Apple Sues Mac Clone Maker Psystar

2008-08-02 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Somewhat reminiscent of IBM vs. Platform.  And IBM devoured Platform.
And Fundamental gave up without a fight.

I wonder if there might be a precedent here relevant to ... dare I even
use the H-word?

I wonder if IBM would be inclined to submit an amicus brief?

-- gil

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2008-07-09 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just for instructional purposes, I wrote a job step using an undefined
HLQ that failed with:

 ICH408I ...

... and tried LOOKAT ICH408I.

I get:

#1.4.48 "z/OS V1R7.0 Security Server RACF Messages and Codes"

1.4.48 ICH408I


   Explanation: A user attempted to retrieve a digital certificate using the 
   callable service function EXPORT, but is not authorized to do so.

I consider this way wide of the mark.  (Same at V1R9.0.)

PMR?  RCF?  Feedback?  Other (specify)?

-- gil

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ISPF CLIST case nonsensibility

2008-07-01 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I need to make a few changes to a CLIST ISPF EDIT macro.  (I haven't
jurisdiction to convert it to Rexx.)  So I do:

ISREDIT CHANGE ALL NX  "Foo"  "/dev/null"

And my string   "Foo"
gets changed to "/DEV?NULL"

What am I missing?  Do I need to ask on ISPF-LIST?  Problem does
not occur from command line, nor from Rexx macro.


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JCL Symbol Not Substituted

2008-06-02 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]

//* on a z/OS v1r7 JES2 system, the JCL job step:
// BOL2.y&SYMBOL3.z'
Shows the following in the JESJCL listing:

3 //  SET  SYMBOL1=A
4 //  SET  SYMBOL2=B
5 //  SET  SYMBOL3=C
  // BOL2.y&SYMBOL3.z'

Apparently the JES2 reader/converter is failing to substitute the
value 'B' for the symbol "&SYMBOL2".

PMR submitted.

-- gil

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2008-04-15 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apparently crashed while I was typing a PMR update.  "Submit"
gave me "Internal Server Error", then "Page Not Found" when I
tried again.  Fortunately, I was able to copy and save my
revision text.  I filled out the "bad page" report I was
redirected to.

-- gil

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LMCOPY and PDSE space release?

2008-04-03 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If I LMCOPY/REPLACE a number of members into a PDSE, one copy command
per member, when is space occupied by the replaced members available
for reuse?

o At the end of LMCOPY command?


o When I free the DDNAME?

o Other (specify)?

What's the tradeoff between electively freeing (what?) after
each LMCOPY, and temporarily doubling the space used by the

-- gil

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IBMLink, again

2008-03-26 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My latest update to Record 79232,033,000:


I attempted to update this by adding a 40-line example  
in C, followed by some comments.  This appears to have  
overstressed IBMLink: Most of my C code is missing; 
the remainder is garbled, and IBM's LAST TWO UPDATES 
ARE ENTIRELY MISSING.  I guess that's OK because I  
really wasn't very happy with what IBM had to say.   

-- gil 

(Summarizing, they said "WAD", of course.  My comments,
which survived, were a courteous (yes!) disagreement
with WAD.)

I had thought it an advantage of IBMLink WWW that I
could so easily cut-and-paste samples, test cases,
and log excerpts.  I guess I should exercise
moderation.  (Unlikely?)

-- gil

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Is 00000000 a valid sequence number?

2008-02-29 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Much as I despise sequence numbers, I sometimes need
not merely to tolerate, but to support them.  Now,
I want to check whether sequence numbers are valid,
monotonically increasing, etc.  So, knowing IBM's
penchant for considering intuitive boundary conditions
invalid, what's the mimimal valid sequence number,
 or 0001?

Is there an off-the-shelf sequence number checker
I can use.  IEBUPDTE seems determined to give me
a hard time when I try:


It won't work with empty SYSIN.  OK, that's kinda
reasonable, so I give it a REPRO command.  Now it
complains about SYSUT2 DD DUMMY.  Why, dammit!?
When I supply a temporary data set for SYSUT2, it
reports no problem with invalid line numbers on
SYSUT1.  Is there any easy way to get IEBUPDTE (or
any other utility) to report invalid line numbers
and do little else?  I'll try ISRSUPC with UPDMVS8
next.  (I know it's trivial, but I always like to
avoid RYO.)

Continuing in this vein, SMP/E provides ++SRCUPD and
++MACUPD MCS.  Is there any similar construct to
apply source usermods to other data element types?
If not, there's little motivation to provide valid
sequence numbers on those types.

-- gil

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SMP/E GIMCPTS Downward Compatibility

2008-02-19 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Someone in-house wrote me (on an address that works):

> * Today they pick up the PTFs from the SMPPTS within engineering
>   environments ... .This is apparently
>   not guaranteed to work, because the PTFs are compressed on
>   SMPPTS but the compression can be SMP/E level dependent. If
>   [recipients]   are running a different level of SMP/E to
>   ..., the PTFs we send are not usable on
>   their systems.

The SMP/E RM at:

mentions no level sensitivity other than "where the SMP/E installed
on the other system cannot handle compacted inline element data".
Is it more likely that there's a level sensitivity, that the other
system is entirely compaction-naive (how far down must that be?), o
 that we suffered data corruption in transmission?


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2008-02-11 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Security Error: Domain Name Mismatch

You have attempted to establish a connection with
"".  However, the security certificate
presented belongs to "".  It is possible,
though unlikely, that someone may be trying to intercept your
communication with this web site.

If you suspect the certificate shown does not belong to
"", please cancel the connection and
notify the site administrator.
__  __
|  |||  ||
| View Certificate || Cancel |  | OK |
|__|||  ||

... is there any way to not get this each time?  Who's
the site administrator?

-- gil

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Java Demos

2008-02-02 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just curious; not quite a belated "Friday" topic:

On a completely different system, I found some fun Java
demos.  But analogues appear to exist on our z/OS system in:


... (YMMV; perhaps enormously; try "find /usr/lpp/java -name applets".)
Do these actually run on z/OS?  What HTTPD?  What configuration?  What
collateral requirements?  Might the underlying applets be liberated
and run outsidt HTTP (I don't know how to do this under the other OS,

-- gil

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TSO TRANSMIT and instream data set DLM=

2008-01-28 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One of my disappointments with TSO TRANSMIT is that I know
no safe way to imbed INMR text in an instream data set:
the format seems to allow any digraph to appear in columns
1-2.  But today, attempting to test a trial-and-error routine
to scan a TRANSMITted IEBCOPY unloaded JCL library for a
digraph not appearing in columns 1-2, I was startled to
find no '//' (but many '/*') in those columns.  I consider
this a statistical anomaly -- I found numerous '//' in 2-3
and wrapped from 80-1.  Have the authors done us a favor by
coding to avoid '//' in 1-2?  I can find no mention of this
in the documentation.  I'd be delighted to exploit the feature
if I were confident it was supported.

BTW, is there a new format of Publibz?  Suddenly, I seem to
be required to display a shelf list before I can filter for
a string in a publication title.  This could be undesirable
on a slow connection.  I'll have to see whether I get used
to it.  (I really wish I could have searched for "TRANSMIT"
in all publications whose titles contain "TSO".)

-- gil

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2007-12-22 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have long been annoyed by the dialog that ISPF DSLIST presents me
for each VSAM data set present when I delete a bunch of data sets.
I have no idea what it wants to know; I just press ENTER each time
and sooner or later it finishes deleting the data set and moves on
to the next one.

Today, I deleted a bunch of data sets that HSM had migrated.  I
noticed to my surprise and delight that it presented no dialog to
confirm or alter the deletion.  I will now HMIGRATE each VSAM
data set before deleting a bunch.  Silicon is cheaper than carbon.

Yet, I wonder: if that dialog is essential, or even important, for
deleting VSAM data sets, why is it not presented alike for migrated
and resident VSAM data sets?  I don't think I'll start a PMR on it;
if IBM chose to fix it, I'd have shot myself in the foot.

-- gil

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Quoting Style

2007-08-01 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I recently received an off-list message admonishing me for an incorrect
attribution.  I grant that I trimmed hastily, but I don't know how guilty
I should feel.  The lines I misattributed appeared in a message from the
misattributee, apparently, I see now, in a citation of an earlier message,
but without the conventional "> " quotation indicators, and interspersed
with quotations of an earlier message so marked (but with one level of
quotes, not two).  It's too easy a mistake to make.

-- gil

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One Good Thing about IBMLink

2007-07-25 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I notice that lately (I believe this behavior is new), the E-mail
updates that I receive of PMR updates have the Abstract appended
to the Subject header.  This is useful.  I'll let others worry
about whether they can access IBMLink to view the update.

BTW, I notice that AST notifies me that PQ96247, resolved and
dormant for 2 1/2 years was updated last week.  I compared with my
cached copy and found no changes other than to the "Last Changed"
header (self-fulfilling prophecy?).  Is there modified text not
visible to customers, or did someone inadvertently Edit, then Save
rather than Cancel?

I always get nervous when an APAR on SuperC springs back to life
because SuperC has been so fragile in my experience.

-- gil

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Last Record

2007-07-20 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There's a thread active in TSO-REXX in which the OP wished
to extract the last record from a data set.  Of course, this
spawns a school of increasingly byzantine suggestions:

Read into a stem and use the STEM.0th element

Edit Macro

Sort into reverse order and take the first.

Count the legs and divde by four

(I suggested:

cp "//'DATA.SET.NAME(MEMBER)'" /dev/fd/1 | tail -1

... )

But usually to such questions, Frank chimes in saying
it's a natural for DFSORT.  Is it?

-- gil

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UNIX File -> PDS via ISPF LM Services?

2007-07-17 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Regularly, I copy UNIX files (usually NFS) to PDS members using
LMCOPY.  But this is necessarily indirect with a REPRO or IEBGENER
to an intermediate Legacy data set because when I try to LMINIT
my UNIX source file, I get:

'lminit dataid(FROMID) ddname(INPUT)enq(SHR)'
ISRZ002 Data sets not on direct access device are not supported by ISPF.

(Hmmm.  Doesn't ISPF know that UNIX regular files reside on direct
access devices -- character special files are different?)

Is there a better way?  All I can think of is EXECIO and LMPUT in
a loop -- likely to be more overhead than copying to an intermediate
file.  (And, IIRC, if the source data set is empty, the LMMADD
fails.  IBM doesn't believe in zero.)

Any suggestions?


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FIN APAR Status Updates

2007-07-01 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I notice some FIN APARs for which I am on AST have been updated
with availability notices, such as:

In OA15305:

The fix for this FIN APAR was shipped in the base for z/OS V1R9.

Has this always been the practice?  Is it done uniformly?

If it's new and consistent, it's a welcome innovation.

-- gil

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z/OS Documentation? Ouch!

2007-06-05 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I lately submitted an RCF on a z/OS product concerning an
apparently incomplete description of its command syntax.
The reply contained the following sentence, apparently
from a developer addressed to a tech writer:

... I probably would not say anything about the
syntax rules that are followed because you may
give misleading information.

So, the programmer is supposed to guess?

-- gil

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ISPF list data set attributes?

2007-05-30 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just tried to print a data set list from "ISRUDLP Data Set List
Utility".  I got:

| The listing of data sets was placed in the ISPF list data set. Lines have   |
| been wrapped because the logical record length is less than 127 for RECFM F |
| or 131 for RECFM V. |

o There's no code associated with this message.  Is it supposed to
  be "self-explanatory"?  I know the modal reaction of this group
  to self-explanatory messages.  Or do I need to choose an option
  to display the code?

o HELP key tells me nothing useful.

o Panel 0 doesn't show anything of interest.

o "z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User's Guide Vol I" " Processing the Log
  and List Data Sets" makes some passing mention of "preallocated
  data sets", but doesn't describe how to preallocate them.

How can I cause the listing data set to be allocated with more
suitable attributes?  If I can do this, what's the maximum
permissible?  Will it cause problems if I allocate with LRECL(1000)
and seldom again worry about wrapping?

(The actual allocated attributes were RECFM=FBA,LRECL=121, clearly
smaller than ISRUDLP needs.)


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2007-05-13 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(PROFILE UNLOCK in all cases below)

It appears by experiment and accidental discovery that:

o When I issue RECOVERY OFF from the command line, that status is
  saved in the profile when I END a VIEW session. (I haven't tried
  with EDIT proper.)

o The RECOVERY status (and other states?) are saved even when I CANcel
  the session.  This feels somewhat wrong.  CANcel ought to mean, "I
  didn't mean it -- ignore or undo everything I did since the last
  SAVE or the beginning of the session, whichever is more recent."

o When I issue RECOVERY OFF in a macro, it is effective within the macro
  (or at least I surmise from the performance/timing).  However, when
  the macro ends, RECOVERY ON appears in the PROFILE display (if that
  was the status on entry to the macro).  In this case, I'm delighted;
  it's exactly the behavior I want.  But is this documented anywhere?
  I'd like to be sure I'm not exploiting a fluke.

A few months ago, I asked in this forum whether I could disable "Confirm
Data Set Delete" in my Profile.  The modal reaction was, "No!  Very Bad
Idea!  Extremely Dangerous!  We hope IBM never provides such a facility,
even as an option!"  (There were a few exceptions of the "not my dog"
genre.)  But isn't RECOVERY OFF likewise a dangerous behavior, which
shouldn't be stored in a profile?

-- gil

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What is the command interface to SHA-1 in Java

2007-05-11 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Again, which FM do I need to RT?  I find nothing in publibz
with "Java" in its title.

Or is there no command interface nor API to SHA-1?


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Mark load module non-executable

2007-04-30 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It was briefly mentioned here that users should not put
SMP/E distribution libraries in their TASKLIB catenations.
We suspect one of our consumers has done this.  How can we,
as suppliers discourage this?  Is there any way to force
the non-executable attribute on a load module?  The closest
I can find is only-loadable, which at least should prevent
use of EXEC PGM= to invoke the module.

-- gil

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HL*ST displays output in wrong session

2006-04-20 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lately, on a z/OS 1.5 system, I needed to do an HLIST command.
The most convenient session I had was a z/OS Unix shell session,
linemode, via RLOGIN.

So, I typed "tso hlist both".  Long pause; many seconds; command
completed.  No output displayed.  OK.  Plan B.  I brought up an
x3270 window in which ISPF had been running concurrently and
typed =6; ENTER to go to the TSO Command Panel.

Imagine my astonishment when the errant output from the "tso
hlist" in the shell session came cascading out in the ISPF session!

This is wrong.  Output from such a display command ought to be
delivered to the session issuing the command, not to any other.

PMR submitted,

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