RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-30 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Danny, tks infonya.




From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja [] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Dating carbon tentu bisa untuk ratusan tahun pak, kecuali yang umurnya
dibawah 250 tahunan BP (1950) alias setelah 1700 Masehi – uncertainty sangat
besar.  Saya lihat pada chart (di-attach) untuk koreksi umur C-14 yang
700-an tahun BP ke kalendar masehinya (=1250M) okay pak.  Lab yang punya
reputasi internasional bagus di Beta Analytic di





From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 16 Juli 2012 13:47
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?



Kalau sifatnya masih spekulatif gini ya sudah kita tunggu aja published
paper- nya. Wah saya mungkin ketinggalan zaman ya, apa ada instrument baru
yg bis dating charcoal sampai skala ratusan tahun? Mungkin Danny tahu lab
mana ya?




From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:27 AM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di Indonesia
yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan dunia menjadi dingin
dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice age).  Mungkin takut
dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  Tapi sebagian ahli menduga
kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani
terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an berita
di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 1210-1260 AD
untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja kalo mengajukan
Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur kaldera ini benar.  


Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J





Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of Volcanoes 
the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have seen some
interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I wrote about the
eruption a few months back, speculating on some potential volcanoes that
could be the culprit for this climate-altering event. However, trying to
match a sulfate signal on the poles with a volcano somewhere on the planet
is hard, so finding that “smoking gun” is a challenge to say the least.
However, Franck Lavigne  from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University’s Laboratory
of Physical Geography in Meudon, France claimed to have solved the mystery.
It isn’t that simple, though. Lavigne will not reveal the site of the
eruption until his study is published (it may or may not be submitted for
peer review at this point). So, instead of sharing news of his discovery, he
showed the data he used to “solve” the mystery … but never revealed what
volcano it was! What harm could come from Lavigne revealing his location
before the article is published, especially if he is willing to show data
that supposedly correlates the sulfate and ash composition in the polar
record with the terrestrial record of the mystery volcano? Overall, this is
shocking behavior for a geologist at a large meeting such as this – people
commonly discuss data and information that has not be published yet, so why
Lavigne chose to do this is beyond me (unless you want to think theatrics
are part of the rationale).

The consensus of people at the meeting (N.B., I am not at the meeting) is
that the mystery volcano is in Indonesia. Lavigne wouldn’t confirm or deny
this assessment, but it got me thinking – what might a contender be for a
caldera eruption in Indonesia during the 13th century. Indonesia is filled
with volcanoes, and as I mentioned a few weeks back when I discussed a
recent study by Salisbury and others (2012), we really don’t have a lot of
good ages for Indonesian eruptions prior to ~1800 A.D. However, one very
likely candidate might be the ~6 x 8.5 km Rinjani caldera. Rinjani hosts a
caldera that may have formed in the 13th century, so it not only fulfills
the role of being a large eruption but also falls within the right century.
We don’t have any good ages for the caldera eruption beyond some charcoal
dated at 1210-1260 A.D. However, with the evidence that Lavingne’s volcano
is in Indonesia and how little we know about the caldera eruption at
Rinjani, it makes sense that Rinjani could be an excellent candidate for an
eruption that could be matched with the polar sulfate and ash.

At this point, all we can do is wait for Lavigne’s study to be published,
but we might be able to narrow the search for the 1257-58 eruption to
Indonesia – and even to a target caldera that might be the weapon

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-30 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Mas Ban yth.
Erupsi ultra-plinian dengan volume 7km kubik itu dapat mempengaruhi atmosfer
global termasuk di kutub utara, sehingga mungkin saja Sulfur di kutub utara
yang terkandung dalam es dapat meningkat drastic.

-Original Message-
From: Bandono Salim [] 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:15 AM
To: Iagi
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Maaf apakah kawah bromo lebih kecil dari rinjani?
Apakah dengan membuat kawah seluas rinjani mampu mengirim sulfur ke kutub
utara? Apakah disekitar kutub utara gn apinya tidak membawa sulfur?

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:54:46 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
Puncak Erupsi Rinjani benar di Abad 13 kalo menurut literatur yang ada,
seperti kata Abstract-paper di bawah ini:

Eruptive history during the last 10 ky for the caldera-forming eruption
ofRinjani volcano, Indonesia

# Akira Takada[l], Asnawir Nasution[2], Rosgandika Mulyana[2]

[I] GSJ,AIST, [2] Volcanology and Geologic Hazard Mitigation, Indonesia

  Rinjani volcano, Lombok island (edifice volume: 100 km3), Indonesia, had
grown on the eastern flank of Central Lombok volcano complex (edifice
volume: 850 km3). The eruptive history ofRinjani volcano is divided into
Stratocone building stage, Low volcanic activity stage, and Syn-caldera
stage. Eruption rate was kept constant during Stratocone building stage. It
decreased to 0.6 km3/ky  during the last period of Stratocone building stage
(12000-6000 y.B.P.). Finally, it became 0.15 km3/ky  during the last 5200
years before the caldera-forming eruption (6000-800 y.B.P.) (Low activity
stage). At Low activity stage, eruption interval became longer than the
previous stage; subplinian Propok pumice (DRE volume: 0.1 km3) and Lember
lava flow (volume: 0.4 km3), Rinjani asb, and subplinian Rinjani pumice (ORE
volume: 0.3 km3)  occurred. Plagioclase-phyric basalt, and andesite became
common for the last period of Stratocone building stage. Dacite with hydrous
minerals erupted during Low activity stage. The main magma path shifted 5 km
toward the eastern flank of Central Lombok volcano complex to grow Rinjani
volcano at the end of the complex. Afler stratocone building, the volcanic
activity migrated more 5 km eastward for Low activity stage. Pmpock pumice
and Lembah lava flow erupted. Next, the activity migrated back to Rinjani
summit. Rinjani ash and Rinjani pumice erupted. Syn-caldera stage started
with plinian West Rinjani pumice (DRE volume: 3 km3)  at the center of
Central Lombok volcano complex.Segaraanak caldera collapsed with
eruption of huge pyroclastic flows (The subarea! ORE volume: 7 km km3),  not
at Rinjani, but at the center of Central Lombok volcano complex. The dated
results of seven charcoals indicate the climax of caldera forming-eruption
is the period of AD 1210-1260 years B.P. The caldera collapse may have been
associated with the sector collapse of the western flank of Rinjani volcano.
The present caldera is 6 km x 7 km in size of rim to rim, and, in its
eastern part, is connected to a horseshoe-shaped caldera of 3.5 km long and
3.5 km wide.


-Original Message-
From: Budi Brahmantyo [] 
Sent: 20 Juli 2012 16:01
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Setahu saya Kaldera Rinjani terbentuk 14.000 tahun yang lalu (cross
reference ke pak Heryadi Rachmat).


 Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di 
 Indonesia yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan 
 dunia menjadi dingin dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice 
 age).  Mungkin takut dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  
 Tapi sebagian ahli menduga kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani 
 terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an 
 berita di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 
 1210-1260 AD untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja 
 kalo mengajukan Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur 
 kaldera ini benar.

 Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J



 Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

 If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of 
 Volcanoes  the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have 
 seen some interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I 
 wrote about the eruption

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-30 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Danny dan rekan-rekan.

Saya barusan confirm (lewat telpon) dengan P Asnawir Nasution (salah seorang
dari penulis yang abstrak-nya ditulis Danny mengenai G Rinjani). Saat ini P
Asnawir lagi di Sumut dengan team Jepang utk penelitian gunungapi di sana.
Menurut Bang Asnawir memang umur erupsi pembentukan kaldera antara abad 11
dan 13 dari carbon dating produk tefra- nya. Tapi menurut dia masih akan di
confirm lagi dengan menggali sejarah dan catatan karena kejadiannya pada
jaman sejarah, bukan pra- sejarah. Sejauh ini dia belum berhasil menemukan
catatan-2 yang dimaksud maupun legenda/ cerita rakyat. 

Kalo memang dating tersebut akurat, wah..kita punya Vesuvius dong, bedanya
Letusan Vesuvius ter- record sejarah, bahkan Pliny yang mendiskripsi letusan
tersebut (bukan ilmuwan gunungapi), namanya diabadikan sampai sekarang,
yaitu letusan maha dahsyat disebut sebagai Type Plinian. Bahkan kita mungkin
akan mendapatkan fosil manusia/ binatang pada endapan tefra ybs, seperti di



Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-30 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Wah hebat juga ya, apakah ada debu juga, sehingga kita yakin bahwa itu ledakan 
dari suatu gn api?
Pertanyaan ku aku ulang lagi, apakah gn api di icelandia tidak menghasilkan 
sulfur? Sehingga memaksakan ambil sulfur dari daerah tropis?
Apakah hujan sulfurnya tidak terbagi merata? 
Pertanyaan dari yang tidak faham gerakan udara dan hujan sulfur.
Terimakasih atas pencerahannya.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 15:27:17 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
Mas Ban yth.
Erupsi ultra-plinian dengan volume 7km kubik itu dapat mempengaruhi atmosfer
global termasuk di kutub utara, sehingga mungkin saja Sulfur di kutub utara
yang terkandung dalam es dapat meningkat drastic.

-Original Message-
From: Bandono Salim [] 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:15 AM
To: Iagi
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Maaf apakah kawah bromo lebih kecil dari rinjani?
Apakah dengan membuat kawah seluas rinjani mampu mengirim sulfur ke kutub
utara? Apakah disekitar kutub utara gn apinya tidak membawa sulfur?

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:54:46 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
Puncak Erupsi Rinjani benar di Abad 13 kalo menurut literatur yang ada,
seperti kata Abstract-paper di bawah ini:

Eruptive history during the last 10 ky for the caldera-forming eruption
ofRinjani volcano, Indonesia

# Akira Takada[l], Asnawir Nasution[2], Rosgandika Mulyana[2]

[I] GSJ,AIST, [2] Volcanology and Geologic Hazard Mitigation, Indonesia

  Rinjani volcano, Lombok island (edifice volume: 100 km3), Indonesia, had
grown on the eastern flank of Central Lombok volcano complex (edifice
volume: 850 km3). The eruptive history ofRinjani volcano is divided into
Stratocone building stage, Low volcanic activity stage, and Syn-caldera
stage. Eruption rate was kept constant during Stratocone building stage. It
decreased to 0.6 km3/ky  during the last period of Stratocone building stage
(12000-6000 y.B.P.). Finally, it became 0.15 km3/ky  during the last 5200
years before the caldera-forming eruption (6000-800 y.B.P.) (Low activity
stage). At Low activity stage, eruption interval became longer than the
previous stage; subplinian Propok pumice (DRE volume: 0.1 km3) and Lember
lava flow (volume: 0.4 km3), Rinjani asb, and subplinian Rinjani pumice (ORE
volume: 0.3 km3)  occurred. Plagioclase-phyric basalt, and andesite became
common for the last period of Stratocone building stage. Dacite with hydrous
minerals erupted during Low activity stage. The main magma path shifted 5 km
toward the eastern flank of Central Lombok volcano complex to grow Rinjani
volcano at the end of the complex. Afler stratocone building, the volcanic
activity migrated more 5 km eastward for Low activity stage. Pmpock pumice
and Lembah lava flow erupted. Next, the activity migrated back to Rinjani
summit. Rinjani ash and Rinjani pumice erupted. Syn-caldera stage started
with plinian West Rinjani pumice (DRE volume: 3 km3)  at the center of
Central Lombok volcano complex.Segaraanak caldera collapsed with
eruption of huge pyroclastic flows (The subarea! ORE volume: 7 km km3),  not
at Rinjani, but at the center of Central Lombok volcano complex. The dated
results of seven charcoals indicate the climax of caldera forming-eruption
is the period of AD 1210-1260 years B.P. The caldera collapse may have been
associated with the sector collapse of the western flank of Rinjani volcano.
The present caldera is 6 km x 7 km in size of rim to rim, and, in its
eastern part, is connected to a horseshoe-shaped caldera of 3.5 km long and
3.5 km wide.


-Original Message-
From: Budi Brahmantyo [] 
Sent: 20 Juli 2012 16:01
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Setahu saya Kaldera Rinjani terbentuk 14.000 tahun yang lalu (cross
reference ke pak Heryadi Rachmat).


 Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di 
 Indonesia yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan 
 dunia menjadi dingin dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice 
 age).  Mungkin takut dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  
 Tapi sebagian ahli menduga kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani 
 terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an 
 berita di

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-19 Terurut Topik Budi Brahmantyo
Setahu saya Kaldera Rinjani terbentuk 14.000 tahun yang lalu (cross
reference ke pak Heryadi Rachmat).


 Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di Indonesia
 yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan dunia menjadi
 dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice age).  Mungkin takut
 dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  Tapi sebagian ahli
 kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani
 terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an
 di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 1210-1260 AD
 untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja kalo mengajukan
 Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur kaldera ini benar.

 Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J



 Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

 If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of Volcanoes
 the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have seen some
 interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I wrote about the
 eruption a few months back, speculating on some potential volcanoes that
 could be the culprit for this climate-altering event. However, trying to
 match a sulfate signal on the poles with a volcano somewhere on the planet
 is hard, so finding that “smoking gun” is a challenge to say the least.
 However, Franck Lavigne  from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University’s
 of Physical Geography in Meudon, France claimed to have solved the
 It isn’t that simple, though. Lavigne will not reveal the site of the
 eruption until his study is published (it may or may not be submitted for
 peer review at this point). So, instead of sharing news of his discovery,
 showed the data he used to “solve” the mystery … but never revealed what
 volcano it was! What harm could come from Lavigne revealing his location
 before the article is published, especially if he is willing to show data
 that supposedly correlates the sulfate and ash composition in the polar
 record with the terrestrial record of the mystery volcano? Overall, this
 shocking behavior for a geologist at a large meeting such as this – people
 commonly discuss data and information that has not be published yet, so
 Lavigne chose to do this is beyond me (unless you want to think theatrics
 are part of the rationale).

 The consensus of people at the meeting (N.B., I am not at the meeting) is
 that the mystery volcano is in Indonesia. Lavigne wouldn’t confirm or deny
 this assessment, but it got me thinking – what might a contender be for a
 caldera eruption in Indonesia during the 13th century. Indonesia is filled
 with volcanoes, and as I mentioned a few weeks back when I discussed a
 recent study by Salisbury and others (2012), we really don’t have a lot of
 good ages for Indonesian eruptions prior to ~1800 A.D. However, one very
 likely candidate might be the ~6 x 8.5 km Rinjani caldera. Rinjani hosts a
 caldera that may have formed in the 13th century, so it not only fulfills
 the role of being a large eruption but also falls within the right
 We don’t have any good ages for the caldera eruption beyond some charcoal
 dated at 1210-1260 A.D. However, with the evidence that Lavingne’s volcano
 is in Indonesia and how little we know about the caldera eruption at
 Rinjani, it makes sense that Rinjani could be an excellent candidate for
 eruption that could be matched with the polar sulfate and ash.

 At this point, all we can do is wait for Lavigne’s study to be published,
 but we might be able to narrow the search for the 1257-58 eruption to
 Indonesia – and even to a target caldera that might be the weapon of

 From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono []
 Sent: 06 Juli 2012 15:23
 Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia

 Rekan Danny,

 Gak peduli Bule atau Melayu, kalo statement nya (maaf) terlalu berani dan
 menurut saya (terbatas pada disiplin ilmu yang saya tekuni) kurang logis
 saya akan berikan opini. Contohnya ini: G. Rinjani meletus dengan skala
 letusan 7 pada abat 13 Begitu bodohnya orang Indonesia pada waktu
 itukah, sehingga sama sekali tidak ada catatan mengenai peristiwa alam
 begitu dahsyatnya? Misal dalam Babat Tanah Jawi atau legenda rakyat dan
 sejenisnya (barangkali Awang Satyana bisa memberi pencerahan krn koleksi
 bukunya luar biasa, sebagai referensi). Kedua, tidak ada catatan dari
 Direktorat Volkanologi yang pernah saya baca dan dengar mengenai super
 erupsi Rinjani pada abat tersebut? Ketiga, data yang kita lihat lewat
 satelit dapat memperlihatkan berapa ukuran kaldera dari G Rinjani ini yang
 diakibatkan super erupsi ini? Kalau melihat ukuran kalderanya mungkin

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-19 Terurut Topik Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Puncak Erupsi Rinjani benar di Abad 13 kalo menurut literatur yang ada,
seperti kata Abstract-paper di bawah ini:

Eruptive history during the last 10 ky for the caldera-forming eruption
ofRinjani volcano, Indonesia

# Akira Takada[l], Asnawir Nasution[2], Rosgandika Mulyana[2]

[I] GSJ,AIST, [2] Volcanology and Geologic Hazard Mitigation, Indonesia

  Rinjani volcano, Lombok island (edifice volume: 100 km3), Indonesia, had
grown on the eastern flank of Central Lombok volcano complex (edifice
volume: 850 km3). The eruptive history ofRinjani volcano is divided into
Stratocone building stage, Low volcanic activity stage, and Syn-caldera
stage. Eruption rate was kept constant during Stratocone building stage. It
decreased to 0.6 km3/ky  during the last period of Stratocone building stage
(12000-6000 y.B.P.). Finally, it became 0.15 km3/ky  during the last 5200
years before the caldera-forming eruption (6000-800 y.B.P.) (Low activity
stage). At Low activity stage, eruption interval became longer than the
previous stage; subplinian Propok pumice (DRE volume: 0.1 km3) and Lember
lava flow (volume: 0.4 km3), Rinjani asb, and subplinian Rinjani pumice (ORE
volume: 0.3 km3)  occurred. Plagioclase-phyric basalt, and andesite became
common for the last period of Stratocone building stage. Dacite with hydrous
minerals erupted during Low activity stage. The main magma path shifted 5 km
toward the eastern flank of Central Lombok volcano complex to grow Rinjani
volcano at the end of the complex. Afler stratocone building, the volcanic
activity migrated more 5 km eastward for Low activity stage. Pmpock pumice
and Lembah lava flow erupted. Next, the activity migrated back to Rinjani
summit. Rinjani ash and Rinjani pumice erupted. Syn-caldera stage started
with plinian West Rinjani pumice (DRE volume: 3 km3)  at the center of
Central Lombok volcano complex.Segaraanak caldera collapsed with
eruption of huge pyroclastic flows (The subarea! ORE volume: 7 km km3),  not
at Rinjani, but at the center of Central Lombok volcano complex. The dated
results of seven charcoals indicate the climax of caldera forming-eruption
is the period of AD 1210-1260 years B.P. The caldera collapse may have been
associated with the sector collapse of the western flank of Rinjani volcano.
The present caldera is 6 km x 7 km in size of rim to rim, and, in its
eastern part, is connected to a horseshoe-shaped caldera of 3.5 km long and
3.5 km wide.


-Original Message-
From: Budi Brahmantyo [] 
Sent: 20 Juli 2012 16:01
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Setahu saya Kaldera Rinjani terbentuk 14.000 tahun yang lalu (cross
reference ke pak Heryadi Rachmat).


 Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di 
 Indonesia yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan 
 dunia menjadi dingin dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice 
 age).  Mungkin takut dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  
 Tapi sebagian ahli menduga kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani 
 terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an 
 berita di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 
 1210-1260 AD untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja 
 kalo mengajukan Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur 
 kaldera ini benar.

 Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J



 Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

 If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of 
 Volcanoes  the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have 
 seen some interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I 
 wrote about the eruption a few months back, speculating on some 
 potential volcanoes that could be the culprit for this 
 climate-altering event. However, trying to match a sulfate signal on 
 the poles with a volcano somewhere on the planet is hard, so finding 
 that “smoking gun” is a challenge to say the least.
 However, Franck Lavigne  from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University’s 
 Laboratory of Physical Geography in Meudon, France claimed to have 
 solved the mystery.
 It isn’t that simple, though. Lavigne will not reveal the site of the 
 eruption until his study is published (it may or may not be submitted 
 for peer review at this point). So, instead of sharing news of his 
 discovery, he showed the data he used to “solve” the mystery … but 
 never revealed what volcano it was! What harm could come from Lavigne 
 revealing his location before the article is published, especially if 
 he is willing to show data

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-19 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Maaf apakah kawah bromo lebih kecil dari rinjani?
Apakah dengan membuat kawah seluas rinjani mampu mengirim sulfur ke kutub 
utara? Apakah disekitar kutub utara gn apinya tidak membawa sulfur?

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-Original Message-
From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:54:46 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
Puncak Erupsi Rinjani benar di Abad 13 kalo menurut literatur yang ada,
seperti kata Abstract-paper di bawah ini:

Eruptive history during the last 10 ky for the caldera-forming eruption
ofRinjani volcano, Indonesia

# Akira Takada[l], Asnawir Nasution[2], Rosgandika Mulyana[2]

[I] GSJ,AIST, [2] Volcanology and Geologic Hazard Mitigation, Indonesia

  Rinjani volcano, Lombok island (edifice volume: 100 km3), Indonesia, had
grown on the eastern flank of Central Lombok volcano complex (edifice
volume: 850 km3). The eruptive history ofRinjani volcano is divided into
Stratocone building stage, Low volcanic activity stage, and Syn-caldera
stage. Eruption rate was kept constant during Stratocone building stage. It
decreased to 0.6 km3/ky  during the last period of Stratocone building stage
(12000-6000 y.B.P.). Finally, it became 0.15 km3/ky  during the last 5200
years before the caldera-forming eruption (6000-800 y.B.P.) (Low activity
stage). At Low activity stage, eruption interval became longer than the
previous stage; subplinian Propok pumice (DRE volume: 0.1 km3) and Lember
lava flow (volume: 0.4 km3), Rinjani asb, and subplinian Rinjani pumice (ORE
volume: 0.3 km3)  occurred. Plagioclase-phyric basalt, and andesite became
common for the last period of Stratocone building stage. Dacite with hydrous
minerals erupted during Low activity stage. The main magma path shifted 5 km
toward the eastern flank of Central Lombok volcano complex to grow Rinjani
volcano at the end of the complex. Afler stratocone building, the volcanic
activity migrated more 5 km eastward for Low activity stage. Pmpock pumice
and Lembah lava flow erupted. Next, the activity migrated back to Rinjani
summit. Rinjani ash and Rinjani pumice erupted. Syn-caldera stage started
with plinian West Rinjani pumice (DRE volume: 3 km3)  at the center of
Central Lombok volcano complex.Segaraanak caldera collapsed with
eruption of huge pyroclastic flows (The subarea! ORE volume: 7 km km3),  not
at Rinjani, but at the center of Central Lombok volcano complex. The dated
results of seven charcoals indicate the climax of caldera forming-eruption
is the period of AD 1210-1260 years B.P. The caldera collapse may have been
associated with the sector collapse of the western flank of Rinjani volcano.
The present caldera is 6 km x 7 km in size of rim to rim, and, in its
eastern part, is connected to a horseshoe-shaped caldera of 3.5 km long and
3.5 km wide.


-Original Message-
From: Budi Brahmantyo [] 
Sent: 20 Juli 2012 16:01
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Setahu saya Kaldera Rinjani terbentuk 14.000 tahun yang lalu (cross
reference ke pak Heryadi Rachmat).


 Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di 
 Indonesia yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan 
 dunia menjadi dingin dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice 
 age).  Mungkin takut dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  
 Tapi sebagian ahli menduga kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani 
 terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an 
 berita di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 
 1210-1260 AD untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja 
 kalo mengajukan Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur 
 kaldera ini benar.

 Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J



 Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

 If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of 
 Volcanoes  the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have 
 seen some interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I 
 wrote about the eruption a few months back, speculating on some 
 potential volcanoes that could be the culprit for this 
 climate-altering event. However, trying to match a sulfate signal on 
 the poles with a volcano somewhere on the planet is hard, so finding 
 that “smoking gun” is a challenge to say the least.
 However, Franck Lavigne  from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University’s 
 Laboratory of Physical Geography in Meudon, France claimed to have

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-16 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Sejak Jurusan Geofisika misah dengan Jurusan Geologi, dan disertasi saya (1987) 
topic Petrologi Produk Volkanik.




From: ok.taufik [] 
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Pak Yatno,

Sepengetahuan saya bapak kan dulunya di bawah alm. Pak Rubini di bidang 
petrologi, saat itu yg ngajar mk vulkanologi adalah pak Djoko (dikti sekarang) 
sejak kapan ke vulkanologinya?.


OK Taufik

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From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono 

Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 15:45:01 +0700



Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?



Kalo masalah ilmu, saya gak peduli Bule atau Melayu. Th. 1979 (saya lulus S-1 
th 1976), waktu saya jadi counterpart sbg hydrogeologist proyek air minum di 
Solo (di bawah Cipta Karya), saya menendang keluar hydrogeologis Bule dan Team 
Leader-nya (yang dua2 nya orang Amrik) sampai mereka nangis-2 karena ada 
klausul: kalau tidak kapabel dapat diputus kontrak tanpa pesangon maupun tiket 
pesawat. Caranya, saya lapor ke Pak Dirjen (padahal saya bukan orang Cipta 
Karya, saya hanya di- hired oleh konsultan local untuk counterparting dengan 
expatriate), mereka itu tidak becus, saya minta mereka diganti expert yang 
lebih capable, alasan saya sangat logis: setelah 6 bulan proyek berjalan, tidak 
ada progress berarti, padahal saya sudah cape kumpulkan data lapangan maupun 
data sekunder. Betul, setelah diganti expert (nama expert penggantinya saya 
masih ingat, yaitu Dr.  Turner), dalam waktu 2 minggu laporan akhir sudah 
selesai dan dia memuji kualitas data yang saya kumpulkan, bahkan dari 
beliau-lah saya belajar hydrogeology secara benar, karena pada waktu itu di 
Indonesia belum ada ahli hydrogeology nya, semua autodidak, di kampus belum ada 
dosen maupun mata kuliah hidrogeologi.




From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 1:39 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


He he he, kalo ahli tsunami tapi bule yang  ikut-ikutan meneliti gunung api 
didukung  ya Pak ...  J Saya mancing aja kok; Setuju banget, jangankan masih 
geologist yang neliti gunung api, orang yang nemuin konstruksi cakar ayam aja 
ahli mesin bukan sipil.

Saya kebetulan menemukan signal erupsi Tambora tahun 1815 itu di cora rings 
karena waktu itu sedang menganalisa Gempa raksasa tahun 1797 dan 1833 di 
Mentawai.  Nah diantaranya ada sinyal/anomali aneh diantaranya  tahun 1815 dan 
ternyata dari abu tambora.  Saya sekarang sedang meneliti gempa besar dalam 
abad 13 di Mentawai (sudah punya banyak sekali sampel koral dari abad 13), 
siapa tahu nanti ketemu bukti letusan gunung api tahun 1258 itu.  Susahnya 
untuk itu perlu analisa isotop  yang cukup  intensif dan kita di sini engga 
punya lab. yang bagus.





From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 03 Juli 2012 12:13
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Ya Danny, tlg confirm dengan coral reef ini kan bidang keahlian anda, 
kontribusi anda sangat kita perlukan. Meskipun Lavigne bukan volcanologist 
temuannya wajib kita apresiasi. Saya ingat Haroun Tassief yg bukan 
volcanologist, tapi dokumentasinya banyak di apresiasi oleh para volcanologist 

Selamat berburu koral berumur abat 13.




From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Di artikel itu disebutkan ada data treering dan historical record di seluruh 
dunia, jadI wajar saja kalo akurasinya bisa 1-2 tahun. Yang dperdebatkan adalah 
gunung yang mana?
Surprise juga kalo G Rinjani yg meletus kita yang punya gunung ga tahu, malah 
orang luar yg nemukannya. Padahal seharusnya ada dalam sejarah (masa 
Majapahit). Bagaimana impact-nya ke masyarakat/kerajaan waktu itu ya?
Kalo benar Rinjani, satu fakta nyata kita sangat sedikit mempelajari sejarah 
dan bencana2 di massa lalu.

Saya akan cari juga di data coral rings sekitar tahun itu, sisapa tahu ada 
sesuatu. Yg jelas data erupsi Tambora 1815 terlihat jelas pada rekaman koral.

Frank Lavigne itu rasanya bukan volcanologist. Dia dulu ikut studi tsunami Aceh 
dan membuat film dan animasi yg bagus. Dia istrinya orang Jogya klo ga salah.


Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
LabEarth (Laboratory for Earth Hazards)
Geoteknologi - LIPI


From: Franciscus B Sinartio 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 05:42:53 -0700 (PDT)



Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-16 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono

Kalau sifatnya masih spekulatif gini ya sudah kita tunggu aja published
paper- nya. Wah saya mungkin ketinggalan zaman ya, apa ada instrument baru
yg bis dating charcoal sampai skala ratusan tahun? Mungkin Danny tahu lab
mana ya?




From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:27 AM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di Indonesia
yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan dunia menjadi dingin
dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice age).  Mungkin takut
dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  Tapi sebagian ahli menduga
kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani
terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an berita
di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 1210-1260 AD
untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja kalo mengajukan
Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur kaldera ini benar.  


Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J





Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of Volcanoes 
the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have seen some
interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I wrote about the
eruption a few months back, speculating on some potential volcanoes that
could be the culprit for this climate-altering event. However, trying to
match a sulfate signal on the poles with a volcano somewhere on the planet
is hard, so finding that “smoking gun” is a challenge to say the least.
However, Franck Lavigne  from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University’s Laboratory
of Physical Geography in Meudon, France claimed to have solved the mystery.
It isn’t that simple, though. Lavigne will not reveal the site of the
eruption until his study is published (it may or may not be submitted for
peer review at this point). So, instead of sharing news of his discovery, he
showed the data he used to “solve” the mystery … but never revealed what
volcano it was! What harm could come from Lavigne revealing his location
before the article is published, especially if he is willing to show data
that supposedly correlates the sulfate and ash composition in the polar
record with the terrestrial record of the mystery volcano? Overall, this is
shocking behavior for a geologist at a large meeting such as this – people
commonly discuss data and information that has not be published yet, so why
Lavigne chose to do this is beyond me (unless you want to think theatrics
are part of the rationale).

The consensus of people at the meeting (N.B., I am not at the meeting) is
that the mystery volcano is in Indonesia. Lavigne wouldn’t confirm or deny
this assessment, but it got me thinking – what might a contender be for a
caldera eruption in Indonesia during the 13th century. Indonesia is filled
with volcanoes, and as I mentioned a few weeks back when I discussed a
recent study by Salisbury and others (2012), we really don’t have a lot of
good ages for Indonesian eruptions prior to ~1800 A.D. However, one very
likely candidate might be the ~6 x 8.5 km Rinjani caldera. Rinjani hosts a
caldera that may have formed in the 13th century, so it not only fulfills
the role of being a large eruption but also falls within the right century.
We don’t have any good ages for the caldera eruption beyond some charcoal
dated at 1210-1260 A.D. However, with the evidence that Lavingne’s volcano
is in Indonesia and how little we know about the caldera eruption at
Rinjani, it makes sense that Rinjani could be an excellent candidate for an
eruption that could be matched with the polar sulfate and ash.

At this point, all we can do is wait for Lavigne’s study to be published,
but we might be able to narrow the search for the 1257-58 eruption to
Indonesia – and even to a target caldera that might be the weapon of choice.




From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 06 Juli 2012 15:23
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Rekan Danny,

Gak peduli Bule atau Melayu, kalo statement nya (maaf) terlalu berani dan
menurut saya (terbatas pada disiplin ilmu yang saya tekuni) kurang logis ya
saya akan berikan opini. Contohnya ini: G. Rinjani meletus dengan skala
letusan 7 pada abat 13 Begitu bodohnya orang Indonesia pada waktu
itukah, sehingga sama sekali tidak ada catatan mengenai peristiwa alam
begitu dahsyatnya? Misal dalam Babat Tanah Jawi atau legenda rakyat dan
sejenisnya (barangkali Awang Satyana bisa memberi pencerahan krn koleksi
bukunya luar biasa, sebagai referensi). Kedua, tidak ada catatan dari

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-16 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Kalau tahun itu kan sudah banyak kerajaan di nusantara, banyak buku sdh dibuat, 
kenapa tidak ada setidak2nya cerita tentang ledakan besar rinjani? 
Mohon maaf, apakah kaldera rinjani lbh besar dari Toba dan atau krakatau? 
Mencari legenda berdasar kisah di sekitar rinjani kan dpat dilakukan, bukankah 
ini juga studi besar bagi tim bencana purba?
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-Original Message-
From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 13:47:11 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Kalau sifatnya masih spekulatif gini ya sudah kita tunggu aja published
paper- nya. Wah saya mungkin ketinggalan zaman ya, apa ada instrument baru
yg bis dating charcoal sampai skala ratusan tahun? Mungkin Danny tahu lab
mana ya?




From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:27 AM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di Indonesia
yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan dunia menjadi dingin
dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice age).  Mungkin takut
dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  Tapi sebagian ahli menduga
kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani
terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an berita
di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 1210-1260 AD
untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja kalo mengajukan
Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur kaldera ini benar.  


Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J





Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of Volcanoes 
the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have seen some
interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I wrote about the
eruption a few months back, speculating on some potential volcanoes that
could be the culprit for this climate-altering event. However, trying to
match a sulfate signal on the poles with a volcano somewhere on the planet
is hard, so finding that “smoking gun” is a challenge to say the least.
However, Franck Lavigne  from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University’s Laboratory
of Physical Geography in Meudon, France claimed to have solved the mystery.
It isn’t that simple, though. Lavigne will not reveal the site of the
eruption until his study is published (it may or may not be submitted for
peer review at this point). So, instead of sharing news of his discovery, he
showed the data he used to “solve” the mystery … but never revealed what
volcano it was! What harm could come from Lavigne revealing his location
before the article is published, especially if he is willing to show data
that supposedly correlates the sulfate and ash composition in the polar
record with the terrestrial record of the mystery volcano? Overall, this is
shocking behavior for a geologist at a large meeting such as this – people
commonly discuss data and information that has not be published yet, so why
Lavigne chose to do this is beyond me (unless you want to think theatrics
are part of the rationale).

The consensus of people at the meeting (N.B., I am not at the meeting) is
that the mystery volcano is in Indonesia. Lavigne wouldn’t confirm or deny
this assessment, but it got me thinking – what might a contender be for a
caldera eruption in Indonesia during the 13th century. Indonesia is filled
with volcanoes, and as I mentioned a few weeks back when I discussed a
recent study by Salisbury and others (2012), we really don’t have a lot of
good ages for Indonesian eruptions prior to ~1800 A.D. However, one very
likely candidate might be the ~6 x 8.5 km Rinjani caldera. Rinjani hosts a
caldera that may have formed in the 13th century, so it not only fulfills
the role of being a large eruption but also falls within the right century.
We don’t have any good ages for the caldera eruption beyond some charcoal
dated at 1210-1260 A.D. However, with the evidence that Lavingne’s volcano
is in Indonesia and how little we know about the caldera eruption at
Rinjani, it makes sense that Rinjani could be an excellent candidate for an
eruption that could be matched with the polar sulfate and ash.

At this point, all we can do is wait for Lavigne’s study to be published,
but we might be able to narrow the search for the 1257-58 eruption to
Indonesia – and even to a target caldera that might be the weapon of choice.




From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 06 Juli 2012 15:23
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-06 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Rekan Danny,

Gak peduli Bule atau Melayu, kalo statement nya (maaf) terlalu berani dan
menurut saya (terbatas pada disiplin ilmu yang saya tekuni) kurang logis ya
saya akan berikan opini. Contohnya ini: G. Rinjani meletus dengan skala
letusan 7 pada abat 13 Begitu bodohnya orang Indonesia pada waktu
itukah, sehingga sama sekali tidak ada catatan mengenai peristiwa alam
begitu dahsyatnya? Misal dalam Babat Tanah Jawi atau legenda rakyat dan
sejenisnya (barangkali Awang Satyana bisa memberi pencerahan krn koleksi
bukunya luar biasa, sebagai referensi). Kedua, tidak ada catatan dari
Direktorat Volkanologi yang pernah saya baca dan dengar mengenai super
erupsi Rinjani pada abat tersebut? Ketiga, data yang kita lihat lewat
satelit dapat memperlihatkan berapa ukuran kaldera dari G Rinjani ini yang
diakibatkan super erupsi ini? Kalau melihat ukuran kalderanya mungkin
Kaldera Tengger lebih prospek jadi kandidatnya (hanya melihat ukuran
kaldera), tapi saya tidak tahu apakah Dir Volk kita sudah punya data umur
kapan terbentuknya kaldera Tengger (dan juga Rinjani?).  

Danny, jangan tersinggung kalau saya ber-opini keras terutama yang
menyangkut bidang saya, inilah gunanya sharing pengetahuan.


Yatno (YSY).


From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 1:40 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Salah besar pak.

Culpritnya memang Rinjani.  Bisa dilihat di:



From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 03 Juli 2012 12:05
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


He… geodukun lagi?



From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung Rinjani, Vick.

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From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:31:05 +0700



Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally
have a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258,
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year
before in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the
world around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical
Geography in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the
remains of the perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical
Union conference on volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name
the specific volcano, saying he had agreed with his international colleagues
not to identify it until the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia.
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence
also show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can
spew sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around
the globe and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón,
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors,
don’t really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his
mystery volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost
perfectly. The rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind
after a large volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-06 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono

Kalo masalah ilmu, saya gak peduli Bule atau Melayu. Th. 1979 (saya lulus S-1 
th 1976), waktu saya jadi counterpart sbg hydrogeologist proyek air minum di 
Solo (di bawah Cipta Karya), saya menendang keluar hydrogeologis Bule dan Team 
Leader-nya (yang dua2 nya orang Amrik) sampai mereka nangis-2 karena ada 
klausul: kalau tidak kapabel dapat diputus kontrak tanpa pesangon maupun tiket 
pesawat. Caranya, saya lapor ke Pak Dirjen (padahal saya bukan orang Cipta 
Karya, saya hanya di- hired oleh konsultan local untuk counterparting dengan 
expatriate), mereka itu tidak becus, saya minta mereka diganti expert yang 
lebih capable, alasan saya sangat logis: setelah 6 bulan proyek berjalan, tidak 
ada progress berarti, padahal saya sudah cape kumpulkan data lapangan maupun 
data sekunder. Betul, setelah diganti expert (nama expert penggantinya saya 
masih ingat, yaitu Dr.  Turner), dalam waktu 2 minggu laporan akhir sudah 
selesai dan dia memuji kualitas data yang saya kumpulkan, bahkan dari 
beliau-lah saya belajar hydrogeology secara benar, karena pada waktu itu di 
Indonesia belum ada ahli hydrogeology nya, semua autodidak, di kampus belum ada 
dosen maupun mata kuliah hidrogeologi.




From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 1:39 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


He he he, kalo ahli tsunami tapi bule yang  ikut-ikutan meneliti gunung api 
didukung  ya Pak ...  J Saya mancing aja kok; Setuju banget, jangankan masih 
geologist yang neliti gunung api, orang yang nemuin konstruksi cakar ayam aja 
ahli mesin bukan sipil.

Saya kebetulan menemukan signal erupsi Tambora tahun 1815 itu di cora rings 
karena waktu itu sedang menganalisa Gempa raksasa tahun 1797 dan 1833 di 
Mentawai.  Nah diantaranya ada sinyal/anomali aneh diantaranya  tahun 1815 dan 
ternyata dari abu tambora.  Saya sekarang sedang meneliti gempa besar dalam 
abad 13 di Mentawai (sudah punya banyak sekali sampel koral dari abad 13), 
siapa tahu nanti ketemu bukti letusan gunung api tahun 1258 itu.  Susahnya 
untuk itu perlu analisa isotop  yang cukup  intensif dan kita di sini engga 
punya lab. yang bagus.





From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 03 Juli 2012 12:13
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Ya Danny, tlg confirm dengan coral reef ini kan bidang keahlian anda, 
kontribusi anda sangat kita perlukan. Meskipun Lavigne bukan volcanologist 
temuannya wajib kita apresiasi. Saya ingat Haroun Tassief yg bukan 
volcanologist, tapi dokumentasinya banyak di apresiasi oleh para volcanologist 

Selamat berburu koral berumur abat 13.




From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Di artikel itu disebutkan ada data treering dan historical record di seluruh 
dunia, jadI wajar saja kalo akurasinya bisa 1-2 tahun. Yang dperdebatkan adalah 
gunung yang mana?
Surprise juga kalo G Rinjani yg meletus kita yang punya gunung ga tahu, malah 
orang luar yg nemukannya. Padahal seharusnya ada dalam sejarah (masa 
Majapahit). Bagaimana impact-nya ke masyarakat/kerajaan waktu itu ya?
Kalo benar Rinjani, satu fakta nyata kita sangat sedikit mempelajari sejarah 
dan bencana2 di massa lalu.

Saya akan cari juga di data coral rings sekitar tahun itu, sisapa tahu ada 
sesuatu. Yg jelas data erupsi Tambora 1815 terlihat jelas pada rekaman koral.

Frank Lavigne itu rasanya bukan volcanologist. Dia dulu ikut studi tsunami Aceh 
dan membuat film dan animasi yg bagus. Dia istrinya orang Jogya klo ga salah.


Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
LabEarth (Laboratory for Earth Hazards)
Geoteknologi - LIPI


From: Franciscus B Sinartio 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 05:42:53 -0700 (PDT)



Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?







From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-06 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Dari dulu saya tidak pernah komentari Salamology dari Rekan Maryanto itu karena 
teori- teorinya di luar jangkauan otak dan pengetahuan saya, apa ini sejenis 
cabang ilmu metafisika? Saya hanya ikuti di milis secara pasif.




From: argo wuryanto [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 2:10 PM
Subject: Bls: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Wah penelitinya sepertinya ada relasi dengan Pak Maryanto, secara angkanya kok 
bisa pas yah: 7000 th yang lalu :)


Penemuan ini semakin mengukuhkan Theory Salamology yah?






Dari: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Dikirim: Selasa, 3 Juli 2012 13:03
Judul: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Salah besar…, G Toba meledak besar 70.000 th yl



From: Franciscus B Sinartio [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?






From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around the globe 
and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón, 
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the 
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors, don’t 
really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery 
volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The 
rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large 
volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate changes 
were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258, Lavigne said. 
“We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or summer of 1257,” he 
said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously thought.

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air more 
than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers around. The 
eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale that measures 
an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the 
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to marshal 
enough evidence to convince everyone else.


Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari



Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-06 Terurut Topik ok.taufik
Pak Yatno,

Sepengetahuan saya bapak kan dulunya di bawah alm. Pak Rubini di bidang 
petrologi, saat itu yg ngajar mk vulkanologi adalah pak Djoko (dikti sekarang) 
sejak kapan ke vulkanologinya?.


OK Taufik
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 15:45:01 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Kalo masalah ilmu, saya gak peduli Bule atau Melayu. Th. 1979 (saya lulus S-1 
th 1976), waktu saya jadi counterpart sbg hydrogeologist proyek air minum di 
Solo (di bawah Cipta Karya), saya menendang keluar hydrogeologis Bule dan Team 
Leader-nya (yang dua2 nya orang Amrik) sampai mereka nangis-2 karena ada 
klausul: kalau tidak kapabel dapat diputus kontrak tanpa pesangon maupun tiket 
pesawat. Caranya, saya lapor ke Pak Dirjen (padahal saya bukan orang Cipta 
Karya, saya hanya di- hired oleh konsultan local untuk counterparting dengan 
expatriate), mereka itu tidak becus, saya minta mereka diganti expert yang 
lebih capable, alasan saya sangat logis: setelah 6 bulan proyek berjalan, tidak 
ada progress berarti, padahal saya sudah cape kumpulkan data lapangan maupun 
data sekunder. Betul, setelah diganti expert (nama expert penggantinya saya 
masih ingat, yaitu Dr.  Turner), dalam waktu 2 minggu laporan akhir sudah 
selesai dan dia memuji kualitas data yang saya kumpulkan, bahkan dari 
beliau-lah saya belajar hydrogeology secara benar, karena pada waktu itu di 
Indonesia belum ada ahli hydrogeology nya, semua autodidak, di kampus belum ada 
dosen maupun mata kuliah hidrogeologi.




From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 1:39 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


He he he, kalo ahli tsunami tapi bule yang  ikut-ikutan meneliti gunung api 
didukung  ya Pak ...  J Saya mancing aja kok; Setuju banget, jangankan masih 
geologist yang neliti gunung api, orang yang nemuin konstruksi cakar ayam aja 
ahli mesin bukan sipil.

Saya kebetulan menemukan signal erupsi Tambora tahun 1815 itu di cora rings 
karena waktu itu sedang menganalisa Gempa raksasa tahun 1797 dan 1833 di 
Mentawai.  Nah diantaranya ada sinyal/anomali aneh diantaranya  tahun 1815 dan 
ternyata dari abu tambora.  Saya sekarang sedang meneliti gempa besar dalam 
abad 13 di Mentawai (sudah punya banyak sekali sampel koral dari abad 13), 
siapa tahu nanti ketemu bukti letusan gunung api tahun 1258 itu.  Susahnya 
untuk itu perlu analisa isotop  yang cukup  intensif dan kita di sini engga 
punya lab. yang bagus.





From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 03 Juli 2012 12:13
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Ya Danny, tlg confirm dengan coral reef ini kan bidang keahlian anda, 
kontribusi anda sangat kita perlukan. Meskipun Lavigne bukan volcanologist 
temuannya wajib kita apresiasi. Saya ingat Haroun Tassief yg bukan 
volcanologist, tapi dokumentasinya banyak di apresiasi oleh para volcanologist 

Selamat berburu koral berumur abat 13.




From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Di artikel itu disebutkan ada data treering dan historical record di seluruh 
dunia, jadI wajar saja kalo akurasinya bisa 1-2 tahun. Yang dperdebatkan adalah 
gunung yang mana?
Surprise juga kalo G Rinjani yg meletus kita yang punya gunung ga tahu, malah 
orang luar yg nemukannya. Padahal seharusnya ada dalam sejarah (masa 
Majapahit). Bagaimana impact-nya ke masyarakat/kerajaan waktu itu ya?
Kalo benar Rinjani, satu fakta nyata kita sangat sedikit mempelajari sejarah 
dan bencana2 di massa lalu.

Saya akan cari juga di data coral rings sekitar tahun itu, sisapa tahu ada 
sesuatu. Yg jelas data erupsi Tambora 1815 terlihat jelas pada rekaman koral.

Frank Lavigne itu rasanya bukan volcanologist. Dia dulu ikut studi tsunami Aceh 
dan membuat film dan animasi yg bagus. Dia istrinya orang Jogya klo ga salah.


Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
LabEarth (Laboratory for Earth Hazards)
Geoteknologi - LIPI


From: Franciscus B Sinartio 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 05:42:53 -0700 (PDT)



Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?







From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI iagi-net

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-06 Terurut Topik Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di Indonesia
yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan dunia menjadi dingin
dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice age).  Mungkin takut
dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  Tapi sebagian ahli menduga
kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani
terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an berita
di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 1210-1260 AD
untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja kalo mengajukan
Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur kaldera ini benar.  


Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J





Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of Volcanoes 
the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have seen some
interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I wrote about the
eruption a few months back, speculating on some potential volcanoes that
could be the culprit for this climate-altering event. However, trying to
match a sulfate signal on the poles with a volcano somewhere on the planet
is hard, so finding that “smoking gun” is a challenge to say the least.
However, Franck Lavigne  from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University’s Laboratory
of Physical Geography in Meudon, France claimed to have solved the mystery.
It isn’t that simple, though. Lavigne will not reveal the site of the
eruption until his study is published (it may or may not be submitted for
peer review at this point). So, instead of sharing news of his discovery, he
showed the data he used to “solve” the mystery … but never revealed what
volcano it was! What harm could come from Lavigne revealing his location
before the article is published, especially if he is willing to show data
that supposedly correlates the sulfate and ash composition in the polar
record with the terrestrial record of the mystery volcano? Overall, this is
shocking behavior for a geologist at a large meeting such as this – people
commonly discuss data and information that has not be published yet, so why
Lavigne chose to do this is beyond me (unless you want to think theatrics
are part of the rationale).

The consensus of people at the meeting (N.B., I am not at the meeting) is
that the mystery volcano is in Indonesia. Lavigne wouldn’t confirm or deny
this assessment, but it got me thinking – what might a contender be for a
caldera eruption in Indonesia during the 13th century. Indonesia is filled
with volcanoes, and as I mentioned a few weeks back when I discussed a
recent study by Salisbury and others (2012), we really don’t have a lot of
good ages for Indonesian eruptions prior to ~1800 A.D. However, one very
likely candidate might be the ~6 x 8.5 km Rinjani caldera. Rinjani hosts a
caldera that may have formed in the 13th century, so it not only fulfills
the role of being a large eruption but also falls within the right century.
We don’t have any good ages for the caldera eruption beyond some charcoal
dated at 1210-1260 A.D. However, with the evidence that Lavingne’s volcano
is in Indonesia and how little we know about the caldera eruption at
Rinjani, it makes sense that Rinjani could be an excellent candidate for an
eruption that could be matched with the polar sulfate and ash.

At this point, all we can do is wait for Lavigne’s study to be published,
but we might be able to narrow the search for the 1257-58 eruption to
Indonesia – and even to a target caldera that might be the weapon of choice.




From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 06 Juli 2012 15:23
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Rekan Danny,

Gak peduli Bule atau Melayu, kalo statement nya (maaf) terlalu berani dan
menurut saya (terbatas pada disiplin ilmu yang saya tekuni) kurang logis ya
saya akan berikan opini. Contohnya ini: G. Rinjani meletus dengan skala
letusan 7 pada abat 13 Begitu bodohnya orang Indonesia pada waktu
itukah, sehingga sama sekali tidak ada catatan mengenai peristiwa alam
begitu dahsyatnya? Misal dalam Babat Tanah Jawi atau legenda rakyat dan
sejenisnya (barangkali Awang Satyana bisa memberi pencerahan krn koleksi
bukunya luar biasa, sebagai referensi). Kedua, tidak ada catatan dari
Direktorat Volkanologi yang pernah saya baca dan dengar mengenai super
erupsi Rinjani pada abat tersebut? Ketiga, data yang kita lihat lewat
satelit dapat memperlihatkan berapa ukuran kaldera dari G Rinjani ini yang
diakibatkan super erupsi ini? Kalau melihat ukuran kalderanya mungkin
Kaldera Tengger lebih prospek jadi kandidatnya (hanya melihat ukuran
kaldera), tapi saya tidak tahu apakah Dir Volk kita sudah punya data umur
kapan terbentuknya kaldera Tengger (dan

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-06 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Kalau di kutub selatan apa juga ada peningkatan sulfur pada waktu yang sama?

Kalau di kutub utara, seperti telah saya tulis di sini, dekat kutub utara di 
sisi atlantik kan ada aktivitas gn api, bahkan masih ada sampai kini. Apakah 
letusan di sana tidak menghasilkan sulfur?

Bagaimana kang? 

Logikanya kutub selatan lebih dekat ke rinjani dibanding  kutub utara. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 07:27:14 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
Pak Yatno, Frank Lavigne memang belum mau bilang Gunung Api di Indonesia
yang mana yang meletus tahun 1257/8 AD yang menyebabkan dunia menjadi dingin
dan memasuki jaman es kecil itu (i.e. little ice age).  Mungkin takut
dibajak orang lain meneliti/mempublikasikannya.  Tapi sebagian ahli menduga
kuat yang dimaksud adalah Rinjani.  Di disebutkan kaldera Rinjani
terbentuk di Abad 13, tapi belum ada info tahun persisnya. Di copy-an berita
di bawah katanya  sudah ada charcoal dating yang menunjuk ke 1210-1260 AD
untuk letusan Rinjani itu.  Jadi bagi saya sih logis saja kalo mengajukan
Rinjani sebagai tersangka-nya kalau memang info umur kaldera ini benar.  


Hayoo siapa yang mau ngedulu-in si Frank, buruan  J





Di bawah ini komentar seorang ahli tentang isue Si Frank dan Rinjani itu:

If you’ve been following the news out the AGU Chapman Meeting of Volcanoes 
the Atmospheremeeting going on this week, you might have seen some
interesting news about the missing 1258 A.D. eruption. I wrote about the
eruption a few months back, speculating on some potential volcanoes that
could be the culprit for this climate-altering event. However, trying to
match a sulfate signal on the poles with a volcano somewhere on the planet
is hard, so finding that “smoking gun” is a challenge to say the least.
However, Franck Lavigne  from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University’s Laboratory
of Physical Geography in Meudon, France claimed to have solved the mystery.
It isn’t that simple, though. Lavigne will not reveal the site of the
eruption until his study is published (it may or may not be submitted for
peer review at this point). So, instead of sharing news of his discovery, he
showed the data he used to “solve” the mystery … but never revealed what
volcano it was! What harm could come from Lavigne revealing his location
before the article is published, especially if he is willing to show data
that supposedly correlates the sulfate and ash composition in the polar
record with the terrestrial record of the mystery volcano? Overall, this is
shocking behavior for a geologist at a large meeting such as this – people
commonly discuss data and information that has not be published yet, so why
Lavigne chose to do this is beyond me (unless you want to think theatrics
are part of the rationale).

The consensus of people at the meeting (N.B., I am not at the meeting) is
that the mystery volcano is in Indonesia. Lavigne wouldn’t confirm or deny
this assessment, but it got me thinking – what might a contender be for a
caldera eruption in Indonesia during the 13th century. Indonesia is filled
with volcanoes, and as I mentioned a few weeks back when I discussed a
recent study by Salisbury and others (2012), we really don’t have a lot of
good ages for Indonesian eruptions prior to ~1800 A.D. However, one very
likely candidate might be the ~6 x 8.5 km Rinjani caldera. Rinjani hosts a
caldera that may have formed in the 13th century, so it not only fulfills
the role of being a large eruption but also falls within the right century.
We don’t have any good ages for the caldera eruption beyond some charcoal
dated at 1210-1260 A.D. However, with the evidence that Lavingne’s volcano
is in Indonesia and how little we know about the caldera eruption at
Rinjani, it makes sense that Rinjani could be an excellent candidate for an
eruption that could be matched with the polar sulfate and ash.

At this point, all we can do is wait for Lavigne’s study to be published,
but we might be able to narrow the search for the 1257-58 eruption to
Indonesia – and even to a target caldera that might be the weapon of choice.




From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 06 Juli 2012 15:23
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Rekan Danny,

Gak peduli Bule atau Melayu, kalo statement nya (maaf) terlalu berani dan
menurut saya (terbatas pada disiplin ilmu yang saya tekuni) kurang logis ya
saya akan berikan opini. Contohnya ini: G. Rinjani meletus dengan skala
letusan 7 pada abat 13 Begitu bodohnya orang Indonesia pada waktu
itukah, sehingga sama sekali tidak ada catatan mengenai peristiwa alam
begitu dahsyatnya? Misal dalam

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-04 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Hehehe  didekat Iceland dikutub utra banyak gn api, jadi tidak perlu letusan 
besar untuk memperbesar sulfur di kutub utara.
Tidak perlu ambil sulfur dari Indonesia.
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Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-03 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Wah dpt data dari mana Yat, es di kutub mana? 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 12:08:31 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
Hee… Aussie kemana aja lu

Tolong dibaca yg bener dong: ada letusan besar selama 7.000 .th ini. Dating 
yang dilakukan bukan terhadap batuan gunungapinya, tapi dari perubahan global 
climate, dan es kutub yang mengandung S tinggi pada sekitar th tersebut. Jadi 
belum ada data absolutr dating yg di released!!!




From: aussie gautama [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Iya hebat, presisi 2 tahun,  tapi dibagian lain dia mention ... ...the biggest 
volcanic eruption in 7000 years..,  meleset 6300 tahun...hehe 



From: Franciscus B Sinartio
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?







From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around the globe 
and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón, 
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the 
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors, don’t 
really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery 
volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The 
rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large 
volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate changes 
were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258, Lavigne said. 
“We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or summer of 1257,” he 
said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously thought.

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air more 
than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers around. The 
eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale that measures 
an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the 
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to marshal 
enough evidence to convince everyone else.


Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari



Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-03 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Hehehe  didekat Iceland dikutub utra banyak gn api, jadi tidak perlu letusan 
besar untuk memperbesar sulfur di kutub utara.
Tidak perlu ambil sulfur dari Indonesia.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-03 Terurut Topik Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
He he he, kalo ahli tsunami tapi bule yang  ikut-ikutan meneliti gunung api 
didukung  ya Pak ...  J Saya mancing aja kok; Setuju banget, jangankan masih 
geologist yang neliti gunung api, orang yang nemuin konstruksi cakar ayam aja 
ahli mesin bukan sipil.

Saya kebetulan menemukan signal erupsi Tambora tahun 1815 itu di cora rings 
karena waktu itu sedang menganalisa Gempa raksasa tahun 1797 dan 1833 di 
Mentawai.  Nah diantaranya ada sinyal/anomali aneh diantaranya  tahun 1815 dan 
ternyata dari abu tambora.  Saya sekarang sedang meneliti gempa besar dalam 
abad 13 di Mentawai (sudah punya banyak sekali sampel koral dari abad 13), 
siapa tahu nanti ketemu bukti letusan gunung api tahun 1258 itu.  Susahnya 
untuk itu perlu analisa isotop  yang cukup  intensif dan kita di sini engga 
punya lab. yang bagus.





From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 03 Juli 2012 12:13
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Ya Danny, tlg confirm dengan coral reef ini kan bidang keahlian anda, 
kontribusi anda sangat kita perlukan. Meskipun Lavigne bukan volcanologist 
temuannya wajib kita apresiasi. Saya ingat Haroun Tassief yg bukan 
volcanologist, tapi dokumentasinya banyak di apresiasi oleh para volcanologist 

Selamat berburu koral berumur abat 13.




From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Di artikel itu disebutkan ada data treering dan historical record di seluruh 
dunia, jadI wajar saja kalo akurasinya bisa 1-2 tahun. Yang dperdebatkan adalah 
gunung yang mana?
Surprise juga kalo G Rinjani yg meletus kita yang punya gunung ga tahu, malah 
orang luar yg nemukannya. Padahal seharusnya ada dalam sejarah (masa 
Majapahit). Bagaimana impact-nya ke masyarakat/kerajaan waktu itu ya?
Kalo benar Rinjani, satu fakta nyata kita sangat sedikit mempelajari sejarah 
dan bencana2 di massa lalu.

Saya akan cari juga di data coral rings sekitar tahun itu, sisapa tahu ada 
sesuatu. Yg jelas data erupsi Tambora 1815 terlihat jelas pada rekaman koral.

Frank Lavigne itu rasanya bukan volcanologist. Dia dulu ikut studi tsunami Aceh 
dan membuat film dan animasi yg bagus. Dia istrinya orang Jogya klo ga salah.


Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
LabEarth (Laboratory for Earth Hazards)
Geoteknologi - LIPI


From: Franciscus B Sinartio 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 05:42:53 -0700 (PDT)



Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?







From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-03 Terurut Topik Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Salah besar pak.

Culpritnya memang Rinjani.  Bisa dilihat di:



From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 03 Juli 2012 12:05
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


He… geodukun lagi?



From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung Rinjani, Vick.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®


From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:31:05 +0700



Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally
have a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258,
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year
before in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the
world around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical
Geography in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the
remains of the perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical
Union conference on volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name
the specific volcano, saying he had agreed with his international colleagues
not to identify it until the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia.
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence
also show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can
spew sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around
the globe and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón,
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors,
don’t really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his
mystery volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost
perfectly. The rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind
after a large volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate
changes were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258,
Lavigne said. “We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or
summer of 1257,” he said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air
more than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers
around. The eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale
that measures an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to
marshal enough evidence to convince everyone else.


Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-03 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Wah indahnya, bisa dong minta ke bencana purba.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 13:38:58 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
He he he, kalo ahli tsunami tapi bule yang  ikut-ikutan meneliti gunung api 
didukung  ya Pak ...  J Saya mancing aja kok; Setuju banget, jangankan masih 
geologist yang neliti gunung api, orang yang nemuin konstruksi cakar ayam aja 
ahli mesin bukan sipil.

Saya kebetulan menemukan signal erupsi Tambora tahun 1815 itu di cora rings 
karena waktu itu sedang menganalisa Gempa raksasa tahun 1797 dan 1833 di 
Mentawai.  Nah diantaranya ada sinyal/anomali aneh diantaranya  tahun 1815 dan 
ternyata dari abu tambora.  Saya sekarang sedang meneliti gempa besar dalam 
abad 13 di Mentawai (sudah punya banyak sekali sampel koral dari abad 13), 
siapa tahu nanti ketemu bukti letusan gunung api tahun 1258 itu.  Susahnya 
untuk itu perlu analisa isotop  yang cukup  intensif dan kita di sini engga 
punya lab. yang bagus.





From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono [] 
Sent: 03 Juli 2012 12:13
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Ya Danny, tlg confirm dengan coral reef ini kan bidang keahlian anda, 
kontribusi anda sangat kita perlukan. Meskipun Lavigne bukan volcanologist 
temuannya wajib kita apresiasi. Saya ingat Haroun Tassief yg bukan 
volcanologist, tapi dokumentasinya banyak di apresiasi oleh para volcanologist 

Selamat berburu koral berumur abat 13.




From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Di artikel itu disebutkan ada data treering dan historical record di seluruh 
dunia, jadI wajar saja kalo akurasinya bisa 1-2 tahun. Yang dperdebatkan adalah 
gunung yang mana?
Surprise juga kalo G Rinjani yg meletus kita yang punya gunung ga tahu, malah 
orang luar yg nemukannya. Padahal seharusnya ada dalam sejarah (masa 
Majapahit). Bagaimana impact-nya ke masyarakat/kerajaan waktu itu ya?
Kalo benar Rinjani, satu fakta nyata kita sangat sedikit mempelajari sejarah 
dan bencana2 di massa lalu.

Saya akan cari juga di data coral rings sekitar tahun itu, sisapa tahu ada 
sesuatu. Yg jelas data erupsi Tambora 1815 terlihat jelas pada rekaman koral.

Frank Lavigne itu rasanya bukan volcanologist. Dia dulu ikut studi tsunami Aceh 
dan membuat film dan animasi yg bagus. Dia istrinya orang Jogya klo ga salah.


Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
LabEarth (Laboratory for Earth Hazards)
Geoteknologi - LIPI


From: Franciscus B Sinartio 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 05:42:53 -0700 (PDT)



Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?







From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-02 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Temuan yang luar biasa, tunggu aja published report nya.



From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally
have a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258,
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year
before in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the
world around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical
Geography in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the
remains of the perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical
Union conference on volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name
the specific volcano, saying he had agreed with his international colleagues
not to identify it until the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia.
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence
also show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can
spew sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around
the globe and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón,
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors,
don’t really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his
mystery volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost
perfectly. The rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind
after a large volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate
changes were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258,
Lavigne said. “We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or
summer of 1257,” he said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air
more than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers
around. The eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale
that measures an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to
marshal enough evidence to convince everyone else.


Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-02 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Salah besar…, G Toba meledak besar 70.000 th yl



From: Franciscus B Sinartio [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?







From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around the globe 
and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón, 
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the 
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors, don’t 
really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery 
volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The 
rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large 
volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate changes 
were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258, Lavigne said. 
“We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or summer of 1257,” he 
said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously thought.

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air more 
than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers around. The 
eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale that measures 
an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the 
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to marshal 
enough evidence to convince everyone else.


Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari


RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-02 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
He… geodukun lagi?



From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung Rinjani, Vick.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®


From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:31:05 +0700



Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally
have a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258,
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year
before in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the
world around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical
Geography in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the
remains of the perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical
Union conference on volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name
the specific volcano, saying he had agreed with his international colleagues
not to identify it until the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia.
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence
also show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can
spew sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around
the globe and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón,
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors,
don’t really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his
mystery volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost
perfectly. The rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind
after a large volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate
changes were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258,
Lavigne said. “We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or
summer of 1257,” he said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air
more than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers
around. The eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale
that measures an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to
marshal enough evidence to convince everyone else.


Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari

RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-02 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Hee… Aussie kemana aja lu

Tolong dibaca yg bener dong: ada letusan besar selama 7.000 .th ini. Dating 
yang dilakukan bukan terhadap batuan gunungapinya, tapi dari perubahan global 
climate, dan es kutub yang mengandung S tinggi pada sekitar th tersebut. Jadi 
belum ada data absolutr dating yg di released!!!




From: aussie gautama [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Iya hebat, presisi 2 tahun,  tapi dibagian lain dia mention ... ...the biggest 
volcanic eruption in 7000 years..,  meleset 6300 tahun...hehe 



From: Franciscus B Sinartio
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?







From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around the globe 
and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón, 
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the 
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors, don’t 
really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery 
volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The 
rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large 
volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate changes 
were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258, Lavigne said. 
“We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or summer of 1257,” he 
said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously thought.

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air more 
than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers around. The 
eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale that measures 
an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the 
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to marshal 
enough evidence to convince everyone else.


Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari



RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-02 Terurut Topik Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Ya Danny, tlg confirm dengan coral reef ini kan bidang keahlian anda, 
kontribusi anda sangat kita perlukan. Meskipun Lavigne bukan volcanologist 
temuannya wajib kita apresiasi. Saya ingat Haroun Tassief yg bukan 
volcanologist, tapi dokumentasinya banyak di apresiasi oleh para volcanologist 

Selamat berburu koral berumur abat 13.




From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Di artikel itu disebutkan ada data treering dan historical record di seluruh 
dunia, jadI wajar saja kalo akurasinya bisa 1-2 tahun. Yang dperdebatkan adalah 
gunung yang mana?
Surprise juga kalo G Rinjani yg meletus kita yang punya gunung ga tahu, malah 
orang luar yg nemukannya. Padahal seharusnya ada dalam sejarah (masa 
Majapahit). Bagaimana impact-nya ke masyarakat/kerajaan waktu itu ya?
Kalo benar Rinjani, satu fakta nyata kita sangat sedikit mempelajari sejarah 
dan bencana2 di massa lalu.

Saya akan cari juga di data coral rings sekitar tahun itu, sisapa tahu ada 
sesuatu. Yg jelas data erupsi Tambora 1815 terlihat jelas pada rekaman koral.

Frank Lavigne itu rasanya bukan volcanologist. Dia dulu ikut studi tsunami Aceh 
dan membuat film dan animasi yg bagus. Dia istrinya orang Jogya klo ga salah.


Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
LabEarth (Laboratory for Earth Hazards)
Geoteknologi - LIPI


From: Franciscus B Sinartio 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 05:42:53 -0700 (PDT)



Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).

lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?







From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around the globe 
and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón, 
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the 
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors, don’t 
really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery 
volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The 
rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large 
volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate changes 
were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258, Lavigne said. 
“We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or summer of 1257,” he 
said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously thought.

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air more 
than 40 kilometers high, showering debris

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-07-02 Terurut Topik Bandono Salim
Jangan begitu, 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 12:04:30 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
He… geodukun lagi?



From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung Rinjani, Vick.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®


From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:31:05 +0700



Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?




13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally
have a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258,
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year
before in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the
world around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical
Geography in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the
remains of the perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical
Union conference on volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name
the specific volcano, saying he had agreed with his international colleagues
not to identify it until the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia.
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence
also show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can
spew sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around
the globe and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón,
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors,
don’t really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his
mystery volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost
perfectly. The rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind
after a large volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate
changes were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258,
Lavigne said. “We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or
summer of 1257,” he said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air
more than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers
around. The eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale
that measures an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to
marshal enough evidence to convince everyone else.


Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-06-18 Terurut Topik Yanto R. Sumantri
Heeeh ya Ausie , apa ndak salah ngetik ?

si Abah

 From: aussie gautama
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Iya hebat, presisi 2 tahun,  tapi dibagian lain dia mention ... ...the biggest 
volcanic eruption in 7000 years..,  meleset 6300 tahun...hehe 

 From: Franciscus B Sinartio
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).
lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?


 From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Gunung mana ya ?


13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News
SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.
Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.
The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.
“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.
Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.
Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around the globe 
and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.
Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón, 
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the 
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors, don’t 
really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.
At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery 
volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The 
rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large 
volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.
Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate changes 
were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258, Lavigne said. 
“We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or summer of 1257,” he 
said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously thought.
Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air more 
than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers around. The 
eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale that measures 
an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.
Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the 
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to marshal 
enough evidence to convince everyone else.

Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-06-16 Terurut Topik Franciscus B Sinartio
wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).
lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?


 From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Gunung mana ya ?


13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News
SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.
Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.
The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.
“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.
Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.
Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around the globe 
and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.
Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón, 
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the 
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors, don’t 
really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.
At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery 
volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The 
rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large 
volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.
Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate changes 
were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258, Lavigne said. 
“We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or summer of 1257,” he 
said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously thought.
Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air more 
than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers around. The 
eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale that measures 
an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.
Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the 
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to marshal 
enough evidence to convince everyone else.

Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-06-16 Terurut Topik abachtiar
Gunung Rinjani, Vick.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:31:05 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
Gunung mana ya ?


13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

*SELFOSS, Iceland* — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may
finally have a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the
year 1258, spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened
the year before in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the
world around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical
Geography in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the
remains of the perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical
Union conference on volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name
the specific volcano, saying he had agreed with his international
colleagues not to identify it until the work is published in a
peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia.
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence
also show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions
can spew sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread
around the globe and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón,
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors,
don’t really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his
mystery volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost
perfectly. The rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind
after a large volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate
changes were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258,
Lavigne said. “We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or
summer of 1257,” he said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air
more than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers
around. The eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity
scale that measures an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to
marshal enough evidence to convince everyone else.

*Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari*

Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

2012-06-16 Terurut Topik aussie gautama
Iya hebat, presisi 2 tahun,  tapi dibagian lain dia mention ... ...the biggest 
volcanic eruption in 7000 years..,  meleset 6300 tahun...hehe 

 From: Franciscus B Sinartio
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

wah hebat ya dating system nya sampai tahu thn nya dengan ketepatan 2 tahun  
(1257 atau 1258).
lah kalau ngak salah katanya saat itu Gunung Toba yang meledak?


 From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
To: IAGI; 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:31 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?

Gunung mana ya ?


13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News
SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have 
a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258, 
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year before 
in Indonesia, scientists report.
Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the world 
around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.
The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a 
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography 
in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the remains of the 
perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical Union conference on 
volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name the specific volcano, 
saying he had agreed with his international colleagues not to identify it until 
the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.
“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000 
years,” Lavigne said.
Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia. 
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.
Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century 
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain 
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence also 
show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can spew 
sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around the globe 
and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.
Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón, 
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the 
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors, don’t 
really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.
At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery 
volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The 
rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large 
volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.
Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate changes 
were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258, Lavigne said. 
“We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or summer of 1257,” he 
said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously thought.
Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air more 
than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers around. The 
eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale that measures 
an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.
Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the 
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to marshal 
enough evidence to convince everyone else.

Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari