Boycott Israel [IslamCity] KSM Confessed To Attacking Bank Founded After His Arrest!

2007-03-18 Thread Z T Minhas
Have Your SaySend us your feedback
 What is your reaction to 9/11 
confession?   How big a threat is terrorism? 

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the man accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks, 
appeared before a closed hearing at Guantanamo Bay where he is said to have 
confessed involvement in the September attacks. 

He also confessed to playing a leading role in 30 other terrorist plots 
including attacks on Heathrow airport, Big Ben and Canary Wharf. 

The lawyer representing British detainees in Guantanamo has said the confession 
lacked any credibility because of the way the situation has been handled. 

What is your reaction to this confession? How big a threat is al-Qaeda? Send us 
your views.

Friday, 16 March, 2007, 15:58 GMT 15:58 UK  

 I do not believe most of the testimony. I am ashamed of my 
country's leaders actions in Iraq, Guantanomo, and now their threats to Iran. 
We condone torture and that makes us as bad as those who attacked us on 9/11. I 
welcome the impeachment of Bush, Cheney and the entire adminstration for their 
actions, lies, and greed for power. I am proud of our armed forces, but am 
ashamed that our leaders allow the destruction in the name of power and greed.
 Patricia J. George, Camp Verde, AZ USA

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 Added:Friday, 16 
March, 2007, 15:53 GMT 15:53 UK  
 I am so with almost everyone when I say that this confession was 
forced, fabricated and that most US citizens are really sheltered and gullible. 
Do you have any idea how horrible the conditions are physically and 
psychologically at Guantanamo - are you that sheltered? He's a perfect martyr, 
talking more and more to free those in the cells next door. I've lost most of 
my respect for US intelligence. To all you blind patriots: watch a documentary, 
read a UN report, open your eyes!
 Emily Alp, Brooklyn, United States 

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  Added:Friday, 16 March, 2007, 
15:45 GMT 15:45 UK  
 My reaction was to chuckle quietly for a couple of minutes and 
then all was forgotten.  

What I do wonder is what the US intends to achieve with this statement? Perhaps 
KSM's interogators didn't understand the sarcasm in his voice when he said he 
was incharge of 9/11 or Bali

The fact is, although many don't even believe Bin Laden was responsible for the 
WTC attacks, the US feels compelled to try and bring closure to the whole 

Unfortunately its has made itself look the fool
 James, London

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 Added:Friday, 16 
March, 2007, 15:45 GMT 15:45 UK  
 I've visited America and I love it. I have good friends there so 
it's very sad for me to have to say that it is true, I have lost complete trust 
in what the American establishment has to say - but it's exactly the same with 
the mob in Whitehall. 

This man is a monster which is all the more reason that his 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Look who's talking !!!

2007-03-18 Thread raja chemayel
  Look who's talking !!!

Israel keeps on repeating that Hamas' government
  must respect and recognise all past agreements .
  Also Hamas should recognise Israel and renounce violence .
  Israel is backed here blindly by the USA 
and all its lackeys , on that subject .


Good Job done by such a demagogic-state.. !!
but  , we have to remember  that :
1- Israel never ever recognised Hamas
2- Israel is the cause and the source of all violence's
3- although Israel signed some agreements ,
it has never implemented them.
4- the West Bank was partly evacuated before being totally re-occupied.
5- Gaza was also evacuated before being bombed ,besieged and starved.
6- Jerusalem was never evacuated 
but on the contrary it was , even further, ethnically cleansed
7. the Chairman of the PLO who trusted Israel
died poisoned and locked in a cellar by Israel.
8. Money collected on behalf of the Palestinians is kept
by Israel , for blackmail and extortion .

In other words and in short :
Israel did negotiate and sign agreements which it never implemented ,
but it blames Hamas for not recognising agreements it never even negotiated .

Raja Chemayel
How silly  can it get ??
18Th. of March 2007

 Web email has come of age. Don't settle for less than the All New Yahoo! Mail.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Duality that Governs Our World

2007-03-18 Thread saiyed shahbazi
  Duality that Governs Our World  Written by Najah Kadhim   
 Feb 02, 2007 at 12:46 PM Two states exist in our world. In other 
words, it is a binary state that rules the dynamics of society. It is duality 
that governs our world. It is the positive state and the negative state; it is 
the measure and the countermeasure; it is conformity and diversity.

These two states meet at times and separate at other times, thus creating the 
basis of balance and motion in the world. It is the positive versus the 
negative at one moment, and the positive born of the negative at another moment.
In the digital world of the binary logic of electronic circuits, there is one 
state (ON) versus the other state (OFF), or according to its mathematics 
(Boolean algebra): ones versus zeros. It means that the possibilities or states 
cannot exist at the same time.
Yet in the principles of quantum mechanics that are being applied to the 
development of quantum computers, the two states of positive and negative (or 
zeros and ones) exist at the same time.
This situation has implications for the possibility that diversity leads to 
motion, which results in coordination.
It seems that diversity, with its variations, initiates the principles of 
organization. Organization develops from the continuous motion of uniformity 
and divergence, which, in turn, creates different or new situations or 
The probability of whether an event will occur or not does not mean 
disorganization or coincidence, as some people believe, or that there is no 
purpose to the existence of this universe. As modern science has demonstrated, 
even if the mathematical versions or patterns that underpin its theories are 
not right, they are not necessarily wrong.
The presence of uniformity and diversity at the same time in some states and 
one versus the other in other states leads to new probabilities. The relativity 
of an event not happening does not negate its absolute happening. The 
relativity of recognizing and understanding new situations does not negate the 
origin of the absolute.
Electricity, the pulse of modern life, is generated as the result of the 
polarization of the positive and negative charges. It is the flow of these 
opposing charges in the electrical circuits which gives it the required 
coordination. Atoms, the basis of life, cannot exist unless there is a balance 
between the electrons (negative charges) surrounding the nucleus and its 
protons (positive charges) of the same number.
On the other hand, as postulated in quantum electronics, the positive and 
negative charges are happening at the same time in optical computers as a 
result of the reduction in time as well as an increase in the momentum of these 
The Holy Prophet, Muhammad, said in a well-known hadith:
#1575;#1582;#1578;#1604;#1575;#1601; #1571;#1605;#1578;#1610; 
Divergence from my Ummah is a mercy.

On the other hand, however, he said:
#1575;#1604;#1605;#1572;#1605;#1606;#1610;#1606; #1601;#1610; 
#1603;#1605;#1579;#1604; #1575;#1604;#1580;#1587;#1583; 
#1575;#1604;#1608;#1575;#1581;#1583; #1575;#1584;#1575; 
#1575;#1588;#1578;#1603;#1609; #1605;#1606;#1607;
#1593;#1590;#1608; #1578;#1583;#1575;#1593;#1609; #1604;#1607; 
#1587;#1575;#1574;#1585; #1575;#1604;#1580;#1587;#1583; 
The believers in their affection, compassion and kindness are like one body. If 
one organ complains, then the whole body suffers from fever and insomnia.

Does the first hadith contradict the second? No, apparently not, since 
diversity in human society is not only meaningful but necessary. The uniformity 
and diversity of its motion give birth to the factors of its development. 
Diversity stimulates competition, the characteristic of a living society, 
which, in turn, generates new ways of thinking and concepts, and so on and so 
Keeping things as they were a thousand years ago, say, by impeding renewal as 
the situation demands from time to time, not only produces a society that 
breeds stagnation and useless traditions but is also contrary to Allah’s 
Sunnah, for it has been shown that duality is the basis of the functions of the 
Let us apply the concept of duality to some practical examples for Muslims.
Muslim communities resident in the West could easily adopt the duality of 
living and feeling both East and West, that is, living and feeling as Muslims 
in the heart of a Western or multi-cultural society. Muslims can be Western, 
just as Westerners can be Muslim. In other words, being a Muslim means being a 
good citizen living in a society where interdependence is a fact of modern life.
Muslims could live and feel today’s world, which is just as important as living 
and feeling the past. Indeed, living and feeling the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What is written in Quran.

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery



Quran presents

A living and Lasting God (2:256)

The Lord of all creation (1:2)

He Gracious, the Merciful (1:3)

The Almighty (29:43)

All-hearing, all-knowing (5:77)

The Wise (34:2)

The Forgiving (34:3)

The Bountiful (27:41)

The Loving (11:91)

The Creator, the Maker (59:25)

The high, the Great (2:256)

The Holy (10:69)

The Lord of all praise, Owner of all glory (31:13)

The One, the Supreme (39:5)

Who is free from all wants (64:7)?

Begets none and is begotten by no one, and

has none as His equal (112:4-5)

Who guides men 10:36, 33:5)?

Hear prayers (2:187)

Speaks to such of them as fulfil His covenant (3:77 42:52)

Punishes the transgressors (48:18)

Reward those who do good (6:84)

Love those who do good (2:196)

He has created all men from the same stock (4:2)

He has divided them into different groups so that they may know one another, 
and that

the best among them is he who best perform his duty (49:14)

Our attitude towards Him has to be that of complete submission (3:20)

He has given us detailed instructions as to 

How we should treat our parents (17:24-25)

Our near and dear, neighbours, orphans and the downtrodden (4:37)

Our Wives (2:188,4:20)

Our Children (6:153)

Our Widows (4:20)

Our enemies (5:9)

Our companions (24:61, 58:12)

He tells us:

To be truthful (9:120)

To shun lies (22:31)

Not to commit adultery (17:33)

Not to commit theft (5:39)

Not to commit Murder (6:152)

Not to commit breach of trust (8:28)

Not to be dishonest (8:59)

To keep away from all that is vain (23:3)

To fulfil our covenants (5:2)

To strive for increased knowledge (20:115)

To do justice (4:59)

To be benevolent (16:91)

To be steadfast (3:201)

To be thankful (39:67)

To admonish others to do good (16:126)

Not to preach that we do not practice (61:3)

Not to be haughty and vainglorious (4:37)

To be neither miserly nor spendthrift (17:30)

To be humble (25:64)

To speak kindly (2:84)

To suppress our rage and forgive people (3:135)

To repay evil with good (13:23)

To be united (3:103)

To do not backbite (103:2)

To spend wealth for the cause of Allah (2:262)

To spend wealth for the poor and needy (2:272)

Not to ridicule one another or call names (49:12)

To fear none but Allah (2:41)

To eat pure things (2:169)

To remain clean (2:223  74:6)

He further says:

All your deeds, even if they are as minor as an iota, must visit on you (99:8-9)

That all that is on the earth carries the seed of destruction (55:27)

That the haven and earth have not been created in vain (38:28)

That just as He started the cycle of creation so shall He reverse it (21:104)

He, who created you the first time, will again raise you to life (17:52  19:67)

The fact that you cannot conquer death shows that there is a purpose in it 
(56:88) etc. etc.

What else do we need to live by Quran?

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslims' Guide to Sex Education

2007-03-18 Thread Leo Imanov
bismi-lLah wa-lhamdu li-lLah wa-shshalatu wa-ssalamu 'ala rasuli-lLah
wa 'ala alihi wa ashhabihi wa ma-wwalah, 
amma ba'd, assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatu-lLahi wa barakatuH.

well.i pray that this meets you all in the best of health
and in strong ieman insya Allah, and i thought i'd share an article
below with you all. 
may Allah azza wa jalla allow us all to be able to perform the
fardl/obiligatory and the sunnah in the hope that as means for us to
gain closeness to Him - may He also pardon us of our shortcomings and
accept our deeds, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem to
us, amien.

wa bi-lLahi-ttaufiq wa-lhidayah, subhanaka-lLahumma wa bihamdiKa
asyhadu alla Ilaha illa Anta, astaghfiruKa wa atubu ilaiK. 
wassalamu 'alaikum

Young Muslims' Guide to Sex Education   
Mar 17, '07 5:57 PM
by Elan for group muslim

Young Muslims' Guide to Sex Education

By Altaf Husain Social Worker #8212; USA 

Growing up, coming of age: an Islamic website using code language to
talk about human sexuality? Coming of age indeed! You know what those
words mean. Yes, when you have stopped giggling shyly, let's get
started talking about human sexuality. You are probably wondering why
Youth 4 the Future at IslamOnline. net would want to present this
topic. Well, let's face it: It is impossible to escape talk about sex
and sexuality these days. Even the supposedly most age appropriate
movies, television shows, video games, and novels #8212; those
intended for a teenage audience #8212; consist of themes such as
fornication, adultery, and homosexuality. 

So rather than pretending that Muslims do not care about those topics
or that Muslims are not supposed to talk about them, Youth 4 the Future
wants to tackle the topic to help you navigate your teenage years in a
healthy manner. And I am the big brother assigned the challenging task
of talking to you about it, to spare you the awkwardness of having to
send your own questions to the Cyber Counseling section. You should
still address the Counseling section of course because, in the limited
length of this essay, we are not going to cover all there is to know.

Non-Islamic Approach to Human Sexuality

In many parts of the world, especially in days gone by or in religious
communities, the approach was to treat sexuality with disdain, often as
something dirty, not to be talked about and not even to be thought
of. There were strict guidelines about how men and women were to
interact. In fact, the prevailing thinking was that intimacy between
husbands and wives was to be tolerated for the sake of procreating
but definitely not to be enjoyed. Even for husbands and wives, there
was always an overabundance of guilt associated with seeking sexual
pleasure, and it was almost unthinkable for a woman to speak about or
express her desire for such pleasure, even with her husband.

Children who were coming of age were supposed to just come to an
intuitive understanding about their sexuality even though they could
make absolutely no sense of the physiological changes they were
experiencing. Even today, rather regrettably and despite Islamic
teachings to the contrary, discussions of sex and sexuality are still
taboo and Muslim children are still navigating this difficult terrain
on their own or resorting to information outlets which are less than
wholesome and in some instances are outright forbidden in Islam.

In for a Surprise

Unless you have been blessed to have been taught how Islamic teachings
view human sexuality and sexual intimacy, you are like the majority of
Muslim youth whose knowledge about such topics has been acquired
second- or third-hand and is most likely totally culturally biased. You
might have already attempted to discuss or deal with such topics with
your parents only to find that their responses were incomplete or did
not make sense.
They were most likely giving you responses they had heard from their
parents, which their parents in turn had heard from their parents, and
so on. For the most part, we find that our etiquette of discussing sex
and sexuality is often based on superstition and culture rather than on
religion. It is important therefore that you put aside what you think
you know so far because you are in for a real surprise.

Coming of Age

Although there is no exact date, time, or year when puberty is supposed
to occur, both boys and girls usually get a major introduction to
adulthood through, among many other things, the changes they experience
in their voices, physical growth such as getting taller, and
experiencing nocturnal emissions known more commonly as wet dreams. In
Islamic teachings, once a person reaches the age of puberty, they
become mukallaf (accountable for compulsory duties and answerable to
God). Below is an excerpt from Abdul Wahid Hamid's book Islam the
Natural Way:

This means that you come under the obligation to discharge all the
duties and fulfill all the rights of an adult. To keep yourself
physically clean is an 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Peace TV on ARABSAT and PANAM SAT

2007-03-18 Thread Abhiyya 2006
forwarded message
  7th October 2006
  Dear Brother / Sister in Islam,
  Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
You will be happy to know that Peace TV, after 9 months of launch in  January 
2006, is now also being telecast from “ARABSAT” Satellite, in  addition to 
“PANAM SAT-10” Satellite.  Peace TV can be tuned in on Satellites:-

1)   ARABSAT BADR-3 (3A) 
  Position : 23° East, Frequency : 11996, Symbol Rate : 27500, FEC : 3/4, 
Polarization : Horizontal.

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Position : 23° East, Frequency : 3760, Symbol Rate : 27500, FEC : 3/4,  
Polarization : Horizontal, C-Band.

3)   PANAM SAT–10 (PAS-10) / 2C
Position : 68.5° East, Frequency : 3783.25, Symbol Rate : 3250, FEC :  2/3, 
Polarization : Horizontal.

  If you do not have a dish antenna for receiving ARABSAT, you can easily 
install a new 1½ feet radius dish in your balcony for approx.  U$ 100 only.

You could also let us have your feedback: “Whether you get Peace TV signals on 
your Cable TV network or TV dish antenna?”, “Quality of Reception” and other 

Please request all your friends and cable operators in your area to tune in to 
Peace TV.

May Allah (swt) grant all of the Muslim Ummah the best of Guidance, Help, 
Ability and Striving to present the proper understanding of Islam and Muslims 
the world over. Aameen.

Yours brotherly in the service of Islam,

  Dr. Zakir Abdul-Karim Naik
President - Islamic Research Foundation

With Regards 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hague Court could try Bush, Blair; Court 'can envisage' Blair prosecution

2007-03-18 Thread rafeswhiterose
Hague court could try Bush, Blair By
Published March 18, 2007

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said in an
interview that he can envision a scenario in which President Bush and
British Prime Minister Tony Blair could one day face war-crimes charges
at The Hague.
Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said in an interview with the Sunday
Telegraph that it was frustrating that the court was viewed in the Arab
world as biased in favor of the West.
Asked whether he could envision a situation in which Mr. Bush and Mr.
Blair found themselves in the dock answering charges of war crimes in
Iraq, he replied:
Of course, that could be a possibility ... whatever country joins the
court can know that whoever commits a crime in their country could be
prosecuted by me.

The U.S. has refused to accept the court's jurisdiction and for years
opposed the court, fearing that it would be used as a political tool to
target American soldiers and diplomats overseas.

Human rights lawyers remain skeptical about whether charges against
either leader would ever gain credibility in the court.
Some Muslim countries have criticized what they claim is the court's
reluctance to address offenses committed by Western governments.

Sudan, which has been investigated over its role in the mass killing of
civilians in its western region of Darfur, has called for the court to
investigate coalition actions in Iraq.

Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's former prime minister, has announced plans
to set up an alternative war-crimes tribunal to hear complaints against
countries including Britain, Israel and the United States.

Mr. Moreno-Ocampo said that, while he was sympathetic to the views of
Arab countries, the answer was for them to get involved in the legal

The court is restricted in what it can investigate. The U.N . Security
Council can ask it to act -- as in the case of Darfur -- or the court
can launch an investigation if it receives a complaint from a state that
is party to the Rome agreement that established it.

The U.S . is not a signatory, although lately it has begun supporting
court investigations in several African civil wars, including the
conflict in Sudan.

The court can also look into purported offenses carried out by, or on
the territory of, a party to the agreement.

Afghanistan is a signatory, though Sudan is not. Days before the
invasion of Iraq in 2003, then-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein approached
lawyers in Britain about signing up, but his effort was overtaken by
events. Had he succeeded, the actions of the U.S. in Iraq would fall
within the court's jurisdiction.

Mr. Moreno-Ocampo said it was still possible for an investigation to be
launched into coalition actions in Iraq if that country signed up.

Hamid al-Bayati, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, said Iraq was
actively considering joining.

The court is currently prosecuting cases against the Lord's Resistance
Army in Uganda, a militia leader in the Democratic Republic of Congo and
a number of individuals believed to have been involved in the conflict
in Darfur.

===   Court
'can envisage' Blair prosecution By Gethin Chamberlain, Sunday Telegraph

Tony Blair faces the prospect of an International Criminal Court
investigation for alleged coalition war crimes in Iraq.

The court's chief prosecutor told The Sunday Telegraph that he would be
willing to launch an inquiry and could envisage a scenario in which the
Prime Minister and American President George W Bush could one day face
charges at The Hague.

Luis Moreno-Ocampo urged Arab countries, particularly Iraq, to sign up
to the court to enable allegations against the West to be pursued.
Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations said that his country was
actively considering signing up.

America has refused to accept the court's jurisdiction and is unlikely
to hand over any of its citizens to face trial. However, Britain has
signed up and the Government has indicated its willingness to tackle
accusations of war crimes against a number of British soldiers.

Mr Moreno-Ocampo said it was frustrating that the court was viewed in
the Arab world as biased in favour of the West. Asked whether he could
envisage a situation in which Mr Blair and Mr Bush found themselves in
the dock answering charges of war crimes in Iraq, he replied: Of
course, that could be a possibility\u2026 whatever country joins the
court can know that whoever commits a crime in their country could be
prosecuted by me.

Human rights lawyers remain sceptical about whether charges will ever be

Some Muslim countries have criticised what they claim is the court's
reluctance to address offences committed

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Mrs Beckett sees no evil!

2007-03-18 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*Mrs Beckett sees no evil!*

March 15, 2007

 Margaret Beckett's silence over Zimbabwe illustrates the degree to
which the Government's grandiose plans for a North-South partnership have

 Africa has run like a refrain through Labour's time in office, from
military intervention in Sierra Leone in 2000 to the priority given to the
continent at the G8 summit in 2005. That period has coincided with the
wrecking of the Zimbabwean economy by Robert Mugabe, beginning with the
expropriation of white-owned farms and culminating in hyper-inflation, mass
internal migration, dependence on food aid and a reduction in average life
expectancy to 36 years.

 The beating of Morgan Tsvangirai and other opposition members after an

anti-government prayer rally is the latest proof of Zanu-PF's hideous
misrule. And its evil genius is now talking of prolonging his presidency
until 2014, when he would be 90.

 Labour has always been reluctant to take a lead in criticising Mr
Mugabe for fear of being dubbed neo-colonialist. As Foreign Secretary, Jack
Straw sought cover within the framework of the Commonwealth and the European

Union. Today, from his successor, there is simply silence. Reaction has been

left to Lord Triesman, a junior Foreign Office minister. Mrs Beckett, who
made no mention of Zimbabwe in her UN speech last autumn, has not seen fit
to comment. Contrast that with the reaction of her American counterpart,
Condoleezza Rice.

 Perhaps that is as much as can be expected from a Foreign Office whose

ministerial team - Mrs Beckett, Geoff Hoon, Kim Howells and Lord Triesman -
is outstandingly mediocre. But the situation is not much better on the other

side of Downing Street. Tony Blair should publicly upbraid African leaders
for washing their hands of Mr Mugabe on the grounds of non-interference in
Zimbabwe's sovereignty. The dramatic decline of that country is besmirching
the reputation of a continent that in 2001 drew up an ambitious blueprint
for good governance.

 The Prime Minister is surely aware of the damage being done. Yet he
merely wrings his hands and his Foreign Secretary is mute. This
pusillanimity is becoming a national shame.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Marriages

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Marriages in Indo-Pak are unaffordable.

With fabulous Mahr, pompous Jahaiz, exuberant warri/barri, processions of 
barat, feasts of waleema, band- baja, tale mehnd and many other customs, the 
marriages have become almost unaffordable. Unless our scholars, social 
reformers, religious practitioners , human right activists think of a viable 
alternative, the coming generation will resort to western style of sexual 
satisfaction and we will have no alternative but to compromise.

The only essentials of Muslim marriage are the public acceptance of each other 
and payment of Mahr by the bridegroom according to his means to defray marriage 
expenses. Tale/mehndi, Jahaiz and Bari have no traces in Islam. The marriage of 
Hadrat Ali® is illustrious of Islamic way of marriage. ( No tale mehndi, No 
Jahaiz, No barri, No barat . The exalted prophet married his daughter to his 
cousin and separated them with a few items of daily use)

The concept of Barat was added to it for security and transportation of 
valuables comprising Jahaiz and barri carried to places far apart.and waleema 
was introduced to make public the event of marriage. Barat no more serve this 
purpose as after the feast no one except father of the bride groom is present 
on the scene and for public announcement the marriage can take place in a 
mosque or a video should be enough. Waleema today is political concert for 
politician and a business meeting for the entrepreneurs. Poor man is ruined for 
what? Instead of barring dishes we better revert to the Islamic way of marriage 
and cut short to Nikah in a mosque.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iraq Four Years After: The Conquest of Oil

2007-03-18 Thread S A Hannan
muza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 17:11:53 +0800

  Iraq Four Years After:  The Conquest of   Oil

  As the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq gets closer, the real 
motive behind the conquest becomes starker  and starker. There is a bill 
before the Iraqi Parliament which gives foreign companies effective control 
over the nation's oil. Iraq has 115 million barrels of oil, perhaps the second 
largest reserves in the world, accounting for 10 percent of the global total. 
If this bill becomes law, companies such as ExxonMobil and Chevron would be 
able to enter into production sharing agreements with the government which will 
not only strengthen their hold over Iraqi oil but also increase their profits 
enormously. None of the other major oil exporters in West Asia--- Saudi Arabia, 
Kuwait and Iran --- have such agreements. These countries have outlawed foreign 
ownership and control over their oil and placed the commodity under state 

  The millions and millions of people around the globe who opposed the war 
against Iraq in 2003 knew right from the beginning that oil was the principal 
reason why the ruling elite in the United States and Britain chose to embark 
upon their disastrous adventure. Of course there were other reasons too. The 
ouster of the Saddam Hussein government and the attempt to bring Iraq under the 
control of Washington and London were also aimed at reinforcing Israel's 
position in the region. Iraq is also of tremendous strategic importance in the 
context of West Asia and the Middle East.

  After four years it is obvious to even a casual observer that Washington and 
its allies are prepared to pay any price to achieve their diabolical goals. 
Thousands of their own soldiers have been killed in the war. Perhaps hundreds 
of thousands of Iraqis have been sacrificed at the altar of oil and Israel. The 
Iraqi people are more divided than ever before as Shiites and Sunnis slaughter 
each other. Unemployment is at its highest. Poverty is widespread. Disease is 
rampant. The health care system is in a precarious state. Basic amenities are 
grossly inadequate.

  And yet, the US and its allies will not end their occupation of Iraq. They 
will not set a timetable for the withdrawal of their soldiers. They are 
determined to pursue their plan of building permanent military bases in the 
country. They are hell-bent, as we have seen, on tightening their grip upon 
Iraqi oil. They continue to restructure the economy to fulfil the objectives of 
 a neo-liberal capitalist  agenda.

  This is why the thousands of groups in the world opposed to the US presence 
in Iraq who represent the sentiments of millions of people everywhere should 
intensify their campaign to bring occupation to an end. They should also focus 
upon the take over of Iraqi oil. We should make the American public in 
particular aware of the motives behind occupation. This is the right time to 
develop further American consciousness on this issue   since the American 
people themselves have become increasingly critical of the US-led war on Iraq. 
The majority of them want US soldiers to return home. They do not want their 
nation to conquer other lands or to steal other people's resources. They do not 
want their nation to incur the wrath of the world. They do not want to earn the 
odium of the rest of the human family.

  Dr. Chandra Muzaffar,
  International Movement for a Just World.


  17 March 2007.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] DEMO - Excellent photos report from Ottawa

2007-03-18 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Go to
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Language Blog

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jesus: Muslim views on the Christian position

2007-03-18 Thread Raihan
Jesus: Muslim views on the Christian position


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Prominent call for divestment at Howard

2007-03-18 Thread Ismail Kashkash
Prominent call for divestment at Howard

By: Will Youmans / The Arab American News

March 17, 2007

Full article on the Web at:

http://arabamerican newsarticle. php?articleid= 7919

Activists calling for ending financial support for Israel welcomed a 
victory at a university in Washington, DC. The faculty of the College of 
Arts and Sciences at Howard University voted overwhelmingly to call on the 
university's board of trustees to divest from Israel.

The faculty at this historically Black institution came down with a 25 to 2 
vote in favor of divestment, beginning with the identification of university 
funds that are being invested in 'offending' companies that are offering 
material support to Israeli Occupation.

The March 8th call was introduced by David Schwartzman, a biology professor 
of Jewish origin. He told 'The Arab American News,' there was not much 
opposition, except by the college's Dean, who refused to put divestment on 
the agenda. He plans on introducing a similar resolution to the faculty 
Senate this spring.

He sponsored the measure in the hope that 'these resolutions start 
spreading around the country and generate action comparable to the 
anti-apartheid movement in the 1980s.' Also, he wants to 'give hope to young 
Palestinians and to see Americans and Jews like myself taking the right 

The Arts and Sciences faculty vote was an important step for the few 
divestment activists at Howard University. This vote actually took place 
without a vibrant movement on campus. Professor Schwartzman recognized that 
more activism is needed to get the Board of Trustees, the highest 
decision-making body at the university, to consider the divestment call.

The resolution was modeled on two different bills. It borrowed language and 
arguments from a faculty senate bill passed at the University of Wisconsin, 
Platteville campus nearly two years ago. It also drew on a divestment 
statement passed last year against Sudan, for the continuing violations in 
the Darfur region.

There have been some victories for divestment activists around the world, 
including school government, church, and labor union resolutions. Last year, 
England's largest union of instructors in higher education, the National 
Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education, called on the 
union's 67,000 members to sever ties with Israeli professors and academic 
institutions that fail to distance themselves from Israel's policies towards 
the Palestinians.

The Ontario branch of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, the country's 
largest union, voted unanimously on May 27, 2006 to urge an economic boycott 
of Israel. The bill calling for boycott and divestment represents the will 
of 210,000 members, nearly half of the union's entire national membership. 
Divestment means the union's pension fund will shed investments in Israel.

Student governments at the University of Michigan, Dearborn, and Wayne 
State University in Detroit have passed important resolutions in the past 
several years.

However, the Sudan movement has fared much better. Major academic 
institutions such as Harvard and Yale have divested from companies doing 
business with Sudan. Six states are divesting their pension funds from 
companies invested in Sudan. The Howard University resolution shows that the 
Sudan divestment movement is serving as a useful precedent for Israel 
divestment activists.

Professor Schwartzman' s initiative is one more step in his long history of 
activism. He railed against the American invasion of Vietnam as a student in 
the 1960s, and was arrested for civil disobedience while protesting at both 
the South African and Israeli embassies in the 1980s. He is currently 
involved in the DC Green party, which advocates for DC statehood and equal 
representation in government, among other issues. The national Green Party 
backed divestment from Israel in 2005.

The Divestment movement needs victories such as this vote. Pro-Israeli 
activists are pushing divestment from politically weak, impoverished nations 
such as Sudan and Iran. Divestment activists can gain from the increased use 
of divestment as a legitimate tactic for morally responsible investing. In 
fact, many pro-Israel activists fear just this. The Jewish Week reported 
that a debate ensued at the Jewish Council for Public Affairs' national 
meeting. Critics of the Sudan movement fear that an economic boycott of any 
country could be used against Israel, itself the target of divestment 

Palestine solidarity advocates should re-insert Israel into debates about 
divestment. If anything, this will only further its rightful association 
with the worst human rights offenders.

 - - - - 

Editor's note: Howard University President Patrick Swygert rejected the 
resolution outright.

Without qualification, Howard University and I oppose any action calling 
for a divestiture of university 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Cultural actitivies in Islam

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
We are often questioned about fiestas in Islam.The problem is that a lot of 
utilities necessitated by geographical conditions have been Islamized to an 
extent that any one speaking against them is declared Kafar. Take the example 
of Lota. For scarcity of water in Arbia, they invented a utensil (lota) with a 
small outlet to restrict flow of water. We in India had plenty of water. We 
preferred Gadvi (a utensil with wide outlet ) and found it more convenient. 
These two utensils had nothing to do with the religion but you probably know it 
very well that Gadvi became the symbol of Hinduism and Lota was co-opted by 
Muslims. Maulvi Sahib of my Masjid is still adamant that Taharat without lota 
is not valid. 

Miswak to me is a fine combination of brush and cleansing fluid. The purpose is 
to clean teeth but it certainly is not hygienic to use one miswak by dozens of 
persons and then using it for plugging in the leaking water taps on the wadu 
pad. This we see in almost every mosque. Is it a sin to improve upon these 

As for beard (Personally I have beard) Quran has not said a word about it. 
Hadith does not enjoin upon Muslims to grow beard. On the contrary it speaks of 
trimming and proper maintenance of beard for those who happen to grow beard. 

Dress code is precisely defined in Quran leaving no room for anyone ridiculing 
others. I know a great scholar of Islam decreed that wearing Kurta of lawn is 
haram. I wish he spent a hot season in Multan, Pakistan. 

Hindus had too many Festivals. Muslim parents didn't want to let their children 
have an impression that Hindu Religion is more floricultural than Islam. That 
was the reason they created as many rituals as other religions had. Many of 
such rituals, though not vouched by Islam are not against Islam either. 

To my understanding Islam did not interfere with the cultural heritage of Arabs 
except changing their direction from Multi-gods to One God and is not, 
therefore, expected to take away from me the attraction of my culture as an 
Indo/Pak Muslim. 

In India, Hindu celebrated birthday to gauge physical development of a Child. 
For this purpose a thread named Taraghi was loosely tied across belly of the 
child. With this thread chest of the child was measured on each birthday in 
presence of the family and measurement was marked with a knot on the thread. 
The celebration was thus named Saal-Girah ( Annual Knot ). Muslim in Pakistan 
do celebrate Saal-Girah by marking number of years lived with candles in a 
joyful gathering of the family. 

I have not heard of any superstitious notion attached to. 

Death rites like Kull, So-aim, Chehlum are considered riligious rites. I am not 
aware of religious preachings relating to these rituals but I do know that in 
agrarian lands where cattle and crops are equally important and farmer can not 
skip looking after their herds and corps for many days, our ancestors decided 
to burry immediately the dead one by close neighbours, and fixed a day ( 
usually the third day) for mourning by other relatives. Fortieth day after the 
death was fixed for elders of the family to get together to decide the issues 
pursuant to death of a person. This included meal for the elders and a 
concluding Du'a on settlement of issues confronting the bereaved family.The 
purpose of these rites is now completely lost. Only the feast and du'a for the 
dead one is left.. 

Allah knows better. 

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Social Living

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
  Injunctions for Social Living

Social injunctions are not generally included in the category of LAWS. But if 
any social evil becomes rampant in society, an Islamic Government can make them 
statutory. Some social injunctions are described as under _ [Their details can 
be found in my book Islami Mua'sharat _ Islamic way of living].

1. Moderation in expenses.

i) Eat and drink but waste not by excess. (7:31)

ii) Do not spend without reason (need). Those who do so are the brethren of 
Satan. (17:26-27)

2. Get-up.

a) Use of things that produce beauty and elegance is lawful. None can proclaim 
them as unlawful. Details have already been given under the heading 'Lawful and 
Unlawful'. (7:32)

b) Apparels provide cover for body as well as elegance for a person. (7:26)

3. Physical and Mental Capabilities.

Knowledge (mental capability) and physical strength, are both necessary. When 
Taloot was made commander of Israelites, they had objected to it for his not 
being a wealthy person and asked: What are his qualifications for which he has 
been made a commander The reply was as follows: (2:247)

Allah has chosen him above you and has gifted him abundantly with knowledge 
and bodily prowess. That is why he is chosen as your commander.

4. Conversation.

a) Always converse in clear, straightforward and decisive language, which 
contains no ambiguity: (33:70)

b) Use language, which is recognised by society and commonly used. (4:5) Speak 
to them in words that are commonly recognised and used.

Also adopt an elegant manner for speech: (2:83) And speak to men in a charming 

c) (22:30) And shun the words that are deceitful and showy.

d) (6:153) When you say something, say with justice and equity, even if it 
goes against your relatives.

Do not shout, a shrieking voice is disliked by others. (31:19)

Speak softly, for the harshest of sounds, without doubt, is the braying of any 

5. Absurd and immodest talk.

Avoid all absurdities. One of the qualities of the believers has been stated as 
(23:3) They avoid vain talk. The word Laghw means vain as well as 
meaningless. In Surah Al-An'aam (6th Chapter of the Quran) it is said: (6:151) 
this includes all sorts of immodesties __ even an immodest talk __ as it 
arouses lewd passions.

6. Walking.

i) Do not walk in haughtiness, be moderate (31:18-19) also (17:37)

Do not be haughty while walking, adopt moderation in your gait.

ii) When you go out, do not allow your gaze to become bold and daring. This has 
been ordained both for men as well as women.

For men: (24:30)

And for women: (24:31)

7. Thoughtfulness to ponder and to comprehend.

i) Do not follow a thing without an inquiry into it. (17:36)

Remember! Pursue not that of which you have no knowledge (which you have not 
inquired personally). Personal inquiry means that you gain knowledge of it 
through your senses of hearing and sight and on this basis, decide by your own 
intellect. If any link of this manner is broken, your inquiry shall remain 
incomplete. Look! How great is your responsibility in this matter, because 
Allah has given you 'will' and the faculty of 'choice'; you are not a inanimate 
machine. For the use of this faculty, He has provided you means of 
investigation. One who does not make use of them, shirks his own responsibility.

This is an important injunction which if acted upon properly, turns all 
conspiracies and the intrigues into a complete failure and a peaceful 
atmosphere prevails in society.

ii) Always ponder over things: see, hear, comprehend and then make decisions 
intellectually. For those who do not do so, it is said: (7:179)

Many are (amongst) the people (both) civilised and uncivilised whom We have 
made for hell. They have mind wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith 
they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not; they are like cattle, _ nay 
more astray, (because cattle, at least, follow their natural instincts). These 
people are heedless of warning.

iii) When you hear a good thing, act upon it; and when you hear an absurd one 
keep yourself away from it. (2:285) We hear and we obey, has been called the 
believers way. And also (28:55) And when they hear vain talk, they turn away 

8. Spying.

Do not spy on other people's affairs that concern you not. (49:12)

9. Knowledge.

i) A learned person and an illiterate one cannot be at par: (39:9) Say: Are 
those who know and those who do not know, equal to each other

ii) Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and nobody 
knows more than yourself. Remember! (12:76) And above everyone endowed with 
knowledge is another endowed with more knowledge.

Nor say that my cup of knowledge is full and I do not want to know any more. 
Such mentality has been attributed to the non-believers. (2:88) They say: our 
hearts do not need any outside information nor is there room in them for 
anything more to enter.

Not to speak of others, in this respect even the Nabie was 


2007-03-18 Thread rafeswhiterose
One of many I sent out last year. There are many more addresses, but I had to 
send them in more than one email as there was a limit on the number I could 
send at a time. The Khiam Center For Victims of Torture was kind enough to pass 
this on also, and sent me a very kind thank you letter. God Bless Us All. 

whiterose4rafe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 21:19:57 -0700 
From: whiterose4rafe [EMAIL PROTECTED]



To The Honorable Secretary General Kofi Annan and all Member States of The 
United Nations Security Council:

  To ALL United Nations Members: I speak, speaking for many in the united 
States of America, that ALL participants MUST be held for international crimes 
of murder, torture, and genocide. There is no way around this, as it is in 
violation of Human Rights Laws, International  laws of decency and humanity, 
the Un Declaration of Human Rights, and the Geneva Convention. You have no 
choice but to investigate and prosecute these inhumane crimes. It is your duty 
as  member States of the once honorable United Nations to investigate these 
horrific and sickening Crimes which are in violation of the Geneva Convention 
as well as the UN Declaration of Fundamental Human Rights (attached below for 
your reference).

  The weapons used by both the United States and Israel must be answered for by 
the prosecution of ALL and ANY conspirators of these horrific crimes against 
innocent children, babies, infants and their Mothers if for no other reason but 
to put some solice to the horrific torture and agonizing pain felt by its most 
innocent victims, especially the poor innocent children of God.

  Since the United States is so  hell-bent on Military Tribunals, might I, as 
well as many other Americans, suggest that you prosecute these murderers in the 
most efficient and honorable way for their Crimes of Murder, Torture, and 
Genocide, all in COMPLETE VIOLATION of the UN Declaration of Human Rights as 
well as weapon crimes in violation of the Geneva Convention. Immediately, for 
the children. Israel must be forced to keep her borders or give them up to the 
Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

  In addition, Israel should pay punitive damages to restore Lebabon to its 
previous state, as should the US for its conspiracy in this matter. As we all 
know, it was called the Paris of the Middle East. It should remain that way. As 
an American, I am completely embarrassed for what my country and Israel has 
done. I am trying to help, by doing my part.

  Please, look for yourselves, and see if you it in your hearts to do nothing 
short of finding those guilty of these crimes guilty of murder, torture, and 
genocide.  I can send many more. I have attached a few for your viewing:
The United Nations was founded to take effective collective
measures for the prevention and removal 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Talking About Israel: NICHOLAS KRISTOF; FRANK RICH: The Ides of March 2003 - The March to War

2007-03-18 Thread MA PA
Talking About 
OP-ED COLUMNISTTalking About Israel By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOFPublished: March 18, 
 The lack of serious political debate about our policy toward Israelis and 
Palestinians harms America, Middle East peace prospects and Israel itself.
Democrats are railing at just about everything President Bush does, with one 
prominent exception: Mr. Bush’s crushing embrace of Israel.

There is no serious political debate among either Democrats or Republicans 
about our policy toward Israelis and Palestinians. And that silence harms 
America, Middle East peace prospects and Israel itself. 
 Within Israel, you hear vitriolic debates in politics and the news media about 
the use of force and the occupation of Palestinian territories. Yet no major 
American candidate is willing today to be half as critical of hard-line Israeli 
government policies as, say, Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper.
 Three years ago, Israel’s minister of justice spoke publicly of photos of an 
elderly Palestinian woman beside the ruins of her home, after it had been 
destroyed by the Israeli army. He said that they reminded him of his own 
grandmother, who had been dispossessed by the Nazis. Can you imagine an 
American cabinet secretary ever saying such a thing?
With commentary

  The Ides of March 2003: FRANK RICH - The March to War 
OP-ED COLUMNISTThe Ides of March 2003 By FRANK RICHPublished: March 18, 2007
 A chronology of some of the high and low points in the days leading up to the 
national train wreck whose anniversary we mourn this week.
TOMORROW night is the fourth anniversary of President Bush’s prime-time address 
declaring the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In the broad sweep of history, 
four years is a nanosecond, but in America, where memories are congenitally 
short, it’s an eternity. That’s why a revisionist history of the White House’s 
rush to war, much of it written by its initial cheerleaders, has already taken 
hold. In this exonerating fictionalization of the story, nearly every 
politician and pundit in Washington was duped by the same “bad intelligence” 
before the war, and few imagined that the administration would so botch the 
invasion’s aftermath or that the occupation would go on so long. “If only I had 
known then what I know now ...” has been the persistent refrain of the war 
supporters who subsequently disowned the fiasco. But the embarrassing reality 
is that much of the damning truth about the administration’s case for war and 
its hubristic expectations for a cakewalk were publicly
 available before the war, hiding in plain sight, to be seen by anyone who 
wanted to look. 
 By the time the ides of March arrived in March 2003, these warning signs were 
visible on a nearly daily basis. So were the signs that Americans were 
completely ill prepared for the costs ahead. Iraq was largely anticipated as a 
distant, mildly disruptive geopolitical video game that would be over in a 
 Now many of the same leaders who sold the war argue that escalation should be 
given a chance. This time they’re peddling the new doomsday scenario that any 
withdrawal timetable will lead to the next 9/11. The question we must ask is: 
Has history taught us anything in four years?

And More


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Action alone make sense.

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Dear brothers in faith!


Admiring your efforts in spreading the teachings of Islam, an old man has a 
little reminder for you


Please remember that Islamâ?Ts being superior can only be useful to us when we 
ourselves attain superiority by acting in accordance with it; leading a life of 
disgrace and objection, and remaining puffed up on the superiority of Islam is 
nothing but a stupidity.

It is true that action should spring from the soil of awareness but the 
awareness that does not transform into action is usually of no avail. An 0unce 
of action is said to be worth a ton of theory.

People want us to shoot the way we shout. The road to success passes through 
the world of action and the shortest answer is doing. We must understand that 
preaching point is not a meeting point. A talk that does not end in any kind of 
action is of no value. After that we have debated so much, let each of us now 
demonstrate Islam by implementing Islamic Laws in the state of his own self.

Only that person can present Islam to the world who is, not only in the company 
of his friends but also in the big crowd of his foes, able to project his life 
in proof of his truthfulness and then no one dare to oppose him. This is the 
only right mechanism for bringing people close to Islam.

May Allah show us the right path.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery