Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-18 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
I agree with Radoslaw that an elaborate CTC naming convention might be overkill 
for many shops. OTOH when we introduced sysplex in the mid-90s, we went from a 
handful of single-purpose LPARs across four CECs to multisystem plexes. We 
started with no CTCs to speak of, but XCF wants CTCs as backup for CF 
structures. Hence the number of CTCs ballooned in a short period. Our IBM Top 
Gun CE suggested a naming scheme because there were circulating stories of 
confusion and mishandling of CTCs, especially in error situations where an 
operator calls a sysprog at oh-dark-thirty to report a problem. Imposing some 
sanity on the chaos seemed like a good idea. 

A few other comments. 

-- We run 14 LPARs in 'production', that is day-in day-out for public use. We 
also run an additional 7 LPARs during non-disruptive DR testing for a total of 
21 LPARs spread across (now) three CECs in two data centers. Every LPAR has CTC 
connections to every other LPAR on every CEC in both data centers. 

-- We have never needed to configure more than 8 LPARs on a single CEC. Hence 
our naming scheme provides for both a primary and a backup range of addresses 
for each LPAR connection. The primary range goes through one FICON director, 
the secondary range goes through a different director. This doubles the number 
of connections while providing maximum redundancy. 

-- Using 'three digit addresses' really means using four digit addresses all 
beginning with '0'. I believe that's what we started with before sysplexing. 
That may well be adequate for many shops. Some naming scheme can be helpful for 
more complex configurations. 

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of R.S.
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:19 AM
Subject: (External):Re: CTC conventions

IMHO as every convention, this one is limited. You cannot put any number of 
CPCs or LPARs in it. And you don't need it.
 From the other hand any fixed-lingth field means some lost, overhead, i.e.  
One hex for CPC? That's to much for two CPCs in a shop and can be completely 
omitted for single CPC.
The same for LPARs - do you really need more than 16 in CTC? Much more? 
How many bits?

Of course it's also possible to define CTC with no reasonable convention at 
all. The only things which are really checked are CUADD number and UA for 
device. However all the devices can be numbered consecutively, as well as CU 
numbers. It would be nightmare to manage ...or not when using special table 
(and no changes). The advantage is absolutely no lost numbers.

BTW: I always use 3-digit device numbers and CU numbers for CTC. YMMV.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-18 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
When we adopted the 4*/5* naming convention in the mid-90s, I was a bit queasy 
about reserving so many addresses (2*4096) for CTCs, but we could afford it at 
the time. Since then, the number of DASD and tape devices has increased a lot. 

-- At the time, we managed two data centers with two independent IODFs, so 
duplicate addresses were possible and in fact existed. We later merged the data 
centers into a single IODF, which was a very good thing but increased the 
number of device addresses in use as duplicates were no longer tolerable. 

-- We implemented DR with a strategy that requires three copies per DASD 
volume: primary (production), secondary (XRC copy), and tertiary (flash copy of 
secondary for DR images). Again, a very good thing but a gobbler of device 

-- Incremental increase in DASD usage over the years. Probably the smallest 
contributor to the increase, but as noted above, adding one volume to 
production is actually a three-fold increase in addresses. 

The advantage of any CTC naming scheme over just assigning random addresses is 
that a CTC can be fully identified by address alone: CEC, LPAR, and usage such 
as XCF vs. VTAM. The stories we heard about sysprog/operator confusion pretty 
much never materialized as the number of CTCs increased dramatically. 

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Ed Jaffe
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 9:40 PM
Subject: (External):Re: CTC conventions

On 10/17/2018 6:44 PM, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:
> In hindsight I rue the decision to set aside both 4xxx and 5xxx addresses. In 
> practice, the low order digit is severely underused. In the beginning I 
> thought that we would need several different 'devices' for each LPAR. Never 
> actually found a need for more than four, 0 - 3. I like Rob Jackson's idea of 
> assigning even/odd numbers for gazinta and gazouta, or ranges like 0 - 7 and 
> 8 - F. Eliminating 5xxx, for example, would free up 4096 addresses for DASD.

It wasn't your fault. It was IBM's recommendation.

The fact is that all but one bit of position 'w' is wasted and position 'x' is 
nearly always underutilized in the scheme below. However, it's not uncommon at 
all to have more than 16 LPARs per processor making position 'y' too small in 
today's world.

It works great for small configurations, but should be reworked for larger 
environments -- perhaps by combining 'w' and 'x' to a single nybble and 
expanding 'y' to two nybbles.

w - one nibble to distinguish gazinta from gazouta x - one nibble that uniquely 
represents a processor; assigned by you arbitrarily y - one nibble that 
represents an LPAR on processor w, such as LPAR id from HCD z - one nibble to 
complete device address, assigned from 0 up to F

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-18 Thread R.S.
IMHO as every convention, this one is limited. You cannot put any number 
of CPCs or LPARs in it. And you don't need it.
From the other hand any fixed-lingth field means some lost, overhead, 
i.e.  One hex for CPC? That's to much for two CPCs in a shop and can be 
completely omitted for single CPC.
The same for LPARs - do you really need more than 16 in CTC? Much more? 
How many bits?

Of course it's also possible to define CTC with no reasonable convention 
at all. The only things which are really checked are CUADD number and UA 
for device. However all the devices can be numbered consecutively, as 
well as CU numbers. It would be nightmare to manage ...or not when using 
special table (and no changes). The advantage is absolutely no lost numbers.

BTW: I always use 3-digit device numbers and CU numbers for CTC. YMMV.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Ed Jaffe

On 10/17/2018 6:44 PM, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:

In hindsight I rue the decision to set aside both 4xxx and 5xxx addresses. In 
practice, the low order digit is severely underused. In the beginning I thought 
that we would need several different 'devices' for each LPAR. Never actually 
found a need for more than four, 0 - 3. I like Rob Jackson's idea of assigning 
even/odd numbers for gazinta and gazouta, or ranges like 0 - 7 and 8 - F. 
Eliminating 5xxx, for example, would free up 4096 addresses for DASD.

It wasn't your fault. It was IBM's recommendation.

The fact is that all but one bit of position 'w' is wasted and position 
'x' is nearly always underutilized in the scheme below. However, it's 
not uncommon at all to have more than 16 LPARs per processor making 
position 'y' too small in today's world.

It works great for small configurations, but should be reworked for 
larger environments -- perhaps by combining 'w' and 'x' to a single 
nybble and expanding 'y' to two nybbles.

w - one nibble to distinguish gazinta from gazouta
x - one nibble that uniquely represents a processor; assigned by you 
y - one nibble that represents an LPAR on processor w, such as LPAR id 
from HCD

z - one nibble to complete device address, assigned from 0 up to F

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
In hindsight I rue the decision to set aside both 4xxx and 5xxx addresses. In 
practice, the low order digit is severely underused. In the beginning I thought 
that we would need several different 'devices' for each LPAR. Never actually 
found a need for more than four, 0 - 3. I like Rob Jackson's idea of assigning 
even/odd numbers for gazinta and gazouta, or ranges like 0 - 7 and 8 - F. 
Eliminating 5xxx, for example, would free up 4096 addresses for DASD. 

OTOH we've never run out of CTC addresses or agonized over which address to use 
for which device on any LPAR on any CEC.   

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Ed Jaffe
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 6:10 PM
Subject: (External):Re: CTC conventions

On 10/17/2018 4:23 PM, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:
> Just to be clear, a CTC naming convention is not tied uniquely to ESCON or 
> FICON architecture. We implemented a scheme in the mid-90s under ESCON well 
> before the advent of FICON. It's still in effect.
> The scheme we adopted (at IBM's suggestion) uses CEC, partition, direction 
> (in or out for XCF) to construct a four-digit unit number. It has served us 
> well for decades. The only 'cost' is that lots of addresses are reserved for 
> CTC. In our case, all 4xxx and 5xxx addresses. I'm sure a more limited scheme 
> could be utilized, but we connect every LPAR in every CEC to every other LPAR 
> via CTC, so lots of addresses are utilized.

We copied your numbering scheme -- you've posted it here before using the 
"gazinta" and "gazouta" terminology -- and it works well.

If we had more total devices, it might have made sense to fold the scheme down 
into a single 4xxx address range...

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Ed Jaffe

On 10/17/2018 4:23 PM, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:

Just to be clear, a CTC naming convention is not tied uniquely to ESCON or 
FICON architecture. We implemented a scheme in the mid-90s under ESCON well 
before the advent of FICON. It's still in effect.

The scheme we adopted (at IBM's suggestion) uses CEC, partition, direction (in 
or out for XCF) to construct a four-digit unit number. It has served us well 
for decades. The only 'cost' is that lots of addresses are reserved for CTC. In 
our case, all 4xxx and 5xxx addresses. I'm sure a more limited scheme could be 
utilized, but we connect every LPAR in every CEC to every other LPAR via CTC, 
so lots of addresses are utilized.

We copied your numbering scheme -- you've posted it here before using 
the "gazinta" and "gazouta" terminology -- and it works well.

If we had more total devices, it might have made sense to fold the 
scheme down into a single 4xxx address range...

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Jackson, Rob
Indeed.  And I didn't follow their guidelines either, though I certainly 
borrowed from them.  I was loathe to eat into two address ranges.  Instead, I 
have always picked one range, added the even-odd nibble for direction, then a 
nibble for the LPAR number, and then the device number.  Never had enough LPARs 
or independent CECs to worry about it further.

First Tennessee Bank
Mainframe Technical Support

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Jesse 1 Robinson
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: CTC conventions

[External Email]

Just to be clear, a CTC naming convention is not tied uniquely to ESCON or 
FICON architecture. We implemented a scheme in the mid-90s under ESCON well 
before the advent of FICON. It's still in effect.

The scheme we adopted (at IBM's suggestion) uses CEC, partition, direction (in 
or out for XCF) to construct a four-digit unit number. It has served us well 
for decades. The only 'cost' is that lots of addresses are reserved for CTC. In 
our case, all 4xxx and 5xxx addresses. I'm sure a more limited scheme could be 
utilized, but we connect every LPAR in every CEC to every other LPAR via CTC, 
so lots of addresses are utilized.

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 11:09 AM
Subject: (External):Re: CTC conventions

Thanks Rob,

I found that book, but went right past the "ESCON CTC Device Numbering Scheme" 
on page 5.
A virtual beer to you!

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Jackson, Rob
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: CTC conventions

Goog this, Allan:  "redbook paper ficon ctc implementation."  Top of the list.

First Tennessee Bank
Mainframe Technical Support

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:50 PM
Subject: CTC conventions

[External Email]

Esteemed Listers,

I am in the process of adding a new LPAR to my sysplex and need some 
documentation for CTC naming conventions.

Many moons ago, there existed a document with a suggested naming convention 
such that device addresses could be associated with a particular LPAR and the 
direction of data flow.
This would, in turn, enable simple specification of PATHIN/PATHOUT statements 

After a couple of hours spent with various search engines, websites, etc. I am 
unable to locate this suggested convention.
I have found fragments of documentation that use the convention, but no 
expression of the convention itself.
Does anyone, by chance, still have a copy? If so, can you post a copy or a link?

A virtual beer to all responders, and thanks in advance,

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For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
Just to be clear, a CTC naming convention is not tied uniquely to ESCON or 
FICON architecture. We implemented a scheme in the mid-90s under ESCON well 
before the advent of FICON. It's still in effect.

The scheme we adopted (at IBM's suggestion) uses CEC, partition, direction (in 
or out for XCF) to construct a four-digit unit number. It has served us well 
for decades. The only 'cost' is that lots of addresses are reserved for CTC. In 
our case, all 4xxx and 5xxx addresses. I'm sure a more limited scheme could be 
utilized, but we connect every LPAR in every CEC to every other LPAR via CTC, 
so lots of addresses are utilized. 

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 11:09 AM
Subject: (External):Re: CTC conventions

Thanks Rob,

I found that book, but went right past the "ESCON CTC Device Numbering Scheme" 
on page 5.
A virtual beer to you!

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Jackson, Rob
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: CTC conventions

Goog this, Allan:  "redbook paper ficon ctc implementation."  Top of the list.

First Tennessee Bank
Mainframe Technical Support

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:50 PM
Subject: CTC conventions

[External Email]

Esteemed Listers,

I am in the process of adding a new LPAR to my sysplex and need some 
documentation for CTC naming conventions.

Many moons ago, there existed a document with a suggested naming convention 
such that device addresses could be associated with a particular LPAR and the 
direction of data flow.
This would, in turn, enable simple specification of PATHIN/PATHOUT statements 

After a couple of hours spent with various search engines, websites, etc. I am 
unable to locate this suggested convention.
I have found fragments of documentation that use the convention, but no 
expression of the convention itself.
Does anyone, by chance, still have a copy? If so, can you post a copy or a link?

A virtual beer to all responders, and thanks in advance,

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Allan Staller
Thanks Daniel. 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Blake, Daniel J [CTR]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: CTC conventions

Not sure if this is it,

;-D an 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:50 PM
Subject: CTC conventions

Esteemed Listers,

I am in the process of adding a new LPAR to my sysplex and need some 
documentation for CTC naming conventions.

Many moons ago, there existed a document with a suggested naming convention 
such that device addresses could be associated with a particular LPAR and the 
direction of data flow.
This would, in turn, enable simple specification of PATHIN/PATHOUT statements 

After a couple of hours spent with various search engines, websites, etc. I am 
unable to locate this suggested convention.
I have found fragments of documentation that use the convention, but no 
expression of the convention itself.
Does anyone, by chance, still have a copy? If so, can you post a copy or a link?

A virtual beer to all responders, and thanks in advance,

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For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Allan Staller
Thanks Rob,

I found that book, but went right past the "ESCON CTC Device Numbering Scheme" 
on page 5.
A virtual beer to you!

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Jackson, Rob
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: CTC conventions

Goog this, Allan:  "redbook paper ficon ctc implementation."  Top of the list.

First Tennessee Bank
Mainframe Technical Support

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:50 PM
Subject: CTC conventions

[External Email]

Esteemed Listers,

I am in the process of adding a new LPAR to my sysplex and need some 
documentation for CTC naming conventions.

Many moons ago, there existed a document with a suggested naming convention 
such that device addresses could be associated with a particular LPAR and the 
direction of data flow.
This would, in turn, enable simple specification of PATHIN/PATHOUT statements 

After a couple of hours spent with various search engines, websites, etc. I am 
unable to locate this suggested convention.
I have found fragments of documentation that use the convention, but no 
expression of the convention itself.
Does anyone, by chance, still have a copy? If so, can you post a copy or a link?

A virtual beer to all responders, and thanks in advance,

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For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Blake, Daniel J [CTR]
Not sure if this is it,

;-D an 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:50 PM
Subject: CTC conventions

Esteemed Listers,

I am in the process of adding a new LPAR to my sysplex and need some 
documentation for CTC naming conventions.

Many moons ago, there existed a document with a suggested naming convention 
such that device addresses could be associated with a particular LPAR and the 
direction of data flow.
This would, in turn, enable simple specification of PATHIN/PATHOUT statements 

After a couple of hours spent with various search engines, websites, etc. I am 
unable to locate this suggested convention.
I have found fragments of documentation that use the convention, but no 
expression of the convention itself.
Does anyone, by chance, still have a copy? If so, can you post a copy or a link?

A virtual beer to all responders, and thanks in advance,

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For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Jackson, Rob
Goog this, Allan:  "redbook paper ficon ctc implementation."  Top of the list.

First Tennessee Bank
Mainframe Technical Support

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:50 PM
Subject: CTC conventions

[External Email]

Esteemed Listers,

I am in the process of adding a new LPAR to my sysplex and need some 
documentation for CTC naming conventions.

Many moons ago, there existed a document with a suggested naming convention 
such that device addresses could be associated with a particular LPAR and the 
direction of data flow.
This would, in turn, enable simple specification of PATHIN/PATHOUT statements 

After a couple of hours spent with various search engines, websites, etc. I am 
unable to locate this suggested convention.
I have found fragments of documentation that use the convention, but no 
expression of the convention itself.
Does anyone, by chance, still have a copy? If so, can you post a copy or a link?

A virtual beer to all responders, and thanks in advance,

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CTC conventions

2018-10-17 Thread Allan Staller
Esteemed Listers,

I am in the process of adding a new LPAR to my sysplex and need some 
documentation for CTC naming conventions.

Many moons ago, there existed a document with a suggested naming convention 
such that device addresses could be associated with a particular LPAR and the 
direction of data flow.
This would, in turn, enable simple specification of PATHIN/PATHOUT statements 

After a couple of hours spent with various search engines, websites, etc. I am 
unable to locate this suggested convention.
I have found fragments of documentation that use the convention, but no 
expression of the convention itself.
Does anyone, by chance, still have a copy? If so, can you post a copy or a link?

A virtual beer to all responders, and thanks in advance,

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