[Interest] [Qt3D] Assertion in QAbstractAspect when inserting entity from plugin DLL

2020-02-07 Thread Volker Enderlein


I am facing an error since Qt 5.14 (5.14.0 and 5.14.1) that did not show 
up in previous versions (tested Qt 5.13.2 and before)

It is a huge engineering application and I did not manage it up to now 
to reduce it to a small sample that shows the behaviour.

When interactively inserting a 3D QEntity (a custom geometry derived 
from QEntity containing a QGeometryRenderer and some QTransform nodes) 
from a plugin DLL (created with C++) I am greeted by the following 

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Debug Error!

Program: C:\Qt\5.14.1\msvc2017_64\bin\Qt5Cored.dll
Module: 5.14.1
File: aspects\qabstractaspect.cpp
Line: 213

ASSERT: "metaObj" in file aspects\qabstractaspect.cpp, line 213

(Press Retry to debug the application)

And the application does not display the graphics component inserted. 
Other components are shown. I already inspected the output of the 
logging categories for Qt3D and our plugin DLL but did not succeed up to 
now in finding the reason for this behaviour.

Did anyone were facing similar regressions when updating a Qt3D based 
application Qt 5.14?

Any help is very much appreciated.

Cheers, Volker

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Issues building 5.13.0 with VS 2019

2019-06-24 Thread Volker Enderlein


I tried to build Qt 5.13.0 from source with current VS 2019 but it 
failed in QtWebEngine.

It failed with the following message (sorry for the german compiler 

   [5338/26172] CXX obj/third_party/icu/bundled_icui18n/brktrans.obj
   FAILED: obj/third_party/icu/bundled_icui18n/brktrans.obj
   ninja -t msvc -e environment.x86 -- "C:\Program Files
   (x86)\Microsoft Visual
   /nologo /showIncludes  -DU_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION -DUSE_AURA=1
   -DUCHAR_TYPE=wchar_t -Igen -I../../3rdparty/chromium
   -I../../3rdparty/chromium/third_party/icu/source/i18n /utf-8 /Gy /FS
   /bigobj /d2FastFail /Zc:sizedDealloc- /O1 /Ob2 /Oy- /Zc:inline /Gw
   /Oi /MD /W3 /wd4800 /wd4267 /wd4996 /wd4091 /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4275
   /wd4312 /wd4324 /wd4351 /wd4355 /wd4503 /wd4589 /wd4611 /wd4100
   /wd4121 /wd4244 /wd4505 /wd4510 /wd4512 /wd4610 /wd4838 /wd4995
   /wd4996 /wd4456 /wd4457 /wd4458 /wd4459 /wd4200 /wd4201 /wd4204
   /wd4221 /wd4245 /wd4267 /wd4305 /wd4389 /wd4702 /wd4701 /wd4703
   /wd4661 /wd4706 /wd4715 /wd4267 /wd4005 /wd4068 /wd4267 /utf-8 /TP
   /GR /wd4577 /c
   error C2027: Verwendung des undefinierten Typs "std::atomic"
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
   note: Siehe Deklaration von "std::atomic"
   error C2027: Verwendung des undefinierten Typs "std::atomic"
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
   note: Siehe Deklaration von "std::atomic"
   error C2027: Verwendung des undefinierten Typs "std::atomic"
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
   note: Siehe Deklaration von "std::atomic"
   error C2027: Verwendung des undefinierten Typs "std::atomic"
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
   note: Siehe Deklaration von "std::atomic"
   error C2079: "icu_63::UInitOnce::fState" verwendet undefiniertes
   struct "std::atomic"
   error C2664: "int32_t
   icu_63::umtx_loadAcquire(icu_63::u_atomic_int32_t &)" :
   Konvertierung von Argument 1 von "int" in "icu_63::u_atomic_int32_t
   &" nicht m”glich
   error C2664: "int32_t
   icu_63::umtx_loadAcquire(icu_63::u_atomic_int32_t &)" :
   Konvertierung von Argument 1 von "int" in "icu_63::u_atomic_int32_t
   &" nicht m”glich
   error C2664: "int32_t
   icu_63::umtx_loadAcquire(icu_63::u_atomic_int32_t &)" :
   Konvertierung von Argument 1 von "int" in "icu_63::u_atomic_int32_t
   &" nicht m”glich
   ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
   [run_ninja] Error 1
   [release] Error 2

[Interest] [Qt3D] Fast refresh of Text2DEntity does not work

2019-04-30 Thread Volker Enderlein


I'm facing a really awkward bug.

I have a Text2DEntity displaying a variable that increases every 100 ms. 
But sometimes the display is wrong. A texture is displayed that already 
has been shown some time ago. Therefore my value visually does not 
increase but jumps between arbitrary values.

Sometimes also the following message is logged:

Warning: [Qt3DRender::GLTexture] No QTextureData generated from Texture 
Generator yet

Searching the bug tracker leads to reports




They seem somewhat related although they should have been resolved in my 
Qt 13.0 beta version or do not apply anymore.

Are those bugs still present? And if they are, is there a workaround?

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Building Qt and WebEngine

2019-04-25 Thread Volker Enderlein

Thanks Allan and Alexandru!

The build is running ...

Cheers, Volker

Am 25.04.2019 um 10:59 schrieb Allan Sandfeld Jensen:

On Donnerstag, 25. April 2019 10:28:42 CEST Volker Enderlein wrote:


when building Qt and WebEngine separately (i.e. not doing an embeddd
build), do I need to install Qt before building WebEngine and provide
the path to the installation?

Are there any step by step instructions how to do this? I searched
already for a while with no luck, apparently using the wrong keywords.

Like any other Qt project, you call the qmake from either the installed or
temporary build path (under qtbase/bin). If you want to build qtwebengine
separately, the builddir need to be somewhere it wouldn't be in a qt5 top-
build. Calling QMake should then cause the configure step to run, and the
project can be built like normal after that. You can put the configure
arguments for webengine on the qmake command line after --. For instance:

/bin/qmake  -- -
webengine-proprietary-codecs -system-webengine-ffmpeg -no-webegine-webrtc

Best regards

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Building Qt and WebEngine

2019-04-25 Thread Volker Enderlein


when building Qt and WebEngine separately (i.e. not doing an embeddd 
build), do I need to install Qt before building WebEngine and provide 
the path to the installation?

Are there any step by step instructions how to do this? I searched 
already for a while with no luck, apparently using the wrong keywords.

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Initialization of Buffer entity property in QML

2019-04-11 Thread Volker Enderlein

Thanks Jérôme for pushing me into the right direction.

Now I see where I went wrong.

The buffers data assignment must be done as follows:

data: { var vertexArray = new Float32Array([ -1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0., 
-1., -1., 0., 1., -1., 0. ]); return vertexArray; }

Cheers, Volker

Am 10.04.2019 um 15:57 schrieb Jérôme Godbout:

The new is not something you should do into binding for sure. If I look at the 
Qml Buffer doc:

Not much seem to be expose to Qml, syncData, usage
and the sub class QBuffer offer the following properties accessType.

Seem like you will need to fill the data into C++ from what the doc is saying. 
Maybe  make your own QmlBuffer inherited class where you can expose QByteArray 
to expose the data, the dataChanged signal is already present. Just need a 
property exposure, wonder why this was not already exposed. You can make static 
Q_INVOKABLE to create QByteArray from JS array type into that class:
Q_INVOKABLE QByteArray MakeVector3F(const QVariantList& data);
Q_INVOKABLE QByteArray MakeVector2D(const QVariantList& data);
Maybe add the data type, so you could have a call that push/pop data into your 
buffer QByteArray

Q_INVOKABLE void pushData(const QVariant& data);

with the proper C++ call to convert the QVariant into the Buffer data type.

Those buffer class seem a bit anemic into functionality, wonder how they should 
be normally be used?!? The Qml exposure seem incomplete to me. Maybe someone 
with deeper knowledge can pitch in, but the only way I see it, they are fully 
managed into C++ only to be plug in Qml at best, no containing data 
manipulation into Qml from what I see. You use case seem legit to me, you have 
some property you need to assign to a Buffer, you probably don't want to do 
this with huge data set, but for simple and debugging buffer this will come in 
handy to do so. In the real world, making C++ producer to generate you data 
Buffer would be better performance wise.

I haven't play much with Qt3D, but we did a lot of rendering to texture at my 
previous place, and we did have a Qml Buffer implementation way before Qt3D and 
we did needed those data type and everything was named attribs to the rendering 
actor and we could set the shader programs (vertex, geometry, fragment...) from 
the Qml, we could attachs as many attribs Buffer and a draw call to the actors 
for the rendering. I would expect something similar for a real 3D rendering 

-Original Message-
From: Interest  On Behalf Of Volker Enderlein
Sent: April 10, 2019 3:48 AM
To: Qt Project 
Subject: [Interest] Initialization of Buffer entity property in QML


in a QML file I try to initialize a property of type Buffer, but unfortunately 
it does not work.

There's no error but in the MyMesh Entity the vertices Buffer always has zero 

import Qt3D.Core 2.0
import Qt3D.Render 2.0
import QtQuick 2.0
import Qt3D.Extras 2.10

Entity {
      id: root

      property Buffer vertices: Buffer { type: Buffer.VertexBuffer; data:
new Float32Array([ -1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0., -1., -1., 0., 1., -1., 0. ]) }

      MyMesh {

   id: mesh

   vertices: root.vertices



How is the correct way?

Cheers, Volker

Interest mailing list


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Initialization of Buffer entity property in QML

2019-04-10 Thread Volker Enderlein


in a QML file I try to initialize a property of type Buffer, but 
unfortunately it does not work.

There's no error but in the MyMesh Entity the vertices Buffer always has 
zero length.

import Qt3D.Core 2.0
import Qt3D.Render 2.0
import QtQuick 2.0
import Qt3D.Extras 2.10

Entity {
    id: root

    property Buffer vertices: Buffer { type: Buffer.VertexBuffer; data: 
new Float32Array([ -1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0., -1., -1., 0., 1., -1., 0. ]) }

    MyMesh {

 id: mesh

 vertices: root.vertices



How is the correct way?

Cheers, Volker

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] [Qt3D] What are active render targets for a ScreenRayCaster?

2019-03-28 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi Mike,

thanks a lot for your valuable clarifications. When talking about the 
main area you mean the area where the three cameras overlap (two 
orthographic and one perspective)? I always get three hitsChanged 
signals emitted in this area, no matter where I click onto.

I see if I can put up a simple example that shows the mentioned behaviour.

Cheers, Volker

Am 28.03.2019 um 14:35 schrieb Mike Krus:

Hi Volker

if I remember correctly, ray casting will apply to all enabled surfaces. It’ll 
ignore off screen surfaces and surfaces where the cursor is outside the render 
area. I think it also ignores surfaces when an orthographic camera is used.

So in your case sounds like you should only get a single hit in the main area, 
and two when testing in the render areas.

5.13 is introducing a QNoPicking frame graph node to explicitly disable picking 
and ray casting on portions of the frame graph.
If you continue having issues with this, please create a JIRA ticket, ideally with a small example.


On 28 Mar 2019, at 11:13, Volker Enderlein  


The KDAB article 
https://www.kdab.com/new-in-qt-3d-5-11-generalized-ray-casting/ states that the 
ScreeenRayCast test is performed for every active render target. I just 
stumbled over the question what an active render target is considered for a 

My FrameGraph contains an orthographic background viewport/camera, a SceneGraph 
viewport/camera and an orthographic overlay viewport/camera that fill the 
entire normalized viewport.

Additionally two smaller viewport/camera exist at the bottom of the window for 
an axis gnomon and a fps counter.

When triggering a ScreenRayCaster test with the current mouse position the 
hitsChanged signal is emitted multiple times with different hits.

Traversing the scenegraph upwards from the hitted entity (mostly a 
DistanceFieldTextRenderer is hit) leads me to entities that let me doubt on the 
returned hit.

Anyone out there who can shed some light on it? Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

Mike Krus | mike.k...@kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (UK) Ltd., a KDAB Group company
Tel: UK Office +44 1625 809908   Mobile +44 7833 491941
KDAB - The Qt Experts, C++, OpenGL Experts


Interest mailing list

[Interest] [Qt3D] What are active render targets for a ScreenRayCaster?

2019-03-28 Thread Volker Enderlein


The KDAB article 
https://www.kdab.com/new-in-qt-3d-5-11-generalized-ray-casting/ states 
that the ScreeenRayCast test is performed for every active render 
target. I just stumbled over the question what an active render target 
is considered for a ScreenRayCaster.

My FrameGraph contains an orthographic background viewport/camera, a 
SceneGraph viewport/camera and an orthographic overlay viewport/camera 
that fill the entire normalized viewport.

Additionally two smaller viewport/camera exist at the bottom of the 
window for an axis gnomon and a fps counter.

When triggering a ScreenRayCaster test with the current mouse position 
the hitsChanged signal is emitted multiple times with different hits.

Traversing the scenegraph upwards from the hitted entity (mostly a 
DistanceFieldTextRenderer is hit) leads me to entities that let me doubt 
on the returned hit.

Anyone out there who can shed some light on it? Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt3D setting LineWidth per GeometryRenderer/Entity

2019-02-06 Thread Volker Enderlein
Thanks Mike and Sean for your valuable input. It helps me to shape my 

Cheers, Volker

Am 06.02.2019 um 09:56 schrieb Mike Krus:


you should be able to control that using a  QLineWidth render state. And yes, 
that would require custom material or frame graph.

The raycasting-qml manual test that ships with Qt3D shows an example of 
creating a simple flat shading material for lines, would be easy to add line 
width control to that…


On 6 Feb 2019, at 08:20, Volker Enderlein  

Hi all,

is it possible to set the LineWidth of a GeometryRenderer of primitive tpye 
Lines or do I need a Custom Material/Effect/FrameGraph node to achieve this?

Thanks for enlightening.

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

Mike Krus | mike.k...@kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (UK) Ltd., a KDAB Group company
Tel: UK Office +44 1625 809908   Mobile +44 7833 491941
KDAB - The Qt Experts, C++, OpenGL Experts


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D setting LineWidth per GeometryRenderer/Entity

2019-02-06 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi all,

is it possible to set the LineWidth of a GeometryRenderer of primitive 
tpye Lines or do I need a Custom Material/Effect/FrameGraph node to 
achieve this?

Thanks for enlightening.

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D viewAll/viewEntity

2019-02-06 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi all,

why does the viewAll and viewEntity commands of QCamera only work in 
PerspectiveProjection type?

Thanks for enlightening.

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D: A custom camera controller

2019-01-29 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi all,

I implemented a custom camera controller (implementing the 
ExaminerViewer camera handling from OpenInventor) and don't know how to 
select the linearSpeed and the lookSpeed values dependent on the size of 
the scene as my scenegraph can be changed at runtime. I came up with a 
solution but it is not working as expected.

    auto heightAngle = theCamera->fieldOfView() / 180.0f * 

    auto focalDist = theCamera->viewVector().length();
    auto height = 2.0f * focalDist * std::tan(heightAngle / 2.0f);
    height = height < 1.0f ? 1.0f : height;
    auto width = height / theCamera->aspectRatio();
    // NDC (left, right, bottom, top) (-1, 1, -1, 1)
    // MagnificationFactor: max(height, width)/linearSpeed()
    auto linearSpeedMagnificationFactor = std::max(height, 

Are there any examples/experiences implementing custom camera controllers?

Thanks in advance,

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D: Handling a mix of transparent and opaque objects

2019-01-29 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi all,

I have a mix of opaque and transparent objects in a varying SceneGraph 
and sometimes see rendering issues (the order of drawing is wrong, 
typically for Text2dEntities). As I saw from the examples a typical 
approach is to set up a two pass rendering in the FrameGraph and handle 
the drawing order by myself.

Are there any plans for Qt3D to support the handling of transparent 
objects out of the box?

Thanks in advance, Volker


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D: Rendering issues with custom effects

2019-01-09 Thread Volker Enderlein


I am facing some rendering issues with custom effects in Qt3d. To mark 
some of the entities selected I replace the existing material effect of 
an entity with a newly created instance of a wireframe effect. When 
using the robustwireframe shaders sometimes (but not always, it does not 
seem to be reproducible) on some entities the underlying color (phong 
shading model) is not set properly.

I tried different shaders (also tried to set the fragment color 
directly) but the result does not change: sometimes I see those 
rendering issues.

And in some cases the following message is written to the console:

QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 3
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted

So I'm guessing, setting the custom QEffect causes some issues.

My question is: Should I avoid creating many instances of a custom 
wireframe effect and reuse one instance for all selected entities or 
should I create a separate instance for every entity (material)?

The left part of the image shows the wrong behaviour, the right part is 
the expected rendering.

Platform specs: Windows 7 x64, Visual Studio 2015, Qt 5.10.0, Qt3D

Graphics specs: NVidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2, OpenGL 4.6.0 NVIDIA 

The definition of the effect is as follows:

    WireFrameEffect::WireFrameEffect(Qt3DCore::QNode* parent/* = nullptr*/)
        : Qt3DRender::QEffect(parent)
        addParameter(new Qt3DRender::QParameter(QStringLiteral("ka"), 
QVector4D(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f)));
        addParameter(new Qt3DRender::QParameter(QStringLiteral("kd"), 
QVector4D(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f)));
        addParameter(new Qt3DRender::QParameter(QStringLiteral("ks"), 
QVector4D(0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 1.0f)));
        addParameter(new Qt3DRender::QParameter(QStringLiteral("ke"), 
QVector4D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
Qt3DRender::QParameter(QStringLiteral("shininess"), 128.0f));

Qt3DRender::QParameter(QStringLiteral("light.position"), QVector4D(0.0f, 
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
QVector3D(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)));
Qt3DRender::QParameter(QStringLiteral("line.width"), 1.0f));
Qt3DRender::QParameter(QStringLiteral("line.color"), QVector4D(1.0f, 
1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)));

        auto technique = new Qt3DRender::QTechnique;
            auto graphicsApiFilter = technique->graphicsApiFilter();

            auto filterKey = new Qt3DRender::QFilterKey;

            auto renderPass = new Qt3DRender::QRenderPass;
                auto shaderProgram = new Qt3DRender::QShaderProgram;

Thanks in advance,

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt3D How to draw 2D-Text always facing the Camera

2018-12-19 Thread Volker Enderlein
The number of Text2D elements is not known in advance and may differ. 
It's a simulation environment, where some textual information is added 
to a fairly high number of elements.
To avoid the data management for different kinds of entities my first 
idea was to create a specialized Text2d  entity that handles all the 
gory details in a custom material and provides an option to always face 
the camera.

Cheers Volker

Am 19.12.2018 um 08:37 schrieb david crémoux:

You're welcome.

I will most probably have to implement the same feature in a near 
future for the project I'm currently working on.

If making the custom camera is too much complex, there is a more basic 
way but involving more data management (depending on how much 2d text 
entities you have to display):
You still use a specific frame graph branch with a layer filter but 
with an identity camera.
Then you attach all your 2d text entities to your scene root entity 
and you update their transform/position on every camera transform/move.


On 19-Dec-18 10:05, Volker Enderlein wrote:

Hi David,

thanks for the answer. I wasn't thinking of that, as my knowledge 
about framegraphs is very limited. But this helps me further.

Cheers Volker

Am 18.12.2018 um 14:53 schrieb david crémoux:

Hello Volker,

I guess you can achieve it with regular QText2DEntity, with a 
specific frame graph branch in your rendering for your 2d text, a 
layer filter and a custom camera (based on your main camera).


On 18-Dec-18 14:37, Volker Enderlein wrote:

Hi all,

when building a rather complex Qt3D-Scene I needed some 2D-Text 
that has a 3D position, is always facing the camera, and fixed in 
size, independent of the camera settings.

While looking over the components provided by Qt3D I stumbled 
across Text2DEntity and thought about how it can be tweaked ot 
fulfill my requirements.

As all my requirements can be done inside a shader I thought about 
whether the QText2DMaterial that is used inside the class can be 
replaced by a custom material. But unfortunately the material is 
not accessible from outside.

Text2DEntity can be embedded in another class that applies the 
camera information to it, but is there an easier solution to this 

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt3D How to draw 2D-Text always facing the Camera

2018-12-18 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi David,

thanks for the answer. I wasn't thinking of that, as my knowledge about 
framegraphs is very limited. But this helps me further.

Cheers Volker

Am 18.12.2018 um 14:53 schrieb david crémoux:

Hello Volker,

I guess you can achieve it with regular QText2DEntity, with a specific 
frame graph branch in your rendering for your 2d text, a layer filter 
and a custom camera (based on your main camera).


On 18-Dec-18 14:37, Volker Enderlein wrote:

Hi all,

when building a rather complex Qt3D-Scene I needed some 2D-Text that 
has a 3D position, is always facing the camera, and fixed in size, 
independent of the camera settings.

While looking over the components provided by Qt3D I stumbled across 
Text2DEntity and thought about how it can be tweaked ot fulfill my 

As all my requirements can be done inside a shader I thought about 
whether the QText2DMaterial that is used inside the class can be 
replaced by a custom material. But unfortunately the material is not 
accessible from outside.

Text2DEntity can be embedded in another class that applies the camera 
information to it, but is there an easier solution to this problem?

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt3D How to draw 2D-Text always facing the Camera

2018-12-18 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi Oleg,

thank you so much for your comment. I saw your entry in the bug tracker 
and therefore I tried to go the way with the custom material. 
Unfortunately I cannot access the underlying material definition of the 
utility classes that are used to render the text in Text2DEntity. As 
they are all private and not exported from Qt DLLs I would need to copy 
them, but that's something I would really try to avoid. The custom 
material part was straight forward, based on your bug report and on a 
previous implementation of a specialized material definition.

But now I'm stuck with the missing access.

Cheers Volker

Am 18.12.2018 um 13:38 schrieb Oleg Evseev:

Hi Volker,

Yes, you have to add custom material because 
Qt3DRender::QShaderProgram s of default materials are inside private 
class, so you can't change shaders' code source.

Take a look at https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/182053/ (that was 
for including in qt 3d, but you could easily use it as custom material 
in your own app) and adopt it accordingly to Text2DMaterial.

With regards, Oleg

вт, 18 дек. 2018 г. в 15:07, Volker Enderlein 

Hi all,

when building a rather complex Qt3D-Scene I needed some 2D-Text
that has
a 3D position, is always facing the camera, and fixed in size,
independent of the camera settings.

While looking over the components provided by Qt3D I stumbled across
Text2DEntity and thought about how it can be tweaked ot fulfill my

As all my requirements can be done inside a shader I thought about
whether the QText2DMaterial that is used inside the class can be
replaced by a custom material. But unfortunately the material is not
accessible from outside.

Text2DEntity can be embedded in another class that applies the camera
information to it, but is there an easier solution to this problem?

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list
Interest@qt-project.org <mailto:Interest@qt-project.org>


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D How to draw 2D-Text always facing the Camera

2018-12-18 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi all,

when building a rather complex Qt3D-Scene I needed some 2D-Text that has 
a 3D position, is always facing the camera, and fixed in size, 
independent of the camera settings.

While looking over the components provided by Qt3D I stumbled across 
Text2DEntity and thought about how it can be tweaked ot fulfill my 

As all my requirements can be done inside a shader I thought about 
whether the QText2DMaterial that is used inside the class can be 
replaced by a custom material. But unfortunately the material is not 
accessible from outside.

Text2DEntity can be embedded in another class that applies the camera 
information to it, but is there an easier solution to this problem?

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D How to model headlight?

2018-09-07 Thread Volker Enderlein


I insert a light source in a scene (headlight) and connect its position 
to the camera position.

But now, when I use camera->viewAll() the bounding volume of the scene 
is enlarged to include the light position. camera->viewAll() changes the 
camera position. And as the light source is connected to the camera 
position, the bounding volume is enlarged every time I do a 

        auto lightEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity(rootEntity());
        auto light = new Qt3DRender::QPointLight(lightEntity);
        light->setColor(QColor::fromRgbF(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
        auto lightTransform = new Qt3DCore::QTransform(lightEntity);

        connect(camera(), SIGNAL(positionChanged(QVector3D)), 
lightTransform, SLOT(setTranslation(QVector3D)));

So the question is: How can I model a headlight that is located at the 
camera position and not included in bounding volume calculation?

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt3D GeometryRenderer TriangleStrip

2018-08-27 Thread Volker Enderlein

Am 27/08/2018 um 11:31 schrieb Sean Harmer:

On 27/08/2018 07:31, Volker Enderlein wrote:


does the Qt3D GeometryRenderer class support TriangleStrip primitives 
with restartIndexValue separated Strips?

Yes. Set the primitiveType property to LineStrip and you can specify 
the restart index value with 



Interest mailing list

Thanks, Shawn.

Rereading my question, I think I need to clarify what I'm after.

Is it possible for a single GeometryRenderer with primitiveType 
`TriangleStrip` to contain multiple indexed TriangleStrips where the 
indexArray entries of the strips are separated by a `restartIndexValue`? 
When testing this, I saw some rendering artifacts with Qt 5.10.0.

Apparently (according to my tests) a GeometryRenderer with primitiveType 
' Triangles'  does support this, but is it supported for primitiveType 
`TriangleStrip` too?

Cheers, Volker


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D GeometryRenderer TriangleStrip

2018-08-27 Thread Volker Enderlein


does the Qt3D GeometryRenderer class support TriangleStrip primitives 
with restartIndexValue separated Strips?

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Understanding issues with Qt3D shadowmap example

2018-02-06 Thread Volker Enderlein

Am 06/02/2018 um 08:35 schrieb Volker Enderlein:


I'm currently playing with the shadowmap example of Qt3D. When having 
a PlaneMesh at (0, -5, 0), a CuboidMesh (width=height=depth=1) above 
the PlaneMesh at (0, -4, 0), and a directional light source at (0, 30, 
0) no shadow is visible on the plane. Because the CuboidMesh is above 
the plane I would expect a shadow to be cast on the PlaneMesh. Adding 
a small change in position of the light say (0.001, 30, 0) procduces a 
shadow on the PlaneMesh.

Do I miss something important?

Cheers Volker

Immediately after sending the question to the list, I solved my problem 
by providing a correct upVector to the lightCamera. Previously upVector 
and light direction were collinear :(

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Understanding issues with Qt3D shadowmap example

2018-02-05 Thread Volker Enderlein


I'm currently playing with the shadowmap example of Qt3D. When having a 
PlaneMesh at (0, -5, 0), a CuboidMesh (width=height=depth=1) above the 
PlaneMesh at (0, -4, 0), and a directional light source at (0, 30, 0) no 
shadow is visible on the plane. Because the CuboidMesh is above the 
plane I would expect a shadow to be cast on the PlaneMesh. Adding a 
small change in position of the light say (0.001, 30, 0) procduces a 
shadow on the PlaneMesh.

Do I miss something important?

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt3D/QML How to access a QTransform based property from C++

2017-08-30 Thread Volker Enderlein

Thanks Guiseppe,

I try to come up with a solution based on your and Sean's answer.

Cheers Volker

Am 30/08/2017 um 11:29 schrieb Giuseppe D'Angelo:

Il 30/08/2017 10:07, Volker Enderlein ha scritto:

Entity {
  id: root

  property Transform frame: Transform {}
  property Material mat: PhongMaterial { diffuse: Qt.rgba(0.8, 0.8,
0.8, 1.0) }


Later I try to update the Transform and Material from C++. But I cannot
set the properties via qmlEntity->setProperty("Transform",
QVariant(Qt3DCore::QTransform)); because QTransform is not usable as

The type of the property is QTransform*, not QTransform -- pass a 
pointer to your QTransform object to setProperty. (Also, the name of 
the property is "frame", not "Transform".)


Qt3DCore::QTransform *t = ...;
entity->setProperty("frame", t);

How would I do that, or should I use an entirely different approach?

Another approach is exposing the QTransform to the QML engine (for 
instance via engine->setContextProperty("_myTransform", t)), then 
using _myTransform in QML:

Entity {
    components: [ _myTransform, ... ]

Hope this helps,

Interest mailing list

Volker Enderlein Institut für Mechatronik e.V.
Phone: +49 (0)371 531 19651  Reichenhainer Strasse 88
Fax:   +49 (0)371 531 19699  D-09126 Chemnitz
Mail: volker.enderl...@ifm-chemnitz.de   www.ifm-chemnitz.de

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Welf-Guntram Drossel (Vorsitz)
Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Freudenberg (Geschäftsführer)

Amtsgericht Chemnitz VR 713
Ust.-IdNr. DE 159285348

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt3D/QML How to access a QTransform based property from C++

2017-08-30 Thread Volker Enderlein

Thanks René,

I tried that already (but unfortunately didn't mention it), but 
Qt3DCore::QTransform is derived from QNode and therefore implicitly from 
QObject so it is missing the copy constructor that is needed for the 
registration as metatype.

Cheers Volker

Am 30/08/2017 um 10:40 schrieb René Hansen:

Try to register Qt3DCore::QTransform as a metatype in your main():



On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 at 10:16 Volker Enderlein 
<mailto:volker.enderl...@ifm-chemnitz.de>> wrote:

Hi all,

for an animation system I try to construct some parameterized QML
components that provide access to their transformation and
material via
properties. The QML part looks the following way:

import Qt3D.Core 2.0
import Qt3D.Render 2.0
import QtQuick 2.0
import Qt3D.Extras 2.0

Entity {
 id: root

 property Transform frame: Transform {}
 property Material mat: PhongMaterial { diffuse: Qt.rgba(0.8, 0.8,
0.8, 1.0) }


Later I try to update the Transform and Material from C++. But I
set the properties via qmlEntity->setProperty("Transform",
QVariant(Qt3DCore::QTransform)); because QTransform is not usable as

How would I do that, or should I use an entirely different approach?

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list
Interest@qt-project.org <mailto:Interest@qt-project.org>

Volker Enderlein Institut für Mechatronik e.V.
Phone: +49 (0)371 531 19651  Reichenhainer Strasse 88
Fax:   +49 (0)371 531 19699  D-09126 Chemnitz
Mail: volker.enderl...@ifm-chemnitz.de   www.ifm-chemnitz.de

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Welf-Guntram Drossel (Vorsitz)
Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Freudenberg (Geschäftsführer)

Amtsgericht Chemnitz VR 713
Ust.-IdNr. DE 159285348

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt3D/QML How to access a QTransform based property from C++

2017-08-30 Thread Volker Enderlein

Hi all,

for an animation system I try to construct some parameterized QML 
components that provide access to their transformation and material via 
properties. The QML part looks the following way:

import Qt3D.Core 2.0
import Qt3D.Render 2.0
import QtQuick 2.0
import Qt3D.Extras 2.0

Entity {
    id: root

    property Transform frame: Transform {}
    property Material mat: PhongMaterial { diffuse: Qt.rgba(0.8, 0.8, 
0.8, 1.0) }



Later I try to update the Transform and Material from C++. But I cannot 
set the properties via qmlEntity->setProperty("Transform", 
QVariant(Qt3DCore::QTransform)); because QTransform is not usable as 

How would I do that, or should I use an entirely different approach?

Cheers Volker


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt 5.8 beta compile error

2016-09-29 Thread Volker Enderlein

Am 29/09/2016 um 20:43 schrieb Thiago Macieira:

Which version of VS2015 are you using? We've been testing with Update 2 and it
has worked for us for some time. Don't upgrade to Update 3, that compiler
generates bad code.

Do you have any additional information on that issue? We just switched 
to VS2015 Update 3 and did not notice any problems up to now.

Cheers Volker

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Permanent offset of QWinWidget with respect to parent window (CView)‏

2015-10-26 Thread Volker Enderlein

we are using QWinMigrate to extend our MFC based Application with some 
Qt Widgets that are shown inside of a CView by means of QWinWidget.

When updating from Qt4 to Qt5 (5.5.0) we experienced a permanent offset 
of the QWinWidget. Inserting a widget->move(0, 0) fixed the problem but 
I'd rather see working the solution as before. Google does not show any 
relevant matches (I must have used the wrong keywords for my query as 
always). Are there any known problems with QWinMigrate?

Cheers Volker
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt 5.5.0 WebEngine module with MSVC2010

2015-10-25 Thread Volker Enderlein
Am 23.10.2015 um 22:21 schrieb Thiago Macieira:
> On Friday 23 October 2015 18:35:22 Reinhardt Behm wrote:
>> Wouldn't it not be a bit strange if a compiler from 2010 supported a
>> standard from 2011? ;-)
> No, not really. It's strange that a compiler from 2010 does *not* support
> enough features of the standard that was then known as C++0x. The standard had
> been in development for years, so the compiler authors were completely aware
> of changes coming.
> GCC started adding C++0x features in version 4.3. Version 4.5 was released in
> 2010 and had a lot features, though by no means complete. By 2012, with the
> 4.7 release, it was almost feature-complete.
> And yet, when we discussed what C++11 features we'll allow in Qt 5.7, we came
> to the conclusion that MSVC 2012 is the lowest common denominator.

I expect that with the recent change of the Visual Studio release model 
Microsoft is including the missing features of the C++11 and C++14 
standards way faster than they would have done before.



Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt 5.5.0 WebEngine module with MSVC2010

2015-10-25 Thread Volker Enderlein
Am 23.10.2015 um 12:30 schrieb Koehne Kai:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: interest-bounces+kai.koehne=theqtcompany@qt-project.org
>> Hi,
>> can the WebEngine module of Qt 5.5.0 be build with MSVC 2010? I've already
>> searched Google and did not find an explicitely answer (my google skills 
>> seem to
>> be not that good).
> On Windows only MSVC 2013 is supported for QtWebEngine in Qt 5.5. Since 
> upstream Chromium requires MSVC 2013, fixing builds for MSVC2012 or 2010 
> would be a huge undertaking.
> We're working on enabling support with MSVC 2015, too (for Qt 5.6).
> Regards
> Kai

I was afraid of that. Thank you Kai for your valuable information.



Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt 5.5.0 WebEngine module with MSVC2010

2015-10-23 Thread Volker Enderlein
sorry for the private mail Reinhardt, I pushed the wrong button.


for some reason I expected this answer, but it only depends what 
features are used from c++11.
The standardization process (and especially the finalization) took so 
many years that many of the standards features are already supported in 
MSVC 2010 (as they also have been supported in predating gcc versions).


Cheers Volker

Am 23/10/2015 um 12:35 schrieb Reinhardt Behm:
> On Friday 23 October 2015 12:24:24 Volker Enderlein wrote:
>> Hi,
>> can the WebEngine module of Qt 5.5.0 be build with MSVC 2010? I've
>> already searched Google and did not find an explicitely answer (my
>> google skills seem to be not that good).
>> I recognized the message "C++11 support is required in order to build
>> chromium." and that the module is not built. Trying to enable C++11
>> support by giving the -c++11 option to configure does not gets me
>> further - it seems to be ignored.
>> Some people have had same problems with enabling C++11 support for more
>> current compilers, but unfortuantely I'm bound to this version.
> Wouldn't it not be a bit strange if a compiler from 2010 supported a standard
> from 2011? ;-)

Volker Enderlein
Tel: +49 (0)371 531 19651  Institut für Mechatronik
Fax: +49 (0)371 531 19699  Reichenhainer Strasse 88
email: vol...@ifm-chemnitz.de  D-09126 Chemnitz

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt 5.5.0 WebEngine module with MSVC2010

2015-10-23 Thread Volker Enderlein

can the WebEngine module of Qt 5.5.0 be build with MSVC 2010? I've 
already searched Google and did not find an explicitely answer (my 
google skills seem to be not that good).

I recognized the message "C++11 support is required in order to build 
chromium." and that the module is not built. Trying to enable C++11 
support by giving the -c++11 option to configure does not gets me 
further - it seems to be ignored.

Some people have had same problems with enabling C++11 support for more 
current compilers, but unfortuantely I'm bound to this version.

Cheers Volker

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Permanent offset of QWinWidget with respect to parent window (CView)‏

2015-10-23 Thread Volker Enderlein

we are using QWinMigrate to extend our MFC based Application with some 
Qt Widgets that are shown inside of a CView by means of QWinWidget.

When updating from Qt4 to Qt5 (5.5.0) we experienced a permanent offset 
of the QWinWidget. Inserting a widget->move(0, 0) fixed the problem but 
I'd rather see working the solution as before. Google does not show any 
relevant matches (I must have used the wrong keywords for my query as 
always). Are there any known problems with QWinMigrate?

Cheers Volker
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Is QMfcApp still working ?

2012-10-15 Thread Volker Enderlein
On 11/10/2012 08:34, ynon perek wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm looking to integrate some old code into Qt and found about the old
 QMfcApp that may solve my problem.
 I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it with recent versions
 of Qt ?

 Thanks In Advance,

 Interest mailing list

Hi ynon perek,

we are using it successfuly with Qt 4.7.4.

Cheers Volker

Interest mailing list