Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim given 10 days in Georgia Jail for refusing to remove hijab..." on U.M.M.A.H.

2008-12-23 Thread Curtis Sharif

--- On Thu, 12/18/08, Bilal Mustafa  wrote:
From: Bilal Mustafa 
Subject: Check out "Muslim given 10 days in Georgia Jail for refusing to remove 
hijab..." on U.M.M.A.H.
To: "" 
Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 4:07 AM

Network Email

United Muslim Movement Association for Humanity

Bilal Mustafa

out the discussion 'Muslim given 10 days in Georgia Jail for refusing to remove 

Discussion posted by Waliakbar Muhammad:

DOUGLASVILLE: Muslim’s scarf leads to arrest at courthouse

By Moni Basu

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Discussion link:

Muslim given 10 days in 
Georgia Jail for refusing to remove hijab...

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Bismillah [IslamCity] The Kites of Blasphemy

2008-12-23 Thread adil naveed
The Kites of Blasphemy

By Syed Mohammad Anas

Basant is celebrated in Pakistan with great fervor and the interest in 
celebrating it seems to be increasing every year. The celebrations have reached 
the point that invitation cards are printed out. It is celebrated on different 
days in the country so that "the spirit of Basant" is kept alive nationwide and 
people can participate in it on a national scale. The night of Basant is 
reminiscent of 'Qiyam-ul-Layl', in the sense that people do not sleep on this 
night. But the 'ibadah' is of a different kind. Reputed hotels have their 
rooftops booked for the whole night. The whole night is spent in flying kites, 
merry-making, with Indian music blaring on loudspeakers in the background.

Like many of our rituals, its origins remain largely unknown to the majority of 
people. But there is no denyng that this is a dangerous activity. It causes 
severe damage to life and property. Many lives are lost and the country suffers 
damages going into hundreds of thousands of rupees every year in accidents 
related to it. A few years ago three grid stations caught fire on this occasion 
because of short circuits caused by metal wires used in kite flying. Yet, the 
government promotes the celebration of Basant with an almost religious 

If people ever do stop to think about how Basant originated, they assume it was 
a Hindu festival to mark the change of seasons. That Muslims should be 
participating in a pagan celebration would be bad enough. But the reality is 
starker than that. Are you ready for this? Here is an account of its origin 
from Dr. B.S. Nijjar's book, "Punjab Under the Later Mughals." According to 
him, when Zakariya Khan (1707-1759) was the governor of Punjab, a Hindu of 
Sialkot, by the name of Hakeekat Rai Bakhmal Puri spoke words of disrespect for 
the Prophet Muhammad  and his daughter Fatima, Radi-Allahu anha. He was 
arrested and sent to Lahore to await trial. The court, acting according to the 
law, gave him capital punishment. The non-Muslim population was stirred to 
request Zakariya Khan to lift the death sentence given to Hakeekat Rai but he 
did not accede to their request. Eventually the death penalty was carried out 
and the entire non-Muslim population went into

As a tribute to the memory of this blasphemer, a prosperous Hindu, Kalu Ram 
initiated the Basant 'mela' in (Marrhi) Kot Khwaja Saeed (Khoje Shahi) in 
Lahore. (This place is now known as Baway di marrhi.) It is the last stop on 
the route of Wagon no. 60 from Bhati Gate. Dr. B.S. Nijjar states on Page no. 
279 of his book that the Basant 'mela' is celebrated in memory of Hakeekat Rai.

The ignorant crowds and their equally ignorant vocal advocates may ask "Hey, 
what's wrong in a little fun?" But should they continue to fly the kites of 

(References taken from Salim Rauf's "Waah re Musalmaan.")


Bismillah [IslamCity] The Difference Between a Mirror Image and a Photograph

2008-12-23 Thread adil naveed
The Difference Between a Mirror Image and a Photograph

By Moulana Imraan Vawda
POSTED: 15 RAJAB 1423, 22 SEPTEMBER 2002


Q.) I have a very strange question that has often come to my mind. We all know 
that making of paintings (of living objects) and idols is prohibited in Islam.
Lets look scientifically at the nature of the snapshots taken from a camera or 
a live broadcast shown on a television. In case of a camera light is allowed to 
fall on a photo-sensitive film and without any human interaction the actual 
image gets preserved due to the ionization of silver coating on it.

Like-wise what is happening in a broadcast is that frames are being captured as 
it is at the source and being aired in quick succession producing the animation 
effect. No idol or painting is "Made/Created". Its just the transfer and 
preservation of a scene that is involved. Let me give an analogy in this 

If a bird sits in front of a mirror and an observer sitting at a distance sees 
the image of it in the mirror and cannot see the bird directly. Will it be a 
sin? And if we have an array of mirrors so that the image is carried through 
reflections over a considerable distance it would be just like a broadcast.

I look forward to a convincing and a comprehensive reply in light of the above 
example. [Aamir Ansari]

A.) Your analogy is incorrect.

When looking at a photograph, the rays of light move from the photo onto the 
eye. This is exactly what happens in the case of looking at a painting. When 
looking at a mirror, the rays of light emit from the object and enter the eye. 
The mirror only serves to redirect these rays of light. It would, therefore, be 
correct to compare the photograph with a painting, and not with a mirror. And 
Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Albalagh Note: It would shed some more light on the subject if we recall that 
the mirror, unlike the electronic medium, cannot permanently hold the picture; 
the "picture" vanishes as soon as the object being mirrored moves away.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Asking for your help...visit:

2008-12-23 Thread Hadayai
As Salaamu Alaikum,

After your visit email us if you want to do one or more of the 

1.  Set up a Support Group in your community.
2.  Start a Unit of Baitul Salaam in your community.
3.  Open a shelter
4.  Fund raise to help Baitul Salaam
5.  Set up a Muslim Men Against Domestic Violence in your community.

If you have questions call  Hadayai Majeed at (404) 608-8649 or email

ma salaam
Hadayai Majeed
Co-founder and Administrator
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.   

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Flying-Shoe of Baghdad and the Rope

2008-12-23 Thread raja chemayel

This rope is multifunctional

There is a great response on the Internet
about that Flying Shoe of Baghdad.

I must
 admit that it feels good
see,  G.W. Bush rewarded,,,

Consequently some people are asking us
"to pack an old shoe and to mail it
to the White-House in Washington."

I find it , very amusing and symbolic , as well.
But I
 must admit that I shall not do

Because ,
I usually give away all my old clothing to charities ,
where they may become useful (again) .

As for sending anything more useful to the White-House
I could send a rope ,
 enough to carry the weight of George...

And I shall write on it :
"for self-service-only"
hoping that , for once , George shall do anything useful ,
before he leaves office.

Sherlock Hommos

PS :
As per today  , Baghdad is no more the city of the Flying-Carpets
but rather of the Flying-Shoes.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Is Brother-in-law a Mahram?

2008-12-23 Thread adil naveed
Is Brother-in-law a Mahram?

By Mufti Ebrahim Desai
POSTED: 16 JAMAD-UL-AWWAL 1423, 27 JULY 2002

Q.) Is the husband of a woman's sister mahram for her? Some people say that 
since no two sisters can be joined with one husband and mahram is one whom you 
cannot marry therefore he is mahram for all sisters of his wife.
What I think is that the Qur'anic condition for mahram is that it is one whom 
you can NEVER marry (with whom, this relation never changes).However, in this 
case, wife might be divorced later on and thus other sisters become eligible 
again to marry him. [Azfar Kazmi]

A.) Rasulullah  said, '(Alhamwu al-mawt) Brother-in-law is death.'

The above Hadith is clear that there should be Hijaab between the sister's 

Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Albalagh Note: Your argument is valid. Amplifying it Maulana Ashiq Ilahi 
Bulandshahri writes that if current ineligibility of marriage were the basis 
for declaring mahrams, then all men would become mahrams for all married women 
in the world.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Be Careful with Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam

2008-12-23 Thread adil naveed
Be Careful with Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam

By Khalid Baig

The crowd was growing in size by the minute. They were beating drums, singing, 
dancing, and shouting in joy. Pagan Makkah was about to kill Khubaib bin Adi 
Ansari, Radi-Allahu anhu, who had been captured through a sinister and 
treacherous plot, then sold in the slave market so the buyers could exact their 

It started when some tribesmen from Uthul and Qara went to Madinah and 
requested the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, to send some teachers with 
them who could educate their fellow tribesmen about Islam. The request was 
granted and about ten Companions were sent with them. When the group reached 
Raji' two hundred armed men were lying in wait for them. Khubaib and Zaid bin 
Adathna, Radi-Allahu anhuma, were captured alive, while the others were 
martyred. Then they were sold in exchange for a hundred heads of camel. Both 
had fought in the battle of Badr and their swords had killed some pagan 
soldiers. Now the relatives of those killed in war wanted to get even. Of 
course, Arab traditions did not allow revenge for war like this. But their 
opponents were Muslims. Then, as now, the pagan world was ready to violate its 
own rules and traditions when the victims were Muslims.

While facing death, Khubaib, Radi-Allahu anhu, said a poem that has been 
recorded by history. It includes these lines: "They say if I renounce Islam, my 
life will be spared. But it is better to die with belief than to live with 

At the last minute, the pagans asked him: "Don't you wish that you were spared 
and Muhammad (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) got this punishment? Would not you 
like that you were resting comfortably in your home, while he was killed in 
your place?" From the man who was about to die because he had accepted the 
Message brought by Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, came this reply: "By 
Allah, I cannot even imagine that a thorn should prick the foot of Muhammad, 
Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, while I rest in my home."

Abu Sufyan, an unbeliever at the time, remarked to his associates: "See, the 
love of the companions for Muhammad (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is 
unparalleled and unprecedented." At another time, a similar observation was 
made by another Quraish leader Urwah ibn Mas'ud al Thaqafi. "I have seen Ceasar 
and Chosroes in their pomp, but never have I seen a man honored, as Muhammad is 
honored by his comrades."

The biographies of the Companions are full of stories that show their 
extra-ordinary love and devotion for the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam. 
The Qur'an itself attests to this. "The Prophet is closer to the believers than 
their own selves." [Al-Ahzab 33:6] It is a statement of fact as well as a 
command. The following two ahadith, from among the many on the subject, clarify 
this point further. "None of you can be a believer unless he loves me more than 
his parents, his children, and all the people." [Bukhari and Muslim] "There are 
three signs that indicate that a person has tasted the sweetness of faith. 1) 
That he loves Allah and His Prophet more than anything else. 2) He loves 
everyone solely for the sake of Allah. 3) After accepting Islam he hates going 
back to unbelief as much as he hates going into the fire." [Bukhari and Muslim]

It has to be so, because our relationship to the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa 
sallam, is at the core of our entire religion. He is human, not Divine, but he 
is our connection to the Deity. He relays to us the Word of Allah and he 
explains what the Word means. He sets a personal example that we look at not 
just for admiration but emulation. Our relationship to him is legal as well as 
personal; moral as well as spiritual; intellectual as well as emotional. Allah 
chose him to guide us, educate us, inspire us, and purify us --- and we remain 
indebted forever!

This not only establishes a relationship between a believer and the Prophet, 
Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, it also establishes the relationship among the 
believers, making them one unit because of--- in addition to their common 
faith--- their common love for the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

Together these facts explain a Muslim's sensitivity to the honor of the 
Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam. To begin with, we must remember that the 
honor of everyone is important. As the hadith reminds us: "If a believer does 
not come to the help of another believer whose honor and dignity are under 
attack, then Allah will also not help him when he is most in need of Allah's 
help. And a believer who does come to the help of another believer whose honor 
and dignity are under attack, then Allah will also help him when he is most in 
need of Allah's help." [Abu Dawood]. If a Muslim is not supposed to be 
indifferent when the honor of another ordinary Muslim is under attack, how in 
the world can anyone expect him or her