[Ironruby-core] IronRuby Compiles Broken?

2008-10-23 Thread Ted Milker
Is the IronRuby tree currently broken for compiles?  I have tried
everything I can think of to get it to build and I just get:

Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x86 tools.

c:\Users\ted\Desktop\IronRubyrake compile
(in c:/Users/ted/Desktop/IronRuby)
Read in 17 resources from c:\users\ted\desktop\ironruby\src\microsoft.scripting
Writing resource file...  Done.
The command line is too long.
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [csc /out:c:\users\ted\desktop\ironruby\bu...]
(See full trace by running task with --trace)


I am running on Vista Ultimate 64bit with Visual Studio 2008
Professional.  I have tried both the 32bit and 64bit command line
shortcuts and I just cannot get past The command line is too long.
I cannot even figure out which command line is too long.  I have tried
on two different machines(both Vista Ultimate 64bit) with the same
Ironruby-core mailing list

Re: [Ironruby-core] IronRuby Compiles Broken?

2008-10-23 Thread Ted Milker
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Ivan Porto Carrero
 I got the same errors yesterday. I could build it using visual studio
 Mine was on vista 32-bit in both powershell and command

Wow, I sure was overlooking the obvious.  I have been fighting this
since the weekend, trying to figure out what was wrong.  I was reading
your book and have been trying to build with your instructions in the
first chapter and I totally missed the solution file.
Ironruby-core mailing list

Re: [Ironruby-core] Overriding CLS Virtuals

2008-10-25 Thread Ted Milker
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Orion Edwards
 While none of the languages will stop you from using any conventions you
 like, it's MUCH easier to learn to put your ego aside, and go with the

I agree, however, the DLR adds a twist to the formula.

 The simple fact is, you're going to be reading loads of sourcecode written
 by others in the form of examples and so forth, and if you get annoyed every
 time you see stuff you 'hate' - well you're going to be having a pretty
 unhappy time.

I do not get annoyed if I am reading or programming in a single
language.  I do like to keep things simple though.  If I am working in
.NET, I am going to keep a single, consistent style convention for my
source code.  I am not going to maintain two different conventions
just because I am using Ruby in half of my app and C# in the other.
Even if it were pure Ruby in IronRuby, I would use .NET guidelines
because I am almost certain to be using the .NET libraries in
IronRuby.  In this case and in my opinion, the framework determines
the convention, not the languages used.

One of the main reasons why I am interested in IronRuby is because it
will give me access to WPF.  GUIs with Ruby in Windows, I have
learned, is a pretty painful and overall annoying experience compared
to C# and WPF.

I do have a particular dislike for the underscore key because of its
placement on the keyboard as well.
Ironruby-core mailing list

Re: [Ironruby-core] Overriding CLS Virtuals

2008-10-26 Thread Ted Milker
On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 12:20 AM, Curt Hagenlocher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, virtual calls from a C# application back into IronRuby are a 
 different matter, due Ruby's dynamic nature.  Here there is both a 
 performance cost and a semantic cost for performing multiple lookups.  The 
 performance cost results from the fact that we have to check for two 
 different symbol names on every CLS call to this method before we can 
 identify that we need to delegate to the base class implementation.  (To be 
 fair, this, too could be cached, albeit with slightly greater difficulty.)  
 The semantic cost is based in the confusion resulting when methods with both 
 names are defined on the class.  Should we call method dispose or method 
 Dispose? or both?

This is a tough one, glad I do not have to make the call.  Pitfalls
and trouble every way I try to think of it and type a response. :)  My
gut tells me that capitalization matters, regardless of The Ruby Way,
when it comes to .NET.  If you want to write a new Dispose, def

 Finally, as you're probably aware by now, capitalization in Ruby is not 
 simply a matter of convention.  In many cases, the parser actually treats 
 identifiers which start with a capital letter differently than it does 
 identifiers that start lower case.  Now it turns out that method names are 
 one of the places where Ruby doesn't draw this distinction, but I'd guess 
 that many Ruby programmers look at any identifier starting with a capital 
 letter and think that's a constant.

But given the following:

def Foo


what Ruby programmer would look at Foo and still think it is a
constant?  Of course, if I would have made it lowercase, the
parentheses would not be necessary.  My point is that the parentheses
tell the reader that it is not a constant, but a method.  Is there a
situation where Foo could appear legally, as defined above, without
parentheses and be confused for a constant?
Ironruby-core mailing list

Re: [Ironruby-core] Unicode Source Files

2008-10-26 Thread Ted Milker
Here is the extension method I am using if anyone else is interested:

public static object ExecuteUnicodeFile( this ScriptRuntime rt, string
filename )
string rbCode;

// OpenText will strip the BOM and keep the Unicode intact
using( var rdr = File.OpenText( filename ) )
rbCode = rdr.ReadToEnd();

return IronRuby.Ruby.GetEngine( rt ).Execute( rbCode );

It works great for using Japanese in strings in Ruby with IronRuby and WPF.
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