Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

2010-09-22 Thread D1028Gary
Hi Walt,
Thanks for the Masset report, we are all eager to read your daily TP  (and 
TA) reports once your DXpedition team gets fully set up!
This morning was fairly average for TP reception here in  Puyallup, with a 
couple of exceptions. 1044 kHz had an interesting mix of  CRI's Japanese and 
a co-channel (that sounded like Korean to me), but there  wasn't any KBS 
parallel available to check at the time (and the ones  that I was trying for 
wouldn't have worked anyway, according to Chuck :-) Dennis  heard the same 
1044 mix at Grayland this morning.
Your European, Middle East and African TA-DX in Masset always sounds  very 
exotic in this mediocre DXing location, from which Guy has temporarily  
bailed. About this time last year most of the TP-DXers were eagerly reading  
daily Asian DX reports from you and Nick in Victoria, and John on Orcas  
Island. They are really missed, although several of us have attempted to post  
our own. Unfortunately, Puyallup is far from prime DXing territory,  and if 
it were not for the bizarre 9' box loop in the back yard, I  would probably 
be limited to receiving the same "big guns" over and  over. Good luck to 
all of your team!
73, Gary  
In a message dated 9/22/2010 2:33:27 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Hi,  Gary!  Up here in Masset, reception was unusual here.  The worst  
reception since last Saturday morning.  The BOGs died early today, being  
replaced by the ALA 100 for best TP receptionthis in itself was very  
 The big news was last night:  Best TA reception since  Friday night.  
Many, many TAs with the best for me being 1476 Cotonou  (Benin, Africa) in 
French at almost excellent levels, but as usual for TAs  this would fade 
up and down.  Not sure which direction conditions  are heading.  We'll be 
active until Monday morning in any case.   NHK2 signed off the past 2 mornings 
at 14:40.  About 50% of the stations  give an ID locally then, with the 
rest just a network NHK ID.  Good  fun!  The hot TA performer is the Wellbrook 
array.  Andy Ilkin will  be pleased to hear this, although it continues to 
underperform in a major way  in the mornings.  More in the coming days!  
..Walt Salmaniw,  Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:02 PM, <_d1028g...@aol.com_ 
( > wrote:

Hello All,!

It was a morning of fairly average  September TP propagation  here,
generally following Nigel's  description of the regular Asians at  decent 
but the  second-tier TP stations having weaker signals. As  usual,  however,
there were major exceptions to the script, including a  strong TP mix on 
kHz (which Dennis also heard at Grayland, on  his  E100), and a bizarre S9
fade-in of 648-Voice of Russia at  1356 (after the TP propagation had
apparently fizzled out, and my  ICF-2010 spotting receiver had been shut 
off). The
"best bet" Asian  lineup  from 639- 675 kHz (639-China, 648-VOR, 657-North
Korea,  666-JOBK, and  675-Vietnam) was back to regular decent strength  
some weakness yesterday,  and 738-Taiwan was restored to its  normal 
(along with a  rough-sounding carrier).

1044  kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I heard  
recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at  Grayland.  Around
1348 there was a real battle on the frequency,  apparently  with both Korean
and Japanese voices. The Japanese is  undoubtedly CRI's  foreign broadcast
to Japan, but the apparent  Korean was a mystery. I searched  for a KBS
parallel to check, but  none were at decent strength at the time (972  and 
1134 kHz
were in  fades). Dennis' Grayland report of pop Asian  music mixing  with
China (in Japanese) on 1044 kHz gives additional evidence  that  this was
probably the KBS station that we both heard, since Asian pop  music is a 
KBS format. We probably won't ever be sure, but  the 10  kw 1044 kHz KBS
station would be an all-time new Ultralight  TP catch,  if confirmed by 
either of
us in the future. Dennis,  thanks again for your very  useful Grayland

The  other strange occurrence here was a full-strength fade in of  648-VOR
right after the band had apparently died at 1355 (with the  back yard in  
sunlight). My ICF-2010 spotting receiver had  already been taken  inside,
and I was in the process of wrapping up  when I  heard booming music 
signals on
the "barefoot" SWP, which had  fortunately  been left on 648 kHz. I rushed
over to the 9' loop and  recorded an S9  signal of Russian music, right 
every TP  frequency had been  written off as "dead." This was bizarre  
to fully awaken  any half-asleep TP-DXer.

The  following were heard on a C.Crane SWP model (7.5" loopstick)
inductively  coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop (in the back  

558  JOCR  Kobe, Japan  Fair strength  with Japanese music  around 1307
585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Fair-poor with deep fades around  

[IRCA] TP's from Brier, WA 9/22/10

2010-09-22 Thread k7wv
Perseus 2-minute recordings at 1000, 1300 and 1400Z. Conditions seemed down 
overall from yesterday. Highlight was the clear KSLD 1140 ID in the pause just 
prior to TOH at 1000Z. 
The following were heard:
Fair to good with decent non-fading audio:
189  R. Rossii (Russia)
279  R. Rossii (Russia)
585  JOPG Kushiro //594  NHK-1 (Japan)
594  JOAK Tokyo NHK-1 (Japan)
603  HLSA with KK pop music (S. Korea)
640  KYUK Bethel AK good ID at 1000Z
648  VOR  (Russia) good strength
693  JOAB Tokyo (Japan)
747  JOIB  Sapporo (Japan)
774  JOUB Akita (Japan)
828  JOBB Osaka NHK-2 (Japan)
972  HLCA Dangjin (S. Korea)
1140 KSLD Soldotna AK  Nice ID at 1000Z, new one here
1566  HLAZ in steady at 1400Z (S. Korea)

Poor to fair with audio just above threshold at times:
153  R. Rossii (Russia)
234  R. Rossii (Russia)
531  Japan presumed 
675  UNID, presumed Vietnam
693  JOIB Tokyo
738  BEL-2  Taiwan
909  JOCB Nagoya EE lesson NHK-2 //774 at 1400Z (Japan)
1053 UNID 
1134 UNID too weak to discern JJ or KK
1287  JOHR Sapporo weak but identifiable JJ (Japan)
Tom Rothlisberger K7WV
Brier, Washington  USA
Perseus SDR
Wellbrook ALA-100M with 50' loop element NW/SE

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[IRCA] Alberta TA's again

2010-09-22 Thread Nigel Pimblett
  No doubt Walt will be enjoying another fun TA night, as I'm getting 
TA audio again here in southern Alberta.   Just before 0130 heard audio 
from France on 1206 and 1377, as well as the UK on 1215.Last night 
turned out to the be the most productive TA night of the season thus 
far.  Mostly the regulars, with Koran recitations on 783 (Mauritania 
most likely, but too early for a SW parallel) being the most interesting.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

2010-09-22 Thread Chuck Hutton

1062 is never quite as good as 711 but if 1044 is in, maybe 1062 would also be 
favored. 748 and 864 are also frequent visitors when things are good to Korea.
> From:
> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 19:45:01 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22
> Hi Chuck,
> Thanks for the information on the 1044 KBS1 station.
> It sounds like the same situation as the 594-KBS1 station not being 
> parallel with the 603 and 972 KBS stations last November, when I was trying 
> to 
> confirm the 594 station identity. As I recall then, you (or maybe Nick) 
> mentioned the 711 kHz KBS1 station as the best parallel to check, a frequency 
> which unfortunately is ruined here by oppressive KIRO splatter.
> If there are any other KBS1 parallels besides 711 (that are frequent 
> visitors to the west coast), I'll happy to check them instead, if and when 
> 1044 
> kHz has this TP mix again. It was the first time in Puyallup that I've ever 
> heard strong TP competition on the frequency with CRI's Japanese, although 
> Grayland probably has this mix very frequently. Maybe Walt or Guy (in 
> Masset) can give a listen to 1044?
> 73, Gary 
> In a message dated 9/22/2010 3:50:33 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> Hi Gary - 
> If I understand you, you were looking at 972 and 1134 to see if they were 
> parallel to 1044. They're both KBS World Radio whereas 1044 is KBS1 and 
> I've never heard 972 or 1134 with KBS1 programming.
> Chuck
> > From:
> > Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 17:02:13 -0400
> > To:;
> > Subject: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22
> > 1044 kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I heard 
> (and 
> > recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at Grayland. 
> Around 
> > 1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently with both 
> Korean 
> > and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's foreign broadcast 
> > to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I searched for a KBS 
> > parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the time (972 and 
> 1134 kHz 
> > were in fades). > 
> > 73 and Good DX,
> > Gary DeBock 
> ___
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[IRCA] WWV Solar Report

2010-09-22 Thread Ng1u
:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2010 Sep 23 0006 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
#  Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 22 September follow.
Solar flux 85 and mid-latitude A-index 1.
The mid-latitude K-index at  UTC on 23 September was 1 (8 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Date 21   21   21   21   21   22   22   22   22   22   22   22   22   23   
UTC  0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  
SFlx 83   83   83   83   85   85   85   85   85   85   85   85   85   85   
A-in 22224444444411
K-in 21110111001001
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[IRCA] Seattle TP DX 9-22-10

2010-09-22 Thread Bruce Portzer
 Conditions continue to become more interesting as the days go by.  The 
higher powered NHK and Korean stations were down a bit today, as were 
the Alaskans.  However, mid and low band Chinese stations were a bit 
better, with audio finally showing up on 981 and 1035.  945 was trying 
its best to poke through the KJR splatter but never quite succeeded.  I 
also had some audio from Japan 1071 for the first time this season.

Here's what was noted 1245 to 1340:

Good audio
594 JOAK
648 Russia
747 JOIB
774 JOUB

Fair audio
657 N Korea
666 JOBK
693 JOAB
750 KFQD u/KXL
837 China
891 Asian talk, didn't try to ID language
972 Korea
981  China with nice ID at 1301
1206 China
1287 Japan
1566 HLAZ

Bits and pieces of audio
675 Vietnam??
756 probably China
945 presumed China, bits of music during short pauses in KJR splash
 1035 China with CNR time pips at 1300
1044-presumed China
1071 Japan w/NHK pips 1300, possible bits of JJ talk

738 783 792 801 845 855 909 918 927 936 963 1017 1026 1053 1107 1116 
1143 1269 1278 1422 1575

Conspicuously missing
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Re: [IRCA] New ULR log (WNFL) + WHLN 1410 KY on day power?

2010-09-22 Thread DXERak
Hi, Dave--
I heard WHLN on 9/6 doing Friday Night Football. It was the first time I  
had heard them in quite a while, and I haven't heard them since.
73 Bill Dvorak Madison  WI
In a message dated 9/22/2010 6:31:58 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Grabbed  a new ULR log last night (relog to the main).  WNFL 1440  Green
Bay.  Great calls (of course) for a great football town.   Also have been
hearing WHLN Harlan, KY almost every night on 1410.   Potent signal for
41 watts (okay, sarcasm off ;) ).  Anyone else  hearing this one, at

1440 WNFL WI Green Bay 0100 2-22 Fox  Sports update and quick "1440 WNFL"
ID. Fair. Relog but new to the ULR  book. DH-IN


Dave Hascall

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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

2010-09-22 Thread D1028Gary
Hi Chuck,
Thanks for the information on the 1044 KBS1 station.
It sounds like the same situation as the 594-KBS1 station not being  
parallel with the 603 and 972 KBS stations last November, when I was trying  to 
confirm the 594 station identity. As I recall then, you (or maybe Nick)  
mentioned the 711 kHz KBS1 station as the best parallel to check, a  frequency 
which unfortunately is ruined here by oppressive KIRO  splatter.
If there are any other KBS1 parallels besides 711 (that are frequent  
visitors to the west coast), I'll happy to check them instead, if and  when 
kHz has this TP mix again. It was the first time in Puyallup that  I've ever 
heard strong TP competition on the frequency with CRI's Japanese,  although 
Grayland probably has this mix very frequently. Maybe Walt or  Guy (in 
Masset) can give a listen to 1044?
73, Gary   
In a message dated 9/22/2010 3:50:33 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Hi Gary - 

If I understand you, you were looking at  972 and 1134 to see if they were 
parallel to 1044. They're both KBS World  Radio whereas 1044 is KBS1 and 
I've never heard 972 or 1134 with KBS1  programming.


> From:
> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 17:02:13 -0400
> To:;
> Subject: [IRCA]  Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

> 1044 kHz was  the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I heard 
>  recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at Grayland. 
> 1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently with both  
> and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's foreign  broadcast 
> to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I searched  for a KBS 
> parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the  time (972 and 
1134 kHz 
> were in fades). > 

>  73 and Good DX,
> Gary DeBock 

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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

2010-09-22 Thread Chuck Hutton

 Hi Gary - 
If I understand you, you were looking at 972 and 1134 to see if they were 
parallel to 1044. They're both KBS World Radio whereas 1044 is KBS1 and I've 
never heard 972 or 1134 with KBS1 programming.

> From:
> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 17:02:13 -0400
> To:;
> Subject: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

> 1044 kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I heard (and 
> recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at Grayland. Around 
> 1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently with both Korean 
> and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's foreign broadcast 
> to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I searched for a KBS 
> parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the time (972 and 1134 
> kHz 
> were in fades). > 

> 73 and Good DX,
> Gary DeBock 
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Re: [IRCA] Masset TA/TP activity for 22 Sept 2010: Africa again on MW

2010-09-22 Thread Chuck Hutton

Hi Walt - 
That's an interesting piece of news about Benin. With our often poor updates on 
African stations, they had been thought to be off the air for many years. With 
the level you had, maybe they'll make it further south. Any interference from 
the Basque station?
> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 21:38:48 +
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [IRCA] Masset TA/TP activity for 22 Sept 2010: Africa again on MW
> Hi, Gary!  Up here in Masset, reception was unusual here.  The worst
> reception since last Saturday morning.  The BOGs died early today,
> being replaced by the ALA 100 for best TP receptionthis in itself
> was very unusual.  The big news was last night:  Best TA reception
> since Friday night.  Many, many TAs with the best for me being 1476
> Cotonou (Benin, Africa) in French at almost excellent levels, but as
> usual for TAs this would fade rapidly up and down.  Not sure which
> direction conditions are heading.  We'll be active until Monday morning
> in any case.  NHK2 signed off the past 2 mornings at 14:40.  About 50%
> of the stations give an ID locally then, with the rest just a network
> NHK ID.  Good fun!  The hot TA performer is the Wellbrook array.  Andy
> Ilkin will be pleased to hear this, although it continues to
> underperform in a major way in the mornings.  More in the coming days! 
> ..Walt Salmaniw, Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC
> - Original Message -
> From:
> Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 21:02
> Subject: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22
> To:,
> > Hello All,
> >  
> > It was a morning of fairly average September TP 
> > propagation  here, 
> > generally following Nigel's description of the regular Asians 
> > at  decent strength, 
> > but the second-tier TP stations having weaker signals. As  
> > usual, however, 
> > there were major exceptions to the script, including a  
> > strong TP mix on 1044 
> > kHz (which Dennis also heard at Grayland, on his  E100), 
> > and a bizarre S9 
> > fade-in of 648-Voice of Russia at  1356 (after the TP 
> > propagation had 
> > apparently fizzled out, and my  ICF-2010 spotting receiver 
> > had been shut off). The 
> > "best bet" Asian lineup  from 639- 675 kHz (639-China, 648-
> > VOR, 657-North 
> > Korea, 666-JOBK, and  675-Vietnam) was back to regular 
> > decent strength after 
> > some weakness yesterday,  and 738-Taiwan was restored to 
> > its normal strength 
> > (along with a  rough-sounding carrier).
> >  
> > 1044 kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I 
> > heard (and 
> >  recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at 
> > Grayland.  Around 
> > 1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently  
> > with both Korean 
> > and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's  
> > foreign broadcast 
> > to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I 
> > searched  for a KBS 
> > parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the time 
> > (972  and 1134 kHz 
> > were in fades). Dennis' Grayland report of pop Asian  music 
> > mixing with 
> > China (in Japanese) on 1044 kHz gives additional evidence  
> > that this was 
> > probably the KBS station that we both heard, since Asian 
> > pop  music is a standard 
> > KBS format. We probably won't ever be sure, but the 10  kw 
> > 1044 kHz KBS 
> > station would be an all-time new Ultralight TP catch,  if 
> > confirmed by either of 
> > us in the future. Dennis, thanks again for your very  
> > useful Grayland 
> > reports!
> >  
> > The other strange occurrence here was a full-strength fade in 
> > of  648-VOR 
> > right after the band had apparently died at 1355 (with the back 
> > yard in  full 
> > sunlight). My ICF-2010 spotting receiver had already been 
> > taken  inside, 
> > and I was in the process of wrapping up when I  heard 
> > booming music signals on 
> > the "barefoot" SWP, which had fortunately  been left on 648 
> > kHz. I rushed 
> > over to the 9' loop and recorded an S9  signal of Russian 
> > music, right after 
> > every TP frequency had been  written off as "dead." This 
> > was bizarre enough 
> > to fully awaken  any half-asleep TP-DXer.
> >  
> > The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP model (7.5" 
> > loopstick)  
> > inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop (in the 
> > back  yard):
> >  
> > 558  JOCR  Kobe, Japan  Fair strength with 
> > Japanese music  around 1307
> > 585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Fair-poor with deep 
> > fades around  1309, // 594 
> > 594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good strength Japanese 
> > conversation  at 1308
> > 603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair KBS music 
> > program  w/CC QRM, 1311
> > 639  CNR1  (China)  Fair to good music and 
> > Chinese speech at  1319
> > 648  VOR  Razdolnoye, Russia  Good Chinese 
> > program  signals, then weird
> >S9 
> > fade-in  after band was "dead"  
> > _http://www.medi

[IRCA] Masset TA/TP activity for 22 Sept 2010: Africa again on MW

2010-09-22 Thread WALTER SALMANIW
Hi, Gary!  Up here in Masset, reception was unusual here.  The worst
reception since last Saturday morning.  The BOGs died early today,
being replaced by the ALA 100 for best TP receptionthis in itself
was very unusual.  The big news was last night:  Best TA reception
since Friday night.  Many, many TAs with the best for me being 1476
Cotonou (Benin, Africa) in French at almost excellent levels, but as
usual for TAs this would fade rapidly up and down.  Not sure which
direction conditions are heading.  We'll be active until Monday morning
in any case.  NHK2 signed off the past 2 mornings at 14:40.  About 50%
of the stations give an ID locally then, with the rest just a network
NHK ID.  Good fun!  The hot TA performer is the Wellbrook array.  Andy
Ilkin will be pleased to hear this, although it continues to
underperform in a major way in the mornings.  More in the coming days! 
..Walt Salmaniw, Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC

- Original Message -
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 21:02
Subject: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

> Hello All,
> It was a morning of fairly average September TP 
> propagation  here, 
> generally following Nigel's description of the regular Asians 
> at  decent strength, 
> but the second-tier TP stations having weaker signals. As  
> usual, however, 
> there were major exceptions to the script, including a  
> strong TP mix on 1044 
> kHz (which Dennis also heard at Grayland, on his  E100), 
> and a bizarre S9 
> fade-in of 648-Voice of Russia at  1356 (after the TP 
> propagation had 
> apparently fizzled out, and my  ICF-2010 spotting receiver 
> had been shut off). The 
> "best bet" Asian lineup  from 639- 675 kHz (639-China, 648-
> VOR, 657-North 
> Korea, 666-JOBK, and  675-Vietnam) was back to regular 
> decent strength after 
> some weakness yesterday,  and 738-Taiwan was restored to 
> its normal strength 
> (along with a  rough-sounding carrier).
> 1044 kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I 
> heard (and 
>  recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at 
> Grayland.  Around 
> 1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently  
> with both Korean 
> and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's  
> foreign broadcast 
> to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I 
> searched  for a KBS 
> parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the time 
> (972  and 1134 kHz 
> were in fades). Dennis' Grayland report of pop Asian  music 
> mixing with 
> China (in Japanese) on 1044 kHz gives additional evidence  
> that this was 
> probably the KBS station that we both heard, since Asian 
> pop  music is a standard 
> KBS format. We probably won't ever be sure, but the 10  kw 
> 1044 kHz KBS 
> station would be an all-time new Ultralight TP catch,  if 
> confirmed by either of 
> us in the future. Dennis, thanks again for your very  
> useful Grayland 
> reports!
> The other strange occurrence here was a full-strength fade in 
> of  648-VOR 
> right after the band had apparently died at 1355 (with the back 
> yard in  full 
> sunlight). My ICF-2010 spotting receiver had already been 
> taken  inside, 
> and I was in the process of wrapping up when I  heard 
> booming music signals on 
> the "barefoot" SWP, which had fortunately  been left on 648 
> kHz. I rushed 
> over to the 9' loop and recorded an S9  signal of Russian 
> music, right after 
> every TP frequency had been  written off as "dead." This 
> was bizarre enough 
> to fully awaken  any half-asleep TP-DXer.
> The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP model (7.5" 
> loopstick)  
> inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop (in the 
> back  yard):
> 558  JOCR  Kobe, Japan  Fair strength with 
> Japanese music  around 1307
> 585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Fair-poor with deep 
> fades around  1309, // 594 
> 594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good strength Japanese 
> conversation  at 1308
> 603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair KBS music 
> program  w/CC QRM, 1311
> 639  CNR1  (China)  Fair to good music and 
> Chinese speech at  1319
> 648  VOR  Razdolnoye, Russia  Good Chinese 
> program  signals, then weird
>    S9 
> fade-in  after band was "dead"  
> _ 
> (  
> 657  Pyongyang BS, N. Korea Angry shouts from YL  (?) 
> back at full strength
> 666  JOBK  Osaka, Japan  Fair-good for most of 
> morning with  NHK1 talk
> 675  VOV  Hanoi, Vietnam  Good strength In and 
> out  with Vietnamese talk
> 738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Good Chinese pop 
> music  signals o/KK at 1332
> 747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Strong Japanese talk 
> over KXL  splatter, 1318
> 756  CNR1  (China)  Fair strength at 1333 with 
> Chinese music  program
> 774  JOUB  Akita, Japan Good strength but no match for 
> KTTH  splatter
> 828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Radio English 
> Conversati

Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

2010-09-22 Thread Walter Salmaniw
Hi, Gary!  Up here in Masset, reception was unusual here.  The worst
reception since last Saturday morning.  The BOGs died early today, being
replaced by the ALA 100 for best TP receptionthis in itself was very
unusual.  The big news was last night:  Best TA reception since Friday
night.  Many, many TAs with the best for me being 1476 Cotonou (Benin,
Africa) in French at almost excellent levels, but as usual for TAs this
would fade rapidly up and down.  Not sure which direction conditions are
heading.  We'll be active until Monday morning in any case.  NHK2 signed off
the past 2 mornings at 14:40.  About 50% of the stations give an ID locally
then, with the rest just a network NHK ID.  Good fun!  The hot TA performer
is the Wellbrook array.  Andy Ilkin will be pleased to hear this, although
it continues to underperform in a major way in the mornings.  More in the
coming days!  ..Walt Salmaniw, Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:02 PM,  wrote:

> Hello All,!
> It was a morning of fairly average September TP propagation  here,
> generally following Nigel's description of the regular Asians at  decent
> strength,
> but the second-tier TP stations having weaker signals. As  usual, however,
> there were major exceptions to the script, including a  strong TP mix on
> 1044
> kHz (which Dennis also heard at Grayland, on his  E100), and a bizarre S9
> fade-in of 648-Voice of Russia at  1356 (after the TP propagation had
> apparently fizzled out, and my  ICF-2010 spotting receiver had been shut
> off). The
> "best bet" Asian lineup  from 639- 675 kHz (639-China, 648-VOR, 657-North
> Korea, 666-JOBK, and  675-Vietnam) was back to regular decent strength
> after
> some weakness yesterday,  and 738-Taiwan was restored to its normal
> strength
> (along with a  rough-sounding carrier).
> 1044 kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I heard (and
>  recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at Grayland.  Around
> 1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently  with both Korean
> and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's  foreign broadcast
> to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I searched  for a KBS
> parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the time (972  and
> 1134 kHz
> were in fades). Dennis' Grayland report of pop Asian  music mixing with
> China (in Japanese) on 1044 kHz gives additional evidence  that this was
> probably the KBS station that we both heard, since Asian pop  music is a
> standard
> KBS format. We probably won't ever be sure, but the 10  kw 1044 kHz KBS
> station would be an all-time new Ultralight TP catch,  if confirmed by
> either of
> us in the future. Dennis, thanks again for your very  useful Grayland
> reports!
> The other strange occurrence here was a full-strength fade in of  648-VOR
> right after the band had apparently died at 1355 (with the back yard in
>  full
> sunlight). My ICF-2010 spotting receiver had already been taken  inside,
> and I was in the process of wrapping up when I  heard booming music signals
> on
> the "barefoot" SWP, which had fortunately  been left on 648 kHz. I rushed
> over to the 9' loop and recorded an S9  signal of Russian music, right
> after
> every TP frequency had been  written off as "dead." This was bizarre enough
> to fully awaken  any half-asleep TP-DXer.
> The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP model (7.5" loopstick)
> inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop (in the back
>  yard):
> 558  JOCR  Kobe, Japan  Fair strength with Japanese music  around 1307
> 585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Fair-poor with deep fades around  1309, // 594
> 594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good strength Japanese conversation  at 1308
> 603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair KBS music program  w/CC QRM, 1311
> 639  CNR1  (China)  Fair to good music and Chinese speech at  1319
> 648  VOR  Razdolnoye, Russia  Good Chinese program  signals, then weird
>   S9 fade-in  after band was "dead"
> _ (
> 657  Pyongyang BS, N. Korea Angry shouts from YL  (?) back at full strength
> 666  JOBK  Osaka, Japan  Fair-good for most of morning with  NHK1 talk
> 675  VOV  Hanoi, Vietnam  Good strength In and out  with Vietnamese talk
> 738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Good Chinese pop music  signals o/KK at 1332
> 747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Strong Japanese talk over KXL  splatter, 1318
> 756  CNR1  (China)  Fair strength at 1333 with Chinese music  program
> 774  JOUB  Akita, Japan Good strength but no match for KTTH  splatter
> 828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Radio English Conversation program  at fair-good
>strength  around 1326
> _ (
> 891  JOHK  Sendai, Japan  Poor-fair Japanese talk program at  1335, // 594
> 972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair Korean music program  around 1320
> 1035  CNR1 (China)  G

[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22

2010-09-22 Thread D1028Gary
Hello All,
It was a morning of fairly average September TP propagation  here, 
generally following Nigel's description of the regular Asians at  decent 
but the second-tier TP stations having weaker signals. As  usual, however, 
there were major exceptions to the script, including a  strong TP mix on 1044 
kHz (which Dennis also heard at Grayland, on his  E100), and a bizarre S9 
fade-in of 648-Voice of Russia at  1356 (after the TP propagation had 
apparently fizzled out, and my  ICF-2010 spotting receiver had been shut off). 
"best bet" Asian lineup  from 639- 675 kHz (639-China, 648-VOR, 657-North 
Korea, 666-JOBK, and  675-Vietnam) was back to regular decent strength after 
some weakness yesterday,  and 738-Taiwan was restored to its normal strength 
(along with a  rough-sounding carrier).
1044 kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I heard (and 
 recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at Grayland.  Around 
1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently  with both Korean 
and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's  foreign broadcast 
to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I searched  for a KBS 
parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the time (972  and 1134 
were in fades). Dennis' Grayland report of pop Asian  music mixing with 
China (in Japanese) on 1044 kHz gives additional evidence  that this was 
probably the KBS station that we both heard, since Asian pop  music is a 
KBS format. We probably won't ever be sure, but the 10  kw 1044 kHz KBS 
station would be an all-time new Ultralight TP catch,  if confirmed by either 
us in the future. Dennis, thanks again for your very  useful Grayland 
The other strange occurrence here was a full-strength fade in of  648-VOR 
right after the band had apparently died at 1355 (with the back yard in  full 
sunlight). My ICF-2010 spotting receiver had already been taken  inside, 
and I was in the process of wrapping up when I  heard booming music signals on 
the "barefoot" SWP, which had fortunately  been left on 648 kHz. I rushed 
over to the 9' loop and recorded an S9  signal of Russian music, right after 
every TP frequency had been  written off as "dead." This was bizarre enough 
to fully awaken  any half-asleep TP-DXer.
The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP model (7.5" loopstick)  
inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop (in the back  yard):
558  JOCR  Kobe, Japan  Fair strength with Japanese music  around 1307
585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Fair-poor with deep fades around  1309, // 594 
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good strength Japanese conversation  at 1308
603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair KBS music program  w/CC QRM, 1311
639  CNR1  (China)  Fair to good music and Chinese speech at  1319
648  VOR  Razdolnoye, Russia  Good Chinese program  signals, then weird
   S9 fade-in  after band was "dead"  
657  Pyongyang BS, N. Korea Angry shouts from YL  (?) back at full strength
666  JOBK  Osaka, Japan  Fair-good for most of morning with  NHK1 talk
675  VOV  Hanoi, Vietnam  Good strength In and out  with Vietnamese talk
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Good Chinese pop music  signals o/KK at 1332
747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Strong Japanese talk over KXL  splatter, 1318
756  CNR1  (China)  Fair strength at 1333 with Chinese music  program
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan Good strength but no match for KTTH  splatter
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Radio English Conversation program  at fair-good 
strength  around 1326  
891  JOHK  Sendai, Japan  Poor-fair Japanese talk program at  1335, // 594
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair Korean music program  around 1320
1035  CNR1 (China)  Good strength speech and music but deep  fades, 1345
1044  TP-Mix  A strong mix of Japanese (from CRI) and  apparent Korean at
1348;  KBS // not available to check at the time, but apparent 
at  other times  _ 
1053  Korean Jammer  Weaker than usual this morning, with CC  competition
1053  UnID Chinese  Back with the "restaurant music," in and out  at fair 
(thanks  to Dennis for his Grayland report on this ID-adverse 
1134  TP-Mix  Standard September shootout of JOQR and KBS at good  level
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Fair-good with Japanese  religious program, 1301
1575  VOA  Ban Rassom, Thailand  Asiatic language program at  poor level, 
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock 
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[IRCA] WWV Solar Report

2010-09-22 Thread Ng1u
:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2010 Sep 22 1801 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
#  Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 21 September follow.
Solar flux 85 and mid-latitude A-index 4.
The mid-latitude K-index at 1800 UTC on 22 September was 0 (3 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Date 21   21   21   21   21   21   21   22   22   22   22   22   22   22   
UTC  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 
SFlx 83   83   83   83   83   83   85   85   85   85   85   85   85   85   
A-in 22222244444444
K-in 22211101110010
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[IRCA] TP's for 09/22/10 Ultralight Grayland, WA

2010-09-22 Thread vroomski

Listened from 1124-1435 utc.  After reading Gary's description of 1053 kHz in 
posting, I believe now that I heard the station that plays the restaurant style 
Listening to the 10/04/09 recording, it sounds like the music I heard yesterday 
and this
morning on 1053.  Thanks Gary for posting the clip. 

This morning it was slow early.  Stations improved from 1330-1430 utc.  Again 
lower channels
far better than the upper channels. Only one TP heard above 1323 kHz, and that 
was HLAZ 1566
with a good signal briefly, then faded to weak.  Placing the twin ferrite 
antenna outside away
from the cottage was better than with it inside.  Placed it on a piece of fire 
wood.  Found a pvc
stand that is around 4' tall and will try and strap the antenna to this stand 
for tomorrows listening.
With Summer gone and Fall here, conditions hopefully will improve.  

520 UNKNOWN,1159 beacon with Morse code INE fair.
567 JAPAN, JOIK 1322 fair with woman/man in Japanese.
603 REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLSA 1327 fair with woman talking.
639 CHINA, CRN1 1335 weak to fair with man in Chinese.
648 RUSSIA, 1331 fair with man talking. Listed in PALs as VOA Korean.  1333 
good signal.
657 DPR OF KOREA, 1350 fair with stern talking man.  
666 JAPAN, JOBK 1339 fair with man interviewing another man in Japanese.
675 VIETNAM,? VOV1 1341 weak, but steady signal with woman in Asian 
693 JAPAN, JOAB NHK2 1225 fair with spatter.  English Radio Conversation 
702 JAPAN, JO?? NHK2 1348 one of the two NHK2's listed. Fair and // 774.
720 UNKNOWN, 1348 woman in Asian language over/under domestic stations.
774 JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1124 good with man in Japanese with a little splatter.
783 UNKNOWN, 1354 two very weak stations, one with woman in Asian language.
792 UNKNOWN, 1401 weak with man in Asian language. 
828 JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1137 fair with Japanese and some splatter
828 UNKNOWN, 1404 station under JOBB. Weak signal with man in Asian 
864 UNKNOWN, 1408 weak with man in Asian language and KPAM splatter.
972 REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLCA 1410 Great signal, no splatter at all.  Two men 
talking in Korean.
1044CHINA, CRI 1234 man in Japanese over unknown station.
1044UNKNOWN, 1234 under or equal at times with China.  Pop Asian music.
1053REPUBLIC OF KOREA, 1223 jammer on top of channel.
1053CHINA?, 1219 fair for a while with music, then under jammer.
1053JAPAN, JOLB 1415 fair with man/woman in Japanese.
1134CHINA, CRN1 1419 good signal with man yelling with music in background.
1143JAPAN, JOBR 1422-1427 fair man in Japanese and music between talk.
1287JAPAN, JOHR 1430 weak with woman in Japanese.
1323CHINA, CRI 1317 fair with man in Asian language. 
1566REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ 1309 good signal for a minute, then faded.

Best Regards,

Dennis Vroom
Grayland, WA
Eton e100
Twin ferrite antenna
Solar Indices SF=85 A-4  K=0
Local Sunrise 1403 utc
Local Sunset  0214 utc
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[IRCA] NE Oregon TPs, Wednesday

2010-09-22 Thread Steve Ratzlaff
It seemed like conditions were very good for TPs today despite the very high 
static even on MW. And I woke up an hour late but 209 Mongolia was still 
doing well, even with the high static especially at LF. Even when the static 
from midwest storms died off the band was still noisy everywhere. I can't 
tell one Asian language from another, so I just list "Asian" for audio I 
hear. I don't get enough practice hearing languages to be able to learn to 
tell one from another. Some like the English lessons are obviously from 
Japan so I list that as Japan. 531 poor Asian 1326 utc; 558 poor Asian; 567 
weak Asian; 594 weak/medium Asian; 612 very poor Asian; 639 very poor/poor 
Asian; 657 very poor/poor off-freq Asian; 666 very poor/poor Asian; 693 poor 
Asian; 738 very poor/poor Asian; 774 poor/weak Asian; 792 poor Asian music 
1332; 828 weak JJ with EE lessons; 891 poor Asian; 1116 poor DU 1335; 1566 
HLAZ weak/medium 1337; 891 poor DU now; 774 JJ up to medium with EE lesson 
1342; 594 weak/medium Asian 1344; 567 poor/weak Asian; 774 finally faded 
1349; 891 continues poor DU fading 1358.
LWBC 209 Mongolia poor in heavy static 1233; Radio Rossii poor then most 
freqs 153, 171, 180, 189, 234, 279.

NE Oregon
R75, longwires 

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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 22 Sep 2010

2010-09-22 Thread Nigel Pimblett
Conditions here were down a bit from yesterday morning.  The regulars 
were generally OK, but the second tier stuff was not to be found.  This 
morning's audio:

558 - unID, sounded Japanese, but too weak to be 100% certain
567 - JOIK Japan
594 - JOAK Japan (just barely in audio today)
693 - JOAB Japan
747 - JOIB Japan
774 - JOUB Japan
819 - unID (faint traces of woman speaking)
828 - JOBB Japan
837 - traces of audio
873 - JOGB Japan
972 - HLCA S Korea
1287 - traces of audio, likely JOHR Japan
1566 - HLAZ S Korea


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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2010-09-22 Thread HASCALL, DAVID CIV DFAS
Oh man, am I losing it.  That WNFL log was ***9***-22 not 2-22.  John
Reiger caught my error. :)

Dave in Indy

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[IRCA] New ULR log (WNFL) + WHLN 1410 KY on day power?

2010-09-22 Thread HASCALL, DAVID CIV DFAS
Grabbed a new ULR log last night (relog to the main).  WNFL 1440 Green
Bay.  Great calls (of course) for a great football town.  Also have been
hearing WHLN Harlan, KY almost every night on 1410.  Potent signal for
41 watts (okay, sarcasm off ;) ).  Anyone else hearing this one, at

1440 WNFL WI Green Bay 0100 2-22 Fox Sports update and quick "1440 WNFL"
ID. Fair. Relog but new to the ULR book. DH-IN


Dave Hascall

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