Bismillah [IslamCity] A " Size 10 " memorabilia............

2008-12-16 Thread raja chemayel

Show me your shoe
and I shall
surely show no shame.
George W. Bush has, indeed, declared after that shoe-incident
that this projectile ( The shoe)  was actually a Size 10 shoe.
Size 10 means in European-standards,  a size 45 shoe .
(No offence for our US colleagues and US readers
but here in Europe we are more advanced, we reached the 45 )
George Bush must have measured that shoe
because he obviously has kept it as "corpus delicti"
for the next invasion..of Malaysia or France.
or as a memorabilia to show it to his grand-children,later on.
And,  symbolically ,
this pair of shoes are :
the only honest thing which George has got out of Iraq.
(or, also, the only thing which George has earned or deserved , so far )
The Smithsonian-Museum would like to have them too,
and Larry King shall interview them next Friday..
Oprah Winfrey declined them , due to some unpleasant odours
because that Journalist was very recently in a prison without showers
for 45 days , while being investigated by Black-Waters . (true!)
It is a bit ironic that The Neo-Cons brought to us democracy
and got back some used -smelly-old-shoes ,   in return !!!
Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
16Th. of December 2008


Bismillah [IslamCity] Separate Residences for Wife and Parents

2008-12-16 Thread adil naveed
Separate Residences for Wife and Parents
By Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Posted: 19 Sha'ban 1423, 26 October 2002

Q.) As part of my marriage contract a request for separate residence from the 
in-laws was made, as they are blessed with enough wealth and to avoid any 
family conflict and also to help me maintain my hijab without difficulty. This 
was agreed to both by my husband and his family. We have maintained and enjoyed 
a great relationship with the parents and go over to care for them and tend to 
their needs as much as possible (more so than other family members living with 
them). They are not old and are still very much in good health. Now after some 
time my husband and his family have decided the parents are to move in with us 
without consulting me and have now disregarded the promise in my marriage 

My question is, 1) Is there any regard for such a promise? 2) What is the 
consequence of breaking such a promise? 3) Does this mean that this would give 
me the right to dissolve this marriage, which I would not and they know I would 
not (knowing this they are breaking the promise) 4) By Shariah am I entitled to 
a compensation? [A sister]

A.) It is the sole responsibility of the husband to provide shelter for the 
wife. The shelter must be totally separated, in that none of the family members 
of the husband should be living in the same quarters. (Hidaaya vol.1 pg.421)
However, if the wife happily accepts to live with the husband's family members, 
then she has given up her own right. Nevertheless, in the above mentioned case, 
there was no need to make such a promise since it was your right from the 
beginning to be separate.
However, you must also look at it from a moral point of view.
If there is nobody else to take care of the husband's parents and to see to 
their needs, etc. then there must be understanding between you and your 
husband. However, if there are no valid Shar'ee reasons for them to move in and 
live with you, then your husband will not only be sinful for breaking a promise 
but even more severely for failing in his duty to fulfill your rights. This 
does not mean that you now have the right to dissolve the marriage or to take 
the issue to court whereby you may demand a compensation. No, the matter 
requires understanding and wisdom. Find out the reasons for the move. Maybe 
there is a serious need for it, maybe not. If not, try to sit down in seclusion 
with your husband and explain to him your situation. Build courage and 
confidence and don't give up. Allah Ta'ala will open up the way for you. And 
Allah Ta'ala Knows Best


Bismillah [IslamCity] Intermingling of Sexes

2008-12-16 Thread adil naveed
Intermingling of Sexes
By Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Posted: 19 Sha'ban 1423, 26 October 2002

Q.) What is the Shar'ee ruling on the intermingling of sexes, especially in 
these times? Please quote relevant verse and Ahaadeeth.

A.) It is rather unfortunate that sin and evil has become so rife nowadays that 
people don't even regard sin as sin anymore and how true are the words of our 
beloved Rasul , 'A time will dawn upon man that Zina (adultery) will become so 
widespread that the most pious man in this world will be that person who 
witnesses two people doing evil on the street pavement. This person would go up 
to them and tell them to do it behind a tree. He will not stop them from the 
evil rather he would tell them that instead of doing it in front of everybody, 
they should go and do their actions behind a tree. The person who tells them 
this will be the most pious person. Today, we are presently experiencing the 
above adultery is being done openly, everywhere without any prohibition or 
obstruction.' (Islahi Khutubaat, Mufti Taqi Usmani vol.7 pg.32)
In an verse of the noble Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala commands the believers, 'Say (O' 
Muhammad) unto the believers, lower your gazes and protect your private parts. 
That is more pure for you. Verily, Allah is all informed of what you are 
doing.' (Surah Nur). Evil glances is to look at any Ghayr Mahram (not 
permanently ineligible for marriage) especially with desire or to attain 
pleasure whether the person is alive or it is a picture. Both situations are 
totally haram. The greatest hindrance for the reformation and purification of 
the inner self is the sin of evil glances. Nabi  explained in a Hadith, 'Evil 
glance is a poisonous arrow from the arrows of Iblees.' (Majmauz Zawaaid vol.8 
In another Hadith, Nabi  mentioned, '… The Zina of the eyes is in evil glances 
and Zina of the ears is by listening (to evil) and Zina of the tongue speaking 
(about evil) and Zina of the hands is in touching (forbidden) and Zina of feet 
is in walking (towards evil) and the heart desires and hopes (in evil) and 
thereafter the private parts accepts that (acts upon it) or rejects it.' 
(Mishkaat Hadith # 86)
Therefore, according to Shari'ah, to look, speak, listen, etc. to any Ghayr 
Mahram except at the time of extreme necessity is haram and impermissible. In 
an verse of the noble Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And when you ask (his wives) 
for anything you want, ask them from behind a screen. That is purer for your 
hearts and their hearts.' Although the reason for revelation is a specific 
incident and the wives of Nabi  are specifically mentioned but this is general 
for the entire Ummah, i.e. if a woman wants to get something from the men, e.g. 
utensils, clothing, etc., she should not come in front of him, rather she 
should ask for it from behind a veil. (Ma'aariful Qur'an vol.7 pg.200; 
Idaaratul Ma'aarif)
In another verse, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And stay in your homes and do not display 
yourselves, like that at the time of ignorance…' (Surah Ahzaab 33 vol.33). 
Therefore, the command unto women is to stay at home and only come out at the 
time of a necessity which is sanctioned by the Shari'ah, should a need arise. 
In other words total Shar'ee Hijaab should be adhered to.
By a person fighting his Nafs and saving himself from sinning, he will attain 
the sweetness of Iman. Nabi  said, 'A thought comes into a person to cast evil 
glances and who is that person who doesn't get these thoughts and his heart is 
also encouraging him to just take a look! But he fears Allah and saves himself 
by not casting an evil glance. This will cause a great burden but Allah Ta'ala 
will grant such sweetness of Iman that he won't even consider looking in 
future.' (Ahmad vol.5 pg.264)
It is, therefore, imperative that awareness should be created amongst the 
Muslim students, both male and female, regarding the importance and laws of 
Shari'ah especially with regards to Hijab and intermingling of the sexes. The 
administration of MSA should be encouraged to adhere to the laws of Shari'ah, 
contextually, the laws of Hijaab.


Bismillah [IslamCity] A human being in Islam

2008-12-16 Thread PoEtEsS
In the Name of Almighty Allah
Most Beneficent Most Merciful

Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was
Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil Ambiyaa'e wal Mursaleen

Wa Ba'd: 
Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa’ala informs us in verse 30 of Surah Al-Baqara: 
“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: I will create a vicegerent on earth.”

We may suppose that the Malaa'eeka had no independent wills of their own. Their 
perfection in other ways reflected Almighty Rabbul Ala’meen’s perfection but 
could not raise them to the dignity of vicegerent. The perfect vicegerent is he 
who has the power of initiative himself, but whose independent action always 
reflects perfectly the will of his Principal. Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal out of 
His great Muhabbat (love) for humanity then declares in verse 165 of Surah 
“It is He Who had made you inheritors of the earth.”
The human being has a very strange position in Islamic thought. In fact, human 
beings in Islam are not exclusively pictured as straight-statured animals, who 
walk on two feet and who can speak. According to the Most Glorious and Holy 
Qur’an, they are much deeper and more mysterious than what such words may 
define. Human beings are repeatedly praised as well as reproached in the 
Glorious Qur’an. They are considered more supreme than the heavens and the 
earth and, at the same time, meaner than devils and wild animals. They are 
regarded as creatures who can conquer the world, who can acquire the mastery of 
the Mala’eeka; yet so weak as to descend to the lowest of the low. Human beings 
are endowed with innate greatness and dignity. In fact, Almighty Allah 
Subhanahu Wata’ala has conferred upon them supremacy over many other creatures. 
They would recognize their real self only when they sense such nobleness and 
dignity, and regard themselves above pettiness of humilities, servitudes and 
sensualities. Almighty Allah Exalted tells us in Verse 70 of Surah Al-Israa:

“And We have honoured the children of Adam.”

Human hearts are not quieted except by the remembrance of Almighty Rabbul 
Ala’meen. Their desires are unlimited; yet they become bored with what they are 
blessed with the most. On the contrary, they become more eager as they are 
elevated toward joining the Divine Eternal Creator and Sustainer Who confirms 
this to us in verse 28 of Surah Ar-Rad:
“Those who believe and whose hearts rest securely on the thought of Allah: for 
without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts rest.” 
And in verse 6 of Surah Al-Inshiqaq Allah’s confirms His promise to us:
“Then verily, O man, who desires to reach thy Lord shall thou meet Him.” 
All earthly blessings have been created for the benefit of mankind. They are 
entitled to make use and enjoy them in the 
manner prescribed by Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal Who declares in 29 of Surah 
“It is He Who created everything on earth for you.”
Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala created human beings in order that they would 
worship Him Alone and be obedient to Him as their foremost obligation for so He 
declares in verse 56 of Surah Az-Zariyat:
“I have not created Jinn and man, but that they should worship Me.” 
In this verse we are reminded that Creation is not for idle sport. Almighty 
Allah Most Exalted has a serious purpose behind it, which, in our imperfect 
state, we can only express by saying that each creature is given the chance of 
development and progress towards the Goal, which is Rabbul Ala’meen. Almighty 
Allah Jallah Wa’ala is the source and centre of all power and all goodness, and 
our progress depends upon our putting ourselves into accord with His Will. This 
is His service. It is not of any benefit to Him: it is for our own 
benefit. Human beings do not appreciate themselves except in the worship of 
Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal and with the thought of Him. Should they forget 
their Glorious Creator and Sustainer, they would forget themselves. In such a 
situation, they would have forgotten who they are, what they are, why they are 
here and where they are heading. In short, they would not know the purpose of 
their existence as we learn from verse 19 of Surah Al-Hasr:
“And be not like those who forget Allah, and whom he had therefore caused to 
forget their proper selves.”
The conclusion is drawn, therefore, that the Most Glorious Qur’an reveals a 
picture of the human being as a chosen creature of Almighty Rabbul Ala’meen, as 
His own Caliph on earth and as being half-heavenly and half-earthly, in whom 
has been implanted a God-knowing nature, freewill,  freedom, trustworthiness, a 
sense of responsibility towards himself or herself as well as the world and the 
favour of hegemony over Nature, heaven and earth. Human beings are empowered 
with inclination towards good and evil. Their existence begins with weakness 
and disability and moves in the direction of strength, but it does not reach 
the state of tranquility except on the thres

Bismillah [IslamCity] Thought for the day

2008-12-16 Thread PoEtEsS
As Salaamu Alaikum


Those who are fired with an enthusiastic idea and who allow it to take hold and 
dominate their thoughts find that new worlds open for them. As long as 
enthusiasm holds out, so will new opportunities.  


"Prayer is the stepping stone of rewards and success when my life has its 
trials and my eyes has its tears…"Zohra Moosa (Deaf Poet)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] "Objective thinking in Islam" watch it carefully & FWD to your lists.

2008-12-16 Thread Dina Khattab
-- Forwarded message --
From: Bridges Foundation 
Date: Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:19 PM
Subject: "Objective thinking in Islam" watch it carefully & FWD to your
To: "" 

 Dear Bridge builders,
Assalam Alaykom wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatu,

Whenever you have 54 minutes, watch this important video on "*Objective
thinking in Islam*" by Fadel Soliman.
Make sure you watch the parts in order

We apologize for our non -Arabic speaking brothers and sisters as the videos
are in Arabic.

*حلقات** التفكير الموضوعي في الإسلام*
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6

Bridges Team
7th Makram Ebeid St. Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
Egypt: +20 2 26705553
USA:  +1 718 928 9445

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] what are your difficulties????

2008-12-16 Thread malak sarisi
Assalam alykum
Iam 3rd year student of occupational therapy department in jordan university, 
and i have an assignment to create an assisstive device to help disabled people 
, so, if you suffer from any disease that interferes with your daily  life 
activities or work or socialization or any thing else, please tell me about 
difficulties you have due to your condition, to create a device which may help 
you to perform well.
So, let me help you please..
thank you.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Indian media stands exposed!!! Watch this video!!

2008-12-16 Thread wisdomuni
Indian media stands exposed!!! Watch this video!! 

Watch this hilarious video to see how Pakistan was made a victim of a 
trial by the media. The media is both the accuser and the judge. O i 
almost forgot - they can also easily manufacture 'evidence' 

Is trial by media fair? It is in the interest of the indian media to 
whip up passions - especially anti pakistan passions. 

What do you think? Post on this forum and let us all know.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Three Qualities of Ibrahim alai salaam

2008-12-16 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

11:75. Verily, Ibrahîm (Abraham) was, without doubt, forbearing, used to invoke 
Allâh with humility, and was repentant (to Allâh all the time, again and again).

Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."  

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me benefit 
in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my 
knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from 
the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Thought for the day

2008-12-16 Thread PoEtEsS
As Salaamu Alaikum

A Caring Heart

I express my care and concern by responding to situations with a cool head and 
to people with a warm heart. If I remain aware that as fellow human beings we 
are all part of one family, and that even the smallest of gestures can make a 
difference in people's lives, I am always blessed with a caring heart. It takes 
so little to show that I care yet it can mean so much.  


"Prayer is the stepping stone of rewards and success when my life has its 
trials and my eyes has its tears…"Zohra Moosa (Deaf Poet)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] Thought for the day

2008-12-16 Thread PoEtEsS
As Salaamu Alaikum

If you miss an opportunity, do not cloud your eyes with tears; keep your vision 
clear so that you will not miss the next one.   



"Prayer is the stepping stone of rewards and success when my life has its 
trials and my eyes has its tears…"Zohra Moosa (Deaf Poet)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] Nellie: India’s forgotten massacre - Harsh Mander

2008-12-16 Thread Abhiyya
"Six hundred and eighty eight criminal cases were filed in connection with 
Nellie organised massacre and of these 310 cases were charge-sheeted. The 
remaining 378 cases were closed due to the police claim of “lack of evidence”. 
But all the 310 charge-sheeted cases were dropped by the AGP government as a 
part of Assam Accord; therefore not a single person has even had to face trial 
for the gruesome massacre. Some lives are clearly deemed by the State of being 
of little worth compared to others."
Nellie: India’s forgotten massacre


A weak and partisan State leaves each of its citizens weak and vulnerable, as 
the Mumbai attacks and the gruesome Nellie massacres demonstrate…

And so the stories flowed, like a deluge of muddied waters of grief — long 
unaddressed and denied — gushing from a breached dam.

The burden of memories: From left, Noon Nahar Begum, Alekjaan Biwi and Hazara 

A lifetime is much too short to forget.
It was November 26, 2008, the day that was to become etched in India’s history 
for the audacious and traumatic terrorist commando attack on the country’s 
commercial capital Mumbai. I happened to be on that day at a location as 
distant as possible from Mumbai — psychologically, politically and socially — 
at Nellie in Assam, the site of one of free India’s most brutal forgotten 
massacres in 1983. I had been invited by the survivors to sit with them as they 
recalled and commemorated the events that had unfolded in this distant 
impoverished corner of the country 25 years earlier.Journey into the past

We gathered in the soft sunshine of early winter in an open courtyard. A crowd 
quickly gathered: the older men with checked lungis and beards could easily be 
distinguished as people of East Bengali Muslim origin. The women and younger 
men dressed like anyone from an Assamese village. There were the initial 
courtesies of traditional welcome, as they offered us customary white Assamese 
scarves with exquisite red embroidery.
Senior officials of the State government who accompanied me had gently 
dissuaded me from the visit, questioning the wisdom of re-opening wounds of 
painful events of such a distant past. People have moved on long ago, they 
assured me. What purpose then would our visit serve? It would only revive 
memories that have long been buried. The same advice came from many 
non-official friends who worked in development organisations in the State. They 
added that the visit would stir issues that were too bitterly contested in the 
region. But the survivors persisted in their resolve that they wanted to be 
heard. It was impossible for me to refuse them.Enormous suffering

On February 18, 1983, in the genocidal massacre organised in Nellie, just 40 km 
from Guwahati , 2,191 Muslim settlers originally from Bangladesh were 
slaughtered, leaving 370 children orphaned and their homes in 16 villages 
destroyed. As the survivors spoke one by one before our gathering a quarter 
century later, all of us who heard them — including officials, academics, 
social workers — were completely stunned, and shamed, by the enormity and 
immediacy of their suffering today, which retained an urgency as though they 
had only very recently suffered the unspeakable cruelties that they gave words 
to, not 25 years earlier. The bodies of many were twisted and deformed by 
inadequately treated injuries from the assaults by machetes and daggers; others 
pulled back their clothes to expose frightening scars of the attacks of a 
generation earlier.
Hazara Khatun, with scars of a dagger attack on her face that she survived in 
1983, sat on the ground before us and pointed to her empty lap. “I was cradling 
my child here”, she said in a low voice. “They chopped him into two, down the 
middle”. Another widow Alekjaan Biwi, was far less calm. Her body was twisted, 
and we could all see that she had lost her psychological equilibrium. Eleven 
members of her family were slaughtered in the massacre, and she acted out for 
us how the mob had attacked them, how she had cowered and hidden herself, how 
she was discovered and wounded, and how she survived even though scarred and 
deformed for life. “I have no one in the world,” she concluded quietly.Deluge 
of grief

In his early thirties, Mohammed Monoruddin began to cry inconsolably as soon as 
he sat before us. “My brothers, sisters were all killed, hacked into pieces,” 
he recalled. “I was seven years old then. I saw my parents slaughtered in front 
of me. I saw another woman being killed and her child snatched from her hands 
and thrown in fire. I wept in terror all day. The CRPF came in the evening and 
rescued me. Later we came to know that our house was torched. Nothing was left. 
All our belongings and stores of rice were gone in the fire. My elder brother, 
who was in Nagaon, brought me up. But I feel so lonely.”
Many others spoke of their l

Bismillah [IslamCity] Istighfar for the believers

2008-12-16 Thread ***hajikhan***

Sayyiduna Ubadah ibne-Samit radi Allahu anhu narrates:
I heard Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam saying;
He who asks forgiveness for Mu'min men and Mu'min women,
ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, writes for him a virtue (hasana)
for every Mu'min man and Mu'min woman.
{ Tabarani, Majma-uz-Zawaid }


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Bismillah [IslamCity] ruling: Stoning the Jamarat before zenith time

2008-12-16 Thread Shahid
  Question # 48994: He traveled and did not stone the Jamaraat on the 12th 
of Dhu'l-Hijjah 


I booked to travel after Hajj at 4.oo p.m. on the 12th of Dhu'l-Hijjah. I 
thought that I would be able to stone the jamaraat that day, but I was afraid 
that if I did it after the sun had passed its zenith I would be late for my 
travel arrangements, so I did it in the morning and did the farewell tawaaf and 
left. What should I do?.


Praise be to Allaah.   
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthyameen said: 

It is not permissible to stone the jamaraat before the sun passes its zenith, 
but we may waive the obligation in your case because of necessity, and we say: 
you have to offer a fidyah (sacrifice) to be slaughtered in Mina or Makkah, or 
you can delegate someone to slaughter it on your behalf, and its meat should be 
distributed to the poor. 

Fataawa Arkaan al-Islam, p. 564.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fake Evidence: Faridkot Residents Protest!

2008-12-16 Thread Shahid
It is a regular indian hindu police practice to kidnap muslims from one place 
and then present them as criminals in a self committed crime else where. They 
are trying to do the same thing here.

Mumbai Terror: So Who Really Trained Ajmal Kasab?!
In a stunning revelation, a Pakistani lawyer CM Farooq has lifted the lid on 
the reality behind Ajmal Kasab's involvement in the Mumbai Attacks. 
Ajmal Qasab (or Kasab / Kasav / Amir Ajmal / etc), the only terrorist 'caught 
alive' - the man at the heart of India's apparent 'investigation' and around 
whom their allegations of Pakistani involvement are based, was among a group of 
Pakistanis kidnapped in 2006 from Khatmandu, by the Nepalese security forces 
under instruction from Indian intelligence agencies.

read full story:

Fake Evidence: Faridkot Residents Protest!
Dan Qayyum | PakistanKaKhudaHafiz
Geo and Dawn may choose to ignore this but the residents of Faridkot village 
have taken the streets to protest against the FAKE EVIDENCE presented as fact 
by GEO TV.
There is no trace of any 'Kasab' family in Faridkot.

The house that supposedly belongs to Ajmals father Ameer Kasab is occupied by 
an Abdul Ghafoor, who has been living there for the past 20 years. The local 
authorities too vouch for that.

'There is no such person in our village', says Nazim, Union Council Faridkot, 
Ghulam Mustafa Wattoo.

Photos of the protest by Faridkot Residents: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Why is this not being reported by the media? Have they something to hide? If 
the residents of Faridkot are correct, then why is fake evidence being 
presented by Geo and Dawn? Is this being done under the direct orders of A.Z?

Please forward the above to everyone you know, we will force the media to 
report these facts.

read full story:

Mumbai Terrorist Name Fabricated?
Saeed Shah in Faridkot, Pakistan
The Guardian, Tuesday December 2 2008
A sleepy village in Pakistan has found itself at the centre of the Mumbai 
terror plot, leaving locals bewildered.

Faridkot, a settlement in the south of the Punjab province, has been overrun by 
Pakistani intelligence agents and police for the past three days after it was 
reported by Indian officials that the lone gunman captured alive in Mumbai came 
from a place called Faridkot.

read full story:

Bismillah [IslamCity] Does Israel Need Obama’s Nuclear Umbrella?

2008-12-16 Thread Jawed Anwar

Does Israel Need Obama’s Nuclear Umbrella?
JAFAR SYED 15 December, 2008 22:48:00

INCORPORATED Obama would nuke Iran if Tehran attacks Israel.  “U.S.
President-elect Barack Obama's administration will offer Israel a
"nuclear umbrella" against the threat of a nuclear attack by Iran, a
well-placed American source said earlier this week. The source, who ...
 Full story

Syed Jawed Anwar