Bismillah [IslamCity] Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHF on Friday

2008-07-10 Thread hossam kiwan
Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHF on Friday

نذكركم بقراءة سورة الكهف كل يوم جمعة

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) في يوم الجمعة أضاء له من
النور ما بين الجمعتين ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب / 736 ] ..

وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) ليلة الجمعة، أضاء له من
النور ما بينه وبين البيت العتيق ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب /
736 ] ..

Bismillah [IslamCity] Most Muslim coverage 'negative' -- BBC news

2008-07-10 Thread Peace Justice

Most Muslim coverage 'negative'
Researchers looking at the way British Muslims are represented by the media say 
they have found that most coverage is negative in tone.
A Cardiff University team behind the study looked at nearly 1,000 newspaper 
articles from the past eight years.
Two-thirds focused on terrorism or cultural differences, and much of it used 
words such as militancy, radicalism and fundamentalist.
The research was commissioned by Channel Four's Dispatches.

Dr Paul Mason, a member of the team, said the team looked at three areas.
They carried out a statistical analysis looking at types of stories and the way 
Muslims were described and the language used, the photographs used alongside 
the stories and they analysed the types of case studies used.

You get these inaccurate stories about this threat of there is going to be more 
mosques than churches which is a complete nonsense
Dr Paul Mason
He said: We looked at both nouns and adjectives and the way in which British 
Muslims were described.
And we found the highest proportion of nouns used were about things like 
extremism, suicide bombers, militancy, radicalism - which accounted for over 
35% of the adjectives used about British Muslims - fanatic, fundamentalist - 
those kinds of languages were used.
And Islam was portrayed or constructed in the language as dangerous or 
backward or as a threat, he said.

The team found that since the attacks of 11 September 2001 in the United States 
and 7 July 2005 in London there had been an increase in stories about British 
Muslims and this peaked to more than 4,000 in 2006.
'Perceived threat'
Mr Mason added: What you have to be careful of here is to watch the kind of 
generalisation of the very, very small number of people that are involved in 
political violence of any kind and the generalisation about Islam which is 
carried out by the newspapers.
So following 9/11 and 7/7 of course there is a perceived threat from the 
public and the public are concerned about political violence.
But it is wholly wrong to make what the newspapers do in the generalisation of 
those who carry out public violence to the whole of Islam and the whole of the 
British Muslim community.
He said there were concerns that journalists and editors may have sought to 
appeal to their own readership about some perceived threat to British unity or 
You get these inaccurate stories about this threat of there is going to be 
more mosques than churches, which is a complete nonsense.
There are roughly 900 mosques and there are 42,000 churches, so this is a 
ridiculous report.
The Channel Four documentary, It Shouldn't Happen To A Muslim, investigated 
whether the 7/7 London bombings and the fear of terrorism had fuelled a rise in 
violence, intolerance and hatred against British Muslims.
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/07/08 12:17:34 GMT


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Saudi Arabia's first professional woman pilot

2008-07-10 Thread Shahid.
Capt. Hindi to become Saudi Arabia's first professional woman pilot 
Saudi Arabia will soon have its first accredited female pilot, the Arab News 
reported today.

Capt. Hanadi Zakariya Hindi will begin flying one of the jets owned by Kingdom 
Holding Company Chairman Prince Alwaleed bin Talal when she completes her 
advanced pilot proficiency training program in mid-2007 She obtained her 
commercial pilot's license last year.  

Despite being the first Saudi woman to fly professionally, the 26-year-old 
Hindi will still need to be driven to the airport by a male driver, a fact she 
laughed off.

I am busy building my flying hours and will be attending a short-term course 
to equip myself with more intimate knowledge of the jet owned by Prince 
Alwaleed, Hindi told the Arab News. I am proud of myself and my family for 
supporting me, and I'm especially proud of Prince Alwaleed, who hired me. The 
prince is currently bearing all the cost of the advance training programs.

Hindi, who wears a veil along with her pilot's epaulets and trousers, takes 
pride in being the first Saudi woman to fly professionally. The aviation 
industry is no longer a male bastion, she said, as quoted in the Arab News.

Hindi is convinced that many Saudi women have it in them to succeed. Saudi 
women are very ambitious and capable when given the opportunity, she told the 
Arab News. Women are capable of taking on any job monopolized by men.

Bismillah [IslamCity] From Triumph To Torture - John Pilger

2008-07-10 Thread Abhiyya
The Israelis were trying to punish me for the work I am doing and getting the 
message out, Omer told IPS from his bed in the European Hospital in Gaza. But 
they won't break me. As soon as I am better, and my limbs are working properly, 
I will be back on the beat and reporting what is happening. They have made me 
more determined than ever.
- Mohammed Omer, IPS Gaza correspondent
From Triumph To Torture
By John Pilger
02 July, 2008
Two weeks ago, I presented a young Palestinian, Mohammed Omer, with the 2008 
Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism. Awarded in memory of the great US war 
correspondent, the prize goes to journalists who expose establishment 
propaganda, or official drivel, as Gellhorn called it. Mohammed shares the 
prize of £5,000 with Dahr Jamail. At 24, he is the youngest winner. His 
citation reads: Every day, he reports from a war zone, where he is also a 
prisoner. His homeland, Gaza, is surrounded, starved, attacked, forgotten. He 
is a profoundly humane witness to one of the great injustices of our time. He 
is the voice of the voiceless. The eldest of eight, Mohammed has seen most of 
his siblings killed or wounded or maimed. An Israeli bulldozer crushed his home 
while the family were inside, seriously injuring his mother. And yet, says a 
former Dutch ambassador, Jan Wijenberg, he is a moderating voice, urging 
Palestinian youth not to court hatred but seek peace
 with Israel.
Getting Mohammed to London to receive his prize was a major diplomatic 
operation. Israel has perfidious control over Gaza's borders, and only with a 
Dutch embassy escort was he allowed out. Last Thursday, on his return journey, 
he was met at the Allenby Bridge crossing (to Jordan) by a Dutch official, who 
waited outside the Israeli building, unaware Mohammed had been seized by Shin 
Bet, Israel's infamous security organisation. Mohammed was told to turn off his 
mobile and remove the battery. He asked if he could call his embassy escort and 
was told forcefully he could not. A man stood over his luggage, picking through 
his documents. Where's the money? he demanded. Mohammed produced some US 
dollars. Where is the English pound you have?
I realised, said Mohammed, he was after the award stipend for the Martha 
Gellhorn prize. I told him I didn't have it with me. 'You are lying', he said. 
I was now surrounded by eight Shin Bet officers, all armed. The man called Avi 
ordered me to take off my clothes. I had already been through an x-ray machine. 
I stripped down to my underwear and was told to take off everything. When I 
refused, Avi put his hand on his gun. I began to cry: 'Why are you treating me 
this way? I am a human being.' He said, 'This is nothing compared with what you 
will see now.' He took his gun out, pressing it to my head and with his full 
body weight pinning me on my side, he forcibly removed my underwear. He then 
made me do a concocted sort of dance. Another man, who was laughing, said, 'Why 
are you bringing perfumes?' I replied, 'They are gifts for the people I love'. 
He said, 'Oh, do you have love in your culture?'
As they ridiculed me, they took delight most in mocking letters I had received 
from readers in England. I had now been without food and water and the toilet 
for 12 hours, and having been made to stand, my legs buckled. I vomited and 
passed out. All I remember is one of them gouging, scraping and clawing with 
his nails at the tender flesh beneath my eyes. He scooped my head and dug his 
fingers in near the auditory nerves between my head and eardrum. The pain 
became sharper as he dug in two fingers at a time. Another man had his combat 
boot on my neck, pressing into the hard floor. I lay there for over an hour. 
The room became a menagerie of pain, sound and terror.
An ambulance was called and told to take Mohammed to a hospital, but only after 
he had signed a statement indemnifying the Israelis from his suffering in their 
custody. The Palestinian medic refused, courageously, and said he would contact 
the Dutch embassy escort. Alarmed, the Israelis let the ambulance go. The 
Israeli response has been the familiar line that Mohammed was suspected of 
smuggling and lost his balance during a fair interrogation, Reuters 
reported yesterday.
Israeli human rights groups have documented the routine torture of Palestinians 
by Shin Bet agents with beatings, painful binding, back bending, body 
stretching and prolonged sleep deprivation. Amnesty has long reported the 
widespread use of torture by Israel, whose victims emerge as mere shadows of 
their former selves. Some never return. Israel is high in an international 
league table for its murder of journalists, especially Palestinian journalists, 
who receive barely a fraction of the kind of coverage given to the BBC's Alan 
The Dutch government says it is shocked by Mohammed Omer's treatment. The 
former ambassador Jan Wijenberg said: This is by no means an 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Say Inshallah - If Allah Will

2008-07-10 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
Bismillah Hir Rahmeen Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

*Surah Kahf[The Cave]*

23. And never say of anything, I shall do such and such thing tomorrow.
24. Except (with the saying), *If Allâh will! And remember your Lord when
you forget and say: It may be that my Lord guides me unto a nearer way of
truth than this. *

Ibn-e-Abbaas(RA) reported that a man said, *O Messenger of Allaah, whatever
Allaah and you will. He(PBUH) said,Are you making me equal to Allaah?
[Say instead:] What Allaah alone wills.*
[Ahmad , Al-Musnad : 1/283]

*Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me).

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.

Ameen *

Bismillah [IslamCity] europe: Dutch Police Encouraged To Read Qur'an

2008-07-10 Thread Shahid.
Dutch Police Encouraged To Read Qur'an

  Abdolah, author of three novels and two short story collections, issued 
this month a translation of Quran in Dutch. (Photo through Google)
THE HAGUE — Dutch police are being encouraged to read a translation of the 
Muslim holy book, Qur'an, and a biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace and 
blessings be upon him) to deepen their knowledge of Islam. 
Police bosses have decided that staff who buy these books will be refunded 
half the price, spokesman Ebe van der Land told Agence France-Presse (AFP) on 
Monday, May 26.

A new translation of the Qur'an and a biography of Prophet Muhammad, called 
The Message, in Dutch were published by Hossein Sadjadi Ghaemmaghami 
Farahani, who uses the penname Kader Abdolah, last month.

While studying for his physics degree at Arak College of Science in Tehran he 
was active in the leftwing underground movement against the Shah and later 

He fled his homeland in 1985.

In 1988, at the invitation of the UN, he came to the Netherlands as a political 

His penname is created to honor friends who reportedly died under the Iranian 

He authored three novels, including two about life under the Khomeini regime, 
two short story collections and numerous works of nonfiction.

Rapidly mastering Dutch, his works blending the two cultures have put him on 
the bestseller lists.

In 1997, he received the Dutch Media Prize for his collected columns from the 
Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant.


Police officers on the beat are being encouraged to read the translation and 
the biography.

These two books will make for a better understanding and knowledge of the 
Quran and the life of the prophet, said spokesman van der Land.

MP Geert Wilders, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party, posted an 
anti-Qur'an documentary on a video-sharing website on Thursday, March 27.

The documentary, entitled Fitna – an Arabic word for sedition or strife 
–intersperses images of the 9/11 attacks and the 2004 Madrid train bombings 
with verses from the Muslim holy book.

The documentary drew criticism from across the political spectrum, the 
government and Dutch Jews.

Earlier this month Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekschott was arrested for 
incitement to Muslim hatred in his drawings.

Muslims make up one million of the Netherlands's 16 million population, mostly 
from Turkish and Moroccan origin.

Bismillah [IslamCity] it is a non-symmetric-terrorism !!

2008-07-10 Thread raja chemayel


Any child
who shall not be shut-down ,here and now,
 by this courageous-Israeli-soldiers
may probably become a Terrorist  , 
some day, soon.

Any Israeli-soldier
who may shoot at Palestinian children
 will, some day, get a Medal ,
provided he is not using only rubber-bullets
whereby ,in that case ,he gets only
a tap-on-the-shoulders.

A Terrorist never gets any Medals
unless he is an Israeli-soldier.

How about equipping
the Palestinian-suicide-bombers
with hidden-rubber-bomb-belts ??
instead of those other heavy ones !!

How come ,that the Palestinian-authority
does not have any Medals to distribute ??
and only Israel does have them ?
it is a non-symmetric-terrorism !!


Sherlock Hommos
July 9th.2008

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Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] UK Muslim law - comments please

2008-07-10 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
 The Mahomedan Law is binding upon all, from the

  crowned head to
the meanest subject, it is a law
  interwoven with a system of the wisest, the most
  and the most enlightened jurisprudence that ever
existed in
  the world.
  Edmund Burke in Impeachment of Warren
The following books are also suggested for further
1.Criminal Law of Islam by Abdul Qader Oudah
   English 4 Volumes Printed by International
   Publishers (Pvt) Ltd. Karachi
2.This Law of Ours and Other Essays by Muhammad
   Printed by Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur
3.Punishment in Islamic Law by Mohamed S.
   Printed by American Trust Publications,
   International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh,
4.Islamic Law Contemporary Issues by Ahmad
   Yamani  Printed by The Crescent Publications,
    Park USA
5.Islamic Law by Dr.Said Ramadan. Islamic Book
   UK Islamic Mission 148, Liverpool Road London


--- On Sat, 5/7/08, Omar Bouderdaben wrote:
From: Omar Bouderdaben
Subject: Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] UK Muslim law - comments please
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Saturday, 5 July, 2008, 8:56 PM

As-salaamu Alaikum brothers and sisters,     I read the article and 
forwarded it to some friends. I do believe it is a good idea! Not only that, I 
believe a Muslim who does not support this idea should review his or her Iman. 
The West, very much ignorant of the details of Islamic law, concentrate on few 
rulings taken out of context and point to it as unfair. By doing this they are 
saying  (and I seek repentence from such a thought) that Allah is unfair. Allah 
is exalted from such claim.     It seems to me that Lord Phillips, the Lord 
Chief Justice did actually look into Sharia and liked what he saw; similarly 
the Archbishop of Canterbury saw the same thing in the Islamic Sharia. I do 
pray for them that may Allah guide them to the choice of Fitrah. The British 
Muslims who oppose this Idea have no understanding of Sharia yet they oppose it 
just to show that they want to be treated like everyone else! They
 should put their trust in ALlah and support it and pray for us in other 
western countries to get such forwarded looking judges and archbishops to help 
us also in our quest to freedom from human oppressive and unjust laws.     As 
Lord Phillips mentioned, the Jews are already using their laws to judge between 
themselves in some aspects! Why would this be a descriminatory act if the 
Muslims want the same thing.     As more people (judges and lawyers study 
Islamic law they will realize the benefit and the fairness and the Justice of 
Islam, and then, may be, Allah willing, those judges and lawyers start thinking 
of changing thier lifes... Ameen..     So what do you think...     Fi Amaani 

Zifri Baharudin [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote: From: Zifri 
Baharudin   Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2008 12:49 PM  To: Media Monitoring Group  
 Subject: [MMG-UK] UK Muslim law - comments please
  Assalamualaikum     yesterday there was news in the media on shariah law 
in the UK. Perhaps we all can read and put up our comments there:     Sharia 
law could have UK role, says lord chief justice     Background info:  
http://news. 1/hi/uk/7489815. stm 
2008/jul/ 04/law.islam  http://www.telegrap uknews/2242340/ 
Muslims-in- Britain-should- be-able-to- live-under- Sharia-law, -says-top- 
judge.html        As examples of positive comment by bro Inayat MCB and 
madeleine [we can use their
 comment to help us sending our own comments]:  Inayat: free/2008/ jul/04/islam. religion1  madeleine: free/2008/ jul/04/islam. religion? 
gusrc=rssfeed=networkfront           1- BBC is accepting comments on this 
topic. Can we all please submit our comments on it.     http://newsforums. nol/thread. jspa?forumID= 5061edition=1ttl=20080705124244  
Should aspects of Sharia law be used in the UK?The most senior judge in 
England and Wales has said that aspects of
 Islamic sharia law could be used in the UK, provided they don't conflict with 
existing laws. Do you agree?

Lord Phillips, the Lord Chief Justice, said that sharia and other religious 
laws could be used for mediation in disputes if both parties agreed.

But he added that any sanctions must be based on English and Welsh laws and 
severe physical punishments would not be acceptable.

Sharia is a set of principles which govern the way many Muslims believe one 
should live one's life.

The Archbishop of Canterbury made similar comments earlier in the year, 
sparking a huge controversy which leds to calls for his resignation.

What do you think of Lord Phillip's views? Could 

Bismillah [IslamCity] RE: Please write to your MP today!For publication..URGENT

2008-07-10 Thread Majid Katme


OF THE UNBORN CHILDREN! On Monday 14th July, the Embryo bill with amendments 
will be debated in the Parliament.Unfortunately these amendments will increase 
the killing of the innocent unborn children through the barbaric procedure of 
abortion. Already about 600 unborn babies are killed in Britain every day by 
The inhumane immoral recommendations are:

To allow abortions to be done with the signature of only one doctor instead of 
two as is required now.
To allow nurses and midwives to do abortions, when they are not medically 
qualified to deal with emergencies that could arise during an abortion.

They also want to take out the conscience clause, which allows doctors to opt 
out of doing abortions or any other unethical or immoral medical procedure.This 
is unfair, undemocratic and is an oppressive interference with our basic 
religious beliefs and human rights! Surely this should be opposed by every 
British citizen. We appeal to every Muslim man and woman to do their Islamic, 
humane duty in order to stop this growing madness in our Parliament.Please 
write quickly to your member of the parliament (MP) and ask him or her to stop 
these or any other pro-abortion amendment to the embryo/abortion bill. To get 
the details about your Member of the Parliament (MP), please go to this 
website: Dr A. Majid Katme Spokesman: Islamic Medical 

Tel: 07944 240 622

Address: 31 North Circular Road   Palmers Green  London N13 5EG
E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dubai to set up Muhammad museum

2008-07-10 Thread Nasir Javaid Maqsood Imran, Chartered Accountants, Lahore
Dear Shahid
It is always required to uses sallAllaahu `alaihi wasallam whenever we use the 
word prophet Muhammad or only Prophet
  - Original Message - 
  From: Shahid. 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 10:13 AM
  Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dubai to set up Muhammad museum

  Dubai to set up Muhammad museum 


Dubai has been a bridge between East and West in commercial terms 

  The Gulf emirate of Dubai has said it is to set up the world's first museum 
dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad. 

  It aims to shed light on his life in 7th Century Arabia, as well as his 
legacy for the world's 1.3bn Muslims. 

  There will also be a wing explaining the Muslim pilgrimage, or Hajj, and 
another for the other pillars of Islam. 

  Dubai, more usually known for its burgeoning commerce and tourism, is hoping 
to provide a bridge between the Islamic world and other countries. 

  The Prophet Muhammad Museum will be the first project undertaken by the Dubai 
Authority for Culture and Arts, which was established last week by the emirate 
in an attempt to widen its global appeal. 

  'Shining milestone'

  Those behind the plans for the new museum say it aims to shed light on the 
life and legacy of the man Muslims believe is the last messenger of God, as 
well as introducing the message of eternal love and peace they he gave the 

  In a city which is never shy of using superlatives when it comes to its own 
ideas, the museum is being described as a shining milestone in the history of 

  Home to more than 100 nationalities, Dubai is one of the more tolerant cities 
in the region, allowing, if not encouraging alcohol to be drunk and skimpy 
clothing to be worn. 

  Until now, Dubai has positioned itself as showing what Arabs can achieve 

  It has been a self-proclaimed beacon for other Arab states shining a light on 
what it has shown is possible in a troubled region. 

  Now though, it is hoping to go one step further, providing not only a bridge 
between East and West in commercial terms, but also by providing a link between 
the Islamic world and the rest of the world. 


Bismillah [IslamCity] 4th Anniversary of ICJ ruling, Motorolla, National Assembly, Green Party

2008-07-10 Thread Mazin Qumsiyeh
So far, 1.2 million Iraqis have lost their lives since the US invasion
(the largest genocide on earth in this five year period).

This is the fourth anniversary of an historic ruling by the
International Court of Justice on the Apartheid wall.  Al-Haq human
rights organizations stated that On 9 July 2004, at the request UN
General Assembly, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an
Advisory Opinion on “The Legal Consequences of the Construction of a
Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.” The ICJ found the
construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT),
its associated regime of movement restrictions, land confiscation and
property destruction, as well as the Israeli settlements in the OPT, to
be in breach of customary international law. Furthermore, the ICJ
declared that the facts on the ground created by continued construction
of the Wall would be 'tantamount to de facto annexation.' The Advisory
Opinion therefore held that Israel must cease construction of the Wall,
dismantle those parts already constructed in the OPT, and provide
remedies to the affected Palestinian civilians. At the same time, the
ICJ outlined the legal responsibility of the international community,
declaring that it must not recognise or assist in maintaining the
illegal situation created by the Wall, and must consider further
actions to bring that situation to an end.

On this anniversary, which happens to also be (not coincidentally) the
third anniversary of the Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS

against Israel, the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)* launched the 
Global BDS Movement Website at and Palestinians 
demonstrated in two villages in the West Bank.

To act: Hang up on Motorolla, a campaign initiated by the US Campaign to End 
the Occupation

(Good news, US specific) Our success at the National Assembly.  Read
about it:bApproval of mass action, independence from political parties
and Support for Palestinian rights as integral to the movement and
calls for boycotts, divestment and sanctions A Damned Good Assembly

(US Specific event) In Chicago Starting Thursday: Green Party National
Convention.  I will be conductinga  workshop titled The 60th
Anniversaries of the Palestinian Catastrophe (Nakba) and the UN
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Green Party's Response
10:45-Noon FGriday, in Clark 3 Rm., The Palmer House Hilton, 17
East Monroe Street, Chicago, IL 60603, 1 877 865 5321 and 312-726-7500
Details at:

(BTW, Stan forgot to mention that Arab and Muslim Americans led and two were 
elected to the new Administrative Committee)

Mazin Qumsiyeh

Attend the August 8 Palestine Conference, see

*BNC Member organizations include:

Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine 

General Union of Palestinian Workers 

Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions 

Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) 

Federation of Independent Trade Unions 

Union of Arab Community Based Associations (ITTIJAH) 

Palestine Right of Return Coalition 

Occupied Palestine and Golan Heights Initiative 

General Union of Palestinian Women 

Union of Palestinian Farmers 

Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (STW) 

Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel 

National Committee to Commemorate the Nakba 

Civic Coalition for the Defence of Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem
It’s a talkathon – but it’s not just talk.

Bismillah [IslamCity] San Francisco may name sewage treatment plant after Bush

2008-07-10 Thread Peace Seeker
San Francisco may name sewage treatment plant after Bush
By Jesse McKinley Published: June 25, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO: Reagan has his highways. Lincoln has his memorial. Washington 
has the capital, and a state, too. But President George W. Bush may soon be the 
sole president to have a memorial named after him that you can contribute to 
from the bathroom.

From the Department of Damned-With-Faint-Praise, a group going by the 
regal-sounding name of the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco 
is planning to ask voters here to change the name of a prize-winning 
water-treatment plant on the shoreline to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.

The plan - hatched, naturally, in a bar - would place a vote on the November 
ballot to provide an appropriate honor for a truly unique president.

Supporters say that they have plenty of signatures to qualify the initiative 
and that the renaming would fit in a long and proud American tradition of 
poking political figures in the eye.

Most politicians tend to be narcissistic and egomaniacs, said Brian 
McConnell, an organizer who regularly suits up as Uncle Sam to solicit 
signatures. So it is important for satirists to help define their history 
rather than letting them define their own history.

Not surprisingly, those Republicans in a city that voted 83 percent Democratic 
in 2004 are not thrilled with the idea. Howard Epstein, chairman of the 
ever-outnumbered San Francisco Republican Party, called the initiative an 
abuse of process.

You got a bunch of guys drunk who came up with an idea, Epstein said, and 
want to put on the ballot as a big joke without regard to the city's governance 
or cost.

The renaming would take effect on Jan. 20, when a new president is sworn in. 
And regardless of the measure's outcome, supporters plan to commemorate the 
inaugural with a synchronized flush of hundreds of thousands of toilets that 
would send a flood of water toward the plant, now named the Oceanside Water 
Pollution Control Plant.

It's a way of doing something physical that's mentally freeing, said Stacey 
Reineccius, 45, a supporter of the plan. It's a weird thing, but it's true.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: Islamophobia: Swiss far right seeks vote on minarets ban

2008-07-10 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Islamophobia: Swiss far right seeks vote on minarets ban
* Ian Traynor, Europe editor 
* The Guardian, 
* Wednesday July 9, 2008 
The minaret of the Mahmud mosque is pictured close to a Christian church in 
Zurich, Switzerland. Photograph: Christian Hartmann/Reuters
Switzerland braced itself for a troubled campaign of Islamophobia yesterday 
after the far right drummed up enough support to force a national vote to ban 
In a country that is home to more than 300,000 Muslims but boasts only three 
minarets, a series of court cases and votes in regional parliaments has 
recently dismissed attempts to have minarets outlawed. 
But a campaign, led by the rightwing populists of the Swiss People's party, to 
enshrine a ban on minarets in the Swiss constitution yesterday mustered more 
than enough signatures to warrant a referendum on the sensitive issue.
Disputes over mosque and minaret-building are rife across Europe, with 
controversies in Germany, Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands. In Switzerland, 
Christoph Blocher's anti-immigrant Swiss People's party, which won the national 
elections last year after a campaign branded racist by UN monitors, has 
repeatedly used the building regulations and zoning laws to try to prevent 
minarets being built. It has failed, as in Zurich, last month. Last year a 
Turkish association won a supreme court case authorising it to put a minaret on 
a mosque in the village of Wangen..
By yesterday People's party activists had gathered 115,000 signatures, more 
than the 100,000 needed under Switzerland's direct democracy system.
The campaign demands a constitutional amendment, stating: The building of 
minarets in Switzerland is forbidden.
The government has already opposed the demand and may try to prevent the 
referendum, citing reasons of national security and the impact on the country's 
international relations and interests.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel's impasse

2008-07-10 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Analysis: Israel's impasse
By Tobias Buck
Published: July 9 2008 03:00 | Last updated: July 9 2008 03:00
As the former head of Mossad, Israel's secret service, Danny Yatom is not a man 
easily ruffled.
Yet halfway through his second term in the Israeli parliament, where he served 
as a deputy for the Labour party, Mr Yatom found he could take no more. 
Dismayed by the latest backroom deal to preserve the life of the current 
government for another three months, he announced his decision to retire from 
politics last week. The leadership in Israel has made political survival its 
only goal. Moral and ethical codes that were once fundamental have been 
eroded, Mr Yatom declared.
While he placed the primary blame on Ehud Olmert, Israel's embattled prime 
minister, Mr Yatom also took aim at his own party, which forms part of the 
governing coalition: Olmert failed . . . but he is not alone. As a Knesset 
member in a coalition party, I feel as though I am a partner in the 
deterioration when I vote in favour of the government.
Israel's former top spy is far from alone in voicing dismay at the state of 
Israeli politics. According to polls, three out of five Israelis want Mr 
Olmert, who is the target of an embarrassing corruption probe, to resign 
immediately. Despite his personal travails and his chronically weak and 
fractious coalition, the prime minister has shown no intention of heeding such 
pleas: although he has agreed to hold primaries aimed at electing a new leader 
of his Kadima party by September, no one is counting out Mr Olmert as he 
continues his gravity-defying battle to stay in office.
Unpopular governments are hardly un-usual in Israel, where prime ministers have 
repeatedly been hounded out of office only to be voted back into power again a 
few years later. But a growing number of Israelis believe that the country 
faces not so much another coalition collapse but something larger: a full-blown 
crisis in the country's political system that is sapping the ability of 
political leaders to tackle crucial challenges - from reaching a peace deal 
with the Palestinians to facing down the threat of an increasingly hostile Iran.
The three symptoms of the country's political malaise are easy to spot: 
exceedingly low levels of trust in politicians and democratic institutions, the 
chronic instability of Israeli governments and the fragmentation of parliament 
and political life in general.
Mr Olmert's turbulent tenure is a case in point: his botched war in Lebanon two 
years ago and a string of corruption allegations have increased voter 
disillusionment; at the same time, the fragmented nature of Israeli politics 
forced him into an unwieldy coalition and left him exposed to constant 
political blackmail. The need to satisfy the narrow and often contradictory 
wishes of his coalition partners made it almost impossible for Mr Olmert to 
pursue coherent policies and deliver on promises such as reaching a peace deal 
with the Palestinians.
An example of the limitations placed on the prime minister is his inability to 
negotiate the status of Jerusalem - one of the keys to resolving the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Shas, the biggest ultra-orthodox religious party 
and a member of Mr Olmert's coalition, has warned repeatedly that it will pull 
out of the government if he even discusses handing back occupied East Jerusalem 
to the Palestinians.
One factor hindering political cohesion in the country is its electoral system, 
which leads to a highly fragmented parliament. Unlike the winner-takes-all of 
some western democracies such as the UK or the percentage threshold required by 
others before a party can enter parliament, Israel elects its MPs through pure 
proportional representation. Seats in parliament are allocated according to the 
percentage that a party achieves. There are no direct run-offs in 
constituencies and districts and candidates are selected by political party 
Signs of voter disillusionment can be found everywhere, but a good starting 
point is the country's annual Democracy Index, a survey published by the Israel 
Democracy Institute. The most recent study found only 17 per cent of Israelis 
have trust in the prime minister, while the Knesset fared little better with 29 
per cent. Even the Supreme Court - hitherto seen by respondents as the body 
that best safeguards Israeli democracy - saw its rating plunge by 12 points 
to just 49 per cent.
Voter turnout at general elections has also fallen steadily, reaching a new low 
of 63 per cent two years ago. Opinion polls, meanwhile, make grim reading not 
just to Mr Olmert but to most of his political rivals as well - a reflection, 
perhaps, of the fact that nine in 10 Israelis believe the country is tainted 
with corruption, according to the same survey from the Israel Democracy 
Such ratings, says Ari Shavit, a political analyst and commentator for Haaretz 
newspaper, mean Mr Olmert has no chance of pulling off a 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Former head of MI5 says 42-day detention plan is 'unworkable'

2008-07-10 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Former head of MI5 says 42-day detention plan is 'unworkable'
By Ben Russell, Political Correspondent, Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller took the highly unusual step of using her 
maiden speech in the House of Lords to denounce the plans
Plans to hold terror suspects for up to 42 days are neither practical or 
principled, the former head of MI5 warned yesterday.
Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller, who stood down as the director general of 
Britain's domestic intelligence agency last year, took the highly unusual step 
of using her maiden speech in the House of Lords to denounce the plans. It was 
the first time she had spoken on the subject.
I don't see on a practical basis, as well as a principled one, that these 
proposals are in any way workable, she told peers.
The comments by Lady Manningham-Buller, an anti-terrorism specialist who led 
MI5 during the London Tube bombings three years ago, represent a serious blow 
to Gordon Brown's anti-terror laws, which were forced through the Commons on 
the votes of Democratic Unionists (DUP) last month after a major rebellion by 
Labour MPs.
She told peers: I have weighed up the balance between the right to life – the 
most important civil liberty – the fact that there is no such thing as complete 
security, and the importance of our hard-won civil liberties. Therefore, on a 
matter of principle, I cannot support 42 days' pre-charge detention. I do 
understand different views and that there are judgements honestly reached by 
others, and I respect these views.
Peers are expected to vote overwhelmingly to defeat plans to extend detention 
without trial when the anti-terror Bill faces detailed scrutiny in the autumn, 
and will trigger a damaging new round of trench warfare for Mr Brown in the 
Yesterday, a string of eminent figures in the Lords vented their anger at the 
proposals, attacking them as an affront to civil liberties and a recruiting 
sergeant for extremists.
Lord Falconer, the former lord chancellor and one of Tony Blair's closest 
allies, said: I'm absolutely clear that there is no advantage to fighting 
terrorism that will be gained by extending pre-charge detention to 42 days.
He criticised the Government for relying on the DUP to get the Bill through the 
Commons, adding: We in this country determine whether people should be 
detained on the basis of a judge's view. I find it worrying that someone could 
be detained in prison on the basis of a deal done with another political party.
Lord Goldsmith, the former attorney general, also condemned the proposals, 
telling peers that you cannot keep somebody for as long as it takes. He 
added: I dealt with the plots which we believed were being uncovered in the 
summer of 2006.
I flew back from my holiday. I stayed with the prosecutors and got detailed 
briefings through that period. I was anxiously considering and wanting to know 
whether a longer time was necessary. It wasn't. I asked the prosecutors, 'If 
you had had longer than 28 days, would you have used it?' 'No', they said.
I cannot support this. I believe that detention without charge for a long 
period would undermine fundamental freedoms on which this country is based, of 
which this country should be proud, of which I will say my party ought to be 
proud. I will not undermine them in this way.
But Lord West of Spithead, the Security minister, insisted the new powers were 
needed. He said: The question we all have to face is whether there is a 
potential need for more than 28 days. I have looked at this in depth and I 
believe there is. It is better for us to legislate on a precautionary basis 
than find ourselves scrambling for emergency legislation in the heat of a 
serious operation.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Missing the anti-missiles, missiles

2008-07-10 Thread raja chemayel



There are missiles and there are anti-missiles,missiles
Israel has both ,
Israel has all of them
Thanks to the generosity of the USA
that never leaves any tyrant-oppressor-state ,  standing alone.
But sometimes too much of anything may become a problem.
I shall explain myself.
The Arab-air-forces was never a threat to Israel
The Arab-foot-warrior would be and was indeed in many occasions.
What came lately were the Rockets , the Hezbollah-Rockets to be precise..
and the Hamas Rockets also.
We assume that a missile would cost around
75.000 dollars up to 350.000 dollars
on the other side an anti-missile would cost 
50.000 dollars up to 200.000 dollars
when the Hezbollah-rockets cost between
only 2.500 dollars up to maximum of 75.000 dollars.
A Hamas-rocket cost 1.785 dollars only.
What happens when Hezbollah sends 500 rockets ?? per day.
Israel would have to send around 750 anti-missiles
to intercept them in the air.
Make your calculation...
what would it cost and what is the rate of the effectiveness.
What happens when Hezbollah sends 500 rockets during 12 days ??
Israel will have to use 9000 anti-missiles to stop them.
Imaging that on the 13Th. day Syria or Iran would send a real-Missile
or even 10 real-missiles on Israel.
How many anti-missiles would Israel still have in stock ???
Would the US-Tax-Payers pay that much ??
Because to stop a cheap-Rocket or a real-big-Missile
it will cost Israel,  the same anti-missile.
And to prove my analyses as correct ,
you will remember that during the Summer of 2006
Israel did not use its anti-missiles 
although it used anything else , including the cluster-bombs !!
Israel must have  read my thoughts, then,
or it really is cleverer than me.
Eng. Moustafa   Roosenbloom
falafel centre for strategic annalise's , of Annapolis
10Th of July 2008

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: Muslim News Coverage Negative: Irresponsible Media Role' --Asia Post, Dhaka, editorial dated 10.7.08

2008-07-10 Thread S A Hannan
Muslim News Coverage Negative: Irresponsible Media Role'

Researchers looking at the way British Muslims are represented by the media say 
they have found that most coverage is negative in tone. A Cardiff University 
team behind the study looked at nearly 1,000 newspaper articles from the past 
eight years.Two-thirds focused on terrorism or cultural differences, and much 
of it used words such as militancy, radicalism and fundamentalist. The research 
was commissioned by Channel Four's Dispatches. Dr Paul Mason, a member of the 
team, said the team looked at three areas. They carried out a statistical 
analysis looking at types of stories and the way Muslims were described and the 
language used, the photographs used alongside the stories and they analysed the 
types of case studies used.

He said: We looked at both nouns and adjectives and the way in which British 
Muslims were described. And we found the highest proportion of nouns used were 
about things like extremism, suicide bombers, militancy, radicalism - which 
accounted for over 35% of the adjectives used about British Muslims - fanatic, 
fundamentalist - those kinds of languages were used. And Islam was portrayed 
or constructed in the language as dangerous or backward or as a threat, he 
said. The team found that since the attacks of 11 September 2001 in the United 
States and 7 July 2005 in London there had been an increase in stories about 
British Muslims and this peaked to more than 4,000 in 2006. Mr Mason added: 
What you have to be careful of here is to watch the kind of generalization of 
the very, very small number of people that are involved in political violence 
of any kind and the generalization about Islam which is carried out by the 
newspapers. So following 9/11 and 7/7 of course there is a perceived threat 
from the public and the public are concerned about political violence. But it 
is wholly wrong to make what the newspapers do in the generalization of those 
who carry out public violence to the whole of Islam and the whole of the 
British Muslim community. He said there were concerns that journalists and 
editors may have sought to appeal to their own readership about some perceived 
threat to British unity or values. You get these inaccurate stories about this 
threat of there is going to be more mosques than churches, which is a complete 
nonsense” There are roughly 900 mosques and there are 42,000 churches, so this 
is a ridiculous report.

We feel deeply worried at this type of biased reporting in Britain. The 
situation in Europe and US is probably worse. A similar investigation should be 
launched there. In some Muslim countries even Muslim organizations get bad 
press , in an unfair manner. We hope the report will be an eye-opener for all 
and the Press agencies and media in general should review its position and free 
itself from all sorts of exaggerated bias.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Wife-beating? That's fine – unless you're a Muslim

2008-07-10 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Mark Steel: Wife-beating? That's fine – unless you're a Muslim
The Sun newspaper has come over a bit modest. Following a Channel 4 documentary 
about media reporting of Muslims, the paper accepts some of its stories were 
distorted. But they're not doing themselves justice. They weren't distorted – 
they were entirely made up. For example, a story about a Muslim bus driver who 
ordered his passengers off the bus so he could pray was pure fabrication.
But if reporters are allowed to make up what they like, that one should be 
disciplined for displaying a shocking lack of imagination. He could have 
continued, The driver has now won a case at the Court of Human Rights that his 
bus route should be altered so it only goes east. This means the 37A from 
Sutton Coldfield will no longer stop at Selly Oak library, but go the wrong way 
up a one-way street and carry on to Mecca. Local depot manager Stan Tubworth 
said, 'I suggested he only take it as far as Athens but he threatened a Jihad, 
and a holy war is just the sort of thing that could put a service like the 
Selly Oak Clipper out of business'.
Then there was a story about Muslim thugs in Windsor who attacked a house 
used by soldiers, except it was another invention. But with this tale the 
reporter still claims it's true, despite a complete absence of evidence, 
because, The police are too politically correct to admit it. This must be the 
solution to all unsolved crimes. With Jack the Ripper it's obvious – he was 
facing the East End of London, his victims were infidels and he'd have access 
to a burqua which would give him vital camouflage in the smog. But do the 
pro-Muslim police even bother to investigate? Of course not, because it's just 
Allah Allah Allah down at the stations these days.
Maybe Muslim newspapers should retaliate by publishing their own made-up 
stories. So it will be reported that Barmy PC teachers in Leicester have 
banned children from playing Noughts and Crosses, claiming the cross reminds 
Church of England kiddies of the suffering undertaken by Lord Jesus. A 
spokesman for the Board of Education said, 'We have to be sensitive. Which is 
why we've replaced the game with 'Noughts and Hexagons'. We did look into 
calling it 'Noughts and Crowns of Thorns' but decided Hexagons was more 
Or, Doctors have been told that patients are no longer to be referred to as 
'stable', as this is offensive to followers of Jesus, who was said to have been 
born in one. So medical staff have been informed they must use an alternative 
word, or if they can't think of one just let the patient die.
The most common justification for ridiculing Islam is that the religion is 
backward, particularly towards women, as a fundamental part of its beliefs. 
The Sun's old political editor suggests this as a defence of his newspaper's 
stance, saying that under Islam, women are treated as chattels. And it's true 
that religious scriptures can command this, such as the insistence that, a man 
may sell his daughter as a slave, but she will not be freed at the end of six 
years as men are. Except that comes from the Bible – Exodus, Chapter 21, verse 
The Bible is packed with justifications for slavery, including killing your 
slaves. So presumably the Sun, along with others who regard Islam as a threat 
to our civilisation, will soon be campaigning against Sunday Schools of Hate 
where children as young as seven are taught to read this grisly book. And next 
Easter they'll report how, I saw a small child smile with glee as he opened a 
Cadbury's egg filled with chocolate buttons. But behind his grin I couldn't 
help but wonder whether he wanted to turn me into a pillar of salt, then maybe 
sprinkle me on his menacing confectionary treat.
In his defence of making stuff up, the Sun's ex-political editor spoke about 
the amount of domestic violence suffered by Muslim women. But there's just as 
much chance of suffering domestic violence if you're not a Muslim, as one of 
the 10 million such incidents a year that take place in Britain. Presumably the 
anti-Islam lobby would say, Ah yes, but those other ones involve secular 
wife-beating, which is not founded on archaic religious customs, but rational 
reasoning such as not letting him watch the snooker.
And finally the Sun's man defends the line of his paper by saying that, after 
all, these Muslims are trying to bomb our country. So it's their civic duty 
to make stuff up – the same as keeping a look-out for spies during the Second 
World War.
So we should all do our bit, and every day send in something, until the press 
is full of stories like Muslims in Darlington have been raising money for 
semtex by organising panda fights. Or In Bradford all nurseries have been 
ordered to convert their dolls' houses into miniature mosques so that Muslim 
teddies have somewhere to pray.
Independent, Wednesday, 9 July 2008 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Sue Watson, Professor, Pastor, Church Planter and Missionary

2008-07-10 Thread Ahumanb
Sue Watson, Professor, Pastor, Church Planter and Missionary, Now in Saudi 
What happened to you? This was usually the first reaction I encountered when 
my former classmates, friends and co-pastors saw me after having embraced 
Islam. I suppose I couldn't blame them, I was a highly unlikely the person to 
change religions. Formerly, I was a professor, pastor, church planter and 
missionary. If anyone was a radical fundamentalist it was I.
I had just graduated with my Master's Degree of Divinity from an elite seminary 
five months before. It was after that time I met a lady who had worked in Saudi 
Arabia and had embraced Islam. Of course, I asked her about the treatment of 
women in Islam. I was shocked at her answer, it wasn't what I expected, so I 
proceeded to ask other questions relating to God and Muhammad [may the blessing 
and mercy of God be upon him]. She informed me that she would take me to the 
Islamic Center where they would be better able to answer my questions.
Being prayed up, meaning-asking Jesus for protection against demon spirits, 
seeing that what we had been taught about Islam is that it is Demonic and 
Satanic religion. Having taught Evangelism, I was quite shocked at their 
approach, it was direct and straightforward. No intimidation, no harassment, no 
psychological manipulation, no subliminal influence! None of this, Let's have 
a Quranic study in your house, like a counter part of the Bible study. I 
couldn’t believe it! They gave me some books and told me if I had some 
questions they were available to answer them in the office. That night I read 
all of the books they gave. It was the first time I had ever read a book about 
Islam written by a Muslim, we had studied and read books about Islam only 
written by Christians. The next day I spent three hours at the office asking 
questions. This went on everyday for a week, by which time I had read twelve 
books and knew why Muslims are the hardest people in
 the world to convert to Christianity. Why? Because there is nothing to offer 
them!! (In Islam) There is a relationship with God, forgiveness of sins, 
salvation and promise of Eternal Life.
Naturally, my first question centered on the deity of God. Who is this God that 
the Muslims worship? We had been taught as Christians that this is another god, 
a false god, when, in fact, He is the Omniscient-All Knowing, Omnipotent-All 
Powerful, and Omnipresent-All Present God - The One and Only without 
co-partners or co-equal. It is interesting to note that there were bishops 
during the first three hundred years of the Church that were teaching as the 
Muslim believes, that Jesus [may the blessing and mercy of God be upon him] was 
a prophet and teacher!! It was only after the conversion of Emperor Constantine 
that he was the one to call and introduce the doctrine of the Trinity. He, a 
convert to Christianity who knew nothing of this religion, introduced a 
paganistic concept that goes back to Babylonian times. Space, however, does not 
permit me to go into detail about the subject, but God willing, we will another 
time. Only, I must point out that the
 word TRINITY is not found in the Bible in any of its many translation nor is 
it found in the original Greek or Hebrew languages!
My other important question centered on Muhammad [may the blessing and mercy of 
God be upon him]. Who is this Muhammad? I found out that Muslims do not pray to 
him like the Christians pray to Jesus. He is not an intermediary and in fact it 
is forbidden to pray to him. We ask blessing upon him at the end of our prayer 
but likewise we ask blessings on Abraham. He is a Prophet and a Messenger, the 
final and last Prophet. In fact, until now, one thousand four hundred and 
eighteen years (1,418) later there has been no prophet after him. His message 
is for All Mankind, as opposed to the message of Jesus or Moses (peace be upon 
them both) which was sent to the Jews. Hear O Israel But the message is the 
same message of God. The Lord Your God is One God and you shall have no other 
gods before Me. (Mark 12:29)
Because prayer was a very important part of my Christian life I was both 
interested and curious to know what the Muslims were praying. As Christians we 
were as ignorant on this aspect of Muslim belief as on the other aspects. We 
thought and were taught, that the Muslims were bowing down to the Kaaba (in 
Mecca), that that was there god and center point of this false deity. Again, I 
was shocked to learn that the manner of prayer is prescribed by God, Himself. 
The words of the prayer are one of praise and exaltation. The approach to 
prayer (ablution or washing) in cleanliness is under the direction of God. He 
is a Holy God and it is not for us to approach Him in an arbitrary manner, but 
only reasonable that He should tell us how we should approach Him.
At the end of that week after having spent eight (8) years of formal 

Bismillah [IslamCity] cause of such high oil price

2008-07-10 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum.I want to study the cause of such high oil price.Can any one 
of  you let me what is the main reason, the overcharging by oil-producing 
countries / their oil producing companies OR it is over-charging and high 
profiteeing by the western buying and distributing oil companies?
Can you furnish me the price at which the Saudi or Qatar or Iranian or other 
oil-producing  companies sell oil, that  is the FOB price or C F price ( of 
crude or refined or both )

Shah Abdul Hannan

Bismillah [IslamCity] Sheikh Wagdy Ghoneim Forced to Leave South Africa

2008-07-10 Thread Ismail Kashkash

Sheikh Wagdy Ghoneim Forced to Leave South Africa
IkhwanWeb - Egypt

Saturday, July 5, 2008


South Africa Court has passed Friday a verdict forcing outspoken Sheikh Wagdy 
Ghoneim out of the country after jailing him for three days with the charge of 
Illegitimate Residence Visa”, Ikhwanweb reporter said. This is the same charge 
he faces during living in the USA and Bahrain after being ousted from Egypt 
late in 2004.
Sheikh Wagdy emphasized that he was forced out of South Africa after a judicial 
verdict with the charge of having illegitimate residence visa. He indicated 
that that he was arrested from his house rather than being stopped and arrested 
at the airport on his way to Yemen.
He stressed that he obtained legitimate residence visa at South Africa for 
three successive years since last March.
He indicated that he could travel from and to South Africa with the same 
documents he had without being harassed or accused.
He refused to comment on the decision and said that he would head to Yemen on 
Thursday in his tour in the Gulf region to attend an Islamic Conference; after 
which he should decide where he will live.