Bismillah [IslamCity] Palestine Chronicle - The Pakistan Factor Will History Repeat Itself? By M. Shahid Alam

2007-10-29 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Subject: Palestine Chronicle - The Pakistan Factor
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 19:55:23 -0500

  (For full update and to support the Chronicle, please visit
  M. Shahid Alam: The Pakistan Factor: Will History Repeat Itself? 
  By M. Shahid Alam 
Special to
  In January 2002, when President Bush named Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the 
first targets in his ‘global war against terror’ – the putative ‘axis of 
evil’—few noticed a curious omission. Pakistan was not on the list.
  The targeted countries – we were told – sought weapons of mass destruction. 
In truth, Iraq and Iran were targeted because they stood in the way of Israeli 
ambitions – and they had oil. 
  Although Pakistan has been unlucky in oil, it could make stronger claims as a 
target for American and Israeli ire. It is the only Muslim country with nuclear 
weapons, a nuclear proliferator, the Taliban’s chief patron, and a sponsor of 
jihadis in Kashmir. 
  Why, then, did the US not target Pakistan? 
  Six years later, this question is not less pertinent: and for two reasons. 
After being stalled by the Iraqi resistance, US plans for war against Iran are 
again gathering steam. If Iran is such a tempting target, why not take a few 
potshots at Pakistan also? 
  In addition, since their rout in Afghanistan, bands of Muslim ‘extremists’ 
have found safe havens in Pakistan’s northern districts, as well as Quetta and 
Karachi. More ominously, last July, the Taliban challenged the authority of the 
state in Pakistan’s capital. 
  Yet, there has been little talk in Washington or Tel Aviv about adding 
Pakistan to the ‘axis of evil.’ This is the Pakistani paradox.
  This paradox has a simple explanation. In Pakistan, the US had effected 
regime change without a change of regime. Almost overnight, following the 
attacks of 9-11, the US had drafted the Pakistani military to wage war against 
Muslim extremists. The US had gained an army: and Pakistan’s military dictators 
had gained longevity.
  Yet, could the Pakistani military deliver on its promise to fight the Taliban 
and Al-Qaida? At first, it appeared that it was succeeding. General Musharraf 
boasted that Pakistan had collected $50 million in exchange for extremists 
handed over to the US. 
  These losses, however, did not deter the extremists from regrouping; and 
before long they were attacking NATO forces in Afghanistan from bases inside 
Pakistan. As NATO casualties rose, the US ratcheted its pressure on Pakistan. 
And by August 2004, the Pakistan had deployed 100,000 troops to guard its 
frontier with Afghanistan. 
  The extremists now began targeting Pakistani troops. In September 2006, in 
the face of rising losses, Pakistan pulled out its troops from Waziristan in 
return for a Taliban promise not to mount attacks from bases in Pakistan. It 
was an improbable truce. 
  In reality, the Taliban had ‘liberated’ Waziristan.
  The US was unhappy about the truce. And with good reason: Taliban attacks in 
Afghanistan began to rise after the truce. Since then, US has been ratcheting 
its pressures on Pakistan to hunt down the extremists operating out of bases 
along its northern frontier. 
  According to the Newsweek of Oct. 8, the Pentagon is now demanding that 
General Musharraf “turn much of Pakistan’s military into a counterinsurgency 
force, trained and equipped to combat Al-Qaeda and its extremist supporters 
along the Afghan border.”
  This Latin American approach to counter-insurgency is not likely to work in 
Pakistan. Their military juntas were firmly rooted in the elites and middle 
classes, set apart from the leftist insurgents – mostly Amerindians or Mestizos 
– by both class and race. The boundary between the adversaries in Latin America 
was firmly drawn.
  In Pakistan, the insurgents are Muslim nationalists. They are drawn mainly 
from Pashtun peasants, but they enjoy broad support among the peasants as well 
as the middle classes all over Pakistan. 
  On the other side, about a fourth of Pakistan army consists of Pashtuns; and 
mid- and low-ranking officers are middle-class in their origin and orientation. 
Only the top military brass identify firmly with the elites. 
  In Pakistan, the boundary between the opposite camps is not as firmly drawn 
as in Latin America. As a result, as Pakistan army escalates the war against 
its own people, this boundary has been shifting, shrinking the support base of 
the military elite. 
  If this is the irreversible dynamic behind the US-inspired counterinsurgency, 
it is unlikely that Pakistani elites can long sustain their decision to fight 
America’s war against Muslim nationalists. 
  Recent events support this prognosis. As the military has escalated its 
offensive, its reputation has plummeted. Hundreds of soldiers have surrendered 
or, more likely, defected. General Musharraf has rescinded corruption cases 
against Benazir 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] The Sheikh Mohammed interview

2007-10-29 Thread javed akhtar
Alcohol, nudity and shamelessness. This is another area that is also being 
developed. What a skyline and what a beachline to pride of? I hope the sheikh 
also develops one more thing, his guts, to defy america and say the truth about 
iraq and afghanistan and to work towards preventing annihilation of another 
country called iran.

Zifri wrote:
The Sheikh Mohammed interview  by Rashid AW Galadari on Thursday, 
25 October 2007 

  It was with great pleasure, pride and admiration that I watched the ‘60 
minutes' interview with HRH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, 
Vice-President and President of the UAE, and Ruler of Dubai, this week. 
Pleasure because as an Emirati, it is always fantastic to see our leader in a 
public forum. It is a great thing to show the world how, despite all his 
riches, he is a humble, personable, and charismatic man.

Here is an Arab the world would do well to take as its ‘stereotype'; a forward 
thinking, astute man who promotes women's rights, donates billions to charity, 
and believes in his people having the best of everything, whether that be 
healthcare, education, or amenities and infrastructure.

I marvel at the speed, quality and scale of the development taking place in 

  Pride comes from the fact that I am a local, but also a resident of Dubai 
like any other, and I too marvel in the same way at the speed, quality, and 
scale of the development taking place here. Sometimes we forget what Dubai and 
the UAE have become within our own lifetimes: a symbol of hope for the Middle 
East; a place that youngsters from across the region aspire to live in; a city 
where east and west mix together in an easy, safe and prosperous blend of 
cultures and religions.

  Looking at the images shown during the interview, it still astounds me how 
quickly Dubai is developing. It is real. It is happening. Now. Everywhere you 
go things are being built, being improved, being amended, extended, widened, 
upgraded and improved yet again. People complain, and sometimes rightly so. But 
try to deny that Dubai is a better place to live than it was five years ago, 
you simply cannot - it would be utterly impossible.

A couple of months ago I wrote an article about the cost of living versus the 
new cost of high living. The statistics have not changed, it is still an 
expensive place to rent property, it is still an expensive affair to educate 
your children, and to access quality healthcare. The difference is that - just 
like the slogan - Dubai cares. HRH is absolutely correct to underline these key 
areas for improvement. As someone in the real estate market, I can assure you 
that prices will continue to rise for freehold properties - just taking a walk 
around Cityscape last week was enough to confirm this - but if education, 
healthcare and other services become more plentiful, and therefore affordable, 
the equation is once more balanced out.

Why admiration for the Sheikh? Why not! This is a man who drives himself around 
Dubai, who mixes so easily with, and enjoys the company of, the average man in 
the street.

This is a man who travels around with no security detail, who is himself a 
sportsman, statesman, and CEO of ‘Dubai PLC'. What is not to admire? He is a 
leader with energy, drive and a vision beyond the norm.

Sometimes people from other countries ask me why it doesn't bother me that 
there is no ‘democracy' here. They think that it must be difficult to live 
under such ‘conditions'.

But you are not empowered as a citizen if you cannot vote they say. In 
response, I simply say to them: What do you vote for?

A vote is cast to select the people who you feel will deliver on all of the 
above; infrastructure, healthcare, education etc. If we are happy with what is 
being done in Dubai - and let's face it, on the whole, who isn't? - then let 
them get on with it.

Does this make us less as people? I cannot speak for everyone, but I for one 
enjoy picking up a newspaper and seeing news on the front page, not gossip and 

I enjoy reading about actions taken by the government, not empty promises made 
in pre-election speeches. So long live HRH Sheikh Mohammed, and viva Dubai.

Rashid AW Galadari is chairman of Galadari Investment Office (GIO). 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] Whoever Fulfilled the Requirements of Tawheed ...

2007-10-29 Thread abdullah
The Book of Tawheed by Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab, translated by Sameh 

  Kitaab At-Tawheed, Chapter: 1
  Whoever Fulfilled the Requirements of Tawheed Will Enter Paradise Without a 
  Allah (swt ), says:
 Verily, Ibrahim was an Ummah [a leader, good and righteous] obedient to 
Allah, Haneefan [worshipping none but Allah], and he was not one of the 
polytheists (Qur'an 16:120)
  Allah (swt ), informs us in this verse that His Messenger, Ibrahim (as ) was 
a leader in religion, a teacher of goodness, always humble and obedient to his 
Rabb; and that he rejected Shirk, in all its manifestations and devoted himself 
exclusively to the worship of Allah (swt ), Alone, without falling into Shirk, 
either in word, deed or belief.
  Benefits Derived From This Verse
1. That Tawheed is the basis of all religion.
  2. The obligation to follow Ibrahim, by sincerely worshipping Allah, Alone.
  3. It is an obligation upon the daa'iyah1 to set a good example to the people 
in all that he does.
  4. The unchanging nature of true worship as exemplified by the Prophets.
  5. Tawheed is not acceptable without rejections of Shirk. 
  6. Rejection of the claim of Quraish in the days of ignorance that in 
practising their Shirk, they were following the religion of Ibrahim.
  Relevance of This Verse to the Subject of Tawheed
  That the verse proves that whoever exemplified these four attributes, has 
earned the right to Paradise, as did Ibrahim (as ), without reckoning or 
  Allah (swt ), says:
 And those who live in awe for fear of their Rabb; And those who believe 
in the Signs of their Rabb, And those who join not anyone [in worship] as 
partners with their Rabb; And those who give that which they give [i.e. 
charity] with their hearts full of fear [whether their charity has been 
accepted or not], because they are sure to return to their Rabb (Qur'an 
  In these verses, Allah (swt ), describes the Believers by four of their 
attributes for which they deserve praise and commendation: They fear the 
punishment of their Rabb, they believe in the revealed Signs of Allah (swt ) 
and His natural Signs (the planets, the stars, the seasons, the animals, the 
birds, the plants, etc.) which prove the existence of Him (swt ) and the truth 
of the Message of Muhammad (saas); and they are guided by these Signs and do 
not associate partners with Allah (swt ), either openly, or secretly; and 
because of their strong faith, they fear that Allah (swt ) will not accept 
their charity and good deeds; and Allah (swt ) Testifies to their mutual 
rivalry in performing virtuous deeds, and He Informs us that they precede 
others in doing so.
  The Benefits Derived From These Verses
1. The obligation to fear Allah.
  2. The obligation of belief in the signs of Allah.
  3. The forbiddance of Shirk in all its manifestations.
  4. The concern of the Believers as to whether or not their deeds will be 
  5. The preferability of competing with others in the performance of good 
  Relevance of These Verses to the Subject of Tawheed
  That the verses prove that whoever personifies these four attributes and 
purifies himself from Shirk which nullifies good deeds, will have the right to 
enter Paradise without a reckoning and without punishment because he has 
achieved the purest Tawheed and this is his reward.
  It is reported on the authority of Husain Ibn `Abdul-Rahmaan that he said: I 
was with Sa'eed Ibn Jubair and he asked: Who among you saw the shooting star 
last night? I answered: I saw it, and I explained to him that I had not been 
at prayer, because I had been stung (by a scorpion). He asked: Then what did 
you do? I used a ruqyah,2 I replied. He said: What made you do that? I 
answered: A Hadith I heard from Ash-Sh'abi. He asked: What did he tell you? 
I said: He reported from Buraidah Al-Husayyib, who said that ruqyah is not 
permitted except in two cases: Al-'ain 3 and stings. He said: He who limits 
himself to what he has heard, has done well; but Ibn `Abbas (ra ) reported to 
us that the Prophet (saas ) said: All the nations were made to pass before me, 
and I saw a Prophet (saas ) with a small group, and a Prophet (saas ) with only 
one or two men, and a Prophet (saas ) with none. Then there was shown to me a 
large number of people which I thought to be
 my Ummah, 4 but it was said to me: This is Moosa (as ) and his people. Then 
I looked and saw a huge crowd at which it was said to me: These are your 
people: Among them are seventy thousand who will enter Paradise without a 
reckoning or punishment. Then he (saas ) got up and went to his house, and the 
people began to discuss who they might be: Some of them said: Perhaps they are 
the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (saas ); others said: Perhaps they 
are the those who were born in Islam and have never associated any partners 
with Allah (swt ). 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Now in Google Transliteration is available for Hindi/Tamil/Telugu/Kannada/Malayalam

2007-10-29 Thread SA PEER MOHAMED
Now In Google Hindi/Tamil/Telugu/Kannada/Malayalam Transliterate is available.
  For Malayalam try below link.
  We type in English like it give to us in Malayalam language.
  If we type Malayalam words in English letters then press the space bar after 
we get the Malayalam words.
  You have to be online to use this service.
  Also for more help click the link More at the transliterate page bottom.
  S.A.Peer Mohamed

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Bismillah [IslamCity] US airport security detains British Muslim MP

2007-10-29 Thread MA PA
US airport security detains British Muslim MP


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Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Attacking Iran is attacking us (Russia)

2007-10-29 Thread javed akhtar
  Yusuf Al-Qardawi is a notable exception. Others are not worth mentioning. But 
even he needs to do much more. This is a matter of life and death and should be 
the made the main issue. It is time for the ulemas to come out on the streets 
and guide the people who are being daily brainwashed by the corrupt media. 
Otherwise we all will pay a heavy price. I shudder to think of the consequences.
  Just Watch, as america starts pounding Iran, all the puppets will come alive 
and race with each other for assisting their godfather. The fatwas especially 
from saudi will start flowing and thus the  process of demonisation of iran 
will get a head start. 
  When these guys could do it against iraq, what chance iran stands? 
  I fear the wrath of Allah swt for all those muslim countries where the govt 
and the ulemas are hand in gloves even in labelling the few who are resisiting 
as terrorists, cutting every means of funding them and preventing even the 
refugees from entering their countries. Poor they, stay there and perish is the 
message. This is the price one pays for being one those of the  humankind in 
  What a Shame! 

  Abumaryam, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  YES, Sheikh Yousuf Al Khardawi had said that!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Any Muslim leader dare to say that Attacking 
Iran is attacking us??
  What OIC is doing, Muslim countries are being attacked and threatened by war 
mongers every single day.
- Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 2:17 PM
  Subject: Attacking Iran is attacking us (Russia)

  Russia: Attacking Iran is attacking us 
Sat, 27 Oct 2007 19:25:04 
   The Leader of the Islamic Revolution (R) and the Russian 
President (L)
Iran and Russia have agreed on plans to quash Washington's relentless drive 
towards launching an attack on Iran. 

Discussions took place during Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent visit 
to Tehran, according to the Asia Times. 

Putin held a face-to-face meeting with Leader of the Islamic Revolution, 
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, where the agreement was finalized. 

According to a high-level diplomatic source in Tehran, the Supreme Leader and 
the Russian president essentially agreed that an American attack on Iran would 
be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia. 

The two states are officially united in a strategic partnership, in which World 
War III is definitely not on the cards. 

US Vice President, Dick Cheney, who is notorious for elevating the war rhetoric 
against Iran at any given opportunity, is now facing an increasingly difficult 
challenge in fanning the flames of war. 

The US president and top US officials, who often attempt to demonize Tehran as 
a threat to world peace, have themselves been threatening Iran with military 
force over the country's nuclear standoff with the West. 




With Regards 

Abi  __
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Beautiful Hadit

2007-10-29 Thread Abida Rahmani



 Rasulullah (Prophet Muhammad) Sallalloho alaihe Wa-aalay wasallam) said:

 When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an
 extremely handsome man by his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that
 man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased. When after
 the burial, the people return home, 2 angels, Munkar and Nakeer
 (names of two special Angels), come in the grave and try to separate
 this handsome man so that they may be able to interrogate the dead man in
 privacy about his faith.

 But the handsome man says,

 He is my companion, he is my friend. I will not leave him alone in any
 case. If you are appointed for interrogation, do your job. I cannot
 leave him until I get him admitted into Paradise '.

 There after he turns to his dead companion and says,
 'I am the Qura'an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and
 sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry.
 After the interrogation of Munkar and Nakeer, you will have no grief.
 When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from
 Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) a silk bedding filled with

 Rasulullah (Prophet Muhammad Sallalloho alaihe Wa-aalaywasallam) said:

 'On the Day of Judgement, before Allah(God), no other intercessor will
 have a greater status than the Qura'an, neither a Prophet
 nor an angel.'

 Please keep forwarding this 'Hadith' to all ...because

 Rasulullah(Sallallo ho alaihe Wa-aalay wasallam) said:

 'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'.

 May Allah bestow this favor on all of us. AMEEN




  Abida Rahmani
  If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be 
sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] The spy who came in to divorce....

2007-10-29 Thread raja chemayel
  President Sarkozy has divorced his pretty woman
  Why not ??
  What is wrong with divorcing any pretty woman ??
  I  even know many nice guys who divorced !!
  (even such a nice person, as myself , did it , far)
  But some news  many hide other news!
  for example another piece of news 
  is claiming that President Nicola Sarkozy 
  were once on the pay-role of the Mossad !!
  The point here remains in the sizing of each news-item
  and which item is repeated frequently, and which is not ..
  Let us agree that being an ex-spy for a foreign power
  is more dramatic..than being a divorced-president.
  So let us together  scan the international Media
  to find out which item is (or was) more frequently mentioned.
  Having said that ? I would not mind if and when
  Cecilia (ex) Sarkozy would be also a spy with a mission
  to seduce me.for a long week-end trip to Fiji.
  But back to serious , now :
  How many Medias mentioned both cases ??
  and how often?...each of them ?
  Look it up !!
  Sherlock Hommos
  once divorced but not a President , yet.
  29 of October 07
  PS :
  I know many people who are not Mossad-agents
  are even worse.than Nicola Sarkozy ?

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Who will teach them Quran ?

2007-10-29 Thread mye
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Islam in china. May Allah bless and help them.
May Allah give them his unlimited mercy.

Wasalamualaikum wr.wb.
