Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] best remembrance of Allah

2007-09-03 Thread Abida Rahmani
Assalaamalaikum wr wb
  JazakaAllhu khair for so much pretty and beautiful e-mails.
  Their formats are so attractive and appealing.
  Brother, I 'm associated with an Islamic Dawah circle (ICNA sisters wing). I 
would like to ask your permission, if your slides are used in some of our pump 
lets fi sabilul Allah.
  Kindly let me know,
  JazakaAllah and WS,

The Prophet  said: afdalu al-dhikri la ilaha illallah
   The best remembrance of Allah is to say: There is no god but 
{Tirmidhi (hasan), Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, 
  Bayhaqi in Shu`ab al-iman, from Jabir ibn `Abd Allah} 




  Abida Rahmani
  If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be 
sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Plastic Pays for Thieves in Saudi Arabia

2007-09-03 Thread AB
Plastic Pays for Thieves
  Molouk Y. Ba-Isa, Arab News
  ALKHOBAR, 1 June 2007 — As in other modern nations, Saudi Arabia is gradually 
shifting from cash payments to card payments. This is leading to an increase in 
credit card theft and fraud, and since the incidents of abuse aren’t being 
publicized, consumers don’t know that they should be on guard.
  The first case that came to my attention on this subject involved an Eastern 
Province-based expatriate, whose credit cards had been issued on a European 
bank. One night the man noticed that two credit cards were missing from his 
wallet. He reported the theft to his bank, but it was too late. The thief had 
already spent SR10,000 on the credit cards.
  According to the terms of the credit card agreement, the man was responsible 
for paying most of that money, since the charges to the cards had been made 
before they were reported stolen. The bank did oblige him by disclosing that 
the largest purchase of SR7,000 had been at a jewelry shop in Alkhobar. When 
the man went to investigate that purchase, he found that the jewelry store 
clerk knew the name of the man, a Saudi, who had used the credit card. The 
expat was shocked to learn that one of his colleagues had removed the two 
credit cards from the wallet when it had been left on the desk during the 
  How could it be that an Arab used a credit card issued in a Westerner’s name? 
I discovered that it’s so easy to do. For the last month, my husband Muhammad 
and I switched credit cards. I went around town charging everything I bought. 
From the supermarket to the shopping mall, no one stopped me when I used 
“Muhammad’s” credit card to pay for my purchases. No clerk asked me for 
identification. No salesman even inquired if “Muhammad” was a relative. With my 
face covered, no one had a clue who I was — except that I certainly wasn’t 
  Reports of credit card fraud are becoming commonplace. One father explained 
how a supposed friend of his son had removed a credit card from his wallet and 
then used it to purchase mobile phones, which can be easily resold for cash. A 
woman forgot her credit card at a store after making a purchase. The card was 
used by someone else at several shops in the mall, until the card limit was 
  In both of these cases the credit card holders were held liable for the 
purchases because they did not comply with the “Terms and Conditions” laid out 
by the respective card issuers. These terms and conditions vary widely. Many 
credit cards issued in the Kingdom come with the following stipulation: “The 
cardholder will be responsible for any unauthorized card transactions affected 
before written notice of the loss or theft has been received by the bank’s card 
center.” Some banks also demand police reports in cases of card theft.
  I went back to the merchants who had accepted “Muhammad’s” credit card from 
me and questioned them as to why they had not declined to take the card or 
asked me for identification. Every one of them said that if the transaction is 
accepted by the electronic approval system, then the purchase is good. Plus, 
the clerks, all of whom were male, stated that they would never ask a woman for 
  “Once I asked a Saudi man for ID,” replied Muhammad Shaife, a clothing store 
clerk. “The man became angry and accused me of treating him like a criminal. I 
quickly apologized but he just threw the goods at me and left the store. To 
this day I don’t know if I lost a sale or deterred a thief. When I discussed 
the situation with my store manager, he told me not to ever ask for ID.”
  The clerks don’t compare the signatures on the credit cards with the 
signatures on the receipts either, although they do keep the signed receipts. 
The paper receipts are only turned in to the banks if they are requested or if 
a bank does not deposit cash for the purchase to the merchant’s account. In 
this last case, the signed receipt allows the merchant to show that an approved 
transaction was made.
  “Debit cards are much safer than credit cards because a PIN must be entered 
before the transaction is authorized,” said Babu Shetty, manager of a small 
electronics shop. “Another problem we see a lot these days is with ‘void’ 
transactions. These are transactions that are not approved and the system spits 
out a ‘transaction void’ receipt. In a void transaction often the bank 
transfers the money to the merchant’s account anyway. The banks don’t always 
realize the error and the charge goes to the customer’s credit card bill. This 
causes a lot of headaches and customers get really angry with us. Customers 
should keep the void transaction receipts, if any, and check their credit card 
statements before the ‘pay by date’ each month to avoid problems.”
  In a statement, Ihab Ayoub, Saudi Arabia country manager, Visa 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Top 10 Excuses by Women Who Don�t Wear the Hijab

2007-09-03 Thread K H U R R A M
Top 10 Excuses by Women Who Don’t Wear the Hijab

1. Friends will reject me
  The people I hang around with and really tight with none of them wear hijab/ 
jilbaab and they take the mickey out of those that do. Especially the hijabies 
who check out boys and do dirty dancing at college.uni parties. Names like 
fundies, molvies, hypocrites and they cover coz they are ugly. If I wear the 
hijab then I will lose all my friends and have the piss taken out of me as well.
2. Harm my career
  I worked my arse of to get where I am now in my career. I got a big salary, 
status and I enjoy the respect I get from colleagues and community. I can’t 
risk all that for a piece of cloth, besides I would look weird in board 
meetings and work parties in the pub and nightclubs. InshAllah when I get 
married in my 30s and have kids in my mid 30s, I’ll cover as I’m supposed to 
3. My family are westernized
  No one in my family wears hijab, even my grandmother wears bright coloured 
stylish clothes. If I were to wear the hijab I’d feel strange coz we have 
family gatherings where all the women dress in sarees and other revealing 
clothes and at our weddings we have a DJ playing bhangra music and we all dance 
to bollywood tunes, even my grandmother does a few funky moves on the dance 
4. Non-Muslims will stare
  I’ve noticed since 7/7 that non-Muslims regard anyone who looks like a Muslim 
as a potential terrorist and by wearing the hijab I would attract attention. By 
wearing western clothes I get away with non-Muslims thinking I’m a Hindu, Sikh 
or moderate non-practicing Muslim. I’ve even had white guys trying to chat me 
up coz they think I’m up for it based on the tight western clothing that I wear.
5. I’m still young
  I’m only 27 I’ve got my whole life ahead of me. I’m still enjoying life, u 
know what I mean, flirting with guys, clubbing, hanging out with mates in 
shopping centres. When I get married and have kids I’ll wear it then
6. I wont get attention from guys
  I love the attention I get from guys and the way they look at me u know what 
I mean. I’m checking out 3 guys at the moment. Ones my age, ones older and one 
is older and married. I guess we all need a toy boy as well as a father figure 
/sugar daddy. I’ll choose one of them, although I’ve got a few my age from uni 
as back up. After I’ve lived my life to the max and played the field and 
settled down then I might consider wearing it, even cover my face coz I don’t 
wanna meet any of my ex’s now do I ? Shoot 2 birds with 1 stone, appear pious 
and avoid hassle with former boyfriends , great idea, hijab. Jilbab and niqab.
7. I dress modestly
  I wear loose modest clothes which cover and hide my curves, I know my hair is 
exposed but at least I’m more or less covered, better than a lot of girls/women 
who dress like tarts.
8. People will think I’m a fundamentalist
  There is so much in the media nowadays about Muslims getting radicalised and 
rejecting western values and becoming fundamentalists. I just don’t want people 
to think that I am one also. Although I know that the west and its values are 
decadent and filthy, I don’t think it’s wise to express this. I pray and fast 
etc, I don’t need to wear Islamic clothing to be a good Muslim coz Islam is in 
my heart.
9. I worked hard to get this figure
  After going to the gym and Pilates for 6 months I’ve finally achieved the 
hourglass figure which men find attractive. I enjoy the attention I get and 
feel attractive. By wearing the hijab/jilbaab I would just be an ordinary woman 
in the eyes of men and only religious types with big beards would be interested 
in me.
10. When in Rome do as the Romans
  We live in the UK and not in a Muslim country so why follow Islam rigidly? 
Also compared to non-Muslim women who practically walk around naked I dress and 
behave quite respectably. Whenever I visit back home I wear different clothes 
coz I don’t want people to think bad of me and my family. One day in my 60’s 
after I have lived my life I will go to hajj and then become the perfect 
Muslimah, not now coz I believe “when in Rome do as the Romans”.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Traditional Jews Question Evangelical Support of 'Israel'

2007-09-03 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

True Torah Jews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 19:27:46 
-0700 (MST)
From: True Torah Jews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Traditional Jews Question Evangelical Support of 'Israel'

  Press Release  For immediate release  TRADITIONAL JEWS 
  Brooklyn, NY, August 21, 2007. 
Recent claims by Evangelical Christians that the State of Israel is the 
fulfillment of a biblical prophecy and the upcoming series on Christian 
Zionists scheduled for airing on CNN beginning this week has caused great alarm 
among many in the traditional Jewish community.
  Even in a practical context, Torah-true Jews find it hard to believe that 
these Christians have the Jews' best interest at heart. They are sending them 
off to the battlefield called the West Bank, where every successful Zionist 
settlement is an obstacle to peace, a victory in the war of these extremists to 
dominate the land and subdue its inhabitants. The true goal of these Christians 
is not to be those who bless Jews but to prepare the ground for the final 
battle at the end of the world, when they believe their messiah will return and 
all who did not believe in him (i.e. Jews and Muslims) will perish and burn in 
  Historically, those gentiles who welcomed Jews into their country and allowed 
them freedom to practice the Torah and full rights were considered friends of 
the Jews. Anti-Semites were those who expelled Jews from their country and 
wanted them elsewhere. “These millions of Christians have, by means of the 
pragmatic Zionist money-takers, managed to sell themselves as friends of the 
Jews when in reality they are putting all their resources into settling Jews 
far away, in the most dangerous part of the world.” said a spokesperson for 
True Torah Jews.
  Additional information concerning the position of the Anti-Zionist Orthodox 
Jews may be found at
  True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the 
American public and politicians that all Jews do not support the ideology of 
the Zionist state called Israel which is diametrically opposite to the 
teachings of traditional Judaism.  We are concerned that the widespread 
misconception that all Jews support the Zionist state and its actions endangers 
Jews worldwide.
- END -

Visit our web site at 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Distorted Image of Muslim Women’s Dress

2007-09-03 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*The Distorted Image of Muslim Women's Dress*

SINCE the height of the feminist movement in the late 70's there has been a
magnifying glass placed over the status of Muslim women. Unfortunately, the
magnifying glass that has been used is an unusual one. Unusual in the sense
that it is very selective about which items it will magnify; other items it
will distort to such a degree that they will no longer look familiar

Once reading in an in depth article about the lives of Muslim women.

This article explained that at any time a man can divorce his wife by
simply stating I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you. This article
can lead anyone ignorant of the Islamic ruling regarding divorce to believe
that in less than five seconds the woman is left with no husband and is left
to care for herself (and possibly her children) by any means necessary.

The question that immediately popped up in my mind was, Did the author
innocently write that out of sincere ignorance or was it another of the many
attempts to degrade the religion of Islam and its followers (Muslims)? It
may be my own paranoia, but I tend to believe it was the latter of the two.

The distorted image that I will cover is that of the Muslim women's dress.
The Western-influenced media portrays our dress to be outdated and
oppressive. Needless to say however, I differ with these adjectives.

Our dress code does not hinder us from doing anything productive in our

Muslim women maintain a variety of jobs, none of which are devalued nor
hampered due to their dress code. I think Muslim women's dress is the most
appropriate due to decreasing morals in the world today.

For those who say that Islamic dress is outdated, they speak from great
ignorance. The decreasing morality and trials of this time makes Hijab
(veil) even more in need.

More than ever before sex crimes are rampant. Although this society tells
women they can wear what they want to wear, anytime a rape occurs the woman
is the one put on trial as one of the first questions is, What were you
wearing? This concept seems as though it is a set up directed against the
so-called contemporary woman.

In conclusion, I hope I helped to clear up some distorted/misunderstood
aspects of Islam and women. Women in Islam are respected, held in high
esteem and given all their due rights .

Compiled from various sources.

*Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, to
post on** *

*Internet sites and to publish** in full text and subject title in
not-to-profit publications.** *

*  *

*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form. ***
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Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] South Koreans turn anger at MISSIONARY hostages

2007-09-03 Thread Shaikh Hyder
South Koreans are angry at their church, because the deal with Taleban gave 
them freedom will bring them down in the eyes of the international community. 
How great Koreans are at looking at this situation in this way and how 
sensitive they are about their nation's place in the world community.
  On the other hand Muslim nations are in the gutter with their rulers' working 
for yahud and nassarra and killing their own muslim brothers. No standing in 
the world stage except as camp followers of enemies of Muslims.

South Koreans turn anger at hostages   By JAE-SOON CHANG, 
Associated Press WriterFri Aug 31, 2:40 PM ET 

  South Korea's relief at the release of 19 countrymen held hostage by the 
Taliban gave way Friday to anger at the victims themselves, members of a 
Christian church who are being criticized for ignoring warnings against travel 
to Afghanistan.
  Critics said the group's actions forced their government into negotiations 
with the Islamic militants that damaged the nation's international reputation.
  A day after the last hostages were let go, some of the church workers 
apologized for the trouble caused by their captivity, and a few collapsed when 
told the militants had slain two male colleagues. One said she secretly kept a 
diary on the lining of her pants.
  With the crisis over, South Koreans turned their focus to what went wrong, 
who is to blame and what lessons can be drawn from the six-week ordeal. Public 
anger toward the hostages had been expressed in one form or another from the 
beginning, and it was rising on Friday.
  Scathing comments, written with the cloak of anonymity, flooded Internet 
message boards. Newspapers published critical editorials.
  Most noticeable was the feeling the hostages themselves and the church that 
sent them to Afghanistan were to blame because they did not heed repeated 
government warnings to stay away from the volatile Central Asian country. One 
advisory cited an intelligence report that insurgents were targeting Koreans.
  They were told not to go, said Kim Young-soo, 42, a travel agency employee 
in Seoul. They shouldn't have gone there in the first place.
  The apparent ignoring of the warning levied a high price on the government, 
critics argued, forcing it to deal directly with the Taliban in violation of 
the international principle of not negotiating with terrorists. Seoul is also 
alleged to have made a secret ransom payment to the insurgent group, although 
the government denied it.
  The U.S., a South Korean ally, welcomed the hostages' release, but it also 
alluded to the talks with the Taliban.
  Asked Thursday if meeting with the militants set a dangerous precedent, State 
Department spokesman Tom Casey said: I'd simply reiterate that the 
long-standing U.S. policy is ... not to make concessions to terrorists.
  The hostage crisis has hurt the pride of many South Koreans, who have sought 
international recognition for their homeland's rise from the rubble of the 
1950-53 Korean War to become one of the world's richest nations.
  Of course, the country has a duty to protect its people, but I'm worried 
that the status of South Korea will slip a lot in the international community, 
said Kim Kwang-ho, 32, an employee at a consulting firm.
  Local media also raised concerns about the ramifications of any ransom being 
paid. A senior Afghan official close to the negotiations alleged Friday the 
South Koreans had paid money to win their release.
  Speculation has been rife over a ransom payment. And we are concerned that 
other kidnapping incidents targeting our nationals might occur, the newspaper 
Dong-a Ilbo said in an editorial.
  Officials have hinted at the possibility of seeking compensation from the 
former hostages for expenses incurred by the government in winning their 
release — at least airfare and medical fees — an unprecedented move seen as 
reflecting public anger over the crisis.
  Still, there were some calls for sympathy.
  Two of them have already died in the crisis. They are also victims, said 
Kim Kwang-il, an activist with an anti-war group that has argued Seoul's 
dispatch of some 200 soldiers to Afghanistan caused the hostage crisis.
  The Taliban freed the hostages after South Korea's government repeated a 
pledge to withdraw those troops before year's end. 
  The two male hostages were slain soon after the Taliban seized 23 South 
Koreans on July 19. The militants freed two female captives last week, and the 
remaining 19 hostages this week. 
  Yonhap news agency reported that some of the former captives fell to the 
ground in shock when they were told that the two members of their group had 
been slain. Television showed the former hostages tearfully reuniting and 
hugging at a hotel in the Afghan capital. 
  It was too early to tell if emerging accounts of the hostages' ordeal and 
profuse apologies could cause more widespread sympathy. 
  I can't sleep due 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Media Demonize Muslims: US Rabbi

2007-09-03 Thread Abu Nabhan
 Media Demonize Muslims: US Rabbi

  There exists in this country among all Americans, whether Jews,
Christians, or non-believers, a huge and profound ignorance about Islam,
said Yoffie

CAIRO — The president of the US largest Jewish movement has accused US media
and politicians of demonizing Islam and portraying Muslims as satanic
figures, reported *Haaretz* on Saturday, September 1.

There exists in this country among all Americans, whether Jews, Christians,
or non-believers, a huge and profound ignorance about Islam, rabbi Eric
Yoffie, head of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), told the opening session
of the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

... there is no shortage of voices prepared to tell us that fanaticism and
intolerance are fundamental to Islamic religion, and that violence and even
suicide bombing have deep Qur'anic roots, he said.

Many critics have blamed Western media for promoting prejudice and
stereotypes against Muslims and Arabs in the West.

Famed US academic Stephen Schwartz had criticized the Western media for
failing to meet the challenge of reporting on Islam and Arab issues after
the 9/11 attacks.

A recent British study accused the media and film industry of perpetuating
Islamophobia and prejudice by demonizing Muslims and Arabs as violent,
dangerous and threatening people.

We know nothing of Islam – nothing, the Jewish rabbi, who leads
1.5million progressive Jews in the US, told ISNA audience.

He said that Americans need to know how far removed Islam is from the
perverse distortions of the terrorists who too often dominate the media,
subverting Islam's image by professing to speak in its name.

ISNA convention, the largest gathering of Muslims in North America, was
opened on Friday, August 31.

This year's convention, to run through September 3, features a series of
seminars on how to shake off stereotypes about Islam and Muslims.

* *


The Jewish rabbi called for dialogue between Muslims and Jews to better
understand both faiths, the *Chicago Tribune* reported.

The time has come to listen to our Muslim neighbors speak in their own
words about the spiritual power of Islam and their love for their religion,
he told ISNA audience.

Our view is that it's important to talk to people that you don't agree with
and not simply those that you do agree with, he added.

It would be impossible to enter into this kind of program with a group that

He called for ending discrimination and racial profiling against US Muslims.

Since the 9/11 attacks, American Muslims have become sensitized to an
erosion of their civil rights, with a prevailing belief that America was
targeting their faith.

Yoffie said that it is high time for Jews and Muslims to overcome their
divisions triggered by the Middle East conflict.

Will we, Jews and Muslims, import the conflicts of the Middle East into
America, or will we join together and send a message of peace to that
troubled land? Yoffie asked.

As religious Jews and religious Muslims, let us do everything in our power
to prevent a political battle from being transformed into a holy war, he

Yoffie has remained the unchallenged head of the URJ, the congregational arm
of the Reform Jewish Movement in North America, since 1996.
In 1999 the Jewish-American newspaper *The Forward* named rabbi Yoffie the
number one Jewish leader in the United States.
inline: Yoffie.jpg

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamic Development Bank President�s Visit -editor Asia Post, dated 2.9.07

2007-09-03 Thread S A Hannan

Islamic Development Bank President’s Visit

IDB president Dr. Ahmad had a busy and successful visit of Bangladesh.In this 
visit apart from the government program, he attended the Annual General meeting 
of the the Islami Bangladesh Limited of which the Islamic Development Bank is a 
sponsor share-holder. He addressed the AGM and expressed his satisfaction of 
the micro-finance  operation of IBBL in nine thousand villages and expressed 
his desire to make the IBBL program as a model for the Muslim world with 
suitable adjustments in their ten billion dollar poverty reduction program in 
their member-countries.. He also in the evening addressed the village women 
leaders of IBBL micro-finance program  where women leaders of Muslim and Hindu 
communities expressed their experience with IBBL micro-finance program (Rural 
Development Scheme).

The IDB president signed three agreements were signed between the government of 
Bangladesh and the IDB following a meeting between the finance adviser, AB 
Mirza Azizul Islam, and the visiting IDB president, Ahmad Mohamed Ali, at 
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka on Friday. The secretary of economic relations 
division, Mohammad Aminul Islam Bhuiyan, and the IDB president signed the 
agreements on behalf of the Bangladesh government and the IDB respectively. The 
finance adviser was present on the occasion.
   Earlier, the finance adviser and the IDB president discussed matters of 
mutual interest particularly strengthening IDB cooperation in areas like 
agriculture, education, health, rural infrastructure, power and support 
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation for importing crude oil and petroleum 
products.  Ahmad Mohammad Ali assured the finance adviser of IDB's further 
cooperation in the coming years. The IDB president also assured the Bangladesh 
government of providing assistance for rehabilitation of the flood-hit people 
in Bangladesh and sending a mission soon for making an assessment of damage 
caused by the floods.

We are happy at this successful visit of IDB president.It will increase 
bi-lateral co-operation between Bangladesh and IDB.We are also happy that IDB 
considers IBBL micro finance model as the basis for its shariah-compliant model 
for its member countries. We know that IDB wants to integrate waqf and Zakat 
with micro finance. This is very much possible as has been discussed in various 
conferences organized by Muslim Aid, UK and Islamic Economics Research Bureau, 
Dhaka.We hope ten billion dollar IDB fund would be used in the best possible 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why German smart Lady convert to ISLAM

2007-09-03 Thread Ahumanb
Why German smart Lady convert to ISLAM


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] a better look at Hammas

2007-09-03 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Dick Eastman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  From: Dick Eastman [EMAIL 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: a better look at Hammas
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 13:57:50 -0700

  August 29 2007
  Tamimi's  Hamas; A History From Within - Book Review
  Jim Miles (Special to
  Azzam Tamimi. Hamas: A History From Within. (Northampton : Olive Branch 
Press, 2007)
While discussing recent events, Tamimi also discusses more of the philosophical 
underpinnings of the Hamas movement and the discussion that takes place within 
Hamas itself concerning its goals and means.
  Most of the world knows the superficial history of Hamas as presented by 
western media, the stories of the suicide bombers, the election results that 
were argued to be a vote against the PLO/Fatah but not for Hamas, the resulting 
denial of that democratic vote by all western governments, and most recently, 
the Hamas takeover of the dysfunctional governance of the Gaza Strip. Azzam 
Tamimi's book, Hamas; A History From Within, presents a much broader and much 
more accurate perspective on a group that has had much more significance for 
the Palestinian people than simply being a militant suicidal terrorist group. 
  Consistent with the title, Tamimi presents a history that shows Hamas' 
development from its roots within the Muslim Brotherhood, from its aspects of 
international cooperation and denial, and from within  the development of the 
ideas, policies, and implementation of ideas that is rarely seen in western 
media sources. It is not a fawning sycophantic review, as it also reveals the 
internal struggles within Hamas between the various people and political 
institutions involved in its history and development, and further reveals the 
precarious hold it had on survival, a survival that became ensured only with 
the advent of more serious Israeli atrocities during the first Intifada. 
  Arguments have been made that Hamas was assisted in its set-up by Israel in 
order to counter the power of the PLO/Fatah organization. Tamimi is much more 
nuanced in his discussion of this, arguing more that Israeli ignorance of what 
Hamas embodied and what it meant to the mostly poorer and refugee Palestinians 
allowed it to survive without direct complicity. Beginning with Sheikh Yassin 
in Gaza, and as a reaction to the defeat of pan-Arabic Nasirism after the 1967 
war, the Islamic Brotherhood centred their concerns not on militancy, but 
primarily on instilling Islamic values and ethics in the hearts and minds of 
the young. At that time, Israel did not support the Islamic Brotherhood 
(Ikhwan) but the occupation authorities did not object to this seemingly 
benign religious activity.  Tamimi argues, At this time, the Palestinian 
Ikhwan; were concerned principally with the education and training of their 
members and supporters so as to shield them from what they deemed
 to be alien and hostile ideologies and sociopolitical trends rescuing] the 
individual, the family, and the community as a whole from the onslaught of 
Western ideas, whether liberal or Marxist. An Islamic education and revival of 
Islamic society, and not militant terrorism, were the initial forces behind 
Ikhwan activities. 
  Following from that, and with full evidence over the years, the Ikhwan, 
focussed mainly on students and young people, focussed on providing social, 
recreational, and educational services. Again, The Israelis did not see this 
association [the Islamic Society] as any kind of threat, and granted the Ikhwan 
a license for its establishment.  The activities of the society included 
sports, recreational trips, scouting activities, and public lectures on 
religious and social issues.  
  There is certainly room to spin these developments into that of Israeli 
subterfuge against the PLO, and more than likely within the broad spectrum of 
opinion that is usual in all possible political motivations that view could 
arise within some individuals, but Tamimi's overall historical development 
indicates, as above, that Israel simply saw it as no threat to themselves at 
that time. Likewise, within the Ikhwan, would be individuals that were more 
militantly oriented than others, but the fundamental appears solid and well 
argued, that education and social services were the primary goal of the 
original Ikhwan set-up. This led to the development of mosques, schools, 
kindergartens, universities, day-care, medical clinics, hospitals, and other 
social organizations. These organizations obviously greatly benefited the poor 
and the refugees within the West Bank and Gaza; in contrast, the PLO/Fatah, as 
evidenced in this work and other recent histories, became more concerned
 about supporting their own internal structures and maintaining their power and 
predominance politically and economically over the Palestinian territories. 
  As history 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iran's Jews - Shalom Salaam

2007-09-03 Thread Ahumanb
Iran's Jews - Shalom Salaam


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Houston Imam Wazir Ali / Masjid officials - Fail to Respond to

2007-09-03 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, As Salaam Alaikum, Imam Kashif,

I regret that your righteous indignation at the posting  of the  message  
Houston Imam Wazir Ali / Masjid officials - Fail to Respond to Offer to Mediate 
Peace caused you to request to  leave the Muslims in Georgia forum.

You say,  Shaitan revels, mockingly, as ''Muslims' wash their linen,' in 

I assume that the third quote mark was either a typo or that its paring fourth 
quote mark is missing.

It appears that you, along with Shaitan are the moking ones, as you put the 
word Muslims in quotations, as if to question whether those you are referring 
to are real Muslims or merely Musalims = quotation Muslims, whatever you 
intend that to mean.. 

You lament the washing of linen in public.  As a learned Imam are you aware of 
the Islamic principle that permits those whose Allah endowed Rights are being 
oppressed, to publically protest that oppression, when private efforts to end 
it have failed?

Allah's Divine Wisdom in permitting this public protest, fights the spread of 
oppression throughout the society in dark, hidden secrecy, just like chemo and 
radiation therapy  fights  cancer spreading rampant, throughout the body 
internally, while all looks peaceful  and healthy externally.

You say,   Does one think that Allah is not the Ultimate Arbitrator? He 
cautions the believers to be patient and persever(e). Tell me, throughout all 
this  noise. who has lifted up his hands, and/or bowed before Allah in 

Of course Allah is th Ultimate Arbitrator.  And of course Allah teaches the 
believer to be patient and persevere.  And what believer has not lifted up his 
 hands and//or bowedbefore Allah in supplication  at a rate of at least 
seventeen fard rakats a day?.

However, does Allah command us to sit and wait for him to come and end our 
oppression, or does he command us to fight the same way that Prophet 
Muhammad and his sahabah fought it for 23 years.  He and his sahabah was 
patient and they persevered.  They also fought physical warss that requiredr 
mortal combat.

  Prophet Muhammad fought the oppression of his and his communities worship at 
the Sacred Mosquefor thirteen years whle he resided in Mecca.  and he 
continued to fight it after the hidrah from Mecca. They continued to fight it 
until he was able to pray there in peace.  He diid not sit and wait for Allah, 
the Ultimatre Arbitrator to whom he bowed and made supplications to,. to 
come and remove the oppression while he sat and waited.   And he protested this 
oppression publicaly.

You may recall the old Nation of Islam question,  Would you sit at home and 
wait for Jesus to bring you dinner?  the answer, naturaly is no.  

Allah Helps those who help themselvesby any legal, moral means  necessary.

Why does Allah command us to fight oppression?  Becauuse in His 
wordsOppression is worse than Slaughter.

 Sura 2-217  They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: 
Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah 
to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the 
Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members. Tumult and oppression are worse than 

Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if 
they can. And if any of you turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, 
their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be 
Companions of the Fire and will abide therein.

In this sura, Not only does Allah declare that oppression is greater than 
slaughter, He then detaiils some of these kinds of oppression:

   prevent access to the path of Allah, 

   to deny Him, 

   to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque,
and drive out its members.
All of these specific kinds of oppression are practiced when Imams and 
officials who banish ummah members from the masjid by dictate.

Until his type of official  dictatorial punishment is e eradicated, we cannot 
realize a  Model Islamic Community that can be emulated by the rest of the 
world.  Societies  based on Freedomn, Justice and Equality have already  
eradicated it . 

And He specifically warns us against  turning your back on your faith.

Then Allah describes the type of person who oppresses in this manner,and 
commandh His believer to obey him not!

  Nay!  Indeed, man transgresses all bounds, considers himself to be 
self-sufficient, although, surely towards your Rabb is his return.  Have you 
seen the one who forbids Our servant from offering Salah (prayer)?  Have you 
considered, if he was on right guidance, or was enjoining true piety, why he 
would forbid someone from prayer?  Have you considered, if he denies the truth 
and turns away, what will happen?  Does he not know that Allah is observing all 
things?  Nay!  Let him know that if he does not stop, we will drag him by the 
forelock, a lying, sinful forelock.  So let him call his supporters for help, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ahadith Qudsi-Superiority of Monotheism . . . Qudsi Hadith: 14

2007-09-03 Thread SA PEER MOHAMED
Ahadith Qudsi-Superiority of Monotheism . . . 
  Qudsi Hadith: 14
  14. Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri (r.a.). He quoted Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) 
as saying to his Companions that: a man from among the early people or from 
those before you had said a word, i.e. Allah had blessed him with wealth and 
sons. When death approached him, he asked his sons: How was I being as a 
father? They replied: You were the best father. He said: I didn't save or 
perform any good deeds for Allah. If Allah takes possession of me, He will 
punish me. So, look! When I am dead, burn me until I become coal then crush me 
well and scatter (my ashes in the air) on a stormy day. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) 
said: He took a covenant from his sons (and died). They did according to his 
will and spread his ashes in the air on a stormy day. Allah asswajal said: Be 
and there he was embodied before Him. Allah, the Exalted, asked him: O my 
slave! What induced you to do what you did? He replied: It was Your fear (so 
that I may not appear before You). The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) added:
 Allah, the Exalted rewarded him with His mercy; the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said 
second time: Allah did not punish him.
  (This Hadith is sound and reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

  This man was a believer in the Power of Allah assawajal to resurrect, and 
punish. His such belief and fear caused him to make that will which led him to 
Allah's forgiveness.
  Saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) 
  Having Allahs Statements.
  From Darussalam Islamic Books.

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Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] After a Grave Sin

2007-09-03 Thread Naheed Baloch
We have to live our lives according to the teachings
of the Quran and Sunnah. So when a person commits
theft, his/her hand should be cut off. Same goes for
other punishments prescribed by the sunnah. 
I hear alot of scholars say that when a person commits
a great sin , they should repent. Repentance alone
does not expiate for ones sins. The punishment one
might recieve in this world is nothing like the
punishment in the next. So it would be better to
receive the legal punishment in this world. 

Volume 8, Book 81, Number 779 (Bukhari):

Narrated 'Aisha:

The Quraish people became very worried about the
Makhzumiya lady who had committed theft. They said,
Nobody can speak (in favor of the lady) to Allah's
Apostle and nobody dares do that except Usama who is
the favorite of Allah's Apostle.  When Usama spoke to
Allah's Apostle about that matter, Allah's Apostle
said, Do you intercede (with me) to violate one of
the legal punishment of Allah? Then he got up and
addressed the people, saying, O people! The nations
before you went astray because if a noble person
committed theft, they used to leave him, but if a weak
person among them committed theft, they used to
inflict the legal punishment on him. By Allah, if
Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad committed theft,
Muhammad will cut off her hand.! 

Also according to another hadith:

Volume 8, Book 81, Number 793:

Narrated Ubada bin As-Samit:

I gave the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet
with a group of people, and he said, I take your
pledge that you will not worship anything besides
Allah, will not steal, will not commit infanticide,
will not slander others by forging false statements
and spreading it, and will not disobey me in anything
good. And whoever among you fulfill all these
(obligations of the pledge), his reward is with Allah.
And whoever commits any of the above crimes and
receives his legal punishment in this world, that will
be his expiation and purification. But if Allah
screens his sin, it will be up to Allah, Who will
either punish or forgive him according to His wish.
Abu Abdullah said: If a thief repents after his hand
has been cut off, the his witness well be accepted.
Similarly, if any person upon whom any legal
punishment has been inflicted, repents, his witness
will be accepted. 

In the end ALLAH always knows best. 

--- Shahid wrote:

 * *
 * *
 * *
 *After a Grave Sin*
 If someone committed a grave sin and is ashamed of
 himself, what should he
 do to rectify his position and earn God's
 The first thing that we must understand is that
 Islam acknowledges man's
 weakness in the face of temptation, and it accepts
 man with his weaknesses,
 opening before him the way to redress his mistakes
 and repair what he
 damages. Hence, the relation between man and God is
 based on forgiveness,
 rather than permanent sin, disobedience and eventual
 punishment. God's
 attributes make mercy, grace and forgiveness
 available in increasing
 degrees, while punishment is much narrower. Thus God
 describes Himself as
 much-forgiving; superior in forgiveness; forgives
 all sins, etc. This is
 to encourage everyone who commits grave sins not to
 despair of God's
 forgiveness, because nothing will stop such
 forgiveness when sought in
 We need also to understand that God's forgiveness
 applies even to the most
 serious of sins, including the ones that incur
 specified punishments of the
 sternest type, such as theft and adultery. It is
 also important to make
 clear that in saying so we do not wish to give a
 sense of complacency that
 accepts such sins, or even lighter ones. All sinful
 actions must be avoided
 with all one's energy. Even the smallest of sins is
 an act of defiance and
 disobedience to God Almighty. As such it cannot be
 condoned in any way.
 However, when one slips, yields to temptation, or
 gets misguided and commits
 a sin, the way is open to repentance and earning
 God's forgiveness.
 The first thing that is needed is to genuinely
 regret having committed such
 an act that incurs God's displeasure. This is what
 is called in Islam
 repentance, i.e. to feel ashamed of having
 disobeyed God and to want to do
 anything to redress the fault. This regret should be
 coupled with a firm
 resolve not to repeat that sin, no matter how strong
 the temptation of a
 repeat may be. One should then earnestly pray to God
 to accept one's
 repentance and forgive one's sin.
 Compiled from various sources.
 *Permission is granted to circulate among private
 individuals and groups, to
 post on** *
 *Internet sites and to publish** in full text and
 subject title in
 not-to-profit publications.** *
 *  *
 *Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is
 an interpretation of the
 Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the
 Qur'an in its original
 Arabic form. ***


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Free Quran and Islamic Books before Ramadan in 73 languages

2007-09-03 Thread Adel Elsaie
Free Quran and Islamic Books  before Ramadan in 73 languages, 
  Also free postage
Conveying Islamic Message Society
  Aslamu alikum wa rahmat ALLAH  wa barakatu
Conveying Islamic Message Society (CIMS) is an Islamic society that cares about 
the situation of Muslims in the world and that tries to help them to know more 
about Islam by sending free Islamic books (with no costs at all) in many 
languages, answering questions, Also it tries to tell non-Muslims about Islam 
and its message, so that they may embrace Islam. 
So if you want some free Islamic books, just send an Email on 
  send us a letter to our address, that is: 
Conveying Islamic Message Society (CIMS) 
P.O. Box 834 – Alexandria – Egypt 
Also you can visit our site that is:
  We’ll be very happy if you tell your friends about our society or send 
addresses of your friends or your relatives who need Islamic books, so that we 
can send the free Islamic books to them. 
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh 
1) Arabic Books :- 
  -ÇáÞÑÂä ÇáßÑíã (ãÕÍÝ ÇáÌíÈ ßÇãáÇð). 
- (ÊÝÓíÑ ÇáÌÒÁíä ÇáÊÇÓÚ æÇáÚÔÑíä æÇáËáÇËíä ãä ÇáÞÑÂä ÇáßÑíã). 
ÑíÇÖ ÇáÕÇáÍíä. 
- ÇáÔÝÇÁ ãä ÇáÃãÑÇÖ æÚáÇÌ ÇáãÍÓæÏ æÇáÇßÊÆÇÈ ÇáäÝÓì æÇáåã æÇáÛã ãä ÇáÞÑÂä ÇáßÑíã 
-ÇáÃÐßÇÑ ãä ßáÇã ÓíÏ ÇáÃÈÑÇÑ. 
-Çááå Úáíå æÓáã æÇáÕÍÇÈÉ 
- æÂíÇÊ ÇáäÈæÉ ÇáãÍãÏíÉ. 
- ãä ÓíÑ ÇáÃäÈíÇÁ ÞÈÓ. 
- ÇáÒæÇÌ æÇáØáÇÞ. ÝÞå 
- ÇáÌäÇÆÒ. ÝÞå 
- ÇáãÚÇãáÇÊ. ÝÞå
ÇáÚÕÑ -ÇáÅÓáÇã æÞÖÇíÇ (ÈíÇä ááäÇÓ ãä ÇáÃÒåÑ ÇáÔÑíÝ). 
- ãä áÌäÉ ÇáÝÊæì ÈÇáÃÒåÑ ÇáÔÑíÝ. ÝÊÇæì æÃÍßÇã ÕÇÏÑÉ
-ÔÎÕíÉ ÇáãÑÃÉ ÇáãÓáãÉ (ÇáÌÒÁ ÇáÃæá). 
-ÔÎÕíÉ ÇáãÑÃÉ ÇáãÓáãÉ (ÇáÌÒÁ ÇáËÇäì).  
2) English Books :- 
  -Surat Al-Fatihah and Surat Al-Baqarah in The Holy Qur’an. 
-Surah 19 (Maryam) of The Noble Qur’an 
-Part 27, 28 and 29 of The Holy Qur’an. 
-Part Thirty of The Holy Qur’an. 
-AnNawawi’s Forty Hadiths and AlQudsi Forty Hadiths. 
- Hisn Al-Muslim ( 
-The life History of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.). 
-The Religion of Islam (Part 1).  
-Principles of Islam. 
-The Muslim’s Belief. 
-The Concept of God in Islam. 
-Supererogatory prayers. 
-Women in Islam 
-The most beautiful names of Allah. 
-The Truth about Jesus (Pbuh). 
- Jesus. Prophet or God? 
-Series of Prophecies in the Bible for the Advent of (Pbuh). 
-Signs of Prophet hood. 
- Stories of New Muslims. 
- A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam). 
- Qur’an  Modern Science). Compatible or incompatible? 
- Islamic Facts refuting the Allegations against Islam. 
  3) Russian Books :- 
  1-Surat Al-Fatihah and Part 30 of The Holy Quran. 
2-AnNawawi’s 40 Hadiths. 
4-Islam. The religion of Truth .. 
6-Islamic Faith from Qur’an and Sunnah. 
7-Teaching How to pray. 
9- azkar alsabah walmasaa . 
10-The life History of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.). 
  4) Uzbaki Books:- 
  5) Turkmeni Books:- 
  6) Kazaki Books:- 
  7)Azri books:- 
  8)tajeki books:- 
  9) Pashto books :- 
  10) Kurdish books:- 
  11) tatarian books :- 
  12) Chechnain books:- 
  13)Persian books :- 
  14) Czek Books :- 
  15) Bulgarian books :- 
  16)Romanian books:- 
  17)Polish books:- 
  18)Esperanto books :- 
  19)Hungarrian books:- 
  16)Romanian books:- 
  21)Finnish books:- 
  22) Swedish Books : 
  23)Norwegian books :- 
  24)Danish books :- 
  25) French Books :- 
  1 -L'Honoré Coran (Interpretation de quelques Versets). 
2-L'Honore` conran (surat AL-Fataha surat AL Baqarah ) 
3-AnNawawi 40 Hadiths. 
4-L'Islam La Religion de Tous. 
5-L’Initation A L’ Islam. 
6-Les Piliers de l’Islam. 
7-La Vie du Prophète Mohammad (S.A.W). 
8-La Citadelle du Musulman 
9 -Riyad AsSalihine. 
10 -Le Christianisme. Origine et réalité. 
11- les noms d' Allah 
12-L'education dans L'Isalm 
13-le Sommaire Du Sahih AL-Boukhari 
  26) German Books :- 
  1-Der edle Qur’an (Sure Die Eroffnung “Al-Fatihah” und Sure Die Kuh 
2-Kapital 30 des Heiligen Kur’an. 
3-Kosmische Verse im Qur’an. 
4-Ein kurzer illustrierter Wegweiser um den Islam zu verstehen. 
5-Das Glaubensbekenntnis des Islam. 
6-Der Islam. 
7-Vierzig Heilige Hadite. 
8-An-Nawawi Vierzig Hadite. 
9-Islam fur Kinder. 
10 -Ein Tag mit dem Propheten. 
11 -Was die Bibel über Mohammad sagt. 
12 -Christus im Islam. 
13-Deutsche von Allah Geleitet. 
  27) Dutch Books :- 
  28) Spanish Books :- 
  1-La Parte Treinta del Sagrado Coran. 
2-Los cuarenta Hadices Nawawiyah. 
3- El Paso Hacia el Paraiso Dichos de Muhammad el Enviado de Dios. 
4- Los nombres mas Hermosos de Al-lah. 
5-¿Qué es el Islam? 
6-Presentation de la religion del Islam. 
7- Luces Sobre el Islam. 
8- Los