Re: open source bitkeeper

2002-12-09 Thread mehul choube
what is propritory bitkeeper?

On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 ujjwal wrote :

Few days back there was a large debate as  the linux code is 
maintained on a
propritory bitkeeper.And Linus mention the need of the opne 
source software which
has the additional features of the bitkeeper over the CVS.
I want to know whether there are ongoing efforts for the same.
Our team is looking forward to work on this.
I want to know the remarks and suggestions.

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Re: open source bitkeeper

2002-12-09 Thread mehul choube
what is propritory bitkeeper?

On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 ujjwal wrote :

Few days back there was a large debate as  the linux code is 
maintained on a
propritory bitkeeper.And Linus mention the need of the opne 
source software which
has the additional features of the bitkeeper over the CVS.
I want to know whether there are ongoing efforts for the same.
Our team is looking forward to work on this.
I want to know the remarks and suggestions.

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rcsinfo - enable only for specific branch

2002-12-09 Thread kudi arasan

I want to enable the template whenever files checked
in a spefic branch(es). Can it be done through


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Re: CVS Create new repository

2002-12-09 Thread Zenin
Subhodini Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: I have setup CVS on a Solaris server. I plan to migrate the repository to
: another Solaris box. I copied all the files from the first server to the
: second into the correct directories and changed the information in the
: .cvspass file. However, the client does not see the new repository. It
: does not even authenticate the users who are setup in the new repository.

When you say the .cvspass file, you're refering to the *clients'*
.cvspass file I hope?  The server has no .cvspass file.

How are your clients setup in the new repository?  Are you
using the system's /etc/passwd file for CVS accounts, or
$CVSROOT/passwd?  If it's the second case, do you have all the
users also in /etc/passwd so the file ownerships will be valid? 
Have you insured the /etc/passwd entries have the same numeric UIDs
as the first repository?

When you say the client does not see the new repository, have you
set your $CVSROOT env var to point to the new location?

If all the above checks out, are you trying to use an existing
sandbox against the new repository?  Each sandbox retains its own
settings about where the repository is (via CVS/Root).  If the new
repository has a new hostname, you'll need all the clients to get
new checkouts.

: Is there any way I can achieve this or do I have to create a new
: respository and then copy all files from the old server to the new one
: ?

A repository move typically works like this:

Turn off all access to the repository, typically by disabling the
cvs server in /etc/inetd.conf and doing a kill -HUP on inetd.

Copy over the repository using tar as root! -Don't use cp or rcp,
you'll more then likely hoze all the file ownerships.

Sync the new /etc/passwd file with the old repository.  Even if
you're not using /etc/passwd for the passwords, you'll need to
insure all the UIDs are the same for both systems.

Change the DNS so that the new repository gets the cvs server's
hostname.  It's best to use an alias, like, then
to use a real hostname like

Turn on cvs on the new server via inetd.conf, kill -HUP.

Now, if you've done all of the above INCLUDING MOVING THE HOSTNAME
DNS OVER, the move should be transparent to your clients.  That
is, they should not need to re-checkout anything or such.  If you
are instead using a new hostname, you WILL need every client to do a
new cvs login and re-checkout all local sandboxes.

Z   R   /\  _  _   _  _
E   H  /  \  |  |  |_ | _ |  /\  |\ | /  |_
N @ P . O /\ |_ |_ |_ \_/ | /  \ | \| \_ |_
I   S   R  The Greatest Game You Never Played
N   G
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Re: 'list modules on server' cmd (from WinCVS)

2002-12-09 Thread J

David Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Should a CVS server 'automatically' remember names
 of each module (project) as they get imported into
This is by design I think. It does seem that a fair few people want to do
this sort of thing, and are somewhat disappointed that is doesn't happen

As a matter of administration you could set up your modules file so that the
relevant project files can be displayed with cvs co -c

If you could list the base directory structure, it would not necessarily
mean you would be able to checkout a working project since a proper
buildable project may be defined in the module file, and could be a
combination of different repository entries.

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Bug tracking.

2002-12-09 Thread J
Have to use labels for bug tacking right?

Whe isn't there a unique commit number for each and every commit ever done?

So for example I change main.c, and commit, this records change number 2 on
the file

Someone else changes main.c and list.c and fish.c this records number 3 on
main.c list.c and fish.c

This is a sort of automatic labelling, thereby you can use the numbers in
your bug tracking software to refer to the changes without having to label

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cvs co .

2002-12-09 Thread J
It appears I can issue the command cvs co . to checkout the module . It
proceeds to check out all modules in the repository.

This should not really work, or was intended was it? I am using a :local:
repository with cvs 1.11 built for win32

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Re: How to control file group on commit?

2002-12-09 Thread Andrew Johnson
Matt Olson wrote:

We're trying to change the file's group after a commit.  We've tried a
call to chgrp (actually, a wrapper script around chgrp) in commitinfo, in
loginfo (via %s expansion), and with -i in modules.  None works.  I've
looked through Cederkvist and the Coriolis book, with no success.

Is this even the right approach?  Is there another way to specify file
ownerships of the version files in the repository?

This is the wrong approach, as you seem to have guessed.  Read up about 
the set-group-id (sgid) filesystem permission bit on directories.

Basically you need to to a 'chmod g+s' on all of the *directories* in the 
repository that you'll need for the project, making sure that you've fixed 
the group ownership of any dirs that are wrong at the same time.  That 
will fix the CVS commit problem.

- Andrew
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

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Re: Can I run cvs server on a webhosted website?

2002-12-09 Thread Andrew Johnson
Lee Chalupa wrote:

 I currently subscribe to a website that is hosted by a thirdparty ISP.
 The ISP runs Sun servers.  I can access my account with various clients
 and protocols such as ssh etc.

 I am wondering if I can run the cvs server in this type of environment?
 In other words, if this software requires a service that is running on
 the host, my standard webhosting terms don't allow me this option.  And
 therefore I won't be able to do this.

As you personally can ssh into the server, you should be able to use a CVS 
repository that resides on the server.  However if you want to allow 
people who don't use that ISP to access your CVS repository, the only way 
you can do that is with something like WebCVS (or is it CVSweb, I can 
never remember which), which doesn't give them the ability to use a CVS 
client to check files out or make commits.

If the ISP is running Apache and you can persuade them to install 
WebDAV/DeltaV protocol support then you might want to look at using 
Subversion instead of CVS, as this uses a pure HTTP communications 
protocol to communicate between the client and server:

 I am not sure what the term cvs server really means.  Is a cvs client
 communicating with a program that is running on the server?

Yes, but that program is actually the same (or some other version of the) 
cvs binary that the client is running.  It depends on the intended access 
method how the server actually gets run - for the insecure pserver method 
it will be started by inetd when the connection request comes in, whereas 
for ssh it gets run within the shell that the ssh connection runs.

- Andrew
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

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Re: Q: branches and new files

2002-12-09 Thread Andrew Johnson
Lance Stephens wrote:

In general, we perform all our developement using branches. To do this, 
we perform the following steps:
1. cvs checkout ...
2. for each file to be modified, cvs edit (we use cvs watch)
3. modify files
4. for each file modified, cvs tag -b branch_name file_name (we do not 
create branch for entire project)

CVS is not designed to be used like that, your problems are occurring 
because you're trying to branch only the individual files.  If you branch 
the whole project, or at least a directory at a time then your problem 
below is easy to solve.  A CVS branch in a file with no modifications down 
that branch is really just a tag and is very light weight, so the overhead 
of branching files that you're not going to modify on that branch is 

5. for each new file, cvs add
6. for each file, cvs commit -r branch_name file_name (we do this for 
existing and new files).

In step 6, we commit added files to a branch.  When i perform a cvs 
checkout to get the current baseline (no tags), neither the versions of 
the modified files or the added files can be seen (which is what we 
desire).  As a build admin, i can then merge (cs update -j branch_name) 
the branch into my current release baseline, or into another branch 
(i.e., for a patch).

For step 6 to work properly, i must commit at least one modified file to 
the branch. The problem I have is when i want to just commit added files 
only, I can't commit them to a branch.

My Questions:
Since I cannot tag the added files before they are commited, how can I 
commit them to a branch?
Is the committing of new files to a branch a CVS bug? If not, is the 
fact that I can't commit them to a branch when the tag does not 
pre-exist a bug?  If you could do one, you should be able to do the 
Is there any other way to do  this?

The advantage of branching the whole project (or at least a directory) at 
once is that you check out the branch, which makes the branch tag sticky 
in this sandbox (or at least this part of it).  Now your added files will 
be put on the branch, because the directory they are in has the sticky 
branch tag.

Change your branching procedure, and your problem disappears.

- Andrew
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

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Re: SSH: cvs not found.

2002-12-09 Thread Andrew Johnson
Hans Almqvist wrote:

I am running WinCvs Build 1. on my client
and Linux RH 7.1 on the server.


When I try to use SSH I get the fallowing:

NEW CVSROOT: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr2/cvsroot (ssh authentication)
cvs -d :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr2/cvsroot init 
bash: cvs: command not found

Logged in with SSH Terminal I get :
[hasse@host hasse]$ /usr/local/bin/cvs
Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]


This shows that cvs in the path .

Often an interactive shell will get a different path to a non-interactive 
one.  You might find that if you manually run 'ssh host printenv' that 
your path setting doesn't include /usr/local/bin, which would explain the 
above error from bash.

I don't know how you tell WinCVS to do this, but on command-line cvs you 
can set the environment variable CVS_SERVER on the client machine to the 
full pathname of the cvs binary on the server, and it will work.

- Andrew
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

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Re: Bug tracking.

2002-12-09 Thread Todd Denniston
J wrote:
  Well, I think you haven't tested what you are saying.  Indeed, there is
 I've explain it poorly prehaps.
  So you can gladly go without tags: you just need to have in place an
  alternate method to know that bugfix X is composed by foo.c at revision
  1.2, bar.h at rev. 1.27 and whee.dat at rev.
 Yes, but what I would like is a uniqe commit number, whatever it may be, 578
 for instance applied to all the files involved in that single commit.
 I commit my changes and cvs says:
 Commited change #578
 ... Then I could say in my bug log:
 Fixed memory leak, in commit #587
 Then, it would be nice if you could go
 cvs diff -r #587 -r #586
 and it would say:
 changed files:
 Still I guess I could just say:
 Fixed memory leak, in version main.c 1.2, fish.c bar.h 1.27  other.c
 But it would be difficult to get the right versions out.
 With a commit number you could go:
 cvs update -r#586
 The answer it to use labels I guess, but I don't really want to label all
 the files just for a minor bug fix.
 I just thought it would be a useful feature to be able to go back to state
 just after a specified commit. You could see exactly what's been done at any
 point, without having to label everything first. (this numbering thing is
 ofcourse is an implicit labeling system at commit time)
Actually CVS does 'sort of' apply an implicit label at commit time.  It time
stamps the checkin, use '-D' to get it back.  One caveat, this might get
mangled if someone else was doing a checkin at the same time or same second. 
And I have found just putting a BUG_ID field in the commit comments (you can
enforce this with a rcsinfo script) to be adequate to track when changes went
in and what they changed, though I use or to generate my bug fix log. And why is it you
don't want to apply tags, like just after doing the commit to fix 586 to just
issue `cvs tag fix_586` either in the same directory or at the base of your
sand box?  It has been a while since we discussed on the list as to whether
many tags slowed things down, but IIRC it seemed that it was not a problem
until you had several hundreds of files with several thousands of tags.

I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development
That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb.  Thank you.
-- Vance Petree, Virginia Power

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RE: Bug tracking.

2002-12-09 Thread Zieg, Mark
 Yes, but what I would like is a uniqe commit number, whatever it may be,
 for instance applied to all the files involved in that single commit.

It should be pretty easy to write a wrapper script around cvs commit that
does this for you, if it's really what you want:

The only trick would be to generate a system-wide unique ID with each script
call.  This can be done either by rsh/ssh'ing some command on the CVS
server, which can thus have a locking program that issues unique serialIDs
(ie, commit_578), or use an algorithm which can generate unique IDs by
including the clients hostname or MAC address or something (ie,
commit_bob_578).  If you already have a bug-tracking system, then you
probably have a SQL database, which can probably issue you nice new
timestamped records with an AUTO_INCREMENT primary key or something.
Anyway, there are lots of ways to do this; mail systems which store each
incoming message as a uniquely named file do this all the time.

Once you've generated the ID, have your script run cvs commit with using
the above ID as a tag value.

Wouldn't that more-or-less do what you want?

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List files of a Tag

2002-12-09 Thread Brusset, Mathieu
Title: List files of a Tag

Hi folks,

I'm currently a CVS administrator.
Configuration: Win NT server + WinCVS1.2 + CVSNT

I'm looking for different admin stuff :

1. How to get the list of files from a TAG ?
2. How to get a list of tag from a project ?

Kind Regards,


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Bug tracking.

2002-12-09 Thread Terrence Enger
At 14:37 2002-10-11 -0500, Andrew Johnson wrote:
J wrote:
 Yes, but what I would like is a uniqe commit number, whatever it may be,
 for instance applied to all the files involved in that single commit.

That's just not how CVS works, and it never will.

Could you please tell us why think cvs will never have this feature?  If
you think it should never have this feature, I would like to hear about
that, too.

The feature would allow automatic recovery of some of the information which
developers--including the developers of cvs itself--maintain manually in
the files Changelog, so I do not see how it could be a *bad* thing to offer.

However I believe Subversion uses this approach, go have a look at that. 
If you're not willing to change the way you think/work to match the tool, 
you'll have to change the tool instead.

- Andrew
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

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RE: Bug tracking.

2002-12-09 Thread Steven Buroff
I would like to vote for this feature too. CVS's support for bug
tracking is poor to nonexistent and many people have commented on
it and requested better support. Tags don't really do it.

Steve Buroff

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Terrence Enger
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 11:19 AM
To: Andrew Johnson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bug tracking.

At 14:37 2002-10-11 -0500, Andrew Johnson wrote:
J wrote:

 Yes, but what I would like is a uniqe commit number, whatever it
may be,
 for instance applied to all the files involved in that single

That's just not how CVS works, and it never will.

Could you please tell us why think cvs will never have this feature?
you think it should never have this feature, I would like to hear
that, too.

The feature would allow automatic recovery of some of the information
developers--including the developers of cvs itself--maintain manually
the files Changelog, so I do not see how it could be a *bad* thing to

However I believe Subversion uses this approach, go have a look at
If you're not willing to change the way you think/work to match the
you'll have to change the tool instead.

- Andrew
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. - John

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RE: Bug tracking.

2002-12-09 Thread Wayne Johnson
I had tried once to set up a system where a number was saved withing a
CVS file, the commit would check out the file, add a BUG ID and
description and check it back in.  

I had it working pretty well but got sidetracked never got back to it.

Maybe this would solve your problem.

--- Zieg, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, but what I would like is a uniqe commit number, whatever it may
  for instance applied to all the files involved in that single commit.
 It should be pretty easy to write a wrapper script around cvs commit
 does this for you, if it's really what you want:
 The only trick would be to generate a system-wide unique ID with each
 call.  This can be done either by rsh/ssh'ing some command on the CVS
 server, which can thus have a locking program that issues unique
 (ie, commit_578), or use an algorithm which can generate unique IDs
 including the clients hostname or MAC address or something (ie,
 commit_bob_578).  If you already have a bug-tracking system, then you
 probably have a SQL database, which can probably issue you nice new
 timestamped records with an AUTO_INCREMENT primary key or something.
 Anyway, there are lots of ways to do this; mail systems which store
 incoming message as a uniquely named file do this all the time.
 Once you've generated the ID, have your script run cvs commit with
 the above ID as a tag value.
 Wouldn't that more-or-less do what you want?
 Info-cvs mailing list

Wayne Johnson, | There are two kinds of people: Those 
3943 Penn Ave. N.  | who say to God, Thy will be done, 
Minneapolis, MN 55412-1908 | and those to whom God says, All right, 
(612) 522-7003 | then,  have it your way. --C.S. Lewis

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2002-12-09 Thread Matthew Rich
Yea, just use the branch name when specifiying the
revsion name for the -r option.

cvs rtag -r branchname  tag

The RE Guy

--- Euan Guttridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Taking a this little further; can you rtag a module
 *on a certain branch*
 without checking out the code?
 -Original Message-
 From: Euan Guttridge
 Sent: 06 December 2002 18:00
 To: 'Matthew Rich'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 Subject: RE: CVS TAG
 Worked, cheers.
 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew Rich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 06 December 2002 17:29
 To: Euan Guttridge; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 Subject: Re: CVS TAG
 Take a look at the RTAG command that will tag a
 without a checking out any code.
 The  RE Guy
 --- Euan Guttridge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Is there a way to tag a module (directory) in a
  repository directly (i.e.
  without checking it out first). When I use cvs
  release_1 modulename I
  obviously get;
  cvs tag: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No
  such file or directory
  cvs tag: nothing known about bol-docstar
  cvs [tag aborted]: correct the above errors first!
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Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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RE: cvs co .

2002-12-09 Thread Anders Truelsen
That is a feature.

The nice part of it is that once you've checked the whole repo out, you
can add new modules at the top level with the normal cvs add command.


 -Original Message-
 From: J [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 28. november 2002 18:55
 Subject: cvs co .
 It appears I can issue the command cvs co . to checkout the module .
 proceeds to check out all modules in the repository.
 This should not really work, or was intended was it? I am using a
 repository with cvs 1.11 built for win32
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Re: CVS and permissions (Unix)

2002-12-09 Thread Andrew Johnson
Mullican, Catherine wrote:

Some files were checked in with the permissions set to 644.  They need to be
755.  I tried changing the permissions, making some whitespace changes, and
checking the files back in, but they're still 644 on checkout.  Other files
in the project have the correct permissions on checkout; this only affects
two directories.  How can I fix them?

You need to do a chmod +x on the ,v files in the repository itself.  Easy 
to do if it's directly accessible, harder if remote, but I'm not aware of 
any other way to do this.  CVS doesn't version file permissions, just 
copies them from the repository file.

- Andrew
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

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Re: update -l -r brnch dir doesn't seem to do anything

2002-12-09 Thread Mike Ayers

I've used CVS for a bit over 24 hours, having used ClearCase for the past 16
years, and I am trying to get a handle on how NOT to get a whole directory
dumped into my work area.

We have a directory with approximately 1,500 source files in it.  (No unfortunat
ely, I can't make a smaller  directory, since this is only one of 475 directorie
s I have to worry about).  I have figured out that I can start with an empty
work area and say
$ cvs update -r brnch bmf/foo.x
and just get one file moved into the directory. But, if I start with an empty
work area and I want to create a new file in the big directory, I can't get CVS
to give me an empty place to work.  (At least the cvs add command refuses to
work in anything other than a work directory blessed by CVS).  I figured out
that I can do an mkdir and cvs add, and cvs correctly notices that the new
directory is redundant, but shouldn't update -l -r brnch dir work too?  -CTH

	You understand the problem correctly.  To get your directory 
blessed, just check out a single file in it - use `cvs update -r 
brnch bmf/foo.x`, then delete foo.x, make your file (in the bmf 
directory), and check it in.  While updating foo.x, CVS should create 
all the CVS/* files it needs to do the add.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: List files of a Tag

2002-12-09 Thread douggorley
Dunno about the first one, but your second question is covered at


content-type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain;

Hi folks,

I'm currently a CVS administrator.
Configuration: Win NT server + WinCVS1.2 + CVSNT

I'm looking for different admin stuff :

1. How to get the list of files from a TAG ?
2. How to get a list of tag from a project ?

Kind Regards,


Content-Type: text/html;

META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
META NAME=Generator CONTENT=MS Exchange Server version 5.5.2653.12
TITLEList files of a Tag/TITLE


PFONT SIZE=2 FACE=ArialI'm currently a CVS administrator./FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2 FACE=ArialConfiguration: Win NT server + WinCVS1.2 + CVSNT

PFONT SIZE=2 FACE=ArialI'm looking for different admin stuff :/FONT

PFONT SIZE=2 FACE=Arial1. How to get the list of files from a TAG ?/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2 FACE=Arial2. How to get a list of tag from a project ?/FONT

PFONT SIZE=2 FACE=ArialKind Regards,/FONT



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Re: file permissions on ',v' files

2002-12-09 Thread Larry Jones
Jericho writes:
 I have a problem with permissions in directories under in my
 repository.  I noticed today that some files were marked with 'write'
 permission for both the file owner and group.  According to the cvs
 docs, these should only be 'read-only' and not be changed.  

That's correct; write permission is unnecessary and undesirable.

 I'm wondering if this is associated to the error users are seeing, since
 they can't commit to the repository.  They get the following messages
 when they try:
 cvs server: cannot exec (: No such file or directory
 cvs server: Pre-commit check failed
 cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!

No.  That error is almost certainly due to a defective commitinfo entry.

-Larry Jones

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. -- Calvin

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Re: How do I unlock files?

2002-12-09 Thread Larry Jones
WALTERS, CRAIG P [AG/1000] writes:
 We then have a lot of difficulty unlocking the file so others can use it.  I
 have tried unlocking it from an account in the cvsadmin group but this does
 not unlock the file (even though it says it does).
 How can I manually (i.e. by editing a file) unlock a file.

In CVS, files aren't locked, revisions are.  Absolutely anyone with
access to a file can unlock it.  If you aren't the owner of the lock,
however, you must explicitly specify which revision to unlock, even if
there's only one locked revision.

-Larry Jones

Everything's gotta have rules, rules, rules! -- Calvin

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Re: invalid access time error

2002-12-09 Thread Larry Jones
Jack Baty writes:
 cvs [commit aborted]: invalid access time for fc_veneer.swf

According to the comments in the code (check_statbuf in
windows-NT/filesubr.c), that means that the access time isn't
representable in the time_t format.  Have you looked to see what the
access time of that file is set to?

-Larry Jones

Hello, I'm wondering if you sell kegs of dynamite. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Commit Problem

2002-12-09 Thread Larry Jones
Bill Smith writes:

 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Please do not send MIME and/or HTML encrypted messages to the list.
Plain text only, PLEASE!

 Additionally, I tried doing a cvs commit with cygwin cvs, I get

 /CVSROOTccess /var/cvs
 No such file or directory

You almost certainly have a line-ending problem.  I suspect the above
message is really:

cannot access /var/cvsCR/CVSROOT

the embedded CR is the problem.  I suspect the CVS/Root file in your
working directory has DOS-style line endings (CRLF) but the cygwin
CVS has been configured to use Unix-style line endings (LF).  Your
other problems are probably due to using an RSH that converts line
endings when CVS expects it to pass binary data transparently.

-Larry Jones

It's not denial.  I'm just very selective about the reality I accept.
-- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Oops message from cvs process

2002-12-09 Thread Kaz Kylheku
Satya Prasad DV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
We are using the RHL 7.1 with cvs software version cvs-1.11.1p1 patched 
 to get additional info for logging using AlternateInfo=yes in config. We 
 had no trouble with this s/w for over one year. Recently we upgraded the 
 server by increasing RAM to 512M and adding scsi drive for the cvs 
 repository partition.

That recent upgrade is possibly a big clue by four here!

 After this, the server started spewing out lots of Oops messages after 7-8 
 days of operation. If I reboot the machine the problem disappears for a 
 while and starts again.The oops seems to be result of the cvs process. Iam 
 listing the ksymoops output below.

No, oops messages are not the fault of the process; they are a kernel
or hardware problem. You should take this to a Linux kernel newsgroup.
There is no defect in CVS that can cause a kernel panic.

You alerady noted that this started happening after a hardware
upgrade. There is nothing in CVS like ``if (recent_hardware_upgrade())
Info-cvs mailing list


2002-12-09 Thread Larry Jones
Euan Guttridge writes:
 Taking a this little further; can you rtag a module *on a certain branch*
 without checking out the code?

Yes, use the -r option to specify the branch to tag.

-Larry Jones

It's either spectacular, unbelievable success, or crushing, hopeless
defeat!  There is no middle ground! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs diff on repository files

2002-12-09 Thread Larry Jones
 The script does a cvs diff between the two revisions of each
 file and emails it to a mailing list for code review.  But the cvs diff
 inside the script fails.  Is there a solution that doesn't involve
 checking the directory out on the repository server, doing the diff, and
 removing the directory?  I noticed that the in the contrib
 directory does a cvs status, which also fails for me with a similar
 message if run on repository files.

Look very carefully at how the script works -- it runs the
command in the *current directory*, not the repository.  The current
directory is always a valid working directory (the user's working
directory in local mode, a server-side copy in client/server mode).  It
also uses the global -n flag to allow the command to work despite the
existing lock on the file.

-Larry Jones

I obey the letter of the law, if not the spirit. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Oops message from cvs process

2002-12-09 Thread Shankar Unni
 After this, the server started spewing out lots of Oops
 messages after 7-8 days of operation. If I reboot the machine 
 the problem disappears for a while and starts again.

Understand that these are *KERNEL* oops messages. Unlike Windows 95 or
98, user processes can't screw up the kernel in this way (they can't
just reach over and trash the kernel's data), so this is clearly an
isolated kernel problem.

If you look at the ksymoops trace, you see that the code is in the fcntl
code. Not surprising that CVS tickled this (it *does* perform lots of
file operations, you know :-), but you should be talking to the kernel
gurus about this.

Do you have a RedHat support contract? (I thought not :-). If you do,
contact them. If you don't have one, try:

(a) upgrading to a more recent kernel. You can get the latest kernel for
the 7.1 distribution from the RedHat download site.  You *ARE* running
an ancient intermediate distribution, after all. Very few people use
7.1; they either use 7.2/7.3 or 6.2 (and the truly brave at heart use

(b) if that doesn't help, post to one of the Linux newsgroups for help
( ?).


(c) Schedule a cron job for every sunday and wednesday to reboot your
machine :-/.

Good luck.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: List files of a Tag

2002-12-09 Thread Todd Denniston
 Brusset, Mathieu wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I'm currently a CVS administrator.
 Configuration: Win NT server + WinCVS1.2 + CVSNT
 I'm looking for different admin stuff :
 1. How to get the list of files from a TAG ?
on unix try:
cvs -n checkout -rTAG -p module 21 1/dev/null|grep Checking out |awk
'{print $3}'

 BTW order matters with the '21 1', and I have done the above with tags I
know are only applied to portions of my baseline and yes it only returns file
names that have the tag.

on NT first suggestion:
install cygwin and do unix method.
on NT second suggestion:*
reboot to unix  do unix method.
on NT third suggestion:
you might be able to use MS find instead of grep but good luck on redirecting
stderr and stdout.

 2. How to get a list of tag from a project ?
on unix:
  a) if all tags have been used in some kind of command after cvs tag:
  more $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/val-tags 
  b) if you are not sure (a) is true:
cvs log -t |grep -v -e ^[[:alnum:]] -e  \
   |awk -F: '{print $1}'|sort |uniq
On NT:
a) hope all tags have been used after they were applied and:
more $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/val-tags 

b) install cygwin/unix and:*
cvs log -t |grep -v -e ^[[:alnum:]] -e  \
   |awk -F: '{print $1}'|sort |uniq

 Kind Regards,

*someone being less annoying than me MAY know of a way to do similar things
with the NT and windows clients, or other unix toolkits for MS.

I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development
That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb.  Thank you.
-- Vance Petree, Virginia Power

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Binary update and merge problem

2002-12-09 Thread Mike Ayers
Walter Ghijsen wrote:


I'm running into problems with merging binary files from one branch 
into another. 


Does anyone have any suggestions?

	Yes.  Don't merge binary files.  CVS knows how to merge only text 
files.  Binary files you must handle on your own.  What you probably 
want to do is replace the main trunk version of the file with any 
changed files on the developer branch, but you are the expert there. 
You may need to devise a script for this.  The handling of binary 
files in CVS is very limited.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: open source bitkeeper

2002-12-09 Thread jennyw
He meant proprietary. BitKeeper is a distributed CM tool from BitMover.
Check out their Web site for more info:  It's free
for Open Source projects (it enforces the open source nature by making
the repositories public), but it costs for commercial uses.  I believe
that many of the BitKeeper folks were kernel hackers, although that
might just be an unfounded rumor I'm repeating.


On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 10:17:39AM -, mehul  choube wrote:
 what is propritory bitkeeper?
 On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 ujjwal wrote :
 Few days back there was a large debate as  the linux code is 
 maintained on a
 propritory bitkeeper.And Linus mention the need of the opne 
 source software which
 has the additional features of the bitkeeper over the CVS.
 I want to know whether there are ongoing efforts for the same.
 Our team is looking forward to work on this.
 I want to know the remarks and suggestions.
 Info-cvs mailing list
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Bug tracking.

2002-12-09 Thread Mike Ayers
Steven Buroff wrote:

I would like to vote for this feature too.

	This open source.  Only patches count as votes.

CVS's support for bug
tracking is poor to nonexistent and many people have commented on
it and requested better support. Tags don't really do it.

	That's because CVS is not a bug tracking tool.  It's an archive 
system.  Only an archive system.  If you want to do more than just 
archiving, you must find tools that do those other things and/or 
integrate them yourself.

	Sorry if this sounds harsh, but too many people just don't seem to 
grasp this.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: List files of a Tag

2002-12-09 Thread Fabian Cenedese

on NT first suggestion:
install cygwin and do unix method.
on NT second suggestion:*
reboot to unix  do unix method.
on NT third suggestion:
you might be able to use MS find instead of grep but good luck on 
stderr and stdout.
*someone being less annoying than me MAY know of a way to do similar 
things with the NT and windows clients, or other unix toolkits for MS.

There are Win32 ports of almost all Unix tools, so you should be able to do
the Unix method quite well on Windows too. Maybe without the special
redirecting stuff.

bye   Fabi

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