Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Robert Fisk: Welcome to 'Palestine'

2007-06-20 Thread Mohamed
Robert Fisk: Welcome to 'Palestine' 
Published: 16 June 2007 
How troublesome the Muslims of the Middle East are. First, we demand that the 
Palestinians embrace democracy and then they elect the wrong party - Hamas - 
and then Hamas wins a mini-civil war and presides over the Gaza Strip. And we 
Westerners still want to negotiate with the discredited President, Mahmoud 
Abbas. Today Palestine - and let's keep those quotation marks in place - has 
two prime ministers. Welcome to the Middle East. 

Who can we negotiate with? To whom do we talk? Well of course, we should have 
talked to Hamas months ago. But we didn't like the democratically elected 
government of the Palestinian people. They were supposed to have voted for 
Fatah and its corrupt leadership. But they voted for Hamas, which declines to 
recognise Israel or abide by the totally discredited Oslo agreement.

No one asked - on our side - which particular Israel Hamas was supposed to 
recognise. The Israel of 1948? The Israel of the post-1967 borders? The Israel 
which builds - and goes on building - vast settlements for Jews and Jews only 
on Arab land, gobbling up even more of the 22 per cent of Palestine still 
left to negotiate over ?

And so today, we are supposed to talk to our faithful policeman, Mr Abbas, the 
moderate (as the BBC, CNN and Fox News refer to him) Palestinian leader, a 
man who wrote a 600-page book about Oslo without once mentioning the word 
occupation, who always referred to Israeli redeployment rather than 
withdrawal, a leader we can trust because he wears a tie and goes to the 
White House and says all the right things. The Palestinians didn't vote for 
Hamas because they wanted an Islamic republic - which is how Hamas's bloody 
victory will be represented - but because they were tired of the corruption of 
Mr Abbas's Fatah and the rotten nature of the Palestinian Authority.

I recall years ago being summoned to the home of a PA official whose walls had 
just been punctured by an Israeli tank shell. All true. But what struck me were 
the gold-plated taps in his bathroom. Those taps - or variations of them - were 
what cost Fatah its election. Palestinians wanted an end to corruption - the 
cancer of the Arab world - and so they voted for Hamas and thus we, the 
all-wise, all-good West, decided to sanction them and starve them and bully 
them for exercising their free vote. Maybe we should offer Palestine EU 
membership if it would be gracious enough to vote for the right people?

All over the Middle East, it is the same. We support Hamid Karzai in 
Afghanistan, even though he keeps warlords and drug barons in his government 
(and, by the way, we really are sorry about all those innocent Afghan civilians 
we are killing in our war on terror in the wastelands of Helmand province).

We love Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, whose torturers have not yet finished with the 
Muslim Brotherhood politicians recently arrested outside Cairo, whose 
presidency received the warm support of Mrs - yes Mrs - George W Bush - and 
whose succession will almost certainly pass to his son, Gamal.

We adore Muammar Gaddafi, the crazed dictator of Libya whose werewolves have 
murdered his opponents abroad, whose plot to murder King Abdullah of Saudi 
Arabia preceded Tony Blair's recent visit to Tripoli - Colonel Gaddafi, it 
should be remembered, was called a statesman by Jack Straw for abandoning his 
non-existent nuclear ambitions - and whose democracy is perfectly acceptable 
to us because he is on our side in the war on terror.

Yes, and we love King Abdullah's unconstitutional monarchy in Jordan, and all 
the princes and emirs of the Gulf, especially those who are paid such vast 
bribes by our arms companies that even Scotland Yard has to close down its 
investigations on the orders of our prime minister - and yes, I can indeed see 
why he doesn't like The Independent's coverage of what he quaintly calls the 
Middle East. If only the Arabs - and the Iranians - would support our kings 
and shahs and princes whose sons and daughters are educated at Oxford and 
Harvard, how much easier the Middle East would be to control.

For that is what it is about - control - and that is why we hold out, and 
withdraw, favours from their leaders. Now Gaza belongs to Hamas, what will our 
own elected leaders do? Will our pontificators in the EU, the UN, Washington 
and Moscow now have to talk to these wretched, ungrateful people (fear not, for 
they will not be able to shake hands) or will they have to acknowledge the West 
Bank version of Palestine (Abbas, the safe pair of hands) while ignoring the 
elected, militarily successful Hamas in Gaza?

It's easy, of course, to call down a curse on both their houses. But that's 
what we say about the whole Middle East. If only Bashar al-Assad wasn't 
President of Syria (heaven knows what the alternative would be) or if the 
cracked President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad wasn't in control of Iran (even if he 
doesn't actually 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] War on Islam - Britain KNIGHTS Satanic Salman RushDIE

2007-06-20 Thread Alan Border
“Boycotting of Non Essential Goods  Services from Countries, Communities  
Organizations Which Are Hostile to Islam  Muslim Interests, is an Effective  
a Non Violent Method of Showing Our Displeasure. This Should Be an On Going 
Policy By Governments, Businesses  Individuals  NOT a Knee Jerk Reaction to a 
Particular Incident or Situation” – AB
  Queen Knights Fatwa Author Rushdie
 POSTED: 11:09 a.m. EDT, June 16, 2007
  LONDON, England (AP) -- Author Salman Rushdie, who was forced into hiding for 
a decade after Iran's spiritual leader ordered his assassination, is to receive 
a knighthood in the latest honors list, Buckingham Palace has announced.
  The Midnight's Children author, along with CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour 
as well as a KGB double agent and perhaps the government's toughest human 
rights critic are on the list marking Queen Elizabeth II's official birthday 
  I am thrilled and humbled to receive this great honor, and am very grateful 
that my work has been recognized in this way, Rushdie said in a statement. 
Rushdie is one of the most prominent novelists of the late 20th century and is 
known for his unique mix of history with magical realism. His 13 books have won 
numerous awards, including the Booker Prize for Midnight's Children in 1981. 
In 1993 the novel won the Booker of Bookers, a special award honoring the 
best novel in the 25-year history of the prize.
  He went into hiding after Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini issued a 1989 fatwa, or 
religious edict, ordering Muslims to kill the author because his novel The 
Satanic Verses allegedly insulted Islam. The Iranian government declared in 
1998 that it would not support but could not rescind the fatwa. Rushdie says he 
receives a sort of Valentine's card from Iran each year on February 14 
letting him know the country has not forgotten the vow to end his life.
  Ian Botham, one of England's most successful 20th century cricket players, 
was also made a knight. CNN's Chief International Correspondent, Christiane 
Amanpour, government lawyer-turned human rights campaigner Shami Chakrabarti, 
Glastonbury Festival founder Michael Eavis and comedian Barry Humphries, who 
created the character of Dame Edna Everage, were all named Commanders of the 
Order of the British Empire, or CBE.
  One of the most remarkable names on the list is former KGB agent Oleg 
Gordievsky, who like Rushdie lived for years under the threat of assassination. 
British intelligence recruited Gordievsky in the 1960s and he later became 
invaluable when Moscow assigned him to its London embassy to spy on Britain in 
1982. But three years later, his cover was blown and he was arrested while in 
the Soviet Union. He was released due to a lack of evidence and he escaped by 
secretly boarding a train to Finland.
  Gordievsky was appointed a Companion to the Order of St. Michael and St. 
George, or CMG, an honor for individuals who have rendered important services 
related to Commonwealth or foreign nations. Author Ian Fleming wrote in his 
novels that the queen gave the same appointment to his fictional spy, James 
  Other famous names on the list include singer Joe Cocker, soccer player Teddy 
Sheringham, Agent Provocateur fashion label founders Joseph Corre and Serena 
Rees, and actor Peter Sallis, the voice of Wallace in the Wallace and Gromit 
  In descending order, the honors are knighthoods, CBE, OBE and MBE. Recipients 
of knighthoods are addressed as Sir or Dame. Those awarded CBEs, OBEs and 
MBEs have no title but can put the letters after their names.
  The queen turned 81 on April 21, although her official birthday, celebrated 
with the annual Trooping the Color parade, on the first, second, or third 
Saturday in June.
  Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may 
not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST  MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

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2007-06-20 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
*** Please Post Widely***



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Way and Front Street, Toronto, Ontario.

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Inc. shareholders hear our message!

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Society organizations have called for a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
campaign against the State of Israel for its numerous violations of human

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http://www.caiaweb. org or email us at endapartheid@

  BOYCOTT Chapters/Indigo and Israeli 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Scientific Miracle - Translation of the Quran - Part 2

2007-06-20 Thread Adel Elsaie
The Scientific Miracle - Translation of the Quran Part  2
  Copyright © By Dr. Adel Elsaie, Book Title: History of Truth, The Truth 
about God and Religions
Translating the whole Quran is a tremendous task. It requires scholars who 
are fluent in the Arabic language and the language to which the Quran is being 
translated. It also requires knowledge of the grammar of the two languages. If 
the translation is intended for those who are blessed with faith or for those 
who seek the basics of Islam, then the existing translations are a great dose 
of faith and spiritual guidance. May Allah rewards the translators of the Quran 
for their efforts in spreading the Words of God. If, on the other hand, the 
translation is intended to address the scientific miracles, the knowledge and 
mastering of the Arabic language is crucial as indicated in the case of the 
French surgeon Maurice Bucaille. He studied the Quran with an open mind for ten 
years. The purpose of his study was to form an opinion about contradictions in 
the Quran. He studied the Arabic language. Then after ten years of research, he 
declared in his books that he did not find one
 single scientific contradiction in the Quran. Another approach for the 
scientific translation of the Quran is to have an organization consisting of 
specialists of all branches of science such as cosmology, medicine, geology, 
anatomy, and engineering, as well as Islamic studies
  Some non-Muslims scholars claim that the translated Quran contradicts 
scientific known facts. There are many reasons for that. First, there may exist 
a conflict of theological interest. Second, the lack of knowledge of the Arabic 
language and its grammar can mislead the meaning of some verses. Also, the 
translation of the Quran to other languages may be, in some verses, difficult, 
thus not conveying the Arabic meaning of short sentences. Allah is the only 
Author of the Quran, and there are no contradictions in the Quran. Translations 
of the Quran are nevertheless the work of highly eminent Arabists. It is well 
known fact, that a translator, however an expert, is liable to make human 
mistakes in the translation of a highly specialized scientific Ayah, unless he 
happens to be a specialist in the discipline in question.
  An example of translating scientific verses in the Quran deals with the 
definition of the building block of all matters. Atoms were assumed to be the 
smallest unseen part of matter. Neither the atom nor its components can be 
seen. However, each atom has a weight, and scientists discovered the 
constituents of the atom. In one such Ayah, Allah addresses the unbelievers 
with a challenge about the weight and components of atoms:
Surah 34, Ayah 3 The unbelievers say’ never for us will come the Hour 
(Day of Judgment): say, Nay. But most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you 
by Him who knows the unseen. From Whom is not hidden the weight of an atom in 
the heavens or on earth: nor is there anything less than that or greater, but 
is in the Record Perspicuous.
  The available translation refers to the above Arabic words the weight of an 
atom as the least little atom, and the word weight is taken out. This 
demonstrates the difficulty in translating the Quran. Thank God, anyone can 
refer to the original Arabic text and get better translation. From the above 
Ayah, one can state the following:
· The atom is unseen.
  · The atom is not the smallest thing in the universe.
  · The atom has a weight.
  Ancient commentators considered the weight of the atom to be equal to the 
weight of an ant! They believed this because the ant is the smallest thing that 
can be seen with the human eye. But this is not correct because the Ayah 
clearly refers to the unseen not the seen ant. When the fourth Caliph, Ali, the 
cousin of the Prophet, was asked about the meaning of the atom, he said:
If we look inside the atom, any atom, we will see a sun in its core. This 
statement, showing the spiritual vision of Ali, was never understood until the 
twentieth century. But it clearly simulates the atomic structure with that of 
the solar system.
  In my attempt to address the subject of the scientific miracles of the Quran, 
I tried to use the existing English translations. In many places, I found 
difficulty in using these translations. The following are some examples:

 Stars are translated as planets, and planets are translated as stars. 
 The basic rules of the conjunctions in the Arabic language are not 
translated correctly. For example, existing translations do not address the 
difference between Arabic conjunctions fa and thumma. The first implies 
immediate succession, while the second implies succession after a delay in 
time, and this can make a big difference in some branches of science such as 
cosmology and embryology. 
 Some translators do not reflect the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zawjati (my wife)- translated - very heart warming Mashallah

2007-06-20 Thread looney crazy
  Zawjati (my wife)
  I love you, the way you are, 
  I love you, the way you were,
  No matter what has or will happen,
  You are, and will be my habeebati - sweetheart/darling/ love of my life,
  My wife, Indeed you are my habeebati,
(Chorus is repeated):
  I love you, the way you are, 
  I love you, the way you were,
  No matter what has or will happen,
  You are, and will be my habeebati - sweetheart/darling/ love of my life,
  My wife, Indeed you are my habeebati,

  You're my rightful (lawful/halal) wife, I care not about
Those who like to reproach and irritate me.
It is our destiny to be
Together eternally. 
  In my heart you instilled love (you gave me love to drink)
With grace and good deeds.
Happiness vanishes when you disappear,
Life brightens when you're there.
  Hard is my day
Until you return home.
Sadness disappears
When you smile.
  (chorus repeated):
  I love you, the way you are, 
  I love you, the way you were,
  No matter what has or will happen,
  You are, and will be my habeebati - sweetheart/darling/ love of my life,
  My wife, Indeed you are my habeebati,
  Life turns black
When you're upset,
So I work hard
To make your wish come true.
  You're my happiness.

  May you be happy forever.
Our souls are united
Like soil and plants.
  You're my hope, my peace
My good company and inspiration.
Life is good, no matter how hard it is,
When you're fine. 
  (Chorus is repeated):
  I love you, the way you are, 
  I love you, the way you were,
  No matter what has or will happen,
  You are, and will be my habeebati - sweetheart/darling/ love of my life,
  My wife, Indeed you are my habeebati, 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Java Programming Course

2007-06-20 Thread C.P.E.C
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jesus the Muslim

2007-06-20 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Jesus, peace be upon him, was a Muslim.

It's what millions of people believe.

It's what the best New Testament scholarship now suggests.

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

We hear a great deal today about a war, conflict, or clash
between Islam and Christianity. The topic is so prominent in the media
that many people assume that there is something irreconcilable between
these two approaches to God. It is not surprising, then, that so many
Christians of good will have concluded that Islam and Christianity are
fundamentally incompatible. Yet, if, by Christianity, we mean that
which Jesus Christ (pbuh) meant to convey to his hearers, I believe
that these people of good will are mistaken when they tell us that
Islam is incompatible with Christianity.

What's more, I believe we can now prove that the historically oldest
Gospel verses reflecting the reported sayings of Jesus (pbuh) are
entirely compatible with Islam.


If you are a Christian, the idea that Jesus (pbuh) practiced the same
faith that today's news broadcasts hold responsible for so many of the
world's problems may seem far-fetched to you. It seemed far-fetched to
me when I first encountered it, before I consulted the Gospels
closely. Yet you should know that many, many contemporary Christians
have reached life-changing personal conclusions about the Gospel
message and its relation to Islam.

There is compelling anecdotal evidence of a surge in conversions to
Islam since September 11, not just in Britain, but across Europe and
America. One Dutch Islamic centre claims a tenfold increase, while the
New Muslims Project, based in Leicester and run by a former Irish
Roman Catholic housewife, reports a steady stream of new converts.
(London Times, January 7, 2002.)


The Western news media only rarely shares the stories of these
individual converts to Islam with the world at large, but I strongly
suspect that most of these people -- if they are like me -- found
themselves, at the end of the day, concerned about the consequences of
calling Jesus (pbuh) Lord without obeying his instructions ... found
themselves far more concerned about that, in fact, than about any
media coverage of geopolitical issues.

This kind of concern causes people to change their lives.


Speaking personally, I changed my own life because I could not ignore
the implications of the authentic, stand-alone Gospel passages that
today's most accomplished (non-Muslim!) scholars believe to be of the
earliest date available.

These sayings, which form a reconstructed text known as Q, can all be
found in the New Testament. They are almost certainly the closest we
will ever be able to come to an authentic oral tradition reflecting
the actual sayings of Jesus (pbuh).


If you are new to Q, you should know what the best New Testament
scholars now know, namely that today's scholarship identifies certain
Gospel passages as not only instructive, but historically more
relevant than other passages. This scholarship has led to some
fascinating discussions among scholars (and a comparatively few lay

I believe the Q verses tend to confirm Islam's depiction of Jesus
(pbuh) as a human Prophet with a Divine mandate essentially
indistinguishable from that of Muhammad (pbuh).


I did not develop the theory of Q. It has been around for years.
Traditionalist Christian clergy and theologians are generally
hostile to it. They claim that students of Q are somehow eager to
diminish the status of Jesus (pbuh). Actually, we are eager to learn
what  he is most likely to have actually said.

Q represents a major challenge for contemporary Christianity, not
least because it strongly suggests that Islam's picture of Jesus
(pbuh) is historically correct. The fact that Q essentially confirms
Islam's image of Jesus (pbuh) as a distinctly human Prophet has not, I
think, been widely noticed by today's Christians. And it must be.
Because a careful review of the scriptures demonstrates that Jesus
(pbuh) is in fact calling his people to Islam.


I came to Islam, alhamdulillah, after three decades of restless
dissatisfaction with conventionial Christianity. Although I've read a
lot of conversion stories since I embraced Islam in March of 2003, I
haven't found many that cited the Gospels as a point of entry to the
Holy Qur'an. This is how it was for me.

I was drawn to the Gospels at a young age -- eleven -- and I read them
compulsively on my own, despite the fact that I did not live in a
Christian household. I soon learned to keep religious matters to


For most of my adolescence I studied the Christian scriptures on my
own. I still have the red King James Bible I bought as a child; my own
handwritten note on the front page proclaims June 26, 1974, as the
date I accepted Jesus (pbuh) as my personal savior.

When I say I read the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Former Christian Youth Minister's Path to Islam

2007-06-20 Thread Raihan
Former Christian Youth Minister's Path to Islam


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Excellent Summer Gift from Al-Islam Group

2007-06-20 Thread Asifa AM
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] FASTING

2007-06-20 Thread Saba Khan

Fasting, like Salaat and Zakaat, is fundamental
institution of Islam. The Fardh Fasting is a practice
of vital importance. Allah Ta’ala states in the
Qur’aan Shareef:
“O people of Imaan! Fasting has been decreed
compulsory for you.”
The importance of fasting is abundantly established by
numerous narrations of the Qur’aan and Hadith. It is
clear from the narrations of the Qur’aan and Hadith
that for attaining salvation, Salaat, Zakaat and Hajj
and not sufficient. It is essential to fast the Fardh
fasts of Ramadhaan.
Fasting is distinguished from other acts of ibaadat by
its inconspicuous nature. Whereas other acts of
ibaadat, e.g. Salaat, Zakaat, Hajj, are conspicuous in
varying degrees. Fasting is totally concealed. Only
Allah Ta’ala is aware if one is fasting or not. Only
those who truly have the love or fear of Allah Ta’ala
in their hearts will fast.
Experience proves that weakness in love and fear for
Allah could be remedied by engaging in such acts which
produce muhabbat (love) and azmat (respect honour and
awe). Fasting is greatly efficacious in this regard.
Thus weaknessin one’s Imaan and love for Allah is
strengthened by fasting. One in whose heart the love
and fear of Allah Ta’ala become embedded, will be
strong and steadfast on the Deen. The natural effect
of fasting is to produce strength in one’s Deen. This
effect is referred to in the following two hadith:
1. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) narrates
that Allha Ta’ala said:
“Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) narrates that
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that
Allah Ta’ala said:
“All good deeds are for the one who renders them, but
fasting. Fasting is exclusively for Me (Allah).” 
2. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that
Allah Ta’ala said: “The one who fasts, abstains from
eating, drinking and sexual relations for My Sake.”
Another narration states that Allah Ta’ala said that
the fasting person leaves off his desires and
pleasures for His Sake. (Ibn Khuzaimah).
Fasting being exclusively for the sake of Allah Ta’ala
reflects the high degree of sincerity underlying the
act of ibaadat. The high degree of sincerity coupled
with abstention form evil and futility produce glitter
and strength in the Imaan of the fasting person. Great
emphasis is therefore laid on fasting. This is very
clear from the fact that Allah Ta’ala described the
act of man’s fasting as being only for Him (Allah
1. Hadhrat Abu Ummaamah (radiallahu anhu) narrates
that he asked Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
to impose on him some deed of great significance
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said. Adopt
fasting, for there is no act greater than it. Hadhrat
Abu Ummaamah repeated his request second time
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) again advised
him to adopt fasting. Hadhrat Abu Ummaamah put forward
his request again, a third time, and Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Adopt fasting, for there is no deed equal to it.” 

(Nisaai, Ibn Khuzaimah)
The superiority of fasting is in relation to certain
special characteristics of fasting such as degree of
sincerity, efficacy in strengthening weak Imaan,
inculcating love and fear of Allah and its acting as a
barrier against sin. These special benefits of fasting
are attainable only if one fasts consciously and
observes the respects and rights of fasting.
2. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
Fasting is a shield and a powerful fortress.”
 (Ahmad, Baihaqi)
Like fasting is a shield of protection against
internal (spiritual) diseases, viz., sins. so too, is
it a protection against external sicknesses, i.e.
physical illness. In the majority of cases, physical
sickness is the result of excessive eating. This cause
is arrested in fasting.
3. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) narrates
that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Every person has a zakaat (to pay) and the zakaat of
the body is fasting.” 
  (Ibn Majah)
Like wealth is purified by means of paying Zakaat, the
body is purified by means of fasting. Zakaat is the
elimination of impurities from wealth while Fasting is
the elimination of impurities from the body. And, the
role of fasting as indicated already, operates in both
the physical and spiritual spheres of man’s life.
4. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) narrates
that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Keep fasting; you will remain healthy.” 
Fasting produces both physical and spiritual health.
Fasting produces spiritual peace and exhiliration.
5. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) in a lengthy
hadith, narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) said:
“The fasting person experiences two 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The General's Report

2007-06-20 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Here I am, Taguba recalled Rumsfeld saying, just a Secretary of
Defense, and we have not seen a copy of your report. I have not seen
the photographs, and I have to testify to Congress tomorrow and talk
about this. As Rumsfeld spoke, Taguba said, He's looking at me. It
was a statement.

from the issuecartoon banke-mail thisAt best, Taguba said, Rumsfeld
was in denial. Taguba had submitted more than a dozen copies of his
report through several channels at the Pentagon and to the Central
Command headquarters, in Tampa, Florida, which ran the war in Iraq. By
the time he walked into Rumsfeld's conference room, he had spent weeks
briefing senior military leaders on the report, but he received no
indication that any of them, with the exception of General Schoomaker,
had actually read it.

And people wonder why we consider the US elites
to be Nazis and thugs.


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Launch of the Council of ex-Muslims of Britain-why this provocation

2007-06-20 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,
Assalamu Alaikum.By their manifesto 9quoted below )they are a group of  
non-believers and atheists.I am surprised that instead of naming them as An 
Association of Atheists, they are naming them as the council of-ex-Muslims of 
Britain.This is nothing but a provocation.When a person become Muslim, we call 
him Muslim , not an ex-christian or ex-jew etc.If a Muslim becomes atheist 
he/she should call him/ herself an atheist and form, if he/she likes an atheist 

Neither religion nor atheism is totally new. So why this provocation?I have 
seen these Muslim turned atheists doing nothing positive,except only  
criticising Islam and Muslims. In the end, historically it has been seen that 
it enhances Muslim defence only.Muslims never care such un-ethical moves .

Shah Abdul Hannan

  - Original Message -
  From: Maryam Namazie
  Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 1:38 PM
  Subject: Launch of the Council of ex-Muslims of Britain

  Advance information
  Launch of the Council of ex-Muslims of Britain

  A British branch of a new Europe-wide phenomenon is to be launched on
  Thursday 21 June in London. The Council of ex-Muslims of Britain is building
  on the stunning success of other branches already operating in Germany,
  Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The British Humanist Association and
  National Secular Society are sponsoring the launch and support the new

  The Council will provide a voice for those labelled Muslim but who have
  renounced religion and do not want to be identified by religion.

  Rights activist Maryam Namazie will be the voice of the organisation in this
  country. She said: We are establishing the alternative to the likes of the
  Muslim Council of Britain because we don't think people should be
  pigeonholed as Muslims or deemed to be represented by regressive
  organisations like the MCB. Those of us who have come forward with our names
  and photographs represent countless others who are unable or unwilling to do
  so because of the threats faced by those considered 'apostates' - punishable
  by death in countries under Islamic law. By doing so, we are breaking the
  taboo that comes with renouncing Islam but also taking a stand for reason,
  universal rights and values, and secularism. We are quite certain we
  represent a majority in Europe and a vast secular and humanist protest
  movement in countries like Iran.

  Mina Ahadi who initiated the original Central Council of Ex-Muslims in
  Germany will be attending the launch. She spoke about the aims of the
  organisation in an interview to Der Spiegel,1518,468828,00.html.

  Mina Ahadi, Mahin Alipour (spokesperson of the Scandinavian organisation),
  Maryam Namazie and others will be available for interviews at the launch.


  The launch will be at 11am (until midday), Thursday 21 June
  Wilson Room
  Portcullis House
  Westminster SW1A 2LW

  A manifesto explaining the aims of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain

  For more information please contact:
  Maryam Namazie
  Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
  BM Box 1919
  London WC1N 3XX, UK
  telephone: 07719166731
  website: (under construction)

  Manifesto of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain

  We, non-believers, atheists, and ex-Muslims, are establishing or joining the
  Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain to insist that no one be pigeonholed as
  Muslims with culturally relative rights nor deemed to be represented by
  regressive Islamic organisations and 'Muslim community leaders'.

  Those of us who have come forward with our names and photographs represent
  countless others who are unable or unwilling to do so because of the threats
  faced by those considered 'apostates' - punishable by death in countries
  under Islamic law.

  By doing so, we are breaking the taboo that comes with renouncing Islam but
  also taking a stand for reason, universal rights and values, and secularism.

  Whilst religion or the lack thereof is a private affair, the increasing
  intervention of and devastation caused by religion and particularly Islam in
  contemporary society has necessitated our public renunciation and
  declaration. We represent a majority in Europe and a vast secular and
  humanist protest movement in countries like Iran.

  Taking the lead from the Central Council of Ex-Muslims in Germany, we

  1. Universal rights and equal citizenship for all. We are opposed to
  cultural relativism and the tolerance of inhuman beliefs, discrimination and
  abuse in the name of respecting religion or culture.
  2. Freedom to criticise religion. Prohibition of restrictions on
  unconditional freedom of criticism and expression using so-called religious
  3. Freedom of religion and atheism.
  4. Separation of religion from the state and legal and educational system.
  5. Prohibition of