Re: How to determine tape dataset blksize

2013-07-17 Thread Victor Zhang
Thank you all for your kind help.


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Re: How to determine tape dataset blksize

2013-07-17 Thread Mike Wood
Victor,  RMM always records a blksize. You can see the value in the LISTDATASET 
output/display. The value might be zero as mentioned by Radoslaw.  Since the 
system provided support for large blocks (LBI) and the application correctly 
exploits it, rmm records all values.

For older data sets, the rmm extract process will convert zero values to 64K 
and recalculate data set size and volume usage.
So a report from the extract would provide the corrected values.

Mike Wood   rmm expert

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Re: How to determine tape dataset blksize

2013-07-16 Thread R.S.

W dniu 2013-07-16 10:39, Victor Zhang pisze:

Hello all,
I am using RMM as tape management software, and how can I determine tape data 
set blksize, is blksize recorded by RMM correct?

It depends. For IEBGENR, IDCAMS, etc. outputs the RMM information is 
correct. However older versions of ADRDSSU (and HSM backups) did use 
"illegal" blocksizes, that means >32760. For 3490E tape it was 64kB, but 
at the time (pre OS/390 2.10) system did not support it. SO the 
blocksize in the dataset labels and RMM info was set to zero. Now, AFAIK 
ADRDSSU use "legal" blocksize and it is recorded in both labels and RMM.

BTW: the blocksize seen from system perspective (even this "illegal", 
low level) is or can be fake. Tape controller can put the blocks 
together and write mega-blocks. Don't forget about compression being done.
BTW: similar situation exist in Gigabit Ethernet: standard etherenet 
frames are grouped in larger frames, but it's transparent to the software.


Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: How to determine tape dataset blksize

2013-07-16 Thread Mark Pace
I've always used DITTO when I needed to know block sizes on tape or DASD.

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 8:48 AM, Staller, Allan wrote:

> AFAIK, the dataset blocksize recorded in RMM is the *LOGICAL* blocksize of
> the dataset.  It may or may not bear any relationship to the *PHYSICAL*
> blocksize used on the tape.
> Modern controllers "do their thing" and just tell MVS what it needs to
> know.
> I am sure Mike Wood or others will chime in if the above is incorrect,
> HTH,
> I am using RMM as tape management software, and how can I determine tape
> data set blksize, is blksize recorded by RMM correct?
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent
Mainline’s positions or opinions

Mark D Pace
Senior Systems Engineer
Mainline Information Systems

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Re: How to determine tape dataset blksize

2013-07-16 Thread Staller, Allan
AFAIK, the dataset blocksize recorded in RMM is the *LOGICAL* blocksize of the 
dataset.  It may or may not bear any relationship to the *PHYSICAL* blocksize 
used on the tape.
Modern controllers "do their thing" and just tell MVS what it needs to know.

I am sure Mike Wood or others will chime in if the above is incorrect,


I am using RMM as tape management software, and how can I determine tape data 
set blksize, is blksize recorded by RMM correct?

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How to determine tape dataset blksize

2013-07-16 Thread Victor Zhang
Hello all,
I am using RMM as tape management software, and how can I determine tape data 
set blksize, is blksize recorded by RMM correct?


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