Bismillah [IslamCity] Jobs in ITALIAN COMPANY Urgent Requirement

2007-11-28 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
-- Forwarded message --
From: meraj haidry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Nov 27, 2007 11:37 AM
Subject: Jobs in ITALIAN COMPANY Urgently

Following vacancies are available at ITALIAN COMPANY* for there overseas
* *

   1. Mechanical Engineer / Supervisor (Education: BE or Diploma,
   Experience: more than 5yrs)
   2. Electrical Engineer / Supervisor(Education: BE or Diploma,
   Experience: more than 5yrs)
   3. Instrument Engineer / Supervisor (Education: BE or Diploma,
   Experience: more than 5yrs)

Send Resume directly / urgently to.
*Mr. Reji Oommen Jacob / *Field Engineer Piping
Saipem JV
* *
Wish you all the best.
Meraj Haidry
Mechanical Superintendent
South Pars, Iran

*Click on this line to Watch Video: Quran Tafseer (Explanation in Urdu)-All
Surahs (all 

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness
without action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971.50.4599172 - Largest network of people from Bihar or

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of
you have no today to be thankful for.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Earning The Blessings Of Paradise Does Not Mean One Has To Forego The Pleasures Of This World

2007-11-28 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Earning The Blessings Of Paradise Does Not Mean One Has To Forego The
Pleasures Of This World*


Monks and ascetics, and many of the believers of this ummah think that the
blessings of the hereafter cannot be attained without giving up the good
things and pleasures of this world. So you see them punishing themselves and
making life hard for themselves with non-stop fasting and [qiyaam] praying
at night. Some of them even deny themselves good food, drink and clothing
and reject work and marriage. All of this is wrong, for Allah has created
the good things of this world for the believers, and He denounces those who
forbid the beautiful things that Allah (swt) has created for His slaves:

Say: Who has forbidden the adornment with clothes given by Allah, which He
has produced for His slaves, and at-Tayyibaat [all kinds of lawful things]
of food? Say: They are in the life of this world, for those who believe,
[and] exclusively for them [believers] on the Day of Resurrection [the
disbelievers will not share them]. *[7:32]*

This world is only condemned when it distracts the believer from the
Hereafter, but if he treats it as a means of achieving success in the
aakhirah then its pleasures need not be spurned, as some people think.

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *


*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form.*

Bismillah [IslamCity] UNITY OF THE MUSLIM UMMAH - by Dr. Zakir Naik

2007-11-28 Thread Ahumanb
No Sunni ... No Shia ... No Ahmedia ... No X ... No Y... No Z ... ONLY Muslim.
Part 1:
Part 2:


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Concept of God In Major Religions

2007-11-28 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
*Watch this video FREE*

***Video: Concept of God In Major

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness
without action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971.50.4599172 - Largest network of people from Bihar or

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of
you have no today to be thankful for.

Bismillah [IslamCity] British Muslim Chief Warns Over Nazi Germany Parallels

2007-11-28 Thread Yusuf Ibrahim
*British Muslim Chief Warns Over Nazi **Germany** Parallels*
*Tuesday ,13 November 2007**( Posted : **06:11**:06GMT) *
*The head of a major body representing British Muslims said the country must
beware of fostering a culture like Nazi Germany and warned of suspicion and
unease about Muslims in an interview.*
*Muhammad Abdul **Bari** of the Muslim Council of **Britain** (MCB) said
there was a disproportionate amount of discussion surrounding us and
criticised the head of MI5 for creating a scare by saying Al-Qaeda was
grooming children here. *
*The air is thick with suspicion and unease. It is not good for the Muslim
community, it is not good for society, he told the Daily Telegraph
newspaper and the BBC in a joint interview. Every society has to be really
careful so the situation doesn't lead us to a time when people's minds can
be poisoned as they were in the 1930s. *
*If your community is perceived in a very negative manner, and poll after
poll says that we are alienated, then Muslims begin to feel very vulnerable.
We are seen as creating problems, not as bringing anything and that is not
good for any society. *
There are about 1.6 million Muslims in Britain, which is home to some 60
million people, according to the latest census in 2001.

The MCB's assistant general secretary, Inayat Bungalawala, later told BBC
radio that there was a danger of the threat from extremists being magnified
out of all proportion.

*What you had in the 1930s was all sorts of popular fictions were spread
about the Jewish community that they were responsible for all ills that were
occurring to **Germany**, he said. They were made into folk-devils and I
think there is a danger that the word Muslim in the **UK** is becoming
synonymous with bad news. *
Bari, a special needs teacher, also said it was wrong to describe someone as
an Islamic terrorist, adding: We never called the IRA (Irish Republican
Army) Catholic terrorists.

He also said comments by Jonathan Evans -- head of British domestic security
agency MI5 -- that Al-Qaeda was targeting young people and Britain was
facing the most immediate and acute peacetime threat his agency had ever
seen, could help rather than hinder terrorists.

*I think it is creating a scare in the community and wider society, he
said. It probably helps some people who try to recruit the young to
terrorism. Muslim young people are as vulnerable as any others. Under this
climate of fear they will begin to feel victimised. He also said he
believed that suicide bombers were often emotionally damaged young people. *
*Courtesy: AFP*

*To access the news directly / URL of this news :*

*Neocon Sufis (SMC) Meet at the Heritage Foundation!!*

*The way that Sufis are being co-opted by the Neo-cons is becoming ever
more apparent.*

*Muslim Figures Condemn Violent Tactics of Islamists*

*By Matt Purple Correspondent
**July 13, 2007***

( - A panel of Muslims leaders and filmmakers gathered at
the *Heritage
Foundation* Thursday to speak out against violent extremists whom they
believe are corrupting Islam.

*Muhammed Hisham Kabbani - chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of
America and the Sufi Muslim Council of Britain - and Hedieh Mirahmadi - a
political advisor to the Sufi Muslim Council of Britain - condemned Islamic
violence and warned of the consequences of allowing Islam and government to
be intertwined.*

The Muslims today are mixing religion with politics, Kabbani said. They
are using religion for their own political advancement.

Contrary to many who advocate for separation of church and state, he
contended that politics corrupts religion and not vice versa. He said Islam
and politics were fundamentally incompatible and called on Muslim leaders to
advise politicians rather than seeking to obtain power themselves.

The real connection between God and [individuals] has to be complete and
continuous, Kabbani said. And politicians don't say the truth sometimes.
Instead they use religion to get their agendas enacted.

Kabbani and Mirahmadi subscribe to the Sufism tradition of Islam. Adherents
say the tradition holds that knowledge and reason are necessary to achieve
meaning and faith, although some scholars of Islam dispute the notion that
Sufism is inherently moderate, citing the rhetoric of revered Sufi thinkers.

Kabbani disputed the notion that Muslims were called upon by their prophet,
Mohammed, to engage in violent acts of jihad against non-Muslims, saying
that true jihad was a personal and internal struggle for faith.

After the war against the aggressors in Medina was finished, he said,
Mohammed declared that [the war] is finished. We will build 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel�s Strange New Demand--Asia Post editorial dated 27.11.07

2007-11-28 Thread S A Hannan

Israel’s Strange New Demand

AFP has reported from  Washington that Israeli Foreign Minister 
Tzipi Livni yesterday welcomed Arab states attending a peace meeting in the US 
but said they should not be involved in bilateral talks between Israel and the 
Palestinians. The Arab world is not supposed to define the terms of the 
negotiations or be involved in them, she told reporters on board Prime 
Minister Ehud Olmert's plane to Washington ahead of the Tuesday meeting in 
Annapolis, Maryland. More than a dozen of Arab states, most of which do not 
have official ties with Israel, are planned to attend the peace meeting aimed 
at offering backing for the renewal of bilateral Israeli-Palestinian peace 


The foreign minister also said that Israel dropped its initial 
objections to raise the issue of the occupied Golan Heights during the meeting, 
which Syria demanded as a condition for its participation. I believe that 
Syria has taken a decision to attend the meeting because we included the term 
'comprehensive peace' in the agenda, she said. There will be a plenary 
session which I will also attend and where issues pertaining to the 
comprehensive peace in the Middle East can be discussed, and that includes 
everything. The Golan could also be raised there, she said.

We are surprised at the statement of Israeli foreign minister.She 
has not raised any objection on US meddling in everything, she is objecting to 
Arab participation  in determining the terms of negotiation.It appears to be 
the old game of forcing the Palestinians in an unjust agreement which was the 
reason for failure of earlier  meeting during Clinton era.The conference itself 
has little legitimacy as the elected Prime Minister Mr Haniyah and Hamas are 
not involved in the process because of well-known trickeries of US and Israel, 
it will be doomed  to failure if Arabs can not have a say in determination of 
terms of negotiations and the outcome.

Bismillah [IslamCity] When Was The TRINITY Invented

2007-11-28 Thread Yusuf Ibrahim
*When Was The Trinity Invented?*

*Cliff Walker*
*The Trinity is late-fourth century, having been passed into law during the
Nicene Council in C.E. 381. But the idea predates this and even predates
Christianity, though in various forms. In other words, the Christians didn**
'**t invent it, they glommed it. And some say they butchered it, as well.*
*The concept of a Trinitarian godhead harkens from **Egypt**, and is also
part of the Hindu godhead. Both cultures had heavily influenced Roman
thought by the time the Trinitarian disputes came about, but by then, **
Egypt** was an important center of Christian power. To try to develop a
Trinitarian concept of deity from Hebrew Scripture is a stretch, at best,
and even to develop it from Christian scripture is sketchy. When Erasmus
published his New Testament, people objected that it did not have any
passages which teach the Trinity, so he introduced, on very flimsy evidence,
I John 5:7:*
*For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and
the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.*
*Only the King James versions retain this passage without comment: the rest
relegate it to footnotes.*

Another passage that is used to bolster the Scriptural basis for the
doctrine of the Trinity is Matthew 28:20:
*Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost*
This really says nothing about a Trinity, but merely mentions three names.
Like the other New Testament writers, Matthew was not very precise in this
or any other concept. This precision came later. Other baptismal formulae
instruct Christians to baptize in the name of Jesus, and some sects use this
parallel to teach that Jesus is the Father and the Holy Ghost, that there is
no Trinity.

*Consult any Christian primer on the doctrine of the Trinity (like you**'**d
get when you first become saved and take classes to find out what you
believe) and you will see just how tough it is to justify deriving this idea
from Christian Scripture, which was written by people who were not as
sophisticated in self-consistency or as obsessively detailed in their dogma
as later scholars became. Before the Nicene Councils consolidated The Dogma
Of The One True Faith, Christian ideas along these lines were extremely
varied. Many Christian sects, most notably the Jehovah**'**s Witnesses,
reject the Trinity. In fact, their materials are as good as any when trying
to balance the pro-Trinity arguments of the so-called orthodox Christians.
But contrary to what they say (and the Trinitarians, as well), there was no
real consensus and nothing resembling precision on this or any other matter
during the first few centuries of the Church.*
Nevertheless, the doctrine of the Trinity is very much a litmus test in
modern Christian circles. In the Introduction to Robert M. Price's
book *Deconstructing
Jesus,* Price warns: *when an evangelist or an apologist invites you to have
faith in Christ, he is in fact smuggling in a great number of other
issues. For example, Chalcedonian Christology, the doctrine of the Trinity,
the Protestant idea of faith and grace, a particular nineteenth-century
theory of biblical inspiration and literalism, habits of church attendance,
and so on, are all distinct and open questions, or should be. And yet no
evangelist ever invites people to accept Christ by faith and then to start
examining all these other associated issues for themselves. Not one! The
Trinity, biblical inerrantism, for some even anti-Darwinism, are
nonnegotiable. *
*They say you cannot be genuinely saved if you do not toe the party line
on these points. Thus for them, to accept Christ means to accept
Trinitarianism, biblicism, inerrantism, creationism, and so on. All this, in
turn, means that Christ has become a shorthand designation for this whole
raft of doctrines and opinions, all of which one is to accept by faith, on
someone else**'**s say-so. Christ has become an umbrella for an
unquestioning acceptance of what some preacher or institution tells you to
believe. Once the believer begins to deconstruct what Jesus Christ has
come to denote in his particular religious community, he may discover that
his primary religious allegiance has been utilized to manipulate him into
transferring the same diehard loyalty to other secondary or tertiary issues,
political and cultural.-- pp. 11-12*
Early Evangelical Christian cults books, particularly those modeled after
Walter Martin's classic Evangelical work *Kingdom of the
,* use the doctrine of the Trinity as the primary test of orthodoxy (as well
as various degrees of biblical inerrancy and other key issues which
distinguish a true Christian from a false Christian). *Many, for
example, accept Missouri-based Mormons as Brethren because they are
Trinitarian, even though they accept the Book of Mormon as 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Ziyyaarat of Madina-Hadith 1-5

2007-11-28 Thread ***hajikhan***

Note: forwarded message attached.
  Ziyyaarat of Madina. (Visiting the Grave of Rasulullah Sal'am) 
  Hadith Number One: 
Hazrat Ibn Umar R.A. relates that Rasulullah Sal'am said: Whosoever visits my 
grave, my intercession becomes obligatory for him. (Bazaar-Dar-Qutni) 

Hadith Number Two: 
Hazrat Ibn Umar R.A. relates that Rasulullah Sal'am said: 'whosoever visits me 
and has no other motive, has a right over me that I intercede on his behalf'. 
  Who is there amongst us who does not require Rasulullah Sal'am's Shafaa'at 
(intercession) on the fearful day of Qiyaamat. And how fortunate is that person 
for whom Rasulullah Sal'am has said that his Shafaa'at is obligatory on me. 
Hazrat Allama Zarqani Rah writes in 'Sharhe Mawaahib' that this could mean a 
special intercession which would to be to raise him in rank, give him security 
on that frightful day or grant him entrance into Jannat without accounting for 
his deeds or grant him entrance into Jannat without accounting for his deeds 
(hisaab). It could also mean that besides a general intercession he will have a 
special intercession Hazrat Ibn Hajar Makki Rah writes in the commentary of 
'Manaasik of Nawawi' on the above hadith that 'he has no other motive or 
intention' will mean that he has no other intention that is not related to the 
Ziyaarat. Thus to perform I'tikaaf in the Masjid-an-Nabawi, or perform increase 
Ibaadat there, or to make Ziyaarat of the Hazrat
 Sahaaba R.A. will not be contradictory. In explaining this our ulama have said 
that when the niyyat for Ziyaarat is made then the niyyat to visit the 
Masjid-un-Nabawi should also be made. The author of 'Durre Mukhtaar' is the 
same opinion from amongst the Hanafi ulama. However Hazrat Ibn Humaan Rah has 
written in view of this Hadith if it is the first journey to Madina then the 
niyyat for visiting the grave only should be made. If a second opportunity 
arises then the niyyat for both the grave and the masjid should be made. Hazrat 
Mullah Jaami Rah once undertook a journey for Ziyaarat only. He did not include 
Haj in the same journey. Love for our Rasulullah Sal'am surely warrants this. 

Hadith Number Three: 
Hazrat Ibn Umar R.A relates that Rasulullah Sal'am said: 'Whosoever visits me 
after my death is like he who had visited me during my life.' 
  It is stated in a Hadith in 'Mishkaat' that; 'The person who performs Haj 
then visits my grave, is like he who visited me during my lifetime'. The term 
'is like he' does not mean that he becomes a Sahaabi, but because the Ambiyaa 
are alive in their graves, he is like that person who comes to Rasulullah 
Sal'am during his life and greets him from the outside of his house. In this 
hadith it is stated that he visits me after Haj. The ulama have different views 
about the visit to Madina Munawwarah; whether it should be before going to 
Mecca or after. Hazrat Ibn Hajar Rah has written that the opinion of most 
Masha'ikh is that Haj should be performed first. The more acceptable view is 
that if there is sufficient time before Haj, then the Ziyaarat should be made 
with comfort and ease before Haj, thereafter Haj could be performed without 
haste. It is possible that for some reason or the other after Haj the visit to 
Madina has to be called off. If the time before Haj is not
 sufficient for a Ziyaarat then it should be preformed after Haj. 
  Hazrat Mullah Ali Qari Rah has written that if the Haj is a fardh, then Haj 
should be made first, provided Madina Munawwarah is not on the route. If Madina 
is on the way then it will be treacherous to continue without performing 
Ziyaarat. If it is a nafl Haj then it is optional to visit Madina before or 
after Haj. It could be better in this instance also to perform Haj, first, by 
which one is made paak (sins are forgiven) before visiting the paak tomb of 
Rasulullah Sal'am. 

Hadith Number Four: 
It is related by a person from the family of Khattab that Rasulullah Sal'am 
said; Who ever undertakes a journey specially to visit my grave, will be my 
neighbor on the day of Qiyaamat; and who ever lives in Madina Munawwarah and 
bears with patience its hardships and trial, for him will I be a witness and 
intercessor on the day of Qiyaamat; and, who ever dies in either of the 
Haramain (Mecca or Madina) will be raised on the day of Qiyaamat with those who 
have been granted safety. 
  The theme contained in this (viz: that who ever makes the intention to visit 
the Nabi Sal'am in Madina, shall be his neighbor in the hereafter) has been 
contained in so many other ahaadith. It is however important that the intention 
should be solely the visiting of his grave. It should not be a journey with 
another aim, which takes one to Madina with Ziyaarat being just by the way. In 
Hadith number two we have already quoted similar points. As for the point 
raised above, about living in Madina this shall be discussed in the following 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Bush just made Iraq an American colony. Hello

2007-11-28 Thread MA PA
Bush just made Iraq an American colony. Hello
  The big media boys and girls must 
be too busy covering Brittany, I guess...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007  
   I’m not sure that I’ve read a more sickening document 
than the one that was released by the White House yesterday entitled 
‘Declaration of Principles for a Long-Term Relationship of Cooperation and 
Friendship Between the Republic of Iraq and the United States of America’. 
Encapsulated in this document is the geo-political reality of what the 
Bush/Cheney administration and their neoconservative and Likudnik supporters 
had set out to achieve since the day George W. Bush became President of the US.

Far from ‘liberating’ the Iraqi people from the ‘yoke of tyranny’ for them to 
become a ‘free and democratic’ model to which all other Middle Eastern states 
could aspire, which was the propaganda and rhetoric used by the 
neoconservatives that convinced the Coalition of the Willing that Iraq was a 
‘noble and righteous cause’, the declaration instead condemns Iraq to an 
endless occupation designed to enhance the power of the elite puppets of Iraq, 
and to ensure that Iraq’s resources remain firmly under American control and 
enriching American controlled oil companies. In short, the document is the 
instrument by which Iraq has effectively become a colony of the US.

There are several iniquitous points made in the document that betray the real 
intent of the administration but, in particular, point five of the second 
principle relating to ‘the economic sphere’ which says: “Facilitating and 
encouraging the flow of foreign investments to Iraq, especially American 
investments, to contribute to the reconstruction and rebuilding of Iraq,” and 
point eight which says: “Supporting the Republic of Iraq to obtain positive and 
preferential trading conditions for Iraq within the global marketplace 
including accession to the World Trade Organization and most favored nation 
status with the United States,” says it all.

Iraq’s puppet leaders have signed over Iraq to the US.

 posted by Damian Lataan  
  at9:41 AM 
   Links to this post   



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Bismillah [IslamCity] 15th Anniversary of Babri Masjid Demolition; Popular Front to campaign for rebuilding the Masjid

2007-11-28 Thread Media Critic
*Popular Front of India*

*Hqrs: Deccan House, No. 5, 2nd Floor, First Main, Fourth Cross, SK Garden,
Benson Town, Post Bangalore – 560 046*

*Tel: +91 80 32957534, Fax: 080 22110592 *

* *

*Statement issued at New Delhi on 25th November 2007*

*15th Anniversary of  Babri Masjid Demolition;*

*Popular Front to campaign for rebuilding the Masjid *

*  *

Popular Front of India which is a federation of the social
movements in the South Indian states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu
will be campaigning for the rebuilding of Babri Masjid during the first week
of December which marks the 15th anniversary of the Masjid demolition.  The
activists of Popular Front affiliates, KFD of Karnataka, NDF of Kerala and
MNP of Tamil Nadu will engage in exhibiting posters and distributing  pamphlets
in the concerned states. Their volunteer squads will pay house visits across
these states to convey the message: 'Lest We Forget Babri Masjid'. Campaign
literature including wall posters and pamphlets will be published by Popular
Front in five languages: English, Urdu, Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil.

 On 6 December 1992, the Hindutva Fascists have not only destroyed the 463
year old  place of worship of  Muslims, but with it, the ideals and values
upheld by the Indian nation were also shattered. The Government was a
helpless spectator, the laws of the constitution mere notional writings on
paper and the judiciary proved completely ineffective. The values of
secularism and democracy were mocked at by everybody who felt joy on that
day. The demolition was the gravest crime against Independent India after
the killing of Mahatma Gandhi. It was the day when India had to hang its
head in shame before the entire world community.

By demolishing a Masjid which was used for worship by Muslims
for over 420 years, the Sangh Parivar claimed that they have erased off a
stain that had been on India for years. It meant that Muslim were nothing
but a stain on the body of Independent India. Thus they brought to our
attention that it was not just the demolition of a Masjid; but a beginning
to their intentions to flush Muslims out of India. The attack on Muslims
that followed demolition was direct indicator of their aims in this

 The Mumbai riots during December 1992 - January 1993were not stopped by the
intervention of any government, it halted when the zealots had quenched
their thirst for Muslim blood. Ten years later, under the full supervision
and sponsorship of the administration, the Muslims of Gujarat became victims
of genocide, overtly orchestrated by the  Sangh Parivar under the patronage
of their Chief  Minister,  Narendra Modi.  Now

the Muslims are being advised to forget the Babri Masjid issue. But
forgetting these historical blemishes would only help the growth of these
evil fascist forces.

Though the main culprits are the Sangh Parivar, none can be spared from its
responsibility. The then Prime Minister, the Government of India, the
Judiciary, the army, the media, every political party, every leader, all
have to  share it.  They also failed to learn anything from that eventful
day. Fifteen years have passed since then. The immediate assurance to
rebuild the mosque was a blatant lie that failed to materialize till now.  Only
rebuilding the Masjid would serve justice and restore the faith of millions
of upright citizens of India, Muslims and non-Muslims. This was then made
clear by intellectuals, secular leaders, press and public.

Now three investigations are pending on different aspects of the issue.

   1. The case filed in 1961 related to ownership of the Masjid and its
   2. The case against the razing of the Masjid filed in 1992.
   3. Enquiry of the Justice Liberhan's Commission into the events of the
   destruction of the Masjid.

All these have been moving at a snails pace. Even after 15 years, they have
not reached anywhere near conclusion. If at all there was any effort, it was
to free Advani, Joshi and Uma Bharati from among the accused.

Our country has witnessed 15 years of betrayal. In fact it is the betrayal
of a nation. To ask Muslim to forget the demolition is adding insult to
injury. Justice which is delayed so far cannot be further denied. Rebuilding
the Babri Masjid at its site of destruction is a right which   we cannot
give up. Hence Popular Front of India calls upon all the citizens of this
country join our campaign for  fulfilling the ideals of freedom, justice and

  E.   Abubacker
E. M. Abdurahman

General Secreatary

* *

'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali
*** (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).''

Bismillah [IslamCity] Al Jazeera: Joe Sacco on Palestine

2007-11-28 Thread Ismail Kashkash
  Joe Sacco on PalestineBy   Omar Khalifa   
  Sacco's work often portrays the Israeli raids as particularly 
brutal [Fantagraphics] 
  I had a difficult time finding a job in journalism ... One  that remotely 
interested me ... One that addressed the need to do something inspiring ...

I never thought of it as a career path; never even thought of it as a hobby. 
It was a passion ... I would draw comics ... but still wanted to be a hard news 
  As a result, Maltese cartoonist Joe Sacco, went to the West Bank and Gaza to 
spend time with Palestinians between 1991 and 1992. On his return to the US, he 
started writing and drawing the award-winning book, Palestine.

  With a special edition of the comic book released in November, Al Jazeera 
speaks to Sacco about his experiences, methodology, and the 15 years since the 
comic book's first release.

Q: What were you trying to do with Palestine?

  I like to tell a story ...  The way I tell a story is via comics,

Joe Sacco,
Palestine author

  I don't really know what I was trying to do, but I think my impetus for going 
was that I felt the American media had really misportrayed the situation 
[between Israel and the Palestinians] and I was really shocked by that.
  I grew up thinking of Palestinians as terrorists, and it took a lot of time, 
and reading the right things, to understand the power dynamic in the Middle 
East was not what I had thought it was... And basically, it upset me enough 
that I wanted to go, and, in a small way, give the Palestinians a voice - a 
lense through which people could see their lives.
  There are two ways in which Palestinians are portrayed - as terrorist and as 
  There may be truth in certain situations for both descriptions, but 
Palestinians are also people going to school, who have families, have lives, 
invite you into their home, and think about their food.
  I'm deeply saddened by what's going on there ... the same is true for Bosnia. 
I was appalled by what was going on and went to see what I could do. I was 
compelled to go and do these stories, was this was the only form of solidarity 
that I could offer from within me.

There are so many things in the Middle East that I'm interested in - Lebanon, 
Hezbollah, Iraqi refugees in Jordan and Syria - but I feel that if I'm to 
pursue this course, I'll need to learn Arabic.

Q: What was your methodology in creating Palestine?

I wasn't sure what I was gong to be doing when I went to the 
Palestinian territories. I already had a minor career as a cartoonist and knew 
that was my direction.

I went thinking, well, I'll do a travelogue of my experience there, but I knew 
I'd be talking to people and taking notes, so when I got there, I felt the 
journalist impulse came to the fore, interviewing people, getting stories, 
looking at the occupation and needing to do something about it. 

So I began looking at major aspects of occupation, finding people who had those 
experiences and finding people with something to say about it. 

It became methodical, but there were certainly more random aspects to the book. 
I let myself be pulled in many ways, with the mindset: What ever comes up, 
comes up.

I took photos purely for reference, and I had a sketch book with me but I found 
myself not really using it. My photos aren't good; I only use them to have an 
idea of what things looked like as I mainly wanted to talk to people.  

The book has a very organic feel. So many of my adventures were 
random. I'd get into a taxi to a certain city, and I thought: Let's see who 
comes up to me. Someone was always likely to approach me and I'd say to them: 
I'm here to see how you live, what your lives are like.

More often, the Palestinians I met would say: If you want to see something, 
follow me. People at that time appreciated your interest in them and their 
lives, and were less worried or paranoid like they are today.

Q: Do you think your work tried to reconcile the differences between Israelis 
and Palestinians?
  I wasn't trying to reconcile the differences between Israelis and 
Palestinians. I wanted to show some of the small issues related to the 
occupation. In fact, I don't think I showed anything spectacular.
  I heard torture stories that were unusually harsh, but I decided not to use 
those kinds of stories, and instead something less shocking, something more of 
an everyman experience.
  I think it's the everyman experience that people can relate to. 
It's harder to imagine; harder to put yourself in the picture of someone who is 
being humiliated.
  For the average Westerner, the hooding of a detainee, stress positions, sleep 
deprivation ... obviously all Americans know that goes on now, but those sorts 
of things go on in cells all over the world.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim Law DICTATES New Investment Practices

2007-11-28 Thread Yusuf Ibrahim
*Muslim Law Dictates New Investment Practices*

* *

*Apr 19, 2007 04:30 AM *

*James Daw** ***

Members of Canada's growing Muslim community are working with secular
financial institutions to develop new insurance products. They intend to
rally community support and the endorsement of local religious leaders to
ensure success after a major bank stumbled with an Islamic or
Shariah-compliant investment product in 2004.

Strict adherents of Islam oppose interest charges, centuries after most Jews
and Christians began to interpret similar strictures in their scriptures to
refer only to excessive interest charges. Muslims are also taught to avoid
investments in companies that issue loans and debt securities, or make
armaments, tobacco products, alcohol, gambling or pornography.

*For insurance, modern-day Islamic scholars have come to endorse a mutual or
co-operative structure for sharing risk and dividing profits called takaful,
the Arabic word for joint guarantee. Takaful developed as a commercial
product in Muslim countries in the 1980s, and is now making inroads in **
Europe** and the **Americas**. *
Not all Muslims are enthusiastic purchasers of *takaful* or the expanding
array of other Sharia-complaint financial products. Even where they
represent the majority of the population, only a minority buys them. These
specially engineered products, such as home purchase plans that substitute
rent-to-own payments for interest charges, have tended to be costly.

But international accounting firm KPMG said in a 2006 report that acceptance
of higher charges is fading: No longer is there a perception that you
should be prepared to pay extra.

*Muslims make up a quarter of the world**'**s population. But even a
minority can make for a viable business proposition. It**'**s estimated
there are now about 300 Islamic financial institutions in 75 countries,
holding assets of more than $300 billion (**U.S.**) and another $400 million
in financial investments. In **Canada**, the Muslim population has surpassed
780,000 and could reach 1.2 million within a decade, according to Statistics
A spokesperson for the Royal Bank of Canada found there was insufficient
market interest for an investment note linked to an index of shares in
Shariah-compliant companies. A 31-year-old Toronto entrepreneur, Omar Kalair
of UM Financial Services, says the bank's mistake was to rely on the
endorsement of international Islamic scholars who were unfamiliar to
Canadian residents.

*Kalair says he has found rising demand for his company**'**s usary-free
home-purchase plan. With the backing of credit unions and an investor of
Jewish origin, his eight **Ontario** offices have placed close to $200
million (Canadian) to help Muslims purchase homes. Now he says he is meeting
weekly with a major bank, and with two other entities, to discuss new
products, including bank accounts, payment cards, mutual funds and
insurance. He notes it has been possible since 1999 to invest in Islamic
market indices developed by Dow Jones of **New York** to exclude company
shares that could offend Islamic ethics.*
Kalair was unable to interest any of the country's mutual property insurers
in discussing a *takaful* product, but he is optimistic a major bank will
take up the opportunity, and anticipates distribution of a
Shariah-compliant, *takaful* insurance product in a year. Meanwhile, the
president of a Muslim housing co-operative with an associated company
offering an automobile purchase product, says that Co-operators General
Insurance Co. of Guelph is about to announce a national pilot project in
home insurance.

Former Ontario bureaucrat Pervez Nasim, president of Ansar Co-operative
Housing Corp., says he expects Co-operators president Kathy Bardswick to
announce details in May. Bardswick, who was unavailable for comment, will be
a panelist at an Islamic banking, finance and insurance conference in Ottawa

Nasim said organizers hope to draw politicians and delegates from the
financial services industry, and that more will come out of the meetings
than a similar conference a decade ago. When we came to Canada, these
things were not on the top of our agenda, said Nasim. The first thing was
to find shelter, a place to worship, schools for our kids. Financial matters
came much later. This is a natural progression for any community.

*James Daw, CFP, appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. He can be reached
at Business, **1 Yonge St.**, **Toronto** **M5E 1E6**; at 416-945-8633;
416-865-3630 by fax; or by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Aviation Body Elects First Arab in Two Decades*

*  by **Rob Morris[EMAIL 
**Wednesday, 13 June 2007***



Bismillah [IslamCity] Ahadith Qudsi-Superiority of Monotheism . . .Qudsi Hadith: 21

2007-11-28 Thread SA PEER MOHAMED
Ahadith Qudsi-Superiority of Monotheism . . .
  Qudsi Hadith: 21
  Son of Adam tells a lie against his Lord and abuse him
  21. Narrated Abu Huraira (r.a.): The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: Allah Ta'ala 
said: The son of Adam disbelieves in Me though he ought not and he abuses Me 
though he has no right for that. As for his disbelieving in Me, it is his 
statement that He will not be resurrected as was created, though his recreation 
is easier to Me than the first creation. As for his abusing Me, it is his say 
that Allah has a son, but I am the One, the Everlasting. Neither I have 
begotten nor have been begotten nor do I have any match.
(This Hadith is sound and reported by Bukhari and Nasa'i)

  Making associates to Allah Azzowajal is in a way, calling Allah Azzowajal by 
bad names. Allah Azzowajal is the One and the only God.
   Saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) 
  Having Allahs Statements.
  From Darussalam Islamic Books

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.

Bismillah [IslamCity] reward of Hajj Mabrur

2007-11-28 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, 
  (The performance of) `Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed 
  between it and the previous `Umrah; and the reward of Hajj Mabrur 
  (i.e., one accepted) is nothing but Jannah.''

  [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Bismillah [IslamCity] IslamOnline NewsLetter

2007-11-28 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 01:40:26 -0500
Subject: IslamOnline NewsLetter

  #H1a{ color: #cc; font-size: 18pt; font-family: verdana; }#H1b{ color: 
#00; font-size: 11pt; font-family: verdana;  font-weight: bold; 
font-style:italic; }#H1c{ color: #00; font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial; 
font-weight: bold; }#H1d{ color: #cc; font-size: 13pt; font-family: 
verdana;  font-weight: bold;}#H1e{ color: #00; font-size: 10pt; 
font-weight: bold; font-family: verdana; }#H1z{ color: #66;}#H1g{ color: 
#00; font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial; }#H1e{ color: #00; font-size: 
10pt; font-family: verdana; }#H1h{ color: green; font-size: 12pt; font-family: 
verdana; font-weight: bold; }#H1i{ color: #00; font-size: 10pt; 
font-family: verdana; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; }#H1f{ color: 
#66;}#H1k{ color: #00; font-size: 12pt; font-family: verdana; }#H1j{ 
color: #00; font-size: 11pt; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold;}#H1l{ 
color: #00; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; }   
17th Dhul-Qa‘da 1428 , 27th November 2007
Newsletter Volume 7, Number 46
  Assalamu aleykum Islam-Online Members!
  Jewels In The Qur‘an:
  This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon 
you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. (5:3)
  This Week's Hadith (Sahih Muslim, Book 013, Number 3987: 
Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with them) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be 
upon him) as saying: It is the duty of a Muslim who has something which is to 
be given as a bequest not to have it for two nights without having his will 
written down regarding it.
  In this issue:
  1)  Live Fatwa  Live Dialogues.
  3)  Hajj: Getting Prepared.
4)  Youth 4 the Future :The Soil Knows Not Its Color.
  5)  Muslim Affairs: Annapolis and Iran.
  6)  European Muslims: Europe and Terrorism: The Wrong Path.
  7)  Family : Another Victim of Cyclone Sidr.
8)  Reading Islam.
  9)  Art  Culture : A Song for Hajj.
1) Live Fatwa
Guest : Sheikh Ahmad  Kutty
Subject : Fiqh of Muslim Minorities
Data: Wednesday,Nov 28 ,2007
Time: Makkah From... 16:30...To... 17:45 
 GMT   From... 13:30...To...14:45  - Live Dialogues
Guest : Faisal  Kutty
Subject : Canada Hijab Phobia
Data: Thursday,Nov 29 ,2007
Time: Makkah From... 01:00...To... 06:00 
 GMT   From... 22:00...To...03:00

- Riots Grip Paris Suburbs
- Vatican to Accept Muslim Dialogue Call
- TV Show Arranges British Marriages 
  - US Worst Empire: Rowan Williams 
- Blair Admits Religion Role in Decisions
  - British or Muslim Dominates GUP Finale
  - Division Mars EU Muslim Integration
  - Palestinians Downbeat About Annapolis
  - World in Pictures.
   More News..
  Hajj: Getting Prepared 
3) Hajj: Getting Prepared --- Traveling to Hajj: What to Do?
Before going to Hajj, prospective pilgrims have to prepare themselves for this 
blessed journey by doing more good deeds, asking Allah for forgiveness, and 
avoiding bad…
  - Miqat for Pilgrims Traveling by Air
Pilgrims who travel for Hajj or `Umrah by air do not take ihram except after 
their arrival. If they get off the plane at a miqat, they are to take ihram 
exactly as the inhabitants…- What a Woman Should Know Before Going to Hajj
As far as most of the rituals and regulations of Hajj are concerned, there are 
basically no major differences between men and women…
4) Youth 4 the Future : The Soil Knows Not Its Color   By Naseema Mall   The 
next time you are in your garden or at a park, take a good look at the earth, 
the soil. Take some of it in your hand, feel it, look at it real close, and 
remind yourself that when you die that is what you will become...   

5) Muslim Affairs : Annapolis and Iran   By Gary Sick 
  There are several things going on at once in U.S. Middle East strategy. 
Perhaps these are unrelated or coincidental, but it is more interesting — and 
potentially more illuminating — to look at them as separate moving parts of a 
larger scheme. 
6) European Muslims : Europe and Terrorism: The Wrong Path
  By Mats Engstrom 
  Extremists draw on such feelings and promote them, shaping a picture of 
society where all others are against them. This is common whether extremists 
are inspired by rightwing, leftwing or Islamistfundamentalism, says this 
expert. Discrimination reinforces 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Write to ATT to remove Advertising

2007-11-28 Thread Shahid
Action: Ask ATT to Drop Ads from 'Savage Nation' Radio show

IMMEDIATE ACTIONS REQUESTED: (As always, be POLITE. Hostile comments can and 
will be used by Savage to further defame Islam and Muslims.)

1. CONTACT ATT, today's featured Savage Nation advertiser. (Other 
advertisers will be featured in the future.)

As part of the ongoing campaign to ask companies that advertise on The Savage 
Nation to stop buying air time on that program, today's featured company is 
ATT. Please contact company officials to express your concerns about their 
support of such a hate-filled program.


Randall L. Stephenson 
Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, ATT
175 E. Houston
San Antonio, TX 78205
Tel: (210) 821-4105
Fax: (210) 351-2071



2. Because The Savage Nation is a syndicated program, many of the advertisers 
vary from station to station. FIND OUT which station carries Michael Savage's 
program in your area, LISTEN to the program and write down the contact 
information for both local and national advertisers.

CONTACT those advertisers to POLITELY inform them that you and your friends and 
family will not purchase their products or services as long as they continue to 
subsidize a hate-filled program.

For a listing of radio stations that air Michael Savage's program, click here.

3. CONTACT Talk Radio Network, Michael Savage's syndicator, to express your 
concerns about his hate-filled attacks on Muslims, Islam and the Quran.

Mr. Mark Masters
Chief Executive Officer
Talk Radio Network
P.O. Box 3755
Central Point OR 97502
Phone: 541-664-8827 or 541-474-2297
Fax: 541-664-6250 or 866-876-5075


4. SEND COPIES of all correspondence to CAIR at: E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
fax to 202-488-0833.

5. ORGANIZE local coalitions with friends of the Muslim community to challenge 
Savage's hate rhetoric.

Bismillah [IslamCity] The murji'ah brotherhood

2007-11-28 Thread darultawhid english
The murji'ah brotherhood
from todays murjiah the warriors of deliverance the so called jihaadis to the 
Ghullaat Murjiah of today Saudi Salafees

This information was compiled from one of the discussion forums in the English 
language by the so called jihaadis.

Allah will gather them, all together, into hell 

Although the murjiah of warriors of deliverance declared the saudi salafes as 
murjiah even jahmiyyah they never put takfir on them. Their stand towards the 
saudi salafees leads us to name this relationship as The murji'ah brotherhood.

Aboo Qataadah al-Filisteenee said, “al-Albaanee’s creed is well known regarding 
the concept of Eemaan. This has become clear to those with eyes, that although 
he agrees with the Salaf in wording by saying, “Eemaan is statement and 
action,” but in his interpretation of this phrase, he is from the people of 
Irjaa’ – rather I say for the sake of scholarly honesty – he is upon the 
beliefs of the extreme Murji’ah, by making Istihlaal a condition for Takfeer in 
the clearest nullifiers of Islam. He implemented this methodology in an example 
– the curser of the Messenger (sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) – when he 
refused to make Takfeer upon the curser until the “condition” of Istihlaal is 
made known – this is the position of those labeled the extreme Murji’ah by our 
scholars” (Hawl Murji’atul-‘Asr).

Aboo Qataadah al-Filisteenee said, “Indeed, the conclusions of al-Albaanee in 
this matter [that actions cannot be major Kufr] are the same conclusions of the 
extreme Murji’ah. His audio tapes also testify to this. And the brother Aboo 
Baseer – ‘Abdul-Mun’im Aboo Haleemah – has an excellent refutation against the 
audio tape titled, “al-Kufr Kufraan” […]” (Hawl Murji’atul-‘Asr).

Aboo Muhammad al-Maqdisee’s book Tabseer al-‘Uqalaa’ bi Talbeesaat Ahl 
at-Tajahhum wal-Irjaa’ is a refutation of al-Halabee and al-Albaanee. The title 
itself indicates he considers them Jahmee and Murji’ee with regards to Eemaan. 
I don’t have time to find a direct quotation, but in footnote #50 he quotes 
Aboo Qataadah, saying, “this creed that al-Albaanee declares is the creed of 
the Murji’ah, rather the extreme Murji’ah.” His reference is one of Aboo 
Qataadah’s articles from the Bayn al-Manhajayn series.

Aboo Baseer at-Tartoosee has an article on al-Albaanee, titled Madhaahib 
an-Naas fee ash-Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaanee. In it he says, “For 
we believe that the Shaykh was not guided to what is correct and true with 
regards to these matters (the concept of Eemaan and matters of Takfeer) – to 
the position of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah – for he clearly supports the creed 
of the deviant Jahm in issues of Eemaan, whether he knows it or not. So he is 
not just a Murji’ee in the issues of Eeman, but rather he is a hardcore Jahmee, 
as we clarified in our book al-Intisaar li Ahlit-Tawheed – Mulaahadhaat wa 
Rudood ‘alaa Shareet al-Kufr Kufraan.”

Also Ayman az-Zawaahiri criticized Ibn Baaz. see Ibn Baaz baina al-Haqeeqah 

The words of the brotherhood

Yoosuf al-'Uyayree (ra) called The Noble Shaykh, Muhammad ibn Saalih 

'Alee ibn Khudhayr al-Khudhayr says MAY ALLAAH HAVE MERCY UPON HIM after 
mentioned Ibn Baaz

Shaykh Naasir al-Fahd Regarding Shaykh 'Abdul-Azeez ibn Baaz (ra) [In a chapter 
he defends the Shaykh]

Aboo 'Umar as-Sayf of Sheeshaan called Shaykh Ibn Baaz: Imaam as-Sunnah

Shaykh Aboo Qattaadah al-Filasteenee On Shaykh al-Albaanee And Shaykh Naasir 
(ad-Deen al-Albaanee) opposes us, but we do not do takfeer upon him; may Allaah 
save us from being Khawaarij.

Shaykh 'Abdus-Salaam Ash-Shaamee narrated to me, that a brother who was close 
with Shaykh 'Umar 'Abdur-Rahmaan, narrated to him: That he asked Shaykh 'Umar 
'Abdur-Rahmaan, What do you say about Ibn Baaz? The Shaykh answered, I hate 
what he used to say (i.e. some of his Fataawaa which were baatil), but I love 
him because he was indeed a scholar. When Imaam 'Umar 'Abdur-Rahmaan was in 
Sweden, and was asked the question about what he thinks of 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibnu 
Baz and other similar scholars who gave the Fatwa allowing the Americans to 
enter Jazeerat ul-'Arab he answered; They are our brothers who wronged.

Regarding Shaykh al-Albani, 'Abdullah 'Azzam said: ...The fourth hadith that 
was reported by the noble Shaykh al-Albani - I ask Allah to bless his life, and 
may Allah allow us to benefit from his knowledge - in truth, and in confirming 
that which is true and admitting that which is good, I am of those who studied 
at the hands of the Shaykh, and I benefited greatly from him in the areas of 
'Aqidah* and researching texts - the authentic texts. Because of this, I 
shudder whenever I come across a weak hadith, as there is no way that I can 
place a weak hadith in any of my books. I cannot stand to do this! Subhan 
Allah, I took from him - may Allah reward him - even if I differ from 

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Agenda of Annapolis Conference has been leaked out.......

2007-11-28 Thread raja chemayel

   The Looser,the Referee and the Winner
   before even the Match starts...
  The Agenda of Annapolis Conference has been leaked out...
  by my third grade cousin ,Khaled, who works there as assistant-cook
  and part-time-spy for the C I A ( Chemayel Inspirational  Analogies)
  Here is the full text which was distributed 
  to the participants only this morning at the breakfast:
  The Planing Committee of the
  has proposed the following points 
  for the Agenda.
  1- Agreement on the Global Warming's effects
 on the Green-Tomato's in the Jordan Valley
  2- Give a clear quota for the water-distribution 
  in Alaska and in Greenland
  3- Allow women to wear bikinis 
  in the Islands of Bikini
  4- Reduce the consumption of Tobacco 
  in Tobago
  5- Solve the malaise 
  in Malaysia
  6. Finding a non-gay-hairdresser 
  for the next
  President of the Lebanon
  7. Fix a salary-raise for Tony Blair
  within 45 minutes .
  8- Finally ,and if time still allows , 
  decide on the colour 
  to be used to paint 
  that Separation Wall
  27Th. November 2007
  Dr. C.Rice
  on behalf of
  Dr. Haim Herzl
  Please treat this text as confidential
  because some sceptics might think  
  that we are just joking
  Sherlock Hommos

Hate storage limits? Get Yahoo! Mail with unlimited storage.

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Intrafaith QA on Sunni/Shi'i---Islamic Horizons (An ISNA Publication,

2007-11-28 Thread Ibrahim Hayani

Dear Brothers  Sisters,

Thank you for sharing this highly informative, balanced, and useful 
material pertaining to Interfaith Q A  related to the the two major 
branches of  the one single Muslim tree.

It was heartening to learn that the vast majority of North American 
Muslims prefer to identify themselves as Muslims,  rather than on the 
basis of  sectarian affiliation. This bodes well for Islam and Muslims 
in North America and beyond. In order to promote better understanding 
among Muslims who come from virtually every corner of the globe, 
carrying, as they do, a variety of cultural  and ethnic norms and 
traditions (that add to the richness and vibrancy of Islamic 
civilization, but are invariably confused with Islam itself, e.g., ways 
of dressing), it would be very useful, indeed vital, to encourage 
Muslims to visit each others' institutions and participate in each 
others' activities, including celebrations/festivities, Friday Prayers, 
conferences, workshops, social and political events, and recreational 
activities.  The North American Muslims have, perhaps for the first 
time  in Islamic history, the unique opportunity  of  getting to know 
each other  and celebrate their Unity within Diversity  in a free, 
open, and  infinitely tolerant environment.  The CHALLENGES are  real, 
serious, and multidimensional, but the  REWARDS could not possibly be 
greater  or more exciting and/or invigorating.


Ibrahim Hayani

S A wrote:


- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 9:02 AM
Subject: ISNA: Intrafaith QA on Sunni/Shi'i


-- forwarded

ISNA: Intrafaith QA on Sunni/Shi'i

Taken from

Islamic Horizons (An ISNA Publication,
November/December 2007/1427

ONE FAITH - Nineteen Questions about Shi'i-Sunni Relations by,

Mohamed Nimer, director of research at the Council on American Islamic
Relations, is the author of The North American Muslim Resource Guide:
Muslim Community Life in the United States and Canada (Routledge:

Asma Afsaruddin, associate professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at
the University of Notre Dame, is the author of Excellence and
Precedence: Medieval Islamic Discourse on Legitimate Leadership
(Leiden: 2002).

Liyakat Takim, associate professor of Islamic studies at the University
of Denver, is the author of The Heirs of the Prophet: Charisma and
Religious Authority in Shiite Islam (SUNY Press: 2006).

Is it accurate to speak of Sunni Islam and Shi'i Islam?

Muslims  avoid identifying the Sunni and Shi`i traditions as different 

But the two traditions, which developed over the course of centuries,
shaped Muslim religious thought and practice.

What are their doctrinal com¬monalities?

Both branches share the same

foundational religious beliefs rooted in monotheism, Muham¬mad's
prophethood, a singular Qu'anic text, and a belief in fi¬nal judgment.
They agree on the core fundamentals of Islam: the six articles of
belief (God, angels, scriptures, prophets, the next life, and destiny)
and the five pillars of practice (testimo¬ny of faith, prayer, fasting,
giv¬ing alms, and pilgrimage).

What are the important differ¬ences between them?

Mainstream Shi'is

believe in the doctrine of the Imamate, name¬ly, that certain
descendants of the Prophet's family provided the ultimate, legitimate
source of guidance after his death. This doctrine impacted how the
Shi`i scholars evaluated the authenticity of hadiths as well as their
respective views of Islamic ju¬risprudence. Over time, both branches of
Islam developed parallel institutions of learning and a number of
distinctive religious practices.

Was the origin of these two branches religious or political in nature?


Shi`i scholars believe that the community's leadership should have

remained within the Prophet's family: in the hands of Ali, the
Prophet's cousin and husband of his daughter Fatimah. An early
community of Shi'is considered Ali to be the first Imam. This idea was
sub¬sequently expressed in the doc¬trine of the Imamate a central
defining feature of Shi`i doc¬trine. Specifically, the Shi'is be¬lieve
that the issue of leadership is religious in nature and that the
Prophet explicitly named Ali as his successor. Sunni scholars trace the
Shi`i commu¬nity's genesis to what they con¬sider to be political
arguments about leadership after the Prophet's demise. They argue that
many Companions sup¬ported the leadership of Abu Bakr, one of the
Prophet's clos¬est early followers, and that the leadership of Muslims
falls un¬der the control of the general Muslim community.

What about the claim that the Shi'is have a different Qur'an called the
Mushaf Fatimah?

Shi'is and Sunnis use the same Qur'an. According to


Bismillah [IslamCity] A Ghullaat Murji�ah Response: Takfir is a duty of Qadi

2007-11-28 Thread darultawhid english
A Ghullaat Murji’ah Response: Takfir is a duty of Qadi

Takfir is a part of kalimat shahadah ‘la ilaha’. With no doubt just as the 
devoid of rejecting the taghout, will barricade the ‘la ilaha’ part of kalimat 
shahada from executing; the rejection of taghout begins with making takfir upon 
the taghout. 

Every Muslim must know what invalidates iman and the types of kufr and shirk. 
For this reason Allah (swt) has explained in His ayah; the path of the kuffar 
and all types of kufr and shirk; until, we are able to keep distant from them 
and those who act upon them.  “Thus do We explain the signs in detail: that the 
way of the sinners may be shown up.” (anam 55) 

Also the rejection of taghout is a necessity of iman and its wellbeing: “Truth 
stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects taghout and believes in Allah hath 
grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks.” (baqara 256) As we 
have stated before the rejection of taghout necessitates making takfir and 
keeping distant from it: “For We assuredly sent amongst every People a 
messenger, (with the Command), Serve Allah, and eschew Tagout (nahl 36)

Muhammad b. AbdulWahhab had stated: “For the sake of Allah my brothers! Hold on 
tightly the base of our deen, its prior, its end and its beginning! Learn its 
meaning, love it, love its ahl, and know them to be your brothers even if they 
are distant. Make takfir upon the taghout and its helpers, be their enemies. 
Have enmity to those who love them, those who defend them, those who do not 
make takfir upon them, and those who say “I am not responsible for what they 
do” or “Allah did not make me responsible for the things they do”. Individuals 
as such will have only lied in the name of Allah and will have made slander. 
Because Allah (awj) has made us responsible to do things against them, has made 
fard upon us to keep distant from and make takfir on them even if they were our 
brothers or children.” (Majmuat tawhid) 

In another place he has stated: “The rejection of taghout means: the belief 
that the ibadah made to any other but Allah is invalid, not to perform ibadah 
to any other but Allah, to have enmity (curse) those which ibadah is performed 
to other than Allah, to make takfir upon those who perform ibadah to any other 
but Allah and to be their enemy.” (Majmuat Fatawa wa Ar Risail Ajooba) 

Imam Muhammed Ibn Abdil Wahab describes the foundation and principle of the 
Deen: “The foundation and principle of the Deen of Islam is in two matters: 

Firstly: Commanding the worshipping (directing of every type of Ibadah) to 
Allah (swt) alone without any partner, encouragement upon this, making 
friendship for its sake, and making Takfir of whosever leaves it.

Secondly: Abandoning Shirk (joining partners) in Ibadah to Allah (swt) and 
warning from it, being severely harsh upon this, being hostile for its sake and 
making Takfir of whosoever does it.” (Ad-Duraar As-Saniyyah 2/203)

Here are a few ayahs that explain how the prophets and the mu’min made takfir 
upon the kafir and how they separated from their path:

Muhammad (saw)
“Say: O unbelievers! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship 
that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to 
worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. Unto you your religion, and 
unto me my religion.” (Kafiroon)

“If thou dost question them, they declare (with emphasis): We were only 
talking idly and in play. Say: Was it at Allah, and His Signs, and His 
Messenger, that ye were mocking? Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith 
after ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others 
amongst you, for that they are in sin.” (tawbah 65-66)

“In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary.” 
(maeda 17)

“They do blaspheme who say: Allah is Christ the son of Mary.” (maeda 72)

“They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity” (maeda 73)

“Oh you who believe! Whoever from among you apostatizes from his
religion (Islam), Allah will bring a people whom He will love and they will 
love Him” (maeda 54)

Noah (as)
“But the chiefs of the Unbelievers among his people said: We see (in) thee 
nothing but a man like ourselves: Nor do we see that any follow thee but the 
meanest among us, in judgment immature: Nor do we see in you (all) any merit 
above us: in fact we thing ye are liars! He said: O my people! See ye if (it 
be that) I have a Clear Sign from my Lord, and that He hath sent Mercy unto me 
from His own presence, but that the Mercy hath been obscured from your sight? 
shall we compel you to accept it when ye are averse to it? And O my people! I 
ask you for no wealth in return: my reward is from none but Allah: But I will 
not drive away (in contempt) those who believe: for verily they are to meet 
their Lord, and ye I see are the ignorant ones!” (Hud 27-29)

Ibrahim (as)
“There is 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Meanings of the word fitnah in the Qur'aan

2007-11-28 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman
Reference Islam: Questions and Answers - The Quran and Its Sciences
Read more:

22899: Meanings of the word fitnah in the Qur'aan 


I see the word fitnah repeated often in the Qur'aan in several soorahs and 
aayahs. Is there a difference in the meanings of this word, and what are its 
various meanings? 


Praise be to Allaah. 

Definition of fitnah: 

1 _ The word fitnah from a linguistic point of view: 

Al-Azhari said: The Arabic word fitnah includes meanings of testing and trial. 
The root is taken from the phrase fatantu al-fiddah wa'l-dhahab (I assayed 
(tested the quality of) the silver and gold), meaning I melted the metals to 
separate the bad from the good. Similarly, Allaah says in the Qur'aan 
(interpretation of the meaning): `(It will be) a Day when they will be tried 
[yuftanoona] (punished, i.e. burnt) over the Fire!' [al-Dhaariyaat 51:13], 
meaning, burning them with fire. (Tahdheeb al-Lughah, 14/196). 

Ibn Faaris said: Fa-ta-na is a sound root which indicates testing or trial. 
(Maqaayees al-Lughah, 4/472). This is the basic meaning of the word fitnah in 

Ibn al-Atheer said: Fitnah: trial or test… The word is often used to describe 
tests in which something disliked is eliminated. Later it was also often used 
in the sense of sin, kufr (disbelief), fighting, burning, removing and 
diverting. (al-Nihaayah, 3/410. Ibn Hajar said something similar in al-Fath, 

Ibn al-A'raabi summed up the meanings of fitnah when he said: Fitnah means 
testing, fitnah means trial, fitnah means wealth, fitnah means children, fitnah 
means kufr, fitnah means differences of opinion among people, fitnah means 
burning with fire. (Lisaan al-`Arab by Ibn Manzoor). 

2 _ Meanings of the word fitnah in the Qur'aan and Sunnah: 

1- Testing and trial, as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: `We believe, 
and will not be tested [la yuftanoon] [al-`Ankaboot 29:2] 

i.e., that they will not be subjected to trial, as Ibn Jareer said. 

2- Blocking the way and turning people away, as in the aayah (interpretation of 
the meaning): 

but beware of them lest they turn you [yaftinooka] (O Muhammad) far away from 
some of that which Allaah has sent down to you [al-Maa'idah 5:49] 

Al-Qurtubi said: this means blocking your way and turning you away. 

3- Persecution, as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

Then, verily, your Lord for those who emigrated after they had been put to 
trials [futinoo] and thereafter strove hard and fought (for the Cause of 
Allaah) and were patient, verily, your Lord afterward is, OftForgiving, Most 
Merciful [al-Nahl 16:110] 

Put to trial means persecuted. 

4- Shirk and kufr, as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of 
others along with Allaah) [al-Baqarah 2:193] 

Ibn Katheer said: this means shirk (worshipping others besides Allaah). 

5- Falling into sin and hypocrisy, as in the aayah (interpretation of the 

(The hypocrites) will call the believers: Were we not with you? The 
believers will reply: Yes! But you led yourselves into temptations [fatantum 
anfusakum], you looked forward for our destruction; you doubted (in Faith) and 
you were deceived by false desires [al-Hadeed 57:14] 

Al-Baghawi said: i.e., you made yourselves fall into hypocrisy and you 
destroyed yourselves by means of sin and whims and desires. 

6- Confusing truth with falsehood, as in the aayah (interpretation of the 

And those who disbelieve are allies of one another, (and) if you (Muslims of 
the whole world collectively) do not do so [i.e. become allies, as one united 
block under one Khaleefah (a chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world) to 
make victorious Allaah's religion of Islamic Monotheism], there will be Fitnah 
(wars, battles, polytheism) and oppression on the earth, and a great mischief 
and corruption (appearance of polytheism)[al-Anfaal 6:73] 

What this means is that unless believers are taken as close friends instead of 
disbelievers, even if they are relatives, there will be fitnah on earth, i.e., 
truth will be confused with falsehood. This is how it is explained in Jaami' 
al-Bayaan by Ibn Jareer. 

7- Misguidance, as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

And whomsoever Allaah wants to put in AlFitnah (error, because of his 
rejecting of Faith), you can do nothing for him against Allaah 

[al-Maa'idah 5:41] 

The meaning of fitnah here is misguidance. Al-Bahr al-Muheet by Abu Hayaan, 

8- Killing and taking prisoners, as in the aayah (interpretation of the 

if you fear that the disbelievers may put you in trial [yaftinakum] (attack 

[al-Nisa' 4:101] 

This refers to the kaafirs attacking the Muslims whilst they are praying and 
prostrating, in order to kill them or take