Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-20 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <>, on
   at 09:15 AM, Paul Gilmartin  said:

>Mathematical/scientific notation tends to use single-character 
>identifiers, to be case-sensitive, and to admit characters from 
>Greek, Hebrew, ...

Also. face and font are typically significant.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-19 Thread Tony Harminc
On 19 July 2013 08:19, John Gilmore  wrote:
> Some all but random responses.
> The C language switch statement is defined very specifically and
> carefully as an SBCS single-character facility.  Not at all
> incidentally, this definition ensures that branch tables can always be
> used to implement a C switch statement.

One can argue that in the highly constrained hardware environments
where C "grew up", a 256-byte branch table was far more of a barely
thinkable extravagance than is a 64k one today. I would not be at all
surprised to learn of some PDP-11 architectural construct that makes
restricting switch statements to single byte values desirable for
implementation purposes independent of the ability to use branch

Tony H.

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-19 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 07/18/2013
   at 04:13 PM, John Gilmore  said:

>Of course alphabetic is very inefficient.  In the Unioted States more
>thsan half of the business in many insurance lines is in "CA', 'NY',
>and 'TX'.  Programmers keep such sets of if-then-elses in
>lexicographic sequence to simplify their maintenance.

Some do. Others devise tools so that the maintenance is still simple
but the code is more efficient.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-19 Thread John Gilmore
I 'favor' the mathematical tradition, but it is still infeasible, in
full, for programming.  It is likely that in that long run in which I
shall be dead it will be feasible.

For certain kinds of programming a close, very close, approximation to
mathematical notation is already feasible; and it is notably
perspicuous, at least for those who have been appropriately

One of the principal reasons for urging, even insisting that
programmers learn a number of different statement-level languages and
one or more assembly languages is that mastering their different
epistemes disentangles convention and necessity.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-19 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 09:34:41 -0400, John Gilmore wrote:
>Organizing a symbol table/dictionary by identifier length is an old
>idea.  For example, the Lowry-Medlock FORTRAN H  compiler, to which I
>have referred here before, kept one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and
>six-character identifiers is separate subdictionaries.   ...
This strikes me as naive technology.  Beyond regarding the length
as a first-level hash index, I see little value in distinguishing among
3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-character identifiers.  Hashing and binary search
trees probably give better results.

>There is strong evidence, derived from studies of large samples of
>source programs, that single-character identifiers are both fewer and
>referenced much more frequently than longer identifiers, at least in
>languages in the FORTRAN-ALGOL tradition.

There's a strict upper bound on the former; fairly small unless
one admits Unicode.

> ... This probably reflects the
>contaminating influence of mathematical notation.  (I have more than
>once been dismayed to see that COBOL programmers, who are largely free
>of this malign influence and who do not use subscripts/indices a lot,
>often give them long identifiers like
>'in-batch-subgroup-index-position' when they do use them.)
It's unclear which tradition you favor.  Mathematical/scientific
notation tends to use single-character identifiers, to be
case-sensitive, and to admit characters from Greek, Hebrew, ...
alphabets ("ψ*", "ℵo") (Unicode, again).  (We needn't discuss APL.)

I have on occasion refactored code to use longer identifiers, both
for internal documentation and to facilitate string searches for them.
Even in Rexx I place little value on the performance benefits of
single character identifiers.  (I know; modern development
environments obviate the need for searching for identifiers as
strings, but such tools are not uniformly available.)

-- gil

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-19 Thread John Gilmore
Let me make a distinction between values known a fortiori, like those
of the keywords or reserved words of a statement-level language and
classes of values defined by initial letter, length in characters, or
the like.

It is correct that IBM REXX treats single-letter identifiers
differently from longer ones.  MC has said so in two other fora.

Organizing a symbol table/dictionary by identifier length is an old
idea.  For example, the Lowry-Medlock FORTRAN H  compiler, to which I
have referred here before, kept one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and
six-character identifiers is separate subdictionaries.   (The
feasibility of this scheme rerflects a FORTRAN constraint thasty in
turn reflects the architecture of the IBM 704 and its sequelæ.  An
identifier of at most six six-bit characters could always be kept in a
36-bit register.)

There is strong evidence, derived from studies of large samples of
source programs, that single-character identifiers are both fewer and
referenced much more frequently than longer identifiers, at least in
languages in the FORTRAN-ALGOL tradition.   This probably reflects the
contaminating influence of mathematical notation.  (I have more than
once been dismayed to see that COBOL programmers, who are largely free
of this malign influence and who do not use subscripts/indices a lot,
often give them long identifiers like
'in-batch-subgroup-index-position' when they do use them.)

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-19 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 08:19:19 -0400, John Gilmore wrote:
>The C language switch statement is defined very specifically and
>carefully as an SBCS single-character facility.  Not at all
>incidentally, this definition ensures that branch tables can always be
>used to implement a C switch statement.
FSVO "always".  From:

C A Reference Manual
Samuel P. Harbison
Guy L. Steele Jr.

PRENTICE HALL, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Although ANSI C allows the control expression to be of any
integer type, some older compilers do not permit it to be
of type *long* or *unsigned long*.  ANSI C also permits
an implementation to limit the number of separate *case*
labels in a *switch* statement to 257 (that is, more than
enough to handle all values of type *char*).

(Just distinguishing "permits" from "ensures".)

-- gil

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-19 Thread John Gilmore
Some all but random responses.


That's all well and good for two character values but obviously
doesn't scale beyond a half-word.

The problem I was addressing was a two-character/halfword one, and I
raised it originally to illustrate one egregious way in which the IBM
Enterprise COBOL compilers were deficient in their handling of
language constructs, specifically EVALUATE for one- and two-character
arguments.  I chose this example because there are canonical, well
understood, and not at all controversial branch-table based schemes
available for implementing C switch statements and PL/I select() groups.

I was not proposing a panacea, about any and all of which I am
generically suspicious.


I'm glad I said "median", rather than "mode".  For the latter
frequency statistics would be required.

Frequency statistics are required for the former too.  To say
otherwise is to confound frequency class-interval definitions with
their associated counts.

The 'exponential' vs 'logarithmic' issue is more complicated, but here
I do concede that these two algorithms are better contrasted using
'polynomial time' and 'logarithmic time'.

I come now to

If all the keys are already known then a perfect hash optimized switch
statement is one of the most efficient methods I've seen.  Especially
popular with compiler writers for the symbol table.

It seems to me to mix two topics.   The reserved or key words of a
statement-level language are "already known".  The identifiers used in
a source program written in such a language are not.  (One could of
course conjecture that 'I' or 'i' will be used as the identifier of an
indexing subscript in many, even most FORTRAN programs; but I am not
sure that this sort of thing would be very helpful.)

The C language switch statement is defined very specifically and
carefully as an SBCS single-character facility.  Not at all
incidentally, this definition ensures that branch tables can always be
used to implement a C switch statement.

I do agree, if that be the right word, that hashing schemes have
historically been much used for symbol-table management by the writers
of compilers and assemblers.  (If challenged before the fact,  I
should also be quite willing to 'agree' that the earth is an oblate

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread David Crayford
That's all well and good for two character values but obviously doesn't 
scale beyond a half-word. If all the keys are already known then a 
perfect hash optimized switch statement is one of the most efficient 
methods I've seen.

Especially popular with compiler writers for the symbol table.

On 19/07/2013 4:40 AM, John Gilmore wrote:

I am beginning to have a suspicion that some readers at least do not
know how branch tables. C switch statements, and the like work.  Here,
given a state-code of, say, 'NY', its two-byte code point, in EBCDIC
x' d5e8', is used as  an offset to address a unique byte in that
table, one of bytes 0,1, 2,...,65635.  A single properly framed TRTO
instruction yields the value of that target byte.  There is no faster
way to do this, and this is the case even on, say, a RISC machine ,
where it must be programmed [trivially].

John McKown's suggestion that a three way branch should perhaps be
implemented as if-then-else-if-then-else-if-then-else is
entirely correct but not interesting here.  COBOL EVALUATE and its
analogues in other languages are for many-way branches.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread John Gilmore
I am beginning to have a suspicion that some readers at least do not
know how branch tables. C switch statements, and the like work.  Here,
given a state-code of, say, 'NY', its two-byte code point, in EBCDIC
x' d5e8', is used as  an offset to address a unique byte in that
table, one of bytes 0,1, 2,...,65635.  A single properly framed TRTO
instruction yields the value of that target byte.  There is no faster
way to do this, and this is the case even on, say, a RISC machine ,
where it must be programmed [trivially].

John McKown's suggestion that a three way branch should perhaps be
implemented as if-then-else-if-then-else-if-then-else is
entirely correct but not interesting here.  COBOL EVALUATE and its
analogues in other languages are for many-way branches.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 15:09:22 -0400, John Gilmore wrote:

>Paul Gilmartin wrote:
>Which might be the proper implementation if the cases are sparse.
>Best to start with the median case value and bisect recursively.
>Storage is cheap nowadays, particularly if it's not accessed.  But a
>large and sparse branch table is an invitation to page faults.
>I must admit that I am not quite sure what this means.  The obvious
>interpretation is precluded.  Compilers--unlike, say, RDBMs--are not
>ordinarily provided with frequency statistics for case values.  If
>instead it means that a BST can be used to replace a polynomial-time
>linear-search scheme with an exponential-time binary-search one, I
>Where it can be used, a branch table is nevertheless a very much
>better alternative.
By "sparse" I was suggesting a hundred distinct entries among a
million "otherwise" values.  At some low density, the nested "if"
becomes preferable.  (The nested "if" can be considered a
compiled version of the BST/)

I'm glad I said "median", rather than "mode".  For the latter
frequency statistics would be required.

And in Shmuel mode, I would have said "logarithmic" rather than

-- gil

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread John Gilmore
Of course alphabetic is very inefficient.  In the Unioted States more
thsan half of the business in many insurance lines is in "CA', 'NY',
and 'TX'.  Programmers keep such sets of if-then-elses in
lexicographic sequence to simplify their maintenance.  Moreover, they
often continue to do so even after they have been shown with hard
numbers thay they should not.

One of the good things about the branch table is that, for now at
least, putting it and its maintenance into assembly language converts
it into a black box.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread John McKown
Why not a different algorithm, based on the number of possible
alternatives? For instance, if only 2 or 3, then a cascading IF/THEN/ELSE.
If over a thousand, maybe a hash table. Just a thought, I'm sure there are
many possibilities.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Mike Schwab wrote:

> Alphabetic would almost certainly be very inefficient.  A minimal
> optimization would be a binary search of a table or states, or order
> the states in most to least order for the (1. number of transactions,
> 2. number of policies, 3. number of agents, 4, population).Setting a
> subscript once and grabbing the values of the table would be great.
> And the more values you have the better the binary search becomes.
This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. If this had been an
actual emergency, do you really think we'd stick around to tell you?

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread Mike Schwab
Alphabetic would almost certainly be very inefficient.  A minimal
optimization would be a binary search of a table or states, or order
the states in most to least order for the (1. number of transactions,
2. number of policies, 3. number of agents, 4, population).Setting a
subscript once and grabbing the values of the table would be great.

And the more values you have the better the binary search becomes.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 2:09 PM, John Gilmore  wrote:
> Paul Gilmartin wrote:
> Which might be the proper implementation if the cases are sparse.
> Best to start with the median case value and bisect recursively.
> Storage is cheap nowadays, particularly if it's not accessed.  But a
> large and sparse branch table is an invitation to page faults.
> I must admit that I am not quite sure what this means.  The obvious
> interpretation is precluded.  Compilers--unlike, say, RDBMs--are not
> ordinarily provided with frequency statistics for case values.  If
> instead it means that a BST can be used to replace a polynomial-time
> linear-search scheme with an exponential-time binary-search one, I
> agree.
> Where it can be used, a branch table is nevertheless a very much
> better alternative.
> An example will help here.  The American insurance industry is
> licensed and regulated chiefly, by the individual states, with New
> York State occupying the position of primus inter pares for historical
> reasons.  Underwriting rules thus differ from state, and not just
> premium rates but even such minutiæ as penny-breakage rules are
> different from one state to another.
> In the upshot the industry has historically made much use of nested-if
> of the generic form
> if state-code is 'AL' then . . .
> else if state-code is 'AK' then . . .
> else if state-code is 'AR' then . . .
> else if state-code is 'AZ' then . . .
> . . .
> else if state-code is 'DC' then . . .
> . . .
> else if state-code is 'PR' then  . .
> . . .
> else if state-code is 'WV' then . . .
> else if state-code us 'WY' then . . .
> else 
> which often occur multiply in the same routine.  (I have in my black
> museum a a routine that contains 127 instances of this scheme.)
> A single branch-table replacement for these schemes requires a very
> sparse page-aligned table of 2^16 = 65536 bytes and 1992 bytes of very
> simple rentrant LE-compatible HLASM code.  The table thus occupies 16
> 4k-byte pages, and careful instrumentation---I was anxious to
> establish performance benefits---showed that the branch-table scheme
> wax more than 8000 (sic) times faster than the nested-ifs even after
> the nested-if seq.
> Non-transient paging was looked for but not found.
> There is a tendency to react to TRTO-based schemes---OMG, a 64k
> table!---with the gut rather than the brain
> John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread John Gilmore
Paul Gilmartin wrote:

Which might be the proper implementation if the cases are sparse.
Best to start with the median case value and bisect recursively.
Storage is cheap nowadays, particularly if it's not accessed.  But a
large and sparse branch table is an invitation to page faults.

I must admit that I am not quite sure what this means.  The obvious
interpretation is precluded.  Compilers--unlike, say, RDBMs--are not
ordinarily provided with frequency statistics for case values.  If
instead it means that a BST can be used to replace a polynomial-time
linear-search scheme with an exponential-time binary-search one, I

Where it can be used, a branch table is nevertheless a very much
better alternative.

An example will help here.  The American insurance industry is
licensed and regulated chiefly, by the individual states, with New
York State occupying the position of primus inter pares for historical
reasons.  Underwriting rules thus differ from state, and not just
premium rates but even such minutiæ as penny-breakage rules are
different from one state to another.

In the upshot the industry has historically made much use of nested-if
of the generic form

if state-code is 'AL' then . . .
else if state-code is 'AK' then . . .
else if state-code is 'AR' then . . .
else if state-code is 'AZ' then . . .
. . .
else if state-code is 'DC' then . . .
. . .
else if state-code is 'PR' then  . .
. . .
else if state-code is 'WV' then . . .
else if state-code us 'WY' then . . .

which often occur multiply in the same routine.  (I have in my black
museum a a routine that contains 127 instances of this scheme.)

A single branch-table replacement for these schemes requires a very
sparse page-aligned table of 2^16 = 65536 bytes and 1992 bytes of very
simple rentrant LE-compatible HLASM code.  The table thus occupies 16
4k-byte pages, and careful instrumentation---I was anxious to
establish performance benefits---showed that the branch-table scheme
wax more than 8000 (sic) times faster than the nested-ifs even after
the nested-if seq.

Non-transient paging was looked for but not found.

There is a tendency to react to TRTO-based schemes---OMG, a 64k
table!---with the gut rather than the brain

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread Steve Comstock

On 7/18/2013 6:46 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 08:13:02 -0400, John Gilmore wrote:

COBOL optimization has always been problematic for two reasons.

The less important of them is that, until now at least, some
syntactically interesting features of the  language have been
implemented very poorly.  Some COBOL EVALUATEs are, for example,
functionally very like a C switch or a PL/I select().  They have not, however, been inplemented in COBOL using
a branch table, as such constructs are in C and PL/I, but as if nested
IFs had been written.

Which might be the proper implementation if the cases are sparse.
Best to start with the median case value and bisect recursively.
Storage is cheap nowadays, particularly if it's not accessed.  But
a large and sparse branch table is an invitation to page faults.

I thought in today's systems paging was pretty rare.

More important, COBOL arrays were for long too small to meet the
requirements of many applications.  For this reason, the practice of
extending these arrays informally by (mis)appropriating the storage
immediately following too-small ones for phantom elements addressed
using formally illicit subscripts has been common.

In the past, you've deplored as "nanny languages" (IIRC) those
which generate code to prevent such abuses.

-- gil

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 08:13:02 -0400, John Gilmore wrote:

>COBOL optimization has always been problematic for two reasons.
>The less important of them is that, until now at least, some
>syntactically interesting features of the  language have been
>implemented very poorly.  Some COBOL EVALUATEs are, for example,
>functionally very like a C switch or a PL/I select(character>).  They have not, however, been inplemented in COBOL using
>a branch table, as such constructs are in C and PL/I, but as if nested
>IFs had been written.
Which might be the proper implementation if the cases are sparse.
Best to start with the median case value and bisect recursively.
Storage is cheap nowadays, particularly if it's not accessed.  But
a large and sparse branch table is an invitation to page faults.

>More important, COBOL arrays were for long too small to meet the
>requirements of many applications.  For this reason, the practice of
>extending these arrays informally by (mis)appropriating the storage
>immediately following too-small ones for phantom elements addressed
>using formally illicit subscripts has been common.
In the past, you've deplored as "nanny languages" (IIRC) those
which generate code to prevent such abuses.

-- gil

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-18 Thread John Gilmore
COBOL optimization has always been problematic for two reasons.

The less important of them is that, until now at least, some
syntactically interesting features of the  language have been
implemented very poorly.  Some COBOL EVALUATEs are, for example,
functionally very like a C switch or a PL/I select().  They have not, however, been inplemented in COBOL using
a branch table, as such constructs are in C and PL/I, but as if nested
IFs had been written.

More important, COBOL arrays were for long too small to meet the
requirements of many applications.  For this reason, the practice of
extending these arrays informally by (mis)appropriating the storage
immediately following too-small ones for phantom elements addressed
using formally illicit subscripts has been common.

This is only one of a number of ways in which COBOL has been abused,
written around by people who copied coding idioms without
understanding them very well.  Optimizers, understandably, did not
recognize these dubious constructs; and the consequences were
unfortunate.  For these reasons many mainframe COBOL shops have
interdicted the highest levels of optimization that IBM has made

I think Timothy Sipples is right about the phrase "well structured".
Well structured COBOL programs do exist, but they are rare and usually
short-lived:  maintenance tends to convert them into rats' nests---the
COBOL idiom is 'spaghetti code'---over time.  I suspect that the
intent of this IBM language is to suggest that even COBOL programs
judged to be well written and efficient will benefit from being

I also suspect that attempts to optimize old code that misuses COBOL
language facilities systematically will continue to be problematic.
This IBM initiative is nevertheless a very welcome one.   It may
prompt some mainframe COBOL shops to address economically important
performance issues that they have been shirking.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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Re: COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-17 Thread Timothy Sipples
I wouldn't take "well structured" too literally here. Or, at least, I think
it's best to consider the compiler developer's definition of "well
structured" which is at least somewhat different than the application

Again, this is fairly easy stuff to measure -- in the statistical sense
anyway. Recompile a few "representative" programs with the new compiler
optimizations enabled then measure the effects. They should be good,
sometimes very good.

Timothy Sipples
GMU VCT Architect Executive (Based in Singapore)
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COBOL was: COBOL Parser

2013-07-17 Thread Shane Ginnane
Here IBM have been pushing the 5.1 barrow - even naming numbers.
From the announcement:
"With modern advanced optimization and improved exploitation of z hardware, 
many well-structured, CPU-intensive batch applications have shown performance 
increases greater than 10%"

Hmmm - it's that "well-structured" bit I'd be concerned about ...

Shane ...
(waiting for Tom to come storming in from stage left).

On Wed, 17 Jul 2013 12:19:53 -0400, Paul Strauss wrote:

: Since you are working on performance, have you tried compiling with the  
: Enterprise COBOL V4.2 compiler?  New compilers will generate code that  
: uses instruction sets on new CPUs. You may get some benefit that way. Code  
: can also be optimized.

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