NAT behavior for IP ID field

2010-08-31 Thread John Kristoff
I'm trying to locate an RFC that spells out the behavioral
requirements, expectations or guidelines for NAT handling of the IP ID
field, particularly for UDP messages.  Section 3.2.5 in RFC 3235
briefly mentions issues surrounding IP fragmentation and reassembly,
but  it doesn't specifically say if NATs should re-write IDs as a
general rule.

RFC 4787 doesn't seem to address this either.

If this is not written down anywhere, do NATs generally rewrite the ID
field with or without the MF bit set?

For background and reference, I refer you to Steve Bellovin's 'A
Technique for Counting NATted Hosts', particularly section IV.

Thanks for any pointers,

Ietf mailing list

Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-dnsop-reflectors-are-evil-04.txt

2007-10-02 Thread John Kristoff
On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 01:48:36 -0600
Danny McPherson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Again, any pointers empirical data along these lines would
 be appreciated.

I said this awhile back:

  As a datapoint I ran some tests against a reasonably diverse and
  sizeable TLD zone I work with in another forum.  I queried the name
  servers listed in the parent to see if I could successfuly query
  them for their corresponding domain name they are configured for
  using TCP.  Out of about 9,300 unique name servers I failed to
  receive any answer from about 1700 of them.  That is a bit more
  than an 18% failure rate.

I think I overcompensated as I later found what looked like BIND 8
servers being unresponsive for multiple TCP queries in queue.  I let
the numbers stay, since the percentage of those servers were fairly
small and, well, they were BIND 8 and probably have other problems
anyway. :)


Ietf mailing list


2007-07-26 Thread John Kristoff
Responding to something just overheard in the plenary...

No, it's not about complexity, but nor is it about robustness.  It's about
functionality and where to place it.  A simple word search should help
highlight this point.

I'm a bit surprised I'm contradicting some who I have a great deal of
respect and are most assuredly much more well known within the IETF than
I.  It either signals something fundamentally wrong with the IETF or,
much more likely, me.  :-)

Perhaps all participants can commit to a twice careful read of the original
paper that gets referred to so much before the next IETF?


Ietf mailing list

Re: Port numbers and IPv6 (was: I-D ACTION:draft-klensin-iana-reg-policy-00.txt)

2005-07-19 Thread John Kristoff
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 11:48:28 -0700
Hallam-Baker, Phillip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are certain limitations to the SRV prefix scheme but these are
 entirely fixable. All we actually need is one new RR to allow one
 level of indirection to be introduced. With that in place it is
 possible to use prefixed SRV records in place of port assignments and
 prefixed TXT records as a means of expressing protocol configuration

I'm concerned this may usher in DNS SRV message filtering in addition
to protocol port filtering.  One way of addressing that potential
effect is to make the port assignments be negotiated between two
communicating end hosts.  This could be used with or without DNS.  It
might also provide some remote attack protection, since only a simple
passive listener is used to perform the local/remote address/port
selection for any active client before the real communication switches
to agreed upon (and bound only to) the two process end points.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Port numbers and IPv6 (was: I-D ACTION:draft-klensin-iana-reg-policy-00.txt)

2005-07-19 Thread John Kristoff
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 09:44:57 -0700
Hallam-Baker, Phillip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm concerned this may usher in DNS SRV message filtering in 
  addition to protocol port filtering.  

 My post pointed out that use of SRV is essentially neutral with
 respect to protocol filtering. It makes it easier to filter well
 behaved protocols, it does not prevent stenographic approaches.

Fundamentally the use of SRV for service location may be a fine idea.
Practically, at least in my experience, fundamentally new and easily
identified fields (e.g. ECN or in this case SRV or a new RR type),
will be ripe for filtering and will be filtered, often by default.

This may not be such a big deal architecturally, since it doesn't
necessary change current or future network policies.  Operationally
it will add additional complexity and another unique vector for
network fragmentation.  From an operational perspective, I'm not
interested in any more options to make it easier to increase either.
I might question the value of this approach now, though I would
certainly encourage experimentations to see how this might turn out.

 From a security point of view there is a big difference in the
 accountability structures when dealling with protocols that require
 prior bilateral discovery (e.g. tunneling botnet control packets over
 HTTP) and those that allow for unilateral session initiation (e.g.
 tunneling botnet control packets over IRC). 

I'm not following what you mean here.  Note, there are some, though
not as prevalent, botnets that natively use HTTP for control.

 There is a reason that the botnet herders stick with IRC despite the
 fact that it is routinely blocked in corporate environments. Systems
 that require bilateral discovery are very hard to set up and fragile
 in operation. Systems with a common signaling mechanism are in
 practice much more robust.

Those points are probably debatable.  IRC is often used, because it
still generally works well to control botnets.  I don't think HTTP
botnets are necessarily any harder to setup and maintain and I think
one could argue that they could be even easier to setup and maintain.

 Promoting everything to the DNS level means that an ordinary Internet
 user can enfrachise their Internet connection simply by purchasing
 their own DNS name. 

You may be right and it may work better than what we have now.  My
primary suggestion was to consider making the actual socket parameters
negotiated and bound only to the local/remote address/port pair.
Though perhaps that may complicate stack implementations with
questionable end value.

 There are security concerns here, but remember that according to
 today's standard Internet firewall configuration externally facing
 systems live separated in their own DMZ in any case. The only protocol
 access allowed is from the inside to the outside.

Yes, and many configurations also strictly limit what services are
allowed from the inside to the outside.


Ietf mailing list


2005-02-02 Thread John Kristoff

[ Posting this to the main ietf list as well as to you directly in case
  you don't see it there.  I realize this may be a controversial topic
  that results in an endless thread  of heated arguments, but I'll take
  my chances since I'm curious to hear reasons for or against the draft. ]

I must have missed it the first time it came around last year, but I
just saw your draft.  I didn't find much discussion on the -00 version
so I hope this is the best place to discuss it.  Can you clarify some
things for me?  You say this:

   A number of organizations have expanded their autonomous private 
   networks to the point of exhausting the address space identified in 
   RFC 1918, in addition to the publicly routed space that has been 
   assigned to them.

Are there public pointers to discussion about the requirement for new
private IPv4 space?  I'd be particularly interested in specific
organizations that are having this problem if they have been willing
to come forward publicly.  I'd also be interested to hear what about
policies for acquiring space from the registries has been unreasonable.
Is it cost, address usage justification, both or something else?

Your first example mentions /21 netblocks being allocated to each of
5000 sites.  Sounds like there is probably a lot going to waste, but
I'm not that interested in criticizing the specific addressing plan of
the organization.  I know how much of pain it is to try to maximally
utilize address space.  I am curious if the scale of this addressing
scenario is unique to the draft's example or if it is happening at a
number of organizations as seems to be implied.

I guess one point of this is, if it's relatively uncommon except for
a small number of the very largest of organizations in the world, it
would seem to make more sense to exhaust all attempts at obtaining
public address space.  Especially since if the organization does move
to IPv6, or simply just goes away, it's allocated address space can be
more easily reclaimed and redeployed than private address space could

Finally, I'm also wondering if there is anything political driving this
solution that has not yet been put into the draft.  For example, I can
imagine some well funded, large organization not wanting to have their
name on a specific public /8.  You don't have to say you, just wink
blink twice for yes, once for no.  :-)


Ietf mailing list

Re: 13 Root Server Limitation

2004-05-16 Thread John Kristoff
On Sun, 16 May 2004 19:01:17 -0400
Joe Abley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 reconvergence events to non-anycast servers). In addition, before the 
 frequency of the route churn became sufficiently high to cause a 
 problem, it would be well and truly damped to death by anybody running 
 with common BGP damping parameters and the inability to talk to the few 
 root servers which have anycast instances would be the last of your 

Not necessarily.  Common dampening parameters exclude some 'golden
networks' such as root name server networks from damping.  RIPE 229 and
Rob Thomas' Secure BGP template being perhaps the two most widely cited
guides that suggest such a practice.


Ietf mailing list

Re: proposal for built-in spam burden email privacy protection

2004-02-10 Thread John Kristoff
On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 13:49:53 -0800
Ed Gerck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 8. How about spammers using 100,000 slave PCs to share the burden?


I'm not sure I see the value in requiring encryption.  To me this does
not seem to really fix anything.

On the one hand, this just forces spammers to  begin collecting public
keys and email addresses as opposed to just addresses.  With the former,
they probably end up with a much more reliable and stable form of contact
since people are not going to want to have throw-away keys, at least not
in the way PGP, for example, is currently used.

On the other hand, this just adds some, but not that much in my opinion
a processing burden for spammers to encrypt messages.  Processing that
can currently be found in compromised hosts (today) or in faster CPUs
(tomorrow).  I think the argument becomes slightly stronger if the delay
is an absolute value that can be enforced per TCP segment, connection
or whatever, but even that is not ideal.

Also note, there is an addition burden placed on end users who rely on
receiving encrypted email in your proposal.  Under your scheme, a user
has to go through the trouble of decrypting the message just to see if
it is spam or not.  This eliminates almost all forms of automated spam
mitigation except those related to the low-level SMTP, DNS or other new
authentication/authorization techniques.


Re: Adding [ietf] considered harmful

2003-12-18 Thread John Kristoff
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 13:07:24 -0500
Keith Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm a bit surprised at the frequency at which people who claim to be
 networking protocol engineers fail to appreciate the benefits of clean
 separation-of-function and layering.

Hopefully the drawbacks are appreciated also.  Quoting Rich Seifert,
Layering makes a good servant, but a poor master.  Use layering to
organize the way you THINK about networks, but don't let it restrict how
you DESIGN networks.  If I recall correctly, David Clark used to say
something very similiar to this in a protocol workshop class at Interop
awhile back.


Re: unreachable when ECN is used

2003-12-12 Thread John Kristoff
On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 21:01:09 +0100
Anthony G. Atkielski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It sounds like ECN is pretty badly designed; I'm glad it wasn't my

Those are pretty bold statements.

The above page seems to indicate that there was a lot of thought that
went into ECN and other related protocols.  Some of links to ECN papers
and related congestion issues from Sally's pages make good reading. Some
of the work actually goes back quite a ways and not all of it based on
TCP/IP.  In my opinion, much of what has Sally Floyd's name on it,
including ECN, is exceptional.


Re: national security

2003-11-28 Thread John Kristoff
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:47:41 +0100
Anthony G. Atkielski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (or perhaps not diminished at all).  However, in reality, dividing the
 field in this way may reduce the address space by a factor of as much
 as nineteen orders of magnitude.  Again and again, engineers make this
 mistake, and render large parts of an address space unusable through
 careless, bit-wise allocation of addresses in advance.

The 48-bit addresses in IEEE/L2 protocols are divided in half as
well as have a couple bits set aside to denote local/global scope and
unicast/multicast addresses.  It seems to have worked out pretty well.


Re: A peer-to-peer trust system model

2003-05-31 Thread John Kristoff
On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 08:36:55PM -0400, John Stracke wrote:
 someone who is sending me a human generated
 message can generally easily afford the 2 minutes worth of CPU time
 before their mailers can deliver the message to my mail host.)
 But what CPU? The machines with which I routinely send mail range from a 
 200MHz handheld to a 2GHz*2 desktop.  I would be unhappy with a protocol 
 that required me to run my handheld's CPU at full speed for 2 minutes 
 (the battery life isn't so hot); but that level of hashcash would 

Rather than actually force the remote CPU be run for 2 minutes, the
receiving SMTP host can force the TCP window to 0 for 2 minutes.  This
could be coupled with a RBL list, but instead of a blackhole, it would
be more like a realtime pushback list (RPL), which has some nice
properties of punishing known abusers, but not causing complete
collateral damage to innocent parties.


Re: site local addresses (was Re: Fw: Welcome to the InterNAT...)

2003-03-28 Thread John Kristoff
On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 06:46:10PM -0500, Keith Moore wrote:
 No, it's more than that.  SLs impose burdens on hosts and apps.
 SLs break the separation of function between apps and the network that
 is inherent in the end-to-end principle.

Is it safe to assume that the arguments (on either side) would also
apply to such things as multicast addressing and SCTP path management?

 Actually we are working toward an architecture that provides a level of

Which is essentially what I'm rephrasing into a question above.  I
think I know the answer, but I want to make sure.


Re: IAB policy on anti-spam mechanisms?

2003-03-12 Thread John Kristoff
On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 15:42:00 -0500
John Stracke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perhaps the notion of a well known port is a concept whose time has
 passed.  At least for connection oriented protocols, doing away with
 well known ports might have some good properties for some basic
 authentication/cookie mechanism as well.

 Well, there's SRV records; but that basically pushes the problem up a 
 layer.  If services are identified by well-known service names in the 
 SRV record, then people will start filtering at the DNS level.

What I was inferring was not to do away with ports entirely, but to make
them so they are all ambiguous.  Somehow knowing the application and its
associated port would be learned rather than well known.


Re: IAB policy on anti-spam mechanisms?

2003-03-11 Thread John Kristoff
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:15:34 -0600
Spencer Dawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It might be interesting for IAB to think about the estimated half-life
 of well-known port numbers in the Internet architecture, since we've
 been seeing 

It might be interesting to find a way to make port numbers so
meaningless that you either have to let them all through or none of them
through (which obviously isn't useful).

Perhaps the notion of a well known port is a concept whose time has
passed.  At least for connection oriented protocols, doing away with
well known ports might have some good properties for some basic
authentication/cookie mechanism as well.

Or we could just let HTTP become the transport layer until blocking is
done within the content of those messages, but we can just keep building
transports on top until some MTU is reached.  :-)


Re: filtering of mailing lists and NATs

2001-05-22 Thread John Kristoff

James Aviani wrote:
 I know this is fairly low-tech, but it seemed like a reasonable and practical
 solution to spamming.

This is a interesting if not good idea.  Some of the details may need to
be worked out (like perhaps certain people opt in or opt out of being a
moderator), but the technical implementation is probably the easy part. 
If you've given the IETF a solution without causing a theological debate
over the 'technical purity' of it, you've left your mark for posterity.


Re: Multicast File Distribution protocols?

2001-02-21 Thread John Kristoff

Mark Atwood wrote:
 Can anyone post a pointer?

Here's one:

I'm curious what happened to Starburst 
Their mftp was pretty cool, but it looks like they are no longer around.


Re: [midcom] WG scope/deliverables

2001-02-15 Thread John Kristoff

On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 10:44:47PM -0500, Keith Moore wrote:
 it's hardly surprising that professional network administrators are more 
 likely than the average home user to understand the limitations of NATs, 
 a significant percentage of the folks who will drive v6 deployment will 
 be those who have learned about those problems the hard way and are in 
 need of a real solution. they won't be fooled again.


It has been my experience that many of the current network admins
today believe NAT is the de facto way of connecting to the Internet.
In fact, in one of the network classes I teach, it takes a lot of
convincing on my part to show that NAT offers them very little security.
Most net admins today have only seen a world through NAT eyes so they
don't see the benefits of not having it.

If you want people to live in a world without NAT, I think you have
to have the killer application that simply will not function properly
with it.  This is much more difficult than it sounds.  As hard as
people like the IETF try, many new network protocols will continue
to fail if 1) legacy applications are not supported or 2) killer
applications are not available to drive the demand.


IP over DNS

2000-10-09 Thread John Kristoff

This is interesting consequence of a restrictive perimeter.  As long as
one application is allowed in and out of your jail, the application is
doomed to become the network layer.


Re: Sequentially assigned IP addresses--why not?

2000-08-11 Thread John Kristoff

"Corzine, Gordie" wrote:
 Look, my days as an engineer are a distant memory, so I won't try to work
 this out in detail.  Maybe there are irrefutable reasons why this can't be
 done, but I do believe the current architecture will lead to premature
 exhaustion of the address space.

It will take far longer to design and deploy something that is so
technically elegant it solves all problems and pleases everyone.  At
some point you simply have to move forward.  To do nothing can be far
more dangerous (as proven by the disdain for NAT).  Can IPv6 be worse
for the net than NAT?  If premature depletion of IPv6 addresses is the
biggest problem IPv6 ends up encountering I'd say the net is in good
shape.  It's probably more likely that new problems no one had
considered will arise.  I see rough consensus, move forward.



2000-05-12 Thread John Kristoff

John Stracke wrote:
 Well, there's basic formatting:
 And even simple links (never mind forms, applets, etc.) are great for,
 say, workflow applications.  When I worked for Netscape, HR made great
 use of HTML mail in the internal network.  When I wanted to take some

Email is not the web.
