Boycott Israel [IslamCity] News

2007-09-12 Thread PoEtEsS
  9/11 galvanizes one lawyer in fight for Muslims

Jang News  Monday, September 10, 2007

DETROIT, Michigan: US lawyer Shereef Akeel was never particularly active in 
politics or in the bustling Arab and Muslim communities of Detroit, Michigan 
prior to the attacks of September 11, 2001.

But that quickly changed the day a Yemeni welder, who had been fired the day 
after those attacks, got Akeel's number from a local social service agency.

Akeel had been doing mostly personal injury lawsuits at that point. But he won 
his first discrimination case. And the next.

And later this month the son of Egyptian immigrants will be in court fighting 
for the right of Abu Ghraib and other detainees to sue the government 
contractors responsible for interrogations at detention centres across Iraq.

If the case goes forward, it will be the first to address the systemic abuse of 
Iraqi detainees and to attempt to hold higher-ups responsible for authorising 
or failing to prevent those practices.

The military has only prosecuted low-ranking soldiers and attempts to sue the 
government have failed.

This is for the sake of who we are (as Americans.) And if we don't understand 
the principals at stake here if we let them lay low we have done a disservice 
to our founding fathers, Akeel told AFP.

Akeel first got involved in the detainee abuse case when a man walked into his 
office in March 2004 and told him of the horrific abuse he suffered at Abu 

It was two weeks before the photos were broadcast around the world and Akeel 
had trouble believing that the man, a Swedish national who had returned to his 
homeland to help rebuild Iraq had been sodomized, urinated upon, dragged by a 
belt around his neck, tied to other naked prisoners by the genitals and 
repeatedly shocked with an electric cable.

But the details were too vivid and his demeanour too honest to be dismissed.

He told me, After I was released from Abu Ghraib a good soldier gave me my 
(prison) bracelet and said you go to America and get your rights back, Akeel 

So Akeel, who had already taught himself how to handle discrimination claims, 
started working out the complexities of international human rights and how to 
sue an American corporation for crimes its employees committed in Iraq.

When the government refused to turn over the unpublished photographs of further 
abuse at Abu Ghraib, he flew to Iraq to interview other victims in person.

The reports were so widespread Akeel and his colleagues set up an office in 
Iraq to handle initial interviews. He said he has travelled to the Middle East 
about six times since then to interview detainees who were flown in to meet 
with him in Turkey or Jordan.

About 200 detainees have been interviewed so far and more could be added to the 
class action lawsuit in the months it could take to go to trial.

He's a smart lawyer ... and he's not shy about saying I need help thinking 
things through, said Michael Ratner, president of the Centre for Constitutional 
Rights, which has been helping Akeel move the case forward. He has a deep sense 
of what injustice is, Ratner said.

Underneath is a moral humanitarianism ... he wants the law to be obeyed and he 
thinks the government is overreaching. He really is a patriot.

"In Deafness, I see the reward, courage, patience and success"...Zohra Moosa


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 70 Matters Related to Fasting

2007-09-12 Thread UmmahNet .com
In the Name of *Allah* the Most Gracious The Most Merciful

*Al-Siyaam* ( 70 Matters Related to Fasting)
  by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

   2. Definition of Siyaam (fasting)

   3. Ruling on fasting

   4. The virtues of fasting

   5. The benefits of fasting

   6. Etiquette and Sunnah of
   7. What should be done during this great month

   8. Some of the ahkaam (rulings) on
   9. How the onset of Ramadaan is
   10. Who is obliged to
   12. The 
   13. The elderly

   14. Niyyah (intention) in
   15. When to start and stop
   16. Things that break the
   17. Rulings on fasting for

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Why Pork is Haram

2007-09-12 Thread Rashid Samnakay
"I am writing for interesting issue of the reason why
pork is completely forbidden for Muslims."
  The above quote is a classic example of zealousy- fanaticism- in 'religion'
  The good Book warns us against "committing excesses in Deen-4-171"
  The phrase in bold is an 'excess' in Deen, for the Book says that in emerency 
this recommendation too is lifted as long as the act is not in the form of 
  When some thing is forbidden, then there can not be an exemption to the rule, 
for God's laws are unchanging!

I am writing for interesting issue of the reason why
pork is 
completely forbidden for Muslims.

There are many Hadiths and articles by prestigious
Ulamas of yhe 
past and present.And too numerous to write here.

And scientifically too pork is completely uncomsumable
in the 
sciectific perspective.

Among other thing as according to my research, one
source of 
interest that I have gathere is this:

During the time of Prophet Musa a.s.(Moses) many
followers of the 
tribe of Bani Israel had forsake their belief not to
follow Prophet 
Musa a.s.
They were then to swine by Allah s.w.t. for tgheir

Recently I have red articles in a local newspaper
regarding the 
scientific fimdings that say tissues and organs of
swine are able to 
be used for human organs etc. because they have the
same biologocal 
properties and scientific used to replace human
organs. Franlky 
speaking they have the same biological properties.This
is surprising 
to many of us Muslims.Firstly because it is related to
the story of 
Prophet Musa a.s. and
Bani Israel that we all know about.

So if you have other valuable articles and answers
please tell more.

Salam from me,
Your brother in Islam.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Pleasure of Learning

2007-09-12 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*The Pleasure of Learning *

THE rise of Muslims to the zenith of civilization in a period of four
decades was based on Islam's emphasis on learning.

This is obvious when one takes a look at the Qur 'an and the traditions of
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which are filled with references to
learning, education, observation, and the use of reason.

The very first verse of the Qur'an revealed to the Prophet of Islam
reads: "Read:
In the name of your Lord who created man from a clot. Read: And your Lord is
the Most Generous Who has taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew
not." *(Qur'an 96:1-5) *


The pursuit of knowledge and the use of reason, based on sense observation
are made obligatory on every Muslim, man and woman.

The following traditions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) supplement the
foregoing teachings of the Qur'an in the following way:

"The acquisition of knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim, whether male
or female."

"The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr."

"Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave."

"God has revealed to me, 'Whoever walks in the pursuit of knowledge I
facilitate for him the way to Heaven.'"

The Islamic Empire for more than 1,000 years remained the most advanced and
civilized nation in the world. This is because Islam stressed the importance
and respect for learning, forbade destruction, developed in Muslims the
respect for authority, discipline, and tolerance for other religions. The
teachings of the Qur 'an and Sunnah drove many Muslims to their
accomplishments in science and medicine.

Learning is a natural pleasure. This pleasure is inborn and instinctive. The
pleasure of learning is one of the essential pleasures of the human race.
Without learning, survival itself is threatened.

The process of learning starts right after birth. It is true that babies who
can barely talk investigate problems with all the zeal and excitement of
explorers, make discoveries with the passion and absorption of dedicated
scientists. At the end of each successful investigation, one can see on the
tiny face an expression of innocent and pure heartfelt pleasure.

The pleasure of learning is not confined to learning from textbooks, which
are too often tedious. But it does include learning from magazines
(periodicals), newspapers, TV, radio and travelers. When you stand in a
library in front of thousands of books, do not think they are lumps of
lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. Each has its own voice,
which is as inaudible as the radiobroadcast waves falling directly on the

There are many people in this world who have played themselves to death, or
eaten and drunk themselves to death. Nobody ever died because of thinking or

People who avoid learning, or abandon it, find no joy in life, find that
life is drained dry. No learner has ever run short of subjects to explore.

The pleasures of learning lead to happiness. One can live longest and best
and most rewardingly by attaining and preserving the pleasure of learning.

Learning is everyone's birthright. Everyone - young or old, rich or poor,
male or female - has access to learning. Exercise your birthright. Remember
what you have learned cannot be stolen by others.

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to p ublish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *


*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form.*


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Change in the conception of Muslim women

2007-09-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
  04, 2007 at 12:00 AM It is generally agreed that after the scientific 
revolution of the 17th century there was a shift from an organic conception to 
an mechanic conception of the world. Science was viewed as the rational force 
which would conquer and control the unpredictability and irrationality of 
nature. The industrial revolution laid the foundation of the mode of economic 
development in industrial capitalism. Progress was viewed in terms of the 
extent of scientific control over nature and 'development' in terms of 
generating and accumulating profit. Nature was to be used and controlled purely 
on this principle. Modern science provided the ethical license to fully exploit 
nature necessitated by the shift from production for sustenance to production 
for accumulation.

This intellectual tradition spilt nature into two exclusive categories; one 
linking the material with the body, emotions, private life and the natural 
process. The other linking the spiritual with the mind, reason, culture, 
objectivity, public life and economics. Within this paradigm, the physical is 
subject to the spiritual (intellect). Woman as part of nature and associated 
with the physical world, has to submit to the rule of man. 

A deep dichotomy is thus created between men and women. In this way the 
suppression of women and nature are historically and ideologically linked. 
Development in the post-Colonial project was based on the western model, and 
had far reaching implications for Muslim countries. Its continuation was also 
reduced to the continuation of the process of colonialisation. 

Development became an expansion of the project of wealth creation in the modern 
western Patriarchy's economic vision, based on the exclusion of women (of the 
west and non-west) and on the exploitation of nature and on the erosion of 
indigenous culture. The vision of development based on the market seeks to 
manage nature and human needs through the mechanisms of the market. More 
commodities and more cash means less life in nature (ecological destruction), 
what may be called "maldevelopment". Within this schema, women's subjection 
arises from the subjection of the feminine principle, qualities of nature and 
women. Patriarchal categories which understand destruction as "production" and 
regeneration of life as "passivity " have generated a crisis of survival.

Traditionally women have cared for the natural environment. as well as using 
its resources. Development has brought with it destruction of this renewal 
process and as a result women's strategies for survival have been severely 
effected. High fertility rate, low literacy and low labor force participation 
are commonly linked to the low status of women. 

Is the Middle East so different from other 'developing' regions? Can we 
understand women's position in terms of Islam alone? Furthermore how feasible 
is it to judge the position of women in Muslim countries within such a biased 

Tradition in the Muslim world is neither more or less patriarchal than any 
other major religion, especially Hinduism and the other two Abrahamic 
religions, namely Christianity and Judaism. If one attributes all gender 
relations and the status of women in the Muslim world to Islam, then how can 
one account for the differences in women's experience through out the Muslim 

To generalize "Muslim women" is to over look regional, ethnic and class 
differences. In fact not only do Muslim Women's experiences vary according to 
particular society, but also within their own society, there are degrees of 
variation. In Iran for example upper class women have more mobility, access to 
education and career opportunities than lower class women. The same can be said 
of urban women as compared with rural women.

Through examining changes over time and variation within societies and by 
comparing Muslim with non-Muslim gender patterns, one recognizes that the 
status of Women in Muslim societies is neither uniform, unchanging nor unique. 
The question of Muslim Women must be placed within a theoretical framework of 
structural determinants which take into consideration the sex/gender system, 
class, the state, regional differences, rural/urban divide and development 
strategies that operate within the Capitalist world system. 

The refusal of Muslim women to give up these "backward", "unmodern", 
"uncivilized" customs, which seem to be taken as 'proof' of their 'oppression' 
may alternatively be viewed as the refusal to part with ones own religious and 
cultural identity. The maintenance of one's own identity instead of making 
oneself over in the form desired and accepted by another. 

The position of women in Muslim countries should be viewed in relation to a set 
of double determinate; 

1) gender relations, arising from the internal organization of gender roles. 

2) relations derived from the dynamics of Capitalism. (From both external 
global forces and the economic

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Should Muslims use astronomical calculations for Ramdan?

2007-09-12 Thread Adel Elsaie
Should Muslims use astronomical calculations for establishing the start and end 
of Ramadan?
  Read the full article in:
  Adel Elsaie
  Here is a case where Muslims have 2 Fatwa for establishing the beginning and 
end of Ramadan. If we have Caliph for the Islamic Ummah, many of our Fiqh, 
political, fighting problems will be solved InShaa Allah. May Allah have mercy 
on us.
  Can we say that this is a case of multiple correct answers? I just pray to 
Allah SWT that no Muslim, somewhere, accuses me of not being a Muslim (Wa 
Aliyaz Bi Allah) for asking this question. Believe me I am Muslim, Al Hamd le 
  Possibility of Multiple Correct Answers
  Evidence for this is an incident in which the Prophet (SAW) witnessed the 
companions disputing, but did not rebuke them for doing so. The incident 
relates to the dispute regarding the Asr prayer on their way to Bani Qurayzah. 
The Prophet instructed the companions to go and fight the Jews. He said, "Do 
not pray until you get to Bani Qurayzah". On route to Bani Qurayzah the time 
for Asr was drawing to a close. A dispute ensued. One group understood the 
prophet's command metaphorically, thinking that the Prophet (SAW) meant hurry 
up. A party of the believers prayed there whilst the others prayed after Asr 
time when they arrived at Bani Qurayzah. 
  When they next met the Prophet (SAW) they asked him who was right and who was 
wrong. It is important to note the response. Only one of them could have been 
right, but the Prophet (SAW) did not point out who that was, rather he said, 
"Whoever performs ijtihad and errs will receive one reward. Whoever performs 
ijtihad and arrives at the correct answer gets double the reward." 
  Had it been haram to differ, the Prophet (SAW) would have rebuked those 
differing from the correct opinion and praised those who were right. This 
example teaches us to tolerate opposing Islamic opinions which are arrived at 
by those qualified to do so after performing ijtihad. 
  The scholars in the past recognized this; "The most learned amongst the 
people is also one who is most knowledgeable of the difference amongst the 
people" (Ghazali, Shawkani, Abu Zahrah)
  Before performing Ijtihad it is a prerequisite for a scholar to be aware of 
all the differences on the issue at hand.
  Should they follow the European Council even though they use astronomical 
  The Fiqh Council of North America
  Read the full article in:
  Adel Elsaie

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Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] can you trust a Muslim?

2007-09-12 Thread leon adrianto
  Sorry cant attend to you earlier as I'm away outstation. Ok, on your question 
on manupulating something just to make you do it, that is also not in the 
teaching of Islam. A true Muslim doesnt rely on lies or deceiving others or 
manipulating others. They rely on facts, and it is really up to individual to 
follow or adhere to whatever advise given.Lies do not come from words alone, it 
comes from your heart.It means that, if you're telling something different from 
what you have inside your heart, then it is considered a lie. A true Muslim 
believe that, if god wanted to open you up, and show you the right path, He 
only shone it to you. It comes in many ways, from words that you hear, from the 
things that you see or just an idea. That is why, sometimes out of the blue, 
people would get certain ideas of doing things or solving one problems.If we 
thought we have the ability to control our mind, try to remember something when 
you really couldn;t remember it, for example someones'
 name. God have created something in our hearts that could distinguised between 
good and bad. That we called as feeling or instinct in animal. A sense to see 
what is good or bad to us, and it is up to individual to choose.
  Thank you

  Hi Leon,
Thankyou for your reply. That's what i thought . Obviously i realise if 
someone deceives anyone or tells an outright lie then that is not in the 
teachings but what if they don't tell you something, thinking that because they 
haven't lied to your face then it's ok? Can someone get away with that? e'g. 
someone asks you to do something and you know by the way they've been talking 
why they want you to do it. You refuse the request because you disagree so they 
then tell you a 'plausable' reason and make out you're being unreasonable 
because you won't comply. Surely this is manipulation as well. What does Islam 
say about this?

  There's nothing good of deceiving others. Islam doesnt teach its' followers 
to do such a thing. Even when you're in a tight spot. A true Muslim always 
believed that good or bad that falls unto any living things, comes from God. 
Nobody or nothing can befalled to a person unless God want it to happen. To 
hurt anyone feeling is not an act of true Muslims. The Muslims were thought to 
handle thing with siddiq (truthfullness), amanah ( honesty) tabliq (spreading 
goodness) and the most important of all is fatanah ( brilliantly). Without 
these four elements, than a Muslim is just a name they only called themselves.
  Thank you

 Thankyou for the information. I asked because i am now spending alot 
of my time with my Muslim friends but i have seen some deceipt and have felt 
uncomfortable with it. Those involved tried to tell me the Qur'an allowed 
deceipt if it was for a good cause, but i have seen people get hurt badly by 
it. How can that be good?

Hi there Linda,
  The Prophetic teaching is that 'He who deceives us is not of us'. In another 
saying the Messenger Muhammed Peace & Blessings of God be upon him says that a 
Muslim can not lie!
  There are times when 'lying' is permissible - such as in warfare - or when 
the lives of people are at stake etc (i.e. bank robbery, the robber starts 
shooting -and asks you where are the bank tellers hiding - you do not go and 
tell them - as they kill them etc).
  Muslims are urged to be truthful people. This needs to be inculcated at a 
young age in the children, as trying to teach manners to people who have not 
had the oportunity is quite difficult.
  Lying, deception cheating, stealing etc are all sins, and punishable in the 
hereafter, or even in this world by the law.
  Another instance where 'lying' is permissible is to make up between two 
friends/ married couples etc. 
  But in generality, a Muslim is meant to be someone whom others are safe from 
their hands (any form of harm that is - whether deception, abuse, being cheated 
or hit etc).
  The ideals are exceptional -and it is up to the devotees to do their best to 
fulfill the comandments.
  May God make it easy for us all to follow this beautiful way of life. Amin
  Wassalaamu 'ala manit taba'al Huda
  Abu Khadijah

Hi, i hope this is ok but i'd like to ask the group a question. I was 
wondering what Islam says about deceipt and lies? Are Muslims required to be 
truthful or are there instances when it's 'ok' to lie? I'm studing Islam at the 
moment and am interested in views on this subject.
  Thanks for your help, Linda

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Are We Muslims Only In Ramadan?

2007-09-12 Thread Fasih Ur Rehman Khan

Are We Muslims Only In Ramadan?

It is now time
for us to re-evaluate our Eemaan. Question yourselves, and in process improve

We claim to be Muslims, we claim to believe in Allah, but do we really believe
in it with a firm heart, or is it just something we say? We claim to
“believe” in the Unseen God, but we see the harmful effects of drinking,
clubbing and smoking, yet we don’t avoid them. Ask yourselves that if we
don’t even believe in what can be seen, do we really believe in the Unseen?
Just “believing” in the existence of Allah does not make us Muslims,
Shaitaan also, by the way, “believes” in Allah. We must act like Muslims

We must also do in actions that what we say in words and that what we know in
thoughts. We say we’re Muslims, but are we really? He is not a true Muslim
whose hands and tongue are violent. Several of us stopped cursing and backbiting
and lying during the month of Ramadan, but now what? Since Ramadan is over,
should we return to those faults? Are we Muslims only in Ramadan???

Every Muslim is to pray 5 times a day, every day, no exceptions. Several of us
did that very promptly during Ramadan. Now that Ramadan is over, now what?
Should we give up those prayers just because Ramadan is over? Are we
Muslims only in Ramadan???

We made duas because we understood that indeed it is Allah who listens and
grants. We sought forgiveness from Allah because we realized our faults and felt
guilty. We improved our conducts and lowered our voices and controlled our
tempers because we realized that a Muslim is he whose actions represent peace
and nobility. Now that Ramadan is over, will we go back to our same old self? 
we Muslims only in Ramadan???

We tried our best to close our ears to that which was not permissible to hear,
we tried our best to stop our tongues at times when we were about to say
something which we are not allowed to say, we tried our best to lower our gazes
at sights which we are not allowed to see. Now that Ramadan is over, do those
things become permissible to us? Are we Muslims only in Ramadan???

We refrained from going to clubs and watching movies and listening to songs
during Ramadan because we realized these attributes do not represent Muslims.
Now that Ramadan is over, should we return to our previous lifestyle? Are
we Muslims only in Ramadan???

We were awake at nights, not spending time in clubs or with friends, but instead
we were awake at nights to do ibaadat for the Will and Pleasure of Allah. Now
that Ramadan is over, are we relieved of our responsibilities? Are we
Muslims only in Ramadan???

We refrained from dawn to dusk, not only from the Haraam, but also the Halaal.
The purpose of this abstinence was to create patience and virtue, and realize
that if you want you can even stay away from the Halaal, so why can you not
avoid the Haraam? Sure you can. You just need the will. Now that Ramadan is
over, can we go back to eating, talking, watching, doing, and thinking Haraam?
Are we Are we Muslims only in Ramadan??

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  Yaa ALLAH ! We are ful of sins. we ignore you in our life don't ignore us  
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La ho Alaihay Wassalum Sunnat. And open our hearts to understand our Deen..Ameen

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Environment & Climate Change : Video & Discussion Panel - 27th September @ 7.15pm - Bolton, UK

2007-09-12 Thread Thinkers Forum
There will be a showing of the video "An Inconvenient Truth" which
highlights the nature of climate change globally and its impact upon mankind
today. As human beings and muslim specifically, we have a duty and
responsibility towards the preservation of the natural environment we have
inhabitated through the gracious bounty of the creator. We have a duty to
join with like-minded individuals and organisations to protect the
environment through a programme of awareness, campaigning and lobbying.

An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film about climate change,
specifically global warming and a future ice age in Northern Europe,
presented by former United States Vice President Al Gore and directed by
Davis Guggenheim. At approximately $49 million, it is the
third-highest-grossing documentary film in the United States to date. The
film was released on DVD on November 21, 2006, and was well received by film
critics, scientists, and politicians. It is being used in school science
curricula around the world.

There will be  a discussion afterwards which will include local elected
councillors, environmental campaigners and the community.

*Date/Time:* Monday 27th September @ 7.15pm

*Venue:* Friends Meeting House, Silverwell St, Bolton. U.K.

This event has been jointly organised by :-

   - Friends of the Earth
   - Oxfam/WDM
   - Bolton Quakers
   - Thinkers Forum

*Details of the event can be found at:-*


For further information please contact us on email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or visit website :

Thinkers Forum International
A Global Intellectual Movement Working For Social Change

Vision :
'TFI to be the Leading Muslim Think Tank in Formulation, Development &
Implementation of Policy Proposals for Elevation of the Community in
Education, Socio-Economics (Poverty Alleviation) and Governance.'

If you would like to be unsubscribed from any mailing list then please reply
to this email.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fw: Religious Leaders Will Help In Preparation Of Correct Voter List--Asia Post editorial,Dhaka, 11.9.07

2007-09-12 Thread S A Hannan
Religious Leaders Will Help In Preparation Of Correct 
Voter List

Speakers at a roundtable yesterday called for involving 
religious leaders in preparing correct voter list at the grassroots level. They 
said the religious leaders can help remove superstitions regarding photographs 
and casting votes at polling centres. The roundtable titled 'Electoral roll 
preparation and community participation: Role of the religious leaders' was 
organised by Masjid Council for Community Advancement (MACCA) at Biam 
auditorium in the city.

Speaking as chief guest, Justice Abdur Rauf laid 
emphasis on a perfect voter list which is also essential for getting different 
government services. He said religious leaders can play a significant role in 
this regard by creating awareness among people. By utilising their influence in 
the society, religious leaders can easily motivate the voters, especially the 
women, to have their photograph taken and to cast their votes, said Rasheda 
Amin of Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha.Shah Abdul Hannan, former secretary of the 
government,said that the religious leaders of all faith are commited to help 
the election process as they have said in the meeting of Council for 
Inter-faith Harmony with the election commission.He said that  early 
preparation of voter list and holding of electionwill remove the present 
uncertainities.He also said that maintenance of security during election is a 
key issue.Maolana Abul Kalam Azad, chairman of MACCA, presided over the 
roundtable moderated by Alamgir Mohiuddin, editor of the Noya Diganta.

We are very happy that our religious leaders have 
developed positive outlook and taking interest in national issues. Their pledge 
to help preparation of a correct voter list and the election will definitely 
assist in holding a fair election.

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 'Female Circumcision (FGM) Not Linked to Islam'

2007-09-12 Thread Rashid Samnakay
'Female Circumsion Not Linked to Islam'
  "Indeed, circumcision appears to be referring to men and women. A point many 
have misinterpreted to mean that even women should be circumcised".
  The above gives a false impression that Circumcision as a topic is discussed 
in Qura'n.
  Let alone for Females even for MALES it is not an issue in Qur'an, hence also 
in Islam.
  The article does not refer to the essential tribal and cultural practice of 
male/female circumcision among all the tribes in Africa. Many African writers 
have written books on this issue and the trauma inflicted on the females in 
  The practice therefore is an ancient hand-me-dawn and not an ISLAMIC issue at 
all, Sir!

Kenya: 'Female Circumsion Not Linked to Islam'

  East African Standard (Nairobi)
  8 September 2007
Posted to the web 7 September 2007
  Wandera Ojanji And Redemtor Atieno
  As she grew up in a Islamic society, Khadija knew what she had to go through 
to become a respectable woman. Listening to her mother, a strong Muslim 
adherent, Khadija came to believe that female circumcision, just like male 
circumcision, was an Islamic practice.
  Eager to have their daughter live by 'Islamic tradition and become 
respectable', Khadija's parents took her for circumcision or, as it is commonly 
known, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

  Ms Isnino Shuriye , an ex-circumciser breaks down as she narrates how she 
used to perform female circumcision in Garissa.
  But Khadija is not the only girl who has been forced to undergo FGM merely 
because it is a tradition they must abide by. FGM is a practice that has 
refused to die despite concerted efforts to end it. While it is considered a 
cultural practice among non-Muslim communities that practice it, FGM has been 
perpetuated within the Islamic community as a religious ritual.
  But Muslim scholars and clerics are now coming out strongly to dismiss the 
widely held belief that Islam supports FGM. The general consensus among Muslim 
religious leaders is that FGM is not an Islamic practice but a tradition or 
culture of the various communities that practice it.
  Speaking recently at an FGM workshop organised in Nairobi by Children's Legal 
Action Network (Clan) under the theme 'FG M: a religious or cultural practice?' 
the scholars and clerics argued that, for any practice to be considered 
Islamic, it must be backed by the Quran, the traditions of Prophet Mohammed, 
scholarly consensus and analogy, none of which backs FGM.
  "Without the support of Quran, the traditions of Prophet Mohammed, scholarly 
consensus and analogy, that are the basis for engagement under Islam, someone 
cannot stand up and claim that FGM is based on Islamic faith," states Ibrahim 
Lethome, an Islam scholar and lawyer.
  He adds, "We have read the whole Quran and not seen a clause supporting FGM. 
The Quran outlaws the harming of someone and the practice should be delinked 
from religion as Islam says anything harmful should be discarded."
  Lethome states that most arguments that portray FGM as an Islamic practice 
are based on misinterpretation of the Quran, or an outright distortion of the 
facts to suit their arguments for FGM.
  Much of the distortion, according to Lethome, stems from the fact that in the 
original scripts or Arabic, some words refer to male and female and, taken 
literally, may mean that the action in point applies to both men and women. 
Indeed, circumcision appears to be referring to men and women. A point many 
have misinterpreted to mean that even women should be circumcised.
  Justifying why it is wrong to argue along those lines, Lithome notes another 
similar reference to both male and female. Without singling out men only or 
giving provisions for excluding women, people are supposed to shave their pubic 
hairs, hairs under the armpit and trim their moustache. "Taken literally, women 
are supposed to shave moustaches. But do women grow moustache?" argues Lithome.
  The other argument for FGM is that Prophet Mohammed never outrightly 
condemned FGM, even when he encountered a woman who claimed he was going to 
conduct it. Sheikh Ali Sheikh notes that Muslims for a long time did not take a 
stand against FGM, a fact that compromised the teaching of Islam.
  Lethome says there is no consensus among Muslim scholars on FGM because 
Prophet Mohammed never condemned it outright.
  However, if one was to go by the traditions of Mohammed then he did not 
approve of it. "His four daughters were never circumcised. But his two 
grandsons were circumcised when they were seven days," argues Lethome. "If the 
prophet did not have his daughters circumcised, are we holier than him to 
demand that our daughters are circumcised?" asks Lethome.
  Purely cultural practice

  Sheikh Abdi Nasir Haj Hassan, an Islamic scholar, further observed that 
Islamic countries such as Saudi Ar

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sheikh Zoubir Fundraiser - Houston - September 22, 2007

2007-09-12 Thread Curtis Sharif

Zoubir Bouchikhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam, 
 Assalamu'alaikum wrt wbt
 Please, read the attached document, help with whatever you can and forward 
this e-mail to your list.

 Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "Allah is at the help of His servant 
as long as the latter is at the help of his Muslim brother". Narrated by Imam 
 Jazakumullahu Khayran


Many of you know that Sheikh Zoubir is waiting to receive his work permit which 
was revoked earlier this year. Since the revocation, sheikh has been 
volunteering his time without being paid a salary and at the same time he has 
incurred substantial legal fees, which will be ongoing until his case is 

This fundraiser is an effort to raise funds from the community to support his 
legal and family of six needs, for past months and next several months. 






Sheikh Zoubir Trust Fund: Account Number: 1062463, 
Routing Number: 313083992
Johnson Space Center Credit Union Telephone: 281-488-7070


 Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now  (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games. 

Sheikh / Zoubir Bouchikhi Al-Tilimsani
Executive Committee of NAIF
"Stand up for your principles even if you stand alone." 

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] News

2007-09-12 Thread PoEtEsS
 Norman Solomon : Six Years of 9/11 as a License to Kill 

Antiwar.comSeptember 11, 2007 

It evokes a tragedy that marks an epoch. From the outset, the warfare state has 
exploited "9/11," a label at once too facile and too laden with historic weight 
- giving further power to the tacit political axiom that perception is reality. 

Often it seems that media coverage is all about perception, especially when the 
underlying agendas are wired into huge profits and geopolitical leverage. If 
you associate a Big Mac or a Whopper with a happy meal or some other kind of 
great time, you're more likely to buy it. If you connect 9/11 with a need for 
taking military action and curtailing civil liberties, you're more likely to 
buy what the purveyors of war and authoritarian government have been selling 
for the past half-dozen years.

"Sept. 11 changed everything" became a sudden cliché in news media. Words are 
supposed to mean something, and those words were - and are - preposterous. They 
speak of a USA enthralled with itself while reducing the rest of the world (its 
oceans and valleys and mountains and peoples) to little more than an extensive 
mirror to help us reflect on our centrality to the world. In an individual, we 
call that narcissism. In the nexus of media and politics, all too often, it's 
called "patriotism."

What happened on Sept. 11, 2001, was extraordinary and horrible by any measure. 
And certainly a crime against humanity. At the same time, it was a grisly 
addition to a history of human experience that has often included many 
thousands killed, en masse, by inhuman human choice. It is simply and complexly 
a factual matter that the U.S. government has participated in outright mass 
murders directly - in, for example, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Panama, 
Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq - and less directly, through aid to armies 
terrorizing civilians in Nicaragua, Angola, East Timor, and many other 

The news media claim to be providing context. But whose? Overall, the context 
of Uncle Sam in the more perverse and narcissistic aspects of his policy 
personality. The hypocrisies of claims about moral precepts and universal 
principles go beyond the mere insistence that some others "do as we say, not as 
we do." What gets said, repeated, and forgotten sets up kaleidoscope patterns 
that can be adjusted to serve the self-centered mega-institutions reliably 
fixated on maintaining their own dominance.

Media manifestations of these patterns are frequently a mess of contradictions 
so extreme that they can only be held together with the power of ownership, 
advertising, and underwriting structures - along with notable assists from 
government agencies that dispense regulatory favors and myriad pressure to 
serve what might today be called a military-industrial-media complex. Our 
contact with the world is filtered through the mesh of mass media to such a 
great extent that the mesh itself becomes the fabric of power.

The most repetitious lessons of 9/11 - received and propagated by the vast 
preponderance of U.S. news media - have to do with the terribly asymmetrical 
importance of grief and of moral responsibility. Our nation is so righteous 
that we are trained to ask for whom the bell tolls. Rendered as implicitly 
divisible, humanity is fractionated as seen through red-white-and-blue windows 
on the world.

Posing outside cycles of violence and victims who victimize, the dominant 
vision of Pax Americana has no more use now than it did six years ago for W.H. 
Auden's observation: "Those to whom evil is done / Do evil in return."

We ought to know. But we Americans are too smart for that.


"In Deafness, I see the reward, courage, patience and success"...Zohra Moosa


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasa

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What Prayer Means to Me - By Velma Cook

2007-09-12 Thread Shahid Khan
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*What Prayer Means to Me*

*By Velma Cook *

Five times a day I retreat from life, pause and renew my intention for
living. It's not just kids and work, fun and problems. There's more, much
more lying just beneath the surface of our everyday thoughts. If we dare to
peer within, we'll find it, the home of peace, of truth: an acute awareness
of what is wrong and right, of what is worthwhile and what is wasted.

I stand still and concentrate on the spot on the carpet where my forehead
will soon rest, casting aside all worries, fears and hopes, and focusing on
the only One Who can help, Who can forgive, Who is Well-Aware of everything.
Quietly, so only myself can hear, I recite the verses of Qu'ran that remind
us, in every prayer, of the One Who showers Mercy on those who deserve it
and those who don't. The One with Whom all Judgment lies and Whom we are all
to return to, at an appointed time. I remember that no one can help me, no
one can allay my fears, no one can turn the tide of events, except the One
from Whom all help is sought.

When anger strikes my heart, I recite the verses that remind us of mercy,
tolerance and forgiveness; raising the consciousness to see through the
empty words that people speak, to the meaning that may have been intended.
So I forgive.

When worries cloud my mind and I'm busy planning what I should do, I recite
those verses telling of good deeds and trust in the Lord of all. The best of
planners, the Subduer of evil and the Exalter of Whom He pleases. So, I try
my best, ask for help and leave the rest to Allah.

When I feel sad and lost, I recite the verses promising victory to those who
strive to uphold piety, that place of rest and peace that lies not so far
ahead and the Source of all Peace Whose help is always near. So, I wipe away
my tears and keep on trying, never giving up.

My prayer is a way of life. It comes five times a day but the rest of the
time is in preparation for the next, awareness of the passing time,
remembering my duty to my Creator and my responsibility to my own soul. So
whatever I'm doing, I stop and put it aside, wash and stand in prayer,
trying to look within, at the faults that follow me around in my life, of
the evil my hands have sent forth, and seek guidance, forgiveness and escape
from the evil consequences of what I may have done.

I think of the marvels of the universe, how infinitely beautiful and amazing
as they are. The wonders of my own self, the physical human body and the
wonders it contains. The depth and breadth of the mind, that few of us can
compass and then I look to the trivial pleasures of life, the transient
nature of our existence and I feel an urge to do more, to try harder, to be
better than I was the day before.

And so I bow before my Creator, acknowledging the fact that only He deserves
my sincerity, my obedience and my love. All else in life, is secondary to
the fact that if He hadn't chosen to create me, I would never have existed.
Here I am! Here's my duty. Worship is not only prayer and fasting but the
way we live, the way we speak, the way we treat people and the way we solve
problems. Knowing that we weren't only created and left to discern truth for
ourselves, I adhere to the guidance given to me to steady me on the path
that leads to success in this life and the next.

I continue in my prayer, whether well or ill, tired or wakeful, sad or
hopeful, I continue, knowing that success doesn't lie in the amount of
money, weapons or strength one thinks one has, but in one's morality.


Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] can you trust a Muslim?

2007-09-12 Thread Shaikh Hyder
  Muslims are just like other human beings.  But the one who obeys the commands 
of Allah and fear Him does not lie or kills anybody for fun. 
  Politicians use lslam-bashing as a means to gain votes and power. In India 
the political parties get more votes when they start a hate frenzy against 
Muslim.  They quote Muslim rulers were blood thirsty and built mosques on the 
foundations of Hindu temples, etc. This is far from truth if you care to read 
from the pages of history of India:
  #message6594566105701049071146356351908470741459292650367334 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }Temple Destructions :
Among all these beliefs, we will first try to understand the truth about 
temple destructions. Were temples demolished to humiliate Hindu religion? Here 
the first case we will analyze is that of Mohammed Ghaznvi's destruction of the 
Somnath temple. Most likely, the name Ghaznvi came from a city called Ghazna in 
Afghanistan where Mohammed Ghaznvi ruled. He must have traveled a long distance 
to come to Somnath from Ghazna and it is quite certain that he must have passed 
by numerous temples on his way. The question is why did he not destroy all 
those temples? He must have seen the famous Buddha idols in Bamiyan but he did 
not touch them. So the question is- Why did he choose to demolish the Somnath 
temple only? When he was proceeding towards the Somnath temple, he crossed a 
city called Multan. Ghaznvi sent a message to the Nawab of Multan whose name 
was Abdul Fath Daud that he wanted his permission to pass through his city on 
his way to Somnath. Abdul Fath Daud however
 declined the permission. This led to a battle between Ghaznvi and Daud during 
which Multan's "Jama Masjid" was demolished. So for those people who see 
Ghaznvi as the protector of Islam, they need to wonder how Ghaznvi, on his way 
to demolishing the Somnath temple, had no hesitation in even destroying a 
masjid to achieve his goal. After Multan, there was another city named 
Thaneswar, whose king's name was Anandpal. Again, Ghaznvi requested the king 
for permission to allow his army to cross his kingdom, which the king provided. 
  Most people are strangers to the fact that before Ghaznvi actually demolished 
the Somnath temple, he took into his possession the wealth worth crores of 
rupees. It should be clearly established here that in mediaeval times, some 
temples-places of worship- had enormous wealth as the devotees gave these 
offerings to the deity. It is said that the Somnath temple had jewels, 
diamonds, gold and silver worth Rs. 200 crores. Ghaznvi looted the entire 
wealth and proudly asserted that because Islam did not accept idol worship, he 
was demolishing the Hindu temple at Somnath. The question that must be raised 
is that if Ghaznvi was a soldier of Islam, then why did he not break other 
temples along the way? Another question that must be raised is that if he was 
really a soldier of Islam, then why was he instrumental in demolition of masjid 
on the way. Mohammed Ghaznvi's army had one-third Hindus as soldiers and out of 
twelve ' siphasalars' – (generals), five were Hindus. Their names
 were: Tilak, Sondhi, Harjan, Rann and Hind. After winning Somnath, a Hindu 
king was nominated as his representative and a currency was issued on which the 
letters were inscribed in Sanskrit. 
  This event reminds me of the story, the elephant and six blind men. When the 
six blind men tried to comprehend the nature of the elephant they were made to 
grasp its different parts: one person touched its trunk, another its legs, a 
third its tail and so on. Later, all of them began to quarrel with each other 
regarding the actual shape of the elephant. they insisted that it resembled a 
big rock, a snake, a trunk of a tree etcetera. They did this because they had 
perceived only one part of the larger truth and hence could not grasp the 
entire truth. We are also like them because we do not know the full facts of 
history and we create an opinion on the basis of few facts, which do not 
represent the totality. There is another thing to remember that many kings used 
the name of religion to accomplish many of their deeds. Expansion of kingdoms 
or increasing the wealth of their kingdoms was also undertaken in the name of 
religion. Earlier, court poets used to write the history of
 kings. As they were directly dependent on kings, they had no option, but to 
appreciate all the actions of those kings, hence, mostly they presented their 
kings as noble religious souls. 
  Now we will discuss about king Harshdev of eleventh century Kashmir. There 
was a poet in his court whose name was Kalhan. Kalhan wrote a book entitled- 
Rajtarangini. In this book, he wrote that during his reign, king Harshdev 
created a new post, whose title was "Devotpannayak" .  It means the official 
who uprooted the images and idols of gods and goddesses. Try to imagine that 
this is a Hindu king who has appointed an officia

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "The Beauty of the Quran can NEVER be Challenged" + "Abdullah Ibn Abbaas Radhi Allahu Anhuma - The Great Mufassir" + "Muslim Rulers who fear Allah Azza Wajal" + "A Great Sch

2007-09-12 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim

Monday - 27 Shabaan 1428 / 10 September 2007
The Beauty of the Quran can NEVER be Challenged

Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa was from Khurasaan in Persia. He was born in Iraq and 
was a Fire-worshipper. He later accepted Islam at the hands of Isa Ibn Ali. He 
was an author and poet of repute. His eloquence in Arabic has been noted by 
many scholars. He is recognized as a scholar in the science of Arabic grammar 
and rhetoric. He has written a number of books regarding the Arabic language. 
He has also translated works of Aristotle into Arabic. His words and poetry are 
quoted by a number of the famous mufasireen of the Quran like Imam Qurtubi, 
Allamah Aaloosi, Zamakhshari Rahimahumullah and others. He is famous for his 
translation of Kalilah Wa Dimnah from Persian into Arabic. Kalilah Wa Dimnah 
was then translated from Arabic into Spanish, Latin, Hebrew, French, English, 
etc and had an enormous impact on European literature. It is a book about 
fables where animals have been given human qualities with the aim of teaching a 
moral lesson. Stories of this type have reached English literature with the 
likes of 'The hare and the tortoise, 'The fox and the crow' and 'The lion and 
the mouse.'

A famous saying of Ibn al-Muqaffa that shows his mastery in the Arabic language 
is quoted below :

قول بلا عمل كثريد بلا دسم وسحاب بلا مطر وقوس بلا وتر

“Words without action are like gravy without fat, Or a cloud without rain, Or a 
bow without a string." (Tafseer Qurtubi)

This same Ibn al-Muqaffa, the most eloquent scholar of his time, decided to 
challenge the Quran by compiling some beautiful verses in Arabic. He did 
compile something but while walking one day he heard a young boy reciting this 
verse of the Quran:

And it was said: "O earth! Swallow up your water and O sky! Withhold (your 
rain)!" And the water was made to subside. And the Decree (of Allah) was 
fulfilled. The Ark rested on Mount Judi and it was said: "Away with those who 
do wrong!" (Surah Hud Verse 44)

He returned and erased what he had compiled saying : “I testify that this 
(Book) can never be challenged. It is not the words of man.” (Tafseer Aaloosi)

Allaahu Akbar!. The Quran is a book that is beyond the capability of any man to 
produce even one verse which is the like of it.


Many similar incidents have been recorded in history where masters in the 
Arabic language were left speechless when they heared the Quran being recited. 
The Arabs, during the time of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, were experts in 
Arabic poetry but they too were forced to acknowledge the superiority of the 

Any person who is well versed in Arabic will appreciate the eloquence and 
beauty of the above verse of the Quraan. In fact, every verse of the Quran is 
exceptionally beautiful. Every verse of the Quran is filled with wisdom and 
guidance for mankind. It is indeed a loss to man himself when he ignores the 
message of the Quraan. Successful are those who recite it, understand it and 
practice upon its golden teachings.

Monday - 13 Shabaan 1428 / 27 August 2007
Abdullah Ibn Abbaas Radhi Allahu Anhuma - The Great Mufassir

An incident mentioned in Uyoonul Akhbaar of Ibn Qutaibah and Al-ma'rifah wa 
at-taarikh of Fasawi shows the great scholarly status of Abdullah Ibn Abbaas 
Radhi Allahu Anhuma.

Once the king of Rome sent a letter to Muawiyah Radhi Allahu Anhu asking him 
certain questions. Muawiyah asked Abdullah Ibn Abbaas to respond. The answers 
of Ibn Abbaas showed his thorough knowledge of the Quran and the religion of 
Islam. The questions and answers are as follows:

Which are the five phrases most loved by Allah?
First, Laa ilaahaa illallaah (No action is accepted by Allah except if 
accompanied by the belief in Laa ilaaha illallaah)
Second, Subhaanallah (The salutation of the creation to Allah)
Third, Alhamdulillah (The phrase of appreciation)
Fourth, Allahu Akbar (The starting phrase of Salaah, Ruku and Sajda)
Fifth, Laa howla wa laa quwwata illa billaah (There is no power and might 
except in Allah. The king of Rome should understand the reason for this well.)

Which man and which woman were the most esteemed servant of Allah?
Adam was the most esteemed male servant of Allah because Allah created him with 
His own Hands and taught him the names of things.
The most esteemed female servant of Allah was Maryam, the daughter of Imraan, 
because she guarded her chastity.

What four things had a soul but were never in the womb of a mother?
Adam, Hawwa, the staff of Musa which turned into a serpent and the ram which 
was to be sacrificed in place of the prophet Ismail.

Which grave moved around with its inmate?
The fish that swallowed the prophet Yunus.

Which portion of earth was struck by the sun only once?
The portion of sea which split open for the Bani Israa’eel to pass through.

What is the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Word of Advice to Seekers of Knowledge

2007-09-12 Thread Shahid Khan
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*A Word of Advice to Seekers of Knowledge *

WE give thanks to Allah, the One free of all defects, for having inspired
us. And we ask Him to grant us the ability to act upon what He has given us
knowledge of. Indeed, goodness cannot be attained, except by His granting
and His assistance. Whomsoever Allah leads astray, there is no one from His
creation that can guide him. May Allah send His blessings upon Muhammad, the
chief of the first and the last (of people), and upon his brothers from
among the prophets and messengers. And upon those who follow the light (i.e.
the Qur'an) that was revealed to him until the Day of Recompense.

To proceed, I advise you O seeker of knowledge to have a sincere and pure
intention in your search for knowledge. And that you exert yourself in
acting upon what it necessitates (from action). For indeed knowledge is a
tree and action is its fruit.  And one can never be considered knowledgeable
so long as he doesn't act upon what he has knowledge of.

It has also been stated: *"Knowledge is a parent and action is its
offspring."* And *"Knowledge comes with action, while narrating comes with

So do not feel satisfied with actions so long as you are lacking in
knowledge. Nor feel satisfied with knowledge so long as you fall short of
producing actions. Rather, combine them both, even if your share of the two
is small.

And there is nothing worse than a scholar, whose knowledge the people
abandon  because of the corruption of his ways, nor an ignorant person whose
ignorance the people accept because of what they see from his worship.

So a little of this (knowledge) along with a little of that (action) is what
is most likely to save you in the end, when Allah bestows His mercy upon His
servant and completes his favor upon him. But as for laziness and
negligence, love for ease and comfort, preferring the easy life and showing
indifference, inclining towards leisure and relaxation, then the results of
these characteristics are blameworthy, detestable and disastrous.

Knowledge leads to action, just as action leads to salvation. So if the
action falls short of the knowledge, then the knowledge becomes a burden
upon the one who possesses that knowledge. And we seek Allah's refuge from
knowledge that turns into a burden, is the cause of humiliation and which
becomes a shackle on the neck of the one who possesses  it.

Sahl Bin Muzaahim (may he rest in peace) said: "The matter is more tighter
upon a scholar than when one clenches his fist tightly, even though the
ignorant person is not excused because of his ignorance (i.e. he will be
held accountable). However, the scholar will receive a greater punishment if
he abandons what he has knowledge of and doesn't act upon it."

So did those of our Salaf (predecessors) from the past reach the high levels
that they reached except through sincerity in Creed (Beliefs), righteous
actions and overwhelming abstinence of the attractive features of this
worldly life? And did the wise people reach the greatest level of success
(that they did) except by working hard in their efforts and being pleased
with their easy accomplishments, while sacrificing the excess amount from
their needs by giving it away to the poor and those who asked?

Is not the one who gathers books of knowledge just like the one who gathers
gold and silver? Is not the one who has an intense greed for them just like
the one who is eager and desirous of gold and silver? Is not the one who is
deeply in love with them just like the one who treasures gold and silver?

So just as wealth does not benefit except by it being spent, then likewise,
knowledge does not benefit except for one who acts upon it and carries out
its obligations. So let each individual examine himself and take advantage
of his time, for indeed the resting place (i.e. this world) is short, the
(time for) departure is near, the road is hazardous and deviating from it is
common. The danger is great, the one who takes note has wisdom, Allah, the
Most High, is watching over, and to Him is the (final) recourse and return.
"And whosoever does an atom's weight of good, he shall see it.

And whosoever does an atom's weight of evil, he shall see it." *[99: 7-8]*

- - From Imaam Abu Bakr Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee's introduction to his
classical work "Iqtidaa-ul-'Ilm Al-'Amal"

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to p ublish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *


*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form.*
