Re: Socket error: secure connect to ( error:0A0000BF:SSL routines::no protocols available

2022-07-03 Thread Ken Mankoff

On 2022-07-03 at 00:42 -07, Oswald Buddenhagen  
> On Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 06:57:41AM -0700, Ken Mankoff wrote:
>>Socket error: secure connect to (
>>error:0ABF:SSL routines::no protocols available
> i suppose you have SSLVersions set and didn't adjust it to include
> anything recent. git master contains a conceptual fix that avoids this
> type of mistake.

Yes changing to "SSLVersions TLSv1.3" (from TLSv1) fixed it.

Thank you,


isync-devel mailing list

Socket error: secure connect to ( error:0A0000BF:SSL routines::no protocols available

2022-07-02 Thread Ken Mankoff

I've just set up a clean computer using ubuntu 22.04. I moved over my old
mbsyncrc which was from v1.2.X I think. I got error messages about
master/slave being deprecated, changed to near/far, and tried to run
mbsync. I am getting this error:

Socket error: secure connect to (
error:0ABF:SSL routines::no protocols available

I have fonud some posts about setting SSL security level but am wondering
if there is a better way than editing /etc/ssl/conf files.

Thank you,

isync-devel mailing list

Re: M: Callback leave bad store

2022-06-27 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Marko,

On 2022-06-27 at 11:21 -07, Marko Bauhardt via isync-devel 
> I believe Google drops the connection anyway when trying to pull, i
> don‘t know, many messages. This was my experience with Googles „all
> messages“.

Do you have a suggested work-around? If I restart it will it pull a few more 
each time until eventually it gets them all and then works?



isync-devel mailing list

M: Callback leave bad store

2022-06-27 Thread Ken Mankoff

I'm trying to sync a big (>1M messages) mailbox located on GMail. It partially 
worked, timed out, and I cannot get it to complete.

If I run

mbsync -V -c mbsyncrc aws

I see

Reading configuration file mbsyncrc
C: 0/1  B: 0/0  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Channel aws
Opening master store aws-remote...
Resolving ok
Connecting to ( 
Opening slave store aws-local...
Connection is now encrypted
Logging in...
C: 0/1  B: 0/1  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Opening master box [Gmail]/All Mail...
Opening slave box [Gmail]/All Mail...
Loading master...
Loading slave...
slave: 190008 messages, 156938 recent
Warning: lost track of 843608 pulled message(s)
Socket error on ( timeout.
C: 1/1  B: 1/1  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0

(ending with 'timeout')

If I run

mbsync -Dd -Ds -V -c mbsyncrc aws

I see lots and lots of messages, but the last few are:

M: [ 843616] Callback enter fetch_msg, flags=, date=0, size=0
M: [ 843616] Callback leave fetch_msg
   (repeated many times)
M: Leave cancel_store
S: [ 843617] Enter cancel_cmds
S: [ 843617] Callback enter cancel_cmds
S: [ 843618] Enter cancel_cmds
S: [ 843618] Callback enter cancel_cmds
S: Enter free_store
S: Leave free_store
S: [ 843618] Callback leave cancel_cmds
S: [ 843618] Leave cancel_cmds
S: [ 843617] Callback leave cancel_cmds
S: [ 843617] Leave cancel_cmds
M: Callback leave bad store

isync-devel mailing list

Re: Outlook with a shared mailbox

2021-11-30 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Oswald,

Thank you so much for the continued help.

On 2021-11-30 at 08:39 -08, Oswald Buddenhagen  
> well, but the fact is that you *do* have a subfolder in one of those
> boxes. you need to figure that out.

You're right. There was somehow a misplaced folder. I removed it. That error 
message is no more.

>> It may be that the issue is on the remote, I can pull the inbox from
>> But the "Shared folder" is at
>> Which sure looks like a subfolder, with a weirdly-named top folder,
>> "".
> yeah, but that's not what mbsync complains about.

New complaint :).

Using your suggested config as a guide, I now have:

IMAPAccount DV
Timeout 120
PipelineDepth 1
Host localhost
Port 1143
AuthMechs LOGIN
SSLType None

IMAPStore DV-remote
Account DV
Path ""

MaildirStore DV-local
Path ~/Maildir/
Inbox ~/Maildir/dataverse

Channel DV
Master ":DV-remote:"
Slave ":DV-local:dataverse"
Create Slave
Sync All
SyncState *

I've also tried with moving info from DV-remote Path to Channel Master. I'm 
clearly just moving strings around here and guessing. But the appears-to-work 
with "-Dn -l" is the same in both cases, and the error without "-Dn -l" is the 
same in both cases.

IMAPStore DV-remote
Account DV
# Path "" # NO PATH

MaildirStore DV-local
Path ~/Maildir/
Inbox ~/Maildir/dataverse

Channel DV
# Master ":DV-remote:"
Master ""
Slave ":DV-local:dataverse"
Create Slave
Sync All
SyncState *

It looks (to my untrained eye) like things are working when I run with "-Dn -l":

$ mbsync -Dn -l DV 
Channel DV
Opening master store DV-remote...
Resolving localhost... ok
Connecting to localhost ( 
Opening slave store DV-local...
5.4.0-trunk server ready
Logging in...
>>> 1 LOGIN  
1 OK Authenticated <=> dataverse
>>> 2 LOGOUT
* BYE Closing connection
2 OK LOGOUT completed

But when I run without "-Dn -l", then a new error:

$ mbsync DV 
C: 0/1  B: 0/1  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
IMAP error: mailbox name contains server's hierarchy 
Error: channel DV: master cannot be opened.
C: 1/1  B: 1/1  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0


isync-devel mailing list

Re: Outlook with a shared mailbox

2021-11-30 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Oswald,

Hi Oswald,

On 2021-11-30 at 07:27 -08, Oswald Buddenhagen  
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 07:08:26AM -0800, Ken Mankoff wrote:
>>Opening slave store foo-local...
>>Maildir warning: ignoring INBOX in /home/user/Maildir/
>>Maildir error: found subfolder 'mail_2019/archive', but store 'foo-local' 
>>does not specify SubFolders style
> you obviously need to resolve these first, the 'how' depending on the
> folder structure you actually want to achieve.

I don't want subfolders. I have


I'd like to add

Maildir/Inbox3 that is linked to this new mailbox.

But I may be misunderstanding what subfolders are.

It may be that the issue is on the remote, I can pull the inbox from

But the "Shared folder" is at

Which sure looks like a subfolder, with a weirdly-named top folder, 


isync-devel mailing list

Re: Outlook with a shared mailbox

2021-11-30 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Oswald,

On 2021-11-30 at 06:45 -08, Oswald Buddenhagen  
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 12:02:01PM -0800, Ken Mankoff wrote:
>> I've been playing around with mbsync for an hour trying to set up a
>> new config that will pull from that mailbox, but I cannot get it to
>> work.  Has anyone used mbsync with a shared Outlook mailbox?
> not me, anyway. ^^
> for starters, run 'mbsync -Dn -l foo', and pay attention to the
> NAMESPACE response, which should give clues how to set up Path.
> next thing then would be verifying that the LIST responses make sense
> (though you'd need to include a wildcard in Patterns for it to even 
> issue a list command).
> if you can't get it to work, post the log (or send it to me).

~ $ mbsync --version
isync 1.3.0

I don't see NAMESPACE.

~ $ mbsync -Dn -l foo
Channel foo
Opening master store foo-remote...
Resolving localhost... ok
Connecting to localhost ( 
Opening slave store foo-local...
5.4.0-trunk server ready
Logging in...
*** IMAP Warning *** Password is being sent in the clear
>>> 1 LOGIN  
1 OK Authenticated
>>> 2 LIST "" INBOX*
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
2 OK LIST completed
>>> 3 LOGOUT
* BYE Closing connection
3 OK LOGOUT completed

If I change "Patterns INBOX" to "Patterns *", then I get:

~ $ mbsync -Dn -l foo
Channel foo
Opening master store foo-remote...
Resolving localhost... ok
Connecting to localhost ( 
Opening slave store foo-local...
Maildir warning: ignoring INBOX in /home/user/Maildir/
Maildir error: found subfolder 'mail_2019/archive', but store 'foo-local' does 
not specify SubFolders style


isync-devel mailing list

Outlook with a shared mailbox

2021-11-30 Thread Ken Mankoff

My Outlook account has just been given access to a shared mailbox. I've been 
using mbsync with DavMail successfully with Outlook with the following config, 
which pulls mail from :

IMAPAccount foo
Timeout 120
PipelineDepth 1
Host localhost
Port 1143
User ...
AuthMechs LOGIN
SSLType None

IMAPStore foo-remote
Account foo

MaildirStore foo-local
Path ~/Maildir/
Inbox ~/Maildir/foo

Channel foo
Master :foo-remote:
Slave :foo-local:
Create Slave
Sync All
Patterns "INBOX"
SyncState *

The new shared inbox is at

I've been playing around with mbsync for an hour trying to set up a new config 
that will pull from that mailbox, but I cannot get it to work. Has anyone used 
mbsync with a shared Outlook mailbox? It's been a LNG time since I had only 
1 Google result, but that's all there is for "mbsync" + "shared outlook".



isync-devel mailing list

Re: Warning: lost track of 44 pulled message(s) & bogus FETCH response

2018-03-28 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Oswald,

On 2018-03-27 at 20:56, Oswald Buddenhagen <> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 11:55:21PM +0100, Ken Mankoff wrote:
>> I'm getting the message(s) in the subject: "Warning: lost track of 44
>> pulled message(s)" and "IMAP error: bogus FETCH response". I've spent
>> some time searching and reading the mailing lists but there is no
>> specific remedy that I've found.
> what version have you been using? i remember i did some related fixes
> some time ago, but might not have made a release since.


>>  When I run mbsync with "-V" I see the following.
> -V isn't all that useful with 1.2+. you want -D.

The problem appears to have fixed itself. It may be because I'm on a slow 
connection (satellite) and using DavMail? If it occurs again (and it has, 
sometimes, while on fast connection), I will write back with the output of -D.

Thank you,

  Ken Mankoff

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isync-devel mailing list

Warning: lost track of 44 pulled message(s) & bogus FETCH response

2018-03-26 Thread Ken Mankoff

I'm getting the message(s) in the subject: "Warning: lost track of 44
pulled message(s)" and "IMAP error: bogus FETCH response". I've spent some
time searching and reading the mailing lists but there is no specific
remedy that I've found. I've tried deleting both .mbsyncstate.* and
.uidvalidity but the message returns. When I run mbsync with "-V" I see the
following. Can someone please help me fetch my Outlook messages?



~ $ mbsync -V dest
Reading configuration file /Users/kdm/.mbsyncrc
C: 0/1  B: 0/0  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Channel dest
Opening master store dest-remote...
Resolving localhost... ok
Connecting to localhost ([::1]:1143)...
Opening slave store dest-local...
Logging in...
*** IMAP Warning *** Password is being sent in the clear
C: 0/1  B: 0/1  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Opening master box INBOX...
Opening slave box INBOX...
Loading master...
Loading slave...
slave: 3 messages, 0 recent
Warning: lost track of 41 pulled message(s)
master: 47 messages, 41 recent
C: 0/1  B: 0/1  M: +0/0 *3/3 #0/0  S: +0/41 *0/0 #0/0
IMAP error: bogus FETCH response
C: 1/1  B: 1/1  M: +0/0 *3/3 #0/0  S: +0/41 *0/0 #0/0
~ $
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isync-devel mailing list

Re: Keep messages on Outlook server (via DavMail)

2018-02-16 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Oswald,

On 2018-02-16 at 10:42, Oswald Buddenhagen <> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 08:41:25AM -0500, Ken Mankoff wrote:
>> I'm writing because I use mbsync and would like to keep messages on
>> the server.
>> My config:
>> 1) OS X - mu4e - mbsync - IMAP - GMAIL - INBOX
>> 2) OS X - mu4e - mbsync - IMAP - DavMail - Exchange ( - INBOX
>> For (1), when I archive messages locally in mu4e, they are removed
>> from the GMAIL inbox, but remain in "All Mail" and I can read and
>> search them in Gmail if I need to.
> the "All Mail" folder is google magic. you can configure in the web
> interface how imap expunging is supposed to behave.
>> For (2), when I archive the messages locally, they disappear from the
>> server.
> it's not clear what you mean by "archive".

I move them from the inbox to a local un-synced folder.

>> I've RTFM and experimented with ExpungeState but cannot figure out
>> how to change the behavior. Does anyone here have any hints?
> for anyone to be able to help you, you need to specify the *precise*
> folder structure and message flags you want both locally and remotely.

I'd like to replicate the gmail functionality of messages staying on the server 
even when you move them out of the inbox with an IMAP client. I'm not sure of 
the precise flags that are being applied/used/whatever in this case.

Anyway, I have figured out a work-around. On the Outlook web interface, I set 
up a rule that copies all incoming messages to Archive/AllMail. Then when my 
local IMAP client (via DavMail) moves them, and they are deleted from the 
Outlook inbox, the copy remains in AllMail. It seems to work so far.



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isync-devel mailing list

Keep messages on Outlook server (via DavMail)

2018-02-09 Thread Ken Mankoff
Dear List & Moderator,

I hope the moderator can pass this message to the list. I'm unable to subscribe 
to the list via the sourceforge page. It just says "your subscriptions violated 
our antispam protection" - even when I'm logged into my SF account.

Anyway, I'm writing because I use mbsync and would like to keep messages on the 

My config:
1) OS X - mu4e - mbsync - IMAP - GMAIL - INBOX
2) OS X - mu4e - mbsync - IMAP - DavMail - Exchange ( - INBOX

For (1), when I archive messages locally in mu4e, they are removed from the 
GMAIL inbox, but remain in "All Mail" and I can read and search them in Gmail 
if I need to.

For (2), when I archive the messages locally, they disappear from the server.

I've RTFM and experimented with ExpungeState but cannot figure out how to 
change the behavior. Does anyone here have any hints?

Thank you,

  Ken Mankoff

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