> No test because the observable effect with and without the fix was the same; 
> apparently there's a fallback to another provider that works.

Good find.


Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8277398: javac does not accept encoding name COMPAT [v2]

2021-11-24 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 24 Nov 2021 04:08:43 GMT, Ichiroh Takiguchi  

>> ncoding name COMPAT was defined for operating system encoding by JEP-400.
>> But java does not accept "-encoding COMPAT".
> Ichiroh Takiguchi has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   8277398: javac does not accept encoding name COMPAT

I see this PR has been re-purposed to add "COMPAT" as a charset that can be 
specified to Charset.forName. I don't think we should do that.  "COMPAT" is a 
special value for the file.encoding property, it's not meant to be in the 
charset tables as proposed here. The system property "native.encoding" was 
added in Java 17 as a standard way to obtain the encoding, you can pass its 
value to Charset.forName. I think we need a clear summary as to what the issue 
is, is -J-Dfile.encoding=COMPAT working or not?



Re: RFR: 8277398: javac does not accept encoding name COMPAT

2021-11-19 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 07:00:44 GMT, Ichiroh Takiguchi  

> ncoding name COMPAT was defined for operating system encoding by JEP-400.
> But java does not accept "-encoding COMPAT".

line 283:

> 281: if (enc != null) {
> 282: encodingName = enc;
> 283: }

If we updating javac and javadoc --encoding to support "COMPAT" then we should 
list this in JEP 400.

Does javadoc use doPriv already, I don't know how common it would be to run 
javadoc with a SM set. If the doPriv stays then you can avoid the cast by 
changing it to:
PrivilegedAction pa = () -> System.getProperty("native.encoding");
return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa);



Re: Supporting charset GB18030-2005

2021-11-17 Thread Alan Bateman

On 16/11/2021 19:02, Pushkar N Kulkarni wrote:

Hi Alan,

Thanks. I appreciate your response.

Yes, I think GB13080 must continue to be GB13080-2000 for now. I was initially hoping to 
add a new character set with the name GB13080-2005. But I guess your suggestion of 
internally mapping one of the two versions (2000 or 2005) to "GB13080", based 
on the value of a new System property,  version 2000 being the default, could be a better 

We could start out by adding GB18030-2005, as you suggest.

A potential next step would be to rename GB13080 to GB13080-2000, with 
"GB13080" as an alias. As it stands, the charset name is "GB13080" with 
"GB13080-2000" as an alias so it should be compatible with code that use 
Charset.forName. It's possible this change may be noticed by code that 
does lookups in other ways or expects getName to be match the name 
specified to forName so that would be a feature release only change.

If there is a strong need then it should be feasible to have a system 
property to change GB13080 but maybe it's not needed in the short/medium 
term when some operating systems are still using -2000.


Re: Supporting charset GB18030-2005

2021-11-16 Thread Alan Bateman

On 15/11/2021 17:53, Pushkar N Kulkarni wrote:

Hi there,

OpenJDK currently supports version 2000 of the GB18030 
( character set viz. GB18030-2000. The 
character mappings corresponding to Unicode codepoints '\u1E3F' and '\uE7C7' 
were swapped in a new version of the character set named GB18030-2005. I learn 
that this corrected a mistake in version 2000.

OpenJDK does not support version 2005 as yet. Can someone please help me with 
reasons for the same, if any?

We do have users requesting for 2005 support. While Linux (RHEL 7/8) has moved 
to supporting GB18030-2005 via glibc, Windows 10 and AIX 7.2 still have 
GB18030-2000 base. That means OpenJDK cannot move to GB18030-2005 base as yet. 
However, we can support both the versions until all the supported platforms 
move to GB18030-2005 base. Would that be an acceptable proposition?

If we can have an enhancement request opened, I'd be glad to contribute the 
GB18030-2005 charset implementation.

If I read this correctly, then your proposal is for GB18030 to continue 
to be GB18030-2000 but you would introduce a new charset GB18030 map to 
GB18030-2005 for the new version. Are you also proposing a system 
property or some means to have GB18030 be GB18030-2005 until the time is 
right to make it the default?


Re: RFR: 8274544: Langtools command's usage were garbled on Japanese Windows [v5]

2021-11-10 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 10 Nov 2021 19:41:29 GMT, Jonathan Gibbons  wrote:

> 1. `PrintStream(OutputStream)` and `PrintStream(OutputStream, boolean)`  
> should be redefined so that they internally check if the stream arg is a 
> PrintStream, in which case they use the encoding from the `PrinStream` 
> instead of the default.

I think you mean the PrintWriter constructors here. Yes, there is merit in 
that. PrintStream is a bit unusual in that it's an OutputStream but it has a 
charset because it prints text output.



Re: RFR: 8274544: Langtools command's usage were garbled on Japanese Windows [v5]

2021-11-10 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 10 Nov 2021 19:16:58 GMT, Jonathan Gibbons  wrote:

> Generally, the issue is related to the fact that we wrap a PrintStream in a 
> PrintWriter ... and, if I understand correctly, the writer ends up with the 
> wrong character encoding. Is it possible to change PrintWriter and/or 
> PrintStream so that the correct underlying encoding used by the PrintStream 
> is also used by the PrintWriter. That way, all existing uses where a 
> PrintWriter wraps a PrintStream would continue to work without any 
> modification.

JEP 400 has moved the JDK to using UTF-8 as the default charset, a long overdue 
change. So if you create a PrintStream or a PrintWriter without specifying the 
charset then it will default to UTF-8. The issue that I think we have with 
javac and a few other tools is that they are creating PrintWriters on 
PrintStreams where the underlying streams are stdout/stderr and so using the 
native encoding.  There was exploration into special casing this scenario 
during JEP 400 that was rejected because it complicates the spec and may not be 
feasible in cases where there are many layers in the onion. If there is 
resistance to fixing the tools then we might have to re-visit this. Naoto may 
have more to say on this.



Re: RFR: 8276348: Use blessed modifier order in java.base

2021-11-02 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 2 Nov 2021 17:13:47 GMT, Roger Riggs  wrote:

> In comments, I think the 'synchronized static 'reads better, the conventional 
> order is for the code.

I think Roger is right and maybe the change to the javadoc could be dropped 
from this patch.



Re: RFR: 8275863: Use encodeASCII for ASCII-compatible DoubleByte encodings

2021-10-26 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 25 Oct 2021 10:16:23 GMT, Claes Redestad  wrote:

> Enhance ASCII-compatible `DoubleByte` encodings to make use of the 
> `StringCoding.implEncodeAsciiArray` intrinsic, which makes many such 
> `CharsetEncoder`s encode ASCII text at speeds comparable to most single-byte 
> encoders - and also more in line with how well these charsets behave when 
> calling `String.getBytes`:
> Before:
> Benchmark   (size)  (type)  Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  
> Units
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384  ISO-8859-1  avgt   30   3.021 ± 0.120  
> us/op
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384   Shift-JIS  avgt   30  47.793 ± 1.942  
> us/op
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384  GB2312  avgt   30  49.598 ± 2.006  
> us/op
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384  EUC-JP  avgt   30  68.709 ± 5.019  
> us/op
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384  EUC-KR  avgt   30  48.033 ± 1.651  
> us/op
> Patched:
> Benchmark   (size)  (type)  Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  
> Units
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384  ISO-8859-1  avgt   30  2.856 ± 0.078  
> us/op
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384   Shift-JIS  avgt   30  5.287 ± 0.209  
> us/op
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384  GB2312  avgt   30  5.490 ± 0.251  
> us/op
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384  EUC-JP  avgt   30  7.657 ± 0.368  
> us/op
> CharsetEncodeDecode.encode   16384  EUC-KR  avgt   30  5.718 ± 0.267  
> us/op
> The `isASCIICompatible` predicate on `DoubleByte` was added in JEP 254 for 
> the purpose of implementing such ASCII fast-paths, but is only used in what 
> is now `String.encodeWithEncoder` to speed up `String.getBytes(...)` 
> operations.
> Testing: tier1-3

Good work


Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8274544: Langtools command's usage were garbled on Japanese Windows [v3]

2021-10-06 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 6 Oct 2021 05:04:28 GMT, Ichiroh Takiguchi  

>> JEP-400 (UTF-8 by Default) was eabled on JDK18-b13.
>> After JDK18-b13, javac and some other langtool command's usage were garbled 
>> on Japanese Windows.
>> These commands use PrintWriter instead of standard out/err with PrintStream.
> Ichiroh Takiguchi has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   8274544: Langtools command's usage were garbled on Japanese Windows

The changes in 4427d87c look okay. I assume most of these tools will never run 
with a SM enabled and don't need to be granted permission to reading 



Re: RFR: 8272626: Avoid C-style array declarations in java.*

2021-08-18 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 18 Aug 2021 10:07:35 GMT, Claes Redestad  wrote:

> C-style array declarations generate noisy warnings in IDEs, et.c. This patch 
> cleans up all java.* packages.
> (Copyrights intentionally not updated due the triviality of most changes)

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: [jdk17] RFR: 8269409: Post JEP 411 refactoring: core-libs with maximum covering > 10K [v2]

2021-06-26 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 25 Jun 2021 23:40:27 GMT, Weijun Wang  wrote:

>> More refactoring to limit the scope of `@SuppressWarnings` annotations.
>> Sometimes I introduce new methods. Please feel free to suggest method names 
>> you like to use.
> Weijun Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   one more

src/jdk.attach/share/classes/sun/tools/attach/ line 

> 51: private static final long CURRENT_PID = AccessController.doPrivileged(
> 52: (PrivilegedAction) 
> ProcessHandle::current).pid();
> 53: 

The original code separated out the declaration of the PrivilegedAction to 
avoid this cast. If you move the code from the original static initializer into 
a static method that it called from initializer then it might provide you with 
a cleaner way to refactor this. There are several other places in this patch 
that could do with similar cleanup.



Re: RFR: 8266459: Implement JEP 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal [v8]

2021-06-01 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 1 Jun 2021 15:21:33 GMT, Weijun Wang  wrote:

>> Please review this implementation of [JEP 
>> 411](
>> The code change is divided into 3 commits. Please review them one by one.
>> 1. 
>>  The essential change for this JEP, including the `@Deprecate` annotations 
>> and spec change. It also update the default value of the 
>> `` system property to "disallow", and necessary test 
>> change following this update.
>> 2. 
>>  Manual changes to several files so that the next commit can be generated 
>> programatically.
>> 3. 
>>  Automatic changes to other source files to avoid javac warnings on 
>> deprecation for removal
>> The 1st and 2nd commits should be reviewed carefully. The 3rd one is 
>> generated programmatically, see the comment below for more details. If you 
>> are only interested in a portion of the 3rd commit and would like to review 
>> it as a separate file, please comment here and I'll generate an individual 
>> webrev.
>> Due to the size of this PR, no attempt is made to update copyright years for 
>> any file to minimize unnecessary merge conflict.
>> Furthermore, since the default value of `` system 
>> property is now "disallow", most of the tests calling 
>> `System.setSecurityManager()` need to launched with 
>> ``. This is covered in a different PR at 
>> Update: the deprecation annotations and javadoc tags, build, compiler, 
>> core-libs, hotspot, i18n, jmx, net, nio, security, and serviceability are 
>> reviewed. Rest are 2d, awt, beans, sound, and swing.
> Weijun Wang has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 11 commits:
>  - merge from master
>  - rename setSecurityManagerDirect to implSetSecurityManager
>  - default behavior reverted to allow
>  - move one annotation to new method
>  - merge from master, two files removed, one needs merge
>  - keep only one systemProperty tag
>  - fixing awt/datatransfer/DataFlavor/
>  - feedback from Sean, Phil and Alan
>  - add supresswarnings annotations automatically
>  - manual change before automatic annotating
>  - ... and 1 more: 

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8266459: Implement JEP 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal [v6]

2021-06-01 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 31 May 2021 15:02:57 GMT, Weijun Wang  wrote:

>> Please review this implementation of [JEP 
>> 411](
>> The code change is divided into 3 commits. Please review them one by one.
>> 1. 
>>  The essential change for this JEP, including the `@Deprecate` annotations 
>> and spec change. It also update the default value of the 
>> `` system property to "disallow", and necessary test 
>> change following this update.
>> 2. 
>>  Manual changes to several files so that the next commit can be generated 
>> programatically.
>> 3. 
>>  Automatic changes to other source files to avoid javac warnings on 
>> deprecation for removal
>> The 1st and 2nd commits should be reviewed carefully. The 3rd one is 
>> generated programmatically, see the comment below for more details. If you 
>> are only interested in a portion of the 3rd commit and would like to review 
>> it as a separate file, please comment here and I'll generate an individual 
>> webrev.
>> Due to the size of this PR, no attempt is made to update copyright years for 
>> any file to minimize unnecessary merge conflict.
>> Furthermore, since the default value of `` system 
>> property is now "disallow", most of the tests calling 
>> `System.setSecurityManager()` need to launched with 
>> ``. This is covered in a different PR at 
>> Update: the deprecation annotations and javadoc tags, build, compiler, 
>> core-libs, hotspot, i18n, jmx, net, nio, security, and serviceability are 
>> reviewed. Rest are 2d, awt, beans, sound, and swing.
> Weijun Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   default behavior reverted to allow

System.setSecurityManagerDirect looks a bit ugly now. Can this be renamed to 
implSetSecurityManager and avoid the line break in the  middle of the 

The usage of System.err usage in setSecurityManager also needs to be 
re-examined as this will run arbitrary code when System.err can be changed. To 
fix this will require capturing the stream at startup (as was done with the 
illegal access logger). It's okay to integrate with what you have for the first 
push and we can fix this issue with System.err when the warning message is 
changed to the intended message.



Re: RFR: 8266459: Implement JEP 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal [v3]

2021-05-22 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 21 May 2021 18:00:13 GMT, Phil Race  wrote:

> Are you suggesting that the patch doesn't need testing as it is ? It should 
> be the same either way.
> It is very straight forward to run the automated tests across all platforms 
> these days.
> I get the impression that no one is guaranteeing to do this straight after 
> integration.
> It sounds like it is up for deferral if time runs out.
> The amount of follow-on work that I am hearing about here, and may be for 
> tests, does not make it sound
> like this JEP is nearly as done as first presented.
> If there was some expectation that groups responsible for an area would get 
> involved with this
> issue which I am assured was already known about, then why was it not raised 
> before and made
> part of the plan ?

Sprinkling SuppressWarnings should be very low risk. Refactoring code to have 
the scope of the SW be as small as possible may be a bit more risky, esp. in 
areas where one doesn't know the code or the tests that exercise it. The tests 
may be good but it's not clear to me that we want to force Max to do 
significant refactoring in this PR.  PR 4138 has been created as the follow-on 
PR so I think we should help get that reviewed so that it can be integrated 
soon after this PR.



Re: RFR: 8263561: Re-examine uses of LinkedList

2021-05-21 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 21 May 2021 14:52:21 GMT, Thiago Henrique Hüpner 

> IcedTea-Web seems to be using this method reflectively:

I assume this doesn't work with JDK 16, at least not without using 
--add-options to export jdk.internal.util.jar.



Re: RFR: 8263561: Re-examine uses of LinkedList

2021-05-21 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 21 May 2021 13:13:04 GMT, Сергей Цыпанов 

> Hi guys, any more comments here? Please ping me if I've missed something

I suspect this will require renaming some fields and changing comments, e.g. 
requestList is no longer a good name for the field in AbstractPoller, its 
comments need changes too. The field in ResolverConfigurationImpl is 
searchList, it will require a few changes. There may be more, I just picked out 
a few.



Re: RFR: 8266459: Implement JEP 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal [v3]

2021-05-20 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 20 May 2021 04:22:32 GMT, Phil Race  wrote:

>> That is unfortunate, but nonetheless I think required to be done.
>> We have acknowledeged this can't reasonably be called an RFE, so the JEP is 
>> introducing bugs/technical debt/call it what you will. This should generally 
>> be part of a sandbox for the JEP and fixed before integration of the JEP.
>> From my point of view it is a blocker.
> The JEP isn't PTT for 17 so there's plenty of time isn't there ?

There are 827 files in this patch. Phil is right that adding SW at the class 
level is introducing technical debt but if addressing that requires refactoring 
and re-testing of AWT or font code then it would be better to have someone from 
that area working on. Is there any reason why this can't be going on now on 
awt-dev/2d-dev and integrated immediately after JEP 411? I don't think we 
should put Max through the wringer here as there are too many areas to cover.



Re: RFR: 8266459: Implement JEP 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

2021-05-18 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 17 May 2021 18:23:41 GMT, Weijun Wang  wrote:

> Please review this implementation of [JEP 
> 411](
> The code change is divided into 3 commits. Please review them one by one.
> 1. 
>  The essential change for this JEP, including the `@Deprecate` annotations 
> and spec change. It also update the default value of the 
> `` system property to "disallow", and necessary test 
> change following this update.
> 2. 
>  Manual changes to several files so that the next commit can be generated 
> programatically.
> 3. 
>  Automatic changes to other source files to avoid javac warnings on 
> deprecation for removal
> The 1st and 2nd commits should be reviewed carefully. The 3rd one is 
> generated programmatically, see the comment below for more details. If you 
> are only interested in a portion of the 3rd commit and would like to review 
> it as a separate file, please comment here and I'll generate an individual 
> webrev.
> Due to the size of this PR, no attempt is made to update copyright years for 
> any file to minimize unnecessary merge conflict.
> Furthermore, since the default value of `` system 
> property is now "disallow", most of the tests calling 
> `System.setSecurityManager()` need to launched with 
> ``. This is covered in a different PR at 

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).

src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/ line 877:

> 875: @CallerSensitive
> 876: public static  T doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction action,
> 877:  @SuppressWarnings("removal") 
> AccessControlContext context, Permission... perms)

you might find it easier if you put the Permissions parameter on a new line. 
There are several places in AccessController where the same thing happens.



Re: RFR: 8266459: Implement JEP 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

2021-05-18 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 18 May 2021 12:42:08 GMT, Sean Mullan  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 315:
>>> 313:  *
>>> 314:  * @since   1.0
>>> 315:  * @deprecated The Security Manager is deprecated and subject to 
>>> removal in a
>> Javadoc will prefix, in bold, "Deprecated, for removal: This API element is 
>> subject to removal in a future version". I'm just wondering if the sentence 
>> will be repeated here, can you check?
> It includes both:
> ![Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 8 41 11 
> AM](

Thanks for checking, I assumed that was the case so wondering if it should be 
dropped from the deprecation text to avoid the repeated sentence.



Re: RFR: 8267110: Update java.util to use instanceof pattern variable

2021-05-18 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 18 May 2021 10:37:21 GMT, Patrick Concannon  

> Hi,
> Could someone please review my code for updating the code in the `java.util` 
> package to make use of the `instanceof` pattern variable?
> Kind regards,
> Patrick

You may need to coordinate with @DougLea on the changes to j.u.concurrent.



Re: RFR: 8266459: Implement JEP 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

2021-05-18 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 17 May 2021 18:23:41 GMT, Weijun Wang  wrote:

> Please review this implementation of [JEP 
> 411](
> The code change is divided into 3 commits. Please review them one by one.
> 1. 
>  The essential change for this JEP, including the `@Deprecate` annotations 
> and spec change. It also update the default value of the 
> `` system property to "disallow", and necessary test 
> change following this update.
> 2. 
>  Manual changes to several files so that the next commit can be generated 
> programatically.
> 3. 
>  Automatic changes to other source files to avoid javac warnings on 
> deprecation for removal
> The 1st and 2nd commits should be reviewed carefully. The 3rd one is 
> generated programmatically, see the comment below for more details. If you 
> are only interested in a portion of the 3rd commit and would like to review 
> it as a separate file, please comment here and I'll generate an individual 
> webrev.
> Due to the size of this PR, no attempt is made to update copyright years for 
> any file to minimize unnecessary merge conflict.
> Furthermore, since the default value of `` system 
> property is now "disallow", most of the tests calling 
> `System.setSecurityManager()` need to launched with 
> ``. This is covered in a different PR at 

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 315:

> 313:  *
> 314:  * @since   1.0
> 315:  * @deprecated The Security Manager is deprecated and subject to removal 
> in a

Javadoc will prefix, in bold, "Deprecated, for removal: This API element is 
subject to removal in a future version". I'm just wondering if the sentence 
will be repeated here, can you check?



Re: RFR: 8267184: JEP 411: Add to tests calling System.setSecurityManager

2021-05-17 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 17 May 2021 17:51:36 GMT, Weijun Wang  wrote:

> Please review the test changes for [JEP 
> 411](
> With JEP 411 and the default value of `` becoming 
> `disallow`, tests calling `System.setSecurityManager()`  need 
> `` when launched. This PR covers such changes 
> for tier1 to tier3 (except for the JCK tests).
> To make it easier to focus your review on the tests in your area, this PR is 
> divided into multiple commits for different areas. Mostly the rule is the 
> same as how Skara adds labels, but there are several small tweaks:
> 1. When a file is covered by multiple labels, only one is chosen. I make my 
> best to avoid putting too many tests into `core-libs`. If a file is covered 
> by `core-libs` and another label, I categorized it into the other label.
> 2. If a file is in `core-libs` but contains `/xml/` in its name, it's in the 
> `xml` commit.
> 3. If a file is in `core-libs` but contains `/rmi/` in its name, it's in the 
> `rmi` commit.
> 4. One file not covered by any label -- 
> `test/jdk/com/sun/java/accessibility/util/8051626/` -- is in 
> the `swing` commit.
> Due to the size of this PR, no attempt is made to update copyright years for 
> all files to minimize unnecessary merge conflict.
> Please note that this PR can be integrated before the source changes for JEP 
> 411, as the possible values of this system property was already defined long 
> time ago in JDK 9.
> Most of the change in this PR is a simple adding of 
> `` to the `@run main/othervm` line. Sometimes it 
> was not `othervm` and we add one. Sometimes there's no `@run` at all and we 
> add the line.
> There are several tests that launch another Java process that needs to call 
> the `System.setSecurityManager()` method, and the system property is added to 
> `ProcessBuilder`, `ProcessTools`, or the java command line (if the test is a 
> shell test).
> 3 langtools tests are added into problem list due to 
> [JDK-8265611](
> 2 SQL tests are moved because they need different options on the `@run` line 
> but they are inside a directory that has a ``:
> rename test/jdk/java/sql/{testng/test/sql/othervm => 
> permissionTests}/ (93%)
> rename test/jdk/javax/sql/{testng/test/rowset/spi => 
> permissionTests}/ (95%)
>  ```
> The source change for JEP 411 is at

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).

The changes look okay but a bit inconsistent on where -Djava...=allow is 
inserted for tests that already set other system properties or other 
parameters. Not a correctness issue, just looks odd in several places, e.g.

 - the tests sets the system properties after -Xbootclasspath/a: but the change 
means it sets properties before and after.

test/jdk/java/lang/Class/getResource/ - you've added it in 
the middle of the module and class path parameters.

For uses using ProcessTools then it seems to be very random.



Re: RFR: 8266774: System property values for stdout/err on Windows UTF-8

2021-05-08 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 7 May 2021 22:46:08 GMT, Naoto Sato  wrote:

> Please review this small fix to Windows system property init code. This is 
> leftover from the support for `Console.charset()` method, where it lacked to 
> initialize `sun.stdout/err.encoding` to `UTF-8` for the code page `cp65001`.  
> The fix has been manually verified, but no automated test case is provided, 
> as automatically setting `UTF-8` for the system locale on Windows test 
> machine seems not possible.

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8266155: Convert java.base to use Stream.toList()

2021-04-28 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 28 Apr 2021 15:41:31 GMT, Chris Hegarty  wrote:

>> 8266155: Convert java.base to use Stream.toList()
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ line 6788:
>> 6786: }
>> 6787: 
>> 6788: /**
> I think the import of Collectors can be dropped in this file? And maybe a few 
> other files too?

The import can be dropped from the jdk.internal.module.* classes too.

jdk.internal.module.IllegalAccessLogger will likely be removed as part of JEP 



Re: RFR: 8264544: Case-insensitive comparison issue with supplementary characters.

2021-04-02 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 1 Apr 2021 03:24:04 GMT, Naoto Sato  wrote:

> Please review the fix to the subject issue. Thanks to the contribution by 
> Chris Johnson.

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8264332: Use the blessed modifier order in jdk.charsets

2021-03-29 Thread Alan Bateman
On Sun, 28 Mar 2021 13:56:00 GMT, Alex Blewitt 

> 8264332: Use the blessed modifier order in jdk.charsets

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8189198: Add "forRemoval = true" to Applet API deprecations

2021-03-17 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 17 Mar 2021 16:44:19 GMT, Andy Herrick  wrote:

> I cannot find any instances where the scope can be narrowed

Are you about AquaInternalFrameUI.mouseRelased, BasicPopupMenuUI. stateChanged, 
and other non-trivial methods?



Re: RFR: 8263561: Re-examine uses of LinkedList

2021-03-15 Thread Alan Bateman
On Sun, 14 Mar 2021 17:26:07 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> Looks like it's never specified in JavaDoc which particular implementation 
>> of List is used in fields of affected classes, so it's quite odd to me that 
>> someone would rely on that when using reflection. But your point about 
>> backward compatibility is reasonable, so I'll revert mentioned changes.
> Nothing outside of the JDK should be hacking into this private field of a 
> non-exposed class, this should not be a concern here.

> @AlanBateman so is it ok to keep `ArrayLists`?

One thing to look out for is usages of 2-arg add method that inserts at a 
specific position. This shouldn't be a concern in URLClassPath.closeLoaders 
(assuming this is this usage where the question arises).



Re: RFR: 8263561: Re-examine uses of LinkedList

2021-03-14 Thread Alan Bateman
On Sun, 14 Mar 2021 17:18:11 GMT, Сергей Цыпанов 

>> If that's the only use case, I recommend changing the return type to a 
>> deque, and replace the linked list with an array deque instead (as done 
>> elsewhere in this pr)
> Looks like it's never specified in JavaDoc which particular implementation of 
> List is used in fields of affected classes, so it's quite odd to me that 
> someone would rely on that when using reflection. But your point about 
> backward compatibility is reasonable, so I'll revert mentioned changes.

Nothing outside of the JDK should be hacking into this private field of a 
non-exposed class, this should not be a concern here.



Re: RFR: 8189198: Add "forRemoval = true" to Applet API deprecations

2021-03-14 Thread Alan Bateman
On Sat, 13 Mar 2021 00:43:33 GMT, Alexander Matveev  

>> implementation of
>> JDK-8256145: JEP 398: Deprecate the Applet API for Removal
> Marked as reviewed by almatvee (Committer).

Have you looked at narrowing the use of the SuppressWarnings to local variable 
declarations to avoid adding it to some of these methods?



Re: RFR: JDK-8262471: Fix coding style in src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/

2021-02-27 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 17:50:19 GMT, Christoph Göttschkes  wrote:

> Please review this small patch which fixes the coding style of 

Looks fine. This source file was a .template until a few weeks ago, probably 
should have fixed the indentation issues when moving it to a .java file.


Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8261621: Delegate Unicode history from JLS to j.l.Character [v2]

2021-02-12 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 12 Feb 2021 04:06:55 GMT, Naoto Sato  wrote:

>> Please review this doc fix to j.l.Character, which now includes the table of 
>> the history of supported Unicode versions. A corresponding CSR will be filed 
>> accordingly.
> Naoto Sato has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Removed empty  tag

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 86:

> 84:  * Unicode 10.0
> 85:  * Java SE 9
> 86:  * Unicode 8.0

Do we really need the history in the API docs? Will will update this table if 
there is a MR of the JSR for Java 8 that moves to a new Unicode release?



Re: RFR: 8261254: Initialize charset mapping data lazily

2021-02-08 Thread Alan Bateman
On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 19:08:18 GMT, Claes Redestad  wrote:

> This patch refactor JDK internal charsets to initialize charset mapping data 
> lazily when needed via holder classes. This means both a startup improvement 
> in some cases, and possible throughput improvements for all DoubleByte-based 
> Charsets.
> Testing: tier1-3

I wouldn't expect enumerating all charsets with Charset::availableCharsets to 
be too common but moving the data to holder class looks okay. The missing 
"final" in a few places was an oversight.  The replacement of the foreach and 
method ref in getServicesCatalog with imperative code is disappointment but 
okay here.


Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8260406: Do not copy pure java source code to gensrc

2021-01-26 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 26 Jan 2021 10:35:03 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

> For java.base gensrc we do the following:
> # Copy two Java files that need no preprocessing.
> $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/java.base/java/lang/ 
> $(call LogInfo, Generating $(@F))
> $(call install-file)
> $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/java.base/java/lang/ \
> $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/java.base/java/lang/
> What this means is that we have two "template" files that are just compiled 
> as java files, but only after being copied to gensrc. :-)
> We should just rename these files to java and move them to the normal source 
> directory.

Good. I notice the comment in both source files says "Java.lang.Character" 
rather than "java.lang.Character", probably should fix that at some point.


Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v4]

2021-01-23 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 15 Jan 2021 14:58:14 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> This PR is not stale; it's just still waiting for input from @AlanBateman.
> @magicus Can the CharacterDataXXX.template files move to 
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang?

> @AlanBateman When I moved the charset templates, I found this gold nugget:
> ```
> # Copy two Java files that need no preprocessing.
> $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/java.base/java/lang/ 
>   $(call LogInfo, Generating $(@F))
>   $(call install-file)
> $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/java.base/java/lang/ \
> $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/java.base/java/lang/
> ```
> What this means is that we have two "template" files that are just compiled 
> as java files, but only after being copied to gensrc. :-) That definitely 
> needs cleaning up, but this PR is large enough as it is, so I will not do it 
> now.

Good find, surprised this wasn't spotted before now. We should create a 
separate issue to rename them and get rid of the copying in the make file.



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v4]

2021-01-15 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:20:07 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

>> Marked as reviewed by prr (Reviewer).
> This PR is not stale; it's just still waiting for input from @AlanBateman.

@magicus Can the CharacterDataXXX.template files move to 



Re: RFR: 8226810: Failed to launch JVM because of NullPointerException occured on System.props

2021-01-12 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 12 Jan 2021 16:26:27 GMT, Evan Whelan  wrote:

> Hi,
> Please review this small change which enables the GB18030 charset to be built 
> into java.base 
> Thanks

Including GB18030 in java.base rather than jdk.charsets on Windows is fine. It 
does increase the size of java.base but that is less of a concern now than it 
used to be.


Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v2]

2020-12-16 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 22:52:30 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

>> Reviewed changes to `characterdata`, `charsetmapping`, `cldr`, `currency`, 
>> `lsrdata`, `tzdata`, and `unicodedata` with minor comment. Looks good 
>> overall.
> I think this is almost ready to be pushed, but I'd like to have someone from 
> the client team review the changes for java.desktop as well. @prrace Any 
> change you can have a look at this?

I think it will be annoying to have the charset mapping tables and other data 
in the src tree, have you looked at other alternatives?



Re: RFR: 8253497: Core Libs Terminology Refresh [v4]

2020-12-15 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 23:14:14 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

>> This is part of an effort in the JDK to replace archaic/non-inclusive words 
>> with more neutral terms (see JDK-8253315 for details).
>> Here are the changes covering core libraries code and tests.  Terms were 
>> changed as follows:
>> 1. grandfathered -> legacy
>> 2. blacklist -> filter or reject
>> 3. whitelist -> allow or accept
>> 4. master -> coordinator
>> 5. slave -> worker
>> Addressing similar issues in upstream 3rd party code is out of scope of this 
>> PR.  Such changes will be picked up from their upstream sources.
> Brent Christian has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   improve SERIAL_FILTER_PATTERN comment

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).

src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ line 1649:

> 1647:  * This implements the 'Language-Tag' production of BCP47, and
> 1648:  * so supports legacy (regular and irregular, referred to as
> 1649:  * {@code Type: grandfathered} in BCP47) as well as

You might consider putting quotes around "Type; grandfathered" here, otherwise 
looks good.



Re: RFR: 8253497: Core Libs Terminology Refresh [v2]

2020-12-14 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 01:46:08 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

>> This is part of an effort in the JDK to replace archaic/non-inclusive words 
>> with more neutral terms (see JDK-8253315 for details).
>> Here are the changes covering core libraries code and tests.  Terms were 
>> changed as follows:
>> 1. grandfathered -> legacy
>> 2. blacklist -> filter or reject
>> 3. whitelist -> allow or accept
>> 4. master -> coordinator
>> 5. slave -> worker
>> Addressing similar issues in upstream 3rd party code is out of scope of this 
>> PR.  Such changes will be picked up from their upstream sources.
> Brent Christian has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   updates, per code review

test/jdk/java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ line 45:

> 43: SocketChannel client = ();
> 44: client.connect (new InetSocketAddress 
> (InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), port));
> 45: SocketChannel channel = server.accept ();

Can you rename this to "peer" instead? (we can remove the spurious space after 
accept while we are there).



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v2]

2020-12-08 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 12:15:38 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> Also, to clarify, for me there is a fundamental difference between 
>> `src/$MODULE` and `make/modules/$MODULE`. The former is the home of files 
>> that are part of the module, owned by the content team, and the `$MODULE` 
>> part is essential to delineate this content. The latter is owned by the 
>> build team, and is just a convenient way to organize the build system within 
>> the `make` directory. So it's clearly a no-no to put anything but `.gmk` 
>> files in `make/modules/$MODULE`.
> The mapping and nr tables, and the * files in 
> make/data/charsetmapping are used to generate source code for the java.base 
> and jdk.charsets modules. The stdcs-$OS files configure the package and 
> module that each charset go into. If the tables used to generate the source 
> files are moved to src/java.base then make/modules/jdk.charsets/Gensrc.gmk 
> will probably need a new home too.

> @AlanBateman The process of modularization was not fully completed with 
> Project Jigsaw, and a few ugly warts remained. I was under the impression 
> that these should be addressed in follow-up fixes, but this was unfortunately 
> never done. Charsets and cldrconverter were both split between a core portion 
> in java.base and the rest in jdk.charsets and jdk.localedata, respectively, 
> but the split was never handled properly, but just "duct taped" in place.

This is a complicated area of the build, not really a Project Jigsaw issue. 
It's complicated because the source code for the charsets is generated at build 
time and the set of non-standard charsets included in java.base varies by 
platform, e.g. there's are several IBMxxx charsets in java.base when building 
on AIX that are not interesting to include in java.base on other platforms. 
This means we can't split up the mapping tables in make/data/charsetmapping and 
put them in different directories. If you are moving them into the src tree 
then src/java.base (as you have it) is best but will still have the ugly wart 
that some of these mapping tables will be used to generate code for the 
jdk.charsets module.



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v2]

2020-12-08 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 08:32:28 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

>> @mlchung If you don't have any strong preference, I implore you to accept 
>> this change. I **vastly** prefer to move the data out of `make`!
>> This is not just about Skara tooling. When working with make files, autoconf 
>> and shell scripts, there is no fancy IDE support, so you are stuck with 
>> simple text editors and tools like `grep`. I've lost count on how many times 
>> I've had my grep searches blow up, since I happened to find e.g. a string in 
>> `tzdata` and get hundreds or more of hits. :-( And I do believe we will get 
>> a better code structure if the build team "owns" `make`;  or at least has a 
>> vested interest in what's in that directory. We still suffer a lot of the 
>> old "I don't know where to put this file, so I'll just put it in make cause 
>> nobody cares about it anyway" mentality, but I've been working for quite 
>> some time to make that list of misplaced files shorter and shorter.
> Also, to clarify, for me there is a fundamental difference between 
> `src/$MODULE` and `make/modules/$MODULE`. The former is the home of files 
> that are part of the module, owned by the content team, and the `$MODULE` 
> part is essential to delineate this content. The latter is owned by the build 
> team, and is just a convenient way to organize the build system within the 
> `make` directory. So it's clearly a no-no to put anything but `.gmk` files in 
> `make/modules/$MODULE`.

The mapping and nr tables, and the * files in 
make/data/charsetmapping are used to generate source code for the java.base and 
jdk.charsets modules. The stdcs-$OS files configure the package and module that 
each charset go into. If the tables used to generate the source files are moved 
to src/java.base then make/modules/jdk.charsets/Gensrc.gmk will probably need a 
new home too.



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module

2020-12-04 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 4 Dec 2020 11:38:51 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

> And I can certainly move jdwp.spec to java.base instead. 

If jdwp.spec has to move to the src tree then src/ is probably the most 
suitable home because Java SE specifies JDWP as an optional interface. So 
nothing to do with java.base and the build will need to continue to generate 
the sources for the front-end (jdk.jdi) and back-end (jdk.jdwp.agent) as they 
implement the protocol.



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module

2020-12-04 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 4 Dec 2020 10:29:48 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie  wrote:

>> A lot (but not all) of the data in make/data is tied to a specific module. 
>> For instance, the publicsuffixlist is used by java.base, and fontconfig by 
>> java.desktop. (A few directories, like mainmanifest, is *actually* used by 
>> make for the whole build.) 
>> These data files should move to the module they belong to. The are, after 
>> all, "source code" for that module that is "compiler" into resulting 
>> deliverables, for that module. (But the "source code" language is not Java 
>> or C, but typically a highly domain specific language or data format, and 
>> the "compilation" is, often, a specialized transformation.) 
>> This misplacement of the data directory is most visible at code review time. 
>> When such data is changed, most of the time build-dev (or the new build 
>> label) is involved, even though this has nothing to do with the build. While 
>> this is annoying, a worse problem is if the actual team that needs to review 
>> the patch (i.e., the team owning the module) is missed in the review.
> To facilitate review, here is a list on how the different directories under 
> make/data has moved.
> **To java.base:**
> * blacklistedcertsconverter
> * cacerts
> * characterdata
> * charsetmapping
> * cldr
> * currency
> * lsrdata
> * publicsuffixlist
> * tzdata
> * unicodedata
> **To java.desktop:**
> * dtdbuilder
> * fontconfig
> * macosxicons
> * x11wrappergen
> **To jdk.compiler:**
> * symbols
> **To jdk.jdi:**
> * jdwp
> **Remaining in make:**
> * bundle
> * docs-resources
> * macosxsigning
> * mainmanifest

Are you proposing any text or guidelines to be added to JEP 201 as part of this?

I think the location of jdwp.spec and its location in the build tree may need 
to be looked at again. It was convenient to have it in the make tree, from 
which the protocol spec, and source code for the front end (module jdk.jdi) and 
a header file for the back end (module jdk.jdwp.agent) are created. Given that 
the JDWP protocol is standard (not JDK-specific) then there may be an argument 
to put it in src/ instead of a JDK-specific module.



Re: RFR: JDK-8189198: Add "forRemoval = true" to Applet APIs [v2]

2020-11-13 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 20:48:13 GMT, Andy Herrick  wrote:

>> JDK-8189198: Add "forRemoval = true" to Applet APIs
> Andy Herrick has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains six additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - JDK-8189198: Add "forRemoval = true" to Applet APIs
>  - Merge branch 'master' into JDK-8189198
>  - Merge branch 'master' into JDK-8189198
>  - JDK-8189198: Add "forRemoval = true" to Applet APIs
>  - JDK-8189198: Add "forRemoval = true" to Applet APIs
>  - JDK-8189198: Add "forRemoval = true" to Applet APIs

src/java.naming/share/classes/javax/naming/ line 1087:

> 1085: @Deprecated(since="16", forRemoval=true)
> 1086: String APPLET = "java.naming.applet";
> 1087: };

Probably should be since="9" (the deprecation in JDK-8051422 pre-dates the 
enhanced deprecation work).



Re: RFR: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag

2020-10-22 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 17:16:23 GMT, Jonathan Gibbons  wrote:

> The change is (just) to remove legacy usages of a JDK-private custom tag.

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8253208: Move CDS related code to a separate class

2020-09-19 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 23:47:56 GMT, Yumin Qi  wrote:

> With more CDS related code added to VM, it is time to move CDS code to a 
> separate class. CDS is the new class which is
> specific to CDS.
> Tests: tier1-4

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/misc/ line 42:

> 40: public static native void defineArchivedModules(ClassLoader 
> platformLoader, ClassLoader systemLoader);
> 41:
> 42: public static native long getRandomSeedForCDSDump();

The moving of the archive methods to CDS looks okay but inconsistent to only 
comment 3 of the 5 methods.



Re: RFR: 8252999: Cleanup: replace .equals("") with .isEmpty() within all codebase

2020-09-10 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 10 Sep 2020 13:53:10 GMT, David Holmes  wrote:

>> @dholmes-ora raises a good point. Hopefully there is a balance point between 
>> a dozen different bugs / pull requests
>> each targeting one area and one bug / PR targeting a dozen separate areas. I 
>> don't have a good general rule to suggest.
>> Maybe @AlanBateman or @jddarcy can offer some advice?
> 14 cc'd mailing lists is unworkable. You need to be subscribed to lists to 
> post, but even if you are a reply-all will
> be delayed due to all of the mails being held up for moderator approval due 
> to:
> " Too many recipients to the message"
> I have a longer email coming once it gets through the moderator approval 
> delay. :(

Patches that do global replace are always awkward. In this case, there are 150 
files changed and most seem to be tests
or changes to tools used in the build (includes 
src/hotspot/share/prims/ If these are dropped from
the patch then it leaves just 43 files, many of which are from 3rd party code 
that can also be dropped. This should
reduce the patch down to a manageable 24 or so files that should be trivial to 



Re: RFR: 8252999: Cleanup: replace .equals("") with .isEmpty() within all codebase

2020-09-10 Thread Alan Bateman
On Thu, 10 Sep 2020 08:47:35 GMT, Dmitriy Dumanskiy 

>> Before this Enhancement can be formally reviewed, you will need a JBS bug 
>> ID. If you are already working with a
>> Committer or Reviewer in the `jdk` project who has agreed to sponsor your 
>> change, they can file the Enhancement
>> request. Otherwise, you can file it using the web interface at 
>> []( Once
>> you have a JBS bug ID, you need to edit the PR title to include that bug ID 
>> (without the `JDK-`) replacing
>> "Improvement".   Since this PR cuts across many functional areas (each gray 
>> label represents a functional area), you
>> should expect a longer review process, since someone from each functional 
>> area will need to look at the changes in
>> their area (like @mrserb started to do for the `2d` area).
> @kevinrushforth thanks. Done.
> Similar issues:
> could be joined somehow?

The code in java.base was updated to use String::isEmpty in JDK 12 
(JDK-8215281). There was follow-up in JDK 13 to do
the same in the java.desktop module (JDK-8223237). Changing the remaining 
usages make sense although I see that more
more than half are in tests.

It would be good to hear from security-dev on the changes to the Apache 
Santuario code (in java.xml.crypto module) in
case it would be better to contribute those upstream instead. Ditto for the 
Apache Xalan code (in the java.xml module)
but it may be significantly forked already that it doesn't matter.

I assume you can use JDK-8215014 rather than creating a new issue.



Re: RFR: 8138732: Rename @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate to @IntrinsicCandidate and move it to the jdk.internal.vm.annotation package [v2]

2020-09-10 Thread Alan Bateman
On Wed, 9 Sep 2020 09:49:44 GMT, Philippe Marschall 

>> Hello, newbie here
>> I picked JDK-8138732 to work on because it has a "starter" label and I 
>> believe I understand what to do.
>> - I tried to update the copyright year to 2020 in every file.
>> - I decided to change `@since` from 9 to 16 since it is a new annotation 
>> name in a new package.
>> - I tried to keep code changes to a minimum, eg not change to imports if 
>> fully qualified class names are used instead of
>>   imports. In some cases I did minor reordering of imports to keep them 
>> sorted alphabetically.
>> - All tier1 tests pass.
>> - One jpackage/jlink tier2 test fails but I don't believe it is related.
>> - Some tier3 Swing tests fail but I don't think they are related.
> Philippe Marschall has refreshed the contents of this pull request, and 
> previous commits have been removed. The
> incremental views will show differences compared to the previous content of 
> the PR. The pull request contains one new
> commit since the last revision:
>   8138732: Rename HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate to IntrinsicCandidate

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8138732: Rename @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate to @IntrinsicCandidate and move it to the jdk.internal.vm.annotation package

2020-09-07 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 7 Sep 2020 09:44:09 GMT, Philippe Marschall 

> Hello, newbie here
> I picked JDK-8138732 to work on because it has a "starter" label and I 
> believe I understand what to do.
> - I tried to update the copyright year to 2020 in every file.
> - I decided to change `@since` from 9 to 16 since it is a new annotation name 
> in a new package.
> - I tried to keep code changes to a minimum, eg not change to imports if 
> fully qualified class names are used instead of
>   imports. In some cases I did minor reordering of imports to keep them 
> sorted alphabetically.
> - All tier1 tests pass.
> - One jpackage/jlink tier2 test fails but I don't believe it is related.
> - Some tier3 Swing tests fail but I don't think they are related.

This one probably needs discussion on hotspot-dev to get agreement on the 
rename/move. It might need coordination with
Graal. If the change does go ahead then please check if java.base's still needs to export jdk.internal
to jdk.jfr, I suspect that qualified export can be removed.



Re: [14] RFR (XXS) 8238605: Correct the CLDR version number in files

2020-02-06 Thread Alan Bateman

On 06/02/2020 16:50, wrote:


Please review this extra small fix for this issue:

The proposed changeset is located at:

It is simply updating the version number in files, which 
should have been done with JDK-8231273.

This seems to be a "must-fix" to the license file so I think it's okay.


Re: RFR: 8232161 Unexpected 1-way trip conversion entries on MS950 charset

2019-10-19 Thread Alan Bateman

On 14/10/2019 16:53, Ichiroh Takiguchi wrote:


Could you review the fix ?


I have a concern about 1-way trip conversion entries (4 entries) on 
MS950 charset.

The detail information is in JDK-8232161 [1]

Do you know any sense on the compatibility impact of changing this? I 
think Naoto has the same question and we aren't sure if this one with 
need a compatibility property. I think it will need a CSR.


Re: Fwd: RFR: JDK-8220414 :Correct copyright headers in and

2019-03-11 Thread Alan Bateman

Looks good.

On 11/03/2019 10:06, Rachna Goel wrote:


Kindly review fix to JDK-8220414, which updates copyright header.


diff -r 645ba889ee5f 
Mon Jan 28 16:42:23 2019 +0100
Mon Mar 11 13:02:59 2019 +0530

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights 
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights 

  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
diff -r 645ba889ee5f 
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/ 
Mon Jan 28 16:42:23 2019 +0100
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/ 
Mon Mar 11 13:02:59 2019 +0530

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights 
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights 

  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it

Re: [12] RFR: 8215303: Allowing additional currency code points from later Unicode updates

2019-01-05 Thread Alan Bateman

On 04/01/2019 17:18, Chris Hegarty wrote:

Will compilations with `--release N-1` wind back the set of allowable
identifiers?  It possibly should, if so how does one do similar when/if
the set of currency characters is expanded in an update release?

I don't think `javac --release` takes the Unicode version into account. 
Using JDK 11 javac, I can compile the following with `--release 8` and 
it will compile even though the Bitcoin currency symbol was only added 
in Unicode 10 and Java SE 11. It won't compile with JDK 10 or older of 

class X {
   double ₿ = 0.0;

I agree with your comment that the CSR could be be expanded to at least 
make it clear that if support for a currency symbol is added in some 
future update of JDK N then source code using it in identifiers will 
compile with the JDK update that supports the symbol, not by the GA or 
previous updates of JDK N.


Re: Proposal: Unicode Variation Selector

2018-04-09 Thread Alan Bateman
This is the font code so I think you'll need to discuss it on 2d-dev at 


On 09/04/2018 04:57, Toshio 5 Nakamura wrote:

IBM would like to propose Unicode Variation Selector[1] capability to AWT
and Swing components.

This proposal is changing the following files:
542 lines will be changed.

There are three parts.
1) Adding CMap format 14 support
2) Adding CharsToGlyphs functions support Variation Selector Sequences
3) Swing text component's DEL and BS key operations change

How would I go about obtaining a sponsor?

  Chapter 23.4 Variation Selectors

Best regards,

Toshio Nakamura
IBM Japan

Re: [11] RFR: JDK-8198385: Remove property sun.locale.formatasdefault

2018-02-22 Thread Alan Bateman

On 21/02/2018 21:13, wrote:


Please review the fix to the following issue:

The proposed changeset is located at:

The property was introduced in JDK7 for the backward compatibility, 
which at this point is no longer needed. Corresponding CSR is already 

This looks okay. Are there are tests to be adjusted/removed as part of this?


Re: JDK 10 Review Request for JDK-8176583: Move currency data to /lib

2017-06-14 Thread Alan Bateman

On 09/06/2017 07:59, Nishit Jain wrote:


Please review the fix for JDK-8176583


Fix: Relocated from java.base module 
(/java.base/java/util/ to /lib directory
Can you explain why this is needed? What is planning to upgrade the 
currency data in generated run-time images?


Re: [9] RFR: 8171189: Deprecate ResourceBundleControlProvider for removal

2017-01-06 Thread Alan Bateman

On 06/01/2017 09:13, Yoshito Umaoka wrote:

Yes. See

The jar file contains java.util.spi.ResourceBundleControlProvider 
so a consumer of this library just need to drop the jar in the Java's 
extension directory.

We suggest people to take this approach, because it does not require 
existing code changes at all (that means, they can easily 
enable/disable the extended feature with no source code changes). Of 
course, the library works fine if the consumer of this library 
explicitly specify the ResourceBundleControl implementation, but such 
approach does not work well if resource bundles are consumed indirectly.

The extension mechanism has been removed in JDK 9 (since late 2014). The 
details are in JEP 220 [1].

More on this in the MR for JSR 337 [2] (the JSR for Java SE 8) where the 
deprecation of this "feature" was announced. See also the draft EDR for 
JSR 379 [3] (the JSR for Java SE 9) where the extension mechanism is 
listed for removal in Java SE 9.

In general then I don't think we've seen much use of the extension 
mechanism in recent time. In particular the practice of dropping JAR 
files into the JDK ext directory has always been problematic when 
switching/upgrading JDK versions. We have seen a few cases where servers 
are configured to run with -Djava.ext.dirs=... but not many. Since 2014 
then I'm only aware of three complaints because servers won't start when 
they have -Djava.ext.dirs=... on the command line. In two of these cases 
then the directory was empty, meaning there were no extensions so the 
product dropping the property. To help catch these usages (all part of 
the planning to remove this feature) then JDK 8 intrdouced the 
-XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs option to fail at startup if the property 
is set or there are extensions installed.

I hope you can find an alternative for the usage here, maybe the 
resources can be deployed on the class path instead.



Re: RFR:JDK-8168906-Tighten permissions granted to the jdk.localedata module

2016-11-13 Thread Alan Bateman

On 14/11/2016 07:12, Rachna Goel wrote:


Kindly review fix for JDK-8168906.

Patch :

fix: As jdk.localedata module does read any system properties, 
tightened permissions for same.
If you are sure it doesn't read any properties (or call anything that 
read properties without wrapping it in a privileged block) then it looks 


Re: RFR: 8161203: ResourceBundle.getBundle performance regression

2016-07-24 Thread Alan Bateman

On 22/07/2016 14:13, Peter Levart wrote:


The changes are very straightforward. They preserve the general 
structure of the logic. I renamed the CacheKey nested class to 
LoadSession as it now only functions as a mutable object passed around 
the methods while executing the getBundle() process. LoadSession is 
now a factory for ClassLoaderValue cache key. I moved the loadTime and 
expirationTime fields from LoadSession (old CacheKey) to 
ResourceBundle. As each cached entry must maintain it's own 
loadTime/expirationTime, I changed the NONEXISTENT_BUNDLE constant 
into a private subclass of ResourceBundle. The back-link from 
ResourceBundle to CacheKey is not needed any more. There is a backlink 
from BundleReference to ClassLoaderValue key and the associated 
ClassLoader to enable expunging.
Not a comment on the the ResourceBundle changes but I think it would be 
generally useful if we moved CLV jdk.internal. so that it can 
be used by other code in java.base. I had cause to do this recently when 
prototyping something in a completely different area recently.


Re: RFR: 8161203: ResourceBundle.getBundle performance regression

2016-07-21 Thread Alan Bateman

On 21/07/2016 05:14, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:


Please review the fix for JDK-8161203. The fix is to lazily load 
ResourceBundleProviders. It's not necessary to load providers before 
cache look-up.




This change looks okay to me. In passing, I can't quite tell if using 
CacheKey::providers is safe or not - this may be something to look into.


Re: RFR: 8159766: "Switching encoding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1" log message should be trace/debug message

2016-06-21 Thread Alan Bateman

On 21/06/2016 07:34, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:


Please review the fix for JDK-8159766. The logging code has been 
removed after all. No additional regression test. The message should 
no longer be logged to the .jtr file with 


This looks okay to me.


Re: RFR: 8158272 & 8158468 (tools/jlink/plugins/ bug fixes)

2016-06-13 Thread Alan Bateman

On 13/06/2016 16:02, Mandy Chung wrote:

I see.  I’m fine with what you have.  We should enhance the jlink testlibrary 
to run java from a run-time image created for a test to run.

I'm okay with it too.


Re: RFR: 8158272 & 8158468 (tools/jlink/plugins/ bug fixes)

2016-06-10 Thread Alan Bateman

On 10/06/2016 08:08, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:

(re-sending to include jigsaw-dev)


Please review fixes for 8158272 and 8158468. The test had several 

- A child process doesn't inherit IO. Any outputs from the child 
process are not logged.
- The exit code of a child process is ignored. The exit code needs to 
be checked by the test.
- A child process should use the exit code to report errors rather 
than throwing a RuntimeException.

- The golden data doesn't match the CLDR V29.
- It may not be a good idea to hard-code the full set of the available 

All have been fixed. Additional changes are:

- Removed -verbose:gc from @run
- Changed String to List for the available locales data. It 
was hard to compare long strings.
- Changed output of the test so that it's easier to understand test 

- Replaced Locale.ROOT.toString() with "(root)"

As for the timeout issue, what happened is that a child process for 
checking available locales threw a RuntimeException due to the CLDR 
V29 changes. But the parent process (the main test process) was 
waiting for the child process to terminate. I'm not sure if it's a 
Windows specific process management issue or jtreg specific issue or 
something else. But the timeout symptom is no longer reproducible with 
the change to call ProcessBuilder.inheritIO().



While I was working on these test problems, I noticed there are a few 
problems in the include locales plugin per se. For example, 
--include-locales=*-IN selects en-001 which is missing in the 
available locales list. (The missing "en-001" has been added to the 
test data, but it's commented out.) I will be filing a separate JBS 

This looks quite good.

What would you think also changing testAvailableLocales to use 
ProcessTools. As it stands then it looks like the output/error streams 
from the child won't be printed to the test logs?


Re: Review request: JDK-8158604: test/java/util/ResourceBundle/modules/appbasic missing @test

2016-06-03 Thread Alan Bateman

On 03/06/2016 05:09, Mandy Chung wrote:


test/java/util/ResourceBundle/modules/appbasic is not run because 
was missed.  I notice it while looking at the existing tests.  I took the 
opportunity to improve the javadoc and update appbasic test to serve as a 
simple example of AbstractResourceBundleProvider.

Looks good except L33 where I assume the 
full spot has been removed so two sentences run into each other.


Re: RFR: 8031145: Re-examine closed i18n tests to see it they can be moved to the jdk repository.

2016-05-26 Thread Alan Bateman

On 26/05/2016 11:12, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:

On 5/26/2016 7:07 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 26/05/2016 10:41, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
Naoto pointed out that test/java/text/Format/common/*Format.props 
should have the copyright header. Unfortunately, 
test/java/text/Format/common/, which parses the .props 
files, doesn't support any comment lines. So, PParser has been 
changed to be able to support comment lines. 
and *Format.props have been changed. No other changes.

Can the formatting/indentation in PParser be cleaned up before this 
is pushed?

OK. I will.
Thanks, otherwise I think this looks good and it's nice to get these 
tests moved to the jdk repo.


Re: RFR: 8031145: Re-examine closed i18n tests to see it they can be moved to the jdk repository.

2016-05-26 Thread Alan Bateman

On 26/05/2016 10:41, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
Naoto pointed out that test/java/text/Format/common/*Format.props 
should have the copyright header. Unfortunately, 
test/java/text/Format/common/, which parses the .props 
files, doesn't support any comment lines. So, PParser has been changed 
to be able to support comment lines. 
and *Format.props have been changed. No other changes.

Can the formatting/indentation in PParser be cleaned up before this is 


Re: RFR: 8031145: Re-examine closed i18n tests to see it they can be moved to the jdk repository.

2016-05-23 Thread Alan Bateman

On 23/05/2016 07:11, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:


Please review changes for JDK-8031145 that is to open closed i18n 
tests. There are many old tests which should be cleaned up. I did 
some, but there are still many.



Liberating these tests is great and this looks like good work.

Is there anything that we can do with the binary files? In the case of 
the .ser file then could it be a byte[] in the test with an execution 
mode that re-generates it?  There is also at least one .data file that 
looks to be the serialized version of a bad ChoiceFormat and maybe that 
could be moved into the source too.


Re: RFR: 8153836: java/util/ResourceBundle/ depends on java.desktop

2016-04-11 Thread Alan Bateman

This looks okay to me.

On 11/04/2016 08:36, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:

Hi all,

Please review the fix for JDK-8153836.



Re: RFR: 8152817: Locale data loading fails silently when running with a security manager

2016-03-31 Thread Alan Bateman

On 31/03/2016 10:29, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
Webrev has been updated. I realized that some code which was for 
loading resource bundles in both java.base and jdk.localedata 
remained. The providers are no longer used for loading resource 
bundles in java.base. The code was removed.

This looks okay to me.


Re: [9] RFR: 8148346: Reduce number of packages in jdk.localedata module

2016-02-17 Thread Alan Bateman

Naoto - I don't know if this is hg version or webrev related but the 
moves aren't showing up correctly in the webrev so it's hard to see the 
actual changes. Can you try a new recent webrev to see if that fixes it?


On 17/02/2016 21:28, Naoto Sato wrote:


Please review the fix to the following issue:

The proposed change is located at:

Vast majority of the changes are changing package names. They used to 
be lang/ctry structure, which bloats the number of locale data package 
names to hundreds. Now it comes down to 8 packages with this fix.


Re: i18n dev Review Request for 8074431: Remove native2ascii tool

2015-05-19 Thread Alan Bateman

On 18/05/2015 23:45, Mandy Chung wrote:
This patch removes native2ascii command-line tool from JDK 9 as 
proposed in March [1].

Looks good.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8061382: Separate CLDR locale data from JRE locale data

2014-10-23 Thread Alan Bateman

On 22/10/2014 20:52, Naoto Sato wrote:

Hi Mandy,

As I wrote in a separate email, my preference is the following module 


This way, they both come under localedata (btw, they don't provide 
Locale, but the data for locale sensitive services such as DateFormat, 
so I prefer to keep localedata here), and jre/cldr are provider 
names which correspond to names in the system property.
jdk.localedata.XXX looks right. I wonder if we can find something better 
than jre for the suffix of the first one. I ask because linking that 
into a runtime that isn't the what we know today as the JRE might be 


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8061382: Separate CLDR locale data from JRE locale data

2014-10-21 Thread Alan Bateman

On 21/10/2014 01:25, Naoto Sato wrote:

I think we can rename the original jdk.localedata to 
jdk.localedata.jre solely for the legacy JRE locale data, and create 
the new jdk.localedata.cldr. Or re-purpose jdk.localedata to represent 
the legacy JRE locale data, and newly create jdk.cldrlocaledata for 
the CLDR data. Either way they won't suggest the augmentation you refer.

Do you mind putting this change on hold to allow for a discussion on the 
module naming?


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8057646: ClassCircularityError running SQE test

2014-09-09 Thread Alan Bateman

On 09/09/2014 00:04, Naoto Sato wrote:


Please review the fix for the following bug:

The proposed changes are located at:

It's not clear to me that this is the right place to address this issue. 
Clearly the changes to JRELocaleProviderAdapter to use ServiceLoader 
have upset the ordering that things are initialized for this error case, 
but it looks to me that it's always been very fragile. I think we need 
stack back a bit and examine the stack trace to see where might be a 
more appropriate place to address this, it may be that the security code 
needs to be more tolerant of attempts at recursive initialization.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8057646: ClassCircularityError running SQE test

2014-09-09 Thread Alan Bateman

On 09/09/2014 18:14, Naoto Sato wrote:

It's an inherent issue where some init code issues locale sensitive 
services, such as in this case, *Formatter. So this could happen not 
only in Security class, but could be anywhere. So I think we still 
need the change proposed here in order for avoiding regressions. On 
error cases, the diagnosability will be addressed with the issue with 
I think we should move this issue to security-libs and have this issue 
addressed in the PolicyFile/PolicyParser code.

My concern with catching Throwable is that it's just going to make it 
harder to diagnose tricky issues like this. I would be interested in 
other possible cases where you think the ClassCircularityError might 
happen. I'm just wondering if we need to approach this issue a bit 


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR 8038436: Re-examine the mechanism to determine available localedata and cldrdata

2014-08-30 Thread Alan Bateman

On 29/08/2014 22:07, Naoto Sato wrote:
I incorporated the suggestions from Mandy and Alan. Also one change 
since the last webrev was to revert the hard-coding of the supported 
locales list back to the one which dynamically generates the lists at 
the build time. I initially thought static listing of locales would be 
less complex as to the build script/makefile, but on second thought 
it's less evil than possible future regressions.

Please review:

I think this looks okay and I assume you'll create another issue to 
re-examine the error handling as I do think that does need to be looked 
at again (my main concern is that it will silently failover and that 
could be very hard to diagnose).

One comment on the test Bug8038436 is that it sets java.ext.dirs on the 
assumption that the locale and cldr data wouldn't be found. I suspect 
this will need to be re-worked once we get to the point of linking 
modules into the image. It may be that the ext directory is empty by 
default (localdata.jar and cldrdata.jar will not exist).


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR 8038436: Re-examine the mechanism to determine available localedata and cldrdata

2014-08-25 Thread Alan Bateman

On 22/08/2014 19:46, Naoto Sato wrote:


Please review the changes for the following issue:

The proposed changes are located at:

The idea is to introduce an SPI so that supported locales are 
dynamically searched at runtime, not depending on the existence of 
physical jar files.

I'd appreciate it if build folks could review the makefile related 
changes, i18n forks to review locale framework files, and Mandy from 
modularization point of view.
I've skimmed over the changes (not a detailed review, I see Mandy and 
Masayoshi are doing that). It is good to see this code changed to use 
ServiceLoader and dropping the direct access to localeddata.jar and 
cldrdata.jar. It would be useful to see if you can run a few startup 
performance tests to see that the changes have any impact.

On JREENLocaleDataMetaInfo then I wonder if you've considering using 
camel case instead. Maybe JRE could be dropped (I realize the type is 
JRE) and it can be renamed to EnLocaleDataMetaInfo to avoid all caps 

A minor comment on JREENLocaleDataMetaInfo.getSupportedLocaleString is 
that it could be changed to return 
resourceNameToLocales.getOrDefault(resourceName, );

For the initialization then this might be help with some of the long 
lines and might make the publication a bit clearer too:

private static final MapString, String resourceNameToLocales ;

static {
MapString, String map = new HashMap();
resourceNameToLocales = map;

On the long lines then JRENonENLocaleDataMetaInfo will need attention as 
the 872 character line will make future side-by-side reviews fun :-)

In CLDRLocaleProviderAdapter's constructor then it is catches/ignores 
exceptions, the subsequent UOE does not help diagnose any issues. 
Hopefully this can be re-examined before these changes are pushed as any 
issue here would be difficult to diagnose.

One thing that isn't clear to me is the getLangTags implementations in 
several classes where it has to cast to JRELocaleProviderAdapter. It's 
not clear to the reader why this is necessary and how it would behave 
with CLDRLocaleProviderAdapter.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8048123: Replace with another mechanism to specify a new Japanese calendar era

2014-07-22 Thread Alan Bateman

On 22/07/2014 08:06, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:


Please review the change for JDK-8048123. This change removes all the 
era definitions in ${java.home}/lib/ (The 
property file will eventually be gone later.) The major change is that 
any new era of the Japanese calendar should now be defined using new 
property jdk.calendar.japanese.supplemental.era.

Webrev includes some unrelated cleanups.
I've skimmed over the changes (not a detailed review) and it's good to 
have these properties dropped from Clearly just 
allowing for one additional era is a limitation and hopefully that will 
not be an issue ever.

You might want to consider pre {@code ... } /pre instead of the  
code tag. Alternatively it could be tables (although they might be 
harder to maintain).

There are a couple of @SuppressWarnings values that I don't recognize, 
are these warnings that javac emits?

Other minor comments in passing. The changes to 
LocalGregorianCalendar.parseEraEntry highlight that it is still using 
StringTokenizer, there might an opportunity to use String split here 
instead.  In getLocalGregorianCalendar you could use a lambda as has 
been done in a few other places.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8048123: Replace with another mechanism to specify a new Japanese calendar era

2014-07-22 Thread Alan Bateman

On 22/07/2014 14:06, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:


Other minor comments in passing. The changes to 
LocalGregorianCalendar.parseEraEntry highlight that it is still using 
StringTokenizer, there might an opportunity to use String split here 

But split() uses regex, which I think is too expensive for this simple 
parsing. The parser wouldn't be used too often, though.
String.split has a fast-path for simple usages like this. It's not core 
to what you are doing here of course, I only mentioned it because 
StringTokener is legacy.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8038092: Re-examine Bidi reflective dependency on java.awt.font

2014-07-03 Thread Alan Bateman

On 02/07/2014 16:43, Naoto Sato wrote:

So I think the only question
now is the test case and understanding why that needs to be updated.

The test case ensures that even BidiBase class was loaded before 
TextAttribte/NumericShaper classes, it should work correctly. Version 
1 of this fix (webrev.1) actually fails with this test case.

Does it fail with the updated changes in webrev.2? I can't think why the 
test would need to be changed with the updated changes.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8038092: Re-examine Bidi reflective dependency on java.awt.font

2014-07-03 Thread Alan Bateman

On 03/07/2014 17:16, Naoto Sato wrote:
With the original test case, webrev.1 and webrev.2 both succeed. With 
the modified test case (in webrev.2), webrev.1 fails but webrev.2 
succeeds. The reason I changed the test case is to catch possible 
regression where someone makes changes to the SharedSecret being 
initialized at BidiBase class loading time (as in webrev.1).
I'm not sure that I get this, it actually looks to me that this change 
to the test could mask a problem with a future change that would break 
the shared secrets setup.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8038092: Re-examine Bidi reflective dependency on java.awt.font

2014-07-03 Thread Alan Bateman

On 03/07/2014 17:59, Naoto Sato wrote:
Ok, now I think I got what you mean. So it could regress in two ways, 
one is what you wrote below, and the other I am seeing. So instead of 
modifying the existing test case, I just add a new one which basically 
is the same one in the previous webrev as follows:

This way they can detect those two possible regressions.
Okay, I see where you are going. To avoid duplicating the testing then 
you should have the one test run twice (two @run lines). One run could 
be with a property set that you check in the static initializer so that 
you can decide whether to preload BidiBase.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8038092: Re-examine Bidi reflective dependency on java.awt.font

2014-07-02 Thread Alan Bateman

On 02/07/2014 01:42, Naoto Sato wrote:

I further modified the fix:

- Made sure the SharedSecret is lazily evaluated.
- Added the missing JavaAWTFontAccessImpl file
- Added a test case

Please review.

This looks much better.

I think the only case that need detailed examination now is whether it 
is possible for SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTFontAccess to return null. I'm 
thinking about the case where 2+ threads use Bidi for the first time, or 
say something else initializes TextAttribute at the same time that 
another thread uses Bidi for the first time.

Is the change to really needed?


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8038092: Re-examine Bidi reflective dependency on java.awt.font

2014-07-02 Thread Alan Bateman

On 02/07/2014 08:20, Alan Bateman wrote:


I think the only case that need detailed examination now is whether it 
is possible for SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTFontAccess to return null. I'm 
thinking about the case where 2+ threads use Bidi for the first time, 
or say something else initializes TextAttribute at the same time that 
another thread uses Bidi for the first time.
On second look then I think this is okay because the static initializer 
must happen-before the use of the class. So I think the only question 
now is the test case and understanding why that needs to be updated.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8038092: Re-examine Bidi reflective dependency on java.awt.font

2014-07-01 Thread Alan Bateman

On 30/06/2014 18:35, Naoto Sato wrote:


Please review the fix for the subject bug:

The proposed change is located at:

Thanks for looking at this issue.

One part that doesn't look right is where Bidi is used before 
TextAttribute or NumericShaper are initialized and then used later with 
one of these as an attribute. Normally with SharedSecrets then 
ensureClassInitialized is to used to initialize a class that is known to 
register the secret but in this case then you can't do that because it 
would create a dependency on java.awt. The simplest thing might be to 
keep the Class.forName in both TextAttribtueConstants and 
NumericShapings as that will ensure that those classes are initialized 
(if they are present).

A minor comment is that there are probably a bunch of imports that can 
be removed once the bulk of the core reflection usage goes away.


Re: i18n dev [9] RFR: 8039317: Read read as a resource

2014-06-26 Thread Alan Bateman

On 26/06/2014 00:16, Naoto Sato wrote:


Please review the proposed fix to the subject issue:

The fix is to move file from lib directory into 
resources.jar file, as this file is merely a data file:
I assume that jdk/make/profile-includes.txt will need to be updated too, 
otherwise it looks okay to me.


Re: i18n dev RFR [9] 8043613: Update .properties files for serialver tool

2014-06-04 Thread Alan Bateman

On 04/06/2014 13:44, Chris Hegarty wrote:


This is a very trivial request, and follows JDK-8042887 Remove 
serialver -show, this tool does not need a GUI.

The only changes required are the removal of several values from the 
two localized property files. No additional translation is required.
Won't this resolve this when the when translation drop happens? Normally 
we are not supposed to touch the translated properties files. The 
changes to these files were deliberately left out of Pavel's patch.


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